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2023-06-24 08:35:32
TAG: mood hooker







hooker意为(橄榄球并列争球时的)钩球队员; 卖淫者; 妓女,发音为[u02c8hu028aku0259(r)]。短语搭配1、Government Hooker 娼妓政治学 ; 政府之妓2、Hooker Valley 胡克山谷3、Hooker Glacier 胡克冰川造句1、She was born into a scholarly family. With the decline of her family, she was forced to become a hooker.她本是出生书香世家的大小姐,随着家道中落,她被迫沦为娼妓。2、He is a hooker of the school football team.他是校橄榄球队的钩球队员。
2023-06-24 05:23:302


A backwoods hillbilly; an uncivilized personShe came in the bar acting like a nasty hooger.就是野蛮人
2023-06-24 05:23:482


hookern.渔船Hooker胡克(①姓氏 ②Sir Joseph Dalton, 1817-1911, 英国植物学家)hookern.妓女,拉客的娼妓(橄榄球队中的)钩射队员
2023-06-24 05:24:139


2023-06-24 05:24:364


  挂钩是用于探取、悬挂器物的用品,可分为钓钩、挂钩、带钩等。那么你知道挂钩用英语怎么说吗?下面跟我一起学习挂钩的英语知识吧。    挂钩英语说法   pothook   hanger   drawbar   挂钩的相关 短语   挂钩架 hook rack ; hook rair conditioning unitk ; hook rair-conk   电缆挂钩 cable hook ; cable hanger ; cable clip ; cable dropper   分配挂钩 allocation hook   水带挂钩 rope hose tool ; hose strap ; Roger"s rope hose tool   挂钩人 Hanger ; hooker-on   挂钩结构 APRHOOKSTRUCT   纽扣挂钩 Button Hook   无痕挂钩 ihome-SH-A ; Easy ; nmj-whgg ; Command Hook   三线挂钩 Three line handshake ; three hand shake ; three line handshake ; three-state bus    挂钩的英语例句   1. There is no provision for funding performance-related pay rises.   没有为与业绩挂钩的加薪预作资金准备。   2. His work jacket hung on the peg in the kitchen.   他的工作服挂在厨房里的挂钩上。   3. He insisted that there could be no linkage with other Mideast problems.   他坚持主张不把它与其他中东问题挂钩。   4. Minimum pensions and wages are to be indexed to inflation.   最低养老金和最低工资要与通货膨胀挂钩。   5. Aid to individual countries would be linked to progress towards democracy.   对个别国家的援助会与其民主进程相挂钩。   6. Before driving away, re-check the trailer coupling.   开走之前,再检查一下拖车的挂钩。   7. Its currency is pegged to the dollar.   其货币与美元挂钩。   8. an earnings-related pension scheme   与收入挂钩的退休金计划   9. Universities and colleges should establish close contact with institutes of scientific research.   高等院校应与科研单位挂钩.   10. The UN Security Council has linked any lifting of sanctions to compliance with the ceasefire terms.   联合国安全理事会将取消制裁与遵守停火协议挂钩。   11. Does the party think it is ethical to link tax policy with party fund-raising?   该政党认为将税收政策和党内筹资挂钩是合乎道德的做法吗?   12. It can no doubt be fairly argued that Sir John, whose pay is linked to performance, is entitled to every penny.   毋庸置疑,既然约翰爵士的薪水是与业绩挂钩的,他的每一分钱都是理所应得的。   13. Pensions are linked to inflation, whereas they should be linked to the cost of living.   养老金与通货膨胀挂钩,然而它们其实应该和生活费用挂钩。   14. Racing has always had a symbiotic relationship with betting.    赛马 总是与赌博相挂钩。   15. He hung his coat on the hook behind the door.   他把外套挂在门后的挂钩上. 猜你喜欢: 1. 准备的英语短语 2. 医疗英语翻译 3. 挂号用英语怎么说 4. 工资用英文怎么说 5. 业绩用英语怎么说
2023-06-24 05:25:401

想请教一下whore bitch hooker slut prostitute stripper 的区别。谢谢有研究的人来回答。

bitch: 泼..妇, 贱..人 (骂人程度相对较轻,)slut: 骚..货, 狐..狸..精 (比较难听, 但比whore要好一些)whore: biao..子 (最难听的说法)prostitute: ji..女hooker: 鸡stripper: 脱.衣.舞.者注: prostitute和hooker意思一样,但就和我们中文一样,一般人们不用正式的名称而用hooker相对来说比较口语化的说法。
2023-06-24 05:25:481

Government Hooker什么意思

官妓或者叫娼妓政治学,这首歌的续集是Do What U Want,讲得都是梦露和肯尼迪的事。
2023-06-24 05:26:082


2023-06-24 05:26:165

lady gaga的新曲goverment hooker歌词及翻译

Gaga, Gaha-aaaaah 嘎嘎 嘎哈哈哈   Gaga, Gaho-oooooh 嘎嘎 嘎吼吼吼   Ii Io ritorne- (I have returned) 我要变了   Ii Io ritorne- (I have returned) 我要变了   Ii Io ritorne- (I have returned) 我要变了   Government Hooker-ey 官妓呀   VERSE 1:   I can be good (If you just wanna be bad) 我会无可媲美(除非你就想变坏)   I can be cool (If you just wanna be mad) 谁叫人家如此潇洒(除非你刻意生气)   I can be anything, I"ll be your everything 我可以千变万化,你拥有我   Just touch me baby (I don"t wanna be sad) 侵犯我的心灵吧(我不想生气)   PRE-CHORUS   As long as I"m your hooker (Back up and turn around) 只要我是你的妓女(支持而行动)   As long as I"m your hooker (Hands on the ground) 只要我是你的妓女(把手按在大地)   As long as I"m your hooker (Back up and turn around) 只要我是你的妓女(支持而行动)   As long as I"m your hooker (Get down) 只要我是你的妓女(快放下)   CHORUS:   Hooker! (Yeah, you"re my hooker) 奴仆(是的,你就是我的佣人)  Hooker! (Government Hooker) 奴仆(官场的奴役)   Hooker! (Yeah, you"re my hooker) 奴仆(是的,你就是我的佣人)   Hooker! (Government Hooker) 奴仆(官场的奴役)   POST-CHORUS:   I"m gonna drink my tears tonight, 今夜我将痛哭流涕   I"m gonna drink my tears and cry, 然后咽下泪水止不住得哭   "cause I know you love me baby. 就源起于我读懂了你的爱   I know you love me, baby! 我读懂了你的爱   VERSE 2:   I could be girl (Unless you want to be man) 我可以做个女子(除非你想做男人)   I could be sex (Unless you want to hold hands) 我可以做支性的手枪(除非你举起手来)   I could be anything, I could be everything (Iku Iku [Japanese - I"m cumming]) 我可以千变万化(我的高潮)   I could be mom (Unless you want to be dad) (oy, [Spanish - oh, Daddy!]) 我是母(除非你是父)(爸爸)   POST-CHORUS:   As long as I"m your hooker (Back up and turn around) 只要我是你的妓女(支持而行动)   As long as I"m your hooker (Hands on the ground) 只要我是你的妓女(把手按在大地)   As long as I"m your hooker (Back up and turn around)只要我是你的妓女 (支持而行动)   As long as I"m your hooker (Get down) 只要我是你的妓女(快放下)   CHORUS:   Hooker! (Yeah, you"re my hooker) 奴仆(是的,你就是我的佣人)   Hooker! (Government Hooker) 奴仆(官场的奴役)   Hooker! (Yeah, you"re my hooker) 奴仆(是的,你就是我的佣人)   Hooker! (Government Hooker) 奴仆(官场的奴役)   BRIDGE:   Put your hands on me, 把手放在我的怀里   John F. Kennedy. 约翰肯尼迪   I"ll make you squeal baby, 亲爱的,我要令你尖叫   as long as you pay me - ow! 像你雇我一样日月煎熬,奥   POST-CHORUS   I"m gonna drink my tears tonight, 今夜我将痛哭流涕   I"m gonna drink my tears and cry, 然后咽下泪水止不住得哭   "cause I know you love me baby. 就源起于我读懂了你的爱   I know you love me, baby! 我读懂了你的爱   CHORUS:   Hooker! (Yeah, you"re my hooker) 奴仆(是的,你就是我的佣人)   Hooker! (Government Hooker) 奴仆(官场的奴役)   Hooker! (Yeah, you"re my hooker) 奴仆(是的,你就是我的佣人)   Hooker! (Government Hooker) 奴仆(官场的奴役)   I could be girl (Unless you want to be man) 我可以做个女子(除非你想做男人)   I could be sex (Unless you want to hold hands) 我可以做支性的手枪(除非你举起手来)   I could be anything, I could be everything (Iku Iku [Japanese - I"m cumming]) 我可以千变万化(我的高潮)   I could be mom (Unless you want to be dad) (oy, [Spanish - oh, Daddy!]) 我是母(除非你是父)(爸爸)   OUTRO:   I wanna fu-[BEEP] a government hooker, 我想上了一个官场的妓女   Stop fu-[BEEP-ING] me, government hooker! 停住上我,官妓   I wanna fu-[BEEP] a government hooker, 我想上了一个官场的妓女   Stop fu-[BEEP-ING] me, government hooker! 停住上我,官妓   Get down, yeah! 放下重担,松一口气   I can be sex. 我是性手枪
2023-06-24 05:26:301


