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谁知道oumei 2006世界杯之歌 夏奇拉bamboo的歌词

I ain"t come to fight tonightToo many ladies up in here tonight(Everybody report to the dance floor please! Grab a girl!)I never really knew that you could dance like thisShe makes her man wanna speak spanishComo se llama, Bonita? Mi casa, y su casaThe way you move, you"ve got me hypnotizedEspecially when I look into his eyesHey Papi, I wanna see you do the dance to the congaHey girl, I can see your body movin" and it"s driving me crazyAnd I didn"t have the slitest idea until I saw you dancin"and when you walk up on the dance floorNoobody could not ignore the way you move your body, girlAnd everything so unexpected the way you right and left itSo you could keep on shaking itBaila en la calle de nocheBaila en la calle de díaBaila en la calle de nocheBaila en la calle de díaI never really knew that you could dance like thisShe makes her man wanna speak spanishHey boy, now that I see all your rhythmComo se llama, Bonita? Mi casa, y su casaThe way you move, you"ve got me hypnotizedThe way you move, you"ve got me hypnotizedEspecially when I look into his eyesEspecially when I look into his eyesHey Papi, I wanna see you do the dance to the congaI"m in a state of shock nowThe way I can see your body movin"And I don"t want you to stop nowI like the way you approach me so sexuallyYou got me in a base, boyI can"t ignore the way you"re dancin"You got me in a trance and I can"t explainBaila en la calle de nocheBaila en la calle de díaBaila en la calle de nocheBaila en la calle de díaI never really knew that you could dance like thisShe makes her man wanna speak spanishComo se llama, Bonita? Mi casa, y su casaThe way you move, you"ve got me hypnotizedEspecially when I look into his eyesHey Papi, I wanna see you do the dance to the congaSenorita, feel the congaLet me see you move like you come from HavanaOhhh, I didn"t know you did it like thatHey, you Papi, don"t you stop itI wanna see you move your bodyOhhh, I didn"t know you did it like thatBaila en la calle de nocheBaila en la calle de díaBaila en la calle de nocheBaila en la calle de díaI never really knew that you could dance like thisShe makes her man wanna speak spanishComo se llama, Bonita? Mi casa, y su casaThe way you move, you"ve got me hypnotizedEspecially when I look into his eyesHey Papi, I wanna see you do the dance to the congaBaila en la calle de nocheBaila en la calle de díaBaila en la calle de nocheBaila en la calle de díaBaila en la calle de nocheBaila en la calle de díaBaila en la calle de nocheBaila en la calle de díaI never really knew that you could dance like thisShe makes her man wanna speak spanishComo se llama, Bonita? Mi casa, y su casaThe way you move, you"ve got me hypnotizedEspecially when I look into his eyesHey Papi, I wanna see you do the dance to the congaI never really knew that you could dance like thisShe makes her man wanna speak spanishComo se llama, Bonita? Mi casa, y su casaThe way you move, you"ve got me hypnotizedEspecially when I look into his eyesHey Papi, I wanna see you do the dance to the conga


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hard link 和symbolic link有什么区别

1、定义不同软链接也称为Symbolic link(符号链接)。此文件包含另一个文件的路径名。它可以是任何文件或目录,也可以链接不同文件系统的文件。hard link(硬链接)是一个文件的一个或多个文件名。将文件名链接到计算机文件系统使用的节点号。所以我们可以用多个文件名链接到同一个文件,这些文件名可以在同一个目录中,也可以在不同的目录中。2、不同的限制hard link(硬链接)只能创建现有文件,而不是跨文件系统;Symbolic link(符号链接)可以创建不存在的文件或目录的符号链接;跨文件系统。3、删除文件性质不同在对符号链接进行读或写操作的时候,系统会自动把该操作转换为对源文件的操作,但删除链接文件时,系统仅仅删除链接文件,而不删除源文件本身。如果删除一个符号链接,它指向的目标文件不受影响。如果目标文件被移动、重命名或者删除,任何指向它的符号链接仍然存在,但是它们将会指向一个不复存在的文件。这种情况被有时被称为被遗弃。当移动或删除原始文件时,硬链接不会被破坏,因为它所引用的是文件的物理数据而不是文件在文件结构中的位置。硬链接的文件不需要用户有访问原始文件的权限,也不会显示原始文件的位置。参考资料来源:百度百科-硬链接百度百科-符号链接

hard link 和symbolic link有什么区别

1、定义不同软链接也称为Symbolic link(符号链接)。此文件包含另一个文件的路径名。它可以是任何文件或目录,也可以链接不同文件系统的文件。hard link(硬链接)是一个文件的一个或多个文件名。将文件名链接到计算机文件系统使用的节点号。所以我们可以用多个文件名链接到同一个文件,这些文件名可以在同一个目录中,也可以在不同的目录中。2、不同的限制hard link(硬链接)只能创建现有文件,而不是跨文件系统;Symbolic link(符号链接)可以创建不存在的文件或目录的符号链接;跨文件系统。3、删除文件性质不同在对符号链接进行读或写操作的时候,系统会自动把该操作转换为对源文件的操作,但删除链接文件时,系统仅仅删除链接文件,而不删除源文件本身。如果删除一个符号链接,它指向的目标文件不受影响。如果目标文件被移动、重命名或者删除,任何指向它的符号链接仍然存在,但是它们将会指向一个不复存在的文件。这种情况被有时被称为被遗弃。当移动或删除原始文件时,硬链接不会被破坏,因为它所引用的是文件的物理数据而不是文件在文件结构中的位置。硬链接的文件不需要用户有访问原始文件的权限,也不会显示原始文件的位置。参考资料来源:百度百科-硬链接百度百科-符号链接

hard link 和symbolic link有什么区别

链接(link):系统中的链接是一个已经存在的文件的另一个名字,它不复制文件的内容。有两种链接方式,一种是硬链接(hard link),另一种是符号链接(symbolic link),又称软链接。硬链接和原有文件是存储在同一物理地址的两个不同的名字,因此硬链接是相互的;符号链接的内容只是一个所链接文件的文件名,在使用ls –l时,符号链接的第一项的第一位为“l”。 指向一个文件的所有 硬链接都删掉的话文件的内容才会被删掉软链接只要删掉了源链接文件,软链接也就失效了


在游戏里我试了下好像是AP RACING好一些


一般来说,插件这种东西你只要输入/+插件名字就会显示各种设置命令的。所以你试试/nugcombobar试试?顺便,帮你查了下这个插件常用命令: /ncb /ncb changecolor <1-5, 0 = all> 修改颜色 /ncb scale <0.3-2> 修改缩放 /ncb unlock 解锁 /ncb reset 重置 /nugcombobar

