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million [mil·lion || "mu026alu026au0259n]n.百万,无数

2.1 million是多少




million 用法

million与hundred的用法相同:前面用了数字时,不管带不带of,都用单数的million,如five million。five million同five millions意思不同,前者指五百万,后者指五个一百万。some million表示一百万左右,而some millions表示几百万;one and a half millions和a million and a half两表达方式均正确;million正常截解释为“百万”,但是很多英美人习惯将这个单词解释为“千千”的意思。百万;百万元(镑、美元、法郎等)2.无数[P]He has millions of books. 他有许多许多书。3.大众[the S]She often listens to music for the million. 她常听大众音乐。形容词 1.百万的There are five million permanent residents in the city. 这个城市有五百万常住居民。2.数百万的,无数的millions of 1.上百万的,许许多多的 2.成百万上千万,数以百万计 此处作为形容词用,翻译为:如今,百万中国青少年使用真正的金钱,对自己在网上购买QQ币

million怎么读 英语million怎么读

1、million英[u02c8mu026alju0259n]美[u02c8mu026alju0259n],num.一百万; 大量。 2、[例句]What would you do if you won a million pounds?你要是赢了一百万英镑,你想怎么用?


释义:num. 一百万,一百万个n. 百万,百万个(人或物);许多,无数;百万英镑(或美元)adj. 许多的,无数的词组短语:in a million(人、物)千里挑一的,无与伦比的thanks a million非常感谢one in a million百里挑一;极稀有的人或事feel like a million[口语]感到精力十分充沛make a million发大财a million to one可能性极小;百万分之一例句:South Korea (韩国) is another good example: it has new forests near its cities and around 13 million people visit these forests every year.韩国是另一个很好的例子:它的城市附近有新的森林,每年约有1300万人参观这些森林。They pay him around $2 million net.他们净付给他约两百万美元。In 2017, Qzone was China"s most popular social media site, with around 600 million users worldwide.2017年,qq 空间是中国最受欢迎的社交媒体网站,在全球拥有约6亿用户。



是2 million 还是2 millions?

2 million不加s。记住:表数字的词都没有s!!


million的意思是“百万;无数”;作形容词时意为“百万的;无数的”。million后面6个0,million=100万=1000,000。The programme was viewed on television in millions of homes.无数家庭通过电视收看了这个节目。billion的意思是十亿、数以十亿计、大量。billion后面9个0,billion=10亿=1000,000,000。Between July 1st and October 1st, the central bank printed over 2 trillion roubles.在7月1日至10月1日之间,中/央银/行印发了逾两万/亿卢/布。Million trees千树万树 ; 金万树 ; 成为万树;Million School百万大学堂USD MILLION市场容量一览表 ; 出口规模一览表 ; 百万美元Euro Million欧/洲百万/彩 ; 欧/洲乐/透; the million群众million years百万年 ; 六千五百万年 ; 万年 ; 最常用的单位是百万年MILLION CLUB美利恩俱乐部 ; 百万俱乐部


million,英语单词,名词、形容词、数词,作名词时意为“百万;无数”。作形容词时意为“百万的;无数的”。作数词时意为“百万”。I have one million dollars .我有一百万美元。About 60 million years ago, Peking Man at Zhoukoudian came in here off and on for almost 40 million years.北京猿人大约在6千万年前来到周口店,在这里断断续续地生活了近4千万年。A million of them could push against me, and it would not negatively affect me, at all, unless I push back.一百万人可以反对我,而这却根本不会对我产生任何负面影响,除非我反对他们反对我。短语:Million trees千树万树 ; 金万树 ; 成为万树。Million School百万大学堂。USD MILLION市场容量一览表 ; 出口规模一览表 ; 百万美元。Euro Million欧洲百万彩 ; 欧洲乐透。the million群众。million years百万年 ; 六千五百万年 ; 万年 ; 最常用的单位是百万年。MILLION CLUB美利恩俱乐部 ; 百万俱乐部。

1 million 是多少?





million的读音是:英["m?lj?n]。million的读音是:英["m?lj?n]。million的词语用法是n.(名词)million的基本意思是“百万”,也可作“百万个(人或物)”“百万英镑〔美元〕”解,用于比喻可指“许多”。million的意思是n.百万;群众;adj.无数的;百万的。一、详尽释义点此查看million的详细内容n.(名词)无数,许许多多,大量,众多大众,群众百万(镑、美元、法郎、元)兆百万的符号adj.(形容词)无数的,很多的百万的,数百万的,总共达百万的num.(数词)一百万二、英英释义Noun:the number that is represented as a one followed by 6 zerosa very large indefinite number (usually hyperbole);"there were millions of flies"Adjective:(in Roman numerals, M written with a macron over it) denoting a quantity consisting of 1,000,000 items or units三、词典解释The plural form is million after a number, or after a word or expression referring to a number, such as ‘several" or ‘a few". 在数字或several, a few等表示数字的词或短语后,复数形式为million。1.百万Amillion or onemillion is the number 1,000,000.e.g. Up to fivemillion people a year visit the county...每年参观这个县的人多达500万。e.g. Profits for 1999 topped £100million.1999年的利润超过了1亿英镑。2.数百万的;大量的;数不清的;不计其数的If you talk aboutmillions of people or things, you mean that there is a very large number of them but you do not know or do not want to say exactly how many.millione.g. The programme was viewed on television in millions of homes.无数家庭通过电视收看了这个节目。四、例句It is estimated that the damage was over one million dollars.据估计,损失超过了一百万元。The old man left an estate of two million dollars when he died.那老人去世时留下二百万美元的遗产。There were millions of people in the square.广场上有好多好多人。五、常见句型用作名词(n.)The resident population of the city is more than one million.该城市的人口为100多万。The newspapers" readers are numbered by millions.这些报纸读者有数百万。The air is full of millions of invisible germs.空气中充满了许多看不见的细菌。Dinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years.恐龙已绝种几百万年了。Let"s make believe we have a million dollars.让我们假扮成百万富翁的样子。A careless mistake cost the company millions of dollars.一次疏忽造成了公司数百万美元的损失。Three million dollars was set aside.拨出了300万美元。Millions of dollars have gone into the building of this factory.在修建这座工厂时花掉了数百万美元。六、常用短语用作名词(n.)a/one chance in a million〈非正〉 机会很小a very small chancefeel〔look〕 like a million dollars感觉好极了,样子很神气feel〔look〕 wonderfulin a million千里挑一的,最好的one of the best possible; extremely good七、词语用法n.(名词)million的基本意思是“百万”,也可作“百万个(人或物)”“百万英镑〔美元〕”解,用于比喻可指“许多”。million用作定语且有a或其他数词修饰时,一般要用单数形式; 用在of短语前或表示不确定数字时常用复数形式。million指“钱”时可用单数形式,也可用复数形式。含有million的词语作主语时,谓语动词一般用复数形式。指“钱”时,如为确定的钱数,谓语动词一般用单数形式,如为不确定钱数,谓语动词一般用复数形式。million与hundred的用法相同:前面用了数字时,不管带不带of,都用单数的million,如five million。five million同five millions意思不同,前者指五百万,后者指五个一百万。some million表示一百万左右,而some millions表示几百万;one and a half millions和a million and a half两表达方式均正确;million正常截解释为“百万”,但是很多英美人习惯将这个单词解释为“千千”的意思。million的相关临近词millionaire、millimetre、millions、millionth、millioned、millionary、millionfold、millions of、millionette、million tons、million volt、millionnaire点此查看更多关于million的详细信息


一万:ten thousand十万 :one hundred thousand百万: one million千万:ten million亿:a hundred million双语例句:I have one million dollars .我有一百万美元。About 60 million years ago, Peking Man at Zhoukoudian came in here off and on for almost 40 million years.北京猿人大约在6千万年前来到周口店,在这里断断续续地生活了近4千万年。A million of them could push against me, and it would not negatively affect me, at all, unless I push back.一百万人可以反对我,而这却根本不会对我产生任何负面影响,除非我反对他们反对我。以上内容参考:百度百科——million


