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主 唱:阿信本 名:陈信宏英文名:Ashin生 日:1975/12/6身 高:180CM体 重:74KG嗜 好:吃饭睡觉乐 器:吉他籍 贯:台北北投血 型:O型星 座:射手座专 业:实践室内设计系 喜爱歌手:Beatles、罗大佑、伍佰、Mr. Children 喜爱乐手:China Blue




Mayday,mayday.This is the Queen Zenobia,emergency call number……May~~~~~day~~~~~~~~!求救,求救。这里是Zenobia女王号,紧急求救号码…………救~~~~~~~命!!!!!!大概就是这个意思,个人不是很懂紧急求救号码是啥,一般在影视作品中只听到过mayday。


May Day5月1日,也就是国际劳动节


  Mayday英语释义“求救信号”,也是国际通用的无线电通话遇难求救讯号。Mayday来源于法语的M"aider,是法语内“帮我”的动词,以英语并写变成了Mayday。    一、 Mayday求救通过无线电通话发出。飞机或船只在任何频道发出Mayday信号都可被听懂。航空使用的是121.5兆赫及243.0兆赫;海事救援使用的是中频2182千赫及海事甚高频(VHF)第十六频道。   二、Mayday作为呼救信号,表示“帮帮我,救命”,很适合用于杂音较大的远距离无线电传播中。因其声音便于识别,显得更容易“脱颖而出”。


I want you to find me and save meub0b4 uafc8ub4e4uacfc ud55cuc5c6uc774 uc6d0ud55c我的梦想和无止境的怨念ubaa8ub4e0 uac83ub4e4uc740 ub0b4 ucd94uc5b5uc758 uce5cuad6cub85c全部的东西在我记忆里ub418uc5b4uac00 uc804ud600 ubbffuae30uc9c0 uc54auc544成为了朋友 无法置信uc18cub9acucce4uc9c0ub9cc ub3ccuc544uc624ub294 uac74 uadf8ub0e5 uac00试着大声叫喊 只管走向回来的路吧ub77cub294 ub9d0 uadf8 ud55cub9c8ub514uc5d0这句话 这句话里ub098ub294 uc190uc744 ubaa8uc544 ubc14ubcf4ucc98ub7fc uac00ub9ccud788我的双手合十 像个傻瓜一样呆着I"m sorry ubc84ub987uc774 ub410ub358I"m sorry 成为习惯了uc774ud574ud560 uc218 uc5c6ub294 uc774ub9d0无法理解的这句话ub0a0 uad6cud574uc918 uc55euc774 ubcf4uc774uc9c0 uc54auc544请救救我 看不清楚前方ub110 uc7a1uc744uac8c ub354 uc774uc0c1uc740 uc548ub3fc再也不能抓住你了ub098 uc9c0uae08 uc704ud5d8ud574 I"m shouting Mayday我现在很危险 I"m shouting Maydayuc783uc5b4ubc84ub9b0 ub9c8uc9c0ub9c9 ud37cuc990uc774 uc81cubc1c ub418uc5b4uc918失去的最后一个拼图 拜托交给我吧ub0a0 uad6cud574uc918 ub124uac8c ube60uc838ub4e4uc5b4uac00请救救我 我已深陷于你ub0a0 uaebcub0b4uc918 uc228uc744 uc274 uc218uac00 uc5c6uc5b4请将我带出来 快要无法呼吸了ub098 uc9c0uae08 uc704ud5d8ud574 I"m shouting Mayday我现在很危险 I"m shouting Maydayuc783uc5b4ubc84ub9b0 ub9c8uc9c0ub9c9 ud37cuc990uc774失去的最后一个拼图uc81cubc1c ub418uc5b4uc918 MAYDAY拜托交给我吧 MAYDAYucc2cub780ud588ub358 uc6b0ub9acuc758 uccab ube44ud589uc5d0曾灿烂的我们初次飞行ub530ub77cuc654ub358 ub208ub4e4uacfc uadf8ub9bcuc790 uac19uc740 uae30ub300uc5d0回望来的眼神以及影子般的期待ub9deucd94uc9c0 ubabbud574uc11c ub3ccuc544uc120 uc2dcuc120 uc18d因为无法对视所以绕开的视线uc0b4uba70uc2dc ubbf8uc18cub97c uc9d3uc9c0ub9cc虽然只是轻轻微笑着uc544ubb34ub3c4 ubaa8ub974uac8c ub4a4ud2c0ub824 ubc84ub9b0 ub0b4 uc18d但谁也不知道我难过的内心I"m sorry ubc84ub987uc774 ub410ub358I"m sorry 成为习惯了uc774ud574ud560 uc218 uc5c6ub294 uc774ub9d0无法理解的这句话ub0a0 uad6cud574uc918 uc55euc774 ubcf4uc774uc9c0 uc54auc544请救救我 看不清楚前方ub110 uc7a1uc744uac8c ub354 uc774uc0c1uc740 uc548ub3fc再也不能抓住你了ub098 uc9c0uae08 uc704ud5d8ud574 I"m shouting Mayday我现在很危险 I"m shouting Maydayuc783uc5b4ubc84ub9b0 ub9c8uc9c0ub9c9 ud37cuc990uc774 uc81cubc1c ub418uc5b4uc918失去的最后一个拼图 拜托交给我吧ub0a0 uad6cud574uc918 ub124uac8c ube60uc838ub4e4uc5b4 uac00请救救我 我已深陷于你ub0a0 uaebcub0b4uc918 uc228uc744 uc274 uc218uac00 uc5c6uc5b4请将我带出来 快要无法呼吸了ub098 uc9c0uae08 uc704ud5d8ud574 I"m shouting Mayday我现在很危险 I"m shouting Maydayuc783uc5b4ubc84ub9b0 ub9c8uc9c0ub9c9 ud37cuc990uc774 uc81cubc1c ub418uc5b4uc918失去的最后一个拼图 拜托交给我吧uc544uc9c1 ub098 uc5b4ub450uc6b4 uc774 uae38uc774 ub450ub824uc6cc现在 我还是害怕这条黑暗的道路uc5b4ub514ub85c uac08uc9c0 ubaa8ub974uc9c0ub9cc虽然不知道要去哪里ub0b4 uc190uc744 uc7a1uc544uc900ub2e4uba74抓住我的双手的话ubb34uc5bc ud558ub4e0 ub05duc774 uc5b4ub514 uc788ub4e0无论做什么 在何处结束uc55euc5d0 ubb50uac00 uc788ub4e0前方有什么ub108uc640 ud568uaed8 ub0a0uc544uac08uac8c oh我都会和你一起飞去的 ohub0a0 uad6cud574uc918 uc55euc774 ubcf4uc774uc9c0 uc54auc544请救救我 看不清楚前方ub110 uc7a1uc744uac8c ub354 uc774uc0c1uc740 uc548ub3fc再也不能抓住你了ub098 uc9c0uae08 uc704ud5d8ud574 I"m shouting Mayday我现在很危险 I"m shouting Maydayuc783uc5b4ubc84ub9b0 ub9c8uc9c0ub9c9 ud37cuc990uc774 uc81cubc1c ub418uc5b4uc918失去的最后一个拼图 拜托交给我吧ub0a0 uad6cud574uc918 ub124uac8c ube60uc838ub4e4uc5b4uac00请救救我 我已深陷于你ub0a0 uaebcub0b4uc918 uc228uc744 uc274 uc218uac00 uc5c6uc5b4请将我带出来 快要无法呼吸了ub098 uc9c0uae08 uc704ud5d8ud574 I"m shouting Mayday我现在很危险 I"m shouting Maydayuc783uc5b4ubc84ub9b0 ub9c8uc9c0ub9c9 ud37cuc990uc774失去的最后一个拼图uc81cubc1c ub418uc5b4uc918 MAYDAY拜托交给我吧 Maydayub098ub97c uad6cud574uc918uc694请救救我吧





