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感觉辨别阈(discrimination threshold)



discrimination[du026a,skru026amu026a"neu026au0283(u0259)n] n. 歧视;区别,辨别;识别力She is exempt from sex discrimination laws.她不用遵守性别歧视法规。

bias 和 discrimination. 的区别

bias是更倾向于偏好,偏见。。而discrimination多倾向为区别和歧视。。比如你可以说sexual discrimination..但是不可以用bias这里。。取决你要用在哪里!希望能帮到忙。。



discrimination against是什么意思

discrimination against [词典] 歧视; [例句]Discrimination against blacks is still common.歧视黑人仍是普遍现象。


1、意思distinguish,动词词性,区分,辨别,分清; 辨别是非;区分,辨别,分清; 辨别出,识别; 引人注目,有别于; 使杰出,使著名。discriminate动词词性,区别;辨别;区分;区别对待;歧视;偏袒。2、衍生词distinguish有衍生词distinguishable,词性是形容词,可以区别开的;可以辨明的;可辨认的;可辨识的等。discriminate没有。扩展资料:discriminate一般指辨证辩证法是关于对立统一、斗争和运动、普遍联系和变化发展的哲学学说。辩证法的核心是斗争论(矛盾论)。辨证,是在认识疾病的过程中确立证候的思维和实践过程,即将四诊(望、闻、问、切)所收集的有关疾病的所有资料,包括症状和体征,运用中医学理论进行分析、综合,辨清疾病的原因、性质、部位及发展趋向,然后概括、判断为某种性质的证候的过程。主要方法有:八纲辨证、脏腑辩证、六经辩证、卫气营血辩证、三焦辨证等。参考资料来源:百度百科-discriminate百度翻译-discriminate百度翻译-distinguish

中英文:Racial discrimination

The federal Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination in hiring, promotion, discharge, pay, fringe benefits, and other aspects of employment on the basis of race. This law covers applicants to, and employees of, state and local governments, public or private educational institutions, and most private employers, employment agencies, labor unions, and apprenticeship programs. Both federal and state laws protect you against racial discrimination. An employer must decide to hire you based on your merits, abilities and comparison with other applicants. An employer who intentionally discriminates on the basis of race may be subject to a civil lawsuit. However, before bringing on such an action, it is necessary, under both state and federal law, to try all administrative remedies first. For more information, consult your local office of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, or EEOC, and with an attorney knowledgeable in civil rights.   1964年联邦民权法禁止在雇佣、晋升、解雇、薪酬、附加福利以及劳动关系的其他方面因种族原因存在歧视。此法案适用于求职人员、州和当地政府雇员、公共或私人教育机构职员、众多私营雇主、职业中介机构、劳工组织、学徒培训机构中的雇员。联邦法与州法都保护你不受种族歧视。雇主必须是依据你的业绩、能力以及和其他雇员进行比较后决定是否雇佣你。故意进行种族歧视的雇主可能会导致民事诉讼官司。然而,在采取法律措施前,依据联邦法和州法的规定,必须先用尽所有行政救济。想了解更多信息,可向当地“平等就业机会委员会” 咨询,也可向在民事权利方面知识渊博的律师咨询。   1、fringe n. 边缘, 须边, 刘海   adj. 边缘的, 额外的   v. 在……上加以缘饰, 成为……的边缘   2、apprenticeship n 学徒期   3、merit (来自拉丁语 merere 值得) n 优点;价值;功绩   Its undesirable effects often offset these so-called merits. 这些所谓的好处往往被鞭炮产生的不良后果抵消了。   There"s little merit in passing the driving test if you don"t have a car of your own. "如果你没有自己的汽车,通过驾驶考试也没什么价值。"   merit vt 应得;应受;值得   His work merits a prize. 他的工作值得奖赏。   He merited all the praise, which had been given to him. 他理应受到人们给他的一切称赞。   4、intentionally adv. 有意地,故意地

discrimination against是什么意思



不可数名词都属于第三人称单数(因为它没有复数形式)。如果是一般现在时,需要数的变化,那么谓语要用第三人称单数形式。The work is not my work.



以discrimination为题写一篇英语作文 字数150 再没别的要求了…

我只能给你一些提纲和意见 第一段写一下你的观点:第一句介绍一下歧视的基本现象,然后说出你的观点,如I STRONGLY UNGE PEOPLE NOT TO JUDGE PEOPLE TOO EARLY,NO MATTER WHAT COLOUR THAT HAVE等等第二段你用三个小...


to discriminate


Prejudice is an unreasonable dislike of a particular group of people or things, or a preference for a one group of people or things over another. There was a deep-rooted racial prejudice long before the two countries became rivals and went to war. There is widespread prejudice against workers over 45. He said he hoped the Swiss authorities would investigate the case thoroughly and without prejudice.N-VAR: oft supp N, N against n= discrimination, biasDiscrimination is the practice of treating one person or group of people less fairly or less well than other people or groups. She is exempt from sex discrimination laws. ...discrimination against immigrants. ...measures to counteract racial discrimination.

distinction 与discrimination 的区别


discrimination .discord .discrepancy做不一致,差异时的区别,怎么辨析

discrimination(n. 歧视;区别,辨别;识别力)强调: 歧视.差别对待,差别待遇;(尤指对少数集团的)歧视,偏袒,偏爱(或偏见)的表示,不公平待遇(unfair treatment of a person or group on the basis of prejudice)racial discrimination 种,族歧视 sex discrimination 性别歧视;price discrimination 价格歧视,差别取价 gender discrimination 性别歧视 race discrimination 种,族歧视 discord 由词根cord 来,accord ,according,(n. 不和;不调和;嘈杂声)主要强调"不调和" (想法、意见、事物等之间的)不一致,不协调,不和谐,意见分歧,意见不同(1. lack of agreement or harmony2. disagreement among those expected to cooperate)marital discord夫妇不和sow discord搬弄是非Curse Discord迷魅之咒international discord国,际纠纷discord index不安指数discrepancy(n. 不符;相差;矛盾)强调一种"(与期望)不符合;有矛盾,有差异"(差异,差别;不一致,不符合,不协调,自相矛盾)(1. a difference between conflicting facts or claims or opinions2. an event that departs from expectations)mass discrepancy质量差异goal discrepancy目标差Income Discrepancy贫富差距discrepancy report差异报告synchronization discrepancy同步差item discrepancy不符事项




discrimination[英][du026au02ccskru026amu026au02c8neu026au0283n][美][du026au02ccskru026amu0259u02c8neu0283u0259n]n.歧视; 辨别,区别; 辨别力,识别力; 不公平的待遇; 复数:discriminations例句:1.Discrimination against female scientists has cropped up elsewhere. 对女性科学家的歧视在其他地方也突然出现。2.Most companies have rules against sexual discrimination. 大多数公司有反性别歧视的规定。

