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Once Upon a Time in America,美国往事观后感900字

"American history" outstanding also now narrative style *** art, poetic use of chaxu perfectly embodied in this film. In the process of growth and dry noodles brothers, young, middle-aged, young and old age are callous decay overlapped together, the life dream and variation, loss and return in the front in the exhibition at the moment the audience goes, let us in the shuttle time of seeing self, like kate. The background of the American past is the emergence of various social problems caused by the rapid development of the American post-war era, and the instinct of people"s survival to challenge all kinds of limitations: family, friendship, love, betrayal and belief and so on. It seems a record of the abbreviations of life in the big cities of the United States in the 20-60 years. The story begins with the memory of the noodle. The story is always in beeen the noodles and Max entanglement, with many flashbacks and flashbacks, staggered time. First, through the hole in the wall of a pair of eyes flashed back to the distant 1921, dates back to childhood to youth noodles life experience: fascination with the girl next door; for little brother revenge and suffering from prison; a group of poor children to play practical joke in water; rob the jewelry store when the face of Carol"s violence...... 35 years, acpanied by guilt and remorse, but understanding: the past is Nanke dream of noodles. Who won? There seems to be no winner in a game of life. The music in the film, flute blowing slowly, mournful, slightly nostalgic sentiment. Starting from an unanswered phone, the hero began to look back on his life. It can be said that the noodles recall has always been guilt, regret, sore wound. Occupy the center of the scene is the memory of noodles, 35 years ago because of his mistakes or "betrayal" and his friend, the noodles gang boss Max". However, in the 35 years after him, a letter from the "past" letters but recalled him to New York, let him see the cover up the veil, this veil almost deceived his life. Even if the "Bailey minister" Max. He also refuses to admit that The case is entirely cleared., the scene 35 years ago is an elaborate good game, in front of the old friend is he took everything, including the beloved girl Deborah enemies. At the end of the film, the old noodles had returned to 35 years ago opiumparlours, he was lying in bed, quietly waiting for the answer the phone, but the phone has no sound, so he deal with the lens, a *** ile, just understand everything of remorse and pain but he always have good based on fantasy, but the reality is far more than the previous remorse ruthless. His dream was *** ashed, including the wounds and pains derived from his dream, and it was taken away from the reality. Kors has some kind of worship and fear, handsome noodles, emotion Shigeyoshi, reckless impulse, is the kind of man not bad woman does not love the protagonist, but like Deborah for his accurate cognition, "you"re just a done punk", Max played for the noodles into trouble, in after the "cause" development, tries to get Max to his noodles to him gradually but the worship of worship, with the continuous expansion of Max ambitions gradually turned into fear, always want to escape the noodles is unable to truly escape. Max is opposite the envy and control, there is no doubt that Max love noodles, because he has the ideal self to find the noodles in the body, but the projection of this ideal also brings jealousy in the noodles with Deborah or any other woman relationship, Max"s ambiguous attitude will this man jealousy beeen the performance of the obscure and clearly, so that Max and Carol and Deborah"s emotional deformity is more like a jealous after revenge, because Max would neither Aikaluo didn"t love Deborah, but just jealous as the shadow follows the form control. Black social life, bootlegging, stolen diamonds...... Everything needs wisdom, devotion, courage and cooperation. Don"t look down on it. Any practice has its advantages and reasons. Is there no harm to other people in our office building? Is it brewing in his pany? Our work is just right? Can we get or repair the influence of oneself and around to others and his side? Can we think about the back of it when we look at the front of the matter? Character is destiny, life experiences and outes of noodles and Max also but is the natural character after stream of ists and turns, the great film let us thrilling after sigh with emotion, and leave the infinite mind, like the end of the film the mysterious *** ile on the face of the noodles.


1.一般做为美国人讲的时候,都是用复数,比如Americans are very proud of their country。美国人都以自己的国家为自豪。2.但是,指国籍的时候,系动词是单数,比如 His nationality is American.3.特指某个美国人,也可以用单数,如The American with red T-shirt is John. 穿红体恤的那个美国人是约翰。

帮忙填下英文完形填空呗!A rich American went into a shop in London. He w?

A rich American went into a shop in London. He wanted very much 21 to buy a nice-looking watch. He saw a watch and liked it so much that he decided to buy it. But the owner of the shop asked five hundred dollars for it. 22 While the American was hesitating, a young man suddenly came into the shop, took 23 the watch out of the owner"s hand and ran out with it. It all happened in 24 a few seconds. When the owner ran out 25 into the street, the young man had already 26 disappeared among the people. The American went on. At the next corner, he saw 27 a young man with the stolen watch in his hand, "Do you want to buy a fine watch, sir?" he said in a low voice, "It"s only a hundred dollars." "The young man doesn"t know I saw him 28 robbing the watch just now," he thought. The American paid at once and went happily back to his room with the watch. He told his friend about the fine watch. His friend 29 had a look at the watch and started to shout immediately. He said, "You are a fool. This watch is worth only ten dollars. I"m 30 sure the shop owner and the young man planned all this together.",8,21. to buy/to purchase 22. While/When 23. the watch 24. a few 25. into 26. disappeared 27. the man 28. steal 29. had 30.sure,2,帮忙填下英文完形填空呗! A rich American went into a shop in London. He wanted very much ___21___ a nice-looking watch. He saw a watch and liked it so much that he decided to buy it. But the owner of the shop asked five hundred dollars for it.___22___ the American was hesitating, a young man suddenly came into the shop, took ___23___out of the owner"s hand and ran out with it. It all happened in___24___seconds. When the owner ran out ___25___the street, the young man had already ___26___among the people. The American went on. At the next corner, he saw ___27___with the stolen watch in his hand, "Do you want to buy a fine watch, sir?" he said in a low voice, "It"s only a hundred dollars." "The young man doesn"t know I saw him ___28___the watch just now," he thought. The American paid at once and went happily back to his room with the watch. He told his friend about the fine watch. His friend ___29___ a look at the watch and started to shout immediately. He said, "You are a fool. This watch is worth only ten dollars. I"m ___30___the shop owner and the young man planned all this together."


