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求Lou Bega的Angelina歌词

Aaaw! Whoo! (whistle) Angelina baby please, Please baby be mine Angelina do your chacha, forget about the time Sign your name across my heart, honey ain"t that smart Angelina/ ready, steady-start BRIDGE: We can chacha on the floor, we can chacha on the couch Baby, we can chacha, all around my house We can chacha in the night, chacha till two And if you chacha me, I have to chacha you CHORUS: Oh Angelina, Angelina, Angelina Oh my sweet signorina, signorina, Angelina I-I-I bet that we sweat Angelina, Angelina-be my signorina Oh Angelina- Angelina, Angelina, oh my sweet singorina(Angelina), signorina, Angelina I-I-I guess you say yes Angelina, Angelina-be my signorina Aaaw! Whoo! (whistle) (Instrumental Adlib) Signorina Angelina, come ride in my new benz It"s a/ two seater so don"t bring your friends I got dinner for two, only a la carte Angelina / O, yeah, Ready-steady-start We can chacha on the floor, we can chacha til two And if you chacha me, I have to chacha you (Repeat chorus) Oh, Angelina, come baby, drop in my benz Oh, Angelina, but don"t you bring no more friends Oh, Angelina, I got dinner ala carte for two (just for me and you, ehe!) (Repeat Chorus) Aaaw!

Angelina Julie介绍,详细点,谢了!

  姓名:安吉利娜·朱莉  原名:Angelina Jolie Voight  组合成员:  性别:女  英文名:Angelina Jolie  出生年:1975年  生日:6月4日  星座:双子座  国籍:美国  地域:欧美  职业:演员  身高:170cm  个人简介  安吉丽娜·朱莉的一切都是好莱坞的话题,她与父亲的决裂,她的感情、婚姻和漫天的绯闻,她的慈善事业——这个女人的一举一动都牵引着好莱坞的视线。  朱莉1975年生于洛杉矶,因为父亲是名演员强·沃特,所以很早就开始接触戏剧,她的生活好象一直都充满动荡。小的时候因为经济窘迫她和妈妈与弟弟经常搬家,直到长大后她作了职业模特也是常常因为忙于做巡演而在各大城市间飞来飞去。在对做模特感到厌烦后,她来到纽约,在李-斯特莱斯伯格戏剧院和纽约大学做了一名普通的学生,之后便开始在剧院做表演。接着很快她便杀入演影圈。1993年她在《电子人2》中做了一个跑龙套的小角色,接着1995年又跑到《黑客》中扮演了一名计算机黑客。安吉丽娜清秀的面容和不俗的演技很快便引起了观众和导演的注意,并和戏中的男演员约翰·李·米勒结婚,这是她的第一次婚姻。  1997年安吉丽娜终于因为在优秀的电视电影《乔治-沃莱斯》中演出乔治-沃莱斯的妻子而一鸣惊人,获得金球奖。紧接着她喜讯再至,一部HBO的《吉娅》又为她获得艾米奖提名。年轻的安吉丽娜从此名声鹊起,成为好莱坞后起之秀中的佼佼者。1999年的安吉丽娜可谓风头正足--她一口气拍了《空中塞车》、《拾骨者》和《移魂女郎》3部影片。2001年她出演了根据游戏改编的影片《古墓丽影》,更是进一步让她广受关注。2000年与比利·鲍伯·松顿闪电结婚,2003年5月离婚。这段为时3年的婚姻成为一时间的热门话题。2004年她风头极劲,连续接演了许多影片,其中有《机动杀人》、《亚历山大大帝》。2005年她和布拉德·皮特因为影片《史密斯夫妇》传出绯闻,皮特与妻子安妮斯顿离婚,和朱莉走到了一起并生育了一个女儿。而朱莉的人气却并没有因为这段插曲而下降,反而是水涨船高。  在安吉丽娜(angelina jolie)的记忆中,生活好象一直都充满动荡。小的时候因为经济窘迫她和妈妈与弟弟经常搬家,直到长大后她作了职业模特也是常常因为忙于做巡演而在各大城市间飞来飞去。在对做模特感到厌烦后,她来到纽约,在李-斯特莱斯伯格戏剧院和纽约大学做了一名普通的学生,之后便开始在剧院做表演。接着很快她便杀入演影圈--1993年她在《电子人2》中做了一个跑龙套的小角色,接着1995年又跑到《骇客》中扮演了一名计算机黑客。安吉丽娜清秀的面容和不俗的演技很快便引起了观众和导演的注意。  在接手了一些反映平淡的影片后,1997年安吉丽娜终于因为在优秀的电视电影《乔治-沃莱斯》中演出乔治-沃莱斯的妻子而一鸣惊人,获得金球奖。紧接着她喜讯再至,一部hbo的《吉娅》又为她获得艾米奖提名。年轻的安吉丽娜从此名声鹊起,成为好莱坞后起之秀中的佼佼者。98年她和包括西恩-潘、瑞安-菲利普、吉莲-安德森在内的一批实力派影星联手出演了《随心所欲》。尽管影片本身没有获得甚大反响,但安吉丽娜在片中的演技同样受到无数好评。  1999年的安吉丽娜可谓风头正足--她一口气拍了《空中塞车》、《拾骨者》和《移魂女郎》3部影片。在《空中塞车》中她与约翰-库萨克、凯特-布兰切特和比利-鲍伯-索顿一众大腕演对手戏,没有丝毫逊色;在《拾骨者》中,她扮演了一个机警智慧的女警察,和全身高度瘫痪的警官(丹泽尔-华盛顿)合力对付一个凶残的连环杀手;而在《移魂女郎》中,她又摇身一变成了精神病院的一名问题少女。安吉丽娜把握各种不同角色的出色能力让观众赞不绝口,特别是她在《移魂女郎》中的表演为她赢得金球奖的提名。  安吉莉娜.朱莉Angelina Jolie  尽管非常年轻,但安吉丽娜.朱莉的在银幕上大都是些成熟性感的形象,这与她性感外形不无关系。从1998年起她开始引起人们的注意,这一年她在家庭生活片《随心所欲》(Playing by Heart )中,扮演了辛.康纳利情绪冲动的小女儿,出演此片的还包括吉利安.安德森,玛德琳.斯托等。接着她与约翰.库萨克、凯特.布兰切特等一同演出了《空中塞车》(Pushing Tin)在片中安吉丽娜是个情绪不稳定的妖治的女人。而在《人骨拼图》中,安吉丽娜不再卖弄性感,她是一位智勇双全的女警官,还爱上了病榻上的丹泽尔.华盛顿。有传言说薇诺娜.赖德与安吉丽娜在《被打断的女孩》中合作不愉快,原因是安吉丽娜太过抢眼,薇诺娜的担心不无道理,因为凭此片安吉丽娜已拿到了金球奖,并且还得到了奥斯卡的提名,而对于奥斯卡的评委来说,最佳女配角往青睐新人,安吉丽娜的胜算可谓很大。不仅如此,她在观众心中也更加被接受,她被评为99年最性感的红唇。  安吉丽娜的父母都是演员,她的哥哥也是位导演,虽然与一名男演员结了婚,不过如今他们已经离婚了,安吉丽娜最新的约会对象是多年前因《普通人》而获奥斯卡奖的蒂姆.赫顿。安吉丽娜-朱丽星路历程  很难说安吉丽娜走上演艺这条路是否来自家庭背景的幸运。尽管她有一对同为演员的父母,她的父亲还是大名鼎鼎的乔恩-沃特--那个早在60年代就开始演戏,曾演出过《午夜牛仔》《碟中谍》《造雨人》《国家的敌人》《校队蓝调》等大片的名演员,但是安吉丽娜却从小就失去家庭的温暖。她1975年6月4日出生于洛杉机,原来名叫安吉丽娜-朱丽-沃特,但是很小的时候父母就离婚了。从此她被母亲把名字中的“沃特”两字去掉,开始了孤独的成长。  在安吉丽娜的记忆中,生活好象一直都充满动荡。小的时候因为经济窘迫她和妈妈与弟弟经常搬家,直到长大后她作了职业模特也是常常因为忙于做巡演而在各大城市间飞来飞去。在对做模特感到厌烦后,她来到纽约,在李-斯特莱斯伯格戏剧院和纽约大学做了一名普通的学生,之后便开始在剧院做表演。接着很快她便杀入演影圈--1993年她在《电子人2》中做了一个跑龙套的小角色,接着1995年又跑到《骇客》中扮演了一名计算机黑客。安吉丽娜清秀的面容和不俗的演技很快便引起了观众和导演的注意。  在接手了一些反映平淡的影片后,1997年安吉丽娜终于因为在优秀的电视电影《乔治-沃莱斯》中演出乔治-沃莱斯的妻子而一鸣惊人,获得金球奖。紧接着她喜讯再至,一部HBO的《吉娅》又为她获得艾米奖提名。年轻的安吉丽娜从此名声鹊起,成为好莱坞后起之秀中的佼佼者。98年她和包括西恩-潘、瑞安-菲利普、吉莲-安德森在内的一批实力派影星联手出演了《随心所欲》。尽管影片本身没有获得甚大反响,但安吉丽娜在片中的演技同样受到无数好评。  1999年的安吉丽娜可谓风头正足--她一口气拍了《空中塞车》、《拾骨者》和《移魂女郎》3部影片。在《空中塞车》中她与约翰-库萨克、凯特-布兰切特和比利-鲍伯-索顿一众大腕演对手戏,没有丝毫逊色;在《拾骨者》中,她扮演了一个机警智慧的女警察,和全身高度瘫痪的警官(丹泽尔-华盛顿)合力对付一个凶残的连环杀手;而在《移魂女郎》中,她又摇身一变成了精神病院的一名问题少女。安吉丽娜把握各种不同角色的出色能力让观众赞不绝口,特别是她在《移魂女郎》中的表演为她赢得金球奖的提名。  安吉丽娜曾有过一次失败的婚姻,如今走出围城后的她打算把全部身心都投入到自己喜爱的表演事业中。千僖年她正当25岁的年华--这个年龄还是许多少男少女做梦的年龄,而她却早已经开始起航了。  教育:贝弗利山中学,MET剧团,纽约大学电影课  婚姻状况:1996年嫁给英国男星约翰尼·李密勒,1999年离婚。2000年与比利-鲍伯-索顿闪电结婚,2003年5月离婚。  名言:表演并不是装假或是撒谎……  表演:  《功夫熊猫 Kung Fu Panda 》 (2008) ...Master Tigress (voice)  《通缉犯 Wanted 》 (2008) ...  《罪恶之城2 Sin City 2 》 (2008) ...Ava Lord (rumored)  《贝奥武夫:降龙伏魔 Beowulf 》 (2007) ...Grendel"s Mother (voice)  《坚强的心 A Mighty Heart 》 (2007) ...Mariane Pearl  《 A Place in Time 》 (2007) ...  《特务风云/牧羊人 The Good Shepherd 》 (2006) ...Clover/Margaret Russell  《 Forbes Celebrity 100: Who Made Bank? 》 (2006) ...Herself  《 VH1 News Presents: Hollywood Secrets Revealed - Scenes They Don"t Want You to See 》 (2006) ...Herself (archive footage)  《史密斯夫妇/史密斯行动 Mr. & Mrs. Smith 》 (2005) ...Jane Smith  《 Sledge: The Untold Story 》 (2005) ...Herself  《 Trudell 》 (2005) ...executive producer  《 Lovesick 》 (2005) ...producer  《 Brave New World 》 (2005) ...Herself/Franky Cook  《亚历山大大帝 Alexander 》 (2004) ...Olympias  《鲨鱼故事/沙胆大话王/鲨鱼黑帮 Shark Tale 》 (2004) ...Lola (voice)  《明日世界/轰天战士决战明日世纪/空军上校和未来世界 Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow 》 (2004) ...Franky  《机动杀人 Taking Lives 》 (2004) ...Illeana  《第76届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 The 76th Annual Academy Awards 》 (2004) ...Herself - Presenter: Best Art Direction  《 The Flying Legion Air Combat Challenge 》 (2004) ...Capt. Franky Cook (archive footage)  《 Love and Honor 》 (2004) ...Catherine the Great  《 52 Most Irresistible Women 》 (2004) ...Herself  《 101 Biggest Celebrity Oops 》 (2004) ...Herself - #30: Jon Voight disses Angelina Jolie on a Television Interview (archive footage  《 "Biography" Val Kilmer 》 (2004) ...Herself  《 The Fever 》 (2004) ...Revolutionary  《 Premiere Women in Hollywood Awards 》 (2004) ...Herself (Received Icon Award)  《超越边界/缘起烽火蔓延时 Beyond Borders 》 (2003) ...Sarah Jordan  《古墓丽影2 Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life 》 (2003) ...Lara Croft  《 Trading Women 》 (2003) ...Narrator  《 "What"s Going On?" 》 (2003) ...(1 episode)  《 "Banzai" 》 (2003) ...Herself (1 episode, 2003)  《 Celebrity Naked Ambition 》 (2003) ...(archive footage)  《 The Orange British Academy Film Awards 》 (2003) ...Herself  《 101 Most Shocking Moments in Entertainment 》 (2003) ...Herself (archive footage)  《所谓人生/天算不如人算/命运倒数/改命情缘 Life or Something Like It 》 (2002) ...Lanie Kerrigan  《 "Secrets of Superstar Fitness" 》 (2002) ...Herself  《 The 59th Annual Golden Globe Awards 》 (2002) ...Herself  《原罪/枕边陷阱/激情叛侣 Original Sin 》 (2001) ...Julia Russell  《古墓丽影/古墓奇兵/盗墓者罗拉 Lara Croft: Tomb Raider 》 (2001) ...Lara Croft  《第73届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 The 73rd Annual Academy Awards 》 (2001) ...Herself - Presenter: Best Actor in a Supporting Role (uncredited)  《 Lara Croft: Lethal and Loaded 》 (2001) ...Herself  《急速60秒/惊天动地60秒 Gone in Sixty Seconds 》 (2000) ...Sara "Sway" Wayland  《第72届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼 The 72nd Annual Academy Awards 》 (2000) ...Herself - Winner: Best Actress in a Supporting Role & Presenter: "The Insider" Film Cl  《 2000 Blockbuster Entertainment Awards 》 (2000) ...Herself  《 The 57th Annual Golden Globe Awards 》 (2000) ...Herself  《移魂女郎/断了线的女孩/女生向前走/我有冇问题 Girl, Interrupted 》 (1999) ...Lisa Rowe  《神秘拼图/人骨拼图/骨中罪/集骨者 The Bone Collector 》 (1999) ...Amelia Donaghy  《空中塞车 Pushing Tin 》 (1999) ...Mary Bell  《 The Making of "Girl, Interrupted" 》 (1999) ...Herself/Lisa Rowe  《好莱坞百年百个明星 AFI"s 100 Years... 100 Stars 》 (1999) ...Herself  《 5th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards 》 (1999) ...  《 The Making of "Girl, Interrupted" 》 (1999) ...thanks  《随心所欲/从心所爱 Playing by Heart 》 (1998) ...Joan  《吉亚 Gia 》 (1998) ...Gia Marie Carangi  《地狱兄弟/绝命捍卫战 Hell"s Kitchen 》 (1998) ...Gloria McNeary  《洛城疑云 Playing God 》 (1997) ...Claire  《风云传奇 George Wallace 》 (1997) ...Cornelia Wallace  《通向天堂之路 True Women 》 (1997) ...Georgia Virginia Lawshe Woods  《恶女帮 Foxfire 》 (1996) ...Margret "Legs" Sadovsky  《全心的爱 Love Is All There Is 》 (1996) ...Gina Malacici  《 Mojave Moon 》 (1996) ...Eleanor "Elie" Rigby  《证据拼图 Without Evidence 》 (1995) ...Jodie Swearingen  《黑客 Hackers 》 (1995) ...Kate Libby ("Acid Burn")  《 "HBO First Look" 》 (1994) ...Herself (5 episodes, 2000-2006)  《无影终结者 Cyborg 2 》 (1993) ...Casella "Cash" Reese  《朴克误我卅年 Lookin" to Get Out 》 (1982) ...Tosh