如何以“ Mayday”写一篇英语作文?

1. 以MAY DAY 写一篇英语作文 1]May Day Long Holidays, Kept or Cancelled? Recently, we carried out a survey on whether the May Day long holidays should be cancelled or kept by means of questionnaire. The results are as fellows: About 24% of the surveyed people are in favour of the canceling. The defenders state that the May Day long holidays contribute to many problems. For a start, many tourists choose to travel during the long holidays; as a consequence, the traffic, whether the train or the plane, is very crowded, which, of course, brings a lot of inconveniences to the people who need to make regular trips. It is an accepted fact that every tourist attraction can only receive a certain number of visitors, but now with the tourists flowing in, the scenic spots are damaged and some cultural relics are ruined. Anyway, none of us, including the visitors, is willing to see the consequence. However, another 76% are strongly against the canceling. May is a good time for outing and to experience spring, so people need the long holiday. No one can deny that the touri *** economy is promoted, especially sales of modity in the touri *** destinations. Maybe whether the May Day long holidays will be cancelled or kept depends on the government"s policy. 2] May Day is ing! The precious seven days to me are what water to one in the desert, for I have already been exhausted by the pressure of earning a living in this society. Therefore, it is a good chance for me to pay a visit to my parents living in the countryside and to enjoy the fresh air and the fortable atmosphere during the first four days. And then I will e back to the place where I am living a very busy life. The fierce petition does not allow me to relax too much, so I have to spend the rest days on reviewing what I have done as well as improving my defects in working 2. 以MAY DAY 写一篇英语作文 May Day Today is May Day. I have expected this day for a long time,for my parents promised that they would take me to the museum which I wanted to go there deadly. We reached there at about half past eight,and there had lots of people already.Most of them were like us,parents and their children. I saw lots of things there,such as gallary, science, weapons ,ect. Time went by so fast,it was time for us to leave . We spent a happy day at there,not just because I saw lots of things,but also I learnt a lot. If I have the chance, I would like go there again。 3. 以MAY DAY 写一篇英语作文 May Day Today is May Day. I have expected this day for a long time,for my parents promised that they would take me to the museum which I wanted to go there deadly. We reached there at about half past eight,and there had lots of people already.Most of them were like us,parents and their children. I saw lots of things there,such as gallary, science, weapons ,ect. Time went by so fast,it was time for us to leave . We spent a happy day at there,not just because I saw lots of things,but also I learnt a lot. If I have the chance, I would like go there again. 4. 【MayDay作文】 May DayI had a good may day. It was wondflu.In the morning, I went to a park with my father and my mother. We were happy. We went to my grand parents"s home. I was so happy. I played basketball with my cousin. Her name is Chen Cunzhuo. Her English name is Lucy. In the noon, we ate good food steamed dumplings and ZongZi.They are yummy.In the afternoon,I cleaned my room,bedroom and livingroom.Because is labor"s Day.Then I listened to《sweet》and《love"s wing》. Then I played puter games.In the evening,I watched TV.Then I played with my firend.Oh!Today is cloudy rainy.I was so tired, but I was so happy.。 5. 英语作文“may day"怎么写 Today is May Day. I have expected this day for a long time,for my parents promised that they would take me to the museum which I wanted to go there deadly. We reached there at about half past eight,and there had lots of people already.Most of them were like us,parents and their children. I saw lots of things there,such as gallary, science, weapons ,ect. Time went by so fast,it was time for us to leave . We spent a happy day at there,not just because I saw lots of things,but also I learnt a lot. If I have the chance, I would like go there again.。 6. 写作文英语May Day10个字 ect,for my parents promised that they would take me to the museum which I wanted to go there deadly,such as gallary,not just because I saw lots of things,weapons .Most of them were like us. Time went by so fast.We spent a happy day at there.I saw lots of things there. If I have the chance. We reached there at about half past eight,science,it was time for us to leave ,and there had lots of people already,but also I learnt a lotMay Day Today is May Day,I would like go there again,parents and their children.I have expected this day for a long time 7. 【帮忙写一篇英语作文(会追分)以MayDay为题写一篇英语作文.参 Today is Sunday.I get up at six o" clock.I do the homework on the morning.And I clean the room at o o" clock in the afternoon.Then I wash the clother.I buy a story-book with my mother.In the evening ,I watch TV.At nine o" clock,I go to bed.(花了好大时间,一定要选啊,。 8. 以May Day为题写篇作文,认为自己英语好的,来 May first is a Sunday. And it is the Labor"s Day. My mother said to me :“Open your eyes!And look out of the window. What a fine day! Let"s go to park,” So my mother, my clas *** ate and I went to the park. We took some foods in my schoolbag. On the way to the park. I saw the blue sky with snow-white clouds. I saw pear trees and some apple trees and so on. Below the trees, there are several kinds of flowers. It"s colorful, blue, red, yellow, pink, purple, orange and white. I saw some balloons and butterflies in the sky. I ate popcorn, cornflakes, banana and lollipop. They were wonderful. In the afternoon, we went to the zoo. I visited the birds, mice, cats, dogs, budgies, hamsters, rabbits and so on. May Day is my favorite day! 9. may day短文怎么写 My name is xxx. My English name is xxx. I"m sixteen years old. I study in Dongzhou Middle School. I"m in Class 12, Grade 8. Here is my day. I often get up at five fifty in the morning. I spend enty minutes putting on my clothes, washing my face and brushing my teeth. It takes me ten minutes to have breakfast. Luckily, my home is opposite the school. I am always the first to go to school. I go to school at 6:25. Before class, I do some reading. Classes begin at seven enty. There are five lessons in the morning and four lessons in the afternoon. I have lunch and supper at school. I always do some exercise after school. I like playing table tennis best. If I have free time, I will play chess with my father. Sadly, I always lose, but I never give up playing chess. I think I will beat my father some day. My school life is colourful. 我叫周Hongjie。 我的英文名字叫比尔。我十六岁。 我在东洲中学。我在12个8年级。 这里是我的节日。 我经常在早上5五十。 我花了二十分钟的时间把我的衣服上、洗涤我的脸和刷牙。它花了我十分钟的时间去吃早饭。 幸运的是,我的家是相反的学校。我总是第一个去上学。 我去上学。6:25在上课之前,我做一些阅读。 七点二十分开始上课。有五个课在早上和下午也有四节。 我在学校午餐和晚餐。我总是做一些练习。 我喜欢打乒乓球最好。如果我有时间,我将会下国际象棋总是赢我。 可悲的是,我总是输,但我从不放弃下棋。我想我要揍我的父亲。 我的学校生活是丰富多彩的。










