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扇形原则(sector principle)

【答案】:扇形原则(sector principle)是该国的领土范围可以达到以东西两端界限为腰,以极点为圆心而构成的扇形空间,该原则由英国在1908年对南极地区提出领土主张时首先提出。



die out与extinct,extinction有什么区别?如何使用

您好,这样的:两个都有灭绝的意思.但die out 是动词,extinction是名词,其含义比die out要丰富,extinction还有下面几种意思:名词 n.[U]1.灭绝;消灭Apes are in danger of extinction 猿类正处于绝种的危险之中.2.熄灭;扑灭;破灭the extinction of one"s hopes 希望的破灭 the extinction of a fire 一场火的扑灭 网络释义extinction1.消光;绝灭,消失,绝迹分子生物学词汇中英文对照表(d-m)-生物...extinction|消光;绝灭,消失,绝迹2.消光英语翻译-机械工程学专业词汇英语翻译(E)...extinction 消光3.熄灭、灭火电厂汉英词汇对照(2)[中国学习动力网]熄灭、灭火 extinction

die out 和 extinction 有什么区别

你不能这样问,你应该问die out & extinct 有什么区别吧说白一点,die out就是死全extinct就是比较科学的说法,灭绝

make a woman cum for once

make a woman cum for once让一个女人暨一次

oracle错误,PLS-00103:Encounterred the symbol 'UPDATE' when expecting one of the following

when vsal>=3000 and vasl<=5000 后面少了一个 then

歌词 one for the music,and two for the dance 谁知道歌名啊

one for da money?应该是这个吧

account currency是什么意思

account currency帐户货币不明白可以追问我,满意的话请点击【采纳】

hard currency是什么意思

hard currency[金融] 硬通货;强势货币(等于hard money)

什么货币是Functional Currency?

功能性货币(Functional Currency)是境外实体的资产、负债和营业应使用自身的功能性货币计量。功能性货币以外的货币均为外币。境外实体(foreign entity)的功能性货币通常是它孳生和耗用现金的货币,但当功能性货币难以从其与现金流量的关系中判断时,还可以考虑其他因素。对于一个在特定国家中经营相对地自给自足的经济实体而言,功能性货币一般就是这个国家的货币。但是,一个国外实体的功能性货币不一定就是该实体所在国的货币。例如,国外附属公司是母公司的直接组成或延伸部分,则母公司的货币一般就是国外附属公司的功能性货币。

Currency Forward是什么意思?


currency of power是什么意思

货币的面值 currency 通货,货币[C][U] The Japanese yen is one of the stronger currencies in the world. 日元是世界上较坚挺的货币之一. denomination (货币等的)面额;(度量衡等的)单位[C] stamps of different denominations 面额不同的邮票

quoted currency是什么意思


出版社: Currency是哪个国家的

澳大利亚的~出版社名字叫Currency Press,你通过搜索引擎可以查到,他们家的网站后缀是.au~ 补充一些信息,他们家是一家专业的表演艺术著作出版社,出版内容甚至包括一些戏剧、电影的剧本。

Currency Futures是什么意思?


Currency Futures是什么意思?

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  您所说的这个词语,是属于注册税务师词汇的一个,掌握好注册税务师词汇可以让您在注册税务师的学习中如鱼得水,这个词的翻译及意义如下:可转让期货合约,其中定明持有人可在未来日期以特定价格买入或卖出特定货币。  希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多注册税务师问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!

currency converter什么意思

currency converter货币转换器双语对照词典结果:网络释义百科释义1. 货币转换器2. 货币换算例句:1.The currency app is a currency converter, providing up-to-date exchange rate informationfor over 100 currencies and countries. currency程序是一个货币转换器,为超过100种国家、货币提供了最新的(按天实时)对换汇率。

currency convert是什么意思

currency convert货币转换双语对照例句:1.Banks are also heavy users of the currency markets to convert cash they borrow fromforeign investors. 银行也大量使用外汇市场兑换他们从外国投资者那里借来的现金。2.Multiply the measure to be converted by the exchange rate measure for the localcurrency in order to convert the measure into the pivot currency. 为将度量值换算为先导货币,需要将待换算度量值乘以本地货币的汇率度量值。

currency money monetary cash

currency: 货币money system in use in a country(在一个流通的金钱系统)通货; 货币。money:指硬币和纸币means of payment, esp coins and banknotes, given and accepted in buying and selling(支付工具,特指在买卖中进行交换的硬币和纸币) 钱; 金钱; monetary: 货币的,金融的the government"s monetary policy 政府的货币政策cash:现款; 现金pay (in) cash 付现金希望有帮助!



Currency Overlay代表什么

外包谈判货币管理外包 Currency Overlay将货币风险管理工作外包给专业机构。国际投资组合藉此分割投资经理做出资产分配及证券决策的风险与货币风险。


currency-translation-reserves货币换算储备词典结果:reserves[英][ru026a"zu025c:vz][美][ru026a"zu025c:vz]n.储量; 保护区; 谨慎( reserve的名词复数 ); 替补队; 替补队员; v.保留[储备]某物( reserve的第三人称单数 ); 预订或保留(座位、住处等); 推迟; 具有或保持(某种权利); 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Libya has africa"s largest proven crude-oil reserves. 利比亚拥有非洲最大的已探明原油储备。

Currency Swap代表什么?