People on the Move1. The history of the American people is, in part, the history of the movement of the American people. They moved from the colonies of the East Coast to the open space of the West. They moved from the country and the farm to the city. More recently, Americans have been moving from the cities to the suburbs.2. Pioneer Americans began moving from the East Coast to the West 250 years ago. They moved west for many reasons. One reason was that they could obtain unlimited open space and land for farming. Americans liked large open spaces, and they liked the freedom and independence to develop the land in their own way. Some of the land became farms. Important minerals were discovered in some areas, so some of the land became mines. Other large areas became cattle ranches. There seemed to be enough land for everybody. But it was a difficult life -- a life of endless work and hardship.3. After 1860, the Industrial Revolution changed the United States. Americans learned how to manufacture steel. They began to produce petroleum. The automobile was invented. Factories of all kinds began to appear, and cities began to grow up around the factories. Farmers and other country people moved to the growing cities in order to find jobs and an easier life. In the early 1900s, the cities were busy, exciting places. However, there was also a lot of poverty and hardship.4. The cities grew up -- the buildings got taller -- and the cities grew out -- they spread out from the center. Private houses with yards and porches disappeared. Apartment buildings, each one taller than the next, took their place. More and more people moved to cities, and the cities got bigger and bigger.5. Some cities could not spread out because there was no room to do so. These cities, of which New York is the best example, became more and more crowded. More people meant more cars, trucks, and buses, more noise, more pollution, and more crime. Many cities became ugly and dirty. Some people and some businesses began to leave the cities and move to the suburbs outside the cities.6. The move to the suburbs is still happening. Americans are looking for a small piece of land that they can call their own. They want a house with a yard. However, they do not want to give up the good jobs they have in the city. In many cases, companies in the suburbs give them jobs. In other cases, Americans need to commute to and from the cities where their jobs are. In recent years, more and more businesses are moving to the suburbs. They are attracting many people and the suburbs are becoming crowded.7. Americans have watched their big cities fall slowly into disrepair and die. Many middle-class people leave the cities, and the very rich and the very poor stay behind.8. Concerned Americans are trying to solve the problems of noise, dirt, crime, and pollution in the big cities. They are trying to rebuild bad sections of the cities. They are trying to attract and keep business people. They are trying to make their cities beautiful. Many Americans are ready to move back to the cities.9. Other Americans are finding that even the suburbs have become too crowded. They are looking for unpolluted open spaces and for an independent way of life. They are ready to move from the suburbs to the country.10. Perhaps Americans will always be on the move.


1.一般做为美国人讲的时候,都是用复数,比如Americans are very proud of their country。美国人都以自己的国家为自豪。 2.但是,指国籍的时候,系动词是单数,比如 His nationality is American. 3.特指某个美国人,也可以用单数,如The American with red T-shirt is John. 穿红体恤的那个美国人是约翰。


American翻译为美国人。常见释义:英[u0259u02c8meru026aku0259n];美[u0259u02c8meru026aku0259n].释义:n.美国人,美洲人;美国英语。adj.美国的,美洲的;地道美国式的。例句:HerhusbandisanAmerican.她的老公是个美国人。I work for a foreign company, an American manufacturing giant.我就职于一家外企,一家美国制造业巨头。He said he was proud to be an American.他说他为自己是美国人而自豪。My favorite band will be starting their North American tour next month!我最喜欢的乐队下个月就要开始北美巡回演出了!The American people are fed up with their government not functioning well.美国人受够了运转无力的政府。


American翻译为美国人。常见释义:英[u0259u02c8meru026aku0259n];美[u0259u02c8meru026aku0259n].释义:n.美国人,美洲人;美国英语。adj.美国的,美洲的;地道美国式的。例句:HerhusbandisanAmerican.她的老公是个美国人。I work for a foreign company, an American manufacturing giant.我就职于一家外企,一家美国制造业巨头。He said he was proud to be an American.他说他为自己是美国人而自豪。My favorite band will be starting their North American tour next month!我最喜欢的乐队下个月就要开始北美巡回演出了!The American people are fed up with their government not functioning well.美国人受够了运转无力的政府。


American翻译为美国人。常见释义:英[u0259u02c8meru026aku0259n];美[u0259u02c8meru026aku0259n].释义:n.美国人,美洲人;美国英语。adj.美国的,美洲的;地道美国式的。例句:HerhusbandisanAmerican.她的老公是个美国人。I work for a foreign company, an American manufacturing giant.我就职于一家外企,一家美国制造业巨头。He said he was proud to be an American.他说他为自己是美国人而自豪。My favorite band will be starting their North American tour next month!我最喜欢的乐队下个月就要开始北美巡回演出了!The American people are fed up with their government not functioning well.美国人受够了运转无力的政府。

