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母亲节贺卡祝福语英语怎么说   母亲将至,母亲是一辈子最爱自己的人,为母亲送上一张写了英语祝福语的贺卡也很有意义。以下是英语的母亲节贺卡祝福语,欢迎阅览!   母亲节贺卡英语祝福语【1】   Here"s a little token of my appreciation for all that you have done for me over the years.   这是我一点小小的心意,感谢您这么多年来所付出的一切。   To mother on Mother"s Day: Thank you for all of the wonderful things that you h ave done for me.   母亲节给妈妈:谢谢您为我做了那么多奇妙的事。   There are little things that I should have said and done to show my gratitude, but it is appreciated what you do.   尽管我为表示谢意所说的和所做的都那么少,但同样也是表达对您所做一切的感激之情。   Having been in this world for long, I realized that you are the one who loves me most, Mom!   走过了那么多年,我才深深地知道,最爱我的人是您,妈妈。   Nobody can take your part in my heart, Mom,wherever you are, I will always love you!   在这世界上,也没有人能取代您在我心里的位置。妈妈,无论在哪里,我永远爱您。   Although you donu2019t say anything, I can understand your heart: you always care me! Thank you!Mom.   虽然您不轻易表露,但我知道您一直都在关心着我。谢谢您,妈妈!   Mom, thank you so much for not only giving birth to me but also teaching me how to be a good man. No matter what will be in the future, I will always love you!   妈妈,感谢您赐给了我生命,是您教会了我做人的.道理。无论未来怎么样,我都会永远爱您!   Mom, I can"t send you a bunch of Carnation cause I"m not by your side, but I hope this text-message can tell my greeting. May you can be healthy and happy forever!   妈妈:身在异乡的我不能给您亲手送上一束康乃馨,惟有以此短信以表我的心意,祝您健康、快乐、幸福无边。   Mom, your love is just like a bar of candy, with a package of ceaseless chatter and scold; I couldn"t find it out until I grow up. Happy Mother"s Day!   妈妈,您的爱,就像块糖,包在唠叨里,藏在责骂里,让我东找西找,直到我懂事,才找到。祝您母亲节快乐!   母亲节贺卡英语祝福语【2】   Mom, I am concerned about you not just on this special day. Everyday would be Mother"s Day within the year! Hope you enjoy yourself everyday!   并不是只有在母亲节这天才要特别去关心母亲,365天里,每一天都是母亲节。希望母亲能天天快乐,日日幸福!   Thank you for everything over the years, mom.   妈妈,谢谢您这些年来所做的一切。   Mom, thank you for being you.   妈妈,谢谢您的一切。   You are the best mom that a son ever had.   您是儿子心中最好的妈妈。   To the worldu2019s number one mom!   给世界上最好的妈妈!   We will try to make this your best Mother"s Day ever.   我们将努力使今天成为您过得最愉快的母亲节。   On this day we honor you, dear mother.   亲爱的妈妈,我们向您致敬。   I may not often say it, but I do love you.   我也许并不常挂在嘴上,但我真正爱您。   On this day we honor you, dear mother.   亲爱的妈妈,我们向您致敬.   Take good care of yourself. We all love you, mom.   请好好地照顾自己。我们都爱您,妈妈。   We will try to make this your best Motheru2019s Day ever.   我们将努力使今天成为您过得最愉快的母亲节.   Thanks for being there, mom. Happy Motheru2019s Day.   谢谢您不断地扶持我.祝您母亲节快乐.   Sometimes it may not seem like it, but I really do love you.   有时候好像不是这样,但是我真的爱您。   母亲节贺卡英语祝福语【3】   Though it is hard to tell you sometimes, I do love you dearly, mom.   虽然有时要告诉您并不太容易,但是我真的非常爱您,妈妈。   I don"t take the time to tell you this often, but I love you, mom.   虽然我经常没有时间告诉您,但我真的爱您,妈妈。   Sometimes I cry and make you sigh, but you know that I love you so.   有时候我哭泣而使您叹息,但您却知道,我是如此地爱您。   You are the one that we love the most. Have a happy Mother"s Day.   您是我们最爱的人。祝您有一个快乐的母亲节。   We may not be angels all of the time, but we do appreciate what you do.   我们也许不是一直都像天使那样乖巧,但我们确实感谢您的教诲。   