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make a sense


make sense to是什么意思

make sense to道理

is that make sense是什么意思


make sense doing 还是to do

to do make sense 讲得通,有意义,言之有理 1. It doesn"t make sense to buy that expensive coat when these cheaper ones are just as good. 这些便宜的大衣也很好, 何必非买那件贵的不可.精 锐C

make sense的sense为什么不加a


关于make sense 的用法? 有时候老外,问 make sense?要如何回答呢?

当老外问你make sense?的时候,他(她)的意思是你明白了吗?或者是你听懂了吗?或者你知道了吗?你可以回答:Got it.或者Yeah,of course.Thanks!

make a sense是什么意思

make a sense中文释义:说得有道理英文发音:[meu026ak u0259 sens]例句:And also the orders of the questions are completely kind of chaotic, but I hope people will make a sense of what I"m talking about.那么,当人们越来越富有时,就真的会幸福吗?这是一个我们都应去探讨的问题。词汇解析:sense英文发音:[sens]中文释义:n.感觉官能(即视、听、嗅、味、触五觉);(对重大事情的)感觉,意识;理解力;判断力例句:He acknowledged the sense of betrayal by civil rights leaders.他承认自己有被民权领袖出卖了的感觉。扩展资料sense的用法:1、sense的基本意思是“感官”,即人体感受客观事物刺激的器官(眼、耳、鼻、舌、身)或其所具有的功能; 也可表示“感觉”,即客观事物的个别特性在人脑中引起的反应。2、sense的复数形式可指五种感觉,即视觉、听觉、嗅觉、味觉、触觉。3、sense引申还可表示对价值的“理解,觉察,感悟,辨别”,常用作单数形式,但前常可加冠词a或the。4、sense也可表示“有见识,懂得”。5、sense还可作“理解”解,指健全的心智和思维的能力,常用于复数形式。sense还可作“意义”“意思”解,是可数名词。

我想问唔make sense又或者唔岩规矩既英文应该系点?

English that doesn"t make sense at all call fragment and English that"s non-standard some call Ebonics (Black English) Chinglish (Chinese English) or other countries" English or Broken English. 每一句完整句子都必须有主词 动词 标点 和 表达意见. Fragment 是指一句不完整句子或者是一句doesn"t make sense的句子. e.g.: Although he is sick. (It"s a fragment because that sentence didn"t express a plete idea. This sentence is a dependent clause 附属子句 it should have an independent clause 子句 follow after.) Ebonics was originated from the south of United States during the slavery period. Ebonics" Guidelines 1. Minimal number of words for every idea: This is the source for the aphoristic and/or poetic force of the language; eliminate every possible word. 2. Clarity: If the sentence is not clear it"s not Black English. 3. Eliminate use of the verb “to be” whenever possible. This leads to the deployment of more descriptive and therefore more precise verbs. 4. Use “be” or “been” only when you want to describe a chronic ongoing state of things Standard English (S.E.): He is always at the office by 9. Black English (B.E.): He be at the office by 9. 5. Zero copula: Always eliminate the verb “to be” whenever it would bine with another verb in Standard English. S.E.: She is going out with him. B.E.: She going out with him. 6. Eliminate “do” as in: S.E.: What do you think? What do you want? B.E.: What you think? What you want? 7. Use double or triple negatives for dramatic emphasis. S.E.: Tina Turner sings out of this world. B.E.: Ain nobody sing like Tina. 8. Never use the “-ed” suffix to indicate the past tense of a verb. S.E.: She closed the door. B.E.: She close the door. / She have close the door. Ebonics" Guidelines were taken from “Nobody Mean More to Me Than You” by June Jordan Chinglish是指带有中文语音 语法 词汇特色的英语. e.g.: Me and my sister go buy some candy for Chinese New Year. 2008-06-15 08:12:21 补充: 基于回答内容有字限 所以我的 wer was not a full/plete/whole wer. 如果您想要 the whole wer you can e-mail me and I will send you the file. My e-mail: [email protected] 参考: More info. go to en. *** [Typed in “Black English” & “Chinglish” ] 唔make sense系话人无感觉的 即系无用脑 写法: You do not make sense 唔岩规矩既英文: 写法: you do not ply with the regulation. or you do not follow the regulation or you broke the regulation

make sense to sb什么意思

有三个意思:(对某人)有意义(某人是)明智的, 是合情合理的(使某人)易于理解造句:(1)Does investing my money there make sense to me?对我而言,把自己的钱投资在这些股票或基金上是否明智?

make sense-breen歌词

1、《make sense》歌曲信息演唱:breen专辑:Make Sense语言:英语流派:R&B 节奏布鲁斯版权公司:北京普涞明星文化经纪有限公司发行时间:2014-08-29作词:KOKIA作曲:KOKIA2、《make sense》歌曲中英互译歌词:I love the way that you"ve said to me.我喜欢你说过的一条路Every day is part of life.每一天每一天组成完整的生命Even if it"s grey.尽管它不尽人意It makes sense to me.但它对我来说很有意义In our livers, the music still plays.生活中,音乐无处不在I can sing it for you,我可以唱给你听if you will stay with me.假如你答应和我在一起Tra ra ra ra嗒啦啦啦啦...I love the way that you"ve said to me.我喜欢你说过的一条路Every day is part of life.每一天每一天组成完整的生命Even if it"s grey.尽管它不尽人意It makes sense to me.但它对我来说很有意义In our livers, the music still plays.生活中,音乐无处不在I can sing it for you,我可以唱给你听if you will stay with me.假如你答应和我在一起Sometimes it"s not the way that I expected.有时感觉,这并不是我期待的一条路But it makes sense to me.但它对我来说很有意义

make sense和talk sense的区别

talk sense 英[tu0254:k sens] 美[tu0254k su025bns] v. 说话有道理; [网络] 说话有理; 说得有理; [例句]I wish you"d talk sense.要是你说有意义的话就好了。make sense[英][meik sens][美][mek su025bns]讲得通; 有意义; 是明智的; 理解; 例句:1.The fiscal trade-offs also make sense. 财政权衡也很有意义。



理解make sense +(……)?

of 固定句型

make sense口语

make sense意思是“讲得通, 有意义,是明智的, 是合情合理的”。其用法如下:make sense口语中常用词,中国人最喜欢把这个词夹在中文中说。比如,“我表姐38了,前些天嫁了个23岁小伙,一点都不make sense”最常见的用法是“没有道理”:doesn"t make sense; doesn"t make any senseThe movie doesn"t make any sense. 这个电影根本就是瞎编It still doesn"t make sense to me. 我还是没明白。再一种用法是在问句中。比如你做了个presentation,下面的听众眼睛都发直。你问“Am I making sense?”就要比问“Do you understand?”要客气得多。有的时候也用在肯定句中。比如你不明白彩票怎么回事,卖彩票的给你讲了半天,你听明白了,你可以说“Thank you very much. Your explanation made a lot of sense.”此外他还引申出一个形容词sense-making你们教授跟你说,Please submit a more sense-making report. 意思是你的报告纯属胡扯,打回重写

帮我用"MAKE SENSE"造句!


关于make sense 的用法? 有时候老外,问 make sense?要如何回答呢?

当老外问你make sense?的时候,他(她)的意思是你明白了吗?或者是你听懂了吗?或者你知道了吗?你可以回答:Got it.或者Yeah,of course.Thanks!

make sense


make sense to sb是什么意思?