Aaaw! Whoo! (whistle)Angelina baby please, Please baby be mineAngelina do your chacha, forget about the timeSign your name across my heart, honey ain"t that smartAngelina/ ready, steady-startBRIDGE:We can chacha on the floor, we can chacha on the couchBaby, we can chacha, all around my houseWe can chacha in the night, chacha till twoAnd if you chacha me, I have to chacha youCHORUS:Oh Angelina, Angelina, AngelinaOh my sweet signorina, signorina, AngelinaI-I-I bet that we sweatAngelina, Angelina-be my signorinaOh Angelina- Angelina, Angelina,oh my sweet singorina(Angelina), signorina, AngelinaI-I-I guess you say yesAngelina, Angelina-be my signorinaAaaw! Whoo! (whistle)(Instrumental Adlib)Signorina Angelina, come ride in my new benzIt"s a/ two seater so don"t bring your friendsI got dinner for two, only a la carteAngelina / O, yeah, Ready-steady-startWe can chacha on the floor, we can chacha til twoAnd if you chacha me, I have to chacha you(Repeat chorus)Oh, Angelina, come baby, drop in my benzOh, Angelina, but don"t you bring no more friendsOh, Angelina, I got dinner ala carte for two (just for me and you, ehe!)(Repeat Chorus)Aaaw!




医学美容专业品牌BRAND FOR PROFESSIONAL Angelina品牌故事 安捷莉娜来自于德文的Angelina Heineken,在2005年进入中国的医学美容品牌。



Angelina 中文什么意思

Angelina是Angela 的呢称,就是天使的意思,形容这个女孩象天使一样纯洁和可爱。

Angelina (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Angelina (Album Version)歌手:Yellowjackets专辑:Blue Hatsblackuhuru - AngelGirl, you"re my angel, you"re my darling angelThis is for my destiny uh huh uh huhThis is for my fans uh huh uh uhThis is for my future uh huh uh huhThis is for my best friend uh huh uh huhThis is for my future children uh huh uh uhThis is for my motherThis is for myYou are my best friend,And I love you.You were always there to love me.When I didn"t even love myself,You bring out the best in me,And I thank you.Thank you for my life thanks for your advice,Your wisdom and your strength.My earth angelThank you I"m so gratefulFor trusting me and loving meWith your love unconditionally.My earth angel,Thank you I"m so grateful,For trusting me and loving me,With your love unconditionally.You are my messenger,From heaven.No matter how unhappy I become,You always find a way to make me smile.And I admire you,For your pure heart.You"re always giving all of you to,Everyone around you and I pray we never part.My earth angel,Thank you I"m so grateful,For trusting me and loving me,With your love unconditionally.My earth angel,Thank you I"m so grateful,For trusting me and loving me,With your love unconditionally.And if it wasn"t for you,And if I didn"t know you,And if you never reached me,And if you didn"t teach me,I wouldn"t be who I am right now,I wouldn"t give what I give right now,I wouldn"t think what I think right now.I"m thanking you I"m thanking youMy earth angel,Thank you I"m so grateful,For you trusting me and loving me,With your love unconditionally.My earth angel,Thank you I"m so grateful,For you trusting me and loving me,With your love unconditionally.My earth angel,Thank you I"m so grateful,For you trusting me and loving me,With your love unconditionally.My earth angel,Thank you I"m so grateful,For you trusting me and loving me,With your love unconditionally.



Il Divo的《Angelina》 歌词

歌曲名:Angelina歌手:Il Divo专辑:The PromiseIl Divo - AngelinaTu y yo y solo un corazonQue late por los dosque puede fallarcobarde y cruelel amanecercielo grissin tu pielsi no estasOlvida todo al bailar Angelinahasta el amanecero morir de sedno existe el dolor al bailarAngelina todo va a salir bienno pierdas la feUna noche mas perdido entre tu pieles dificile de entenderpero es asiEstoy a tus piesuna y otra vezal bailar tu y yo soy felizOlvida todo al bailar Angelinahasta el amanecero morir de sedno existe el dolor al bailarAngelina todo va a salir bienno pierdas la feOlvida todo al bailar Angelinahasta el amanecero morir de sedno existe el dolor al bailarAngelina todo va a salir bienno pierdas la feAngelinahasta el amanecero morir de sedno existe el dolor al bailarAngelina todo va a salir bienno pierdas la fe


Angelina: Angela的昵称Angela: Angel的阴性词汇Angel: 源自希腊语,含义“天使”(angel)依据名字的词源应该是个类似天使般的可爱的女孩

Harry Belafonte的《Angelina》 歌词

歌曲名:Angelina歌手:Harry Belafonte专辑:Pure GoldHarry Belafonte - AngelinaAngelina, Angelina, please bring down your concertinaAnd play a welcome for me "cause I"ll be coming home from seaI say Angelina, Angelina, please bring down your concertinaAnd play a welcome for me "cause I"ll be coming home from seaYes it"s so long since I"ve been homeSeems like there"s no place to roamWell I"ve sailed around the HornI"ve been from San Jose up to Baffin BayAnd I"ve rode out many a stormAngelina, Angelina, please bring down your concertinaAnd play a welcome for me "cause I"ll be coming home from seaAngelina, Angelina, please bring down your concertinaAnd play a welcome for me "cause I"ll be coming home from seaWell I"ve heard the bawdy tunesI"ve been in honky tonk saloonsI took my liquor by the vatWell I stayed on call for a rousing brawlHome was where I hung my hatAngelina, Angelina, please bring down your concertinaAnd play a welcome for me "cause I"ll be coming home from seaAngelina, Angelina, please bring down your concertinaAnd play a welcome for me "cause I"ll be coming home from seaNow I"ve courted many a girlI"ve been in ports all around the worldBut my rambling days are doneI"ve been from Curacao up to TokyoAnd I"ve found there"s only oneAnd she is Angelina, Angelina, please bring down yourconcertinaAnd play a welcome for me "cause I"ll be coming home from seaAngelina, Angelina, please bring down your concertinaAnd play a welcome for me "cause I"ll be coming home from seaYes it"s so long since I"ve been homeSeems like there"s no place to roamWell I"ve sailed around the HornI"ve been from San Jose up to Baffin BayAnd I"ve rode out many a stormAngelina, Angelina, please bring down your concertinaAnd play a welcome for me "cause I"ll be coming home from seaAngelina, Angelina, please bring down your concertinaAnd play a welcome for me "cause I"ll be coming home from seaAngelina, Angelina, please bring down your concertinaAnd play a welcome for me "cause I"ll be coming home from seaAngelina, Angelina, please bring down your concertinaAnd play a welcome for me "cause I"ll be coming home from seaAngelina, Angelina, please bring down your concertinaAnd play a welcome for me "cause I"ll be coming home from seaAngelina, Angelina, please bring down your concertinaAnd play a welcome for me "cause I"ll be coming home from sea


Angelina是Angela 的呢称,就是天使的意思,形容这个女孩象天使一样纯洁和可爱



莫镇贤的《Angelina》 歌词

歌曲名:Angelina歌手:莫镇贤专辑:I"m Crying莫镇贤 - Angelina曲:Y.dahbis/S.planchon/P.perez|词:莫镇贤越过这山岗一美丽小小村庄近冷巷没有光有一个少女正被她爸爸逼嫁给他未结识 没知识而权财势厚恶男人少女不甘牺牲因远大理想之心求能自创世界决意远走他方Angelina决意要投奔日后没悔仍带笑向前行 意志坚决望星引到处也逢生 日月渐近投向自由 Angelina独个远走他方尽处是美好风光没化妆任意闯没意识通处看看偶然遇上碰上 碰上个健朗健壮而友善少年还多么关心关注少女说不甘牺牲因远大理想之心求能自创世界决意远走他方Angelina决意要投奔日后没悔仍带笑向前行 意志坚决望星引到处也逢生 日月渐近投向自由 Angelina

Leonard的《Angelina》 歌词

歌曲名:Angelina歌手:Leonard专辑:Hauptsache Du Liebst「Angel」作词∶Sarah Mclachlan作曲∶Sarah Mclachlan歌∶手嶌葵Spend all your time waitingFor that second chanceFor a break that would make it okayThere"s always one reasonTo feel not good enoughAnd it"s hard at the end of the dayI need some distractionOh beautiful releaseMemory seeps from my veinsLet me be emptyOh and weightless and maybeI"ll find some peace tonightIn the arms of the angelFly away from hereFrom this dark cold hotel roomAnd the endlessness that your fearYou are pulled from the wreckageOf your silent reverieYou"re in the arms of the angelMay you find some comfort hereSo tired of the straight lineAnd everywhere you turnThere"s vultures and thieves at your backAnd the storm keeps on twistingYou keep on building the liesThat you make up for all that you lackIt don"t make no differenceEscaping one last timeIt"s easier to believe in this sweet madnessOh this glorious sadness that bringsMe to my kneesIn the arms of the angelFly away from hereFrom this dark cold hotel roomAnd the endlessness that your fearYou are pulled from the wreckageOf your silent reverieYou"re in the arms of the angelMay you find some comfort hereYou"re in the arms of the angelMay you find some comfort here【 おわり 】





lou bega - angelina歌词中文意思

leonyung于南京 噢!喔!(笛) 安吉丽娜,亲爱的,请你做我的宝贝 安吉丽娜你查查,忘了时间 签上你的名字在我的心里,蜂蜜不聪明 安吉丽娜/准备,稳定的开始 我们可以在地板上查查,我们可以在沙发上查查 宝贝,我们可以查查,我的房子周围的一切 我们在夜晚可以查查,ChaCha到两个 如果你查查我,我得查查你 哦,安吉丽娜,安吉丽娜,安吉丽娜 哦我亲爱的小姐,小姐,安吉丽娜 我打赌我们的汗水 安吉丽娜,安吉丽娜是我的小姐 哦,安吉丽娜,安吉丽娜,安吉丽娜, 哦,我的甜蜜的singorina(安吉丽娜),小姐,安吉丽娜 我想你说的没错 安吉丽娜,安吉丽娜是我的小姐 噢!喔!(笛) 安吉丽娜小姐,来我的新的奔驰车 这是一个或两个座位,不要带你的朋友 我有两个人的晚餐,只有点菜 安吉丽娜/ O,是的,准备好开始 我们可以在地板上查查,我们可以查查直到两 如果你查查我,我得查查你 哦,安吉丽娜,安吉丽娜,安吉丽娜 哦我亲爱的小姐,小姐,安吉丽娜 我打赌我们的汗水 安吉丽娜,安吉丽娜是我的小姐 哦,安吉丽娜,安吉丽娜,安吉丽娜, 安吉丽娜,小姐,安吉丽娜 我想你说的没错 安吉丽娜,安吉丽娜是我的小姐 哦,安吉丽娜,来吧宝贝,在我的奔驰降 哦,安吉丽娜,但是你不不会带来更多的朋友 哦,安吉丽娜,我为两个有逊晚餐(只是为了你和我,他!) 哦,安吉丽娜,安吉丽娜,安吉丽娜 哦我亲爱的小姐,小姐,安吉丽娜 我打赌我们的汗水 安吉丽娜,安吉丽娜是我的小姐 哦,安吉丽娜,安吉丽娜,安吉丽娜, 安吉丽娜,小姐,安吉丽娜 我想你说的没错 安吉丽娜,安吉丽娜是我的小姐 噢! 补充: 歌词中不是查查,而是“恰恰”! 追问: 我已经完全忘记三年前我问的这个问题了!! 不过还是谢谢!!

