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lynne和lynn有什么区别,作为英文名,用哪一个好 对了 是作为女生的英文名

作为女生的英文名 当然是 Lynne 读作:琳妮(女子名) 这个好了 另一个是男孩的 名字 因为 Lynn [lin] 多用于 姓 1. 林恩(男子名) 2. 琳(女子名)[Linda 的异体,亦作 Lynne,Lyn] 3. 林恩(美国马萨诸塞州东部海港,滨马萨诸塞湾) 希望对你有帮助 望采纳 谢谢




lynne〞和〝lynn〞有什么区别如下:Lynn [lin] 基本翻译 n. 林恩(姓氏) Lynne 基本翻译 n. 琳妮(女子名) 中国人起英文名,一般姓氏应该保留为汉语拼音,因此Lynne 好。作为女生的英文名当然是Lynne读作:琳妮(女子名)这个好了另一个是男孩的 名字因为 Lynn [lin] 多用于 姓 1. 林恩(男子名)2. 琳(女子名)[Linda 的异体,亦作 Lynne,Lyn]3. 林恩(美国马萨诸塞州东部海港,滨马萨诸塞湾)Ling在英语中是姓氏。Lynn、Lynne、Lyn是同一个名字的不同形式。其中Lynn是男子名兼女子名兼姓氏,但作为女子名更常见;Lynne和Lyn是女子名。Lin不是英文名。ynne[苏格兰人、爱尔兰人、英格兰人姓氏] 林恩。Lynn的变体 lynn1.[苏格兰人姓氏] 林恩/琳恩。Lyne↑3的变体 2.[爱尔兰姓氏] 林恩/琳恩。盖尔语姓氏的英语形式,来源于别名,含义是“红”(red) [英格兰人姓氏] 林恩/琳恩。住所名称,可能来源于威尔士语,含义是“湖”(lake) [男子名] 林恩/琳恩。来源于古英语,含义是“池边居民”(dweller at a pool)。

Lynn 是啥意思?

lynn (老式英语)瀑布,或水池.是包含“lin“,“line“,“lyn“等字名字的简写.lynn被形容为高,纤细,身体 健康的年轻女孩,个性独立而且友善. 意思是 from the lake,来自湖里或湖畔



lynn怎么读 lynn的读音

1、英 [l?n],美 [l?n] 。2、解释;林恩(姓氏)3、例句:Although now a celebrity in her own right, actress Lynn Redgrave knows the difficulties of living in the shadow of her famous older sister.虽然女演员琳恩·雷德格雷夫现在依靠自己的能力出了名,但她明白生活在大名鼎鼎的姐姐的阴影里有多不容易。