翻译并填空:The American Dream I believe in now is a sh


The American Scholar是谁写的

Ralph Waldo Emerson(爱默生) August 31, 1837

求自考英语阅读1 第4篇文章american social relations的翻译

American Social Relations Gladys G.Doty Janet Ross American society is much more informal than that of many other countries and, in some ways, is characterized by less social distinction. The American mixture of pride in achievement and sense of “I"m just as good as anybody else.” along with lack of importance placed on personal dignity, is difficult for a foreigner to understand. Americans in general do not like to be considered inferior, and they grumble loudly about inconveniences or not getting a “fair deal.” Yet they do not make a point of their personal honor. As an illustration of the difference between Europen and American reflection in this respect, John Whyte in American Words and Ways gives the following account. A…[European] professor [visiting in American] was once sent a bil for hospital services which he had never enjoyed. The bill was accompanied by a strong letter demanding payment. It was obvious that a mistake in names had been made, but the professor, thoroughly aroused by this reflection on his character and financial integrity, wrote a vigorous letter of reply ( which an American might also have done.) But in this letter of reply he demanded that the creditor write him a formal letter of apology… for this reflection on his honor. Since no publicity could possibly have been given to the mistake, for mistake it was, most Americans in that sitution, after getting the matter off their chest ( or without doing that ) would have let the matter rest. An example of the same thing may be that although Americans like to talk about their accomplishments, it is their custom to show certain modesty in reply to compliments. When someone praises an American upon his achievement or upon his personal appearance, which, incidentally, is a very polite thing to do in America, the American turns it aside. If someone should say, “Congratulations upon being elected president of the club,” an American is expected to reply, “Well, I hope I can do a good job,” or something of the sort. Or if someone says, “That"s a pretty blue necktie you are wearing,” an American is likely to say, “I"m glad you like it,” or “Thank you. My wife gave it to me for my birthday.” The response to a compliment seldom conveys the idea, “I, too, think I"m pretty good.” Likewise, there are fewer social conventions that show social differences in America. Students do not rise when a teacher enters the room. One does not always address a person by his title, such as “Professor” or “Doctor” (“Doctor” is always used, however, for a doctor fo medicine). The respectful “sir” is not always used in the northern and western parts of the country. Clothing in America, as in every place in the world, to a certain degree reflects a person"s social position and income, or, at least among the young, his attitudes toward society or toward himself. Yet no person is restricted to a certain uniform or manner of dress because of his occupations or class in society. A bank president may wear overalls to paint his house and is not ashamed of either the job or the clothing, and a common laborer may wear a rented tuxedo at his daughter"s wedding. Yet in spite of all the informality, America is not completely without customs that show consciousness of social distinction. For example, one is likely to use somewhat more formal language when talking to superiors. While the informal “Hello” is an acceptable greeting from employee to employer, the employee is more apt to say, “Hello, Mr. Ferguson,” whereas the emplyer may reply, “Hello, Jim.” Southerners make a point of saying “Yes,sir,” or “Yes,ma"am,” or “No,sir,” or “No, ma"am,” when talking to an older person or a person in position of authority. Although this is a good form all over the United States, “Yes, Mr. Weston.” or “No, Mrs. Baker” is somewhat more common in a similar situation in the North or West. Certain other forms of politeness are observed on social occasions. Though people wear hats less now than in the past, women still occasionally wear hats in church and at public social functions ( except those that are in the evening ). In American there are still customs by which a man may show respect for a woman. He opens the door for her and lets her precede him through it. He walks on the side of the walk nearest the street. He takes her arm when crossing a street or descending a stairway. A younger person also shows respect for an older one in much the same fashion, by helping the older person in things requiring physical exertion or involving possible accident. American surface informality often confuses the foreigner because he interprets it to mean no formality at all. He does not understand the point at which informality stops. A teacher, though friendly, pleasant, and informal in class, expects students to study hard, and he grades each student"s work critically and carefully. He also expects to be treated with respect. Although students are free to ask questions about statements made by the teacher, and may say that they disagree with what he says, they are not expected to contradict him. Similarly, in boy-girl relationships a foreign student should not mistake the easy relationship and flattery that are part of the dating pattern in the United States, nor presume that it means more than it does. Also, because an American is perhaps more likely to admit and laugh at his own mistakes than one who stands more on his dignity, a foreigner sometimes does not know how to handle the American"s apparent modesty. The American is quite ready to admit certain weaknesses, such as “I never was good at mathematics.” “I"m a rotten tennis player.” or “I"m the world"s worst bridge player.” However, the stranger must not be too quick to agree with him. American think it is all right, even sporting, to admit a defect in themselves, but they feel that it is almost an insult to have someone else agree. A part of American idea of good aportmanship is the point of being generous to a loser. This attitude is carried over into matters that have nothing to do with competition. If a man talks about his weak points, the listener says something in the way of encouragement,or point to other qualities in which the speaker excels. An American student reports that when he was in a foreign country he was completely stunned when he said to a native, “I don"t speak your language very well.” and the native replied, “I should say you don"t.” In a similar situation an American would have commented, “Well, you have only been here two months.” or “But you"re making progress.” Although Americans are quite informal, it is best for a foreigner, in case of doubt, to be too formal rather than not formal enough. Consideration for others is the basis of all courtesy. 美国的社会比其他国家的社会更加非正式,在某些方面,美国社会的特征就是较少的社会差别。美国式的混合物-个人的成就感、不比别人差的优越感以及对个人尊严缺乏重要性,这些对一个外国人来说是很难理解的。通常来讲美国人不喜欢被别人看成低人一等的,他们也会为自己遭受的不便而抱怨,还会为自己没有得到公平的待遇而抱怨。然而,他们也不是很重视自己的荣誉。在这一方面,为了更好展示欧洲人和美国人的不同反映,John Whyte 在《美国语言和方式》这本书里给了我们如下的描述。 有位欧洲的教授曾在美国访问,他有次收到一份在医院接受治疗的账单,实际上他并没有接受过任何治疗。随附账单还有一封措施很强烈的信件。很明显这是因为把姓名弄错了,但是这位教授由于对信中对自己人格以及金钱方面的廉洁而提出的质疑感到不舒服,他也写了一份措辞很激烈的回信。(美国人也会这样去做)。但是在这份回信中,这位欧洲教授要求他的债权人写一份正式的道歉信,就因为对他人格的指责。由于这样的错误并没有被公众知悉,即使这样的错误已经发生了,但大多数美国人在这种形势下,只是将其宣泄一番,甚至有的人根本就不用宣泄,就让这件事情过去了。 同样的事情我再给你举一个例子,尽管美国人比较喜欢讨论自己的成就,但是他们有个习俗,那就是如果你得到某种赞美时,你的回答要展示某种谦虚。当有人在赞美一个美国人诸如他的成就或外貌的时候,这些话题在美国被认为是很有礼貌的事情,他也不会太在意。如果有人对一个美国人说:“祝贺你当选俱乐部主席”,他会回答“我希望把工作做好”或者诸如词类的话语。当有人说:“你打的领结很漂亮”,而美国人会说“我很高兴你喜欢它”或者“谢谢你,这是我妻子送给我的生日礼物”。所有对这种赞美的回答从来都不会传达这样的含义即“我也认为我挺不错的” 同样的,在美国也很少有那种社会习俗来表现这种社会差异。当老师进教室的时候,学生是不起立的。也不经常在一个人的名字前面加一些头衔,比如教授或博士。(DOCTOR 如果从医药学方面来称呼也是可以的)。表示尊敬含义的SIR在美国北部和西部也是很少使用的。 在美国正如在世界上其他地方一样,从某种意义上,人的穿着会反映其社会地位和收入,或者至少在年轻人当中可以反映这个社会或者自己的态度。但是由于自已的职业或社会地位,没有任何一个只局限穿一种特定的制服或选择某种特定的穿衣方式。一个银行的行长在粉刷自己房子的时候会穿工装服,而且不会因这种工作和穿衣的方式而感到羞愧。而一个普通劳动者在自己女儿的婚礼上也会租穿一件无尾燕尾服。 尽管有诸如此类非正式的东西,但是美国也并不是完全没有习俗来展现这种社会差别意识。例如,但一个人跟他的上司说话的时候,他会用更加正式的语言。尽管非正式语言HELLO可以用于雇员和雇主之间,但对于一个雇员来说,他更倾向于使用HELLO,MR FERGUSON,而上司回答时可以直接回答HELLO JIM。当跟一个年长者或者权位更高的人说话时,美国南方人主张说YES SIR 或YES MA"AM 或NO, SIR或NO, MA"MA。尽管这样的称谓在全美国被认为是一种很好的称谓形式,但是在美国北部或西部,人们还更倾向于称YES,MR WESTON或NO,MRS BAKER。某种表示礼貌的形式可以在社交场合会看到的。尽管现在的人不像过去那么经常带帽子,但是女性在教堂或一些公众庆祝宴会时会带上帽子的(当然这些场合如果发生在晚上就不用了) 在美国仍然还有些习俗,男士们通过这些习惯来表现对女士的尊敬。他会给女士开门,而且让女士先进入。男士也会走在更靠近街道的人行道。当穿过一条阶段或下楼梯时,男士会扶着女士。一个年轻人同样也会表示对年长者的尊敬,他们通过帮助他们做一些费体力的活或一些引发事故的活。 美国人这种表面上的非正式性会让一个外国人迷惑,因为他认为美国人的这种非正式性意味着没有正式性而言。但是他并不知道美国人的这种非正式性会在哪里变成了正式性,比如一个老师在课堂上看起来友好、和善,在课堂上也表现的非正式,但老师要求学生努力学习,并且在批改作业时是很严格和仔细的。而且这位老师也同样希望学生能尊敬他。尽管学生对老师的陈述自由提出问题,而且也可以表达对老师观点的不同意,但是这些学生也不能驳斥老师的观点。同样,在男孩和女孩交往的过程中,一个外国学生也不要对美国人在约会里表现的亲近关系或奉承的话语而误会,不要认为他们还有更深层次的含义。同样,因为比那些经常想保持自己尊严的人来说,美国人非常有可能承认和嘲笑他自己的错误、缺点。但是有时外国人不知道怎么处理美国人这种表面的谦虚。美国人很容易承认自己的某些弱点,诸如“我的数学不好”,“我的网球打的很烂”或者说“我的桥牌打的也是出奇的差”,但是,这个时候对于一个陌生人不能随声附和。美国人认为,承认自己的一些弱点没有什么,即使是运动项目不行,但是如果别人对他们谦虚的话语表示同意,他们认为这是对他们若大的侮辱。美国竞技精神的一部分就是对失败者要赋予同情和慷慨。这种态度从体育竞技中被带入到跟体育竞技一点关系都没有的事情当中了。如果一个人谈及自己的弱点时,听者一般都会以鼓励来回应或指出失败者在其他领域是很擅长的。一个美国的学生讲到,有次他去国外时,当他对当地人说:“我说你们的语言说的不好”,而对方回应到“我也这么认为”,他被当地人的回答惊呆了。当然,在同样的情势下,一个美国人将会回应到“你来这里才刚两个月而已” 或者说“但是你取得进步了”。 尽管美国人好像十分不正式,但对于一个外国人,尤其在不知道情况下,你最好尽可能正式的对待。总是考虑别人是所以礼仪的基础。

