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  ampe手机是著名数码品牌ampe推出的智能手机,ampe是深圳市爱魅电子技术有限公司的自有品牌。   搭载MT6582四核处理器,该方案作为联发科MT6589的优化版本,同样采用28纳米制程工艺,整合了四个ARMCortex-A7应用处理器,主频率达到1.3GHz,内建ARMMALI-400MP图形处理器,支持UMTSRel.8/HSPA+/TD-SCDMAmodem等,依然延续了MT6589的低功耗,但性能表现更出色,据网友测试,安兔兔跑分超16000多分,非常值得期待。   智能手机一直在4-6寸之间,而5寸综合最佳便携性和体验性,相比4寸看视频、网页时视野更广,玩游戏时操作感也更好,相比6寸,不仅更方便携带,各种口袋都能塞,放在手里拿着也正好。


Ampe手机是由著名数码品牌ampe推出的智能手机。公司产品连续5年销量稳居国内前列,但这样的成绩无法阻挡AMPE人的激情和梦想,以打造“中国平板电脑第一品牌”为目标,在未来几年,公司将会以平板电脑为主导,全面涉及到手机、学习平板等领域,秉承“诚信、协作、开放、成长、分享、”的企业核心价值观。AMPE人一路奋进,在市场浪潮中谱写更大的精彩。ampe手机质量怎样:ampe手机质量还可以。ampe手机是著名数码品牌 ampe 推出的智能手机, ampe 是深圳市爱魅电子技术有限公司的自有品牌。搭载MT6582四核处理器,该方案作为联发科MT6589的优化版本。同样采用28纳米制程工艺,整合了四个 ARMCortex -A7应用处理器,主频率达1.3GHz,内建 ARMMALI -400MP图形处理器,支持 UMTSRel .8/HSPA+/ TD -SCDMAmodem 等。以上内容参考:创闻经验-ampe是什么牌子的手机质量咋样



Voltage、Resistance、Capacitance的符号 Ampere、Volt、Ohm的单位缩写

Voltage(V)、Resistance(R)、Capacitance(F)的符号 Ampere(A)、Volt(V)、Ohm(Ω)的单位缩写.

[GPU硬件架构]NVIDIA Ampere 架构:细粒度结构化稀疏性

细粒度结构化稀疏性(fine-grained structured sparsity ,稀疏性),是助力推动 NVIDIA Ampere 架构 GPU 性能提升的一项全新技术,它不但提高了效率,还使开发者能够通过减少计算操作来加速其神经网络。 在A100中,通过细粒度结构化稀疏将训练好的网络权重修剪为2:4 稀疏矩阵,接下来是一个简单而通用的方法来对非零权重进行微调(fine-tune)。然后权重网络权重被压缩之后,数据占用空间和带宽减少为原来的一半,并且 A100 的稀疏 Tensor Core 通过跳过零(skipping the zeros)将数学计算的吞吐量加倍。 根据NVIDIA自述 [1] ,通过对计算机视觉、目标检测、分割、自然语言建模和翻译的数十个网络的评估,这种方法几乎不会导致推理准确性的损失。 以下为NVIDIA使用PyTorch库 Automatic SParsity (ASP) [2] 实现的工作流获得的FP16精度结果示例: 更多信息可以参考 the Accelerating Sparse Deep Neural Networks whitepaper [3] A100 Tensor Core GPU 包括新的 Sparse Tensor Core 指令,这些指令跳过对零值的计算,从而使 Tensor Core 计算吞吐量翻倍。图1展示了,Tensor Core在点积计算中是如何使用压缩元数据(即:非零值的索引)去匹配经过压缩后的网络权重。 通过引入稀疏 Tensor Core,A100使用TensorFloat-32的运行速度比V100 FP32 FMA快20倍。

问Who is Ampere? 答 It was more than one hundred years ago a great French scientist这句语法有错误吗



先总结一下, 三种架构的主要区别在于计算单元和存储架构的区别,这里先用表格列出来,你也可以看下面的图片更加直观一点 SM核心区别:



[GPU硬件架构]NVIDIA Ampere 架构:第三代 Tensor Core

摘录自 NVIDIA Ampere Architecture In-Depth 一文中关于 Tensor Core 的部分 NVIDIA A100 是基于Ampere 架构推出的一款GPU芯片,计算能力8.0。Tensor Core 是 NVIDIA 的先进技术,可实现混合精度计算,并能根据精度的降低动态调整算力,在保持准确性的同时提高吞吐量。 GA100 GPU 的完整实现包括以下单元: GA100 GPU 的 A100 Tensor Core GPU 实现包括以下单元: 基于 NVIDIA Ampere 架构的 A100 Tensor Core GPU 中的新 SM 大大提高了性能,在 Volta 和 Turing SM 架构的基础之上,增加了许多新功能。 如上图所示,TP32提供了与FP32相同的表示范围(与 FP32 相同,具有8 位指数),但与FP16相同的表示精度(与 FP16 相同,具有10 位尾数)。TF32 Tensor Core 读取 FP32 数据作为输入并在内部转换为TF32数据,最终产生FP32 输出。因此在A100中可以使用TF32加速FP32的张量计算,并同时支持FP32数据的输入和输出。其运行速度比 V100 FP32 FMA 操作快 10 倍,或者在稀疏时快 20 倍。

