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May J.的《TSUBASA》 歌词

歌曲名:TSUBASA歌手:May J.专辑:BraveTSUBASAMay J.作词:May J.作曲:SAEKI youthK(RzC)砕けた梦のかけらを眺めてもう 拾う事もできず见上げたあの月がいつもよりも歪んで见えた泣きじゃくって 空っぽの心に初めて见つけられた隠れている大きな翼を広げて星も见えない暗闇でも飞び越えてくから怖くないよ果てしない空へI""m gonna fly away根拠のない自信に溢れてた谁の声も闻かず歩いてた けど振り向けば独りきりでやっと気付いた思い通りの 未来じゃなくても伤ついて见えた景色はあの时より辉いてる翼を広げて差し込む光を目指そう云を切り裂いて恐れないよ果てしない空へ羽ばたくから自分を信じることから逃げてしまいそうになったらそっと目をとじれば闻こえてくるから心の声 もう迷わなくていいよ翼を広げて星も见えない暗闇でも飞び越えてくから怖くないよ果てしない空へI""m gonna fly awayまだ见ぬ世界が待っているよ

i may look calm but in my head i have punched yo





EXP是Expirydate( Exp. Date)、Expiration或Expiring(失效期),也就是平常所说的保质期,如exp: 05/19,就是指保质期到19年5月。你这个日期的意思就是:保质期至2019年5月1日。其实还有个简单的排除法,现在还没到5月,这个日期肯定不是生产日期,那就是保质期咯!

I have no book.May I use ______(你的)


eating out often may be bad for our health为什么用eating out

简单来说就是动词短语做主语要用ing形式。深度剖析:eating out often是这句话的主语,采用的是动名词形式,表示经常在外面吃。may be是这句话的系动词,表示可能是、对、会等。bad for our health是表语,表示对我们的健康不利。连起来理解就是经常在外面吃饭可能对我们的健康不利。延伸拓展:这里考察的是主系表结构中主语的一般用法。主语一般由名词、动名词、代词或从句来充当。


《On My Own》歌词 - Miley CyrusI"m lookin at you For no particular reason It"s just the spot For me to be in I gotta open that door I gotta get it open Hey! I"m all the way through, Just like a rock bird And smile for the camera, Damn I feel awesome Push it up a little more Gotta get it open You would never listen when I need someone to talk to So you switch the subject,‘cause‘cause it"s beyond you And when you talk about your dreams, I"m never included I need to stop sleeping on myself, wake up and do it on my own Hey, I"ll find a way Yea And I"ll do it on my own Hey, I can do anything Yea And I"ll do it on my own I will get it done With the help from no one Came into this world by myself So I don"t need nobody else We have just begun So much to do, so young Don"t be afraid of alone You"ll get it done on your own I know you"re in there Open up, open up Just like the feds, Look at all this stuff Three knocks at the door I gotta get it open I"m so confused, With all the traffic I"mma skip the line Who cares what happens? I gotta stay on that course I gotta get it open You would never listen when I need someone to talk to So you switch the subject,‘cause‘cause it"s beyond you And when you talk about your dreams, I"m never included I need to stop sleeping on myself, wake up and do it on my own Hey, I"ll find a way Yea And I"ll do it on my own Hey, I can do anything Yea And I"ll do it on my own I will get it done With the help from no one Came into this world by myself So I don"t need nobody else We have just begun So much to do, so young Don"t be afraid of alone You"ll get it done on your own You would never listen when I need someone to talk to So you switch the subject, ‘cause ‘cause it"s beyond you And when you talk about your dreams, I"m never included I need to stop sleeping on myself, wake up and do it on my own Hey, I"ll find a way Yea And I"ll do it on my own Hey, I can do anything Yea And I"ll do it on my own I will get it done With the help from no one Came into this world by myself So I don"t need nobody else We have just begun So much to do, so young Don"t be afraid of alone You"ll get it done on your own

may,might区别是什么? 很多情态动词都有这样的情况,比如:can,could. will,would. shall,should.等 它们

情态动词的定义: 情态动词是一种本身有一定的词义,表示说话人的情绪,态度或语气的动词,但不能单独作谓语, 只能和其他动词原形构成谓语。 We can be there on time tomorrow. 我们明天能按时去那儿。 情态动词数量不多,但用途广泛,主要有下列: can (could), may (might), must, need, ought to, dare (dared), shall (should), will (would) . 情态动词的位置: 情态动词在句中放在谓语动词之前, 谓语动词前若有助动词,则在助动词之前,疑问句中, 情态动词则在主语之前。 I can see you. Come here. 我能看见你,过来吧. 情态动词的特点: 情态动词无人称和数的变化, 情态动词后面跟的动词需用原形,否定式构成是在情态动词后面加 "not"。 个别情态动词有现在式和过去式两种形式, 过去式用来表达更加客气, 委婉的语气, 时态性不强, 可用于过去,现在或将来。 He could be here soon. 他很快就来。 情态动词的用法: can (could) 表示说话人能,可以,同意,准许,以及 客观条件许可,could 为 can 的过去式。 Can you pass me the books? 你能给我递一下书吗 ? can 和could 只能用于现在式和过去式两种时态,将来时态用 be able to 来表示。 He could help us at all. 他完全可以帮助我们。 With the teacher"s help,I shall be able to speak English correctly. 由于老师的帮助,我将能准确地讲英语。 may (might) 可以, 表示说话人同意,许可或请求对方许可。 You may take the book home. 你可以把书带回家去. He said he might lend us some money. 他说他可以借给我们一些钱。 may 否定式为 may not, 缩写形式是 mayn"t. might 是may 的过去式, 有两种用法, 一种表示过去式,一种表示虚拟语气, 使语气更加委婉, 客气或对可能性的怀疑。 He told me he might be here on time. 他说他能按时间来。 Must 必须,应该,一定,准是, 表示说话人认为有必要做某事, 命令, 要求别人做某事以及对事物的推测。 must 用来指一般现在时和一般将来时, 过去式可用 have to 的过去式代替。 I must finish my work today. 我今天必须完成我的工作。 must + have + 过去分词,表示现在对过去事物的推测。 He must have told my parents about it. 他一定把这件事情告诉我父母亲了。 must 和 have to 的区别: must 表示说话人的主观思想, have to 表示客观需要。 You must do it now. 你必需现在就干。(说话人认为必须现在干) I have to go now.我得走了。(客观条件必须现在走) need 需要 多用在否定式或疑问句中. Need I attend the meeting tomorrow? 我需要明天参加会议吗? need 是一个情态动词, 他的用法完全和其他情态动词一样, 但 need 还可当作实义动词使用, 这时 need 就象其他动词一样,有第三人称,单复数, 后面加带 to 的动词等特性。 I need a bike to go to school.我上学需要一辆自行车。 needn"t + have + 过去分词 表示过去做了没必要做的事情。 You needn"t have taken it seriously. 这件事情你不必太认真。 dare 敢 多用在否定或疑问句中。The little girl dare not speak in public.小女孩不敢在公众面前说话。 dare 除用作情态动词外,更多的是当实义动词使用, 用法同实义动词一样,要考虑人称,单复数,时态等。Do you dare to walk in the dark? 你敢黑夜走路吗? ought 应当,应该 后面跟带有 to 的动词不定式。 You ought to read these books if you want to know how to repair the motorcar. 如果你想知道如何修理汽车,你应该读这些书。 You ought to bring the child here. 你应该把孩子带来。 ought + to have done 句型。指过去动作,表示一件事情该做而未做。 You ought to have been here yesterday. 你昨天就应该来。 ought not to have done 句型。表示一件不该做的事情却做了. You ought not to have taken the book out of the reading-room. 你不应该把书带出阅览室。will (would)决心,愿望。 would 为 will 的过去式, 可用于各人称。 I"ll do my best to catch up with them. 我要尽全力赶上他们。 will, would用于疑问句表示说话人向对方提出请求或询问,用 would 比 will 更婉转,客气。 It"s hot. Will you open the windows? 天气太热了,你能打开窗户吗? Shall, should表示命令,警告,允诺,征求,劝告,建议惊奇。 You should hand in the exercise book. have to,不得不,必须,表示客观条件只能如此, 而must 则表示主观思想必须。 I have to go now.

