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1、dictionary的复数:dictionaries。 2、dictionary:词典;字典; 辞书;专业术语大全;专业词典;电子词典。 3、[例句]:He"s bought a Chinese-English dictionary.他买到了一本汉英词典。

求开头是“Dictionaries are very useful"的原文

Dictionaries are very useful and important to us.They are like silent teachers.When you have a question,you can turn to them.They will give you the right answer.They are also like a trusted friend.You can learn a lot from them. Don"t be lazy.Don"t let your dictionary sleep any more.


What did Gary buy half an hour ago? expensive dictionaries 是个名词,在原来句子中做宾语,提问就应该用what 而,宾语提问就要套用这样的公式“疑问词+谓语动词的合适形式+?”






把词分解开读能简单一点 dic/tion/ary 这样。。

these are dictionaries改为单数句

this is an eraser 复数:these are erasers those are our dictionary(←这个应该改是dictionaries 因为是复数) 单数:that is our dictionary


narutomaintheme尺八指法narutomaintheme尺八指法很难学。尺八文字谱(假名谱)。(琴古流)基本指法练习。乙音uff64甲音练习。半音(浮沉音)练习简易曲目练习。乐理讲解视唱练习。民谣,现代曲指法技巧练习。把尺八吹响、练习尺八的音阶、学习尺八指法的唱名和尺八指法的符号(尺八乐谱像天书,看不懂,但很好看,尤其是手写体,像书画一般。尺八,一种古老的吹奏管乐器。 它源于中国,盛于日本。 它的发源地,中国的吴地老人,已很少有人能记起它,更不肖说其他地方年轻人。



求火影忍者里的主题曲naruto main theme下载



dictionary的复数形式是dictionaries。dictionaries的意思是词典,字典,辞书,专业术语大全,专业词典,电子词典。dictionaries的例句:Dictionaries are indispensable in English study(学英语,词典是少不得的)。 扩展资料 dictionaries的例句:To my certain knowledge,the dictionaries have arrived(据我所知,这批词典已经运到);English textbooks and dictionaries are on sale everywhere(英语教材和词典到处都有卖的)。




  dictionary有词典,字典等意思,那么你知道dictionary的复数是什么吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    dictionary的复数形式:   dictionaries    dictionary的用法:   dictionary的用法1:dictionary的基本意思是“词典,字典”,指按一定顺序如字母表等排列的,包括拼写、发音、词性、词形变化、释义、用法及词源等方面内容的工具书。   dictionary的用法2:在表示“查字典”时, dictionary须用动词consult, search, turn up或use,不可用look for, look for的宾语可以是词,但不可以是“词典”。   dictionary的用法3:在表示“关于某方面的词典”时, dictionary后面接介词of,而不接介词on, about。    dictionary的复数例句:   1. English textbooks and dictionaries are on sale everywhere.   英语教材和词典到处都有卖的。   2. Dictionaries are indispensable in English study.   学英语,词典是少不得的.   3. Those dictionaries are theirs, not mine.   这些字典是他们的, 不是我的.   4. We have no other dictionaries besides these.   除了这些辞典外,我们没有别的辞典了.   5. In all dictionaries to date we give the headword and all the inflected forms.   迄今为止,所有的词典我们都列出了词头词与其所有的屈折形式。   6. I spent half an hour searching through dictionaries for the meaning of that word.   我花了半个小时的时间在许多字典中寻找那个字的意义.   7. There are a lot of dictionaries in the reading room . You will find them very handy if you go there to study.   阅览室词典多, 在那儿学习很方便.   8. People use dictionaries to find out the meanings of words.   人们利用字典来查找词的意思.   9. Many dictionaries also show how a word is used in a sentence.   许多字典也对一个单词在句中如何使用做出说明.   10. Dictionaries are often unhelpful for language - learners because the defining vocabulary is unknown.   据称COBUILD使用的是“普通日常英语”,但当然不是“简易英语”.   11. Telephone directories and learned dictionaries are fairly obvious candidates.   电话薄和学术词典最富有代表性.   12. Prof. Smith remarked on the difference between the two dictionaries.   史密斯教授谈到了这两本词典的不同之处.   13. There are many books of reference, such as dictionaries and handbooks.   有许多参考书, 如字典和手册.   14. In the meantime, consult dictionaries and memorize grammatical rules.   同时还要查阅词典,记语法规则.   15. This dictionary is the flagship of Oxford"s range of learners"dictionaries.   本词典执牛津一系列学习者词典之牛耳.


名词单数变复数有以下情况:1,直接加s2,以s、x、sh、ch结尾的名es,3,以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,变y为i加es4,以f或fe结尾的名词,多数变f为v加es:wives,knives.但有些词只加s...5,以o结尾的名词,有些加es。所给单词dictionary是以辅音加Y结尾的名词。 dictionary的复数形式把y变I加es即可: dictionaries.



求火影忍者里的主题曲naruto main theme下载


火影忍者的插曲Naruto Main Theme都出现在那几集



dictionary[英][u02c8du026aku0283u0259nri][美][u02c8du026aku0283u0259u02ccnu025bri]n.词典,字典;[自]代码字典复数: dictionaries双语例句1.a dictionary of mathematics数学词典2.This dictionary is available in electronic form.本词典有电子版。






dictionary复数:dictionaries英 ["du026aku0283u0259nu0259ru026a] 美 ["du026aku0283u0259nu0259ru026a]n. 词典,字典( dictionary的名词复数 )以辅音加y结尾的单词,变y为i再加es,所以dictionary的复数应该是dictionaries。一般方法(1)元音字母和大多数除s,z,x,sh,ch之外的辅音字母(或字母组合)直接加-s,清辅音后的s读作/s/,元音和浊辅音后的s读作/z/。如:bag-bags,biscuit-biscuits,egg-eggs。当单数名词结尾为se,ze,ge,ce时(其词尾辅音为/s,z,u0283,u0292/等),加s后读作/iz/,如vase-vases,fridge-fridges。(2)当单数名词结尾为s,z,x,sh,软音ch时(其词尾辅音为/s,z,u0283,u0292/等)加-es(读/iz/),如:box-boxes,peach-peaches。(o有时也是,但es读音为/z/如hero-heroes)例外:stomach-stomachs(因ch读作/k/)以上内容参考:百度百科-复数




dictionary的复数形式是dictionaries。dictionaries的意思是词典,字典,辞书,专业术语大全,专业词典,电子词典。dictionaries的例句:Dictionaries are indispensable in English study(学英语,词典是少不得的)。 扩展资料 dictionaries的"例句:To my certain knowledge,the dictionaries have arrived(据我所知,这批词典已经运到);English textbooks and dictionaries are on sale everywhere(英语教材和词典到处都有卖的)。


dictionary复数:dictionaries英 ["du026aku0283u0259nu0259ru026a] 美 ["du026aku0283u0259nu0259ru026a]n. 词典,字典( dictionary的名词复数 )以辅音加y结尾的单词,变y为i再加es,所以dictionary的复数应该是dictionaries。一般方法(1)元音字母和大多数除s,z,x,sh,ch之外的辅音字母(或字母组合)直接加-s,清辅音后的s读作/s/,元音和浊辅音后的s读作/z/。如:bag-bags,biscuit-biscuits,egg-eggs。当单数名词结尾为se,ze,ge,ce时(其词尾辅音为/s,z,u0283,u0292/等),加s后读作/iz/,如vase-vases,fridge-fridges。(2)当单数名词结尾为s,z,x,sh,软音ch时(其词尾辅音为/s,z,u0283,u0292/等)加-es(读/iz/),如:box-boxes,peach-peaches。(o有时也是,但es读音为/z/如hero-heroes)例外:stomach-stomachs(因ch读作/k/)以上内容参考:百度百科-复数



I use dictionaries to check for new words句子成分?