This card comes from the whole family. Happy Mother"s Day.   这张卡片是我们全家合送的。祝您母亲节快乐。   Today is your day to relax and let us take care of you. Happy Mother"s Day.   今天是您休息的日子,让我们来照顾您。母亲节快乐。   Roses are red, violets are blue. This card on Motheru2019s Day is especially for you.   玫瑰是红色的,紫罗兰是蓝色的.这张母亲卡是特别给您的.   We may not be angels all of the time, but we do appreciate what you do.   我们也许不是一直都像天使那样乖巧,但我们确实感谢您的教诲.   Today is your day to relax and let us take care of you. Happy Motheru2019s Day.   今天是您休息的日子,让我们来照顾您.母亲节快乐.   This card is to let you know that you have done a super job raising us children.   这张卡片是想告诉您,在教养子女方面,您做得棒极了。   This is the day that we appreciate all the things that moms do for us. Thank you .   在这个日子里,我们感谢妈妈为我们所做的一切。谢谢您。   There may be moms all over the world, but you"re the only one that matters to me.   全世界也许到处都有妈妈,但您是我惟一最在意的。 ;


这还不容易》?! 1.Though I don"t tell you often, I"ll always love you and send my best to u on this special day. 2.As time goes by, everything changes. Only my love for u is everlasting! I love u Mom! Have a great day! 3.I love u with my heart and soul, U can never have too many hugs or too much love. Happy Mother"s Day and happiness always! 4.As long as I can remember, Whenever I"m happy or sad I turn to u since u are such a wonderful mom. Have a Happy Mother"s Day! 5.Thank you dear Mom, For your love and caring, For your giving and sharing, 6.Mother"s have a great way of giving, helping and teaching… And especially of loving. Happy Mother"s Day! 希望采纳




你好,可以写“妈妈,妇女节快乐,望您开开心心,健健康康。” 望采纳,谢谢


  母亲节的到来,在这一天,给自己至亲的人送上你的专属祝福。那么,你的祝福存储了多少了呢?下面是由我为大家整理的“母亲节贺卡祝福语大全简短(80句)”,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读本文。   母亲节贺卡祝福语大全简短80句【一】   1. 妈妈,希望未来的日子里,您能多点快乐,少点烦恼;多点轻松,少点疲惫;多点闲暇,少点忙碌;多点笑容,少点忧愁。母亲节到了,祝您节日快乐!   2. 母亲节了,我用心灵之纸折成最美的康乃馨,献给你的母亲,祝她幸福平安!更感谢她养育了你,使你成为我生命中不可缺少的朋友。   3. 你迎来了生命的春天,贵子降临;你承载了生命的厚重,爱的结晶;你贡献了人类的繁衍,予以奖励:一条短信似奖状,祝准妈妈节日快乐,将爱继承延续。   4. 母亲节,回家三件事:帮妈妈做饭;陪妈妈说话;对妈妈说声“我爱你”。要是妈妈不在身边,短信告知妈妈,且用媳妇代替完成三件事。   5. 责骂中,总包含着爱;唠叨里,总透着关心;沉默时,总藏着挂念;举手间,总盼儿平安;这就是母爱,母爱伟大,难以回报,唯有祝母亲节日快,健康平安!   6. 母爱,我想用鲜花诉说,诉说我对母亲的感恩;母爱,我想用拥抱表达,表达我与母亲的血肉相连;母爱,我想用烛光祝福,祝福母亲健健康康,平平安安!   7. 看着妈妈日渐增多的白发,看着妈妈日益深刻的皱纹,看着妈妈渐渐弯曲的身躯,孩子心中有无尽的感激,但都汇成一句:妈妈!我爱您!   8. 太阳不出来依然风和日丽,星星不眨眼依然华灯璀灿,春雨不洒落依然滋润心田,花儿不含苞依然春色满园,生活不容易依然心情灿烂。母亲节快乐!   9. 妈妈辛苦了,感谢你陪我度过每一年。   10. 在母亲节这特殊的日子里,无论漂泊的旅途有多遥远,无法挡住我思您的情怀;无论手中的工作有多繁忙,也无法挡住我祝福您的心声!妈妈,节日快乐!   11. 与我降生同行的是你的疼痛苦难;与我成长同行的是你的含辛茹苦;与我成功同行的是你的默默付出;与我幸福同行的是你的慈祥微笑。母亲节快乐!   12. 世上母亲是最好,儿子永远是好宝,为了日子过得好,母亲天天把夜熬,今天节日来到了,一早向您表个孝。祝:母亲节,母亲快乐永相伴、幸福无限延。   13. 也许我很任性固执,令您操心惹您生气;也许我总爱自作主张自作聪明,把您的话当成罗嗦。但在我心里,我其实很爱您!妈妈,祝您母亲节快乐,永远年轻!   14. 我爱我的母亲,她很善解人意,和蔼可亲,现在母亲节快到了,我要祝全中国的母亲,你们辛苦了,祝你永远长寿。天天开心!   15. 人会累,钱会没,名利转眼会消退。可是母亲,为我们付出永不后悔,为我们劳累不倒苦水。母亲节了,祝你的母亲健康,幸福,也愿你生活和谐美满!   16. 世界上最动听的是母亲的呼唤,割舍不掉的是母亲的惦念,镌刻在心的是母亲的容颜。无论失意得意,母爱时刻散发温暖。母亲节祝母亲健康百年!   17. 妈妈,我想对你说我爱你。感谢您给了我生命以及让生命有价值。你的皱纹是我成长的经历。妈妈,我是您最杰出的作品。妈妈,谢谢!   18. 以前在一起时,觉得您的管束是最大的障碍,现在陷入人群,才明白那是最深的关心。妈妈,今年母亲节,我又不在您身边,希望您能照顾好自己,我不曾忘记,现在的奋斗是为了给您更好的生活,让您更安心!   19. 一条短信发送,一声铃声响起,一朵康乃馨送出,一份祝福传递,都代表着我想要送你的一个问候,一个特殊节日的问候:母亲节快乐!   20. 母亲,让我轻轻的告诉你,你对我的关怀犹如身体的血液流淌不息,你对我的爱意犹如大脑的思维时刻不止。那么,回报你的将是女儿一生的幸福。祝母亲节日快乐!想念你的女儿,你想念的女儿。   