dismay 和frustrate的区别

名词 dismay 1.灰心;沮丧,丧失勇气。2.惊愕。The enemy retreated in perfect dismay. 敌人沮丧地退去。 exclaim in dismay 惊愕得叫喊起来。 To my dismay, this university was closed. 使我沮丧的是,这所大学停办了。及物动词1.使沮丧。2.使惊愕。The surprise attack dismayed the enemy. 这次奇袭大灭了敌人的威风。 He was dismayed at the size of his adversary. 对手的魁伟身材使他丧失了勇气。frustrate及物动词1.挫败(敌人);破坏(计划等),阻挠。2.使失败,使落空。be frustrated in 在…方面归于失败;终成画饼。形容词1.〔古语〕无益的,无效的。2.受挫折的;被破坏的;失败了的。3.沮丧的。

the speech contest is on may 10th的问句是什么


Maybe Monday 歌词

歌曲名:Maybe Monday歌手:"Til Tuesday专辑:Voices CarryShane:Can"t believe its overThat you"re leavingWeren"t we meant to be?Should"ve sensed the dangerRead the warningsRight there in front of meJust stopLets start it overCouldn"t I get one more try?All:Maybe tomorrow you"ll say that you"re mineYou"ll realize, I could changeI"m gonna show you I"m in it for lifeI"ll get you back somedayMaybe tomorrowShane:I forgot to be thereI was selfishI can see that nowMark:I should"ve got to known youShould"ve held youWhen your tears fell downJust stopDon"t make me beg youTell me that you"ll stay the nightAll:Maybe tomorrow you"ll say that you"re mineYou"ll realize, I could changeI"m gonna show you I"m in it for lifeI"ll get you back somedayI will find a wayNicky:Wait a minuteJust hear me outThis time I promise, I"ll put you firstShane:Turn around nowYour heart can"t let you walk awayI"ll do what it takesAll:Maybe tomorrow you"ll say that you"re mineYou"ll realize (realize), I could change (I can change)I"m gonna show you I"m in it for lifeI"ll get you back somedayMaybe tomorrowKian:There"s so much I wanna say nowI just wanna make a life with you (don"t walk away)There"s so much I wanna do nowI just wanna make love to youShane:Maybe tomorrow

Maybe I Know 歌词

歌曲名:Maybe I Know歌手:Thorleifs专辑:12 Golden HitsShane:Can"t believe its overThat you"re leavingWeren"t we meant to be?Should"ve sensed the dangerRead the warningsRight there in front of meJust stopLets start it overCouldn"t I get one more try?All:Maybe tomorrow you"ll say that you"re mineYou"ll realize, I could changeI"m gonna show you I"m in it for lifeI"ll get you back somedayMaybe tomorrowShane:I forgot to be thereI was selfishI can see that nowMark:I should"ve got to known youShould"ve held youWhen your tears fell downJust stopDon"t make me beg youTell me that you"ll stay the nightAll:Maybe tomorrow you"ll say that you"re mineYou"ll realize, I could changeI"m gonna show you I"m in it for lifeI"ll get you back somedayI will find a wayNicky:Wait a minuteJust hear me outThis time I promise, I"ll put you firstShane:Turn around nowYour heart can"t let you walk awayI"ll do what it takesAll:Maybe tomorrow you"ll say that you"re mineYou"ll realize (realize), I could change (I can change)I"m gonna show you I"m in it for lifeI"ll get you back somedayMaybe tomorrowKian:There"s so much I wanna say nowI just wanna make a life with you (don"t walk away)There"s so much I wanna do nowI just wanna make love to youShane:Maybe tomorrow


你好:情态动词主要有: can (could) may (might) must need ought to dare (dared) shall (should) will (would) 造句: I think I can solve this problem by myself. You may miss the early bus if you don"t hurry up . I must go now because I have to finish my homework before 11.

he may miss the school bus是什么意思

答案:A 因still in bed和miss the school bus可知Tony睡得晚还没起床.stay up熬夜,不睡觉 wake up 醒来 get up起床 故选A.

分析这句英文的主谓宾结构和句子成分,短语之类的:one may miss the mark to

one(主语) may (情态动词和后面的动词原形一起做谓语)miss (谓语)the mark(宾语) too high to low(定语,修饰前面的名词)不知道你打错了没,翻译要根据语境。可能翻译:一个人可能错过/想念 分数/标记,要么太高,要么太低

you may miss everything if you dare not make mistakes,什么意思


every little bit,may miss the life是什么意思,请帮忙翻译一下。


miss和misstakes区别 ever i make may be progre

Miss用在姓氏前,是对未婚女子的尊称。miss是个动词,意思是“想念;错过”mistakesn.错误( mistake的名词复数 ); 过失; 误解; (用词或数字上的)错误; v.弄错,误解( mistake的第三人称单数 ); 认不出; 误会; 看错;

Miss May I的《Creations》 歌词

歌曲名:Creations歌手:Miss May I专辑:Monument [Deluxe]Miss May I -CreationsHow could you say you know who I am?Do you even wonder why I"m here?The thoughts play back in your headlike a film that has been stick on repeat.Imagine that this picture of me is painted for you.A portrait is made to hold a momentand moments wish they could live.Lets make this last become real life art.Time won"t catch us if we refuse to dry.Changing as we settle into our canvas of eternity.Hung on a wall that was built for you and I.Here we are once again and we are the same.You will see all of this and we will remain the same.We are all artwork can"t you see?No one will see you like I do.Why can"t you believe?No one will see you like I do.We all are art if seen in my eyes.Seen through the sky that magnifies beauty.Open your eyes see that I see.You will never go back to being blind and dull.See what I see.(*4)

Miss May I的《Rust》 歌词

歌曲名:Rust歌手:Miss May I专辑:Monument [Deluxe]Miss May I -Rustorners terrify when triggers are pulled.All sights await as you enter these rooms.Filled with scavengersScavengers awaiting their pray.Take the high ground pick off enemies.Don"t let them see you turn away,Away from these battle cries,Battle cries that surround our kind.Sulfur fills the air.Wounds bleed out.Don"t let the mother fucker catch you blind.This is a fight of modern kind.Just let the warfare fill your mind.Create and decimateWith a silver spear in your fucking brain.Can"t you realize that you"re a fucking waste,Fucking waste of my time.I"ll rise up before your eyes,Bring you down before you know.Cut your throat if you get to close.Keep your distance far from me.Take all you want I"ll be backSomewhere you"ll never find.Eyes up above, you wish you had.Watch for me, I"m in the sky.Pull your trigger,You wish you could.Bring me down,You wish you could.Like a predator I"ll reign upon you.Like a predator I"ll reign upon you.There"s only seventy things holding me back,Holding me back from destroying you.Just wait for the days when you"ll be(2)When you"ll be laying at my feet.

Miss May I的《Gears》 歌词

歌曲名:Gears歌手:Miss May I专辑:Monument [Deluxe]Miss May I -GearsOnce again being here recovering over and over.Torn from the inside from every direction.Uncontrolled creations of the entire world.Making us just a device for you.Making us someone to be abused.Making us desperate.Making us desperate and confused.Our gears are wearing down to nothing because of you.Oh the feeling of being machines.Created for you.Our gears are wearing down to nothing because of you.

Miss May I的《Our Kings》 歌词

歌曲名:Our Kings歌手:Miss May I专辑:Monument [Deluxe]Miss May I -Our KingsHolding back from near consumption.Starving to taste ourselvesand the sensation of an existence.A feast for only the ones who are kings.The outcome of a revolution built to consume its own.The outcome of a revolution built to consume itself.This will contain what has already been said before.The message enclosed will be the one we dread the most.Coming generations will learn that our kinds were nothingbut cannibals of their own race not strong enough to be men.And then the young will rise they will tell them...This will contain what has already been said before.The message enclosed will be the one we dread the most.And when the young will rise they will tell them all to go.Go back to your Hell.Holding back from near consumption.Starving to taste ourselves and the sensation of an existence.A feast for you the one they call a king.

