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  1, today, I will be the most beautiful flowers, today, I will be the sweetest smile to you, my beloved school, I never stand in the heart of monuments.   2, the blue sky dedicated to white clouds, long road dedicated to the distance. This grateful heart will turn into power, guide me forward, and I will use my success to Thanksgiving Alma mater.   3, alma mater, accompanied me through six years of spring, summer, autumn and winter; Alma mater, carrying me to the ocean of knowledge; Alma mater, inspired me to raise the sails of the voyage; Alma mater, for me to pave the way for the future!   4, your alma mater, the cradle of talents is to cultivate and sow the knowledge of the ocean, flowing with the moral source, stands the spirit of the glorious banner, record, dreams, breeds hope.   5, alma mater, you are a beacon in our hearts, you are a bridge of friendship between students, you are young students to display talent arena. Graduation soon, at the moment, we are surging into the hearts of the alma mater infinite attachment.   6, alma mater, is our happy harbor. Alma mater, thousands of words can not describe our feelings for you.   7, alma mater, I thank you, alma mater, you will always be my snuggle!   8, alma mater, thank you, let the teacher, and guide me to swim the ocean of knowledge.   9, the alma mater is so familiar; every tree and bush, the alma mater of brick, so warm.   10, alma mater, I have the first wealth of life, a knowledge, character and belief built spiritual wealth.   11, three years of study I benefited, because the ideological quality education of the alma mater, make my outlook on life and values more mature, thanks to his alma mater has given me valuable bit, is the future year end things late, I will often come back to see you.   12, the world Thanksgiving too much, I would like to thank the great motherland, I would like to thank the parents of the upbringing of grace, but I should thank the most dear my alma mater.   13, I love the school! Give me warmth like a mother and give me a happy school!   14, my dear alma mater, may your tomorrow like an eagle flying in the blue sky fly!   15, the son to the great, the elders; elders to, almost to the world a great.   16, I live in the school, the teacher"s every twinkle and smile, every tree and bush, still fresh. In the green campus, we are holding the glorious years of spring, weaving the colorful dreams of life.


Alma mater complex


Thanksgiving alma mater(英文)Three years ago, our childish innocence, full of hope into my school in, beg leave our own shining figure in this stage on; however, three years later, we have to cherish the heart and the alma mater of a perturbed farewell. If there are thousands and thousands of words I, it is difficult to give up v.. Ah, my alma mater, my dear alma mater, you teach me how to be a person, is you teach me knowledge, you are my life to ignite the flame, is you for me to point out the direction of advance. Today, I take pride in my alma mater, tomorrow, my alma mater is proud of me.For three years, my alma mater for me to do a lot of. Now, the university entrance exam, went to the US for our alma mater. In this year"s college entrance examination, we will go all out, with the best results to return to his alma mater, Thanksgiving alma mater, for his alma mater to create brilliant.Alma mater, you do not stop working, you are a steady stream of a large number of elite. Without you, without us today, without you, there would be no future for us. It is you that shaped us; we are you, and we are in the light of hope. Today, we have to say goodbye, but you will always be in our hearts, you will always be a light to illuminate our forward. No matter when and where, we will never forget, we are a people, we must for the prosperity of pay, for a vigorous efforts.For three years, you have been watering us, let us the bud of the motherland. What will you do not, you can only hope we are happy, we hope to grow sturdily. Now, please allow us to use the remarkable college entrance exam results to be grateful, to return.Hopefully, Thanksgiving Alma mater. Stroll in Huairen in a forest, what we see, we see the future, see......感恩母校三年前,我们幼稚懵懂,满怀希望,步入我的学校,企求在一中这个舞台上留下自己闪烁的身影;然而,三年后,我们又不得不怀着一颗忐忑的心与母校告别。纵有千言万语,也难诉出我的不舍。啊,母校,我亲爱的母校,是你教会我如何做人,是你传授我知识,是你为我的人生点燃火光,是你为我指明了前进的方向。今日,我以母校为荣,明日,母校定为我骄傲。三年来,母校为我做了许许多多。而如今,高考之际,又到了我们为母校争光的时候。在今年的高考中,我们定会全力以赴,用最好的成绩来回馈母校,感恩母校,为母校再创辉煌。母校,是你在不停耕耘,是你源源不断地向社会输送了大批精英。没有你,就没有我们的今天,没有你,就没有我们的将来。是你,塑造了我们;是你,在我们迷茫之时为我们点亮希望的烛光。今天,我们不得不说再见,可是,你将永远印在我们的心中,你将永远是照亮我们前进的明灯。无论何时何地,我们都将铭记,我们是一中人,我们要为一中的繁荣付出,为一中的蓬勃向上而努力。三年来,您不断地浇灌我们,让我们这些祖国的花蕾绽放。您不企盼什么,您只希望我们快乐,希望我们茁壮成长。现在,请允许我们用那骄人的高考成绩来感恩,来回报。满怀希望,感恩母校。漫步于怀仁一中的林间小道,我们仿佛看到了什么,看到了我们的将来,看到了……希望采纳