母亲节贺卡祝福语大全简短80句【二】   1. 一朵花为一滴雨露鲜艳盛开,一株草为一缕春风摇曳多姿,一湖水为一片落叶荡漾清波,一个人为一分母爱温馨感动,母亲节到了,祝愿天下母亲健康长寿,节日快乐!   2. 独自穿梭在繁华的都市,陌生也孤独;时常想念那慈祥的面容,粗糙却温柔;母亲节将至,一个电话,一声妈妈,让我们为全天下母亲送出最诚挚的祝福!   3. 无论你身在何处,工作是否繁忙,心情是否愉快,事业是否顺利,请你今天一定记得为时刻牵挂着你的母亲深切祝福!母亲节快乐。   4. 你善意的谆谆叮嘱,我曾不懂珍惜,一旦你不在我身边,我才晓得你对我的可贵。妈妈,希望你大人不记小人过,平安快乐每一天。   5. 银发丝丝串成思念,眼皮松松变成牵挂,皱纹条条连成叮咛,腰身弯弯制成勤劳。母亲节到了,妈妈您辛苦了,我以后一定好好孝敬您,我爱您。   6. 得意的时候,母亲不一定能在我的身边和我一起分享成功的喜悦。但她那淳淳教诲总能让我不再迷失自己。失意的时候,母亲一定能在我的身边。她的鼓励及安慰,总能让我在逆境中找到自我。   7. 母爱像一杯香茶,需要我们细细品味;母爱是船,载着我们从少年走向成熟;母爱就是一片海,给了我们一个幸福的港湾。亲爱的婆婆,母亲节快乐!   8. 母亲节日到,祝福您快乐,繁忙琐事家务莫太累,诚挚的感情您最可贵,美好的生活笑着品味,烦心事莫要去理会,祝您健康乐观到百岁。   9. 最简单的爱,最纯洁的爱,最深的感情,那就是伟大的母爱。妈妈给了我太多太多,我虽远在他乡,但仍要以最深切的情感,最真诚的祝福,祝妈妈节日快乐!   10. 心灵烙印着母亲的爱,成长寄存着母亲的牵挂,行程链接着母亲的思念。母亲是回家的渴望,母亲是心灵的航向。愿天下母亲节日快乐!   11. 岁月在额头上刻划,微风吹起动人的白发。点滴细节见证着她的伟大,儿时最温柔的怀抱,心灵最温暖的海港,母亲节你是否会第一个想到她?愿天下母亲节日快乐。   12. 如果天空坍塌,您会做我头顶的最后一根支柱。如果大地枯裂,您会做我身旁的最后一注甘泉。亲爱的妈妈,心与你同行,爱与你同在。母亲节快乐!   13. 感谢你的母亲养育了你,让你出落得如此美丽;感谢你的母亲教育了你,让你优秀得无可挑剔。祝妈妈节日快乐。   14. 在人生的舞台上,母爱从不缺席,台前精彩演绎,幕后关怀鼓励,阅尽人间悲喜,温暖陪你继续。母亲节,今后的主角是你。祝母亲节日快乐!   15. 山,没有母亲的爱高;海,没有母亲的爱深。天,没有母亲的爱广阔;地,没有母亲的爱包容;太阳,没有母亲的爱温暖;祝妈妈节日快乐!   16. 作为女儿你是母亲的骄傲;作为母亲你是女儿的骄傲;作为妻子你是丈夫的骄傲;作为朋友你是我的骄傲!祝您母亲节开心快乐!   17. 母爱是一杯热茶,清香而温暖。母爱是一首老歌,优美又动听。母爱是一汪清泉,平淡却清甜。母爱是一弯明月,宁静却温柔。母亲节之际我们共祝母亲快乐!   18. 母亲节,我的祝福送妈妈:祝福您平平安安一辈子,祝福您幸幸福福一辈子,祝福您快快乐乐一辈子,我会爱您一辈子!祝妈妈节日快乐!   19. 生命如此奇妙,感觉真是美妙;血脉共呼共吸,两人相依相靠;为你真心欢喜,祝福及时赶到。祝你无限好“孕”,且把快乐拥抱。准妈妈,母亲节快乐!   20. "星空闪闪"是母亲的笑脸,"海水波澜"是母亲的惦念,"百花争艳"是母亲的期盼,"阳光暖暖"是母亲的友善。母亲节,真诚的祝福送到母亲身边,愿事事如愿,常露笑脸!   母亲节贺卡祝福语大全简短80句【三】   1. 亲爱的母亲,母亲节到来之际,我向您保证以后赚了钱一定给您买最好的化妆品最名牌的时装,愿母亲青春永驻!   2. 母亲节到了,我愿您康康健健,我愿您平平安安,我愿您笑口常开,我愿您幸福无边;我愿您老当益壮,我愿您精神饱满,我亲爱的妈妈,永远爱您,祝您节日快乐!   3. 母亲节,将祝福,送妈妈,愿妈妈,快乐多,幸福绕;许心愿,给妈妈,望妈妈,年轻态,美丽驻;把孝心,送妈妈,盼妈妈,体安康,平安伴;母亲节到,愿天下的妈妈笑口常开,万事如意。   4. 母亲,是十月怀胎生下你的人。是含辛如苦扶养你长大的人。是用目光远送你背影的人。是会一直,永远爱着你的人。   5. 是母亲为我们撑起晴朗的天空;是母亲教我们做人的道理;是母亲替我们擦拭眼角的泪水。没有母亲,就没有我们的一切,祝福天下所有的母亲健康平安!   6. 您用乳汁哺育儿女,您用勤劳苍老自己,您用柔弱抗争风力,您用真爱春风化雨,您用双手托起天地,您只忘了一个人,那就是您自己!母亲节,妈妈多保重!   7. 有一种爱叫深似海,高比山;有一种情叫坚如金,硬如钻;有一种人叫血相连,心相通;有一种德叫多关心,尽孝心;母亲节到了,愿天下的妈妈节日快乐。   8. 母亲的眼睛,犹如两湾深水潭,把甜美的快乐播放,把怅然的忧伤隐藏;母亲的手,犹如厚厚的海绵,拂去儿女的泪滴,把孤独悲伤留给自己尝;母亲节快乐!   9. 希望能在这样节日里对母亲说声:妈妈,你辛苦了,儿子在有生之年,会孝顺你老的,母亲节快乐!希望今天,所有的母亲都会从心里微笑,为了儿女,为了所有,只要妈妈快乐,我们就快乐!   10. 很早就想给母亲写些文字,但每每一有冲动的时候都因一些琐事又搁下笔来。这样的愿望越来越强烈,并在胸中渐渐弥漫开来,有如汩汩清泉要从指尖流淌出来。母亲节快乐!   11. 养儿方知育儿难,当我作了母亲才明白了您对我点点滴滴的爱,在这个特别的日子里,我要告诉您我爱您!   12. 天空没有母亲的爱广阔;大地没有母亲的爱包容;云朵没有母亲的爱洁白;花儿没有母亲的爱灿烂。在母亲节即将到来之际,祝天下所有的母亲健康幸福快乐!   13. 曾经我有很多理想,后来这些理想慢慢的就变成了一个,父母健康长寿。祝妈妈母亲节快乐   14. 成长的道路上,您铺满了关爱的路基石;迷茫的人生中,您点亮了关怀的指明灯;在我困惑的心灵里,您倾注了关心的温柔剂,母亲节,妈妈您辛苦了!   15. 母亲有高有矮,有胖有瘦。有学识不凡地位显赫,有一字不识地位卑下。母爱无尊无卑,无贵无贱,有的是无私奉献,任劳任怨。母亲节,愿天下母亲节日快乐。   16. 是生活,沐浴您的慈祥;是岁月,筑牢您的健康;愿美好,徜徉您的心房;愿幸福,环绕你的身旁;母亲节到,祝母亲身体健康,万事吉祥。   17. 一生一世的爱有一种爱,一生一世不求回报—母爱;有一个人,一生一世值得我爱—母亲;今天是母亲节,祝我亲爱的妈妈一生幸福,安康!母亲节快乐!   18. 妈妈,您是一棵大树,我是树上的一片叶子;您是一束阳光,我是花盆中的一朵花;您是一只蜜蜂,我是我是盛开的一朵花。祝您母亲节快乐!   19. 你的泪,流在她眼里;你的笑,漾在她唇边;你的话,刻在她心上。母亲总是用生命呵护着儿女,母亲节到了,别忘了对她说:谢谢,我爱您,妈妈!   20. 这是人生最华丽的嬗变,这是生命最耀眼的灿烂。经过幸福的阵痛,你从此多了一份刻骨的牵挂,甜蜜而温暖。母亲节,愿初为人母的你快乐不变美丽不减!   母亲节贺卡祝福语大全简短80句【四】   1. 母爱如水,芳香陶醉,静而幽,宁而远,涓涓潺潺,洗礼着我们的快乐,陪伴着我们走过人生的荒漠。母亲节就要到了,别忘了为亲爱的妈妈献上温馨的祝福!   2. 世间万物皆有情,唯有母爱重于天,开始我人生起点,牵挂我成长每天,不计我回报多少,只愿我过得更好。母亲节到了,感恩五月诉心声,祝您快乐又康健!   3. 