基本上是女名,应为女人用的比较多,不过Lynn是中性的明子男女都可以用的. ------ lynn (老式英语)瀑布,或水池.是包含“lin“,“line“,“lyn“等字名字的简写.lynn被形容为高,纤细,身体 健康的年轻女孩,个性独立而且友善. ------ abigale 原为古希伯来名,意思是“最初的欢乐“或“欢乐之本“.在圣经撒母尔记上篇第二十五章中,讲到了一位早期名叫abigale的人的故事.在这个故事之中,她是一位聪明、美丽的女人.她有过人的智慧和谋略.因而,她后来成了以色列大卫王的妻子. abbyabbie是abigail的简写.人们认为abby是娇小可爱的女人,文静,令人喜爱,个性甜美. ada (老式英语)“高贵“的意思.为adelaide的简写.ada给人的印象是年长保守,辛勤的工作者. adeline adelaide的英文写法.adeline被描绘为守旧,坏脾气的女孩,过份有礼但目中无人. ailsa 古德语,快乐的姑娘的意思. aimee 来自法语,意为可爱的人. alice (希腊)“真理“;(老式德语)“贵族“.大部份的人都把alice看做是“爱丽丝梦游仙境“的那位爱丽丝-一个年轻的梦想者喜欢热闹有著不受束缚的灵魂.有些人则认为她是自傲的老女人. alina爱丽娜,古德语,『高贵』的意思. allison 盖尔语,微小,真实的;古德语,名闻众神.令人联想到美丽无瑕的女子,聪明,体贴. angelia(希腊)“天使,传送讯息者.“angelia被描绘为美丽,娇小的女子若不是有著甜美温柔的个性,即是活泼莽撞的女孩. amanda (拉丁名)其词根表示爱的意思.amanda表示可爱的人.人们认为她保守美丽又纤细,甜美富有. anne 善良、优雅、喜欢帮助人的女孩.皇室的皇后、公主很多都是这个名字或者annie,许多平民也都很喜欢这个名字. ann (希伯来)“优雅“,hannah的英文形式. ann这个名字让人想到平凡,中等阶级的女子,善良,踏实,勤勉,且憨厚. amy 拉丁文意思是“被深爱的“.amy给人的印象是个玲珑,纤细的女孩,并有著安静,沉著,有文化素养及宛雅的特质. amanda 拉丁名,其词根表示爱的意思.amanda表示可爱的人.被描绘为保守,美丽纤弱的女子,甜美富有. amber 古法语,琥珀.令人联想到高?就是福斯新片真假公主的英文原名.来自希腊字复活,因此这个名字很适用於出生在复活节前后的日子.早期的基徒往往用它给那些刚刚洗礼的女孩子取名,表示获得了新生命的意思.由於这个名字含有较多的宗教性,所以,在爱尔兰和美国得到了较为广泛的传播.腻称为stacey. andrea(拉丁语)“有女人味的“.andrea被描绘为成熟健康的女人可能是聪明也有可能是笨拙的,轻声细语也有可能严肃的令人难受,大体来说,andrea是令人敬佩的. angela(希腊)意谓天使,传递消息的人.angela被形容为美丽,纤细的女人,温柔可人或是有活力但莽撞的女孩. annie同ann,如同孤女安妮一般,annie被形容为可爱的小女孩,言行或许可笑却很聪明,个性和善却很固执. anitaanita是ann的西班牙写法.人们认为anita这个名字非常适合娇小、美丽,性格讨喜的中层阶级女性,伶俐,讨人喜欢,而且充满乐趣. ariel(希伯来),上帝的母狮子.母狮子,才不呢?


lynn (老式英语)瀑布,或水池.是包含“lin“,“line“,“lyn“等字名字的简写.lynn被形容为高,纤细,身体 健康的年轻女孩,个性独立而且友善. 意思是 from the lake,来自湖里或湖畔

lynn的名字寓意 lynn的名字寓意是什么

1、Lynn是英文名,含义是在湖畔边生活的人。男子用此名可翻译为林恩,女子用此名,可翻译为琳恩。 2、Lynn是英文名,中文林恩。名字含义:河边居民,英国名,来自威尔士丽茵“湖“, 红湖的意思,一个英语的姓来自威尔士llyn“湖”。在20世纪开始之前,它主要用于男孩,但它已经变得更常见的女孩。在某些情况下,它可以被认为是LINDA的短形式或以lyn或line结尾的名称。




请问Lynn 到底是男名还是女名啊,怎么说法不一啊??



Lynn [lin] 基本翻译 n.林恩(姓氏) Lynne 基本翻译 n.琳妮(女子名) 中国人起英文名,一般姓氏应该保留为汉语拼音,因此Lynne 好.



lynn 和 lyn 那个更适合女生



我有一个高中同学是用lynn的, [苏格兰人、爱尔兰人、英格兰人姓氏] 林恩,lynne是它的变体,看你自己喜欢咯。


Lynn[lin]林恩(姓氏, 男子名, 女子名)


是林恩ˇ这个恩就是稍带一点就要.感觉有那么点意思就可以 了







lynn 这个英文名好吗,。有什么意思??


我的英文名是lynn. 很好听,但是是单音的、总觉得怪怪的.希望再加个单词组成2个单词的英文名.可以加什么呢.