一首英文歌,里面有一句大概是angle lina,叫什么名字?

是 Angel lina chacha 给分吧 肯定是你想要的那个的

verbe pronominal ( 法语 )

就是代动词,同自反代词(me,te,se,nous,vous,se)一起使用的动词,自反代词的性、数要与主语一致。如se coucher的直陈式现在时变位为je me couche,tu te couches,il se couche,nous nous couchons,vous vous couchez,ils se couchent.复合过去时的助动词用être,注意性、数配合。如je me suis couché,nous nous sommes couché.命令式中自反代词放动词后,me、te各改为moi、toi,如Couche-toi!睡觉了!直接及物动词的自反代词是直接宾语还是间接宾语要根据其意义决定: elle se lave 她洗澡(se是laver的直接宾语)。复合过去时为elle s"est lavée(既然是直接宾语就要配合)。 elle se lave les mains她洗手(me是laver的间接宾语,les mains是laver的直接宾语)。复合过去时为elle s"est lavé les mains。代动词有四种意义:1.表示自反意义,即动作作用于主语本身。如se coucher(上床睡觉) Je me couche très tard.我很迟睡觉2.表示相互的意义。即几位动作者的相互动作,主语为复数名词或代词(包括泛指代词),如:s"entraider,se serrer la main(握手) Nous nous entraidons.我们相互帮助3.表示被动意义,如se vendre Ces livres se vendent vite.这些书卖的很快4.表示绝对意义。有些代动词的自反人称代词不起宾语作用,而只是区别于普通动词的一种标示。如se passer(放弃),s"occuper(照顾) Il s"ocuppe de son fils.他照顾他儿子

pronominal verb是什么 特别是法语里面

代动词,自反人称代词 +动词原形,如se lever 等


转录后基因沉默(PTGS, post- transcriptional gene silencing)-最初被认为仅限于矮牵牛花和其它一些植物中的奇异现象,是目前分子生物学研究中一个最热门的话题。过去几年中,科研工作者已明确转录后基因沉默现象普遍存在于动、植物中,在机体防御病毒入侵和转座子沉默效应中起着重要作用。但是最激动人心的是转录后基因沉默现象的技术应用,即在多种有机体中应用核糖核酸干扰(RNA interfere ,RNAi)技术进行特异性的基因剔除以研究相应的基因功能。那么核糖核酸干扰现象是如何被发现?它是怎样工作的?科研工作者怎样把它应用到功能基因组学的研究中呢?10多年前,Rich Jorgensan和他的同事在矮牵牛花中发现一种奇怪的现象。他们尝试把由一强有力启动子控制的基因pigment-produing导入矮牵牛花以加深花的紫色,结果不但颜色未加深,许多花呈现杂色甚至白色。Rich Jorgensan把这种现象称为共抑制,因为外源性导入基因和内源性具有相似功能基因的表达都被抑制了。当时人们不知道这是一种转录后基因沉默。双链核糖核酸能导致转录后基因沉默首先来自于对线虫的研究。1995年Guo和Kewphues试图用反义核糖核酸来阻断Par-1基因的表达以研究其功能。确实反义核糖核酸抑制了基因表达,出乎意料的是用作阴性对照的正义核糖核酸也抑制了基因表达。该结果一直让人迷惑不解,直至三年后Fire和Mello进行了另一实验才真正提出双链核糖核酸能导致转录后基因沉默的理论。Fire和Mello发现把反义核糖核酸和正义核糖核酸的混合物导入线虫后,其抑制效应远远强于单独导入反义核糖核酸或正义核糖核酸的抑制效应。再后来Baulcomb和Hamilton首先发现是~25nt的核糖核酸能特异性抑制具有相应互补序列的基因表达。那么核糖核酸干扰(RNAi)是怎样工作的呢?首先外源导入的双链核糖核酸(dsRNA)被切割为21~23nt的小分子干扰核糖核酸(siRNA)。Dicer, 作为特异性核糖核酸酶家族的一个成员,切割双链核糖核酸为19~23nt小分子干扰核糖核酸(siRNA),这是一个依赖ATP的耗能过程. 切割后的 siRNA具有3"两个核苷酸TT突出末端。然后siRNA结合到核糖核酸酶复合物上形成RNA诱导的基因沉默复合体(RISC,RNA-induced silencing complex)。该复合体依赖ATP释能而解聚siRNA双链成单链以激活RISC。活化的RISC通过由siRNA决定的碱基互补配对原理切割具有同源序列的基因转录体,最终导致基因沉默效应。2012年前具体的切割机制还不明了,研究表明每个RISC包括单链siRNA和核糖核酸酶RNase。.由于RNAi强大的基因沉默效应,有人提出了RNAi通路的效应扩增问题。RNAi通路的效应扩增可能是通过细胞复制外源导入的dsRNA或siRNA本身而实现的。另外,RISC的多次反复使用也能扩增RNAi的基因沉默效应。科研工作者已开始RNAi效应增强子和效应抑制子的研究,认为RNAi是机体细胞一种强有力的基因调控机制。但是在哺乳细胞中外源导入大分子dsRNA(>30nt)常常导致非特异性的基因沉默效应,因为它激活了核糖核酸酶RNaseL而导致非特异性的RNA降解。相反,siRNA(<30nt)不激活RNaseL,而是通过序列特异性的方式诱导基因沉默效应。该序列特异性方式非常严格,一个碱基的错配会显著降低基因沉默效应。所以siRNA可以解释如下,它是一种具有3"两个核苷酸TT突出末端的21~23nt大小的双链核糖核酸,作为RNAi的中介分子,通过序列互补配对法则特异性降解目的基因。siRNA可以经化学合成,比如著名生物学公司Proligo、Orbigen在siRNA合成方面处于世界领先水平,它们既提供即用型siRNA,也提供标记生物素、荧光素和磷酸等的siRNA更方便监测其抑制特异基因表达的效果siRNA也可以通过体外转录获取。它相对便宜,尤其适合于同时合成多个siRNA。虽然理论上说,任何一个具有3"两个核苷酸TT突出末端的19~23nt小分子干扰核糖核酸 siRNA都具备序列特异性的基因沉默效应,但是由于位置效应,比如某些序列,尤其是调控序列易被蛋白质附着而阻止RISC的抑制效应,所以科研工作者首先合成2~4个siRNA进行预实验以选定作用最佳者。RNA专家Ambion公司提供通过体外转录获取siRNA的商品化试剂盒,使这一选择过程简单方便。2012年外源注射和转染是转运siRNA到细胞或机体的主要途经,之后基因沉默效应可以持续数天,同时传至下一代细胞,但终将短时间内消失,因此,2012年许多科研小组开发了siRNA的表达质粒,通过瞬时转染或稳定转染以达到在细胞内不断表达siRNA的目的。有些质粒是表达小发夹结构RNAs(shRNAs, small hairpin RNAs), 在细胞内它被加工处理为siRNA样分子,诱导基因沉默。该质粒是在polyMeraseⅢ启动子和4~5个碱基T转录终止信号中插入shRAN。由于polyMeraseⅢ的特性,转录常常在第二个T终止,插入序列折叠成step-loop结构并带有3"-UU突出末端。该质粒设计是基于线虫、果蝇等中的实验结果,因为其中的基因沉默效应就是通过step-loop而诱导。另外一种siRNA表达质粒是把编码正义和反义的siRNA分别受控于各自的polyMeraseⅢ启动子。两种质粒的基因沉默效应相当。Invivogen公司和Imgenex公司都有操作简单、作用有效的商品化试剂盒提供。而Gene Therapy System 公司的siRNA构建试剂盒则完全采用了不同的机制。该试剂盒首先PCR合成目标序列,然后由T7RNA多聚酶进行体外转录,经退火和纯化处理的体外转录dsRNA模板被重组的Dicer酶切割,从而快速、高效地产生大量小分子干扰RNA(siRNAs)。产生的siRNAs混合物,比单一形式的siRNA更可能导致基因表达沉默。基于2001年-2013年的发表文献和一些实验经验,siRNA的设计可遵循以下几点进行1)选择以碱基A或G开始的19~21nt大小的目的mRNA。因为RNA polyMeraseⅢ启动子只有在第一个转录碱基是嘌呤时才能有效作用。2)针对目的mRNA一般选择2~4个不同序列,GC含量为30~50%,避免四个碱基T或A的连续序列,避免选择起始密码下游50~100nt、终止密码上游100nt以及5"和3"的非编码区域,BLAST检查设计序列的特异性。3)设计适当的实验对照,比如设计有1~2个碱基错配的序列,或者是随机变更siRNA的碱基排列顺序。RNAi的研究刮起了科学界的风暴,siRNA迅速有效抑制特异基因功能的性质促使科研工作者不断深入完善该领域的研究。RNAi可能是未来发展基因治疗策略的新希望所在。RNAi技术必将带来功能基因组学的革命。10 May 2005Human RNA silences viral DNARNA silencing can defend against viruses in humans, French scientists report in this week"s Science. Surprisingly, say the scientists, microRNA (miRNA) appears to form the basis of this system. MiRNAs were thought to be involved in the regulation of endogenous genes, whereas exogenous RNAs, in particular viral RNAs, were thought to be regulated by siRNA [small interfering RNA], lead author Charles-Henri Lecellier at the Institute of Plant Molecular Biology in Strasbourg, France, told The Scientist.Prior studies have revealed that RNA interference can destroy viruses in plants and insects, but a similar role in vertebrates has not been demonstrated. Since RNA silencing can suppress endogenous retroviruses from mobilizing in plants, yeast, worms, and flies, Lecellier and colleagues reasoned that retrotransposition of mammalian exogenous viruses might also prove vulnerable. They chose as their model system the primate foamy virus type 1, a retrovirus akin to HIV.PFV-1 accumulation in cultured human embryonic kidney cells was strongly enhanced by the expression of the P19 silencing suppressor, suggesting that a siRNA or miRNA pathway limited PFV-1 replication in human cells, because P19 specifically binds to and inactivates both. To identify the target and means of human RNA silencing, the investigators fused viral sequences spanning the PFV-1 genome to a green fluorescent protein (GFP)–tagged reporter gene into constructs cotransfected with PFV-1 into baby hamster kidney cells. Northern and Western analysis revealed GFP levels from construct F11 were disproportionately reduced compared to F11 mRNA accumulation, which reminded researchers of miRNA translational inhibition. The DIANA-microT algorithm revealed a high probability match between the F11 sequence and the human miR-32.Further studies demonstrated miR-32 silencing was suppressed in P19-expressing cells. Also, anti-miR-32 locked nucleic acid oligonucleotide almost doubled progeny virus production, unlike anti-miR-23, suggesting miR-32 has a direct, sequence-specific antiviral effect. In plants and insects, all viruses targeted by RNA interference encode proteins that suppress RNA silencing. Further studies found that in PFV-1, Tas, a viral transactivator, was that protein.In Arabidopsis, transgenic Tas expression strongly decreased siRNAs and led to developmental anomalies reminiscent of those elicited by suppressors interfering with miRNA functions, such as leaf elongation and serration, suggesting Tas suppresses a fundamental step conserved from plants to mammals shared between the miRNA and siRNA pathways. Like Tas, another protein, AC2, encoded by the DNA plant viruses, geminiviruses, is a viral transactivator that can suppress RNA silencing. We want to investigate whether transactivation and suppression are linked or completely separate, Lecellier said.Researchers currently think each cell type harbors its own specific miRNA repertoire, Lecellier said. This idea could partially explain some of the differences in viral permissivity observed between specific tissues, he said, with viruses preferentially replicating in cell types where antiviral miRNAs are not expressed or are only weakly expressed.A miRNA response could also lead to the emergence of viral quasispecies, as viruses that can rapidly introduce synonymous mutations into their genomes, such as HIV or influenza, do so to evade silencing by miRNA. The emergence of quasispecies is important for resistance to antiviral strategies, so studying this miRNA response could be important for studying resistance, Lecellier said.The team saw no evidence that human cells used siRNAs to disable viruses. So it"d be interesting to investigate whether or not mammals have lost the ability to respond to viruses using siRNAs because they have a more advanced immune system than plants and flies and worms, said Phillip Zamore at the University of Massachusetts, who did not participate in this study. It was uncertain whether the miRNAs were part of a dedicated antiviral response or whether they accidentally silenced viral RNA, he said. It"d be interesting to see whether expression of miRNAs are vastly upregulated in viral infection, he told The Scientist.Future directions should involve testing any of the several hundred human microRNAs against viruses such as HIV and influenza, said Shou-Wei Ding at the University of California at Riverside, who did not participate in this study. Also, they studied this in cell culture, and it"d be interesting to look at this at the whole animal level, Ding told The Scientist.The ScientistMay 10, 2005Original web page at BioMed Central


你好!submarine 英[u02ccsu028cbmu0259u02c8riu02d0n] 美[u02ccsu028cbmu0259u02c8riu02d0n] n. 潜艇; 潜艇三明治,长卷三明治(用长卷面包纵向切开,内夹各种食物); adj. 水下的; 海底的; [例句]Can you fix a position on the submarine?你能给潜水艇定位吗?marine 英[mu0259u02c8riu02d0n] 美[mu0259u02c8riu02d0n] adj. 海的; 海产的; 海生的; 海船的; 货船的; 海上贸易的; n. (尤指美国或英国皇家) 海军陆战队士兵; [例句]The sinking of the tanker has made aspects of marine pollution particularly topical.油轮的沉没使得海洋污染的方方面面都成为眼下大家尤为关注的热点话题。naval 英[u02c8neu026avl] 美[u02c8neu026avl] adj. 海军的; [例句]He was the senior serving naval officer.他那时是现役海军高级军官。

Warning: Found pins functioning as undefined clocks and/or memory enables是什么意思

没设定全局时钟方法: 选择Assignment > Setting命令,在Timing Analysis Settings下选择的Classic Timing Analyzer Settings Default required fmax中填入时钟频率,点击下面的Indicidual Clocks按钮 点击New 点击Applies to node后面的“...”按钮,并在弹出的Node finder中加入相应的CLK信号 填上clock settings name(即为程序中CLK),设置时钟频率和占空比,点击OK 然后一路OK下去,再编译的时候这个警告就会没有了

Pin order data (PINS=1:[]) not in READ ONLY field 4. Pins sorted by pin-name怎么改啊?