在外的游子们,母亲节到来的时候,你是否想起这个特殊的日子,在这样一个特殊的日子里,即使再忙,勿忘给母亲一句慰问,一声祝福:母亲,节日快乐!   4. 洗衣做饭天天家务干,终日不歇身影总忙碌,无怨无悔默默为家庭,为儿为女艰苦朴素,在此母亲节日到来,祝愿母亲珍重身体,劳累歇歇保体健,笑容常在保容颜,愿母亲永远年轻。   5. 母亲您给了我生命,而我则成了您永远的牵挂。在我无法陪伴左右的日子里,愿妈妈您每一天都平安快乐。   6. 每一次转身,迎接我的是拥抱;每一次倔强,软化我的是微笑;每一次远行,行囊满满是唠叨;每一次付出,从没索取过回报。母亲节,祝妈妈一切安好!   7. 母爱像春天的暖风,吹拂着你的心;母爱像绵绵细雨,轻轻拍打着你的脸面,滋润着你的心田;母爱像冬天的火炉,给你在严冬中营造暖人心意的阳光。   8. 母亲,您那两鬓是岁月染白,您那额头是时光雕刻,您那双手是劳作铸就,天地间,母爱最无私,人世间,母爱最永恒。愿母亲平安健康,幸福永远,祝母亲节快乐!   9. 老妈,您脸上的皱纹不过是表示原来有过笑容的地方,在我心目中,您永远是最美的。祝您节日快乐,健康幸福!   10. 有您关心,是我一生的幸运;有您爱护,是我一生的幸福;有您牵挂,世间母爱最伟大;母亲节到,祝母亲生活幸福,开心无数,身体健康,永远吉祥,母亲节快乐!   11. 您是一棵大树,春天倚着您幻想,夏天倚着你繁茂,秋天倚着您成熟,冬天倚着您沉思,我倚着您幸福。   12. 母爱就像一首田园诗,幽远纯净,和雅清淡;母爱就是一幅山水画,洗去铅华雕饰,留下清新自然;母爱就象一首深情的歌,宛转悠扬,轻吟浅唱;母爱就是一阵和煦的风,吹去朔雪纷飞,带来春光无限。母亲节,祝福伟大的母亲,健康快乐,幸福永远。   13. 五月的康乃馨,没有牡丹的雍容,没有百合的浓香,只是默默散发着沁人心脾的清香,就象母亲的爱。转发这带着馨香的短信,积攒送予母亲最真的祝福。祝妈妈母亲节快乐!   14. 您用您的爱为我指路,让我的人生路走的轻松,走的坚定,走的愉快,走的正确,您的辛苦我记在心中,母亲,谢谢您,祝您母亲节愉快!   15. 看着母亲一丝一丝的白发,一条一条逐日渐深的皱纹,多年含辛茹苦哺育我成人的母亲,在这属于您的节日里请接受我对您最深切祝福!   16. 头可断血可流,做人的气节不可丢;爱可弃心可伤,母亲的养育不可忘。今天我用心收集了世上所有美好的祝福,把它们送给最伟大的母亲。祝母亲节日快乐身体健康!   17. 真羡慕你们呀,母亲还健康地活着,象我,只能在泪水中度过母亲节,亲爱的朋友,一定要珍惜呀,母亲节抱抱妈妈,吻吻妈妈吧,你会为此感动一生。   18. 再烦,也要保持微笑。再急,也别乱发脾气。再苦,也要勇于坚持。再累,也别糟蹋身体。再忙,也别忘记今天是母亲节!祝伟大的母亲节日快乐!   19. 流水般逝去的岁月,能将我们童年的记忆抹去,亦能将我们踏过的脚印抚平,还能把快乐时光一点点地残噬,但却不能消减我们对母亲那深深的爱母亲节快乐。   20. 母亲,多么让天下儿女敬仰的字眼;母爱,多么像哺育我们成长的宁静港湾。母爱是纯洁的;母爱是无私的;母爱是伟大的;母爱是只知道给予而不企求回报的。    推荐阅读:


  “want to wish you a happy Mother's Day.”在学习在生活在工作之余,经常通过朋友圈来分享一些好句子,很多句子从不同的角度看待会有不同的意思。所以,你知道都有哪些句子呢?栏目我特地为大家精心收集和整理了“母亲节贺卡英文祝福语”, 建议你收藏本页和本站,以便后续阅读!   1、Today is mother's day, I use the paper of the mind into a most beautiful carnations, to your mother, wish her happy and healthy! For she has brought up you at the same time, make you to become an indispensable friend in my life.   2、mother will be very safe! Don"t slack off, worth for my mother! Happy mother"s   3、t only in the mother's day this genius to special to care for mother, 365 days, every day is mother's day. Hope mother can happy every day, every day happy!   4、Motherly love like flowers, sweet fragrance, lifelong companions;Mother love like the sea, wide and selfless, vast stretches;Mother love like spring, continuously, moisten the heart.I wish a happy mother"s day.   5、Write a warm poetry, sang a moving song, painting a picture of the fresh   6、There are little things that I should have said and done to show mygratitude, but it is appreciated what you do.   7、Maternal love is addition, time is increasing, care is increasing;Mother"s love is multiplication, the distance is longer, the longer the care;Mother"s love is subtraction, subtracts oneself, protects us;Mother love is division, except children, children.Addition and subtraction, divide and divide your love, rain or shine cold warm, far and close together, no time everywhere.Mother"s day, wish my dear mother health, happiness and peace!   8、There is a love, warmth, there is a caring heart to heart, there is a wanderer, poetry, has a name called mother, mother's day is coming, message table, my heart grateful chunhui, mother offered blessings. I wish mom happy holidays!   