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the civil rights movement in America

  The Civil Rights Movement in the United States has been a long, primarily nonviolent struggle to bring full civil rights and equality under the law to all Americans. The movement has had a lasting impact on United States society, in its tactics, the increased social and legal acceptance of civil rights, and in its exposure of the prevalence and cost of racism.  The American Civil Rights movement has been made up of many movements. The term usually refers to the political struggles and reform movements between 1945 and 1970 to end discrimination against African Americans and to end legal racial segregation, especially in the U.S. South.  This article focuses on an earlier phase of the struggle. Two United States Supreme Court decisions—Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 U.S. 537 (1896), which upheld "separate but equal" racial segregation as constitutional doctrine, and Brown v. Board of Education, 347 U.S. 483 (1954) which overturned Plessy— serve as milestones. This was an era of stops and starts, in which some movements, such as Marcus Garvey"s Universal Negro Improvement Association, achieved great success but left little lasting legacy, while others, such as the NAACP"s painstaking legal assault on state-sponsored segregation, achieved modest results in its early years but made steady progress on voter rights and gradually built to a key victory in Brown v. Board of Education.  After the Civil War, the U. S. expanded the legal rights of African Americans. Congress passed, and enough states ratified, an amendment ending slavery in 1865—the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution. This amendment only outlawed slavery; it did not provide equal rights, nor citizenship. In 1868, the 14th Amendment was ratified by the states, granting African Americans citizenship. Black persons born in the U. S. were extended equal protection under the laws of the Constitution. The 15th Amendment was ratified in (1870), which stated that race could not be used as a condition to deprive men of the ability to vote. During Reconstruction (1865-1877), Northern troops occupied the South. Together with the Freedmen"s Bureau, they tried to administer and enforce the new constitutional amendments. Many black leaders were elected to local and state offices, and others organized community groups.  Reconstruction ended following the Compromise of 1877 between Northern and Southern white elites. In exchange for deciding the contentious Presidential election in favor of Rutherford B. Hayes, supported by Northern states, over his opponent, Samuel J. Tilden, the compromise called for the withdrawal of Northern troops from the South. This followed violence and fraud in southern elections in 1876, which had reduced black voter turnout and enabled Southern white Democrats to regain power in state legislatures across the South. The compromise and withdrawal of Federal troops meant that white Democrats had more freedom to impose and enforce discriminatory practices. Many African Americans responded to the withdrawal of federal troops by leaving the South in what is known as the Kansas Exodus of 1879.  The Radical Republicans, who spearheaded Reconstruction, had attempted to eliminate both governmental and private discrimination by legislation. That effort was largely ended by the Supreme Court"s decision in the Civil Rights Cases, 109 U.S. 3 (1883), in which the Court held that the Fourteenth Amendment did not give Congress power to outlaw racial discrimination by private individuals or businesses.  Segregation  The Supreme Court"s decision in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) upheld state-mandated discrimination in public transportation under the "separate but equal" doctrine. While in the 20th century, the Supreme Court began to overturn state statutes that disfranchised African Americans, as in Guinn v. United States (1915), with Plessy, it upheld segregation that Southern states enforced in nearly every other sphere of public and private life.  As Justice Harlan, the only member of the Court to dissent from the decision, predicted:  If a state can prescribe, as a rule of civil conduct, that whites and blacks shall not travel as passengers in the same railroad coach, why may it not so regulate the use of the streets of its cities and towns as to compel white citizens to keep on one side of a street, and black citizens to keep on the other? Why may it not, upon like grounds, punish whites and blacks who ride together in street cars or in open vehicles on a public road or street? . . . .  The Court soon extended Plessy to uphold segregated schools. In Berea College v. Kentucky, 211 U.S. 45 (1908), the Court upheld a Kentucky statute that barred Berea College, a private institution, from teaching both black and white students in an integrated setting. Many states, particularly in the South, took Plessy and Berea as blanket approval for restrictive laws, generally known as Jim Crow laws, that created second-class status for African-Americans.  In many cities and towns, African-Americans were not allowed to share a taxi with whites or enter a building through the same entrance. They had to drink from separate water fountains, use separate restrooms, attend separate schools, be buried in separate cemeteries and even swear on separate Bibles. They were excluded from restaurants and public libraries. Many parks barred them with signs that read "Negroes and dogs not allowed." One municipal zoo went so far as to list separate visiting hours.  The etiquette of racial segregation was even harsher, particularly in the South. African Americans were expected to step aside to let a white person pass, and black men dared not look any white woman in the eye. Black men and women were addressed as "Tom" or "Jane", but rarely as "Mr." or "Miss" or "Mrs." Whites referred to black men of any age as "boy" and a black woman as "girl"; both often were called by labels such as "nigger" or "colored."  Less formal social segregation in the North began to yield to change.  Jackie Robinson"s Major League Baseball debut, 1947  Jackie Robinson was a sports pioneer of the Civil Rights Movement. Jackie Robinson is most well known for becoming the first African American to play professional sports in the major leagues. He is not often recognized as one of earliest public figures in the Civil Rights Movement. He debuted with the Brooklyn Dodgers of Major League Baseball on April 15, 1947. Jackie Robinson"s first major league game came one year before the U.S. Army was integrated, seven years before Brown v. Board of Education, eight years before Rosa Parks, and before Martin Luther King Jr. was leading the Civil Rights Movement. Jackie Robinson stepped into the spotlight before many of the most notable people in the Civil Rights Movement history. Every day he played, he was an example and role model for countless children and youths.  