求《black mambo》歌词中文翻译。

我也只能翻译成这样的水平了,你看看吧。 我有许多嫉妒的情人,他们都觊觎和我重归旧爱 我的老妈妈告诉我,把手枪放在嘴里 走自己的路,远离沙砾和杂藤 即使我要坠落,也不会掉进你的世界 每个人都在这样做,为什么该死的我也应该 每个人都在这样做,为什么该死的我也应该 我使自己成为一个坏女人 我恼怒,我不是来这取悦他人的 把我涂抹在角落,但我又显露出原本的颜色 一旦你变坏,你就再也好不了 我是一只害群之马 我是一只害群之马 我虽不天生丽质,但也没关系 或许我唱歌有些单调,但收音机也不会介意 我穿着我的靴子睡觉,在墙上刮着十字架 为的是把我从(注定死亡的《意译》wants to take us all)坟墓的阴影里拯救出来 每个人都在这样做,为什么该死的我也应该 每个人都在这样做,为什么该死的我也应该 我使自己成为一个坏女人 我恼怒,我不是来这取悦他人的 把我涂抹在角落,但我又显露出原本的颜色 一旦你变坏,你就再也好不了 我是一只害群之马 我是一只害群之马 我是一只害群之马 我是一只害群之马 我有许多嫉妒的情人,他们都觊觎和我重归旧爱 我的老妈妈告诉我,把手枪放在嘴里 走自己的路,远离沙砾和杂藤 即使我要坠落,也不会掉进你的世界 我使自己成为一个坏女人 我恼怒,我不是来这取悦他人的 把我涂抹在角落,但我又显露出原本的颜色 一旦你变坏,你就再也好不了

求 oecura mambo 翻译

曼波OECURA (吴) 在黄昏恋Ikogare 1镇2 燃烧的橙色Somaru 曼波OECURA (吴) 躺在海中的手牵着手,赤脚跑了 你不爱做的爱 曼波OECURA 因为你总是面带微笑 在暗示 ー只是我和莳萝 “你好。” 氦氖平静。 “你好。” 女性往往是曼波“曼波曼波” 今天OECURA曼波“曼波曼波” 南博你觉得“南玻南玻” 我爱你,我爱沙滩 Kekko并不孤单,“Kekko Kekko” 曼波OECURA (吴) 今天的承诺是被遗忘的东西Yabura前 我们认为是倾销 曼波OECURA (吴) 而且我可以等回来,使鸡蛋 我现在不喝酒或或 曼波OECURA (吴) 因为你总是头晕 我只是一眼出来ー 没有关于我ー “你好。” Bakari睡在ー “你好。” 他总是曼波“曼波曼波” 是的OECURA曼波“曼波曼波” 南博我的感受,“南玻南玻” 假装愚蠢的泅渡 Kekko两个人在一起,“Kekko Kekko” (你好你好你好你好。) (吴曼波) “Beroberoberoberoberou301c”

mambo no.5 英文翻译中文

一, 二, 三四, 五 大家在汽车因此来在let"s 乘驾 对利口酒存放在附近, 男孩说他们想要一些杜松子酒和汁液 但I don"t 真正地要 beerbust 如我上星期有 我必须停留深刻的"cause 谈话是便宜的 我喜欢Angela 、Pamela 、Sandra 和Rita 并且当我继续您知道they"re gettin" 更甜 如此什么能我我真正地乞求您我的阁下 对我flirtin" it"s 喜欢体育 任何飞行全部好让我倾销它的it"s 请设置在喇叭 稍微Monica 在我的生活中 稍微Erica 由我的边 稍微Rita 是所有我需要 稍微Tina 是什么我看见 稍微Sandra 在阳光下 稍微玛丽整夜 稍微Jessica 这里我是 稍微您做我you"re 人 上上下下跳跃和移动它所有 摇您的头对声音投入您的手地面 采取一个步骤左和一步权利 一对前线和一个对边 拍您的手一次和拍您的手两次 并且如果它看起来象这然后您doin" 它正确 稍微Monica 在我的生活中 稍微Erica 由我的边 稍微Rita 是所有我需要 稍微Tina 是什么我看见 稍微Sandra 在阳光下 稍微玛丽整夜 稍微Jessica 这里我是 稍微您做我you"re 人 稍微Monica 在我的生活中 稍微Erica 由我的边 稍微Rita 是所有我需要 稍微Tina 是什么我看见 稍微Sandra 在阳光下 稍微玛丽整夜 稍微Jessica 这里我是 稍微您做我you"re 人 我做所有爱上一个女孩象您 您can"t 跑和您can"t 皮您和我去接触天空 选我吧



高分求mambo no.5中文歌词

Lou Bega - Mambo No.5歌词 one, two , three four, fiveeverybody in the car so come on let"s rideto the liqueur-store around the corner,the boys say they want some gin and juicebut i really don"t wannabeerbust like i had last weeki must stay deep "cause talk is a cheapi like angela, pamela, sandra and ritaand as i continue you know they"re gettin" sweeterso what can i do i really beg you my lordto me flirtin" it"s just like a sportanything fly it"s all good let me dump itplease set in the trumpeta little bit of monica in my lifea little bit of erica by my sidea little bit of rita is all i needa little bit of tina is what i seea little bit of sandra in the suna little bit of mary all night longa little bit of jessica here i ama little bit of you makes me you"re manjump up and down and move it all aroundshake your head to the sound put your hands an the groundtake one step left and one step rightone to the front and one to the sideclap your hands once and clap your hands twiceand if it looks like this then you doin" it righta little bit of monica in my lifea little bit of erica by my sidea little bit of rita is all i needa little bit of tina is what i seea little bit of sandra in the suna little bit of mary all night longa little bit of jessica here i ama little bit of you makes me you"re mana little bit of monica in my lifea little bit of erica by my sidea little bit of rita is all i needa little bit of tina is what i seea little bit of sandra in the suna little bit of mary all night longa little bit of jessica here i ama little bit of you makes me you"re mani do all to fall in love with a girl like youyou can"t run and you can"t hide you and me gonna touch the sky.

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Papa Loves Mambo 歌词

歌名:Papa Loves Mambo演唱:张菲Papa loves mamboMama loves mamboLook at "em sway with it,gettin" so gay with it Shoutin" "olé" with it, wow! (ooh!)Papa loves mambo (Papa loves mambo)Mama loves mambo (Mama loves mambo)Papa does great with it,Evens his weight with it, now!He goes to, she goes froHe goes fast, she goes slowHe goes left "n" she goes right(Papa"s lookin" for mama but mama is nowhere in sight)Papa loves mamboMama loves mamboHavin" their fling again,younger than Spring againFeelin" that zing again, wow! (ooh!)Papa loves mambo (Papa loves mambo)Mama loves mambo (Mama loves mambo)Don"t let her rumba and don"t let her samba"cause papa loves mama tonight (ooh!)(Papa loves mambo)(Mama loves mambo)Papa loves mambo (Papa loves mambo)Mama loves mambo (Mama loves mambo)Havin" their fling again,younger than Spring againFeelin" that zing again, wow! (ooh!)(Papa loves mambo) Mambo papa (Mama loves mambo) Mambo mama (Don"t let her rumba and don"t let her samba)"cause papa-- Loves a mambo tonight (ooh!)(End)http://music.baidu.com/song/10047349

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Billy Taylor的《Mambo Inn》 歌词

歌曲名:Mambo Inn歌手:Billy Taylor专辑:Prestige ProfilesMambo - Helena PaparizouGenre/Lang. : PopLove has got me caught up,Drives me to a door,Every little piece inside is knocking at your door.Tell me, tell me, tell meCan"t you see the signs?Written by a maniac, his love has made me blind.Can"t deny - the poison gets me high,Just a little tasteShook my life, it hit me like a drumHey, hey, heyI feel the mambo, aiyaA mambo, aiyaYou make my heart moveHey, hey, heyJust like a mambo, aiyaI let it outA mambo, a-heyaYou were my obsession,Stuck into my heart.Never let you hit or run,Never set apartDo it, do it, do itCome and stay tonightWake up a little fantasy,Take a little bite,Can"t you see?Your love addicted me.Just a little taste, shook my life,it hit me like a drum.Hey, hey, heyI feel the mambo, aiyaA mambo, aiyaYou make my heart moveHey, hey, heyJust like a mambo, aiyaI let it outA mambo, a-heyaPlay the game, and get me hypnotizedWanna feel the vibeSo hey now Mr. WhizGet the magic done,Let me sway up high,Baby, here I amHey, hey, heyI feel the mambo, aiyaA mambo, aiyaYou make my heart moveHey, hey, heyJust like a mambo, aiyaI let it outA mambo, a-heyaHey, hey, heyI feel the mambo, aiyaA mambo, aiyaYou make my heart moveHey, hey, heyJust like a mambo, aiyaI let it outA mambo, a-heyahttp://music.baidu.com/song/7655888

乐心mambo2手环设置了微信、短信的消息提醒, 但还是未提醒?