主语I谓语use宾语dictionaries目的状语to check原因状语for new words希望能够帮到您。

Do you like these ____(dictionary)?填什么

these dictionaries


dictionary 英[u02c8du026aku0283u0259nri] 美[u02c8du026aku0283u0259u02ccnu025bri] n. 词典,字典;[自]代码字典 名词复数:dictionaries [例句]Have you finished with the dictionary?这本词典你已经用完了吗?2.You can select more than one dictionary if you wish. 如果你需要,你可以选择多个字典。3.I purchased several french dictionary programs and can"t remember what lifewas like without them. 我之前购买了几款法语辞典软件,我无法想像没有它们的生活会是怎样的。4.The routine solution would be to run queries through a dictionary. 常规的解决办法是通过字典来检索搜索关键词。5.Ultimately, brown"s 35-person team developed a filter to keep watson fromswearing and scraped the urban dictionary from its memory. 最后,布朗率领的35人的研究团队只好开发了一个过滤系统,让Watson不再骂脏话,并在它的存储系统里清除了城市词典。


dictionary [‘diku0283u0259nu0259ri] n.词典,字典

火影里的这首Naruto Main Theme使用什么乐器吹的?


Naruto Main Theme 的是什么乐器??谢谢了,大神帮忙啊




I have new dictionaries.中dictionaries.为什么变复数?



dictionary 英[u02c8du026aku0283u0259nri] 美[u02c8du026aku0283u0259neri] n. 词典; 字典; 辞书; 专业术语大全; 专业词典; 电子词典; [例句]He"s bought a Chinese-English dictionary.他买到了一本汉英词典。[其他] 复数:dictionaries 敬请采纳!

Bananain蕉内为什么这么火 ?



字典的英文读音 字典的英文单词为dictionary,读音为英 [u02c8du026aku0283u0259nri] 美 [u02c8du026aku0283u0259neri] 。具体释义如下: dictionary 英 [u02c8du026aku0283u0259nri] 美 [u02c8du026aku0283u0259neri] n. 词典,字典;[自]代码字典 复数: dictionaries例:You can certainly use my dictionary. 你当然可以用我的字典了。 1、dictionary的基本意思是“词典,字典”,指按一定顺序如字母表等排列的,包括拼写、发音、词性、词形变化、释义、用法及词源等方面内容的工具书。 2、在表示“查字典”时, dictionary须用动词consult, search, turn up或use,不可用look for, look for的宾语可以是词,但不可以是“词典”。 3、在表示“关于某方面的词典”时, dictionary后面接介词of,而不接介词on, about。 扩展资料 一、常用短语 1、bilingual dictionary双语对照字典 2、collegiate dictionary大学字典 3、etymological dictionary词源词典 二、相关口语 1、consult a dictionary查字典 2、have swallowed the dictionary爱使用深奥的字眼 3、have swallowed a dictionary爱使用深奥的字眼 4、speak like a dictionary谈吐渊博 三、记忆技巧 diction 措辞 + ary 物 → 含有措辞的物 → 字典 四、词根词缀 词根:dic dic= to say, to assert 说;断言 词缀:-ary 表形容词,“…的,有…性质的” dictionary怎么读 英 [u02c8du026aku0283u0259nri] 美 [u02c8du026aku0283u0259u02ccnu025bri] n. 词典,字典;[自]代码字典 网 络 词典; 字典; 词典正文; 本字典 复数:dictionaries 词条标签: CET4 CET6 考研 柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典 现代英汉综合大词典 英汉双向大词典 1. N-COUNT 可数名词词典;字典;辞书 A dictionary is a book in which the words and phrases of a language are listed alphabetically, together with their meanings or their translations in another language. 。a Welsh-English dictionary. 一本威尔士语-英语词典 2. N-COUNT 可数名词专业词典;术语大全 A dictionary is an alphabetically ordered reference book on one particular subject or limited group of subjects. 【搭配模式】:with supp。the Dictionary of National Biography. 《英国传记大词典》 行业释义 英英释义 网络释义 计算机 1.[可运行]程序库,字典,词典 双语例句 词根词缀 词组习语 同反义词 语源派生 1. a dictionary of mathematics 数学词典 来自《权威词典》 2. This dictionary is available in electronic form. 本词典有电子版。 来自《权威词典》 dictionary用最简单的方法怎么读 dictionary的中文意思、音标、例句及语法 单词音标 英语音标:[u02c8du026aku0283(u0259)n(u0259)ru026a] 美语音标:[u02c8du026aku0283u0259u02c8nu025bri] 转载需注明“转自音标网yinbiao5/19-1358”,违者必究 中文翻译 n.字典;辞典;词典 单词例句 用作名词 (n.) That is not, properly speaking, a dictionary but a grammar book. 严格地说,那不是一本字典,而是一本语法书。 He is, as it were, a walking dictionary. 他可说是个活字典。 A dictionary is an invaluable aid in learning a new language. 在学习一种新语言时,辞典是非常有用的工具。 Dictionary writers must be skilled in the art of definition. 词书编纂者必须精於给词语下定义的技巧。 语法用法 n.(名词) dictionary的基本意思是“词典,字典”,指按一定顺序如字母表等排列的,包括拼写、发音、词性、词形变化、释义、用法及词源等方面内容的工具书。 在表示“查字典”时, dictionary须用动词consult, search, turn up或use,不可用look for, look for的宾语可以是词,但不可以是“词典”。 在表示“关于某方面的词典”时, dictionary后面接介词of,而不接介词on, about。 dictionary;bulb;chimney;这些个英语怎么读? dictionary 名词,字典音标发音和拼音发音差不多d发拼音中d音i发拼音中i音c发拼音中k音tion一般都发拼音shen音n发拼音中n音(浊音,只有声带震动)a发拼音中e音r发拼音中ruo音y发拼音中i音整体拼dik"shen"ne ruo ibulb名词,电灯泡,球茎,球状物两个b都发拼音中b音u发拼音中a音l发拼音中ou音整体拼ba ou bchimneych发拼音中ch音i发拼音中i音m和n分别发拼音中m和n音(浊音,只有声带震动,不张口)ey发拼音中i音整体拼chi m ni。 dictionary读什么? dictionary 英 [u02c8du026aku0283u0259nri] 美 [u02c8du026aku0283u0259u02ccnu025bri] n. 词典,字典;[自]代码字典 词典; 字典; 词典正文; 本字典 复数:dictionaries 词典;字典;辞书 A dictionary is a book in which the words and phrases of a language are listed alphabetically, together with their meanings or their translations in another language. 。a Welsh-English dictionary. 一本威尔士语-英语词典 2. N-COUNT 可数名词专业词典;术语大全 A dictionary is an alphabetically ordered reference book on one particular subject or limited group of subjects. .the Dictionary of National Biography. 《英国传记大词典》 1.We are working all round the clock to finish this dictionary! 我们在为完成这本词典而昼夜不停地工作着! 2. Anybody who piles a dictionary has to know his alphabet backwards. 无论谁编字典都得把字母表记得熟透。 3. This dictionary is just what I want for my study. 这部词典正是我学习要用的工具。 4. A new dictionary was bought for Marie by John. 约翰给玛丽买了一本新词典。 5. This phrase is labelled as an Americani *** in this dictionary. 这本词典把这个短语称为美国特有的语言现象。