Where Them Girls At (Feat. Nicki Minaj & Flo Rida) [Afrojack Remix] 歌词

歌曲名:Where Them Girls At (Feat. Nicki Minaj & Flo Rida) [Afrojack Remix]歌手:David Guetta - Flo Rida - Nicki Minaj专辑:Where Them Girls At (Feat. Nicki Minaj & Flo Rida) [Remixes]David Guetta Feat. Nicki Minaj & Flo Rida - Where Them Girls AtChorus:So many girls in here, where do I begin?I seen this one, I"m bout to go inThen she said, I"m here with my friendsShe got me thinking and that"s when I saidWhere dem girls at, girls at?Where dem girls at, girls at?Where dem girls at, girls at?So go get them, we can all be friendsFlo Rida - Verse 1Hey, bring it on baby, all your friendsYou"re the shit and I love that bodyYou wanna ball, lets mix it, I swear you"re good, I wont tell nobodyYou got a BFF, I wanna see that girl, it"s all women invitedHair do"s and nails, that Louis, Chanel all up in the bodyPresident"s in my wallet, no rules I"m bout itBlow the whistle for the hottiesI got it, shawty, it"s never too much, can"t be doing too much10 to one of me, I can handle that loveOutta of my reach, we can all get buzzHolla cause I"m free, no matter it"s no rushChorus:So many girls in here, where do I begin?I seen this one, I"m bout to go inThen she said, I"m here with my friendsShe got me thinking and that"s when I saidWhere dem girls at, girls at?Where dem girls at, girls at?Where dem girls at, girls at?So go get them, we can all be friendsNicki Minaj - Verse 2Peebe, peebe, who"s people barkin"Two years ago I renewed my licenseAnyway why"d I start my verse like thatCause I can do it, you can suck on a ballsackNo no I don"t endorse that, pause that, abort thatJust the other day mi go London, saw dat, kids down the streetPaparazzi, all datHey hey what can I say?Day day day da-day dayComing through the club all the girls in the back of meThis aint football why the f-ck they tryna tackle me?Really, I pick dude at the bar like really, looking like he wanna good time like reallySaid he had a friend for my home girl Lilly Lilly, Lilly, LillySo many boys in here where do I beginI see this one, I"m bout to inThan he said I"m here with my friendsHe got to thank us, then thats when he saidHook:Where dem girls at, girls at?Where dem girls at, girls at?Where dem girls at, girls at?So go get them, we can all be friendsNicki Minaj:Where my girls at uhh, hmm, uhhWhere my girls at uhh, hmm, uhhYo, where my girls at uhh, hmm, uhhYo, where my girls tryna get to jumpin"Chorus:So many girls in here, where do I begin?I seen this one, I"m bout to go inThen she said, I"m here with my friendsShe got me thinking and that"s when I saidWhere dem girls at, girls at?Where dem girls at, girls at?Where dem girls at, girls at?So go get them, we can all be friendsEndDavid Guetta Feat. Nicki Minaj & Flo Rida - Where Them Girls Athttp://music.baidu.com/song/8944063

Mean diameter和nominal diameter

Mean diameter是二次平均直径的意思,nominal diameter一般指公称直径公称直径(nominal diameter),又称平均外径(mean outside diameter)。是指容器、管道及其附件的标准化直径系列。采用公称直径有利于实现零部件的标准化,也方便于设计、制造、修配和管理,降低制造成本。对于容器,公称直径用内径表示;对于管道,则用小于外径并大于内径的某个尺寸表示。相应于管道的某一公称直径,其外径是一定值,内径随壁厚而变化。

名义汇率(nominal exchange rate)


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是掌握控制权属性的人。dominance&submission,控制与服从,Dom对应统治方,是S的一种,Sub对应服从方,是M的一种。很多人都会dom和sud非常疑惑,不知道它们是什么意思,其实这两个词是用来形容爱情中的两种地位,一种是dominance 掌握控制权的人,另一种就是 submission选择服从的人。相关内容:特有属性和共有属性:对象(事物)的属性有的是特有属性,有的是共有属性。对象的特有属性是指为一类对象独有而为别类对象所不具有的属性。人们就是通过对象的特有属性来区别和认识事物的。如两足、无毛、直立行走、能思维、会说话、能制造和使用生产工具进行劳动是“人”的特有属性。从而将“人”与其他高等动物区分开。而有五官、四肢、有内脏和血液循环等则不仅为人所具有,也为其他高等动物所具有,我们称为共有属性。共有属性没有区别性。dominance造句:1、Review on Dominance Hierarchy of Non-human Primates.非人灵长类社会等级现象的研究进展。2、Ex-colonial countries began to challenge the cultural dominance of Europe.摆脱了殖民统治的国家开始挑战欧洲的文化统治。3、The latest fighting appears to be an attempt by each group to establish dominance over the other.最近的战斗似乎是冲突各方在试图争夺控制权。4、The Concept and Dominance of Language Culture in Proverbs.论概念的语言文化显性。5、Inverts the current field dominance of a selected clip.反转被选择片段的当前场优势。