在 学习英语 的过程中,相信大家会发现看似是一件简单的单词,但是用起来非常复杂,稍不小心就会犯错。下面是我给大家带来的million的用法及解释_million的用法和搭配,以供大家参考,我们一起来看看吧! million的用法 (1) 用单数的场合 当这些词与具体数字连用时,习惯上用单数,而且也不后接介词of。如: He was prepared to pay two million. 他愿意支付200万。 More than a hundred people were injured. 有一百多人受了伤。 但是,当这些词后面的名词有了the, these, those等特指限定词修饰时,或其后的接的是us, them 这样的人称代词时,则此时必须用介词 of。如: About three hundred of them have left there. 他们当中约有300人离开了那儿。 (2) 用复数的场合 当这些词不与具体数字连用,而是表示不确定的泛指数时,则不仅要要用复数,而且要后接介词of,然后才能接名词。如: The sun was shining. Thousands of people were lying on the beach. 阳光灿烂,数以千计的人躺在海滩上。 A careless mistake cost the company millions of pounds. 一个粗心的错误使公司蒙受数百镑的损失。 million的解释 n. 百万; adj. 百万的;无数的; million的搭配 feel〔look〕likeamilliondollars感觉好极了,样子很神气; inamillion千里挑一的,最好的; aroundonemillion约一百万; oneinmillion百万分之一。 million的例句 1. Three hundred million dollars will be nothing like enough. 3亿美元远远不够。 2. Albania is a small nation state of around 3 million people. 阿尔巴尼亚是一个大约有300万人口的单一民族独立国家。 3. The disease wiped out 40 million rabbits at a stroke. 该疾病一下子就使4,000万只兔子丧命。 4. Somalia, pop. 7.9 million, income per head about ?1.60 a week. 索马里,人口790万,人均收入大约每周1.60英镑。 5. America imports about 190 million pounds of tea a year. 美国每年进口大约1.9亿磅茶叶。 6. In 1986 more than three million were receiving unemployment benefit. 1986年,有300多万人领取失业救济金。 million的用法相关 文章 : ★ 关于million的用法及解释 ★ million的用法总结 ★ dozen, score, hundred, thousand, million的用法 ★ million的用法总结 ★ 《million的用法总结.doc》 ★ introduce的用法总结大全 ★ recently的用法总结大全 ★ prove的用法总结 ★ 关于cost的用法及解释 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();


million的意思、解释adj.复数形式:millions; million 基本解释名词百万形容词百万的; 无数的million 相关例句形容词1. million是什么意思1. Millions of hamburgers and French fries are eaten every year.每年美国人要吃掉几百万个汉堡包和法国油煎饼。2. There are five million permanent residents in the city.这个城市有五百万常住居民。名词1. He has millions of books.他有许多许多书。2. She often listens to music for the million.她常听大众音乐。million 情景对话生活对话A:Hi, Don. Herb and Rose are hopeless!嗨,唐。赫伯和柔丝的事我看是没指望了!million的解释B:Any ideas? Herbs already moved to Hsinchu.你有什么点子吗?赫伯已经搬去新竹了。millionA:I heard theres a romantic outdoor symphony concert in two weeks.我听说两周后有一个浪漫的户外交响乐演奏会。B:What? Get Herb to ask Rose for a date? Never in a million years.什么?要叫赫伯约柔丝出来?再等一百万年吧。A:No, no. Ill ask Rose.不是。我会去约柔丝。B:Oh, I see. And Ill ask Herb.喔,我懂了。而我去找赫伯。A:Precisely! And the four of us will accidentally meet each other at the concert.完全正确!而我们四个会在演奏会上“不期而遇” 。In the museum-(在展览馆)A:Wow! I can"t believe I"m standing here!哇,我简直不能相信我站着这儿。B:What are you so excited about?你怎么如此兴奋。A:I"m standing in front of an exquisite work of art!我可是站在一副精美的艺术作品前面。million的反义词B:What"s the big deal? It"s just a picture of some woman.这又有什么了不起。只是某位女士的肖像画而已。A:I"ve seen it so many times in books, but I never imagined I"d get to see it in person.我在书本上看到很多次。但没想到可以亲眼见到。millionB:There are tons of other paintings that I think are better.我想比这好的不计其数。million的翻译A:Maybe so, but do you have any idea how much this one is worth?!可能是的。但是你知道这幅画值多少钱吗?million是什么意思B:No, how much is it worth?不知道,值多少钱?A:About 80 million dollars.大概8千万元。B:Whoah.哇。


millions的意思是数以百万计;不计其数。million的用法1、million的基本含义是“百万”也可作“百万个(人或物)”“百万英镑 (美元)”解,用于比喻可指“许多”。2、million用作定语且有a或其他数词修饰时一般要用单数形式,用在of短语前或表示不确定数字时常用复数形式。million指“钱”时可用单数形式也可用复数形式。3、含有million的词语作主语时,谓语动词一般用复数形式。指“钱”时,如为确定的钱数,谓语动词一般用单数形式,如为不确定钱数谓语动词一般用复数形式。4、million与hundred的用法相同:前面用了数字时,不管带不带of,都用单数的million,如:four million。million双语例句1、The company turns over 150 million a year.该公司每年的营业额达15亿。2、There were six million visitors in all.参观者累计达六百万人。


bai wan


million[英][u02c8mu026alju0259n][美][u02c8mu026alju0259n]n.百万; adj.百万的; 无数的; 网络一百万; 千万; 无数; 复数:millions形双语例句1Unemployment is rapidly approaching the one million mark.失业人数正迅速逼近百万大关。

million 用法




million 的用法




million,billion和thousand之间应该怎么转化 要举例的那种 谢谢

三亿是 three hundred million. 三百个一百万。 thirty million 是三千万 三十个一百万 million是一百万 10 million是一千万 意思是10个一百万 ten hundred million 100 million是一亿 意思是100个一百万 one hundred million billion是十亿


[ˈmɪljən ]咪哩恩


One thousand 一万、ten thousand十万、one million百万、ten million千万、one hundred million1亿。首先要明白,万、亿都是中国的计数单位,逢万进位;而英语中的数字是逢千(thousand)进位,千(thousand)之后是百万(million),百万(million)之后是十亿(billion)。1万=1,0000(中)=10,000(英)ten thousand10万=10,0000(中)=100,000(英)one hundred thousand100万=100,0000(中)=1,000,000(英)one million1000万=1000,0000(中)=10,000,000(英)ten million1亿=1,0000,0000(中)=100,000,000(英)one hundred million10亿=10,0000,0000(中)=1,000,000,000(英)one billion拓展资料:英语中数词最基本的除了1~99外,还有hundred(百)、thousand(千)、million(百万)、billion(十亿)中间的数可由以上的数组合。万(ten thousand) 十万(a hundred thousand) 百万(one million) 千万(ten million) 亿(one hundred million)例如:1234567890:one billion two hundred and thirty-four million five hundred and sixty-seven thousand eight hundred and ninety 看起来复杂,实际规律一样。