Currency.com总部位于白俄罗斯,该公司自1月以来就一直处于beta测试阶段,一个月交易量超过2000万美元,拥有5000多名注册交易员。 Currency.com的CEO Ivan Gowan表示,代币化证券将彻底改变投资者使用加密货币的方式,其将加密技术与股票价格挂钩,为比特币和以太坊持有者进入传统金融市场提供了切实可行的途径。区块链技术公司Currency.com宣布全面推出其备受期待的代币化证券交易平台,该服务将允许公共和私人投资者用比特币或以太坊交易代币化金融工具。 新平台预计在全面启动后至少上市1000个代币化证券,虽然它将向大多数司法管辖区提供服务,但美国和其他FATF黑名单国家除外。 该平台还利用了其关联公司Capital.com获得的牌照,后者于上个月获得了白俄罗斯央行的新监管牌照。 Currency.com在新平台上推出了一个代币化的白俄罗斯政府债券,并计划在未来增加更多政府和私人债券。 去中心化证券交易所正在成为行业的趋势。其他受欧盟监管的公司如tZero和DX.Exchage也在开发类似的平台。此外,由于直布罗陀证券交易所已宣布计划推出这样一个平台,许多主流参与者也纷纷进入这一领域。拓展资料:Currency 数据类型 Currency 变量存储为 64 位(8 个字节)整型的数值形式,然后除以 10,000 给出一个定点数,其小数点左边有 15 位数字,右边有 4 位数字。Currency 货币 在一个经济体系内流通的金钱,包括硬币与纸币 Currency Forward 货币远期 远期合约锁定一家机构在未来日期买入或出售货币的价格 Currency Futures 货币期货 可转让期货合约,其中定明持有人可在未来日期以特定价格买入或卖出特定货币。Currency Option 货币期权 给与持有人在未来日期以特定价格买入或卖出货币权力(但非义务)的合约 Currency Overlay 货币管理外包 将货币风险管理工作外包给专业机构。国际投资组合藉此分割投资经理做出资产分配及证券决策的风险与货币风险 。Currency Swap 货币掉期 将一种货币的本金及利息交换成为另一种货币本金或利息的掉期安排 Current Account 经常账户 一个国家货品及服务出口及转口总值与进口总值的差额。经常账户差额的计算不包括金融资产及负债的交易 Current Assets 流动资产 资产负债表的一项,包括现金、应收账款、库存、可交易证券、预付开支及其他可在1年内转为现金的资产。

Red Alert 2has encountered an internal error and is unable to continue normally是什磨意思

红色的注意 2 遇到了一个内在的错误而且不能够正常继续


CURRENCY 凯瑞斯,纤丝鸟旗下的高端内衣品牌。它家衣服说实话真不便宜,我还没觉得特别值。随便一件上衣三四百块钱,用料手感倒是不错,一身下来少说四五百。我还是喜欢Patagonia的内衣,价格比这个高不了多少,全世界有名。用料好,科技含量高。凯瑞斯的用料也不错,木代尔的一身也近千元了。纤丝鸟的衣服以前刚出来的时候买过,感觉没有宣传的那么好,所以对它家的产品印象就感觉比较一般了。好的材料只能说是材料好,用好材料并不等于出来的产品就好。虽然有点儿绕口,但是实际上就是这么回事儿。

经济学中 的MONEY和CURRENCY有什么区别?




money与currency 的区别




Currency Overlay代表什么?


请问currency 与 monetary有什么区别? 比如货币贬值应该用哪个呢?谢谢

monetary 金融财政currency比较常用



red alert2 has encountered an internal error and is unable to continue……是怎么回事啊?怎么解决?



currency 通货,货币,流通soft currency 软通货,弱势货币,软货币domestic currency 本币,本国货币,本国通货


货币(Currency) 货币的通俗定义有多种,其中之一是把货币等同于现金, 把货币仅仅定义为现金,对于经济分析而言是过于狭窄了。 因为可开列支票的存款在流通领域中与现金一样, 都可用以支付所购买的商品与劳务。如果我们把货币定义为现金, 那么我们就难以把货币与人们所进行的全部购买活动联系起来。 事实上,正是因为货币与购买相关联, 才使货币问题引起人们极大的兴趣。因此, 在现代经济学中必须把可开列支票的存款与现金一起包括在货币的定 义之中。

Excel 请教高手Currency数据类型怎么使用

Currency 变量存储为 64 位(8 个字节)整型的数值形式,然后除以 10,000 给出一个定点数,其小数点左边有 15 位数字,右边有 4 位数字。这种表示法的范围可以从 -922,337,203,685,477.5808 到 922,337,203,685,477.5807。Currency 的类型声明字符为at号 (@)。Currency 数据类型在货币计算与定点计算中很有用,在这种场合精度特别重要。


the currency is good





currency 短语

currency短语如下:1、hard currency:硬通货;硬货币;硬币。2、reserve currency:储备货币;准备货币;准备通货;基准利率。3、European Currency Unit:欧洲通货单位;欧洲货币单位;欧洲共同体货币单位;币单位。4、currency sign:货币符号;货币符;货币记号;通货符号。5、soft currency:软通货;弱势货币;软货币;软性货币。6、optimum currency area:最优货币区;最优货币区理论;货币区;最适货币区。7、currency exchange:货币兑换处;货币兑换;钱币兑换;网银转换。8、currency basket:一篮子货币;货币篮子;货币篮;一篮通货。9、domestic currency:本币;本国货币;辅币。关于currencyCurrency一般指货币。货币,是商品交换的产物,是在商品交换过程中从商品世界分离出来的固定地充当一般等价物的商品,是通货的一种。俗称金钱。通货是度量价格的工具、购买货物的媒介、保存财富的手段,是财产的所有者与市场关于交换权的契约,本质上是所有者之间的约定。包含流通中的货币、银行券等。关于货币的本质,学术界仍存在大量的争论。经济学的货币概念五花八门,最初是以货币的职能下定义,后来又形成了作为一种经济变量或政策变量的货币定义,专业术语为通货,主指“流通中的货币”。