设 置 有 误 吧 , 正 确 的 设 置 是 这 样 的。微 信 、 短 信 的 消 息 提 醒 须 满 足 以 下 几 个 条 件 :手 机 处 于 休 眠 不 使 用 状 态 , 后 台 进 程 不 能 关 闭 ; 电 脑 与 手 机 不 能 同 时 在 线 使 用 ; 手 环 始 终 和 手 机 保 持 连 接 , 蓝 牙 需 要 一 直 打 开 状 态 。扩展:1、乐心智能手环Mammbo2是乐心2016年发布的一款运动手环。Mammbo2外观更精致,支持24小时连续心率检测,可自动识别跑步,并进入跑步模式,支持IP68级防水,可连接微信、乐心运动APP,新增触控键,支持左右手或横竖屏调节。2、乐心智能手环MAMBO2新增触控键,快速浏览步数、里程、卡路里、心率等信息。具备来电提醒/拒接、闹钟、久坐提醒以及腕上查看微信、短信内容等功能,可自定义设置左右手佩戴和横竖屏显示方式。夜间全程监测睡眠质量,自动调节屏幕亮度。MAMBO2沿用USB直插充电设计,充电一小时,续航长达30天。防水性能达到IP68级,另有玫瑰粉、象牙白、午夜黑等6款腕带颜色可选,满足日常搭配需求。

乐心mambo2手环设置了微信、短信的消息提醒, 但还是未提醒,这是怎么回事呢?

乐心mambo2手环设置了微信、短信的消息提醒, 但还是未提醒,这是因为你设置的程序和步骤是有问题的,可以重新设置消息提示,然后再看看有没有声音的提醒。微信、短信的消息提醒须满足以下几个条件:手机处于休眠不使用状态 ,后台进程不能关闭;电脑与手机不同在线使用;手环始终和手机保持连接,蓝牙需要一直打开状态。

Mambo Italiano 歌词

歌曲名:Mambo Italiano歌手:Alma Cogan专辑:CelebrationMambo ItalianoRosemary ClooneyBig NightRosemary ClooneyA girl went back to NapoliBecause she missed the sceneryThe native dances and the charming songsBut wait a minute, something"s wrongHey, mambo! Mambo italiano!Hey, mambo! Mambo italianoGo, go, go you mixed up sicialianoAll you calabraise-a do the mambo like a crazy with aHey mambo, don"t wanna tarantellaHey mambo, no more a mozzarellaHey mambo! Mambo italiano!Try an enchilada with da fish a bac a lab and then aHey goombah, I love a how you dance a rhumbahBut take a some advice paisanoLearn how to mamboIf you gonna be a squareYou ain"t a gonna go nowhereHey mambo! mambo italiano!Hey mambo! mambo italiano!Go, go, Joe, shake like a GiovannoHello kess-a-deetch-a you getta happy in the feets aWhen you mambo italianoShake-a Baby shake-a cause i love a when you take a meMama say "stop-a or I"m gonna go to papa"And a hey ja drool you don"t a have to go to schoolJust make-a wid da beat bambinoKid you good a lookin" but you don"t a-know what"s cookin" till youIt"s a like a vinoHey mambo, Mambo italianoHey mambo, Mambo italianoHo, ho, ho, you mixed up Sicilianoit"s a so delish a ev"rybody come copishaHow to mambo italianoooooo!"Ats nice!UNH!http://music.baidu.com/song/2684440








1、首先我们先下载乐心运动app,苹果手机可以在App Store搜索乐心运动下载,安卓可以在各大应用商城下载安装,这一步还是很简单的。下载之后打开蓝牙,选择你的手环设备名称绑定。 2、下载之后我们就要打开乐心运动app,直接微信登陆之后我们添加一个设备,选择乐心手环/手表,选择乐心自己手环的型号乐心Mambo,然后需要我们扫码或者直接输入SN码,要扫的码一般在手环包装盒里面可以找到,如果包装已经丢了,也可以把手环非USB那一端的腕带拔掉就能看到了。一共是16位的SN码,输入之后就可以绑定了。 3、手机绑定手环之后,我们就要设置我们的手环了,在这里我们点击右下角的我的,之后进入我的菜单,选择我的设备:刚刚绑定的设备名称,点进去就能看到详细的设置内容了 4、如果我们经常有时间在家里给手环充电,就可以把连续心率监测打开,这样每时每刻都可以监测我们的心率,对于了解自己的健康状况还是很有帮助的,如果你觉得充电麻烦就可以把这个功能关掉,可以待机更长的时间。然后像闹钟设置我们也可以打开,这个闹钟比手机自带的好用很多,也不会吵到别人。然后我们再打开来电提醒,短信提醒,微信提醒。其他选项都可以按自己爱好来设置 5、绑定微信的时候需要注意我们是直接微信登陆的,这样有助于把乐心运动和微信绑定,我们打开微信提醒功能之后不仅可以即时接受到微信的提示,还可以把手环的运动步数同步到微信的微信运动,这样我们出去跑步不带手机的情况下也可以把数据同步到微信。

cachao的《Mambo》 歌词

歌曲名:Mambo歌手:cachao专辑:Master Sessions Volume IMambo - Helena PaparizouGenre/Lang. : PopLove has got me caught up,Drives me to a door,Every little piece inside is knocking at your door.Tell me, tell me, tell meCan"t you see the signs?Written by a maniac, his love has made me blind.Can"t deny - the poison gets me high,Just a little tasteShook my life, it hit me like a drumHey, hey, heyI feel the mambo, aiyaA mambo, aiyaYou make my heart moveHey, hey, heyJust like a mambo, aiyaI let it outA mambo, a-heyaYou were my obsession,Stuck into my heart.Never let you hit or run,Never set apartDo it, do it, do itCome and stay tonightWake up a little fantasy,Take a little bite,Can"t you see?Your love addicted me.Just a little taste, shook my life,it hit me like a drum.Hey, hey, heyI feel the mambo, aiyaA mambo, aiyaYou make my heart moveHey, hey, heyJust like a mambo, aiyaI let it outA mambo, a-heyaPlay the game, and get me hypnotizedWanna feel the vibeSo hey now Mr. WhizGet the magic done,Let me sway up high,Baby, here I amHey, hey, heyI feel the mambo, aiyaA mambo, aiyaYou make my heart moveHey, hey, heyJust like a mambo, aiyaI let it outA mambo, a-heyaHey, hey, heyI feel the mambo, aiyaA mambo, aiyaYou make my heart moveHey, hey, heyJust like a mambo, aiyaI let it outA mambo, a-heyahttp://music.baidu.com/song/8819920





求Mambo这歌下载地址(英文版不要,拉丁版本的)helena paprizou的歌

给你的邮箱地址寄上该歌曲 mp3 or wma 和完整的歌词给你部份歌词如下:Mexri xtesse mia mikri zoiepefte vroxita sinnefa variatora ksafnikaeinai o ouranosm"astra fotinosHey hey heyXorevo mambo aeamambo aeakai m"anevazeishey hey heyxorevo mambo aeapou m"agapasmambo aea................................

