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fly to the sky

求original 的词根解释





original简介original为上市公司东易日盛家居装饰集团股份有限公司旗下品牌。original的服务主要覆盖:服务、工业品外观设计;包装设计;工业品外观设计(造型);建筑学; 建筑制图;建筑设计装修等。扩展资料:东易日盛家居装饰集团股份有限公司简介东易日盛家居装饰集团创建于1997年,集团致力于为国人提供真正的“完整家居解决方案”,业务范围涵盖专业家居装饰设计与施工、完整家居产品(整体卫浴、整体厨房、整体木作、整体软饰)设计与生产、精工装项目合作、全国特许经营服务及国际业务项目等相关范畴。东易日盛家居装饰集团是中国家居行业的领军企业、全国最具实力的家居装饰集团,致力于为精英阶层提供真正“高品质完整家居解决方案”、引领客户步入拥有先进生活方式的高品位家居生活。参考资料来源:百度百科-original参考资料来源:百度百科-东易日盛家居装饰集团股份有限公司

initial与original 有什么区别



你图片里的表是格拉苏蒂 下面的original 应该是表明这个表的设计是 格拉苏蒂 的原创


original是形容词:原本的,最初的,默认的 origin是名词,original的根:起点,来源,坐标系的(0,0),起源

original和initial有什么不一样? 最初的梦想用哪一个词比较好?

original比较好initial, original的区分:   1、initial a.开始的,最初的,强调处于事物的起始阶段,也可以指位于开头地方的。   My initial good opinion of him changed with time.时间长了我对他最初的好印象改变了。   2、original a.最初的,最早的;原版的,原物的。指按顺序是首位的,在此前不再有更为原始的同类的东西;也指原件的,原物的,非仿造的东西。   This is the original piano on which the composer created some of his greatest works.就是在这架钢琴上,这位作曲家创作出了他的一些伟大的作品。   


origin n. 起源;由来;起端;端;原点;来源;出身;起点;血统 original adj. 起初的;原来的;原著;原作;创新的;独创的;开始的;首先的 unoriginal adj. 没有创新的;老套的 originally adv. 一开始;起初;原来;独创地;新颖地 aboriginal adj. 原始的;土著的;本土的;澳大利亚土著人的;澳大利亚土著语的 originality n. 独创能力;新颖;不寻常 originative adj. 有创作力的; 有发明之才能的 originate v. 发源;来自;引起;创造 originator n. 发起人;起因;创作者 origination n. 起源;起始;开始;发源


original[英][u0259u02c8ru026adu0292u0259nl][美][u0259u02c8ru026adu0292u0259nu0259l]adj.原始的; 独创的; 最初的; 新颖的; n.原文; 原型; 原件; 怪人; 复数:originals 1.The original research was conducted in december. 这方面的最初调查是在去年12月进行的。



original怎么读 original的意思

1、original的读音:英[u0259u02c8ru026adu0292u0259nl],美[u0259u02c8ru026adu0292u0259nl] 2、adj.起初的; 原来的; 最早的; 首创的; 独创的; 有独创性的; 原作的; 真迹的; 非复制的; 3、n.原件; 正本; 原稿; 原作; (思想、行为、衣着等)不同寻常的人,独特的人,怪人; 4、[例句]Its original name is ke-tsiap and it started in 17th Century China.它起初的名字是“ke-tsiap”,起源于17世纪的中国。 5、复数:originals


original 英[u0259u02c8ru026adu0292u0259nl] 美[u0259u02c8ru026adu0292u0259nu0259l] adj. 原始的; 最初的; 独创的; 新颖的; n. 原件; 原文; 原型; 怪人; [例句]The original plan was to hold an indefinite stoppage最初的计划是无限期停工。[其他] 复数:originals

original是什么牌子 original是哪个牌子

1、Original是由涂鸦艺术家KAWS创立的潮流品牌。 2、2006年,已经在潮流圈成名许久的KAWS在MEDICOMTOY的资助下,在东京的南青山开设了Original的首家,也是唯一的一家专卖店。 3、从设计的角度来讲,Original遵循的依旧是KAWS的艺术风格,无论T-shirt图案还是衣服上的细节设计都来源于KAWS的著名作品以及个人标识,如Companion与Bendy玩偶,涂鸦海报以及KAWS招牌式的骷髅头骨和叉眼图案。


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: a. 1. 最初的,本来的;原始的[Z][B] The original price of the car was a bit too high. 这辆汽车的原价太高了一点。2. 有独创性的;新颖的;奇特的 He is an original dramatist. 他是个有独创性的剧作家。 3. 原作的;原本的[B] This is an original painting by Picasso. 这是一幅毕加索的原作。 n. 1. 原物;原著;原画;原版[C] The original of this picture was nowhere to be found. 这幅画的原作已无处寻觅。 2. 原著之语言;原文[the S] He can read Shakespeare in the original. 他能读莎士比亚作品的原版本。 3. 原型 4. 有独创性的人[C] 5. 怪人[C]



china in your hand 歌词

  英文原文(lyrics)  He sat up on the bed and he watched me packing  He already knew why I was leavin"  I took what I needed but I sure left a lot still hanging  But I figured I"d get it come the weekend  He said Daddy when you get there  Are you gonna have a refridgerator  I kinda laughed and said I guess I will  Then he handed me a tracing of his hand  On the back of a piece of paper  And a magnet and my heart stood still (when he said)  Put your hand in mine  And I"ll be there anytime  When it feels like you could use a friend  I"ll be there to lift you up again  You can reach out to me anytime  And put your hand in mine  I drove past the Hardin Baptist Church  Though it wasn"t really on the way to my hotel  Beside me on the seat I was looking at five small fingers  When I heard the chapel bell (and it took me)  Back another life ago when our hearts were open  Oh, back when we could still agree  Back when the future that we had was full of hope and  You and I we got down on our knees (and said)  Put your hand in mine  And I"ll be there anytime  When it feels like you could use a friend  I"ll be there to lift you up again  You can reach out to me anytime  And put your hand in mine  I couldn"t even stay away one night  I noticed you left on the light  And I"ve only got one thing to say  If you"re not too tired and it"s not too late  Put your hand in mine  And I"ll be here all the time  When it feels like you could use a friend  I"ll be there to lift you up again  Would you reach out to me one more time  And put your hand in mine  Would you reach out to me just one more time  And put your hand in mine  中文歌词(lyrics)快速编辑 他坐在霨昑钶恳床前,看着我打点行李惂甾祄癵霰  他已知傧耴薝荤道我为什么要离开严荿敨醊  我拿了熈蘡雰韟塍些必需品,但我还留下很多硔u0679韨咖  考虑到我蘘厦u0565蚌周末再来拿錣烞牷镉  他说:爸爸,你去那垤埪劯虎,有冰箱吗?炐腪嗌榠狼  我微瓜獟怂覢膨笑着说,会有的吧囻酃u0517薥秀  然后他在噮袺柉药璎纸的背后,用手比划着路书吕睤坠抡姒  给我一个禸械掑栿昙指南针瑗攒菅愬睬  我的啾禒肂亲瘶心凝固了(当他说的时候)蕦禊扁舓噶  把你的手放在我玥椯疅蟃的手心哕早曙畆  当我在那的每荑槯u063cu0952衴一刻勽逊蔩鈻  会感磈奅捊恻聺觉到像个助手榨杈惯鑙蜐  我会在霨昑钶恳那提起它惂甾祄癵霰  你能触傧耴薝荤摸到我,无任何时严荿敨醊  你在我熈蘡雰韟塍心中硔u0679韨咖  我开过哈蘘厦u0565蚌丁教会教堂錣烞牷镉  虽然那不是我去(下垤埪劯虎站)旅店的必经路炐腪嗌榠狼  因为瓜獟怂覢膨我在车座上看到了五个手指囻酃u0517薥秀  当我听到噮袺柉药璎礼拜钟声(感动我)吕睤坠抡姒  回到以前禸械掑栿昙的另一个生活,我俩的心坦然瑗攒菅愬睬  噢,啾禒肂亲瘶回来吧,如果我们可以蕦禊扁舓噶  回来,那时我们玥椯疅蟃的明天充满希望哕早曙畆  我和你跪求了荑槯u063cu0952衴(自语)勽逊蔩鈻  。。磈奅捊恻聺。。。。榨杈惯鑙蜐  我连一霨昑钶恳晚也不能呆了惂甾祄癵霰  我注意傧耴薝荤到你灯光下离去严荿敨醊  并且我熈蘡雰韟塍只能说一句硔u0679韨咖  如果你还蘘厦u0565蚌没太厌倦与太晚錣烞牷镉  。。。。。。垤埪劯虎炐腪嗌榠狼  你能瓜獟怂覢膨再多点触摸我吗?囻酃u0517薥秀  你在我心噮袺柉药璎中的援手(温暖)吕睤坠抡姒  1999年歌手加盟RCA的第一张专辑  当前在线 44  点击:1869 今日:5  词译者:jawayhoo  译词编辑选单  在线试听同曲异韵Tracy Byrd - Put Your Hand In Mine准备就绪  窗式在线试听加入音乐盒 歌曲信息  艺人:Tracy Byrd  歌曲:Put Your Hand In Mine  专辑:IT"S ABOUT TIME  词曲:Jimmy W. Barber & Skip Ewing  译者信息  翻译:jawayhoo  时间:2006-11-29 11:34:46  数量:38  最新:All Through Throwing Good Love After Bad  相关链接  jawayhoo 翻译的其他歌曲  Tracy Byrd  艺人官方网站  Tracy Byrd