原先上映的电影《中国机长》好评如潮,这是根据2018年四川航空的真实事件改编而来的,从很大程度上让观众感受到了飞机在空中发生故障出现危险的紧急状况。众所周知,“SOS”是发生紧急情况时所要呼喊的,但飞机遇到紧急致命危险却是叫“Mayday -Mayday -Mayday”,如《中国机长》海报上重复三次的红色“Mayday”字样。看起来危险十足,然而这里的“Mayday”可不是五月天的意思,在五月天的演唱会现场你可以这么叫,但在空中却不可以。“Mayday”是国际通用的无线电话遇难求救讯号。“Mayday”最早是在1923年国际遇险求救被使用的,在1948年被官方正式采用。之所以叫“Mayday”,是因为这个单词的发音和法语“m"aider(救我)”的发音一样,但这个词在标准的法语中并不单独使用,一般会用“Venez m"aider”表示,不过用英语发音就变成了“Mayday”。在词典中“Mayday”这个词的意思为:船只或飞机遭遇危险时,发出的一种全球通用的无线电求救信号,从这句话中,我们可以得出“Mayday”的两个条件,一是指船只或者飞机,二是必须在遭遇生命危险时使用,而且“Mayday”是全球通用讯号。只要呼出,不管处于全球的哪个地方都会得到救助。还有重要的一点,“Mayday”使用时必须连续呼叫三次“Mayday,Mayday,Mayday”,目的是为了避免误听,或者被噪音盖过、与其它通讯混淆等原因。“Mayday”不能随便使用“Mdyday”只有在危及生命、飞机快要坠毁的时候才能使用,此时位于附近的国家就会组织大量人力物力来救援,如果发现危险程度并没有到危及生命的情况,机长或者飞行员都是要遭受法律制裁的。比如在国内,飞行员的所遇到的压力肯定非常大,但最后如果有事还好,要是没事的话,机长几个月的奖金就全部没有了,甚至搞不好还要被航空公司停飞。就拿我们国内的民航客机来说,一般很少听说喊“Mayday”的情况,因为“Mayday”一经喊出必然会是一件大事。SOS的来源在1903年,俄,德,法,英,美,意匈和西班牙八国在柏林举行了无线电报大会,在大会上有人提出用SSS DDD作为遇险信号,但并未通过。后来在1904年,意大利的马可尼公司采用了CQD作为遇险信号,其中CQ应该不难理解,而D是指英文Danger或危难Distress的第一个字母,由于竞争的原因,这个求救信号只能在马可尼公司系统的船舶和岸上电台使用,但是各国对此不满。最后在1906年的国际会议上讨论采用新的国际统一呼救信号,这次会议上,美国代表提出采用国际上已经同意的灯光求救信号NC,德国代表提出用SOE,而英国坚持采用CQD。最终会议采用了SOE的提议,但是考虑到最一个字母E的信号太短,特别容易被干扰,因此决定将E改为S,即“SOS”,“SOS”也被正式定为国际通用的求救信号。很多人都认为“SOS”是单词的首字母缩写,比如Save Our Souls (拯救我们的生命)、Save Our Ship (拯救我们的船)等等,但实际上,“SOS”并是任何单词的缩写,而是一组国际莫尔斯电码。总结。当飞机、船只遇上严重情况的时候,威胁人命安全,无法自救,比如船只正在沉没,遇上大火、爆炸等,才可以发出“Mayday”的信号。就像地铁里的应急停车手柄,一般情况下是不能擅用,因为这样的求救信号只有当情况真的十分危急下才可以使用,不然可能危及救援者的性命,而且还浪费资源。在国际上大部分地方,发出虚假求救信号都是刑事犯罪,比如在美国,发出虚假求救信号可是违反联邦法律的,要被判处六年监禁及罚款25万美元。

Mayday和Labor Day的区别有什么区别?