翻译:I will say farewell to my old school.

再见了我的母校和我的老师 英文怎么写

Goodbye, my school and my teachers


我的母校my alma mater我儿子参观过的一个学院是我的母校--海卫福特学院。 One of the colleges my son visited was my alma mater, Haverford College. 每当我走过我的母校时,我都想起我的校长威尔全斯先生。 I never go past my old school but I think of Mr. Wilkins, the headmaster . 技术改变大学生活的程度和速度相当显著。现在,我的母校主办了一个交互式的虚拟社区。 The extent to which technology has changed college life and theeed with which it has done so is quite remarkable.

请问 母校 用英文怎么说 母校 alma mater 这个好象是拉丁语啊?

对,词源确实是拉丁 英文中很多借用词,这个就是 但是你没有大写,这个词需要大写首字母Alma Mater


我的母校my alma mater我儿子参观过的一个学院是我的母校--海卫福特学院。 One of the colleges my son visited was my alma mater, Haverford College. 每当我走过我的母校时,我都想起我的校长威尔全斯先生。 I never go past my old school but I think of Mr. Wilkins, the headmaster . 技术改变大学生活的程度和速度相当显著。现在,我的母校主办了一个交互式的虚拟社区。 The extent to which technology has changed college life and theeed with which it has done so is quite remarkable.




Graduation is not the end, but a new beginning. We are about to go to our goals , make the Alma mater more brilliant.


光阴如滔滔黄河水,一去不复返,转眼之间,我已经在小学待了8年了。在这段日子里,我从一个无知的幼童变成了一个懂事的高年级学生,许多美好的回忆将永远保存在我的记忆的宝箱里。在这些回忆里,和老师同学在一起的时光总是美好的。在这段日子里总是哭过,笑过,悲伤过,快乐过,烦闷过,忧郁过————————这8年的点点滴滴,是学校见证并陪我走过的。而今。我慢马上就要离开这所陪伴我们多少年风风雨雨的母校了,让我们在此高呼一声;母校,谢谢您! 展望昨天,在母校的点点滴滴仍历历 在目,母校你还记得吗?校园里有我们飞奔的身影;母校你还记得吗? 校园里曾有我们如花般灿烂的笑容;母校你还记的吗?校园曾有我们银铃般的欢笑声;母校你还记得吗?我们曾取优异成绩而笑过,我们曾看到受伤小动物无助的样子而哭过,我们曾欢度六一儿童节而快乐过,我们也曾受到批评而悲伤过————————这些美好的回忆,母校你还记得吗? 可是,‘人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,"分别的时刻就要到了。这段时间,大家似乎都意识到--时间不多了,我们就要离开了 。于是,班级里掀起了写同学录的热潮,同学都拿出一本精美的同学录,纷纷留下美好的回忆 。上课时,同学们难免也会真情流露。当读到正符合同学们心意的片段时,有些同学忍不住落下了热泪。是呀!要走了,谁能割舍这一份份真切的友谊 。真切的师生情呢? 百川到东海,何时复西归?时间过得真快,转眼之间,我们都要升初中了。朋友们,老师们,同学们虽然我们要分开了。但是 ,请不要太悲伤,让我们把这一份份美好的回忆珍藏起来,等到以后,我们一定会再相见的,我一定再回来看母校的。老师,保重!同学保重!母校保重!!