trivaling in China 主题作文?

In China,so many traditionals different in China are from other country.For example,you usually shake hands with people when you meet for the first time.after that,you can just say hello.But you can use the first name with your friends.Chinese has lots of festivals.such as :Spring Festival Dragon Boat festival.You can recieve lots of presents,You must say Thank you and accept them. You mustn"t open them immdiately but you must wait and open it later.And remember;when you accept presents you must use both hands.In Spring Festival"you must wrap hongbao in red paper.You mustn"t do any thing on the first day of the chinese New Year,and you mustn"t break anything,It"s bad luck.Chinese festival is very strange.Yes?

.37. After the contract is signed, we shall open______ the Bank of China here an irrevocable


in china usually people gifts open not do right away连词成句

people usually do not open gifts right away in China.

Feint Boyinaband-Time Bomb 求资源

Feint & Boy In A Band feat. Veela - Time Bomb已经发送,请注意查收。若符合你所求的资源,还望选为满意回答。PS:如果还有其他人需要这个资源的话,可以将鼠标移动到我名字上,点击“求助知友”,求助时别忘记写下你的邮箱和你所求的资源名哦。

求 Feint Boyinaband feat. Veela - Time Bomb

Feint & Boy In A Band feat. Veela - Time Bomb已经发送,请注意查收。若符合你所求的资源,还望及时采纳我的回答。PS:如果还有其他人需要这个资源的话,可以将鼠标移动到我名字上,在出现的头像下方点击“向TA求助”,求助时别忘记写下你的邮箱和你所求的资源名哦。

跪求这首歌高清的MP3 Feint Boyinaband - Time Bomb (feat. Veela)


你好,我可以把Feint Boyinaband feat. Veela - Time Bomb这首歌发给我吗?我邮箱1593312896@qq.com谢谢

Feint Boyinaband feat. Veela - Time Bomb已发送

CHINA OPEN是什么衣服的标志



三星手机运营商chinaopen可能是指三星手机在中国市场推出的一款手机,其名称为China Open。China Open可能是指该手机在中国市场的开放销售。但需要注意的是,China Open也是一个国际网球赛事的名称,因此具体含义需要根据上下文来确定。

Christina Aguilera的《Mi Reflejo》 歌词

歌曲名:Mi Reflejo歌手:Christina Aguilera专辑:Mi ReflejoPara tiLo que ves de míEs la realidadMás tu no conocesEl papel que la vidaMe hace actuarSiendo asíYo puedo burlarMi mundo exteriorPero al corazón jamásHoy no reconocíA quién vi frente a míMi reflejo no mostroQuién soy en verdadUn día másQué me corazón tengo que ocultarTodo mi sentirAl finalSabran como soyQué pienso en verdadEse día llegará, oh, ohHoy no reconocíA quién vi frente a míEsa en mi reflejoSe que no soy yoNo quiero aparentarQuiero serRealidadMi reflejo no mostroQuién soy en verdadY mi corazón sentir, volarNo soy, como quiero noY voy a cambiarNo debe ser asíEl fingir no es vivirLa que veo frente a míNo aguanta másYa no voy a ocultarLa que soyNunca másUn buen día el amorMe rescataraY ese díaQuién yo soy se reflejará, ooh

谁知道一个美国女歌星 名字读起来大概是helementena

我猜你说的是Hannah Montana,其实是迪斯尼一个电视系列里的人物,白天是中学生,晚上是歌星。她是Miley Cyrus演的,Miley Cyrus本身就是一个大歌星。

i am goning to begin in Nanjing, 这里可以说I am going to start in Nanjing吗?begin和start什么时候用

I don;t know.

背景音乐也有一句歌词是"the voice of china”的音乐,就那么一句,邮箱


为什么去参加THE VOICE OF CHINA的人失败了,不去参加多一次,为什么那么多


跪求中国好声音的开场曲-the voice of china~!!!


关于下面哪些是错误的 class不能被继承

请问JAVA知识求解:请问以下哪个类不能被子类继承() A.class A( ) B.abstract final class A ( )c.native class A( ) class A( )B不能,B中对class A的声明有两个额外的关键字,一个是abstract,一个是final。abstract:被该关键词修饰的类叫做“抽象类”,也就是说该类只有被继承才能实例化。final:被该关键词修饰的类是不能被继承的。

- Did you watch the Voice of China last night? 初三英语求大神

我觉得选B. unless

My favourite -----( 节目) is The Voice of China.填program还是show

您好! 填program 是对的。 show 指脱口秀类的节目。 program 泛指节目,是所有节目的总称。 望您采纳,谢谢您的支持!

— What do you think of the Voice of China?— I have no idea, because I ...

D 试题分析:句意:你认为中国好声音怎么样?- 我不知道,因为我还没有看过呢。动作发生在过去但是强调对现在的影响,用现在完成时态。根据他的回答,可知他想强调自己为什么不知道的原因,故选D。

中国好声音的片头曲,就是the voice of china的那个,发个链接就可以啦~先谢谢哈 是【this is the voice of china】

C++读程题: 1. #include Using namespace std; Class N{ private: int A;


What do you forecast or predict the future of China? Are you a realist or an idealist? 400 words.

