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Eminem的徒弟是50 cent?

Dr.Dre是EMINEM、50 CENT的师傅,1.Jay-Z and N.A.S. :Jay-Z和Nas当年的争斗号称世纪大战,双方谁也不肯让谁,在歌中互相对骂;但是最终以Jay-Z在商业上的成功而终结。 2.Ja Rule:说唱厂牌Murder.Inc旗下的一员,和Eminem,50 Cent,Dr.Dre们有很大的过节,双方曾经一度在歌中,电台,杂志上互相指责,而这首歌中EM说到“I heard him say Hailie"s name on a song and I just lost it”指的是Ja Rule曾经在他的loose change里念道“Em ya claim ya mother"s a crackhead and Kim is a known slut,so what"s Hailie gon" be when she grows up?” 3.The Source和Benzino:Source是一本专门的Hip-Hop杂志,而Benzino是The Source杂志的前任CEO,同时也是Ja Rule的好朋友,Made Men说唱团体的成员之一。Benzino在任时,The Source杂志曾经给EMINEM的专辑打了很低的分,而Benzino又宣称EMINEM是"rap hitler",双方因此积怨。2004年,The Source杂志宣称拥有EMINEM早年未公开的作品母带,歌曲中很明显的表现出EMINEM是个种族歧视者,并准备在下期杂志中随书赠碟,由读者进行评定。EMINEM随即让律师出面通过法庭禁止了这一举措,并同时对当年的那些作品所表现出来的幼稚公开道歉。 4.Suge:Suge Knight,真名Marion Knight,Death Row Records的创始人,Dr.Dre曾经就是旗下成员。但是后来Dr.Dre发现Death Row Records从事各项非法活动,要求退出Death Row Records。Suge把Dr.Dre踢了出去并找了一大堆帮派分子对Dr.Dre进行骚扰,同时宣布Dr.Dre的所有唱片版权都归他所有,后来Dr.Dre自立门户Aftermath厂牌。EM之所以在歌中滤掉了Suge的名字,是因为他答应了Dr.Dre决不在歌中提到Suge的名字,Dr.Dre也不希望他插手此事,引来麻烦,但是Suge还是不停的叫嚣,甚至骂EMINEM是个种族歧视者。此外,Suge还被认为是指使杀害2Pac的最大嫌疑人。 5.Runyon Avenue:D12里的Kon Artis和Kuniva创立的厂牌


JAY-Z 一个嘻哈音乐艺术家Lil Wayne 美国饶舌歌手Kanye West 美国的饶舌歌手美国的饶舌歌手、唱片制作人、作家和歌手,目前为止共发行了四张专辑。在2008年5月16日,坎耶·韦斯特获得MTV电视台选为该年度“最热门饶舌歌手”。Drake和B.O.B很被看好能成为说唱乐坛上的明日之星。

ja rule骂eminem和dre的那首歌歌名是什么?

Ja Rule “Loose Change” 杰鲁为了制造话题, 这次火力全开, 不只针对五角, 还连阿姆和德瑞博士一起开骂, 他在”Loose Change”这首歌里面, 把阿姆的Eminem拼成Feminem(暗指他娘娘腔), 讽刺阿姆和德瑞博士是一对同性恋人, 还说德瑞博士签的新人Truth Hurts是变性人; 更惹毛阿姆的是杰鲁竟然在歌词中暗示, 阿姆的宝贝女儿”海莉”,会跟她外婆和她妈妈Kim一样, 长大变成一个婊子.姆爷回击Eminem “Hail Mary 2003” (Ja Rule Diss) >>相较於一直接受访问到处放话的杰鲁,阿姆一直不愿回应这种挑衅的动作, 还劝诫子弟兵五角也不要陷入和杰鲁的口水战, 但是这次有关他女儿, 於是阿姆终於忍无可忍写了这首Hail Mary 2003, 这首歌是改编自吐派克的作品”Hail Mary”; 杰鲁一直很崇拜吐派克,还自认为吐派克再世; 所以他们特别用吐派克的歌来讽刺杰鲁;歌词中还提到如果吐派克还活著, 才不屑和杰鲁这种人为伍; 本来和杰鲁维持友好关系的Busta Rhymes也因为莫名奇妙被杰鲁乱攻击, 也火大而加入阿姆阵营, 在这首歌里跟杰鲁呛声; 之後Shady家族还出了一张mix tape, 集中火力猛攻杰鲁, 其中还有一首由女儿海莉献声的歌曲”Doe Rae Me”, 表示老爸阿姆帮女儿出了一口气. 而一般乐迷的反应都觉得<冤有头债有主>, 杰鲁何必攻击一个无辜的小女孩, 何况阿姆从来没有攻击过杰鲁的小孩; 五角在某次接受访问时特别提到,这是杰鲁和他之间的恩怨 何必扯到阿姆或是德瑞博士, 或其他人的身上, 这种做法让人很不齿; 双方的战争还延伸到音乐录影带, 五角在他”Wanska”的MV中, 就有一幕是把杰鲁的公仔娃娃丢进垃

谁有all she wrote 的英文歌词?Eminem独唱的版本,谢谢了

回答人的补充 2011-02-04 18:51 Chorus:Now I don"t really care what you call meYou can even call me coldThese bitches know as soon as they saw meIts never me to get the privilege to know "emI roll like a desperado, now I never know where I"m gonna goStill I ball like there"s no tomorrow...1st Verse:Your staring straight into a barrel of hateTerrible fate,Not even a slim chance to make a narrow escapeCupid shot his arrow and missedWait Sarah you"re late, your train left.Mascara and eggs smeared on your faceNights over goodbye, hoeI thought that I told ya" the spilled nut aint nothing to cry overNever shoulda" came within Range of my RoverShoulda" known i was trouble soon as I rolled up,Any chick who"s dumb enough out there I blind fold her,She still comes back to my crib,Must want me to mess with her mind hold up.She must"ve took me for some high roller.But i wont buy her a sodaUnless it"s rock n" roll cola.Buy u a bag of fritos I wouldn"t let u eat the fucking chip on my shoulder.If you was bleach and I was hair I wouldn"t dye for yaTryna pull 5 bucks from me is like tryna pulling 5 molarsYou get your eyes swole up i"m on my straight grizzlySo why would i buy you a gayass teddy bear,bitch you"re already bi-polar2nd Verse:Man TIP told me on this hoe tip, best tip I could give you to hip youNever let these traits trick youMighty ambiguous of you to think I love slut, shitDig you a hole, take the shovel and dig you some dignity bitchShit you talk about some adivce that sticks with youIf i should listen to anyone tell me to stick to my gunsLike double stick, its you but fuck "em TIP, its coldIts chilling like and feeling like the penguin in it"s fucking igloo eating fudgesiclesI"d rather slip and fall in shit than fall in love with youBefore I tie a fucking knot I"d tie you in one bitchYou think this is some Nintendo game how f-cking dumb is youI"ll give you some mumps before I split some lump somes with youSo here"s a penny for your thoughtsBut it won"t buy you a chesseburger, although a nickle might just get you one pickleFuck it, its official so blow the whistle I got a trust issueThats a bombshell, scud missle!I got this cuss at you to fucking cuss at youLike before I rap there was some motherfucking studSlut, this will teach you not to come drunk, stumbling my way fo shizzleI still live like I bought you the Gilbert slot checks stob bizzleSo fuck sissors these checkers are bust like a blood blister3rd Verse:I guess life is a bitch aint it tipAnd each one thinks they the shitShirt off my back? I wouldn"t give you the dirt off my hankercheifI"m giving these hoes a dose of there own medicineLet em get a good taste of itI"m sure you got that relationship memo by now,But in case you didntImma stick this whole pad full of sticky notes to your forehead and staple itLife is too short and I got no time to sit around just wasting itSo I pace this shit a little bit quickerThat clock I"m racing and double timing itBut I still spit triple the amount of insults in a tenth of the timeIt may take you pricks to catch onWhile you strong arm like Stretch ArmstrongMan I still say K-mart like theres an apostrophe "S" on it dogAnd they say McDonalds isn"t a restaurant well I guess I"m wrongBut if you gon tell me that the A&W aint the spot for the best hot dogs you can get the "F" on dawg

玛丽亚凯莉一首歌里歌词有"MAKE YOU MINE"

your girl








Eminem 呀,看看爸爸的小女儿那是爸爸宝贝 昏昏欲睡的小脑袋昨天我换了你的尿布抚摩并且替你打粉 你怎么长这么大?不敢相信你现在才两岁呀宝贝你是如此的珍贵 爸爸为你感到骄傲 坐下母狗(贱人)如果您再动我在外面揍你别让我惊醒这个婴儿不需要看见我正要做什么 不要哭母狗(贱人),为什么你总是让我冲你嚷? 你怎么能 就这样离开我去爱他噢怎么了kim 我是不是对你太大声了太糟了 母狗(贱人) 现在听我说完首先 我看起来很好你想把我丢掉 很好 但不要因为要让他代替我 你疯了吗 这床,这电视,整个房子都是我的你怎么能让他躺在我们的床上睡觉看着kim 现在看你的丈夫不我说看看他 他现在不那么火辣了对吧废物 你为什么这样做你他妈的闭嘴你喝醉了 你从没做出过这种事 你认为我是在骗你? 你认为我他妈的想这样吗? 好了婊子闪一边去吧 不 在前面坐下我们不能仅为分开让Hailie感到孤单,如果她醒来怎么办?我很快回来而你将被困住(树干.我这么理解)婊子你让我如此犯错 我不想要这样了生活在没有你的世界里您真正地操了我一次kim 您真正地在我这出现我想不到你不忠实于我并且再让我提心吊胆但是那会儿我们还是孩子当时我只有18岁 那是多年以前 我认为我们忘却了往事 真他妈的糟糕 我爱你噢,上帝,我的脑子疲于奔跑我爱你 你在做什么换台!我讨厌这支歌!这看起来一个大笑话 不一个4岁儿童在你的起居室里被割破喉咙!你是不是觉得我在哄骗你没有你,我依然爱他不那该死的欺骗,你一直哄骗着 什么,该死的,这个不是我个人的问题 笨蛋咬我啊 kim kim 你为什么不喜欢我您是不是认为我太丑了没有那回事 不 你就是觉得我丑 宝贝 别让该死的碰我 我恨你恨你恨你 我发誓我恨你噢。上帝 我爱你 你他妈的怎么能这样对我呢抱歉 你他妈的怎么能这样对我呢过来 出来不 我害怕我说了给我过来婊子 别揪我的头发别这样做宝贝我爱你看我们已经有了halie操 是你对我们做错了你做的 你的错 天啊我要崩溃了得到夹子马歇尔嘿还记不记得在Brian的聚会么你醉的吐了Archie一身那很可笑对吧是 那很可笑对吧是 看见它很没道理吧你跟你丈夫打架了 你们中的一个挨枪子打架时 他不小心割了自己的喉咙不 并且,正这会儿他的儿子醒了,并且他进来 她恐慌,然后他叫了起来哎呀 所以他们全都死了 而你也割向自己的喉咙所以这有两个死人 还有个没留遗嘱的自杀者我应该更好知道您什么时候开始行动古怪 我们… 嘿 你去哪 给我回来你逃不掉的kim这里除了我们没有别人 这只会让你更难受Ha Ha Got"cha Ahh Ha随便你叫 来啊我和你一起叫没人来救你懂了吗 没人能听到你贱人现在你他妈的给我闭嘴,想想你将遭遇到什么您应该假装爱我窒息 现在流血吧贱人流血吧流血吧流血吧流血吧


Em和Kim与2000年离婚后又在06年再度结婚 但这个二次婚姻持续不到几个月又离婚了Em和Kim是在高中读书时认识的 他们的第一次离婚是因为Em的那首著名的歌《Kim》(里面的对话完全就是谋杀妻子并弃尸荒野的场景) Kim曾经一度为此想要自杀 从而引发诽谤控告以及离婚种种闹剧而他们第二次结婚 据Em所言 是为了他们的小女儿Hailie (其实在mockingbird里你可以清楚听见Em说Hailie很想念妈妈)后来离婚的原因却不得而知 但根据新出来的专辑relapse通篇所述 我猜测导因就是Em曾经遭受过的“drug problem”——他吸毒而导致的严重问题其实我觉得Em是深爱着Kim的但有些夫妻就是这样 相爱但不能相容 07年的时候Em曾经被一个男人控告恐吓 原因就是那个男人说他曾经亲过Kim Em就用枪指着那个男的头 即使他经常戏言说与mariah Carey 或者Christina等人有染 但这一事件证明他始终深爱的人只有Kim一个(Em也曾经在某采访中说过Kim和他自己是彼此深爱的)