Supermicro 云端伺服器将升级为「Ampere」显示架构的 A100 GPU 设计

Supermicro强调在伺服器设计针对多重GPU提高散热效率,并且推动人工智慧、深度学习与高效能运算稳定性表现,同时也能针对不同伺服器布署需求提供1U、2U、4U和10U机架式GPU伺服器系统。 随着NVIDIA正式揭晓「Ampere」显示架构,并且推出A100GPU与DGXA100超级电脑后,Supermicro也宣布采用A100GPU设计的HGXA100系统,包含代号Redstone、2U形式设计的HGXA1004GPU主机板,以及代号Delta、4U形式设计的HGXA1008GPU主机板。 其中,HGXA1004GPU主机板搭载4张直连式NVIDIAA100GPU,使用能达到最高性能的PCIe4.0,搭配NVLink技术串接GPU对应加速运算、网路储存性能,支援1个PCIe4.0x8,以及最多4个PCIe4.0x16扩充插槽,可配合使用GPUDirectRDMA高速网路卡与InfiniBandHDR等储存装置,支援最高每秒200GB的传输频宽。 而针对人工智慧与机器学习设计的HGXA1008GPU主机板,则可支援8张A100GPU,并且采用NVSwitch进行多对多串接,借此让GPU对GPU传输频宽最高可达每秒600GB,另外也能配合适用于GPUDirectRDMA高速网卡的8个扩充插槽,可对应10个PCIe4.0x16扩充插槽。 另外,Supermicro也提供包含1U、2U、4U和10U形式设计的多重GPU伺服器,并且导入采用NVIDIA新款A100GPU,同时也推出A+GPU系统,支援多达8张全高、双宽(或单宽)形式的GPU,透过直连式PCIe4.0x16连接CPU至GPU通道,借此减少延迟、以最高频宽提升传输效率。 Supermicro强调在伺服器设计针对多重GPU提高散热效率,并且推动人工智慧、深度学习与高效能运算稳定性表现,同时也能针对不同伺服器布署需求提供1U、2U、4U和10U机架式GPU伺服器系统,另外也包含Utra、BigTwin与支援GPU的嵌入式系统,以及适用于8USuperBl的GPU刀锋模组。 针对目前边缘运算部分,Supermicro也准备将换上「Ampere」显示架构新款EGXA100加入旗下边缘伺服器产品组合。

examination ;acquaintance ;ampere 这些个英语怎么读?



一个蓄电池上的标识为“12V 100Ah”,表示该蓄电池的电压为12伏特,电流容量为100安时。但是,“-18”这个符号不是很常见,可能需要参考蓄电池的说明书或者联系制造商以确认其确切含义。</p>

volt 和 ampere 用谐音怎么念

volt:窝哦特ampere:安派尔(英音; 安倍儿(美音)