Disfranchisement  Main article: Disfranchisement after the Civil War  By the turn of the century, white-dominated Southern legislatures disfranchised nearly all age-eligible African American voters through a combination of statute and constitutional provisions. While requirements applied to all citizens, in practice, they were targeted at blacks and poor whites, and subjectively administered. In addition, opponents of black civil rights used economic reprisals and sometimes violence in the 1880s to discourage blacks from registering to vote.  Mississippi was the first state to have such constitutional provisions, such as poll taxes, literacy tests (which depended on subjective by white registrars), and complicated record keeping to establish residency, litigated before the Supreme Court. In 1898 the Court upheld the state, in Williams v. Mississippi. Other Southern states quickly adopted the "Mississippi plan", and from 1890-1908, ten states adopted new constitutions with provisions to disfranchise most blacks and many poor whites. States continued to disfranchise these groups for decades. Blacks were most adversely affected, as in many states black voter turnout dropped to zero. Poor whites were also disfranchised. In Alabama, for instance, by 1941, 600,000 poor whites had been disfranchised, and 520,000 blacks.[1]  It was not until the 20th century that litigation by African Americans on such provisions began to meet some success before the Supreme Court. In 1915 in Guinn v. United States, the Court declared Oklahoma"s "grandfather law", to be unconstitutional. Although the decision affected all states that used the grandfather clause, state legislatures quickly devised new devices to continue disfranchisement. Each provision or statute had to be litigated separately. One device the Democratic Party began to use more widely in Southern states was the white primary, which served for decades to disfranchise the few blacks who managed to get past barriers of voter registration. Barring blacks from voting in the Democratic Party primaries meant they had no chance to vote in the only competitive contests. White primaries were not struck down by the Supreme Court until Smith v. Allwright in 1944.  Criminal law and lynching  In 1880, the United States Supreme Court ruled in Strauder v. West Virginia, 100 U.S. 303 (1880) that African Americans could not be excluded from juries. The late 19th century disfranchisement of blacks in the South, however, meant that blacks were routinely barred from jury service, as it was reserved for voters only. This left them at the mercy of a white justice system arrayed against them. In some states, particularly Alabama, the state used the criminal justice system to reestablish a form of peonage in the form of the convict-lease system. The state sentenced black males to years of imprisonment, which they spent working without pay. The state leased prisoners to private employers, such as Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Company, a subsidiary of United States Steel Corporation, which paid the state for their labor. Because the state made money, the system created incentives for the jailing of more men, who were disproportionately black. It also created a system in which treatment of prisoners received little oversight.  Extra-judicial punishment was even more brutal. During the last decade of the 19th century and the first decades of the 20th century, white vigilantes lynched thousands of black males, sometimes with the overt assistance of state officials, mostly within the South. No whites were charged with crimes in any of those massacres. Whites were, in fact, so confident of their immunity from prosecution for lynching that they not only photographed the victims, but made postcards out of the pictures.  The Ku Klux Klan, which had largely disappeared after a brief violent career in the early years of Reconstruction, reappeared in 1915. It grew mostly in industrializing cities of the South and Midwest that underwent the most rapid growth from 1910-1930. Social instability contributed to racial tensions from severe competition for jobs and housing. People joined KKK groups who were anxious about their place in American society, as cities were rapidly changed by a combination of industrialization, migration of blacks and whites from the rural South, and waves of increased immigration from mostly rural southern and eastern Europe.[2]  Initially the KKK presented itself as another fraternal organization devoted to betterment of its members. The KKK"s revival was inspired in part by the movie Birth of a Nation, which glorified the earlier Klan and dramatized the racist stereotypes concerning blacks of that era. The Klan focused on political mobilization, which allowed it to gain power in states such as Indiana, on a platform that combined racism with anti-immigrant, anti-Semitic, anti-Catholic and anti-union rhetoric, but also supported lynching. It reached its peak of membership and influence about 1925, declining rapidly afterward as opponents mobilized.[3]  Segregated economic life and education  In addition to excluding blacks from equal participation in many areas of public life, white society also kept blacks in a position of economic subservience or marginality. After widespread losses from disease and financial failures in the late 19th c., black farmers in the South worked in virtual economic bondage as sharecroppers or tenant farmers. Employers and labor unions generally restricted African Americans to the worst paid and least desirable jobs. Because of the lack of steady, well-paid jobs, relatively undistinguished positions, such as those with the Pullman Porter or as hotel doorman, became prestigious positions in black communities.  The Jim Crow system that excluded African-Americans from many areas of economic life led to creation of a vigorous, but stunted economic life within the segregated sphere. Black newspapers sprang up throughout the North, while black owners of insurance and funeral establishments acquired disproportionate influence as both economic and political leaders.  Continuing to see education as the primary route of advancement and critical for the race, many talented blacks went into teaching, which had high respect as a profession. Segregated schools for blacks were underfunded in the South and ran on shortened schedules in rural areas. Despite segregation in Washington, DC, by contrast, as Federal employees, black and white teachers were paid on the same scale. Outstanding black teachers in the North received advanced degrees and taught in highly regarded schools, which trained the next generation of leaders in cities such as Chicago, Washington, and New York.  Education, in fact, w