Miss May I的《Colossal》 歌词

歌曲名:Colossal歌手:Miss May I专辑:Monument [Deluxe]Miss May I -ColossalOur reflections will always show.We will grow.We will be the world.Gigantic proportions.Magnitude beyond our expectations.Just look at ourselves.Developing at a pace never thoughtwith surrendering past for present.Time seems so importantwhen you have the entire world waiting for you.Call it achievements.Call it what you want.Behold ambition pulsing through our veins.Our eyes will never shut.The heart abandons sleep.Ceasing to stop only builds us into.Every step that we"ve taken made with you in mind.A set of goals for ourselves we leave undefined.The only destination that we know is to bring promiseand meaning before hope is gone.This force creates giants of nothing.This force creates.This force we all have everythingthat we will ever need.In everyone this significants breathes.To be exhaled for the world of feel.We are only here because of you.Giants risen for you.Refuse to be crippled by others aroundand becomes a colossus of your own.OF this importance.Inside we all are this size.Our reflections will always show.We will grow.We will be the world.Every step that we"ve taken made with you in mind.A set of goals for ourselves we will leave undefined.The only destination that we know is to bring promiseand meaning before hope is gone.We are the world.

a good marks may miss 啥意思


may miss you 这样说有没有语法错误

通常用MAY YOU HAPPY,是希望你开心的意思。

求miss may i的吉他谱~


求miss may i吉他谱集

GTP谱 请查收 记得采纳 谢谢发到你之前给的扣扣邮箱了

Miss May I的《Monument》 歌词

歌曲名:Monument歌手:Miss May I专辑:Monument [Deluxe]Miss May I -Monumentarving into fresh stone as powder fills the air.A brick taken from the earth to show mankind a meaning.What has been missing for so many years.Wait till all eyes are open.This pedestal will change the worldand will lead you to a new beginning.This pedestal will change the worldand will lead you in a new direction.Pacifists try to settle without a war.This is our war,This is our war.This is our answer.This is our reply.Our monument.Our dreams will not die.With every piece withered away knowledge will show beneath.Blueish clouds arisethrough cracks billowing into the sky, into the sky.Once seen by all kind it will bring absolute transition.Gazed upon as this sits high above everyone.This is our answer.This is our reply.Our monument.Our dreams will not die.Untouchable to all, untouchable to all.Behold our monument, untouchable to all.Behold our monument.

good marksman may miss全句解析

Good marksman may miss好的射手也有射失的时候Good 好的(定语)marksman 射手(主语)may 可能(表推测的情态动词)miss 错失;遗漏;错过;思念(行为动词和前面的情态动词may组成谓语)





miss may是什么意思


求少女时代的Baby maybe中文歌词!

你好,你要的中文歌词意思是翻译吧。少女时代 - baby Mabey歌词baby baby baby 对爱情的不信任 充斥在过去的日子里baby baby baby 像傻瓜一样觉得一个人也没关系 怀著这样的心遇见了你人们都说 我尴尬的模样 紧张的心怦怦跳 我也不知如何是好最近周围的朋友 看到我都说 "这到底是谁 把你变成这样的 Amazing guy"和你一起陷入爱河 我该怎麼做才好啊我 这样的你到底是从哪里出现的呀Put your hands up if you feel like htis 陷入爱情 如果真的是这种心情的话Put your hands up if you feel like htis 寻到爱情的话 如果这是真心的话Baby baby baby 在一起的时候 每个瞬间都想起你的味道Maybe maybe maybe 你喷洒的香水 也希望无论何时 都留在我的衣服上 和我一起浪漫的电影 令人心动的场面 曾经我笑著说那些直白的台词太幼稚我是从什麼时候改变的呢 遇见你之後也说出这样的话"我只看著你 我只有你 My boo 我亲爱的你"(Repeat)刚开始时 我也犹豫过 固执的我的样子 而现在你漂亮的双眼中 闪耀著我全新的样子你和我是一样的吧 and you feel like this hey Put your hands up if you feel like htis Put your hands up if you feel like htis Like htis Like htis Like htis Like htis (X2)(Repeat)(Repeat)Like htis Like htis Like htis Like htis Like htisBaby Mabey

少女时代的Baby Maybe歌词分配

Tiffany:Baby Baby Baby 我不曾相信爱情 在那些把自己围在在墙里的日子 泰妍:Baby Baby Baby 傻傻地认为自已一个人也OK的心 遇到了你Sunny:人们说我变得不自然 紧张 心跳 令我自己也不知所措徐贤:周围的朋友们看着最近的我说道 到底是谁?让你改变的Amazing GuyJessica:和你陷进了love 里的我 该如何是好啊我 你怎么可以现在才出现 之前到底躲在哪里了SNSD:Put your hands up if you feel like this若陷入了爱情 若这份感受是真实的Put your hands up if you feel like this若找到了爱情 若是真心Jessica:Baby baby baby 一起待过的地方 你的香味 每一个瞬间都浮现在脑海里 允儿:Maybe maybe maybe 把你的香水洒在我的衣服上 希望无论何时都能在一起孝渊:浪漫的电影 唯美的场景 只有你才会看的那种台词我曾嘲笑你的幼稚 秀英:不知从何时开始悄悄改变的我 一见到你就会说“我只看到你 我只有你 my boo 我的亲爱的”Sunny:和你陷进了love 里的我 该如何是好啊我 你怎么可以现在才出现 之前到底躲在哪里了Yuri:刚开始我很犹豫 曾固执地僵持着的我泰妍:现在你美丽的双眸里印有全新的我 若你也和我一样 and you feel like this hey Put your hands up if you feel like thisPut your hands up if you feel like this(Jessica:put your hands up)SNSD:Like this like this like this like this徐贤:和你陷进了love 里的我 该如何是好啊我 你怎么可以现在才出现 之前到底躲在哪里了SNSD:Put your hands up if you feel like this若陷入了爱情 若这份感受是真实的Put your hands up if you feel like this若找到了爱情 若是真心Like this like this like this like this

Maybe you should learn to relax!的翻译

Dr Alice Green agrees.格林博士同意爱丽丝。She also says that these children may find it hard to think for themselves when they are older.她还说这些孩子可能会发现很难独立思考当他们长大后。"Parents are trying to plan their kids" lives for them.“父母正试图计划他们的孩子的生活对于他们。When these kids are adults,they might find it difficult to plan things for themselves.当这些孩子是成年人,他们可能会发现为他们自己做计划很难。"Parents should learn to give their kids a bit more time to themselves.“父母应该学会给他们的孩子多一点自己的时间。On the one hand,children need organized activities.一方面,孩子们需要有组织的活动。On the other hand,they also need time and freedom to relax,and they need time to do things by themselfs.另一方面,他们也需要时间和自由去放松,他们需要时间来做的事情themselfs。参考:有道词典

may you be happy什么意思


May you happy.还是May you be happy. 是什么

may是情态动词,和助动词一样,须后接动词原形构成谓语动词. 表达愿望、祝愿时,一般这样表达: May you both be happy! May they live long! Long may he live! May she enjoy her life!




maya默认保存的工程目录是在C盘的文档里,在C:Users\Documentsmayaprojectsdefaultscenes。当然也可以自己建立一个新路径下的工程目录,执行的命令是:file>set project,然后选择要保持的路径。以后保存的文件都在这个目录下scenes里了。也可以直接在file里选择save as,任意指定一个目录位置。扩展资料:Bifrost 中的自适应 Aero 解算器:创建大气效果,如烟和雾。与 Maya 流体效果相比,Aero 可生成更高细节、更高物理精确度的模拟。与使用引导式模拟类似,低分辨率 Aero 解算器可以驱动更高分辨率细节。自适应性的额外益处是,在大型计算域中您可以定义高分辨率区域。动画性能Extension 2 中提供速度改进让可以制作出更快的场景:Viewport 2.0 中的多图形整合改进了渲染性能,减少了绘制由大量网格组成的模型的开销平行求值现在支持 Nucleus 动力学。参考资料来源:百度百科-Autodesk Maya