Eminem和Kim的纠结的感情是广大stan们一直都特别关心的事情。总感觉Em认识了Kim之后,他们的世界就没有太平过。期间简直就是各种纠结,各种混乱。所以现在我给大家比较仔细地说说他们俩的渊源吧。 Kim的全名是Kimberly Anne Scott 。和Em一样,Kim从小也生活在一个畸形的家庭。继父嗜酒成性,常常殴打自己和妹妹。13的时候,她带着妹妹离家出走,住到朋友家。刚好,那个朋友也是Em的朋友。1989年,Eminem和Kim在朋友家第一次见面。当时Em才15岁,Kim13岁。我真的觉得是缘分啊,就那么巧,Kim和Em又在同一所高中念书。所以,在互相了解了之后,Kim就搬到了Em家住了。当然,Em的妈妈也和他们住在一起。 可能因为Em在6个月大的时候父母离婚,妈妈给的关爱又不够;再加上一直生活在黑人区,看到的、经历的都是很黑暗,很暴力的东西,从小就没怎么感受到过温 暖,所以和Kim在一起后就把Kim当做依靠,当做温暖的来源。Em很爱Kim,也很相信她。两个人在一起的前几年,姆哥还不是很出名,当时生活很苦,但 是他和Kim的感情是很好的1995年12月25号,Kim生下了Em唯一有血缘关系的女儿——Hailie Jade Scott。1996年,Eminem发行了第一张专辑Infinite.LP。但是并没有得到什么强烈的反响,反而让Em两人陷入了财政危机。加之Kim和Em妈妈的婆媳关系并不融洽,Em和Kim从妈妈家搬了出去,搬到了犯罪率较高的底特律。1997年,俩人因生活太艰苦,没钱而出现了感情危机,就分手了。Kim搬回了自己的家,和妈妈和继父住在一起。而且,这分开的这段日子里,Kim还不准 Em见女儿,这确实很折磨Em啊~在这期间,Kim有自己的工作——按摩师。双方好像都从没有想到自己日后还会和对方结婚,纠缠不清吧。1999年6月14号,两人人终于结了婚。婚礼是在美国密苏里州的圣约瑟夫举行的。但是个人觉得这场婚礼真的是酷毙了!因为Em和Kim只邀请了三位客人:Em的妈妈,和其他两个人不知道是谁,大概是Kim的的妹妹之类的人吧结婚后,姆哥开始名声大噪了。常常是各种忙,录音啊,演出啊。两个人是聚少离多,一般都是Kim独守空闺。这也就让两人的感情急转直下。1999年,Em 创作了首叫97′ Bonnie& Clyde的歌。在这首歌里,Em带着女儿Hailie驾车到野外,把妻子的尸体扔到湖里。2000年6月,Em在一家酒吧外面看到了自己的保镖John Guerra正在亲吻妻子Kim,就立马冲过去打Guerra 。(这也能看出Em还是很爱很爱Kim的。)随后,Em被捕。第二天,这件事就上了各大新闻的头条。矛头一一指向Kim,大家都谴责Kim出轨。在公众的眼里,Kim确实是罪恶极了。但是这些消息都是Em单方给出的,而且,这个世界是个炒作的世界,很多消息在公之于众的时候就已经被加工过了。事情真正的样子,只有当事人知道。(无心诋毁Em,只是觉得应该更加客观地看待这件事。)但是也有消息说,在这件事情爆出之后,Kim曾在一家报纸上发表过声明,想要澄清事实。声明的大概意思是:“如果我真的偷情,就不会在家附近的酒吧,不会 让他找到我。他在打人之前根本就没有搞清楚事情是怎么回事。他应该明白,我身边的人,不论男女,都只是朋友。而他却不分青红皂白地断定我是在偷情。让大家 都误会我。”但是由于Em给出的事情真相已经深入人心,加之Kim除了“Eminem之妻”这个名号之外,并没有任何值得大家关注地方,这则声明也就不了 了之了。也是在2000年,Kim因第二次醉驾而被吊销了驾照。这或多或少也增加了Em对她的偏见。就在这个月,Em就向法庭诉讼离婚,但是Kim不同意。之后,Em又写了首叫KIM的歌。这在这首歌里,Eminem描写他如何杀死Kim然后抛尸荒野,算是上一首歌的剧场版。可能这是Eminem至今最愤怒、最让毛骨悚然的一首歌。(我是觉得这两首歌确实是挺伤Kim的,但是可能那时候的姆哥年轻,冲动吧。)歌曲KIM发布之后,Em是答应过Kim的,说一定不会在演唱会上唱这首歌的。但是Em食言了。2001年,Em的一场演唱会,Kim去现场看了。让人咋 舌的是,Em当晚唱了KIM那首歌,还在舞台上殴打形似Kim的公仔。当晚,Kim就试图割腕自杀,未遂。之后她又告Em诽谤。同时,Em再次向法院提出 离婚。终于,2001年10月11号,俩人把这婚离干净了。Kim得到了一笔赡养费,她和Em共同抚养Hailie。虽然离婚了,但Em对妻子的恨却没有消散。他在很多歌里,还是含沙射影地骂 Kim。2002年,——《Sing for the Moment》——歌词:You"re full of shit too, Guerra, that was a fist that hit you (Guerra你就是一坨狗屎,这是我给你的第一拳) 这里指的是Eminem和Guerra打架。足以知道Em对这件事的在意程度。2002年,<‘Till I Collapse>——歌词:My thoughts are sporadic, I act like I"m an addict I rap like I"m addicted to smack like I"m Kim Mathers. (我思维断断续续,行为象个瘾君子;我唱饶舌歌上瘾,风格酷似Kim Mather) Kim曾经因为吸毒而被拘捕,而这是Eminem对她的轻蔑讽刺。2002年,——《Solider》——歌词:listen as the sound ticks on the clock Listen to the sound of Kim as she licks on the cock (听听时钟的滴答声,听听Kim口【和谐】交的声音) 这里暗指Kim在他们第一段婚姻对Em不忠。但大概2004年的时候,我们就能从很多歌里看出Eminem对Kim的思念了。Em开始回忆以前和Kim一起做的开心的事情。2004年,——《Mockingbird》——歌词:It"s funny I remember back one year when daddy had no money Mommy wrapped the Christmas presents up And stuck‘em under the tree and said some of‘em were from me Cuz daddy couldn"t buy‘em I"ll never forget that Christmas I sat up the whole night crying (内容来自人人网)翻译:真搞笑我至今仍能清楚的记得有一年爸爸身无分文,不名一钱 妈妈把圣诞礼物包裹好小心翼翼地挂在圣诞树上 并且说,有些是你爸爸为你准备的 就因为爸爸买不起礼物啊,我无助的呆坐着,圣诞节一整晚的泪水就这样淌在我的记忆中。

Eminem的《Kim》 歌词

歌曲名:Kim歌手:Eminem专辑:The Marshall Mathers LpAww look at daddy"s baby girlThat"s daddy babyLittle sleepy headYesterday I changed your diaperWiped you and powdered you.How did you get so big?Can"t believe it now your twoBaby you"re so preciousDaddy"s so proud of youSit down bitchIf you move again I"ll beat the shit out of you(Eminem as Kim)(Okay)Don"t make me wake this babyShe don"t need to see what I"m about to doQuit crying bitch, why do you always make me shout at you?How could you?Just leave me and love him out the blueOh, what"s a matter Kim?Am I too loud for you?Too bad bitch, your gonna finally hear me out this timeAt first, I"m like all rightYou wanna throw me out? That"s fine!But not for him to take my place, are you out you"re mind?This couch, this TV, this whole house is mine!How could you let him sleep in our bed?Look at KimLook at your husband now!(No!)I said look at him!He ain"t so hot now is he?Little punk!(Why are you doing this?)Shut the fuck up!(You"re drunk! You"re never going to get away at this!)You think I give a fuck!Come on we"re going for a ride bitchSit up front(Well I can"t just leave Haley alone, what if she wakes up?)We"ll be right backWell I will you"ll be in the trunk - So long, bitch you did me so wrongI don"t wanna go onLiving in this world without youSo long, bitch you did me so wrongYou really fucked me KimYou really did a number on meNever knew me cheating on you would come back to haunt meBut we was kids then Kim, I was only 18That was years agoI thought we wiped the slate cleanThat"s fucked up!(I love you!)Oh God my brain is racingWhat are you doing?Change the station I hate this song!Does this look like a big joke?There"s a four year old boy lyin" dead with a slit throatIn your living room, ha-haWhat you think I"m kiddin" you?You loved him didn"t you?Bullshit you bitch don"t fucking lie to meWhat the fuck"s this guy"s problem on the side of me?Fuck you asshole, yeah bite meKim, KIM!Why don"t you like me?You think I"m ugly don"t you(It"s not that!)No you think I"m ugly(Baby)Get the fuck away from me, don"t touch meI HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!I SWEAR TO GOD I HATE YOUOH MY GOD I LOVE YOUHow the fuck could you do this to me?(Sorry!)Come on get out(I can"t I"m scared)I said get out bitch!(Let go of my hair, please don"t do this baby)(Please I love you, look we can just take Haley and leave)Fuck you, you did this to usYou did it, it"s your faultOh my God I"m crackin" upGet a grip MarshallHey remember the time we went to Brian"s party?And you were like so drunk that you threw up all over ArchieThat was funny wasn"t it?(Yes!)See it all makes sense, doesn"t it?You and your husband have a fightOne of you tries to grab a knifeAnd during the struggle he accidentally gets his Adam"s apple slicedAnd while this is goin" onHis son just woke up and he just walks inShe panics and he gets his throat cut(Oh my God!)So now they both dead and you slash your own throatSo now it"s double homicide and suicide with no noteI should have known better when you started to act weirdWe could"ve...HEY! Where you going? Get back here!You can"t run from me KimIt"s just us, nobody else!You"re only making this harder on yourselfHa! Ha! Got"cha!(Ahh!)Ha! Go ahead yell!Here I"ll scream with you!AH SOMEBODY HELP!Don"t you get it bitch, no one can hear you?Now shut the fuck up and get what"s comin to youYou were supposed to love meNOW BLEED! BITCH BLEED!BLEED! BITCH BLEED! BLEED!http://music.baidu.com/song/1428868


