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blood donation 英语作文~

Blood donation in my eyes is the dedication, is the noble life-saving act. The blood of volunteers his selfless dedication to the community, to the patients, and blood donors who completed the offering of blood left in silence after. Their sacrifice themselves to help others in the noble spirit of our good example. Although there is no return blood donation, but it is a life-long honor, the community and people will respect and love. Blood donation is the embodiment of love and dedication, blood donation is a manifestation of the community Thanksgiving, blood donation is a life-saving feat. Do you want to influence the lives of the community? Willing to offer you another point of compassion? Blood donation, from my start! Selfless dedication in the nation in the rise of the blood of life in the Pentium rolling! We have to act, for the blood out of a force! Now, because of excessive bleeding tens of thousands of people die, so society emerged out of a group of blood donors, who are good like, we pay tribute to the brave and selfless donors. Blood donation in my eyes, not terrible, so "blood harmful to health, just a little courage." Blood is a symbol of life, blood donation is a sign of civilization and progress. I believe that the efforts of everyone in the community initiative, we can do better! 我眼中的无偿献血,就是无私奉献,就是救死扶伤的崇高行为。志愿者们将自己的血液无私奉献给了社会,给了病人,而献血者们,在献完血后就默默地离开了。他们这种牺牲自己,去帮助别人的崇高精神,是我们的好榜样。无偿献血虽然没有回报,但是却是终身的荣誉,会得到社会和人民的尊重和爱戴。献血是爱心奉献的体现,献血是感恩社会的体现,献血是拯救生命的壮举。你们想为社会做点贡献吗?你们愿为他人献点爱心吗?献血,从我做起!民族在无私的奉献中崛起,生命在奔腾的热血里绵延!我们大家要行动起来,为献血出一份力!现在因为失血过多而死亡的人成千上万,于是社会涌现出了一群一群的献血者,他们都是好样的,我们向勇敢无私的献血者致敬。我眼中的无偿献血,并不可怕,所以“献血无损健康,只需小小勇气。” 热血是生命的标志,无偿献血是文明进步的标志。我相信,在大家的努力下,在社会的倡导下,我们一定能做得更好!

英文句子分析Overcome with remorse,the king designated a day on which Jie’s memory would be honored

在句中的 “overcome” 不是动词原形,而是过去分词—— overcome,overcame,overcome。过去分词短语 “overcome with remorse” 作状语——表原因,其作用相当于一个原因状语从句:Since he had been overcome with remorse,(……………。)——主句(国王) 因饱受良心的折磨,国王亲自定下了一个悼念杰尔的国定纪念日。overcome —— 压到、击败……,句中说得是 “国王” 为 良心、悔恨等折磨,是被动的,所以表原因的状语从句就要用被动过去完成式(与 desingated 相应);而过去分词短语 “overcome with remorse” 可以看成是由从句简化而来:省去“since he had” ,有被动的含意,可以替代原从句,并使句子简练。——这种用分词短语替代从句的做法是很常见的。有一些不规则动词的原形与过去分词是同形的,在阅读时要注意区别。

conditional admission是什么意思

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  conditional admission,您说的这个英文词语在CMA的考试中比较常见,学会这个词语对考取英文CMA资格证书特别有帮助。这个词语的汉语意思是:试读。  希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多CMA的相关问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!

请问英文什么是时态,conditionals: zero,first,second and third conditional.


本人已经收到香港中文大学的conditional offer,但要求入学前雅思够6.5,请问万一没考上能否入学?




conditional expression是什么意思

conditional expression【计算机】条件表达式短语:  conditional-expression operator 条件表达运算符 ; 条件表示运算子  conditional assembly expression 条件组合表式 ; 条件汇编表达式  conditional macro expression 条件宏表达式双语例句:eg:A filter is a conditional expression that is used to select rows.  过滤器 是一个条件表达式,用于选择行。

zero conditional语法

zero conditional 是条件句 first conditional,second conditional 都是虚拟语气 first conditional 用过去式 second conditional 用完成式

conditional type

前者是真实句 从句是真实条件句 主将从现 后者 是虚拟语气 从句是虚拟条件句 表示与将来情况可能相反 主句用过去将来时

有首歌叫the superstar,歌词有句是什么I wanna be your rock star,求完整内容啊

五分钱乐队 《rock star》

申请香港学生签证firm admission offer和conditional admission有什么区别

香港学生签证的firm admission offer和conditional admission主要区别在于录取的条件和流程。1. 录取条件:firm admission offer,也可以称为“有条件录取”,是已经满足了offer的所有条件,这其中包括语言条件、学术条件等。而conditional admission,则是有部分条件还没有满足,可能包括语言成绩、学术成绩等。2. 录取流程:对于firm admission offer,申请者需要提交所有所需材料,包括语言成绩、学术成绩单、推荐信和个人陈述等。一旦所有材料被学校审核通过,申请者将被正式录取。而对于conditional admission,申请者需要在规定的时间内补齐剩余的材料或者满足特定的条件,才能被正式录取。总结来说,firm admission offer和conditional admission的主要区别在于录取的条件和流程。前者要求申请者已经满足所有录取条件,后者则允许申请者在一定时间内满足剩余条件。

英语条件句 conditional if 急!!!!!!!!!!!


conditional sentences是什么意思


英语翻译 同上.还有conditional pass 又是什么

probationary grade 是暂时的等级的意思 原因很可能就是你有一个conditional pass conditional pass 是有条件通过的意思,需要你另外满足一些要求才算通过. 等你的conditional pass 成绩决定之后,就是final grade 了

怎样申请conditional offer?

不知lz是哪个学校的。不过conditional offer不是需要你去申请的。lz在学校官网上下载申请表或者网上申请,在里面提交自己的成绩,比如英语认证水平,课程成绩等信息,然后提交到学校。学校会根据这些信息决定是发给你conditional offer还是uncon offer。

zero/first/second/third conditional之间有什么区别吗?

The Zero ConditionalWe can make a zero conditional sentence with two present simple verbs (one in the "if clause" and one in the "main clause"):If + present simple, .... present simple.This conditional is used when the result will always happen. So, if water reaches 100 degrees, it always boils. It"s a fact. I"m talking in general, not about one particular situation. The result of the "if clause" is always the main cluase.The "if" in this conditional can usually be replaced by "when" without changing the meaning.For example: If water reaches 100 degrees, it boils. (It is always true, there can"t be a different result sometimes). If I eat peanuts, I am sick. (This is true only for me, maybe, not for everyone, but it"s still true that I"m sick every time I eat peanuts)Here are some more examples:If people eat too much, they get fat.If you touch a fire, you get burned.People die if they don"t eat.You get water if you mix hydrogen and oxygen.Snakes bite if they are scaredIf babies are hungry, they cryThe First ConditionalThe first conditional has the present simple after "if", then the future simple in the other clause:if + present simple, ... will + infinitiveIt"s used to talk about things which might happen in the future. Of course, we can"t know what will happen in the future, but this describes possible things, which could easily come true.If it rains, I won"t go to the park.If I study today, I"ll go to the party tonight.If I have enough money, I"ll buy some new shoes.She"ll be late if the train is delayed.She"ll miss the bus if she doesn"t leave soon.If I see her, I"ll tell her.First vs. Zero Conditional:The first conditional describes a particular situation, whereas the zero conditionaldescribes what happens in general.For example (zero conditional): if you sit in the sun, you get burned (here I"m talking about every time a person sits in the sun - the burning is a natural consequence of the sitting)But (first conditional): if you sit in the sun, you"ll get burned (here I"m talking about what will happen today, another day might be different)First vs. Second Conditional:The first conditional describes things that I think are likely to happen in the future, whereas the second conditional talks about things that I don"t think will really happen. It"s subjective; it depends on my point of view.For example (first conditional): If she studies harder, she"ll pass the exam (I think it"s possible she will study harder and so she"ll pass)But (second conditional): If she studied harder, she would pass the exam (I think that she won"t study harder, or it"s very unlikely, and so she won"t pass)The Second ConditionalThe second conditional uses the past simple after if, then "would" and the infinitive:if + past simple, ...would + infinitive(We can use "were" instead of "was" with "I" and "he/she/it". This is mostly done in formal writing).It has two uses.First, we can use it to talk about things in the future that are probably not going to be true. Maybe I"m imagining some dream for example.If I won the lottery, I would buy a big house.(I probably won"t win the lottery)If I met the Queen of England, I would say hello.She would travel all over the world if she were rich.She would pass the exam if she ever studied.(She never studies, so this won"t happen)Second, we can use it to talk about something in the present which is impossible, because it"s not true. Is that clear? Have a look at the examples:If I had his number, I would call him. (I don"t have his number now, so it"s impossible for me to call him).If I were you, I wouldn"t go out with that man.How is this different from the first conditional?This kind of conditional sentence is different from the first conditional because this is a lot more unlikely.For example (second conditional): If I had enough money I would buy a house with twenty bedrooms and a swimming pool (I"m probably not going to have this much money, it"s just a dream, not very real)But (first conditional): If I have enough money, I"ll buy some new shoes (It"s much more likely that"ll have enough money to buy some shoes)The Third ConditionalWe make the third conditional by using the past perfect after "if" and then "would have" and the past participle in the second part of the sentence:if + past perfect, ...would + have + past participleIt talks about the past. It"s used to describe a situation that didn"t happen, and to imagine the result of this situation.If she had studied, she would have passed the exam (but, really we know she didn"t study and so she didn"t pass)If I hadn"t eaten so much, I wouldn"t have felt sick (but I did eat a lot, and so I did feel sick).If we had taken a taxi, we wouldn"t have missed the planeShe wouldn"t have been tired if she had gone to bed earlierShe would have become a teacher if she had gone to universityHe would have been on time for the interview if he had left the house at nine

conditional simple是什么时态

conditional simple翻译为条件简单,不属于时态。时态tense过去将来时past future tense过去将来进行时past future continuous tense过去将来完成时past future perfect tense一般现在时present simple tense一般过去时past simple tense一般将来时future simple tense现在完成时present perfect tense过去完成时past perfect tense将来完成时future perfect tense现在进行时present continuous tense过去进行时past continuous tense将来进行时future continuous tense过去将来进行时past future continuous tense现在完成进行时present perfect continuous tense过去完成进行时past perfect continuous tense

CPU 类型: Yonah Dothon 赛扬M AMD 各表示什么?