在ACCA考试中,AB科目social-culture trend 和recruitment and selection的章节都会涉及到discrimination(歧视)和它的五种分类。今天,深空网就给大家详解discrimination(歧视这个考点内容。Direct discrimination直接歧视,指因为性别、年龄、宗教信仰、性别取向、种族、国籍(direct discrimination,indirect discrimination,victimization,harassment,positive discrimination), 某个群体比另一个群体更受到更大的青睐。并且别人把这种偏爱,明摆着写出来或告诉你。Indirect discrimination间接歧视,指一种一项政策或做法在形式上是公平的,但实际上它暗含着歧视。举个题目中常见的例子:企业不招兼职工。这样看上去没什么问题,你企业招不招兼职还不是你说了算!但是我们要结合一下西方社会的社会背景来考虑:在西方,女性生了孩子之后,家里的长辈不会像大部分中国的爷爷奶奶帮忙照顾孩子,妈妈们要自己照顾孩子。在这种情况下,她们很难兼顾一份全职工作,只能去做兼职,所以在西方,兼职工大部分都是女性。企业说,不愿意招兼职,那可能就是暗含着不愿意招女性,是间接的性别歧视。Victimization受害者。指为了受到歧视的人打抱不平,而自己收到打压和惩罚的情况。Harassment骚扰。指对别人使用威胁的threatening、恫吓的intimidatory、攻击性的offensive、辱骂性的abusive语言或行为。比如下图中老太太说的”foreign dogs”,就是一骚扰性的国籍歧视。Positive discrimination反向歧视。指某种行为看上去给了某个群体优待和保护,但本质上是一种歧视。举个栗子,现在有一些商场会提供女士停车位,比普通的停车位更宽更大。这一举动看上去十分体贴,但实际上是因为他们认为女性的停车技术就是不如男性。所以看上去体贴的女士停车位实际上就是一种反向歧视。另外,反向歧视在AB课程中,一般与招聘结合。体现为:给予某类求职者优待而不管他是不是真的适合这个工作、有没有相关的资质。1、_____occurs when an individual thinks that they have been wrongly treated by a colleague or supervisor. Which of the following correctly fills the blank?A:Indirect discriminationB:Direct discriminationC:A grievance(题目答案:C。解析:本题可能很多同学选到discrimination,但值得注意的是,歧视是由于direct discrimination, indirect discrimination, victimization, harassment, positive discrimination 这些原因造成的不公平待遇。而本题中,并没有这些方面的体现。应该选C, grievance不满委屈。因为没有被同事和上级正确得对待肯定会感到委屈。2、Which of the following would constitute direct discrimination?A. Setting age limits or ranges in an employment advertisementB.Offering less favourable terms to workers on flexible hours contractsC.Using word-of-mouth recruitment in a predominantly male workforce(题目答案:A。解析:A设置在招聘广告中设置年龄限制,就是把歧视明明白白地写出来了,直接歧视。B在前面间接歧视知识部分解释过这个例子了;C在男性为主导的群体中口头招聘。看起来在哪里招聘时企业的自由,但是去到男性为主导的群体中,实际上就是更希望招到男性员工,对女性是间接歧视。3、Are the following statements true or false?(1) Taking active steps to encourage people from disadvantaged groups to apply for jobs and training is classed as positive discrimination.(2) Diversity in the workplace means implementing an equal opportunities policy.A.They are both trueB.1 is true and 2 is falseC.1 is false and 2 is trueD.They are both false(题目答案:D。解析:这道题也是同学会选错的。题干中的两句话都是错的。首先,第一句话,是positive action而不是positive discrimination.它们的区别在于positive action是为减少歧视而进行的,鼓励弱势群体申请工作及参加培训,给他们同样的面试机会,而不是把他们拒之门外。而positive discrimination是更偏向弱势群体,给他们更多的好处,使他们处于比正常人更好的待遇。所以题干中说鼓励弱势群体申请工作和参加培训是positive discrimination是错的。第二句话也错了,diversity包含equal opportunities policy,但范围比equal opportunities policy更广。

判定系数coefficient of determination是属于哪一种统计分析里面的

英文【coefficient of determination】汉语【决定系数】有的教材上翻译为【判定系数】也称为【拟合优度】。决定系数:在Y的总平方和中,由X引起的平方和所占的比例,记为R2(R的平方)决定系数的大小决定了相关的密切程度。当R2越接近1时,表示相关的方程式参考价值越高;相反,越接近0时,表示参考价值越低。这是在一元回归分析中的情况。但从本质上说决定系数和回归系数没有关系,就像标准差和标准误差在本质上没有关系一样。在多元回归分析中,决定系数是相关系数的平方。表达式:R^2=SSR/SST=1-SSE/SST其中:SST=SSR+SSE,SST (sum of squares for total)为总平方和,SSReg (sum of squares for regression为回归平方和,SSE (sum of squares for error) 为残差平方和。意义:拟合优度越大,自变量对因变量的解释程度越高,自变量引起的变动占总变动的百分比高。观察点在回归直线附近越密集。取值范围:0-1.

在统计学中,nominal和ordinal是什么意思啊...差不多是在correlation coefficient这块


日语里的“南”: “Konan” 和“minami”意思上有什么区别?是不是“konan”是人名“minami”是方位?


VNC Viewer为什么连接后,不能显示桌面,而只有一个Terminal窗口


which has been dominating me of late请分析这个句子成分?