一、Maya的诞生: 三维动画软件大部分应用于SGI工作站上,一些好的功能也只能在工作站上完成。世界最大的软件开发公司Alias与Wavefront合并并收购了TDI公司,这样世界上的最大的三家软件开发公司集合在一起,推出了一个新型的SGI版的三维动画制作软件,其功能、界面、效果都是一流的,Alias与Wavefront赋予它一个神秘而响亮的名字——Maya。随着PC机的广泛推广,Alias与Wavefront于1998年6月对PC用户推出了Maya NT版。 二、Maya的特性: Maya与其它的三维软件有明显的区别,首先,Maya继承了Alias所有的工作站级优秀软件的特性,灵活、快捷、准确、专业、可扩展、可调性。Maya的操作平台基于Windows NT这样的操作更简便。同时,Maya独一无二的工作界面使操作更直观,利用了窗口的所有空间并将其发挥到极至,快捷键的合理组合使动画制作事半功倍。制作起来,Maya相对来说比较稳定,它对计算机的硬件利用率也比较高。Maya不仅有类似于3D Studio MAX等PC三维软件的普通建模功能,同时更具备了其它软件少有的NURBS建模功能,这样Maya具备了高级建模的能力。Maya在灯光、摄像机、材质等方面的表现也不俗,模拟灯光更加真实,可调参数更突出;特技灯光种类更丰富更具有吸引力。摄像机的功能和参数更加专业,如镜头、焦距、景深等特殊功能是其他软件不具备的。矢量材质可模仿木纹、毛石、水等节省了贴图的制作,同时在折射、反射等效果上更加独特。在动画设置上,粒子、动力学、反向动力学等高级动画设置都由软件自行计算,提高了动画的真实程度。渲染精度可达到电影级,因此只要掌握了Maya就等于走在了三维动画的前沿。 三、Maya的入门学习特点及方法: 我们无论学习哪一种三维软件,学习方法很重要。对于初学者,我们要很好地利用“资源”,——专业的培训,好的书籍及国外网站的教学,其次就是一定要与别人交流。我们在学习过程中,在整体的教学环境中,我们可以互相交流,学生与教师,学生与学生之间,我们希望教师与学生在交流中提高,在交流中我们是可以学到很多书本上没有的知识的。 Maya是一个非常强大的三维软件,它提供给创作人员非常广阔的创造空间,正是这种灵活性,也造成了入门容易,提高难。经常有人发现自己开始学得快,但后劲不足,主要是因为原理不清楚,例如Maya的节点系统,若不懂就很提高,所以我们在学习中,尽量理解Maya深层的原理,在此基础上举一反三。就象大家在学习3DSMAX的基本建模时,首先要了解物体的结构(次结构构成)节点、线、面的知识,才能对物体进行更深层次的修改。Maya的学习也是如此。 再有就学习软件的同时,大家要知道 “电脑美术专业”是艺术与科技的结合,首先,技术是基础,是艺术发挥的保障,就象我们在建一栋大楼,基本建筑是基础,而室内装璜是艺术发挥的空间。同时,技术专业影响艺术的创作流程。以前,艺术家用纸和笔作设计,但电脑的软件可以模拟许多笔的效果,如水彩,蜡笔等。这样,许多艺术家可以用新的技术完成以往较长时或很难完成的项目。所以,对于艺术家,通过各种渠道提高或改变技术应用水平,是一个成功作品的保障。但是,如果仅仅是技术水平很高,而没有艺术感觉,是很难完成好作品的。所以,在做项目时,若集体创作,最好是由两方面人员组成。但是如果做个人作品,则必须具备艺术感觉,培训一个艺术家学习软件比培养一个软件高手提高艺术感觉容易得多,所以大家在学习Maya时,一定要记住我是学艺术的,要注意自己在艺术课程的学习,提高艺术感觉,这样才能很好地达到学习目的。 四、具体介绍: MAYA Complete / 全模块 Alias wavefront 公司在 Power Animation 软件的基础上所开发之新一代的3D动画软件。它拥有 SGI 和 PC 版本,一般适用于 Windows?; NT, Windows?; 2000 Professional and IRIX? 之工作平台。 Maya Complete集结了建模 ( Modeling)、彩现 ( Rendering)、动画 ( Animation)、绘图软件 ( Paint Software) 等多项功能于一身,在3D动画的创作上除了提供无可比拟的速度与令人叹为观止的视觉特效外,在使用接口的操作与扩充性方面也简而易行。 Maya Modeling / 模型制作 有完整之NURBS和 Polygon建模工具,着重无缝隙的人物模型建构。 Maya Dynamic / 物理运动 分子特效 运用复杂的动力学 ( Dynamic) 作用,包括刚体 (rigid-body)、柔体 (soft-body) 以及粒子系统 ( particle system) ,可随意自在作出精确且自然的仿真效果。用户对粒子系统的控制可精确到每一颗粒子,以满足特殊之创作需要。Maya Rendering / 材质设定 影像输出 Maya能轻松地彩现 (Rendering) 出媲美胶片影像 (film-quality) 之清晰度与高品质视觉效果。 Maya Artisan / 模型雕塑工具 Maya Artisan提供了独一无二的雕刻笔刷工具,能让您结合传统艺术创作中所使用的画笔及雕塑方式,快速且自由自在地雕刻NURBS曲面,或选择控制点,或指定目标权重(goal weight) 等。Maya Paint Effects Maya Paint Effect 为动画师提供了模拟星空、闪电、动植物、海底世界、食物、器物???等现实界事物的绘笔工具,它可同时运用于 3D 及 2D 的创作上。除了可以真实呈现事物的质感与动态之外,并可依用户喜好无止限地创造出独特的笔触,轻而易举营造出超现实的异想世界。除了快速彩现的功能可立即检视影像之外,还可任意设定动态,创作令人惊异之动画效果。MEL( Maya Embedded Language) / Maya 程序语言 有了MEL,用户可自行扩充Maya的功能,把内嵌行为或指令加注在角色上,以满足某些创作的需要。MEL 并允许用户根据各自不同的创作习惯和本身的需要,来量身订做个人专属之接口。Invigorator LE / 3D 立体字制作工具 Invigorator Lite Edition (LE) 可让您将Adobe Illustrator 的文字或图文件带到Maya底下加以编辑。 Fusion Lite / 2D 合成剪辑 Maya Fusion 2是一种有许多特色的完整合成软件,它的功能和速度表现都相当抢眼。而Maya中的Maya Fusion LE则是精简而理想的合成软件。它有颜色校正、转档、合成、实时显示、预览输出工具…等,满足一般使用需求。 Maya Unlimited / Maya 超强版 Maya Unlimited 是为了满足所有最前卫最超乎想象的创作可能。它包括了Maya Complete,再加上许多最创新的工具如Maya Cloth、 Maya Fur、 advanced modeling…等, 全部整合在一起。它是现今创作计算机动画和特效市场上最强大、最先进的解决方案。完全定做你所需要的工作流程环境以产生最大生产率。 Maya Modeling / 模型制作 有完整之NURBS和 Polygon建模工具,着重无缝隙的人物模型建构。Maya Dynamic / 物理运动 分子特效 运用复杂的动力学 ( Dynamic) 作用,包括刚体 (rigid-body)、柔体 (soft-body) 以及粒子系统 ( particle system) ,可随意自在作出精确且自然的仿真效果。用户对粒子系统的控制可精确到每一颗粒子,以满足特殊之创作需要。Maya Rendering / 材质设定 影像输出 Maya 能轻松地彩现 (Rendering) 出媲美胶片影像 (film-quality) 之清晰度与高品质视觉效果。 Maya Artisan / 模型雕塑工具 Maya Artisan 提供了独一无二的雕刻笔刷工具,能让您结合传统艺术创作中所使用的画笔及雕塑方式,快速且自由自在地雕刻NURBS 曲面,或选择控制点,或指定目标权重(goal weight)等。 Maya Paint Effects Maya Paint Effect 为动画师提供了模拟星空、闪电、动植物、海底世界、食物、器物???等现实界事物的绘笔工具,它可同时运用于 3D 及 2D 的创作上。除了可以真实呈现事物的质感与动态之外,并可依用户喜好无止限地创造出独特的笔触,轻而易举营造出超现实的异想世界。除了快速彩现的功能可立即检视影像之外,还可任意设定动态,创作令人惊异之动画效果。 MEL( Maya Embedded Language) / Maya 程序语言 有了MEL,用户可自行扩充Maya的功能,把内嵌行为或指令加注在角色上,以满足某些创作的需要。MEL并允许用户根据各自不同的创作习惯和本身的需要,来量身订做个人专属之接口。Invigorator LE / 3D 立体字制作工具 Invigorator Lite Edition (LE) 可让您将Adobe Illustrator 的文字或图文件带到Maya底下加以编辑。Fusion Lite / 2D 合成剪辑 Maya Fusion 2是一种有许多特色的完整合成软件,它的功能和速度表现都相当抢眼。而Maya中的Maya Fusion LE则是精简而理想的合成软件。它有颜色校正、转档、合成、实时显示、预览输出工具…等,满足一般使用需求。 Maya Live / 3D 场景合成 将3D动画结合自然的动作。现在数字艺术家可以方便且非常准确可靠将3D 对象加入已拍好的动态影片中。在场景中,你可以很容易的加载CG物体。Maya Cloth / 衣服制作 最快最真实的织品解决方案满足你的数字衣服所有需求。你可以使用Maya Cloth 创造现实艺术中所用到的布料、衣服等。尤其是想癿真实的按照人物模型的尺寸定做合身的衣服并随着人物模型的运动而运动,绝对是理想的方法。Maya Fur / 毛发制作 Maya Fur 以完整而直觉的界面创造令你出乎意料之外真实的毛 发。你可以高率的产生使人信服的毛、头发、动物的皮毛、草地等…,在 NURBS 和polygon模型上。作出许多你想表现的动画。 Advanced Modeling / 进阶模型制作 提供艺术创作者以简捷的方式建构最精密水准的模型。加强了许多的NURBS建模工具和Polygon建模工具中相当好用的细分割曲线 (Subdivision Surfaces)…等。 Two Batch Renderer Licenses / 两个执行算图授权 Maya Builder / Maya 游戏制作家 Maya Builder 是 Maya 为产生计算机游戏所设计的重要软件。它提供强大制作polygon 模型和材质、动画的工具。还能 完整的使用Maya 的应用程序界面。