有三个意思:(对某人)有意义(某人是)明智的, 是合情合理的(使某人)易于理解造句:(1)Does investing my money there make sense to me?对我而言,把自己的钱投资在这些股票或基金上是否明智?

make sense是什么意思


make sense of

通常makes sense意为---讲得通,有意义,言之有理 网上例句 1.It doesn"t make sense to buy that expensive coat when these cheaper ones are just as good.这些便宜的大衣也很好,何必非买那件贵的不可. 2.That doesn"t make sense to me.我看不出那有何用意. 通常makes sense of意为understand; interpret successfully 理解 1,Even though the speaker had a strong accent,Henry could catch on to his story,but Tom couldn"t make sense of it at all.尽管演讲者地方口音很重,但是亨利能听懂他的话,而汤姆却一点儿也听不懂. 2,Can you make sense of what he said?你听懂他说的话吗? 3,I can"t make sense of either the Chinese or Korean language,and that"s why I can"t tell them apart.我既不懂汉语,也不懂朝鲜语,这就是我分不清这两种语言的原因. 3.It doesn"t make sense,you see?它不再有意义,你明白吗?

make sense 的用法

make sense 讲得通,有意义,言之有理 1.It doesn"t make sense to buy that expensive coat when these cheaper ones are just as good.这些便宜的大衣也很好,何必非买那件贵的不可.2.That doesn"t make sense to me.我看不出那有何用意.3.It doesn"t make sense,you see?它不再有意义,你明白吗?

make sense是什么意思?用法有哪些?

有意义;讲得通;言之有理 make no sense毫无意义;这完全不着边际;这完全天南地北;毫无疑义 make sense讲得通;言之有理 make good sense有很大意义 It is hard to find a chief executive with a good word for the president.Do their complaints make sense?Is Mr Obama an anti-business president? 如今,我们已经很难找到一位为奥巴马说好话的首席执行官.他们的抱怨有道理吗?奥巴马是一位反商业总统吗?

make sentse是什么意思


make sense是什么意思




How to make a good friend


3what is the change your want to make about yourself?why ?英语口语 谢谢提供!




make the tea是什么意思 该如何讲解


make 的用法 和keep的用法

make 及物动词 vt. 1.做; 制造; 被制造 He"ll make a kite for me. 他将给我做个风筝. She makes all her clothes. 她的衣服都是自己缝制的. Boots are made in this tannery. 这家皮革工厂生产皮靴. 2.做出, 制定, 产生 She made no answer. 她没作答复. Once a decision is made, we must carry it out. 一旦做了决定, 我们就要执行. 3.使, 使得 The boy made the baby laugh by making a face at him. 那男孩扮鬼脸逗那个婴儿笑. That makes me mad! 这简直使我发疯! The boss made Tom work long hours. 老板逼着汤姆长时间地干活. Everybody must be made to understand that. 务必让每个人都懂得这一点. 4.获得, 挣得 He made 600 pounds last year. 他去年赚了600镑. 5.总计, 等于 6.成为, 使成为 Medical knowledge alone doesn"t make a good doctor. 单有医学知识并不能成为一个好医生. The hall would make a good theatre. 这个大厅可以当一个很好的剧场. You"ll find us all wanting to make friends with you. 你会发现我们都希望与你交朋友. She would make him a good wife. 她可以成为他的贤妻. Newton was made President of the Royal Society. 牛顿被选为皇家学会会长. 7.到达 She"ll never make the summit. 她永远到不了山顶. 8.准备; 整理 9.认为; 估计 He looked at the moon and made the time to be midnight. 他看了看月亮, 估计时间是半夜了. He made it important that everything should be finished. 他认识到每件事完成的重要性. He made it a useless attempt to advise her. 他认为试图劝她是无用的. 10.铺床 11.造成(破坏、破损等) 12.使出现;引发;使产生 13.促使;使得 14.造就;使构成 15. 迫使;强迫 16.表现;表示;描绘 17.选举;挑选;任命 18.成为;适合 19.合计;等于 20.成为总数;是…的总和 21.挣钱;赚钱 22.估计;计算 23.(尽力)赶往,到达,达到 24.使成功;使圆满 不及物动词 vi. 1.开始; 试图 She made to cry. 她哭起来了. 2.行进, 趋向 The ship was making towards the pier. 船正驶向码头. The thief made towards the open window. 小偷好像要走向开着的窗户. All the evidence makes in your favour. 所有证据都对你有利. He made as if he had not seen me. 他装作没有看见我的样子. 3.增长起来 The snow made fast. 雪很快地堆起来了. 4.尝试;想做 5.有效果;产生影响 Courtesy makes for safer driving. 礼让有助于更安全驾驶. 名词 n. 1.制造, 样式, 牌子, 类型 This is of Japanese make. 这是日本制造的. The make is very poor. 这样式很差. They sell all makes of washing machines. 他们销售各种牌号的洗衣机. John is a man of this make. 约翰是这种类型的人. 2.体格; 气质 He has the make of an athlete. 他有运动员的体格. 3.(机器、设备等的)品牌,型号 4.做;制作过程;手工制作工序;结构;样式;造型 5.产量,制造量;生产额 6.性情,品质;气质;品格;体格 keep [ki:p] vt. (kept [kept]) 保持,保存;保守(秘密) 保藏,收藏, 防护 使保持(某种状态) 履行; 遵守 庆祝; 过(年、节); 举行(仪式) 整理; 料理 备有(商品等); 经售 记(日记、帐等) 赡养; 雇用 饲养 经营, 开设 留住, 挽留; 拘留 保持...(状态, 活动等) 防止, 预防 保卫, 保证 继续遵循 keep a stick in one"s hand 手里拿一根棍子 keep a town against the enemy 保卫城市抗击敌人 be kept dry 保持干燥 keep one"s head 保持冷静 keepone"s temper 强压怒火 keep one"s word 履行诺言 keep one"s birthday 祝寿 keep a school 开办学校 keep chickens 养鸡 keep a family 养家活口 keep the law 守法 keep sb. long 耽搁某人很久 keep sb. in custody 拘留某人 keep the middle of the road 一直沿着路中间走 keep nothing from sb. 什么事都不瞒某人 keep sb. from hurting himself 防止某人受伤 keep time 合节拍 keep watch 担任警戒 K-the change. 不必找钱了. 词性变化 keep [ki:p] vi. 保持着某种状态 继续不断 (食物等)保持不坏 [口](店铺等)开着; (学校等)上课 拖延 [口]逗留, 住, 呆 保持某种路线(方向, 距离, 活动等) keep smiling 笑脸常开 keep indoors 留在家中不出来 K-dry! 切勿受潮! K-silent! 别作声. News of successes keeps pouring in. 捷报频传. He kept us going in beer. 他长期供应我们啤酒. Meat doesn"t keep in hot weather. 热天, 肉保存不住. School keeps till four o"clock. 学校上课到四点钟. The matter will keep till tomorrow. 这件事搁到明天再说. Traffic keeps to the right. 车辆靠右行驶. K-straight on. 直向前进. K-off the grass. 请勿踏草坪. keep [ki:p] n. 保持; 保养; 管理 生计, 衣食; 饲料 【史】要塞; 城堡的高楼(最坚固部分) be worth one"s keep 值得保存[饲养] 习惯用语 earn one"s keep 挣钱维持生活 值得雇用; 值得豢养 for keeps [美俚]最后地; 永远地; 认真地; 永远占有 in bad keep 保存得不好 in low keep 保存得不好 in good keep 保存得好 in high keep 保存得好 keepabreast (of, with) 与...并进, 跟上, 不落后于... keep after 一直追赶, 不断追踪 不断地说, 反复地说 keep ahead (of) 保持(对...的)领先地位 keep at (=keep on at)纠缠(某人) (=keep sb. at sth.) 强迫某人不停地做某事 坚持不懈地做(某事) keep at it [口]加油干, 使劲, 别松劲! keep away 离开, 避开 keep back 退缩; 隐瞒; 留[扣]下; 阻止 keep clear of 避开, 躲避 keep down 蹲下; 控制; 阻止增长; 缩减; 用小活字排印; 使(食物, 药等)不吐出来 keep from 避开; 禁止; 隐瞒; 克制 keep going 维持下去 使继续下去 keep in 扣留; 抑制; 隐瞒; 使(火)不熄灭; 使维持(某种)状态 keep in with sb. 与某人友好相处; 不断讨好 keep indoors 呆在家里, 不外出 keep it up 不松劲, 照原样继续下去 keep off 避开; 不(让)接近; 防止; (雨雪)没有下 keep on 继续; 穿[戴]着不脱 继续下去, 坚持下去 继续雇用(某人) (与 about 连用)继续谈论 keep on at 纠缠不休; 继续不断地抱怨(某人) keep on with 继续(做某事) keep to oneself 不与人交往, 离群独居 keep out 把...关在外面; 阻止入内; 不参加; 不进去;【刷】疏排 keep out of 置身于...之外, 使不参预或不卷入 keep sb. advised in sth. 使某人随时知道某事的进展情况 keep sb. going in sth. 继续不断地向某人供应某物 keep sth. to oneself 保守秘密, 不告诉别人 keep sb. underfoot 控制某人; 把某人长期踩在脚下; 使某人长期处于从属地位 keep to 坚持; 坚守; 不违背(诺言、计划等) 不离开..., 留在... keep together (使)不分散 (使)动作协调 keep under 控制, 压住 压迫, 压制 使处于麻醉状态 keep up 坚持; 维持; 继续; 不低落; 不为(疾病等)所屈;【刷】用大写正体排印 keep up with 跟上, 不落后; 与...并肩前进 与...保持接触 参考词汇 [同义词] keep retain withhold reserve 都含“保持”、“保存”的意思. keep 系常用词, 指“使继续下去”“使较长时期地置于不脱离控制、掌握、照料或变化之下”, 如: keep the room clean. 保持室内清洁. retain 较正式, 强调“继续保持”, 特指“保持使不失去或被夺走”, 如: He has managed to retain most of his fortune. 他设法保存了他的大部分财产. withhold 强调“保留”、“隐匿”, 指“阻止其离去或泄漏”, 如: Fear made him withhold the truth. 恐惧使他不敢说实话. reserve 指“为一目的保持, 或保存一段时间”, 如: A great future is reserved for you. 光明的前程在等待着你.