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1. The American teachers are having a great time.2. Are you going to Qingdao this summer?3. I will write letters to you every day.

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the American call option and the Euro call option


英语阅读One day an American went to see his doctor.The doctor lo?

A C D D D,9,英语阅读 One day an American went to see his doctor.The doctor looked him over and said,” Medicine can"t help you.You must have a good rest.Go to a quiet place for a month,go to bed early,drink milk,walk a lot and *** oke only one cigar a day.” A month later the American came to see the doctor again.” How are you?” said the doctor ,” I"m happy to see you again,You look much younger .” “Oh,doctor.I feel quite well now.” said the American,” I had a good rest .I went to bed early.I drank lots of milk.I walked a lot .You certainly helped me.But you told me to *** oke one cigar a day,and that one cigar a day nearly killed me at first .I was no joke to begin *** oking at my age.” ( )1.One day an American__________.A.wasn"t feeling well B.went to see his friend C.felt very tired D.was very angry ( )2.his doctor_________A.could not help him B.was good to him C.told him what to do D.was happy to see him ( )3.When the American came to see the doctor again________ A.he was younger B.the doctor was busyC.the doctor looked him over D.he felt well ( )4.The American told the doctor ________ A.he liked doing all these things B.he nearly killed him. *** oke one cigar a day cigar a day was very difficult at first ( )5.From the story we can guess_________ A.the American was not a young man B.the doctor was a bad one C.the doctor liked the American D.the American would *** oke every day

The American Dream译文


1。国内国外怎么说?HOME AND XX??2。哪个国家是America吗,前面不能加the?

home and abroadAmerican 前不能加the english可以表示英国人for the first time是介词词组

the American dream的具体含义到底是什么?


tom and jerry are from the American哪里错了!!!(改错题)


American和the American people有什么区别

如果想用American,必须填the Americans

英语中对美国人的说法可以使用the Americans 或 Americans ,请问可以使用 the American 吗?

American可以做名词和形容词。the Americans 是集合用法,指美国人。Americans泛指美国人

The American后面用动词单数还是复数


American Americans the Americans people American people 区别和联系。 请教英语老师,谢谢!

你区别这些是没有任何意义的,只要明白american指美国人就可以了,复数形式就是不单指一个美国人,特门市没有本质区别的,都是美国人,可以混用。但没有the americans people,这是不对的

我在英文杂志中介绍地址的时候出现了the Americas,把国家名称前面加冠词后面加复数是什么意思?

这里America不是美国,而是美洲。美洲分为南美洲(South America)和北美洲(North America),合称the Americas。

America 和the American 后面为什么加个n


the American可不可以表示美国人

Tt"s should be ok ! But I think that using "American" is better !

This is the __(begin) of the summer 横线上填什么

填biginningbegin原型是动词,是开始、着手的意思这里双写n+ing,变动词为名词the beginning of the summer 是指夏天的开端但愿我的回答能帮助你

华盛顿城(The capital city of America)属于马里兰州还是纽约州?

首先,没有华盛顿城的说法,官方名字是Washington D.C.,也就是District of Columbia即哥伦比亚特区,或华盛顿特区. 华盛顿特区地理上在马里兰州境内,但行政上不属于马里兰州,类似一个直辖市. 另有华盛顿州,在美国西北角.

Learn American cooking 为什么用cooking,不用cook

learn sb doing sth~你说呢~

Theory of a Deadman的end of the summer歌词翻译

Here we are at the end 最终我们来到这里say goodbye to all your friends像你所有的朋友告别here we go waching the sun go round一起看日出日落sitting on a roodtop making time stop坐在圣坛上,就让时间停留在这一刻i never want to come back down我不想再回到这never want to come down不想在失望中彷徨Its the end of the summer这是夏天的结尾its the end of it all也是一切得结尾those days are gone its over那些日子已经远去now were moveing on是该继续往前走的时候了Its the end of the summer这是夏天的结尾but we"ll see it all again但我们会再次重温so hold on till this moment till then所有要坚持到那一刻的到来its the end of the summer这是夏天的结尾Here we standin the middle of an empty street我们站在空荡荡的路中央tell me where you want to go告诉我你想去往何方i""ll tell you thatswhere i want to be我会告诉你那正是我所向往的地方say goodbye to the warm breeze向暖暖的微风告别we could be almost anywhere我们可能会在任何地方i ll miss you till the next time下次我可能会错过你I hope i see you there我只希望你在这里I hope i see you back here.只希望你能回到这里Its the end of the summer这是夏天的结尾its the end of it all也是一切得结尾those days are gone its over那些日子已经远去now were moveing on是该继续往前走的时候了Its the end of the summer这是夏天的结尾but we"ll see it all again但我们会再次重温so hold on till this moment till then所有要坚持到那一刻的到来its the end of the summer这是夏天的结尾rides almost over旅程即将结束its getting colder天气渐渐变冷take one last look再回首before it passes by在擦肩而过的时候before it passes you by在与你擦肩而过的时候Its the end of the summer这是夏天的结尾its the end of it all也是一切得结尾those days are gone its over那些日子已经远去now were moveing on是该继续往前走的时候了Its the end of the summer这是夏天的结尾but we"ll see it all again但我们会再次重温so hold on till this moment till then所有要坚持到那一刻的到来its the end of the summer这是夏天的结尾Its the end of the summer这是夏天的结尾its the end of it all也是一切得结尾those days are gone its over那些日子已经远去now were moveing on是该继续往前走的时候了Its the end of the summer这是夏天的结尾but we"ll see it all again但我们会再次重温