工作中只用POLYGON,你把其他的忘了吧。99%的电影, 100%的游戏,用的是POLYGON。NURBS工业建模原型是alis stdiuo我拼得不对,就是搞工业建模的,这个人那个人都说他强,但是,没有人用它制片,怪物史来克1用NURBS差点赔死,2马上换POLYGON。SUBDIVISION很中性,新POLYGON有细分级别,所以你用它做甚?NURBS建模,SUBDIVISION建模最大毛病,不能分UV。

zbrush3.1 导出的置换贴图 maya中不能正常显示



一般情况下,选中物体模型按“3”后渲染即可有圆滑效果。选中模型并打开模型属性栏(右边)-->找Smooth Mesh并打开卷展栏-->Subdivision Levels--->修改Preview Division Levels值,值变大,渲染可见圆滑效果。Vray渲染器在直接按“3”渲染不圆滑时,实现方法为:Render Settings-->VRay-->Global options-->勾选Render viewport subdivision,之后选中模型按“3”后渲染即可。另一种方法是在不勾选Render viewport subdivision情况下,进行局部设置圆滑:选中物体模型-->右属性栏上面点击Attributes-->VRay-->勾选subdivision,此时渲染物体呈现圆滑效果。


那你肯定要做约束啊 point to suface


置换~! 你还真敢 渲染慢死你 用法线吧

you_(may)be late for show横线上填什么形式?

you may be late for show. 填原型

Brian May的《Slow Down》 歌词

歌曲名:Slow Down歌手:Brian May专辑:Another WorldSlow DownGreen Pitchace of heartSlow Downartist: Green Pitchalbum:"Ace of Hearts"It"s time to slow downstop choking on the thingsthat could have been"cause it"s all over nowperhaps it"s waiting inanother placeanother whenit"s all in my headI realize there"s nothing thereit"s not a big changeand somehow I have been prepared

Corrinne May的《Slow Down》 歌词

歌曲名:Slow Down歌手:Corrinne May专辑:Beautiful SeedSlow DownCorrinne May<Beautiful Seed>16 hour workday just to provideEverything for his little tykeNo time to sing a lullabyor give him a piggyback rideTV babysitter, toys are a bribeas he speeds out the doorwayand the car leaves the drivewayThe boy runs after his fatherbut his steps are too smallHe stretches out his hands to reach himas he tumbles and falls.Slow down,I can"t keep up with youYou"re getting a little too quickfor me to followSlow down,you"re getting away from meand I don"t know how to slow you down60 years together weathering the timesThe good, the bad, the sweetest sighsWatching children of their children smileas they did when they walked down the aisleWalking canes and wheelchairs slowly windTwirling the years, curling their facesBut now he"s stumbling fastertowards that finish lineShe stretches out her hands to reach himas he closes his eyesSlow down,I can"t keep up with youYou"re getting a little too quickfor me to followSlow down,you"re getting away from meand I don"t know how to slow you downand I don"t know how to slow you downand I don"t know how to slow you downSlow down,I can"t keep up with youYou"re getting a little too quickfor me to followSlow down,you"re getting away from meand I don"t know how to slow you downSlow DownCorrinne May<Beautiful Seed>

Maya的hair头发用mental ray渲染出来是偏移的!求解。 账号只有5分了大家帮帮忙。好人一生平安


maya粒子用mental ray渲染出来颜色和在透视图里面预览的颜色不一样


maya mental ray设置环境球怎么能让环境贴图变模糊

maya软件中让环境球变模糊,其实最好的是让物体的反射变模糊只要选择物体的环境球,按键盘上的ctrl+a键,调出材质球的属性编辑器在mental ray下面,把Mi Reflection Blur的数值调高就可以让材质球反射的环境变模糊如下图红框中所示

arnold渲染器是跟mental ray渲染器一样,maya自带的渲染器吗?插件管理器里面有吗是哪一个?


我用maya的mental ray渲染人头模型,只要加上置换贴图渲染出来的模型就变形了,不加就是正常的,怎么回事

mental ray的置换需要用mental ray的细分才能好用不知道你的置换贴图是怎么做的如果是在zbrush出的需要把alphagain和alphaoffest调一下alphaoffest = alphagain*-0.5;

mentalray for maya2018安装好,无法加载


maya用mental ray渲染阴影的边缘锯齿很严重怎么解决?