9、The sky is white clouds, overflowing with my missing, with the wind to send to you, my deep blessing: thank you for your kindness, let me healthy and happy growth;Thanks to your inculpation, let me be happy and lucky, my mother!   10、Let us give mother a little more love and care, even a fan in summer; Winter in a sweater, let mother moment feel children's care.   11、Big love words, love spewing like spring; Affection is flowing, Anna moist heart; A mother's love selfless, pay a love is infinite; Chunhui difficult, grateful always in mind. Mother's day, wish mother in bloom!   12、Mama: since you will position itself in the role of wife and mother, worked   13、return. Mother"s day, wish mother always shine with the brilliance of the   14、Destined to stick on you at the first sight, I was destined to stick on   15、mother; Embrace a mother"s love, I want to express, express my connected to the   16、Wrinkles in the forehead covered vicissitudes of life, white hair is the bleaching time experience, strong hug children is weak on the shoulder, love in a smile corners of the mouth sweet, the mother"s care for children would never forget, mother festival wishes mother healthy and happy.   17、miss; Raise your hand, total PanEr peace; This is a mother"s love, mother"s day,   18、If the sky collapses, you will be the last pillar on my head.If the earth Withers, you will be the last fountain beside me.My dear mother, my heart is with you, and love is with you.Happy mother"s day!   19、the lack of life. The eye of a needle tightly, looking forward to take you in   20、There is only one best woman in the world, and she is the loving mother.There is only one most beautiful sound in the world, that is mother"s call!Dear mother, I give you the most sincere wishes, happy mother"s day!   21、The wind is the call of love, the rain is love, love your people the most   22、Than high the sky is the human mind, is a man"s mind than mountain   23、mother's love is holding on to, explaining what is eternal; A mother's love is affection, witness to what is by blood; A mother's love is sincere, reveal what is selfless; A mother's love is warm sun, transmitting the light of love!   24、goes well!   25、will be thinking of you on this Mother"s Day. Thanks, mom.   26、mother"s day!   27、In the stage of life, a mother's love never absent, stage performance, behind the concern encourage, try reading the human feeling, warm with you continue. Mother's day, the leading role is you in the future. I wish my mother happy holidays!   28、Brilliant love day, without a mother's love wide; , no mother love tolerance; The sun, no mother love warm; White clouds, there is no mother's love; Flower, no mother love is shining. Mom, happy holidays!   29、I do not know how to cherish your kindly advice. Once you are not with me, I know how valuable you are to me.Mom, I hope you don"t remember the little people, peace and happiness every day.   30、You may have a wish, let love sweet; You may have on wishes, to work the smooth; Today, you have to in front of the Buddha devout wishes: wish mother healthy forever peace. A mother's love is long, life is short, return good.