一、什么是法律多元? 多元性、多元论是一个复杂的名词,可以从多种角度、多种层次上进行解读,通常我们认为它是哲学上的一个名词,英文叫pluralism。而法的多元性则表示法律规范由多个层次组成,它不仅限于一个等级结构的范围。这是一个法律社会学和法律人类学的概念。J.Griffiths在它的《什么是法律多元》一文中宣称:“就法律的社会科学研究来说它体现了一个新的研究范式,那就是法律多元。”他认为所有社会的法律秩序不是一个由国家决定的单一的、系统的、统一的等级规范秩序的命题,相反它来源于多个社会层面,并且能够自我管理。 法律多元主义是与法律中心(一元)主义(或叫国家主义、集权主义)相对应的一个概念,意味着法律不可能只有一个中心。这也是不少学者在论及法律多元问题时,经常将国家法、官方法与民问法、习惯法、宗教法相提并论的一个重要原因。早在1972年,Jacques Vanderlinden就对法律多元问题进行过认真的研究,他认为法律多元是指在一个特殊的社会存在诸多不同的法律而在同一种情形下适用的状况,并对法律多元的各种情况进行了分析。其后,M.B.Hooker又对法律多元进行了分析与研究。他的著作《法律多元》从殖民统治的角度对法律多元进行了思考,他认为法律多元是指在同一情形下有两个以上的法律相互作用情况。自此,法律多元才成为学术界的前沿问题。在法律多元的研究方面,值得注意的还有两篇专门以法律多元为题的论文,他们在前人研究的基础上对法律多元进行了认真的分析。一篇是J.Grif-fiths教授的《什么是法律多元》,另一篇是Sally En一gle Merry教授的《法律多元》。J.Griffiths教授在批评Hooker、John Gilissen与Jacques Vanderlinden的基础上提出了自己关于法律多元问题的思考。文章从叙述性的法律多元主义、已经存在的叙述性的法律多元主义的概念与法律多元的社会结构理论三个方面对法律多元进行了比较广泛的讨论。他强调法律多元概念是社会意义上的而不是法律意义上的,并认为法律多元应该从社会学的角度来探讨,而不应该从法、法律或法律系统来研究,法律多元与社会多元是相伴而生的。在一个统一体下存在的不统一的法律体并不代表法律多元主义。最后,他总结说法律多元是人类社会普遍存在的、正常的现象,但它并不意味着法律或法律制度共同存在于一个系统之下,而仅仅表明在所有多元化的社会领域里,它们在进行自我管理与自我约束上有它们自己的根源”。也有学者认为从根本上看法律多元是政治问题,但是却为多数政治学者所忽视。 20世纪末21世纪初,法律多元已经成为法学界广泛讨论的话题。学者从多维视角出发,进一步对法律多元现象进行分析与解读,虽然到目前为止,到底什么是法律多元或法律多元主义仍然没有一个统一的并为人们所认可的定义,学者都是从自己的研究角度出发对法律多元或法律多元主义进行解读,但是有一点可以肯定——无论学者从何种角度进行研究—那就是法律多元意味着法律应该有多种中心、多个层次,在一定的条件下存在着两个或两个以上可供人们适用的法律规范,而不能仅仅只有一个法律规范。这对长期以来形成的国家法律中心主义提出了质疑与挑战。 二、法律多元现象的形成与分类 法律多元在形成原因上存在多种看法。到底是什么情况造成了法律多元。一般认为法律多元最早是人类学与社会学方面的学者提出的。他们对西方殖民统治以前的土著人的法律与规范很感兴趣,想知道在没有西方法律制度的情况下他们是如何维持社会秩序的。20世纪70年代以后,法学界才真正开始运用社会学与人类学的方法研究法律问题。他们分析了西方殖民统治给殖民地的法律所带来的变化,通过对美洲的印第安人、澳大利亚的土著人、印度、非洲等领域的研究,提出了法律移植是形成法律多元的一个重要途径。M.B.Hooker的《法律多元》就是从法律移植与继受的角度来看法律多元的。他认为继受的法律并未替代原有的法律,无论是大陆法系还是普通法系在其殖民地也并未消灭当地的宗教与习惯法,而是二者共存。 总的来看,应该说法律多元是在多种因素的影响下逐渐形成起来的。一国社会政治、经济、文化受到外来因素的长期影响,使得外来因素事实上成为该国文化一个不可分割的一部分的时候,我们就可以认为这个国家存在文化多元现象。由于文化多元现象的存在,就有可能在实行社会管理过程中产生法律多元或法律多元主义。就当今世界范围来看,法律多元的形成,尤其是在亚非拉等发展中国家,主要是由西方的殖民统治造成的,正是基于这种原因,M.B.Hooker才从法律移植与法律继受的角度来讨论法律多元。古典意义上的法律多元 [摘要]近半个世纪以来,社会多元与文化多元已经成为社会科学日益关注的问题。不同领域的学者从不同的角度对法律多元现象进行了广泛、细致的分析,成果卓著。相对而言,对法律多元的概念、法律多元的形成与分类、法律移植与法律多元、多元论法学思潮与法律多元、研究法律多元应该注意的问题以及如何评价法律多元等诸多问题上还缺乏仔细的研究,对于国外的研究成果也没有进行认真的梳理,因此,有必要从宏观的角度对上述法律多元领域进行综述与分析,以便我们对法律多元问题有一个整体的把握。
2023-06-24 05:26:381


2023-06-24 05:26:4914

lady gaga 有一首歌里有句歌词叫i could be cool这歌叫啥 还有一首她的里面有collector,faster,叫啥

2023-06-24 05:27:273

Government Hooker什么意思

2023-06-24 05:27:342


2023-06-24 05:27:411

Government Hooker 歌词

歌曲名:Government Hooker歌手:Lady Gaga专辑:Born This WayGovernment HookerLady Gaga Government hooker-eyI can be goodIf you just wanna be badI can be coolIf you just wanna be madI can be anythingI"ll be your everythingjust touch me babyI don"t be sadAs long as I"m your hooker(Pick up and turn around)As long as I"m your hooker(Get your hands on the ground)As long as I"m your hooker(Pick up and turn around)As long as I"m your hooker(Get Down)HookerYeah i"m a hookerHookerGovernment HookerHookerYeah i"m a hookerHookerGovernment HookerI"m going to drink my tears tonightI"m going to drink my tears and cry"Cause I know you love me babyI know you love me babyI could be goodUnless you wanna be manI can be sexyUnless you want to hold handsI could be anythingI could be everything(You could - you could)I could be momUnless you want to be dad.( Ay me papito)As long as I"m your hooker(Pick up and turn around)As long as I"m your hooker(Get your hands on the ground)As long as I"m your hooker(Pick up and turn around)As long as I"m your hooker(Get Down)HookerYeah i"m a hookerHookerGovernment HookerHookerYeah i"m a hookerHookerGovernment HookerPut your hands on me John. F. KennedyI"ll make you squeal babyAs long as you pay meI"m going to drink my tears tonightI"m going to drink my tears and cry"Cause I know you love me babyI know you love me babyHookerYeah i"m a hookerHookerGovernment HookerHookerYeah i"m a hookerHookerGovernment HookerI could be goodUnless you wanna be manI can be sexyUnless you want to hold handsI could be anythingI could be everythingI could be momUnless you want to be dad.I want to fuck Government hooker(Pick up and turn around)Stop fucking me Government hooker(Get your hands on the ground)I want to fuck Government hooker(Pick up and turn around)Stop fucking me Government hooker(Get down)
2023-06-24 05:27:471