一般来说,million的最常见缩写形式为:M(或小写的m),有时也可能写作MM,mill.(注意有一个句点),或者是mil.(带句点)。 例句: I still have a million things to do. 我还有很多很多的事情要做。 Hes a man in a million. 他是个出类拔萃的人物。 扩展资料   A more realistic figure is 11 million.   一个更现实可行的数字是1100万。   Last year it made $2.5 million pretax.   去年,他们税前赚了250万美元。   Over 16 million men had died in combat.   一千六百多万人在战斗中阵亡。




million 英[u02c8mu026alju0259n]美[u02c8mu026alju0259n]n. 百万;adj. 百万的; 无数的;




million的意思是百万,后面6个0,所以1000million后面有9个0。million读音:英 [u02c8mu026alju0259n] 美 [u02c8mu026alju0259n] 释义:一百万。语法:million的基本意思是“百万”,也可作“百万个(人或物)”“百万英镑〔美元〕”解,用于比喻可指“许多”。million用法: 作名词, 意思是:一百万;大量。例:The programme was viewed on television in millions of homes.无数家庭通过电视收看了这个节目。当million后面跟有介词of时,必须加上s,后面跟复数名词,例句:They are chargedwith bilking investors out of millions of dollars.他们被控诈骗了投资者几百万美元。

million和millions of

two million people 两百万人two million of the people 其中的两百万人






举例:100万元 one million yuan


million英 [ˈmɪljən] 美 [ˈmɪljən] n.百万adj.百万的;无数的复数: millions




million是一百万。数字没有最大的概念,这是因为数目是无限的,在自然数里1是最小数,但是没有最大的数,我们知道,在美国英语里,billion表示十亿,trillion表示兆,但是trillion远不是最大的数,比trillion更大的数字还有:quadrillion 千兆quintillion 百京sextillion 十垓septillion 秭octillion 千秭nonillion 百穰decillion 十沟undecillion 涧duodecillion 千涧tredecillion 百正quattuordecillion 十载quindecillion 极sexdecillion 千极septendecillion 百恒河沙octodecillion 十阿僧祗novemdecillion 那由他vigintillion 千那由他centillion 十的三百零三次方汉语数词是四位一级,如个级、万级、亿级、兆级,京级, 垓级,而英语数词是三位分节,没有万、亿、京这些单位,这些数词前有具体数字时,不加-s,比如:111111111的平方是12 345 678 987 654 321,读作twelve quadrillion three hundred and forty-five trillion six hundred and seventy-eight billion nine hundred and eighty-seven million six hundred and fifty-four thousand three hundred and twenty-one,汉语读成一京两千三百四十五兆六千七百八十九亿八千七百六十五万四千三百二十一。但是这些数词如果前面没有具体数字,就用复数形式后接of,如:hundreds of 数以百计的,thousands of 成千上万的,millions of 数以百万计的,billions of 数以十亿计的,trillions of 数以兆计的,quadrillions of 数以千兆计的。



Justin Timberlake-Five Hundred Miles 百度云

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MM模型(Modigliani Miller Models,米勒一莫迪利安尼模型, 公司资本结构与市场价值不相干理论) MM理论是 莫迪格利安尼 (Modigliani)和 默顿·米勒 ( Miller) 所建立的公司资本结构与市场价值不相干模型的简称。

急求 Modigliani,F and Merton H. Miller 1958的 American Economic Review p.261-297 的总结

The Cost of Capital, Corporation Finance and the Theory of Investment F.Modigliani, M.H.Miller American Economic Review. June 1958. Vol. 48. No. 3. P. 261-297. The potential advantages of the market-value approach have long been appreciated; yet analytical results have been meager. What appears to be keeping this line of development from achieving its promise is largely the lack of an adequate theory of the effect of financial structure on market valuations, and of how these effects can be inferred from objective market data. It is with the development of such a theory and of its implications for the cost-of-capital problem that we shall be concerned in this paper. Our procedure will be to develop in Section I the basic theory itself and to give some brief account of its empirical relevance. In Section II we show how the theory can be used to answer the cost-of-capital questions and how it permits us to develop a theory of investment of the firm under conditions of uncertainty. Throughout these sections the approach is essentially a partial-equilibrium one focusing on the firm and "industry". Accordingly, the "prices" of certain income streams will be treated as constant and given from outside the model, just as in the standard Marshallian analysis of the firm and industry the prices of all inputs and of all other products are taken as given. We have chosen to focus at this level rather than on the economy as a whole because it is at firm and the industry that the interests of the various specialists concerned with the cost-of-capital problem come most closely together. Although the emphasis has thus been placed on partial-equilibrium analysis, the results obtained also provide the essential building block for a general equilibrium model which shows how those prices which are here taken as given, are themselves determined. For reasons of space, however, and because the material is of interest in its own right, the presentation of the general equilibrium model which rounds out the analysis must be deferred to a subsequent paper.


历年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者(自1969年始):1969年Ragnar Anton Kittil Frisch ,挪威Jan Tinbergen,荷兰1970年Paul Samuelson,美国1971年Simon Smith Kuznets,美国1972年John Richard Hicks,英国Kenneth Joseph Arrow ,美国1973年Васи?лий Васи?льевич Лео?нтьев(Wassily Wassilyevich Leontief),苏联/美国1974年Karl Gunnar Myrdal,瑞典Friedrich Hayak,奥地利/英国1975年Леони?д Вита?льевич Канторо?вич(Leonid Vitaliyevich Kantorovich),苏联Tjalling Charles Koopmans,荷兰1976年Milton Friedman,美国1977年Bertil Gotthard Ohlin,瑞典James Edward Meade,英国1978年Herbert Alexander Simon,英国1979年Theodore William Schultz,美国Arthur Lewis,圣卢西亚/英国1980年Lawrence Robert Klein,美国1981年James Tobin,美国1982年George Joseph Stigler,美国1983年Gérard Debreu,法国1984年John Richard Nicholas Stone,英国1985年Franco Modigliani,意大利1986年James McGill Buchanan,美国1987年Robert Merton Solow,美国1988年Maurice Félix Charles Allais,法国1989年Trygve Magnus Haavelmo,挪威1990年Harry Max Markowitz,美国Merton Howard Miller,美国William Forsyth Sharpe,美国1991年Ronald Harry Coase,英国1992年Gary Stanley Becker,美国1993年Robert William Fogel,美国Douglas Cecil North,美国1994年John Charles Harsanyi,美国John Forbes Nash,Jr.,美国Reinhard Justus Reginald Selten,德国1995年Robert Emerson Lucas,Jr.,美国1996年James Alexander Mirrlees,英国William Spencer Vickrey,加拿大1997年Robert Cox Merton,美国Myron Samuel Scholes,加拿大/美国1998年??????? ??? (Amartya Kumar Sen),印度1999年Robert Alexander Mundell,加拿大2000年James Joseph Heckham,美国Daniel Little McFadden,美国2001年George Arthur Akerlof,美国Andrew Michael Spence,美国Joseph Eugene Stiglitz,美国2002年????? ??????(Daniel Kahneman),以色列/美国Vernol Lomax Smith,美国2003年Robert Fry Engel,美国Clive William John Granger,英国2004年Finn Erling Kydaland,挪威Edward Christian Prescott,美国2005年????? ????,(Robert John Aumann),以色列/美国Thomas Crombie Schelling,美国2006年Edmund Strother Phelps,Jr.,美国2007年Leonid Hurwicz,波兰/美国Eric Stark Maskin,美国Roger Bruce Myerson,美国2008年Paul Robin Krugman,美国2009年Elinor Claire Ostrom,美国Olive Eaton Williamson,美国2010Peter Arthur Diamond,美国Dale Thomas Mortensen,美国Χριστ?φορο? Αντων?ου Πισσαρ?δη?(Christopher Antoniou Pissarides),塞浦路斯2011年Thomas John Sargent,美国Christopher Albert Sims,美国2012年Alvin Elliot Roth,美国Lloyd Stowell Shapley,美国2013年Eugene Francis Fama,美国Lars Peter Hansen,美国Robert James Shiller,美国2014年Jean Tirole,法国

什么是 modigliani-miller 定理

MM模型(Modigliani Miller Models,米勒一莫迪利安尼模型,公司资本结构与市场价值不相干理论) MM理论是 莫迪格利安尼 (Modigliani)和 默顿·米勒 ( Miller) 所建立的公司资本结构与市场价值不相干模型的简称.