在用protel 99se进行仿真时,选择的器件要从Simulation Symbol.LIB里选取所需的器件,不能像画.SCH文件那样直接从MIS库里选择。。。

redis syncandreturnall 返回的结果有序吗

@Testpublic void test3Pipelined() { Jedis jedis = new Jedis("localhost"); Pipeline pipeline = jedis.pipelined(); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { pipeline.set("p" + i, "p" + i); } List<Object> results = pipeline.syncAndReturnAll(); long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("Pipelined SET: " + ((end - start)/1000.0) + " seconds"); jedis.disconnect();



Pipeline Management是什么意思


在看经济学英文文章时,看到几个名词,financial consolidation,monetary accommodation,feedback loops.



2020年的春节是不平静的,发生了太多事情,让人觉得尤为漫长。应对新型冠状肺炎疫情,很多公司考虑到员工的健康决定推迟返工时间,开启春节后在家办公的机制,这让不少用户对在线协作或远程办公软件产生了需求。大家都知道远程办公可以随时随地进行工作,灵活安排工作时间、生活时间,令工作更轻松。针对这些需求,我给大家介绍几款比较好用的远程软件,希望能帮到远程办公的朋友。01 TeamViewer远程控制软件TeamViewer是一个在任何防火墙和NAT代理的后台用于远程控制,桌面共享和文件传输的简单且快速的解决方案。为了连接到另一台计算机,只需要在两台计算机上同时运行。TeamViewer 即可而不需要进行一个安装的过程。TeamViewer该软件第一次启动在两台计算机上自动生成伙伴 ID。只需要输入你的伙伴的 ID 到 TeamViewer,然后就会立即建立起连接。 TeamViewer可在几秒钟内连接到世界各地的任何PC或服务器上。您可以身临现场般地远程控制您伙伴的PC。02 向日葵远程控制软件除了前面介绍的TeamViewer,还有一款贝锐科技推出的向日葵远程控制软件,也是针对远程办公、远程操控这一需求,提供了非常出色的软件体验。比如将手机投屏到电脑屏幕,电脑远程投屏到电脑,可支持同时投屏多个,企业远程会议好帮手。向日葵推荐这款软件的原因是它的下载和安装过程非常的简单,而且与市面上大多远程工具不同,向日葵支持Windows、Mac、Linux、iOS、Android这些主流系统的相互控制,甚至可控制各种品牌的Android手机,比如iPhone7远程控制华为P10。具有远程桌面、远程文件、远程开关机、桌面演示等功能都适用于远程办公。配置操作:1、首先在官网注册向日葵账号,先在办公室电脑上安装向日葵客户端并登录帐号;2、在出差的笔记本上下载向日葵主控端并登录同一个帐号;3、用主控端远程控制办公室电脑和远程传文件。03 腾讯文档远程办公工具为了更好地抗击疫情传播,助力部分企业远程协同办公,腾讯TIM团队宣布,腾讯文档开放免费会员,全面支持远程办公。腾讯表示,针对此次疫情带来的办公需求,腾讯文档免费开放会员功能,单文档同时在线编辑人数提升至200人,并提供多套办公模版,正式开启了“停班不停工”模式。腾讯文档腾讯文档是我一直在使用的办公软件,它用起来确实很方便,登录腾讯文档只需要用微信或手机QQ扫一下二维码即可,需要输入账号密码,能使用户随时随地在各类设备上创建和编辑Word和Excel文档。腾讯文档有网页版、iOS版和安卓版三种独立版本。此外,它还有微信小程序版,同时也嵌入到了TIM和QQ Mac中,腾讯文档支持在线文档和表格,兼容Word、Excel两种微软格式,不支持PowerPoint。新建在线文档时,系统内置了工作日报、简历、房屋租赁合同等多个模板。04 飞书远程办公工具飞书是字节跳动推出的企业级办公工具,与它类似的产品有阿里的钉钉、企业微信。但相比钉钉或企业微信,我更推荐飞书,因为飞书有网页版,无需下载软件即可使用。虽然电脑的磁盘空间还剩挺多,但在主张「断舍离」的当下,我更倾向于少安装一些软件。飞书除了基本的通信功能,飞书内置了在线文档、表格和文档模板等创作工具,加上便捷灵活的分享功能,方便与其他成员进行协作。不得不说,飞书是一个全能型的工具,集合了通信、文件传输、文档共享和企业管理等功能,可以是应急的选择,也可以是中小企业长期使用的内部协作工具。在这疫情特殊时期,通过使用远程办公应对各种工作需求,同行伙伴不妨下载体验和使用,愿我们共渡难关、早日打赢疫情防控阻击战。我们相信灾难过后,一切都是美好的新生活。祝福每一个在灾难中仍然坚守岗位的中国人,加油。(7379309)


房地产金融(Real Estate Finance) 房地产金融作为 经济学 的一个分支,是一门应用性很强的学科, 它主要研究房地产经济领域内信贷资金运动及其规律性, 有别于一般工商业资金的融通。希望采纳

real-estate management是什么意思


recruitment manager是什么意思


Christina Aguilera的《I Am》 歌词

歌曲名:I Am歌手:Christina Aguilera专辑:Bionic (Deluxe Version)I am timidAnd I am oversensitiveI am a lionessI am tired and defensiveYou take me in your armsAnd I fold into youI have insecuritiesYou show me I am beautifulLove me or leave me just take it or leave itIt"s not that I"m needy just need you to see meTake me, free me, see through to the core of meTake me, free me, there will be no more pretendingI am temperamentalAnd I have imperfectionsAnd I am emotionalI am unpredictableI am nakedI am vulnerableI am a womanI am opening up to youLove me or leave me, just take it or leave itIt"s not that I"m needy, just need you to see meTake me, free me, see through to the core of meTake me, free me, there will be no more pretendingNow I stand before you with my heart in my handsI"m asking you to take me just the way that I amPlease lay down your armsDo you know me?Make me feel safe from harmOh just take me, free me, see through to the core of meTake me, free me, there will be no more pretendingI am temperamentalAnd I have imperfectionsAnd I am emotionalThere"ll be no more pretendingI Am

financial disclosures是什么意思

financial disclosures 网络 财务公开 disclosures n. 透露; 公开( disclosure的名词复数 ); 被公开的事情; 被披露的秘闻; [例句]Today"s council sessions have been carefully stage-managed to avoid embarrassing disclosures or signs of internal dissent.今天的理事会会议已经过精心安排,以避免爆出令人难堪的讯息或显示出内部不和的迹象。[其他] 原型: disclosure



Niamh Kavanagh和Anne Takle的资料

只知道一首Anne Takle的nocturne 的歌,其他就不知道了



christina aguilera、maroon 5 moves like jagger什么意思

就是指christina和maroon5合作演唱了moves like jagger这首歌曲。

i am here in China 。I am in China意思?

“i am here in china”这里的here 有“当下”和“这里”的双重意思。


Anna 就是安娜Anne 就是安妮Anne好,是公主的意思


单人过professiona难度,其实并不难!(切记一定要带上医生!!)在professiona难度下敌人的血明显厚很多,最让人头疼的就莫过于猎食者了!第一关,推荐使用角色:Lupo,携带主动技能推荐:主动技Incendiary rounds(就是燃烧**的那个)推荐主武器:Mob Special,推荐副武器:Lightning Hawk作为初始关卡,几乎没有出现zombie!都是一些武装部队,在这一关我建议第一次打professiona难度的玩家使用Lupo!由于大部分敌人都是武装部队来说,在这里Lupo的俩个被动技能充分发挥其所在的优势!再加上主动技能Incendiary rounds的效果(敌人在燃烧下会出现很长时间的硬直)第一关轻松过!注意在professiona难度下的威廉,可不像其他模式的那样随便打打就会后退的!要灵活应用R3+X(向后躲避),就算是不开枪也能轻易的躲过威廉的钢管重击!第二关,这里就开始出现zombie了,推荐使用角色:Lupo,携带主动技能推荐:主动技Incendiary rounds(就是燃烧**的那个)推荐主武器:Mob Special,推荐副武器:Lightning Hawk这一关一个麻烦的角色出现了-尼古拉,他会不停的在Game里搅局!不过咱不理他!在这一关里将会出现大量的舔食者,弟兄们带好你们的疫苗冲吧!不要恋战,会出人命的!用Lupo的话过关过的快点,用火焰射击横扫一切吧!对付舔食者,先用主武器将其击落正在地在用体术,用体术配合主武器的进攻,舔食者就可以很轻松解决掉了!注意在关卡临近尾声的那里,会出现大量舔食者!记住不要恋战,你是杀不完的36计走为上策!跑!!第三关,推荐使用角色:Lupo,携带主动技能推荐:主动技Incendiary rounds(就是燃烧**的那个)推荐主武器:Mob Special,推荐副武器:Lightning Hawk在这一关里将会出现猎食者了,不过不怕就两只而已!注意躲避就行了,然后在集中火力灭了它就完事了!这一关对于 主要敌人还是武装部队来说还是依然选用Lupo!注意在炸电站那里要小心,在professiona难度下,武装部队明显勇敢了很多!找掩护在打!要不然会吃不消的!在中途尼古拉又出来搅局了,在墓地一战后他很不服,这不现在又来找玩家挑战了!这里不要管他,开了下一个几个他就自动消失了!第四关,···最恶心的一关了这一关将会出现追迹者了(当年的铁皮老毛来了·····),推荐使用角色Beltway携带主动技能推荐:主动技Timed Sticky Explosive(将丢出的手雷黏在目标身上)推荐主武器:Mob Special,推荐副武器:Lightning Hawk在这一关大街上出现了,狙击手!本人建议优先处决掉他们!!要不然到后面会很麻烦!在实验室那里还是老方法!跑!不停的开机关!别管NPC了反正到了下一个剧情点他们也会复活!!跑!!至于暴君,在这里先不管他了,跑吧!!到了关卡尾声老追来了,别怕他,先清光楼上的杂兵在说,找个掩体屈死他!(注意照头打,他和暴君的弱点都一样!在这里就可以借助掩体用主动技Timed Sticky Explosive(将丢出的手雷黏在目标身上)玩死他)记住哦当老追单膝跪地的时候,要快点上去给他来一针哦!要不然他又要爬起来,发彪了!!又是坑爹的一关!!第五关了!!推荐使用角色:Four Eyes,携带主动技能推荐:主动技Program infected(控制zombie和生化怪物)推荐主武器:Mob Special,推荐副武器:Lightning Hawk这一个该死的猎食者最坑人了,多的不得了!记住要慢慢来两个俩个的打,先用主动技Program infected控制一只去打另一只,在游戏中有给榴弹的,要好好用!打猎食者很方便的!就这样猎食者就可以轻松解决了!!处理完猎食者之后就要轮到威力无比的暴君双子组合了,先用主动技Program infected让暴君双子内讧在打。记住要救人!还有之前说过的照头打!!这样不死轻松过!终于到第六关了,推荐使用角色:Four Eyes,携带主动技能推荐:主动技Program infected(控制zombie和生化怪物)推荐主武器:Mob Special,推荐副武器:Lightning Hawk由于本关,猎食者的原因我依然推荐使用角色Four Eyes!至于打法之前就说了!!看第五关····!!在本关中有一段和艾达的对手剧情,先把陷阱去除了先,在借助掩体强攻就可以了(一定要带好急救喷雾)!至于最后的暴君泰坦,多注意闪躲,然后攻击他的心脏位置就OK了!最后一关了,在这里我就不推荐使用角色了和武器了!一开始处的地方有很多狙击手,优先处决他们!!在临近末尾那里趁机往围栏的丧尸群扔颗手雷,炸开围栏等到美军和丧尸纠缠的时候找机会冲进围栏内爬梯子触发剧情就OK了!然后有个选择,左方L1是作为背叛者和里昂一起消灭原队友,右边R2是消灭背叛者和里昂。胜利后看结局就可以了 !!呼~~~呼~~~累死我了!!!!打了一个下午才把professiona难度给过了,其实我也不想单人过的,加不着人!无奈之下只有自己开工了!哈哈~~~~

Finalliy,I go home. 这句句子语法上有错误吗???