Yonah ,Dothon ,赛扬M,奔腾M都是intel的;AMD是另外一家公司(据说是微软控股)CPU主频代表他工作时的最大工作能力

英文高手请入!! unreal conditional

无论是否if clause,verb都是跟subject(前面名词)的,不会跟从后面的object的。 不留意以下答案 1. If you were me what would you do? 2. If you were them what would you do? 3. If I was you what could I do? 3. 以上的答案是逻辑性的conditional以past tense写出记录一段问题;但是如果这句是如你所说的这问题是问unreal的假设可能问题,这句便应该是 If I were you what could I do? 意思是过去的假设:假如当作我是你的话,我会可以怎样做? 这句的写法很不妥的。 想弄清楚所有假设状态的用法,看这里。 To 回答者:Jenkin: I agree with 回答者:aShlEy. With “be” in the “if” clause we normally use the subjunctive “were” for all persons. We may hear English speakers using was. It is being accepted today especially in conversation but we should not use it in formal situations. 2011-12-29 10:14:16 补充: When we use second conditional we are talking something unreal unlikely or untrue. We are talking about the situation now or in the future and not in the PAST. For the past third conditional is used. 唔系 其实呢个subjunctive mood 无论I /we/ you/ they /he/ she/ it 都系用were最正式 用was冇咁正式 但都叫啱

third conditional在英语语法中是什么意思虚心向博学者请教

第一条件句的句型是 "If + S + 简单现在式, S + will + 原形动词",系表示未来极有可能发生的情况;第二条件句 (second conditional) 就是与现在或将来事实相反的条件句。The second conditional (also called conditional type 2) is a structure used for talking about unreal situations in the present or in the future.第三条件句 (third conditional) 则是与过去事实相反的条件句。第三条件状语从句(Third Conditional)的句子结构:If...Past Perfect(过去完成时)...,...would have +done(过去分词)...

港大状态变为conditional offer,然后应该怎么做

conditional offer:有条件录取通知书。发这种通知书可能因为:1。你的成绩没有达到要求,如平均分要达到某水平,或需要你的毕业证书等。2。你的英语能力没有达到要求,如某些专业需要IELTS7.0以上,写作6以上等。你申请时如果不具备上述条件,但学校仍愿意offer you a place,那他们就会给你寄conditional offer。等到你具备了条件,再凭相应的证明到学校换取同一专业的unconditional offer。

Mixed conditional

下面两句都是正确的。 (1) If I didn"t have to work so much I would have gone to the camp. 解作:如果我不是有这么多工作要做,我己经去了那 camp (*不知是甚么[营],所以不译)。 (2) If I didn"t have to work so much I would go to the camp. 解作:如果我不是有这么多工作要做,我会去参加那 camp。 [If I didn"t have to] 是假设现在。 第一句的结构是 [present] [past],所以是 mixed conditional (2nd and 3rd). 工作忙是现在的事,不去 camp 是过去的事。 第二句的结构是 [present] [present],所以是 2nd conditional. 工作忙是现在的事,不去 camp 也是现在的事。 为了要比较其它 conditional 形色,我加上第三句: If I hadn"t had to work so much I would have gone to the camp. 解作: [假若我当时不是很忙,我已经去了 camp]。 这第三句的结构是 [past] [past],所以是 3rd conditional. 工作忙是过去的事,不去 camp 也是过去的事。 至于 1st Conditional 它和 2nd Conditional 很接近,结构也是 [present] [present or future]。不同的是 ,在 1st conditional,那 if condition 是可能或可以发生的。 例如: If you punch me I would kick you. 如果你用拳打我,我会踢你。 If the sun es out we will go to the park. 如果出太阳,我们便会去公园。 2009-04-29 13:52:26 补充: To legendize7: 对不起,我在知识+的电邮地址有些问题,所以到今天才收到你的电邮。 您好,我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源,您能从中得到不少帮助: 祝您好运!

conditional offer是什么意思?

conditional offer:有条件录取通知书。发这种通知书可能因为:1。你的成绩没有达到要求,如平均分要达到某水平,或需要你的毕业证书等。2。你的英语能力没有达到要求,如某些专业需要IELTS7.0以上,写作6以上等。你申请时如果不具备上述条件,但学校仍愿意offer you a place,那他们就会给你寄conditional offer。等到你具备了条件,再凭相应的证明到学校换取同一专业的unconditional offer。拓展资料:conditional offer(有条件录取),应指在招生或招聘中,对于应试者事先设置一定的录用条件,符合这些条件者便取得被录取的机会。offer,全称是offer letter,汉语解释为录用信、录取通知。所谓offer letter,还没一个统一的名字,有人称之为“录取通知”,有人谓之“录用信”,也有人称为“邀约函”。求职信用于正式向求职者提供职位,并提供重要信息,包括开始日期,薪酬,工作时间和职位。他们也被称为就业机会信。offer,全称是offer letter,汉语解释为录用信、录取通知。所谓offer letter,还没一个统一的名字,有人称之为“录取通知”,有人谓之“录用信”,也有人称为“要约函”。以前一般是说外企或国外学校发的表达自己愿意录用的一封格式类似的信件,后来很多人都把自己接到公司的“offer letter”,电话通知等一类的叫offer,被公司通知面试合格能够录用就说收到了offer,而真正发offer letter的也只是很正规的大企业。此外,也有人说offer是“录取通知书加全额奖学金”。参考资料:有条件录取-百度百科offer (录取通知)-百度百科

conditional offer是什么意思

  conditional offer  英 [ku0259nu02c8du026au0283u0259nu0259l u02c8u0254fu0259] 美 [ku0259nu02c8du026au0283u0259nu0259l u02c8u0254fu025a]  [释义]附条件开价;  [网络]有条件录取; 有条件要约; 附条件价格;  [例句]A term sheet is a conditional offer.  投资意向书是个有条件的要约。

conditional offer是什么意思?

conditional offer:有条件录取通知书。发这种通知书可能因为:1。你的成绩没有达到要求,如平均分要达到某水平,或需要你的毕业证书等。2。你的英语能力没有达到要求,如某些专业需要IELTS7.0以上,写作6以上等。你申请时如果不具备上述条件,但学校仍愿意offer you a place,那他们就会给你寄conditional offer。等到你具备了条件,再凭相应的证明到学校换取同一专业的unconditional offer。拓展资料:conditional offer(有条件录取),应指在招生或招聘中,对于应试者事先设置一定的录用条件,符合这些条件者便取得被录取的机会。offer,全称是offer letter,汉语解释为录用信、录取通知。所谓offer letter,还没一个统一的名字,有人称之为“录取通知”,有人谓之“录用信”,也有人称为“邀约函”。求职信用于正式向求职者提供职位,并提供重要信息,包括开始日期,薪酬,工作时间和职位。他们也被称为就业机会信。offer,全称是offer letter,汉语解释为录用信、录取通知。所谓offer letter,还没一个统一的名字,有人称之为“录取通知”,有人谓之“录用信”,也有人称为“要约函”。以前一般是说外企或国外学校发的表达自己愿意录用的一封格式类似的信件,后来很多人都把自己接到公司的“offer letter”,电话通知等一类的叫offer,被公司通知面试合格能够录用就说收到了offer,而真正发offer letter的也只是很正规的大企业。此外,也有人说offer是“录取通知书加全额奖学金”。参考资料:有条件录取-百度百科offer (录取通知)-百度百科

香港有conditional offer吗

有。香港留学有conditional offer的。一般来说,申请香港留学,学校需要评估申请人的学术能力与语言能力。只要这两样有暂无法达到要求的,都可能会先收到学校的conditional offer。如,conditional offer里面要求申请人满足平均分要求、学历要求、雅思或托福的要求等。

conditional offer什么意思?

conditional offer:有条件录取通知书。发这种通知书可能因为:1。你的成绩没有达到要求,如平均分要达到某水平,或需要你的毕业证书等。2。你的英语能力没有达到要求,如某些专业需要IELTS7.0以上,写作6以上等。你申请时如果不具备上述条件,但学校仍愿意offer you a place,那他们就会给你寄conditional offer。等到你具备了条件,再凭相应的证明到学校换取同一专业的unconditional offer。拓展资料:conditional offer(有条件录取),应指在招生或招聘中,对于应试者事先设置一定的录用条件,符合这些条件者便取得被录取的机会。offer,全称是offer letter,汉语解释为录用信、录取通知。所谓offer letter,还没一个统一的名字,有人称之为“录取通知”,有人谓之“录用信”,也有人称为“邀约函”。求职信用于正式向求职者提供职位,并提供重要信息,包括开始日期,薪酬,工作时间和职位。他们也被称为就业机会信。offer,全称是offer letter,汉语解释为录用信、录取通知。所谓offer letter,还没一个统一的名字,有人称之为“录取通知”,有人谓之“录用信”,也有人称为“要约函”。以前一般是说外企或国外学校发的表达自己愿意录用的一封格式类似的信件,后来很多人都把自己接到公司的“offer letter”,电话通知等一类的叫offer,被公司通知面试合格能够录用就说收到了offer,而真正发offer letter的也只是很正规的大企业。此外,也有人说offer是“录取通知书加全额奖学金”。参考资料:有条件录取-百度百科offer (录取通知)-百度百科


1、@ConditionalOnClass,当classpath下发现该类的情况下进行自动配置。 2、@ConditionalOnMissingBean,当Spring Context中不存在该Bean时。 3、@ConditionalOnProperty(prefix = "",value = "enabled",havingValue = "true"),当配置文件中时。 4、@ConditionalOnBean:当容器中有指定的Bean的条件下 5、@ConditionalOnExpression:基于SpEL表达式作为判断条件 6、@ConditionalOnJava:基于JVM版本作为判断条件 7、ConditionalOnJndi:在JNDI存在的条件下查找指定的位置 8、@ConditionalOnMissingClass:当类路径下没有指定的类的条件下 9、@ConditionalOnNotWebApplication:当前项目不是Web项目的条件下 10、@ConditionalOnResource:类路径下是否有指定的资源 11、@ConditionalOnSingleCandidate:当指定的Bean在容器中只有一个,或者在有多个Bean的情况下,用来指定首选的Bean @ConditionalOnWebApplication:当前项目是Web项目的条件下

Diane Schuur&Maynard Ferguson的《Lush Life》 歌词

歌曲名:Lush Life歌手:Diane Schuur&Maynard Ferguson专辑:Swingin" For SchuurLush LifeJohn Coltrane & Johnny HartmanJohn Coltrane & Johnny HartmanI used to visit all the very gay placesThose come-what-may placesWhere one relaxes on the axis of the wheel of lifeTo get the feel of life from jazz and cocktailsThe girls I knew had sad and sullen gray facesWith distingue traces that used to be thereYou could see where they"d been washed awayBy too many through the day, twelve o"clock talesThen you came along with your siren songTo tempt me to madnessI thought for awhile that your poignant smileWas tinged with the sadness of a great love for meAh yes, I was wrongAgain, I was wrongLife is lonely again and only last yearEverything seemed so sureNow life is awful againA trough full of hearts could only be a boreA week in Paris could ease the bite of itAll I care is to smile in spite of itI"ll forget you, I will while yet you are stillBurning inside my brain romance is mushStifling those who striveI"ll live a lush life in some small diveAnd there I"ll beWhile I rot with the rest of thoseWhose lives are lonely tooRomance is mushStifling those who striveI"ll live a lush life in some small diveAnd there I"ll beWhile I rot with the rest of thoseWhose lives are lonely too