王祖蓝的《Smile》 歌词

Smile演唱:王祖蓝Smile though your heart is achingSmile even though it"s breakingWhen there are clouds in the sky, you"ll get byIf you smile through your fear and sorrowSmile and maybe tomorrowYou"ll see the sun come shining through for youLight up your face with gladnessHide every trace of sadnessAlthough a tear may be ever so nearThat"s the time you must keep on tryingSmile, what"s the use of crying?You"ll find that life is still worthwhileIf you just smileThat"s the time you must keep on tryingSmile, what"s the use of crying?You"ll find that life is still worthwhileIf you just smileSmile though your heart is achingSmile even though it"s breakingWhen there are clouds in the sky, you"ll get byIf you smile through your fear and sorrowSmile and maybe tomorrowYou"ll see the sun come shining through for youIf you just smileIf you just smileSmile

The Curse of Millhaven 歌词

歌曲名:The Curse of Millhaven歌手:Nick Cave & the bad seeds专辑:Murder BalladsThe Curse Of MillhavenNick Cave & the Bad SeedsI live in a town called MillhavenAnd it"s smalland it"s meanand it"s coldBut if you come aroundjust as the sun goes downYou can watchthe whole town turn to goldIt"s around about thenthat I used to go a-roamingSinging La la la la La la la lieAll God"s children they all gotta dieMy name is Loretta but I prefer LottieI"m closing in on my fifteenth yearAnd if you thinkyou have seen a pair of eyes more greenThen you sure didn"t see them around hereMy hair is yellow and I"m always a-combingLa la la la La la la lieMama often told me we all got to dieYou must have heard aboutThe Curse Of MillhavenHow last ChristmasBill Blake"s little boy didn"t come homeThey found him next week in One Mile CreekHis head bashed inand his pockets full of stonesWell, just imagine all the wailing and moaningLa la la la La la la lieEven little Billy Blake"s boy,he had to dieThen Professor O"Rye from Millhaven HighFound nailed to his doorhis prize-winning terrierThen next daythe old fool brought little Biko to schoolAnd we all had to watch as he buried herHis eulogy to Biko had all the tears a-flowingLa la la la La la la lieEven God"s little creaturesthey have to dieOur little town fell into a state of shockA lot of people were saying thingsthat made little senseThen the next thing you knowthe head of Handyman JoeWas foundin the fountain of the Mayor"s residenceFoul play can really get a small town goingLa la la la La la la lieEven God"s children they have to dieThen, in a cruel twist of fate, old Mrs ColgateWas stabbed but the job was not completeThe last thing she saidbefore the cops pronounced her deadWas, "My killer is Loretta and she lives across the street!"Twenty cops burst through my door without even phoningLa la la la La la la lieThe young ones, the old ones,they all gotta dieYes, it is I, Lottie. The Curse Of MillhavenI"ve struck horror in the heart of this townLike my eyes ain"t green and my hair ain"t yellowIt"s more like the other way aroundI gotta pretty little mouth underneath all the foamingLa la la la La la la lieSooner or later we all gotta dieSince I was no bigger than a weavilthey"ve been saying I was evilThat if "bad" was a boot that I"d fit itThat I"m a wicked young lady,but I"ve been trying hard latelyO fuck it! I"m a monster! I admit it!It makes me so mad my blood really starts a-goingLa la la la La la la lieMama always told me that we all gotta dieYeah, I drowned the Blakey kid,stabbed Mrs. Colgate, I admitDid the handyman with his circularsaw in his garden shedBut I never crucified little Biko,that was two junior high school psychosStinky Bohoon and his friendwith the pumpkin-sized headI"ll sing to the lot, now you got me goingLa la la la La la la lieAll God"s children have all gotta dieThere were all the others,all our sisters and brothersYou assumed were accidents,best forgottenRecall the childrenwho broke through the ice on Lake Tahoo?Everyone assumedthe "Warning" signs had followed them to the bottomWell, they"re underneath the housewhere I do quite a bit of stowingLa la la la La la la lieEven twenty little children,they had to dieAnd the fire of "91 that razed the Bella Vista slumThere was the biggest shit-fight this country"s ever seenInsurance companies ruined,land lords getting suedAll cause of wee girl with a can of gasolineThose flames really roaredwhen the wind started blowingLa la la la La la la lieRich man, poor man, all got to dieWell I confessed to all these crimesand they put me on trialI was laughing when they took me awayOff to the asylum in an old black MariahIt ain"t home, but you know, it"s fucking better than jailIt ain"t such bad old place to have a home inLa la la la La la la lieAll God"s children they all gotta dieNow I got shrinksthat will not rest with their endless Rorschach testsI keep telling them they"re out to get meThey ask me if I feel remorse and I answer,"Why of course!There is so much more I could have doneif they"d let me!"So it"s Rorschach and Prozac and everything is groovyLa la la la La la la lieAll God"s children they all have to dieLa la la la La la la lieI"m happy as a lark and everything is fineLa la la la La la la lieYeah, everything is groovy and everything is fineLa la la la La la la lieAll God"s children they gotta die

Miley Cyrus的《The Climb》 歌词

歌曲名:The Climb歌手:Miley Cyrus专辑:Hannah Montana: The MovieThe ClimbMiley CyrusI can almost see it.That dream I"m dreamin" butThere"s a voice inside my head sayingyou"ll never reach it.Every step I"m taking.Every move I make feelsLost with no direction.My faith is shakin.But I, I gotta keep tryin.Gotta keep my head held high.There"s always gonna be another mountain.I"m always gonna wanna make it move.Always gonna be an uphill battleSometimes I"m gonna have to lose.Ain"t about how fast I get there.Ain"t about what"s waitin on the other side.It"s the climb.The struggles I"m facing.The chances I"m taking.Sometimes might knock me down butNo I"m not breaking.I may not know itBut these are the moments thatI"m gonna remember most, yeah.Just gotta keep going.And I, I gotta be strong.Just keep pushing on "cause,There"s always gonna be another mountain.I"m always gonna wanna make it move.Always gonna be an uphill battleBut Sometimes I"m gonna have to lose.Ain"t about how fast I get there.Ain"t about what"s waitin on the other side.It"s the climb.Yeah-yeahThere"s always gonna be another mountain.I"m always gonna wanna make it move.Always gonna be an uphill battleSometimes you"re gonna have to lose.Ain"t about how fast I get there.Ain"t about what"s waitin on the other side.It"s the climb.Yeah-yeah-yeaKeep on moving,Keep climbing,Keep the faith,Baby.It"s all about,It"s all about the climb.Keep your faith,Keep your faith.Whoa, O Whoa.