歌曲名:Murder歌手:JOHN LEE HOOKER专辑:Hot SpotWithin Temptation - MurderAlbum "The Unforgiving" 2011I"ve been around these vicious lies tooToo long to be neglecting the truthI"m getting closer and I"m fully armedI"m about to hunt you down throughThe big black hole right behind youAnd I"m about to cut your wings away"Cause I"ve been finding outWhere you"ve broken inAnd I will take you outWhen I close you inI"m killing them allI"ve put my soul on the lineI purify sins that I"ve committed in lifeI"ll follow them allAnd I"ll be bringing them downWherever they go I"m right behindThere"s nowhere to goYour head on the lineThere is no rope, you"re running out of timeTo where will you goWhen I will murder your soulI"m about to do it your wayI will make your world unsafeI never thought you get this thought insaneYou don"t believe what I besides seeYou don"t believe in judgment dayBut you won"t believe in xxxx on horn"Cause I"ve been finding outWhere you"ve broken inAnd I will take you outWhen I close you inI"m killing them allI"ve put my soul on the lineI purify sins that I"ve committed in lifeI"ll follow them allAnd I"ll be bringing them downWherever they go I"m right behindThere"s nowhere to goYour head on the lineThere is no rope, you"re running out of timeTo where will you goWhen I will murder your soulYou can"t feel the painAnd scream in vainYou sink away to the bottomYou can"t break your chainsBreak away from hereI"m killing them allI"ve put my soul on the lineI purify sins that I"ve committed in lifeI"ll follow them allAnd I"ll be bringing them downWherever they go I"m right behindThere"s nowhere to goYour head on the lineThere is no rope, you"re running out of timeTo where will you goWhen I will murder your soulThe End
2023-06-24 05:27:541


【 #雅思# 导语】为了方便大家的学习,下面是 !   雅思的阅读部分有大量句型结构复杂、难以理解和把握的复杂句或难句。一般来说,这些句子有以下特点:   一、句子冗长,大多数句子由20个以上单词组成,很多句子超过40个单词   二、结构复杂,频繁使用并列复合句、多重复合句等复杂句式   三、大多是阅读考试的出题点,在阅读试题中常常有所涉及   我们可以从简单句开始分析语法    简单句   对于难度较大的简单句,阅读的基本方法是确定句子的主、谓、宾,找出句子的主干,忽略其他的成分,将长句变成短句,将句型结构复杂的句子变成句型结构简单的句子。   例1:It involves probing for deeply rooted concerns, devising creative solutions, and making trade-offs and compromises where interest are opposed.   分析:句子的主语是it, 谓语是involves,三个动名词短语probing for deeply rooted concerns、devising creative solutions和making trade-offs and compromises作宾语。意思是说:它涉及了探究深层次的关注、想出更有创意的解决方案以及当利益发生冲突的时候,做出交易和妥协。   例2:Automated techniques to measure these characteristics and verify a person"s identity infallibly are attracting widespread attention in these days of increased use of credit cards and e-mail.   分析:该句主语是automated techniques, 谓语是attract,宾语是attention, in these days of increased use of credit cards and e-mail在句子里起时间状语的作用。意思是说:在信用卡和电子邮件越来越多地被使用的今天,用来测量这些特性和确认人的身份的自动技术吸引了广泛的关注。    并列句   如果句子包含两个或更多互不依从的主谓结构,就是并列句。并列句中的分句通常用一个并列连词来连接,最常见的并列连词有and,or 和but。最简单的方法就是将句子从并列连词处断开,将并列句变成两个或若干个相对短的句子,然后再用处理简单句的方法——抓句子主干,来依次处理每个相对短的句子。   例:Government has encouraged waste paper collecton and sorting schemes and at the same time, the paper industry has responded by developing new recycling technologies that have paved the way for even greater utilization of used fibre.   分析:这个复合句可以从and处将句子分成两个相对较短的句子:and前面是一个简单句;and后面的句子有一个由that引导的定语从句,充当new recycling technologies的定语。意思是:政府鼓励了废纸的回收和分类计划,同时造纸工业也通过开发新的回收技术作出了反应,这个回收技术为更大程度地利用已经使用过的纤维铺平了道路。    插入语结构   插入语一般是对句子的某个成分的解释或补充说明,前后有逗号与其他句子成分分开,比较容易识别。处理插入语的基本办法是先略去不读,直接跳过两个逗号之间的内容,使插入语结构前后意思顺畅。   例句1:To casual observers, as well as to influential natural scientists and regional planners, the luxuriant forests of Amazonia seem ageless.   分析:该句中,as well as to influential natural scientists and regional planners充当插入语,阅读句子时,可以先忽略这部分。意思是说:对不经意看到的人和有影响力的自然科学家、区域规划者来说,亚马逊地区的繁茂的森林似乎是永恒的。   例句2:Over 120 years ago, the English botanist J.D. Hooker, writing of Australian edible plants, suggested that many of them were "eatable but not worth eating".   分析:此句中,两个逗号之间的内容即writing of Australian edible plants, 充当插入语。意思是说:120多年前,在写到澳大利亚可食用的植物时,英国植物学家J.D.Hooker就指出它们当中有很多可食用的,但却不值得食用。    倒装结构   在英语当中,主语和谓语有两种顺序:一种和汉语一致,即主语在前;另外一种顺序是谓语在主语前面,即倒装。阅读中一般会出现以not only等否定连词和never,seldom rarely, hardly等否定副词引导的倒装句。理解倒装句,就要把它转换成普通语句,把倒装语序还原为自然语序,在自然语序下理解句子。   例句1:In a dispute, not only do the interests of one party not coincide with those of the other party, but they are in conflict.   分析:该句中,not only...but also...引导了倒装句,把其中的句子换成正常语序就是:the interests of one party do not coincide with those of the other party.整句的意思是:在一个争论中,不仅一方的利益和另外一方不一致,而且它们是相互矛盾的。   例句2:Hardly had we arrived in Shanghai when it began to snow.   分析:此句是由hardly...when引导出了倒装,意思是:我们一到上海天就开始下雪。
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Lady Gaga新专辑中文歌词