前者是货币 后者转指钱 后者属于前者集合的关系 后面的都属于前面的子集


currency是不可数名词。译为:通货;货币;通用;流行;流传 复数: currencies Tourism is the countrys biggest foreign currency earner. 旅游业是这个国家赚取外汇最多的行业。 扩展资料   Supply and demand on the currency market will generally balance.   货币市场上的供求将大致持平   It is customary for people in US to slang, but many slang words have short currency.   美国人习惯用俚语,但很多俚语词汇流行的时间很短。   The meaning of hard currency is here.   硬通货的意思就在这里。


  currency有货币; 通用,流通,流传,传播等意思,那么你知道currency的 近义词 有哪些吗?下面我为大家带来currency的近义词及辨析,欢迎大家学习!   currency近义词:   money, cash, coin, currency   currency近义词辨析:   这些名词均有"金钱"之意。   money 钱的通称,可以是硬币可以是纸币,也可指用作货币的 其它 物品。   cash 特指立即可以兑现的现金或现款。   coin 指铸造的硬币。   currency 指在流通中的货币,是全部流通中通货的总称,也可指纸币。   currency的英语例句:   1. You need hard currency to get anything halfway decent.   你得有硬通货才能买到还算不错的东西。   2. Inflation has turned the rouble into a toytown currency.   通货膨胀使得卢布变成了毫无价值的货币。   3. Currency-conversion costs remain one of the biggest obstacles to cross-border trade.   货币兑换成本仍是跨境贸易的最大障碍之一。   4. Countries may also find their currency is depreciating in foreign markets.   一些国家也可能会发现自己的货币正在国外市场上贬值。   5. The country"s currency went down in value by 3.5 per cent.   这个国家的货币贬值了3.5%。   6. The government is running short of hard currency to pay for imports.   政府目前缺少可以支付进口产品的硬通货。   7. Many countries charge departure tax in US dollars rather than local currency.   许多国家以美元而不是本国货币收取机场税。   8. You pay for the car by banker"s draft in the local currency.   以本币银行汇票支付车款。   9. Tourism is the country"s top earner of foreign currency.   旅游业是该国外汇创收最多的行业。   10. A depreciation of a currency"svalue makes imports more expensive and exports cheaper.   一国货币的贬值会使其进口更贵,出口更便宜。   11. Investors and currency dealers were caught completely unawares by the Bundesbank"s action.   投资者和外汇交易商被德意志联邦银行的这一举措打了个措手不及。   12. The demand for foreign currency depreciates the real value of local currencies.   对外汇的需求致使本币的实际价值下跌。   13. He clearly believes that India should have de-valued its currency.   他显然认为印度应将其货币贬值。   14. Mr Kennedy nailed his colours to the mast of the single currency.   肯尼迪先生表示支持单一货币制。   15. Its currency is pegged to the dollar.


currency[英][ˈkʌrənsi][美][ˈkɜ:rənsi]n.货币; 通用,流通,流传,传播; 市价,行情; 流通时间; 复数:currencies双语例句1The change of century, currency, and tito.世纪变了,货币变了,堤托变了。2Any progress with that currency?那笔钱的事有进展了吗?

红警2提示“Red Alert 2 has encounted an internal error”


Currency 是什么意思嘛?

currency[英][ˈkʌrənsi][美][ˈkɜ:rənsi]n.货币; 通用,流通,流传,传播; 市价,行情; 流通时间; 复数:currencies以上结果来自金山词霸句:1.Is china a currency manipulator? 中国是汇率操纵国吗?2.Why might china want to turn the renminbi into a reserve currency? 为什么中国希望把人民币打造为一种储备货币呢?3.The currency was introduced in 1999. 欧元是在1999年推出的。4.But all that currency intervention can exacerbate inflation. 但所有外汇干预将使通胀情况恶化。5.They hold domestic currency sourced from domestic institutional investors and wealthy individuals. 这些基金持有从国内机构投资者和个人投资者那里募集的人民币资金。


currency的读法是["ku028cr(u0259)nsu026a]。currency是货币、通用、流通、流传、传播、市价、行情或者流通时间的意思。相关短语有assets currency资产通货,debased currency减色通货,acceptable currency可接受的货币,appreciated currency增值通货,counterfeit currency假币,可造句子如下:1、You need hard currency to get anything halfway decent.你得有硬通货才能买到还算不错的东西。2、Inflation has turned the rouble into a toytown currency.通货膨胀使得卢布变成了毫无价值的货币。3、Currency-conversion costs remain one of the biggest obstacles to cross-border trade.货币兑换成本仍是跨境贸易的最大障碍之一。4、Countries may also find their currency is depreciating in foreign markets.一些国家也可能会发现自己的货币正在国外市场上贬值。


currency作名词有通货,货币;通用,流行;现时性的意思。例句:1.He bamboozled me into exchanging the foreign currency.他哄骗我兑换了外汇。2.That is why the charge of currency manipulation is false.那就是为什么货币操纵的指控是错误的。3.The greenback, in other words, is not just America"s currency.换句话说,美钞不仅仅是美国的货币。它还是世界的货币。4.The greenback, in other words, is not just America"s currency换句话说,美钞不仅仅是美国的货币。它还是世界的货币。