急求miley的《the climb》无损格式的音乐

Miley Cyrus 《the climb》I can almost see it / 眼前依稀浮现That dream I"m dreamin" but / 萦绕心头的那个梦境There"s a voice inside my head saying / 脑海里却响起一个声音you"ll never reach it / 你永远也不会到达彼岸Every step I"m taking / 我迈出的每一步Every move I make feels /我做过的每件事Lost with no direction / 无不使我迷失方向My faith is shakin / 开始动摇的,是我的信念But I, I gotta keep tryin. / 可我,我还是要继续求索Gotta keep my head held high / 还是要挺胸抬头、阔步前行There"s always gonna be another mountain / 总会有下一座山峦I"m always gonna wanna make it move / 在等我去将它移开Always gonna be an uphill battle / 总会有下一个山坡Sometimes I"m gonna have to lose / 很可能令我无法越过Ain"t about how fast I get there / 不在于我要用多久才能抵达峰顶Ain"t about what"s waitin on the other side / 不在于山那边倒底是怎样的风景It"s the climb / 这就是攀登The struggles I"m facing / 我面对的每次搏击The chances I"m taking / 我抓住的每次机遇Sometimes might knock me down but / 有时会令我一败涂地No I"m not breaking / 却决不会磨去我的意志I may not know it / 或许我不懂其中的意义But these are the moments that / 但这些时刻却会成为I"m gonna remember most, yeah / 我一辈子可以珍藏的回忆,啊Just gotta keep going / 只管继续前进And I, I gotta be strong / 我要,我要变得坚强Just keep pushing on "cause / 只须奋力前行,因为There"s always gonna be another mountain / 总会有下一座山峦I"m always gonna wanna make it move / 在等我去将它移开Always gonna be an uphill battle / 总会有下一个山坡Sometimes I"m gonna have to lose / 很可能令我无法越过Ain"t about how fast I get there / 不在于我要用多久才能抵达顶峰Ain"t about what"s waitin on the other side / 不在于山那边倒底是怎样的风景It"s the climb / 这就是攀登Yeah-yeah / 啊 -There"s always gonna be another mountain / 总会有下一座山峦I"m always gonna wanna make it move / 在等我去将它移开Always gonna be an uphill battle / 总会有下一个山坡Sometimes you"re gonna have to lose / 很可能令我无法越过Ain"t about how fast I get there / 不在于我要用多久才能抵达顶峰Ain"t about what"s waitin on the other side / 不在于山那边倒底是怎样的风景It"s the climb / 这就是攀登Yeah-yeah-yeah / 啊 - -Keep on moving / 继续前行Keep climbing / 继续攀登Keep the faith / 坚守信念Baby / 宝贝It"s all about / 这一切就是It"s all about the climb / 这一切就是攀登Keep your faith / 坚守你的信念Keep your faith / 坚守你的信念


n.一千年; 千年期; 千禧年

Do the role play with your family.这个的意思是什么呢下急用!快啊

Do the role play with your family.这个中文的意思是‘"和你的家人一起扮演角色吗?‘"

buttermilk powder是什么意思




瓶子上写着"buttermilk,bath soak"是用来干什么的??

buttermilk是鲜奶油制成牛油时的副产品。bath soak 一般是沐浴露的意思,但结合你说的粉状的话,应该是沐浴粉。通俗的讲其实也就是牛奶沐浴粉,一般是由脱脂牛奶,奶油牛奶及香料浓缩后的固态粉末,泡入热水中即可使用。呵呵


有的,营养不错,比牛奶脂肪含量低,蛋白质高点,也含有维生素D,反正我是天天拿来喝,因为糖分少,比较合口味,美国很多东西重口,难得找到小清新。x0dx0a引用一下:x0dx0aThe nutritional value of buttermilk is similar to that of the skim , or partially skim ,x0dx0a白脱牛奶的营养和脱脂牛奶,部分脱脂牛奶很相似,x0dx0amilk from which it is made.x0dx0a都是用牛奶去制造的。x0dx0aIt is an excellent source of potassium , vitamin B12 , calcium , and riboflavin , and a good source of phosphorus .x0dx0a它拥有钾、维生素B12、钙和核黄素以及磷。x0dx0aIt also contains zinc , magnesium , pantothenic acid , niacin , thiamin , folic acid , and vitamin B6 .x0dx0a它也包含了锌、镁、泛酸、菸碱酸、硫胺素(维他命B1)、叶酸和维生素B6,x0dx0aLow in fat ,x0dx0a低脂,x0dx0ait is often recommended for people with digestiven problems.x0dx0a它常常被推荐给大家来解决消化问题。


white.butter白色的奶油例句:In a bowl place white sugar, brown sugar and butter. 在碗放入白糖,红糖和黄油。

Miley Cyrus - Hoedown Throwdown 的中文歌词 拜托啦

嘿你也喜欢MILEY么?我很喜欢她哦,I MISS YOU和BUTTERFLY FLY AWAY都很好听,还有STAY,EVERY ROSE HAS ITS THRON。嘿嘿,MILEY 很可爱。对了,这首歌可以在土豆上搜到教舞视频哦很容易但是很好看,我都学会咯!哈哈。歌词付上:潮潮拍掌。拍拍德·潮 潮潮拍掌。拍拍德·潮 潮潮拍掌。拍拍德·潮 潮潮拍掌。拍拍德·潮 试着跟我来吧 潮潮潮德拍德鼓掌拍手(哇,天啊)。 没错繁荣德拍德鼓掌 潮潮潮德拍德鼓掌拍手(哇,天啊)。 1,2,3 大家加油,脱下你的座位, 我Ganna告诉你关于一个节拍, 这Ganna使你移动你的脚 生病的烤鸡, 节目,告诉你如何移动 如果你的5 - 82 这是一些你可以做的(天啊,天啊)。 它锁,它, Poka-Dot-It,Country-fy,然后嘻哈它, 把你的鹰在天空中,移动一边到另一边, 向左跳,将它贴,滑行 蜿蜒的CrossThe地板, 在斜洗牌 当DrumHits、手在你的臀部吗 One-footed 1 - 80的扭曲 然后一个亦、步骤、滑了一跤, 靠在左,拍3次, 醒醒吧,从头到脚 把它们结合在一起,这就是我们如何转动 做Hoedown(围墙)。 做Hoedown(围墙)。 做Hoedown(围墙)。 把它们结合在一起, 那我们怎样转动 我们到达4、5、6个 和你的感觉破灭了 但它不是一次辞职。 哇,你PracticeMakes完美(哇)。 它锁,它,Poka-Dot-It(哇,天啊)。 Country-fy,然后嘻哈它(耶,耶)。 把你的鹰在天空中,移动一边到另一边(嘿、嘿)。 向左跳,将它贴,滑行 蜿蜒穿过地板, 在斜洗牌 当鼓支安打,在你的臀部吗 1英尺,长1 - 80的扭曲 然后一个亦、步骤、滑了一跤, 靠在左,拍3次 摇出来,从头到脚把它们结合在一起, 那我们怎样转动 德·拍掌。繁荣 做Hoedown(围墙)。 做Hoedown(围墙)。 做Hoedown(围墙)。 潮潮拍,来吧,我们走吧 潮潮拍,繁荣德拍德鼓掌 潮潮拍,繁荣德拍德 它锁,它,Poka-Dot-It(哇,天啊)。 Country-fy,然后嘻哈它(耶,耶)。 把你的鹰在天空中,移动一边到另一边(嘿、嘿)。 向左跳,将它贴,滑行 蜿蜒的交叉地板, 在斜洗牌 当鼓支安打,在你的臀部吗 One-Footed 1 - 80的扭曲 然后一个亦、步骤、滑了一跤, 靠在左,拍3次 醒醒吧,从头到脚 把它们结合在一起,我们卷你们好 做Hoedown(围墙)。 做Hoedown(围墙)。 做Hoedown(围墙)。 把它们结合在一起,这就是我们如何作用 做Hoedown(围墙)。 做Hoedown(围墙)。 做Hoedown(围墙)。 把它们结合在一起,这就是我们如何转动 德拍,潮潮潮德拍拍一拍, 德拍,潮潮潮拍拍拍掌。德 德拍,潮潮德拍德鼓掌 把它们结合在一起,我们卷你们好

Miles Davis的《Fall》 歌词

歌曲名:Fall歌手:Miles Davis专辑:Jazz ProfilesJ. Holiday - FallIt wasn"t supposed to go this way...Every day I get up, shes on my mindI can"t get enough & I dont know whyBut its more than a crushI cant believe its getting deeperAll the time I wanna see herBut it wasnt suppose to go this wayShe was suppose to be another game to playAnd I cant figure it outI don"t know how she did itBut she made me fall, fall, fallHow do you find yourselfInside of love (Inside of love)With a girl that you metInside the club (Inside the club)Never could that be me-YeahThat was what I used to sayUntil it happened just the same to meI never thought it could happen to meBut these days I"m finding myself on the groundAnd I just don"t know how I got hereAll I know is that I"m down & outBut it wasn"t suppose to go this way (Go this way)She was suppose to be another game to play (Another game to play)And I can"t figure it outI dont know how she did itBut she made me fall, fall, fallHave you ever met someoneThat you thought was for the momentThen they came & stole your heartBefore you knew that it was stolenTook you by surpriseCuz you never saw it comingAnd now I can"t denyThat baby girl you got me fallinBut it wasnt suppose to go this way (Go this way)She was suppose to be another game to play (Game to play)And I cant figure it outI don"t know how she did itBut she made me fall, fall, fallBut it wasnt suppose to go this way (Go this way)She was suppose to be another game to play (Game to play)And I cant figure it outI don"t know how she did itBut she made me fall, fall, fallHow did I find myself inside of love (love)?