没有太大的区别,都说的是五一劳动节。Labour Day的意思是:劳动节,Mayday的意思是:五一(劳动节)。但是这两个词的侧重点不同:Labour Day侧重于国外(如美国),Mayday则侧重于中国,所以我们常常会说:“五一去哪里玩呀?”而这些老外就听不懂了。


Mayday是国际通用的无线电通话遇难求救讯号。Mayday作为呼救信号,表示“帮帮我,救命”,很适合用于杂音较大的远距离无线电传播中,因其声音便于识别,显得更容易“脱颖而出”。Mayday来源于法语的M"aider,是法语内“帮我”的动词,以英语并写变成了Mayday。扩展资料:使用方法:1、Mayday拆开成may day,是指国际劳动节又称“五一国际劳动节”、“国际示威游行日”(Labor Day或者May Day),是世界上大多数国家的劳动节。2、当船只、飞机遇上即时的严重危难,威胁人命安全,无法自救,需要立即救援时,方可发出Mayday求救信号。例如船只正在沉没,遇上大火、爆炸等,都可使用。


1.New Year"s Day 1月1日 新年 2.Christmas Day 12月25日 圣诞节 3.Children"s Day 6月1日 儿童节 4.May Day 5月1日 劳动节 5.Women"s Day 3月8日 妇女节 6.Halloween 万圣节 7.Mid-autumn Day 农历8月15 中秋节 8.April Fools" Day 4月1日 愚人节




mayday在英汉词典中的解释 名词 n. 求救信号Mayday,也是台湾摇滚乐团 五月天 的英文名称MAYDAY 也是五一劳动节Mayday众所周知是周五的意思Mayday是国际通用的无线电通话遇难求救信号。“Mayday”一字原为“救我”的法语“m"aider”,以英语发音变成了“Mayday”。在无线电内发出Mayday呼唤,是指遇上了威胁生命的即时危险情况。发出Mayday时必须连续呼叫三次(“Mayday, Mayday, Mayday”),以免误听,被噪音盖过或与其他通讯混淆。通常船只或飞机都会以Mayday信号求救;某些地区的警察及消防员亦以此呼号向同僚求救。希望喜欢




I had a good time in May Day. It was a little hot. In the morning, I went to the park with my friends. We played soccer there for two hours. Then we went swimming in the pool. It was really cool.In the evening, I did my homework. What a happy day. I was really tired but happy.


May Dayn.国际劳动节; 五一国际劳动节.-----------------------------------为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!


mayday英 ["meu026adeu026a]     美 ["meu026adeu026a]     基本释义n.国际遇险无线电呼救信号 五月天Were you able to send a mayday before we came down? |降落之前你有没有来得及发个求救信号?Mayday,I love you forever.Nobody can displace you. 五月天,我永远爱你们,你们是无可取代的!

Lemar的《Mayday》 歌词

歌曲名:Mayday歌手:Lemar专辑:The ReasonLemar - MaydayMayday,I gotta return to base,I been, hit so hard,Spinning, all over the place,And i, cant regain control,Dont think i"ll make it home,Is anyboday listening, on the radio?Gotta abort this mission,Too many lost in action,So many wounds that can"t heal up,Both my wings have been broken,Ohhhh Ohhhhh OhhhhhHelp me,I can barely breathe, i got cabin fever,Lost control so suddenly,And i"m trapped inside my head,And every diary"s read,Cant see through the tears,Somebody let me outta hereGotta abort this mission,Too many lost in action,Cut too deep i keep bleeding,I cant speak i keep choking,Ohhhh Ohhhhh OhhhhhMayday,I gotta return to base,I been hit so hard,Left with a life long scar,See i faught so hard,Way up there in the sky,But its only when you fall,Thats when you realise..Gotta abort this mission,Too many lost in action,So many wounds that can"t heal up,Both my wings have been broken,Cut too deep i keep bleeding,I cant speak i keep choking,Theres too many lost in action,Theres too many lostOhhhh Ohhhh Ohhhhhhh


Mayday是国际通用的无线电通话遇难求救讯号。Mayday来源于法语的M"aider,是法语内“帮我”的动词,以英语并写变成了Mayday。1、Mayday求救通过无线电通话发出。飞机或船只在任何频道发出Mayday信号都可被听懂。航空使用的是121.5兆赫及243.0兆赫;海事救援使用的是中频2182千赫及海事甚高频(VHF)第十六频道。2、Mayday作为呼救信号,表示“帮帮我,救命”,很适合用于杂音较大的远距离无线电传播中。因其声音便于识别,显得更容易“脱颖而出”。使用Mayday作求救讯号源自1923年一个名叫Federick Stanley Mockford的英国人。当时他在英国伦敦的一个机场担任高级无线电生。机场要求他提出一个简单易明的字,给所有机师及地勤工作人员在紧急时求救。因为当时航班多数往来巴黎,由此取自法文。法语表示求救意思的m"aider一词被提出,与此的谐音英文单词“Mayday”说法就是这样得来的。

mayday是什么意思 mayday如何翻译

1、Mayday是国际通用的无线电通话遇难求救讯号。 2、“Mayday”一字原为“救我”的法语“maider”(标准法语中不单独使用,一般会用Venez maider或Aidez-moi),所以英语发音变成了“Mayday”。 3、在无线电内发出Mayday呼唤,是指遇上了威胁生命的实时危险情况。 4、发出Mayday时必须连续呼叫三次(“Mayday,Mayday,Mayday”),以免误听,被噪音盖过或与其它通讯混淆。通常船只或飞机都会以Mayday讯号求救;某些地区的警察及消防员亦以此呼号向同僚求救。


Mayday是国际通用的无线电通话遇难求救讯号。Mayday作为呼救信号,表示“帮帮我,救命”,很适合用于杂音较大的远距离无线电传播中,因其声音便于识别,显得更容易“脱颖而出”。Mayday来源于法语的M"aider,是法语内“帮我”的动词,以英语并写变成了Mayday。扩展资料:使用方法:1、Mayday拆开成may day,是指国际劳动节又称“五一国际劳动节”、“国际示威游行日”(Labor Day或者May Day),是世界上大多数国家的劳动节。2、当船只、飞机遇上即时的严重危难,威胁人命安全,无法自救,需要立即救援时,方可发出Mayday求救信号。例如船只正在沉没,遇上大火、爆炸等,都可使用。