INTROIt doesn"t matter if you love him, or capital H-I-M不论你是爱上了他,还是认为他很美妙,暗暗的爱着着他Just put your paws up只管挥舞起你的爪子吧"cause you were Born This Way, Baby因为我们生而如此,亲爱的 VERSE:My mama told me when I was young在我年轻的时候,妈妈曾经告诉我We are all born superstars我们都是天生的巨星She rolled my hair and put my lipstick on她将我的头发烫卷,为我涂上唇膏In the glass of her boudoir在她自己的房间的化妆镜前“There"s nothing wrong with lovin" who you are”“爱上我们本来的样子,并没有任何过错”She said, “‘Cause he made you perfect, babe”她说,“因为他(我觉得这里的他指的是上帝~)从一开始就将你创造得那么完美,我的宝贝”“So hold your head up girl and you"ll go far,所以,姑娘,昂起你美丽的额头吧,你将会走得很远Listen to me when I say”在我说这些话的时候,请认真听好 CHORUS:I"m beautiful in my way我以我独特的方式美丽着‘Cause God makes no mistakes因为上帝从来没有过错误的时候I"m on the right track baby我正前行在最正确的轨道上,宝贝I was Born This Way我,生而如此!Don"t hide yourself in regret不要将自己掩埋在懊悔和遗憾之中Just love yourself and you"re set去学会爱上你自己,你是那么的完美I"m on the right track baby我正前行在最适合的轨道上,宝贝I was Born This Way我,生而如此! POST-CHORUS:Ooo there ain"t no other way喔,并不是说没有别的路可走Baby I was born this way但是,宝贝,这才是我天生就要走的路Baby I was born this way宝贝,我生而如此Ooo there ain"t no other way喔,并不是说只有这一条路可走Baby I was born-I"m on the right track baby宝贝,我天生(就应该这样),宝贝,我正前行于正确的路上啊I was born this way我生而如此!Don"t be a drag – just be a queen不要成为累赘,要成为王者!Don"t be a drag – just be a queen不要成为累赘,要成为王者!Don"t be a drag – just be a queen不要成为累赘,要成为王者!Don"t be! 不可以! VERSEGive yourself prudence让自己变得精明谨慎And love your friends用真爱温暖你的朋友们Subway kid, rejoice your truth在地铁上的孩子也会为你的真诚而欢庆In the religion of the insecure我深信不疑着,世事皆是无法断定、难以预料的I must be myself, respect my youth所以,我更要做我自己,尊重自己的青春A different lover is not a sin拥有一个与众不同的恋人,并不是什么罪孽Believe capital H-I-M (hey hey hey)相信上帝吧,hey hey heyI love my life I love this record and我爱我的生活。我爱这首歌,Mi amore vole fe yah (love needs faith)爱,是需要信念的 REPEAT CHORUS + POST-CHORUSBRIDGE:Don"t be a drag, just be a queen不要成为累赘,要成为王者!Whether you"re broke or evergreen不论你是破产了,身无分文,还是成功着,一直顺利You"re black, white, beige, chola descent不论你是黑种人,白种人,黄种人,还是胆汁血统(靠= =||||。。。我只知道chola是胆汁descent是血统但是谁能告诉我胆汁血统是神马玩意T T。。。反正就这样翻译了- -。。。撞墙)You"re lebanese, you"re orient不论你是出生在黎巴嫩,还是遥远的东方Whether life"s disabilities不论你是否残疾Left you outcast, bullied, or teased不要去理会那些遗弃和背叛,欺骗和恐吓,嘲笑和戏弄Rejoice and love yourself today在当下,爱自己,并且为自己而欢呼喝彩‘Cause baby you were born this way宝贝,因为你生而如此 No matter gay, straight, or bi,不论你是男|同|性|恋,异性恋,还是双|性|恋Lesbian, transgendered life女|同|性|恋,还是变性人I"m on the right track baby我们都可以走上属于自己的正确的道路I was born to survive我天生就有通过这条路而生存的权利No matter black, white or beige与肤色无关,无论你是黑,白,还是黄Chola or orient made无论你来自南美洲还是亚洲(我是多么想翻译成“无论你来自胆汁= =。。。)I"m on the right track baby我们都能找到自己的路,宝贝I was born to be brave我生而如此,这是上帝赋予我的勇气REPEAT CHORUSOUTRO/REFRAIN:I was born this way hey!I was born this way hey!我生而如此,hey!I"m on the right track baby我正在我的路上前行,宝贝I was born this way hey!我生而如此!I was born this way hey!I was born this way hey!I"m on the right track babyI was born this way hey!There"s no reason you and me should be alone 没有什么原因是你我孤独的理由 Tonight, yeah babe 今晚! 对!宝贝! Tonight, yeah babe 对!就今晚!宝贝! There"s no reason you shouldn"t take me home tonight 今晚没有任何原因是你不把我带回家的理由 I need a man who thinks it right when it"s so wrong,当这件事是错误的时候,我需要一个人来认为这是对的 Tonight yeah babe,今晚!对!宝贝! Tonight yeah babe,对!就今晚!宝贝! Right on the limits where we know we both belong tonight今晚是一个分界点,我们将属于彼此 It"s time to feel the rush, 是感受这次飞跃的时候了 To push the dangerous 把危险甩在一边, I"m gonna run back to, to the edge with you 我要和你跑到天涯海角, Where we can both fall in love 在那儿,我们可以自由自在的恋爱 *I"m on the edge of glory, 我站在光荣的边缘 And I"m hanging on a moment of truth, 我会坚持真理 I"m on the edge of glory,我站在光荣的边缘 And I"m hanging on a moment with you, 我会和你永不分手 I"m on the edge 我站在边缘 The edge 边缘 x6 I"m on the edge of glory 我站在光荣的边缘 And I"m hanging on a moment with you 我会和你永不分手 I"m on the edge with you 我与你一起站在这个边缘 Another shot, before we kiss the other side, 在我们吻对方之前,再触电一次吧! Tonight, yeah babe 今晚!对!宝贝! Tonight, yeah babe 对!就今晚!宝贝! I"m on the edge of something final we call life tonight 今晚我们在最终被我们称为生活的边缘Alright, alright 好吧, 好吧! Pull out your shade "cause I"ll be dancing in the flames 离开你的庇佑,我只能在热火中热舞 Tonight, yeah babe 今晚!对!宝贝! Tonight, yeah babe 对!就今晚!宝贝! … the burden of my name, tonight, tonight 今晚,今晚我的责任 It"s time to feel the rush 是感受这次飞跃的时候了 To push the dangerous 把危险甩在一边, I"m gonna run back to, to the edge with you 我要和你跑到天涯海角, Where we can both fall in love 在那儿,我们可以自由自在的恋爱 I"m on the edge with you 我会和你一直站在一起!Gaga, Gaha-aaaaah 嘎嘎 嘎哈哈哈   Gaga, Gaho-oooooh 嘎嘎 嘎吼吼吼   Ii Io ritorne- (I have returned) 我要变了   Ii Io ritorne- (I have returned) 我要变了   Ii Io ritorne- (I have returned) 我要变了   Government Hooker-ey 官妓呀   VERSE 1:   I can be good (If you just wanna be bad) 我会无可媲美(除非你就想变坏)   I can be cool (If you just wanna be mad) 谁叫人家如此潇洒(除非你刻意生气)   I can be anything, I"ll be your everything 我可以千变万化,你拥有我   Just touch me baby (I don"t wanna be sad) 侵犯我的心灵吧(我不想生气)   PRE-CHORUS   As long as I"m your hooker (Back up and turn around) 只要我是你的妓女(支持而行动)   As long as I"m your hooker (Hands on the ground) 只要我是你的妓女(把手按在大地)   As long as I"m your hooker (Back up and turn around) 只要我是你的妓女(支持而行动)   As long as I"m your hooker (Get down) 只要我是你的妓女(快放下)   CHORUS:   Hooker! (Yeah, you"re my hooker) 奴仆(是的,你就是我的佣人)  Hooker! (Government Hooker) 奴仆(官场的奴役)   Hooker! (Yeah, you"re my hooker) 奴仆(是的,你就是我的佣人)   Hooker! (Government Hooker) 奴仆(官场的奴役)   POST-CHORUS:   I"m gonna drink my tears tonight, 今夜我将痛哭流涕   I"m gonna drink my tears and cry, 然后咽下泪水止不住得哭   "cause I know you love me baby. 就源起于我读懂了你的爱   I know you love me, baby! 我读懂了你的爱   VERSE 2:   I could be girl (Unless you want to be man) 我可以做个女子(除非你想做男人)   I could be sex (Unless you want to hold hands) 我可以做支性的手枪(除非你举起手来)   I could be anything, I could be everything (Iku Iku [Japanese - I"m cumming]) 我可以千变万化(我的高潮)   I could be mom (Unless you want to be dad) (oy, [Spanish - oh, Daddy!]) 我是母(除非你是父)(爸爸)   POST-CHORUS:   As long as I"m your hooker (Back up and turn around) 只要我是你的妓女(支持而行动)   As long as I"m your hooker (Hands on the ground) 只要我是你的妓女(把手按在大地)   As long as I"m your hooker (Back up and turn around)只要我是你的妓女 (支持而行动)   As long as I"m your hooker (Get down) 只要我是你的妓女(快放下)   CHORUS:   Hooker! (Yeah, you"re my hooker) 奴仆(是的,你就是我的佣人)   Hooker! (Government Hooker) 奴仆(官场的奴役)   Hooker! (Yeah, you"re my hooker) 奴仆(是的,你就是我的佣人)   Hooker! (Government Hooker) 奴仆(官场的奴役)   BRIDGE:   Put your hands on me, 把手放在我的怀里   John F. Kennedy. 约翰肯尼迪   I"ll make you squeal baby, 亲爱的,我要令你尖叫   as long as you pay me - ow! 像你雇我一样日月煎熬,奥   POST-CHORUS   I"m gonna drink my tears tonight, 今夜我将痛哭流涕   I"m gonna drink my tears and cry, 然后咽下泪水止不住得哭   "cause I know you love me baby. 就源起于我读懂了你的爱   I know you love me, baby! 我读懂了你的爱   CHORUS:   Hooker! (Yeah, you"re my hooker) 奴仆(是的,你就是我的佣人)   Hooker! (Government Hooker) 奴仆(官场的奴役)   Hooker! (Yeah, you"re my hooker) 奴仆(是的,你就是我的佣人)   Hooker! (Government Hooker) 奴仆(官场的奴役)   I could be girl (Unless you want to be man) 我可以做个女子(除非你想做男人)   I could be sex (Unless you want to hold hands) 我可以做支性的手枪(除非你举起手来)   I could be anything, I could be everything (Iku Iku [Japanese - I"m cumming]) 我可以千变万化(我的高潮)   I could be mom (Unless you want to be dad) (oy, [Spanish - oh, Daddy!]) 我是母(除非你是父)(爸爸)   OUTRO:   I wanna fu-[BEEP] a government hooker, 我想上了一个官场的妓女   Stop fu-[BEEP-ING] me, government hooker! 停住上我,官妓   I wanna fu-[BEEP] a government hooker, 我想上了一个官场的妓女   Stop fu-[BEEP-ING] me, government hooker! 停住上我,官妓   Get down, yeah! 放下重担,松一口气   I can be sex. 我是性手枪heavy metal lover 由于太多字了,这首我给你个链接:
2023-06-24 05:28:441