Eminem和Kim的纠结的感情是广大stan们一直都特别关心的事情。总感觉Em认识了Kim之后,他们的世界就没有太平过。期间简直就是各种纠结,各种混乱。所以现在我给大家比较仔细地说说他们俩的渊源吧。 Kim的全名是Kimberly Anne Scott 。和Em一样,Kim从小也生活在一个畸形的家庭。继父嗜酒成性,常常殴打自己和妹妹。13的时候,她带着妹妹离家出走,住到朋友家。刚好,那个朋友也是Em的朋友。1989年,Eminem和Kim在朋友家第一次见面。当时Em才15岁,Kim13岁。我真的觉得是缘分啊,就那么巧,Kim和Em又在同一所高中念书。所以,在互相了解了之后,Kim就搬到了Em家住了。当然,Em的妈妈也和他们住在一起。 可能因为Em在6个月大的时候父母离婚,妈妈给的关爱又不够;再加上一直生活在黑人区,看到的、经历的都是很黑暗,很暴力的东西,从小就没怎么感受到过温 暖,所以和Kim在一起后就把Kim当做依靠,当做温暖的来源。Em很爱Kim,也很相信她。两个人在一起的前几年,姆哥还不是很出名,当时生活很苦,但 是他和Kim的感情是很好的1995年12月25号,Kim生下了Em唯一有血缘关系的女儿——Hailie Jade Scott。1996年,Eminem发行了第一张专辑Infinite.LP。但是并没有得到什么强烈的反响,反而让Em两人陷入了财政危机。加之Kim和Em妈妈的婆媳关系并不融洽,Em和Kim从妈妈家搬了出去,搬到了犯罪率较高的底特律。1997年,俩人因生活太艰苦,没钱而出现了感情危机,就分手了。Kim搬回了自己的家,和妈妈和继父住在一起。而且,这分开的这段日子里,Kim还不准 Em见女儿,这确实很折磨Em啊~在这期间,Kim有自己的工作——按摩师。双方好像都从没有想到自己日后还会和对方结婚,纠缠不清吧。1999年6月14号,两人人终于结了婚。婚礼是在美国密苏里州的圣约瑟夫举行的。但是个人觉得这场婚礼真的是酷毙了!因为Em和Kim只邀请了三位客人:Em的妈妈,和其他两个人不知道是谁,大概是Kim的的妹妹之类的人吧结婚后,姆哥开始名声大噪了。常常是各种忙,录音啊,演出啊。两个人是聚少离多,一般都是Kim独守空闺。这也就让两人的感情急转直下。1999年,Em 创作了首叫97′ Bonnie& Clyde的歌。在这首歌里,Em带着女儿Hailie驾车到野外,把妻子的尸体扔到湖里。2000年6月,Em在一家酒吧外面看到了自己的保镖John Guerra正在亲吻妻子Kim,就立马冲过去打Guerra 。(这也能看出Em还是很爱很爱Kim的。)随后,Em被捕。第二天,这件事就上了各大新闻的头条。矛头一一指向Kim,大家都谴责Kim出轨。在公众的眼里,Kim确实是罪恶极了。但是这些消息都是Em单方给出的,而且,这个世界是个炒作的世界,很多消息在公之于众的时候就已经被加工过了。事情真正的样子,只有当事人知道。(无心诋毁Em,只是觉得应该更加客观地看待这件事。)但是也有消息说,在这件事情爆出之后,Kim曾在一家报纸上发表过声明,想要澄清事实。声明的大概意思是:“如果我真的偷情,就不会在家附近的酒吧,不会 让他找到我。他在打人之前根本就没有搞清楚事情是怎么回事。他应该明白,我身边的人,不论男女,都只是朋友。而他却不分青红皂白地断定我是在偷情。让大家 都误会我。”但是由于Em给出的事情真相已经深入人心,加之Kim除了“Eminem之妻”这个名号之外,并没有任何值得大家关注地方,这则声明也就不了 了之了。也是在2000年,Kim因第二次醉驾而被吊销了驾照。这或多或少也增加了Em对她的偏见。就在这个月,Em就向法庭诉讼离婚,但是Kim不同意。之后,Em又写了首叫KIM的歌。这在这首歌里,Eminem描写他如何杀死Kim然后抛尸荒野,算是上一首歌的剧场版。可能这是Eminem至今最愤怒、最让毛骨悚然的一首歌。(我是觉得这两首歌确实是挺伤Kim的,但是可能那时候的姆哥年轻,冲动吧。)歌曲KIM发布之后,Em是答应过Kim的,说一定不会在演唱会上唱这首歌的。但是Em食言了。2001年,Em的一场演唱会,Kim去现场看了。让人咋 舌的是,Em当晚唱了KIM那首歌,还在舞台上殴打形似Kim的公仔。当晚,Kim就试图割腕自杀,未遂。之后她又告Em诽谤。同时,Em再次向法院提出 离婚。终于,2001年10月11号,俩人把这婚离干净了。Kim得到了一笔赡养费,她和Em共同抚养Hailie。虽然离婚了,但Em对妻子的恨却没有消散。他在很多歌里,还是含沙射影地骂 Kim。2002年,——《Sing for the Moment》——歌词:You"re full of shit too, Guerra, that was a fist that hit you (Guerra你就是一坨狗屎,这是我给你的第一拳) 这里指的是Eminem和Guerra打架。足以知道Em对这件事的在意程度。2002年,<‘Till I Collapse>——歌词:My thoughts are sporadic, I act like I"m an addict I rap like I"m addicted to smack like I"m Kim Mathers. (我思维断断续续,行为象个瘾君子;我唱饶舌歌上瘾,风格酷似Kim Mather) Kim曾经因为吸毒而被拘捕,而这是Eminem对她的轻蔑讽刺。2002年,——《Solider》——歌词:listen as the sound ticks on the clock Listen to the sound of Kim as she licks on the cock (听听时钟的滴答声,听听Kim口【和谐】交的声音) 这里暗指Kim在他们第一段婚姻对Em不忠。但大概2004年的时候,我们就能从很多歌里看出Eminem对Kim的思念了。Em开始回忆以前和Kim一起做的开心的事情。2004年,——《Mockingbird》——歌词:It"s funny I remember back one year when daddy had no money Mommy wrapped the Christmas presents up And stuck‘em under the tree and said some of‘em were from me Cuz daddy couldn"t buy‘em I"ll never forget that Christmas I sat up the whole night crying (内容来自人人网)翻译:真搞笑我至今仍能清楚的记得有一年爸爸身无分文,不名一钱 妈妈把圣诞礼物包裹好小心翼翼地挂在圣诞树上 并且说,有些是你爸爸为你准备的 就因为爸爸买不起礼物啊,我无助的呆坐着,圣诞节一整晚的泪水就这样淌在我的记忆中。

Put your hands in mine的歌词

she"s a loaded gunin my shaking handsam i in hell, or the promised land, yeah(what"s your name)so i tell you my name when i"m on your skin(you can be)you can be the queen, and i"ll be the king(i"ll get born)now i"m gonna echo but never again,not for anyone, anyoneshe saidshow me yours,(show you what i got yeah)i"ll show you mine(will you tell me what you need)show me yours,(so put your money where your mouth is)i"ll show you mine (scream...)and the beat goes onshe knows nothin" is wrongshe goes down, like a setting sun, ow(what"s your name)if i tell you my name you gotta let me in(you can be)you can be the sinner, i"ll be the sin(i will take)i"ll take what i want, and it"s easy to see,i got everything, everythingshe saidshow me yours,(show you what i got yeah)i"ll show you mine(will you tell me what you need)show me yours,(so put your money where your mouth is)i"ll show you mine (scream...)come on[break solo]show me yours,(show you what i got yeah)i"ll show you mine(when you tell me what you need)show me yours,(so put your money where your mouth is)i"ll show you mine....(watch out, watch out...)any face,(yeah yeah yeah...) anytime

跪求eminem的《bad meets evil》歌词翻译

[入门]    [牛仔]  我看你不熟悉这里的部分  你知道吗,有一个故事,轿车  二十年前,两个亡命之徒了整个小镇  治安官不能阻止他们  最快的该死的枪我看过列  得到了在冰冷的血液  那ol "轿车有他们的小莉的家远离家  他们说坏和邪恶的鬼魂仍然住在那个小客栈  并且在一个宁静的夜晚  你还可以听到超薄黑幕的脚步和罗伊斯达9月5号   [阿姆]  我不懂,我漂浮在空气包在一个表  我不是一个真正的人,我是一个鬼困在一拍  我把我的声音是每看完一sismograph  与噪声培育,拿起和传播罗伊斯的头(AAHHH)  他困在他的房间里,拥有他,提升自己的床上  直到他的血像恶流经有毒的领先  告诉他,他的每一次男孩是死的  我问他到黑暗的一面,他做了一个选择,说    [阿姆]  我不懂,我漂浮在空气包在一个表  我不是一个真正的人,我是一个鬼困在一拍  我把我的声音是每看完一sismograph  与噪声培育,拿起和传播罗伊斯的头(AAHHH)  他困在他的房间里,拥有他,提升自己的床上  直到他的血像恶流经有毒的领先  告诉他,他的每一次男孩是死的  我问他到黑暗的一面,他做了一个选择,说      [罗伊斯]  他努力吗?哟,我做了h[阿姆]  因为这是发生什么事当坏满足邪恶  我们碰到的树直到我们看起来像越南人民  他是邪恶的,我喜欢史迪夫席格不好  法律之上,因为我不同意机智警察:(大便,我也不知道)  我们不会渴望成为法律  所以,请给我智慧的钥匙吉普车的鹰  我呼吸三量。醚  当我刺自己的膝盖,一个患病的针  任何人在挤压Releasin愤怒的范围  冷足以让季节变成冰雨  (他是疯了)不[罗伊斯]  这场灾难dreds机智  我已经够糟了自杀和存活足够长的时间  杀死我的灵魂在我死了  当处于危险中,它是有趣的我是真的很相似的味道服务员  因为我为任何陌生人机智的钱  我喷涂一百,男人直到他们联合链  当slippin子弹像他们是零距离范围手下留情  旗帜上撒尿,烧,谋杀然后你来参加你的葬礼  服务于说客,扼杀的身体,然后确认你  人类Whippin驴、crackin边线球打击下颌[插曲]  * *的电话响  你好吗?(比利)Aiyyo怎么了(我们comin给你)  停止,他们知道那是我们! !    [阿姆]  我曾经是一名这大嘴巴,还记得我吗?(uh-ah)  我用火焚烧你的房子吹倒了(哦)  我现在(屎),这次我回到你的房子临近的打击  我不会离开你下定跳出窗口  给我两个胖标签和三shrooms  你不会看到我像肥胖的人在蒸汽房  当我去地狱,我肯定已经准备离开  我会把空气进袋子里并负责人们的呼吸  [罗伊斯+(阿姆)  因为这是发生什么事当坏满足邪恶  我们碰到的树,直到我们看起来像越南人民  他是邪恶的,我喜欢史迪夫席格不好  对和平的,看你在地狱的续集  (我们将waitin)看你在地狱里  华尔街,罗伊斯达9月5号,超薄黑幕  在地狱见到你的续集,(再见)  坏满足邪恶的,怎么了?(到下时间)  [牛仔]  和这样的故事,当坏满足邪恶  两种最希望个人在县  使杰西?詹姆斯和比利小子看起来像守法的公民  太遗憾了,他们不得不走出路他们所做的事  被击中后的参赛马ol的轿车  但是就凭他们的灵魂还活下去,直到今日  嘘…[吐]等,做偷鸡摸狗听到吗?  [的脚步声windblowing)


沙盆荷尔 四壁看 撒米妮



有哪位大虾知道eminem的like a toy sodier 的歌词?

