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I have a bad feeling 和 I have a bad mood 可以这样用吗


queit bad mood,可以说是摆脱糟糕的心情吗?

不能。queit作为及物动词使用时,是“使平静、使平息”,后面要跟宾语,例如“They finally succeeded in quieting her.(他们终于成功地让她平静下来了)”。作为不及物动词的时候则是:“The wind quieted down.(风平静下来)”。我觉得阁下在组织句子的时候,不要将中文语法和英文语法混用哦。摆脱糟糕的心情,只需要:“Out of bad mood."

用in a good/bad mood 造句

Our teacher is in a good/bad mood today.

in (a) good mood 加不加冠词?

1、be in 【 a 】good mood /bad mood这里面【必须要用不定冠词】。因为,这是mood这个名词的固定搭配形式,是【抽象名词具体化,演变成可数名词】的典型例子之一。类似用法还有:have a good rest 休息have a good knowledge of 掌握/精通某方面知识give sb a surprise 给某人一份惊喜be a success/failure/help 是成功失败有帮助的人或事物2、be in goodadpoor health 也是固定搭配形式,没有冠词,因为health不可数。但是be in a good state of health这个主体词是【state】,可数。3、4、 他的脾气 很好 / 不好。 He has (a) good/bad temper 要加冠词,你给的就正确。还可以表达为:=He is good-tempered.=He is a good-tempered person/man.=He is good in temper.He has (a) bad temper =He is bad/ill-tempered.=He is a bad-tempered person/man.=He is bad in temper.5、上课have a class 【单数有冠词】have lasses 上英语课have an English class 上一节英语课have the English class 上英语课(而不是数学或其他课)像English 这样的词,都属于【专有名词】,必须大写,无论在句子中什么位置。即使在短语中或单独出现,也要大写。回过头来看,你所问的这些问题,都涉及到【知识的准确性】,这就提醒我们,最好做到【第一次接触时就准确记忆知识】,要不然,可能会导致【似是而非,事倍功半】。祝你开心如意!



Get rif of bad mood(英语小记)

Don"t let the bad mood affect you for too long. We need to get rid of the bad mood and face the rest of life with an optimistic attitude. You can cry, you can give yourself a little time to grieve, but you need to get out of it quickly and not get too caught up in negative emotions. Life is good, we have to get better ourselves .To believe in ourselves, good night. 别让坏情绪影响你太长时间,我们需要摆脱坏情绪,以乐观的心态去迎接接下来的生活。可以哭一场,可以给自己一点悲伤的时间,但是要从中很快解脱出来 不要太沉迷负面情绪。生活很美好,我们要变得更好。

in a bad mood是什么词性

取决于语境,因为介词短语可以可以作定语,状语,补语;也就是说,由修饰对象来决定;eg.he is in a bad mood【表语】;there is a man in bad mood【定语】;he lost his temper in bad mood 【状语】.

初中2年级英语作文when you are in bad mood,how deal with it?紧急,

When you feel bad, you can go to the store to buy some snacks, and then eat carbs, or to kick a football or play basketball, it not only can adjust mood, and can stronYou can also go to fishing, and then put the fish kill, but had better not so, to protect small animals. You can go for a picnic, a person to enjoy nature of the quiet, this is better.g your body. O (∩ _ ∩) O thank you,

be in a bad mood是什么意思


Do not bring bad mood home

Do not bring bad mood home不要把不好的心情带回家

in a bad mood是否可以说成in the bad mood?

可以. 但要看情况. 如果是泛指情绪不佳,就用in a bad mood 如果这种不佳情绪是特指的(比如在文章中,之前有提到产生不佳情绪的原因等), 可以用 in the bad mood,8,可以的,2,可以的,不过两者稍有差别···in a bad mood是一种普遍的表达方法,和in a good mood一样,就是说心情不好,情绪不佳;后面的in the bad mood一般具体用于及时会话中,此时此景情绪不佳。,1,两个说法都是存在的 表示的意思不同 in a bad mood 表示在心情比较差的情况下/时候 in the bad mood表示心情糟糕透了,0,

Bad mood什么意思.?