currency 英 [ˈkʌrənsi] 美 [ˈkɜ:rənsi] n. 货币; 通用,流通,流传,传播; 市价,行情; 流通时间; 全部释义>>[例句]The change of century, currency, and tito.世纪变了,货币变了,堤托变了。更多例句>>复数:currencies


currency的意思是:通货、货币、通用、流通、通行、流行、流通(或流行)时间。相关短语有:national currency国家货币、hard currency硬通货、reserve currency储备货币、single currency单一货币;欧洲单一货币、managed currency有管理通货。1、The treaty gives any country the right to opt out of a single currency.条约赋予任何国家退出单一货币的权利。2、No claim had been made during the curency of the policy.该政策执行期间没有人提出素赔。3、Lack of confidence triggered a flight out of the currency.由于对这种贷币缺乏信心,人们纷纷将也抛售出去。4、Since the Gulf war,the term has gained new currency.海湾战争以来该术语又流行了起来。5、Dealers are keeping an eye on the currency markets.交易商密切注意着货币市场的动向。6、Tobacco is a major foreign currency earmer.烟草是赚取外币的主要产品。


Currentadj.现在的; 最近的; 流行的; 流传的n.趋势; 电流; 水流; 涌流Noncurrentadj. 非流动的;非本期的请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助


Dig if you will the pictureOf you and I engaged in a kissThe sweat of your body covers meCan you my darlingCan you picture this?Dream if you can a courtyardAn ocean of violets in bloomAnimals strike curious posesThey feel the heatThe heat between me and youHow can you just leave me standing?Alone in a world that"s so cold? (So cold)Maybe I"m just too demandingMaybe I"m just like my father too boldMaybe you"re just like my motherShe"s never satisfied (She"s never satisfied)Why do we scream at each other?This is what it sounds like When doves cryTouch if you will my stomachFeel how it trembles insideYou"ve got the butterflies all tied upDon"t make me chase youEven doves have prideHow can you just leave me standing?Alone in a world so cold? (World so cold)Maybe I"m just too demandingMaybe I"m just like my father too boldMaybe you"re just like my motherShe"s never satisfied (She"s never satisfied)Why do we scream at each other?This is what it sounds like When doves cryHow can you just leave me standing?Alone in a world that"s so cold? (A world that"s so cold)Maybe I"m just too demanding (Maybe, maybe I"m like my father)Maybe I"m just like my father too bold (Ya know he"s too bold)Maybe you"re just like my mother (Maybe you"re just like my mother)She"s never satisfied (She"s never, never satisfied)Why do we scream at each other? (Why do we scream? Why?)This is what it sounds like When doves cryWhen doves cry (Doves cry, doves cry)When doves cry (Doves cry, doves cry)Don"t Cry (Don"t Cry)When doves cry When doves cry When doves cry When Doves cry (Doves cry, doves cry, doves cry)Don"t cryDarling don"t cryDon"t cryDon"t cry

oracle有两个游标cursor1,cursor2; cursor1数据是 id name returncount 1 平 5 cursor1数据是 id name retu


short of experience

be short of 是固定搭配 表示短缺

I will fly to France tomorrow 怎么改同义句

I am going to fly to France tomorrow.

permanence 有副词吗


法国地址 rue de la mineraie 79000 France 请翻译成为中文

这个地址位于尼奥尔(Niort),是法国西部城市,普瓦图-夏朗德大区德塞夫勒省省会,是普瓦图-夏朗德大区的第三大市镇。rue de la mineraie 是南北向的一条小路,长约1300米音译:法国 尼奥尔镇 米娜黑街, 邮编: 79000意译:法国 尼奥尔镇 矿石街, 邮编 79000【这是北端朝南的街景】EBAC - Elliot Brothers Air Conditioning 埃利奥特兄弟空气调节这是一家总部位于英国达勒姆郡,生产抽湿器和冷风机的厂家。董事长John Elliot.

she will go to france by air tomorrow.对吗


【急需】France 的资料 要英语的,尽量避免太多语法问题


请问画家Edvard Munch(爱德华u2027孟克)个名英文点读

Edvard Munch 应读作 : Ed花瓦特 (快一下读晒) Munch 则应读作 Moo力厨 (又系快一下读晒,不过厨轻声,一出即收) 佢系挪威人个姓系咁读。 希望帮到你。 参考: 我自已 Edvard Munch Ed读at 因为有d所系v之前读埋d既音 vard读-花 Munch------将lunch个L转做m音 上述既音未必正确,但值得参考,如果错左,我希望有高人可以教教我 2008-04-01 16:28:47 补充: 打错野 Ed读at 因为有d所系v之前读埋d既音 呢句应该系 Ed读at 因为有d所以v之前读埋d既音 sorry 参考: 自己 Edvard Munch (pronounced [mu0289u014bk] December 12 1863 – January 23 1944) was a Norwegian Symbolist painter printmaker and an important forerunner of expressionistic art. His best-known painting The Scream (1893) is one of the pieces in a series titled The Frieze of Life in which Munch explored the themes of life love fear death and melancholy. As with many of his works he painted several versions of it. Similar paintings include Despair and Anxiety. The Frieze of Life themes recur throughout Munch"s work in paintings such as The Sick Child (1885) Love and Pain (1893-94) Ashes (1894) and The Bridge. The latter shows limp figures with featureless or hidden faces over which loom the threatening shapes of heavy trees and brooding houses. Munch portrayed women either as frail innocent sufferers (see Puberty and Love and Pain) or as the cause of great longing jealousy and despair (see Separation Jealousy and Ashes). Some say these paintings reflect the artist"s sexual anxieties though it could also be argued that they are a better representation of his turbulent relationship with love itself. 参考: i dunno whether it is suitable or not...