17世纪初的一天,荷兰小镇的一家眼镜店的主人利伯希(Hans Lippershey),为检查磨制出来的透镜质量,把一块凸透镜和一块凹镜排成一条线,通过透镜看过去,发现远处的教堂塔尖好象变大拉近了,于是在无意中发现了望远镜的秘密。1608年他为自己制作的望远镜申请专利,并遵从当局的要求,造了一个双筒望远镜。据说小镇好几十个眼镜匠都声称发明了望远镜,不过一般都认为利伯希是望远镜的发明者。 望远镜发明的消息很快在欧洲各国流传开了,意大利科学家伽利略得知这个消息之后,就自制了一个。第一架望远镜只能把物体放大3倍。一个月之后,他制作的第二架望远镜可以放大8倍,第三架望远镜可以放大到20倍。1609年10月他作出了能放大30倍的望远镜。伽里略用自制的望远镜观察夜空,第一次发现了月球表面高低不平,覆盖着山脉并有火山口的裂痕。此后又发现了木星的4个卫星、太阳的黑子运动,并作出了太阳在转动的结论。几乎同时,德国的天文学家开普勒也开始研究望远镜,他在《屈光学》里提出了另一种天文望远镜,这种望远镜由两个凸透镜组成,与伽利略的望远镜不同,比伽利略望远镜视野宽阔。但开普勒没有制造他所介绍的望远镜。沙伊纳于1613年—1617年间首次制作出了这种望远镜,他还遵照开普勒的建议制造了有第三个凸透镜的望远镜,把二个凸透镜做的望远镜的倒像变成了正像。沙伊纳做了8台望远镜,一台一台地云观察太阳,无论哪一台都能看到相同形状的太阳黑子。因此,他打消了不少人认为黑子可能是透镜上的尘埃引起的错觉,证明了黑子确实是观察到的真实存在。在观察太阳时沙伊纳装上特殊遮光玻璃,伽利略则没有加此保护装置,结果伤了眼睛,最后几乎失明。荷兰的惠更斯为了减少折射望远镜的色差在1665年做了一台筒长近6米的望远镜,来探查土星的光环,后来又做了一台将近41米长的望远镜。 使用透镜作物镜的望远镜称为折射望远镜,即使加长镜筒,精密加工透镜,也不能消除色象差,牛顿曾认为折射望远镜的色差是不可救药,后来证明过分悲观的。1668年他发明了反射式望远镜,斛决了色差的问题。第一台反望远镜非常小,望远镜内的反射镜口径只有2.5厘米,但是已经能清楚地看到木星的卫星、金星的盈亏等(见附图1)。1672年牛顿做了一台更大的反射望远镜,送给了英国皇家学会,至今还俣存在皇家学会的图书馆里。1733年英国人哈尔制成第一台消色差折射望远镜。1758年伦敦的宝兰德也制成同样的望远镜,他采用了折射率不同的玻璃分别制造凸透镜和凹透镜,把各自形成的有色边缘相互抵消。但是要制造很大透镜不容易,目前世界上最大的一台折射式望远镜直径为102厘米,安装在雅弟斯天文台。1793年英国赫瑟尔(William Herschel),制做了反射式望远镜,反射镜直径为130厘米,用铜锡合金制成,重达1吨。1845年英国的帕森(William Parsons)制造的反射望远镜,反射镜直径为1.82米。1917年,胡克望远镜(Hooker Telescope)在美国加利福尼亚的威尔逊山天文台建成。它的主反射镜口径为100英寸。正是使用这座望远镜,哈勃(Edwin Hubble)发现了宇宙正在膨胀的惊人事实。1930年,德国人施密特(Bernhard Schmidt)将折射望远镜和反射望远镜的优点(折射望远镜像差小但有色差而且尺寸越大越昂贵,反射望远镜没有色差、造价低廉且反射镜可以造得很大,但存在像差)结合起来,制成了第一台折反射望远镜。 战后反射式望远镜在天文观测中发展很快,1950年在帕洛玛山上安装了一台直径5.08米的海尔(Hale)反射式望远镜。1969年在前苏联高加索北部的帕斯土霍夫山上安装了直径6米的反射镜。1990年,NASA将哈勃太空望远镜送入轨道,然而,由于镜面故障,直到1993年宇航员完成太空修复并更换了透镜后,哈勃望远镜才开始全面发挥作用。由于可以不受地球大气的干扰,哈勃望远镜的图像清晰度是地球上同类望远镜拍下图像的10倍。1993年,美国在夏威夷莫纳克亚山上建成了口径10米的“凯克望远镜”,其镜面由36块1.8米的反射镜拼合而成。2001设在智利的欧洲南方天文台研制完成了“超大望远镜”(VLT),它由4架口径8米的望远镜组成,其聚光能力与一架16米的反射望远镜相当。现在,一批正在筹建中的望远镜又开始对莫纳克亚山上的白色巨人兄弟发起了冲击。这些新的竞争参与者包括30米口径的“加利福尼亚极大望远镜”(California Extremely Large Telescope,简称CELT),20米口径的大麦哲伦望远镜(Giant Magellan Telescope,简称GMT)和100米口径的绝大望远镜(Overwhelming Large Telescope,简称OWL)。它们的倡议者指出,这些新的望远镜不仅可以提供像质远胜于哈勃望远镜照片的太空图片,而且能收集到更多的光,对100亿年前星系形成时初态恒星和宇宙气体的情况有更多的了解,并看清楚遥远恒星周围的行星。
2023-06-24 05:29:042


2023-06-24 05:29:124


2023-06-24 05:29:2115

prostitute / whore 都是贬义词吗?

2023-06-24 05:29:464


hi hooker and prostitute are ofen means the same , they are perfect synonymous.But I believe and my pals think that hookers hook their clients at their own, but prostitutes often have a pimp as an medium.
2023-06-24 05:30:063


hooker ["huk?] n.【C】<口>妓女n.小渔船,破船Hooker:胡克(姓氏) hooker引人上钩者 hooknosed 鹰钩鼻的; hookah 水烟筒利用水的吸烟装置; Hooke 虎克; hooked 钩状的有钩 旧船 旧船hooker 龙舟dragon boat 拖网鱼船trawler 小渔船yawl 布网船net layer 捕鲸船
2023-06-24 05:30:211


2023-06-24 05:30:301


歌曲名:Hey Baby歌手:JOHN LEE HOOKER专辑:Plays & Sings The BluesPitbull Feat. T-Pain – Hey Baby (Drop It To The Floor)So listen upLet her go, lalalaBaby girl wanna play, let her goSaid let her go, lalalaBaby girl wanna play, let her goSaid let her go, lalalaBaby girl wanna play, let her goSaid let her go, lalalaBaby girl wanna play, let her goGot it Pain?Hey baby girl what you doing tonight?I wanna see what you got in store (hey, hey baby)You"re giving it your all when you"re dancing on meI want to see if you can give me some more (hey, hey baby)You can be my girl, I can be your manAnd we can pump this jam however you want (hey, hey baby)Pump it from the side, pump it upside downOr we can pump it from the back and the front (hey, hey baby)Oooh baby, baby lalalalalaOooh baby, baby lalalalalaOooh baby, baby lalalalalaOooh baby, baby lalalalalaOoh drop it to the floorMake me wanna say hey babyYeah, you can shake some moreMake me wanna say hey babyOoh you got it cause youMake me wanna say hey babyOoh don"t stop itI want u tonightI"m a dankenSelf paid, self-made millionaireI used to play around the worldNow I"m around the world getting paidGirl problems, no problemsDon"t hate the game that won"t solve itI want to get with you mamiNow let me see where the Lord??Hey baby girl what you doing tonight?I wanna see what you got in store (hey, hey baby)You"re giving it your all when you"re dancing on meI want to see if you can give me some more (hey, hey baby)You can be my girl, I can be your manAnd we can pump this jam however you want (hey, hey baby)Pump it from the side, pump it upside downOr we can pump it from the back and the front (hey, hey baby)Oooh baby, baby lalalalalaOooh baby, baby lalalalalaOooh baby, baby lalalalalaOooh baby, baby lalalalalaOoh drop it to the floorMake me wanna say hey babyYeah, you can shake some moreMake me wanna say hey babyOoh you got it cause youMake me wanna say hey babyOoh don"t stop itMake me wanna sayMake money, make moneyThis chicka right here gotta eat babyScared money don"t make moneyThat"s how it goes in the street babyBut enough with the the nonsenseBaby girl take a shot to clear your conscienceNot a goon or a God, I"m a monsterCause I hit all baddest woman in the world, gangstaOooh baby, baby lalalalalaOooh baby, baby lalalalalaOooh baby, baby lalalalalaOooh baby, baby lalalalalaOoh drop it to the floorMake me wanna say hey babyYeah, you can shake some moreMake me wanna say hey babyOoh you got it cause youMake me wanna say hey babyOoh don"t stop itMake me wanna sayOooh baby, baby lalalalalaOooh baby, baby lalalalalaOooh baby, baby lalalalalaOooh baby, baby lalalalalaOoh drop it to the floorMake me wanna say hey babyYeah, you can shake some moreMake me wanna say hey babyOoh you got it cause youMake me wanna say hey babyOoh don"t stop itI want you tonight
2023-06-24 05:30:461