have different affections on moods什么意思


在英语语法中有许多语法名称请问用英语怎么说?如虚拟语气是subjunctive mood

其实百度百科都有 而且比较全面 呵呵~~ LZ,为啥不自己去看呢~~~

以colours and moods为题按照下列要求完成一篇80词左右的短文

Color, without our realizing it, can have a profound effect on how we feel both mentally and physically. It is said that the ancient Egyptians as well as the Native American Indians used color and colored light to heal. Below are some emotional associations that humans tend to have with certain colors. These are important to keep in mind in order to create the mood you are seeking.Blue represents peace, tranquility, calm, stability, harmony, unity, trust, truth, confidence, conservatism, security, cleanliness, order, loyalty, sky, water, cold, technology and depression. Blue can "slow the pulse rate, lower body temperature, and reduce appetite." Blue is considered a business color because it reflects reliability. In China, blue is associated with immortality. Note: Blue is often considered to be the safest global color.Black is the absence of light and therefore, of color. It represents power, sexuality, sophistication, formality, elegance, wealth, mystery, fear, evil, anonymity, unhappiness, depth, style, evil, sadness, remorse, anger, underground, good technical color, mourning and death. In speech we say "Black Market" or "Black Monday".Green, one of most-often cited favorite colors. It represents nature, environment, health, good luck, renewal, youth, vigor, spring, generosity, fertility, jealousy, inexperience, envy and misfortune. In China, green hats mean a man"s wife is cheating on him; it is not a good color for packaging.Orange is a combination of yellow and red. Orange is considered a warm color like red, but to a lesser extent; orange expresses energy. It has luminous qualities and has been used for attention-getting purposes, such as on caution signs. Orange brings up memories of fall leaves, pumpkins and Halloween. It symbolizes balance, warmth, enthusiasm, vibrancy, flamboyancy, and is demanding of attention.Purple represents royalty, spirituality, nobility, ceremony, mystery, transformation, wisdom, enlightenment, cruelty, arrogance and mourning. Purple is considered an exotic color. Purple dye was made from the mucous gland of a snail. It required thousands of snails to yield 1 gram of dye causing it to be a color only nobles could afford. Today purple is a trendy color targeting creative types.Red is the color that we pay the most attention to. It is the warmest and most energetic color in the spectrum. We associate red with love, valentines, danger, desire, speed, strength, violence, anger, emergency exit signs, stop signs and blood. Red can evoke a fight-or-flight response, raise blood pressure and make the heart beat faster. Red would not be the color of choice for psychiatric wards, prisons or a hospital. In China red symbolizes celebration and luck, used in many cultural ceremonies that range from funerals to weddings.White is what we see when all colors come together in perfect balance. It represents reverence, purity, simplicity, cleanliness, peace, humility, precision, innocence, youth, birth, winter, snow, good, sterility and marriage. We use white in figures of speech like "pure as the driven snow" or "a white lie." We associate white with the good guy in old Western movies. Yellow represents joy, happiness, optimism, idealism, imagination, hope, sunshine, summer, gold, philosophy, dishonesty, cowardice, betrayal, jealousy, covetousness, deceit, illness, hazard, spirituality and inspiration. The yellow rose is a symbol of friendship, less passionate or threatening than red ones. In Asia yellow is sacred, and imperial.

Elvis Presley的《Moody Blue》 歌词

歌曲名:Moody Blue歌手:Elvis Presley专辑:HitstoryWords&Music by Mark JamesWell, it"s hard to be a gamblerbettin" on the numberthat changes ev"ry time.When you think you"re gonna win,you think she"s givin" in,a stranger"s all you find.Yeah, it"s hard to figure outwhat she"s all about,that she"s a woman through and through.She"s a complicated lady, so color my baby moody blue.Oh, Moody blue..Tell me am I gettin" through.I keep hangin" ontry to learn the songbut I never do.Oh, Moody blue,Tell me who I"m talkin" to.You"re like the night and day,and it"s hard to saywhich one is you.Well, when monday comes she"s tuesday,when tuesday comes she"s wednesday,into another day again.Her personality unwindsjust like a ball of twineon a spool that never ends.Just when I think I know her well,her emotions reveal.She"s not the person thatI though I knew.She"s a complicated lady, so color my baby moody blue,Oh, Moody blue..Tell me am I gettin" through.I keep hangin" on,try to learn the song.But I never do.Oh, Moody blue..Tell me who I"m talkin" to.You"re like the night and dayand it"s hard to saywhich one is you.Recorded:1976/02/04,first released on singleHxG

With what kind of words can express my mood at this time中文意思

With what kind of words can express my mood at this time中文意思此时此刻,什么言语可以表达我的心情?