这是定语从句,由关系代词which引导,前面是有先行词的。用作定语的从句叫做定语从句(attributive clause)。定语从句通常皆置于它所修饰的名词(或代词)之后,这种名词(或代词)叫做先行词(antecedent)。引导宾语从句的关联词为关系代词和关系副词。关系代词在定语从句中可用作主语、宾语、定语等;关系副词在定语从句中只用作状语。如:  (1)The student who answered the question was John. 回答问题的那个学生是约翰。(who answered the question是关系代词who引导的定语从句,用以修饰who先行词student,who在从句中用作主语)  (2)I know the reason why he was so angry. 我知道他这么生气的原由。(why he was so angry是关系副词引导的定语从句,用以修饰why的先行词reason,why在从句中用作原因状语)  定语从句一般紧跟其先行词之后。如:  (3)The room which served for studio was bare and dusty. 这个用作工作室的房间空荡荡的,布满灰尘。(关系代词which引导的定语从句紧跟其先行词room之后)  有时亦可与先行词分离。如:  (4)A new master will come tomorrow who will teach you German. 明天要来一位新教师教你们德语了。(关系代词who引导的定语从句与其先行词master分离)  1)用作关联词的关系代词有who,whom,whose,that,which等。who,whom,whose指人,who是主格,在从句中用作主语(在非正式英语中亦可用作宾语);whom是宾格,在从句中用作宾语;whose是属格,在从句中用作定语(有时亦可指物)。如:  (5)The man who was here yesterday is a painter. 昨天在这里的那个人是位画家。(主格关系代词who在从句中用作主语)  (6)The man who I saw is called Smith. 我见到的那个人名叫史密斯。(在非正式英语中who 代替了whom,亦可省去不用)  (7)I know the man whom you mean. 我认识你指的那个人。(宾语关系代词whom在从句中用作宾语)  (8)A child whose parents are dead is called an orphan. 失去父母的孩子叫做孤儿。(属格关系代词whose在从句中用作定语,指人)  (9)I"d like a room whose window looks out over the sea. 我想要一个窗户面临大海的房间。(属格关系代词whose在从句中用作定语,指room,可代之以of which,但后者较为正式)  that在从句中既可用作主语,亦可用作宾语(在非正式文体中可省去);既可指人,亦可指物,介在当代英语中多指物。如:  (10)A letter that is written in pencil is difficult to read. 用铅笔写的信很难读。(关系代词that在从句中用作主语,指物)  (11)The letter that I received from him yesterday is very important. 昨天他来的信很重要。(关系代词that在从句中用作宾语,指物)  (12)Is he the man that sells eggs? 他是卖鸡蛋的那个人吗?(关系代词that在从句中用作主语,指人)  (13)This is the book which has been retranslated into many languages. 这就是那本有多种译本的书。(关系代词which在从句中用作主语)  (14)Where is the book which I bought this morning? 今天上午我买的那本书在哪儿?(关系代词which在从句中用作宾语,可省去)  which在从句中亦可用作定语和表语。如:  (15)We told him to consult the doctor, which advice he took. 我们叫他去看医生,他听取了我们的劝告。(关系代词which在从句中用作定语)  (16)The two policemen were completely trusted, which in fact, they were. 那两个警察完全受到信任,事实上真是如此。(关系代词which在从句中用作表语)  as,than,but亦可用作关系代词。如:  (17)The two brothers were satisfied with this decision, as was agreed beforehand. 两兄弟对这个决定都满意,它事先已经他们同意了。(关系代词as在从句中用作主语,其先行词是this decision)  (18)He was a foreigner, as I knew from his accent. 他是个外国人,我是从他的口音知道的。(关系代词as在从句中用作宾语,其先行词是前面的整个句子)  (19)I never heard such stories as he tells. 我从未听过他讲的这类故事。(关系代词as与指示代词such连用,在从句中用作宾语,其先行词是such stories)  (20)Her attitude to him was quite the same as it had always been. 她对他的态度同她惯常的态度完全一样。(关系代词as与指示代词same连用,在从句中用作表语,其先行词是same)  (21)You spent more money than was intended to be spent. 你花的钱超过了预定的数额。(关系代词than在从句中用作主语,其先行词是money)  (22)There are very few but admire his talents. 很少人不赞赏他的才干的。(关系代词but在从句中用作主语,其先行词是few,but=who don"t)  关系代词在定语从句中用作介词宾语时,介词既可置于从句之首,亦可置于从句之末。但以置于从句之首较为正式。如:  (23)This is the book for which you asked. 这是你所要的书。(关系代词用作介词for宾语,之首,即which之前)  (24)This is the book which you asked for. 这是你所要的书。(介词for置于从句之末,which在此可省去)  关系代词who和that用作介词宾语时,介词须置于句末。如:  (25)The people you were talking to are Swedes. 你与之谈话的那些人是瑞典人。(关系代词主格who用作介词to宾语时,介词to须置于从句之末,who中口语中可省去)  (26)Here is the car that I told you about. 这儿就是我和你谈过的那辆汽车。(关系代词that用作介词about宾语,介词about须置于从句之末)  有时从句还有其它成分,介词则置于从句之中。如:  (27)This is the boy who he worked with in the office. 那就是与他一道办公的那个男孩。  先行词指人时,关系代词既可用who,亦可用that。但关系代词在从句之中用作主语时,多用主格who。如:  (28)Persons who are quarrelsome are despised. 好争吵者遭轻视。(除外persons,还有people,those,等皆多用who)  (29)All who heard the story were amazed. 听到这个故事的人都感到吃惊。(代词如he,they,any,all,one等之后多用who)  (30)I will pardon him who is honest. 我愿意宽恕他,他是诚实的。(描述性定语从句用who)  (31)I think it is you who should prove to me. 我认为是你应该向我提出证据。(在强调结构中多用who,who在此可省去)  (32)Who is not for us is against us. 谁不赞成我们就是反对我们。(缩合连接代词who为可代之以that)  在下列一些情况中则多用that。如:  (33)He was the man that the bottle fell on. 他就是瓶子落在其身上的那个人。(此处常用that作宾语指人,亦可用whom)  (34)He is a man that is never at a loss. 他是一个从未一筹莫展的人。(that常用于泛指人)  (35)He was watching the children and parcels that filled the car. 我望着塞满车的孩子和包裹。(兼指人与物时须用that)  (36)Who that you have ever seen can beat him in chess? 你曾见过谁能在棋艺上打败他?(避免与先行词who重复时应用that)  (37)That"s the same man that asked for help the day before yesterday. 这个与前天求援的是同一个人。(先行词前有指示代词same时应用that)  (38)He is not that man that he was. 他已不是过去的他了。(that常用作表语)  (39)I knew her father for the simplest, hardest working man that ever drew the breath of life. 我早知她的父亲是一个世上最简朴最努力工作的人。(先行词前有形容词最高级、序数词或only等词时应用that)  先行词指物时,关系代词that与which往往可以互换。但在下列情况中多用that。如:  (40)All that glitters is not gold. 闪光的东西不都是金子。(不定代词包括复合词something等多后接that)  (41)It was the largest map that I ever saw. 那是我所看见过的最大的地图。(前有形容词最高级等的先行词之后多用that)  (42)It was liberation that brought about a complete change in his life. 是解放给他的生活带来了彻底的改变。(强调结构用that)  (43)There is a house that has bay windows. 有一栋房子有凸出的窗户。(that在此表固有的特点)  (44)The distance that you are from home is immaterial. 你离家的距离是不足道的。(在限制性定语从句中关系代词用作表语应用that,在描述性定语从句中则应用which)  (45)Which was the hotel that was recommended to you? 哪一个是推荐给你的旅馆?(这里用that显然是为了避免重复which)  在下列情况中则多用which。如:  (46)Larry told her the story of the young airman which I narrated at the beginning of this book. 拉里把我在书本开关叙述过的那个关于一个青年飞行员的故事讲给她听。(离先行词较远时常用which)  (47)A shop should keep a stock of those goods which sell best. 商店应存在最畅销的货物。(“those+复形名词”之后多用which)  (48)I have that which you gave me. 我有你给我的那个。(which比较正式,在非正式英语中也可用that)  (49)Beijing, which was China"s capital for more than 800 years, is rich in cultural and historic relics. 北京曾是八百多年的中国首都,有很丰富的历史文物。(描述性定语从句一般皆用which)  (50)This is the one of which I"m speaking. 这就是我所讲的那个。(介词之后须用which)  2)用作关联词的关系副词有when,where,why等。when在从句中用作时间状语,其先行词须是表时间的名词。如:  (51)We will put off the picnic until next week, when the weather may be better. 我们打算把野餐推迟到下周,那时天气可能转好。(关系副词when的先行词是next week)  (52)He came last night when I was out. 他昨晚来时我出去了。(关系副词when的先行词是last night)  since,before,after亦可用作表时间的关系副词。如:  (53)Every hour since I came has been most enjoyable. 我来之后的每一个小时都是非常好玩的。(since用作关系副词)  (54)On the day before we left home there came a snowstorm. 在我们离家的前一天,下了一场暴风雪。(before用作关系副词)  (55)The year after she had finished college she spent abroad. 她大学毕业后的一年是在国外度过的。(after用作关系副词)  that有时亦可用作表时间的关系副词。如:  (56)It happened on the day that I was born. 那件事是在我出生的那一天发生的。(that=when)  where在从句中用作地点状语,其先行词须是表地点的名词。如:  (57)They went to the Royal Theatre, where they saw Ibsen"s “The Doll"s house”. 他们去皇家剧院看了易卜生的《傀儡家庭》  (58)The place where Macbeth met the witches was a desolate heath. 麦克白遇见女巫的地方是一片荒原。  where的先行词亦可是有地点含义的抽象名词。如:  (59)He has reached the point where a change is needed. 他已到了需要改弦易辙的地步。(where的先行词point是抽象名词)  why在从句中用作原因状语,其先行词只有reason。如:  (60)That is no reason why you should leave. 那不是你必须离开的原因。(why先行词是reason)  (61)He refused to disclose the reason why he did it. 他拒绝透露他做那件事的原因。(why先行词是reason)  有时why可以省去。如:  (62)That"s one of the reasons I asked you to come. 那是我要你来的原因之一。(reasons后省去why)  有时why可用that代替。如:  (63)The reason that he died was lack of medical care. 他死于缺乏医疗。(why由that代替)  3)定语从句可分为限制性定语从句与描述性定语从句。限制性定语从句与先行词关系密切,对它有限制作用。因此不可缺少,否则会影响全句的意义。限制性定语从句前一般不用逗号。如:  (64)What is the name of the boy who brought us the letter? 给我们带信的那个男孩叫什么名字?  (65)There is much which will be unpleasing to the English reader. 有许多东西将会使英国读者不愉快。  (66)The teacher told us that Tom was the only person that was reliable. 老师告诉我们,汤姆是惟一可依赖的人。  (67)I shall never forget the day when we first met in the park. 我永远不会忘记我们在公园相见的那一天。  (68)Is there a shop around where we can get fruit? 附近有可以买到水果的商店吗?  (69)Do you know the reason why I came late? 你知道我迟到的原故吗?  描述性定语从句又称作非限制性定语从句(non-restrictive)。描述性定语从句只与先行词有一种松散的修饰关系,在口语中用停顿的方法表示,在书面语中用逗号分开。因此从句中的关系代词不能省略。that一般不引导描述性定语从句。如:  (70)I like to chat with John, who is a clever fellow. 我喜欢与约翰交谈,他是个聪明人。  (71)Water, which is a clear liquid, has many uses. 水是一种清澈的液体,有许多用途。  (72)Once more I am in Boston, where I have not been for ten years. 我又一次来到了波士顿,我有十年没有到这里来了。  描述性定语从句形式上是从句,其功能实质上相当于一个分句。如:  (73)Then he met Mary, who invited him to a party. 后来他遇到玛丽,玛丽邀请他去参加晚会。(who实际上=and she)  (74)When he was seventeen he went to a technical school in Zurich, Switzerland, where he studied mathematics and physics. 他17岁时,到瑞士苏黎世一专科学校上学,他在那里学习数学和物理学。(where=and there)  有时描述性定语从句的含义相当于一个状语从句。如:  (75)We don"t like the room, which is cold. 我们不喜欢那个房间,它很冷。(which is cold=since it is cold)  (76)He said he was busy, which was untrue. 他说他很忙,其实不然。(which was untrue=though it was untrue)  (77)I want him, who knows some English. 我要他,他懂得些英语。(who knows some English=for he knows some English) 希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。