JOHN LEE HOOKER的《Highway 13》 歌词

歌曲名:Highway 13歌手:JOHN LEE HOOKER专辑:Mr. Lucky「Highway」作词∶WISE作曲∶SONPUB歌∶WISErolling down the highway少しでも前へ 进んでくmy way(Like a shooting Star)心开いて 受け入れる大切な 梦抱いて(guide me through the dark)流れてく景色を见てこのまま远く please take me far awayいまはまだ谁もこの道が この先も続くのかさえも分からずに踏み込んだアクセル keep proceeding my roadleft to right, right right to left左右わかれる道の先で待つ stressいつもだいたい what"s the best选択求められてく test?たまに迷い込むトンネル出口见つけられずに迷ってる戸惑ってる暇ない分かってる自分だけの答えを探してるrolling down the highway少しでも前へ 进んでくmy way(Like a shooting Star)心开いて 受け入れる大切な 梦抱いて(guide me through the dark)show me the way….please guide me through the dark流される时代の行方このままだとどこいくんだろう?いまならまだきっと未来へと繋いでく道があるからあきらめず颜あげていつも just believe in who you areとっくにリミッター振り切ったスピード阻止するインターセプターでも止まんない胴体伤ついても前 进むため Fight梦ない世界に住めないから周りを染めてく自分のカラーまだゴールは先 destiny向けてハンドルをこの手にrolling down the highway少しでも前へ 进んでくmy way(Like a shooting Star)心开いて 受け入れる大切な 梦抱いて(guide me through the dark)show me the way….please guide me through the darkrolling down the highway少しでも前へ 进んでくmy way心开いて 受け入れる大切な 梦抱いて(No I"ll never stop!)【 おわり 】
2023-06-24 05:30:531


2023-06-24 05:31:001

lady gaga《government hooker》中文歌词

Government Hooker 政治女妓Gaga, Gaha-aaaaah 嘎嘎Gaga, Gaho-oooooh 嘎嘎 Ii Io ritorne- (I have returned) 我已经回来了Ii Io ritorne- (I have returned) 我已经回来了Ii Io ritorne- (I have returned) 我已经回来了Government Hooker-ey 政治女妓I can be good (If you just wanna be bad) 我可以做得很好(如果你想变坏)I can be cool (If you just wanna be mad) 我的变得很冷酷(如果你想变得狂热)I can be anything, I"ll be your everything 我的变成任何东西,我会变成你的一切Just touch me baby (I don"t wanna be sad) 只用抚摸我宝贝(我不想变得伤心)As long as I"m your hooker (Back up and turn around) 只要我是个女妓(背过去转身)As long as I"m your hooker (Hands on the ground) 只要我是个女妓(手放在地上)As long as I"m your hooker (Back up and turn around) 只要我是个女妓(背过去转身)As long as I"m your hooker (Get down) 只要我是个女妓(下来)Hooker! (Yeah, you"re my hooker) 女妓!(耶,你是我的女妓)Hooker! (Government Hooker) 女妓!(政治女妓)Hooker! (Yeah, you"re my hooker) 女妓!(耶,你是我的女妓)Hooker! (Government Hooker) 女妓!(政治女妓)I"m gonna drink my tears tonight, 今晚我要饮尽我的眼泪I"m gonna drink my tears and cry, 我要饮尽我的眼泪再哭泣"cause I know you love me baby. 因为我知道你爱我,宝贝I know you love me, baby! 我知道你爱我,宝贝I could be girl (Unless you want to be man) 我可以做你的女孩(除非你想变成男人)I could be sex (Unless you want to hold hands) 我可以性感(除非你想握住我的手)I could be anything, I could be everything - (Iku Iku) 我可以是任何东西,我可以做你的一切(我***)I could be mom (Unless you want to be dad) - (oy, mi papito!) 我可以做母亲(除非你想做父亲)(哦,爹地)As long as I"m your hooker (Back up and turn around) 只要我是个女妓(背过去转身)As long as I"m your hooker (Hands on the ground) 只要我是个女妓(手放在地上)As long as I"m your hooker (Back up and turn around) 只要我是个女妓(背过去转身)As long as I"m your hooker (Get down) 只要我是个女妓(下来)Hooker! (Yeah, you"re my hooker) 女妓!(耶,你是我的女妓)Hooker! (Government Hooker) 女妓!(政治女妓)Hooker! (Yeah, you"re my hooker) 女妓!(耶,你是我的女妓)Hooker! (Government Hooker) 女妓!(政治女妓)Put your hands on me, 把你的手放在我身上John F. Kennedy. 约翰肯尼迪I"ll make you squeal baby, 我要让你尖叫,宝贝as long as you pay me - ow! 只要你付钱,噢!I"m gonna drink my tears tonight, 今晚我要饮尽我的眼泪I"m gonna drink my tears and cry, 我要饮尽我的眼泪再哭泣"cause I know you love me baby. 因为我知道你爱我,宝贝I know you love me, baby! 我知道你爱我,宝贝Hooker! (Yeah, you"re my hooker) 女妓!(耶,你是我的女妓)Hooker! (Government Hooker) 女妓!(政治女妓)Hooker! (Yeah, you"re my hooker) 女妓!(耶,你是我的女妓)Hooker! (Government Hooker) 女妓!(政治女妓)I could be girl (Unless you want to be man) 我可以做你的女孩(除非你想变成男人)I could be sex (Unless you want to hold hands) 我可以性感(除非你想握住我的手)I could be anything, I could be everything 我可以是任何东西,我可以做你的一切I could be mom (Unless you want to be dad) 我可以做母亲(除非你想做父亲)I wanna fu-[BEEP] a government hooker, 我想[beep]一个政治女妓Stop fu-[BEEP-ING] me, government hooker! 停止[beep-ing]我,政治女妓!I wanna fu-[BEEP] a government hooker, 我想[beep]一个政治女妓Stop fu-[BEEP-ING] me, government hooker! 停止[beep-ing]我,政治女妓!Get down, yeah! 下来,耶!
2023-06-24 05:31:071

lady gaga goverment hoooker 翻译原谅我懒得从百科里复制,所以就给你网址自己看吧,骚瑞(这个人也太懒了吧~.~)
2023-06-24 05:31:142


机械战警2演员表《Robocop》由《彼得·威勒》饰演《Magnavolt Salesman》由《约翰·格洛弗》饰演《Cain》由《汤姆·诺南》饰演《Dr. Juliette Faxx》由《Belinda Bauer》饰演《Casey Wong》由《Mario Machado》饰演《Jess Perkins》由《Leeza Gibbons》饰演《Surgeon General》由《John Ingle》饰演《Whittaker》由《Roger Aaron Brown》饰演《Hob》由《Gabriel Damon》饰演《Stef》由《Mark Rolston》饰演《Homeless Woman》由《Lila Finn》饰演《Purse Snatcher》由《John Hateley》饰演《Hooker》由《Gage Tarrant》饰演《Chet (as Tommy Rosales)》由《Thomas Rosales Jr.》饰演《Flint》由《Brandon Smith》饰演《Gun Shop Owner》由《Wallace Merck》饰演《Catzo》由《迈克尔·麦迪罗斯》饰演《Angie》由《Galyn G?rg》饰演《Mother with Baby》由《Linda Thompson》饰演《Desperate Woman》由《Lily Chen》饰演《Anne Lewis》由《南茜·艾伦》饰演《Jimmy Murphy》由《Clinton Austin Shirley》饰演《Ellen Murphy》由《Angie Bolling》饰演《Holzgang》由《Jeff McCarthy》饰演《Delaney》由《Ken Lerner》饰演《Yuppie》由《Martin Casella》饰演《Mayor Kuzak (as Willard Pugh)》由《Willard E. Pugh》饰演《Poulos》由《Phil Rubenstein》饰演《Donald Johnson》由《菲尔顿·派瑞》饰演《The Old Man》由《丹·奥赫里奇》饰演《Dr. Schenk》由《John Doolittle》饰演《Sgt. Reed (as Robert Do"Qui)》由《Robert DoQui》饰演《Angry Citizen》由《Richard Reyes》饰演《Angry Citizen》由《Charles Bailey》饰演《Angry Citizen》由《Jo Perkins》饰演《Angry Citizen》由《Erik Cord》饰演《Duffy》由《Stephen Lee》饰演《Injured Cop》由《Eric Glenn》饰演《Gilette》由《George Cheung》饰演《Estevez》由《旺达·德·杰索斯》饰演导演:厄文·克什纳,
2023-06-24 05:31:321


2023-06-24 05:31:401


约瑟夫·胡克Joseph Hooker (1814年11月13日 - 1879年10月31日)波托马克军团司令,参加过美墨战争,在内战中成为少将,尽管在整场战争中立下赫赫战功,但他总是因在钱诺斯维尔战役中被罗伯特·李大败而被人诟病。他有个绰号叫"好战的乔",但本来只是以讹传讹。 毕业于西点军校,曾参加1846-1848年的墨西哥战争,南北战争开始后任志愿军准将,1862年参加所有的东部重要战役,安布罗斯·埃弗雷特·伯恩赛德辞职后继任波托马克军团司令。他立即对军队进行整编,准备赢得胜利,但1863年5月在著名的钱瑟勒斯维尔战役却被南方军总司令罗伯特·爱德华·李率领的部队以寡胜众。迫使胡克丢盔卸甲,损失1.7万人马。这充分暴露了他做为指挥官的缺点。几个月后,胡克率领的波托马克军团的两个军,救援被围困在田纳西州查塔努加的威廉姆·斯塔克·罗斯克兰斯将军,1863年11月24日在卢考特山上的"云端战役"中取胜利,为联邦军队在传教士岭获得重大胜利扫清道路。1864年亚特兰大战役后,胡克不再对战争程序发挥积极作用 。内布拉斯加州胡克县即以胡克的名字命名。
2023-06-24 05:32:031