英语作文好的进!帮忙写篇初中作文!题为Colors can affect my feelings and moods

Color psychologists believe that people of different colors on the emotional and psychological impact of a difference. Warm color series: red, yellow and orange make people feel at ease, producing excitement; and blue, gray, green and so cool series feel quieter,. And even a bit melancholy. White and black are the two poles visual, research has shown that: black distract people"s attention, to create郁闷, dull feeling. Long-term Living in such an environment the human pupil extremely magnified, looked sluggish, feeling numb, with the passage of time, the people"s health, life expectancy have a negative impact. The rooms are arranged into a white, Su-jie has flu, but the contrast of white too, easy to stimulate the pupil to contract, such as disease-induced headache. According to the different color gives visual, psychological, scientific application of color will help people"s lives and the rehabilitation of sick. Patients with chronic diseases at the room, use warm people happy. Contribute to the restoration of health; and in heart failure patients in the room should be quiet layout is light green or light blue, so as to prevent them exciting to see red. Color psychotherapy can sometimes play a drug should not substitute for the role. Such as: light blue will help bring down a fever, lower blood pressure; purple pregnant women can quiet; blue, green eyes enable people to alleviate fatigue and so on. American academics found that: beautiful bright colors can pass through the optic nerve to the brain cells, and thus help to promote people"s mental development. Living in harmony of color in children and adolescents, and their creativity is higher than the general environment in the growth of persons. If ordinary people in the mood to suppress color environment, will affect the development of brain cells, so that intellectual decline. 答案补充 其实,没什么的,你从这一篇文章里取第一段就可以了或者,American academics found that: beautiful bright colors can pass through the optic nerve to the brain cells, and thus help to promote people"s mental development. Living in harmony of color in children and adolescents, and their creativity is higher than the general environment in the growth of persons. If ordinary people in the mood to suppress color environment, will affect the development of brain cells, so that intellectual decline. 每一段都有一个中心意思。任意去一段就可以的

A new day, hope you can have a good mood



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In the Mood for Love是什么意思

In the Mood for Love释义花样年华 双语例句 The English subtitling of the Chinese movie In the Mood for Love is a success linguistically, culturally and technically.《花样年华》的英译在语言和文化层面以及技术的处理上都堪称成功之作。

how to be in a good mood英语作文?

How to keep a good mood? Keeping a good mood is very important for us,it can help us learn and live more easily.But how to keep a good mood.First,always *** ile, *** ile can help us happy.Second,do not get angry so easily.Third,do your best to forget the wrong thing you did.Forth,forgive the others,do not remember the others mistakes .Fifth,do something for others and help the people in trobles and you will always feel good. 怎样保持一个好心情? 保持一个好心情对我们来说是非常重要的,这可以帮助我们学习和生活得更容易.但是怎样去保持一个好心情呢?首先,要常常微笑,微笑可以令我们开心.然后,不要很容易就生气.第三,尽你所能去忘记一些你做的错事.第四,原谅他人,不要记仇.第五,为他人做一些事,帮助在困难中的人,然后你就会经常感觉很好.,1,怎样培养一个好的心境,2,What acornpanies you all your life is not fortune and fame nor youth and appearance, but your mood or the state of mind which controls your life. As man in the modern age, our moods are as ehangable...,1,Smile. Scientists can prove a direct connection between *** iling and being happy. Plus, it takes fewer muscles to *** ile than to frown. Its like you are happy because you are *** iling and you are *** iling...,0,

作文better mood better life


英语作文《better mood ,better life》

oney and welfare, public recognition is a representative of spiritual encouragement, which was easily neglected by companies in the past. There are obviously some advantages of spiritual reward over money.To begin with, public recognition is a terrific way to show the company"s specific care about one employee, as well as a good way to improve one"s satisfaction and loyalty. As a basic need of human beings, recognition and compliment are to workers what sunshine is to trees. If a company uses public recognition to rewar


emotion 是自己的感情。mood 通常这么用:i"m not in mood/i"m in mood.是我心情很糟/我心情很好的意思



The Moody Blues的《The Voice》 歌词

歌曲名:The Voice歌手:The Moody Blues专辑:Best Of/20Th CenturyQueensryche - The Voiceam I still alive?I think I"ve got it right.I"m, I"m made of light.Before I leave and go away,I have some things that I must say.Before I am gone.Finally now I see,there"s so much inside of me.Is everyone innocent?The blood on the ground is almost dryI"ll take this chance, I"ll try...I"ll try to tell you...There"s so many possibilities,that I"m just starting to see.It"s like the poets that have always said,when life is hanging from a can hear that voice in your head.And now my heart"s done bleeding,but I"ve just started seeing.I feel my courage match the tideas I see the other side.When will we hear this voice all the time?