曼谷有三个巴士总站,分别以不同路线作为区分。首先是位于市中心Ekkamai的东部路线巴士站(Ekkamai Bus Terminal),这个巴士站的路线主要是前往泰国的东部,最普遍的就是位于ChonBuri的Pattaya,甚至是美丽西昌岛的码头所在SriRacha,以及沙美岛的罗勇府,或是象岛之所在Trat,通通可到此站搭乘交通巴士前往。而此站就在BTS Ekkamai站的2号出口旁,是曼谷最方便的巴士站,但也是最小的。接下来是地点位于BTS Mo Chit捷运站附近的泰国北部与东北路线巴士站(North & Northeastern Bus Terminal),这个巴士站的路线就非常的多且细,主要是前往泰北的清迈,泰国文化古都素可泰,甚至是泰辽边境的农开,更可直接搭乘巴士前往柬埔寨的吴哥窟。这个巴士的地点也算在曼谷市区,只要搭乘BTS到达Mo Chit后,再转搭乘计程车前往,跳表价格约60元



歌词里有mina mina 英文歌

Body on Me - Rita Ora Chris BrownBaby let"s cut down the lightsI just really wanna let this fire burn brightI"m just telling you to have an open mindJust imagine usYou"re taking me there you"re taking me thereOur lips are barely touchingSo do it again so do it againWe could be on to somethingHeyo heyo I just wanna feel your body on meHeyo heyo if you want it then you got it hold meNo more no more wasting timeWe can we can go all nightHeyo heyo I just wanna feel your body on meAyayayayayayayayayaBody on meAyayayayayayayayayaBody on mePut you up against the wallAnd I"ma go to work "til you get offBaby soon as you"re done we"ll go some moreGirl just imagine usYou"re taking me there you"re taking me thereOur lips are barely touchingSo do it again so do it againWe could be on to somethingHeyo heyo I just wanna feel your body on meHeyo heyo if you want it then you got it hold meNo more no more wasting timeWe can we can go all nightHeyo heyo I just wanna feel your body on meAyayayayayayayayayaBody on meAyayayayayayayayayaYour body on meAyayayayayayaYour body on meAyayayayayayayayayaI"m not asking for too much put your fingertips on meDon"t wait "til the sun"s up we can keep this in betweenUs only nobody has to know what"s going down right now babyHeyo heyo I just wanna feel your body on meHeyo heyo if you want it then you got it hold meNo more no more wasting timeWe can we can go all nightHeyo heyo I just wanna feel your body on meAyayayayayayayayayaBody on meAyayayayayayayayayaYour body on meAyayayayayayayayayaAyayayayayayayayayaYour body on me


1.目的是要控制整个音乐圈,传媒及影视圈。2.Farrah Fawcett Sky Saxon James brown等等3.Eminem并没有直接说明,而是用暗示的方法揭露了事实,现在光明会已经对他冷淡了,这就是为什么eminem新发了几张专辑后知名度有所下降了,阿姆也在专辑中有所暗示,要脱离光明会,不过阿姆有可能会有生命危险。4.都是,仔细看图片,都有一个共同之处,就是每一个小图片都会拿手圈住眼睛,那么为什么要这样做呢,原因很简单,这样做,是为了暗示每一个艺人的眼睛,都会被一双手圈住,也就意味着,许多艺人无法看到光明会真正的面目,这就是为什么许多艺人在媒体发布会上说要想大红大紫,就先要用血和恶魔签约(这里的恶魔就是指光明会)。所以只要是大红大紫的艺人都是加入过光明会的。

Those people have a lot of determination.怎么翻译比较好?