maya中带有法线贴图的模型怎样渲染出来?默认渲染或mental ray都可以

常是用来表现模型表面的凹凸细节的,并不能达到使模型变的高模那种平滑的效果,法线技术是通过采样摄像机与物体模型法线的夹角值产生一种模拟的明暗变化,让人感觉模型表面产生了凹凸,但从侧面看的时候还是平的,这种方法运算速度快,但效果会相对假一些,而置换可以在渲染时使模型表面都发生起伏的变化,效果相对真实,而且可以通过置换细分的调节控制模型表面的精细程度,渲染出类似高模的效果,但这些都需要用贴图去表现,而且是针对凹凸的,其实如果想把低模渲染成高模的效果我们使用细分渲染就可以了。 首先在window菜单下的settings/preferenes下的plug-in manager中找到mayatomr,把两个勾打上,确保mentalray渲染器的加载,选择你要渲染为高模的一个模型,然后打开window——rendering Editors——mental ray——approximation Editor,在弹出的窗口中找到subdivisions这一栏,点击后面的Create按钮,后面的Edit按钮就会亮,再点击Edit按钮,调出右边的属性面板,其实现在如果使用mental ray渲染器渲染,你选择的那个低模就已经可以渲染为高模了,如果你觉得还不够高,把刚才打开的那个属性编辑器下的N subdivisions下的数值改高就可以了,不过不要一下调太高,一般到4就很高了,否则渲染得时间会很长,这就是细分渲染,它渲染出的效果相当于你选择模型后按数字键3之后所显示的效果,不过做低模时时我们要在比较硬的棱角处在棱角两边非常近的地方加两条线控制模型的结构,以上已经叙述的很清楚了,我想关于建模布线的问题作为一个初学者不用说也应该很清楚了,这里我就不再说明了,希望我的叙述能对你起到帮助。

短文综合填空(本大题满分11分,每空1分)Most people may not think that there are any problems with

小题1:space小题2:clever小题3:price小题4:saying小题5:change小题6:flower小题7:useful小题8:working小题9:itself小题10:past小题11:way 试题分析:这篇短文主要描述了科学技术在农业种植方面带来的新变化。小题1:联系下文描述,可知此处指的是总是有浪费的空间。结合语境及首字母可知填名词space,空间,太空。抽象名词不可数,故用原形即可。小题2:联系下文,可知此处指的是一些聪明的农民们,结合语境及首字母可知填形容词clever,聪明的,作定语。小题3:联系下文,可知此处指的是现在唯一的问题是价格。结合语境及首字母可知填名词price,价格。抽象名词不可数,故用原形即可。小题4:联系下文,可知此处指的是许多人知道这条谚语,结合语境及首字母可知填单数名词saying,谚语,言论。小题5:联系下文,可知此处指的是诗人们需要把玫瑰是红色的改成玫瑰是红色的,玫瑰是蓝色的。To是不定式符号,后面用动词原形。结合语境及首字母可知填原形动词change,改变。小题6:联系下文,可知此处指的是一朵蓝色花朵,结合语境及首字母可知填单数名词flower,花朵。小题7:联系前文,可知此处指的是不只是有用的。结合语境及首字母可知填形容词useful,有用的。小题8:联系上下文,可知句意为:多年以来,中国的科学家们一直在从事发展一种新型的更强壮的水稻。结合前文be动词及首字母可知填现在分词working,工作,经营。小题9:联系上下文,可知此处指的是保护它自己免受虫害和病害。结合语境及首字母可知填翻身代词itself。它自己。小题10:联系前文描述,可知此处指的是再过去。结合语境及首字母可知填名词past,过去,往事。小题11:联系下文,可知美国科学家已经发明了一种方法,结合语境及首字母可知填单数名词way,方法,道路。点评:首字母一直是英语考试中的难点,得分率比较低。解答此类题型的方法一般就是根据文章前后句子之间意思推断出词义,并结合首字母推断出所缺单词,然后根据该单词在句子中的句子成分,所起作用,确定单词词形,进行适当词形变化。


这是两个单词吗?may 是五月tin是锡,或罐,

You may know the English letters A, B and C. But do you know there are people called ABC? You m...

小题1:C小题2:B小题3:A小题4:C小题5:A 试题分析:这篇短文主要讲述了ABC其实就是香蕉人是指中国人出生在美国,而且加入了美国国籍,意思是表面是黄种人实质是美国人,他们不是中国公民但是他们是中国人他们的祖先是中国人。小题1:细节理解题。根据短文第二段ABC means American-born-Chinese. An ABC is a Chinese, but was born in the United States意思是中国人出生在美国。故选C。小题2:细节理解题。根据第二段A banana is yellow outside and white inside. So, when a person is a banana, he or she is white inside---hinting like a Westerner(西方人) and yellow outside --- looking like a Chinese.故选B。小题3:词义猜测题。根据短文最后一段But they have Chinese blood. Their parents, grandparents or even great-grandparents were from China.可知是血统的意思。故选C。小题4:细节理解题。根据短文最后一句But they are not Chinese citizens. They are not people of the People"s Republic of China. For example, we all know the famous scientist C.N. Yang(杨振宁)可知是美籍华人不是中国人,故选C可知可知啊www.xkb1.com小题5:主旨大意题。通读全文后可知本文组要讲述海外中国人。故选C。

Who knows but (that) he may go? 有助于回答者给出准确的答案

but在这里相当于that(用于否定结构后). 例句:There is no doubt but that he will win the election. 毫无疑问,他将在竞选中获胜. 所以这句话翻译:有谁知道他可能会走?





May I speak to Mr Brown是什么意思

May I speak to Mr Brown我找布朗(接电话) 【电话用语】双语对照例句:1.Can I speak to the chef? 我能和大厨谈谈吗?2.May I speak to john smith please. 请找约翰.史密斯听电话。

我想要MC梦的歌曲--写给你的信part2 (是与maybee一起唱的韩文的)

ub108uc5d0uac8cuc4f0ub294ud3b8uc9c0 PART2 写给你的信 PART2 - MC梦(feat.MayBee)mms://

Maybee的《Day Dream》 歌词

歌曲名:Day Dream歌手:Maybee专辑:第2辑 Luv Cloud未知一路上有你英文版My dream每天夜里,我梦着你,希望你会在这陪伴着我I dream of you everyday of my life, 梦着你 在我生命中的每一天but you don"t even know my love.但你却不懂我有多爱你Just like a friend you treat me like it should be,你真的只是把我当作朋友tell me how can I make this real告诉我怎样才梦想成真I think of you everywhere that I go无论去到哪里我都会想起你but you don"t even know I care,可你却不懂我有多在乎你oh how I wish,you are here beside me,哦 我多希望 你就在我的身旁loving you with all of my heart,用心爱着你I wish you know how much I love you,我多希望你知道 我有多爱你its been driving my heart crazy,这让我心绪不宁If I tell you`how I feel will you be here,我该不该告诉你 幻想着你在这里be here with me~~和我厮守oh am I dreaming, or just fantasy,梦着你 也许只是梦幻一场how can I know if you let me in your heart,怎么才能打开你的心扉oh am I dreaming, or just reality,梦着你 也许有一天会如愿以偿please let me hold you in my arms throughout the night请让我拥着你 时时刻刻Just like a friendyou treat me like it should be,