Makevt. 使得;进行;布置,准备,整理;制造;认为;获得;形成;安排;引起;构成vi. 开始;前进;增大;被制造n. 制造;构造;性情n. (Make)人名;(塞、南非)马克[ 过去式 made 过去分词 made 现在分词 making ]制造使得制作做短语make up 构成 ; 弥补 ; 化妆 ; 编造make sense 讲得通 ; 有意义 ; 有道理 ; 言之有理make for 走向 ; 有助于 ; 促进 ; 导致Make [ meik ]n.a recognizable kind"what make of car is that?"同义词: brandthe act of mixing cards haphazardly同义词: shuffle shufflingv.engage in"make love, not war"; " make an effort"; " make revolution"同义词: dogive certain properties to something"Don"t make this into a big deal"; " This invention will make you a millionaire"同义词: getmake or cause to be or to become"make a mess in one"s office"同义词: createcause to do; cause to act in a specified manner同义词: induce stimulate cause have getgive rise to; cause to happen or occur, not always intentionally"make a stir"同义词: cause docreate or manufacture a man-made product同义词: produce createmake, formulate, or derive in the mind"make an estimate"; " What do you make of his remarks?"同义词: drawcompel or make somebody or something to act in a certain way"Heat makes you sweat"create by artistic means同义词: createearn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as salary or wages"How much do you make a month in your new job?"同义词: gain take in clear earn realize realise pull in bring increate or design, often in a certain way同义词: doto compose or represent:"This makes a fine introduction"同义词: form constitutereach a goal, e.g.,"make the first team"; " She may not make the grade"同义词: reach get to progress tobe or be capable of being changed or made into"He makes a great host"; " He will make a fine father"make by shaping or bringing together constituents"make a dress"; " make a cake"; " make a wall of stones"perform or carry out"make a decision"; " make a move"; " make advances"; " make a phone call"make by combining materials and parts同义词: construct buildchange from one form into another"make water into wine"; " make lead into gold"; " make clay into bricks"act in a certain way so as to acquire"make friends"; " make enemies"charge with a function; charge to be同义词: name nominateachieve a point or goal同义词: have getreach a destination, either real or abstract同义词: reach attain hit arrive at gaininstitute, enact, or establish"make laws"同义词: lay down establishcarry out or commit"make a mistake"add up to"four and four make eight"form by assembling individuals or constituentsorganize or be responsible for"have, throw, or make a party"同义词: hold throw have giveprepare for eating by applying heat"can you make me an omelette?"同义词: cook fix ready prepareput in order or neaten"make the bed"; " make up a room"同义词: make uphead into a specified direction同义词: takehave a bowel movement同义词: stool defecate shit take a shit take a crap ca-ca crapundergo fabrication or creation"This wool makes into a nice sweater"be suitable for"Wood makes good furniture"amount to"This salary increase makes no difference to my standard of living"constitute the essence of"Clothes make the man"appear to begin an activityproceed along a path"make one"s way into the forest"同义词: workreach in timegather and light the materials for"make a fire"induce to have sex同义词: seduce scoreassure the success of"A good review by this critic will make your play!"represent fictitiously, as in a play, or pretend to be or act like"She makes like an actress"同义词: pretend make believeconsider as beingcalculate as being"I make the height about 100 feet"cause to be enjoyable or pleasurable"make my day"favor the development of"Practice makes the winner"develop into"He will make a splendid father!"behave in a certain way"make merry"eliminate urine同义词: urinate piddle puddle micturate piss pee pee-pee make water relieve oneself take a leak spend a penny wee wee-wee pass water

以"the changes make me"为题写一篇短文

The changes make me more mature.In the past few years, great changes have taken place. As time passes and things change I"m changing also. Even though making the changes aren"t always so easy but these changes doesn"t affect me on the bad side. Instead, it makes me more mature and strong. Has the years go on people around me, things around me, and the way I see the world changes everyday. But I feel proud of myself because changing means I"m getting closer to adulthood, which mean a step closer to the future. Everything around me affects how I"m changing, and the changes are getting more and more. This changes make me be proud and see the other me in the future z

Gotta Make A Change 歌词

歌曲名:Gotta Make A Change歌手:Tower Of Power专辑:Souled Out方大同 - Gotta Make A Change词曲:方大同 编曲:方大同监:Edward Chan/Charles Lee/方大同Gotta make a change… Gotta make a change…Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change…Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change...Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change...Let"s change the world… Let"s change the worldLet"s change the world… Let"s change the world每个城每个省每个国家 每个人记得这是我们的家We look at the signs and we think it"s okYou"ve got death, I"ve got trouble,You"ve got grief, I"ve got painAnd the world is in vain only thinking ofgaining the things that eventually put us to shameIt"s like the whole wide world is at war…It"s like the whole wide world is at war…It"s your world, don"t forget your worldDon"t you turn your back on the things that you doIt"s your world, don"t forget your worldDon"t you realize when it"s too lateDon"t forget the world is yoursGotta make a change… Gotta make a change…Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change…Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change...Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change...The people run dry with the games that we playIn contempt of the trauma, you achieve all the fameThru" the lies, thru" the shame, you will cease to remainFor what"s left is the product of the greed from your reignIt"s like the whole wide world is at war…It"s like the whole wide world is at war…Listen to the tree they see everything you doLook up at the sky can"t you see all things you do become a signThat everything has a reason for leavingIf you think there"s a way to change your lifethen it"s now time to say that I believe

make a change on

make a change to sth 如果发生变化,是不及物动词, The city is changing. The city has changed a lot over the years. The city has changed in population over the years. 在某方面变化用in的 。。查查字典吧 展开 作业帮用户 2017-06-21 举报

gotta make a change

gotta make a change 必须做出改变歌词Gotta make a change… Gotta make a change… Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change… Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change... Let"s change the world… Let"s change the world Let"s change the world… Let"s change the world 每个城每个省每个国家 每个人记得这是我们的家 We look at the signs and we think it"s ok You"ve got death, I"ve got trouble, You"ve got grief, I"ve got pain And the world is in vain only thinking of gaining the things that eventually put us to shame It"s like the whole wide world is at war… It"s like the whole wide world is at war… It"s your world, don"t forget your world Don"t you turn your back on the things that you do It"s your world, don"t forget your world Don"t you realize when it"s too late Don"t forget the world is yours Gotta make a change… Gotta make a change… Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change… Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change... The people run dry with the games that we play In contempt of the trauma, you achieve all the fame Thru" the lies, thru" the shame, you will cease to remain For what"s left is the product of the greed from your reign It"s like the whole wide world is at war… It"s like the whole wide world is at war… Listen to the tree they see everything you do Look up at the sky can"t you see all things you do become a sign That everything has a reason for leaving If you think there"s a way to change your life then it"s now time to say that I believe