  1、I want to wish you a happy Mothers Day、祝您母亲节快乐。   2、To the worlds number one mom!给世界上最好的妈妈!   3、You are the best mom that a son ever had、您是儿子心中最好的妈妈。   4、Heres a little token of my appreciation for all that you have done for me over the years、这是我一点小小的心意,感谢您这么多年来所付出的一切。   5、Sometimes it may not seem like it, but I really do love you、有时候可能您看不出,但是我真的爱您。   6、Thank you for everything over the years, mom、妈妈,谢谢您这些年来所做的一切。   7、Moms should get more than a special day, they should get a medal of honor、妈妈们应该得到的`不只是一个节日,她们该获得荣誉勋章。   8、Considering the quality of food that children make their mothers on Mothers Day, it becomes apparent that without moms, their kids would starve to death、想想母亲节时,孩子们为妈妈所做的早餐;显然,如果没有妈妈,孩子们会饿死。   9、We would love to fix breakfast for you mom, but we think it would be safer for us all if we took you out、妈妈,我们很想为您准备早餐,不过我们想,如果带您上馆子,会比较保险一点。   10、This card is to let you know that you have done a super job raising us children、这张卡片是想告诉您,在教养子女方面,您做得棒极了。   11、When I was sick, you always stood by me、当我生病时,您总是陪伴着我。   12、This is the day that we appreciate all the things that moms do for us、 Thank you、在这个日子里,我们感谢妈妈为我们所做的一切。谢谢您。   13、母亲节,祝福我们的母亲身体安康,幸福久长。   On Mothers day, I wish our mother good health and long happiness.   14、愿母亲平安健康,幸福永远,祝母亲节快乐!   May mother be safe and healthy, happy forever, and happy mothers Day!   15、愿您永远健康,永远快乐,永远美丽,永远幸福!   May you always be healthy, happy, beautiful and happy!   16、母亲节到了,送妈妈一个挎包,祝妈妈包揽快乐!   Mothers Day is coming. Give mom a satchel. I wish mom a happy life!   17、母亲节,把母亲的快乐留住,让她感受幸福。   Mothers day, keep the happiness of mother, let her feel happiness.   18、母亲节,愿我亲爱的妈妈,一生幸福平安!   Mothers day, I wish my dear mother a happy and safe life!   19、母亲节,爱和亲情流淌的季节,祝母亲快乐!   Mothers day, the season of love and affection, wish mother happy!   20、母亲节,祝福母亲健康快乐,您幸福我就幸福。   On Mothers day, I wish my mother health and happiness, and I will be happy if you are happy.   21、在此母亲节到来之即,祝妈妈健康快乐每一天!   On this mothers day, I wish my mother health and happiness every day!   22、母亲节到了,愿亲爱的妈妈健康快乐永幸福。   Mothers Day is coming. May my dear mother be healthy and happy forever.   23、愿妈妈们永远年轻,永远健康,永远幸福!   May mothers always be young, healthy and happy!   24、母亲节到了,祝福妈妈幸福安康,年轻漂亮!   Mothers Day is coming, wish mom happiness and health, young and beautiful!   25、母亲节,唯愿妈妈少点操劳,我要给您爱的回报!   On Mothers day, I only wish my mother less work, and I will give you the return of love!   26、母亲节,愿亲爱的妈妈多保重,幸福快乐!   On Mothers day, may my dear mother take care and be happy!   27、祝愿妈妈,健康长寿;祝福妈妈,幸福长留。   Wish mom a long and healthy life, wish mom a long and happy life.   28、母亲节,用心祝福母亲节日快乐,健康长伴。   On Mothers day, I sincerely wish my mother a happy and healthy holiday.   29、母亲节到了,祝亲爱的母亲健康平安,福寿绵长!   Mothers Day is coming. I wish my dear mother good health and long life!   30、母亲节到了,我只说一声:妈妈,我真的爱您!   Mothers day, I just said: Mom, I really love you!   31、母亲节,祝福亲爱的妈妈,健康长寿,事事顺心。   On Mothers day, I wish my dear mother a long and healthy life.   32、妈妈,今天是你的节日,你是我最爱的人!   Mom, today is your festival, you are my favorite!