I grow up together with the Alma materTime passed quickly, time marches on, Now, I will graduate. At this time, leaving Alma mater, my heart is full of nostalgia. Back then, the mother is so familiar weed and blade, Back then, the brick is so kind. Forget, my respected teacher. Forget your teachings that earnestly, Forget your kind. Are you taught me that love motherland, love people, Are you teach me to learn mathematics, to learn Chinese. Do you like hard gardener, give us these small sapling pruning, leaf, water and fertilizer, let us grow trees grew dropping. For we exercise your heart, how many sweat. Teacher Lin, you remember? Once, in "miyoshi students", I defeated. I set eyes on small mouth, tears in circles. You see, I call back to the office, funny to say to me: "how, see, the mouth ling? Can hang oil!" Can I still in your anger, ignore. You can not angry, but gently touched my head, calmly said to me: "because" SanHaoSheng "don"t be selected and angry?" I didn"t speak like broken line, tears rolling down the same beads. You took your handkerchief, for I wiped the tears, cheeks good-natured said: "art, you think carefully, ling, we come to school? What is the purpose is only for SanHaoSheng ", "you was the candidate, you still insufficient place, as long as you work hard, SanHaoSheng" title or falling into your head; don"t discouraged, there is some chance." In your kindly teachings, my mind suddenly enlightened, learning attitude, and the correct decision, study hard, finally I got outstanding achievement final. You said. I can forget you to my instruction? Forget, dear classmates! Forget our muscles of those days, we forget that a profound friendship. In the sixth year, how beautiful we spent years, experienced many disturbances. We have in the ocean of knowledge in striving, play on the playground. However, the time is six years past, we have almost broke up, my heart can calm? That time, I was uncomfortable, class, students threw up is extended to me a hand of friendship, they have to break my back, Some give I scrubbed, Some water to drink, for I open after school and send me home. Ah, good students! You said, a classmate of brotherhood between our friendship that I could forget? Forget, my lovely school! Forget your energetic material. Do you like a tender mother, with sweet milk with us, let us to grow. Every morning, you looking at our consist in gazing into campus. When you see us in the playground, and one single exercise a strong body, you smiled to smile. More memorable, we are in your warm embrace get knowledge of the wine, and the power of wisdom and practical ability, be reasonable. You said, I can not for you to feel pride? I can bear to leave? Respected teacher. Dear classmates! Lovely Alma mater! I"ll never forget you.


英文翻译如下:Thank my alma mater for giving me the opportunity to speak to all the teachers and students


Today I am proud, because I come from this placeTomorrow my school will be proud, because she has me.