EMINEM ----"Like Toy Soldiers"Step by step, heart to heart, left right leftWe all fall down...[Chorus]Step by step, heart to heart, left right leftWe all fall down like toy soldiersBit by bit, torn apart, we never winBut the battle wages on for toy soldiers[Verse 1]I"m supposed to be the soldier who never blows his composureEven though I hold the weight of the whole world on my shouldersI ain"t never supposed to show it, my crew ain"t supposed to know itEven if it means goin" toe to toe with a Benzino it don"t matterI"d never drag them in battles that I can handle unless I absolutely have toI"m supposed to set an exampleI need to be the leader, my crew looks for me to guide "emIf some shit ever does pop off, I"m supposed to be beside "emThat Ja shit I tried to squash it, it was too late to stop itThere"s a certain line you just don"t cross and he crossed itI heard him say Hailie"s name on a song and I just lost itIt was crazy, this shit went way beyond some Jay-z and Nas shitAnd even though the battle was won, I feel like we lost itI spent too much energy on it, honestly I"m exhaustedAnd I"m so caught in it I almost feel I"m the one who caused itThis ain"t what I"m in hip-hop for, it"s not why I got in itThat was never my object for someone to get killedWhy would I wanna destroy something I help buildIt wasn"t my intentions, my intentions was goodI went through my whole career without ever mentionin" SugeAnd that was just out of respect for not runnin" my mouthAnd talkin" about something that I knew nothing aboutPlus Dre told me stay out, this just wasn"t my beefSo I did, I just fell back, watched and gritted my teethWhile he"s all over t.v. down talkin" a man who literally saved my lifeLike fuck it i understand this is businessAnd this shit just isn"t none of my businessBut still knowin" this shit could pop off at any minute cause[Chorus][Verse 2]There used to be a time when you could just say a rhymeAnd wouldn"t have to worry about one of your people dyin"But now it"s elevated cause once you put someone"s kids in itThe shit gets escalated, it ain"t just words no more is it?It"s a different ball game, callin" names and you ain"t just rappin"We actually tried to stop the 50 and Ja beef from happenin"Me and Dre had sat with him, kicked it and had a chat with himAnd asked him not to start it he wasn"t gonna go after himUntil Ja started yappin" in magazines how we stabbed himFuck it 50 smash "em, mash "em and let him have itMeanwhile my attention is pullin" in other directionsSome receptionist at The Source who answers phones at his deskHas an erection for me and thinks that I"ll be his resurrectionTries to blow the dust off his mic and make a new recordBut now he"s fucked the game up cause one of the ways I came upWas through that publication the same one that made me famousNow the owner of it has got a grudge against me for nothin"Well fuck it, that motherfucker can get it too, fuck him thenBut I"m so busy being pissed off I don"t stop to thinkThat we just inherited 50"s beef with Murder Inc.And he"s inherited mine which is fine ain"t like either of us mindWe still have soldiers that"s on the front lineThat"s willing to die for us as soon as we give the ordersNever to extort us, strictly to show they support usWe"ll maybe shout "em out in a rap or up in a chorusTo show them we love "em back and let "em know how important it isTo have Runyan Avenue, soldiers up in our cornersTheir loyalty to us is worth more than any award isBut I ain"t tryna have none of my people hurt and murderedIt ain"t worth it, I can"t think of a perfecter way to word itThen to just say that I love ya"ll too much to see the verdictI"ll walk away from it all before I let it go any furtherBut don"t get it twisted, it"s not a plea that I"m coppin"I"m just willin" to be the bigger manIf ya"ll can quit poppin" off at the jaws, well then I canCause frankly I"m sick of talkin"I"m not gonna let someone else"s coffin rest on my conscience cause[Chorus]

Eminem的like toy Soldiers的歌词中文意思是什么?

背景和歌词:Step by step, heart to heart, left right left We all fall down… 一步接一步,心连着心,左右左 我们都倒下了… [Chorus] Step by step, heart to heart, left right left We all fall down like toy soldiers Bit by bit, torn apart, we never win But the battle wages on for toy soldiers 一步接一步,心连着心,左右左 我们都倒下了,像玩具兵一样 一点一点地被击垮,我们永远不会胜利 但是战争仍因为我们这些玩具兵继续着 [Verse 1] I"m supposed to be the soldier who never blows his composure Even though I hold the weight of the whole world on my shoulders I am never supposed to show it, my crew ain"t supposed to know it Even if it means goin" toe to toe with a Benzino it don"t matter I"d never drag them in battles that I can handle unless I absolutely have to I"m supposed to set an example I need to be the leader, my crew looks for me to guide ‘em If some shit ever just pop off, I"m supposed to be beside ‘em Now Ja said "I tried to squash it, it was too late to stop it" There"s a certain line you just don"t cross and he crossed it I heard him say Hailie"s name on a song and I just lost it It was crazy, this shit went way beyond some Jay-Z and Nas shit And even though the battle was won, I feel like we lost it I spent too much energy on it, honestly I"m exhausted And I"m so caught in it I almost feel I"m the one who caused it This ain"t what I"m in hip-hop for, it"s not why I got in it That was never my object for someone to get killed Why would I wanna destroy something I help build It wasn"t my intentions, my intentions was good I went through my whole career without ever mentionin" Suge <– bleeped out Now it"s just out of respect for not runnin" my mouth And talkin" about something that I knew nothing about Plus Dre told me stay out, this just wasn"t my beef So I did, I just fell back, watched and gritted my teeth While he"s all over TV down talkin" a man who literally saved my life Like fuck it i understand this is business And this shit just isn"t none of my business But still knowin" this shit could pop off at any minute cuz 我本应该像个战士般,从不丧失理智 就算我扛下这一切的一切 我本就不该发泄出来,我的弟兄也没必要知道这些 即便是有关Benzino的事接踵而至也无所谓 我从不把他们拖下水除非我显然是不得不这么做 我必须做出个榜样 担当起领袖,我的弟兄们需要我来指引他们 如果哪个家伙突然挂了,我也得站在他们这边 现在Ja Rule说“我试图阻止这场口水战,但为时已晚” 明明有条界限你没有越过但他越过了 我听到他在一首歌中念道Hailie(EMINEM的女儿)的名字我简直抓狂了 疯了,这家伙正在重蹈当年Jay-Z和Nas当年的覆辙 而且就算我们赢了这场争斗的胜利我仍感觉我们输了 我花了太多的精力在这上面,老实说我已经精疲力尽了 我已经身不由己了,就感觉这一切是因我而起的一样 这不是我所要Hip-Hop的,也不是我进入Hip-Hop圈的原因 我的目的绝不是要某人挂掉 为什么我要毁掉我亲手建立起来的呢? 这不是我的初衷,我的初衷是善意的 在我的说唱生涯中我甚至未曾提到过Suge(Suge被过滤掉了) 我只是出于尊重,没有开腔谈论那些我本就知之甚少的事 加上Dr.Dre叫我别插手,这不是我与Suge之间的摩擦 我听了Dr.Dre的劝告,没有插手,咬紧牙眼睁睁的看着那家伙(指Suge)大谈Dr.Dre是怎么挽救我的小命的 操,我明白这只是工作而已, 不关我的事 但其实还是知道那家伙早晚要挂掉 [Chorus] Step by step, heart to heart, left right left We all fall down like toy soldiers Bit by bit, torn apart, we never win But the battle wages on for toy soldiers 一步接一步,心连着心,左右左 我们都倒下了,像玩具兵一样 一点一点地被击垮,我们永远不会胜利 但是战争仍因为我们这些玩具兵继续着 [Verse 2] There used to be a time when you could just say a rhyme And wouldn"t have to worry about one of your people dyin" But now it"s elevated cuz once you put someone"s kids in it The shit gets escalated, it ain"t just words no more is it? It"s a different ball game, callin" names and you ain"t just rappin" We actually tried to stop the 50 and Ja beef from happenin" Me and Dre had sat with him, kicked it and had a chat with him And asked him not to start it he wasn"t gonna go after him Until Ja started yappin" in magazines how we stabbed him Fuck it 50 smash ‘em, mash ‘em and let him have it Meanwhile my attention is pullin" in other directions Some receptionist at The Source who answers phones at his desk Has an erection for me and thinks that I"ll be his ressurection Tries to blow the dust off his mic and make a new record But now he"s fucked the game up cuz one of the ways I came up Was through that publication the same one that made me famous Now the owner of it has got a grudge against me for nothin" Well fuck it, that mutherfucker can get it too, fuck him then But I"m so busy being pissed off I don"t stop to think That we just inherited 50"s beef with Murder Inc. And he"s inherited mine which is fine ain"t like either of us mind We still have soldiers that"s on the front line That"s willing to die for us as soon as we give the orders Never to extort us, strictly to show they support us We"ll maybe shout ‘em out in a rap or up in a chorus To show them we love ‘em back and let ‘em know how important it is To have Runyon Avenue soldiers up in our corners Their loyalty to us is worth more than any award is But I ain"t tryna have none of my people hurt and murdered It ain"t worth it, I can"t think of a perfecter way to word it Then to just say that I love ya"ll too much to see the virdict I"ll walk away from it all before I let it go any further But don"t get it twisted, it"s not a plea that I"m coppin" I"m just willin" to be the bigger man If ya"ll can quit poppin" off at your jaws with the knockin" Cuz frankly I"m sick of talkin" I"m not gonna let someone elses coffin rest on my conscience cuz 或许曾经你还可以饶着舌 而不用担心你身边的人因此死去 但现在事情开始严肃起来了,一旦你在歌中涉及到某个家伙的人 他会火冒三丈,不就是几句歌词吗? 游戏已经不同了,当你在歌里提到某个人的名字时你已经不止是在饶舌而已了 我们确实有去阻止50cent和Ja Rule之间的口水战发生 我和Dr.Dre曾坐下来和他认真谈过 叫他不要开骂,他也没打算回击Ja Rule 直到Ja Rule在杂志上叫嚣我们如何攻击他的 操,50cent,我说操他妈的,让他叫嚣吧 与此同时我的注意力被转移到了另一个方向 Source的某个接线员(指Benzino,这里嘲笑他只不过是个干杂活的而已)在办公桌前接到一个关于我那几首未公开的demo带的电话后勃起了,以为我是他事业的转折点 想要以此重拾麦克风出张新唱片 但现在他不得不作罢了 因为正是这同一张唱片让我出名 现在拥有那母带的人开始无端的怨恨我了 去他妈的,那家伙居然拿到了母带,干他! 但我现在是不断的被人激怒,以至于我没时间停下来思考 我们只不过是承接了50cent和Murder.Inc之间的争斗而已 而他有个优点和我一样就是不会像我们中有些人那么把事情看得太认真(太介意) 我们仍有一帮听候我们发号施令便愿意为我们赴汤蹈火的弟兄在前线 他们从不敲诈我们,的的确确表现出他们对我们的支持 我们或许会在某首歌中念道他们的名字或者找他们跨刀献唱两句副歌部分 要向他们表达我们想他们回来,让他们知道有一帮Runyon Avenue的弟兄站在我们这边是多么重要 他们对我们的忠诚胜过一切奖项 但我从来没故意使我身边的人受伤或者干掉 这不值得,我想不到更完美的词来表达了 只能说我太爱你们了已经不怕上法庭了 我会在事情进一步恶化前抽身的 但不要误会,这并不是说我要坦白从宽以求轻判 我只是想成为一个更强壮的人 使你们不再因为口舌之争而引来杀身之祸。 坦白说我已经厌倦说话了 我不想再因为谁的死而产生负罪感 [Chorus] Step by step, heart to heart, left right left We all fall down like toy soldiers Bit by bit, torn apart, we never win But the battle wages on for toy soldiers 一步接一步,心连着心,左右左 我们都倒下了,像玩具兵一样 一点一点地被击垮,我们永远不会胜利 但是战争仍因为我们这些玩具兵继续着 背景介绍: 1.Jay-Z and Nas:Jay-Z和Nas当年的争斗号称世纪大战,双方谁也不肯让谁,在歌中互相对骂;但是最终以Jay-Z在商业上的成功而终结。 2.Ja Rule:说唱厂牌Murder.Inc旗下的一员,和EMINEM,50cent,Dr.Dre们有很大的过节,双方曾经一度在歌中,电台,杂志上互相指责,而这首歌中EM说到“I heard him say Hailie"s name on a song and I just lost it”指的是Ja Rule曾经在他的loose change里念道“Em ya claim ya mother"s a crackhead and Kim is a known slut,so what"s Hailie gon" be when she grows up?” 3.The Source和Benzino:Source是一本专门的Hip-Hop杂志,而Benzino是The Source杂志的前任CEO,同时也是Ja Rule的好朋友,Made Men说唱团体的成员之一。Benzino在任时,The Source杂志曾经给EMINEM的专辑打了很低的分,而Benzino又宣称EMINEM是"rap hitler",双方因此积怨。2004年,The Source杂志宣称拥有EMINEM早年未公开的作品母带,歌曲中很明显的表现出EMINEM是个种族歧视者,并准备在下期杂志中随书赠碟,由读者进行评定。EMINEM随即让律师出面通过法庭禁止了这一举措,并同时对当年的那些作品所表现出来的幼稚公开道歉。 4.Suge:Suge Knight,真名Marion Knight,Death Row Records的创始人,Dr.Dre曾经就是旗下成员。但是后来Dr.Dre发现Death Row Records从事各项非法活动,要求退出Death Row Records。Suge把Dr.Dre踢了出去并找了一大堆帮派分子对Dr.Dre进行骚扰,同时宣布Dr.Dre的所有唱片版权都归他所有,后来Dr.Dre自立门户Aftermath厂牌。EM之所以在歌中滤掉了Suge的名字,是因为他答应了Dr.Dre决不在歌中提到Suge的名字,Dr.Dre也不希望他插手此事,引来麻烦,但是Suge还是不停的叫嚣,甚至骂EMINEM是个种族歧视者。此外,Suge还被认为是指使杀害2Pac的最大嫌疑人。 5.Runyon Avenue:D12里的Kon Artis和Kuniva创立的厂牌

谁有Eminem歌曲like toy soldiers的歌词?