the influence of American civil rights movement?


请告诉以下单词都是什么意思:within ; over ; unknown ; abandon ; movement; remarks


Agnes Miller was one of the earliest leaders of the Women"s Liberation Movement in the United S..

小题1:D小题1:B小题1:C 略

it rose out of the basket and began to follow the movements of the pipe 这句话中的rose,follow


Far East Movement的Rocketeer歌词及翻译

超爱这首歌,Ryan的声音超好听,所以当做义务劳动了,哈哈。Here we go, come with me,出发吧,跟我来There"s a world out there that we should see,有一整个世界等待我们去发现Take my hand, close your eyes握住我的手,闭上你的眼睛With you right here, I"m a rocketeer有你在这儿我就是个火箭专家Let"s fly, fly, fly, flyyy.让我们飞翔吧~飞翔吧~飞翔吧Up, up, here we go, go. [2x]上升,上升,出发吧Let"s fly, fly, fly, flyyy.Up, up, here we go, go.(同上)Where we stop nobody knows [knows],没有人知道我们停留的那个地方Where we go we don"t need roads [roads],不需要道路我们就能去到那里Where we stop nobody knows [knows],没有人知道我们停留的那个地方To the stars if you really want it,只要你愿意我们也可以触碰星辰Got, got a jetpack with your name on it,带着刻有你名字的飞行器Above the clouds in the atmosphere [phere],飞到所有的云朵之上Just say the words and we outta here [outta here],只要你说出那句咒语我们就出发Hold my hand if you feelin" scared [scared],如果你害怕就紧握我的手We flyin" up, up outta here.我们越飞越高离开这里[Chorus]Here we go, come with me,There"s a world out there that we should see,Take my hand, close your eyes,With you right here, I"m a rocketeer,Let"s fly, fly, fly, flyy.Up, up here we go, go. [2x]Let"s fly, fly, fly, flyy.Up, up here we go, go. [Here we go]Where we stop nobody knows [knows],(以上未译部分重复)Baby we can stay fly like a G6,宝贝,我们能像G6那样飞行(G6就是一种飞机)Shop the streets of Tokyo get your fly kicks,用你的反冲力让东京的街道都静止(这句意义不明……)Girl you always on my mind,女孩我永远在乎你Got my head up in the sky,你是我冲向天空的动力And I"m never looking down feelin" priceless, yeah,你让我永远都不会向下看,感觉自己毫无价值Where we at, only few have known几乎无人知道我们在哪里Go on the next level,Super Mario 继续挑战下一级,Super Mario(超级玛丽)I hope this works out, Cardio,我希望这能起作用,Cardio(意思是心,个人觉得这三个词的意义更多在于押韵……)Til" then let"s fly, Geronimo.让我们一起飞翔,Geronimo(从高空跃下时的感叹词)[Chorus](重复)Here we go, come with me,There"s a world out there that we should see,Take my hand, close your eyes,With you right here, I"m a rocketeer,Let"s fly, [Yo]Nah I never been in space before,我从未到达过这个地方But I never seen a face like yours,我也从未见过像你一样美丽的脸You make me feel like I could touch the planets,你让我觉得可以触碰到所有星球You want the moon, girl watch me grab it,如果你想要月亮,看着吧女孩,我会把它摘下来See I never seen the stars this close,我从未这样近距离的欣赏星空You got me stuck off the way you glow,你的光芒让我窒息I"m like, oh, oh, oh, oh我就像……I"m like, oh, oh, oh, oh,我就像……[Chorus](以下重复)Here we go, Come with me,There"s a world out there that we should see,Take my hand, close your eyes,With you right here, I"m a rocketeer,Let"s fly, fly, fly, flyy.Up, up here we go, go. [2x]Let"s fly, fly, fly, flyy.Up, up here we go, go. [2x]Where we stop nobody knows, knows, knows.(重复)下面附上另一个版本的翻译,个人觉得美是美,但是意译的太多。