1、老妈,您脸上的皱纹不过是表示原来有过笑容的地方,在我心目中,您永远是最美的。祝您节日快乐,健康幸福! Mom, the wrinkles on your face are just the places where you used to have a *** ile. In my mind, you are always the most beautiful. Happy holidays, health and happiness! 2、妈妈我感谢您赐给了我生命,是您教会了我做人的道理,无论将来怎么样,我永远爱您! Mother, I thank you for giving me life. It is you who taught me how to be a man. No matter what the future may be, I will always love you. 3、初为人母,最是幸福。可爱婴儿,嗷嗷待哺。盈盈笑脸,暖暖盼顾。柔肠百转,倾心呵护。母亲节至,快乐无数。祝新妈妈,尽享为人母的幸福。 Beginning as a mother is the greatest happiness. Lovely baby, waiting for feeding. Bright *** iling face, warm look forward to. Flexible hearts turn around and take good care of them. Mother"s Day is ing, and there are countless joys. I wish my new mother the happiness of being a mother. 4、母亲节,儿女情,康乃馨,忘忧草!我用一生的感恩祝福亲爱的母亲:生活越来越健康幸福!心态越来越年轻美丽!日子越来越温馨开心!母亲节快乐! Mother"s Day, children"s love, carnation, fetting sorrow grass! I wish my dear mother with a lifetime of gratitude: life is getting healthier and happier! Mentality is getting younger and more beautiful! The days are more and more warm and happy! Happy Mother"s Day! 5、天地很大,我却走不出您的牵挂;世界很广,我却抛不开您编织的亲情网;海水很深,却不及您的养育恩。妈妈,千言万语在一躬,祝您节快乐,还有我爱您! The world is very big, but I can not get out of your concern; the world is very wide, but I can not put aside the family neork you weave; the sea is deep, but not as gracious as your nurturing. Mom, with a thousand words in hand, I wish you a happy holiday and I love you! 6、这世界上,没有人比您更爱我;这世界上,也没有人能取代您在我心里的位置。妈妈,无论在哪里,我永远爱您。 No one in the world loves me more than you; no one in the world can take your place in my heart. Mom, wherever I am, I will always love you. 7、母亲,世界上最亲切的名字,天天都呼唤着她的名字,天天都被她爱着,却不曾去爱过她,在今天这个特殊的日子里,你是否想到去爱她呢? Mother, the kindest name in the world, calls her name every day. She loves her everyday, but she has never loved her. Do you want to love her on this special day? 8、我将母亲节的问候转给你,希望你收到后多多转发,让这份真诚祝愿永不停息,将母爱在世间流传,一起祝愿我们的母亲永远健康长寿。 I will convey Mother"s Day greetings to you. I hope you will forward more after you receive them. Let this sincere wish never cease and spread motherly love throughout the world. Together, I wish our mothers health and longevity forever. 9、当你想拮取一枚红叶时,她却给了你一个枫林;当你想亲吻一朵雪花时,她却给了你整个冬天。她就是我们的母亲,对天下所有的母亲说:“妈,您辛苦了!” When you want to squeeze a red leaf, she gives you a maple forest; when you want to kiss a snowflake, she gives you the whole winter. She is our mother. She said to all the mothers in the world, "Mom, you have worked hard!" 10、一把梳子梳不尽母亲的愁,你总把儿女挂在你心头,抚养了儿女又为孙辈做,忙了屋里头还要忙外头。今天是母亲节,妈妈,您应该好好休息! A b can"t b mother"s sorrow. You always hang your children in your heart, raise them and do it for your grandchildren. When you are busy inside, you have to be busy outside. Today is Mother"s Day, Mom, you should have a good rest! 11、您常在给我理解的注视,您常说快乐是孩子的礼物。所以今天,我送上一个笑,温暖您的心。 You often give me an understanding of the gaze, you often say that happiness is a gift of children. So today, I send you a *** ile to warm your heart. 12、作为女儿你是母亲的骄傲;作为母亲你是女儿的骄傲;作为妻子你是丈夫的骄傲;作为朋友你是我的骄傲!祝妈妈开心快乐! As a daughter, you are the pride of the mother; as a mother, you are the pride of the daughter; as a wife, you are the pride of the hu *** and; as a friend, you are my pride! I wish my mother happy! 13、您为我倾注了所有的精力,时光流逝,岁月无情地摧残着您的身心,这些儿子无以为报,只能在这里说一声:您辛苦了! You poured all your energies into me. As time goes by, the years are ruthlessly destroying your body and mind. These sons can only say here: You have worked hard! 14、她不是云彩,因为她不会随风而散;她不是浪花,因为她不会随波逐流。她是爱——母亲的爱,祝天下母亲幸福! She is not a cloud, because she will not disperse with the wind; she is not a spray, because she will not drift with the waves. She is love - mother"s love, wish all mothers happiness! 15、心中的思念,化作夜空璀璨的星星,闪耀着对您无限的感激与敬仰,在这样的日子,愿我们一起祈祷,妈妈,母亲节快乐,祝身体健康,一生平安。 The thoughts in our hearts turn into bright stars in the night sky, shining with infinite gratitude and admiration for you. On such a day, may we pray together. Happy Mother"s Day, Mother"s Day, good health and safe life. 16、就是在我们母亲的膝上,我们就获得了我们的最高尚、最真诚和最远大的理想,但是里面很少有任何金钱。 