毕业赠言给母校 英语 稍长 有点诗意

光阴似箭,一转眼,6年的同窗生涯已成为过去。但教室里,还回响着我们朗朗的读书声;操场上,还留着我们奔跑矫健的身影。这里的草坪、小溪、竹亭,是我们永远依恋的百草园。毕业了,多么想留住那些温暖的日子,但又多么渴望着能早日投进生活的洪流。那以往的同窗生活,是一串甜美的糖葫芦;那迷人的甜与酸,将永远回味不完。采撷一串串的梦,学校的嬉戏,回想起是那么缤纷绚丽;而成长的追逐,竟已一跃而过。世间的尘嚣喧扰,似乎沉寂,让我重新拾取记忆的落英。我们拥有4个在一起的春秋,每一次游戏,每一次探讨,每一次争吵,都将成为我记忆中珍贵的一页。还记得那一天的摄影留念吗?我的瞬间意识连同闪光灯一起亮了:你的倩影留在底片上,同时也深深地烙在我的心灵里。红叶纷飞的枫林里,我们曾拥有多少回忆。那飘舞着的枫叶,将我们带进一个无比美妙的境界。雪花乱飞的季节,我们也曾陷入迷茫的困惑,感到孤独和凄凉,但我们毕竟走了过来。再回首,是一串充满酸甜苦辣的昨天:昨天,有我们在课堂上的争论;昨天,有我们在球场上的奔跑;昨天,有我们在考场上的奋斗;昨天,有我们在烛光中的歌唱。是啊,昨天,多么美好,多么值得回忆!四年光阴,匆匆而过,如梦的年纪,弥漫着串串欢声笑语,不要挥手叹息,觉得繁花尽去,鼓足勇气,不要忘了互递惊喜的消息。一千五百个日日夜夜就这样结束了,四年岁月,那么多争执,那么多欢笑,那么多烦恼,那么多骄傲,真的随身后的门这样“砰”地一声,就留给了过去 ?英文:The flight of time, a blink of an eye, a classmate of 6 years of career has been a thing of the past. But in the classroom, we also echoed with the sound of reading; the playground, but also keep running our vigorous figure. The lawn, streams, bamboo Pavilion here, is always our attachment Baicao garden.Graduated, want to keep those warm days, but how eager to early into the stream of life. Classmate that past life, is a bunch of sweet tomatoes on sticks; that charming sweet and acid, will always be memorable finish.Pick a string of dreams, the school play, is so reminiscent of brilliant fun; and the growth of the chase, jumped over. The hubbub of city life in the world, it seems quiet, let me re - pick up Luoying memory.We have 4 with the spring and autumn, every game, every time to explore, every argument, I will become a precious memory.Remember that day photography pictures? My moment of consciousness with the flashing lamp: when you stay in the film, but also deeply branded in my mind.Fenglin of leaves falling, we had a number of memories. Wave the maple leaf, will bring us a very beautiful state.Flying snow season, we have lost in the confusion, feel lonely and miserable, but we came.Further back, is a full of sour, sweet, bitter, hot yesterday: yesterday, our arguments in the classroom; yesterday, we run the court; yesterday, on our struggle in the examination room; yesterday, a candlelight vigil in our singing. Yes, yesterday, how beautiful, how memorable!In four years time, in a hurry, like age, filled with peals of laughter, not waved sigh, do think that flowers, courage, don"t forget to hand the surprise news.Is this the end of the one thousand five hundred day and night, for four years, so many disputes, so much laughter, so much trouble, so much pride, it had been a "bang" sound, was left to the past?翻译的,你可以搜一段毕业赠言,再用百度翻译。


手抄报是一种可传阅、可观赏、也可张贴的报纸的"另一种形式。在学校,手抄报是第二课堂的一种很好的活动形式,具有相当强的可塑性和自由性。手抄报也是一种群众性的宣传工具。下面是我整理的手抄报英文感恩母校,欢迎来参考! Thanksgiving alma mater(英文) Three years ago, our childish innocence, full of hope into my school in, beg leave our own shining figure in this stage on; however, three years later, we have to cherish the heart and the alma mater of a perturbed farewell. If there are thousands and thousands of words I, it is difficult to give up v.. Ah, my alma mater, my dear alma mater, you teach me how to be a person, is you teach me knowledge, you are my life to ignite the flame, is you for me to point out the direction of advance. Today, I take pride in my alma mater, tomorrow, my alma mater is proud of me. For three years, my alma mater for me to do a lot of. Now, the university entrance exam, went to the US for our alma mater. In this year"s college entrance examination, we will go all out, with the best results to return to his alma mater, Thanksgiving alma mater, for his alma mater to create brilliant. Alma mater, you do not stop working, you are a steady stream of a large number of elite. Without you, without us today, without you, there would be no future for us. It is you that shaped us; we are you, and we are in the light of hope. Today, we have to say goodbye, but you will always be in our hearts, you will always be a light to illuminate our forward. No matter when and where, we will never forget, we are a people, we must for the prosperity of pay, for a vigorous efforts. For three years, you have been watering us, let us the bud of the motherland. What will you do not, you can only hope we are happy, we hope to grow sturdily. Now, please allow us to use the remarkable college entrance exam results to be grateful, to return.


i would like use this chance to extend my thankfulness to my school: you are my mom, Thanks mom!