Lynn is now concentrating on finishing the term paper . 琳正专注于完成期末报告。 Lynn townsend had been on their board for nine years . 林恩汤森有九年时间任他们董事会董事。 Lynn townsend was always popular with the stockholders . 林恩汤森在那些股东里头总是很吃香的。 Lynn decided to pass out the presents at the beginning of the party . 琳决定宴会一开始就分发礼物。 Henry spent enough money to make lynn townsend look pke a beggar . 享利的那种大手大脚地乱花钱的做法使得汤森相形之下简直象个叫花子。 Instead of concentrating on good cars, lynn townsend and his group started to expand overseas . 林恩汤森那些人并不把主要力量放在造好汽车这方面,而是忙于向海外发展。 It got personal later on , lynn . - npersonal 后来他们还有私人关系,里恩-私人关系 Got a itch or somethin " . no , lynn , you fine 突然就像抽痉一样琳恩,你会没事的 Lynn , there is still time to move in and stop them 里恩,在他们杀死那些人之前 Lynn and phil met through a mutual friend 林恩和菲尔是通过共同的朋友相识的。 - she helped me cover the call from lynn . - audrey -她帮我向里恩隐瞒了电话记录-奥德莉 - i got that , miss gina . - go on over there with auntie lynn -没问题-快走 For god " s sakes , lynn , i " m your sister 看在老天的份上,里恩我是你妹妹 Contact lynn mcgill , have him meet me in holding 联系里恩?麦格尔,让他在审讯室和我见面 Lynn : yes . i " m afraid we shall have rain this afternoon 琳:是的。恐怕今天下午要下雨。 If lynn finds out we " re working behind his back 要是里恩发现我们背著他 I was there , lynn . i saw her reaction 那时我在场,里恩我见到她的反应了 Lynn , would you take care of mrs . towner , please 琳恩,你来给唐夫人做 Okay , pttle miss hip - hop , i think i was speaking to lynn 街舞小姐我在和琳恩说话,没你事 By lynn huynh and golden flower , san jose 圣荷西黄琳黄金花联合报导