五月天的《Mayday》 歌词

歌曲名:Mayday歌手:五月天专辑:人生海海mayday走在风中 今天阳光 突然好温柔;天的温柔 地的温柔 像你抱着我;然后发现 你的改变 孤单的今后;如果冷 该怎么渡过;天边风光 身边的我 都不在你眼中;你的眼中 藏着什么 我从来都不懂;没有关系 你的世界 就让你拥有;不打扰 是我的温柔;不知道 不明了 不想要;为什么 我的心;明明是想靠近 却孤单到黎明;不知道 不明了 不想要;为什么 我的心;那爱情的绮丽 总是在孤单里;再把我的最好的爱给你;不知不觉 不情不愿 又到巷子口;我没有哭 也没有笑 因为这是梦;没有预兆 没有理由 你真的都说过;如果有 就让你自由;不知道 不明了 不想要;为什么 我的心;明明是想靠近 却孤单到黎明;不知道 不明了 不想要;为什么 我的心;那爱情的绮丽 总是在孤单里;再把我的最好的爱给你;不知不觉 不情不愿 又到巷子口;我没有哭 也没有笑 因为这是梦;没有预兆 没有理由 你真的都说过;如果有 就让你自由;自由;这是我的温柔;这是我的温柔;这是我的温柔;这是我的温柔;让你自由







mayday怎么解释 mayday是什么意思啊

1、mayday的意思:国际通用的无线电通话遇难求救讯号,呼救信号。2、读音:英 [?me?de?],美 [?me?de?]。3、例句:As we all know MayDay is national legal holiday. 当我们全部知道救难信号是国家的法定假日之时。


  1、Mayday是国际通用的无线电通话遇难求救讯号。   2、“Mayday”一字原为“救我”的法语“maider”(标准法语中不单独使用,一般会用Venez maider或Aidez-moi),所以英语发音变成了“Mayday”。   3、在无线电内发出Mayday呼唤,是指遇上了威胁生命的实时危险情况。   4、发出Mayday时必须连续呼叫三次(“Mayday,Mayday,Mayday”),以免误听,被噪音盖过或与其它通讯混淆。通常船只或飞机都会以Mayday讯号求救;某些地区的警察及消防员亦以此呼号向同僚求救。






Mayday是国际通用的无线电通话遇难求救讯号。“Mayday”一字原为法语的“m"aider”,以英语发音变成了“Mayday”。在无线电内发出Mayday呼唤,是指遇上了威胁生命的即时危险情况。发出Mayday时必须连续呼叫三次(“Mayday, Mayday, Mayday”),以免误听,被噪音盖过或与其他通讯混淆。通常船只或飞机都会以Mayday讯号求救;某些地区的警察及消防员亦以此呼号向同僚求救。mayday - 使用当船只、飞机遇上即时的严重危难,威胁人命安全,无法自救,需要立即救援时,方可发出 Mayday求救讯号。例如船只正在沉没,遇上大火、爆炸等,都可使用。 Mayday 求救是透过无线电通话发出。船只或飞机在任何频道发出Mayday讯号都可被听懂。但世界各地海事救援中心、海岸巡逻队、航空管制中心等专责救援组织,都有二十四小时专人监听特定的专用遇险频道。海事救援使用的是中频2182千赫及海事甚高频(VHF)第十六台;航空使用的是121.5兆赫及243.0兆赫。 发出Mayday 讯号时,先呼叫三次(Mayday, Mayday, Mayday);然后说出船只/飞机代号,描述自己位置,所遇上的险状,船上/飞机上的人数,将作何打算,与及需要哪种协助。说完一遍后应重复一次,然后等待回复。两分钟后若没有收到回复应再次重复。




may day劳动节


Today is May Day.I have expected this day for a long time,for my parents promised that they would take me to the museum which I wanted to go there deadly.



飞机上 你所不知道的事 Mayday在航空上是什么意思

就是求救的意思 表示要坠机了 有危险 请求援助




Mayday是国际通用的无线电通话遇难求救信号。在无线电内发出Mayday呼唤,是指遇上了威胁生命的即时危险情况。发出Mayday时必须连续呼叫三次(“Mayday, Mayday, Mayday”),以免误听,被噪音盖过或与其他通讯混淆。跟mayday相关的还有一个叫“Pan-Pan”(法文panne,故障的意思)是另一种紧急求援信号,表示比Mayday较为次要的紧急状况。使用时同样是先呼叫三次(Pan-Pan, Pan-Pan, Pan-Pan;或Pan-Pan Medico; Pan-Pan Medico; Pan-Pan Medico)。有些时候搜救机构亦会以Pan-Pan代表发报紧急通知。它的来源是法语m"aider,意思是救救我,因为国际上飞行员和空管之间的无线电通讯的标准语言是英语,把m"aider音译成英语就成了Mayday。一般飞行员在遭遇可能坠毁并有可能伴随人员伤亡的情况时,才发出出Mayday请求的。发出该请求时必须连续呼叫“Mayday, Mayday, Mayday”三声,以免被误听,或是被其他通讯信号所干扰。Mayday作为呼救信号,表示“帮帮我,救命”,声音识别度很高,很适合用于杂音较大的远距离无线电传播中,更容易在繁杂的无线电通讯声中“脱颖而出”。因此在民航界中,如果塔台听到飞行员大喊三声Mayday之后,表明飞机已经遇到了十分危急的情况,所以在某架飞机发出了Mayday请求之后,其他所有飞机都必须进行避让。不过Mayday请求也不是可以随便乱用的,一般故障是不可使用Mayday请求的。只有当飞机、船只遭遇严重事故,有可能威胁到人身安全,无法自救,需要立即救援时,方可发出Mayday求救信号。比如,飞机遭遇爆炸袭击、相撞或是严重的机械事故而失控,船只遇上大火、爆炸而下沉等情况下才方可使用。Mayday求救通过无线电通话发出,飞机或船只在规定频道发出Mayday信号才能都被听到。飞机使用的频率是243.0MHz和121.5MHz,海事救援使用的是中频2182千赫及海事甚高频(VHF)第十六频道。发出Mayday信号时,首先对着无线电大声呼叫三次Mayday, Mayday, Mayday,然后报告飞机/船只代号、自己所处位置以及飞机上/船上的人数,接着简单扼要地描述飞机或船只所遇到的险情,并说明接下来准备采取的应对措施,以及需要哪种支援。呼叫完毕后应立即重复一遍,然后等待对方答复。若两分钟后若没有收到到付应立即重复呼叫。不过,如果是一般并不紧急的事故就发出Mayday请求的话,机组是会受到处罚的,就好比我们平时是不可以随便乱打110一样。这样的求救信号只有当情况真的十分危急下才能使用。在绝大多数国家,发出虚假的求救信号那可是属于刑事犯罪,是要坐牢的,因为这样这样不但浪费了资源,还有可能危及到救援者的生命安全。不过,如果是一般并不紧急的事故就发出Mayday请求的话,机组是会受到处罚的,就好比我们平时是不可以随便乱打110一样。这样的求救信号只有当情况真的十分危急下才能使用。在绝大多数国家,发出虚假的求救信号那可是属于刑事犯罪,是要坐牢的,因为这样这样不但浪费了资源,还有可能危及到救援者的生命安全。不过,如果是一般并不紧急的事故就发出Mayday请求的话,机组是会受到处罚的,就好比我们平时是不可以随便乱打110一样。这样的求救信号只有当情况真的十分危急下才能使用。在绝大多数国家,发出虚假的求救信号那可是属于刑事犯罪,是要坐牢的,因为这样这样不但浪费了资源,还有可能危及到救援者的生命安全。