Napa平台在多方面都实现了改进:双核心处理器和新一代芯片组及其集成显示核心带来了性能的大幅提升;功耗的降低使其实现了更长的电池使用时间;也以此带动了笔记本设计的更加轻薄;无线性能和兼容性也得以加强。第一代迅驰采用的是Banias核心的Pentium M,Sonoma平台采用的则是基于90nm工艺的Dothan核心Pentium M,这两款Pentium M产品都是单核心处理器。而在Napa中,英特尔将使用双核心处理器Yonah。作为Intel首款移动双核处理器,Yonah将采用65nm工艺,内部集成1.51亿个晶体管,前端总线667MHz,这将对改善处理器的散热与降低功耗带来很大帮助,使Yonah在性能、功能上也有了截然不同的变化。跟Dothan相比,Yonah增强了多媒体及浮点运算能力,另外,它还支持Intel最新的虚拟化技术,在针脚上和上代Dothan也有所不同,由Socket 479变成Socket 478,而且不支持上一代芯片组。Yonah处理器实际上采用了两个“Dothan”处理器内核再加上一个共享的缓存。在双内核处理器当中,每个内核都有独立的HyperTransport总线连接系统请求单元(SRQ)和系统内存,能在一个时钟周期之内处理两倍以上的数据,管理一个以上的线程,这种技术使得整个系统性能有相当大的提高,而整体设计难度和制造成本跟相比并高不了多少,同时对于控制耗电和热量也有着非常大的帮助。Yonah将有3种版本,为标准电压版(Standard Voltage,简称SV)、低电压版(Low Voltage,简称LV),超低电压版ULV(Ultra Low Voltage),这与Dothan相同。但由于采用了双核心,英特尔对TDP(热量设计功耗)标准做些许增加,标准电压版将为32W,低电压版为15W,相应的Dothan则为27W和15W。尽管电压增高了,但是Napa平台的整体功耗并没有增加,相反比当前的Snoma平台有所下降。这主要是因为在Yonah中使用了名为“Intel Dynamic Power Coordination”的节能省电技术,可对CPU的双核心进行独立的状态控制。Yonah可根据整个系统的要求来完成工作任务,同时尽可能保持最低的工作状态,即根据任务量的大小来选择相应的工作状态,保持工作频率和工作电压同步,从而可使功耗降到更低水平;而在原料上选择了更低功耗的晶体管,还有全新的制造工艺,并引入了其增强深度睡眠技术,使得功耗和发热量方面再进一步得到降低。通过省电技术的不断改进,Intel希望可以在2010年之前使电池的使用时间达到8小时。另外,Intel还为Yonah引入了全新的缓存管理机制Smart Cache,它使得两个核心都能对内置的2MB二级缓存进行动态缓存分配机制,也就是说缓存可以根据需要而动态地分配给需要的核心,这样进一步提高了缓存的利用率,大大提高了系统性能。英特尔同时也公布了Sonoma和Napa两代平台的功耗比较,上图分别对两代平台下的CPU,芯片组,南桥芯片和无线网卡进行功耗对比。从最后一项的总功耗对比上看,Sonoma平台可以达到小于4.2W的功耗,而Napa平台下的最低水平可以达到小于2.735W,差距相当大。Wi-Fi方面,在功耗,多媒体管理,软件程序和验证程序上,Napa平台下都有很大的改进。新一代Napa平台的平均功耗仅为3W,比Sonoma的4.2W还要低了将近30%。看来Napa在电池使用时间上将会有更杰出的表现。

conditional offer是什么意思?

conditional offer是有条件录取通知书。顾名思义,学生虽然拿到了offer,但是要顺利入学,是有前提条件的,如果不符合offer上列出的前提条件,还是不能入学。conditional offer(有条件录取),应指在招生或招聘中,对于应试者事先设置一定的录用条件,符合这些条件者便取得被录取的机会。扩展资料:发这种通知书可能因为:1。你的成绩没有达到要求,如平均分要达到某水平,或需要你的毕业证书等。2。你的英语能力没有达到要求,如某些专业需要IELTS7.0以上,写作6以上等。你申请时如果不具备上述条件,但学校仍愿意offer you a place,那他们就会给你寄conditional offer。等到你具备了条件,再凭相应的证明到学校换取同一专业的unconditional offer。澳大利亚各大名校均在提高入学门槛,以此来提高海外留学生的入学质量。受到这些政策变化的影响,有些申请人也许无法在赶上毕业当年7月份的入学,然而这也为准留学生们提供了半年的时间好好地准备接下来的留学生活,以免在真正开始海外学习时产生不适应。利用这半年的时间,毕业生可以仔细研究学校的硕士课程设置,加固自己的专业知识,同时好好进行英语训练,提高英语读写和交流能力。对于转专业的学生来说,这半年时间更加宝贵,可以用来为新专业的学习打下基础。参考资料:百度百科——有条件录取

conditional offer是什么意思?

conditional offer:有条件录取通知书。发这种通知书可能因为:1。你的成绩没有达到要求,如平均分要达到某水平,或需要你的毕业证书等。2。你的英语能力没有达到要求,如某些专业需要IELTS7.0以上,写作6以上等。你申请时如果不具备上述条件,但学校仍愿意offer you a place,那他们就会给你寄conditional offer。等到你具备了条件,再凭相应的证明到学校换取同一专业的unconditional offer。拓展资料:conditional offer(有条件录取),应指在招生或招聘中,对于应试者事先设置一定的录用条件,符合这些条件者便取得被录取的机会。offer,全称是offer letter,汉语解释为录用信、录取通知。所谓offer letter,还没一个统一的名字,有人称之为“录取通知”,有人谓之“录用信”,也有人称为“邀约函”。求职信用于正式向求职者提供职位,并提供重要信息,包括开始日期,薪酬,工作时间和职位。他们也被称为就业机会信。offer,全称是offer letter,汉语解释为录用信、录取通知。所谓offer letter,还没一个统一的名字,有人称之为“录取通知”,有人谓之“录用信”,也有人称为“要约函”。以前一般是说外企或国外学校发的表达自己愿意录用的一封格式类似的信件,后来很多人都把自己接到公司的“offer letter”,电话通知等一类的叫offer,被公司通知面试合格能够录用就说收到了offer,而真正发offer letter的也只是很正规的大企业。此外,也有人说offer是“录取通知书加全额奖学金”。参考资料:有条件录取-百度百科offer (录取通知)-百度百科




conditional sentence 有4个style.为 Type 0.讲述一些系大家都知的事实、定理 Type 1.可能发生 Type 2.无可能,或机会好微,近乎无可能 同埋注意,Type 2实际上是present tense的 Type 3. 注意,Type3指的事情是过去的,所以无法改变,不可能。 (所以Type 2 及 Type 3 都可以是不可能,但Type 2实际是present tense Type 3 实际是past tense) 最基本的conditional sentence 可以用if 句,例如: Type 0 If you put some water in a fridge it turns into a block of ice. 如果你摆d水落雪柜 d水就会变为冰 Type 1. if i study hard this year i will pass my cee. 如果今年努力读书 我就可以在会考合格(系有可能发生的) 这样第1部份用present tense 第2部份用future 2.if i were you I would help him. 注意,就算第一身是单数、如he she等,不会用was而用were。"if i were you" 当然是不可能。 或者:If I were a doctor I would publish a book about how to find a cure to AIDS. 这不是无可能的 你可以成为一个大医生 但是由于知自己仍是中学生 而且不是十分用功去读书 加上对化学的兴趣不太大 所以成为大国手的机会也很少,近乎不可能了。 3. if i had studied hard last year i would have passed my cee. 呢个第1部份系用past perfect 第2部份用了 " would+present perfect" 英文意思系唔可能再发生的 因为已经过去了. 旧年如果努力读书 我就可以pass cee 啦. 讲紧系过左去 无得改变的 参考: 唔该帮我解释下咩系conditionals...姐系type 0 1 2 3...点用? 答: conditionals只有三种的 type 1:可能性极高的 例如 If it rains I will stay at home也可以作成 If it rains I stay at home. 公式:If + present tense subject + future tense/present tense 天气报告告诉你 明天有90%会下 雨 而你是知道的 所以明天你留在家中的机会十分之大. type 2:可能性低的 例如 If I were a doctor I would publish a book about how to find a cure to AIDS 公式:If + past tense subject + would+ verb 这不是无可能的 你可以成为一个大国手 但是由于知自己是中四生 而且不是十分用功去读书 加上对化学的兴趣不太大 所以成为大国手的机会也少了 但是仍是有机的 只要自己勤力温书及考好会考及高考化学便行了. type 3:近于无可能 例如 If I had been a doctor I would have published a book about how to find a cure to AIDS. 公式:If + past perfect tense subject + would+have+ verb 你己出了 社会 而且是文员一个 既不是在医学界 也不可能会变为医生 所以出一本出医爱滋的书是基本上不可能的. conditional sentences are too out-dated I won"t use them now. 希望你明白

conditional offer是什么意思?

conditional offer是有条件录取通知书。顾名思义,学生虽然拿到了offer,但是要顺利入学,是有前提条件的,如果不符合offer上列出的前提条件,还是不能入学。conditional offer(有条件录取),应指在招生或招聘中,对于应试者事先设置一定的录用条件,符合这些条件者便取得被录取的机会。扩展资料:发这种通知书可能因为:1。你的成绩没有达到要求,如平均分要达到某水平,或需要你的毕业证书等。2。你的英语能力没有达到要求,如某些专业需要IELTS7.0以上,写作6以上等。你申请时如果不具备上述条件,但学校仍愿意offer you a place,那他们就会给你寄conditional offer。等到你具备了条件,再凭相应的证明到学校换取同一专业的unconditional offer。澳大利亚各大名校均在提高入学门槛,以此来提高海外留学生的入学质量。受到这些政策变化的影响,有些申请人也许无法在赶上毕业当年7月份的入学,然而这也为准留学生们提供了半年的时间好好地准备接下来的留学生活,以免在真正开始海外学习时产生不适应。利用这半年的时间,毕业生可以仔细研究学校的硕士课程设置,加固自己的专业知识,同时好好进行英语训练,提高英语读写和交流能力。对于转专业的学生来说,这半年时间更加宝贵,可以用来为新专业的学习打下基础。参考资料:百度百科——有条件录取

conditional offer是什么意思?

发这种通知书可能因为: 1。你的成绩没有达到要求,如平均分要达到某水平,或需要你的毕业证书等。 2。你的英语能力没有达到要求,如某些专业需要IELTS7.0以上,写作6以上等。 你申请时如果不具备上述条件,但学校仍愿意offer you a place,那他们就会给你寄conditional offer。等到你具备了条件,再凭相应的证明到学校换取同一专业的unconditional offer。

zero/first/second/third conditional之间有什么区别吗

英文第一条件句的句型是 "If + S + 简单现在式, S + will + 原形动词",系表示未来极有可能发生的情况;第二条件句 (second conditional) 就是与现在或将来事实相反的条件句。The second conditional (also called conditional type 2) is a structure used for talking about unreal situations in the present or in the future.第三条件句 (third conditional) 则是与过去事实相反的条件句。

first conditional 是什么意思?

语法:第一条件句 第一条件句:又称真实条件句,主要用于陈述语气,假设的情况可能发生。第一条件句中的动词应该用一般现在时代替一般将来时;用现在完成时代替将来完成时。如:If Mary goes to the concert, she will bring her brother.If the weather is fine tomorrow, we shall go to the country.注意:在第一条件句中,主句不能用be going to 表示将来,应用shall, will。例如:If you leave now, you are never going to regret it. (错误) If you leave now, you will never regret it. (正确)

conditional offer是什么?