The Moody Blues的《Blue World》 歌词

歌曲名:Blue World歌手:The Moody Blues专辑:The Present (Bonus Track Version) [Remastered]Heart and soul took controlTook control of mePaid my dues spread the newsHands across the seaPut me down turned me roundTurned me round to seeMarble halls open doorsSomeone found the keyAnd it"s only what you doThat keeps coming back on youAnd it"s only what you sayThat can give yourself awayUnderground sight and soundhuman SymphonyHeard the voice had no choiceneeded to be freeFly me high touch the skyLeft the earth belowHeard the line saw the signKnew which way to goCos it"s easier to tryThan to prove it can"t be doneAnd it"s easier to stayThan to turn around and runIt"s a blue worldIt takes somebody to help somebodyOh it"s a blue worldIt"s a new worldIt needs somebody to love somebodyOh it"s a blue worldHeart and soul took controlTook control of mePaid my dues spread the newsHands across the seaPut me down turned me roundTurned me round to seeMarble halls open doorsSomeone found the keyAnd it"s only what you doThat keeps coming back on youAnd it"s only what you sayThat can give yourself awayCos it"s easier to tryThan to prove it can"t be doneAnd it"s easier to stayThan to turn around and runIt"s a blue worldIt takes somebody to help somebodyOh it"s a blue worldIt"s a new worldIt needs somebody to love somebodyOh it"s a blue worldIt"s a blue worldIt takes somebody to help somebodyOh it"s a blue worldIt"s a new worldIt needs somebody to love somebodyOh it"s a blue world

The Moody Blues的《Haunted》 歌词

歌曲名:Haunted歌手:The Moody Blues专辑:Say It With LoveCharlotte Martin - Haunted猫咪回来吧,狗狗一直在等你Watch yourselfBefore you crawl inside somebody else.Were you hereTo trap me like a 1000 bottle of tears?Even though you disappearedWith no goodbyeI see you almost everywhereYou"re everywhereI"m hauntedAnd all I see is youI"m hauntedAnd all I need is you.There is no one elseThere is no one elseExcept for you.I still dreamI won"t give upUntil I wear your ringViolateAnd if you do itTry not to be lateA hundred winters made the spring insaneA hundred nights without youI"m not okayI"m not okayI"m hauntedAnd all I see is youI"m hauntedAnd all I need is youI can"t go too farTo find out where you areI"m hauntedAnd all I see is youI"m hauntedAnd everyone is you.There is no one elseThere is no one elseThe memory burnsSo deep in my heartThrough the hollow hoursYou"re close to me.I can feelI can feelI can feelI can feelI can feelI can feelI"m hauntedI"m hauntedI"m hauntedAnd all I see is you.I"m hauntedAnd everyone is you.There is no one elseThere is no one elseThere is no one elseThere is no one elseExcept for you.There is no one elseThere is no one elseThere is no one elseExcept for you.2009.05.13 10猫咪回来吧,狗狗一直在等你