请教move, movement, campaign的区别?

move [mu:v] n. 移动,迁居,步骤,动作v. 移动,搬家,使...感动,(有时也意译为"跳槽")[计算机] 移动movement ["mu:vmənt] n. 活动,运动campaign : [ kæm"pein ] n. 战役,运动,活动v. 参加活动,参加竞选




activity、campaign、action、movement、function区别movement是名词,都是移动的意思,campaign作名词表示有计划的活动,还有战役,作动词有参战,参加活动的意思。 简述Action与function内置委托用法、Lambda 表达式创建委托最为方便 。

美国的Progressive Movement


"Occupy Wall Street" movement 是怎么回事

"Occupy Wall Street" movement“占领华尔街”运动例句:1.Take the occupy wall street movement. 以占领华尔街行动为例。



inventory movement是什么意思

inventory movement 英[/ˈɪnvəntri/ ˈmu:vmənt] 美[ˈɪnvənˌtɔri ˈmuvmənt] [词典] 存货动态; 库存移动; [例句]We"ll also discuss about how to perform inventory movement with or without creating a confirmation while receiving the material.我们也将讨论关于如何使用库存调拨,这里包括是否创建收货确认的两种情况。


MOVEJ joint movement 联合移动,从一个点移动到另一个点,指非线性移动。MOVEL Moves in a Linear path 沿着线性路径移动MOVEC Moves circularly 圆周移动或循环移动如果满意请及时采纳,谢谢!科技英语强手团倾力为您答疑解难!

Flower Movement是什么意思?




movement 和 campain有什么区别?

movement名词 n. 1.运动,活动[U][C]He lay there without movement. 他躺在那里,一动也不动。 2.动作,姿态[C]3.倾向;动向;变迁[C][U]There is a movement towards simple designs in clothing. 时下服装设计趋于朴素。 4.(政治、社会、思想)运动[C][G]We"re starting a movement against smoking. 我们正掀起一场反对吸烟的运动。 5.【音】乐章;速度,拍子[C]6.【机】机构;装置[C]7.通便[C]8.行动,动静[P]The police are watching the movements of the suspicious character carefully. 警察密切注意着那个可疑人物的行动。,移居;(物价等的)变动[C]campaign名词 n. [C]1.战役The to seize the city was a failure. 攻占这个城市的战役失败了。 2.运动,活动[(+for/against)][+to-v]The city hall is planning to start a campaign against smoking. 市政府计划发起禁烟运动。 3.竞选运动The presidential campaign was in full swing. 总统竞选运动正在全力进行中。