Gotta Make a Change 歌词

歌曲名:Gotta Make a Change歌手:方大同专辑:15 香港演唱会 2011方大同 - Gotta Make A Change词曲:方大同 编曲:方大同监:Edward Chan/Charles Lee/方大同Gotta make a change… Gotta make a change…Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change…Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change...Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change...Let"s change the world… Let"s change the worldLet"s change the world… Let"s change the world每个城每个省每个国家 每个人记得这是我们的家We look at the signs and we think it"s okYou"ve got death, I"ve got trouble,You"ve got grief, I"ve got painAnd the world is in vain only thinking ofgaining the things that eventually put us to shameIt"s like the whole wide world is at war…It"s like the whole wide world is at war…It"s your world, don"t forget your worldDon"t you turn your back on the things that you doIt"s your world, don"t forget your worldDon"t you realize when it"s too lateDon"t forget the world is yoursGotta make a change… Gotta make a change…Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change…Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change...Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change...The people run dry with the games that we playIn contempt of the trauma, you achieve all the fameThru" the lies, thru" the shame, you will cease to remainFor what"s left is the product of the greed from your reignIt"s like the whole wide world is at war…It"s like the whole wide world is at war…Listen to the tree they see everything you doLook up at the sky can"t you see all things you do become a signThat everything has a reason for leavingIf you think there"s a way to change your lifethen it"s now time to say that I believe

求 方大同 Gotta Make A Change 的中文歌词翻译~


--make me change作文100字以下

Senior Three LifeNowadaysuff0can increasing number of students come into senior three life. Now let me give you a short introduction of my last high school life.At firstuff0cit is exciting and meaningful in short. Furthermore,it makes us realise time is limited.We always stay up late to finish those so much homework.Late term,we have a large number of examinations.We make an effort to relax ourselves.For example,searching internet and paly basketball.Last but not least,We believe that our future is very beautiful and wonderful.That"s all my senior three life.All o

make sb .......change等于什么

1. make sb do sth 是“让某人做某事” eg:My mommade me clean teh room make sb/sth + adj 是“使某人或某物/某事处于某种状态” eg: Make the window open/closed 2. 上面这道题: He made the baby laugh 他让这个孩子笑了 He made the baby lau。

求一篇以《Make The Change》为题的英语演讲稿

Make The ChangeLife always were chose all time , chose survival or death , chose continue or give up . Life is very difficult that for choose . The earth is round , human all same , all have body , all have head , all have brain , all can thinking . why some people can drive the sports car gallop on the road ? why some people can eat some food count for hundreds upon thousands dollars every time ? why some people can inhabit very beautiful and expensive house and some people almost cannot find mere place for sleep ? why Did you ask yourself any questions before like this ? the answer is not . almost all of the people never think about this , and they didn"t care about this , maybe they real like this lifestyle , maybe they life get by , maybe they already lower their head to God . What"s means succeed ? what"s means mature ? what"s means riches ? what"s means exist ? what"s means dead ? Maybe you said , only achieve our hearts desire is succeed ; your age reach at 18 years old is mature ; you think of you already have money enough is riches ; maybe you think about you can make your heart normal function is live and if your stop breath is dead . no no no , wrong theory . we survive in the world is not only to eating to sleeping , no , not like this , we need improvement ourselves , we need help the world change . I have a dream , you too , I always pursuing exceeding , I hope you too . we need change our life , we need enjoy our life .

make change当中填什么介词

make the change

做出改变应该说“make the change”还是“make a change”?