lynn 英文怎么读

Lynn [lin] 同汉字 林 的发音




基本上是女名,应为女人用的比较多,不过Lynn是中性的明子男女都可以用的. ------ lynn (老式英语)瀑布,或水池.是包含“lin“,“line“,“lyn“等字名字的简写.lynn被形容为高,纤细,身体 健康的年轻女孩,个性独立而且友善. ------ abigale 原为古希伯来名,意思是“最初的欢乐“或“欢乐之本“.在圣经撒母尔记上篇第二十五章中,讲到了一位早期名叫abigale的人的故事.在这个故事之中,她是一位聪明、美丽的女人.她有过人的智慧和谋略.因而,她后来成了以色列大卫王的妻子. abbyabbie是abigail的简写.人们认为abby是娇小可爱的女人,文静,令人喜爱,个性甜美. ada (老式英语)“高贵“的意思.为adelaide的简写.ada给人的印象是年长保守,辛勤的工作者. adeline adelaide的英文写法.adeline被描绘为守旧,坏脾气的女孩,过份有礼但目中无人. ailsa 古德语,快乐的姑娘的意思. aimee 来自法语,意为可爱的人. alice (希腊)“真理“;(老式德语)“贵族“.大部份的人都把alice看做是“爱丽丝梦游仙境“的那位爱丽丝-一个年轻的梦想者喜欢热闹有著不受束缚的灵魂.有些人则认为她是自傲的老女人. alina爱丽娜,古德语,『高贵』的意思. allison 盖尔语,微小,真实的;古德语,名闻众神.令人联想到美丽无瑕的女子,聪明,体贴. angelia(希腊)“天使,传送讯息者.“angelia被描绘为美丽,娇小的女子若不是有著甜美温柔的个性,即是活泼莽撞的女孩. amanda (拉丁名)其词根表示爱的意思.amanda表示可爱的人.人们认为她保守美丽又纤细,甜美富有. anne 善良、优雅、喜欢帮助人的女孩.皇室的皇后、公主很多都是这个名字或者annie,许多平民也都很喜欢这个名字. ann (希伯来)“优雅“,hannah的英文形式. ann这个名字让人想到平凡,中等阶级的女子,善良,踏实,勤勉,且憨厚. amy 拉丁文意思是“被深爱的“.amy给人的印象是个玲珑,纤细的女孩,并有著安静,沉著,有文化素养及宛雅的特质. amanda 拉丁名,其词根表示爱的意思.amanda表示可爱的人.被描绘为保守,美丽纤弱的女子,甜美富有. amber 古法语,琥珀.令人联想到高?就是福斯新片真假公主的英文原名.来自希腊字复活,因此这个名字很适用於出生在复活节前后的日子.早期的基徒往往用它给那些刚刚洗礼的女孩子取名,表示获得了新生命的意思.由於这个名字含有较多的宗教性,所以,在爱尔兰和美国得到了较为广泛的传播.腻称为stacey. andrea(拉丁语)“有女人味的“.andrea被描绘为成熟健康的女人可能是聪明也有可能是笨拙的,轻声细语也有可能严肃的令人难受,大体来说,andrea是令人敬佩的. angela(希腊)意谓天使,传递消息的人.angela被形容为美丽,纤细的女人,温柔可人或是有活力但莽撞的女孩. annie同ann,如同孤女安妮一般,annie被形容为可爱的小女孩,言行或许可笑却很聪明,个性和善却很固执. anitaanita是ann的西班牙写法.人们认为anita这个名字非常适合娇小、美丽,性格讨喜的中层阶级女性,伶俐,讨人喜欢,而且充满乐趣. ariel(希伯来),上帝的母狮子.母狮子,才不呢?



Lyn Lynn Lynne Lin Ling 哪个是常用男名英文名







林恩(男) 琳(女)



lynn 算男生的英文名字,还是女生的英文名字?