I am not sure whether I am a realist or an idealist, but what I can promise is I can regard all these issues in fair. My opinion of the assignment of the future is China will be nature, though sometimes it may be a little bit idealistic.Tradition Culture: Chinese as a more and more popular language. It may turn to the international language after 20 years instead of English. Kong will become the famous philosopher in the world, but not only the traditional Chinese philosopher. Furthermore, the Chinese herbal medical theory will also be more powerful than the western medical theory, due to its fewer harmful to our body.Economy: China"s current economic situation is the Chinese people should be proud of. If not a major conflict, according to the present form of government, 20 years later, should be able to become the world"s second largest economy. Such economic system gradually will begin to improve and development, also it will become the leader of Asian economies as well. It will appear with China as a world economic center-led, but not the only and most powerful economic center. At the same time, we must recognize that because of China"s vast size and population, the people"s livelihood will not be a great improvement in the overall. In addition, China needs to solve the problem is still very large but the people"s basic economic problems can be relatively in some large improvements, such as medical, pension and so on. Military: For a sovereign state, the most important is military capabilities. China has experienced many wars. Especially, in the current complex international environment, the degree of importance for the military is unusual. In recent years of military modernization, progress is obvious to all. The country"s attention, the voice of all the people and passion for the next 20 years will be a leap in China"s military phase. After the full 20 years development, the Chinese armed forces will be one of the most powerful military in Asia. Then, Taiwan will smoothly return to the motherland. I believe that with a qualitative leap in aviation and aerospace and no more than 30 years China will have its own space station. International status: After 20 years of development, China will be located in one of the most powerful country in the world. Then, the surrounding environment must be improved because the growth of Chinese power. Napoleon once said that China is a sleeping lion, and I think that China is not so bloody, like war. From my point of view, China is more like an elephant, simple, honest and steady. China will not like some superpower to bully weaker countries, even stronger in the future. I believe that China will become an important force for maintenance of world peace, fairness and justice in the world. At last I want to say China"s future is not a dream. Our generation will become a major force in the creation of China"s future, and I"m very proud of I am Chinese.

Tomcat问题The server encountered an internal error ()怎么解决?

struts 的配置文件没写好,你可以把Struts配置删除再试试

求Spice Girls的“Wannabe”歌词

Yo, I"ll tell you what I want, what I really really wantSo, tell me what you want, what you really really wantI"ll tell you what I want, what I really really wantSo, tell me what you want, what you really really wantI wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna,I wanna really really really wanna zigazig ahIf you want my future, forget my pastIf you wanna get with me, better make it fastNow, don"t go wasting my precious timeGet your act together, we could be just fineI"ll tell you what I want, what I really really wantSo, tell me what you want, what you really really wantI wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna,I wanna really really really wanna zigazig ahIf you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friendsMake it last forever, friendship never endsIf you wanna be my lover, you have got to giveTaking is too easy but that"s the way it isWhat do you think about that, now you know how I feelSay you can handle my love, are you for real?I won"t be hasty, I"ll give you a tryIf you really bug me, then I"ll say goodbyeYo, I"ll tell you what I want, what I really really wantSo, tell me what you want, what you really really wantI wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna,I wanna really really really wanna zigazig ahIf you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friendsMake it last forever, friendship never endsIf you wanna be my lover, you have got to giveTaking is too easy but that"s the way it isSo, here"s the story from A to Z,You wanna get with me, you gotta listen carefully,We got Em in the place who likes it in your face,We got G like MC who likes it on a...Easy V doesn"t come for free, she"s a real lady,And as for me, you"ll seeSlam your body down and wind it all aroundSlam your body down and wind it all aroundIf you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friendsMake it last forever, friendship never endsIf you wanna be my lover, you have got to giveTaking is too easy but that"s the way it isIf you wanna be my lover, you gotta, you gotta, you gotta, you gotta,You gotta slam, slam, slam, slamSlam your body down and wind it all aroundSlam your body down and wind it all aroundSlam your body down and wind it all aroundSlam your body down and zigazig ahIf you wanna be my lover


博轩酒窖 专业定制酒窖,酒架 不休刚酒柜 电子酒柜 压缩机酒柜


歌曲《Wannabe》演唱:Unlike Pluto&Joanna Jones《Wannabe》在线试听Yo I"ll tell you what I want what I really really want我会告诉你什么是我想要的 我真正想要的So tell me what you want what you really really want所以 告诉我你想要什么 你真正想要的是什么I"ll tell you what I want what I really really want我会告诉你什么是我想要的 我真正想要的So tell me what you want what you really really want所以 告诉我你想要什么 你真正想要的是什么I wanna I wanna I wanna I wanna I really我想要 我想要 我想要 我想要Really really wanna zigazig ha我真的想要的是I wanna I wanna I wanna我想要Really really really wanna zigazig ha我真的想要的是If you want my future forget my past如果想要我的未来 那就忘掉我的过去If you wanna get with me better make it fast如果想和我在一起 那就最好迅速一点Now don"t go wasting my precious time不要浪费我宝贵的时间Get your act together we could be just fine控制你的行为 我们会相处愉快If you wanna be my lover you gotta get with my friends如果想做我的爱人 就要和我的朋友Make it last forever friendship never ends永远和睦相处 友情永远不变If you wanna be my lover you have got to give如果想做我的爱人 你应该学会付出Taking is too easy but that"s the way it is获得是那么的简单 但这才是我要的方式Yo I"ll tell you what I want what I really really want我会告诉你什么是我想要的 我真正想要的So tell me what you want what you really really want所以 告诉我你想要什么 你真正想要的是什么I wanna I wanna I wanna I wanna我想要 我想要 我想要 我想要Really really really wanna zigazig ha我真的想要的是What do you think about that now you know how I feel你觉得怎么样 现在你知道我的感觉了Say you can handle my love are you for real说你能掌握我的爱情 你是认真的吗I won"t be hasty I"ll give you a try我不会如此草率 我会给你个机会If you really bug me then I"ll say goodbye如果你惹我烦 我会说拜拜If you wanna be my lover you gotta get with my friends如果想做我的爱人 就要和我的朋友Make it last forever friendship never ends永远和睦相处 友情永远不变If you wanna be my lover you have got to give如果想做我的爱人 你应该学会付出Taking is too easy but that"s the way it is获得是那么的简单 但这才是我要的方式Yo I"ll tell you what I want what I really really want我会告诉你什么是我想要的 我真正想要的So tell me what you want what you really really want所以 告诉我你想要什么 你真正想要的是什么I wanna I wanna I wanna I wanna我想要 我想要 我想要 我想要Really really really wanna zigazig ha我真的想要的是So here"s a story from a to z you wanna get with me这里有个故事从A到ZYou gotta listen carefully你仔细听清楚We got em in the place who likes it in your face做错事了最好把抱歉写在脸上We got g like mc who likes it on an爱我就勇敢的大声说出来Easy v doesn"t come for free she"s a real lady敷衍了事的行为不会发生 她不会追究你的责任And as for me I"ll see换做是我 你走着瞧Slam your body down and wind it all around摇摆你的身体Slam your body down and wind it all around摇摆你的身体If you wanna be my lover you gotta get with my friends如果想做我的爱人 就要和我的朋友Make it last forever friendship never ends永远和睦相处 友情永远不变Yo I"ll tell you what I want what I really really want我会告诉你什么是我想要的 我真正想要的So tell me what you want what you really really want所以 告诉我你想要什么 你真正想要的是什么I wanna I wanna I wanna I wanna我想要 我想要 我想要 我想要Really really really wanna zigazig ha我真的想要的是Yo I"ll tell you what I want what I really really want我会告诉你什么是我想要的 我真正想要的So tell me what you want what you really really want所以 告诉我你想要什么 你真正想要的是什么I wanna I wanna I wanna I wanna我想要 我想要 我想要 我想要Really really really wanna zigazig ha我真的想要的是Slam your body down and wind it all around摇摆你的身体Really really really wanna zigazig ha我真的想要的是Slam your body down and wind it all around摇摆你的身体Really really really wanna zigazig ha我真的想要的是————————PS:第一句是原文歌词,第二句是中文翻译



歌曲WANNA BE 的歌词

Wanna Be 歌手:Spice Girls Yo Tell you what I want What I really really want So tell me what you want What you really really want I"ll tell you what I want What I really really want So tell me what you want I wanna I wanna I wanna I wanna I wanna Really really really wanna ziga ziga ha! If you want my future Forget my past If you wanna get with me Better make it fast Now don"t go wasting My presure"s time Get your act together we could be just fine If you wanna be my lover You gotta get with my friends Make it last forever Friendship never ends if you wanna be my lover You have got to give Taking is too easy but that"s the way it is What you think about that Now you know how I feel Say you can handle my love Are you for real I won"t be hasty I"ll give you a try If you really bug me then I"ll say goodbye Yo I"ll tell you what I want What I really really want So tell me what you want What you really really want I wanna I wanna I wanna I wanna I wanna Really really really wanna ziga ziga a! So here"s a story from A to Z You wanna get with me you wanna listen carefully You gotta M in the place who like in your face You got G like MC who likes on a easy V doesn"t come for free She"s a really lady And ask for me haha you see Slum your body down and wound it all around If you wanna be my lover You gotta you gotta you gotta you gotta Slum Slum Slum Slum Slum your body down and wound it all around Slum your body down and ziga ziga a! If you wanna be my lover!