一、两者的元音不同:1、英语口音的元音:英语中发音仅仅为一个缩短了的长音/u0254u02d0/(如or)。2、美式发音的元音:美语中的er很少为浑元音,并有时对短音i(如sentimental,actuality)和u(如 wuss),甚至短音的oo(如:hooker)采用了浑元音。二、两者er的发音不同:1、英语口音er的发音:英语中短音的er是如上所述的浑元音,但长音的er也不过是个拉长了的浑元音,听起来是一个很夸张的介于“俄”和“啊”的声音。2、美式发音er的发音:美语中er听起来怎么都是个“儿”音(例外是一些俗语中发成浑元音)。三、两者的辅音不同:1、英语口音辅音:英国英语会把r连读当作后面一个词的开头元音的辅音。2、美式发音的辅音:美语会分开来读,并依旧发出原有的卷舌音/r/。参考资料来源:百度百科-美国英语参考资料来源:百度百科-英国英语
2023-06-24 05:32:111


有节操 有下线 你会看!!!别逗了骚年.
2023-06-24 05:32:256


2023-06-24 05:32:416

迈克尔杰克逊thrllier 女主角是谁?

2023-06-24 05:33:095


英语和美语的发音最大的区别之一在它们对浑元音(schwa,音标中的倒写e,)的处理。英语中,浑元音在单元音中常通发生在一些非重读的短音a(如about)和短音er(如computer)上。美语中的er很少为浑元音,并有时对短音i(如sentimental,actuality)和u(如wuss),甚至短音的oo(如:hooker)采用了浑元音。(这四个例子在英语中的发音分别为[i], [i], [u:], [u])浑元音的读音是不定的,但是听起来差不多像一个急促的介于“俄”和“啊”的发音。
2023-06-24 05:33:221


win8不要想玩破解 想要玩 破解的幕府2 在win8下无法实现 win8的反盗版措施导致破解失效等等情况 推荐使用win7 64位系统 目前是玩幕府2的 最适合的系统 求采纳
2023-06-24 05:33:292


香水 perfume
2023-06-24 05:33:477


2023-06-24 05:34:055


不知道,但有一首 i just had sexy
2023-06-24 05:35:003


(1)Charles Robert Darwin ( 1809 - 1882 ) Charles Robert Darwin was born at The Mount ,Shrewbury ,England , on 12 February 1809. He was the son of Dr. Charles Waring Darwin and the grandson of Dr. Erasmus Darwin, a naturalist whose speculations were to have a profound influence on the younger family scion. Young Charles was educated at the grammer school at Shrewsbury , thence he went to Edinburgh (1825) and afterward to Cambridge .He din not excel in school., however. He was, in fact, considered rather below the common standard in intellect.He became a pupil of Professors Henslow and Sedgewicke at Cambridge,and under their guidance his consuming interest in botany began to bear fruit. He received his degree at Cambridge in 1831 and shortly thereafter , at the age of twentytwo , joined a hydrographical survey as an unpaid naturalist on H. M.S Beagle. For five years he served aboard the Beagle , studying the flora, fauna , and geology of numerous temperate, subtropical , and tropical districts sorrounding South America. This historic round-the -world voyage which Darwin later referred to as " by far the most important event in my life," laid the foundations for the remainder of his life"s work, placing him among the foremost of rising natuaralists . The results of his services were given in his Journal of Researches into the geology and natural history of the countries visite. Darwin was not a robust man even in his young manhood but he was a zealous naturalist who refused to be shackled by illness; on his return to England he began to write and experiment extensively ,despite poor health, exploring all the sciences of earth, life, and man. Thus he rose to renown.Few were privileged to know him on a close personal level, however, for owing to his always feeble health and retiring nature, he seldom entered into social functions or close personal relationships . Instead he labored diligently and introspectively in the pursuit of scientific study. By his work at the Geological Society ,and by his numerous papers on coral reefs , the natural history of the cirrhipeds,and many other biological researches he gained fame as an authority. In 1838 he accepted the appointment as secretary of the Geological Society and was elected to the Royal Society the following year. Meanwhile ,he had married his cousin , Emma wedgwood , and settled in Down,kent , shortly thereafter . Years of study and writing followed . Darwin held that no higher plant could fertilize itself for a perpetuity of generations without the intercession of being cross-fertilized with some other individual . This theory he published in 1859 in his work entitled On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection . This work brought him controversial fame as it called down upon him a shower of blame and abuse for propounding such a theory without providing absolute proof. Native terrestrial orchids grew in abundance near Darwin"s home and , because they were the " most singular and modified forms in the vegetable kingdom, " he began an extensive study of their reproduction in order to prove his theory of cross-fertilization aganist that of self-fertilization . With his son and his friends often assisting him in his observations , he spent unnumbered hours in the garden and fields making notes on the number of flowers that set seed; setting up controls by the use of nets and bell jars; catching bees and moths and examining the showy markings and structures of species which were consistent in attracting natural pollinators . Early in his reserches he noted the pollination of Orchis pyramidalis by a particular moth, and studied such unusual adaptations as the " flinging " of pollen onto the pollinator in the genus Catasetum and the pollination of Ophrys by pseudo-copulation. The studies were of such interest to Darwin that he shortly initiated a copious correspondence with Sir Joseph Hooker (then assistant director at Kew), and a letter to Hooker in October 1861 he stated ," I never was more interested in any subject in my life than this of Orchids." As his interest in the order became intensified , he began to study the pollinating devices of tropical orchids: the shooting mechanism of Catasetum species , the " bucket" lip of Coryanthes , and many others. Observing the remarkably lengthy nectary of Angraecum sesquipedale, he predicted that it must be necessary for some certain moth with a footlong tongue to be the pollinating agent for this remarkable species . Finally gathering sufficient evidence to uphold his theories , in 1862 Darwin published his classic work, on the Fertilisation of Orchids by insects. This work put forth the results of his reservations and not only removed all doubt regarding the function of the pollinia , but drew the attention of naturalists to the complex symbiosis existing between flowering plants and food-seeking insects. The introduction of this book states his purpose : .......... In my volume " On the Origin of Species " I gave only general reasons for the belief that it is an almost universal law of nature that the higher organic being require an occasional cross with another individual ; or ,which is the same thing ,that no hermaphrodite fertilises itself for a perpetuity of generations . Having been blamed for propounding this doctrine without giving ample facts , for which I had not sufficient space in that work , I wish here to show that I have not spoken without having gone into details. I have been led to publish this little treatise separately, as it is too large to be incorporated with any other subject . As Orchids are universally acknoledge to rank amongst the most singular and most modified forms in the vegetable kingdom , I have thought that the facts to be given might lead some observers to look more curiously into the habits of our several native species....... This treatise affords me also an opportunity of attempting to show that the study of organic beings may be as interesting to an observer who is fully convinced that the structure of each is due to secondary laws ,as to one who views every trifflinf detail of structure as the result of the direct interposition of the Creator . As the facts were brought together to bear on Darwin"s theory ,the tide of feeling among naturalists turned in his favor . Known for his honesty ,his persistent study habits, and his unprejudiced devotion to truth , he gained immediate support from such men as Sir Joseph Hooker , Professor Huxley ,Mr. George Bentham , and others. Their " conversions" to a belief in evolution were remarkably rapid, and even the educated minority of the population at large soon grasped evolutionary concepts. For the remainder of his life Darwin studied ,reserched , and made many important contributions to geology, zoological geography , taxonomy ,ecology , and animal breeding . He died on 19 April 1882, at the age of seventy-three. Other of his important works in the various fields of science include The Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs ,The Descent of Man , Geological Observations in South America, Insectivorous Plants , Cross and Self-Fertilisation in the Vegetable Kingdom, Formation of Vegetable Mold ,Emotions im Man and Animals , Principles of Variation Under Domestication, adn The Power of Movement in Plants . Darwin"s orchid studies become the basis of a number of later works by succeeding naturalists and botanists , but while his contributions to orchidology were therefore unprecedented in pollination studies , their importance is equally shared in science as a breakthrough which resulted in theories that changed the whole foundation of scientific knowledge .(2)Charles Darwin (1809-1882) was an an English naturalist whose theory of evolution is one of the greatest contributions ever made to science. Darwin stated this theory in his book The Origin of Species (1859). In another book called The Descent of Man (1871 ) he applied his theory to the evolution of man from a primitive monkey-like animal. Both books aroused world-wide controversy. Many considered them to be offensive, atheistic, blasphemous and Darwin"s caricatures were published in magazines. Although later research has modified or disproved some of Darwin"s findings, scientists still accept his basic ideas.Darwin was born in Shrewsbury and his father was a physician. As a youth Darwin was interested in all living things. He read all the books on geology and biology he could find and collected plant and animal specimens, including fossils. In 1825 he began medical studies at the University of Edinburgh but gave them up after two years. In 1828 he entered Cambridge University to study theology getting a degree in 1831. He eventually obtained a post as unpaid naturalist aboard the surveying ship H.M.S. Beagle.In 1831 the Beagle left on a five-year voyage to South American and Australian waters. During this time Darwin observed and studied in many remote regions of the world. He collected great numbers of plant and animal specimens. From detailed notes of his observations he began to develop the theory that was to make him famous. When he returned to England Darwin began studying and investigating nature. In 1844 Darwin began to compile his greatest contribution, Origin of Species, in which he proposed his theory of natural selection. All life, he said, is a continuous struggle in which only the fittest can survive. In this period Darwin discovered that the idea of natural selection was not exclusively his. Alfred Russel Wallace ( 1823-1913 ), a young naturalist, had developed similar ideas in an essay called "On the Tendency of Varieties to Depart Independently from the Original Type." Wallace sent this paper to Darwin for an opinion. Darwin took Wallace"s manuscript to a friend, Sir Charles Lyell, who decided that both Wallace"s and Darwin"s ideas should be presented at the same time. On July 1,1858, both papers were read at a meeting of the Linnaean Society of London.After publication of Origin of Species in 1859, Darwin continued to write on botany, geology, and zoology until his death in 1882. He is buried in Westminster Abbey. (3)Darwin, Charles Robert (1809-1882), British scientist, who laid the foundation of modern evolutionary theory with his concept of the development of all forms of life through the slow-working process of natural selection. His work was of major influence on the life and earth sciences and on modern thought in general.Born in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England, on February 12, 1809, Darwin was the fifth child of a wealthy and sophisticated English family. His maternal grandfather was the successful china and pottery entrepreneur Josiah Wedgwood; his paternal grandfather was the well-known 18th-century physician and savant Erasmus Darwin. After graduating from the elite school at Shrewsbury in 1825, young Darwin went to the University of Edinburgh to study medicine. In 1827 he dropped out of medical school and entered the University of Cambridge, in preparation for becoming a clergyman of the Church of England. There he met two stellar figures: Adam Sedgwick, a geologist, and John Stevens Henslow, a naturalist. Henslow not only helped build Darwin"s self-confidence but also taught his student to be a meticulous and painstaking observer of natural phenomena and collector of specimens. After graduating from Cambridge in 1831, the 22-year-old Darwin was taken aboard the English survey ship HMS Beagle, largely on Henslow"s recommendation, as an unpaid naturalist on a scientific expedition around the world.Voyage of the BeagleDarwin"s job as naturalist aboard the Beagle gave him the opportunity to observe the various geological formations found on different continents and islands along the way, as well as a huge variety of fossils and living organisms. In his geological observations, Darwin was most impressed with the effect that natural forces had on shaping the earth"s surface.At the time, most geologists adhered to the so-called catastrophist theory that the earth had experienced a succession of creations of animal and plant life, and that each creation had been destroyed by a sudden catastrophe, such as an upheaval or convulsion of the earth"s surface (see GEOLOGY: HISTORY OF GEOLOGICAL THOUGHT: 18TH AND 19TH CENTURIES). According to this theory, the most recent catastrophe, Noah"s flood, wiped away all life except those forms taken into the ark. The rest were visible only in the form of fossils. In the view of the catastrophists, species were individually created and immutable, that is, unchangeable for all time.The catastrophist viewpoint (but not the immutability of species) was challenged by the English geologist Sir Charles Lyell in his two-volume work Principles of Geology (1830-33). Lyell maintained that the earth"s surface is undergoing constant change, the result of natural forces operating uniformly over long periods.Aboard the Beagle, Darwin found himself fitting many of his observations into Lyell"s general uniformitarian view. Beyond that, however, he realized that some of his own observations of fossils and living plants and animals cast doubt on the Lyell-supported view that species were specially created. He noted, for example, that certain fossils of supposedly extinct species closely resembled living species in the same geographical area. In the Galapagos Islands, off the coast of Ecuador, he also observed that each island supported its own form of tortoise, mockingbird, and finch; the various forms were closely related but differed in structure and eating habits from island to island. Both observations raised the question, for Darwin, of possible links bet
2023-06-24 05:35:181