ly是love you的缩写两个n表示连绵不断也就是forever的意思所以lynn是love you forever的意思





求Lynnsha 的Si Seulement的歌词及中文翻译。

Si seulement 如果……就好了 S"il y a des mots que je ne dis jamais 如果有我从不曾说出的话 C"est qu"on m"a trop souvent mal aimée 那就是我总为情所伤 j"ai en moi tant de doute que les autres on semés 我和其他人一样散布着疑虑 C"est l"amour que je redoute et pourtant j"aimerais 我畏惧爱情 然而我又喜欢爱 Oublier le passé et me laisser aller pour un jour aimer plus fort 忘记过去 让我前行 为了有一天能更热烈地去爱 mais mon coeur est blessé j"aimerais tant t"enlacer 我的心纵然伤痕累累却如此想要紧抱你 Et te donner bien plus que 04a bébé 然后你给我远比这更多的好吗 宝贝 Si seulement tu pouvais voir 如果你能够看到就好了 ce qui se cache au fond de moi 藏在我内心深处的是谁 Tu saurais pourquoi mes larmes ne me guérissent pas 你就会明白为何泪水无法把我治愈 Le bonheur au bout des doigts 幸福就在指尖 quand je te touche quand je te vois, 当我触碰到你 当我看到你的时候 Ho non ne ment veut pas 噢 不想说谎 j"éssaie d"être une meilleur femme que 04a! 我试着成为一个比现在更好的女人 Combien de temps encore vais-je passer 我还要跨越多少时间 à subir mon sort? 承受着我的命运 A vivre avec tout ces remords,(这里原来的remorts没有这个单词 估计是拼错了) 活在悔疚当中 Combien de temps encore,j"en ai sassée de fuir je sais j"ai tort (这里原本写ais assée应该是空格键分错了 -_-||) 还要多少时间来过滤我所错失的那些 je veux pouvoir enfin te dire que je t"adore! 我希望最终能够告诉你我深爱着你 Oublier le passé et me laisser aller pour un jour aimer plus fort 忘记过去 让我前行 为了有一天能更热烈地去爱 mais mon coeur est blessé j"aimerais tant t"enlacer 我的心纵然伤痕累累却如此想要紧抱你 Et te donner bien plus que 04a bébé 然后你能给我比这更多的吗 宝贝 Oublier le passé et me laisser aller pour un jour aimer plus fort 忘记过去 让我前行 为了有一天能更热烈地去爱 Murmurer des mots doux comme: "je t"aimerais jusqu"a la mort" 低声说着类似“我至死爱你”那样的甜言蜜语 Et m"abandonner dans tes bras bébé! 然后在你的双臂里放任我吧 宝贝 Si seulement tu pouvais voir 如果你能够看到就好了 ce qui se cache au fond de moi 藏在我内心深处的是谁 Tu saurais pourquoi mes larmes ne me guérissent pas 你就会明白为何泪水无法把我治愈 Le bonheur au bout des doigts 幸福就在指尖 quand je te touche quand je te vois, 当我触碰到你 当我看到你的时候 Ho non ne ment veut pas 噢 不想说谎 j"éssaie d"être une meilleur femme que 04a! 我试着成为一个比现在更好的女人 Je ne veux (veux pa) passer à coté de toi, 我不想(不想)与你擦身而过 J"aimerais te doné plus que ca 我想要给你比这更多的 Hoo hoo Si seulement tu pouvais voir 如果你能够看到就好了 ce qui se cache au fond de moi 藏在我内心深处的是谁 Tu saurais pourquoi mes larmes ne me guérissent pas 你就会明白为何泪水无法把我治愈 Le bonheur au bout des doigts 幸福就在指尖 quand je te touche quand je te vois, 当我触碰到你 当我看到你的时候 Ho non ne ment veut pas 噢 不 不想说谎 j"éssaie d"être une meilleur femme que 04a! 我试着成为一个比现在更好的女人 Si seulement tu pouvais voir 如果你能够看到就好了 ce qui se cache au fond de moi 藏在我内心深处的是谁 Tu saurais pourquoi mes larmes ne me guérissent pas (ne me guérissent pas) 你就会明白为何泪水无法把我治愈(无法把我治愈) Le bonheur au bout des doigts ( au bout des doigts) 幸福就在指尖(在指尖) quand je te touche quand je te vois, 当我触碰到你 当我看到你的时候 Ho non ne ment veut pas 噢 不 不想说谎 j"éssaie d"être une meilleur femme que 04a! 我试着成为一个比现在更好的女人 (Je ne veux (veux pa) passer à coté de toi) 我不想(不想)与你擦身而过 Si seulement tu pouvais voir 如果你能够看到就好了 ce qui se cache au fond de moi 藏在我内心深处的是谁 Tu saurais pourquoi mes larmes ne me guérissent pas 你就会明白为何泪水无法把我治愈 Le bonheur au bout des doigts 幸福就在指尖 quand je te touche quand je te vois, 当我触碰到你 当我看到你的时候 Ho non ne ment veut pas 噢 不 不想说谎 j"éssaie d"être une meilleur femme que 04a! 我试着成为一个比现在更好的女人 Si seulement tu pouvais voir 如果你能够看到就好了 ce qui se cache au fond de moi 藏在我内心深处的是谁 Tu saurais pourquoi mes larmes ne me guérissent pas 你就会明白为何泪水无法把我治愈 Le bonheur au bout des doigts 幸福就在指尖 quand je te touche quand je te vois, 当我触碰到你 当我看到你的时候 Ho non ne ment veut pas 噢 不 不想说谎 j"éssaie d"être une meilleur femme que 04a! 我试着成为一个比现在更好的女人