请帮我翻译一下wanna be 的这段歌词.谢谢^_^

如此here"s 一个故事从A 到Z 您想要得到与我您想要仔细地听 您得到了对M 在象在您的面孔的地方 您得到了G 象喜欢在容易的V doesn"t 来为自由的MC She"s 一个真正地夫人 并且请求我您看见的haha 贫民窟您的身体下来和创伤它所有 如果您想要是我的恋人 您得到了对您得到了对您得到了对您被得到 贫民窟贫民窟贫民窟贫民窟 贫民窟您的身体下来和创伤它所有 贫民窟您的身体下来和ziga ziga a! 如果您想要是我的lover!^_^

Wannabe (Radio Edit) 歌词

歌曲名:Wannabe (Radio Edit)歌手:Spice Girls专辑:Greatest HitsWannabeSpice GirlsYoI"ll tell you what I wantwhat I really really wantSo tell me what you wantwhat you really really wantI"ll tell you what I wantwhat I really really wantSo tell me what you wantwhat you really really wantI wannaI wannaI wannaI wannaI wanna reallyreally really wanna zigazig ha.If you want my future forget my pastIf you wanna get with me better make it fastNow don"t go wasting my precious timeGet your act together we could be just fineI"ll tell you what I wantwhat I really really wantSo tell me what you wantwhat you really really wantI wannaI wannaI wannaI wannaI wanna reallyreally really wanna zigazig ha.If you wanna be my loveryou gotta get with my friendsMake it last forever friendship never endsIf you wanna be my loveryou have got to giveTaking is too easy but that"s the way it is.What do you think about that now you know how I feelSay you can handle my love are you for realI won"t be hastyI"ll give you a tryIf you really bug me then I"ll say goodbye.I"ll tell you what I wantwhat I really really wantSo tell me what you wantwhat you really really wantI wannaI wannaI wannaI wannaI wanna reallyreally really wanna zigazig ha.If you wanna be my loveryou gotta get with my friendsMake it last forever friendship never endsIf you wanna be my loveryou have got to giveTaking is too easybut that"s the way it is.So here"s a story from A to Zyou wanna get with meyou gotta listen carefullyWe got Em in the place who likes it in your facewe got G like MC who likes it on anEasy V doesn"t come for freeshe"s a real ladyand as for me you"ll seeSlam your body down and wind it all aroundSlam your body down and wind it all around.If you wanna be my loveryou gotta get with my friendsMake it last forever friendship never endsIf you wanna be my lover you have got to giveTaking is too easybut that"s the way it is.If you wanna be my loveryou gottayou gottayou gottayou gottayou gottaslamslamslamslamSlam your body down and wind it all around.Slam your body down and wind it all around.Slam your body down and wind it all around.Slam your body down zigazig ahIf you wanna be my lover

歌曲WANNA BE 的歌词

分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐 问题描述: 辣妹组合的歌WANNA BE 的个词 解析: wanna be歌词 Yo Tell you what I want What I really really want So tell me what you want What you really really want I"ll tell you what I want What I really really want So tell me what you want I wanna I wanna I wanna I wanna I wanna Really really really wanna ziga ziga ha! If you want my future Fet my past If you wanna get with me Better make it fast Now don"t go wasting My presure"s time Get your act together we could be just fine If you wanna be my lover You gotta get with my friends Make it last forever Friendship never ends if you wanna be my lover You have got to give Taking is too easy but that"s the way it is What you think about that Now you know how I feel Say you can handle my love Are you for real I won"t be hasty I"ll give you a try If you really bug me then I"ll say goodbye Yo I"ll tell you what I want What I really really want So tell me what you want What you really really want I wanna I wanna I wanna I wanna I wanna Really really really wanna ziga ziga a! So here"s a story from A to Z You wanna get with me you wanna listen carefully You gotta M in the place who like in your face You got G like MC who likes on a easy V doesn"t e for free She"s a really lady And ask for me haha you see Slum your body down and wound it all around If you wanna be my lover You gotta you gotta you gotta you gotta Slum Slum Slum Slum Slum your body down and wound it all around Slum your body down and ziga ziga a! If you wanna be my lover!


Wanna Be 歌手:Spice Girls Yo Tell you what I want What I really really want So tell me what you want What you really really want I"ll tell you what I want What I really really want So tell me what you want I wanna I wanna I wanna I wanna I wanna Really really really wanna ziga ziga ha! If you want my future Forget my past If you wanna get with me Better make it fast Now don"t go wasting My presure"s time Get your act together we could be just fine If you wanna be my lover You gotta get with my friends Make it last forever Friendship never ends if you wanna be my lover You have got to give Taking is too easy but that"s the way it is What you think about that Now you know how I feel Say you can handle my love Are you for real I won"t be hasty I"ll give you a try If you really bug me then I"ll say goodbye Yo I"ll tell you what I want What I really really want So tell me what you want What you really really want I wanna I wanna I wanna I wanna I wanna Really really really wanna ziga ziga a! So here"s a story from A to Z You wanna get with me you wanna listen carefully You gotta M in the place who like in your face You got G like MC who likes on a easy V doesn"t come for free She"s a really lady And ask for me haha you see Slum your body down and wound it all around If you wanna be my lover You gotta you gotta you gotta you gotta Slum Slum Slum Slum Slum your body down and wound it all around Slum your body down and ziga ziga a! If you wanna be my lover!^_^ 我会告诉你什么是我想要的,我真正想要的, 所以,告诉我你想要什么,你真正想要的是什么。 我会告诉你什么是我想要的,我真正想要的, 所以,告诉我你想要什么,你真正想要的是什么。 我想要,我想要,我想要,我想要, 我真的想要的是zigazig(吱嘎吱嘎,辣妹自己发明的词) 如果想要我的未来,那就忘掉我的过去 如果想和我在一起,那就最好迅速一点 不要浪费我宝贵的时间 控制你的行为,我们会相处愉快 我会告诉你什么是我想要的,我真正想要的, 所以,告诉我你想要什么,你真正想要的是什么。 我会告诉你什么是我想要的,我真正想要的, 所以,告诉我你想要什么,你真正想要的是什么。 我想要,我想要,我想要,我想要, 我真的想要的是zigazig(吱嘎吱嘎,辣妹自己发明的词) 如果想做我的爱人,就要和我的朋友 永远和睦相处,友情永远不变 如果想做我的爱人,你应该学会付出 获得是那么的简单,但这才是我要的方式。 你觉得怎么样?现在你知道我的感觉了, 说你能掌握我的爱情,你说的是真的。 我不会犹豫,我会给你个机会。 如果你惹我烦,我会说拜拜。 我会告诉你什么是我想要的,我真正想要的, 所以,告诉我你想要什么,你真正想要的是什么。 我想要,我想要,我想要,我想要, 我真的想要的是zigazig(吱嘎吱嘎,辣妹自己发明的词) 如果想做我的爱人,就要和我的朋友 永远和睦相处,友情永远不变 如果想做我的爱人,你应该学会付出 获得是那么的简单,但这才是我要的方式。