Finally, I went home这个比较恰当

signal conditioning是什么意思

用作名词 (n.)I want to buy a set of air conditioning.我想买一台空调。He equipped his car with air conditioning.他给他的汽车装了空调。The room is equipped with air conditioning.这个房间装有空调设备。They are conditioning the horse for a race.他们在训练那匹马以参加比赛。It is to his work that we owe the term "conditioning" to describe one form of animals" learning.正是由于他的研究,我们才有了“条件反射”这个词来表述动物学习的一种形式。

narsha I am in love 中文歌词

撒西楞穷吧嘶唔得不头可得求哇嘿打够嘛啦给嘎内跟呛哦流喔都够求木按就油料卡机阿勒喵可得喏叽嘎巴克家里苏谷都不顾叽唔克叛不克就克破叽喵桑求不腻够啦呢瑟嘎给度料唔咪呀普桑够撒西里机麻看角蓝麻木咯克度哈古怕拉都撒浪米苦得拉姑那米都哟WuuuuI"minlove,WuuuuuI"mfallinlove度料金啊内哟克得哇韩给啦喵瑟桑唔弄木啊楞答普就IthoughtInevergonnafallinloveButI"minloveCuzIwannaloveyoubaby撒西楞穷吧嘶唔得不头 内漫苏唔鲁不透克得怕都求垄米料度楼偶同哈鲁迥异可得满都偶料Icanbeagoodlover Wannabeyour内一clover瑟桑诶搜卡将和应补卡要加嘎顿够满嘎头哟可得gottabelieveme Makeyounevergonnaleaveme唔信哈金啊嫩嘞哟克哒米哒卡哟HaaaI"minlove,WantyoumybabyHaahaI"mfallinlove度料金啊内哟克得哇韩给啦喵瑟桑唔弄木啊楞答普就HuuuI"minlove,I"msodeepinlove huuui"mfallinlove度料金啊内哟克得哇韩给啦喵瑟桑唔弄木啊楞答普就可得嫩 弄木啊楞答普就

urumqi,in the west of china,这句话对不对?

Urumqi,in the west of China.或Urumqi is in the west of China.记得点赞;满意采纳哦


应该是账户持有者的姓名,account holder是账户持有人,

用CMD启动VMware NAT Service服务

sc config "VMware NAT Service" start= autonet start "VMware NAT Service"


newUserDe.Rename("张三")如果 UsePropertyCache 为True调用下 newUserDe.CommitChanges()

middle of nowhere 和 shake it up中英文歌词(selena)

Middle of nowhereYou left me spinning like a disco,你让我像身处迪斯科舞厅里那样旋转,but i didn"t know if I can stand straight但我不知道我是否能站得直You took me left when you knew i was right当我认为对的时候你总把我带向另一边now i gotta fight just to make it throughthe day现在我要为此奋斗仅为了反抗这样的每一天I never knew what you were capable of,我从不知道你擅长什么Baby i would of kept my heart,我想留住我的心,babybut i gave it up, Baby i fell in love,但我放弃了,我爱上了你now i don"t know where to start不过我现在不知道该从哪开始说起It"s so cold with nobody to hold me如今没有人能给我温暖You"re so wrong for leaving when you told me, 你曾经告诉过我离开我是个错You would never leave me by myselfOut in the middle of nowhere你从不会让我一个人无依无靠的过日子Now i"m lost trying to make it on my own现在我已不想去努力一个人过日子i thought i could never do this alone我觉得我一个人做不到but now i"m walking myself out in themiddle of nowhere但我现在却一个人无依无靠的过着日子You left me broken like a record baby,你让我的心破碎不堪,babyi"m baby, I"m hurt & i don"t wannna playanymore, 我受伤了,baby,我不要再这样下去了,Missed every sign, believed every lie, whoa whoa & i was waiting for more不会再想念你每个暗号,不会再相信你每个谎言,我不会再等你了I never knew what you were capable of,我从不知道你擅长什么Baby i would of kept my heart,我想留住我的心,babybut i gave it up, Baby i fell in love,但我放弃了,我爱上了你now i don"t know where to start不过我现在不知道该从哪开始说起It"s so cold with nobody to hold me如今没有人能给我温暖You"re so wrong for leaving when you told me, 你曾经告诉我离开我是个错You would never leave me by myselfOut in the middle of nowhere你从不会让我一个人无依无靠的过日子Now i"m lost trying to make it on my own现在我已不想去努力一个人过日子i thought i could never do this alone我觉得我一个人做不到but now i"m walking myself out in themiddle of nowhere但我现在却一个人无依无靠的过着日子 粉丝做的专辑封面You took my heart off my sleeve & nowi"m taking back it back, back你把我的心从我体内取走了,现在我要把它夺回来baby here i come,baby,我来了You took advantage of me i don"t appreciate that,你利用我,我不会来感激你的that you son of a gun你这个王八蛋It"s so cold with nobody to hold me如今没有人能给我温暖You"re so wrong for leaving when you told me, 你曾经告诉我离开我是个错You would never leave me by myselfOut in the middle of nowhere你从不会让我一个人无依无靠的过日子It"s so cold with nobody to hold me如今没有人能给我温暖You"re so wrong for leaving when you told me, 你曾经告诉我离开我是个错You would never leave me by myselfOut in the middle of nowhere你从不会让我一个人无依无靠的过日子Now i"m lost trying to make it on my own现在我已不想去努力一个人过日子i thought i could never do this alone我觉得我一个人做不到but now i"m walking myself out in themiddle of nowhere但我现在却一个人无依无靠的过着日子Shake it up 这个找不到中文版的Don"t like waiting (x2)Lets go right now!Gotta" hit the groundDancing before the musicSlows downWhat I"m sayin" (x2)If there"s something to fixtake it to another level,This is the remixEverybody, everybodyGet out on the floorIt can get a little crazyWhen the kick hits the floorMake a scene (x2)Nobody can ignoreDon"t knock it, til you rock itWe can"t take it not more!Bring the lights up!Bust the doors down!Dust yourself off,Shake it up!Shake it up!DJ set it off!Take it up a notchAll together now!Shake it up!Shake it up!Shake it up!Break it down (x2)I"ve got something to sayWhen you"re dancin" whit me,It"s like we go MIAMake a scene (x2)Nobody can ignoreDon"t knock it, til you rock itWe can"t take it not more!Bring the lights up!Bust the doors down!Dust yourself off,Shake it up!Shake it up!DJ set it off!Take it up a notchAll together now!Shake it up!Shake it up!Sh-sh-sh-Shake it up,You gotta change it up!And if the days not right?Just brush it off tonight!Put on the attitude!Your in my pocket moodAnd when you"ve had enough,Sh-sh-sh-shake it up!Bring the lights up!Bust the doors down!Dust yourself off,Shake it up!Shake it up!DJ set it off!Take it up a notchAll together now!Shake it up!Shake it up!.........

i am in love 音译歌词narsha

Narsha—I"m In Love杂西冷 中吧say得为头 苦得囧哇黑大够嘛啦gi噶 呢跟产哦留无动够求莫囧 哟啦卡机啊你谬 苦得弄其噶吧卡杂里苏够都波够 其右给怕不给就ki怕几谬 散酒不腻够那蓝森噶给吐留无你又散工 撒西里几满看囧啦买嘛弄 ki都哈够怕辣都撒蓝米 苦得啦古纳尼达哟I"m in love , I"m fall in love度留几按内哟 苦得哇汗给那谬say撒恩 弄木 啊留大囧I thought I never gonna fall in loveBut I"m in love Cuz I wanna love you baby撒西冷 冲吧say得不通 内慢苏 饿了不通苦等怕啦穷咯米留 吐咯哦通 哈啦囧诶苦忒慢都哦留I can be a good lover Wanna be your 内cloversay散诶搜卡讲很不看有加敢推够慢够他有苦等 gotta believe me Make you never gonna leave me额新哈进啊嫩类有 苦等米得给油I"m in love,Want you my baby I"m fall in love度留几按内哟 苦得哇汗给那谬say撒恩 弄木 啊留大囧I"m in love , I"m fall in love度留几按内哟 苦得哇汗给那谬say撒恩 弄木 啊留大囧苦得努弄木 啊留大囧

narsha 的《I am in love》的罗马音

uc0acuc2e4uc740 ucca8 ubd24uc744 ub54c ubd80ud130 uadf8ub308 uc88buc544ud588ub2e4uace0sasireun cheom bwasseul ttae buteo geudael johahaetdagoub9d0ud558uae30uac00 ub0b4uac90 ucc38 uc5b4ub824uc6e0ub358uac70uc8e0malhagiga naegen cham eoryeowotdeongeojyouba3cuc800 uc5f0ub77dud558uc9c0 uc54auc73cuba74 uadf8ub308 ub193uce60uae4cubd10meonjeo yeollakhaji anheumyeon geudael nochilkkabwauae00uc790ub97c uc4f0uace0 ub610 ubcf4uace0 uc9c0uc6b0uae38 ubc18ubcf5ud588uc8e0geuljareul sseugo tto bogo jiugil banbokhaetjyouae4auc5b4uc9c0uba74 uc0c1ucc98ubfd0uc77cuac70ub77cub294 uc0dduac01uc5d0gipeojimyeon sangcheoppunilgeoraneun saenggageub450ub824uc6c0uc774 uc55euc120 uac74 uc0acuc2e4uc774uc9c0ub9ccduryeoumi apseon geon sasirijimanuac04uc808ud55c ub9d8uc73cub85c uae30ub3c4ud558uace0 ubc14ub7acub358 uc0acub78cuc774ganjeolhan mameuro gidohago baraetdeon saramiuadf8ub300ub77cuace0 ub09c ubbffuc5b4uc694geudaerago nan mideoyo*I"m in love , I"m fall in loveI"m in love , I"m fall in loveub450ub835uc9c4 uc54aub124uc694 uadf8ub300uc640 ud568uaed8ub77cuba74duryeopjin annneyo geudaewa hamkkeramyeonuc138uc0c1uc740 ub108ubb34 uc544ub984ub2f5uc8e0sesangeun neomu areumdapjyoI thought I never gonna fall in loveBut I"m in loveCuz I wanna love you babyuc0acuc2e4uc740 ucca8 ubd24uc744 ub54c ubd80ud130 ub0b4 ub9d8uc18duc73cub85c ubd80ud130sasireun cheom bwasseul ttae buteo nae mamsogeuro buteouadf8ub304 ud30cub3c4ucc98ub7fc ubc00ub824 ub4e4uc5b4 uc628ud1b5 ud558ub8e8 uc885uc77c uadf8ub300ub9cc ub5a0uc62cub824geudaen padocheoreom millyeo deureo ontong haru jongil geudaeman tteoollyeoI can be a good lover Wanna be your ub124uc78ecloverI can be a good lover Wanna be your neipcloveruc138uc0c1uc5d0uc11c uac00uc7a5 ud589ubcf5ud55c uc5ecuc790uac00 ub41c uac83ub9cc uac19uc544uc694sesangeseo gajang haengbokhan yeojaga doen geotman gatayouadf8ub304 gotta believe megeudaen gotta believe meMake you never gonna leave meMake you never gonna leave meuc758uc2ecud558uc9c4 uc54auc744ub798uc694 uadf8ub308 ubbffuc744uaed8uc694uisimhajin anheullaeyo geudael mideulkkeyo* repeat x 2uadf8ub300ub294 ub108ubb34 uc544ub984ub2f5uc8e0geudaeneun neomu areumdapjyo