It is at our mother"s knee that we acquire our noblest, most sincere and highest ideals, but there is seldom any money in them. 17、妈妈,你对我年年牵挂着,月月盼望着,日日想念着,时时担忧着,秒秒惦记着,在这个特殊的日子里,我要汇聚一生的祝福来感谢您! Mother, you are concerned about me every year, looking forward to the moon, yearning day by day, worrying all the time, thinking about seconds. On this special day, I would like to gather my life"s blessings to thank you! 18、母爱无私,伴我一生;大爱无边,给我温暖;恩情无限,赐我力量;意浓无界,与我同在! Mother"s love is selfless and acpanies me all my life; love is boundless and gives me warmth; kindness is boundless and gives me strength; meaning is boundless and is with me! 19、妈妈你的女儿长大了我也懂事了,你放心吧!没有我的日子你要更加保重你自己! Mom, your daughter grew up and I understand, you can rest assured! You have to take care of yourself even more without me! 20、妈:为了我您的黑发变白,费尽心血。今天是您的节日,妈,谢谢您!您辛苦了!儿会尽我所能报答您我最亲的妈妈! Mom: For my sake, your black hair is turning white. Today is your holiday, Mom, thank you! You"ve been working hard! I will try my best to repay you my dearest mother! 21、亲爱的妈妈,岁月已将您的青春燃烧,但您的关怀和勉励将伴我信步风雨人生。用我心抚平你额上的皱纹,用我的情感染黑您头上的白发。祝您母亲节快乐! My dear mother, years have burned your youth, but your care and encouragement will acpany me through life. Smooth the wrinkles on your forehead with my heart, and darken the white hair on your head with my emotion. Happy Mother"s Day to you! 22、开心的事儿和她聊一聊,骄傲的事儿向她耀一耀,成功的事儿向她报一报,琐碎的事儿向她唠一唠,母亲节,别忘了将她抱一抱。 Happy things talk to her, proud things shine to her, successful things report to her, trivial things talk to her, Mother"s Day, don"t fet to embrace her. 23、儿女的成长,增加了妈妈的白发;儿女的任性,将妈妈眉头的皱眉刻画;儿行千里时,带走的是妈妈的牵挂。母亲节到了说句真心话,愿妈妈健康长寿! The growth of children increases mother"s white hair; the willfulness of children depicts mother"s frown; when children travel thousands of miles, it takes away mother"s concern. Mother"s Day is ing. I wish my mother a long and healthy life. 24、在你看来我们就是永远长不大的孩子,事事操心,在这里我想对我亲爱的妈妈说,祝您身体健康,青春永驻,开心快乐每一天! In your opinion, we will never grow up to be children, worrying about everything. Here I want to say to my dear mother, I wish you good health, eternal youth, happy every day! 25、丝丝银发见证了您为儿女的劳心,条条皱纹见证了您为儿女的忧虑,不再光滑的双手见证了您的勤劳。母亲节到了,只想对您说:妈妈您辛苦了,我爱你! Silk and silver hair witness your hard work for your children, wrinkles witness your worries for your children, and no longer *** ooth hands witness your hard work. Mother"s Day is ing, I just want to say to you: Mom, you worked hard, I love you! 26、妈:感谢您让咱们一家人吃的丰盛、穿的体面、乐的开怀,让我代表一家人向您说:母亲节快乐! Mom: Thank you for making our family eat abundantly, dress decently and enjoy themselves. Let me say to you on behalf of my family: Happy Mother"s Day! 27、今天是母亲节,我送您一件外套:幸福做领子,快乐做袖子,健康做扣子,平安做口袋,再用我的真情精心缝制,愿它伴您渡过每分每秒,母亲节快乐! Today is Mother"s Day, I send you a coat: happy collar, happy sleeves, healthy buttons, safe pockets, and then with my true feelings carefully sewn, I hope it will acpany you through every minute, happy Mother"s Day! 28、爱操心的母亲一直以来,你为咱父子俩操碎了心,而有时我们还不怎么领情。如今想想,真是:老婆伟大,咱们该死。老婆大人,孩子他妈万岁。 Care-loving mothers have always been worrying about our father and son, and sometimes we don"t appreciate it very much. Now think about it, it"s true: Wife is great, let"s die. Wife, *** , child, *** ing long live. 29、山,没有母亲的爱高;海,没有母亲的爱深;天,没有母亲的爱广阔;地,没有母亲的爱包容;太阳,没有母亲的爱温暖;让我们共祝母亲健康快乐! Mountain, no mother"s love; sea, no mother"s love; day, no mother"s love vast; earth, no mother"s love tolerance; sun, no mother"s love warmth; let"s wish mother health and happiness! 30、鬓边的银发,浸染着对儿女的牵挂;额边的皱纹,镌刻着对儿女的爱心;掌中的老茧,粘连着对儿女幸福的期盼。母亲节到了,愿母亲幸福快乐安康! Silver hair on the sideburns is stained with concern for children; wrinkles on the forehead are engraved with love for children; cocoons in the palms are adhering to the expectation of their happiness. Mother"s Day is ing. May Mother be happy and healthy! 31、亲爱的妈妈:您曾用您坚实的臂弯为我撑起一片蓝天;而今,我也要用我日益丰满的羽翼为您遮挡风雨。妈妈,我永远爱您!祝您健康快乐! Dear Mom: You used to hold up a blue sky for me with your firm arms, and now I will use my increasingly plump wings to shield you from the storm. Mom, I love you forever! Wish you health and happiness! 32、今天是母亲节,用我的孝心来抚平您额上的皱纹,用我的陪伴来染黑您头上的银发,用我的话语来驱散你心中的寂寞。愿你,节日快乐,健康幸福。 Today is Mother"s Day, with my filial piety to *** ooth the wrinkles on your forehead, with my pany to dye the silver hair on your head, with my words to dispel the loneliness in your heart. May you have a happy holiday and a healthy and happy life.