java 中的class.forName()是什么意思

返回与带有给定字符串名的类或接口相关联的 Class 对象。调用此方法等效于: Class.forName(className, true, currentLoader) 其中 currentLoader 表示此类的定义类加载器。 例如,以下代码片段返回 java.lang.Thread 类的运行时 Class 描述符。 Class t = Class.forName("java.lang.Thread") 调用 forName("X") 将导致名为 X 的类被初始化。 参数:className - 所需类的完全限定名。 返回:具有指定名的类的 Class 对象。 通俗的说就是:获得字符串参数中指定的类,并初始化该类

java 定义一个标准的JavaBean,名叫Person,包含属性name、age。使用反射的方式创建一个实

自己也在学习ing...import java.lang.reflect.*;public class Test{ public static void main(String []args) throws Exception{ Class c = Class.forName("Persion"); Persion p = (Persion)c.newInstance(); Method m = c.getMethod("setName",String.class); m.invoke(p,"xiaoli"); Field f = c.getField("age"); f.setInt(p,10); System.out.println(p.toString()); }};class Persion{ public String name; public int age; public Persion(String name,int age){; this.age=age; } public Persion(){"lili"; this.age=1; } public void setName(String name){; } public String getName(){ return; } public void setAge(int age){ this.age=age; } public int getAge(){ return this.age; } public String toString(){ return "name="",age="+this.age; }};

有一首歌的歌词是“i wanna be my love”

有点像泰勒唱的 you wanna be my lover lover好像是这句歌词吧 有一点欢快

mine mine 还是love story

歌词 if you wanna be my love是什么歌? 在微微一笑很倾城中19集12:15

drive my car

求一首韩语歌歌名,女声,歌词好像有“your gonna be my lover”

应该是少时的flower power,有一句是西卡唱的Do you wanna be my lover 你可以去听听看,不过那首歌是日文的


Nalani (meaning "calmness of the skies or heavens" in Hawaiian) is a female Orca born on September 18, 2006 at SeaWorld Orlando in Florida.Nalani是夏威夷人种的名字 Meaning: clamness of the skies

Class c = Class.forName(“T")没有创建T的对象吗,c.newInstatnce()才创建吗

Class.forName("")返回的是一个类 而newInstance()返回的是一个实例 即对象你看一下吧------Class.forName(xxx.xx.xx) 返回一个类 首先你要明白在java里面任何class都要装载在虚拟机上才能运行。这句话就是装载类用的(和new 不一样,要分清楚)。 至于什么时候用,可以考虑一下这个问题,给出一个字符串变量,它代表一个类的包名和类名,怎么实例化它?只有提到的这个方法了,不过要再加一点。 A a = (A)Class.forName("pacage.A").newInstance(); 这和 A a = new A(); 是一样的效果。 相关的补充问题 JVM会执行静态代码段,要记住一个概念,静态代码是和class绑定的,class装载成功就表示执行了静态代码了,以后也就不会再走这段静态代码了。 Class.forName(xxx.xx.xx) 返回的是一个类 Class.forName(xxx.xx.xx);的作用是要求JVM查找并加载指定的类,也就是说JVM会执行该类的静态代码段,动态加载和创建Class 对象,比如想根据用户输入的字符串来创建对象 String str = 用户输入的字符串 Class t = Class.forName(str); t.newInstance(); 在初始化一个类,生成一个实例的时候,newInstance()方法和new关键字除了一个是方法,一个是关键字外,最主要有什么区别? 它们的区别在于创建对象的方式不一样,前者是使用类加载机制,后者是创建一个新类。 那么为什么会有两种创建对象方式? 这主要考虑到软件的可伸缩、可扩展和可重用等软件设计思想。 Java中工厂模式经常使用newInstance()方法来创建对象,因此从为什么要使用工厂模式上可以找到具体答案。 例如: class c = Class.forName(“Example”); factory = (ExampleInterface)c.newInstance(); 其中ExampleInterface是Example的接口,可以写成如下形式: String className = "Example"; class c = Class.forName(className); factory = (ExampleInterface)c.newInstance(); 进一步可以写成如下形式: String className = readfromXMlConfig;//从xml 配置文件中获得字符串 class c = Class.forName(className); factory = (ExampleInterface)c.newInstance(); 上面代码已经不存在Example的类名称,它的优点是,无论Example类怎么变化,上述代码不变,甚至可以更换Example的兄弟类Example2 , Example3 , Example4……,只要它们继承ExampleInterface也就是factory就可以。 从JVM的角度看,使用关键字new创建一个类的时候,这个类可以没有被加载。但是使用newInstance()方法的时候,就必须保证:1、这个类已经加载;2、这个类已经连接了。而完成上面两个步骤的正是Class的静态方法forName()所完成的,这个静态方法调用了启动类加载器,即加载 java API的那个加载器。 现在可以看出,newInstance()实际上是把new这个方式分解为两步,即首先调用Class加载方法加载某个类,然后实例化。 分步的好处是显而易见的:可以在调用class的静态加载方法forName时获得更好的灵活性,提供给了一种降耦的手段。 最后用最简单的描述来区分new关键字和newInstance()方法的区别: newInstance: 弱类型。低效率。只能调用无参构造。 new: 强类型。相对高效。能调用任何public构造。 forName() 和 ClassLoader 的 loadClass 方法。 为什么 forName()是会执行static语句? 因为默认情况它总是初始化这个被装载的类。 关于forName()方法 这个方法总是返回要加载的类的Class类的实例 1、forName(String className)单参数时, initialize=true a.总是使用当前类装载器(也就是装载执行forName()请求的类的类装载器) b.总是初始化这个被装载的类(当然也包括:装载、连接、初始化) 2、forName(String className, boolean initialize, ClassLoader loader) a.loader指定装载参数类所用的类装载器,如果null则用bootstrp装载器。 b.initialize=true时,肯定连接,而且初始化了; c.false时,绝对不会初始化,但是可能被连接了,有个例外,如果在调用这个forName()前,已经被初始化了,那么返回的类型也肯定是被初始化的(当然,暗含着: 被同一个loader所装载的,而且该类被初始化了) 关于用户自定义的类装载器的loadClass()方法 1、loadClass(String name)单参数时, resolve=false a.如果该类已经被该类装载器所装载,那么,返回这个已经被装载的类型的Class的实例,否则,就用这个自定义的类装载器来装载这个class,这时不知道是否被连接。绝对不会被初始化 b.这时唯一可以保证的是,这个类被装载了。但是不知道这个类是不是被连接和初始化了 2、loadClass(String name, boolean resolve) a.resolve=true时,则保证已经装载,而且已经连接了。 resolve=falses时,则仅仅是去装载这个类,不关心是否连接了,所以此时可能被连接了,也可能没有被连接