用make a change来表示做出改变。没有特指的情况,所以用a不用the。因为没有特指的情况,所以用a不用the。

make the change是什么意思

make the change做出改变


CONSTRUCTING OR CREATING 建造或创造 (a) [Tn,, Dn.n,] ~ sth (from/(out) of sth); ~ sth (for sb) construct, create or prepare sth by combining materials or putting parts together (用材料或零件)做﹑ 制作﹑ 制造﹑ 建造或创造某物: make a car, a dress, a cake 制造汽车﹑ 做连衣裙﹑ 做蛋糕 * make bread, cement, wine 做面包﹑ 制水泥﹑ 酿葡萄酒 * make (ie manufacture) paper 造纸 * God made man. 上帝创造了人类. * She makes her own clothes. 她的衣服都是她自己做的. * Wine is made from grapes. 葡萄酒是用葡萄酿制的. * `What is your bracelet made of?" `It"s made of gold." ‘你的镯子是什麽材料做的?"‘是金的." * I made myself a cup of tea. 我自己沏了一杯茶. * She made coffee for all of us. 她给我们大家煮了咖啡. * This car wasn"t made (ie is not big enough) to carry eight people. 这辆汽车不是坐八个人的. (b) [ esp passive 尤用於被动语态] ~ sth into sth put (materials or parts) together to produce sth 将(材料或零件)做成或制成某物: Glass is made into bottles. 玻璃可制成瓶子. (c) [Tn] arrange (a bed) so that it is ready for use 铺(床): Please make your beds before breakfast. 请在早饭前把床铺好. [Tn,] cause (sth) to appear by breaking, tearing, removing material or striking (藉打破﹑ 撕破﹑ 移去材料或敲击)使(某物)出现, 形成: The stone made a dent in the roof of my car. 我的汽车顶让石头砸了个坑. * The holes in the cloth were made by moths. 布上的洞是虫子蛀的. [Tn] create (sth); establish 制定(某事物); 规定: These regulations were made to protect children. 这些规则是为保护儿童而制定的. * Who made this ridiculous rule? 这条荒唐的规则是谁定的? [Tn] write, compose or prepare (sth) 写, 创作, 准备(某事物): make one"s will 立遗嘱 * make a treaty with sb 与某人签订协议 * She has made (ie directed) several films. 她已导演了几部影片. * I"ll ask my solicitor to make a deed of transfer. 我要找律师拟一份让据书.CAUSING TO BECOME, DO OR APPEAR 使变为..., 做...或显得... [Tn] cause (sth) 产生, 引起(某事物): make a noise, disturbance, mess 产生噪音﹑ 骚乱﹑ 混乱 * She"s always making trouble (for her friends). 她总(给朋友)惹麻烦. [Cn.a] cause (sb/sth) to be or become 使(某人[某事物])成为, 变为, 变成, 变得: The news made her happy. 这消息使她很高兴. * She made clear her objections/made it clear that she objected to the proposal. 她明确表示反对此提案. * His actions made him universally respected. 他的行为使他受到普遍尊敬. * Can you make yourself understood in English? 你能用英语把意思表达清楚吗? * The full story was never made public. 详情从未公之於众. * She couldn"t make herself/her voice heard above the noise of the traffic. 来往车辆噪声很大, 她无法让别人听到她的声音. [Cn.i] (a) force or compel (sb) to do sth 强迫, 迫使(某人)做某事物: They made me repeat/I was made to repeat the story. 他们逼我又把那事讲了一遍. * She must be made to comply with the rules. 必须强迫她遵守这些规则. * He never tidies his room and his mother never tries to make him (do it). 他从不整理自己的房间, 而他母亲也从未想逼他(整理). =>Usage at cause 用法见cause. (b) cause (sb/sth) to do sth 使(某人[某事物])做某事物: Onions make your eyes water. 洋葱能刺激眼睛流泪. * Her jokes made us all laugh. 她说的笑话把我们都逗乐了. * I couldn"t make my car start this morning. 今天早晨我的汽车发动不起来了. * What makes you say that? 是什麽原因让你说出那种话来? * I rang the doorbell several times but couldn"t make anyone hear. 我摁了几次门铃, 但没人应. * Nothing will make me change my mind. 无论什麽事都不能使我改变主意. [Cn.a, Cn.n, Cn.i] represent (sb/sth) as being or doing sth 使(某人[某事物])表现出某状况: You"ve made my nose too big, eg in a drawing or painting. 你把我的鼻子画得太大了. * The novelist makes his heroine commit suicide at the end of the book. 那小说作者在书的结尾让他的女主人公自杀了. [Cn.n] elect (sb); appoint 选举(某人); 指派: make sb king, an earl, a peer, etc 拥戴某人当国王﹑封某人为伯爵﹑ 封某人为贵族 * He was made spokesmanby the committee. 委员会派他当发言人. * She made him her assistant. 她委派他作自己的助手. [, Cn.n] ~ sth of sb/sth cause sb/sth to be or become sth 使某人[某事物]处於某状况或变成某事物: We"ll make a footballer of him yet, ie turn him into a good footballer despite the fact that he is not a good one now. 我们还是要把他造就成优秀的足球运动员(虽然他现在还不是). * This isn"t very important I don"t want to make an issue of it. 这并不十分重要--我不想使其成为争论之点. * Don"t make a habit of it/Don"t make it a habit. 不要养成那样的习惯. * She made it her business (ie special task) to find out who was responsible. 她非要弄清是谁的责任不可.BEING OR BECOMING SOMETHING 成为...或变为... [Ln] be or become (sth) through development; turn out to be 演变成(某事物); 结果是: If you train hard, you"ll make a good footballer. 你要刻苦训练就能成为优秀的足球运动员. * He"ll never make an actor. 他决当不成演员. * She would have made an excellent teacher. 她本可以成为杰出的教师. [Ln] serve or function as (sth); constitute 用作(某事物); 起(某事物)的作用; 组成; 构成: That will make a good ending to the book. 那就成了这本书很好的结尾. * This hall would make an excellent theatre. 这座大厅可当作极好的剧院. [Ln] add up to (sth); equal; amount to; constitute 合计等於(某数); 总计; 构成: 5 and 7 make 12. 5加7等於12. * A hundred pence make one pound. 一百便士为一镑. * How many members make a quorum? 起码的法定人数是多少? * His thrillers make enthralling reading. 他的惊险小说引人入胜. * The play makes a splendid evening"s entertainment. 这出剧是极好的晚间消遣. [Ln] count as (sth) 算做(某事物): That makes the tenth time he"s failed his driving test! 他驾驶测验不及格, 这次算第十次了!GAINING OR WINNING 获得或赢得 [Tn] earn (sth); gain; acquire 赚得(某事物); 获得; 取得: She makes 15000 a year. 她一年挣15000英镑. * make a profit/loss 盈利[亏损] * He made a fortune on the stock market. 他在股票交易中发了财. * How much do you stand to make? 你决计要赚多少钱? [Tn] (in cricket) score (sth) (在板球中)得(若干)分: England made 235 for 5. 英格兰队5名击球手共得235分. * Botham made a century. 博瑟姆得了一百分. (in card games, esp bridge 用於牌戏, 尤於桥牌中) (a) [Tn] win a trick with (a particular card) 打(某张牌)赢一墩: She made her ten of hearts. 她打出红桃十赢了一墩. (b) [Tn] win (a trick) or fulfil (a contract) 赢(一墩); 完成(一定约墩数的约定). (c) [I, Tn] shuffle (the cards) 洗(牌): It"s my turn to make. 该我洗牌了. [Tn] (sl sexist 俚, 性别偏见) succeed in having sex with (a woman) 与(某女子)性交: The guy doesn"t make the girl until the last chapter. 直到最後一章那个男子才和那个姑娘发生了性关系.OTHER MEANINGS 其他意义 [no passive 不用於被动语态: Cn.a, Cn.n, Cn.t] calculate or estimate (sth) to be (sth) 计算, 估计(某事物): What time do you make it?/What do you make the time? 你说现在几点了? * How large do you make the audience? 你估计听众有多少? * I make the total (to be) about 50. 我看总数大约50英镑. * I make the distance about 70 miles. 我估计那段距离约有70英里. [Tn no passive 不用於被动语态] (a) travel over (a distance) 走过(一段距离): We"ve made 100 miles today. 我们今天已走了100英里. (b) reach or maintain (a speed) 达到, 保持(某速度): Can your car make a hundred miles per hour? 你的汽车一小时能开一百英里吗? (c) manage to reach (a place) 设法到达(某处): D"you think we"ll make Oxford by midday? 我们中午能到牛津吗? * The train leaves in five minutes we"ll never make it, ie reach the station in time to catch it. 火车再有五分钟就开了--我们绝对赶不上了. * I"m sorry I couldn"t make your party last night. 很抱歉, 昨晚我没能参加你们的聚会. * Her new novel has made (ie sold enough copies to be in) the best-seller lists. 她的新小说已列入畅销书目了. * She"ll never make (ie win a place in) the team. 她绝对进不了那个运动队. * He made (ie reached the rank of) sergeant in six months. 他六个月後就当上了中士. * The story made (ie appeared on) the front page of the national newspapers. 这件事刊登在全国各报的第一版上. [Tn, Dn.n] put (sth) forward; propose; offer 提出(某事); 提议; 提供: Has she made you an offer (ie said how much money she would pay you) for your car? 她说过她愿出多少钱买你的汽车吗? * make a proposal 提出建议 * The employers made a new offer (ie of a rise in wages) to the work-force. 雇主向工人提出增加工资的新建议. * I made him a bid for the antique table. 我向他出了个价, 要买那张古董桌子. [Tn] cause or ensure the success of (sth) 促成, 确保(某事): A good wine can make a meal. 有了好酒饭就香. * It was the beautiful weather that really made the holiday. 是好天气成全了假日之美. [It] behave as if one is about to do sth 表现出要做某事物的样子: He made as if to strike her. 他做出要打她的架势. * She made to go but he told her to stay. 她好像要走, 但他叫她留下. eat or have (a meal) 吃(饭); 进(餐): We make a good breakfast before leaving. 我们动身前好好吃顿早饭. * She made a hasty lunch. 她匆匆吃了午饭. (Often used in a pattern with a n, in which make and the n have the same meaning as a v similar in spelling to the n 常用於与名词连用的句型中, 其中make和名词之组合与该名词相应之动词同义, 如 make a decision, 即 decide; make a guess (at sth), 即 guess (at sth); for other expressions of this kind, see entries for ns 查阅类似词组见有关名词词条)

make into 与change into的区别

make into (1)把…做成 She made the material into a dress. 她将衣料制成一件衣服。 (2)把…转变为, 使成为 They made the story into a play. 他们把这个故事改编成了戏剧。change intochange into是“兑换,变为”的意思。

求方大同《Cotta Make A change》的歌词。

错了哦~是G不是C方大同 - Gotta Make A Change 词曲:方大同 编曲:方大同 监:Edward Chan/Charles Lee/方大同 Gotta make a change… Gotta make a change… Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change… Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change... Let"s change the world… Let"s change the world Let"s change the world… Let"s change the world 每个城每个省每个国家 每个人记得这是我们的家 We look at the signs and we think it"s ok You"ve got death, I"ve got trouble, You"ve got grief, I"ve got pain And the world is in vain only thinking of gaining the things that eventually put us to shame It"s like the whole wide world is at war… It"s like the whole wide world is at war… It"s your world, don"t forget your world Don"t you turn your back on the things that you do It"s your world, don"t forget your world Don"t you realize when it"s too late Don"t forget the world is yours Gotta make a change… Gotta make a change… Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change… Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change... The people run dry with the games that we play In contempt of the trauma, you achieve all the fame Thru" the lies, thru" the shame, you will cease to remain For what"s left is the product of the greed from your reign It"s like the whole wide world is at war… It"s like the whole wide world is at war… It"s your world, don"t forget your world Don"t you turn your back on the things that you do It"s your world, don"t forget your world Don"t you realize when it"s too late Don"t forget the world is yours Listen to the tree they see everything you do Look up at the sky can"t you see all things you do become a sign That everything has a reason for leaving If you think there"s a way to change your life then it"s now time to say that I believe It"s your world, don"t forget your world Don"t you turn your back on the things that you do It"s your world, don"t forget your world Don"t you realize when it"s too late Don"t forget the world is yours Gotta make a change… Gotta make a change… Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change… Gotta make a change... Gotta make a change...