I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of AmericaAnd to the Republic for which it standsOne nation under GodIndivisible...It feels so good to be back..I scrutinize every word, memorize every lineI spit it once, refuel and re-energize and rewindI give sight to the blind, my insight through the mindI exercise my right to express when I feel it s timeIt s just all in your mind, what you interpret it asI say to fight, you take it as I mma whip someone s assIf you don t understand, don t even bother to askA father who has grown up with a fatherless pastWho has blown up now to rap phenomenon that hasOr at least shows no difficulty multi-taskAnd in juggling both perhaps mastered his craftSlash entrepreneur who has held onto few more rap actsWho s had a few obstacles thrown his way through the last halfOf his career typical manure moving past thatMr. kisses ass crack, he s a class actRubber band man, yea he just snaps back[Chorus:]Come along follow me as I lead through the darknessAs I provide just enough spark that we need to proceedCarry on, give me hope, give me strengthCome with me and I won t steer you wrongPut your faith and your trust as I guide us through the fogTo the light at the end of the tunnelWe gonna fight, we gonna charge, we gonna stomp, we gonna marchThrough the swamp, we gonna mosh through the marshTake us right through the doors (c mon)All the people up top on the side and the middleCome together lets all bomb and swamp just a littleJust let it gradually build from the front to the backAll you can see is a sea of people some white and some blackDon t matter what color, all that matters we gathered togetherTo celebrate for the same cause don t matter the weatherIf it rains let it rain, yea the wetter the betterThey ain t gonna stop us they can t, we stronger now more than everThey tell us no we say yea, they tell us stop we say goRebel with a rebel yell, raise hell we gonna let em knowStomp, push, shove, mush, Fuck Bush, until they bring our troops home (c mon)[Chorus]Imagine it pouring, it s raining down on usMosh pits outside the oval officeSomeone s tryina tell us something,Maybe this is god just sayin we re responsibleFor this monster, this coward,That we have empoweredThis is Bin Laden, look at his head noddin How could we allow something like this without pumping our fistsNow this is our final hourLet me be the voice in your strength and your choiceLet me simplify the rhyme just to amplify the noiseTry to amplify the times it, and multiply by six...Teen million people, Are equal at this high pitchMaybe we can reach alqueda through my speechLet the president answer a higher anarchyStrap him with an Ak-47, let him go, fight his own warLet him impress daddy that wayNo more blood for oil, we got our own battles to fight on our own soilNo more psychological warfare, to trick us to thinking that we ain t loyalIf we don t serve our own country, we re patronizing a heroLook in his eyes its all liesThe stars and stripes, they ve been swiped, washed out and wipedAnd replaced with his own face, Mosh now or dieIf I get sniped tonight you know why,Cause I told you to fight.[Chorus]And as we proceed,To Mosh through this desert storm,In these closing statements, if they should argueLet us beg to differAs we set aside our differencesAnd assemble our own armyTo disarm this Weapon of Mass DestructionThat we call our President, for the presentAnd Mosh for the future of our next generationTo speak and be heardMr. President, Mr. SenatorDo you guy s hear us...hear us...[laughing] (Hailie)


一张同名。。。一张HIS。。一张the real slam shaddy..还有个encore


楼主你好 我也是eminem歌迷 以下是他有名的歌《without me》《cleanin‘ out my closet》《just lose it》《white america》《we made you》《crack a bottle》《stan》《beautiful》《love the way you lie》《not afraid》《mockingbird》《lose yourself》《when i"m gone》 http://www.shenyunweb.com/

一开始是直升机声音的那首High歌叫什么名字? 好像是Eminem的, 但我也不确定,,请知道的朋友讲一下,, 谢谢!

明显是space bound啦,楼上都想什么呢,White America和MOSH 都是导弹的声音...

eminem mosh中文歌词


eminem jingle bell中文歌词

eminem根本就没唱过这首歌啊.......他所有专辑我都有 没找到这歌是不是名字打错啊



you had your dreams i had mine,you had your fears i was fine.这是什么歌

Two Worlds Collide -- Demi LovatoCreated by BubblyCena09Tagged: two, demi, lovato, worlds, collide Created by BubblyCena09 on Monday, October 20, 2008She was given the world So much that she couldn"t see And she needed someone To show her who she could be And she tried to survive Wearing her heart on her sleeve But I needed you to believe You had your dreams I had mind You had your fears I was fine You showed me what I couldn"t find When two different worlds collide La dee da dee da She was scared of it all Watching from far away And she was given a role Never knew just when to play And she tried to survive Living her life on her own Always afraid of the thrown But you"ve given me strength to find home You had your dreams I had mind You had your fears I was fine You showed me what I couldn"t find When two different worlds collide She was scared unprepared Lost in the dark Falling apart I can survive With you by my side We"re gonna be alright This is what happens When two worlds collide You had your dreams I had mind You had your fears I was fine You showed me what I couldn"t find When two different worlds collide La dee da dee da You had your dreams I had mind You had your fears I was fine You showed me what I couldn"t find When two different worlds collide When two different worlds collide


这首歌曲收录于他的专辑《Relapse》中歌词: As I fall deeper into a manic state Im a prime candidate for the gene to receive the drug outta trate The blood pressure climbs to a dramatic rate I seem to gravitate to the bottle of Nyquil than i salivate Start off with the Nyquil with like I think I will just have a taste Couple of sips of that than I gradually graduate To a harder prescription drug called valium like yah thats great I go to just take one than i end up like having eight Now i need something in my stomach because i haven"t ate Maybe ill grab a plate of nachos and ill have a steak And youd think with all i have at stake look at my daughters face Mommy something is wrong with dad I thank Hes acting weird again he"s really beginnings to scare me Wont shave his beard again and he pretends that he doesn"t hear me And all he does eat dorritos and cheetos and he just Fell asleep in his car eating three muskateers in the rear seat Sometimes i feel so alone, I just don"t know It feels like ive been down this road before So lonely and cold it"s like something takes over me As soon as i go home and close the door God feels like déjà vu i wanna get away from this place i do But i cant and i won"t say i try but i know it"s a lie cause i don"t and why i just don"t knowwoooo Maybe just a nice cold brew, whats a beer Thats the devil in my ear ive been sober a fuckin year And that fucker still talks to me hes all i can fuckign hear Marshall c"mon well watch the game its the cowboys and buccanears And maybe if i just drink half ill be half buzzed For half of the time, whose the mastermind behind that little line With that kind of rational man i got half a mind To have another half a glass of wine sounds assenine Yeah i know, but i never had no problem with alcohol Ouch look out for the wall aim for the couch im about to fall I miss the couch and down go like a bouncy ball Shit must of knocked me out cause i didn"t feel the ground at all Wow what the fuck happened last night where am i Man fuck am i hung over and god damn i Got a headache shit half a vicodin, why cant i All systems ready for take off, please stand by Sometimes i feel so alone, I just don"t know It feels like ive been down this road before So lonely and cold it"s like something takes over me As soon as i go home and close the door God feels like déjà vu i wanna get away from this place i do But i cant and i won"t say i try but i know it"s a lie cause i don"t and why i just don"t knowwoooo So i take a vicodin splash it hits my stomach and ahhhhhh Couple of weeks go by and it aint even like i am getting high Now i need it to not feel sick yah im getting by Wouldn"t even be taking this shit if deshauwn didn"t die Oh yeah theres an excuse you lose proof so you use Theres new rules its cool if its helping you to get through Its twelve noon aint no harm in self inducing a snooze What else is new fuck it what would elvis do in your shoes Now here i am three months later full blown relapse Just get high until the kids get home from school holmes relax And since im convince that im an in-somni-ac I need these pills to be able to sleep so i take three naps Just to be able to function throughout the day Lets see thats an ambian each nap how many valium three And that averages out to one good hour of sleep So now you see the reason how come he Has taken four years to just put out an album b See me and you we almost had the same outcome heath Cause that Christmas you know that whole neumonia thing It was bolognia was it the methadonia think But hydrocordone ya hide inside ya pornos Ya vcr tape cases put ya ambiants see great places To hide em aint it, so you can lie to haily Im going beddy by whitney baby good night elaina Go in the room and shut the bedroom door And wake up in an ambulance they say they found me on the bathroom floor Sometimes i feel so alone, I just don"t know It feels like ive been down this road before So lonely and cold it"s like something takes over me As soon as i go home and close the door God feels like déjà vu i wanna get away from this place i do But i cant and i won"t say i try but i know it"s a lie cause i don"t and why i just don"t knowwoooo

taylor swift Mine 歌词的含义,创作背景


污秽摇篮 的 nymphetamine是什么意思

Nymphetamine is a combination of two words, Nymphomanic, meaning someone who is addicted to sex, and an Amphetamine is a drug (e.g speed), and it causes the user to have a heavy dependence on it. The word is the title of a song by the band Cradle of Filth, which uses "Nymphetamine" to describe "a drug-like addiction to the woman in question, with her insidious vampire qualities literally bringing her lover back from the brink of the spiritual grave, only to bury him further on the strength of a whim". If you get a chance, listen to the song, it"s lyrically amazing and truly beautiful.以上来自:http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_nymphetamine我来尝试翻译一下吧:Nymphetamine是2个单词的合成形态:Nymphomanic(性成瘾者)和Amphetamine(安非他明,曾是体育界滥用最严重的一种兴奋剂,使用者会对它产生强烈的依赖性。)这个词是污秽摇篮的一首歌的标题,它用Nymphetamine来描述:“(这段翻不清楚了……大概意思猜一下)犹如毒瘾一般,女人用恶毒的执念将自己的爱人从灵魂坟墓的边缘中唤醒,然而这只是将他更深地埋葬于妄想中。”如果有机会听下这个歌,歌词非常惊人而又美丽。1楼的说明有误,歌词抒情的部分是女声,痛苦的部分是男声。应该是男人去世了,女人在墓碑前将男人的灵魂唤醒,而男人的灵魂被困于欲望的折磨中。至于是不是小萝莉就不清楚了……= =