高手帮我翻译一段法文 Rebonjour Mr Maggie j ais bien recu le devis finaliser moi la proforma avec la



just to be close to you

老公在朝鲜带回来的化妆品 全是韩文和英语 1: Milk cream 2: White ning nutritional essence 求解


I just wanna be close to you

Jay Delano 的 Close to you

nutritional ,nutritious 和 nutritive 的区别

nutritional 形容词 营养的, 滋养的nutritious 形容词 有营养成分的, 营养的nutritive 名词 营养的 形容词 富于营养的食物

很久没关注星际了,现在韩国星际最强神族是谁?都说是BISU 但感觉他很软啊 NARAL REACH KAL貌似都比他强



.nutritious表示有营养的,滋补的.nutritional 表示营养的,滋补的.区别就在一个字


nutrition: [ nju:"triu0283u0259n ] n. 营养nutritional: [ nju: "triu0283u0259nu0259l ] a. 营养的,滋养的nutrient: [ "nju:triu0259nt ] a. 营养的,滋养的n. 营养物,营养品






您需要先下载 Outline 管理器桌面应用,以便开始架设自己的服务器。Outline 采用一站式设计,让您只需使用这一款应用即可管理服务器的一切。您可以从值得信赖的云服务提供商名单中选择一家,也可以使用您自己的 Linux 基础架构。目前,很多云服务提供商都提供月费不超过 5 美元的套餐。下载 Outline 管理器后,系统会提示您选择要通过哪家云服务提供商运行您的服务器。您可以从一些值得信赖的提供商(例如 Digital Ocean、AWS 或 Google Cloud)中进行选择。选择完毕后,相应的提供商会引导您完成具体的初始配置流程。之后,您便可在 Outline 管理器中管理自己的服务器。使用 Outline 时,您可以选择服务器的具体架设地点,比如架设在新加坡、德国、美国或其他诸多可供选择的地点,这样您的流量就会经由您选择的架设地点传送。



einaudi experience表达了什么

einaudi experience表达的意思是:埃诺迪体验。重点词汇:experience英[u026ak'spu026au0259riu0259ns]释义:n.经历,往事;经验,阅历;传统。v.经历,遭遇;体会到,感受到。[复数:experiences;第三人称单数:experiences;现在分词:experiencing;过去式:experienced;过去分词:experienced]短语:User Experience户体验;使用者经验;用户体验;使用者体验。词语使用变化:n.(名词)。1、experience的基本意思是“经验”,指由实践得来的知识和技能,是不可数名词,没有复数形式,也不与不定冠词连用。2、experience也可作“经历,阅历”解,指具体的经验,亲身见过、做过或遭受的事,是可数名词,其单数可表示一具体活动的结果。3、experience还可作“感受”解,这时常用复数形式。

求Fallen的歌词 是Evig Natt唱的 百度搜索不到 悬赏100分

★【Fallen的歌词】★ Fallen(落入凡间) 1.Going Under 2.Bring Me To Life 3.Everybody"s Fool 4.My Immortal 5.Haunted 6.Tourniquet 7.Imaginary 8.Taking Me Over 9.Hello 10.My Last Breath 11.Whisper Evanescence(伊凡赛斯)-Fallen(落入凡间) 2003/5/1 1.Going Under Now I will tell you what I"ve done for you 50,000 tears I"ve cried Screaming, Deceiving, And bleeding for you And you still won"t hear me ....GOING UNDER.... Don"t want your hand this time I"ll save myself Maybe I"ll wake up for once (wake up for once) Not tormented daily defeated by you Just when I thought I"d reached the bottom [Chorus] I"m dying again I"m going under (going under) Drowning you (drowning you) I"m falling forever (falling forever) I"ve got to break through I"m going under Blurring and stirring the truth and the lies (I don"t know what"s real and what"s not) Always confusing the thoughts is my head So I can"t trust myself anymore I"m dying again I"m going under (going under) Drowning you (drowning you) I"m falling forever (falling forever) I"ve got to break through, I"m... So go on and scream Scream at me, so far away I won"t be broken again I"ve got to breathe I can"t keep going under I"m going under (going under) Drowning you (drowning you) I"m falling forever (falling forever) I"ve got to break through, I"m going under (going under) Going under (drowning you) I"m going under 2.Bring Me To Life How can you see into my eyes like open doors? Leading you down into my core Where Ive become so numb Without a soul My spirit"s sleeping somewhere cold Until you find it there and lead it back home -CHORUS- [wake me up] Wake me up inside [I cant wake up] Wake me up inside [Save me] Call my name and save me from the dark [Wake me up] Bid my blood to run [I cant wake up] Before I come undone [Save me] Save me from the nothing Ive become Now that I know what Im without You cant just leave me Breathe into me and make me real Bring me To life -CHORUS- [wake me up] Wake me up inside [I cant wake up] Wake me up inside [Save me] Call my name and save me from the dark [Wake me up] Bid my blood to run [I cant wake up] Before I come undone [Save me] Save me from the nothing Ive become {Bring me to life} [Ive been living a lie..Theres nothing inside] Bring me to life Frozen inside without your touch Without your love, darling Only you are the life among the dead [All of this I, I cant believe I couldnt see Kept in the dark, but you were there in front of me] Ive been sleeping a thousand years it seems Got to open my eyes to everything [Without a thought, without a voice, without a soul] {Dont let me die here}(It must be something wrong) Bring me to life -CHORUS- [wake me up] Wake me up inside [I cant wake up] Wake me up inside [Save me] Call my name and save me from the dark [Wake me up] Bid my blood to run [I cant wake up] Before I come undone [Save me] Save me from the nothing Ive become {Bring me to life} [Ive been living a lie.. Theres nothing inside]{Bring Me To Life} 作者: 218.82.99.* 2004-12-26 13:21 回复此发言 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 ★【Fallen的歌词】★ Bring me to life 3.Everybody"s Fool Perfect by Nature Icons of Self Indulgence Just what we all need More lies about a world that Never was and never will be Have you no shame? Don"t you see me? You know you"ve got everybody fooled. Look here she comes now Bow down and stare in wonder Oh how we love you No flaws when your pretending But now I know she Never was and never will be You don"t know how you"ve betrayed me And somehow you"ve got everybody fooled. Without the mask where will you hide? Can"t find yourself lost in your lie. I know the truth now... I know who you are... And I don"t love you anymore. Never was and never will be You don"t know how you"ve betrayed me And somehow you"ve got everybody fooled. It never was and never will be Your not real and you can"t save me Somehow how now your everybody"s fool. 4.My Immortal I"m so tired of being here Suppressed by all my childish fears And if you have to leave I wish that you would just leave "Cause your presence still lingers here And it won"t leave me alone These wounds won"t seem to heal This pain is just too real There"s just too much that time cannot erase When you cried I"d wipe away all of your tears When you"d scream I"d fight away all of your fears I held your hand through all of these years But you still have All of me You used to captivate me By your resonating light Now I"m bound by the life you left behind Your face it haunts My once pleasant dreams Your voice it chased away All the sanity in me These wounds won"t seem to heal This pain is just too real There"s just too much that time cannot erase When you cried I"d wipe away all of your tears When you"d scream I"d fight away all of your fears I held your hand through all of these years But you still have All of me I"ve tried so hard to tell myself that you"re gone But though you"re still with me I"ve been alone all along When you cried I"d wipe away all of your tears When you"d scream I"d fight away all of your fears I held your hand through all of these years But you still have All of me 5.Haunted long lost words whisper slowly to me still can"t find what keeps me here when all this time i"ve been so hollow inside i know you"re still there watching me wanting me i can feel you pull me down fearing you loving you i know i"ll find you somehow hunting you i can smell you - alive your heart pounding in my head Watching me Wanting me i wont let you pull me down saving me raping me watching me watching me wanting me i can feel you pull me down fearing you loving you i wont let you hold me down 6.Tourniquet I tried to kill the pain but only brought more I lay dying and I"m pouring crimson regret and betrayal I"m dying praying bleeding and screaming Am I too lost to be saved Am I too lost? My God My Tourniquet Return to me Salvation My God my Tourniquet Return to me Salvation Do you remember me Lost for so long Will you be on the other side or will you forget me 作者: 218.82.99.* 2004-12-26 13:21 回复此发言 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 ★【Fallen的歌词】★ I"m dying praying bleeding and screaming Am I too lost to be saved Am I too lost? My God My Tourniquet Return to me Salvation My God my Tourniquet Return to me Salvation My wounds cry for the grave My soul cries for Deliverance Will I be Denied Christ Tourniquet My Suicide 7.Imaginary Imaginary (from the ORIGIN album) Swallowed up in the sound of my screaming Cannot cease for the fear Of silent nights Oh how I long for the deep sleep dreaming The goddess of imaginary light In my field of paper flowers And candy clouds of lullaby I lie inside myself for hours And watch my purple sky fly over me I linger in the doorway Of alarm clock screaming monsters Calling my name Let me stay Where the wind will whisper to me Where the raindrops as they"re falling tell a story If you need to leave the world you live in Lay your head down and stay a while Though you may not remember dreaming Something waits for you to breathe again ---------------------------------------- Imaginary (from the FALLEN album) I linger in the doorway of alarm clock screaming monsters calling my name let me stay Where the wind will whisper to me Where the raindrops as they"re falling tell a story In my field of paper flowers And candy clouds of lullaby I lie inside myself for hours And watch my purple sky fly over me Don"t say I"m out of touch With this rampant chaos - Your reality I know well what lies beyond my sleeping refuge The nightmare I built my own world to escape In my field of paper flowers And candy clouds of lullaby I lie inside myself for hours And watch my purple sky fly over me Swallowed up in the sound of my screaming Cannot cease for the fear of silent nights Oh how I long for the deep sleep dreaming The goddess of imaginary light 8.Taking Me Over YOU DON"T REMEMBER ME BUT I REMEMBER YOU I LIE AWAKE AND TRY SO HARD NOT TO THINK OF YOU BUT WHO CAN DECIDE WHAT THEY DREAM? AND DREAM I DO... I BELIEVE IN YOU I"LL GIVE UP EVERYTHING JUST TO FIND YOU I HAVE TO BE WITH YOU TO LIVE TO BREATHE YOU"RE TAKING OVER ME HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN ALL I KNOW AND ALL WE HAD? YOU SAW ME MOURNING MY LOVE FOR YOU AND TOUCHED MY HAND I KNEW YOU LOVED ME THEN I BELIEVE IN YOU I"LL GIVE UP EVERYTHING JUST TO FIND YOU I HAVE TO BE WITH YOU TO LIVE TO BREATHE YOU"RE TAKING OVER ME I LOOK IN THE MIRROR AND SEE YOUR FACE IF I LOOK DEEP ENOUGH SO MANY THINGS INSIDE THAT ARE JUST LIKE YOU ARE TAKING OVER ME 9.Hello Playground School Bell Rings Again Rain Clouds Come Come To Play Again Has No One Told You She"s Not Breathing? Hello I"m Your Mind Giving You Some One To Talk To Hello If I Smile And Don"t Believe Soon I Know I"ll Wake From This Dream Don"t Try To Fix Me I"m Not Broken Hello I"m The Lie Living For You So You Can Hide. Don"t Cry Suddenly I Know I"m Not Sleeping Hello I"m Still Here All Thats Left Of Yesterday 10.My Last Breath hold on to me love you know i can"t stay long all i wanted to say was i love you and i"m not afraid can you hear me? can you feel me in your arms? holding my last breath safe inside myself are all my thoughts of you sweet raptured light it ends here tonight i"ll miss the winter a world of fragile things look for me in the white forest hiding in a hollow tree (come find me) i know you hear me i can taste it in your tears holding my last breath safe inside myself are all my thoughts of you sweet raptured light it ends here tonight closing your eyes to disappear you pray your dreams will leave you here but still you wake and know the truth no one"s there say goodnight don"t be afraid calling me calling me as you fade to black 11.Whisper Catch me as I fall Say you"re here and it"s all over now Speaking to the atmosphere No one"s here and I fall into myself This truth drives me Into madness I know I can stop the pain If I will it all away Don"t turn away (Don"t give in to the pain) Don"t try to hide (Though they"re screaming your name) Don"t close your eyes (God knows what lies behind them) Don"t turn out the light (Never sleep never die) I"m frightened by what I see But somehow I know That there"s much more to come Immobilized by my fear And soon to be Blinded by tears I can stop the pain If I will it all away Don"t turn away (Don"t give in to the pain) Don"t try to hide (Though they"re screaming your name) Don"t close your eyes (God knows what lies behind them) Don"t turn out the light (Never sleep never die) Fallen angels at my feet Whispered voices at my ear Death before my eyes Lying next to me I fear She beckons me Shall I give in Upon my end shall I begin Forsaking all I"ve fallen for I rise to meet my end Don"t turn away (Don"t give in to the pain) Don"t try to hide (Though they"re screaming your name) Don"t close your eyes (God knows what lies behind them) Don"t turn out the light (Never sleep never die)