Naruto Main Theme中文名是什么啊!

鸣人 主题?



Anna is 什么and 什么可以填什么

这里填写两个形容词比如 Tall and thin 翻译为 又高又瘦随便你填什么 你想填什么 告诉我中文 我帮你翻译成英语欢迎追问

求助火影忍者naruto main theme的曲谱

楼上网站里都是五线谱,看不懂的说。这个虽然是我自己编的,但是保证绝对准确,我用笛子试过了的。6 7653 562 1216. 7. 5.6 7653 562 1216.6.3 216.3 236 1"76 563 2327.6.3 216.3 236 1"76 563 5 6 后上加点的是高音,后下加点的是低音,后面的部分都是不断循环重复这两段的。

英语作文How can I shape a good personality. 120词左右

Well..this is bit about my personality which i would like to tell you..i like to listen to music and i like to swim,camp,shop and read and even dance is really part of my life and i cant do without listening to music in a day..and my kind of music is r and b and a bit of jazz and hip hop too..well i don"t really have lots of hobbies i do but at least i know how to have fun by myself or with others and i like to hang out with sincere and honest people to exchange ideas and get to learn about each others..cause thats really the best way to build up your own life to care for others and get to know alot about them...but i prefer hanging out with people i know i can trust and share a lot with...I am 5,7 tall average body type,hazel eyes and blonde hair ..but i know i look cool and sexy too..and i take care of my skin and body,cause as a fashion designer u have to look cool so u can look different from others ..well thats how i treat my self the fashion industry, I really hope to become a really fashion designer in the future and to establish it in a good way when I get to be with the right man.......Well.i am really looking for a guy who"s completely honest and sincere about his words and feelings who"s ready for a long term relationship.who"s ready to build up a family with someone real..i want a man who i know i can have faith and completely trust with all my heart..cause to make a standard relationship it must really be based on and trust are one big family and with both..a relationship will be the greatest u ever imagine....well..i believe in devoting my time to my loved onces and making them real happy..cause they are my own families and i always do look forward to that day i will get to meet my dream man..and i know when he gets to meet me he will be so happy to get along with my kind of person too..






dictionary复数:dictionaries英 ["du026aku0283u0259nu0259ru026a] 美 ["du026aku0283u0259nu0259ru026a]n. 词典,字典( dictionary的名词复数 )以辅音加y结尾的单词,变y为i再加es,所以dictionary的复数应该是dictionaries。一般方法(1)元音字母和大多数除s,z,x,sh,ch之外的辅音字母(或字母组合)直接加-s,清辅音后的s读作/s/,元音和浊辅音后的s读作/z/。如:bag-bags,biscuit-biscuits,egg-eggs。当单数名词结尾为se,ze,ge,ce时(其词尾辅音为/s,z,u0283,u0292/等),加s后读作/iz/,如vase-vases,fridge-fridges。(2)当单数名词结尾为s,z,x,sh,软音ch时(其词尾辅音为/s,z,u0283,u0292/等)加-es(读/iz/),如:box-boxes,peach-peaches。(o有时也是,但es读音为/z/如hero-heroes)例外:stomach-stomachs(因ch读作/k/)以上内容参考:百度百科-复数

naruto main theme 是什么意思

火影忍者的主题或 火影忍者的主题曲


dictionaries 是英语单词读音音标:英 ["du026aku0283u0259nu0259ru026a] 美 ["du026aku0283u0259nu0259ru026a] 词义:n.词典,字典( dictionary的名词复数 )






dictionariesn.1.dictionary的变形dictionary ["diku0283u0259nu0259ri]n.1.字典,词典,词书2.双语词典3.(某一学科的)特殊词汇,专科词典,专业词典,(学科)术语大全短语1.a living dictionary 活词典,学识渊博的人2.have swallowed the (或a)dictionary或swallow the dictionary [俚语、口语]用词花哨,用词深奥,爱使用深奥的字眼3.speak like a dictionary 讲话很有学问(或很精确),谈吐渊博变形n. dictionaries

naruto main theme的笛子谱


Bananain蕉内为什么这么火 ?

Bananain蕉内能和用户玩的起来,用户营销做的比较好,而且Bananain蕉内首次提出的“无感内衣”概念打破了常规,取消了洗水唛带来的不好的体验感,真正洞察用户需求来打造产品。Bananain蕉内内衣品牌自2016年11月29日天猫上线以来,保持了令行业惊讶的增长速度,截至2017年11月种子用户突破25万,营收突破5000万。全年访客数突破600万。2018年618狂欢季18天超额完成1200万的任务目标,2018年双十一当天营业额实现3576万元的历史性突破。扩展资料系列产品蕉内的每个产品都有一个坐标,由产品等级(3 5 7)、元素周期序列号(01 02 03...)和体验设定(Air Pro Standard...)组成。357系:蕉内产品等级的划分遵循工业设计的秩序感,3系“更基本”、5系“更丰富”、7系“更未来”三类,以简洁清晰的生活方式和人群应用场景作为区隔。元素周期序列号:蕉内用大自然的基本元素,构建了蕉内的整套产品线,每一个元素周期序列号对应一个产品(01 02 03...)。体验设定:蕉内将体感与情感结合进行体验设定(Standard、Pro、Element、Air、Hormone、Bodyknit、Color)。





It is my first time to China. 好像有错误吧?