那些人有很大的决心(一般不会说一个决心,两个决心,很多个决心,所以原文应该说“Those ppl have great determination”会更确切一点。)


这说明这个表达不是完整句子,而是一个名词性短语。其中核心词是名词the determination,紧跟的动词不定式to do something做名词determination的后置定语。

Determination is a kind of basic quality and this is _____ it takes to do jobs well.

答案C主要测试表语从句。结合具体语境可知句子_____ it takes to do jobs well中的动词take需要宾语,另外还能够引导表语从句,因此只能选what。译文:决心是一种最基本的能力,这就是做好工作多需要的。

-----It will _____ determination and hard work to master a foreign language . -----

D .determination是决心的意思,take determination下定决心。 pay for 为····付钱、spend on 在····方面花费CC

it takes determination

应该是likes 她喜欢(欣赏)那种从事体育锻炼所需的决心 she(主语) likes(谓语) the determination(宾语) it takes to do the sports(修饰宾语的定语从句) 请在客户端右上角评价点“满意”即可,


您好,determination 本身就已经是【名词】形式了:1)其动词形式是 determine2)其形容词形式是 determining

科技英语中the determination of …… determination啥意思


决心 信心 耐心 中的 决心这个词用grit好还是determination好

经常用的是determination,更贴切,按英语语法后者更好。grit:n. 粗砂,砂砾砂砾,粗砂石;勇气;决心 vt. 研磨;在…上铺砂砾,覆以砂砾;咬紧牙关 vi. 摩擦作声grit是意译过来的勇气,而determination本义就是勇气决心。希望可以帮助你。


  A为奇数阶反对称矩阵及AT=-A ,则|AT|=|-A|=(-1)n|A|=-|A|  另外由于|AT|=|A|,所以|A|=-|A|,即|A|=0.(其中AT表现A的转置)


determined adj. 决定了的;坚决的; 例句: Im determined to succeed. 我决心要获得成功。 Hes determined to pass this time. 这一回他决心要考及格。 He is determined to win at any cost. 他决心无论如何要争取胜利。 扩展资料   She was determined to prove everyone wrong.   她决心证明大家都错了。   He was determined to rise to the challenge.   他决心克服困难迎接挑战。   They were determined to break from precedent.   他们决心打破先例。   I was determined to go, come hell or high water.   我决心要去,无论有什么困难。   She is determined to retain her Wimbledon crown.   她决心卫冕她的温布尔登网球赛的冠军宝座。


determination可数determination[英][d??t?:m??ne??n][美][d??t?:rm??ne??n]n.决心; 决定,确定; [物]测定,计算; 复数:determinations例句:1.I got both back through determination and hard work. 我通过决心和努力工作又得到了这些。

Determination 歌词

歌曲名:Determination歌手:The Miracles专辑:Stevie Wonder/ Jimmy Ruffin/ Smokey Robinson & The Miracles『Determination』作词:椎名庆治作曲:y@suo ohtani编曲:斋藤真也歌:喜多修平摇さぶる时代なに振り落とさそう必死で掴む それが梦なの?适当な思いで自分を骗しゃ逃げ切れるなんて思ってないかい?背中にジワリ 缠わりつくシーツと记忆には无い泪の理由消えない苛立ち 壁の落书きのよう 络む合うから また眠れないどれだけ全て押し溃ても渗んでしまう心なら摇さぶる时代なに振り落とさそう必死で掴む それが梦なの?本当の思いを自分に晒しゃ逃げる事なんて出来やしない忧郁な声が がんじがらめにするから 踏み出す足 転びそうだよ心の伤迹 その痛みを知るのは 自分だけどさ 谁を责めるの?ふとした瞬间に颜出すのが 後悔や忏悔じゃやりきれない摇さぶる时代なに振り落とさそう必死で掴む それが梦なの?适当な思いで自分を骗しゃ逃げ切れるなんて思ってないかい?「明日は」なんて期待して今日と言う日やり过ごしても永远に缲り返されるのはそう上书今日だろ摇さぶる时代なに振り落とさそう必死で掴む それが梦なの?本当の思い自分に骗しゃ逃げる事なん出来やしないhttp://music.baidu.com/song/10057994


determination的音标和读音: DJ音标发音: [di?t?:mnein] KK音标发音: [dt?mnen] determination的词性: n.(名词) 1. The act of making or arriving at a decision.See Synonyms at decision 决定:作出或达成一项决定的行为参见 decision 2. The decision reached. 达成的决定 3. Firmness of purpose; resolve: 坚决:目的坚定;坚定: 用法与例句: approached the task with determination and energy. 坚决努力地致力于这项任务 4. A fixed intention or resolution: 决心:固定下来的打算或决心: 用法与例句: returned to school with a determination to finish. 带着完成学业的决心回到学校 5. The settling of a question or case by an authoritative decision or pronouncement, especially by a judicial body: 判决,确定:通过权威的决定或官判解决某一问题或官司,尤指通过司法部门解决: 用法与例句: The choice of a foster home was left to the determination of the court. 选择怎样的家庭抚养孤儿,将由法庭决定 6. The decision or pronouncement made. 决定,断言:作出的决定或断言 7. The ascertaining or fixing of the quantity, quality, position, or character of something: 查明,确定:弄清楚某事物的数量,质量,位置或特征: 用法与例句: a determination of the ship"s longitude; a determination of the mass of the universe. 对这艘船长度的确定;宇宙质量的测定 8. The result of such ascertaining. 定值:查明的结果 9. A fixed movement or tendency toward an object or end.


