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a motorway

A motorway is a_ 汽车高速公路是——选B A.street 街道B.road 公路 C.avenue 林荫道 D.high street商业街 motorway 高速公路i 应选B.road A

A motorway is a( ).A:street B:road C:avenue D:highstreet





1.highway指城市街道的还有highway,不过这个指的是市区外的可以通行各种机动车辆的交通干线,也可以指我们常说的高速公路。例如:The small village hugs the highway.It would be connected by highway and rail to the capital and by rail only to Russia.2.motorway这个也是指高速公路,会更正式,特指的是为车辆快速通行而修建的专线,美语的话为freeway或者expressway。例如:Several cars piled up after ignoring the fog warning on the motorway.What if he got out on the gridlocked freeway and went down the emergency exit; would the course of his life change?I drove down another back road which will run next to the expressway and saw a frontloader knocking down a house.