there is some milk什么意思


there is some milk什么意思



milk和juice是液体,液体是不可数的; 类似的还有cola,tea,water,junk food,chocolate,juice,beer等这些都是不可数名词。 但a bottle of orange juice这样借助相应量词的是可数的。 扩展资料   短语搭配:   Orange Juice 橙汁 ; 橘子汁 ; 桔子原汁 ; 柳橙汁   grapefruit juice 葡萄柚汁 ; 西柚汁 ; 蒲萄柚汁 ; 柚子汁   cranberry juice 蔓越莓汁 ; 红莓汁 ; 越橘汁 ; 蔓越橘汁   juice extractor 果汁榨汁机 ; 榨汁机 ; 液汁提取器 ; 汁液榨取器   Noni Juice 诺丽果汁 ; 大溪地诺丽果汁 ; 诺利果汁   Juice Beauty 果漾美人 ; 果漾美颜 ; 果漾佳丽   Prune Juice 西梅汁 ; 黑枣汁 ; 或干李子汁   Sugarcane juice 蔗汁 ; 柘浆   fitered juice 清汁泵 ; 清汁泵联轴器

r语言中family=" mono"是什么意思?


Ode To My Family伴奏

ode to my family的中文歌词是什么?

Unhappiness where"s when I was young, 我小时侯的不高兴,And we didn"t give a damn, 我们完全无所谓,"Cause we were raised, 因为我们是被抚养者,To see life as fun and take it if we can. 把生命看做玩笑,如果可以就搞定它。My mother, my mother, 我的母亲,我的母亲,She hold me, she hold me, when I was out there. 她抓着我,她抓着我,当我在外面的时候,My father, my father, 我父亲,我父亲,He liked me, oh, he liked me. Does anyone care? 他喜欢我,噢,他喜欢我。可是有人在乎吗 Understand what I"ve become, it wasn"t my design. 明白我变成了什么,那并非我所愿。And people everywhere think, something better than I am. 每个人都想着什么,比我想得更好。But I miss you, I miss, "cause I liked it, 但是我想念你们,我想念,因为我喜欢。"Cause I liked it, when I was out there. Do you know this? 因为在外面的时候我喜欢。你们知道吗?Do you know you did not find me. You did not find. 你们知道吗你们没找到我。你们没找到。Does anyone care? 有人在乎吗?

Ode To My Family歌词将的是什么,不要翻译


小红莓ode to my family的歌词是什么?

Understand the things I sayDon箃 turn away from meCause I spent half my life out thereYou wouldn箃 disagreeD箉ou see me, d箉ou seeDo you like me, do you like me standing thereD箉ou notice, d箉ou knowDo you see me, do you see meDoes anyone careUnhappiness, where when i was youngAnd we didn箃 give a damnCause we were raisedTo see life as a fun and take it if we canMy mother, my mother she hold meDid she hold me, when I was out thereMy father, my father, he liked meOh he liked me, does anyone careUnderstand what I箆e becomeIt wasn箃 my designAnd people everywhere thinkSomething better than I amBut I miss you, I missCause I liked it, I liked itWhen I was out thereD箉ou know this, d箉ou knowYou did not find me, you did not findDoes anyone careUnhappiness was when I was youngAnd we didn箃 give a damnCause we were raisedTo see life as fun and take it if we canMy mother, my mother she hold meDid she hold me, when I was out thereMy father, my father, he liked meOh he liked me, does anyone careDoes anyone care不知道却不确定 但是看看参考一下吧~

Ode To My Family歌词将的是什么,不要翻译!

讲述的是人的孤独感。Unhappiness where"s when I was young, 我小时侯的不高兴, And we didn"t give a damn, 我们完全无所谓, "Cause we were raised, 因为我们是被抚养者, To see life as fun and take it if we can. 把生命看做玩笑,如果可以就搞定它。 My mother, my mother, 我的母亲,我的母亲, She hold me, she hold me, when I was out there. 她抓着我,她抓着我,当我在外面的时候, My father, my father, 我父亲,我父亲, He liked me, oh, he liked me. Does anyone care? 他喜欢我,噢,他喜欢我。可是有人在乎吗 Understand what I"ve become, it wasn"t my design. 明白我变成了什么,那并非我所愿。 And people everywhere think, something better than I am. 每个人都想着什么,比我想得更好。 But I miss you, I miss, "cause I liked it, 但是我想念你们,我想念,因为我喜欢。 "Cause I liked it, when I was out there. Do you know this? 因为在外面的时候我喜欢。你们知道吗? Do you know you did not find me. You did not find. 你们知道吗你们没找到我。你们没找到。 Does anyone care? 有人在乎吗?参考资料:

Ode To My Family 歌词

歌曲名:Ode To My Family歌手:The Cranberries专辑:Ode To My FamilyUnderstand the things I sayDon turn away from meCause I spent half my life out thereYou wouldn disagreeDou see me, dou seeDo you like me, do you like me standing thereDou notice, dou knowDo you see me, do you see meDoes anyone careUnhappiness, where when i was youngAnd we didn give a damnCause we were raisedTo see life as a fun and take it if we canMy mother, my mother she hold meDid she hold me, when I was out thereMy father, my father, he liked meOh he liked me, does anyone careUnderstand what Ie becomeIt wasn my designAnd people everywhere thinkSomething better than I amBut I miss you, I missCause I liked it, I liked itWhen I was out thereDou know this, dou knowYou did not find me, you did not findDoes anyone careUnhappiness was when I was youngAnd we didn give a damnCause we were raisedTo see life as fun and take it if we canMy mother, my mother she hold meDid she hold me, when I was out thereMy father, my father, he liked meOh he liked me, does anyone careDoes anyone care


了解我说的事 远离我的不是do轮 cause我花费了一半我的生活那里 you不会不同意 do您看见我,您看见 do您喜欢我,做您喜欢站立那里的我您注意的do,您知道 do您看见我,您看见我 does任何人关心 unhappiness,当我是年轻 and我们不在乎 cause我们被扶养了 如果我们能, to看生活作为乐趣并且采取它my母亲,我的母亲她拿着我 当我是那里, did她拿着我my父亲,我的父亲,他喜欢我 oh他喜欢我,做任何人关心 understand什么i"m成为 it不是我的设计 到处and人认为 something比我改善 我想念您的but,我丢失 我喜欢的cause,我喜欢 when我是那里 do您知道此,您知道 you没有找到我,您没有发现 does任何人关心 unhappiness是我是年轻的 and我们不在乎 cause我们被扶养了 如果我们能, to看生活作为乐趣并且采取它my母亲,我的母亲她拿着我 当我是那里, did她拿着我my父亲,我的父亲,他喜欢我 oh他喜欢我,做任何人关心 does任何人关心希望采纳