这个词主要用做名词 经历 可数 , 经验 不可数,动词时及物的

captive audience是什么意思

captive audience被俘的听众。望采纳,谢谢!


salience音节划分:sau25aaliu25aaent英 ["seu026alju0259ns] 美 [u02c8seliu0259ns, u02c8selju0259ns]n. 突出,特点双语例句1. Through 36 sufferersufferer s verification, the curative effect salience.经36例患者的验证, 疗效显著.来自互联网2. Verb salience is found to be significantly associated with the simple past variation.结果发现,动词突显度与一般过去时变异有显著密切的联系.来自互联网3. But the decline in salience of health and education precedes the downturn: It"started in 2002.但是开始于2002年的对于医疗和教育的关注的衰退却早于总体的下降.来自互联网4. Conclusion: combination of Chinese and Western medicine ratio pure Western medicine treatment the effect salience.结论: 中西医结合治疗比单纯西医治疗效果显著.来自互联网5. Its strength seems to relate to the evolutionary salience of the item in question.这个效应的效力可能与这些物品的进化凸显性有关.来自互联网

送你一颗圣诞树那个greenchristmastree.exe 怎么卸载。。。。在哪里卸载啊


Telling me that you love me. Let me try and try once more

再回首I Hope You"ll Come Back姜育恒Looking backAll that we two sharedFeeling sadBecause you"re goneAll that we have been throughLaughter and tearsI"ll remember and will always keep youDeep inside my heartMemories of us togetherAlways come into my mindWhat was wrong with our loveYou can"t tell me whyHow can I go on without youNot knowing what"s the reason(chorus)Do you know I can"t sleep can"t eatCan"t do anything rightHoping that you"ll be backYou will come back to me one day soonBut no matter what it takesI will do all that I canTo win your love and make you mineOnce again(repeat)(repeat chorus)I hope you you"ll come back to me oh once again

Spancill Hill歌词翻译

Spancil Hill---史班赛山 昨夜梦回那逝去的快乐时光我的心绪在遥远的爱尔兰恣意徜徉我迈步去追寻那景象伴随着急切的渴望直到停泊在史班赛山小镇的海港令我欣喜是那新鲜的风光悉窣的耳语声回荡在幼年时常留恋的地方我清晰地听到那熟悉的音响那是流向史班赛山的溪水在浅吟低唱一时心血来潮我躺在青草地上所有学校里的伙伴倏然出现在我身旁我们在回家的路上舞蹈带着明亮又美好的梦想Martin Monahan的乐曲在史班赛山的路口飞扬已经是六月二十三日明天集市就要开场爱尔兰的子女朋友在这里欢聚一堂他们虔诚地祷告无论年老年少,勇敢还是卤莽在地区的教堂里史班赛山小镇旁穿过童年时的小路我把曾经的邻居探望年轻的人们正在衰老老人全都离去死亡我遇见裁缝Quigley他的卤莽一如既往在史班赛山生活的日子里是他为我缝制裤子和衣裳想到那初恋爱人啊我飞奔到她家门口她如百合花般纯洁像白鸽一样温柔”哦,johnny,我依然爱你.”她说她的双臂环绕在我肩头她是农场主奈德的女儿她是史班赛山的骄傲我梦见我单膝跪地亲吻她如同往昔啊Johnny你不过是在玩笑重复当年耍过的把戏公鸡在清晨开始鸣叫那叫声响亮而凄厉我从加利福尼亚的床上惊醒与史班赛山远隔数千英里

推荐一些英文歌曲如Just one last dance这一类的

my love will go on - celine dioni knew i love you - savage gardenyou rase me up - westlifeno promises - shayne ward

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You are of great concern to me:让我欢喜让我忧