乐心智能手环mambo 怎么老是显示设备待连接线



m a m b o 2 智 能 手 环 , 独 创 c l i c k 结 构 , 只 需 要 1 秒 , 轻 松 从 主 体 上 拆 腕 带 , 所 以 也 扣 的 紧 。 拆 卸 方 法 : 按 压 腕 带 内 侧 按 键 的 [ 横 条 ] 位 置 , 并 向 外 拉 出 腕 带 ; 组 装 方 法 : 把 手 环 主 体 插 入 腕 带 口 , 听 到 “ 咔 ” 的 一 声 即 可 。

歌词hey mambo hey mambo mambo balabo是一个男的唱的

歌曲名:Hey Mambo (Mambo)歌手:Hugo Strasser专辑:Tanzalbum Des JahrhundertsCam"ron - Hey MaHey ma, what"s up, lets slide, all right, all rightAnd we gon get it on tonightYou smoke, I smoke, I drink, me too, well goodCause we gon get high tonightGot drops, got Coups, got Trucks, got juice, all rightCause we gon take a ride tonightSo ma, what"s up, let"s slide, all right, all rightAnd we gon get it on tonightYo, Now I was downtown clubbin", ladies nightSeen shorty she was crazy rightAnd I approach baby likeMa, What"s your age and type?She looked at me and said use a baby rightI told her, I"m 18 and live a crazy lifePlus I"ll tell you what the 80"s likeAnd I know what ladies likeNeed a man that"s polite, listens and takes adviceI could be all three, plus I can lay the pipeCome with me come stay the nightShe looked at me laughin", like boy your game is tightI"m laughin" back like show you rightGet in the CarAnd don"t touch nothing Sit in the carLet discuss Somethin"Either we lovin" or I"ll see you tommorowNow we speeding up the WestsideHand creepin" up her left side, I"m ready to do itReady to bone, ready for dome55th exit, damn, damn, already we homeNow let"s get it onNow That I got a girl, my Ex wanna holla and spitTold me to acknowledge her quickShe like Cam stop frontin"On that Dave Hollister TipCome over lets swallow and sipI"m like momma that"s itI promise you dick, usually have a problem with chicksThey all say I"m rotten and richBut not her, booby"s realHigh heel dooby feel, plus got them Gucci nails, uhYou a cutie still, and this my down girl tooAin"t no groupie dealWe left the movies with Uzies, Suzuki wheels,To the Jocose, I tell you my booby"s realI mean she do be winning, luey spinninGo to the crib she got the Gucci linen"I see booby grinningShe looked and said Cam, I know that you be sinningNaw, I"m a changed man, look at the range maimI got a whole new game planLooked and said that"s nothing but game CamShe was right; she was up in the Range manDroped her off at the L, now I"m flippin" the cellThat"s right I had to call up LYou L, what up, I hit, what else, plus dome, say wordAnd we got it on tonighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/2737545



oecura mambo惠比寿罗马拼音歌词

软件我不知道 不过转换的网站是有的哦~http://www.romaji.org/不过有时会有些错误啦……这张单曲现在因为还没有发行所以没有正式的歌词 只有网友听写版他听的有些地方我觉得不一样而且后两段没写我就改了改orzOECURA MAMBO(u-)hitori de machi tasogarete futari de koi kogaretejelly tsukeru orenji ni somaruOECURA MAMBO(u-)hadashi de umi kakedashite te wo tsunaide nesobetteaishiteru aishite nainoOECURA MAMBOdatte itsumo anata nikonikoomowase buridewatashi no koto jirashite bakari-(chao)motto sunao nine-(chao)onna wa itsumo MAMBO "MAMBO MAMBO"kyou wa OECURA MAMBO "MAMBO MAMBO"anata no kimochi nanbo "nanbo nanbo"daisuki nanoyo hamabe de aishitehitori ni shinaide "kekko kekko"OECURA MAMBO(u-)kinou no koto wasurerare kyou no yakusoku yaburaretefurareta kibun ni saserareteOECURA MAMBO(u-)kaeri wo matte omuraisu tsukutte mitemitemoima nonderu toka inai tokaOECURA MAMBO(u-)datte itsumo anata furafurayosomi bakaride-watashi no koto okamai nashide-(chao)neteiru bakaride-(chao)otoko wa itsumo MAMBO "MAMBO MAMBO"souyo OECURA MAMBO "MAMBO MAMBO"watashi no kimochi nanbo "nanbo nanbo"baka na furi shite oyoide watattefutari de isshoni "kekko kekko"(hai hai hai hai...)(u-MAMBO)(beroberoberoberobero~)yosomi shinaide(chao)watashi wo mitsumete(chao)futari wa itsumo MAMBO "MAMBO MAMBO"yoru wa odekake MAMBO "MAMBO MAMBO"awai hodokeru nanbo "nanbo nanbo"okane janaiyo osake wa nai noyosuki ni yaitene MAMBO "MAMBO MAMBO"doko wa kokonatsu MAMBO "MAMBO MAMBO"furui papaiya MAMBO "MAMBO MAMBO"karashi no kisetsu minna de sawagouminna de odoru MAMBO MAMBOOECURA MAMBO(u-)




1.打开乐心健康app,点击右下角我的,点击页面上的添加新设备。2.进入页面后,点击选择手环型号。3.扫描乐心手环设备二维码即可绑定使用。1.打开手机进入后,选择安装的乐心健康的应用进入。2.进入应用后,在登录界面,选择登录方式进行登录。3.登录后设置个人信息,点击下一步的选项。4.设置后在主界面点击右上方的添加设备。5.点击后选择需要添加的乐心手环设备。6.点击后选择下方的输入设备SN码绑定的选项。7.点击后,查看手环的SN码并输入,点击绑定的选项即可。乐心智能手环mambo HR是乐心2015年发布一款心率监测专业运动手环。乐心智能手环mambo HR 是mambo 的升级版,除了心率监测、步行监测、里程监测、卡路里监测和睡眠监测的核心功能外,还有能优化日常生活的实用附加功能:时间显示、来电提醒、智能闹钟。可选择多彩表带,满足日常搭配需求。无需下载APP,微信轻松管理运动、睡眠、挑战运动目标,与微信好友互动PK。