Eminem的《Superman》 歌词

歌曲名:Superman歌手:Eminem专辑:The Eminem ShowDina Rea:You high baby?Yeahh...Yeah?hahaha..Talk to me...You want me to tell you somethin?Uh huh...I know what you wanna hear... "CuzI know you want me baby I think I want you too...I think I love you baby...I think I love you too...I"m here to save you girl,Come be in shady"s world,I wanna grow together,Let"s let our love unfurl.You know you want me baby,You know I want you too,They call me Superman,I"m here to rescue you,I wanna save you girl,come be in Shady"s world...oh boy you drive me crazy...Bitch you make me hurl...They call me Superman,Leap tall hoes in a single bound,I"m single now,Got no ring on this finger now,I"ll never let another chick bring me down,In a relationship, save it bitch, babysit? you make me sick,Superman aint savin shit, girl you can jump on shady"s dick,Straight from the hip, cut to the chase,I"ll tell a mo"fuckin slut to her face,Play no games, say no names, ever since I broke up with what"s her face,I"m a different man, kiss my ass, kiss my lips, bitch why ask?Kiss my dick, hit my cash, i"d rather have you whip my ass,Don"t put out? i"ll put you out,Won"t get out? i"ll push you out,Puss blew out, copin shit,Wouldn"t piss on fire to put you out,Am I too nice? buy you ice,Bitch if you died, wouldn"t buy you life,What you tryin to be, my new wife?What you Mariah? fly through twice,But I do know one thing though,Bitches they come, they go,Saturday through sunday monday,Monday through sunday yo,Maybe i"ll love you one day,Maybe we"ll someday grow,Till then just sit your drunk ass on that fuckin runway hoe..."Cuz I can"t be your superman,Can"t be your superman,Can"t be your superman,Can"t be your superman,I can"t be your superman,Can"t be your superman,Can"t be your superman,Your superman, your superman...Don"t get me wrong,I love these hoes,It"s no secret,Everybody knows,Can"t we fuck?Bitch so what?That"s about as far as your buddy goes,We"ll be friends,I"ll call you again,I"ll chase you around every bar you attend,Never know what kind of car i"ll be in,We"ll see how much you"ll be partying then,You don"t want that,Neither do I,I don"t wanna flip when I see you with guys,Too much pride,Between you and I,Not a jealous man, but females lie,But I guess that"s just what sluts do,How could it ever be just us two?Never loved you enough to trust you,We just met and I just fucked you,But I do know one thing though,Bitches they come they go,Saturday through Sunday monday,Monday through Sunday yo,Maybe I"ll love you one day,Maybe we"ll someday grow,"Till then just sit your drunk ass on that fuckin runway hoe...First thing you said...I"m not phazed,I hang around big stars all day,I don"t see what the big deal is anyway,You"re just plain ol" Marshall to me...Ooh yeah girl run that game...Haily Jade...I love that name,Love that tattoo...what"s that say?"rot in pieces" aww that"s great...First off you don"t know Marshall,Add also, don"t grow partial,That"s ammo for my arsenal,I"ll snap you off that bar stool,There goes another lawsuit,Leave handprints all accross you,Good lordy-wody you must be blown off that water bottle,You want what you can"t have,Ooh girl that"s too damn bad,Don"t touch what you can"t grab,End up with two back hands,Put Anthrax on a Tampax and slap you till you can"t stand,Girl you just blew your chance,Don"t mean to ruin your plans,But I do know one thing though,Bitches they come they go,Saturday through Sunday Monday,Monday through Sunday yo,Maybe I"ll love you one day,Maybe we"ll someday grow,"Till then just sit your drunk ass on that fuckin runway hoe...I know you want me baby,I think I want you too...I think I love you baby...I think I love you too,I"m here to save you girl,Come be in Shady"s world,I wanna grow together,Lets let our love unfurl,You know you want me baby,You know I want you too,They call me Superman,I"m here to rescue you,I wanna save you girl,Come be in shady"s world...Oh boy you drive me crazy...Bitch you make me hurl.http://music.baidu.com/song/1492281





remarkable 和 prominent的区别

因为prominent形容人的话是杰出的,而形容物一般是指显眼的的突出的remarkable 一般用来形容事情,形容人的时候更强调与众不同,题目的意思是要去聆听杰出人物的声音等等,而非强调与众不同的东西翻译,如果我是大一新生,我觉得不会错过任何一个亲眼目睹与聆听公众生活中杰出人物的机会,通常他们会先后来到每个大学城


1、 装饰和镶嵌:为了让你的眼睛和耳朵一样愉悦,Takamine在注重音色的同时也同样注重外型的美观。Takamine是在普通箱琴上使用艺术化装饰的倡导者,而不象很多箱琴品牌只有在很高档的型号上才使用那些漂亮的装饰和镶嵌。2、 琴体:琴体的形状是制琴工艺中最重要的部分之一,不同的琴体产生不同的音色特点,为了让吉他手们有更多的音色选择,Takamine一共提供有6种不同的琴体选择,能够满足各种箱琴演奏流派的需求。3、 拾音器和前级放大系统:这点在前面的介绍中已经介绍的很多了,这个部分也是Takamine最自豪的部分。4、 品丝:Takamine对于品丝的选择和安装是非常讲究的,保证琴弦和品丝的接触点是在最中心位置,以获得最优良的音色和精确的音准。5、 湿度:为了能够让木头保持良好的稳定性和状态,合适的湿度控制是非常重要的,标准的湿度是6%(指木料所含水分),太多太少都是不适合的。因此Takamine将自然风干和人工烘干技术相结合,严格的控制木料的湿度,以保证生产出来的琴能保证最好的稳定性。6、 琴弦:对于琴弦部分来说,琴桥以及是调音系统是非常关键的。Takamine采用坚硬的齿轮来制作调音系统,以保证能够长时间的顺畅转动以及稳定的音准要求,并且对于每一个螺丝都精心调整,以获得最佳状态。Takamine的琴桥设计能够提供将琴弦的震动最佳的传输到面板上。7、 面板:面板的设计很讲究平衡,太坚固会使得声音迟钝,太脆弱则很容易损坏。Takamine在传统的X支撑方式上又加入了许多自己的独特设计,使得音色洪亮而平衡。8、 琴颈:Takamine主要采用改良的C型琴颈,中等的指板宽度,以及温和的指板弧度,大部分吉他手都认为这样的设计非常舒适,很适合封闭和弦和开放和和弦的演奏,包括指弹演奏以及SOLO演奏。 1、 FX:这个琴体是非常适合指弹派的,它可以产生钟铃般舒服的中频和丰富的闪亮高频。2、 Dreadnought:这种设计是1920年产生的,是为了适应更大声更有力的音色需求,现在已经成为了箱琴的一种标准设计。也是我们比较常见的一种。3、 Classical:150年前Antonio Torres定义了这种标准的古典吉他琴体,它非常适合于尼龙弦的共鸣,能够产生有力的音头、足够的延音以及清晰的音色。4、 NEX:这是Takamine标志性的设计,能够产生平衡的频响:清晰的高频、甜美圆润的中频以及低沉的低频。同时拥有dreadnought箱体那样洪亮的音量。它非常适合弹唱以及指弹吉他手的使用。5、 Jumbo:如同名字的含义一样,Jumbo(庞然大物)琴体能够产生洪亮的音量,拥有厚实的中频,非常适合野外的露天演奏。6、 NEW YORKER:这是很传统的老式琴体,能够产生直接、迅速、清晰而饱满的音色,扫弦的音色轻快而明亮,指弹的音色甜美温和,非常适合传统的美国乡村音乐的演奏。

Excuse meuff0eIf your call is not too urgentuff0cdo you mind——mine first?

【答案】:BB 解析:do you mind后跟从句有两种用法,一种为:do you mind+V—ing形式;另一种为: do you mind+if引导的从句。两种用法都是询问他人意见或请求他人的许可。故选B。


分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 明星 >> 欧美明星 问题描述: 阿姆有一首歌曲有两种叫法《mockingbird》或者《wanna be a ball》,但是我按这两个名字搜索,怎麽都找不到这首歌的歌词,这首歌非常好听!请大家帮忙,把这首歌的歌词发上来,并且告诉我这首歌曲究竟叫什麽名字。多谢了!!! 解析: 叫《mockingbird》,因为阿姆没有《wanna be a ball》这首歌。 歌词: [Eminem Speaking] YeahYeah I know sometimes things may not always make sense to you right now我知道,有些时候,事情并不像你所想 But hey, what daddy always tell you?但是,嘿,爸爸怎么告诉你的? Straighten up little soldier挺起身来,小战士 Stiffen up that upper lip坚强些 What you crying about?你哭什么? You got me真是被你打败了 Hailie I know you miss your mom and I know you miss your dadHailie,我知道你想妈妈,我知道当我离开的时候,你也想爸爸 When I"m gone but I"m trying to give you the life that I never had但是我在努力,让你过上我没有享受过的生活 I can see you"re sad, even when you *** ile, even when you laugh我看得出你很难过,即使在你微笑的时候,即使在你大笑的时候 I can see it in your eyes, deep inside you want to cry从你的眼睛里,我看得出,你的内心想哭 Cuz you"re scared, I ain"t there?因为你感到害怕,可是我不是在这吗? Daddy"s with you in your prayers只要你希望,爸爸就和你在一起 No more crying, wipe them tears不要再哭了,擦掉眼泪 Daddy"s here, no more nigares爸爸在这里,不再有恶梦 We gon" pull together through it, we gon" do it我们一起渡过难关,我们可以的 Laneys uncles crazy, aint he?Laneys的叔叔一定是疯了,是不是? Yeah but he loves you girl and you better know it但是你要知道 他很爱你 We"re all we got in this world我们都在成长 When it spins, when it swirls当世界旋转的时候,当它快速的旋转 When it whirls, when it irls当它飞快的旋转,当它极速的旋转 Two little beautiful girls两个漂亮的小女孩 Lookin" puzzled, in a daze眼花缭乱 I know it"s confusing you我知道这让你们迷惑不解 Daddy"s always on the move, mamma"s always on the news爸爸总是不在家,妈妈总在新闻上 I try to keep you sheltered from it but somehow it seems我努力地让你们远离这些,但是好像 The harder that I try to do that, the more it backfires on me我越努力这样做,越事与愿违 All the things growing up as daddy that he had to see所有的事,我作为爸爸不得不去面对 Daddy don"t want you to see but you see just as much as he did我不想让你了解这些,但是你却知道得很多 We did not plan it to be this way, your mother and me你妈妈和我不是这样计划的 But things have got so bad beeen us但有些事情使我们之间的感情恶化 I don"t see us ever being together ever again我们已经很久没有 Like we used to be when we were teenagers像年轻的时候,经常在一起了 But then of course everything always happens for a reason当然总是事出有因 I guess it was never meant to be我从没想过会变成现在这样 But it"s just something we have no control over and that"s what destiny is有些事是我们不能控制的,也许这就是命运吧 But no more worries, rest your head and go to sleep但是不用担心,躺下睡觉吧 Maybe one day we"ll wake up and this will all just be a dream也许某天我们醒来,发现这只是一个梦 [Chorus] Now hush little baby, don"t you cry嘘,小宝贝,不要哭 Everything"s gonna be alright一切都会好起来 Stiffen that upper lip up little lady, I told ya我告诉过你,要坚强 Daddy"s here to hold ya through the night爸爸守护着你,度过这个夜晚 I know mommy"s not here right now and we don"t know why我知道妈妈现在不在,我们不清楚原因 We feel how we feel inside我们只有体会内心的感受 It may seem a little crazy, pretty baby这有点疯狂,但是,漂亮的小宝贝 But i promise momma"s gon" be alright我向你保证,妈妈一切安好 It"s funny呵呵,有趣 I remember back one year when daddy had no money我记得一年前,爸爸没有钱 Mommy wrapped the Christmas presents up妈妈把圣诞礼物包起来 And stuck "em under the tree and said some of "em were from me挂在树上,说一些是我送的 Cuz daddy couldn"t buy "em因为爸爸买不起 I"ll never fet that Christmas I sat up the whole night crying我永远不会忘记那个圣诞夜晚,我坐着哭了一整夜 Cuz daddy felt like a bum, see daddy had a job因为爸爸觉得自己就像个乞丐。看,爸爸有工作 But this job was to keep the food on the table for you and mom但是这工作只够你和妈妈吃上饭 And at the time every house that we lived in那时候,我们不断地换房子住 Either kept getting broke into and robbed经常有人闯入抢劫 Or shot up on the block and your mom was saving money for you in a jar或在街区开枪。妈妈把钱存在罐里 Tryna start a piggy bank for you so you could go to college一个小猪的存钱罐,为了你将来上大学 Almost had a thousand dollars till someone broke in and stole it差不多攒到1000美元的时候,一个家伙闯进家里把它偷走 And I know it hurt so bad it broke your momma"s heart我知道妈妈的心都快碎了 And it seemed like everything was just startin" to fall apart仿佛一切都要完了 Mom and dad was arguin" a lot so momma moved back爸爸和妈妈开始不断争吵,妈妈搬到 On the Chalmers in the flat one bedroom apartmentChalmers的一张床的公寓里 And dad moved back to the other side of 8 Mile on Novara爸爸搬到离Novara 8英里远的地方 And that"s when daddy went to California with his CD and met Dr. Dre后来爸爸带着他的CD去了加州,碰到Dr.Dre And flew you and momma out to see me我把你和妈妈接了过来,我们又见面了 But daddy had to work, you and momma had to leave me但是爸爸不得不去工作,你和妈妈不得不离开我 Then you started seeing daddy on the T.V. and momma didn"t like it不久你就会看到爸爸出现在电视上,可是妈妈不喜欢这样 And you and Laney were too young to understand it你和Laney太小还无法理解 Papa was a rollin" stone, momma developed a habit爸爸总是居无定所,妈妈染上了恶习 And it all happened too fast for either one of us to grab it一切发生得太快,我们无法把握 I"m just sorry you were there and had to witness it first hand很抱歉,不得不让你们作一次目击证人 Cuz all I ever wanted to do was just make you proud因为我希望我做的一切,能成为你的骄傲 Now I"m sittin in this empty house, just reminiscing现在我坐在空空的房子里,回忆往事 Lookin" at your baby pictures, it just trips me out看着你们出生的照片,我又想起过去 To see how much you both have grown, it"s almost like you"re sisters now看,你们都长这么大了,现在你们是姐妹了 Wow, guess you pretty much are and daddy"s still hereWow,瞧你们多漂亮,爸爸还在这 Laney I"m talkin" to you too, daddy"s still hereLaney我也在对你说,爸爸还在这 I like the sound of that, yeah我喜欢这音乐,yeah It"s got a ring to it don"t it? *** 响了吧? Shh, momma"s only gone for the moment嘘,妈妈只是离开了一会儿 [Chorus] Now hush little baby, don"t you cry嘘,小宝贝,不要哭 Everything"s gonna be alright一切都会好起来 Stiffen that upper lip up little lady, i told ya我告诉过你,要坚强 Daddy"s here to hold ya through the night爸爸守护着你,度过这个夜晚 I know mommy"s not here right now and we don"t know why我知道妈妈现在不在,我们不清楚原因 We feel how we feel inside我们只有体会内心的感受 It may seem a little crazy, pretty baby这有点疯狂,但是,漂亮的小宝贝 But i promise momma"s gon" be alright我向你保证,妈妈一切安好 And if you ask me too如果你有要求 Daddy"s gonna buy you a mockingbird爸爸给你买只知更鸟 I"mma give you the world我可以给你全世界 I"mma buy a diamond ring for you我可以为你买钻戒 I"mma sing for you我可以为你歌唱 I"ll do anything for you to see you *** ile我可以做任何事 只要看到你微笑 And if that mockingbird don"t sing and that ring don"t shine如果那只知更鸟不再歌唱,戒指不再闪耀 I"mma break that birdies neck我拧断鸟的脖子 I"d go back to the jewler who sold it to ya我回到珠宝店让卖我珠宝的人 And make him eat every carat don"t *** with dad (haha)吃下每一克拉钻石,不要怪爸爸啊(哈哈)