LYn – uc798 uc54cuc9c0ub3c4 ubabbud558uba74uc11c以下是 韩语音 和英语对照 希望有帮助到你 附上只有罗马音歌词 在最下面uc798 uc54cuc9c0 ubabbud558uba74uc11c jal alji mot-hamyonso... [I don"t know] ub0b4uac00 uc870uae08 ubc14ubcf4uac19uae34ud588uc5b4 nega jogeum babogatginhesso [I was a bit of a fool] uba87ubc88uc529 uc0dduac01ud558uba74 ud560uc218ub85d myotbonssik senggakhamyon halsurok [No matter how much I think about it] ud5e4uc5b4uc9c0uc790ub358 uadf8 ub9d0uc744 ub4e3uace0ub098uc11c heojijadon geu mareul deutgonaso [After I heard you breaking up with me] ub124uac00 uc5bcub9c8ub098 ubbf8uc6ccuc9c0ub358uc9c0 nega olmana miwojidonji [I hated you so much] uc798 uc54cuc544 ub0b4uac00 ub108ub97c ub108ubb34 uc0acub791ud574uc11c jal ara nega noreul nomu sarangheso [I know, I loved you too much ] ub9e4ubc88 ud798ub4e4uac8c ud588ub294uc9c0 ubab0ub77c mebon himdeulge henneunji molla [So I maybe gave you a hard time] uadf8ub0e5 ub3ccuc544uac08uaed8 geunyang doragalkke [I"ll just go back to the times] uc6b0ub9ac ubab0ub790ub358 uadf8ub54cucc98ub7fc uri mollatdon geuttechorom [When we didn"t know each other] uc785uc220uc744 ubb3cuace0 ub208ubb3cuc744 ucc38uc544ubd10ub3c4 ipsureul mulgo nunmureul chamabwado [I bite my lips and hold back my tears] ub5a8uc5b4uc9c0ub294 ub208ubb3cub9cc ttorojineun nunmulman [But the tears still fall] uac00uc2b4uc774 uc870uc5ecuc640 uc228ub3c4 ubabbuc26cuaca0uc5b4 gaseumi joyowa sumdo mosswigesso [My heart is twisting and I can"t breathe] ub108ub97c uc78auc9c0ubabbud558uace0 uc0b4uc544 noreul itjimot-hago sara [I can"t live as I forget you] uc798 uc54cuc9c0 ubabbud558uba74uc11c uadf8ub807uac8c ub9d0uc744ud574 jal alji mot-hamyonso geuroke mareulhe [I don"t know very well but I still say it] uc5ecuc794ub2e4 uadf8ub798 uc0acub791ud558uba74 uadf8ub798 yojanda geure saranghamyon geure [Women are like that, when they love, they are like that] uc0acub791uc744 ub9d0ud560uc904ub3c4 ubaa8ub974uba74uc11c sarangeul malhaljuldo moreumyonso [You don"t even know how to love] ub0b4ub9d8ub3c4 ubaa8ub974uba74uc11c ub9d0ud558uc9c0ub9c8 nemamdo moreumyonso malhajima [You don"t even know my heart so dont talk] uc798 uc54cuc9c0 ubabbud558uba74uc11c uadf8ub807uac8c ud654ub97cub0b4 jal alji mot-hamyonso geuroke hwareulle [I get mad even though I don"t know very well] ud6c4ud68cuc5c6uc774 ub110 uc0acub791ud588ub294ub370 huhweobsi nol saranghenneunde [I loved you without regrets] ubaa8ub974uba74uc11c uc798 uc54cuc9c0ub3c4 ubabbud558uba74uc11c moreumyonso jal aljido mot-hamyonso [Though you don"t know, though you don"t know at all] ub5a0ub09c ub2c8 ub9d8uc744 ub3ccub824ubcf4ub824ud588uc9c0ub9cc ttonan ni mameul dollyoboryohetjiman [I tried to turn back your heart that left ] ubc14ubcf4uac19uc740 uc5ecuc790ub77cuc11c babogateun yojaraso [Because I"m a foolish woman] ub108ub97c uc7a1uc9c0ubabbud574 ubd80ub974uc9c0ub3c4ubabbud574 noreul japjimot-he bureujidomot-he [But I can"t hold you, I can"t call out to you] ub5a0ub09c ub2c8ubaa8uc2b5ub9cc ubcf4uace0uc788uc5b4 ttonan nimoseumman bogoisso [I"m just looking at you leaving] uc798 uc54cuc9c0 ubabbud558uba74uc11c uadf8ub807uac8c ub9d0uc744ud574 jal alji mot-hamyonso geuroke mareulhe [I don"t know very well but I still say it] uc5ecuc794ub2e4 uadf8ub798 uc0acub791ud558uba74 uadf8ub798 yojanda geure saranghamyon geure [Women are like that, when they