You are of great concern to me:让我欢喜让我忧 You are of great concern to me. 你是我心里 最想的 人 you are all my care and concern . 你是我所有的关心和 担忧。 creeping ants are allergic to you, making you feel like vomiting 爬蚁对你过敏,让你想吐 I am deeply concerned about your health. 我为你的身体 忧心重重 。 I know how dangerous excessive concern with your health can be . 我知道过分 关心 你的身体,对我有危险。 The memories of your ant allergy consumed me. 我满脑记住的就是你对蚂蚁过敏。 It has been concerning me, it has been worrying me. 这 关系到 我,一直困困扰着我。 Without your company, I am really lonely, my whole heart is filled with fear. 没有你陪伴,我真的好孤单,我的全身心被恐惧填满。 I warn myself, don"t interfere with something that don"t concern me . 我警告我自己,不要干涉那些 与我无关 的事情。 for a million times, but in vain! 警告100万次,但我还是要做。 I simply want to see you be ok to calm me. 只想看见你好,让我心安理得。 1.I"ve been concerned about you lately. 最近我对你有些 担心 。 2. is of concern to you 对…重要的;与…有利害关系的 If something is of concern to you , it is important to you. How they are paid should be of little concern to the bank as long as they are paid. 只要肯付款,付款方式对银行来说不是很重要。 3. is of concern to someone 令…担忧的;让…关注的 If something is of concern to someone , they find it worrying and unsatisfactory. Any injury to a child is a cause of great concern to us. 孩子受到任何伤害都会让我们 非常担心 。 4. you concern me 你让我担心,你让我心烦 something concerns you 使担忧;使心烦 If something concerns you , it worries you. The growing number of people seeking refuge in Thailand is beginning to concern Western aid agencies. 到泰国寻求庇护的人日益增多,这开始 引起了 西方援助机构的 不安 。 5.Without her care and concern , he had no chance at all. 若非她的关心和 照顾 ,他根本没有机会。 6.I didn"t concern myself with politics. 我不 关心 政治。 7.The agency is more concerned with making arty ads than understanding its clients" businesses. 这家广告公司更 注重 如何制作附庸风雅的广告,而忽视了对客户业务的了解。 8. is your concern (某人)负责的事,分内之事 If a situation or problem is your concern , it is something that you have a duty or responsibility to be involved with. The technical aspects were the concern of the Army. 技术方面由陆军 负责 。 9. a going concern 正常运营的公司 If a company is a going concern , it is actually doing business, rather than having stopped trading or not yet having started trading. The receivers will always prefer to sell a business as a going concern . 破产管理人总是希望在公司仍然 正常运转 的时候将其卖掉。 10.The group has expressed concern about reports of political violence in Africa 该团体对 有关 非洲政治暴力的报道表示担忧。 11. you concern yourself with something 关心;关注 If you concern yourself with something , you give it attention because you think that it is important. I didn"t concern myself with politics. 我不 关心 政治。 12. as far as something is concerned 就…而言,说到(用于表明所谈论的话题 ) You can say as far as something is concerned to indicate the subject that you are talking about. As far as starting a family is concerned , the trend is for women having their children later in life. 在要孩子方面 ,目前的趋势是女性要孩子要得比较晚。 13.Every inpidual concerned have some explaining to do. 相关的 每个人都要做解释。 14.This chapter concerns itself with political background. 本章旨在 讲述 政治背景。 is concerned with 15. It concerns me that you no longer care. 你是否不再在乎,这让我很 担心 。 16.He didn"t concern himself with details. 他不太 关心 细节。 17.She was concerned to write a book and make some money. 她 认为 写书赚钱很重要。 be concerned to do something 认为做某事很重要 。 18.parents" concern for their children 父母对孩子的 关心 。 concern for 关心 19. a going concern 正常运营的公司 If a company is a going concern, it is actually doing business, rather than having stopped trading or not yet having started trading. The receivers will always prefer to sell a business as a going concern. 破产管理人总是希望在 公司 仍然正常运转的时候将其卖掉。 20. concern 重要的事情 v.影响,牵涉(某人);与…有关;涉及;让(某人)担忧 n.(尤指许多人共同的)担心,忧虑;关爱;关心;(对人、组织等)重要的事情 1)something that interests you because it is important or affects you 你感兴趣的东西,因为它很重要或影响你 the safety of the ship is the captain"s concern 船长关心的是船的安全 2)something or someone that causes anxiety,a source of unhappiness 引起焦虑的事物或人,不快乐的根源 synonym: worry; headache; vexation; 3) a feeling of sympathy for someone or something She felt strong concern for those less fortunate 对某人或某物的同情 她对那些不幸的人深感关切 4) an anxious feeling care had aged him they hushed it up out of fear of public reaction 焦虑的感觉 焦虑使他变老了 他们因害怕公众的反应而隐瞒了此事。 synonym: care; fear; 5)a commercial or industrial enterprise and the people who constitute it 商业或工业企业及其组成人员 he bought his brother"s business 他买下了他哥哥的企业 a small mom-and-pop business 小型的夫妻店 a racially integrated business concern 种族融合的商业问题 synonym: business; business concern; business organization; business organisation; verb 6)be relevant to There were lots of questions referring to her talk My remark pertained to your earlier comments 与…有关 关于她的谈话有很多问题 我的评论与你先前的评论有关 synonym: refer; pertain; relate; come to; bear on; touch; touch on; have-to doe with; 7)be on the mind of I worry about the second Germanic consonant shift 担心 我担心第二个德语辅音移位 synonym: interest; occupy; worry;

外企中常见的职位如Senior, Staff, Principal等,谁高谁低?还有哪些职位?