It is my first time to come to China. It is the first time that I come to China. 都可以补充—————————————————————————————————时间状语哈

谁知道在手表的包装盒上写的PIERRE BERNARD 是什么意思

品牌皮埃尔 伯纳德

Franz Ferdinand的《This Fire》 歌词

歌曲名:This Fire歌手:Franz Ferdinand专辑:Franz Ferdinand (Special Edition Version)Franz Ferdinand - This FireEyesBoring a way through meParalyseControlling completelyNewThere is a fire in meFire that burnsThis fire is out of controlI"m going to burn this cityBurn this cityIf this fire is out of controlThen iI"m out of controlAnd i burnEyesBurning a way to meOverwhelmDestroying so sweetlyNewThere is a fire in meFire that burnsFire that burnsThis fire...

Franz Ferdinand的《This Fire》 歌词

歌曲名:This Fire歌手:Franz Ferdinand专辑:Franz FerdinandFranz Ferdinand - This FireEyesBoring a way through meParalyseControlling completelyNewThere is a fire in meFire that burnsThis fire is out of controlI"m going to burn this cityBurn this cityIf this fire is out of controlThen iI"m out of controlAnd i burnEyesBurning a way to meOverwhelmDestroying so sweetlyNewThere is a fire in meFire that burnsFire that burnsThis fire...

8 Ways Billionaires & Elite Athletes Perform At The Highest Level

By Benjamin Hardy Average is over. The middle-ground has all but dissolved, leaving you in one of two positions: among the leading few or mediocre many. Your relationship with technology will either facilitate unthinkable opportunity and growth or keep you on the wrong side of average. As Cal Newport has said in his recent book, ***Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World:**** Success has never been so attainable, thus making many of us spoiled and lazy. But the following eight strategies are intended to shake up your approach, challenging you to work and live at a higher and more conscious level. Here we go: 1. Don"t Be Afraid Of Making An “Ugly” Move Until recent history, certain chess strategies were unquestioned dogma among the world"s elite. They were written in books and taught to all rising padawan learners. But the validity of these strategies have come into question as computers have been programmed to consistently beat top players. While analyzing the computer"s strategy, players have been shocked and amused by the computer"s use of certain “ugly” movesu200a—u200awhich no trained chess player would ever dou200a—u200athat utterly clash with conventional wisdom. Rather than finesse and aesthetics guiding their strategy, the computer"s brute calculations allow it to examine every position concretely. In response to the surprising insights learned from computers, chess players have been forced to question their long-held assumptions. As Magnus Carlsen , the World Chess Champion, explained in an interview with Business Insider: “ You cannot rely on what has been taught in booksu200a—u200athat this is good, this is badu200a—u200athere are always exceptions and every situation is different. Even if something looks bad, it doesn"t look right, you calculate it, it works and… there you go! It"s just forcing us to look a bit further, to look away from what the books used to teach us. It"s forcing us to break the rules.” No matter what field you are in, there are rigid norms guiding your thinkingu200a—u200athe rules considered “best practice.” However, life (and chess) is messy and complex, and every situation calls for a more contextual analysis. What is right in your situation may not be right in mine. For example, it makes little sense to most people why I"m getting a PhD. Many would consider it an “ugly” move. And perhaps, to most people pursuing my aims, it is an ugly move. But given my situation and personal calculations, it"s a strong strategic decision. The ugly zig while most are zagging. There are always exceptions. And rather than obsessing how your decisions are perceived, make the best possible decisions you canu200a—u200awhether standard or anomaly. Your calculations are solid, and like the computers in chess, you"ll be able to “connect the dots looking backwards.” What may look ugly to others in the moment will be your victory in the end. 2. Realize That You"re Not “Way” Behind In sports and all other forms of competition, people perform best when the game is close. Which is why big magic happens at the end of games, like on-sides kicks retrieved followed by 30 second touchdown drives. But when the contest is decidedly in one opponent"s favor, neither side acts with the same effort. When you"re winning big, it"s easy to get lax and overconfident. When you"re losing big, it"s easy to give up. Sadly, you probably perceive those at the top of your field “in a different league” altogether. But when you do this, you perform with less intensity than you would if you perceived the “game” to be closer. When you elevate your thinkingu200a—u200aand see yourself on the same level as those at “the top”u200a—u200ayou quickly become disillusioned by the fallibility of those you once perceived as immortal. They are just people. Most importantly, you will begin playing with an urgency that often surpasses even them. The game is close. The game is close. 3. Do More With Less We have all become addicted to input. As a culture, we"ve developed cognitive dependencies in order to sustain even lackluster performance. For example, although people think they perform better on caffeine, the truth is, they really don"t. We use it to merely get back to our status-quo. When we"re off it, we underperform and become incapable. A current Kickstarter campaignu200a—u200aa rug alarm-clock that literally makes you get out of bed and stand on it to disarm itu200a—u200ais another example. Although clever and funny, I personally would not want to depend on a rug to get me out of bed. We can move beyond the dependencies of constant training, spiritual assurances, and external reinforcements. We can learn to be agents that act rather than objects that are acted upon. We shouldn"t need the best software to start a business, or the best guitar to play guitar. As Jason Fried and DHH have said in Rework: “Guitar gurus say, “Tone is in your fingers.” You can buy the same guitar, effects pedals, and amplifier that Eddie Van Halen uses. But when you play that rig, it"s still going to sound like you. Likewise, Eddie could plug into a crappy Strat/Pignose setup at a pawn shop, and you"d still be able to recognize that it"s Eddie Van Halen playing. Fancy gear can help, but the truth is your tone comes from you. Many amateur golfers think they need expensive clubs. But it"s the swing that matters, not the club. Give Tiger Woods a set of cheap clubs and he"ll still destroy you.” Detach yourself from your dependencies. Try going running without all the running gear. Try waking up without a Ruggie. Try living a day without caffeine. Try outputting without having to “inspire” yourself. Do more with less. 4. Increase Your Responsibility Uncle Ben once told Peter Parker, “With great power comes great responsibility.” Unfortunately, he had it backwards. The constraints of responsibility force you to think more creatively. Responsibility qualifies you to show up at a higher level. I never thought parenting three foster children would increase my productivity, but it has. Failure on my part doesn"t impact only me anymore. Similarly, chess players are at their toughest when it matters most, when everything is on the line. If you *must *perform to provide for your family, you"ll get it done. If it"s a matter of life or death, you"ll do whatever it takes. If your vision is compelling enough, you"ll avoid distractions. Taking on the right forms of responsibility can put life on easy-mode. It"s like injecting yourself with motivation steroidsu200a—u200aurgency and desperation. When you"re desperate to be healthy, you eat right and exercise. No excuses. When you"re desperate to be successful, honing your craft is far more appealing than mindlessly surfing Facebook. 5. Every Billionaires Secret: ** Build A Team Around You Sooner Than You Feel Comfortable** “The bigger your dream, the more important your team.”u200a—u200aRobin Sharma According to Alex Charfen, CEO of Charfen consulting services and founder of the Entrepreneurial Personality Typeu2122 (EPT), the one thing billionaires have in common is that they are comfortable. And by comfortable, he doesn"t mean they wear comfy slippersu200a—u200ahe means they barely lift a finger except when they"re doing what they do best. In order to do so, they build a team around them to take care of the rest. When most people hear this, they initially think, “Of course, they are billionaires.” However, the truth is that this is why they are billionaires. When Charfen was in his 20"s, he was at a friend"s (a billionaire) and was surprised to see a staff of two people working at his house, and a team of 30 people, including a driver. Charfen couldn"t help but ask his friend: “Is it ever embarrassing to have so much help and so much fuss as you go through the day and get around? I mean at least 10 people have helped us so far and it"s only 11 A.M.” His friend responded: “It would be irresponsible for me to do anything that you observed any member of my team doing today. They are there for me and I am there for them. We have grown together and we built everything together. If I had done anything that one of my team members had done today they would"ve been uncomfortable and worried. Each one of them is here for a reason and many of them played a role in training and hiring each other. They know that the more they help me get accomplished, the more secure we all are and the more we can grow our foundation.” High performers build a team around them much sooner than they are comfortable with. They are willing to think big, take on greater responsibility, and focus in on their superpower. The sooner you can remove all of the personal pressure and noise the faster your income will skyrocket. Thus, increasing your responsibility is not about *doing *more. It"s about leading more. 6. How Much Are You Willing To Put On The Line? Elon Musk is considered eccentric in many ways. One of which is how uncomfortably long-term his thinking is. The man is trying to change the world and populate Mars. He"s willing to make any sacrificeu200a—u200ano matter how difficultu200a—u200atoday, to manifest his worldview in the long-awaited future. Musk sunk all of his own money into his companies. Most of his decisions make little sense to other people. He"d rather wait to have his company go public if going public means stalling or misdirecting his mission to populate Mars. But he"s calculating. He"s willing to make ugly moves because he is not flinching on his long-term vision. Dramatic risks accompany everything Musk does. His propensity for risk does not come from insanity. But rather, from a level of conviction so intense as to be off-putting to some. When asked , “How much are you willing to put on the line?” he responded: “Everything that other people hold dear. I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact. Ideally, I"d like to go for a visit, come back, and then go there when I"m like 70 or something and just stay there. If things go well, that would be the case. If my wife and I have a bunch of kids, she would probably stay with them on Earth.” 7. Short-Term & Low Cost Experiments Tim Ferriss doesn"t do what he thinks will make him happy. He does what excites him. Although his overarching vision remains consistent, Ferriss doesn"t have long-term plans . Instead, he does 3–6 month “experiments,” which he puts all of his energy into. He has no clue what doors may open as a result of these experiments, so why make long-term plans? He"d rather respond to the brilliant and best opportunities that arise, taking him in now unforeseen directions. I"ve recently adopted Ferriss" concept of doing short-term experiments. This has changed my approach to my work. For example, a few months ago I stumbled upon a personal development article that had over 1,000,000 social shares. I decided to perform an experiment to attempt creating an article that would also get 1,000,000 shares. The result was this article. Although the article wasn"t shared a million times, the results were profound and unexpected. An editor at *TIME *asked if they could syndicate the article. Additionally, the article brought several thousand new readers (including some of my favorite authors & researchers) and subscribers to my blog. Lastly, it brought on several new coaching clients. That was just one short experiment that took a week to perform. Experiments are a fun way to pursue goals because they allow you to get innovative and bold. Experiments are short-termu200a—u200aand thus relatively low risku200a—u200athus, they should be “moon shots.” Why play small? What"s the worst that could happen, you waste a few months and learn a lot while doing it? 8. Stay In The Zone As Long As You Can We have an addiction to input. If given a few spare moments, we hastily resort to our devices. Half of Americans couldn"t make it 24 hours without their smartphones. According to research , most men and a large portion of women would rather experience painful electric shocks than sit alone with their thoughts. However, the longer you can stay in *the zone, *the greater will be your reward and impact in the current economy. “The only way I"ve found to get over this is to sit with the discomfort. Like most creatives, I"m at my best when there"s a bit of fear and a lot of uncomfortableness thrown into the mix. Being alone with my own thoughts is truly frightening, but truly necessary.”u200a—u200a Paul Jarvis Connect Deeper If you resonated with these ideas, please subscribe to my blog . You will get a free copy of my eBook Slipstream Time Hacking, which blends ideas from astrophysics, psychology, and entrepreneurship and will teach you how to: Thanks for reading!