Ode to My Family 歌词

歌曲名:Ode to My Family歌手:The Cranberries专辑:20th Century Masters: The Best Of The CranberriesUnderstand the things I sayDon turn away from meCause I spent half my life out thereYou wouldn disagreeDou see me, dou seeDo you like me, do you like me standing thereDou notice, dou knowDo you see me, do you see meDoes anyone careUnhappiness, where when i was youngAnd we didn give a damnCause we were raisedTo see life as a fun and take it if we canMy mother, my mother she hold meDid she hold me, when I was out thereMy father, my father, he liked meOh he liked me, does anyone careUnderstand what Ie becomeIt wasn my designAnd people everywhere thinkSomething better than I amBut I miss you, I missCause I liked it, I liked itWhen I was out thereDou know this, dou knowYou did not find me, you did not findDoes anyone careUnhappiness was when I was youngAnd we didn give a damnCause we were raisedTo see life as fun and take it if we canMy mother, my mother she hold meDid she hold me, when I was out thereMy father, my father, he liked meOh he liked me, does anyone careDoes anyone care

求卡百利乐队(小红莓)ode to my family的歌词翻译

中文:明白我说的事情不要把远离我导致我花了半辈子在那里你不会不同意你看我,你看我不喜欢你,你和我一样站在那里你是否注意到,你知道你看我,你看我有没有人照顾不幸,在我年轻的时候我们没有给出该死我们的事业提出了看到一个有趣的生活,并,如果我们能我的母亲,我的母亲,她抱我但她认为我,当我在这里我的父亲,我的父亲,他喜欢我噢,他喜欢我,有没有人照顾理解我成为这不是我的设计与世界各地的人们认为比我更好的东西时但我想念你,我想念原因很喜欢,我喜欢它当我在这里你知道,你知道您没有找到我,你没有找到有没有人照顾快乐是我小时候我们没有给出该死我们的事业提出了看到生活的乐趣,并采取,如果我们能我的母亲,我的母亲,她抱我但她认为我,当我在这里我的父亲,我的父亲,他喜欢我噢,他喜欢我,有没有人照顾英understand the things i saydon"t turn away from mecause i spent half my life out thereyou wouldn"t disagreedo you see me, do you seedo you like me, do you like me standing theredo you notice, do you knowdo you see me, do you see medoes anyone careunhappiness, where when i was youngand we didn"t give a damncause we were raisedto see life as a fun and take it if we canmy mother, my mother she hold medid she hold me, when i was out theremy father, my father, he liked meoh he liked me, does anyone careunderstand what i becomeit wasn"t my designand people everywhere thinksomething better than i ambut i miss you, i misscause i liked it, i liked itwhen i was out theredo you know this, do you knowyou did not find me, you did not finddoes anyone careunhappiness was when i was youngand we didn"t give a damncause we were raisedto see life as fun and take it if we canmy mother, my mother she hold medid she hold me, when i was out theremy father, my father, he liked meoh he liked me, does anyone care文:

小红莓的ode to my family是为什么写的

维基百科对这首歌创作背景的解释是:The song is about Dolores"s yearning for her simple life as a child after having achieved success.歌词里满是她的渴望。她是单亲家庭出身,满身伤痕,她渴望这样的生活,所以歌曲里满是无奈和无法再回首的过去。并非有人说的歌颂父母,那实在走的太远,与歌手的真实想法背道而驰。觉得更像是揭开自己小时候的伤痛,呼吁人们多关注儿童。

in family 与 in household的区别?

"In family" 通常指某人的亲属,也就是与他们有血缘或婚姻关系的人。例如,父母、兄弟姐妹、配偶、孩子等都是某个人的家庭成员。而 "in household" 则是指同一居住地的人,通常是指和某人共同生活在同一个房屋或公寓的人,无论是否有亲戚关系。例如,室友、租户、保姆、雇工等都可以被称为同一 household 的人。


分类: 外语/出国 问题描述: 不要复制字典! 解析: family 指包括父母,姐妹等家庭成员的一家人。household 指同住在一所房子里的人(家人,房客等)


简单地来说,household针对的是空间,而family强调的是关系。household是指生活在同一个住处或者房屋里的一家人,以户为计量单位。family不一定要生活在一起,近亲远亲都可以称为家人,不住在一起的家人只能称为family不能称为household。 home前面加to的情况 1、当home作名词时,前面可以加to。 home作名词时基本意思是“家,故乡”,多指某人出生以及成长的环境或与某人一起居住的地方。 在美国口语中,home可与house互换,即把“家”和“住宅”看成一体。home也可作“家庭,家乡”解,这时其前不用冠词。 也可指植物或动物的“产地,生长地,发源地”,作此解时home用于单数形式,其前常加定冠词the,其后则常接介词of。 2、当home作副词时,前面不需要加to。 home用作副词的基本意思是“在家,回家,到家”,本身含有“在”“到”的意思,故其前不可用介词to或in。 welcome to home意思是欢迎回家,home在这里作副词,所以不加to。 welcome用作叹词的意思是“欢迎”,是迎接时的招呼语,用于正式场合,也用于车站、码头、机场及大街上悬挂的标语牌上,或用于广告语、报纸等的标题,常与表示方向的副词或介词to连用。