MPEG-1是MPEG组织制定的第一个视频和音频有损压缩标准。视频压缩算法于1990年定义完成。1992年底,MPEG-1正式被批准成为国际标准。MPEG-1是为CD光碟介质定制的的视频和音频压缩格式。一张70分钟的CD光碟传输速率大约在1.4Mbps。而MPEG-1采用了块方式的运动补偿、离散馀弦变换(DCT)、量化等技术,并为1.2Mbps传输速率进行了优化。MPEG-1随后被Video CD采用作为核心技术。MPEG-1的输出质量大约和传统录像机VCR,信号质量相当,这也许是Video CD在发达国家未获成功的原因。 MPEG-1音频分三层,分别为MPEG-1 Layer1,MPEG-Layer2以及MPEG-Layer3,并且高层兼容低层。其中第三层协议被称为MPEG-1 Layer 3,简称MP3。MP3目前已经成为广泛流传的的音频压缩技术。   MPEG-1 Layer1采用每声道192kbit/s,每帧384个样本,32个等宽子带,固定分割数据块。子带编码用DCT(离散余弦变换)和(快速傅立叶变换)计算子带信号量化bit数。采用基于频域掩蔽效应的心理声学模型,使量化噪声低于掩蔽值。量化采用带死区的线性量化器,主要用于数字盒式磁带(DCC)。   MPEG-1 Layer2采用每声道128kbit/s,每帧1152个样本,32个子带,属不同分帧方式。采用共同频域和时域掩蔽效应的心理声学模型,并对高、中,低频段的比特分配进行限制,并对比特分配、比例因子,取样进行附加编码。Layer2 广泛用于数字电视,CD-ROM,CD-I和VCD等。   MPEG-1 Layer3采用每声道64kbit/s,用混合滤波器组提高频率分辨率,按信号分辨率分成6X32或18X32个子带,克服平均32个子带的Layer1,Layer2在中低频段分辨率偏低的缺点。采用心理声学模型2,增设不均匀量化器,量化值进行熵编码。主要用于ISDN(综合业务数字网)音频编码。   MPEG-1制定于1992年,为工业级标准而设计,它可针对SIF标准分辨率(对于NTSC制为352X240;对于PAL制为352X288)的图像进行压缩,传输速率为1.5Mbits/sec,每秒播放30帧,具有CD(指激光唱盘)音质,质量级别基本与VHS相当。MPEG的编码速率最高可达4- 5Mbits/sec,但随着速率的提高,其解码后的图象质量有所降低。   MPEG-1也被用于数字电话网络上的视频传输,如非对称数字用户线路(ADSL),视频点播(VOD),以及教育网络等。同时,MPEG-1也可被用做记录媒体或是在INTERNET上传输音频。 MPEG-1曾经是VCD的主要压缩标准,是目前实时视频压缩的主流,可适用于不同带宽的设备,如CD-ROM、Video-CD、CD-I。与M-JPEG技术相比较,在实时压缩、每帧数据量、处理速度上均有显著的提高。MPEG1可以满足多达16路以上25帧/秒的压缩速度,在500kbit/s的压缩码流和352像素×288行的清晰度下,每帧大小仅为2k。若从VCD到超级VCD到DVD的不同格式来看,MPEG1的352 ×288格式,MPEG2可有576×352、704 ×576等,用于CDROM上存储同步和彩色运动标视频信号,旨在达到VCR(模拟式磁带录放机Video Cassette Recorder;VCR)质量,其视频压缩率为26:1。MPEG1可使图像在空间轴上最多压缩1/38,在时间轴上对相对变化较小的数据最多压缩1/5。MPEG1压缩后的数据传输率为1.5Mbps,压缩后的源输入格式SIF(Source Input Format),分辨率为352像素×288行(PAL制),亮度信号的分辨率为360×240,色度信号的分辨率为180×120,每秒30帧。MPEG1对色差分量采用4:1:1的二次采样率。MPEG1、MPEG2是传送一张张不同动作的局部画面。在实现方式上,MPEG1可以借助于现有的解码芯片来完成,而不像M-JPEG那样过多依赖于主机的CPU。与软件压缩相比,硬件压缩可以节省计算机资源,降低系统成本。   但也存在着诸多不足。一是压缩比还不够大,在多路监控情况下,录像所要求的磁盘空间过大。尤其当DVR主机超过8路时,为了保存一个月的存储量,通常需要10个80G硬盘,或更多,硬盘投资大,而由此引起的硬盘故障和维护更是叫人头疼。二是图像清晰度还不够高。由于MPEG1最大清晰度仅为352 X 288,考虑到容量、模拟数字量化损失等其它因素,回放清晰度不高,这也是市场反应的主要问题。三是对传输图像的带宽有一定的要求,不适合网络传输,尤其是在常用的低带宽网络上无法实现远程多路视频传送。四是MPEG1的录像帧数固定为每秒25帧,不能丢帧录像,使用灵活性较差。从目前广泛采用的压缩芯片来看,也缺乏有效的调控手段,例如关键帧设定、取样区域设定等等,造成在保安监控领域应用不适合,造价也高。   总体看来M-JPEG与MPEG1由于技术成熟,是目前DVR市场的主流技术,但两者的致命弱点就是硬盘耗费量大,且不能同时满足保安与实时录像场合的需要。  最大像素数/行:720   最大行数/影格:576   最大影格/秒:30   最大宏块/影格:396   最大宏块/秒:9900   最大位元率:1.86Mbps   最大解码缓冲区尺寸:376832bit MPEG-1 audio layer 1   类型:Audio   制定者:MPEG   所需频宽:384kbps(压缩4倍)   特性:编码简单,用于数字盒式录音磁带,2声道,VCD中使用的音频压缩方案就是MPEG-1层Ⅰ。   优点:压缩方式相对时域压缩技术而言要复杂得多,同时编码效率、声音质量也大幅提高,编码延时相应增加。可以达到“完全透明”的声音质量(EBU音质标准)   缺点:频宽要求较高   应用领域:voip   版税方式:Free   备注:MPEG-1声音压缩编码是国际上第一个高保真声音数据压缩的国际标准,它分为三个层次:   --层1(Layer 1):编码简单,用于数字盒式录音磁带   --层2(Layer 2):算法复杂度中等,用于数字音频广播(DAB)和VCD等   --层3(Layer 3):编码复杂,用于互联网上的高质量声音的传输,如MP3音乐压缩10倍

MPEG1 、MPEG2、MPEG4 有啥区别?

  三种不同的格式。  MPEG1是应用在VCD上的  MPEG2是DVD  而MPEG4就是MP4 大多是应用在手机视频上的。

DV HDV DVD BIU-ray AVCHD WMV MPEG-4 做视频用哪个模式比较清晰?


we call a bad cold with a high temperature ful 是什么意思?


we call a bad with a high temperature.这句话翻译成中文


we call a bad with a high temperature.这句话翻译成中文

We call / a bad cold with a high temperature / flu 我们把/发高烧的重感冒/叫做流感 can you visit your friends when you have the flu ? 你可以感冒时去拜访你的朋友吗? what should we go to keep healthy ? 我们应该怎么保持健康?希望采纳

求翻译The Chinese, from the highest to the lowest, have an imperturbable quiet dignity, which is us

此句不完整The Chinese, from the highest to the lowest, have an imperturbable quiet dignity, which is us中国人,从巅峰人士到低下小民,皆有一种从容淡定的尊严,那是我们。。。。写这句子的人肯定没有在春运的时候挤火车