determination[英][du026au02cctu025c:mu026au02c8neu026au0283n][美][du026au02cctu025c:rmu026au02c8neu026au0283n]n.决心; 决定,确定; [物]测定,计算; 复数:determinations形近词:antiterminationmisterminationextermination1Everyone concerned acted with great courage and determination.所有相关人员都表现出了极大的勇气和决心。

a person of determination是什么用法



5个音节 de Ter mi na tion





determination 后面是跟on 还是of

determination [du026a.tu025crmu026a"neu026au0283(u0259)n]n.测定;确定;决心;计算But he said he had not changed the goal because it underlined the government"s determination to fight inflation.不过他表示,他没有改变这个目标,因为它表明了中国政府抗击通胀的决心。But he said he had not changed the goal because it underlined the government"s determination to fight inflation.不过他表示,他没有改变这个目标,因为它表明了中国政府抗击通胀的决心。




determination短语搭配例句:Our English teacher is admired by students for her diligence and determination.我们的英语老师很受学生尊重,因为她勤奋又有毅力。determination的搭配有:quantitative determination定量测定orbit determination轨道计算,定轨sex determination性别决定;性决定final determination最后决定experimental determination实验测定


determination的中文意思、音标、例句及语法单词音标英语音标:[du026au02cctu025cu02d0mu026au02c8neu026au0283(u0259)n]美语音标:[du026au02cctu025dmu026au02c8neu0283u0259n]转载需注明“转自音标网yinbiao5.com/19-10022.html”,违者必究中文翻译n.决心;测定;规定;(正式)决定;定位单词例句用作名词 (n.)He was utterly ruthless in his determination to succeed. 他下定决心争取成功。Our sales people need determination and drive. 我们的推销人员需要有决心和干劲。The determination of the amount of iron in ore is very important. 矿石中铁含量的测定是很主要的。In the event that an affirmative determination of dumping and injury is made, the undertaking shall continue consistent with its terms and the provisions of this Agreement. 如做出关于倾销和损害的肯定裁定,则承诺应按其条件和本协定的规定继续有效。The choice of a foster home was left to the determination of the court. 选择怎样的家庭抚养孤儿,将由法庭决定。The determination of a name for the club took a very long time. 决定俱乐部的名称费了很长的时间。Conclusion Diagnosis is depended on qualitative determination of the pericardial effusion and level diagnosis by radionuclide lymphography. 乳糜性心包积液严重者可发生慢性心包填塞,诊断依赖穿刺积液的定性诊断和淋巴显像的定位诊断。The application of genechip based on bioinfomatics became a stronger tool for environmental microbial ecological study and gene determination of function enzyme. 基因芯片技术的运用,成为环境微生物生态研究和功能酶基因定位的有力工具。


determination[英][du026au02cctu025c:mu026au02c8neu026au0283n][美][du026au02cctu025c:rmu026au02c8neu026au0283n]n.决心; 决定,确定; [物]测定,计算; 复数:determinations例句:1.Her drive and determination won her a place close to murdoch. 她的干劲和决心为她赢得了接近默多克的位置。2.But china"s focus is even more intense because of its acute sense of historical injustice and determination to regain its prestige. 但中国对自身利益的关注格外强烈,因为中国有着强烈的历史不公正意识,并决意重新赢得其声望。




determination英[du026au02cctu025c:mu026au02c8neu026au0283n]美[du026au02cctu025c:rmu026au02c8neu026au0283n]n.决心; 决定,确定; [物] 测定,计算; 全部释义>> [例句]The bloody-minded determination to push your life to the next level?那种把你带到生活中另一层次的决心在哪?



Nicki Minaj的Out Of My Mind歌词翻译


有哪位牛人知道karmina的Just a Kiss的歌词 谢谢您了!

这是我自己翻译的,没有任何参考 Lying here with you so close to me  躺在你身边 如此之近  it"s hard to fight these feelings when it feels so hard to breathe  我感到无法呼吸 这感觉不能自抑  caught up in this moment  此刻永驻  caught up in your smile  驻于你的微笑  I"ve never opened up to anyone  从未对别人如此毫无保留的我  so hard to hold back when I"m holding you in my arms  拥你在怀中时却无法不把自己交给你  but,we don"t need to rush this  不着急 亲爱的  let"s just take this slow  就让我慢慢的  just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight  在月光下仅仅轻吻你的双唇  just a touch in the fire burning so bright  仅仅轻触心中灼热的火焰  and i don"t want to mess this thing up  我不敢破坏这气氛  i don"t want to push too far  生怕你离我远去  just a shot in the dark that you just might  只因这黑暗中的微光  be the one i"ve been waiting for my whole life  你便是我倾尽一生等待的唯一  so baby i"m alright, with just a kiss goodnight  宝贝 没关系 只是亲一下就晚安吧  I know that if we give this a little time  尽管我知道 如果能稍微多一点时间  it will only bring us closer to the love we wanna find  就会离我们追寻的真爱更近  it"s never felt so real, no it"s never felt so right  这感觉如此真实,不仅如此,这感觉如此奇妙  just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight  在月光下仅仅轻吻你的双唇  just a touch in the fire burning so bright  仅仅轻触心中灼热的火焰 and i don"t want to mess this thing up  我不敢破坏这气氛  i don"t want to push too far  生怕你离我远去 just a shot in the dark that you just might  只因这黑暗中的微光  be the one i"ve been waiting for my whole life  你便是我倾尽一生等待的唯一  so baby i"m alright, with just a kiss goodnight  宝贝 没关系 只是亲一下就晚安吧  no i don"t want to say goodnight  不,我多不愿说再见  I know it"s time to leave, but you"ll be in my dreams  但我知道你该回去了 你会一直在我梦里  tonight  今晚  tonight  今夜  tonight  一直都在 just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight  在月光下仅仅轻吻你的双唇  just a touch in the fire burning so bright  仅仅轻触心中灼热的火焰 and i don"t want to mess this thing up  我不敢破坏这气氛  i don"t want to push too far  生怕你离我远去 just a shot in the dark that you just might  只因这黑暗中的微光  be the one i"ve been waiting for my whole life  你便是我倾尽一生等待的唯一  so baby i"m alright, oh, let"s do this right, with just a kiss goodnight  宝贝 没关系 这样真的刚好 亲一下就晚安吧  with a kiss good night  就带着这吻晚安吧  kiss good night  吻你 晚安

reduce、 diminish、 eliminate、 decrease的区别为什么?