frontier movement 它指什么是边界运动的意思吗

frontier movement 全部释义和例句>>前沿的运动frontier 英[ˈfrʌntɪə(r)] 美[frʌnˈtɪr] n. 边疆,边境; 边界,边缘; 尚待开发的领域; adj. 边疆的,边界的; 新垦地的,边地的; 开拓的; [网络] 皮卡; 最前线; 疆界; [例句]It wasn"t difficult then to cross the frontier.那时穿越边境并不困难。[其他] 复数:frontiers 形近词: fronting 双语例句 柯林斯词典 英英释义 百度百科相关单词:Frontier [词典] [地名] [加拿大、美国]弗兰蒂尔movement 英[ˈmu:vmənt] 美[ˈmuvmənt] n. 运动; 活动; 乐章; 动作,举动; [网络] 动作; 变动; 运; [例句]It"s part of a broader Hindu nationalist movement that"s gaining strength throughout the country.这是一场凝聚全国力量的更大规模的印度教民族主义运动的一部分。[其他] 复数:movements 形近词: pavement revement lavement 双语例句 柯林斯词典 英英释义 百度百科




activity、campaign、action、movement、function区别movement是名词,都是移动的意思,campaign作名词表示有计划的活动,还有战役,作动词有参战,参加活动的意思。 简述Action与function内置委托用法、Lambda 表达式创建委托最为方便 。

javascript movement 是什么意思?


motion movement和action有什么区别

天体运动 是用movement 谢谢





这句中的movement 和 itself 怎么理解?


net movement 是什么意思?


什么是net movement?

1.净流向...7 须审慎以对现象: 第一个现象是,以私部门资金的净流向(net movement)与总存量(the world stock of FDI)看,先进国家的资金 …2.净移动作用...是指份子从 ____ 浓度的区域移向低浓度的区域的净移动作用(net movement) 。3.净移动而水分子系透过净移动(net movement)由高水势到低水势当水分子通过细胞的选透性膜(差异透性都得, 会难明d姐)(defferentially permea...



japan movement是什么意思





ATS:ARTS 轨迹里魔法叫arts 魔法攻击力 ADF:arts defence 魔法防御力 DEX: dextrous 灵巧,游戏里是命中率 AGL: agility 敏捷 游戏里是回避率

请教move, movement, campaign的区别?

move [mu:v] n. 移动,迁居,步骤,动作v. 移动,搬家,使...感动,(有时也意译为"跳槽")[计算机] 移动movement ["mu:vmənt] n. 活动,运动campaign : [ kæm"pein ] n. 战役,运动,活动v. 参加活动,参加竞选

求movement的名词解释,谢谢! 《现代语言学》 NP-movement WH-movement

这里的movement指syntactic movement,syntactic movement occurs when a constituent in a sentence moves out of tis original place to a new position.

motion movement和action有什么区别大神们帮帮忙

天体运动 是用movement 谢谢




move [mu:v] n. 移动,迁居,步骤,动作v. 移动,搬家,使...感动,(有时也意译为"跳槽")[计算机] 移动movement ["mu:vmənt] n. 活动,运动词性不同,含义有差别




有很多意思 [U]指不可数名词,[C]指可数名词1.运动,活动[U][C]He lay there without movement. 他躺在那里,一动也不动。 2.动作,姿态[C]3.倾向;动向;变迁[C][U]There is a movement towards simple designs in clothing. 时下服装设计趋于朴素。 4.(政治、社会、思想)运动[C][U]We"re starting a movement against smoking. 我们正掀起一场反对吸烟的运动。 5.【音】乐章;速度,拍子[C]6.【机】机构;装置[C]7.通便[C]8.行动,动静[P]The police are watching the movements of the suspicious character carefully. 警察密切注意着那个可疑人物的行动。,移居;(物价等的)变动[C]


activity 侧重的是人的行动、具体计划的执行, 概念比较小 movement 侧重的是 一个规模很大的运动, 比如: 五四运动


His movement would cause a serious trouble.





move movement 的区别 求举例

move 是动词 意思是移动,搬动。也可作搬家用。例子: She moved to New York last week.movement 是名词 意思是动作,也可指一群有共同志向的政治家或艺术家的团体。例子:Laughter and cheers cause a buzz of activity in brain regions that control facial movement.

motion movement和action有什么区别

运动 动作 行为

请教move, movement, campaign的区别?