The Moody Blues的《Magic》 歌词

歌曲名:Magic歌手:The Moody Blues专辑:Keys Of The Kingdom作词∶TOSHINOBU KUBOTA/KREVA作曲∶TOSHINOBU KUBOTA/KREVA歌∶久保田利伸ただ扉を开けて 无理もフリも投げて今 Got it going on (今 Got it going on)We got it going on (We got it going on)心の鼓膜まで 震え始めたならIt"s a Magic, Magic 呼吸の向こうはハリーもサリーもかけられない魔法今起こす 待ってられないだろ?やってやれないことはないが一人じゃ ちっぽけな物语さ君のスタイルと オレのスタイルのシナジー効果でとめどなく Flowどれも欠く事のできないエレメンツ何を照れてる 力を贷せ皆の気持ちが集まりゃ 楽胜で発动さぁ さぁ 起こせアクションNo No ケンカなんて认め合うべき 千差万别息づかい 気づかい 越え静かにたぎるハート がっちりわしづかみLet"s go みたことない世界へ挂け合わせるFreeなStyle 分け合う眩しい世界今 Got it going on (今 Got it going on)We got it going on (We got it going on)心の温度まで 騒ぎ始めたならIt"s a Magic, Magic 飞び込む魔法は真夏の雨と 舞い降りる太阳织り成す奇迹 七色の爱涙の记忆も 甘い约束も今日の胸を染めるRainbowそれはMとAとGとIとC (そうさ M & A & G, I, C)嘘や踌躇なんて必要ないのに (uhm...柔かなmind)カウント1だ2だ3だ そして4 (カウント1 and 2 and 3 and 4)手品师じゃできない オレたちなりのMagic今生み出す Come on!ただ扉を开けて 无理もフリも投げて今 Got it going on (今 Got it going on)We got it going on (We got it going on)心の鼓膜まで 震え始めたならIt"s a Magic, Magic 呼吸の向こうは暑くなるまで さぁ騒ぐだけ In the MagicShake ya Booty Booty みんな首振れ暑くなるまで さぁ騒ぐだけ In the MagicShake ya Booty Booty みんな首振れ挂け合わせるFreeなStyle 分け合う眩しい世界今 Got it going on (今 Got it going on)We got it going on (We got it going on)心の温度まで 騒ぎ始めたならIt"s a Magic, Magic 飞び込む魔法はYou"ve got magic in your eyesYou"ve got magic in your smileYou"ve got magic even in your sighWe can make it, If we tryWe can get there when we flyCause we"ve got Magic暑くなるまで さぁ騒ぐだけ In the MagicShake ya Booty Booty みんな首振れ暑くなるまで さぁ騒ぐだけ In the MagicShake ya Booty Booty みんな首振れ【 おわり 】

英语翻译,这句可以这样译吗?原本译文是:如果 你没有忧伤过,你不会理解蓝色。mood indigo是首歌名


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hollywood英:[ˈhɒliwʊd]美:[ˈhɑliwʊd]释义:n. 好莱坞



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现在有什方法能治疗神经纤维瘤1型(NF1),Ahmad Mahmood 基因疗法可行么,安全么?需

基因疗法完全可以,不过 Ahmad Mahmood 团队的治疗方案并不是单纯的基因疗法,是多种疗法联合,曾经在 Doctor_Mahmood 公众号上见过完整的疗法说明,不过后来删除了,可能是涉及到商业隐私的问题。大概我想一下给你说一下:其中包含基因纠正,干细胞技术,IPSC,免疫疗法,外泌体技术。严格来说是基因疗法+干细胞疗法+免疫疗法。首先对你的基因进行校正,之后制备IPSC,之后到IMsc,之后到外泌体药物,最后还要配合NK细胞疗法杀死癌细胞(类似于120一针的那个Car-T疫苗),这就是整个过程了,人过去肯定是最好的,不过也不是必须的,只需要将本人细胞样品给到他们团队也可以的。

地中海贫血的治疗可以采用Ahmad Mahmood博士介绍的基因疗法么?需要多少费用?

Ahmad Mahmood (艾哈迈德 马哈默德)在工众号上科普的基因纠正疗法适用于基因疾病,就是只要是由于基因缺陷导致的疾病都能用这种疗法。地中海贫血也是基因疾病,是可以使用这种基因疗法的。具体费用不清楚,你可以在线问下这个众公号,直接查找Ahmad Mahmood就可以找的到,不过我估计费用不太可能低了。因为他的过程甚至比120万一针的那个药物还要复杂。 百度上面有这方面的资料。



mood-boost 是什么意思?请不要翻译成提高情绪。谢谢



《mood》歌词如下:Lil Ghost:Why you always in a moodI ain"t tryna tell you what to do but try to play it coolBaby I ain"t playing by your rulesEverything look better with a viewOh my girl girl girl只想陪你品尝所有的苦涩I say no no no拜托你别再忽冷忽热从过去到了现在哥们儿依旧稳定发力都什么年代也不是不能离开你我这种天菜不要太受女孩欢迎歌手信息《mood》是由孟佳、王嘉尔作词、作曲并演唱的一首歌曲。王嘉尔1994年3月28日出生于中国香港,毕业于美国国际学校,中国香港男歌手、主持人、设计师、创意总监,2014年,以团体GOT7成员的身份出道,同年获SBS演艺大赏综艺部门男子新人奖。2015年,与何炅搭档主持明星美食类脱口秀节目《拜托了冰箱》,受到观众喜爱,并由此转入国内市场发展,2017年6月,宣布在中国成立个人工作室,专门负责大中华区活动,同年,担任亚洲金曲大赏的嘉宾主持并获得MTV特别大赏。
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