帮忙提供一篇关于diploma represent competence的英文

Mastership in Commercial Diplomacy(一个认证文章)This is the main category of qualification denoting a level of both educational and professional achievement required followed by the development, through practical professional experience, of key skills at the appropriate level. ACCD recognizes and accredits professional and academic degree courses offered by its institutional members worldwide. ACCD works closely with diplomatic, professional and other academic institutions to ensure that candidates have the appropriate skills and knowledge to qualify. Holders of the Mastership in Commercial Diplomacy are competent and skilled practitioners of proved ability at international and advanced level, who have complete knowledge of trade negotiations, development, international dispute settlement and international economic and commercial diplomacy and able to train others. The Qualified Certified Diplomat (Mastership) is awarded only by the ACCD to trade, economic and commercial diplomacy experts or graduates of diplomatic academies, universities and or institutional members; and persons of outstanding intellectual ability, upon completion of the Mastership programme. First Stage:To be awarded MASTERSHIP, candidate must satisfy the Council by:Completing the Master Certificate of Competency Course (600 hours, 60 credits); and having more than 3 years proven practical professional experience (Senior Executive level); and *Being an Associate of the ACCD (All applicants); and Willing and able to promote, contribute to and actively support the mission and policy of the Association.Exemptions are granted to candidates who are graduates of ACCD Institutional Members, other approved institutions or professional organisations or who have passed equivalent examinations (Masters degree* and above) in trade, economics, development, energy, agriculture, commercial law, commercial arbitration and or dispute settlement related field. The Council will consider for assessment the following and may recognise any other positions which they deem to be equivalent in professional responsibility: Holders of an accredited Masters degree with more than 3 years proven professional experience, or Holders of a recognised postgraduate degree in related discipline approved for this purpose by the Council provided that he/she has held a position or positions of professional responsibility for an aggregate of at least 6 years or more and able to submit a Master project for this purpose.Second Stage:Applicants may be required to do one of the following (unless exempt):Submit a Project* Complete the Advanced Certificate of Competency in Commercial DiplomacyThird Stage:Professional Review - Accreditation Board RequirementsAs part of the Association"s requirements, candidates may be required to submit a Mastership project and or complete a Portfolio of Experience, which includes a listing of executive positions in related fields and candidate"s own written summary assessing his/her executive contribution to the work of the institution. The Portfolio also includes a record of candidate"s employment history as a diplomat, senior executive or senior manager, director, representative or adviser together with certain information about the executives or boards on which they have served, and a written self-assessment of candidate"s experience. The Portfolio should explain clearly the precise position you have occupied in each case e.g commercial officer/attache/director; secretary, minister, adviser, economic officer/attache/director, senior manager, stockbroker etc. Final Stage - Interview:Qualified Certified Diplomat (QCD)Being a Qualified & Certified Commercial Diplomat is more than just gaining a qualification, it"s about developing relevant practical trade and commercial diplomacy skills for life. Certified Commercial Diplomats lead organisations whether in the private, public or third sectors, at the highest strategic level. Qualifying for certified diplomat has included the requirement for a peer interview (Unless exempt) and candidates are required to demonstrate advanced knowledge and understanding of trade negotiations, anti-corruption, dispute settlement and commercial diplomacy; and their practical application, evidencing a professional approach to parties and the public interest. The standard to which the candidate will be judged is "competence and experience to serve the public as a competent commercial diplomat in an ethical manner." On completion, successful applicants will receive a decision on election to "Mastership" - Qualified Certified Commercial Diplomat.Benefits:Mastership in Commercial Diplomacy Qualified & Certified Commercial Diplomat (Certification)* Continued professional development and life-long learning Discounted admission to International Programs and co-sponsored events Significant discounts for ACCD members on courses and specialist programmes Automatic Election to Fellowship DiplomacyDiplomacy is the art and practice of conducting negotiations between representatives of groups or states. It usually refers to international diplomacy, the conduct of international relations through the intercession of professional diplomats with regard to issues of peace-making, trade, war, economics and culture. International treaties are usually negotiated by diplomats prior to endorsement by national politicians.The word stems from the Greek word "diploma", which literally means "folded in two". In ancient Greece, a diploma was a certificate certifying completion of a course of study, typically folded in two. In the days of the Roman Empire, the word "diploma" was used to describe official travel documents, such as passports and passes for imperial roads, that were stamped on double metal plates. Later, the meaning was extended to cover other official documents such as treaties with foreign tribes. In the 1700s the French called their body of officials attached to foreign legations the corps "diplomatique". The word "diplomacy" was first introduced into the English language by Edmund Burke in 1796, based on the French word "diplomatie".[1]In an informal or social sense, diplomacy is the employment of tact to gain strategic advantage or to find mutually acceptable solutions to a common challenge, one set of tools being the phrasing of statements in a non-confrontational, or polite manner


compete with 和compete against有什么区别

你好,区别大了:Compete with 与 Compete against 其实意思完全一样,不同点就是含有的感觉。Are you with me or are you against me ? 是个很好的例子。这里"with"很先然的比较友善。"against"带有敌对的态度。打个比方,当人们"compete with each other" 时他们会很友善,对方的成功会得到认可,也会影响到对手的发展(可以学习),共同获利。当人们"compete against each other" 时他们态度恶劣,恨不得对方失败,也不会去恭喜人家。所以在你写句子的时候要看是哪一种态度和感觉来选择要用哪个。China and Japan compete against each other.中国与日本互相竞争。加拿大与美国互相竞争。