有没有像Lou bega的Angelina这样类型的歌曲

《chenparty》 -德国一个小男孩唱的很有节奏感 《Replay》 - Iyaz 《Rhythm Of Love》 -Yoomiii《Good Girls Go Bad》 -Cobra Starship《Straight Through My Heart》 -后街男孩《 You Me And She》 -Eve《Dont Cha 》 -Busta Rhymes《e Be Burnin-Recognize It》-Sean Paul《Jai Ho(You Are My Destiny)》-The Pussycat Dolls《Let"s Talk About A Man 》《Balla Da Li - Boom Box》-Various Artists《 Girls On Top 》-BOA《Scandalous (Stargate Radio Mix)》_Bling Bling 希望你喜欢





急求angelina baker 歌词的一句中文翻译!谢谢啦




求angelina唱的《lifetime with you》中英文对照歌词

你看看怎样哈。Lifetime With You - AngelinaIf you ever thought that I could ever leave you如果你曾经想过我会离开你Then I might as well turn and walk away那么我会转身离开If you ever thought that I, I didn"t need you如果你曾经想过我不需要你Then I just as well let my love astray那么我会让我的爱迷路Well there"s something about you baby好吧宝贝,有些关于你的事情that sure seems right看上去是正确的I dream about you baby every night宝贝,我每个夜晚都梦见你And if I had one wish如果我有一个愿望that I know would come true可以实现的话I would spend my lifetime with you我愿意一生和你相伴If you ever thought that I didn"t love you如果你曾想过我不爱你Or did you feel that I或者你觉得我could hurt you in any way在某些方面伤害了你If you ever thought there was anyone above you如果你曾想过有某人在我心中地位在你之上Then I might as well throw it all away那么我会把它丢掉Well there"s something about you baby好吧宝贝,有些关于你的事情that sure seems right看上去是正确的I dream about you baby every night宝贝,我每个夜晚都梦见你And if I had one wish如果我有一个愿望that I know would come true可以实现的话I would spend my lifetime with you我愿意一生和你相伴If you ever thought that I would ever leave you如果你曾经想过我会离开你Then I might as well turn and walk away那么我会转身离开If you ever thought that I, I didn"t need you如果你曾经想过我不需要你Then I just as well let my love astray那么我会让我的爱迷路There"s something about you baby好吧宝贝,有些关于你的事情that sure seems right看上去是正确的I dream about you baby every night宝贝,我每个夜晚都梦见你And if I had one wish如果我有一个愿望that I know would come true可以实现的话I would spend my lifetime with you我愿意一生和你相伴i love this world i love my country i love all of you! 我爱这个世界,我爱我的国家,我爱你的一切!