乐心手环mambo的显示上的卡 里路是什么意思


Hey Mambo (Mambo) 歌词

歌曲名:Hey Mambo (Mambo)歌手:Hugo Strasser专辑:Tanzalbum Des JahrhundertsCam"ron - Hey MaHey ma, what"s up, lets slide, all right, all rightAnd we gon get it on tonightYou smoke, I smoke, I drink, me too, well goodCause we gon get high tonightGot drops, got Coups, got Trucks, got juice, all rightCause we gon take a ride tonightSo ma, what"s up, let"s slide, all right, all rightAnd we gon get it on tonightYo, Now I was downtown clubbin", ladies nightSeen shorty she was crazy rightAnd I approach baby likeMa, What"s your age and type?She looked at me and said use a baby rightI told her, I"m 18 and live a crazy lifePlus I"ll tell you what the 80"s likeAnd I know what ladies likeNeed a man that"s polite, listens and takes adviceI could be all three, plus I can lay the pipeCome with me come stay the nightShe looked at me laughin", like boy your game is tightI"m laughin" back like show you rightGet in the CarAnd don"t touch nothing Sit in the carLet discuss Somethin"Either we lovin" or I"ll see you tommorowNow we speeding up the WestsideHand creepin" up her left side, I"m ready to do itReady to bone, ready for dome55th exit, damn, damn, already we homeNow let"s get it onNow That I got a girl, my Ex wanna holla and spitTold me to acknowledge her quickShe like Cam stop frontin"On that Dave Hollister TipCome over lets swallow and sipI"m like momma that"s itI promise you dick, usually have a problem with chicksThey all say I"m rotten and richBut not her, booby"s realHigh heel dooby feel, plus got them Gucci nails, uhYou a cutie still, and this my down girl tooAin"t no groupie dealWe left the movies with Uzies, Suzuki wheels,To the Jocose, I tell you my booby"s realI mean she do be winning, luey spinninGo to the crib she got the Gucci linen"I see booby grinningShe looked and said Cam, I know that you be sinningNaw, I"m a changed man, look at the range maimI got a whole new game planLooked and said that"s nothing but game CamShe was right; she was up in the Range manDroped her off at the L, now I"m flippin" the cellThat"s right I had to call up LYou L, what up, I hit, what else, plus dome, say wordAnd we got it on tonighthttp://music.baidu.com/song/2737545

Mambo Italiano 的中文翻译




Mambo Italiano 歌词

《Mambo Italiano》外文名称:Mambo Italiano所属专辑:Pure... "50s歌曲时长:02:31发行时间:2012-03-23歌曲原唱:Rosemary Clooney歌曲语言:英语Rosemary ClooneyA girl went back to NapoliBecause she missed the sceneryThe native dances and the charming songsBut wait a minute" something"s wrongHey" mambo! Mambo italiano!Hey" mambo! Mambo italianoGo" go" go you mixed up sicialianoAll you calabraise-a do the mambo like a crazy with aHey mambo" don"t wanna tarantellaHey mambo" no more a mozzarellaHey mambo! Mambo italiano!Try an enchilada with da fish a bac a lab and then aHey goombah" I love a how you dance a rhumbahBut take a some advice paisanoLearn how to mamboIf you gonna be a squareYou ain"t a gonna go nowhereHey mambo! mambo italiano!Hey mambo! mambo italiano!Go" go" Joe" shake like a GiovannoHello kess-a-deetch-a you getta happy in the feets aWhen you mambo italianoShake-a Baby shake-a cause i love a when you take a meMama say "stop-a or I"m gonna go to papa"And a hey ja drool you don"t a have to go to schoolJust make-a wid da beat bambinoKid you good a lookin" but you don"t a-know what"s cookin" till youIt"s a like a vinoHey mambo" Mambo italianoHey mambo" Mambo italianoHo" ho" ho" you mixed up Sicilianoit"s a so delish a ev"rybody come copishaHow to mambo italianoooooo!"Ats nice!UNH!

乐心mambo2手环设置了微信、短信的消息提醒, 但还是未提醒,这是怎么回事呢

乐心mambo2手环设置了微信、短信的消息提醒, 但还是未提醒,这是因为你设置的程序和步骤是有问题的,可以重新设置消息提示,然后再看看有没有声音的提醒。微信、短信的消息提醒须满足以下几个条件:手机处于休眠不使用状态 ,后台进程不能关闭;电脑与手机不同在线使用;手环始终和手机保持连接,蓝牙需要一直打开状态。

jojo effect mambo中文歌词

歌曲:Mambo Tonight所属专辑: Ordinary Madness演唱者:Jojo EffectWhile I am staring at the ceiling当我盯着天花板wondering if she"s wondering why想知道她是否想知道为什么While I"m wishing every moment虽然我希望每一刻maybe she"ll pass me by也许她会把我的I dream of mambo every night我梦想曼波每天晚上each step of passion pure delight每一步激情纯真的喜悦But when will she dance into my eyes但她什么时候会跳到我的眼睛里I know that we could move as one我知道我们可以作为一个行动eyes locked until the dance"s done眼睛锁定,直到舞蹈的完成so tell me you dance this mambo tonight所以告诉我你今晚的曼波舞Lying wild awake yet dreaming躺在清醒的梦中dreaming how I"ve lived to dance with you梦想着我和你一起生活的方式Praying, waiting for your answer祈祷,等待你的回答to a question so overdo一个问题太过头I dream of mambo every night我梦想曼波每天晚上each step of passion pure delight每一步激情纯真的喜悦But when will she dance into my eyes但她什么时候会跳到我的眼睛里I know that we could move as one我知道我们可以作为一个行动eyes locked until the dance"s done眼睛锁定,直到舞蹈的完成so tell me you dance this mambo in the night所以告诉我你跳舞这曼波在夜晚I dream of mambo every night我梦想曼波每天晚上each step of passion pure delight每一步激情纯真的喜悦But when will she dance into my eyes但她什么时候会跳到我的眼睛里I know that we could move as one我知道我们可以作为一个行动eyes locked until the dance"s done眼睛锁定,直到舞蹈的完成so tell me you dance this mambo tonight所以告诉我你今晚的曼波舞


因为你开了夜间模式。说明书里说,夜间模式下,翻动手腕手环不会点亮智能手环是一种穿戴式智能设备。通过这款手环,用户可以记录日常生活中的锻炼、睡眠、部分还有饮食等实时数据,并将这些数据与手机、平板、ipod touch同步,起到通过数据指导健康生活的作用。智能手环作为目前备受用户关注的科技产品,其拥有的强大功能正悄无声息地渗透和改变人们的生活。其内置的电池可以坚持10天,振动马达非常实用,简约的设计风格也可以起到饰品的装饰作用。智能手环这种设计风格对于习惯佩戴首饰的用户而言,颇具有诱惑力。更重要的是,手环的设计风格堪称百搭。而且,别看小小手环个头不大,其功能还是比较强大的,比如它可以说是一款高档的计步器,具有普通计步器的一般计步,测量距离、卡路里、脂肪等功能,同时还具有睡眠监测、高档防水、蓝牙4.0数据传输、疲劳提醒等特殊功能。