有的,动名词为 competing。


pete [ ku0259m"pi:t ] v. 基本义:竞争、对抗 The athletes vow to pete to their full capacity and with sport *** anship. 运动员宣示要赛出风格, 赛出水平. Thirty people had to pete for only ten openings. 三十个人必须只为十个名额来竞争. You cannot pete with those postgraduates. 你无法和那些研究生竞争. We can"t pete with them on price. 我们在价格上无法与他们竞争. 引申义:参加比赛(竞赛) Five children peted in the race. 五个孩子参加赛跑. Our school petes against many other schools in baseball. 我们学校常同许多其他学校进行垒球比赛. He"s hoping to pete in the London marathon. 他期盼着参加伦敦马拉松比赛. 【衍生词】 petition n. 竞争、角逐 We won the contract in the face of stiff petition. 面对激烈的竞争,我们赢得了这份合同. petitive adj. 竞争的,有竞争力的 petitive games 竞技性比赛 petitor n. 竞争者、对手 our main/major/nearest petitor 我们主要的竞争对手 【近义词】 rival n. 对手, 竞争者 a rival in love 情敌 without a rival 无可匹敌, 无敌 【背句子记单词】 A good student should have the determination to pete for first place. 一个好学生要有争上游的决心. Admit的用法: 1. 表示“承认”,注意以下用法: (1) 一般为及物动词,直接跟宾语;表示向某人承认用介词 to: He admitted his mistake. 他承认了他的错误. He admitted to the teacher that he was wrong. 他向老师承认他错了. This meant admitting defeat. 这就意味着承认失败了. 但有时也用作不及物动词,此时一般后接介词 to: He admitted to the murder. 他供认了谋杀罪. He admitted to having taken the money. 他承认拿了那笔钱. 由于 admit 表示“承认”可用作及物动词或不及物动词,所以上面各例中的介词 to 有时也可省略. (2) 后接动词时,要用动名词而不用不定式: She admitted having read the letter. 她承认读过这封信. I admit breaking the window. 我承认打破了窗子. (3) 可后接带不定式的复合宾语,但其中的不定式通常应是 to be: They admitted him to be mad. 他们承认他疯了. You must admit the task to be difficult. 你们得承认任务是艰巨的. 偶尔接其它形式的复合宾语: He admitted himself a failure. 他承认失败. He admitted himself beaten. 他承认输了. (4) 有时用于插入语中: This, I admit, was wrong. 我承认这错了. 2. 表示“允许进入”、“使能进入”,注意以下用法: (1) 通常只用作及物动词: This ticket admits one person only. 此券只准一人入场. There were no windows to admit air. 没有窗子可使空气流入. 可用于引申义,表示允许进入某一组织、机构、学校、团体等: They admitted him to [into] their organization. 他们接受他参加了他们的组织. How many students have been admitted into the school this year? 今年这所学校有多少学生入学? 试比较 (注意介词不同): He was admitted to [into] the Party. 他被吸收入党. He was admitted as a Party member. 他被接纳为党员. (2) 往往含有动态意味,所以一般不与 enter, go in 之类的词连用: 他打开门让我进了屋. 正:He opened the door and admitted me into the house. 误:He opened the door and admitted me to enter into the house. 3. 用于 admit of, 意为“容许”、“有…的可能”、“有…的余地” (此时句子主语通常是物而不是人): The matter admits of no delay. 这事刻不容缓. The word admits of no other meaning in the case. 这个词在此例中不可能有别的意思.


  为大家整理了“英语六级词汇看图记忆”,希望帮助到大家,也预祝大家高分通过大学英语六级考试!更多英语六级考试资讯,网站将持续更新,敬请关注! 2017年12月英语六级词汇看图记忆:compete   为大家整理了英语六级高频词汇,结合图片,帮助你记忆,让你更快掌握单词。    compete vi 比赛,竞争   例句:Nowadays companies must be able to compete in the internationalmarket-place.   在当下,公司一定要能在国际商品交易中竞争。    competitive adj. 竞争的,好竞争的,有竞争力的   例句:The banks are lending money at a competitive rate of interest.   银行竞相以有竞争力的利率发放货款。    competition n. 竞争,竞赛   例句:Because there is so much unemployment due to the financial crisis,the   competition for jobs is fierce.   因为金融危机中失业严重,求职的竞争力十分激烈。    contend v. 斗争,竞争,主张   例句:The factory is too small to contend against large internationalcompanies.   这家工厂太小,无法与国际性的大公司抗争。   contest n. 论争,竞赛v. 争论,竞赛,争夺   例句:An intense contest developed among the three men for that particular position.   那三个人为得到这一特定的职位展开了激烈的竞争。

compete with与compete against有什么区别

compete with 与某人一同竞争,后加竞争者compete against与某人对抗,后加对抗者


No one can compete with his physical powers.没有人能跟他比他的身体力量。

rival 和compete有什么区别?

rival 是两个,对方compete是竞争,两个或多个。






compete 动词竞争competent 形容词竞争的competently 副词胜任地

compete with与compete against的区别

compete with 有两个意思:1 和...进行竞争(宾语是竞争对手)2 和...一起竞争(宾语是你并肩奋斗的队友)而compete against 只有上面第一个意思,即against的宾语只能是竞争对手。compete with 与某人一同竞争,后加竞争者compete against与某人对抗,后加对抗者compete for为了什么而竞争,后加目地

他们决定跟我们竞争( compete) 翻译

They decide to compete with us.主语:they谓语: decide宾语: to compete with us

compete加什么介词 compete后面可以加什么介词?