love, they are like that] uc0acub791uc744 ub9d0ud560uc904ub3c4 ubaa8ub974uba74uc11c sarangeul malhaljuldo moreumyonso [You don"t even know how to love] ub0b4ub9d8ub3c4 ubaa8ub974uba74uc11c ub9d0ud558uc9c0ub9c8 nemamdo moreumyonso malhajima [You don"t even know my heart so dont talk] uc798 uc54cuc9c0 ubabbud558uba74uc11c uadf8ub807uac8c ud654ub97cub0b4 jal alji mot-hamyonso geuroke hwareulle [I get mad even though I don"t know very well] ud6c4ud68cuc5c6uc774 ub110 uc0acub791ud588ub294ub370 huhweobsi nol saranghenneunde [I loved you without regrets] ubaa8ub974uba74uc11c uc798 uc54cuc9c0ub3c4 ubabbud558uba74uc11c moreumyonso jal aljido mot-hamyonso [Though you don"t know, though you don"t know at all] ub0b4 ub9d8ub3c4 ubaa8ub974uba74uc11c ne mamdo moreumyonso [You don"t even know my heart] ub0b4 ub9d8ub3c4 ubaa8ub974uba74uc11c uadf8ub807uac8c ub9d0uc744ud574 ne mamdo moreumyonso geuroke mareulhe [I don"t even know my own heart but I still say it] uc5ecuc794ub2e4uadf8ub798 uc0acub791ud558uba74uadf8ub798 yojandageure saranghamyon-geure [Women are like that, when they love, they are like that] uc0acub791uc744 ub9d0ud560uc904ub3c4 ubaa8ub974uba74uc11c sarangeul malhaljuldo moreumyonso [You don"t even know how to love] ub0b4ub9d8ub3c4 ubaa8ub974uba74uc11c ub9d0ud558uc9c0ub9c8 nemamdo moreumyonso malhajima [You don"t even know my heart so dont talk] uc544uc9c1 ub09c uc544ub0d0 ub09c uc0acub791uc774 uc804ubd80uc57c ajik nan anya nan sarangi jonbuya [I"m still not there yet, love is still all for me] ud6c4ud68cuc5c6uc774 ub110 uc0acub791ud588ub294ub370 huhweobsi nol saranghenneunde [I loved you without regrets] ubaa8ub974uba74uc11c uc798 uc54cuc9c0ub3c4 ubabbud558uba74uc11c moreumyonso jal aljido mot-hamyonso [Though you don"t know, though you don"t know at all] ubaa8ub974uba74uc11c uc798 uc54cuc9c0ub3c4 ubabbud558uba74uc11c moreumyonso jal aljido mot-hamyonso [Though you don"t know, though you don"t know at all]Jal alji mothamyeonseo..Naega jogeum babo gatginhaesseoMyeotbeonsshik saenggakhamyeon halsurokHeeojijadeon geu mareun deutgo naseoNega eolmana miweoji deonjiJal ara naega neoreul neomu saranghaeseoMaebeon himdeulke haenneunji mollaGeunyang doragallaeUri mollatteon geuttae cheoreomIbsureul mulgo nunmureul chamabwadoTteoreojineun nunmulmanGaseumi joyeowa sumdo motswigesseoNeoreul itji mothago saraJal alji mothamyeonseo geureohke mareulhaeYeojanda geurae sarang hamyeon geuraeSarangeul malhaljuldo moreumyeonseoNaemamdo moreumyeonseo malhajimaJal alji mothamyeonseo geureohke hwareul naeHuhwe eopshi neol saranghanneundeMoreumyeonseo jal aljido mothamyeonseo ~OOHTteonan ni mameul dollyeo boryeohaetjimanBabogateun yeoja raseoNeoreul jabji mothae bureujido mothaeTteonan ni moseubman bogo isseoJal alji mothamyeonseo geureohke mareulhaeYeojanda geurae sarang hamyeon geuraeSarangeul malhaljuldo moreumyeonseoNaemamdo moreumyeonseo malhajimaJal alji mothamyeonseo geureohke hwareul naeHuhwe eopshi neol saranghanneundeMoreumyeonseo jal aljido mothamyeonseoNae mamdo moreumyeonseo~Nae mamdo moreumyeonseo geureohke mareulhaeYeojanda geurae saranghamyeon geuraeSarangeul malhaljuldo moreumyeonseoNaemamdo moreumyeonseo malhajimaAjik nan anya nan sarangi jeonbuyaHuhwe eopshi neol saranghaenneundeMoreumyeonseo jal aljido mothamyeonseoMoreumyeonseo jal aljido mothamyeon..seo