End Of The Summer 歌词

歌曲名:End Of The Summer歌手:Theory Of A Deadman专辑:Scars & SouvenirsEnd Of The SummerTheory of a DeadmanHere we areat the endsay goodbye to all your friendshere we go waching the sun go roundsitting on a roodtop making time stopi never want to come back downnever want to come downIt"s the end of the summerit"s the end of it allthose days are gone its over now were moveing onIt"s the end of the summerbut we"ll see it all againso hold on till this moment till thenit"s the end of the summerHere we standin the middle of an empty streettell me where you want to goi""ll tell you thats where i want to besay goodbye to the warm breezewe could be almost anywhereI"ll miss you till the next timeI hope i see you thereI hope i see you back here.It"s the end of the summerit"s the end of it allthose days are gone its over now were moveing onIt"s the end of the summerbut we"ll see it all againso hold on till this moment till thenit"s the end of the summer end of the summerrides almost overit"s getting coldertake one last lookbefore it passes by befor it passes you byIt"s the end of the summerit"s the end of it allthose days are gone its over now were moveing onIt"s the end of the summerbut we"ll see it all againso hold on till this moment till thenIt"s the end of the summerit"s the end of it allthose days are gone its over now were moveing onIt"s the end of the summerbut we"ll see it all againso hold on till this moment till thenIt"s the end of the summerthe end of the summer

Redeemer (How Long) 歌词

歌曲名:Redeemer (How Long)歌手:Mandisa专辑:Beth Moore Presents Songs Of DeliveranceKutless - RedeemerOh Lord, You"re beautifulYour face is all I seeAnd when Your eyes, are on this childYour grace abounds to meThere is a redeemer,Jesus God"s own SonPrecious Lamb of God MessiahHoly OneThank You oh my FatherFor giving us Your SonAnd leaving Your Spirit tillThe work on earth is doneThank You oh my FatherFor giving us Your SonAnd leaving Your Spirit tillThe work on earth is doneHallelujah...

American Hi-Fi的《scar》 歌词

歌曲名:scar歌手:American Hi-Fi专辑:live from tokyoI could hang aroundyou could let me down againbut it"s killing meI can"t waste a sound againyou"ll break me if you canyou"ll break me if you canchorus:drag me down againit"s hard to be your scara frozen satelliteyou never got that farit"s hard to be your scarbe cool like youevery sorry lieI can"t live that down noso you"ll wait and seeI"m caught between the seam and meyou"ll break me if you canyou"ll break me, break me if you canrepeat chorusI could hang aroundyou could let me downdrag me down againit"s hard to be your scara frozen satelliteyou never got that far (never got that far)so drag me down againit"s hard to be your scara frozen satelliteyou never got that far (never got that far)never got that far (never got that far)never got that far


原因有2个,1个是金手指使用过度,还有1个就是因为模拟器的与电脑的冲突(一般是冲突在进程或防火墙上)毕竟2.6a还不完善, 不过如果用NO$Zoomer运行NO$GBA,而且biosnds7.rom、biosnds9.rom、Firmware.BIN三个固件都有的话可以几乎最小的避免。 解决方法:记住常保存,做好备份,免得忽然弹出自动关闭,那样的话之前玩的一切都不算了,包括保存.....

American Council on Education是什么意思




Merck的EZ-Magna RIP试剂盒缺少的几种试剂可以用什么替代?


Wes Montgomery的《S.O.S》 歌词

歌曲名:S.O.S歌手:Wes Montgomery专辑:Jazz Six Pack09.S.O.S.独自坐在雪柜 挡不到雨水 便是xx各转找到不药水跳入马路里 钻入的士里 望着转动水杯有避难地吗xxxxxx与漫游电话 现在站着英国不禁想回家再遇上暴雨 你话多可怕 避你避到这里也是懦弱吗*平时在笑着看着坐着跳着 原来是我在嗌着救命  呼叫着找医生你吗 他说病人请归家 平时在笑着看着坐着跳着 原来是我在嗌着救命 抢救步队急需你吗 当你密谋得到他夜夜亦是雨夜 都憾称壮举 电视剧集他与他街中玩水往日我共你 也像这一对 学习住进德国 雨又落下吗多一个人 逃避为了留下 就算 我也会吗救命救命救命 他说病人请归家为何没有人救命 谁人又有空救命 这个病人请归家谁人灰旅途索命 谁人没有心救命 给撇下谁也害怕



《Lucy Maud Montgomery 1905to1906》txt下载在线阅读,求百度云资源

《Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories》(Lucy Maud Montgomery)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: fw19书名:Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories作者:Lucy Maud Montgomery出版社:Dodo Press出版年份:2008-3-28页数:260内容简介:Lucy Maud Montgomery, (always called "Maud" by family and friends) and publicly known as L. M. Montgomery, (1874-1942) was a Canadian author, best known for a series of novels beginning with Anne of Green Gables (1908). In 1893, following the completion of her grade school education in Cavendish, she attended Prince of Wales College in Charlottetown. Completing a two year program in one year, she obtained her teaching certificate. In 1895 and 1896 she studied literature at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. After working as a teacher in various island schools, in 1898 Montgomery moved back to Cavendish. For a short time in 1901 and 1902 she worked in Halifax for the newspapers Chronicle and Echo. She returned to live with and care for her grandmother in 1902. Montgomery was inspired to write her first books during this time on Prince Edward Island. Her works include: The Story Girl (1911), Chronicles of Avonlea (1912), The Golden Road (1913), Anne of the Island (1915), Anne"s House of Dreams (1917), Rainbow Valley (1919), Further Chronicles of Avonlea (1920) and Rilla of Ingleside (1921).

John Michael Montgomery的《I Swear》 歌词

I Swear演唱:John Michael MontgomeryI see the questions in your eyesI know what"s weighin" on your mindBut you can be sure I know my part"Cause I"ll stand beside you through the yearsYou"ll only cry those happy tearsAnd though I"ll make mistakesI"ll never break your heartI swearBy the moon and the stars in the skyI"ll be thereI swearLike the shadow that"s by your sideI"ll be thereFor better or worseTill death do us partI"ll love you with every beat of my heartI swearI"ll give you everything I canI"ll build your Dreams with these two handsWe"ll hang some mem"ries on the wallAnd when there"s silver in your hairYou won"t have to ask if I still care"Cause as time turns the pageMy love won"t age at allI swearBy the moon and the stars in the skyI"ll be thereI swearLike the shadow that"s by your sideI"ll be thereFor better or worseTill death do us partI"ll love you with every beat of my heartI swearI swearBy the moon and the stars in the skyI"ll be thereI swearLike the shadow that"s by your sideI"ll be thereFor better or worseTill death do us partI"ll love you with every beat of my heartI swearI swear

At a hospital, there was a man lying in the emerg

在医院,有一名男子躺在急诊室。医生打开门,朝男子走去。2/3 的医生,“男人说,”我是OK?“ 医生竟然对他说,"好吧,有一个好消息和一个坏消息。“告诉我坏消息吧,“那人说。“好吧,”医生说,“坏消息是,我们将不得不削减你断了腿。” "哦,我的上帝,“那人说,"这到底是什么好消息?" “好消息是,”医生说,"看那边那个人,他 想要买你的鞋子。“ 判断正误(T表示正确,F表示错误)()1,一个人趴在急诊室连同他的医生。()2。医生病人带来了两条消息()3,医生告诉病人坏消息。()4人在急诊室时,感到非常高兴,他听到的第一个消息是,医生告诉他。()俗语翻译成汉语有人想买男人的鞋。