I always makes the bed。

make changes to是什么意思

make changes to 对…进行改变 例句: If it"s a relationship, you might have to talk to the person about her behavior or make changes to your environment. 如果是人际关系的问题,你可能需要同某人谈谈她的行为或针对你的环境做出一些改变。

make changes for和to的用法

make changes for 为了什么做出什么改变i make some changes for my girlfriend,我为我女朋友改变了不少make changes to 对什么做了改变i make some changes to my car, 我改装了一下我的车不懂可追问望采纳!!!


在英语学习中,掌握一些常见搭配是非常必要的。下面我归纳的这组make短语建议收藏背诵,尤其是高中同学们!Make money赚钱,挣钱make a living谋生make one"s living谋生make friends (with)交朋友make enemies (with )树敌make sense有道理,讲得通Make a difference有差别,有所不同make a decision做决定make a mistake犯错误make an appointment约定Make hay把握机会(去赚钱)make the bed铺床make a fire生火make a plan制定计划make the most( of)充分利用make full use (of)充分利用make good use (of)充分利用make fun (of)取笑make words谈论,谈起make a contribution作贡献make food制作食物,做饭make a meal做一顿饭make a dish做一道菜make dump lings包饺子make noodles做面条make cakes做蛋糕,做糕点make music创作音乐make change找零头make changes做出改变make excuse找借口make sentences造句make a point重视make a promise做出承诺Make a pledge起誓,立誓make a fuss小题大做,大惊小怪,大发牢骚make a wish许愿,发愿make a noise制造噪音make progress取得进步make advances取得进步make a mess制造混乱,搞成一团糟make a suggestion提出建议make faces做鬼脸make changes做出改变make efforts做出努力make a deal成交,达成交易make an attempt企图,试图make a record (of)录制唱片,记录make a fool (of)愚弄make a conversation进行对话make a speech进行演讲此外还有哪些类似短语呢?期待你的补充、讨论搜索

make a change through还是make a change from

make a change from是正确常用的表达。意思是:使改变,产生不同。例句:They"ll make a change from sitting by the seaside. 这肯定与坐在海边不同。 To make a large-scale development in the western region, we must organicallycombine Human Resource with the economic construction of the west region andmake a change from paying attention to "the material resources" to the "Human Resource". 西部大开发必须把西部地区的经济建设和西部地区人力资源开发工作有机结合起来,必须从重视物力资源开发转变到主要依靠人力资源开发的轨道上来。 Only generating human nature of loving nature, can people control unlimitedmaterial desires, and make scientific and technological knowledge a change from the destruction of the natural tool to saint patron of nature, and people can move toward harmony with nature. 只有生成热爱自然的人性,才能控制人无限的物质欲望,才能使科技知识由破坏自然的工具化身为自然的守护神,才能使人与自然走向和谐。 Zhejiang merchants"and their investments"outside migration will make Zhejiang"seconomy experience a change from "Zhejiang model" to "Zhejiangnese model".浙商外迁将促使浙江的经济发展经历从“浙江经济”到“浙江人经济”的深刻变革。

make change


谁知道 有一句歌词是make a change 的歌 是摇滚

breakaway----kelly clarkson

做出改变应该说make the change还是make a change

我需要做出改变了 I need make a change.

make the change后面接什么句子?


make the change英语什么意思?


make the change是什么意思

中式英文 做点改变 有所改变其实翻译成 改变 就行了

“make the change”是什么意思?


Make out the relevant invoice with the following information from the L/C. 把信用证做成商业发票?

请分开出含有L/C以下的信息有的关发票 ... ... 文档。信用卡号码* 20:6764/05/12345B 发行日期31C条:050516(年- MM - DD的) 到期* 31D条:日期050831(年- MM - DD的)将中国 申请人* 50:托马斯国际有限公司 1 / f类华富中心,成业街,九龙,香港 受益人* 59:丰源轻工产品 进出口。和EXP。股份有限公司 邮政信箱789号,上海,中国 金额* 50:美元金额8,640.00 ... ... 分批装运43P:不允许 转运43T:允许 载入负责44A条:中国港口 运输... 44B条:安特卫普 最新更新日期船。 44C:050815(年- MM - DD的) 不伦不类。商品45A条: 申请人的产品号码。为HW - 045木衣架,66000电脑, 包装是每3.00 CUFT强劲的出口纸箱100个 @每纸箱到岸价安特卫普USD16.00委员会包括3厘 作为每个销售确认书NO.484LFVS15783 唛头 - :生长激素- 1904 - 001(在金刚石) 的C /编号: 所需文件的第46A条: *经签署的商业发票一式四份 一些有用的信息: 装货港:上海港口转运:香港 不锈钢:TONGMEI的B / L的V.155/FARROR日期:AUG.2,2005 发票No.2005C8K4897



take decision 与make decision是什么区别?

take decision采取决定 与make decision做决定

Movie Maker怎么设置分辨率?

在输出的时候要选合适的格式和分辨率.一般用DVD那样的格式和分辨率就可以了. MEPG2格式,720*576分辨率是在做完之后,保存的时候,保存成电脑上播放的视频,然后有个选项是"电影设置""显示更多选项""其他设置"选择"高质量视频(PAL)"

为什么movie maker不能导入mkv文件

因为moviemaker 不支持这种格式,解码器不支持。所以你最好下个 格式工厂 把MKV 转换成AVI 或者WMV格式,再导进去

windows movie maker的时间线怎么改变长短呢?


我使用Movie Maker为什么死机?

Windows中的Movie Maker是用来配合麦克风、数码摄像机或者是摄像头以录制音频和视频动画并对其进行编辑和整理,最终制作出一段影像动画,然后可以把这些动画用于信息交流或者进行远程教学。而且你既可以在自己的计算机上观看制作出的电影,也可通过电子邮件将其发送给他人,或将其公布在某个网站上以供大家观看。下面就 Movie Maker的使用方法和步骤简单介绍一下。1、首先我们要来捕获一些影像文件。这可以使用摄像机把已经录制好的家庭电影传送到计算机上,在传送的过程中,Movie Maker会自动检测新的顺序,并将电影分割为更小、更易于管理的片段,通过这些片段,使得你能够对电影进行整理和编辑。而且你还能为电影录制解说、从 CD中添加背景音乐等操作。使用的时候先打Movie Maker开窗口,在“文件”菜单上单击“录制”。此时出现“录制”列表,在这里单击选择所需要录制的文件类型。如果你的计算机上有多个捕获设备,可单击 “更改设备”来选择使用其它捕获设备进行录制,同时还可以选择录制使用的质量。比如笔者就通过数码相机捕获了红、黄、蓝、绿等一些单独的色彩图片。2、录制完成之后,接下来就要对其进行整理工作,你可以对电影进行整理、为剪辑命名或者对事件命名和排序等操作。此时在“查看”菜单中有“属性”命令,我们可以通过这个操作来对刚才捕获的图片文件进行更名。比如我们可以把原先蓝色的图片命名一个标题为“蓝色剪辑”,同时还可以添加作者的姓名、创建的日期和这张图片的相关说明。3、如果你想成为一名导演的话,Movie Maker无疑给了你一个实战的机会,因为你可以使用各种编辑工具来安排和编辑你的电影。你可以把静止的图像添加到电影中,或者只使用静止的图片和音乐来制作幻灯片。在此,我们编辑的工作主要是将这些单独的图片进行排序和相关的编辑。比如我们将蓝色和绿色的图片拖拽到下方跋癖嗉钢校缓蟀聪伦蟊叩摹笆奔湎摺卑醇炊ㄒ迕扛鐾计允镜氖奔涑ざ獭W詈蠡箍梢酝ü?font color="#0000FF">播放->播放整个情节提要/时间线”命令来预览一下动画的概况。4、到此为止,一个简单的动画效果就制作完成了。但是我们还要想办法让别人能够共享这个动画影像。此时先在“文件”菜单下选择“将电影发送到->电子邮件”命令,并在“设置”列表中选择所使用的质量设置,同时还可以定义别人观看时显示的信息。接着在弹出的对话框中为电影键入一个文件名称,这里默认的文件是.wmv格式的文件。最后在“电子邮件电影”中选择你所使用的电子邮件程序,等到拨号上网之后就可以给对方发送了。上面介绍的就是一个最简单的动画影像制作步骤,要是你有兴趣的话不妨按照上面的方法来尝试一下。虽然Movie Maker的功能很强大,但是它对于计算机的系统配置要求比较高,这主要体现在对于硬盘可用空间的要求。一般来说,安装了Windows Me的分区至少要有2G的空间才能正常运行Movie Maker,否则系统会有报错消息。