Mayday是国际上通用的求救信号,但当拼写为May Day的时候,它是北半球一个古老的节日,在许多文化中五月的第一天都被当作公众假期,也就是国际劳动节。最早的May Day的节日庆祝出现在基督教创立之前,和庆祝花的节日的罗马花神以及日耳曼国家的沃普尔吉斯之夜(注:流行于欧洲中部与北部的传统春节庆祝活动)一同庆祝,同时也与盖尔的五朔节有关。当欧洲被基督教化了之后,其他的异教节日或者融入了May Day的庆祝,或者被其他新的基督教的节日所替代,譬如圣诞节,复活节等。但到了二十世纪以及二十一世纪,很多新异教徒开始重新构建旧传统并重新开始把May Day作为一个异教徒的宗教节日进行庆祝。


SOS和MAYDAY之间的区别:首先,SOS和MAYDAY都是可以作为求救信号的,其次,S.O.S.是国际莫尔斯电码救难信号,并非任何单字的缩写。而MAYDAY起源于法语词m"aidez,表示"帮帮我,救命"。 Mayday之所以这么拼写,只是因为这个单词的发音和法语接近。1.SOS是国际求救信号,日常中,SOS通常被理解为:“Save Our Ship”(拯救我们的船)“Save Our Souls”(拯救我们的灵魂)。 但当初制定规范时是没有意思的,纯粹因摩斯电码是全点及全横而方便记载。S.O.S.是国际莫尔斯电码救难信号,并非任何单字的缩写。鉴于当时海难事件频繁发生,往往由于不能及时发出求救信号和最快组织施救,结果造成很大的人员伤亡和财产损失,国际无线电报公约组织于1908年正式将它确定为国际通用海难求救信号。这三个字母组合没有任何实际意义,只是因为它的电码 ...---...(三个圆点,三个破折号,然后再加三个圆点)在电报中是发报方最容易发出,接报方最容易辨识的电码。2.MAYDAYn.(船只或飞机发出的)无线电求救呼号;无线电话中求救信号


作为呼救信号的mayday,起源于法语词m"aidez,表示"帮帮我,救命"。 Mayday之所以这么拼写,只是因为这个单词的发音和法语接近S.O.S.是国际莫尔斯电码救难信号,并非任何单字的缩写。各个行业有各个行业的标准术语,而且口语通常要求简洁,即使外国人叫救命也不会喊sos,用法是不一样的从音节数来说,mayday两个音mei-dei,sos五个音A-嘶-欧-A-嘶,求救肯定用最简洁的方式


五月天就是MAYDAY直译为中文的,五月天本来叫So Band ,后来是以玛莎的网名五月天来作为乐团的名字,一直到现在。其实就跟一个人有中文名和英文名一样的嘛,直译的就是MAY(五月)DAY(天)~~~~听五月天会上瘾的~~






  因为may是五月,day是天,所以五月天是mayday。五月天本来叫So Band,1997年改名为五月天,而五月天的英文叫“mayday”,所以大家提到的中国台湾摇滚乐团mayday就是五月天。   五月天是由怪兽、阿信、石头、玛莎和冠佑组成的,它的前身是So Band,成立于1995年,后来五人用玛莎在网络论坛的代号mayday作为团名,正式更名为五月天,开启了他们的音乐生涯。   五月天在1999年发行了《第一张创作专辑》,2001专辑《爱情万岁》获得第12届的台湾金曲奖最佳乐团奖,之后他们还发行了多张专辑,也举办了好多场演唱会,获得的音乐奖项也是数不胜数,很多人都是他们的粉丝,五月天给大家带来了非常好听的歌曲,这也是他们被广大粉丝喜爱的原因。   五月天这个乐团的英文名叫mayday,mayday比五月天更早出现,五月天算是mayday中文直译。






mayday的意思是无线电求救信号。例句如下:1、He raced to pick up the life jackets while his stepmother sent out a Mayday call.他的继母发出无线电求救信号,他飞跑着去拿救生衣。2、That"s the purpose of MayDay - a grassroots effort whose goal is to save our archives.这就是灾难救援——一种草根力量,其目标就是拯救我们的档案。3、We"d also like to track who has participated in MayDay activities and what you did.我们也会跟踪报道一些参加灾难救援活动的人以及您所做的事情。4、The most important thing is to do something on MayDay that will help save our archives.最重要的是做一些有关灾难救援的事情有助于拯救我们的档案。5、For decades, MayDay parades in Moscow have taken place under clear blue skies, aircraft having deposited dry ice, silver iodide and cement powder to disperse clouds.几十年来,莫斯科的五月节游行都是在晴朗的蓝天下举行的,他们飞机上撒下干冰、碘化银和水泥粉来驱散云层。


