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特地向您推荐一本书《泰国民间故事选译》 刀承华编译 民族出版社应该很适合您的。该书正文页428页!




郑州北边,黄河南岸有个渡口,叫花园口。1938年,蒋介石在花园口扒开了黄河大堤,造成人为的黄河决堤改道,淹死了八九十万人。这样花园口就出了名。 相传在很多年前,黄河在这里决了一次口。人们费了几年功夫才把决口堵住。堵口修堤的老百姓不少是灾民,早已无家可归,等把黄河水堵住,有的干脆不走啦,住在堵口修堤时盖的临时草庵里。他们在这里开地耕种,成家养孩子,慢慢人多了,就成了一个村庄,取名叫贵家庄。又过了好些年,从荥阳流出来的涸水在这里流入黄河。这样一来,这里南来北往的人多了,成了个热闹的地方。 到了明朝,贵家庄出了个大官,叫许赞,在这里当天官。许赞当了几年官,搜刮了不少钱,就在家里修了个大花园。这个大花园方圆五六百亩大,种了许多奇花异草,一年四季花园里都开花,飘着香,远近几十里的人都来这里看热闹观花。 一年春天,许天官回家。贵家庄像赶庙会一样,一群群,一伙伙,搀老人,背小孩,挤拥不堪来许家花园看花。人多了,做小生意的,卖吃食的也多起来。许天官的花园在黄河和涸河角角里,来看花的人要过涸水,水上无桥无船,趟过来趟过去很不方便。许天官看到这些情形,就想:我要在涸水上弄个船,摆渡来往的人,这是个赚钱的买卖呀! 许赞想发财,就开挖了涸水入黄河的水口,让黄河水倒流到涸水里去。这样一挖,涸水河面宽了,水也深了。许天官弄了个大船,找了几个船工,修了渡口,摆渡行人。人们听说有了摆渡,来看花的人更多了。不几个月,许天官就赚了不少白花花的银子。 夏季到了,黄河一涨水,呼地涌进了涸水,水越涨越大,黄河冲着涸水河口,向南滚了几里,稀里糊涂把许天官的大花园也淹没了。后来这里真的成了南北来往的渡口。人们去这里的时候,总是说:到花园口去。这样花园口的名字就叫起来了。(选自<黄河的神话>)这里还有一个不错的网http://