One, two , three four, five 一,二,三,四,五everybody in the car so come on let"s ride 来吧,各位车手,让我们一起奔驰To the liqueur-store around the corner, 驶往街角的酒馆the boys say they want some gin and juice 这些男孩说他们要喝杜松子和果汁but I really don"t wanna 我可不想beerbust like I had last week 象上周那样喝得酩酊大醉I must stay deep "cause talk is a cheap 我必须保持低调因为话多了就不值钱I like Angela, Pamela, Sandra and Rita 我喜欢安吉拉,帕米拉,桑德拉和丽塔and as I continue you know they"re gettin" sweeter过会儿你就会知道她们越来越甜美 so what can I do I really beg you my Lord 那么,我的主啊,我到底能作些什么to me flirtin" it"s just like a sport 于我而言寻欢作乐就像运动一样稀松平常anything fly it"s all good let me dump it 飘飘欲仙,我不由自主地深陷其中please set in the trumpet 请吹响小号a little bit of Monica in my life 我生命中的摩妮卡a little bit of Erica by my side 我身旁的爱芮卡a little bit of Rita is all I need 丽塔就是我需要的一切a little bit of Tina is what I see 提那就是我看到的一切a little bit of Sandra in the sun 沐浴在阳光下的桑德拉a little bit of Mary all night long 夜晚的玛丽a little bit of Jessica here I am 现在的杰斯卡a little bit of you makes me you"re man 而你让我蠢蠢欲动jump up and down and move it all around 上上下下,天旋地转shake your head to the sound put your hands an the ground将头摇出声音,手不离地take one step left and one step right 左跨一步,右跨一步one to the front and one to the side 向前迈一步,向后退一步clap your hands once and clap your hands twice 拍手,一次,再一次and if it looks like this then you doin" it right 是这样就对了 a little bit of Monica in my life 我生命中的摩妮卡a little bit of Erica by my side 我身旁的爱芮卡a little bit of Rita is all I need 丽塔就是我需要的一切a little bit of Tina is what I see 提那就是我看到的一切a little bit of Sandra in the sun 沐浴在阳光下的桑德拉a little bit of Mary all night long 夜晚的玛丽a little bit of Jessica here I am 现在的杰斯卡a little bit of you makes me you"re man 而你让我蠢蠢欲动a little bit of Monica in my life 我生命中的摩妮卡a little bit of Erica by my side 我身旁的爱芮卡a little bit of Rita is all I need 丽塔就是我需要的一切a little bit of Tina is what I see 提那就是我看到的一切a little bit of Sandra in the sun 沐浴在阳光下的桑德拉a little bit of Mary all night long 夜晚的玛丽a little bit of Jessica here I am 现在的杰斯卡a little bit of you makes me you"re man 而你让我蠢蠢欲动I do all to fall in love with a girl like you 像你这样的女孩我爱你不顾一切You can"t run and you can"t hide you and me gonna touch the sky.你跑不了也躲不掉,我们俩要high到最高峰

mambo watch心率准吗 乐心mambo watch智能运动手表上手体验

mambo watch主要是实时动态监测心率功能,手表亮绿色灯处为光电式传感器,略微凸起,佩戴时紧贴皮肤更精准的监测心率数值。乐心mambo watch智能运动手表体验及APP链接:1、扫描说明书上的二维码,下载乐心运动APP,一路下一步安装完毕。2、开启手机蓝牙,进入乐心APP后,点击我的页面,点击智能手环去绑定,扫描说明书内的手表专属二维码, 绑定后手表自动连接手机,同步时间和数据。(APP使用前需注册账号,并填写资料)如图:3、乐心运动APP和微信绑定后,数据共享云同步,管理运动、心率、睡眠等,当然APP实现的功能更多一些,包括电话通知、跑步计时、久坐提醒等。4、内置了来电震动显示、闹钟及久坐提醒、信息提醒(仅IOS)、微信提醒(仅IOS)等实用功能。--【OFweek可穿戴设备网】乐心mambo watch心率手表评测




乐心 mambo 智能手环开箱乐心的手环可以直接和微信互联,不用下载APP,很方便同步数据,拿到手环之后迫不急的进行开箱,来一张正面照,手环正面朝上,只有一个小小手环,什么也没有,由于购买有一段时间了,盒子也不知道扔哪去了,就简单的晒这几张图吧,更多细节图,下次找到盒子在补充一下。。。手环外观做工方面还是很精致和的, 乐心Mambo智能手环采用了市面上常见的手环设计方式,一个长条状的屏幕搭配橡胶腕带。深蓝色的Mambo智能手环本体采用高亮抛光处理,看起来晶莹剔透,很是漂亮,当然这样做的缺点也很明显,Mambo智能手环就变成了指纹收集器,用户需要好好的擦拭。手环顶部印有Mambo的型号字样,底部则是印有产品的SN码等一些参数。乐心Mambo智能手环的腕带采用了常规的橡胶材质,做工还算精细,边缘没有出现一些毛刺之类。扣合方式为传统的按扣设计,对于这种设计,笔者感觉倒不如采用有松紧的橡胶材质或者直接使用表带式设计。下面这张图,正面来个全身照,是不是比小米手环好看多了~~(勿喷,萝卜白菜,各有所爱~~乐心Mambo智能手环与腕带采用了分体式设计,两个腕带可以拆卸下来,可以说是一个很不错的设计,如果腕带出问题了,更换起来也比较方便。但是这个地方防水效果怎么样,没有亲测过,作为一只学生狗,穷啊,不敢乱测,万一进水了呢,等着哭吧。。拆下来的部分是usb接口,可以直接插在电脑上或者移动电源上进行充电,还是蛮方便的,两端都可以拿下来,这样设计也更人性化。佩戴效果因为带有液晶显示屏,整体效果比小米手环要好看的多,接下来看看液晶屏的功能,根据官方的说法,白天,抬起手腕就能唤醒屏幕,晚上旋转手腕,拍两下屏幕,但是在实际测试过程中,貌似效果不好,有时候抬起手腕,并不能唤醒屏幕,而晚上有时候不用拍屏幕,也自动唤醒,反正并没有官网说的那么好用。

抖音MAMBO舞是什么歌 抖音MAMBO舞完整歌词

据悉,这首歌叫《MAMBO》,歌手是Tropkillaz。不知道大家有没有被这个音乐给魔怔到?先不说这个舞蹈还是非常简单的,就凭这个音乐,就已经火了。在抖音上面,小编真的是不需要到处找歌听了,因为抖音就是小编的首选歌单了,不得不说,抖音上面很多歌曲都是小编没听过的,但是偏偏还挺好听的,这是最关键的。如果大家想被多魔怔一会儿的话,可以去快手DJ音乐网上搜索这首歌。抖音MAMBO舞完整歌词Hey mambo mambo italianoHey mambo mambo italianoHey mambo mambo italianoAll you calabraise a do the mambo like a crazy with aMambo like a crazyMambo mambo like a crazyMambo like a crazyMambo mambo like a crazyMambo like a crazyMambo mambo like a crazyMambo like a crazyMambo mambo like a crazyMambo mambo like a crazyMambo mambo like a crazyMambo mambo like a crazyMambo mambo like a crazyMambo mambo like a crazyMambo mambo like a crazyMambo mambo like a crazyMambo mambo like a crazyHey mambo mambo italianoHey mambo mambo italiano


下载智能手环对应的应用,安装后打开.还未进行连接的时候,会提示,开启蓝牙,此处点击 允许. 在打开的智能手环应用中,此时可以看到蓝牙的连接是已断开. 目前市面上常见的智能手环都是通过蓝牙来连接手机的. 在智能手环应用的主界面,点击左上角的菜单按钮进入继续 在出现的智能手环应用菜单中,点击 设备绑定,进行操作 解除绑定也是通过这里进行的. 此时会出现设备连接的界面,点亮智能手环的屏幕,点击智能手环应用的搜索, 很快智能手环的设备连接中就会出现相应的智能手环型号,并显示为 未连接. 点击该 未连接的设备,会出现正在与 xxx绑定的提示,连接成功后,会在列表中显示已连接.智能手环绑定手机是一次性的,绑定后,断开会自动连接的. 返回到智能手环应用的主界面,当原来蓝牙图标变成同步图标时,说明智能手环跟手机的绑定连接已经完成. 可以开始使用智能手环了.