有很多意思 [U]指不可数名词,[C]指可数名词1.运动,活动[U][C]He lay there without movement. 他躺在那里,一动也不动。 2.动作,姿态[C]3.倾向;动向;变迁[C][U]There is a movement towards simple designs in clothing. 时下服装设计趋于朴素。 4.(政治、社会、思想)运动[C][U]We"re starting a movement against smoking. 我们正掀起一场反对吸烟的运动。 5.【音】乐章;速度,拍子[C]6.【机】机构;装置[C]7.通便[C]8.行动,动静[P]The police are watching the movements of the suspicious character carefully. 警察密切注意着那个可疑人物的行动。,移居;(物价等的)变动[C]


movements英 ["mu:vmənts] 美 ["mu:vmənts] n. 移动; 运动( movement的名词复数 ); 调动双语例句1His movements on the parallel bars were very graceful. 他的双杠动作可帅了!2They used a computer to plot the movements of everyone in the building. 他们使用了一台计算机绘制这座建筑里每个人的活动图表。




动词 move 形容词 movable


movement [ "muːvmənt]n. 运动; 运转; 动作game [geɪm]n. 游戏; 游戏器具; 运动; 竞赛v. 游戏; 游戏器具; 运动; 竞赛; 赌博adj. 狩猎的; 猎物的

movement 与sport区别


movement 与move 的区别 move 的名词 跟movement 的区别

movement是名词(运动),move是动词(移动) -ment是名词后缀,又比方 agreement(协定)就是动词agree(同意)的名词形式



quartz movement是什么意思

quartz movement 网络 石英机芯; [例句]This kind of set fit onvariouis second juniper quartz movement.这种报时装置适合于各种秒跳式石英钟机心。movement 英[ˈmu:vmənt] 美[ˈmuvmənt] n. 运动; 活动; 乐章; 动作,举动; [例句]It"s part of a broader Hindu nationalist movement that"s gaining strength throughout the country.这是一场凝聚全国力量的更大规模的印度教民族主义运动的一部分。[其他] 复数:movements


move和movement的区别是:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、意思不同1、move的意思是:移动;步骤;迁居;动作;推动;使移动;使 ... 感动;提议;采取行动例句:That desk is fixed, don"t try to move it.那张桌子是固定的,别去移动它。2、movement的意思是:活动;运动;动作;[音]乐章例句:Loose clothing gives you greater freedom of movement.衣服宽松,可以活动自如。二、用法不同1、move可以用作名词、和动词,作及物动词时接名词、代词作宾语,也可接以动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语,意为“…促使(某人)做某事”。在美式英语中用作不及物动词时,还可表示“搬家”,相当于英式英语的成语move house。2、movement只能用作名词,表示“动作,姿势”,是可数名词。可用于抽象意义,表示“动向、趋向、倾向”,也可指“思想动机”。三、侧重点不同1、move侧重于指朝某一方向的移动,通常用单数。2、movement侧重于指某人或某物位置的变化。


既是可数名词又是不可数名词,主要看具体表达的含义。movement表示动作、姿势的意思时是可数名词。movement表示运动、调动、思想动机、动向、倾向等意思时是不可数名词。 Movement的用法 movement的基本意思是“动”,如移动,运动,活动,调动。指具体的、保持一定的方向的、有规律的运动;也可指群众性的运动,特指政治、社会或文化思想方面开展的时间较长的、范围较广的、影响较大的运动。 movement还可表示“动作,姿势”,此时是可数名词。 movement还可用于抽象意义,表示“动向、趋向、倾向”,也可指“思想动机”。 Movement的例句 The door yielded to this pressure, and made an imperceptible and silent movement, which enlarged the opening a little. 门被推以后,静悄悄地移动了几乎不能察觉的那么一点点,缝也稍微宽了一丝。 Loose clothing gives you greater freedom of movement. 穿宽松的衣服就能活动自如。 Parents can simply go to the Locator"s website and view a map of their local area to follow their child"s movement. 父母只要上定位器的网站查看当地的地图,就能跟随孩子的行踪。


motion指不处于静止状态而在移动的过程中,强调运动本身,而不涉及其动因。movement通常抽象地指有规则的动作或定向运动,特指政治性的运动。motion与movement均可表示“运动”。 motion的例句 One group of muscles sets the next group in motion 一组肌肉带动下一组肌肉运动。 He panned the camera, giving a sense of motion. 他用摄像机移动拍摄,营造一种运动的效果。 The wheels of change have been set in motion. 变革的车轮已经开始运转。 At a single motion of his hand, the room fell silent. 他手一挥,屋子里便安静了下来。 movement例句 Women have always been at the forefront of the Green movement. 妇女总是在环境保护运动的最前列。 The region at the time was fertile ground for revolutionary movements. 当时该地区是革命运动的沃土。 There has been no movement in oil prices. 石油价格没有变化。 It needs cooperation from all the countries to get any movement in arms control. 要在军控方面取得进展需要所有国家的合作。