鱼叉:harpoon 鱼饵:bait 鱼钩:barb/fishhook 渔船:fisher/hooker/trawler 渔网:fishing net/flue
2023-06-24 05:35:251


这个是汤姆·克鲁斯早期的经典电影,他演一个律师,在庭上交锋的过程排得很棒义海雄风/军官与魔鬼/好人寥寥 A Few Good Men(1992) 剧情简介: 关塔娜摩美军基地,士兵道森和唐尼被指控杀害了另一名士兵圣地亚哥。军队的律师丹尼尔.卡菲中尉为被告辨护。据杰塞普上校说,死者曾告发过道森,之后曾请调工作,以逃避“红色法规”——士兵自行做出的惩罚的报复。但卡菲对此怀疑,上校有可能窜改记录,谎称没有飞机离开基地,致使圣地亚哥惨遭毒手。 经过讯问,被告称是遵照上司肯德里克中尉的命令对圣地亚哥施行“红色法规”的;机场的地勤人员也作证说上校撒了谎;再加上马金森中校因参与作伪证畏罪自杀,杰塞普只得承认,是他让肯德里克尉下令执行“红色法规”的。上校被捕,两名被告无罪释放。 导 演: 罗伯·雷恩 Rob Reiner 主 演: 凯文·培根 Kevin Bacon 汤姆·克鲁斯 Tom Cruise 戴米·摩尔 Demi Moore 杰克·尼科尔森 Jack Nicholson 库巴·古丁 Cuba Gooding Jr. 吉弗·莎瑟兰 Kiefer Sutherland J.T. Walsh 克里斯多弗·盖斯特 Christopher Guest 上 映: 1992年12月11日 ( 西班牙 )更多地区 地 区: 美国 ( 拍摄地 ) 对 白: 英语 评 分: 7.5/10( 21908票 ) 详细 颜 色: 彩色 声 音: Dolby SR 时 长: 138 分钟 类 型: 剧情 惊秫 分 级: 英国:15 西班牙:13 阿根廷:13 芬兰:K-8 德国:12 智利:TE 澳大利亚:M 瑞典:11 挪威:15 美国:R参考资料:
2023-06-24 05:35:423


看不懂问题,难道六人行中有两个 JOEY?
2023-06-24 05:36:012

跪求::帮我翻译 谢谢了 我急需

翻译:每个人的爱情在哪里今天, 爱在哪里,今天,在哪里也爱今日。 每个人的爱情在哪里今天, 爱情在哪里今天。 反正你想, 反正你要, 爱的爱我,爱的爱我,爱的爱。 我一直在喊了这么久, 战斗眼泪刚刚进行, 但现在,而现在,它的消失。 嘿女孩为什么你们不能进行下去, 是"事业,你就像你的母亲, 有些紧,想捉弄娱乐休闲, 以及你在哪里也不会捉弄没有别的, 在哪里,你的爱人一样。 每个人的爱情在哪里今天, 热爱今天,热爱今天。 每个人的爱情在哪里今天, 反正你想, 反正你要, 爱的爱我,爱的爱我,爱的爱。 女孩在槽与大萧条, 大萧条,大萧条。 等到你的母亲和你爹的走了, 爹的经历妈妈,爸爸,休克让我感到吃惊, 震惊让我感到吃惊,休克休克。 每个人的爱情在哪里今天, 爱在哪里,今天,在哪里也爱今天我说: 每个人的爱情在哪里今天, 爱在哪里,今天, 反正你想, 反正你要, 爱的爱我,爱的爱我,爱的爱。 南卡罗来纳州位于1995 , 给她一元她会令你的微笑。 妓女,预订宴席 ,走开! 女童连衣裙像一个小孩玩, 舔她的嘴唇像他们其他的东西, 试图告诉你的生活才刚刚开始, 但你知道,她的得到其他比爱她的母亲每个人的爱情在哪里今天, 热爱今天,热爱今天每个人的爱情在哪里今天, 反正你想, 反正你要, 爱的爱我,爱的爱我,爱的爱。 女孩在槽与大萧条, 大萧条,大萧条。 等到你的母亲和你爹的走了, 爹的经历妈妈 ,爸爸,休克让我感到吃惊, 震惊让我感到吃惊,休克休克。 我说: 每个人的爱情在哪里今天, 爱在哪里,今天,在哪里也爱今天我说: 每个人的爱情在哪里今天, 爱在哪里,今天, 反正你想, 反正你要, 爱的爱我,爱的爱我,爱的爱。 末日大大迪大迪...
2023-06-24 05:36:093