运行runas /user:administrator cmd 不成功

有啊Runas 允许用户用其他权限运行指定的工具和程序,而不是用户当前登录提供的权限。 语法 runas [{/profile /noprofile}] [/env] [/netonly] [/smartcard] [/showtrustlevels] [/trustlevel] /user:UserAccountName program 参数 /profile 加载用户的配置文件。/profile 是默认值。 /no profile /noprofile 指定不加载用户的配置文件。这使应用程序载入的更加快速,但是在一些应用程序中也会引起错误。 /env 指定当前使用的网络环境,而不是用户的本地环境。 /netonly 指明指定的用户信息只用于远程访问。 /smartcard /smartcard 表示凭据是否是由智能卡提供的。 /showtrustlevels 列出 /trustlevel 开关项。 /trustlevel 指定应用程序运行所在的授权级别。使用 /showtrustlevels 查看可用的信任级别。 /user:UserAccountName 指定在其下运行程序的用户帐户的名称。用户帐户的格式应是 user@domain 或 domainuser。 程序 指定要用在 /user 中指定的帐户运行的程序或命令。 /? 在命令提示符显示帮助。 注释 管理员可以使用一个权限受限制的帐户执行日常、非管理性的任务,只有在执行特定管理任务时,才使用一个权限更大的帐户。要不经过注销再重新登录就完成这样的任务,可以用一般帐户登录,然后使用 runas 命令来运行需要更大权限的工具。 有关 runas 命令的使用范例,请参阅“相关主题”。 尽管 runas 通常由 Administrator 帐户使用,但并非仅限于 Administrator 帐户。任何拥有多个帐户的用户均可以利用备用凭据,使用 runas 运行程序、MMC 控制台或“控制面板”项。 如果要在计算机上使用 Administrator 帐户,对于 /user:,键入下列参数之一: /user:AdministratorAccountName@ComputerName /user:ComputerNameAdministratorAccountName 如果想以域管理员身份使用这个命令,键入下列参数之一: /user:AdministratorAccountName@DomainName /useromainNameAdministratorAccountName runas 命令允许您运行程序 (*.exe)、保存的 MMC 控制台 (*.msc)、程序和保存的 MMC 控制台的快捷方式及“控制面板”项。作为另一组(例如“Users”或“Power Users”组)的成员登录到计算机时,可以以管理员的身份运行。 可以使用 runas 命令来启动任何程序、MMC 控制器或“控制面板”项。只要提供适当的用户帐户和密码信息,用户帐户就具有登录到计算机的能力,并且程序、MMC 控制台、“控制面板”项在系统中及对该用户帐户均可用. runas 命令允许您管理其他域的服务器(运行工具的计算机和要管理的服务器在不同的域中)。 如果尝试使用 runas 从网络位置启动程序、MMC 控制台或“控制面板”项,可能会因为用来连接网络共享的凭据与用来启动程序的凭据不同而失败。后者的凭据可能无法访问同一网络共享。 有些项,例如“打印机”文件夹和桌面项,间接由 Windows 2000 打开,而不能使用 runas 命令启动。 如果 runas 命令失败,则可能是没有运行 RunAs 服务或使用的用户帐户无效。要检查 RunAs 服务的状态,请在“计算机管理”中单击“服务和应用程序”,然后单击“服务”。要测试用户帐户,请尝试使用该帐户登录合适的域。 范例 要在本地计算机上以管理员身份启动 Windows 2000 命令提示行实例,请键入: runas /user:localmachinenameadministrator cmd 系统提示时,键入管理员密码。 要使用名为 companydomaindomainadmin 的域管理员帐户启动“计算机管理”管理单元实例,请键入: runas /user:companydomaindomainadmin "mmc %windir%system32compmgmt.msc" 当提示时,键入帐户密码。 要使用名为 的域中的域管理员帐户 user 启动“记事本”实例,请键入: runas / "notepad my_file.txt" 当提示时,键入帐户密码。 要启动命令提示符行窗口、保存的 MMC 控制台、控制面板项或管理其他地点服务器的程序的一个实例,请键入: runas /netonly /user:domainusername "command" domainusername 必须是有足够权限管理服务器的用户。当提示时,键入帐户密码。1.已经进入cmd窗口,不过不是以管理员身份进入的。2.使runas /user:administrator cmd 不会以管理员身份运行的,会将administrator视为账户名,要求输入密码,但是系统中不存在此账户。3.本账户hicode是管理员身份,但是runas user:hicode后,可以打开cmd,但是还是没有管理员权限。4.就是想用命令的方式来替代打开文件时候的右键“以管理员身份运行”.5.如有高手相助,本人不胜感激。

who realize how ordinary I am is me什么用法(语法)?


登陆ICQ中的account name中应该填帐号还是什么

account name意思是帐户名称,直接填帐号就可以了

Final Fantasy XIV OST(主题曲) - Answers(lyrics):歌词+中文翻译

Final Fantasy XIV OST(主题曲) - Answers(lyrics):歌词+中文翻译(背景音)I close my eyes, tell us why must we suffer我闭上双眼,告诉我们为何一定要承受这些苦难Release your hands for your will runs asunder你的意志若崩溃的话就松开你的双手吧My legs long tired, tell us where must we wander我的双腿已疲惫不堪,告诉我们必须走到哪才是终点How can we carry on with redemption beyond us我们要怎样才能持续地超越自我的极限(女声)To all of my children in whom life flows abundant让我所有的孩子享有丰沛的生命泉源To all of my children to whom death hath passed his judgment让我所有的孩子都知道他们为何而亡The soul yearns for honor and the flesh the hereafter灵魂都渴望著藏在血肉之躯下的荣耀 Look to those who walked before to lead those who walk after看著先人走在前端带领著那些落後的人们向前Shining is the land"s light of justice大地闪耀著正义之光流Ever flows the land"s well of purpose流遍了大地直到全部布满为止Walk free, walk free, walk free, believe,信念让自由可以四处漫游The land"s alive, so believe所以相信大地仍充满生命(和声)Suffer [feel] (me) Lonely [face] (me) Weakness [teach] (me) Evil [Fear] (me)苦痛[感受](我)孤独[面容](我) 弱点[指导](我)邪恶[恐惧](我)although[feel] (me) one must [face] (me) stumble [teach] (me) listen [speak] 尽管[感受](我)一个人必须[面对](我)蹒跚[教导](我)聆听[诉说](我)(me)(Although we) [speak] we (might) [tell] them (we must) [tell] them (land of) (尽管我们)[诉说]我们(可能)[告诉]他们(我们必须)[告诉]他们(大地)[hope] hope希望 (Mother) [hope] hope (father) [wish] with (every) [wish] wish(has a) [roam] (母亲)[期许]希望(父亲)[愿望]愿望(每个)[愿望]愿望(都有个)[遨游]home家乡(we must go) [roam] go (listen) [roam] go (suffer) [roam] home (sanctum) (我们须前往)[遨游]前往(聆听)[遨游]前往(蒙受)[遨游]家乡(圣地)[swim] leap [游向]飞越(And as) [speak] we (wander) [sleep] sleep (answer) [sleep on] sleep on (on) (而当)[诉说]我们(飘移)[沉睡]沉睡(答案)[沉睡著]沉睡著(沉睡...)(女声)Now open your eyes while our plight is repeated打开你的双眼看看现在,我们的困境已经加倍的严重Still deaf to our cries lost in hope we lie defeated仍对我们的呐喊装作没听见而消失於希望之中,我们败於谎言之中Our souls have been torn and our bodies forsaken我们的灵魂被撕裂,我们的身躯也被遗弃了Bearing sins of the past for our future is taken过去的罪恶轴心竟变成我们的未来War, born of strife these trials dissuade us not战争源自於冲突,这些经验告诉我们不要再重蹈覆辙Words without sound these lies betray our thoughts无声的文字误导了我们的想法Mired by your plague of doubtful and cheap lore怀疑与不实的传说像瘟疫一般蔓延开来Judgment binds all we hold to a memory of scorn审判限制了我们并轻视了对於信念的执著Tell us why, given life, we are meant to die? help us in our cry!告诉我们为什麼,给了我们生命,我们仍然会死吗?拯救我们於泪水之中吧!(和声)witness (we) suffer (we) grovel (we) reason见证(我们)遭受(我们) 乞求(我们)理由(we) follow (we) struggle (we) wander (we) listen(我们)跟随(我们)斗争(我们)漂流(我们)聆听(we) whisper (we) shoulder (we) addle (we) weather(我们)低语(我们)肩负(我们)腐败(我们)侵蚀(please) answer (you) answer (me) answer together(恳求)解答(你)回答(我)全部答案(女声)My life is a riddle to bear rapture and sorrow承担著一切欢笑与悲伤是我生命的一个谜To listen to suffer to entrust unto tomorrow明天,是为了聆听别人的委托而存在的日子In one fleeting moment from the land doth life flow大地使者的生命在此刻稍纵即逝Yet in one fleeting moment for the new leaf doth grow然而在这消逝的瞬间,亦然会有新生In the same fleeting moment thou must live, die and know这瞬间,你必须了解何谓生与死...


关于HBV-DNA定量单位的换算。最常见的单位是copies/ml,也有重量的单位,比如fg/ml、pg/ml。1 pg = 1000 fg,那么1 pg/ml = 283,000 copies/ml。如果那位战友的DNA是重量单位,可以粗略的换算一下。原意为重量单位,皮克(pg)就是1,000,000,000,000分之一克(亿分之一克) 飞克(fg)就是100,000,000,000,000分之一克(百万亿分之一克)换算为复制为:280.43×283000=79,361,690=7.9×10^7

急求高手帮忙翻译!!Cultural conflict and the cross-cultural management (1)

你是让人翻译汉字啊还是你标题上英文啊,汉字就免了,这么长谁有那么多的时间啊。Cultural conflict and the cross-cultural management 意思是: 文化冲突和各种文化下的管理

KESSEL CHINA 的组织结构经历了哪几个阶段?


如何把Touch Pad Mouse设置成Enabled

在BIOS中,【Touch pad Mouse 】使用方向键选中,按回车,选择【Enabled】再回车确认,最后按F10保存重启即可。

what is cross cultural management

"What is cross cultural management?" Really a good question. Let me answer this correctly. It is about culture. Basically human races came with different background. "Cultural background". The way of doing things in one culture may not be the way in other culture. what is good in one culture, may be bad in other culture. Some time the activities are all the same in two different cultures, but two different meanings, two different interpretations. When person from one cultural background, meet, interact with, understand and deal with person from other cultural background. That is cross-cultural management. Some people are in favor of the world is converging, all things are going to be same. They are right. some people are arguing still the world has divergence. They are also right. dont fight over this issue. we are smart people. learn how to manage both the convergence and divergence. That is the key to success. I will give you examples. In USA, it is performance that counts. based on that you will be give higher assignments and promotions will be given. In Indian companies, performance is not the main criteria. It is "Organizational compatibility" that counts. That is the employee "fit" in to the organization that counts. India is a High context society. The "fit" in to the organization has to be interpreted in Indian way. The business has different interpretation. IN USA , doing business means creating organizations wealth. In India doing business means "Individual wealth". On recruitment, In USA it is the process of selection, In India it is the process of rejection. And the difference goes on...

Jonas Brothers 的 I Am What I Am 的歌词,加中文

jonas brothers - i am what iam 乔纳斯兄弟-我就是我 i amwhat i am我就是我 i can"t helpmyself 我控制不了自己。 andif you don"t like it 如果你不喜欢这点 get with somebody else那你找别人去 i"ll never changemy ways 我永远不会改变自己的方式! it"s not a phase 这不是句空话 this is how it is and这就是我表现的方式! this ishow it"s gonna stay 这就是我将要做的! becausei am whati am 因为 我就是我! i knowwhat i"m not我知道我不是 i"mnot the type of guy that doesn"tknow how good he"s got it 我不是那种不懂得满足 得寸进尺的那种男生! and i won"tback down 我不会放弃 won"tcome around 不会让步 sayingthat i changed cause that"s not how it"sgoing down 说我变了 并不是因为那将要失败了。 and iknow (i know, i know)我知道知道 wherever i go (i go, i go)无论何处 i know where istand 我知道我的脚下所站何处 i am what i am我就是我hey! hey!嘿 i am what i am 我就是我 hey! hey!嘿 i am whati am我就是我 what can i say?我能说些什么呢? i"m gonnabe this way我就是这样! rightup until my dying day总是精神充沛直到死去的那天because that"s how it goes headto my toes 因为那就是我从头至尾想要的! and if it doesn"tshow well i just had to let youknow 如果那没有让你爽感 =- 我就是要让你知道而已becausei am what i am 因为我就是我and nobody else 我不是别人and if you"ve got a problem 如果你有什么问


opina 是个很优美的女性名字。就发音来说,如果按现代英语发音规则,P会读为[p]的音,词的发音也就是LZ所指的“奥皮纳”。不过,英语名字的由来绝大多都有其背景渊源,而文字也通常由其他语系所演化而成,有的起源于古希腊罗马神话,有的从拉丁语,希伯来,日耳曼等语种沿袭或演变而来。Opina 很可能起源于Oprah(Ophira) 希伯来语“黄金”的含义 。Oprah事实上等同于Ophira,在读音时,P发的是PH的音,即[f]的音。由此,Opina 也极可能是等同于Ophina,中间读音取“菲”。“奥菲娜”非常具有女性的典雅柔美气质。希望以上能对LZ有所帮助。

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如何看待 Rihanna 2016 年推出的新专辑《ANTi》