compete for..为…竞争 | 为……而竞争 | 角逐,竞争 | 为...竞争 compete for..为…竞争 | 为……而竞争 | 角逐,竞争 | 为...竞争 compete with..与...竞争 | 竞争 | 与某人竞争 | 与 --- 竞争 compete against..和…竞争 | 与……竞争,与……抗衡 | 与...对抗| 与 竞争,与 抗衡


compete英 [ku0259mu02c8pi:t] 美 [ku0259mu02c8pit]vi.竞争; 竞赛; 比得上; 参加比赛(或竞赛)[网络]抗衡; 比赛;[例句]The longer people have been unemployed, the harder it is for them tocompete in the labour market.失业时间越长,就越难在劳动力市场与别人竞争。[其他]第三人称单数:competes 现在分词:competing 过去式:competed 过去分词:competed 形近词: pompenecompels compens


compete的所有词性:competition n.竞争;角逐;比赛;竞赛;竞争者;对手 复数: competitions 扩展资料   例句:   The competition attracted over 500 contestants representing 8 different countries.   这次比赛吸引了代表8个不同国家的.500多名参赛者。   There is keen competition for places at the college.   要在这所学院就读竞争是非常激烈的。   Details of the competition are available at all participating stores.   比赛的详情可在各参加商店取阅。   The winners of the competition will be announced next month.   竞赛的获胜者将于下月公布。


compete (verb) competition (noun) competitive (adj) competer (noun for person) competitively (adverb)





compete for:为…竞争|为……而竞争|角逐,竞争compete with:与...竞争|竞争|与某人竞争


compete竞争;比赛;对抗[(+with/against/for)] 2.(事物)媲美,比得上[(+with)] competed是compete的过去式(-ed):competed 过去分词(v-ed):competed


Compete (vi) 竞争Competence. Competition.(n)竞争Competent.(adj)有能力的,足以胜任的Competitive.(adj)有竞争力的


compete:v.竞争;对抗;参加比赛(或竞赛); 短语: compete for...为…竞争; compete with...与...竞争、与某人竞争; compete against...和…竞争 扩展资料   It remains true that sport is about competing well, not winning.   体育重在勇于竞争而非获胜,一向如此。   The sport"s ruling body gave him dispensation to compete in national competitions.   体育运动管理机构特许他参加全国性的体育比赛。   He"s hoping to compete in the London marathon.   他期盼着参加伦敦马拉松比赛。


[英][ku0259mu02c8pi:t][美][ku0259mu02c8pit]vi.竞争; 竞赛; 比得上; 参加比赛(或竞赛); 网络抗衡; 比赛; 第三人称单数:competes现在分词:competing过去式:competed过去分词:competed形近词:pompenecompelscompens例句:The longer people have been unemployed, the harder it is for them to compete in thelabour market.失业时间越长,就越难在劳动力市场与别人竞争。求采纳


compete [ kəm"pi:t ] v. 基本义:竞争、对抗 The athletes vow to compete to their full capacity and with sportsmanship. 运动员宣示要赛出风格, 赛出水平. Thirty people had to compete for only ten openings. 三十个人必须只为十个名额来竞争. You cannot compete with those postgraduates. 你无法和那些研究生竞争. We can"t compete with them on price. 我们在价格上无法与他们竞争. 引申义:参加比赛(竞赛) Five children competed in the race. 五个孩子参加赛跑. Our school competes against many other schools in baseball. 我们学校常同许多其他学校进行垒球比赛. He"s hoping to compete in the London marathon. 他期盼着参加伦敦马拉松比赛. 【衍生词】 competition n. 竞争、角逐 We won the contract in the face of stiff competition. 面对激烈的竞争,我们赢得了这份合同. competitive adj. 竞争的,有竞争力的 competitive games 竞技性比赛 competitor n. 竞争者、对手 our main/major/nearest competitor 我们主要的竞争对手


1、compete英[k?m?pi?t]美[k?m?pi?t]vi.竞争; 对抗; 参加比赛(或竞赛)。2、[例句]The company is now well positioned to compete in foreign markets.现在这家公司已准备好在国外市场竞争。




compete用作动词时表示竞争,比赛,对抗等含义,指在比赛、辩论等有竞争活动中为征服或取胜而进行的努力,常暗示有奖赏刺激物。1.compete的基本意思是“力图取胜”,指在比赛、辩论等有竞争活动中为征服或取胜而进行的努力,常暗示有奖赏刺激物。 2.compete是不及物动词。 These products are of high quality and able to compete internationally. 这些产品质量很好,在国际市场上有竞争能力。 All these countries competed in this trade of human beings. 所有这些国家都参与了贩卖人口的竞争。 3.compete against (v.+prep.) 与…抗争 Jim competed against the world"s best runner in the Games and did well to come third. 在运动会上吉姆与世界最佳赛跑运动员竞争,他成绩不错,得了第三名。 The firm is too small to compete against large international companies. 这个公司太小,不能与大跨国公司竞争。 4.compete for sth 比赛…夺取 Runners from many countries are competing for the international prize. 来自许多国家的赛跑运动员正在为获得这项国际奖而竞争。 Firms from across the country may compete for the contract. 全国各地的公司都可能为承揽这项合同而竞争。



compete用法与搭配如下:1、compete for为...竞争,后加目的。例句:Firms from across the country may compete for the contract.全国各地的公司都可能为这项合同而竞争。短句:compete for raw material争原料。2、compete with与...一同竞争,后加竞争者。例句:Charles has never felt the need to compete with anyone.查尔斯从为感到与任何人竞争的必要。3、compete against与...对抗/与...抗衡,后加对抗者。例句:The firm is too small to compete against large international companies.这家公式太小而不能与跨国大公司竞争。4、compete in比赛。例句:He at last got a chance to compete in the Olympics.他终于获得了参加奥运会比赛的机会。Each year they compete in a bicycle race.他们每年都要参加自行车大赛。短句:compete in a contest加比赛。compete的衍生词competition n. 竞争、角逐。competitive adj. 竞争的、有竞争力的。competitior n. 竞争者、对手。