1、首先我们先下载乐心运动app,苹果手机可以在App Store搜索乐心运动下载,安卓可以在各大应用商城下载安装,这一步还是很简单的。下载之后打开蓝牙,选择你的手环设备名称绑定。 2、下载之后我们就要打开乐心运动app,直接微信登陆之后我们添加一个设备,选择乐心手环/手表,选择乐心自己手环的型号乐心Mambo,然后需要我们扫码或者直接输入SN码,要扫的码一般在手环包装盒里面可以找到,如果包装已经丢了,也可以把手环非USB那一端的腕带拔掉就能看到了。一共是16位的SN码,输入之后就可以绑定了。 3、手机绑定手环之后,我们就要设置我们的手环了,在这里我们点击右下角的我的,之后进入我的菜单,选择我的设备:刚刚绑定的设备名称,点进去就能看到详细的设置内容了 4、如果我们经常有时间在家里给手环充电,就可以把连续心率监测打开,这样每时每刻都可以监测我们的心率,对于了解自己的健康状况还是很有帮助的,如果你觉得充电麻烦就可以把这个功能关掉,可以待机更长的时间。然后像闹钟设置我们也可以打开,这个闹钟比手机自带的好用很多,也不会吵到别人。然后我们再打开来电提醒,短信提醒,微信提醒。其他选项都可以按自己爱好来设置 5、绑定微信的时候需要注意我们是直接微信登陆的,这样有助于把乐心运动和微信绑定,我们打开微信提醒功能之后不仅可以即时接受到微信的提示,还可以把手环的运动步数同步到微信的微信运动,这样我们出去跑步不带手机的情况下也可以把数据同步到微信。




panda is climbing the bamboo

The pada is China’s symbols对不对?

symbol在这里表示的是一种象征,用复数是不合适的。这句话理论上来说是没什么错误的,但是这属于中国式的英语,不能算是地道的英语。如果想要表达的不那么中式的话,你可以这样说:The panda is the symbol of China.



一首英文歌男声 开头是boomshakalakaboomboomboom

new thang



有首英文歌前面是boomboom iget iget

Black Eyed Peas - Boom Boom Pow中文翻译歌词Gotta get that [x3]不能没有这个[x3]Gotta get that that that, that that不能没有这 这 这, 这 这个Boom boom boom (Gotta get that) [x4]Boom boom boom (不能没有这个)[x4]Boom boom boom (Yeah) [x2]Boom boom boom [x2][Will.i.am]Yo!I got the hit that beat the block在这里我音乐最屌You can get that bass overload你尽管把音量转到最大I got the that rock and roll That future flow我这里有最未来感的摇滚乐That digital spit数位化的饶舌方式Next level visual shit升级版的视觉影像I got that (Boom boom boom)我这里有 (Boom boom boom)How the beat bang (Boom boom boom)爆炸性的节奏 (Boom boom boom)[Fergie]I like that boom boom pow我爱这种boom boom powThem chicken jackin my style那些女人想乱搞我的styleThey try copy my swagger她们想模仿我的性感姿态Im on that next shit now我现在早已经升级进化了Im so 3008我在这3008You so 2000 and late你们还在过时的2000年代I got that boom boom boom我有boom boom boomThat future boom boom boom那未来的boom boom boomLet me get it now现在就要Boom boom boom (Gotta get that) [x4]Boom boom boom (不能没有这个)[x4]Boom boom boom (Yeah) [x2]Boom boom boom [x2][Taboo]Im on the supersonic boom我脚踏著超音速"boom"Yall hear the spaceship zoom你们听到太空船的声音"zoom"when I step inside the room them girls go apeshit, uh我ㄧ踏进这门口小妞们都叫到不行Y"all stuck on super A-shit你们都还在用super AThey"re no fast stupid a bit一点也不新潮的老派玩意儿Im on that HD flat我用的是HD平面影像This beat go boom boom pow我的节奏更是boom boom boom[Apl.de.ap]Im a beast when you turn me onInto the future cybertron你启动开关我将成为一头未来机器野兽Harder, faster, better, stronger更硬 更快 更爽 更强Sexy ladies extra longer, cuz性感的小姐会让我更持久,因为We got the beat that bounce我们有带劲儿的节奏We got the beat that pow我们有强力的节奏We got the beat that 808我们的节奏让警铃作响That the boom boom in your town每个人的家里都有boom boom [Fergie]People in the placeIf you wanna get down在场上的人们如果想要更high的话Put your hands in the air那就把你们的双手高举在天空Will.i.am drop the beat nowwill i am即将把音乐"ㄘㄨㄟ"落去[Will.i.am]Yep yepI be rockin the beats (Yep, yep)我让音乐爆炸(Yep, yep)I be rockin the beats (Yep yep yep, yep)我让节奏爆炸(Yep yep yep, yep)Here we go, here we go, Satellite radio来吧,来吧, 卫星化电台Yall getting hit with (Boom boom)你们全都在这音浪里 (Boom boom)Beats so big Im steppin on leprechauns节奏大到都能踩到小精灵yall get with the (Boom boom)所有人都在这音浪里(Boom boom)yall get with the (Boom boom)所有人都在这音浪里(Boom boom)yall get with the..所有人都在这音浪里This beat be bumpin bumpin这节奏撞来撞去This beat go boom boom这节奏boom boomLet the beat rockLet the beat rockLet the beat r...让音乐爆炸This beat be bumpin bumpinThis beat go boom boom这节拍撞来撞去这节奏boom boom[Fergie]I like that boom boom pow我爱这种boom boom powThem chicken jackin my style那些女人想乱搞我的styleThey try copy my swagger她们想模仿我的性感姿态Im on that next shit now我现在早已经升级进化了Im so 3008我在这3008You so 2000 and late你们还在过时的2000年代I got that boom boom boom我有boom boom boomThat future boom boom boom那未来的boom boom boomLet me get it now现在就要Boom boom boom (Gotta get that) [x4]Boom boom boom (不能没有这个)[x4]Boom boom boom (Yeah) [x2]Boom boom boom [x2]Rye Rye Boom BoomI got my eyes on the prizeAnd I"m ready to cash it inWhich dude wanna be my win?I"m lookin" for a naughty friendThat don"t mind me partyin"And he"s so "Hot Tamale" andChilled out... no cardiganAnd you can meet me in my bedroom, babyAs long as you know how to drive a girl crazyYou"ll be Donald, I"ll be DaisyGotta put in work can"t be lazy!And when I feel that heat it"s onWe freakin" all night longAnd when the music comes on, he be jumpin" off strong inside[Chorus:]Boom boom boomI want you in my roomLet"s spend the night togetherI wanna be with youBoom boom boomI want you in my roomLet"s make this last foreverJust me and you togetherBoom boom; Boom boom boomBoom boom; boom boom boomBoom boom; boom boom boomI get... I get... I get...Tingles when I see that boySo hot he can be my toyAnd we gonna get real wildAnd play all night to the early mornAll the little things just turn me onTake me to the crib-we can watch some pornOr we can lay-in-da-grass/sit-n-watch da sky cause tonight real love was bornLate hours, candle light, that"s the way you like it, right?A little bit of shiver, a little bit of spiceThat"s the shit that keeps it hypePleasure pain, sweet and sass,On and On make it lastAnd I don"t wanna be a Bonnie and Clyde... aiiight[Chorus:]Boom boom boomI want you in my roomLet"s spend the night togetherI wanna be with youBoom boom boomI want you in my roomLet"s make this last foreverJust me and you togetherBoom boom boomI want you in my roomLet"s spend the night togetherI wanna be with youBoom boom boomI want you in my roomLet"s make this last foreverJust me and you togetherBoom boomBoom boom boomBoom boomBoom boom boomBoom boomBoom boom boomBoom boomBoom boom boomCome and squeeze me, come and kiss meCome and squeeze me, come and kiss meCome and squeeze me, come and kiss mePut your hand upon my cheekHold me tight, and don"t let go, your loving got me feelin" weakYou blow my high, and you"re so sweet, takin" all my energyAnd I wanna; boom boom boomAnd I wanna; boom boom boomLike a video game PS3Come on over let"s Plug n" PlayEvery girl: "got a freaky side of me..." Hey!Who gives a fuck what they say?Give it to me baby like Ah AhEverybody talkin" that Rye RyeBoom boom boom, bitch, blah blah blah[Chorus:]Boom boom boomI want you in my roomLet"s spend the night togetherI wanna be with youBoom boom boomI want you in my roomLet"s make this last foreverJust me and you togetherBoom boom boomI want you in my roomLet"s spend the night togetherI wanna be with youBoom boom boomI want you in my roomLet"s make this last foreverJust me and you togetherBoom boomBoom boom boomBoom boomBoom boom boomBoom boomBoom boom boomBoom boomBoom boom boom