寻找原版John Michael Montgomery演唱ISwear歌词

John Michael Montgomery - I SwearI see the questions in your eyes I know what"s weighing on your mind That you can be sure I know my heart `Coz I"ll stand beside you through the years You"ll only cry those happy tears And though I make mistakes I"ll never break your heart I swear by the moon and the stars in the sky I"ll be there I swear like a shadow that"s by your side I"ll be there For better or worse, till death do us part I"ll love you with every beat of my heart I swear I"ll give you everything I can I"ll build your dreams with these two hands We"ll hang some memories on the walls And when just the two of us are there You won"t have to ask if I still care `Coz as the time turns the page, my love won"t age at all I swear by the moon and the stars in the sky I"ll be there I swear like the shadow that"s by your side I"ll be there For better or worse, till death do us part I"ll love you with every beat of my heart I swear I swear by the moon and stars in the sky I"ll be there I swear like the shadow that"s by your side I"ll be there For better or worse, till death do us part I"ll love you with every beat of my heart I swear, I swear

《I swear 》- John Michael Montgomery 歌词翻译

I Swear 演唱:John Michael MontgomeryI see the questions in your eyes我看见了你眼中的疑惑I know what"s weighin" on your mind我知道在脑中权衡之事But you can be sure I know my part但你可放心我深知自己的角色"Cause I"ll stand beside you through the years因为不论岁月变迁我将依旧伴于你身侧You"ll only cry those happy tears你必将喜极而泣And though I"ll make mistakes虽然我可能将会犯错I"ll never break your heart但我绝不会令你伤心I swear我保证By the moon and the stars in the sky如同皓月繁星永久闪耀在这天际I"ll be there我将在此I swear我保证Like the shadow that"s by your side如同那伴你身侧的影子I"ll be there我会在此For better or worse无论顺境逆境Till death do us part除非直到死亡将我俩分隔I"ll love you with every beat of my heart我的爱都如心跳的律动一般永不停息I swear我保证I"ll give you everything I can我将给你我所有一切I"ll build your Dreams with these two hands我将用双手成就你的梦想We"ll hang some mem"ries on the wall我俩一起在墙壁上挂上我们的回忆And when there"s silver in your hair当银发悄然出现之时You won"t have to ask if I still care你不需问我是否介意"Cause as time turns the page虽然时间又翻开了新一页My love won"t age at all但我的爱一如当年I swear我保证By the moon and the stars in the sky如同天空上挂着永恒的皓月和繁星I"ll be there我必在此I swear我保证Like the shadow that"s by your side我必如同你的影子永不分离I"ll be there不离不弃For better or worse无论顺境逆境Till death do us part直至死亡将我两分开I"ll love you with every beat of my heart只要一息尚存我都会爱你至死I swear我保证I swear我保证By the moon and the stars in the sky如同天空上挂着永恒的皓月和繁星I"ll be there我必在此I swear我保证Like the shadow that"s by your side我必如同你的影子永不分离I"ll be there不离不弃For better or worse无论顺境逆境Till death do us part直至死亡将我两分开I"ll love you with every beat of my heart只要一息尚存我都会爱你至死I swear我保证翻译:xion516 非常抒情的一首情歌,我也试着抒情了一把~





Midnight In Montgomery 歌词

歌曲名:Midnight In Montgomery歌手:Alan Jackson专辑:The Greatest Hits CollectionMidnight In MontgomeryAlan JacksonMidnight in Montgomery, silver eagle, lonely roadI was on my way to Mobile for a big New Year"s eve showI stopped for just a minute to see a friend outside of townPut my collar up, I found his name and felt the wind die downThen a drunk man in a cowboy hat took me by surpriseWearing shiny boots, a Nudi suit and haunting haunted eyesHe said, "Friend it"s good to see you, it"s nice to know you care"Then the wind picked up, he was gone, was he ever really there?""Cause it"s midnight in Montgomery, just hear that whippoorwillSee the stars light up the purple sky, feel that lonesome chill"Cause when the wind is right, you"ll hear his songs, smell whiskey in the airMidnight in Montgomery, he"s always singing thereWell I climbed back on that eagle, took one last look aroundThrough red tail lights a shadow moved slow across the groundAnd off somewhere a midnight train is slowly passing byI could hear that whistle moaning, I"m so lonesome I could cry"Cause it"s midnight in Montgomery, just hear that whippoorwillSee the stars light up the purple sky, feel that lonesome chill"Cause when the wind is right, you"ll hear his songs, smell whiskey in the airMidnight in Montgomery, he"s always singing thereHe"s always singing there, Hank"s always singing there







【C#】按钮和timer 冲突,只运行按钮,等按钮运行完了才运行timer


求一首歌的中文歌词 歌名Fuer Immer Und Ewig 德语

Fuer immer und ewig 永恒Du Hast Mich Betrogen, So Betrogen Mit Ihr你和他一起欺骗了我jedes Mal, Wenn Ich Dran Denke, Oh每次但我想起你ohstirbt Ein Teil Von Mir我的身体就死去一块du Hast Alles Hier Gelassen, Alles Erinnert Mich An Dich你把一切都留在这里,这一切都会让我想到你aber Wie Soll Ich Dich Hassen但是我应该怎样去恨你ich Wei08 Ich Liebe Dich我知道我爱你tausend Mal Ruf" Ich Dich An我给你打了数千次的电话und Ich Lege Dann Doch Wieder Auf,但是每次我都把话筒放下sag Mir, Was Ich Machen Kann告诉我 我能做什么ich Gebe Dich Niemals Auf我一次也不想放弃你refrain副歌für Immer Und Ewig, Wolltest Du Bleiben永永远远,想和你在一起was Kann Mein Herz Dafür这是我心所想du Bist Gegangen, Ohne Viel Worte你走了,没有给我留下只字片语das Werd" Ich Niemals Kapier"n我怎么也想不明白für Immer Und Ewig, Wir Zwei Zusammen永永远远,我们两个在一起das War Der Traum Von Mir这是我的夙愿ich Kann Dich Nicht Halten, Ist Es Zu Ende我没能抓住你,这一切都结束了werd" Ich Dich Nie Mehr Spür"n?我将再也感觉不到你als Du Mich Allein Lie08t, War Da Ein Komisches Gefühl当你剩下我独自一人,我有种很奇怪的感觉ich Schenkte Dir Mein Vertrauen, Oh我给了你我的信赖aber Deine Blicke Wurden Kühl但是你的目光是那样的冰冷vielleicht War"s Ein Fehler, (Nein, Nein Nein)也许那是一个错觉(不,不,不)dich Zu Fragen, Woher Du Kommst我问你,你从哪来doch Du Liebst Deine Freiheit你爱你的自由obwohl Du Bei Mir Wohnst即使你和我住在一起und Ich Kann"s Doch Nicht Begreifen我不能理解unsere Liebe War Doch Viel Zu Gro08我们曾经爱的那么深um Einfach Alles Zu Vergessen简单的去忘掉这一切nein, Ich Lass Dich Niemals Los我做不到,我一次都不能放开你refrain副歌für Immer Und Ewig, Wolltest Du Bleiben永永远远,想和你在一起was Kann Mein Herz Dafür这是我心所想du Bist Gegangen, Ohne Viel Worte你走了,没有给我留下只字片语das Werd" Ich Niemals Kapier"n我怎么也想不明白für Immer Und Ewig, Wir Zwei Zusammen永永远远,我们两个在一起das War Der Traum Von Mir这是我的夙愿ich Kann Dich Nicht Halten, Ist Es Zu Ende我没能抓住你,这一切都结束了werd" Ich Dich Nie Mehr Spür"n?我将再也感觉不到你