compete的用法是:一、一般的用法就是compete with/against某人(for某物),意思就是“和某人竞争,为了某物”。例子:Every team would compete with each other for honor.每个团队会为了荣誉而互相竞争。二、compete in+比赛,表示“参加竞赛”。例子:No one in our class dared to compete in the football game.我们班没有人敢参加足球比赛。三、compete for sth,比赛……夺取。例子:Runners from many countries are competing for the international prize.来自许多国家的赛跑运动员正在为获得这项国际奖而竞争。四、compete against(v.+prep.),与……抗争。例子:Jim competed against the world"s best runner in the Games and did well to come third.在运动会上吉姆与世界最佳赛跑运动员竞争,他成绩不错,得了第三名。


compete用法总结:compete的基本意思是“力图取胜”,指在比赛、辩论等有竞争活动中为征服或取胜而进行的努力,常暗示有奖赏刺激物。Companies must be able to compete in the marketplace.公司一定要在市场中有竞争力。固定搭配:compete in参加……比赛;在……方面竞争。How many countries competed in the ancient Olympic Games?古代奥运会有多少国家参加?compete for为……而竞争。All the people will compete for the honor.所有的人民将为了荣耀而竞争。compete with/against...for为争取……而与……对抗/竞争。Only by competing with/against each other can we make great progress in our study.只有相互竞争,我们才能在学习上取得巨大进步。变形:competition n.比赛;竞争。We are in competition with four other companies for the contract.我们在与其他四家公司竞争这项合同。competitive adj.竞争的;有竞争力的。Some kinds of business are competitive.有些商业是要竞争的。competitor n.竞争者;对手。I think of what these mean to me as a competitor.作为一个竞争者我考虑过这些对我来说意味着什么。近义词辩解compete,contend,contest这组词的共同意思是“争论,竞争”。其区别在于:compete指在体育或辩论等需竞争的活动中,为征服或取胜而进行的努力,有时暗示在奖赏的鼓励或刺激下进行竞争。contend暗示竞争的紧张程度,通常指双方成功的机会相等,所以,为取胜或征服对方,就需要艰苦的努力,强调奋斗或斗争的必要性。contest则指在竞争中毫无保留地展示自己,比如在总统竞选中,双方尽力展示自己的优势,以战胜对方。


compete的形容词是competitive。compete的单词变形:过去式:competed;去分词:competed;现在分词:competing。compete的基本意思是“力图取胜”,指在比赛、辩论等有竞争活动中为征服或取胜而进行的努力,常暗示有奖赏刺激物。compete是不及物动词,接against表示“与…对抗”,接for表示“夺取…”,接with表示“对…抗争”。词义辨析:compete, contend, contest这组词的共同意思是“争论,竞争”。其区别在于:compete指在体育或辩论等需竞争的活动中,为征服或取胜而进行的努力,有时暗示在奖赏的鼓励或刺激下进行竞争;而contend暗示竞争的紧张程度,通常指双方成功的机会相等。所以,为取胜或征服对方,就需要艰苦的努力,强调奋斗或斗争的必要性;contest则指在竞争中毫无保留地展示自己,比如在总统竞选中,双方尽力展示自己的优势,以战胜对方。




compete [com·pete || ku0259m"piu02d0t]v. 比赛; 竞争


compete,动词,意为“竞争;比赛;对抗”。读音:英[ku0259mu02c8piu02d0t],美[ku0259mu02c8piu02d0t]。释义:vi. 竞争;对抗;参加比赛(或竞赛)。例句:The company is now well positioned to compete in foreign markets.现在这家公司已准备好在国外市场竞争。变形:第三人称单数competes,现在分词competing,过去式competed,过去分词competed。短语:compete sufficiently 足以胜任compete thoroughly 绝对有能力compete against 与…进行竞争compete as 作为…称职compete with each other 竞相争夺compete的近义词contend读音:英 [ku0259n"tend],美 [ku0259n"tend]。释义:vi. 竞争;奋斗;斗争;争论。vt. 主张;为...斗争。例句:I must study hard to contend for this year"s national scholarship.我必须要努力学习来争夺今年的国家奖学金。变形:过去式contended,过去分词contended,现在分词contending,第三人称单数contends。短语:contend for the faith 为信仰而斗争contend for a prize 争夺奖品contend boldly 勇敢地斗争contend forcefully 强有力地斗争


compete的形容词是competitive。名词形式是competition。 compete:v.竞争;对抗;参加比赛(或竞赛); 第三人称单数: competes现在分词: competing过去式: competed过去分词: competed 扩展资料   Can our industry compete on equal terms with its overseas rivals?   我们的工业能与海外对手以平等的.地位竞争吗?   It remains true that sport is about competing well, not winning.   体育重在勇于竞争而非获胜,一向如此。   The sport"s ruling body gave him dispensation to compete in national competitions.   体育运动管理机构特许他参加全国性的体育比赛。   He"s hoping to compete in the London marathon.   他期盼着参加伦敦马拉松比赛。


compete的形容词是competitive。名词是competition。 compete: v.竞争;对抗;参加比赛(或竞赛); 第三人称单数: competes现在分词: competing过去式: competed过去分词: competed 扩展资料   It remains true that sport is about competing well, not winning.   体育重在勇于竞争而非获胜,一向如此。   The sport"s ruling body gave him dispensation to compete in national competitions.   体育运动管理机构特许他参加全国性的"体育比赛。   He"s hoping to compete in the London marathon.   他期盼着参加伦敦马拉松比赛。   He"s a talented athlete who competes nationally and internationally.   他是一位有才华的运动员,既参加国内比赛,也参加国际比赛。