「Boom Boom Boom」作词∶Lee Jae Jin/HISASHI KONDO作曲∶Choi Jong Hoon/HISASHI KONDO歌∶FTIsland无理(むり)に笑(わ)わなくてもいいさつまらない俺(おれ)たちのジョーク伤(きず)が愈(い)えるまで 付(つ)き合(あ)うつもり危険(きけん)なことは何(なに)もないさバカ騒(さわ)ぎが大好(だいす)きなだけそんな奴(やつ)らが 集(あつ)まってくるLet"s get togetherLet"s get started Yeah准备(じゅんび)ならもう出来(でき)てるんだLet"s get crazy in nightYou can enjoy it新(あたら)しい朝(あさ)も待(ま)っているからCome on Let"s goBoom Boom Boom BoomBoom Boom Boom Boom恋(こい)なんていつも胜手(かって)さココロ全部(ぜんぶ)をトリコにして…Boom Boom Boom BoomBoom Boom Boom Boom悲(かな)しみの中(なか)で生(う)まれた优(やさ)しさだって 君(きみ)のものだよ忘(わす)れるなよ好(す)きなジーンズでいいと思(おも)う君(きみ)らしくあればいいからさあいつなりの答(こた)えだったんだよ(Let"s get togetherLet"s get started Yeah)ミラーボールはマジックさ君(きみ)が知(し)らない ミュージックかけて少(すこ)しだけ笑颜(えがお)见(み)えた気(き)がする(Come on Let"s go)Boom Boom Boom BoomBoom Boom Boom Boom素敌(すてき)な恋(こい)の忘(わす)れ方(かた)次(つぎ)の恋(こい)だってわかってるからBoom Boom Boom BoomBoom Boom Boom Boom悲(かな)しみの中(なか)で気(き)づいた梦(ゆめ)のつづきも 闻(き)かせてくれよ俺(おれ)たちにもBoom Boom Boom BoomBoom Boom Boom Boom恋(こい)なんていつも胜手(かって)さココロ全部(ぜんぶ)をトリコにして…Boom Boom Boom BoomBoom Boom Boom Boom悲(かな)しみの中(なか)で生(う)まれた优(やさ)しさだって 君(きみ)のものだよ忘(わす)れるなよ


黑眼豆豆 Boom Boom Pow

一首歌里有歌词是 噶里刻死boomboomboom这是什么歌

boom boom pow






【中文翻译】【圭贤】从头到脚包裹着你的华贵啊呼耀眼 谁敢碰你啊【东海】门开了Ooh~no那标致的脸连微笑也没有Oh, My God~迄今正常跳动的心脏Boom Boom Boo Boom Boom【厉旭】已经咬掉的巧克力 连嘴也没碰的那杯子 那时 那瞬间无法将你从我眼里抹去【希澈】Twinkle Twinkle Little Star突然被人气很高的她坏坏的样子吸引了看吧 看吧 我说的没错吧【主:厉旭+利特/其:和音】知道就行啦啦啦啦啦 只凝视着她啊啊啊啊啊!你再说 坏坏坏,不是Stop!【晟敏】只是太漂亮就是罪过【艺声】再看也是完美无瑕的背影哦~【圭贤】冷风呼啸 也没准备【银赫+始源】她是绝不可轻视的 同她说话的瞬间就沉醉了【利特】左右为难之间 只有宝贵的时间流逝【东海】那时那时无法将你从我的眼里眼里抹去【厉旭】Twinkle Twinkle Little Star突然被人气很高的她坏坏的样子吸引了看吧 看吧 我说的没错吧【主:厉旭+利特/其:和音】知道就行啦啦啦啦啦 只凝视着她啊啊啊啊啊!你再说 坏坏坏,不是Stop!【希澈】只是太漂亮就是罪过【银赫】我真愚蠢 谁看她也绝对不纯洁 为什么我要勉强反正谁也得不到 If I ain"t got you 我不再需要亲吻只是奢侈 无礼的我指尖碰到了你 你并不厌恶的眼神【厉旭】Twinkle Twinkle Little Star突然被人气很高的她坏坏的样子吸引了看吧 看吧 我说的没错吧【主:厉旭+利特/其:和音】知道就行啦啦啦啦啦 只凝视着她啊啊啊啊啊!你再说 坏坏坏,不是Stop!【晟敏】只是太漂亮就是罪过【主:厉旭+利特/其:和音】知道就行啦啦啦啦啦 只凝视着她啊啊啊啊啊!你再说 坏坏坏,不是Stop!【希澈】只是太漂亮就是罪过


Not about Romance?

一串英语 里面有biubiubiuboomboomboom

I see people with AK 47, and then biubiubiu, and then boom boom boomuff0cpeople a a a and die

有一首dj歌,中间是boom boomboom boomboomboom shake shakeshake shakeboom boom shakeshake


有一首dj歌,中间是boom boomboom boomboomboom shake shakeshake shakeboom boom shakeshake

你听到的这整句歌词,是不是:“Boom boom boom-boom,I want you in my room”?如果是的,你确定的了话,那就应该是我最近也在找到的Venga boys的:Boom boom boom;这首歌的主句歌词就是歌名了。可以的话 还望采纳!*^_^*


《Boom Boom Pow》。1、歌词节选。Gotta get get get get, get get,Boom boom boom (Gotta get get),Boom boom boom (Gotta get get),Boom boom boom (Gotta get get)。2、《Boom Boom Pow》是美国组合黑眼豆豆的一首歌曲,由威廉姆·亚当斯、Apldeap、Taboo和菲姬共同创作,于2009年3月31日由新视镜唱片发行,被收录在黑眼豆豆第五张录音室专辑《The E.N.D.》中。


歌词we we we live boom boom boom是英文歌曲《Boom Boom Boom》里面的歌词。


都正确把主语换成catthe cat is excitingthe cat is excited上面2个句子都是正确的。第一个句子 猫令人感到很兴奋第二个句子 猫感到兴奋+ed 是how people or animals feel+ing 是describe something that causes our feelings

echart symbol属性有哪些

可以通过barWidth属性设置柱子的宽度。例子如下: series : [ { name:"蒸发量", type:"bar", barWidth : 10, data:[2.0, 4.9, 7.0, 23.2, 25.6, 76.7, 135.6, 162.2, 32.6, 20.0, 6.4, 3.3] } ]


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