有首歌 一个黑人男和一个女声唱的 女的老是说Angelina Angelina 声音很好听 这是什么歌啊?







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BegaLou Angelina的歌词

Aaaw! Whoo! (whistle) Angelina baby please, Please baby be mine Angelina do your chacha, forget about the time Sign your name across my heart, honey ain"t that smart Angelina/ ready, steady-start BRIDGE: We can chacha on the floor, we can chacha on the couch Baby, we can chacha, all around my house We can chacha in the night, chacha till two And if you chacha me, I have to chacha you CHORUS: Oh Angelina, Angelina, Angelina Oh my sweet signorina, signorina, Angelina I-I-I bet that we sweat Angelina, Angelina-be my signorina Oh Angelina- Angelina, Angelina, oh my sweet singorina(Angelina), signorina, Angelina I-I-I guess you say yes Angelina, Angelina-be my signorina Aaaw! Whoo! (whistle) (Instrumental Adlib) Signorina Angelina, come ride in my new benz It"s a/ two seater so don"t bring your friends I got dinner for two, only a la carte Angelina / O, yeah, Ready-steady-start We can chacha on the floor, we can chacha til two And if you chacha me, I have to chacha you (Repeat chorus) Oh, Angelina, come baby, drop in my benz Oh, Angelina, but don"t you bring no more friends Oh, Angelina, I got dinner ala carte for two (just for me and you, ehe!) (Repeat Chorus) Aaaw!



女英文名Angelina 男英文名是什么

Aaron亚伦 Abel亚伯 (Abelard的昵称) Abraham亚伯拉罕 Adam亚当 Adrian艾德里安 Alva阿尔瓦 Alex亚历克斯 (Alexander的昵称) Alexander亚历山大 Alan艾伦 (常变形为Eilian、Allan、Ailin) Albert艾伯特 Alfred阿尔弗雷德 Andrew安德鲁 Andy安迪 (Andrew的昵称) Angus安格斯 Anthony安东尼 Arthur亚瑟 Austin奥斯汀 Ben本 (所有Ben开头名字的昵称) Benson本森 Bill比尔 Bob鲍伯 Brandon布兰登 Brant布兰特 Brent布伦特 Brian布莱恩 Bruce布鲁斯 Carl卡尔 Cary凯里 Caspar卡斯帕 Charles查尔斯 Cheney采尼 Chris克里斯 (Christian,Christopher的昵称) Christian克里斯蒂安 Christopher克里斯多夫 Colin科林 Cosmo科兹莫 Daniel丹尼尔 Dennis丹尼斯 Derek德里克 Donald唐纳德 Douglas道格拉斯 David大卫 Denny丹尼 Edgar埃德加 Edward爱德华 Edwin艾德文 Elliott艾略特 Elvis埃尔维斯 Eric埃里克 (Frederick的昵称) Evan埃文 Francis弗朗西斯 Frank弗兰克 (Francis,Franklin的昵称) Franklin富兰克林 Fred弗瑞德 Gabriel加百利 Gaby加比 (Gabriel的昵称) Garfield加菲尔德 Gary加里 Gavin加文 George乔治 Gino基诺 Glen格林 Glendon格林顿 Harrison哈里森 Hugo雨果 Hunk汉克 Howard霍华德 Henry亨利 Ignativs伊格纳缇伍兹 (其变形为Ignace伊格纳茨、Ignatz伊格纳兹) Ivan伊凡 Isaac艾萨克 Jack杰克 Jackson杰克逊 Jacob雅各布 James詹姆士 (Jacob的英文形式) Jason詹森 Jeffery杰弗瑞 Jerome杰罗姆 Jerry杰瑞 (Gerald,Jeremiah,Jerome的昵称) Jesse杰西 Jim吉姆 (James的昵称) Jimmy吉米 (James的昵称) Joe乔 (Joseph的昵称) John约翰 Johnny约翰尼(亦译为:乔尼) Joseph约瑟夫 Joshua约书亚 Justin贾斯汀 Keith凯斯 Ken肯 (Ken结尾名字的昵称) Kenneth肯尼斯 Kenny肯尼 (Kenneth的昵称) Kevin凯文 Lance兰斯 Larry拉里 (Lawrence的昵称) Laurent劳伦特 Nancy 南茜 希伯来 优雅、温文;保母 Natalie 娜特莉 法国 圣诞日出生的 Natividad 娜提雅维达 西班牙 在圣诞节出生的 Nelly 内丽 希丽、拉丁 火把 Nicola 妮可拉 希腊 胜利 Nicole 妮可 希腊 胜利者 Nina 妮娜 拉丁 有势有的;孙女Nora 诺拉 拉丁 第九个孩子。Norma 诺玛 拉丁 正经的人,可做范的人 Novia 诺维雅 拉丁 新来的人 Nydia 妮蒂亚 拉丁 来自隐居之处的人 Octavia 奥克塔薇尔 拉丁 第八个小孩 Odelette 奥蒂列特 法国 声音如音乐般 Odelia 奥蒂莉亚 法国 身材娇小;富有 Olga 欧尔佳 俄国 神圣的;和平 Olive 奥丽芙 拉丁 和平者;橄榄 Olivia 奥丽薇亚 拉丁 和平者;橄榄树 Ophelia 奥菲莉亚 希腊 帮助者;援助者;蛇 Pag 佩格 拉丁 珍珠 Page 蓓姬 希腊 孩子 Pamela 潘蜜拉 英国,希腊 令人心疼,又喜恶作剧的小孩Pandora 潘朵拉 法国 世界上第一个女人 Patricia 派翠西亚 拉丁 出身高贵的 Paula 赛拉 拉丁 比喻身材娇小玲珑者 Pearl 佩儿 拉丁 像珍珠般 Penelope 潘娜洛普 希腊 织布者;沈默的编织者Penny 潘妮 希腊 沈默的编织者Phoebe 菲碧 希腊 会发亮之物,显赫的人,月之女神 Phoenix 菲妮克丝 希腊 年轻的女人 Phyllis 菲丽丝 希腊 嫩枝,小花瓣,绿色小树枝Polly 珀莉 希伯来 反抗的苦涩;海之女Poppy 波比 拉丁 可爱的花朵 Prima 普莉玛 拉丁 长女Prudence 普鲁登斯 拉丁 有智慧、有远见之人;谨慎 Queena 昆娜 英国 很高贵、贵族化的 Quintina 昆蒂娜 拉丁 第五个孩子 Rachel 瑞琪儿 希伯来 母羊或小羊;和善的、彬彬有礼的 Rae 瑞伊 希伯来 母羊 Rebecca 丽蓓卡 西班牙 圈套,迷人的美,陷阱 Regina 蕾佳娜 拉丁 女王,皇后;纯洁的人Renata 蕾娜塔 希伯来 再生的;更新,恢复Renee 蕾妮 法国 再生的 Rita 莉达 义大利 珍珠;勇敢的;诚实的 Riva 莉娃 法国 在河堤或河边的人Roberta 萝勃塔 条顿 辉煌的名声

介绍下Angelina Jolie ???