<<Hefei civil Tales Legends Tieguai Li ----->> Hefei south of the Han Dynasty when there are two brothers, Lee Rehabus brother Gao medicine, the younger brother of General LI Yue, a deputy only when they got kind of sick mother, his brother had no alternative but to a day to a Taoist priest came to their house to sing a Snow: Queen Mother of the West, said there could be a prescription treatment of the disease, Fu Shi Yishou: To look for slope Jian Gu six snakes, Fengcanlousu waterfront days. Xiantao al mountain ridge step. After suffering thousands of the Manual. Queen Mother of the West have heard that there could be a prescription treatment of the disease, the younger brother to hear the donkey is helping mothers leave their families to seek prescription. After carrying his mother and a mountain, over a river and one day in the evening to a Black Forest, the land of the moon to reflect a good light, his mother said the terrible thirst, and want to drink water. He called his mother in the rest under a tree, looking for their own water and found one across the water Xiao Wang. However, there are two flowers in the snakes play, LI Yue them off after seeing all the water Heihu Hu, how can you drink? Then suddenly the mother pushed him holding a big mouth on the drinking, drinking after his mother said: "delicious, much more comfortable." The next morning they have their way, I do not know how much the road is gone, how much rain and snow, the number of hunger, one day they come to a good good lake, the lake"s beautiful scenery good the United States. Saw a grass The house, get rest, get a look inside the gum is that they look stunned, coming in at this time is a great big fat man shaking also Pushan. Tell them that the landscape here, and more products. I hope that they can stay Stay down, he brought a lot of good hospitality they are. LI Yue unmoved, however, one to go to the Western Regions for drugs. LI Yue big fat man himself praised the arrangement, he gave a red dates LI Yue , Asked him to eat, but it stars Sally date, LI Yue carrying a mother to eat do not feel tired, so Zouyazouya do not know how many years they had. 。 . 。 . They have a big foot of the mountain, saw the rise of large tracts of Taoyuan, peaches are large and long red, far from the smell the smell, they came to the hill in front of Taoyuan was shocked, big high peach trees, and a lot of Birds, there are no deer LI Yue, a stream. Said his mother wanted to eat peaches, LI Yue pick to climb trees, accidentally fell down from a tree, broke his feet, he limped pain tolerance of the peach mothers to want to eat, she ate two , A left said: "The Era, you eat a bar." LI Yue I also eat a thirsty, and how I thought how taste, but also for the first time how to eat delicious things. But would also like to see Queen Mother had to think of their way, on a charge-off tree branches when his mother helped take the walking stick, when suddenly a group of fairies Youshuoyouxiao, when they saw the mother and son when LI Yue Hou said, "You too timid , To know here is what? "A reprimand. LI Yue mother and son bowed his head, I do not know what to do. This time to China and the United States wearing a dress, look very kindly old woman who dismiss many of the fairies, LI Yue asked that they come from. Yiwuyishi LI Yue on the answer to her. He praised the Queen Mother of the arrangement, His begging for medicine nodded his head, the Queen Mother asked what else he wants, LI Yue said that the Queen Mother of the West want the prescription benefit the world people. 。 . 。 . 。 . 。 . 。 . Later, Queen Mother of the West Queen Mother of the West Dianhua immortal, founder of the Tung Wah Group of closure, awarding a Tie Zhang. LI Yue home with his mother, brother, mother and son to see them come back very surprised, rushed to ask is not what the prescription treatment? Listening to Yiwuyishi LI Yue-ching said that after the stamp foot on the floor, said: "Brother or your trip! I had to the mother when the diagnosis to determine the drug-six snakes Valley, Lake Lu-day, two peach Sally Anderson prescription can be cured because of the three drugs Nan Yu, I can only shake their heads did not expect ... Or the arrangement of your people to complete the difficult things done ... ... Later, the brothers work together in the home they left a lot of prescriptions. Hefei local people in memory of the Manual on the lame built a temple - Six Valley Temple.


陈永贵生活很朴素,没有什么特殊的嗜好,就是爱抽菸。早年他是种烟的好手,也是炮制旱菸的专家。他那烟杆儿尺把长,拴着一根菸绳,下面吊着装菸叶的荷包,不抽菸时就挂在脖子上。 后来当了国务院副总理,经常在政治局开会,接见外宾,在脖子上挂个菸袋不方便,就只好买纸菸。但他一般不抽好烟,更不抽带过滤嘴的烟。只是在特殊场合,为了应酬也抽一点“中华”之类的高级香菸。卸任后国家仍按高干待遇给他特供,他不要。从此“中华”也不抽了,变成了抽“大前门”。但抽得最多的是3角多钱一包的“三七”牌烟等低档烟。再后来,他又抽起了旱菸,用上了以前挂在脖子上的烟杆儿。 他抽旱菸简直是一门绝技。田间休息时,他走到树荫下,脱下鞋子,往地上一扔,然后坐在鞋上,拿起菸袋就抽了起来,快抽完一袋时,将烟红磕出来,重装一袋烟末后,他头部向左微斜,用烟锅对上磕在地上的烟红,或者干脆用手把烟红捏到烟锅里,然后猛吸两口,浓浓的烟雾便四处缭绕……一袋旱菸抽完了,烟锅里只有一块菸灰,磕出来以后,烟锅里乾乾净净。 他抽香菸更是令人称奇。上台讲话时,他右手里夹着一支菸,嘴里不停地讲,左手挥舞着,第一支菸快抽完了,从衣袋里再摸出一支,在桌子上礅一镦,把礅实的那头捏扁,眼睛不望,快烧完的菸头准确地接到了刚取出的那支菸上。藉着第一支菸头的余火,一吸,第二支菸就着了。几个小时讲完了,那一支菸还在手里,菸缸里装满了菸灰,可就是不见菸头。 平时坐着时,他用火柴点着一支菸,歪着头,用手半捂着嘴一边思考一边抽菸。半天抽完了七八支,火柴只用了一根,菸头也只有一个。 外国人看了非常惊奇,在外国不断报道这种又整洁又节约的“陈永贵抽菸法”。