angel from montgomery 歌词

歌曲名:angel from montgomery歌手:John Prine专辑:John PrineI am an old woman named after my motherMy old man is another child that"s grown oldIf dreams were lightning thunder was desireThis old house would have burnt down a long time agoMake me an angel that flies from Montgom"ryMake me a poster of an old rodeoJust give me one thing that I can hold on toTo believe in this living is just a hard way to goWhen I was a young girl well, I had me a cowboyHe weren"t much to look at, just free rambling manBut that was a long time and no matter how I tryThe years just flow by like a broken down dam.There"s flies in the kitchen I can hear "em there buzzingAnd I ain"t done nothing since I woke up today.How the hell can a person go to work in the morningAnd come home in the evening and have nothing to say.

Montgomery Ward是什么意思

Montgomery Ward[英][mu0259ntu02c8ɡu028cmu0259ri wu0254:d][美][mɑntu02c8ɡu028cmu0259ri wu0254rd]蒙哥马利—沃德公司(美国芝加哥的一家大百货公司); 例句:1.Sears roebuck and montgomery ward catalogs were read more than anybook other than the bible. 除了圣经外,西尔斯罗巴克和蒙哥马利沃德百货公司的商品目录是人们最常阅读的东西。2.Groupon"s corporate headquarters are in the old montgomery ward building,which should be reminder enough of the dangers of neglecting thecustomer"s desires. groupon的公司总部在以前montgomery ward旗下的建筑里,这绝对够得上是对忽略消费者口味带所引起的危险的最好提醒。

求美国之声(The voise of America)历届好声音冠军和导师,要是有前四名就更好了。

《中国好声音—The Voice of China》,是由浙江卫视联合星空传媒旗下灿星制作强力打造的大型励志专业音乐评论节目,源于荷兰节目《The Voice of Holland》,是浙江卫视用钱买了荷兰版权,然后就自己出节目。

the middle of summer是什么意思








英语翻译Henry Ford was the eldest son of a farmer.He grew up on?

福特是长子农民.他在农场长大,在密歇根最喜欢的农民,当时,他的父亲威廉希望他的长子能帮助他在农场,但他不感兴趣,在农场工作.他做了一切能避免(避免)它.他曾经写道.”这是多么大的浪费一个人花一小时后面缓慢移动的马.” 然而,他不是一个懒惰的男孩.他喜欢做机械(机械的)很大的他十二岁时,他变得很感兴趣,钟表.他修理钟表为他的朋友在他的卧室.后来他当了一个机械(技工)在底特律.他开始表现出极大的兴趣,蒸汽机(蒸汽发动机)在这个时候.在1812,他建立了他的第一辆车.在1908,他建立了一个著名的“模型”.这辆车是如此受欢迎,这是不变的(没有改变)二十年.五年后,他开始了福特汽车公司.就是这样啦,,2,英语翻译 Henry Ford was the eldest son of a farmer.He grew up on a farm in Michigan Like most farmers at that time,his father William hoped his eldest son would help him on the farm,but Henry was not interested in farm work at all.He did everything could to avoid(避免) it.Once he wrote."What a waste it is for a man to spend hours behind a slowly moving horse." " However,Henry was not a lazy boy.He liked to do mechanical(机械的) work very much When he was twelve,he became quite interested in clocks and watches.He mended clocks and watches for his friends in his bedroom.Later he took a job as a mechanic(技工) in Detroit.He began to show great interest in steam engines(蒸汽发动机) at this time.In 1812,he built his first car.In 1908,he built a famous" Model T".This car was so popular at that time that it was unchanged(没有改变) for twenty years.Five years after that he started the Ford Motor pany.

别人说Merry Christmas可以回答什么呢?

别人说Merry Christmas可以回答The same to you,最常用的回答是Merry Christmas,回答Thank you也是可以的。重点词汇解释:1、sameadj. 相同的;同一的;上述的(通常与the连用);无变化的pron. 同样的事物或人(通常与the连用)adv. 同样地(通常与the连用)2、toprep. 朝;到某处;到某状态;差;给;对于;比;连着;对着;等于;伴随;适合;(结算账目时)记入adv. (门等)关上扩展资料:1、same的用法:(1)表示相同的,同样的等,通常与定冠词连用。(2)表示与某人或某物一样,要用 the same as,不能用as same as或the same with。(3)为了加强the same的语气,可说 much the same(大致一样)或exactly the same(完全一样),但通常不说quite the same。但在否定句中却可以说not quite the same(不完全一样)。2、Christmas的用法:Christmas原指耶稣基督的诞辰,后来成为许多国家,尤其是西方国家的传统节日,时间是12月25日,可缩写成Xmas。在圣诞节要说at Christmas,不用on,但可说on Christmas Day。在Christmas前不加定冠词the。

commercial distribution是什么意思

commercial distribution 英[ku0259u02c8mu0259:u0283u0259l u02ccdistriu02c8bju:u0283u0259n] 美[ku0259u02c8mu025au0283u0259l u02ccdu026astru0259u02c8bjuu0283u0259n] [释义] 商业流通;

别人说Merry Christmas能不能回答The same to you

说the same to you也行,不过一般要看语境的,假如别人拿着礼物送给你说圣诞快乐时,你肯定要先说thank you了,所以语言这东西要灵活使用。

谁知道more than love-amerie(Feat. Fabolous)的歌词


american crown是什么牌子

美国 皇冠

for americans.time ismoney

For Americans,time is money.They say,"You only get so much time in this life;you"d better use it wisely."The future will not be better than the past or present,as Americans are trained to see things unless people use their time for constructive activities.Thus,Americans admire a "well-organized" person,one who has a written list of things to do and a schedule for doing them.The ideal person is punctual and is considerate of other people"s time.They do not waste people"s time with conversation or other activity that has no visible beneficial outcome. The American attitude toward time is not necessarily shared by others,especially non-Europeans.They are more likely to regard time as something that is simply there around them,not something they can use.One of the more difficult things many students must adjust to in the States is the notion that time must be saved whenever possible and used wisely every day. In this context the fast food industry can be seen as a clear example of American cultural product.McDonald"s,KFC,and other fast food establishments are successful in a country where many people want to spend the least amount of time preparing and eating meals.As McDonald"s restaurants spread around the world,they have been viewed as symbols of American society and culture,bringing not just hamburgers but an emphasis on speed,efficiency,and shiny cleanliness.