一、conditional offer是有条件录取通知书。学校如果已经给你下了con offer,就说明学校对你的审核已经完成了而且同意了你的申请,那么你也不用再担心纠结你的PASS了。你现在要做的就是达到学校要求的成绩和一切offer上说明的condition二、发这种通知书可能因为:1。你的成绩没有达到要求,如平均分要达到某水平,或需要你的毕业证书等。2。你的英语能力没有达到要求,如某些专业需要IELTS7.0以上,写作6以上等。你申请时如果不具备上述条件,但学校仍愿意offer you a place,那他们就会给你寄conditional offer。等到你具备了条件,再凭相应的证明到学校换取同一专业的unconditional offer。拓展资料在拿到offer之后还必须仔细阅读offer上的内容,特别是conditional offer包含的条件。1、是要看清楚学校到底给你的是什么condition,然后根据这个条件去努力,在达到IELTS和GPA要求之后,把成绩单寄到学校,换取unconditional offer。如果IELTS没有达到要求,就要开始申请语言课程。2、是要看清学校有没有要求你交押金,截止日期是什么时候。有些学校的课程规定,如果学生愿意接受,必须交一定数目的钱作为押金,学生还要注意,学校会规定最后付款日期,一定要在这个日期之前交上押金。3、学生在拿到offer以后,如果确认能够接受,必须在规定的时间内将随offer letter一起寄来的acceptance form填好寄回或是传真回学校,以确认你已接受offer。如果你没有完成这个步骤的话,学校很有可能就以为你不愿意接受offer,从而把你的位置取消掉了(参考资料 百度百科 offer)

conditional offer是什么意思?

conditional offer是有条件录取通知书。顾名思义,学生虽然拿到了offer,但是要顺利入学,是有前提条件的,如果不符合offer上列出的前提条件,还是不能入学。conditional offer(有条件录取),应指在招生或招聘中,对于应试者事先设置一定的录用条件,符合这些条件者便取得被录取的机会。扩展资料:发这种通知书可能因为:1。你的成绩没有达到要求,如平均分要达到某水平,或需要你的毕业证书等。2。你的英语能力没有达到要求,如某些专业需要IELTS7.0以上,写作6以上等。你申请时如果不具备上述条件,但学校仍愿意offer you a place,那他们就会给你寄conditional offer。等到你具备了条件,再凭相应的证明到学校换取同一专业的unconditional offer。澳大利亚各大名校均在提高入学门槛,以此来提高海外留学生的入学质量。受到这些政策变化的影响,有些申请人也许无法在赶上毕业当年7月份的入学,然而这也为准留学生们提供了半年的时间好好地准备接下来的留学生活,以免在真正开始海外学习时产生不适应。利用这半年的时间,毕业生可以仔细研究学校的硕士课程设置,加固自己的专业知识,同时好好进行英语训练,提高英语读写和交流能力。对于转专业的学生来说,这半年时间更加宝贵,可以用来为新专业的学习打下基础。参考资料:百度百科——有条件录取


conditional offer:有条件录取通知书。发这种通知书可能因为:1。你的成绩没有达到要求,如平均分要达到某水平,或需要你的毕业证书等。2。你的英语能力没有达到要求,如某些专业需要IELTS7.0以上,写作6以上等。你申请时如果不具备上述条件,但学校仍愿意offer you a place,那他们就会给你寄conditional offer。等到你具备了条件,再凭相应的证明到学校换取同一专业的unconditional offer。

conditional offer是什么意思?


有关conditional sentences

更新1: 问埋点用.有咩要注意先 Conditional 有四种 1.最简单的一种: 每次发生某事情时 必会做另一件事情 如: 如果下雨 我会带遮. If it rains I carry an umbrella. (If 可用when/whenever代替) Form: 前后两句都用现在式. 2.Future Possible Conditional 只要(将来)某事情发生 我会做另一件事情. 如: 如果明天下雨 我将会带遮. If it rains tomorrow I will carry my umbrella. I will be very surprised if I pass my English test. Form: If 句用现在式动词 另一句用will/can/should/must/may/might + 动词. If 可以用在一句句子开头 那么两句句子中间有逗号. 或用在中间 连接两句句子 那么不用逗号. 3.Present Unreal Conditional 假设现在发生某事 我就会怎样. (事实现在不可能发生此事) 如: 如果我系你 我会同我老细讲. (事实我唔可能系你) If I were you I would talk to my boss. If it were raining I would call a taxi. (但事实无落雨) *** be 在这个情况下 不论系 I he/she/it 都用were 而不是was *** Form: If 句用过去式动词 另一句用would/could/may/might + 动词. 4.Past Unreal Conditional 假设以前发生过某事 过去/现在/将来就会怎样. 如: If we had bought that house in 1980 we could sell it now for a lot of money. (影响现在) If they hadn"t e to the United States they would have gone to Canada. (两句都过去 佢地无去加拿大 而来左美国) If she had continued studying law she would be graduating next June. (影响将来) (因为佢过去无继续读law 所以呢个六用佢唔会毕业) Form: If 句用past perfect(过去现成) 另一句用would have/could have/might have 或者 would/could/might. 参考: 例子from grammar teacher Conditional Sentences / If-Clauses Type I II und III Conditional Sentences are also known as Conditional Clauses or If Clauses. They are used to express that the action in the main clause (without if) can only take place if a certain condition (in the clause with if) is fulfilled. There are three types of Conditional Sentences. Conditional Sentence Type 1 It is possible and also very likely that the condition will be fulfilled. Form: if + Simple Present will-Future Example: If I find her address I"ll send her an invitation. Conditional Sentence Type 2 → It is possible but very unlikely that the condition will be fulfilled. Form: if + Simple Past Conditional I (= would + Infinitive) Example: If I found her address I would send her an invitation. Conditional Sentence Type 3 → It is impossible that the condition will be fulfilled because it refers to the past. Form: if + Past Perfect Conditional II (= would + have + Past Participle) Example: If I had found her address I would have sent her an invitation. Exceptions Sometimes Conditional Sentences Type I II and III can also be used with other tenses. ego4u/en/cram-up/grammar/conditional-sentences/exceptions

美国大学的Conditional Acceptance是不是就表示已经被录取,但要完成他的要求?

对滴。。。比如你还没正式毕业,在大四申请,准备毕业去上研究生。 学校录取你了,就会给你Conditional Acceptance , 等你毕业了 要提交正式的毕业证,学位证, 就可以换unConditional 了。。。也有conditional offer 的情况是语言成绩不足,其他条件可以 会发这个给你滴 在签证前达到了相应的语言成绩去换unconditional offer 这个在英国很常见。。。

the first (second )conditional clause

一、第一条件句: 第一条件句是指真实条件句,主要用于陈述语气,假设的情况可能发生。第一条件句中的动词应该用一般现在时代替一般将来时;用现在完成时代替将来完成时。如:If Mary goes to the concert, she will bring her brother.If the weather is fine tomorrow, we shall go to the country.注意:在第一条件句中,主句不能用be going to 表示将来,应用shall, will。例如:If you leave now, you are never going to regret it. (错误) If you leave now, you will never regret it. (正确)二、第二条件句:第二条件句是非真实条件句的一种,它表示现在或将来不可能实现,或实现的可能性很小的一种假设。它的谓语动词所表示的动作、状态都是虚构的、假想的、不可能实现或实现的可能性很小的。第二条件句中的谓语动词用一般过去时或should (were to)+动词原形,而主句中的谓语动词则用would / should / could / might+动词原形。If I were you, I should not do that.If everyone in the country knew first aid, many lives would be saved.注意:if 条件句中如有were, should, had,可以省去if,并使用倒装语序。Were I a boy, I would join the army.在现代英语中,if非真实条件状语从句中的谓语动词如果是be,其过去形式一般用were。

third conditional在英语语法中是什么意思

我们将学最后一种Conditional——Third Conditional(第三条件的)。Third Conditional的句子结构:If+Past Perfect(过去式分词)+ ......+would have+Past Perfect(过去式分词)1.Third Conditional是用来表达过去式,如果(If)当时那样发生,另外一方面(当时)会如何(通常是指过去的事情,带有一切已经太迟而不能够补救的意思)。例句(6):If Ali had studied hard for the subjects, he would have passed the final examination. 如果阿里当时勤力地把那些科目读好,他在末考中将会及格。(现在不及格而带有后悔的意思)2.过去没有发生而感觉到安慰。例句(7):If I had not missed my school bus, I would not have been late for school. 如果我不错失学校巴士,上学将不会迟到。(现在我来得及而没有迟到)例句(8):If I had not taught you, what would you have done? 如果我未教你,你将会做了什么?3.Third Conditional的其它使用方式:例句(9):If you had been to the party, you might have met someone special. 如果你去过那宴会,你可能已经遇见心目中的人。(当时你没有见到她)例句(10):I could have finished the task, if I had had good ideas. 我将把那任务做完,如果已经有一些好概念。(但是当时我没有好的概念)句中的第一个had指的是已经,然而第二个had指的是有。练习(一):Third Conditional(第三条件的)Read the situation, and then make a sentence with if 。详读以下的情况,然后造出使用 if 的句子。例:I didn"t have time, I didn"t go shopping.If I had had time, I would have gone shopping.1.She was ill. She didn"t go to work.2.It rained all morning. We didn"t go out.3.She didn"t have enough money. She couldn"t buy the shoes.4.I wasn"t hungry. I didn"t have breakfast.5.He was tired. He made a mistake.6.We didn"t have a map. We got lost.答案:练习(一)1.If she hadn"t been ill, she would have gone to work.2.If it hadn"t rained all morning, we would have gone out.3.If she had had enough money, she could have bought the shoes.4.If I had been hungry, I wouldn"t have had breakfast.5.If he hadn"t been tired, he wouldn"t have made a mistake.6.If we had had a map, we wouldn"t have got lost.

be conditional on/upon是什么意思

be conditional on英 [bi: ku0259nu02c8du026au0283u0259nu0259l u0254n] 美 [bi ku0259nu02c8du026au0283u0259nu0259l ɑn] 释义 在…条件下,取决于We can agree on the price but it will be conditional. 我们可以同意这个价钱,但有附带条件.

conditional offer 是什么意思啊如题,本科有conditional offer吗

conditional offer[英][ku0259nu02c8du026au0283u0259nu0259l u02c8u0254fu0259][美][ku0259nu02c8du026au0283u0259nu0259l u02c8u0254fu025a]附条件开价; 例句:1.A term sheet is a conditional offer. 投资意向书是个有条件的要约。2.Conditional offer of the university of york; 约克大学有条件录取通知书;

爱丁堡大学硕士conditional 换unconditional 需要多长时间

具体情况,具体分析。要看你的具体情况而定。如,你conditional offer里的condition,什么时候能满足。满足condition后,什么时候提供证明文件给学校换unconditional。一般来说,提供满足condition的证明文件给爱丁堡大学后,一般在1-4周可以取得unconditional offer。

英文中的 conditional Type 1 和 Type 2有什么分别?