从各个方面来说这都是一张可以深究的专辑。它在策划伊始号称是一张追求“想唱15年”的专辑,到前任首单45s,再到婊子还钱,再到整个拉掉回炉重来。你很难去辨认现在这张摆在你面前的ANTI还是不是原来的那个方向上的作品,或者其中有多少妥协的成分在。 但是可以肯定的是,无论是一年前还是现在,ANTI都注定不会是一张主流POP舞曲专辑,所以那些想听Umbrella的朋友从来就不会在这张专辑里找到满足。(虽然在我眼里新首单Work已经非常市场向了) Rihanna出道十年唱到现在,大体音乐方向上可以说是越来越自我。有人说这张专辑之前说得如何如何唱来唱去也还是那些情啊爱啊性啊。但是其实这些就是Rihanna自己本身的东西啊,这也是一整张专辑的主题(除了开场曲):关于一段分手之后翻来覆去的情感体验。 整体来说ANTI大致可以分为三个部分(不包括Intro部分): Intro 开场曲Consideration 其实这首歌与整张专辑的主题不太搭,它说的主要是关于Rihanna自身和这张专辑定位的一个事。Rihanna从一开始就告诉你们别期待原来那个唱pop舞曲的她了: I got to do things My own way darling Will you ever let me? Will you ever respect me? No ……I needed you to please give my reflection a break From the face it"s seeing now Darling would you mind giving my reflection a break From the pain it"s feeling now? 这已经不能说得再清楚了,这张专辑她要以自己的方式来做,她要展现的是一个真实的自我。 这也对应了专辑标题ANTI,要反抗市场和一般人对她的既有印象。 Part1 James Joint~Work 这部分为专辑整个主题的展开,音乐风格上由一个弥漫雾气的interlude逐渐转强,情感上揭示了故事主角从甜蜜缠绵开始渐渐出现分歧:too busy kissing~kiss it better~(need to) work work work work work。 Kiss It Better和Work可以说是这张专辑中最市场向的歌了,前者有漂亮的旋律和上口的副歌,后者掺杂了雷鬼节奏营造出热带岛屿风,加上Drake跨刀随性吟唱。 Part2 Desperado~Same Ol" Mistake 这部分主要讲述女主角离开她的前男友之后的心态变化,整个基调突然转向黑化。 Desperado讲她遇见了一个绝望的人,她决定和他一起离开: Gotta get up out of here And you ain"t leaving me behind I know you won"t, cause we share common interests You need me, there ain"t no leaving me behind (对应Work中的 Baby don"t you leave, don"t leave me stuck here in the streets) Woo这首歌带有浓浓的盆栽风味,主题也很盆栽,大致就是深夜空虚寂寞冷呼唤前任快来抽一管打一炮,但是别搞错我真的不爱你了,也不在乎你了(谁知道呢)。 Needed Me在和前任(或者别的男人)纠缠这个主题上加入了一点女权的意味:搞清楚,是你需要我OK? Yeah, I Said It则是一首典型的讲述性爱的歌曲,Rihanna大方坦诚她在这段性爱中的需要,但是从歌词中可以看出这时的对象更多的可能并不是之前出现的那个男人,而很可能是一段ONS。 Same Ol" Mistake是直接翻唱自Tame Impala去年专辑的收尾曲。表现了她对这part的反思和天人交战:这样是在追求愉悦还是只是在重复犯错? 这部分除了Same Ol" Mistake,可以说是Rihanna自身史上最佳黑人曲风专辑片段了。在维持音乐性相对一致的同时又从多个方面描述分手后的心情变化。整张专辑的主心骨。 Part3 Never Ending~Close To You 这部分音乐上主要以抒情为主,讲述了女主角在恋情破碎和沉沦之后的清醒和对旧情的追诉,但是不再有性的部分。 Never Ending是一首出人意料的民谣风歌曲,采样了Dido的名曲Thank You。从前一部分的黑暗和纠缠中一下跳脱出来,描述她对之前的醒悟和反思。 Love On The Brain和Higher中Rihanna对自己的声线和唱腔的试验到了一个全新的地步,包括复古风的配器编曲,描述的是又一个喝醉的深夜对旧情的思念,相信喝大了给前任打电话这种事干过的人不在少数吧。应该可以从这两首歌中找到很强的共鸣。 Close To You作为专辑的收尾曲,讲的是喝大了给前任打电话之后的早晨。在经历种种一切之后,双方面对这份过去的情感究竟应如何安置?是彻底放手还是暂时温柔相对,就像每一段这样的爱情一样,没有答案。 最后这部分可以说是将整张专辑拔高的关键部分,多是Rihanna以前未曾尝试过的新风格,也是专辑最后的亮点所在。Rihanna的表现也颇有可圈可点之处。 把这三个部分分出来就不难理解这张专辑的情感走向了。 就我主观而言,这张专辑最大的优点就是即使把每一首歌挑出来仍然质量过硬,在兼顾了Urban基调(还将它持续推进了不少)的同时在专辑结尾用抒情打出了一记漂亮的好球。在抛弃了Dance Pop的目标上,唯一保留的一首可以算得上Pop的Kiss It Better甚至也聪明地沾染上了一些Prince的气息,提升了不少逼格。 但是这张专辑仍然有一些可以雕琢的部分,比如在曲风演进上是否可以做到更加smooth一些?无意比较仅仅举个近年的栗子,同为一张以R&B为基底融入多元风格的专辑,Beyonce的同名专辑在这一点上就做得好很多。 以上就是“我对【现在我们手上的这一张ANTI】的评价”,但是其仍然无法解释的几个问题在于: 1 Rihanna想要借ANTI这张专辑表达什么? 2 一年前的那一张ANTI,它是什么样的? 3 Rihanna为现在这张ANTI作出了多少的妥协? 4 为什么没有收入之前发行的三支单曲?它们去了哪里? 但是这些问题的答案几乎无迹可寻,只能从主观去臆测: 首先我认为现在这张ANTI和回炉前的ANTI的差别是非常大的,从当时的首波单曲FourFiveSeconds就可以看出来,虽然从曲风上来说,它跟这张专辑中的一些歌风格十分相近,比如Never Ending的原声民谣风格+Higher的歇斯底里唱法,但是从内容上看它和这张专辑却略有偏差。 个人认为,内容上的偏差也是之前三支单曲没有收入现在这张ANTI的理由之一,FourFiveSeconds虽然讲的是争吵和心碎,但和这张专辑的故事却有点格格不入,BBHMM是一首典型的黑人“我最屌”歌曲,American Oxygen则把关注点放在美国移民上。虽然它们(至少前两首)都可以轻松找到合适的位置塞进专辑,但是在之前说的叙事上却都不太搭调。然而它们(至少45s和AO)和关于这张专辑最开始的说法“唱个十五年”和“Soul”啦之类的却相当贴近。 有一个说法是,在原版专辑发行之前,Travis Scott进入了团队,给了这张专辑“更黑”的音乐风格走向。加上之前45s成绩没有达到预期,于是制作团队开始将整张专辑重新制作,并且新录了一些歌曲比如Work。 整个15年,ANTI经过了相当大的改动,还记得当年的那些制作人合作人消息吗?除了Kiss It Better和Love On The Brain、Higher之类,最后都没有出现在我们面前(谁知道Goodnight Gotham和原来的Only If For a Night差得有多远)。我觉得原来很多的歌都被直接拉掉了,取而代之的是现在这张专辑中的很多黑人音乐元素,并且团队在此基础上重新构建了一个大致的剧情故事以让专辑在叙事内容上更加合理。 而原来比较“Soul”的那部分,我也不知道它们去了哪里,为什么甚至在Deluxe里都没有?会有一张ANTI2吗?会有一张改版式的EP吗?还是会直接塞进很快发行的下一张专辑?谁也不知道。 至于这张专辑想要表达的ANTI意愿,则是目前这张专辑留下的最大疑问?Rihanna想借这张专辑ANTI什么? 唯一说的过去的解释是,ANTI过去的Dance Pop的那个她自己,但是这和这张专辑的artwork比起来颇有一种杀鸡焉用牛刀的感觉。而考虑到后来的AntiDiary解锁活动,这可是后来才做的东西,不得不令人怀疑她还有下一步行动。 另一个有趣的事是,当时的执行制作之一Kanye当年准备发行的新专似乎经历了和ANTI类似的遭遇。当年发行的几支单曲(包括45s)从专辑里全数消失,难道Kanye和Riri想在后续的时间里做一个project一起推出当时的那些歌曲吗? 当然更有可能的是,只是这两个在音乐流行上都潮得不行的人都觉得那些玩腻了,于是就弃了 (uff89 ̄д ̄)uff89

returnable schedule 是什么意思

returnable schedule回收计划schedule[英][u02c8u0283edju:l][美][u02c8skedu0292u:l]n.时刻表,进度表; 清单,明细表; 预定计划; 目录; vt.排定,安排; 将…列表; 为…作目录; 第三人称单数:schedules复数:schedules现在进行时:scheduling过去式:scheduled过去分词:scheduled双语例句He has been forced to adjust his schedule.他被迫调整了自己的日程安排。


我部分同意这是一张糟糕的流行专辑的观点。没有一首歌足以超过Bitch Have My Money的流行高度。砍掉了这首璀璨的黑人金链子,专辑的底色宛如一滩迷幻泥沼,充满了迷失方向的可能。但流行音乐的边界本来就在不断地拓展中。我们再讨厌这张专辑也很难否认它的奇妙吸引力。甚至认定它失败的人,也不由自主地一遍遍循环播放来确证自己的观点。这难道不恰恰说明它的内容之深邃吗?我部分同意这张专辑是Rriri消极人格的展现。但需要注意,她的人格展现并不倚靠歌词,或者说不依靠传统意义上的歌词。那些机械的Work*5、kiss it kiss it better baby,那么直觉化与存在主义化,某种意义上探索着我们的某种无意识领域。毕竟理性加上感性,都只占人性的一小部分。ANTi鲜明的反叛内核就在于她对流行的反叛。专辑中最软弱的部分就是Work中的Drake。其余几乎都是如今Billboard上面什么红不了我就做什么,无视起承转合,无视所谓的酷炫音效、旋律记忆点。可以说她尽可能避免专辑的流水线化,甚至是某种反方向行走。你听不到她任何一首热单的影子——We Found Love成为了酒吧爆款,Diamond在KTV和选秀舞台上都要被唱烂了,Stay也不能免俗。更别提那些正能量的Umbrella之类。她拒绝了自己最“好卖”的那些音乐。某种意义上她延续的是上一张专辑中Pour It Up和Numb等歌曲中的嗑药美学,只是做得更加私人化、暗淡化。但这个取向其实讨论起来也很微妙。因为如今流行大咖们本来就大都走在艺术化、小众化的路上,先声Lady Gaga不小心商业成绩被拍死在了岸上,Beyonce挣扎到同名专辑直接在口碑与事业上都迎来了最高峰。Rihanna走的这条路实际上并不新潮。所以她玩起了冒险的去旋律化,比Beyonce的同名玩得还要深入,导致我听完的头几遍能记住的大都是某些音效碎片。当然最Remarkable的是”Kiss it kiss it better”和”呱呱呱呱呱”。至于那些称赞她把黑人Trap和白人实验融合的观点,我倾向于认为这些也并不是什么前无古人的事物。事实上我们如今早已听不到什么纯黑或纯白的音乐了。面对Never Ending之前的前半张,我承认它们在嗑药美学中达成了某种奇妙的整体性,哪怕它显得如此混乱,却有着连贯的情感。对,当我们离开了对旋律的关注,Rihanna演绎中的某种情感浓度突然凸显出来,哪怕听起来她的叙事底色只是抽大麻、不爽等消极情绪,但我们还是会被Desperato中突然涌出的”I don"t want to be alone”击中。这里面最好的歌当然是Kiss It Better,我感激Rihanna没有把这首歌砍掉。我认同这是一首Prince经典致敬,我认同这是专辑中少见的暖色调,更重要的是它温暖的吉他与”Kiss it kiss it better”贡献了专辑中最亲民的旋律对话。前半张余下曲子中旋律最好的当然是翻唱Tame Impala的Same Ol" Mistakes,我们不难享受它不断变换的迷离色彩。但比之原版,这个版本并没有在艺术高度上产生多大的变化。Work的第三世界口音遇上Trap &Deep House的风情因为Drake加入而在流行与自我中处于一个尴尬的地位。但我同样赞同其中偶然的叹息贡献了某种情感浓度。其余我还喜欢Woo中暴力的Hook。事实上Woo这首歌也是专辑中最接近Numb的歌曲,只是音效更非主流了。Desperado贡献了前半张专辑中最得以自洽的情感逻辑,初步展露了一堆消极情绪中对爱情的期盼,甚至有着面向遥远彼方的复杂乡愁。前半张其余曲子由于创作上的短板,几乎都没有拿出来详述的必要。毕竟他们贡献的是底色。甚至我认为前半张专辑贡献的都只是底色,一股泥沼般的沉迷。正是因为这大片的沉迷,从Never Ending开始的那些清醒真挚的抒情才拥有那么强烈的对比。虽然这些都不是Rihanna最remarkable的旋律,甚至二三线都算不上,但这些作品同样最大限度地剔除了流水线味道。从Never Ending到Higher的这三首歌延续着强烈的“舞台感”、“表演感”。正是在这种感觉中,我们可以想象Rihanna在扮演别的角色——Never Ending用吉他帮她化身为民谣歌手,Love On The Brain的Blue-eyed Soul除了体现她回归根源的决心外,同时附加给她的还有大波浪的复古女伶感。Higher的复古电影情调更不必说了。在这三首歌中,Rihanna把前半张中或多或少隐藏的情感突然爆发出来——对,只有在这种带有强烈角色扮演感的歌曲中,她才表达出最强烈的情感。这不恰恰是她作为一线歌手的矛盾所在么——不可以放下Coolness,只有在扮演他人时才能在公众面前痛快哭一场。所以那些暗色调的情绪矛盾有了个恍然的答案——这张专辑根本就是Rihanna在冷酷的形象光环和灼热的情感底色间的斗争。这些情感最终只能借助重重隐藏才得以表达。当然,还要得益于流行价值的缺失,让这些情感得以最终涌现出来,变成Rihanna人格中的一部分——”I don"t want to be alone”。所幸最后我们在纯美的钢琴中迎来了Close To You清冽而深情的结局。但平心而论,这张专辑充其量作为转折点,大部分曲目多少都存在缺乏原始吸引力的问题。对于她的艺术转折,我们乐见其成,更何况她还贡献了最撕裂却最有细节的声音表现。似乎我们已经可以期待她下一次真正平衡音乐与人格的作品了。评分:B+CUT:Kiss It Better, Higher,Same Ol" Mistakes, Desperado