技术路线: engineer---senior engineer---staff engineer --- principle --- senior principle --- fellow 管理路线:engineer---senior engineer---staff engineer --- manager --- senior manager--- director --- senior director -- VP(vice president) --- SVP --- CEO 大概就是这个样子Senior是资深,有经验者;Staff就是字面意思,员工或普通员工;Principal在英文里也有校长的意思,所以就是指领导级别了。 不同行业的外企职级划分不一样的。我所在的企业,一般情况,不管是Senior还是Staff都属于员工级别,基本名下不管理人,即使有也都是虚拟的领导。 到了supervisor是个过度,名下就可以管理人了,也就是会有人report给你。 再往上是manager级别,大型外企到了manager level的薪资和员工就不是一个量级了,再往上也有各种manager的划分。外企特别是投行等金融类企业,往往有associate,AVP, VP(Associate director), Director, senior director,executive director,managing director等职级划分。 这些头衔往往并不代表字面所代表的意思。比如VP副总裁其实不是公司的副总裁,可能只是比较资深的普通员工。像高级的MD虽然很多部门经理会是MD,但很多MD并非管理者,只是代表其资历或类似的职称。 我们看到外企的名片时候,不用被这些头衔吓倒。高盛大摩有12000多名VP,MD也不少,但真正的高级管理者其实并不多。所以,如果要看其所承担的管理职能就是官衔,不能只看名片上的头衔。 就本人工作经历而言,勉强答一把: 第一,先普及一下hr的基础知识。正常情况下,hr会把员工的职业发展规划为2条线,即工程师engineer和管理人员people manager。看个人的兴趣以及能力,选择比较适合自己的发展路径。但有一点的是,people manager相对engineer而言,在大佬们面前的出场机率可能多一些,那么结果有可能升职加薪的机会就多一些,当然这也要看公司文化和管理者偏好。 第二,engineer的画大饼线路图是:assistant engineer,engineer,senior engineer,staff/principle engineer(我上东家一开始有staff,不过现在取消了,sr.升职后直接principle),distinguished engineer,fellow(做到这估计也快退休了,后面就啥太大意义了)。 第三,people manager的画饼顺序是:supervisor,manager,director(前面都可以 sr.),(vice) vp,CXO,president… 第四,一般情况下,两者之间在同级别下没有高低之分,主要看项目的需求和高级管理层的偏好。 以上,是我的一点经验分享,欢迎条友一起参与讨论 你所说的这三个职位分别代表1、高级,资深;2、职员;3、首席、负责人 外企中招聘职位还有GM总经理,President总裁,Manager经理,Assistant助理,Supervisor主管,CEO首席执行官,CFO财务总监等。 从低往高是engineer,senior engineer,principle engineer,staff已经是很高级别的了,走技术路线的话,不一定有team,但和manager对等,在往上就是director总监了,之后就是VP,CVP,EVP,CEO了 单独的senior engineer称号级别最低。staff和principal一般都比senior高一级。在同一个外企中这两个职位一般是二选一。A企业的staff和B企业的principal绝大多数情况下可以看作同一级别。其它的还有master engineer,advisory engineer, consultant engineer等。举几个例子,上海贝尔:senior < advisory < consultant, 中国爱立信:senior

外企中常见的职位如Senior, Staff, Principal等,谁高谁低?还有哪些职位?

技术路线: engineer---senior engineer---staff engineer --- principle --- senior principle --- fellow 管理路线:engineer---senior engineer---staff engineer --- manager --- senior manager--- director --- senior director -- VP(vice president) --- SVP --- CEO 大概就是这个样子Senior是资深,有经验者;Staff就是字面意思,员工或普通员工;Principal在英文里也有校长的意思,所以就是指领导级别了。 不同行业的外企职级划分不一样的。我所在的企业,一般情况,不管是Senior还是Staff都属于员工级别,基本名下不管理人,即使有也都是虚拟的领导。 到了supervisor是个过度,名下就可以管理人了,也就是会有人report给你。 再往上是manager级别,大型外企到了manager level的薪资和员工就不是一个量级了,再往上也有各种manager的划分。就本人工作经历而言,勉强答一把: 第一,先普及一下hr的基础知识。正常情况下,hr会把员工的职业发展规划为2条线,即工程师engineer和管理人员people manager。看个人的兴趣以及能力,选择比较适合自己的发展路径。但有一点的是,people manager相对engineer而言,在大佬们面前的出场机率可能多一些,那么结果有可能升职加薪的机会就多一些,当然这也要看公司文化和管理者偏好。 第二,engineer的画大饼线路图是:assistant engineer,engineer,senior engineer,staff/principle engineer(我上东家一开始有staff,不过现在取消了,sr.升职后直接principle),distinguished engineer,fellow(做到这估计也快退休了,后面就啥太大意义了)。 第三,people manager的画饼顺序是:supervisor,manager,director(前面都可以 sr.),(vice) vp,CXO,president… 第四,一般情况下,两者之间在同级别下没有高低之分,主要看项目的需求和高级管理层的偏好。 以上,是我的一点经验分享,欢迎条友一起参与讨论 你所说的这三个职位分别代表1、高级,资深;2、职员;3、首席、负责人 外企中招聘职位还有GM总经理,President总裁,Manager经理,Assistant助理,Supervisor主管,CEO首席执行官,CFO财务总监等。 从低往高是engineer,senior engineer,principle engineer,staff已经是很高级别的了,走技术路线的话,不一定有team,但和manager对等,在往上就是director总监了,之后就是VP,CVP,EVP,CEO了 单独的senior engineer称号级别最低。staff和principal一般都比senior高一级。在同一个外企中这两个职位一般是二选一。A企业的staff和B企业的principal绝大多数情况下可以看作同一级别。其它的还有master engineer,advisory engineer, consultant engineer等。举几个例子,上海贝尔:senior < advisory < consultant, 中国爱立信:senior

conflicting types for built-in function什么意思

conflicting types for built-in function内置函数的冲突类型

yielding conflicting evidence是什么意思?谢谢!