create table student( sno c(8) prim key, sname c(8), ssex c(2) check ssex="F" or ssex="M" ; default "F" , sbirthday d , sclass c(10) )不过你要注意,当用这条语句的时候,应该先建立数据库,把student 作为数据库表,只有数据库表才可以定义主键


You push me,你催促着我I don"t have the strength toResist or control you我没有力量来抵抗或者控制你So take me down, take me down所以放过我,放过我You hurt me,你伤害了我But do I deserve this但是我罪有应得You make me so nervous你让我如此紧张Calm me down, calm me down让我平静下来Wake you up in the middle of the night to say,在半夜唤醒你,对你说I will never walk away again我决不会再次走开I"m never gonna leave this bed我决不会离开这张床So come here and never leave this place所以过来我身边,永远不要离开这个地方Perfection of your face你完美的脸Slows me down, slows me down阻拦了我的坠落So fall down所以坠落吧I need you to trust me我需要你相信我Go easy, don"t rush me放轻松,不要逼迫我Help me ou帮助我解脱Why don"t you help me out为什么不帮助我解脱Wake you up in the middle of the night to say,在半夜唤醒你,对你说I will never walk away again我决不会再次走开I"m never gonna leave this bed我决不会离开这张床So you say go所以你说离开It isn"t worth it它并不值得And I say no我说不It isn"t perfect它现在并不完美So I stay and still所以我依然在这I"m never gonna leave this bed我决不会离开这张床Take it, take it all拿走,全部拿走Take all that I have把我所拥有的一切全部拿走I"d give it all away just to get you back我将放弃一切,只要你可以回来And fake it, fake it伪装伪装I"ll take what I can get我将拿走我所能得到的一切Knocking so loud大声的敲打Can you hear me yet?你现在是否能听到我的呼喊Try to stay awake试着保持清醒But you can"t forget但是你不能忘记Wake you up in the middle of the night to say,在半夜唤醒你,对你说I will never walk away again我决不会再次走开I"m never gonna leave this bed我决不会离开这张床So you say go所以你说离开It isn"t worth it它并不值得And I say no我说不It isn"t perfect它现在并不完美So I stay and still所以我依然在这I& #39;m never gonna leave this bed我决不会离开这张床Take it, take it all拿走,全部拿走Take all that I have把我所拥有的一切全部拿走Take it, take it all拿走,全部拿走Take all that I have把我所拥有的一切全部拿走Take it, take it all拿走,全部拿走Take all that I have把我所拥有的一切全部拿走Take it, take it all拿走,全部拿走Take all that I have把我所拥有的一切全部拿走