it depends..i call one of my friend jas for jasmine and jess for jessica

很奇怪,jasmine和valentine为什么 i 的发音不同?



这两个单词是近义词。尽管在有些语境里可以换用,如 a prominent member of the Law Society 也可以说成 an outstanding member of the Law Society,但这两个单词在词义侧重面上还是有差别的。outstanding 表达层次、水平上的整体“突出”,而 prominent 的基本词义是“冒尖”。


茉莉花。如果我的回答对你有帮助,望及时采纳。<( ̄3 ̄)>若仍有不明可以继续追问。













sad to say (jasmine ) 谁知道这首歌的翻译

「sad to say」作词∶JASMINE/Jeff Miyahara作曲∶JASMINE/Jeff Miyahara/笃志歌∶JASMINECry Cry届けない想い抱いて 为无法传达的思念而哭泣泣いて泣いても悔しいだけ 但即使哭泣也只是觉得更加不甘心而已The time is over ! Time is over! 结束了!一切都结束了!なげいても无意味だった 叹气也没有意义ちぎれてったクソくらえ思い出なんか 撕碎回忆 让一切都见鬼去吧こんなはずじゃないよね It"s over 不应该这样的啊 就这么结束了ただ近くで居たくてAgain 只是最近又想和你在一起了sad to say过ぎてゆくだけ 悲伤的说 一切都过去了It"s always rainin since you"ve been away 自从你离开后 雨一直下(come back to me) 回到我身边My heart was almost broken with fxxkin(这是什么词??)" sorrow x2 我的心都快碎了ちくしょうあたしだって泣くよその顷あんたは何を思う 可恶 我也要哭了 最近都在想些什么啊闻きたい事とかあるのに it"s sad to say bye bye 还有事情想问你 却要伤心地说再见 话さなきゃ分かりあえないなのに 必须要说的话还没让你知道it was sad to say good bye 却要伤心地说再见大嫌いバカみたい本当はなぐりたい 真讨厌 像个笨蛋一样 真想把自己暴打一顿You don"t know i was cryin" 4 you 你不会知道 我在为你哭泣さけび立てても远く届いてもきっとすごく重くなる 大声呼喊着 即使能传到很远的地方 一定也会变得沉重 それで笑えてるなら 对此一笑了之それでいいかな ねぇあんたは谁 这样好吗 喂你以为你谁啊なんの为そこから离れ if u dont wanna say 为什么要离我远去 如果你不想说こんなはずじゃないよね It"s over 不应该这样的啊 就这么结束了ただ近くで居たくてAgain 只是最近又想和你在一起了sad to say过ぎてゆくだけ 悲伤的说 一切都过去了It"s always rainin since you"ve been away 自从你离开后 雨一直下(come back to me) 回到我身边あたしがいて何を感じた?爱されたい声きこえてた? 我现在到底是什么感觉?想被爱的心声听得到吗?どうもがいても消せやしないもの残されてどうしろっての 想消除却无法消除 该怎么办才好すがりつけるほど强くはなれない I cry 4 you 我还没变得让人能依靠那样强大 为你而哭これ以上こわしたくないから言えない I really miss you 在这样下去 我们就完了 所以我不能说 我真的想你了もろくたおれるあんたの「i love you」 脆弱的不堪一击的“我爱你”You don"t know I have believed in you 你不知道 我那么信任你信じた人が弱く空ッポの背中ムカつくから 正因为相信所以才会觉得空虚和生气 あんたのいないどっかで 因为你不在了笑ってるからねぇあんたはナゼ 为什么你还在笑着なんのためあたしの中へ キレイな思い出残して 为什么我的脑中还残留着那些美好的回忆こんなはずじゃないよね It"s over 不应该这样的啊 就这么结束了ただ近くで居たくてAgain 只是最近又想和你在一起了sad to say过ぎてゆくだけ 悲伤的说 一切都过去了It"s always rainin since you"ve been away 自从你离开后 雨一直下(come back to me) 回到我身边Cry Cry届けない想い抱いて 为无法传达的思念而哭泣泣いて泣いても悔しいだけ 但即使哭泣也只是觉得更加不甘心而已The time is over ! Time is over! 结束了!一切都结束了!なげいても无意味だった 叹气也没有意义ちぎれてったクソくらえ思い出なんか 撕碎回忆 让一切都见鬼去吧こんなはずじゃないよね It"s over 不应该这样的啊 就这么结束了ただ近くで居たくてAgain 只是最近又想和你在一起了sad to say过ぎてゆくだけ 悲伤的说 一切都过去了It"s always rainin since you"ve been away 自从你离开后 雨一直下(come back to me) 回到我身边I"m cryin" everynight and everyday, It"s over 昼夜不分地哭泣 一切都结束I wanna bring it back to yesterday, again 我想一切都再回到昨天Touch my heart and make it better for me 请抚慰我受伤的心It"s always rainin since you"ve been away 自从你离开后 雨一直下(come back to me) 回到我身边


Jasmine Jasmine


  这两个词,都有一种“突出”的意思,有时可以互相引申为同义词, 因此含义上有重叠。设置中文的翻译都笼统地译作:杰出,优秀等溢美之词。 但其实它们的程度和侧重不同:  ① prominent是突出,是Immediately noticeable 和Widely known;表示立即引起注意,广为人知。因此强调的是“突出”之后的效果。  ② outstanding则是Standing out among others of its kind,这个是和其他同类相比的结果,因此这种突出是杰出,优秀。 也许只在某个范围内为人们所熟悉,不如prominent广泛,但比prominent更有现实性,因为是确实相比之后的结果。而prominent可能是真才实学的突出,也可能是口碑好(但不一定名副其实)。  所以prominent描述了一种广度,但没有说明具体其深度;outstanding则相反。



即刻电音第三季里面的jasmine 楚晴唱的是什么歌?


jasmine 和jasmin 区别?





根据星座取英文名有过几个英文名,但当你出国申请护照时最好固定下一个英文名,因为以后再该就很不方便了。尽管起名没有一定限制,但起英文名时最好与自己的中文名有联系,让人感觉就是你。起名时要注意:1.根据中文名起英文名时,注意姓氏通常不变。2.起英文名时要注意性别。下面是根据星座经常起的一些英文名,供大家参考:白羊座男性最适合的英文名:Charles,Mark,Bill,Vincent,William,Joseph,James,Henry,Martin引申为嗜战的白羊座女性最适合的英文名:Malcolm,Joan,Niki,Betty,Linda,Whitney,Lily-百合花金牛座男性最适合的英文名:Fred,Gary,William,Charles,Michael,Karl-肖似上帝的人Karl-金牛座女性最适合的英文名:Barbara,Helen,Katharine,Lee,Ann,Diana,Fiona双子座男性最适合的英文名:Bob,John,Thomas,Dean,Paul,Brooke意思;Bob-战斗John-Thomas-太阳神;一双孪生子Dean-Paul-小家伙;幼小的Brooke-双子座女性最适合的英文名:Judy,Doris,Rudy,Amanda,Shirley,Joan,Tracy意思:Judy-赞美Doris-海洋女神名;属于大海的Ruby-红宝石Amanda-值得爱的Shirley-来自牧场的Joan-上帝仁慈的赐予Tracy-通往城市的小路巨蟹座男性最适合的英文名: Kevin,Louis,John,George,Henry,Benjamin意思:Kevin-出身很好的;圣人Louis-战功彪炳的John-George-耕种者Henry-家里的管事者Benjamin-勇悍的卫士巨蟹座女性最适合的英文名:Melody,Helen,Debbie,Lisa,Yvonne意思:Melody-Helen-光亮的;光彩照人的女孩Debbie-蜜蜂;蜂后Lisa-美好的;为了理想Yvonne-弓箭射手;上帝的恩赐狮子座男性最适合的英文名: Robert,Carl,Scott,Tom,Eddy,Kris,Peter狮子座女性最适合的英文名:Shelly,Mary,Dolly,Nancy,Jane,Barbara处女座男性最适合的英文名: Johnson,Bruce,Robert,Peter,Bil,Joseph,John意思:Johnson-Bruce-一片树林Robert-Peter-岩石;磐石;坚强的人Bill-勇悍的卫士Joseph-愿上帝增加;耶和华增加John-处女座女性最适合的英文名:Shirley,Emily,Sophia,Vivian,Lillian,Joy天秤座男性最适合的英文名: Burt,Charlie,Elliot,George,天秤座女性最适合的英文名:Ross,Julie,Gloria,Carol天蝎座男性最适合的英文名: Richard,James,Charles,Bruce,David意思:Richard-勇敢的James-代替者;排挤者Charles-男子汉;有男子气概的Bruce-一片树林David-可爱的人;朋友;司令天蝎座女性最适合的英文名:Taylor,Wendy,Grace,Vivian,Caroline,Samantha意思:TaylorWendy-勇于冒险的少女Grace-优雅的Vivian-活泼的Caroline-勇敢,刚毅和强壮的Samantha-虚心受教的人射手座男性最适合的英文名: Nick,Walt,John,Mark,Sam,Daria,Neil,Lewis,Billy射手座女性最适合的英文名:Maaria,Kate,Demi,SUNNY,Wendy意思:Maria-Kate-纯洁的人Demi-SUNNY-阳光的Wendy-勇于冒险的少女魔蝎座男性最适合的英文名: Richard,Howard,Allen,Johnney,Robert,Martin,Jeff魔蝎座女性最适合的英文名:Ava,Christina,Judy,Susan,Grace,Alice水瓶座男性最适合的英文名: Paul,Sam,Francis,Lewis,Stephen,Andy,Scott-水瓶座女性最适合的英文名:Joyce,Sally,Margarat,Rebecca,Teresa,Rita,Jessica双鱼座男性最适合的英文名: Alert,Kevin,Michael,Taylor,Jackson,Jack,Jimmy,Allen,Martin,Vincent-征服双鱼座女性最适合的英文名:Elizabeth,Kelly,May,Julie,Amanda,Fionax