encounter conflict名词均有冲突的意思,求区别

encounter的意思较接近“遭遇”,着重点也是,而不是冲突。conflict的意思则偏向于互相抵触的矛盾,因此而引起的冲突。encounter 英[u026anu02c8kau028antu0259(r)] 美[u025bnu02c8kau028antu025a] vt. 遭遇; 不期而遇; 对抗; n. 相遇,碰见; 遭遇战; 对决,冲突; vi. 碰见,尤指不期而遇; [例句]All of the sudden they encounter service outages.他们突然遭遇了服务停用。[其他] 第三人称单数:encounters 复数:encounters 现在分词:encountering过去式:encountered 过去分词:encountered形近词: rencounter accounter discounter conflict 英[u02c8ku0252nflu026akt] 美[u02c8kɑ:nflu026akt] n. 冲突; 矛盾; 战斗; 相互干扰; vi. 冲突; 抵触; 争斗; 战斗; [例句]No sane person wishes to see conflict or casualties.理智的人都不愿意看到冲突或伤亡。[其他] 第三人称单数:conflicts 复数:conflicts 现在分词:conflicting过去式:conflicted 过去分词:conflicted 形近词: inflict afflict


歌曲名:LIE BURIED WITH A VENGEANCE歌手:Dir en grey专辑:The Marrow of a BoneI rail at the sordid youSomething"s missing from my mindHaizuri mawaru munashiki iki you saSomething"s missing from my heartThis is the real worldSou da oshi mitsu seru kanjou o ? ji komeSo attack So attackDelete everythingCrime without reason does existI am the soul of revengeSomething"s missing from my earsHai sakebi mebaeru aijou kaSomething"s missing from my voiceThis is the real worldChi de chi o arai seigi o kakageroSo attack So attackDelete everythingCrime without reason does existI am the soul of revengeMind Over AllNanimokamo nagesuteroHas my head gone mad?Mu kachi ni ore o kazatta saru tomo kaHas my heart gone mad?This is the real worldDobunezumi, haiena, kuso buta bakariSo attack So attackDelete everythingCrime without reason does existI am the soul of revengeMind Over AllNanimokamo nagesuteroTaste the destinyAre you the most superior leader of all?Fuck, you"re a motherfucker

Van Halen的《Unchained》 歌词

歌曲名:Unchained歌手:Van Halen专辑:Best of Van Halen, Vol. 1Alright!Haaa-ha-ha-ha!You say, I cannot get there from here, babyThen I don"t care where I"m goin"Here"s to your thin red lineMmm, I"m stepping overThought you"d never miss me till I got a fat city addressNon-stop talker, what a rockerBlue-eyed murder in a size five dressChange, nothin" stays the sameUnchained, and ya hit the ground runnin"Change, ain"t nothin" stays the sameUnchained, yeah ya hit the ground runnin"I know, I don"t ask for permissionThis is my chance to flyMaybe enough ain"t enough for youBut it"s my turn at a tryThought you"d never miss me till I got a fat city addressNon-stop talker, what a rockerBlue-eyed murder in a size five dressChange, nothin" stays the sameUnchained, and ya hit the ground runningChange, ain"t nothin" stays the sameUnchained, yeah ya hit the ground runnin"Change, nothin" stays the sameUnchained, yeah ya hit the ground runnin"Change, ain"t nothin" stays the sameUnchained, yeah ya hit the ground runnin"Woo-hoo! Take a look at this!Hey man, that suit is you!Whoo-whee! You"ll get some leg tonight for sure!Tell us how you do! Hoo hoo hoo!(Come on Dave, gimme a break)Hey hey hey hey! One break, comin" up!Change, ain"t nothin" stays the sameUnchained, yeah ya hit the ground runnin"Changed, ain"t nothin" stays the sameUnchained, yeah ya hit the ground runnin"Change, ain"t nothin" stays the sameUnchained, yeah ya hit the ground runnin"Change, ain"t nothin" stays the sameUnchained!

ghost of a chance 歌词

歌曲名:ghost of a chance歌手:Rush专辑:Roll The BonesLike a million little doorwaysAll the choices we madeAll the stages we passed throughAll the roles we playedFor so many different directionsOur separate paths might hve turnedWith every door that we openedEvery bridge that we burnedRushSomehow we find each otherThrough all that masqueradeSomehow we found each otherAnd somehow we have stayedIn a state of graceI DON"T BELIEVE IN DESTINYOR THE GUIDING HAND OF FATEI DON"T BELIEVE IN FOREVEROR LOVE AS A MYSTICAL STATEOR ANGELS WATCHING FROM ABOVEBUT I BELIEVE THERE"S A GHOST OF A CHANCETO FIND SOMEONE TO LOVEAND MAKE IT LASTLike a million little crossroadsThrough the backstreets of youthEach time we turn a new cornerA tiny moment of truthFor so many different connectionsOur separate paths might have madeWith every door that we openedEvery game we played


没有limerance这个单词,正确的是:limerence,意思是:迷恋。重点词汇:limerence英['lu026amu0259ru0259ns]释义:1、深恋感。2、狂热的求偶心态。短语:Love and Limerence爱和迷恋。临近单词:lime英[lau026am]释义:n.酸橙(树);酸橙饮料;酸橙绿色,淡黄绿色;石灰,生石灰;欧椴树,菩提树;<旧>粘鸟胶;(交谈时较注重礼仪和规矩的)非正式社交聚会。v.撒石灰于;坐着(或站着)闲聊;粉刷,用石灰涂白;<旧>用粘鸟胶捕鸟。【名】(Lime)(法)利姆(人名)。[复数:limes;第三人称单数:limes;现在分词:liming;过去式:limed;过去分词:limed]短语:lime green橙绿色;石灰绿。


sentence[英][u02c8sentu0259ns][美][u02c8su025bntu0259ns]n.句子; 宣判; vt.宣判,判决; 第三人称单数:sentences过去分词:sentenced复数:sentences现在进行时:sentencing过去式:sentenced以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Read that last sentence again. 重新读最后一个句子一遍
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