Time is money.Time is _________in America.


梁晓雪 summer time的歌词翻译

America的《Honey》 歌词

歌曲名:Honey歌手:America专辑:Your MoveIs everybody ready?Hello, hello, somebody pick up the phoneI love that songHoney, you look so sunnyWithout your feeling, I fade awayHoney, so sweet and sunnyMy heart is shakingI beg you stayHah-hah!Oh, oh, ohI love you soOh, oh, ohI love you soAh-hah!Oh, oh, ohI love you soOh, oh, ohI love you soSweetie, you are so prettyi"m going crazy about your smileSweetie, you are so prettyI like your singing and hairstyle... ow!Oh, oh, ohI love you so... uh-huh!Oh, oh, ohI love you so... mmm!Oh, oh, ohI love you so... uh-huh!Oh, oh, ohI love you soBaby, my lovely babyMy lips are dreaming about your kiss... mwah!Baby, my dear babyHow don"t you want meTo go like this... ooooh!Oh, oh, ohI love you so... mmm!Oh, oh, ohI love you so... ooh!Oh, oh, ohI love you soOh, oh, ohI love you soOh, oh, ohI love you soI love youOh, oh, ohI love you soBelieve me babyI love you so... ah!Oh, oh, oh!I love you soOh, oh, ohI love you so... mmm!Oh, oh, ohI love you so... ooh!Oh, oh, ohI love you soOh, oh, ohI love you so

谁知道一首爵士歌 歌词有summer time

SUMMERTIME 问世迄今已有超过2600种录音版本原唱:Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong 爵士乐史上最经典的男女对唱组合。乐队浮出夏日清晨般沉静的背景,这时Armstrong的小号象一轮朝阳刺破天际。第一段Fitzgerald浅吟低唱,第二段Armstrong浑重暗哑。接下来的合唱以Fitzgerald变调为主,Armstrong不温不火地辅以合声,最后人声隐没在音乐中。整曲男女声交织浑然天成,极尽温柔缠绵。歌词:summertime and the livin" is easyfish are jumpin" and the cotton is highoh your daddy"s rich and your ma is good lookin"so hush little baby, don"t you cryone of these morningyou"re goin" to rise up singingand you"ll spread your wingsand you"ll take to the skybut till that morningthere"s no one can harm you babyoh daddy and mammy standin" bythere"s no one can harm youoh with your daddy and mammy standin" bysummertimesummertime

英语阅读理解答案former us astronaut .neil armstrong ,the

US astronaut Neil Armstrong, the first man on the Moon, has died aged 82.A statement from his family says he died from complications from heart surgery he had earlier this month.He set foot on the Moon on 20 July 1969, famously describing the event as "one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind".US President Barack Obama said Armstrong was "among the greatest of American heroes - not just of his time, but of all time".Last November he received the Congressional Gold Medal, the highest US civilian award.He was the commander of the Apollo 11 spacecraft. More than 500 million TV viewers around the world watched its touchdown on the lunar surface.Armstrong and fellow astronaut Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin spent nearly three hours walking on the moon, collecting samples, conducting experiments and taking photographs."The sights were simply magnificent, beyond any visual experience that I had ever been exposed to," Armstrong once said.Reluctant heroMr Aldrin told the BBCs Newshour programme: "Its very sad indeed that were not able to be together as a crew on the 50th anniversary of the mission… [I will remember him] as a very capable commander."Apollo 11 was Armstrongs last space mission. In 1971, he left the US space agency Nasa to teach aerospace engineering.Born in 1930 and raised in Ohio, Armstrong took his first flight aged six with his father and formed a lifelong passion for flying.He flew Navy fighter jets during the Korean War in the 1950s, and joined the US space programme in 1962.Correspondents say Armstrong remained modest and never allowed himself to be caught up in the glamour of space exploration."I am, and ever will be, a white-socks, pocket-protector, nerdy engineer," he said in February 2000, in a rare public appearance.In a statement, his family praised him as a "reluctant American hero" who had "served his nation proudly, as a navy fighter pilot, test pilot, and astronaut".The statement did not say where Armstrong died.He had surgery to relieve four blocked coronary arteries on 7 August.

America的《Honey》 歌词

歌曲名:Honey歌手:America专辑:The Best Of AmericaIs everybody ready?Hello, hello, somebody pick up the phoneI love that songHoney, you look so sunnyWithout your feeling, I fade awayHoney, so sweet and sunnyMy heart is shakingI beg you stayHah-hah!Oh, oh, ohI love you soOh, oh, ohI love you soAh-hah!Oh, oh, ohI love you soOh, oh, ohI love you soSweetie, you are so prettyi"m going crazy about your smileSweetie, you are so prettyI like your singing and hairstyle... ow!Oh, oh, ohI love you so... uh-huh!Oh, oh, ohI love you so... mmm!Oh, oh, ohI love you so... uh-huh!Oh, oh, ohI love you soBaby, my lovely babyMy lips are dreaming about your kiss... mwah!Baby, my dear babyHow don"t you want meTo go like this... ooooh!Oh, oh, ohI love you so... mmm!Oh, oh, ohI love you so... ooh!Oh, oh, ohI love you soOh, oh, ohI love you soOh, oh, ohI love you soI love youOh, oh, ohI love you soBelieve me babyI love you so... ah!Oh, oh, oh!I love you soOh, oh, ohI love you so... mmm!Oh, oh, ohI love you so... ooh!Oh, oh, ohI love you soOh, oh, ohI love you so



请问cusumer 和 customer 有什么不同?

您好:沒有cusumer這個單字,應該是"consumer",這個單字是指"消費者"的意思"customer"指的就是"顧客"的意思另外補充:Reguler customer 指的是"常客" 常常到店裡來消費的人.希望有幫助到你!!!




"Customer"是一个英语单词,翻译成中文为 "顾客"、"客户"或者 "消费者"。以下是更详细的解释:"Customer"的词源和历史"Customer"这个单词最早来源于拉丁语 "consuetudo",意思是 "惯例"。随着时间的推移,这个单词逐渐演变成了 "customer",并成为了一个常见的词汇。"Customer"的意思和用法"Customer"的主要意思是 "顾客"、"客户"或者 "消费者",通常用来描述购买商品或服务的人。例如,当你去商店购买物品时,你可以被称为 "customer",意思是 "顾客"。这个词也可以用来形容企业的客户、银行的客户等。"Customer"的应用"Customer"在英语中是一个非常常用的单词,它可以用来描述购买商品或服务的人。在商业和服务领域中,这个词被广泛使用,例如零售业、餐饮业、银行业、保险业等。在这些领域中,客户是非常重要的,因为他们是商家的生命线,没有客户就没有生意。"Customer"的同义词和近义词"Customer"的近义词包括 "client"、"consumer"、"patron" 等。这些词也可以用来描述购买商品或服务的人。
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