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git 删除时报 the branch is not fully merged 这是什么意思

今天删除本地分支 git branch -d XX 提示: the branch XXX is not fully merged原因:XXX分支有没有合并到当前分支的内容解决方法:使用大写的D 强制删除 git branch -D XXX 另外不能删除当钱checkout 的分支

git 删除时报 the branch is not fully merged 这是什么意思


they become merged in the sea

不管采不采纳,我的回答就在这里这里的merged 不是动词,是形容词,是ed 后缀的形容词因为become 是联系动词,后面跟形容词,而这个ed 的后缀,不是仅仅是动词过去式,你得判断一下比如,worried,excited,relaxed这些词,有时候是过去式,有时候是形容词,你得根据搭配,来进行判断词性

英语emerged as the standard 怎么翻译?

emerged as the standard成为了标准

When he finally emerged from cave after thirty days,john was ( ) pale.

A. Startlingly = surprisingly, something that you didn"t expect.Enormously = usually used for sizeUniquely = One of a kind, usually used for things.Dramatically = Only in theatre?如果这是太难读,对不起!


v.(从隐蔽处或暗处)出现,浮现,露出;暴露;露出真相;被知晓;露头;显现;显露。变形第三人称单数:emerges;现在分词:emerging;过去式:emerged。搭配finally emerge。短语搭配:1.emerge prominently 涌现。2.emerge ahead 展现在前面。3.emerge victorious 得胜。双语例句:1.Such leadership will emerge in all areas of the human dance from 2025 on.这类领导方式将自2025年起在人类舞蹈的一切领域中浮现。2.Most likely, there is a near competitor, or a direct competitor that is about to emerge.最有可能的,是有近的竞争对手,或直接竞争对手就是即将出现。3.However, if you expect masterpieces to effortlessly emerge from then on, you will be disappointed.然而,如果你期望从此以后名作会毫不费劲地出现,你将会很失望。


emergedv.出现( emerge的过去式和过去分词 ); 露头; 形成; 事实网络浮现; 显现; 兴起Richard was waiting outside the door as she emerged.她出现的时候,理查德正在门外等着。