i wanna go there 歌词

歌曲名:i wanna go there歌手:Tyrese专辑:i wanna go thereYo, I wanna go there.I wanna take you there, just be ready.Sit back and relax let me do my thang, I"m about to go there for that old time swang.Anything that you want anything you desire babe just let me know cause you light my fire lady.I can tell that you want me tonight, all I came to do is make it right,Let"s get sweaty in front of the fireplace.(It"s on, bring it on, cuz I"m ready.)I wanna go there with you and do all the things no one would do.I wanna go where no one has been, I wanna go there witchu.(I wanna go there.)I wanna go there with you and give youeverything you need me to.I wanna go where no one has been, I wanna go there witchu.(I wanna go there.)Girl I know that this is new but keep an open mind.After I do this once your gonna want it all the time.Girl you got me babe, long as you keep it real.I see you like the appetizer here"s the main course meal.I can tell that you want me tonight.All I came to do is make it right.Let"s get sweaty in front of the fireplace.Your all I want and need.I wanna go there with you and do all the things no one would do.I wanna go where no one has been, I wanna go there witchu.(I wanna go there.)I wanna go there with you and give youeverything you need me to.I wanna go where no one has been, I wanna go there witchu.(I wanna go there.)The temperature is right and all I came to do is make you feel alright.Cause I came to please your body please your body.The way that we made love made meforget that it was me and your first night.And I wanna go there, I wanna go there.I wanna go there with you and do all the things no one would do.I wanna go where no one has been, I wanna go there witchu.(I wanna go there.)I wanna go there with you and give youeverything you need me to.I wanna go where no one has been, I wanna go there witchu.(I wanna go there.)Should lick my lipsOh Yeah Yeah YeahShould I grab on them hipsYeah YeahShould I start to do it real slowOh Yeah Yeah YeahAnd go where no one else could goYeah YeahShould I try to make you sweatOh Yeah Yeah YeahShould I try to take you all the way thereYeah YeahShould I try to make you bust once or twice.Girl I"m gonna give you bragging rights.Oh Yeah Yeah YeahI wanna go there with you and do all the things no one would do.I wanna go where no one has been, I wanna go there witchu.(I wanna go there.)I wanna go there with you and give youeverything you need me to.I wanna go where no one has been,I wanna go there witchu. (I wanna go there.)

What Am I Gonna Do? 歌词

歌曲名:What Am I Gonna Do?歌手:Irving Berlin专辑:From Avenue A To The Great White Way: Yiddish & American Popular Songs 1914-1950What Am I Gonna Do - TyreseHeyAll these years I have been wanting you in my lifeAnd now I finally have youI"m gonna do everthing in my strengthTo keep you nearI care about youI just wanna make you smileLet"s goAll the many days you were on my mindVisions of me with you all the timeYou wasn"t lookin for a man you made it clear (clear to me)And now I"m ever so glad that I have you nearHere in my life just you and IWe can do what ever we want toLiving my life with you by my sideOh one day I"mma make you my wife, babeI was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with youNow that I have fallenWhat am I gonna doI was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with youNow that I have fallenWhat am I gonna doI do whatever puts a smile on my baby"s faceGirl you"re my best friendYou can never be replacedThere"s nothing in this world I wouldn"t do (do for you)You were one of my favorite dreams and I"m so glad that it came trueHere in my life just you and IWe can go any where we want to babyI"m living my life with you by my sideOne day I"mma make you my wife,yes I amI was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with you (fallin in live with you)Now that I have fallenWhat am I gonna do (oh,I"ve gone beside myself)I was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with you (and it feels so good to me baby)Now that I have fallenWhat am I gonna doSince I gave you all my trust (and you never take my trust for granted)And you given so much love (and you given me so much love baby)You"re everything I want and need (you are everything I want and I need baby)Girl, you got the best of me (oh, you got the best of me)Break it downOh,oh I was falling in loveI don"t know what to doI just love youWith every inch of my bodyFalling in loveWe"ll just take it one day at a timeI was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with you (I don"t wanna rush into romance)Now that I have fallenWhat am I gonna do (oh I just want you in my arms baby)I was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with you(When I see you I wanna touch you )Now that I have fallen (And feel you )What am I gonna do (and hold you babe baby baby yeah)I was excited(oh, it feels so good )To be in love (now that I have fallen)And get love in return oh oh oh)I was excited cause I was falling (cause it feels real)Falling in love with you (oh cause it feels real)Now that I have fallenWhat am I gonna doOh oh ohI was excited cause I was falling (yes it feels)Falling in love with you (so good)Now that I have fallen (having you on the whole)What am I gonna do (feeling so complete baby)

How You Gonna Act Like That 歌词

歌曲名:How You Gonna Act Like That歌手:Tyrese专辑:Essential Rb; Massive Urban, Soul And Rnb CollectionIt seems like just the other day that we hooked up(I was drivin", you was walkin" and I swooped you up)From that moment on I knew you were the one, yeah(I was single, you was lonely and we fell in love)We would sit and talk for hours about anything(Baby, you hang up, no, you hang up, on three hang up)I bought your whip, I paid your rent, I gave you everything(Said you"d always be my baby then you bounce) How you gonnaHow you gonna up and leave me nowHow you gonna act like thatHow you gonna change it up, we just finished makin" upHow you gonna act like thatHow you gonna act like we don"t be makin" loveYou know we be tearin" it up, breakin" stuff, that ghetto loveHow you gonna trip, and how could you forgetHow you gonna act like thatGirl, I never thought that lovin" you would hurt(I did everything a good man would to make it work)Girl, you shoulda told me you had second thoughts(Like before I put the down on the house we bought)Now I"m thinkin" you and me was a mistake(But then it hits me and I"m missin" all the love we made)Girl, I know that we"ve been goin" through some things, yeah(But the sun is somewhere shinin" even when it rains, oh)I"ll be the one you kick it toI"ll be the one that misses youI"ll be the one to ease your painI"ll be the one you"ll want again andAnd you"ll be the one I can"t forgetYou"ll be the one that"s innocentYou"ll be the one I can"t lieYou"ll be the one that makes me cry, babyHow you gonna up and leave me now (Why you do)How you gonna act like that (Why you gotta act like that)How you gonna change it up (Whoa, ho, baby)we just finished makin" upHow you gonna act like that (But I need you)How you gonna act like we (Oh)Don"t be makin" love (Whoa…baby, baby)You know we be tearin" it up, breakin" stuff, that ghetto loveHow you gonna trip, how could you forgetHow you gonna act like thatYou know I"m willin" to do anythingJust to keep you in my heart {Keep you in my heart}I messed around and gave up everythingI thought we"d never part (Yes, I did, baby)I was a player and I made the choice to give my heart to youAnd I gotta keep it that way, ooh, babyHow you gonna up and leave me now (Ooh, baby)How you gonna act like that (Why you gotta treat me this way)How you gonna change it up(Why you treat me wrong), we just finished makin" upHow you gonna act like that(Can me somebody tell me why)How you gonna act (Why, why) like we don"t be makin" love (Hey)You know we be tearin" it up, breakin" stuff(Oh, oh, baby), that ghetto loveHow you gonna trip(All my friends became your friends)how can you forget(All my ends became your ends)How you gonna act like that

what am i gonna do 歌词

歌曲名:what am i gonna do歌手:Tyrese专辑:2000 WattsWhat Am I Gonna Do - TyreseHeyAll these years I have been wanting you in my lifeAnd now I finally have youI"m gonna do everthing in my strengthTo keep you nearI care about youI just wanna make you smileLet"s goAll the many days you were on my mindVisions of me with you all the timeYou wasn"t lookin for a man you made it clear (clear to me)And now I"m ever so glad that I have you nearHere in my life just you and IWe can do what ever we want toLiving my life with you by my sideOh one day I"mma make you my wife, babeI was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with youNow that I have fallenWhat am I gonna doI was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with youNow that I have fallenWhat am I gonna doI do whatever puts a smile on my baby"s faceGirl you"re my best friendYou can never be replacedThere"s nothing in this world I wouldn"t do (do for you)You were one of my favorite dreams and I"m so glad that it came trueHere in my life just you and IWe can go any where we want to babyI"m living my life with you by my sideOne day I"mma make you my wife,yes I amI was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with you (fallin in live with you)Now that I have fallenWhat am I gonna do (oh,I"ve gone beside myself)I was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with you (and it feels so good to me baby)Now that I have fallenWhat am I gonna doSince I gave you all my trust (and you never take my trust for granted)And you given so much love (and you given me so much love baby)You"re everything I want and need (you are everything I want and I need baby)Girl, you got the best of me (oh, you got the best of me)Break it downOh,oh I was falling in loveI don"t know what to doI just love youWith every inch of my bodyFalling in loveWe"ll just take it one day at a timeI was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with you (I don"t wanna rush into romance)Now that I have fallenWhat am I gonna do (oh I just want you in my arms baby)I was excited cause I was fallingFalling in love with you(When I see you I wanna touch you )Now that I have fallen (And feel you )What am I gonna do (and hold you babe baby baby yeah)I was excited(oh, it feels so good )To be in love (now that I have fallen)And get love in return oh oh oh)I was excited cause I was falling (cause it feels real)Falling in love with you (oh cause it feels real)Now that I have fallenWhat am I gonna doOh oh ohI was excited cause I was falling (yes it feels)Falling in love with you (so good)Now that I have fallen (having you on the whole)What am I gonna do (feeling so complete baby)

求kalafina 《magia》【魔法少女小圆ed】的中文音译~



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求kalafina的所有歌曲, 标题最好注明出自哪部动漫 要高品的

1oblivious2君が光に変えて行く3伤迹4 ARIA5sprinter6fairy tale7seventh heaven8Snow Falling(空之境界)1to the beginning2满天(fate zero)1辉く空の静寂には2Lacrimosa(黑执事21光の旋律(空之音)1I have a dream(夏娃的时间)1Magia(魔法少女小圆)其余的应该不是动漫,有单曲也有游戏插曲和电视台播出节目插曲1overture2love come down3夏の林檎4また风が强くなった5serenato6音楽7明日の景色8red moon 9テトテトメトメ 10fantasia 11 春は黄金の梦の中 12 Kyrie 13 闇の呗 14 星の谣 15storia 16 intermezzo17 progressive 18 I have a dream 19九月 20sandpiper 21.胸の行方22sapphire 23MC-1 24 intermezzo 具体参考kalafina百度百科

求魔法少女小圆主题曲EDアニメ版 - Magia[Kalafina]罗马音

「Magia」BY Kalafina作词:梶浦由记 作曲:梶浦由记いつか君が瞳に灯す爱の光がitsuka kimi ga hitomi ni tomosu ai no hikari ga时を超えてtoki wo koete灭び急ぐ世界の梦をhorobi isogu sekai no yume wo确かに一つ壊すだろうtashika ni hitotsu kowasu darou踌躇いを饮み干してtamerai wo nomi hoshite君が望むモノは何?kimi ga nozomu MONO wa nani?こんな欲深い憧れの行方にkonna yokubukai akogare no yukue ni儚い明日はあるの?hakanai ashita wa aru no?子供の顷梦に见てたkodomo no koro yume ni miteta古の魔法のようにinishie no mahou no you ni暗さえ砕く力でyami sae kudaku chikara de微笑む君に会いたいhohoemu kimi ni aitai怯えるこの手の中にはobieru kono te no naka ni wa手折られた花の勇気taorareta hana no yuuki想いだけが頼る全てomoi dake ga tayoru subete光を呼び覚ますhikari wo yobi samasu愿いnegaiいつか君も谁かの为にitsuka kimi mo dareka no tame ni强い力を望むのだろうtsuyoi chikara wo nozomu no darou爱が胸を捉えた夜にai ga mune wo toraeta yoru ni未知の言叶が生まれて来るmichi no kotoba ga umarete kuru迷わずに行けるならmayowazu ni ikeru nara心が砕けてもいいわkokoro ga kudakete mo ii waいつも目の前の哀しみにitsumo me no mae no kanashimi ni立ち向かう为のtachi mukau tame no呪文が欲しいjumon ga hoshii君はまだ梦见る记忆kimi wa mada yume miru kioku私は眠らない明日watashi wa nemuranai ashita二人が出会う奇迹をfutari ga deau kiseki wo胜ち取る为に进むわkachi toru tame ni susumu wa怯えるこの手の中にはobieru kono te no naka ni wa手折られた花の刃taorareta hana no yaiba想いだけが生きる全てomoi dake ga ikiru subete心に振りかざすkokoro ni furi kazasu愿いnegai囚われた太阳の辉くtorawareta taiyou no kagayaku不思议の国の本が好きだった顷fushigi no kuni no hon ga suki datta koro愿いはきっと叶うとnegai wa kitto kanau to教えるお伽噺をoshieru otogi banashi wo信じたshinjita静かに咲き乱れていたshizuka ni saki midarete ita古の魔法优しくinishie no mahou yasashiku世界を変える力がsekai wo kaeru chikara gaその手にあると嗫くsono te ni aru to sasayaku终わらない梦を见ようowaranai yume wo miyou君と行く时の中でkimi to iku toki no naka de想いだけが生きる全てomoi dake ga ikiru subete命を作るのはinochi wo tsukuru no wa愿いnegai
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