maybee资料这个是她的帖吧你去看看 都是最全的


ub2e4uc18c (多笑)-MayBeeub0a0 uc6b8ub9acuace0 ud654ub0b4ub294 uadf8ubaa8uc2b5uc774 ubc84ub987ub418ubc84ub9b0uc0acub78cuc774uc8e0..ubbf8uc548ud558ub2e8 ud55cub9c8ub514 uc900uc801uc5c6ub294 uadf8ub304 ud798uaca8uc6b4 uc0acub78cuc774uc8e0..uc0acub791uc774 uc544ub2c8ub77cuace0. uc774uc81cub294 uc544ub2c8ub77cuace0..ub9d0ud558uba74 ub2e4 ubcc0ud560ud150ub370.uc65c ub9dduc124uc774ub4ef uc2acud508 uadf8ub300uc5bcuad74 uc6c3uc73cuba70 uc774uc820 ubcf4ub0b4uc904uac8c..uc815ub9d0 ub09c ud589ubcf5ud588uc5b4..ub9ceuc774 uc0acub791ud588uc5b4...uadf8uac78ub85c uad1cucc2euc744ub098uc9c0ub9cc..uc544ud504uace0 uc544ud30cuc11cuc790uafb8 uac81uc774ub098uc11c uadf8ub308 ubcf4ub0b4uae30uac00 ud798uc774ub4e4uc5b4...ub3ccuc544uac08uc218uc788uc744uae4c..uc0acub791ud588ub358 uadf8ub54cub97c ud589ubcf5ud588uc5c8ub358 uadf8ub0a0ub85c.uadf8ub300ub3c4 ub0b4uac00 uc544ub2c8uba74 uc548ub41cub2e4ub358..uadf8ub0a0uc774 ub108ubb34 uadf8ub9acuc6ccuc838.uc815ub9d0 ub09c ud589ubcf5ud588uc5b4..ub9ceuc774 uc0acub791ud588uc5b4..uadf8uac78ub85c uad1cucc2euc744ub098uc9c0ub9cc uc544ud504uace0 uc544ud30cuc11c...uc790uafb8 uac81uc774ub098uc11c uadf8ub308 ubcf4ub0b4uae30uac00 ud798uc774ub4e4uc5b4..uc2a4uce58ub4ef uc9c0ub098uac04 uc0acub791ub530uc708 uc774ub300ub85c ud758ub7ecub3c4..ub0b4uc0acub791ub3c4 ubabbubcf8ucc99 uadf8ub308 uc78auc744ud14cub2c8 ubcf4ub0b4uc904uac8c...ub2e4uc2dcub294 ubcfcuc218uc5c6ub2e4uace0 ub9d0ud558uc9c0ub9c8 uc81cubc1c..I do...I know..You Just Still In My Heart..I Belive..uc0acub791uc774 uc774ubcc4ud558uace0 ub208ubb3cuc774 uc628uac70uc57cuc774ub807uac8c uadf8ub308 ubcf4ub0b4uc9c0ub9cc..ubaa8ub978ucc44 uc0b4uc544uc918...ubaa8ub974uace0uc0b4uc544uc918..ub0b4uc0acub791 uc774uc820I Say Good-Bye..有点(多笑),梅比 看上去变成愤怒的人对我geumoseupyi习惯铃声.. 这是一个艰难的一个词geudaen junjeokeopneun抱歉.. 这不是爱。号..我说会改变一切。 为什么犹豫,我送你一对满脸愁容的笑容.. 我真的很高兴,很多爱... .. ..病态与它不错,但它伤害了我 给一直不敢让himyideuleo最后一次... 会回来..这是当我已经满意了。 或者说,我不应该有..我也错过了建议的权力。 我真的很高兴,非常爱.. .. 病态与它不错,但它伤害了我... 给一直不敢让himyideuleo最后一次.. 缓缓落下,略读过去yidaero爱我.. 我送我的爱...我会忘记你甚至motboncheok 请不要再说了,看看.. 我...我知道在我的心..你刚才还.. 本人相信的..爱和泪水来告别 已发送,但我们知道上一次..你喜欢这个活... 我爱moreugosalahjwo .. 我说再见..


One last dance with you 和你跳一只舞 Even though what we have is strong 虽然我们都是坚强的人 Both of us know that we"ve done wrong 我们彼此都知道我们做错了事 You could lose everything 我们会失去一切 Need to give it up 必须放弃这想法 Just one last dance with you 这最后一只舞 For all the moments that we shared 为了我们共同渡过的所有时刻 All the lies they don"t compare 所有的谎言他们不会比较 You gotta go back to him 你要回到他的身边 And I realize that every time I see your face I know 并且我每一次看你的脸都意识到这一点 There"s a part of me that can"t bear to let you go 我不能忍受你离去 And I would give my heart 我把我的真心给了你 Give you the world, risk losing everything I got 给你整个世界,危及我得到的所有东西 I"d give it all to you 我把所有都给你你 Though I don"t wanna stop 我不想停止 I know it"s the right thing to do...yeah 因为我知道这是正确的事情。。。。yeah So hard to find the words to say 很难用词语来形容 But I can"t see any other way 但是我找不出其他方式 Girl you"ve risked everything 女孩你在冒险 Time to give it up 是该放弃的时候了 And though it breaks my heart to leave 虽然这撕裂着我的心扉 We both know it"s time to let it breathe 我们都知道是该喘口气的时候了 Girl I realize that every time I see your face I know 女孩每一次我看你的脸我都意识到 So many times we tried to hold back 多少次我们努力去挽回 We been here before now girl 我们现在这里属于彼此 And it feels so cruel, yeah 这很残暴,yeah~ A million tears won"t change the fact that 再多的眼泪也无法改变这现实 I find it hard to play the game 我无法再继续 When I feel like i"m the one to blame 我感到我应该被责备 But I would give my heart 但是我会付出我的心 And make our peace with god 无怨无悔 One last dance with you...oh year...oh yeah 和你跳最后一只舞。。。。oh yeah

表示可能时,什么时候用may ,may be, might,possible,probably,probably be

一般来说,MAY作为情态动词,意思是"也许"、"可能",后接动词原形。 maybe是一个副词,意思是"也许"、"可能"、"大概",常放在句首,修饰整个句子,表示不太肯定的推测。 may be意为"可能是"、"也许是",放在句子主语后作谓语。possible: [ "pu0254su0259bl ] a. 可能的 词形变化: 副词:possibly 例句与用法: 1. I"ll do everything possible to help you. 我会尽一切可能帮助你。 2. Frost is possible, although unlikely, at this time of year. 在一年中的这个时候,下霜也是可能的,虽然可能性并不大。 3. They interviewed 30 people of whom five were possibles. 他们对30人进行了面试, 其中有五人符合候选条件. 4. Are you insured against all possible risks? 你对一切可能发生的危险都投保了吗? 5. It is not humanly possible (ie A human is not able) to lift the weight. 人举不起这样的重量. 6. The police are investigating his possible involvement in the crime. 警方正在调查他卷入那桩罪行的可能性。 7. I regret to say it"s not possible. 很抱歉这是不可能的。 8. It isn"t remotely possible that you will be chosen to go. 挑选你去的可能性并非很小. 英英解释: 名词possible: 1. something that can be done 2. an applicant who might be suitable 形容词possible: 1. capable of happening or existing 2. existing in possibility 同义词:potential 3. capable of being imagined 同义词:conceivable, imaginable probably: [ "pru0254bu0259b(u0259)li ] ad. 大概,或许 例句与用法: 1. We"re going on holiday soon, probably next month. 我们很快就要去度假了,多半是下个月。 2. He"s late he"s probably stuck in a traffic jam. 他迟到了--很可能是由於交通阻塞耽误了。 3. `Can he hear us?" `Probably not." ‘他听得见我们的话吗?"‘大概听不见." 4. `Will you be coming?" `Probably." ‘你来吗?"‘很可能来." 5. I"ll be probably free then. 那时我大概就有空了。 6. Well, you"re probably right. 嗯,你大概是对的。 7. That hotel probably costs no less than 20 dollars a night. 那间旅馆的住宿费大约要20元一晚呢。 8. It"s probably not as bad as she says she does tend to pile it on. 大概不像她说的那麽糟--她确实有意夸大事实。 英英解释: 副词probably: 1. with considerable certainty; without much doubt 同义词:likely, in all likelihood, in all probability, belike 2. easy to believe on the basis of available evidence 同义词:credibly, believably, plausibly may: [ mei, me ] n. 五月 aux.可能,可以,祝愿 例句与用法: 1. We may come at another time. 我们可以另找个时间来。 2. He will graduate from the school in May. 他将要在五月份毕业。 3. Might I suggest another time? 我可以建议另找个时间吗? 4. That may be our taxi now! 那辆可能就是我们的计程车了。 5. That might be our taxi. 那辆有可能是我们的计程车. 6. I"ll write so that he may know when to expect us. 我要写信好让他知道我们什麽时候到. 7. It may be Bill"s. 那可能是比尔的. 8. Well, and who may you be? 那麽, 你是谁呢? 英英解释: 名词may: 1. the month following April and preceding June 2. thorny Eurasian shrub of small tree having dense clusters of white to scarlet flowers followed by deep red berries; established as an escape in eastern North America 同义词:whitethorn, English hawthorn, Crataegus laevigata, Crataegus oxycantha might: [ mait ] aux. 可能,也许 n. 力量,威力 v. 或许,可以 例句与用法: 1. I thought it might be true. 我曾认为这可能是真的。 2. I pushed the rock with all my might. 我用全力推那块大石. 3. We fear the military might of the enemy. 我们惧怕敌人强大的军事力量. 4. The promise of a reward might stiffen their resolve. 答应给他们奖励可以坚定他们的决心。 5. The boy might have known the truth, but I am not quite sure. 这男孩当时也许知道真相,但我不很确定。 6. I someone had been with him, he might not have been drowned. 如果有人在他旁边,或许他就不会溺死。 7. That might be in your favor. 那可能对你有利。 8. You might do me a favor? 你或许能帮我—个忙吧? 英英解释: 名词might: 1. physical strength 同义词:mightiness, power may be: ad. 多半(也许) 例句与用法: 1. It may be many years before the new company can gain a secure foothold in the market. 也许要经过若干年这家新公司才能在市场上取得稳固的立足点。 2. The news may be unexpected; nevertheless, it"s true. 这消息也许是出乎预料,但它是真的。 3. Anyone with an annual income of under 5000 may be eligible to apply. 凡年收入在5000英镑以下者均可申请. 4. My advice may be of use for you. 我的意见也许对你有用。 5. There may be millions of worlds in the Milky Way Galaxy. 银河系中也许有几百万个世界。 6. He may be characterized as a man of hobbies. 他可以被称作是一个有癖好的人。 7. Being a fireman sometimes may be dangerous. 做个消防队员有时候会有危险。 8. Purification of water may be achieved by distillation. 水的净化可由蒸馏获得。 英英解释: 副词may be: 1. by chance 同义词:possibly, perchance, perhaps, maybe, mayhap, peradventure maybe: [ "meibi ] ad. 大概,也许 例句与用法: 1. Maybe he is still at home. 可能他还在家里。 2. Maybe he"ll come, maybe he won"t. 他也许来, 也许不来. 3. `Is that true?" `Maybe, I"m not sure." ‘是真的吗?"‘可能, 我说不准." 4. Maybe that"s what I"ll do. 这大概正是我要做的。 5. Maybe some other time. 也许下一次吧。 6. Maybe it will work. 也许这个办法会有效。 7. Maybe I can act as a messenger for you. 也许我能给你当信差。 8. Maybe these nutrients are helpful to your health. 或许这些营养品对你的健康有帮助。 英英解释: 副词maybe: 1. by chance 同义词:possibly, perchance, perhaps, mayhap, peradventure