前者是真实句 从句是真实条件句 主将从现后者 是虚拟语气 从句是虚拟条件句 表示与将来情况可能相反 主句用过去将来时




如果要说某个地方已经用了空调,用air-conditioned,比如an air-conditioned room(开了空调的房间);如果是形容某样东西有空调功能或单讲空调功能,则用air-conditional,比如air-conditional system(空调系统).

conditional offer是什么意思?

发这种通知书可能因为: 1。你的成绩没有达到要求,如平均分要达到某水平,或需要你的毕业证书等。 2。你的英语能力没有达到要求,如某些专业需要IELTS7.0以上,写作6以上等。 你申请时如果不具备上述条件,但学校仍愿意offer you a place,那他们就会给你寄conditional offer。等到你具备了条件,再凭相应的证明到学校换取同一专业的unconditional offer。

Conditional sentence问题 ~ 20点

If I see a ladder I will walk around it这句在文法上叫”假设法现在”(Subjunctive Present),是要来表示一些对现在或未来不确实之想像。 如:If he be old he will be unable to do it.(随便一点的英文,也说:If he is old......),这句就表示,说话者并不知道他是否老 而至于If I saw a ladder I would walk around it.在文法上,叫”假设法过去式”(Subjunctive Past),其一用法是表示”与现在之事实相反的想像”,如: If I had money enough I could buy the house.(但事实上,现在就没有足够的钱) 既然知道这两种用法后,因为你的句子是”If I see(或saw)”,这不可能你不知道,因为你见到与否,你必知道,所以就不用Subjunctive Present,而要用Subjunctive Past. type 1 Conditional:其形式是If+ Present + Future,用来表示:一些现在或未来不确定的事,如: If I have the money I will buy this car. 我若有钱,我就会买这部车(但将来有没有钱,却不确定) Type 2 Conditional:其形式是If+Past+ would(should、could、might...等)+原形动词,用来表示与事相实相反的想法,如: If dogs had wings they would be able to fly.(注:狗有翼是与现实相反的事) Type 3 Conditional:其形式是If + past perfect + perfect conditonal,用来表示与过去的事实相反的想像,如: If I had studied harder I would have passed the exam.(事实上,过去并没有努力,也没有取得合格) 希望帮到你! 2009-04-27 11:05:22 补充: 再回到你的句子,其实If I see a ladder I will walk around it,在文法上也是正确,只是在并不太合理,因为句子的意思是:只要你一看到任何的梯子,你也回绕着它。(这也实在是太无聊的做法) 您好,我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源,您能从中得到不少帮助: 祝您好运!

英语中one conditional,second conditional,third conditional 的详细解释和区别是什么?

有条件的一有条件的第二有条件的第三英文第一条件句的句型是 "If + S + 简单现在式, S + will + 原形动词",系表示未来极有可能发生的情况;第二条件句 (second conditional) 就是与现在或将来事实相反的条件句。The second conditional (also called conditional type 2) is a structure used for talking about unreal situations in the present or in the future.第三条件句 (third conditional) 则是与过去事实相反的条件句。

second conditional与third conditional的区别

英文第一条件句的句型是 "If + S + 简单现在式, S + will + 原形动词",系表示未来极有可能发生的情况;第二条件句 (second conditional) 就是与现在或将来事实相反的条件句。The second conditional (also called conditional type 2) is a structure used for talking about unreal situations in the present or in the future.第三条件句 (third conditional) 则是与过去事实相反的条件句。

conditional offer的意思是什么?

conditional offer是有条件录取通知书。顾名思义,学生虽然拿到了offer,但是要顺利入学,是有前提条件的,如果不符合offer上列出的前提条件,还是不能入学。conditional offer(有条件录取),应指在招生或招聘中,对于应试者事先设置一定的录用条件,符合这些条件者便取得被录取的机会。扩展资料:发这种通知书可能因为:1。你的成绩没有达到要求,如平均分要达到某水平,或需要你的毕业证书等。2。你的英语能力没有达到要求,如某些专业需要IELTS7.0以上,写作6以上等。你申请时如果不具备上述条件,但学校仍愿意offer you a place,那他们就会给你寄conditional offer。等到你具备了条件,再凭相应的证明到学校换取同一专业的unconditional offer。澳大利亚各大名校均在提高入学门槛,以此来提高海外留学生的入学质量。受到这些政策变化的影响,有些申请人也许无法在赶上毕业当年7月份的入学,然而这也为准留学生们提供了半年的时间好好地准备接下来的留学生活,以免在真正开始海外学习时产生不适应。利用这半年的时间,毕业生可以仔细研究学校的硕士课程设置,加固自己的专业知识,同时好好进行英语训练,提高英语读写和交流能力。对于转专业的学生来说,这半年时间更加宝贵,可以用来为新专业的学习打下基础。参考资料:百度百科——有条件录取

conditional; marketing ;throng ;这几个英语怎么读?

分别是:英/ku0259nu02c8du026au0283u0259nl/ ,英/u02c8mɑu02d0ku026atu026au014b/,英/θru0252u014b/

conditional offer是什么意思?

一、conditional offer是有条件录取通知书。学校如果已经给你下了con offer,就说明学校对你的审核已经完成了而且同意了你的申请,那么你也不用再担心纠结你的PASS了。你现在要做的就是达到学校要求的成绩和一切offer上说明的condition二、发这种通知书可能因为:1。你的成绩没有达到要求,如平均分要达到某水平,或需要你的毕业证书等。2。你的英语能力没有达到要求,如某些专业需要IELTS7.0以上,写作6以上等。你申请时如果不具备上述条件,但学校仍愿意offer you a place,那他们就会给你寄conditional offer。等到你具备了条件,再凭相应的证明到学校换取同一专业的unconditional offer。拓展资料在拿到offer之后还必须仔细阅读offer上的内容,特别是conditional offer包含的条件。1、是要看清楚学校到底给你的是什么condition,然后根据这个条件去努力,在达到IELTS和GPA要求之后,把成绩单寄到学校,换取unconditional offer。如果IELTS没有达到要求,就要开始申请语言课程。2、是要看清学校有没有要求你交押金,截止日期是什么时候。有些学校的课程规定,如果学生愿意接受,必须交一定数目的钱作为押金,学生还要注意,学校会规定最后付款日期,一定要在这个日期之前交上押金。3、学生在拿到offer以后,如果确认能够接受,必须在规定的时间内将随offer letter一起寄来的acceptance form填好寄回或是传真回学校,以确认你已接受offer。如果你没有完成这个步骤的话,学校很有可能就以为你不愿意接受offer,从而把你的位置取消掉了(参考资料 百度百科 offer)

语法 conditional

(回答已M你)conditional是可以示表“假设”,比如on conditional situation在假定/假设的情况下 conditional还可解释为“条件的”conditional contract附加条款




conditional[kEn5diFnEl]adj.有条件的, 以...为条件的条件的, 假定的引起条件反射的


conditional反义词是unconditional。一、中文翻译:作形容词,无条件的;无限制的;绝对的。老板对员工下班是无条件的二、发音:三、例句:unconditionallove doesn"t bring courage and strength.不加限制的爱并不会给人带来勇气和力量。)Discharge may be conditional or unconditional.解除责任可以是有条件或无条件的。conditional中文翻译是作形容词,有条件的;条件的;附带条件的;依......而定的。


conditional是什么意思: adj. 有条件的;条件的 n. 条件句 参考例句: This is a conditional ceasefire. 这是有条件停火。 Is there a remedy for this condition? 有没有解决这个情况的方法? The condition of man . . . is a condition of war of everyone against everyone 人类的状态.是人与人对抗的战争状态 Working conditions have bettered a lot. 工作条件已大为改善。 require or ask for as a price or condition. 要求或者请求价格或者社会地位。 postulate for certain conditions 要求某些条件 limber terms 可变通的.条件 CAC(Conditional Access Control) 条件接收控制 Crowded conditions favour the spread of disease. 拥挤的条件便于疾病传播。 There are too many ifs in his offer. 他的提议中条件太多了。 The actual control condition at the root of the notch is more problematic 在缺口根部的实际控制条件是更难捉摸的。 Character is the first and last word in the success circle. ——Marden 性格是达到成功的决定条件。——马顿 His acceptance will hinge upon the term. 他接受与否将依条件而定。 Similar circumstances only arise within a single historical period. 类似条件仅出现于单个历史时期内。 My acceptance will hinge upon the terms 我接受与否将依条件而定。


conditional[英][ku0259nu02c8du026au0283u0259nl][美][ku0259nu02c8du026au0283u0259nu0259l]adj.视…而定的; [语]条件的,假定的; [心]有条件的,由一定条件诱发的; n.条件(从句),条件语; 复数:conditionals例句:1.On unemployment benefits she is likely to offer conditional surrender. 在失业补助方面默克尔夫人很可能做出有条件的让步。

china overseas是什么意思

china overseas中国海外例句:1.The property developer, a unit of china overseas holdings ltd., didn"t respond to requests for comment. 涉事开发商是中国海外集团有限公司(china overseas holdings ltd.)子公司,它没有回复本报置评请求。

overseas financial institution中文翻译

Overseas financial institution 海外财务机构 But , subject to prudential considerations , overseas financial institutions may be allowed access to the domestic market as financial intermediaries 不过,我们可以在经过审慎的考虑与审查后,让海外金融机构参与本地市场,作为金融中介机构。 Overseas financial institutions such as h *** c and goldman sachs expect the central bank to take further steps for greater flexibipty of the exchange rate during the rest of the year 汇丰银行、高盛投资银行等境外金融机构希望央行年内能进一步采取措施增加汇率的弹性。 By the end of 1995 , a total of 214 overseas financial institutions and organizations have set up representative offices . the figure accounts for half of the national total of 519 到1995年底外国金融机构和组织在京的代表机构达到214家为非营业机构,占全国519家代表处将近一半。 The thesis started from the current situation of the overseas financial institutions investment in chinese banks , *** yzing the characters , the ine and risks along with the overseas investment , and conducted thoroughly research on equity price and research methods 本文从目前境外金融机构参股中资银行的现状入手,分析了外资参股的特点和参股带来的收益、风险,并主要针对参股定价的情况和所采用的评估方法进行深入研究。 During the process of overseas financial institution engaging in equity investment in chinese banks , the most disputable point is equity price , obviously , equity price undervalue will cause loss to chinese banks , on the other hand , equity price overvalue will affect the investing motivation of oversea investors 在外资参股中资银行的过程中,引起争论最多的是参股价格问题,低估会给我国银行带来损失,高估则会影响境外金融机构的参股动力。 As the most important part of the general assembly , we will organize the participation of the general assembly home overseas financial institution , investment banks and corporations in the financial part of the city " s ecological projects remended and exchange activities , or other characteristics of the cities in the items head remendations and exchange activities , the goal is to enable the general assembly to participate in the investment side and enterprises can project rapid convergence , and reached good intentions of cooperation 作为年会的重头戏,组委会将组织参会中外资金融机构、投资银行和企业财团参加部分金融生态城市或其它特色城市的项目推荐及洽谈活动,目的是使参会投融资双方能够进行项目快速对接,并达成双方合作意图。 In dec 2003 , cbrc ( china banking regulatory mission ) issued ‘ administrative rules governing the equity investment in chinese financial institutions by overseas financial institutions " , which stipulates the equity investment proportion of a single overseas financial institution in a chinese financial institution shall not exceed 20 % , and sets forth the basic law principles for overseas strategic investment institutions 2003年12月中国银监会发布了《境外金融机构投资入股中资金融机构管理办法》 (以下简称《管理办法》 ) ,允许单个境外金融机构向中资金融机构投资入股比例最高为20 % ,为银行引入境外战略投资者提供了明确的法律依据。 More qfiis are expected to enter the country with the authorities recently lowering the entry threshold and relaxing controls over management of investment quotas and trading accounts . overseas financial institutions such as h *** c and goldman sachs expect the central bank to take further steps for greater flexibipty of the exchange rate during the rest of the year 目前,中国正降低境外证券投资商的进入门槛,并在逐步放宽对投资额度和交易帐户管理的限制,这将吸引更多的合格境外机构投资者进入我国市场。 More qfiis are expected to enter the country with the authorities recently lowering the entry threshold and relaxing controls over quotas and trading accounts . overseas financial institutions such as h *** c and goldman sachs expect the central bank to take further steps for greater flexibipty of the exchange rate during the rest of the year 目前,中国正降低境外证券投资商的进入门槛,并在逐步放宽对投资额度和交易帐户管理的限制,这将吸引更多的合格境外机构投资者进入我国市场。