n.1. 运动,活动[U][C]He lay there without movement.他躺在那里,一动也不动。2. 动作,姿态[C]3. 倾向;动向;变迁[C][U]There is a movement towards simple designs in clothing.时下服装设计趋于朴素。4. (政治、社会、思想)运动[C][G]We"re starting a movement against smoking.我们正掀起一场反对吸烟的运动。5. 【音】乐章;速度,拍子[C]6. 【机】机构;装置[C]7. 通便[C]8. 行动,动静[P]The police are watching the movements of the suspicious character carefully.警察密切注意着那个可疑人物的行动。9. 移动,移居;(物价等的)变动[C]


movement是指行为上的移动,而removal的含义如,a removal day a removal man

部队的调动英文是troop movement还是troop movements呢?

troop movement ———精锐南方商城

Penetration的《Movement》 歌词

歌曲名:Movement歌手:Penetration专辑:Moving TargetsMovement作词:山中さわお作曲:山中さわお歌:the pillows轮郭(りんかく)の无(な)い月(つき)を见(み)てる云(くも)が遮(さえぎ)る姿(すがた)に梦(ゆめ)を见(み)てた 长(なが)い梦(ゆめ)を太阳(たいよう)より 辉(かがや)く その瞬间(しゅんかん)を待(ま)ってたんだよわかってたけど间(ま)に合(あ)わないかな仆(ぼく)らは走(はし)りだした小(ちい)さいな风(かぜ) 生(う)み出(だ)して无言(むごん)で冷淡(れいたん)な空(そら)突(つ)き抜(ぬ)けるまで绮丽(きれい)な梦(ゆめ)だけ持(も)ってまだ见(み)ぬ世界(せかい)描(えが)いて进(すす)むだろう绅士(しんし)淑女(しゅくじょ)も握手(あくしゅ)をすればやがてその手は汚(よご)れる仆(ぼく)の手(て)はポケット(pocket)の中(なか)少年(しょうねん)の日(ひ)の自分(じぶん)から见(み)えないようにどうしたんだろういつからだろう戻(もど)れない日々(ひび)もうすぐ终(お)わりだよって悲(かな)しいセリフに酔(よ)った最後(さいご)のため息(いき)の准备(じゅんび)やめて良(い)いかな笑(わら)われても怯(ひる)まないでギリギリの声(こえ)をだして歌(うた)うだろう新(あたら)しい台本(だいほん)の最终(さいしゅう)章(しょう)キミは手(て)を握(にぎ)っててくれるだろうかHey , thinking of you仆(ぼく)らは走(はし)りだした小(ちい)さいな风(かぜ) 生(う)み出(だ)して少年(しょうねん)の见(み)てた空(そら)まだ飞(と)べるかな绮丽(きれい)な梦(ゆめ)だけ持(も)ってまだ见(み)ぬ世界(せかい)描(えが)いて进(すす)むだろうMy forward movement収録:『HORN AGAIN』 発売日:2011-01-26by 一寸天堂

movement 与move 的区别



“Movement that inspires”是贯穿整个品牌的精神内核,起亚始终秉持不断向前、大胆革新的成长心态,在充满变化与挑战的环境中,以Movement为中心,不断努力成为赋予灵感的品牌。为应对数字化与电动化的全球大变革,起亚于2021年开启全面转型,从世界知名汽车制造商转型为全球可持续移动出行解决方案供应商。伴随品牌焕新,起亚在中国亦以全新的品牌形象及理念,持续推进品牌高端化战略⌄致力于成为赋予用户灵感的汽车品牌。

钟表行业中的one day movement是什么意思



属于,movement为什么是复合词,因为,是最开始的形式为move,move+ment就得到了movement,所以,这就是为什么问题里面的movement是复合词的原因了,综上所述,那个问题里面的movement就是move 的派生词形式只不过+上了一个后缀名叫做ment所以这就是为什么它是复合词的原因了

求movement的名词解释,《现代语言学》 NP-movement WH-movement

这里的movement指syntactic movement,syntactic movement occurs when a constituent in a sentence moves out of tis original place to a new position.