如何更改WINDOWS MOVIE MAKER 图片过渡时间???默认是5改不了,急!急!急!


windows movie maker怎么改成中文版,网上下载的全是英文版,或中文补丁啥的。。。

1. 默认情况下,Windows Movie Maker 安装包在安装过程中会根据当前操作系统的语言,来选择软件的语言。就是说,如果你使用的英文版操作系统,就会得到英文版的 Windows Movie Maker。如果你使用的是中文版的操作系统,就会得到中文版的 Windows Movie Maker。2. 默认设置会解决大部分用户的需求, 但是总有例外。如果你想手动切换软件语言的话, 请直接打开目标目录: C:Program Files (x86)Windows LiveInstaller 。 复制这个目录路径到你的文件管理器打开即可。3. 在这个目录下,你可以找到 LangSelector.exe 。 双击运行这个程序。 就可以看到如下图所示的界面。4. 然后就可在下拉列表里面选择合适的语言了。 请注意,Windows Movie Maker 需要在线下载语言文件并重启软件。目前已有超过一百种语言可选。请选择合适的语言来使用 Windows Movie Maker 软件吧。

windows movie maker 设置持续时间

这个很简单~首先在素材区你选中要统一持续时间播放的图片,选中后点工具--选项---高级---图片持续时间(比方说修改为10秒),点确定后,最后把图片拖到下面的编辑区就ok了~ 看下绝对是10秒,~知道后记得给我加分哦!

Windows Movie Maker可以导入哪些格式的视频


window movie maker 无法保存电影,怎么办?


怎么用Windows Movie Maker合并视频

拆分与合并剪辑如果导入的视频文件已被拆分成较小的剪辑(出现在照片库中),则这些视频剪辑也会在 Windows Movie Maker 中出现。您也可以手动将视频和音频剪辑拆分成较小的剪辑,以使剪辑更便于使用。例如,如果要在视频剪辑中插入视频过渡,则可以在要插入视频过渡的点拆分视频剪辑,然后将过渡添加进去。相反,您的文件可能已被分成较小的剪辑,您希望将其合并在一起。但是,只能合并连续的剪辑。“连续”是指第二个剪辑的开始时间紧随第一个剪辑的结束时间。例如,如果您的视频文件或音频文件在导入到 Windows Movie Maker 中时已被分成剪辑,并且这些剪辑按顺序命名为 Clip 1、Clip 2 和 Clip 3,则您可以合并 Clip 1 和 Clip 2,或合并 Clip 2 和 Clip 3,但不能合并 Clip 1 和 Clip 3。可以在向情节提要/时间线添加剪辑之前在情节提要/时间线或“内容”窗格中合并连续的视频剪辑。拆分剪辑的步骤在“内容”窗格中或情节提要/时间线上,单击要拆分的视频剪辑或音频剪辑。在预览监视器下,单击“播放”。在剪辑到达的点接近要拆分该剪辑的位置时,单击“暂停”。在预览监视器下,使用播放控制找到要拆分剪辑的点。在预览监视器下,单击“拆分”按钮。提示可以将定位栏上的播放指示器拖至要拆分剪辑的确切位置。合并剪辑的步骤在“内容”窗格中或情节提要或时间线上,按住 Ctrl 键,然后单击那些要合并的连续剪辑。单击“剪辑”,然后单击“合并”。本组中第一个剪辑的名称和属性信息将用于新的剪辑,时间也会进行相应的调整。提示只要剪辑是连续的,就可以一次将两个以上剪辑合并在一起。若要选择多个剪辑,请单击第一个剪辑,按住 Shift 键,然后单击最后一个剪辑。剪裁(隐藏)部分视频剪辑在对一个剪辑进行剪裁时,会生成一个新的起始点和/或结束点。剪裁起始点决定剪辑在项目和最终电影中开始播放的时间,而剪裁结束点决定剪辑在项目和最终电影中停止播放的时间。对剪辑进行剪裁时,剪辑中被剪裁掉的部分其实并没有从源文件中删除,但它不会出现在项目或发布的电影中。

如何用windows movie maker压缩视频

Windows中的Movie Maker是用来配合麦克风、数码摄像机或者是摄像头以录制音频和视频动画并对其进行编辑和整理,最终制作出一段影像动画,然后可以把这些动画用于信息交流或者进行远程教学。而且你既可以在自己的计算机上观看制作出的电影,也可通过电子邮件将其发送给他人,或将其公布在某个网站上以供大家观看。下面就Movie Maker的使用方法和步骤简单介绍一下。1、首先我们要来捕获一些影像文件。这可以使用摄像机把已经录制好的家庭电影传送到计算机上,在传送的过程中,Movie Maker会自动检测新的顺序,并将电影分割为更小、更易于管理的片段,通过这些片段,使得你能够对电影进行整理和编辑。而且你还能为电影录制解说、从CD中添加背景音乐等操作。使用的时候先打Movie Maker开窗口,在“文件”菜单上单击“录制”。此时出现“录制”列表,在这里单击选择所需要录制的文件类型。如果你的计算机上有多个捕获设备,可单击“更改设备”来选择使用其它捕获设备进行录制,同时还可以选择录制使用的质量。比如笔者就通过数码相机捕获了红、黄、蓝、绿等一些单独的色彩图片。2、录制完成之后,接下来就要对其进行整理工作,你可以对电影进行整理、为剪辑命名或者对事件命名和排序等操作。此时在“查看”菜单中有“属性”命令,我们可以通过这个操作来对刚才捕获的图片文件进行更名。比如我们可以把原先蓝色的图片命名一个标题为“蓝色剪辑”,同时还可以添加作者的姓名、创建的日期和这张图片的相关说明。3、如果你想成为一名导演的话,Movie Maker无疑给了你一个实战的机会,因为你可以使用各种编辑工具来安排和编辑你的电影。你可以把静止的图像添加到电影中,或者只使用静止的图片和音乐来制作幻灯片。在此,我们编辑的工作主要是将这些单独的图片进行排序和相关的编辑。比如我们将蓝色和绿色的图片拖拽到下方 跋癖嗉钢校缓蟀聪伦蟊叩摹笆奔湎摺卑醇炊ㄒ迕扛鐾计允镜氖奔涑ざ獭W詈蠡箍梢酝ü?font color="#0000FF">播放->播放整个情节提要/时间线”命令来预览一下动画的概况。4、到此为止,一个简单的动画效果就制作完成了。但是我们还要想办法让别人能够共享这个动画影像。此时先在“文件”菜单下选择“将电影发送到->电子邮件”命令,并在“设置”列表中选择所使用的质量设置,同时还可以定义别人观看时显示的信息。接着在弹出的对话框中为电影键入一个文件名称,这里默认的文件是.wmv格式的文件。最后在“电子邮件电影”中选择你所使用的电子邮件程序,等到拨号上网之后就可以给对方发送了。上面介绍的就是一个最简单的动画影像制作步骤,要是你有兴趣的话不妨按照上面的方法来尝试一下。虽然Movie Maker的功能很强大,但是它对于计算机的系统配置要求比较高,这主要体现在对于硬盘可用空间的要求。一般来说,安装了Windows Me的分区至少要有2G的空间才能正常运行Movie Maker,否则系统会有报错消息。

如何使用window movie maker录音 急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急!