I wanna dance dance dance是什么歌

Fantastic babyuc5ecuae30 ubd99uc5b4ub77c ubaa8ub450 ubaa8uc5ecub77cWE GON" PARTY LIKEub9acub9acub9acub77cub77cub77cub9d8uc744 uc5f4uc5b4ub77cuba38ub9b4 ube44uc6ccub77cubd88uc744 uc9c0ud3b4ub77cub9acub9acub9acub77cub77cub77cuc815ub2f5uc740 ubb3buc9c0 ub9d0uace0uadf8ub300ub85c ubc1buc544ub4e4uc5ecub290ub08cub300ub85c uac00ALRIGHTud558ub298uc744 ub9c8uc8fcud558uace0ub450 uc190uc744 ub2e4 uc704ub85cuc800 uc704ub85c ub0a0ub6f0uace0 uc2f6uc5b4 OHub098ub098ub098ub098ub098 ub098ub098ub098ub098ub098WOW FANTASTIC BABYDANCEI WANNA DAN DAN DAN DAN DANCEFANTASTIC BABYDANCEI WANNA DAN DAN DAN DAN DANCEWOW FANTASTIC BABYuc774 ub09cuc7a5ud310uc5d0 HEYub05dud310 uc655 ucc28ub840 HEYub545uc744 ud754ub4e4uace0 3ubd84uc73cub860 ubd88ucda9ubd84ud55c RACE WAITubd84uc704uae30ub294 uacfcuc5f4 HUHCATCH ME ON FIRE HUHuc9c4uc9dcuac00 ub098ud0c0ub0acub2e4 ub098ub098ub098ub098ud558ub098ubd80ud130 uc5f4uae4cuc9c0 ubaa8ub4e0 uac8c ub2e4 ud55c uc218uc704ubaa8ub798 ubc8cud310 uc704ub97c ubbf8uce5c ub4efuc774 ub6f0uc5b4ubd10ub3c4 uac70ub72cud55c uc6b0ub9acud558ub298uc740 ucda9ubd84ud788 ub108ubb34ub098 ud478ub974ub2c8uae4cuc544ubb34uac83ub3c4 ubb3buc9c0 ub9d0ub780 ub9d0uc774uc57c ub290ub07cub780 ub9d0uc774uc57cub0b4uac00 ub204uad70uc9c0ub124 uc2ecuc7a5uc18cub9acuc5d0 ub9deuac8c ub6f0uae30 uc2dcuc791ud574ub9c9uc774 ub05dub0a0 ub54cuae4cuc9c0 YEI CAN"T BABY DON"T" STOP THISuc624ub298uc740 ud0c0ub77dud574ubbf8uccd0 ubc1cuc545ud574 uac00ub294uac70uc57cWOW FANTASTIC BABYDANCEI WANNA DAN DAN DAN DAN DANCEFANTASTIC BABYDANCEI WANNA DAN DAN DAN DAN DANCEWOW FANTASTIC BABYBOOMSHAKALAKABOOMSHAKALAKABOOMSHAKALAKADAN DAN DAN DAN DANCEBOOMSHAKALAKABOOMSHAKALAKABOOMSHAKALAKADAN DAN DAN DAN DANCEub0a0 ub530ub77c uc7a1uc544ubcfc ud14cuba74 uc640ubd10 ub09c uc601uc6d0ud55c ub534ub530ub77cuc624ub298 ubc24 uae08uae30ub780 ub0b4uac90 uc5c6uc5b4mama just let me be your loveruc774 ud63cub780 uc18duc744 ub118uc5b4 ub098ub098ub098ub098ub098uba38ub9acub05dubd80ud130 ubc1cub05duae4cuc9c0 ube44uc96cuc5bcuc740 uc1fcud06cub0b4 uac10uac01uc740 uc18cubb38ub09c uafbc uc55euc11cuac00ub294 ucd09ub0a8ub4e4ubcf4ub2e4ub294 ube60ub978 uac78uc74cucc28uc6d0uc774 ub2e4ub978 uc80auc74cuc5bcuc74cuc5bcuc74cuc5bcuc74c HOLD UP ub098ub098ub098ub098ub098ub124 uc2ecuc7a5uc18cub9acuc5d0 ub9deuac8c ub6f0uae30 uc2dcuc791ud574ub9c9uc774 ub05dub0a0 ub54cuae4cuc9c0 YEI CAN"T BABY DON"T" STOP THISuc624ub298uc740 ud0c0ub77dud574ubbf8uccd0 ubc1cuc545ud574 uac00ub294uac70uc57cWOW FANTASTIC BABYDANCEI WANNA DAN DAN DAN DAN DANCEFANTASTIC BABYDANCEI WANNA DAN DAN DAN DAN DANCEWOW FANTASTIC BABYBOOMSHAKALAKABOOMSHAKALAKABOOMSHAKALAKADAN DAN DAN DAN DANCEBOOMSHAKALAKABOOMSHAKALAKABOOMSHAKALAKADAN DAN DAN DAN DANCEub2e4 uac19uc774 ub180uc790 YE YE YEub2e4 uac19uc774 ub6f0uc790 YE YE YEub2e4 uac19uc774 ub3ccuc790 YE YE YEub2e4 uac19uc774 uac00uc790WOW FANTASTIC BABY

I wanna dance dance dance是什么歌?


overseas china是什么意思?归根于的英文?