motion1. (物体的)运动,移动;(天体的)运行[U]The train was in motion.火车开动了。2. 动作,姿态;手势,眼色[C]All her motions were graceful.她的一举一动都很优美。3. 动机,意向[U]He did that of his own motion.他出於自愿做了那事。4. (会议上的)动议,提议[C][+to-v][+that]The motion was carried by a majority of six.该动议以超出六票的多数被通过。5. (机械的)装置,运转6. 【音】高低旋律的变化7. 【律】(诉讼人向法院提出的)请求,申请vt.1. 向...打手势;向...摇(或点)头示意[O][O2]The teacher motioned his students to be silent.老师示意学生不要讲话。vi.1. 打手势;摇(或点)头示意[(+to/at)]He motioned to me to be silent.他示意我不要出声。2. (钟表等)摆动,走movement1. 运动,活动[U][C]He lay there without movement.他躺在那里,一动也不动。2. 动作,姿态[C]3. 倾向;动向;变迁[C][U]There is a movement towards simple designs in clothing.时下服装设计趋於朴素。4. (政治,社会,思想)运动[C][G]We"re starting a movement against smoking.我们正掀起一场反对吸烟的运动。5. 【音】乐章;速度,拍子[C]6. 【机】机构;装置[C]7. 通便[C]8. 行动,动静[P]The police are carefully watching the movements of the suspicious character carefully.警察密切注意著那个可疑人物的行动。9. 移动,移居;(物价等的)变动[C]


Move是原型,动词;movement名词,现在进行时movingSome people are moving.另外一个人是完全复制黏贴的,请勿采纳它的回答,谢谢。




movement的动词形式servant的动词形式foolish的动词形式,名词形式flow的过去式explanation的动词形式form的同义词grin的同义词battery的复数形式iron的名词形式properly的形容词形式plug的动词形式knot的动词形式at last的同义词in a way的同义词如果嫌少可以再加.moveservefool(即是名词也是动词)explaintypegrinninglybatteriesiron(即使动词也是名词)properplug(即使动词也是名词)knot(即使动词也是名词)in the end/finallyin a manner/in a sense



钟表行业中的one day movement是什么意思


motion movement和action有什么区别 这3个名词有什么区别?细微辨别一下

movement既可以指抽象的运动,也可以指具体的动作 motion指抽象的运动,与静相对,可以是位置的移动,也可以是条件的改变或是一系列 运动的各个过程.当它指动作或姿态时与movement差不多 action强调具体运动的过程或方式,一般过程比较复杂,不止含一步


整个活动; 运动( movement的名词复数 ); 动作; 移动; 调动


the difference between motion and movement is very fine. motion is used to describe physical properties, while movement is used to describe the qualities of motion. motion doesn"t always imply a purpose, and movement usually does. Mainly Motion is mathematically described in terms of displacement, distance, velocity, acceleration, speed, and time. motion与movement 的区别:两者均可表示“运动”,当表示具体的位置移动时,两者均可用。下面两例均摘自《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》第四版: the restless motion of the sea 大海的不停的翻腾 the movement of his chest as he breathes 他呼吸时胸部的起伏 但 movement 除以上用法外,还可表示抽象意义的“运动”。如: The white dove is a symbol of the international peace movement. 白鸽是国际和平运动的象征。 The trade union movement works to obtain higher wages and better conditions. 工会运动旨在争取更高的工资和更好的工作条件。


n. 运动;活动;运转;乐章


运动....有,在培养这些语言的机能时,虽然要以进行确立母子间的人际关系为前提,但无论如何,设计使儿童去经验快乐的身体运动(Movement)是不容忽视的课题。短语lateral movement 横向移动 ; 侧向位移 ; 横向位移 ; 侧向移动 Movement… 移动 Relative movement 相对运动 ; 相对行动 ; 运动 Basic Movement 基本动作 ; 基本移动步 ; 基本步 ; 基本步基本动作 seismonastic movement [植] 感振运动 ; [植] 感震运动 movement joint 移动接缝 ; 伸缩缝 ; 变形缝 ; 伸缩接缝 associated movement 联合运动 ; 共同运动 voluntary movement [生理] 随意运动 social movement 社会运动






movement /ˈmuːvmənt/n. 运动;活动;运转;乐章有几个元音音标就是几个音节,所以这里是俩个音节,中间有俩个元音音标。
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