"m"aider&qu ot; Mayday is from French " m"aider" which me to help me. An international radio-telephone signal word used as a distress call. 这是从法文m"aider来的 意思是"救我 帮我 帮助我..." 英文拼Mayday没有错 只是因为起初发音不标准 念成了mayday 久而久之就变成mayday了.跟五月天没关系. 但这只有在海事频道VHF16才能用 有些国家军方也用这种说法. 在其他地方 像是日常生活中 只要直接喊Help就好了. 我在美国生活的经验 光喊Help没用 要Help!跟Help Me!交叉叫. 否则没有人理 太多小孩叫Help叫着玩. mayday 1. (亦作M-)(无线电)求救信号 跟据国际航行规定,任何船只于航行时收到无线电求救讯号,或国际海上求救讯号时,船只应赶快前往肇事地点以提供协助;中国香港海事条例亦有所规定。因此,我们不单需要学习有关讯号之发放,亦需留意由他人发出之讯号。无线电是其中一种讯号。VHF Marine channel(VHF 海事频道),主要分美国及国际VHF海事频道,中国香港是使用国际VHF 海事频道,一般由 Channel 6 ~ 28 60 ~ 77 及 Private Channel 96 & 99A. 频道 频率 用途及使用方法 Channel 16 156.800 只作为紧急/遇难通讯用途。呼喊 MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY 三次 此处系 (船名/呼号) 位置.;遇险性质; 需要何种援助....等 Channel 12 156.600 报告天气及海事讯息 Channel 14 156.700 不时发出海上警告之讯息 例如那里有沉船 小心航行........ Channel 20 161.600 每十五分钟报告一次最新海上航行讯息   2007-03-23 15:53:12 补充: mayday这是从法文m"aider来的 意思是"救我 帮我 帮助我..."英文拼Mayday没有错 只是因为起初发音不标准 念成了mayday 久而久之就变成mayday了.跟五月天没关系.但这只有在海事频道VHF16才能用 有些国家军方也用这种说法.在其他地方 像是日常生活中 只要直接喊Help就好了.我在美国生活的经验 光喊Help没用 要Help!跟Help Me!交叉叫.否则没有人理 太多小孩叫Help叫着玩. 2007-03-23 15:53:27 补充: 亦作M-)(无线电)求救信号跟据国际航行规定,任何船只于航行时收到无线电求救讯号,或国际海上求救讯号时,船只应赶快前往肇事地点以提供协助;中国香港海事条例亦有所规定。因此,我们不单需要学习有关讯号之发放,亦需留意由他人发出之讯号。无线电是其中一种讯号。 2007-03-23 15:54:14 补充: 这是从法文m"aider来的 意思是"救我 帮我 帮助我..."读音同英文mayday差不多 所以久而久之就变成了mayday了另外 SOS和MAYDAY皆是国际遇难求救讯号,它们分别用于海上无线电报和海上无线电话。 参考: mayday系无线电话中呼救信号 咁叫救命都唔会只叫一次 同样地 电影里的演员呼救,都会覆复几次罗. Mayday」的意思是求救 /救难信号 Mayday是国际通用的无线电通话遇难求救讯号。「Mayday」一字原为法语的「m"aider」,以英语发音变成了「Mayday」。在无线电内发出Mayday呼唤,是指遇上了威胁生命的即时危险情况。发出Mayday时必须连续呼叫三次(「Mayday Mayday Mayday」),以免误听,被噪音盖过或与其他通讯混淆。通常船只或飞机都会以Mayday讯号求救;某些地区的警察及消防员亦以此呼号向同僚求救。





mayday是什么意思 mayday如何翻译

  1. Mayday是一种国际无线电遇险信号   2. Mayday这个词最初是法语“救救我”的“Maider”(在标准法语中不单独使用,通常是Venez maider或Aidez-moi),所以英语发音变成了“Mayday”   3.通过无线电发送Mayday求救信号是指威胁生命的实时危险情况   4. 发送Mayday求救信号时,必须连续呼叫三次(“Mayday, Mayday, Mayday”),以免被人听到、被噪音覆盖或与其他通讯相混淆。通常情况下,船只或飞机会发出Mayday求救信号;一些地区的警察和消防员也使用这个呼号向同事寻求帮助




“mayday”是求救信号原因是它原为“救我”的法语“m"aider”,以英语发音变成了“mayday”。遇险飞机在首次联系时,连续呼叫三次(mayday,mayday,mayday),以免被误听。它适合用于杂音较大的远距离无线电传播,发音便于识别更容易“脱颖而出”。S.O.S.被用作求救信号,主要是出于实用的需要,而Mayday成为国际通用的求救信号(尤其在轮船和飞机上),则更主要是因为语言渊源。它是源于法语单词m"aidez或m"aider,意思是“救命”。Mayday求救信号来源Mayday是国际通用的无线电通话遇险求救信号。Mayday作求救信号,源自1923年一个名叫Federick Stanley Mockford的英国人。当时他在英国伦敦的一个机场任高级无线电生。机场要求他提出一个简单易明的词,给所有飞行员及地勤工作人员在紧急时求救。当时机场的飞机多数来往法国巴黎,故此他提出源自法文m"aider的Mayday。“Mayday”就这样诞生了。

mayday是什么意思啊 mayday怎么解释

1、mayday的意思:国际通用的无线电通话遇难求救讯号,呼救信号。 2、读音:英 [u02c8meu026adeu026a],美 [u02c8meu026adeu026a]。 3、例句:As we all know MayDay is national legal holiday. 当我们全部知道救难信号是国家的法定假日之时。


为您解答五月一日May Day is on May 1st.