安娜苏ANNA SUI设计师2020年秋冬纽约时装周

Anna Sui 并在次年2019年度获得了美国时装设计师协会颁发的杰弗里·比恩(Geoffrey Beene)终身成就奖,而且与伊夫·圣洛朗(Yves Saint Laurent),乔治·阿玛尼(Giorgio Armani),拉尔夫·劳伦(Ralph Lauren)和黛安(Diane)并列。冯·弗斯滕伯格。Anna Sui品牌类别已经开发了多个时装系列,包含鞋类,化妆品,香水,眼镜,珠宝,配饰,家庭用品和礼品系列。 介 绍完Anna Sui品牌,我们来看看2020年秋季时装秀有哪些关注的亮点,设计师安娜苏(Anna Sui)受到70年代恐怖电影一度影响灵感来源,黑暗又血腥和黑色蕾丝的作品是最奢华的收藏之一,跑道上的背景色红色与紫色也是富有精心安排的,模特儿们个个像魔鬼和巫婆般齐头并走秀,此妆容也是凸显了Anna Sui创作的更具感性视觉。 Sui 设计师对面料新型材料的甄选也是一直如醉般痴迷啊,定制亮片绣花,全亮片连身裤,人造皮草和羊毛皮大衣;这些都是在Sui秀上可能比较少见过或者还没有见过的极度魅力。风格多样的她这季的波西米亚淡紫色连衣裙和维多利亚风格黑色乙烯基连衣裙,这也是Sui考虑其视觉冲击力颇多亮点设置;这场看上去充满魔幻般的噩梦世界我想这就是Sui所想帮我们观秀人带入这样的一种境界中,最后我想说她做到了。 莎莉·拉邦特Sally LaPointe2020年秋冬时装周 Gabriela Hearst2020年秋冬纽约时装周 Proenza Schouler2020年秋冬纽约时装周 Eckhaus Latta2020年秋冬季纽约时装周


因为组里面出了一批甲基化测序数据,使用的技术为BS-seq,处理的时候顺带记录了学习过程,演示使用数据为官方提供的example.fastq。 DNA甲基化作为基因组上的表观修饰(区别于组蛋白修饰),存在于各种生物中。 虽然CpG序列出现的频率并不高,但是在某些基因区域内,CpG的密度很高,俗称CpG岛。这些CpG岛大多出现在基因的启动子区域(人类占到70%),长度达300-3000bp。目前的研究表明,大多数的管家基因都含有CpG岛,位于基因的5"端(其中的大多数CpG岛都是未甲基化的)。 另外需要注意的是,目前的研究表明, 肿瘤样本 与正常样本的CpG岛甲基化差异大多不是发生CpG岛的内部而是位于 CpG岛岸(CpG island shore) 。 由于CpG位点的易甲基化导致胞嘧啶脱氨变成胸腺嘧啶,所以在漫长的进化过程中,CpG位点逐渐消失,但是又存在着对于基因表达的调控要求,所以CpG岛的出现也被理解为抵抗甲基化经常很,维持调控功能。 此处略过,请自行了解(示例文件为WGBS单端测序文件)。 Bismark官网 需要用户已经装好bowtie1/bowtie2 此处使用测试数据 test.fastq (from SRR020138, Lister et al., 2009; trimmed to 50 bp; base call qualities are Sanger encoded Phred values (Phred33)). --cytosine_report 参数会根据当前目录下的信息文件生成一个HTML格式的报告文件,即 test_data_bismark_bt2_SE_report.html 文件,它包括了比对信息,甲基化信息,M-bias等,可以对数据有一个大概的认知(下图只展示了一部分): 同时因为使用了 --comprehensive ,所以结果合并正反链的数据后会输出CpG/CHG/CHH三种类型的甲基化文件,包含了胞嘧啶所有的组合形式,但实际上我们自然最关注的是CpG位点的甲基化。其中 CpG_context_test_data_bismark_bt2.deduplicated.txt 即CpG甲基化位点的文件。 test_data_bismark_bt2.deduplicated.bismark.cov 文件则给了每个位点的甲基化比例,为下一步确定CpG岛提供了基础,其数据形式如下: test_data_bismark_bt2.deduplicated.CpG_report.txt.CpG_report.txt 文件则是背景信息: 此处根据测序数据得到了甲基化位点的信息,但是后续DML以及DMR的确定还需要R包的使用,以及后续的可视化还以探索以下包:

有首歌是nanananana come on to me come on to me英文 女声不

Boom Clap?

W.O.R.K. (N.O. Nah No No My Daddy Don T) 歌词

歌曲名:W.O.R.K. (N.O. Nah No No My Daddy Don T)歌手:Bow Wow Wow专辑:Girl Bites Dog, Your Compact Disc PetCiara - Work (Feat. Missy Elliott)When the song come on in the clubPut it up, put it up, put it upTurn it up, turn it up, turn it up, turn it up, turn it up, turn it up (Rewind!)When the song come on in the clubPut it up, put it up, put it upTurn it up, turn it up, turn it up, turn it up, turn it up, (let"s go!)The dance train is coming back againExtravaganza, you should run and tell a friendKings and queens are posted at the barBuckin" down, it"s time to take it offWalk that walk (walk)Show me how you move itCan you walk that talk (talk)Put some snap into itIt"s your chance nowGirl you better dance nowIt"s your time to show it allThe spotlight is on you, you better...Work work work workWork work work workWork work work workWork better work!Work work work workWork work work workWork work work workWork better work!You better shake that thang like a donkeyAnd go hard for it, you better work!You better swing from a paw like a monkeyAnd go hard for it, you better work!"Cause big girls get down on the flo"And make it jiggle, jiggle, jiggle you ain"t knowAin"t no shame, it"s the name of gameNow everybody down to the flo", here we go!We got the rhythm of the be-be-beatWe got the rhythm of the beatWe got the rhythm of the handsLet"s get the rhythm of the feetJump in, jump outJump in, jump outJump in, jump outJump in, jump out (here we go!)Walk that walk (walk)Show me how you move itCan you walk that talk (talk)Put some snap into itIt"s your chance nowGirl you better dance nowIt"s your time to show it allThe spotlight is on you, you better...Work work work workWork work work workWork work work workWork better work!Work work work workWork work work workWork work work workWork better work!When the song come on in the clubPut it up, put it up, put it upTurn it up, turn it up, turn it up, turn it up, turn it upWhen the song start to play, tell the DJ: Back it up!And if you want the danceflo, you tell the DJ: Back it up!This your jam, this your joy, hey Mr. DJ back it up!This that new Ciara, go holla at the DJ: Back it up!Now! drop down! everybody in a club drop down!Jiggle that, jiggle thatTill it drop, till it drop, till it drop, all the way, all the way down to the groundWe in a club, in a club, don"t stop!When the song come on don"t stop!Me and Ci we gonin beserckAll the ladies on the flo you better work!It"s out to be a fight in this clubA fight in this club, so get into my mugGet into my mug,Get buck, get buckGet buck, get buckGet buck, get buckGet buck, get buckI bet ya can"t do it like me (like me)I bet ya can"t do it like me me meI bet ya can"t do it like me (like me)I bet ya can"t do it like me me meGet some, get someGet buck, get buckGet some, get someGet buck, get buck (Lets go!)Work work work, you better work (repeat)Ciara - Work (Feat. Missy Elliott)

在测试报告中,test report form 和 TRF originator、 master TRF 各什么意思?

Test Report Form (TRF) – A blank form prepared by the TRF originator according to Part 3 of OD CB 2020 and published according to Annexes G and H of this Operational Document.TRF Originator – An NCB appointed by IECEE to develop a specific Test Report Form.Master TRF: The date of Master TRF shall be the date of TRF publication.

professional obligation是什么意思

professional obligation职业义务双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 专业责任例句:1.It seems to be a professional obligation, as you will see.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
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