Windows中的Movie Maker是用来配合麦克风、数码摄像机或者是摄像头以录制音频和视频动画并对其进行编辑和整理,最终制作出一段影像动画,然后可以把这些动画用于信息交流或者进行远程教学。而且你既可以在自己的计算机上观看制作出的电影,也可通过电子邮件将其发送给他人,或将其公布在某个网站上以供大家观看。下面就Movie Maker的使用方法和步骤简单介绍一下。 1、首先我们要来捕获一些影像文件。这可以使用摄像机把已经录制好的家庭电影传送到计算机上,在传送的过程中,Movie Maker会自动检测新的顺序,并将电影分割为更小、更易于管理的片段,通过这些片段,使得你能够对电影进行整理和编辑。而且你还能为电影录制解说、从CD中添加背景音乐等操作。 使用的时候先打Movie Maker开窗口,在“文件”菜单上单击“录制”。此时出现“录制”列表,在这里单击选择所需要录制的文件类型。如果你的计算机上有多个捕获设备,可单击“更改设备”来选择使用其它捕获设备进行录制,同时还可以选择录制使用的质量。比如笔者就通过数码相机捕获了红、黄、蓝、绿等一些单独的色彩图片。2、录制完成之后,接下来就要对其进行整理工作,你可以对电影进行整理、为剪辑命名或者对事件命名和排序等操作。 此时在“查看”菜单中有“属性”命令,我们可以通过这个操作来对刚才捕获的图片文件进行更名。比如我们可以把原先蓝色的图片命名一个标题为“蓝色剪辑”,同时还可以添加作者的姓名、创建的日期和这张图片的相关说明。3、如果你想成为一名导演的话,Movie Maker无疑给了你一个实战的机会,因为你可以使用各种编辑工具来安排和编辑你的电影。你可以把静止的图像添加到电影中,或者只使用静止的图片和音乐来制作幻灯片。 在此,我们编辑的工作主要是将这些单独的图片进行排序和相关的编辑。比如我们将蓝色和绿色的图片拖拽到下方 跋癖嗉ue139钢校ue0e3缓蟀聪伦蟊叩摹笆奔湎摺卑醇ue3cb炊ㄒ迕扛鐾计ue0ea允镜氖奔涑ざ獭W詈蠡箍梢酝üue40a?font color="#0000FF">播放->播放整个情节提要/时间线”命令来预览一下动画的概况。4、到此为止,一个简单的动画效果就制作完成了。但是我们还要想办法让别人能够共享这个动画影像。此时先在“文件”菜单下选择“将电影发送到->电子邮件”命令,并在“设置”列表中选择所使用的质量设置,同时还可以定义别人观看时显示的信息。接着在弹出的对话框中为电影键入一个文件名称,这里默认的文件是.wmv格式的文件。最后在“电子邮件电影”中选择你所使用的电子邮件程序,等到拨号上网之后就可以给对方发送了。

win7 movie maker在哪

点"开始"在地址栏里直接输入windows movie maker如果你经常用,可以在图标上点有点,发送到桌面即可.下次直接可以在桌面上打开.如果你不想占用桌面空间,也可以在桌面的图标上用右键直接拖至左下角的快速工具栏里 记得采纳啊

用Windows Movie Maker做了一个视频,在播放时只有声音,没有画面,怎么搞?


用Windows Movie Maker如何调图片的停留时间

调整照片的持续时间方法一(统调):点击工具,选择选项,点击高级,修改图片持续时间,确定退出。此后把图片放到时间线上时,就是你确定的时间长度。好处是所有图片出现的时间是等同的,而且只需调整一次。缺点是不够灵活。方法二(单调):把照片放到时间线上(不是情节提要)后,先用鼠标点击一次,这时就可以看到图片段的右端出现指向左面的小箭头,移动光标到此边缘,就会出现双箭头标志,点住并拖动鼠标,改变图片持续时间到合适位置或适当时间(有标志),放开右键。也可以把光标放在相应片断,点住并左右移动到适当位置或重叠,达到满意的效果。这种方法是使用灵活,但如果要达到等同时间,就比较繁琐。实际使用中可以将两种方法联合使用:先根据音乐长度和图片数量估算出平均持续时间,放好图片后再作微小调整。另外,应当考虑一楼的意见,图片出现时间过短不易看清楚,除非你有这个需要(就象快放幻灯片一样)。音乐么,就在音乐/音频线上剪切、复制、连接,花点功夫可以做到无缝连接成为很长的音乐。最后的问题说得不是很明白,只能猜测。鉴于Windows Movie Maker的文字处理功能相对较为简单,如果文字是在图片上的,最直接的方法就是在导入Windows Movie Maker前,把图片上的文字部分剪去或修饰过。当然放在时间线上的视频/图片可以用加字幕的方法把文字遮盖起来,只是选择位置并非易事,而且还会受位置限制。

为什么我用Windows movie maker制作电影时保存不起?

通常出现这个问题的情况有:1. 缺码,特别是导入的文件是AVI格式,最保险的解决方法是把源文件用格式转换软件转成MPEG-4匹配的AVI或WMV格式,然后再导入编辑。2. 冲突,特别是打开windows movie maker时,同时有其他程序运行,尤其是在线视频、在线游戏、在线通讯等。把编辑好的视频先存为项目文件后,退出windows movie maker,关闭其他运行的程序,重新打开windows movie maker,打开项目文件,不要做任何更动,保存到我的计算机。3. windows media player的版本过低、过高有时也会造成此类情况出现,重新安装windows media player 104. 盗版或一键安装的系统可以试试下载windows movie maker 2.6版(修订版)重新安装后再使用。

Windows Movie Maker可以导入哪些格式的视频


如何找到windows movie maker软件

1)一般默认路径都是在电脑的c盘中,可以在c盘中找到程序。2)点击打开c盘,接着在打开的界面中选择Program Files的文件夹。3)打开这个文件夹后,可以看到在这里面有很多的列表,里面找到windows movie maker2.6的文件夹。4)打开这个文件夹后,就可以看到一个MOVIEMK.exe的应用程序。这个就是软件的程序。5)双击打开这个程序,就可以打开windows movie maker的软件。接下来就可以进行使用.

如何找到windows movie maker软件

 1、打开软件。弄一些avi或mpg格式短片。在 file -> import into collections(或按 Ctrl+I),把要弄的短片,照片以及音乐import进去。  2、图片和短片拉到Video轨道,音乐放在Audio/music轨道 。Title overlav 是放字幕的。  3、Audio level:当同时放短片和音乐进去时。就会同时发出两个声音,这里,可以调短片的声音,或音乐的声音。有麦克风icon,可以直接加入声音进去,比如人物介绍,现场报告等。zoom大,zoon小。rewind,play,按了它,就会变成一张张图片。  4、用滑鼠指在照片或短片的末端,就会出现(click and drag to trim the clip)可以把那一张照片的播放时间放长或拉短。或把那一幕的短片减少,但不可以拉长。但短片和照片在播放时,镜头改变时,换得太快,不好看,left click按住后面的图片,然后向左移,就会看到如图显示的蓝色东西。  5、在tools栏,可以看到Video Effects 以及Video Transitions。  6、Video Effects :是把短片或图片加上一些 effects,选择喜欢的effect,然后left click加effect的短片即可。Video Transitions :是短片与短片之间的转换方式,也是属于effect的一种,可让画面转变有趣。同样的把选择的方式,left click拉下去。当加入了Video Transitions,会减少画面的播放的时间的。  7、在tools里面,按了 Title and credits,选择字体出现时,有开始,中间,ending等等。把出现的字,type上去,然后可以去下面更换颜色或字体变动的选择。title nimation。编辑好短片。加上音乐,effect和字体也弄好了。就save去movie file了。File -> save movie file(或直接按Ctrl+P),选择save地方,短片即制作成功。
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