Shesays的《Mayday》 歌词

歌曲名:Mayday歌手:Shesays专辑:Rosegardensborn in the floodbloody fingerprint setsblack marketed freshwater canons forget me notepitaph airbrush with deathwhite t"swife beatersbutton upreattach fleshin between the linesoutside of the lawunderneath the veilwe dig our foundationswe navigate the globetrying to find a pattern to break the moldwith a family to feedtheres nowhere we wont gobut what if were caughtthey say I"m a snitchshot at the check pointfound with his throat slittheres spray paint on the teleprompteranchorman screams that hes seen a monstermaydaytheres bloodstains on his shirtmaydaythey say that hes gone berserksometimeswhen I wanna shut out this worldwanna rip up this pagewanna pour out this heartwanna get up on this stageand my lips become percussionand my fists become the rageand I pound on this tabletil it gives me something to saythen I think about things that Ive seenright in front of methat I don"t wanna believegimme one of these mikeslemme let em knowthe way that it is is not how its gonna benot if we don"t let em get ahead of usthe present tensions no threatits just a fence across the paththat were already ready to walkrock solid footstepslet em put up obstaclesand prove that it isn"t possiblewe don"t give em any weighttrue liberty and freedoms at stakepeace will never become passlive my life until my last dayit was half-past eight in the bat cavewhen the cracks in the plaster collapsedand gave way to gaps in the pavementmayday maydayput it on blastfor the passengers and messengerscause this is a disasternot faroff pissing on a cop carin the hall with a pop tartsipping liquor in the rock bareveryone climb to the front linelunchtimes canceledall hands on deck to pull survivors from the landfillonlookers passers-by shake off that rubblebrush off your shouldersbreak free from your standstillsigns of a better worldcauses we understandfailures we expected to occurand bring redemption for our sinssafety from the crowdsin the shadows on the runwe write our own cider houserules to keep aliverituals that prove their worthsearch for systems we can trustrhythms we can lock intothis is madness salvage teams can"t bandagehope when its damaged or broken compassionnot enough rope in the van when world is collapsingour mode of action broadcast through the glassits all we can manage donate with the plasticscraps from the saladhoping to balance emotions invalidatedand staged on 4:3 aspectsjust ballast for sadnesslives shattered are standard fare for cameras and channelsstare no abracadabrasno faster answers or mantras for disastersremastered and plastered got it all backwardsdo you know the faction your backingits another man downanother mother gonechild drownedanother silenced songsolitudeanother kind of strongI miss youanother strung alongmissing in actionanother page is blackened burnedturned to ashes to ashesdust off the flags and the casketswe will never find another youdespite the life of love we knewthese lightning times are trouble whocant count the strikes that punished throughthe bonds we thought would never breakand never will and never fade and never changebut there is the rageof losing you to their mistakesin between the linessigns of a the next movementrefuge from the crowdoutside of the lawcauses we understandhands that traceinstructions for descendants in theshadows on the rununderneath the veilfailures we expected tooccur and bring redemption for our sinsin between the lines



逃亡者mayday的韩 中 罗马音歌词

Mayday-Oran-G by:感想( KBS 《逃亡者Plan.B》OST LRC制作:感想(lorkicha) 我爱韩剧更爱(凤凰天使) 2010.10.16 黑暗中听到的tic toc tic toc 渐渐的变的孤单的tic toc tic toc 受伤的眼神闪过的tic toc tic toc 现在成为你的时间 总是被错觉误导的你dangerous 就算你欺骗了全世界 却依然躲不过命运 命运的转轮已经开始转动make it out 好运会一直守护着你的 may day may day may day, listen to my heart this is may day may day, I don"t have to time may day may day may day, don"t you understand 拥抱我吧 不要再放任我独自一人 舞动着的世界里ting tong ting tong 带着虚伪的眼神ting tong ting tong 直到最后来临之前ting tong ting tong 现在要停止也已经太迟了 失去力气而走近的你serious 就算是胆怯的你 还是会战胜的 你颤抖的声音turn it up 在强烈舞台上 交付你的身体吧 may day may day may day, listen to my heart this is may day may day, I don"t have to time may day may day may day, don"t you understand 拥抱我吧 不要再放任我独自一人 就算一切都会消失 我却唯一不愿意失去你 may day may day 因为是能够让我感到自在 让我重展笑容的你 may day may day may day, listen to my heart this is may day may day, I don"t have to time may day may day may day, don"t you understand 拥抱我吧 不要再放任我独自一人 罗马拼音 作者:作者:yankexin Oran-G-Mayday o-dum-so-ge-deu-lryeo-o-neun-tic toc tic toc oe-to-li-ga-doe-o-beo-rin-tic toc tic toc sang-ceo-ba-deun-nun-bi-ceu-ro-tic toc tic toc i-jen- neo-yi-si-ga-ni-dwae-seo ca-ga-ge-sa-ro-ja-bin-neo-neun-dangerous se-sang-eul-so-gin-da-hae-do-un-myeon-eul-pi-ha-sun-eob-seo ru-le-eun-beo-seo- si-ja-dwae-seo-make it out haeng-un-i-neo-yi-gyeo-teu -ji-kyeo-ju-geo-ya may day may day may day listen to my heart this is may day may day i don"t have to time may day may day may day don"t you understand na-reu-a-na-jweo-da-sin-na-reu-hon-ja-beo-ryeo-du-ji-ma may day may day may day may day may day may day cu-meu-cu-neun-se-sang-so-ge-ting tong ting tong ga-si-jeo-gin-nun-bi-ceu-ro-ting tong ting tong ma-ji-ma-gi-o-dae-ga-ji-ting tong ting tong meom-cu-gi-en-neu-jeo-beo-ryeo-seo him-eob-si-da-ga-seo-neun-neo-neun-serious bi-geo-ban-ru-li-ra-hae-do neon-bun-myeong-ja-lae-nae-geo-ya deo-li-neun-neo-yi-mo-so-ri-reu-turn it up gyeog-ryeo-han-mu-dae-wi-e-mo-meu-ma-gyeo-bwa may day may day may day listen to my heart this is may day may day i don"t have to time may day may day may day don"t you understand na-reu-a-na-jweo-da-sin-na-reu-hon-ja-beo-ryeo-du-ji-ma mo-deun-ge-sa-ra-jin-da-go-hae-do neo-man-eun-i-go-si-ji-an-ha may day may day na-pyeon-an-ha-ge-ha-go do-mi-so-ji-ge-ha-neun-neo-ni-ga may day may day may day listen to my heart this is may day may day i don"t have to time may day may day may day don"t you understand na-reu-a-na-jweo-da-sin-na-reu-hon-ja-beo-ryeo-du-ji-ma may day may day may day listen to my heart this is may day may day i don"t have to time may day may day may day don"t you understand na-reu-a-na-jweo-da-sin-na-reu-hon-ja-beo-ryeo-du-ji-ma may day may day may day may day may day may day


MayDay和LabourDay的区别是MayDay是 五月份的日子而LabourDay的意思是 劳动节

mayday吗?还是MAY DAY? 还是May day? 还是May Day?



顺手采纳答案MayDay和LabourDay的区别是MayDay是 五月份的日子而LabourDay的意思是 劳动节

May Day和MayDay有什么区别?

没有太大的区别,都说的是五一劳动节。Labour Day的意思是:劳动节,Mayday的意思是:五一(劳动节)。但是这两个词的侧重点不同:Labour Day侧重于国外(如美国),Mayday则侧重于中国,所以我们常常会说:“五一去哪里玩呀?”而这些老外就听不懂了。