Jasmine的《恋》 歌词

歌曲名:恋歌手:Jasmine专辑:sad to say「恋」作词∶JASMINE作曲∶JASMINE/Satomi Kawasaki歌∶JASMINEどっちかと言えば、わりと不器用な方で强がって见せるけど、なにかと「mama help me!」でとがって、とがってみても结局泣き虫でゴメンネ!「だって」「あのね」なんて言い訳もなかなか达者で。ねぇこんなあたしでも恋をするのlove me love me baby, crazy crazy babyお洒落をして会いに行くの褒めて欲しいのyou make me feel so crazyyou make me feel so babyi"m getting better day by dayきみからの电话で心臓バクバクきみの言叶で きみのスマイルでなにかにつけて结构浮き沈みはげしくてカッコつけてみるけど、饱きっぽいのがネックに なってプラlッ。プラッ。プライド高め、空回り度はもっと もっと高め念の为、今日のあたしにチョットだけ反省!こんなあたしでも恋に落ちるのlove me love me baby, crazy crazy baby近付きたいの少しでも目がハートなのyou make me feel so crazyyou make me feel so babyi"m getting better day by dayきみからのメールでなんかニヤニヤきみの言叶で きみのニュアンスで正直な话、わりかし梦中なあたしlook @ me!look @ me!! あたしを见て欲しい恋爱下手だけど、うまく言えないけど振り向かせたいどんな时でもきみを思うのi"m fallin" love with youi"m fallin" love with youいつもよりも顽张れるのyou make me feel so crazyyou make me feel so babyi"m getting better day by dayねぇどうしたら伝えられるのi"m fallin" love with youi"m fallin" love with you可爱くなって振り向かせるyou make me feel so crazyyou make me feel so baby恋ってやつ、i can"t take controlにさせる (baby)恋なんてしなけりゃ悩みも少なく生きれるのにきみにハマってく きみにハマってく because of you… because of you収録:sad to say発売日:2009/06/24http://music.baidu.com/song/334242






jasmine这个英文名挺好的,意思是茉莉,常见。茉莉:叶色翠绿,花色洁白。所以,清纯的女孩子都喜欢取jasmine。中国人听到老外取个中国名字叫张牡丹、李茉莉,差不多。不过,伟大的莎士比亚曾说:“That which we call a rose by anyother name would smell as sweet.”(玫瑰就算换了一个名字,它的香味依然如旧!)只要人对,名字随便啦。注意事项:1、Scarlett斯嘉丽。含义:深红色。出自玛格丽特·米歇尔所著的《飘》。2、Laila莱拉。含义:夜晚。出自卡勒德·胡赛尼所著的《灿烂千阳》。3、Lisbeth莉丝贝。含义:Elizabeth的昵称,上帝的誓约。完成。出自史迪格·拉森所著的《龙纹身的女孩》。



M.O.V.E的《Jasmine》 歌词

歌曲名:Jasmine歌手:M.O.V.E专辑:XII「Jasmine」作词∶motsu/rap词∶motsu作曲∶t-kimura歌∶m.o.v.e収録∶XII/発売日∶2012/03/07古ぼけた石塔に记された远い过去花咲くこの丘が戦场だったと知る Lu-lu...丘から见渡せるあの河を挟んで争いあったそうそんな远くもない 何百年前はそんなだったこの平穏への道のりに はらわれた犠牲の数を今では知る术もなく时が流れて今 世界の声が闻こえる今日もまたどこかで 争いが梦をさらう日常というガラス越し ただ眺めてる激流胸をかきむしるように 风がひとつ丘を过ぎていったジャスミンがほら咲いた 阳射しが降りそそいだジャスミンがほら咲いた つぼみがそっとひらいた目覚め始めた春が 光りを探してる晒したくない者达が闇で囲う Lu-lu...持てる者持たざる者 そこに大きな隔たりあること知る由もなくいつも悪者と名づける 壁の向こうをインフォメーション 秒速で伝わる时代チョイス次第で変えられると目覚め始めた春の风が吹いた时が流れていく 幼い声が泣いている希望积み重ねて また谁か壊していく世界が繋がるまで あとどれ位泣けばいいそして何も答えずに 今日がひとつ星を过ぎていった时间が过去に向って进まないという理あの先に光りがあると信じて歩くこの旅かけあう言叶に 手を取りあう者达世界が繋がろうとしている足音Feel the bloom of flowersFeel the bloom of flowersFeel the bloom of flowersFeel the bloom of flowersLu-lu...时が流れて今 世界の声が闻こえる今日もまたどこかで 争いが梦をさらう日常というガラス越し ただ眺めてる激流胸をかきむしるように 风がひとつ丘を过ぎていったジャスミンがほら咲いた 阳射しが降りそそいだジャスミンがほら咲いた つぼみがそっとひらいた争う全ての荒野に花が咲く日まで终わりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/15888290


jasmine这个英文名挺好的,意思是茉莉,常见。茉莉:叶色翠绿,花色洁白。所以,清纯的女孩子都喜欢取jasmine。中国人听到老外取个中国名字叫张牡丹、李茉莉,差不多。不过,伟大的莎士比亚曾说:“That which we call a rose by anyother name would smell as sweet.”(玫瑰就算换了一个名字,它的香味依然如旧!)只要人对,名字随便啦。注意事项:1、Scarlett斯嘉丽。含义:深红色。出自玛格丽特·米歇尔所著的《飘》。2、Laila莱拉。含义:夜晚。出自卡勒德·胡赛尼所著的《灿烂千阳》。3、Lisbeth莉丝贝。含义:Elizabeth的昵称,上帝的誓约。完成。出自史迪格·拉森所著的《龙纹身的女孩》。

Jasmine 怎么发音谁说下



是茉莉花的意思。jasmine这个英文名挺好的,意思是茉莉,常见。茉莉:叶色翠绿,花色洁白。所以,清纯的女孩子都喜欢取jasmine。中国人听到老外取个中国名字叫张牡丹、李茉莉,差不多。不过,伟大的莎士比亚曾说:“That which we call a rose by anyother name would smell as sweet.”(玫瑰就算换了一个名字,它的香味依然如旧!)只要人对,名字随便啦。注意事项:1、Scarlett斯嘉丽。含义:深红色。出自玛格丽特·米歇尔所著的《飘》。2、Laila莱拉。含义:夜晚。出自卡勒德·胡赛尼所著的《灿烂千阳》。3、Lisbeth莉丝贝。含义:Elizabeth的昵称,上帝的誓约。完成。出自史迪格·拉森所著的《龙纹身的女孩》。


英文名Jasmine的英文名翻译是茉莉。Jasmine的常见翻译音译为贾斯敏,杰丝敏,Jasmine意思是茉莉,女孩叫这个名字较多,历史出自阿拉伯语、波斯语、西班牙语、英语。意思是茉莉,常见。茉莉:叶色翠绿,花色洁白。所以,清纯的女孩子都喜欢取jasmine。Jasmine中文音译为贾斯敏,该名整体看起来很个性,也很流行,女士运用此英文名起名,可彰显出始终如一,虔诚、守信的性格。一站式出国留学攻略 http://www.offercoming.com


jasmine这个英文名挺好的,意思是茉莉,常见。茉莉:叶色翠绿,花色洁白。所以,清纯的女孩子都喜欢取jasmine。中国人听到老外取个中国名字叫张牡丹、李茉莉,差不多。不过,伟大的莎士比亚曾说:“That which we call a rose by anyother name would smell as sweet.”(玫瑰就算换了一个名字,它的香味依然如旧!)只要人对,名字随便啦。注意事项:1、Scarlett斯嘉丽。含义:深红色。出自玛格丽特·米歇尔所著的《飘》。2、Laila莱拉。含义:夜晚。出自卡勒德·胡赛尼所著的《灿烂千阳》。3、Lisbeth莉丝贝。含义:Elizabeth的昵称,上帝的誓约。完成。出自史迪格·拉森所著的《龙纹身的女孩》。


1、jasmine英[?d??zm?n]美[?d??zm?n],n.茉莉; 素馨。2、[例句]The most well-known jasmine flower tea is produced in Fujian Province.最有名的茉莉花茶产于福建省。


Leung, Jasmine

Jasmine的《Bad Girl》 歌词

歌曲名:Bad Girl歌手:Jasmine专辑:GOLD「Bad Girl」作词∶JASMINE作曲∶JASMINE&BACHLOGIC歌∶JASMINEまた0时を ふみたおす 鸣り止まない针の音きっときっと 止まらないよお前は悪くないけど 壁になげつけるよきっとなにも 変わらないけど yeah言い訳 してみて こころだけ 伤ついてたわからない わからない 散らかしては 踏みつけた自分が自分になれない はがゆくて トガって 振る舞って痛んだ声 叫んだ声 ごまかせるはずがないeven though they call me bad girl だからなんだってんだってeven though they call me bad girl なんならこの胸はって他の谁でもない あたしの生き様みとどけてやるどうしたら触れられるだろう どうしたら见つめられるの自分の手と 自分の目をどうしたら爱せるんだろう I would never know how to love myself.自分の声 自分の名前 yeah分かってる分かってる 谁かの言叶が そっと分かってる分かってる 「you can find yourself in your mirror」ねぇ、本当は どうやって 生きるべき 守るべき 戦うべき気付いてあげたいよ ごまかせるはずがないeven though they call me bad girl だからなんだってんだってeven though they call me bad girl なんならこの胸はって他の谁でもない あたしの生き様みとどけてやるI wanna be myself みつけだして そこに光てらしだしてI wanna be myself ここにいる意味を证明したくてIf I were born again If I were born againI wanna be me, I wanna be me,I wanna be me, once againeven though they call me bad girl だからなんだってんだってeven though they call me bad girl なんならこの胸はって他の谁でもない あたしの生き様みとどけてやるeven though they call me bad girl だからなんだってんだってeven though they call me bad girl なんならこの胸はって他の谁でもない あたしの生き様みとどけてやるeven though they call me bad girleven though they call me bad girleven though they call me bad girl【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/314824







jasmine 是哪个国家的词。


Jasmine 这个英文名有什么涵义?


jasmine 可以做英文名么


jasmine这个英文名是有很常见吗?会不会是很特别的 还是已经很俗了 在国外会显得很平淡吗 还有那Ariel呢?



Jasmine ,站在冷静区块链风口的女性专家



Jasmine的《B*TCH*S》 歌词

歌曲名:B*TCH*S歌手:Jasmine专辑:Best Partner作词∶JASMINE作曲∶JASMINE/Jeff Miyahara/Harambasic/Jenssen/Svendsen/Wik歌∶JASMINEwhat"s up bad boy 生意気その目つき what do you mean?かけひき はじまる bite me gently...ナメてんの? キメてんの? それとも 甘えん坊?内绪で 教えてよ try me baby...あたしに触れたら やみつきになるけどその気があんならcome and give your love to meかわいいこちゃん watch outこの手で きみを knock outくるおしいほどに rock outI got you falling and falling and fallingand falling in love手遅れ すでに freak outあたしのなかに knock outにがしゃしないよ rock outI got you falling and falling and fallingand falling in loveアドレナリン かけまわる体中 あつくなるふたりで燃えてく fire baby...激しく カラ回る 意地悪 したくなる感じる? set you on fire baby...カノジョに电话で今日は帰らないと 教えてあげれば?you can"t get away from meかわいいこちゃん watch outこの手で きみを knock outくるおしいほどに rock outI got you falling and falling and fallingand falling in love手遅れ すでに freak outあたしのなかに knock outにがしゃしないよ rock outI got you falling and falling and fallingand falling in loveif you wanna dance with the girlsthat are ruling the world say“OH OH”今日は のまれちゃおうって思っているのなら“OH OH”if you wanna dance with the girlsthat are sexy and fly say“OH OH”if you want to, you really want to欲しければ叫べ!かわいいこちゃん watch outこの手で きみを knock outくるおしいほどに rock outI got you falling and falling and fallingand falling in love手遅れ すでに freak outあたしのなかに knock outにがしゃしないよ rock outI got you falling and falling and fallingand falling in love収録∶Best Partner/発売日∶2012/07/25终わりhttp://music.baidu.com/song/20577288
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