may ,might ,maybe ...

may: [ mei, me ] n. 五月 aux.可能,可以,祝愿例句与用法: 1. We may come at another time. 我们可以另找个时间来。 2. He will graduate from the school in May. 他将要在五月份毕业。 3. Might I suggest another time? 我可以建议另找个时间吗? 4. That may be our taxi now! 那辆可能就是我们的计程车了。 5. That might be our taxi. 那辆有可能是我们的计程车. 6. I"ll write so that he may know when to expect us. 我要写信好让他知道我们什麽时候到. 7. It may be Bill"s. 那可能是比尔的. 8. Well, and who may you be? 那麽, 你是谁呢?英英解释: 名词may:1. the month following April and preceding June2. thorny Eurasian shrub of small tree having dense clusters of white to scarlet flowers followed by deep red berries; established as an escape in eastern North America 同义词:whitethorn, English hawthorn, Crataegus laevigata, Crataegus oxycanthamight: [ mait ] aux. 可能,也许 n. 力量,威力 v. 或许,可以例句与用法: 1. I thought it might be true. 我曾认为这可能是真的。 2. I pushed the rock with all my might. 我用全力推那块大石. 3. We fear the military might of the enemy. 我们惧怕敌人强大的军事力量. 4. The promise of a reward might stiffen their resolve. 答应给他们奖励可以坚定他们的决心。 5. The boy might have known the truth, but I am not quite sure. 这男孩当时也许知道真相,但我不很确定。 6. I someone had been with him, he might not have been drowned. 如果有人在他旁边,或许他就不会溺死。 7. That might be in your favor. 那可能对你有利。 8. You might do me a favor? 你或许能帮我—个忙吧?英英解释: 名词might:1. physical strength 同义词:mightiness, powermay be: ad. 多半(也许)例句与用法: 1. It may be many years before the new company can gain a secure foothold in the market. 也许要经过若干年这家新公司才能在市场上取得稳固的立足点。 2. The news may be unexpected; nevertheless, it"s true. 这消息也许是出乎预料,但它是真的。 3. Anyone with an annual income of under 5000 may be eligible to apply. 凡年收入在5000英镑以下者均可申请. 4. My advice may be of use for you. 我的意见也许对你有用。 5. There may be millions of worlds in the Milky Way Galaxy. 银河系中也许有几百万个世界。 6. He may be characterized as a man of hobbies. 他可以被称作是一个有癖好的人。 7. Being a fireman sometimes may be dangerous. 做个消防队员有时候会有危险。 8. Purification of water may be achieved by distillation. 水的净化可由蒸馏获得。英英解释: 副词may be:1. by chance 同义词:possibly, perchance, perhaps, maybe, mayhap, peradventuremaybe: [ "meibi ] ad. 大概,也许例句与用法: 1. Maybe he is still at home. 可能他还在家里。 2. Maybe he"ll come, maybe he won"t. 他也许来, 也许不来. 3. `Is that true?" `Maybe, I"m not sure." ‘是真的吗?"‘可能, 我说不准." 4. Maybe that"s what I"ll do. 这大概正是我要做的。 5. Maybe some other time. 也许下一次吧。 6. Maybe it will work. 也许这个办法会有效。 7. Maybe I can act as a messenger for you. 也许我能给你当信差。 8. Maybe these nutrients are helpful to your health. 或许这些营养品对你的健康有帮助。英英解释: 副词maybe:


maybe,perhaps无太大区别,都置于句首。 perhaps [pEhAps] adv. 或许, 多半 perhaps per.haps AHD:[p…r-h05ps“] D.J.[p*6h#ps] K.K.[p+6h#ps] adv.(副词) Maybe; possibly. 可能;或许 From Middle English perhap 源自 中古英语 perhap per [by] from Latin * see per per [通过] 源自 拉丁语 *参见 per hap [chance] * see hap hap [机会] *参见 hap perhaps [pE5hAps] adv. 或许;可能 Perhaps the letter will come today. 或许那封信今天能到。 Perhaps our team will win. 也许我们队要赢。 (礼貌地要求) Perhaps you would be good enough to read this? (= would you be ...?) 你愿意看看这个吗? perhaps per-由于+hap运气;“由于运气”转为“也许可能” maybe [5meibi] adv. 大概, 或许 n. 疑虑 maybe AHD:[m06“b09] D.J.[6meibi8] K.K.[6mebi] adv.(副词) Perhaps; possibly. 也许,可能 n.Informal (名词)【非正式用语】 An uncertainty: 不确定性: There are so many maybes involved in playing the stock market. 股票交易市场中牵涉到这么多的不定因素 An uncertain reply: 不确定的答复: It"s better to receive a fast and honest no than a drawn-out maybe. 宁可接受真实痛快的拒绝也不要拖沓不定的答复 maybe [5meIbi:] adv. 大概;或许 ‘Will they come?" ‘Maybe not." “ 他们会来吗?”“大概不会来。” might 可以用句首,也可以用在句中

may be 是什么意思?


有关may be的问题

不是的may是情态动词,后面跟动词原形而已,be是是动词原形,所以用may be也可以may do……


maybe与 perhaps和may be都有“可能”的意思,它们在用法上有什么不同? A: maybe和perhaps是副词,在句中作状语;maybe是美国用法,在英国多用perhaps。而may be是情态动词may + be,用作句子谓语动词。

may be的意思是什么?



maybe 可能,大概may be 可能是,大概是

may be 是什么意思 ?

maybe也许---------may be可能是




mei be都是第一声

修改:1.May I have your attention , please?I have an

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