her name plz是什么梗

her name plz不是什么梗,就是‘请问她的名字"的缩写。plz是平时习惯用、非正式的please的缩写。类似的还有because写成cause、cuz;Oh my God 写成OMG。其他的英文缩写汇总:数字:2 = to/too2B or not 2B = To be or not to be4 = for4ever = foreverA:ASL = Age/Sex/LocationAFAIC = As Far As I"m ConcernedAFAIK = As Far As I KnowAFK = Away From KeyboardAIAMU = And I"m A Monkey"s UncleAISI = As I See ItAKA = Also Known AsAMBW = All My Best WishesANFAWFOWS = And Now For A Word Word From Our Web SponsorAOTS = All Of The SuddenASAFP = As Soon As "Friggin" PossibleASAP = As Soon As PossibleATST = At The Same TimeAWGTHTGTTA = Are We Going To Have To Go Through This AgainAWGTHTGTTSA = Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Sh AgainAYSOS = Are You Stupid Or SomethingB:B4 = BeforeB4N = Bye For NowBBFBBM = Body By Fisher, Brains by MattelBBIAB = Be Back In A BitBBIAF = Be Back In A FewBBL = Be Back LaterBBN = Bye Bye NowBCNU = Be Seein" YouBF = BoyfriendBFD = Big Fing DealBFN = Bye For NowBHOF = Bald Headed Old FartBIF = Basis In FactBITD = Back In The DayBiz = BusinessBM = Byte MeBMOTA = Byte Me On The AssBNF = Big Name FanBOHICA = Bend Over Here It Comes AgainBR = BathroomBRB = Be Right BackBRT = Be Right ThereBS = Big SmileBT = Byte ThisBTDT = Been There Done ThatBTSOOM = Beats The Sh Out Of MeBTW = By The WayBTWBO = Be There With Bells OnBWDIK = But What Do I KnowBWO = Black, White or OtherC:Cam = Web CameraCIAO = Goodbye (in Italian)CID = Consider It DoneCIO = Check It OutCIS = CompuServe Information ServiceCMF = Count My FingersCof$ = Church of ScientologyCRAFT = Can"t Remember A Fing ThingCRAWS = Can"t Remember Anything Worth A ShCSL = Can"t Stop LaughingCTC = Choaking The ChickenCU = See YouCUL/CYL/CUL8R = See You LaterCWYL = Chat With You LaterCYA = Cover Your AssD:DBEYR = Don"t Believe Everything You ReadDD = Due DiligenceDDD = Direct Distance DialDETI = Don"t Even Think ItDGT = Don"t Go ThereDHYB = Don"t Hold Your BreathDIIK = Damned If I KnownDILLIGAD = Do I Look Like I Give A damnDILLIGAS = Do I Look Like I Give A ShDKDC = Don"t Know Don"t CareDL = DownloadDLTM = Don"t Lie To MeDQYDJ = Don"t Quit You"re Day JobDRIB = Don"t Read If BusyDS = Dunce SmileyDYSTSOTT = Did You See The Size Of That ThingE:EG = Evil GrinEOM = End Of MessageESO = Equipment Smarter than OperatorF:F2F/FTF = Face To FaceFAQ = Frequently Asked QuestionFBKS = Failure Between Keyboard and SeatFE = For Example/Fatal ErrorFF&PN = Fresh Fields And Pastures NewFOAF = Friend Of A FriendFTASB = Faster Than A Speeding BulletFT = FaintFTTB = For The Time BeingFUBAR = Fed Up Beyond All RecognitionFUBB = Fed Up Beyond BeliefFUD = (Spreading) Fear, Uncertainty, and DisinformationFWIW = For What It"s WorthFYA = For Your AmusementFYI = For Your InformationFYM = For Your MisinformationG:G2G = Got To GoG8T/GR8 = GreatGAL = Get A LifeGDGD = Good,GoodGF = girlfriendGG = Good Game/Gotta GoGIGO = Garbage In, Garbage OutGIWIST = Gee, I Wish I"d Said ThatGL = Good LuckGLYASDI = God Loves You And So Do IGMTA = Great Minds Think AlikeGNBLFY = Got Nothing But Love For YouGR&D = Grinning Running And DuckingGRRRR = "Growling"GSOAS = Go Sit On A SnakeGTG = Got To GoGTGB = Got To Go, ByeGTGP = Got To Go PeeGTH = Go To HellGTSY = Glad To See YaGYPO = Get Your Pants OffBE A QUEENH:HAGO = Have A Good OneHAK = Hugs And KissesHB = Hurry BackHD = HoldHHO1/2K = Ha Ha, Only Half KiddingHHOK = Ha Ha, Only KiddingHIOOC = Help! I"m Out Of CoffeeHowz = How isHTH = Hope This (That) HelpsHUA = Heads Up AceHUYA = Head Up You"re aI:IAC = In Any CaseIAE = In Any EventIANAC = I Am Not A CrookIANAL = I Am Not A LawyerIBT = In Between TechnologyIBTD = I Beg To DifferIC = I See/In CharacterIDGAF = I Don"t Give A FIDGI = I Don"t Get ItIDK = I Don"t KnowIDKY = I Don"t Know YouIDST = I Didn"t Say ThatIDTS = I Don"t Think SoIFAB = I Found A BugIFU = I Fed UpIGGP = I Gotta Go PeeIIIO = Intel Inside, Idiot OutsideIIMAD = If It Makes An(y) DifferenceIIRC = If I Remember CorrectlyIIWM = If It Were MeILICISCOMK = I Laughed, I Cried, I Spat/Spilt Coffee/Crumbs/Coke On My KeyboardILY = I Love YouIMHO = In My Humble OpinionIMNSHO = In My Not So Humble OpinionIMO = In My OpinionINMP = It"s Not My ProblemINPO = In No Particular OrderIOH = I"m Outta HereIOW = In Other WordsIRL = In Real LifeISS = I Said SoITM = In The MoneyIYKWIM = If You Know What I MeanIYSS = If You Say SoJ:J/C = Just CheckingJ/K = Just KiddingJ/W = Just WonderingJAFO = Just Another Fing OnlookerK:K/KK = OK/OK, OKKFY = Kiss For YouKISS = Keep It Simple StupidKIT = Keep In TouchKMA = Kiss My AssKX = kissKYPO = Keep Your Pants OnL:L8R = LaterLD = Long DistanceLDTTWA = Let"s Do The Time Warp AgainLLTA = Lots And Lots Of Thunderous ApplauseLMAO = Laughing My Ass OffLMK = Let Me KnowLOL = Laughing Out Loud/Lots Of Luck(Love)LTIC = Laughing "Til I CryLTNS = Long Time No SeeLYL = Love Ya LotsLYLAS = Love You Like A SisterM:M8T = MateMHOTY = My Hat"s Off To YouMM = Market MakerMorF = Male or FemaleMOTD = Message Of The DayMOTSS = Members Of The Same SexMTFBWY = May The Force Be With YouMWBRL = More Will Be Revealed LaterMYOB = Mind Your Own BusinessN:N = And/Know/NowNAK = Nursing At KeyboardNAZ = Name, Address, Zip (also means Nasdaq)NBD = No Big DealNBIF = No Basis In FactNFI = No Fing IdeaNFW = No Fing WayNIFOC = Nude In Front Of The ComputerNM = Never MindNMP = Not My ProblemNMU = Nothing Much YouNOYB = None Of Your BusinessNP = No ProblemNQOCD = Not Quite Our Class DearNRG = EnergyNRN = No Reply NecessaryNYCFS = New York City Finger SaluetO:OAUS = On An Unrelated SubjectOBTW = Oh, By The WayOIC = Oh, I SeeOICU = Oh, I See YouOMDB = Over My Dead BodyOMG = Oh My God/Oh My GoshOMIK = Open Mouth, Insert KeyboardONNA = Oh No, Not AgainOOC = Out Of CharacterOOTB = Out Of The Box/Out Of The BlueOT = Off TopicOTOH = On The Other HandOWTTE = Or Words To That EffectOZ = stands for "Australia"P:PEBCAK = Problem Exists Between Chair And KeyboardPEM = Privacy Enhanced MailPic = PicturePIMP = Peeing In My PantsPITA = Pain In The AssPLS/PLZ = PleasePMFJI = Pardon Me For Jumping InPO = Piss OffPOS = Parents Over ShoulderPOV = Point Of ViewPPL = PeoplePro = ProfessionalPS = By The Way/PhotoshopT:TAH = Take A HikeTANSTAAFL = There Ain"t No Such Thing As A Free LunchTARFU = Things Are Really Fed UpTDTM = Talk Dirty To MeTEOTWAWKI = The End Of The World As We Know ItTFN = Thanks For NothinTHX/TX/THKS = ThanksTIA = Thanks In AdvanceTLGO = The List Goes OnTM = Trust MeTMI = Too Much InformationTMTOWTDI = There"s More Than One Way To Do ItTPTB = The Powers That BeTSR = Totally Stuck in RAMTTFN = Ta Ta For NowTTT = That"s The Ticket/To The TopTTUL/TTYL = Talk To You LaterTWHAB = This Won"t Hurt A BitTY = Thank YouTYVM = Thank You Very MuchU:U = YouUR = YourU R = You areunPC = unPolitically CorrectURYY4M = You Are Too Wise For MeV:VFM = Values For MoneyVG = Very GoodW:WAG = Wild Ass GuessWAI = What An IdiotWB = Welcome BackWCA = Who Cares AnywayWDYS = What Did You SayWDYT = What Do You ThinkWE = WhateverWEG = Wicked Evil GrinWG = Wicked GrinWGAFF = Who Gives A Flying FWIIFM = What"s In It For MeWIT = Wordsmith In TrainingWITFITS = What in the F is this ShWOG = Wise Old GuyWot/Wut = WhatWRT = With Respect To/With Regard ToWTF = What The FWTG = Way To GoWTSDS = Where The Sun Don"t ShineWYRN = What"s Your Real NameWYS = Whatever You SayWYSIWYG = What You See Is What You GetWYT = Whatever You ThinkX:X U = Kiss YouY:Y = WhyYa = YouYA = Yet AnotherYAFIYGI = You Asked For It You Got ItYDKM = You Don"t Know MeYep/Yup = YesYGBK = You Gotta Be KiddinYMMV = Your Mileage May VaryYNK = You Never KnowYOYO = You"re On Your OwnYR = Yeah, RightYSYD = Yeah, Sure You DoYTTT = You Telling The TruthYYSSW = Yeah Yeah Sure Sure Whatever



电脑开机出现windows boot manager 怎么办?

如果您的计算机开机后直接进入了 "Windows Boot Manager"(Windows 引导管理器),而不是启动到操作系统,您可以尝试以下步骤来解决问题:检查引导顺序:在 "Windows Boot Manager" 界面上,您可能会看到多个选项,包括不同的操作系统或启动设备。确保正确的操作系统(例如 Windows 10)被选中,然后按下相应的键(通常是回车键)以启动该操作系统。检查启动设备:如果正确的操作系统已选中但仍然无法启动,可能是由于启动设备的问题。确保您的计算机启动顺序设置正确,并且主启动设备(通常是您的系统硬盘)在列表的顶部。您可以进入计算机的 BIOS 或 UEFI 设置界面(通常按下 Del、F2、F10 或 Esc 键来访问)来调整启动顺序。修复引导问题:有时,计算机的引导配置可能出现问题,导致进入 "Windows Boot Manager"。您可以尝试使用 Windows 安装介质(例如 Windows 安装光盘或 USB 安装驱动器)进行引导修复。插入安装介质,重启计算机,并根据屏幕上的提示选择 "修复你的电脑" 或 "修复启动问题"。然后,按照指示进行引导修复。使用系统恢复选项:如果上述方法无效,您可以尝试使用计算机的系统恢复选项。启动到 "Windows Boot Manager",选择 "高级选项" 或类似选项,然后选择 "系统恢复" 或 "修复你的电脑"。根据提示,选择适当的修复选项来解决引导问题。

You Gonna Move On 歌词

你将继续(You Gotta Move On)演唱:群星Another day"s goneAnother day you spent aloneThinking about herTears in your eyesA true sacrificeAlways and neverYou"re trying so hard to find the wordsThat you feel sorryKeep holding onYou have to be strongYou gotta move on (you gotta move on)There"s only one love standing beside youGotta move on (you gotta move on)Let her get out, out of your heartGotta move on (you gotta move on)Try to believe, her love is trueGotta move on (you gotta move on)Don"t let your life running apartAnother day"s goneBut you still hide behind your fearA fear of sadnessOpen your mindFind the way outOut of this darknessShe needs to hear the words I sentThat you feel sorryKeep holding onYou have to be strongYou gotta move on (you gotta move on)There"s only one love standing beside youGotta move on (you gotta move on)Let her get out, out of your heartGotta move on (you gotta move on)Try to believe, her love is trueGotta move on (you gotta move on)Don"t let your life running apartYou gotta move on (you gotta move on)There"s only one love standing beside youGotta move on (you gotta move on)Let her get out, out of your heartGotta move on (you gotta move on)Try to believe, her love is trueGotta move on (you gotta move on)Don"t let your life running apart

did you know that china is one of the oldest countries in the world 什么意 Drs diuiciks xx思


印度歌曲chahu me ya na 歌词

Tu hi ye mujhko bata deChahun main ya naaApne tu dil ka pata deChahun main ya naa (x2)Itna bata doon tujhkoChaahat pe apni mujhkoYun tto nahi ikhtiyaarPhir bhi yeh socha dil neAb jo laga hoon milnePoochhu tujhe ek baarTu hi ye mujhko bata deChahun main ya naaApne tu dil ka pata deChahun main ya naaAisi kabhi pehle hui naa thi khwaahisheinO.. kisi se bhi milne kiNaa ki thi koshisheinUljhan meri suljha deChaahun main ya naaAankhon aankhon mein jataa deChaahun main ya naaMere chhote chhote khwaab hainKhwabon mein geet hainGeeton mein zindagi haiChaahat hai, preet haiAbhi main na dekhoon khwaab wooJin mein na tu mileLe khole honth maineAb tak the jo sileMujhko na jitna mujh peUtna iss dil ko tujh peHone laga aitbaarTanha lamhon mein apneBunti hoon tere sapneTujhse hua mujhko pyaar o o..Poochungi tujhko kabhi naaChaahun main ya naaTere khaabon mein ab jeenaChaahun main kyun naa!Tu hi yeh mujhko bata deChahun main ya naaApne tu dil ka pata deChahun main ya naaRead more:

歌词里有mina mina 英文歌

Body on Me - Rita Ora Chris BrownBaby let"s cut down the lightsI just really wanna let this fire burn brightI"m just telling you to have an open mindJust imagine usYou"re taking me there you"re taking me thereOur lips are barely touchingSo do it again so do it againWe could be on to somethingHeyo heyo I just wanna feel your body on meHeyo heyo if you want it then you got it hold meNo more no more wasting timeWe can we can go all nightHeyo heyo I just wanna feel your body on meAyayayayayayayayayaBody on meAyayayayayayayayayaBody on mePut you up against the wallAnd I"ma go to work "til you get offBaby soon as you"re done we"ll go some moreGirl just imagine usYou"re taking me there you"re taking me thereOur lips are barely touchingSo do it again so do it againWe could be on to somethingHeyo heyo I just wanna feel your body on meHeyo heyo if you want it then you got it hold meNo more no more wasting timeWe can we can go all nightHeyo heyo I just wanna feel your body on meAyayayayayayayayayaBody on meAyayayayayayayayayaYour body on meAyayayayayayaYour body on meAyayayayayayayayayaI"m not asking for too much put your fingertips on meDon"t wait "til the sun"s up we can keep this in betweenUs only nobody has to know what"s going down right now babyHeyo heyo I just wanna feel your body on meHeyo heyo if you want it then you got it hold meNo more no more wasting timeWe can we can go all nightHeyo heyo I just wanna feel your body on meAyayayayayayayayayaBody on meAyayayayayayayayayaYour body on meAyayayayayayayayayaAyayayayayayayayayaYour body on me

hkscc nominations limited是什么意思?