安洁莉娜·裘莉(Angelina Jolie,1975年6月4日—),本名安洁莉娜·裘莉·沃特(Angelina Jolie Voight),美国女演员,社会活动家。 生平 安洁莉娜·裘莉出生于美国加州的洛杉矶。父亲是斯洛伐克裔美国演员、奥斯卡奖得奖者强·沃特(Jon Voight),母亲马歇琳·伯特兰德(Marcheline Bertrand)是法国裔加拿大人和易洛魁联盟印第安人的后代。安洁莉娜·裘莉很小的时候父母就离异。11岁时开始崇拜麦可·杰克逊,并穿上钉满钉的皮夹克。 1993年,安洁莉娜·裘莉进入电影圈,她在《电子人2》中做了一个跑龙套的小角色,接着1995年又在《骇客》中扮演了一名电脑骇客。 安洁莉娜·裘莉1996年嫁给英国男星约翰尼·李密勒,后离婚。这次人生冲击中,对裘莉来说是一大警醒。裘莉进入好莱坞后,在演了一些反映平淡的影片后,终于在1997年因为在电视电影《乔治·沃莱斯》中出演乔治·沃莱斯的妻子而一鸣惊人,获得金球奖。紧接着她拍摄的一部HBO的《吉娅》又为她获得艾美奖提名。年轻的安洁莉娜从此名声鹊起,成为好莱坞后起之秀中的佼佼者。 2000年与比利·鲍伯·索顿闪电结婚,2003年5月离婚。 2000年安洁莉娜·裘莉因《移魂女郎》获得第72届奥斯卡金像奖最佳女配角奖及同年金球奖最佳女配角奖。 安洁莉娜·裘莉世界闻名是因为2001年主演了《古墓奇兵》,2003年主演了其续集,这是一部根据影响非常大的同名电子游戏改编而成的电影。安洁莉娜·裘莉在影片中扮演了女英雄罗拉。 2001年,安洁莉娜·裘莉捐给了联合国难民署100万美元,以帮助阿富汗难民,裘莉的这一举动得到了联合国难民署的高度赞扬。同年,她被任命为难民署亲善大使。此后,安洁莉娜·裘莉曾出访过狮子山、坦尚尼亚和巴基斯坦、查德以及俄罗斯车臣等许多国家、地区的难民营。 安洁莉娜·裘莉与父亲关系长期不和,后她与父亲断绝父女关系,并从名字中去掉了「Voight」。 主要作品 2006年 《好牧人》(The Good Shepherd) 2005年 《史密斯任务》(Mr. and Mrs. Smith):对手男主角为布莱德·比特(Brad Pitt) 2004年 《亚历山大帝》(Alexander) 《鲨鱼黑帮》(Shark Tale,配音) 2003年 《古墓奇兵2》(Tomb Raider 2) 《超越边境》(Beyond Borders) 2001年 《古墓奇兵》(Tomb Raider) 《原罪》(Original Sin) 2000年 《黑暗之舞》(Dancing in the Dark) 《惊天动地60秒》(Gone in Sixty Seconds):对手男主角为尼古拉斯·凯吉(Nicolas Cage) 1999年 《人骨拼图》(The Bone Collector) 《移魂女郎》(Girl Interrupted) 《空中塞车》(Pushing Tin) 1998年 《随心所欲》(Playing by Heart) 《吉娅》(Gia) 1996年 《无证可寻》(Without Evidence) 《摩哈维的月亮》(Mojave Moon) 《狐火》(Foxfire) 1995年 《骇客》(Hackers) 1993年 《电子人2》(Cyb) 家庭: 安洁莉娜·裘莉领养了三个儿童 Maddox,2002年领养的柬埔寨男孩; Zahara Marley Jolie-Pitt,2005年领养的衣索比亚女孩; 帕克斯·天·裘莉(Pax Thien Julie),2007年3月领养的越南孤儿男孩。 安洁莉娜·裘莉的未婚伴侣是影星布莱德·比特 2006年和布莱德·比特生下一女,并命名为希洛·诺维尔·裘莉-皮特(Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt) 轶事: 2005年她荣获联合国颁发的人道主义奖。同年柬埔寨国王西哈莫尼签署了一项政令,授予安洁莉娜·裘莉为柬埔寨荣誉公民。 2005年,根据美国《商业周刊》进行的民意调查,安洁莉娜·裘莉入选了美国人心目中最理想女总统的第三名。前两位分别是希拉蕊·柯林顿和赖斯。 参考: WIKI 我觉得 英文的维基比较详尽一点 en. *** /wiki/Angelina_jolie 以下的网都好详尽 imdb/name/nm0001401/ 这个更详尽 连小时候的相 结过几多次婚 都说 people/people/angelina_jolie/biography 如果 想比较易明的话 就 zh. *** /w/index?title=%E5%AE%89%E5%90%89%E4%B8%BD%E5%A8%9C%C2%B7%E6%9C%B1%E8%8E%89&variant=zh- 安祖莲娜·祖莉(Angelina Jolie,1975年6月4日—),本名安祖莲娜·祖莉·沃特(Angelina Jolie Voight),美国女演员,社会活动家。 安祖莲娜·祖莉出生于美国加州的洛杉矶。父亲是斯洛伐克裔美国演员、奥斯卡奖得奖者强·沃特(Jon Voight),母亲马歇琳·伯特兰德(Marcheline Bertrand)是法国裔加拿大人和易洛魁联盟印第安人的后代。安祖莲娜·祖莉很小的时候父母就离异。11岁时开始崇拜麦可·杰克逊,并穿上钉满钉的皮夹克。 1993年,安祖莲娜·祖莉进入电影圈,她在《电子人2》中做了一个跑龙套的小角色,接着1995年又在《骇客》中扮演了一名电脑骇客。 安祖莲娜·祖莉1996年嫁给英国男星约翰尼·李密勒,后离婚。这次人生冲击中,对祖莉来说是一大警醒。祖莉进入荷里活后,在演了一些反映平淡的影片后,终于在1997年因为在电视电影《乔治·沃莱斯》中出演乔治·沃莱斯的妻子而一鸣惊人,获得金球奖。紧接着她拍摄的一部HBO的《吉娅》又为她获得艾美奖提名。年轻的安祖莲娜从此名声鹊起,成为荷里活后起之秀中的佼佼者。 2000年与比利·鲍伯·索顿闪电结婚,2003年5月离婚。 2000年安祖莲娜·祖莉因《移魂女郎》获得第72届奥斯卡金像奖最佳女配角奖及同年金球奖最佳女配角奖。 安祖莲娜·祖莉世界闻名是因为2001年主演了《古墓奇兵》,2003年主演了其续集,这是一部根据影响非常大的同名电子游戏改编而成的电影。安祖莲娜·祖莉在影片中扮演了女英雄罗拉。 2001年,安祖莲娜·祖莉捐给了联合国难民署100万美元,以帮助阿富汗难民,祖莉的这一举动得到了联合国难民署的高度赞扬。同年,她被任命为难民署亲善大使。此后,安祖莲娜·祖莉曾出访过狮子山、坦尚尼亚和巴基斯坦、查德以及俄罗斯车臣等许多国家、地区的难民营。 安祖莲娜·祖莉与父亲关系长期不和,后她与父亲断绝父女关系,并从名字中去掉了「Voight」。 [编辑] 主要作品 2006年 《好牧人》(The Good Shepherd) 2005年 《史密夫与史密妻》(Mr. and Mrs. Smith):对手男主角为毕·彼特(Brad Pitt) 2004年 《亚历山大帝》(Alexander) 《鲨鱼黑帮》(Shark Tale,配音) 2003年 《盗墓者萝拉2》(Tomb Raider 2) 《超越边境》(Beyond Borders) 2001年 《盗墓者萝拉》(Tomb Raider) 《原罪》(Original Sin) 2000年 《黑暗之舞》(Dancing in the Dark) 《惊天动地60秒》(Gone in Sixty Seconds):对手男主角为尼古拉斯·基治(Nicolas Cage) 1999年 《人骨拼图》(The Bone Collector) 《移魂女郎》(Girl Interrupted) 《空中塞车》(Pushing Tin) 1998年 《随心所欲》(Playing by Heart) 《吉娅》(Gia) 1996年 《无证可寻》(Without Evidence) 《摩哈维的月亮》(Mojave Moon) 《狐火》(Foxfire) 1995年 《骇客》(Hackers) 1993年 《电子人2》(Cyb) [编辑] 家庭 安祖莲娜·祖莉领养了三个儿童 Maddox,2002年领养的柬埔寨男孩; Zahara Marley Jolie-Pitt,2005年领养的衣索比亚女孩; 帕克斯·天·祖莉(Pax Thien Julie),2007年3月领养的越南孤儿男孩。 安祖莲娜·祖莉的未婚伴侣是影星毕·彼特 2006年和毕·彼特生下一女,并命名为希洛·诺维尔·祖莉-皮特(Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt)