household duties和family chores 有什么区别




如何评价 Miles Davis 的《Kind Of Blue》

  Kind of Blue,如果你不知道这张唱片,会想到什么?有一点忧伤?也没错,它确实很适合在一个当你感到有一点忧伤的夜晚聆听,事实上,这个标题解释了这张唱片的一切,为什么它被认为包含了爵士乐所需的一切元素。最关键的那个元素就是,Blues!蓝调。作为爵士乐的前身,蓝调音奠定了爵士乐的基础,让它区别于古典乐。所有的爵士乐从某种意思上都是kind of blues。Miles是在一天晚上听到教堂里的福音音乐为灵感创作了Kind of Blue,而唱片中的全部五首曲子中也有两首是典型的12小节蓝调。拿Kind of Blue作为爵士乐的入门专辑来听也是再适合不过了。  对于这张伟大的作品,史上卖得最好的爵士唱片之一,赞美之辞也不用我多说了,毕竟在美妙的音乐面前,一切语言都显得空白乏味。作为一个业余爱好者,在此列出一些我所了解到的信息以及自己的一些感受,若有新的想法以后再更新。下面就开始,从这张唱片给我的几个最强烈的感受说起吧。  Personel乐队成员  这张唱片是以六重奏的配置录制的,光是看看封面上列出的乐手,就让人倒吸一口凉气,这简直就是全明星的“银河战舰”啊。小号Miles Davis,次中音萨克斯John Coltrane,中音萨克斯Cannonball Adderley,钢琴Bill Evans,贝斯Paul Chambers,鼓James Cobb。每个人都是独当一面,日后也都成了band leader开创自己的领域,绝对是爵士史上最强大的阵容之一。这当然要归功于Miles的领导才能以,Miles总是能把最好的乐手聚集到一块,提供一个施展其天赋的平台;另一方面时机也是非常合适,想想如果两年之后再想聚齐这些人马难度就非常之大了。  其实这个时期Bill Evans已经离开Miles的六重奏去准备自己的三重奏了,Wynton Kelly取代了他的位置。Miles为了这张专辑的Modal实验(有关mode调式后面会提到)又把Bill请回来。也许是考虑到现任钢琴手Wynton Kelly的情绪以及发挥Wynton的蓝调才能,Miles在最有蓝调味的曲子Freddie Freeloader里启用了Wynton。据说Wynton来到录音室看到Bill的时候很诧异,他以为他是来录制整张专辑的,结果被告知:两人都有份,先一边等着去。  Spontaneity自发性  录制分别在两天进行。1959年的3月2日录制了A面的3首,4月22日完成了B面的两首。几乎所有的曲目都是录制一遍完成的,除了Flamenco Sketches录制了两遍。这在录音史上是很罕见的。不仅如此,Miles只是在录制前一天晚上准备了一些曲目和弦结构以及旋律,第二天发给乐手再做一些简介。在没有排练的情况下直接进行录制,乐手们并不知道具体要录制什么样的音乐,只是根据Miles提供的有限资料进行演奏和即兴。这似乎是Miles一贯的作风,少排练,以最大程度发挥乐手的想象空间,并以此种方式展示爵士乐的自发性,和听众一起分享创作的瞬间。在Flamenco Sketches里,乐手只拿到五个用来即兴的音阶而已,连一条旋律都没有!Miles相信第一次尝试往往是最好,First thought was the best thought. 而恰恰是在one take, no reheasal(无排练一遍录制)的情况下,一张杰作诞生了。为何称之为杰作,以下继续说明。  Simplicity简化  1953年钢琴家George Russell提出了Modal improvisation调式即兴,即以某个音阶作为即兴的基础,取代以和弦为主的即兴方式。而Miles Davis作为从Bebop(比波普)成长起来的乐手,却对Bebop不满,认为其过于复杂频繁的和弦变化约束乐手的即兴空间,有碍爵士的发展。而Modal的方式恰恰简化了即兴的基础,只需要几个音阶即可。所以Miles成了最早实践调式即兴的音乐家之一。Bill Evans在George Russell那学习了调式即兴,最早在1958年和Miles在milestone这首曲子上做了尝试。而这次的Kind of Blue则是完整地建立在调式即兴上的。So What只有两个和弦,Flamenco Sketches只有五个音阶。这种简化,加上上面提到的无排练录音方式,最大程度地给予了乐手空间。而乐手个个都是大师级的人物,在这种初次尝试里自然地发挥了无限的想象力和潜能。  抛开理论,光从音乐的演奏本身来讲,也能体会到这种simplicity。每首乐曲的旋律线都是很简单的,Miles和Bill的演奏风格也是具有空间感的,并不紧凑,有时一个长乐句里只有几个音符,less is more。其实对于刚听爵士或者接受不了爵士的人来说,最大的困难便是听不懂到底是在演奏什么,也听不出结构,似乎只是随音地飙音符而以,谈何享受呢?而Kind of Blue却是很easy listening的,在后面具体的乐曲分析里,我会解释每首曲目的结构,进一步分析这种简化的效果。  Combination结合  前面说到Miles的一个特长便是笼络天才乐手,而在Kind of Blue里我们也可以听到黑人爵士和白人爵士的结合。Bill作为这个六重奏里唯一的白人,显得含蓄而内敛,Miles甚至形容他像一个nonperson(隐形人?),安静地坐在角落里。鼓手James Cobb回忆到有一次Miles和他们在车里聊天,Bill在一旁静静地听,突然来了点意见想发言,Miles开玩笑地说:We don"t need any white opinions.而Bill对这张唱片的贡献不仅仅是一个sideman了,其营造的氛围和Bill的风格有很大的关系。  乐手间的风格差异和互动是很有意思,看一眼乐谱或者靠耳朵听,那个音符最少的一定是Miles的即兴,最多的一定是John Coltrane。Coltrane在这一时期的即兴风格有一个专门的词,叫做sheet of music,就是在短时间内加入大量上行或者下行的琶音,个人感觉有一股喷射出音符串的力量。Cannonball的也很有自己的风格,尤其在蓝调方面。  Miles的另一个过人之处便是乐于创新,every time he made a change,he was tight,并且改变爵士乐的发展方向。Kind of Blue的发行影响了当时几乎所有的爵士乐手甚至是流行乐,以及一代接一代的音乐家。  Mood(心情音乐?)  好的音乐我想不仅仅是好听,而是动听,能够带动你的情绪,沉浸在音乐的氛围里,上瘾,这张唱片就是这种类型。神秘,诗意,沉静,忧伤,性感。Herbie Hancock说:if you want a kind of music to make love to, that"s it.如果夜晚驾车时放上这张唱片,一定很销魂。  唱片中营造的氛围也和录音室的条件有关。录音室在纽约的30th Street Studio,之前用作教堂,空间很大,而且都是上了年代的木头,拥有很好的回音效果,很多传奇的唱片录制于此。一个好的录音室是有精神的,就像伦敦的Abbey Road Studio,恰巧Pink Floyd的音乐也是以营造氛围出名的。(好吧,实际上这两个录音室没什么关系,我只是借机宣传一下喜欢的乐队,但是如果你听Dark Side of Moon和Wish You Were Here,你会发现和Kind of Blue是有相似之处的,就是一种特容易让人沉浸的感觉)  下面具体讲讲五首乐曲。  先说说爵士乐的基本结构,一般说来,开头先由全体乐手演奏主旋律(有时也会在主旋律前也会有introductoin);之后由各个soloist(每个乐手都可以成为soloist,当然小号和萨克斯是最常见的)进行以主旋律的和弦或者音阶即兴演奏,结构不变;等soloists结束即兴,再回到主旋律,演奏一遍之后结束。  So What  最出名的曲目,之后cover的版本非常多,为什么?简单。全曲只有两个和弦Dm7和Ebm7,对应的是D dorian音阶和不过全部上移半个全音的Eb dorian。主旋律结构是16小节Dm7,接着8小节Ebm7,再回到8小节的Dm7,总共32个小节。这样给即兴的空间就很大了。也许这曲名有点这种意味:就是这么简单,怎么的了(so what?)  开头有8小节的introdution,很神秘,只有贝斯和钢琴,接下去便进入32小节的主旋律。主旋律采用的是贝斯(Chambers)和三个管乐(Davis, Coltrane, Adderley)的call and response呼应的方式,先有贝斯旋律,接着三个管乐有两个音符的回应。主旋律结束之后先由Miles进行两遍(64小节)的即兴,接着Coltrane的两遍即兴,Cannonball的两遍即兴(你应该很明显听出演奏风格的区别了,另注意Coltrane的次中音和Cannonball中音的音色差别),最后是Bill的一遍即兴。回到主题,结束。  Freddie Freeloader  曲名出自Miles的一个乐迷叫Freddie,他经常不付钱去观看Miles的演出(他是怎么做到的?我也想当freeloader!)  上面说到此曲是典型的12小节Blues,很欢快,主旋律很简单。钢琴上由Wynton Kelly取代了Bill,在唯一录制的曲目上,Wynton也是演奏得相当给力,主题之后便是他的4遍即兴,接着Miles6遍即兴,Coltrane5遍,Cannonball5遍,Chambers2遍贝斯即兴,回主旋律。  Blue in Green  虽然专辑上是把所有曲目的创作归于Miles名下的,但这首Blue in Green被认为是Bill Evans所作,而且充满了Bill的浪漫气息。在Bill诗意的4小节intro之后,是10小节的主题,Miles的演奏同样非常简单,一个音符都不多用!此曲Cannonball是没有参与录制的,实际上是五重奏,Bill, Coltrane和Miles分别进行了即兴。另外此曲也是整张专辑里最短的,相比其他曲目都有十分钟左右的长度,它只有5分36秒,和较短的主题和少以为soloist有关。但感受到的却同样是漫长的宁静,似乎听着就要睡着了!(现在3点了我还在听着这么催眠的曲子奋战)  All Blues  看名字就知道了,另一首12小节蓝调作品。注意开头的贝斯(有一个非常funky的旋律)以及Bill的伴奏方式,4小节之后两个萨克斯加入伴奏,Miles最后进来负责主旋律。即兴部分,Miles,Cannonball和Coltrane分别做了4遍即兴,接着Bill弹了两遍,最后回主题。  Flamenco Sketches  此曲的特别在于,干脆连旋律也不要了,给出五个音阶,直接进行即兴,乐手可以根据自己的感觉在一个音阶上演奏任何长度再跳入下一音阶直到演奏完所有音阶,最大程度地展示了调式即兴的自由的特点。在贝斯和钢琴的4小节intro之后,便进入即兴,Miles, Coltrane, Cannonball, Bill最后再回到Miles。  作为唯一录制了两遍的曲目,此曲的另一版本在97年重新发行的CD里作为bonus track出现了。两遍将近20分钟的长度,听者真的是要完全陷进去了,催眠良药。

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