1.hkscc nominees limited意味着香港投资者持有股份。因为香港投资者不能直接在大陆开设投资账户,因此他们如果想要在大陆投资的话,就需要通过HKSCC来实现。HKSCC代理香港投资者买入、持有大陆公司的股份。因此HKSCC持有的股份实际上是香港投资者持有的。而这家公司只是一个权威机构认可的代理公司。2.HKSCC NOMINEES LIMITED是指香港中央结算有限公司,是港交所全资附属公司,经营香港的中央结算及交收系统,乃认可的结算机构。投资者股份集中存放在香港中央结算有限公司。港交所全称香港交易及结算所有限公司,也是一家在香港上市的控股公司。港交所在香港及伦敦均有营运交易所,旗下成员包括香港联合交易所有限公司、香港期货交易所有限公司、香港中央结算有限公司、香港联合交易所期权结算所有限公司及香港期货结算有限公司,还包括世界首屈一指的基本金属市场──伦敦金属交易所。3.hkscc nominees limited持股是指投资者股份集中存放在香港中央结算有限公司。实际上香港中央结算(代理人)有限公司所持有的股份为其代理的在香港中央结算(代理人)有限公司交易平台上交易的H股股东账户的股份总和。也就是说那些个人股东把股票寄放在这公司那里,公司只是代理持有这些股票而已。拓展资料:1.持股是指持有一定股份。当持有股份达到30%,持股可以称为控股,如果是最大股东还可以称为相对控股,当持股超过50%,持股可以称为绝对控股。2.香港中央结算有限公司只是后台集中清算的中介公司而已,记录管理每个股民的持股情况,而不是实质持股。所有H股股东拥有的股份都挂在这家名下,其实还是各股东分散持有的。




对不少有一定资历的DIY玩家来说,随着电脑不断升级,手里也积攒了不少SATA接口的3.5寸机械硬盘。加上现在也处于数据爆炸的时代,每个人的手机、电脑、相机、摄像机都存储了不少精彩的照片、视频、音乐、 游戏 、文件等资料,由于手机或电脑内部存储空间有限,时间长了会造成存储吃紧,这时你需要更大的存储介质来存放这些珍贵的数据。对云盘来说,虽然方便,但也有一定的不确定因素,因此不少朋友使用NAS或者硬盘柜来存储资料。 关于NAS的文章,网上已经有不少,而我手里有好几块闲置的老SATA接口机械硬盘,装NAS有点大材小用,因此入手了一款奥睿科9558RU3 5盘位外置3.5寸硬盘阵列柜(为了阅读方便以下简称:奥睿科9558RU3),下来就和大家分享一下使用体验。 首先从外观上来说,奥睿科9558RU3有黑色和银色两种外壳,我这款是黑色款。产品尺寸264x146x199.5mm,整体重量大概4.1Kg,外壳采用铝合金材质辅以磨砂处理,视觉和手感十分不错,摆在桌面上也有高级感。 正面是五盘位硬盘槽,每个硬盘槽在旁边都有数字编号,同时也有一枚LED状态灯便于用户知晓当前工作状态,整体无异味无毛刺,边缘过度圆润,视觉方面还是不错的。同时硬盘槽也设计了规整的散热孔,配合后面的风扇,能够营造一个良好的内部风道,保证长时间稳定使用。 附件方面,除了硬盘柜本体外,还有一本说明书、100-240V电源线、数据线、保修卡、2把钥匙。 钥匙有一定的防盗作用,不过搁在家里使用,也不必担心硬盘被盗。如果你一时找不到钥匙,也可以使用六角螺丝刀来开仓。 锁体部分采用了金属材质,开锁手感略紧,可以保证长久的使用寿命。打开盖子后,可以看到盖子内部的贴纸贴着插入硬盘的方向,这点还是蛮细心的。 内部的SATA的插槽做工规整,硬盘弹出设计可以在打开盖子时,自动把插槽里面的硬盘顶出来,对于常规厚盘来说没问题,薄盘的话就需要用手抠出来了,不过操作也没什么难度。另外需要说明的是,奥睿科9558RU3仅支持3.5英寸硬盘,若是你使用笔记本硬盘,则需要购买官方的转换支架。 底部是产品信息铭牌和四枚防滑硅胶垫,可以保证奥睿科9558RU3在光滑的桌面上不晃动。 奥睿科9558RU3的后部是12cm静音风扇,这个风扇运行时噪音不到40分贝,总体来说还是很安静的,夜深人静时也不会吵到家人休息。 下部分集成了电源接口、电源开关、RAID模式切换键、SET键和USB3.0接口,奥睿科9558RU3集成了其中RAID模式:RAID0、RAID1、RAID3、RAID5、RAID10、BIG、Normal,涵盖了大家数据备份的所有模式,同时在说明书和贴纸上也标识了对应RAID模式的拨钮顺序,用户通过4个RAID模式拨钮,能够实现不同RAID模式切换。 说完了外观介绍,下来拆机给大家看看内部结构,使用螺丝刀拧下后部所有螺丝后,即可拆出外壳。 大家可以看到硬盘架采用了全金属结构,在抗震和稳定性方面表现不错。硬盘架后部则是电源部分,电源支持100V-240V宽电压,150W反激PFC双路电源输出,能够持续稳定为主板和SATA接口电源供电。数据传输接口没有采用流行的TYPE-C接口,而是采用了更为成熟稳定的USB3.0 TYPE-B接口,传输速度速度理论上可以达到5 Gbps,因此不会成为瓶颈,毕竟硬盘柜在使用方面稳定性还是第一位的。 硬盘弹出结构特写: 奥睿科9558RU3的电路板采用了常见的移动硬盘盒主控芯片:JMS567。 据相关资料显示,JMS567由JMicron智微 科技 出品,属于一款高性能低功耗USB 3.0--SATA 3.0转换器,能够实现理论最大5.0Gbps的传输速度,当然这枚芯片不支持TYPE-C,也就不难理解为何奥睿科9558RU3没有采用TYPE-C接口了。 JMS567后方还有一颗JMB394芯片,属于磁盘阵列控制芯片。JMB394硬件支持SSD、HDD、RAID,支持RAID0、RAID1、RAID3、RAID5、RAID1+0等常见的磁盘阵列模式,最大支持5盘位的阵列,同时奥睿科9558RU3还支持UASP加速模式,能够让数据传输更快。 从拆解图也可以看到奥睿科9558RU3后期维护清灰也没什么难度,小白用户也能轻松搞定。 外壳我用秤称了一下,净重约1.73Kg,着实不轻了,不含硬盘4.1Kg的总重量满载5块HDD也不会晃动和松动,更利于硬盘柜长时间稳定运行。 奥睿科9558RU3采用了五盘位设计,可以同时放进五块硬盘,单盘最大支持16TB,最多可以拥有80TB的容量,这对 游戏 玩家、影像创作者等专业用户和家庭用户来说,这么大的容量也足够存放很多数据了。假设你每年有10多TB的数据产生量,装满80TB的容量也足够使用六七年了。 我现在手里有四块HDD,西数一块厚盘,剩余都是希捷薄盘,容量最大500GB,最少150GB,这些硬盘都是以前玩剩下的,由于最近西安疫情的原因,不方便购买大容量硬盘,下来就搭配它们和大家说说使用体验。 关于RAID磁盘阵列,网上有很多相关教程和操作,大家可以根据自己的需要选择合适的RAID方式。这里需要说明的是,组RAID的时候最好使用空白盘,因为任何阵列都会格式化硬盘,所以使用旧硬盘有数据的话,记得千万要备份好重要资料,不然哭都来不及。 格式化硬盘后,奥睿科9558RU3识别出了这四块硬盘,先使用Normal模式(Normal模式就是把所有硬盘当作外接硬盘使用,你可以把它想象成一个大号的硬盘盒。这个模式没有速度加成,也没有数据恢复功能)配合CrystalDiskMark测试一块500GB硬盘的速度,可以看到读写均为138MB/s,作为以前的老硬盘,这样的速度也在情理之中。当然现在的大容量机械硬盘速度可以达到190+MB/s,因此入手奥睿科9558RU3的朋友,最好购买10TB以上的硬盘,这样可以最大化利用硬盘容量。毕竟一个10TB比五个2TB省空间。 传输文件速度140MB/s。 组RAID可以利用后面的RAID按键,也可以使用ORICO HW RAID Manager进行设置。用户可以自行去奥睿科官网下载,下载安装完毕后,就可以使用软件对硬盘进行查看容量和状态,组RAID等操作了,十分方便。 高级设置的选项也很丰富,用户可以设置电子邮件通知和事件、建立/删除RAID组、升级产品固件、对RAID组进行设定等。 下来组成RAID 0模式,而RAID0模式则是为了性能而生,正常情况下读写速度会翻倍,从100MB/s提升到200MB/s的标准,但是因为Normal下西数红盘的读写速度已经接近200MB/s,受制于带宽限制,所以性能提升大概在10%左右,实际拷贝文件速度也会维持在210MB/s左右。 RAID 0组成后,容量为595GB,作为性能模式,可见读写速度都翻倍了,读速243MB/s,写速231MB/s,拷贝文件速度接近200MB/s,相比Normal模式,RAID 0模式对读写速度的提升很大。 下来建立一个RAID 5,简单来说,RAID 5也是现在安全性和磁盘容量使用率最均衡的磁盘阵列模式了,哪怕有1块硬盘产生故障也不会影响整体数据安全,同时传输速度有保证,而且(N-1)/N的硬盘使用率大家也可以接受。 RAID 5模式下,读速215MB/s,写速216MB/s,读写速度均衡,拷贝文件速度也很稳定,维持在193MB/s。日常使用基本感觉不到震动和噪音,功耗基本也就10来多W,总体来说还是很省电的。 奥睿科9558RU3的5硬盘槽最大支持80TB容量扩展,适用面比较广泛,大家也看到它采用了免工具安装硬盘的方式,使用简单快捷,而且仓门加锁后也能保证硬盘安全。软硬两种方式支持多种常用RAID模式,把原本高深的RAID简单化,满足不同用户的使用需求。 相比NAS的复杂设置,硬盘柜投资和上手难度更低,如果想远程访问数据,也可以将奥睿科9558RU3硬盘柜连接到带USB的智能路由器上做个简易NAS。配合智能插座,用户可以在不需要读取数据的时候,在路由器上弹出硬盘后远程关闭电源,节省能源。 如果要说点不足的话,就是奥睿科9558RU3如果能够兼容2.5寸硬盘,用起来也会更方便。
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