compete的各种形式: 1、competition:n.竞争;角逐;比赛; 2、competitive:竞争的;(与…)一样好的;(比…)更好的; 3、competitively:adv.有竞争力地;好竞争地 扩展资料   compete:v.竞争;对抗;参加比赛(或竞赛)   第三人称单数: competes现在分词: competing过去式: competed过去分词: competed   记忆技巧:com 共同 + pet 寻求;力争 + e → 共同追求〔一个目标〕→ 竞争   例句:   Can our industry compete on equal terms with its overseas rivals?   我们的工业能与海外对手以平等的地位竞争吗?   It remains true that sport is about competing well, not winning.   体育重在勇于竞争而非获胜,一向如此。   The sport"s ruling body gave him dispensation to compete in national competitions.   体育运动管理机构特许他参加全国性的体育比赛。

compete 衍生的单词

competition n. 竞争、角逐competitive adj. 竞争的,有竞争力的competitor n. 竞争者、对手




competition的动词形式为compete。competition作为名词有竞争、角逐、比赛、竞赛、竞争者、对手的意思。它的动词形式为compete,意为竞争、对抗、参加比赛,现在分词为 competing,过去式和过去分词都为competed,第三人称单数为competes。 扩展资料   competition基本释义及用法介绍   1、作为名词表示竞争、角逐   例如:We are in competition with four other companies for the contract.我们在与其他四家公司竞争这项合同。   2、作为名词表示比赛、竞赛   例如:to enter/win/lose a competition。参加 / 赢得 / 输掉比赛。   3、作为名词表示竞争者、对手   例如:We"ll be able to assess the competition at the conference.我们可以在会上对竞争对手进行估量。   4、固定搭配有哪些   competition between something …之间的竞争   competition for something 为…的竞争(者)(或竞赛)   competition in something …上的竞争(者)(或竞赛)   unfair competition 不公平竞争   stiff competition 激烈的.角逐;强劲的竞争对手   compete基本释义及用法介绍   1、作为动词表示竞争、对抗   例如:We can"t compete with them on price.我们在价格上无法与他们竞争。   2、作为动词表示参加比赛(或竞赛)   例如:He"s hoping to compete in the London marathon.他期盼着参加伦敦马拉松比赛。




competition动词形式是compete。compete的意思是竞争,对抗。compete的例句:He will be competing in the London-Calais-London race(他将参加伦敦至加来的航海往返赛)。 扩展资料 compete的例句:Banks and building societies are competing fiercely for business(银行和购房互助协会为了争夺业务而展开激烈的"竞争);Schools should not compete with each other or attempt to poach pupils(学校之间不应该相互竞争,也不应该企图挖走彼此的学生)。


compete/strong>这个词的词根是compete ,起源于17世纪的拉丁文competere,是一个复合词,com是一起的意思,petere是“目标是、寻求”的意思,你问的词是competition是“竞争”的名词形式。competition n. 竞争;比赛,竞赛;竞争者,对手 perfect competition [贸易] 完全竞争 ; 完全竞争市场 ; 完美竞争 ; 完善竞争unfair competition [经] 不正当竞争 ; 不合理竞争 ; [经] 不公平竞争 ; 不合法竞争Competition law 竞争法 ; 反托拉斯法 ; 高等学校法学通用教材 ; 现代竞争法理论与实践。


compete with sb compete for sth


completion, finish(可以作名词).


用复数,因为先行词 dealers是复数,who引导定语从句的谓语也用复数. 手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可.


Compete指两个(或一些)人或派别之间,为达到某种目标而进行的竞争。例如: Only two men are competing for the cup (只有两人在争夺奖杯)。contend: [v] 搏斗, 声称, 宣称, 辩论, 争夺vi.[(+against/for/with)]1. 争夺,竞争Three students contended for the prize.三个学生竞争该奖。2. 全力对付;搏斗;奋斗There were too many problems to contend with.要全力对付的问题真是太多太多了。3. 争论,辩论vt.1. 为...斗争(或竞争、争论等)2. 坚决主张,声称[Y][+(that)]The police contended that the difficulties they faced were too severe.警察强调说他们面临的困难太严重了。

compete over

答案:A 解析: compete in“参加(比赛、竞争)”;compete for“角逐(奖牌、荣誉等)”。


vie v [Ipr] ~ with sb (for sth/to do sth); ~ for sth (fml 文)= compete keenly with sb (for sth); rival sb for sth 与某人(为某事物)激烈竞争; 与某人争夺某事物: old rivals vying (with each other) for first place (彼此)争夺第一名的老对手 * Businesses vied with each other to attract customers. 各商行互相竞争以招揽顾客.competev [I, Ipr, It] ~ (against/with sb) (in sth) (for sth) try to win sth by defeating others who are trying to do the same 竞争; 对抗; 比赛: Several companies are competing (against/with each other) for the contract/to gain the contract. 几家公司正为争取一项合同而互相竞争. * a horse that has competed in the Grand National four times 参加过四次‘英国大赛马"的马 *总结区别:1. vie主要用于正式文体里面(fml)2. 两者在后面跟介词短语(for something,with somebody)时,含义与用法十分相似。 不过,compete还可以单独使用(即后面不跟介词短语)或者后面直接跟动词不定式。

compete with other 还是 compete with others原因是

关键是单复数,前者如果意指和另一个人的竞争,应该是用the other (one/person)后者意指和其他人的竞争
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