reduce、diminish、eliminate、decrease的区别为:侧重点不同、含义不同、用法不同。一、侧重点不同1.reduce解析:reduce的基本意思是“减少”,指重量、程度、数目、范围、速度等减少或降低,不仅可以指量的变化,还可以指质的转变。引申可作“降职”“使…陷入某种状态或状况中”“将…概括或简化”“将…还原”“征服”“攻陷”等解。2.diminish解析:diminish的基本意思是“减少”“缩小”,指某事物对照原本基础上数量或质量少了很多; 常引申表示“减弱…的权势”。3.eliminate解析:eliminate的基本意思是把已经有的或已经存在的东西除掉; 尤指把本是其中一员或部分的人或事物除掉。4.decrease解析:表示“降低”或“减少”。其区别在于:decrease指各种事物逐渐减少、逐渐衰弱的过程; lessen指减轻强度和减缓烈度,也可指从整体上减去部分或在程度上、数量上的减少; diminish指可以看得出的“缩小”“缩减”; reduce指缩小事物的范围、强度、数量等,也可指级别、地位或经济条件的降低。二、含义不同1.reduce释义:v.减少,缩小(尺寸、数量、价格等)。2.diminish释义:v.减少,(使)减弱,缩减,降低。3.eliminate释义:v.排除,清除,消除,(比赛中)淘汰。4.decrease释义:v.(使大小、数量等)减少,减小,降低。三、用法不同1.reduce用法:reduce普通用词,含义广。指数量、程度的降低或减少。例句:The new government"s prime task is to reduce the level of inflation.译文:新政府的主要任务是减低通货膨胀的水平。2.diminish用法:diminish侧重大小、数量和重要性的不断减小,强调减小的部分。例句:We should try to diminish the cost of production.译文:我们应尽力减少生产成本。3.eliminate用法:eliminate是指把已经有的或已经存在的东西除掉;尤指把本是其中一员或部分的人或事物除掉。例句:You must eliminate an unknown quantity.译文:你必须消去一个未知数。4.decrease用法:decrease指逐渐地、不断地减少。例句:hey are making further efforts to decrease military spending.译文:他们正在做进一步的努力来减少军费开支。

nominal discount rate是什么意思

nominal discount rate 名义贴现率不明白可以追问我,满意的话请点击【采纳】

verbe pronominal ( 法语 )

就是代动词,同自反代词(me,te,se,nous,vous,se)一起使用的动词,自反代词的性、数要与主语一致。如se coucher的直陈式现在时变位为je me couche,tu te couches,il se couche,nous nous couchons,vous vous couchez,ils se couchent.复合过去时的助动词用être,注意性、数配合。如je me suis couché,nous nous sommes couché.命令式中自反代词放动词后,me、te各改为moi、toi,如Couche-toi!睡觉了!直接及物动词的自反代词是直接宾语还是间接宾语要根据其意义决定: elle se lave 她洗澡(se是laver的直接宾语)。复合过去时为elle s"est lavée(既然是直接宾语就要配合)。 elle se lave les mains她洗手(me是laver的间接宾语,les mains是laver的直接宾语)。复合过去时为elle s"est lavé les mains。代动词有四种意义:1.表示自反意义,即动作作用于主语本身。如se coucher(上床睡觉) Je me couche très tard.我很迟睡觉2.表示相互的意义。即几位动作者的相互动作,主语为复数名词或代词(包括泛指代词),如:s"entraider,se serrer la main(握手) Nous nous entraidons.我们相互帮助3.表示被动意义,如se vendre Ces livres se vendent vite.这些书卖的很快4.表示绝对意义。有些代动词的自反人称代词不起宾语作用,而只是区别于普通动词的一种标示。如se passer(放弃),s"occuper(照顾) Il s"ocuppe de son fils.他照顾他儿子

pronominal verb是什么 特别是法语里面

代动词,自反人称代词 +动词原形,如se lever 等

maher terminals属于什么港口


field terminals是什么意思

field terminals现场终端如对你有所帮助,请采纳或给予好评,如有其他疑问,可以向我求助,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

PADS 中renumber terminals 不可选是怎么回事?


do not short the battery terminals

阀密铅酸蓄电池(可充电) 恒压充电 循环使用:14.5-14.9V 浮充使用:13.5-13.8V 充电初始电流:小于1.5A 注意事项: 不要将蓄电池的两个端子直接短接 不要在密闭容器中充电 用后充电 阀密铅酸电池 必须进行回收或其它妥善处理

HFSS中the port has no terminals on it

the port has no terminals on it-该端口没有连接终端设备

HFSS中the port has no terminals on it 什么意思


英国Gatewick机场由 terminal N 去 terminal S 转机是否要出境?

You must clear Immigration and Customs at Gaick. Follow signs to Baggage Reclaim – you will need to pass through Immigration on your way – and after collecting your baggage proceed to the appropriate check-in desk to check in for your next flight as normal. Collect baggage and take the free automatic train which operates beeen North and South Terminals every three minutes – journey time o minutes. For passengers connecting onto international flights there is a free inter-terminal bus which operates from below the flight connections areas 因为你系坐两间唔同航空公司... 而佢地系无interline既 所以系要系Gaick入一入境... 你坐甘泉去到Gaick之后 你要先攞返行李入左境... 之后就坐机场内既Trit Train过去Terminal N... 去到之后要再次check-in... 之后再出境security check... 参考: 小弟居于伦敦九年...


你好!terminate 英[u02c8tu025c:mu026aneu026at] 美[u02c8tu025c:rmu026aneu026at] vt. 结束; 使终结; 解雇; 到达终点站; adj. 结束的; [网络] 中止; 终止; 端接; [例句]This thread runs until the main RT thread wakes up from its sleep and tells the threads to terminate.这个线程一直运行,直至主RT线程从休眠中苏醒并指示线程结束。


terminate 英[u02c8tu025c:mu026aneu026at] 美[u02c8tu025c:rmu026aneu026at] vt. 结束; 使终结; 解雇; 到达终点站; adj. 结束的; [网络] 中止; 终止; 端接; [例句]Her next remark abruptly terminated the conversation.她接下来说的话使谈话戛然而止。[其他] 第三人称单数:terminates 复数:terminates 现在分词:terminating过去式:terminated 过去分词:terminated形近词: terminase terminals carminate


terminated v. 终止;结束;终结(terminate的过去分词)adj. 终止的;有限的The meeting terminated at 12 o"clock. 会议于12点结束。


N-terminal词典[化] N末端,氨基末端网络氨基末端; N端; 氨基端数据来源:金山词霸双语例句百度知道1Expression and significance of c-Jun N-terminal kinase ( JNK) in the rat of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease with insulin resistance c-jun氨基末端激酶在非酒精性脂肪肝病胰岛素抵抗大鼠中的表达及意义


terminal 英["tu025c:mu026anl] 美[u02c8tu025amu0259nu0259l] adj.末期的;晚期的;定期的;末端的 n.终端;终点站;航空站;(电路的)端子 名词复数:terminals [例句]The new terminal will create 500 jobs. 新的航站楼将会创造500个就业机会.

大型汽轮发电机的发电机端子(generator terminals)是什么意思,在发电机的什么地方?



livenlona | 2013-09-17 19:22 London terminals 是伦敦市内所有火车站的统称,也就是说你从任何一个站上车都是有效的,去Cambridge的火车多数是在Kings Cross出发,少数从Liverpool Street出发网上搜的 仅供参考
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