你是给我知识的宝库,让我避风雨的港湾,我永远温暖的家!你是我的另外的一个家,是你给我温暖和幸福。在这里生活了三年,您给了我们一个舒服的环境,让我们开心快乐的成长。这里是我的第二个“家”,在这我受到的关爱可不比在家的少。如今要离开这个“家”,“家”中一切我不会忘怀。 You are my treasure house of knowledge, so I avoid the storm of the harbor, I always warm home! You are another one of my family, is that you give me warmth and happiness. Lived here for three years, you gave us a comfortable environment for us to grow up happy. Here is my second "home" from time at home and less in love than I was. Now you want to leave this "home", "home" in everything I do not forget.


Dear Alma Mater: Hello! Sky is nothing, why should it give me comfort? Is to it. The earth is always silent, why should it give me strength? It is strong. Alma mater, ah, standing on the tail of the fifth grade, I confess to you gently. I still remember, when suddenly came that summer, my fifth grade this end. New classrooms, new teachers, new opportunities, new challenges. If the smoke ho past, past and Lilikeshuo. If this move 5 years compared with the wealth of happiness, then I must be as rich with Bill Gates u2022; if the moment I give up your attachment and turned into a treasure, then, I will more than Bill Gates u2022 rich. Moving, always think too much but too little to say, where I met many friends, and witnessed many wonderful, to give and how do you convert in the end, I broke off the fingers forget 5 years is still no answer. "Difficulties and hardships greatness" This is your teachings. If there is Arabian Nights, it"s deep in the night, there will be one thousand and one had to go to me; If there are thousands of why, after the question mark that it is those many hundreds of thousands of knowledge of the heart; if Milky Way really have nine days, then we have a responsibility for teaching and educating people on top of this; If there is lighted, then who said that burning the candle light, not one of selfless dedication candle? Yes ah, you bring strict father"s discipline, bring you their loving care, to bring you more understanding of his brother. The greatest person in the world, parents, greater than the parent is the teacher! Actions may not be spectacular, just a point to mention the time lost; may not harvest more than just sound sincere gratitude, but so what? When you stand on the podium three feet, this beautiful scenery, you have the touch of how rich and gaudy.

英文感恩母校的句子, 带中文翻译

学校是圣洁的地方,有它我们才能迈向梦想的天堂.【School is holy place, it can we achieve the dream of heaven.】2.母校啊,你是我的另一个母亲,我深沉的爱着您,如同群星守护着明月.【Alma mater, you is my another mother, i love you, as the stars were guarding the moon.】3.亲爱的母校,我要甘心您对我辛勤的哺育,有了您,我才可以茁壮成长.【My alma mater, i will submit to you to me hard, and wakes you, i can thrive.】4.谢谢您,我的母校.步入校门的第一天起,您便担当了我第二个母亲,履行者母亲的职责.【Thank you, my alma mater. entering the first day, you will bear me out a second, the mother to her duties.】5.感恩您,我的校园.有了您,我的青春不再孤单.【For you, my school. have you, my youth no longer alone.】6.我的校园,是您让我感受到青春的活力,一直以来,谢谢您给予我最深沉的.【My school, is it you let me feel youthful vitality, and since then, thank you for giving me the love.】


I love my old school.


My school is beautful.我的学校是美丽的.In my school, there are many pretty girls.在我的学校,那里有很多漂亮的女孩My school is a place I will remember forever.我的学校是一个地方我会永远记得.My school is famous for the famous teachers.我的学校以名教师出名.It"s a place that I finds friendship and joy.这是一个我找到了友谊和快乐的地方We live a very happy life here. 我们在这里过着幸福的生活.It"s also a place that teach me precious values. .这也是一个教我珍贵的价值观的地方.Students from poor families can have study grant. 我们老师非常和蔼可亲,对我们很关心,他不仅对我们传授科学文化知识,也在生活上关心我们,指导我们.Our teacher is very kind, amiable, and cares about us a lot. He not only teaches us science and culture knowledge, but also cares about us in life and guides us.We live a very happy life here.部分家庭不富有的学生可以享受助学金.Students from poor families can have study grant. 我们老师非常和蔼可亲,对我们很关心,他不仅对我们传授科学文化知识,也在生活上关心我们,指导我们.Our teacher is very kind, amiable, and cares about us a lot. He not only teaches us science and culture knowledge, but also cares about us in life and guides us.


Alma Mater母校


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