nirvana in fire的资源,请问谁有啊?就是琅琊榜英文版的

芈月传 The Legend of Miyue琅琊榜 Nirvana in Fire(本直译The Rankings of Langya 改 意涅槃重)



Angelina Lou Bega 歌曲资源

Angelina歌手:Lou Bega所属专辑:Ladies And Gentlemen播放收藏分享下载(10067)作词 : Bega, Davids, Fact, LioAaaw! Whoo! (whistle)啊哦!噢~~Angelina baby please, Please baby be mine拜托,亲爱的安吉丽娜,拜托成为我的唯一Angelina do your chacha, forget about the time安吉丽娜,请忘记时间,跳起恰恰~Sign your name across my heart, honey ain"t that smart把你的名字刻在我的心上并不明智Angelina/ ready, steady-start安吉丽娜,准备好就开始吧~We can chacha on the floor, we can chacha on the couch我们在地板上起舞,我们在沙发边跳跃Baby, we can chacha, all around my house宝贝,我们可以在我的房子里舞动We can chacha in the night, chacha till two我们可以舞动直到凌晨两点And if you chacha me, I have to chacha you如果你和我一起恰恰恰,我将无比乐意Oh Angelina, Angelina, Angelina噢,安吉丽娜,安吉丽娜,安吉丽娜~~Oh my sweet signorina, signorina, Angelina我的甜美的姑娘啊,姑娘,安吉丽娜~I-I-I bet that we sweat我-我-我保证我们会尽情的起舞Angelina, Angelina-be my signorina安吉丽娜,安吉丽娜,请成为我的美丽的姑娘Oh Angelina- Angelina, Angelina,噢,安吉丽娜,安吉丽娜,安吉丽娜oh my sweet singorina(Angelina), signorina, Angelina哦,我美丽的姑娘安吉丽娜,姑娘啊安吉丽娜I-I-I guess you say yes我-我-我猜你会同意Angelina, Angelina-be my signorina安吉丽娜,安吉丽娜,请成为我的美丽的姑娘Aaaw! Whoo! (whistle)啊哦,噢~Signorina Angelina, come ride in my new benz美丽的姑娘安吉丽娜,来和我一起坐在新的车里兜风It"s a/ two seater so don"t bring your friends车上只有两个座位所以不要带着你的朋友们I got dinner for two, only a la carte我预约了我们的晚餐,但要按菜单点菜Angelina / O, yeah, Ready-steady-start安吉丽娜,噢耶,准备好就开始吧We can chacha on the floor, we can chacha til two我们在地板上起舞,我们在沙发边跳跃And if you chacha me, I have to chacha you如果你和我一起恰恰恰,我将无比乐意Oh Angelina, Angelina, Angelina哦,安吉丽娜,安吉丽娜,安吉丽娜Oh my sweet signorina, signorina, Angelina哦,我甜美的姑娘啊,姑娘,安吉丽娜I-I-I bet that we sweat我-我-我保证我们会尽情的起舞Angelina, Angelina-be my signorina安吉丽娜,安吉丽娜,请成为我的美丽的姑娘Oh Angelina- Angelina, Angelina,安吉丽娜,美丽的姑娘安吉丽娜Angelina, signorina, Angelina安吉丽娜,美丽的姑娘安吉丽娜I-I-I guess you say yes我-我-我猜你会同意Angelina, Angelina-be my signorina安吉丽娜,安吉丽娜,请成为我的美丽的姑娘Oh, Angelina, come baby, drop in my benz哦,安吉丽娜,来吧,宝贝,来我的车里Oh, Angelina, but don"t you bring no more friends哦,安吉丽娜,但不要带着你的朋友们Oh, Angelina, I got dinner ala carte for two (just for me and you, ehe!)哦,安吉丽娜,我准备了两个人的晚餐,(只是给我和你,耶~)Oh Angelina, Angelina, Angelina哦,安吉丽娜,安吉丽娜,安吉丽娜Oh my sweet signorina, signorina, Angelina哦,我甜美的姑娘啊,姑娘,安吉丽娜I-I-I bet that we sweat我-我-我们会尽情的起舞Angelina, Angelina-be my signorina安吉丽娜,安吉丽娜,请成为我的美丽的姑娘Oh Angelina- Angelina, Angelina,哦,安吉丽娜,安吉丽娜,安吉丽娜Angelina, signorina, Angelina安吉丽娜,美丽的姑娘安吉丽娜I-I-I guess you say yes我-我-我猜你会同意Angelina, Angelina-be my signorina安吉丽娜,请成为我的美丽的姑娘Aaaw!啊哦~
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