raelynn boyfriend中文歌词

Boyfriend - RaeLynn男朋友,RaelynnLets be honest让我们诚实We dont got a lot in common when it comes down to it我们没有得到很多共同当它归结为它You can take his breath away你可以带走他的呼吸And light up every room when you walk through it当你走过的时候,每一个房间都亮起来But I dont want your six-foot legs and angel face and sophistication但我不想让你的六条腿和天使的脸和复杂Dont really want to cause a scene but girl youve got everything真的不想造成一个场景但是女孩你得到的一切And I want your boyfriend我要你的男朋友Im not gonna lie我不会说谎Ill be his girl when he tells you goodbye当他告诉你再见时,我会是他的女孩Dont worry I wont take him cause I aint that low别担心,我不会让他因为我不低I want your boyfriend我要你的男朋友Just thought you should know只是认为你应该知道That he and I go back so far他和我走到了这么远Oh my gosh we lived in his first truck我的天啊,我们生活在他的第一辆卡车First time we heard Shania Twain我们第一次听到莎妮娅吐温Think we were on our way to Lubbock想我们去的时候And I know you think he loves you now我知道你认为他现在爱你Seen so many girls come in and out看到这么多的女孩进来了It sounds a bit insensitive but the truth is what it is这听起来有点不敏感,但事实是什么I want your boyfriend我要你的男朋友Im not gonna lie我不会说谎Ill be his girl when he tells you goodbye当他告诉你再见时,我会是他的女孩Dont worry I wont take him cause I aint that low别担心,我不会让他因为我不低I want your boyfriend我要你的男朋友Just thought you should know yeah只是认为你应该知道是的Dont know why you act so surprised不知道你为什么这么惊讶Cant you see it in his eyes?你看不见他的眼睛吗?You mustve known it all this time你一定知道这一切的时候Yeah I want you boyfriend to tell you the truth是的,我想让你的男朋友告诉你真相Ill be right there when he gets over you当他在你的时候,我会在那里Whats meant to be will always find its way in the end什么意思是永远都会找到它的方式I want your boyfriend我要你的男朋友Im not gonna lie我不会说谎Ill be his girl when he tells you goodbye当他告诉你再见时,我会是他的女孩Dont worry I wont take him cause I aint that low别担心,我不会让他因为我不低I want your boyfriend I want your boyfriend我要你的男朋友我要你的男朋友I want your boyfriend I want your boyfriend我要你的男朋友我要你的男朋友Just thought you should know只是认为你应该知道


polynomial多项式双语对照词典结果:polynomial[英][u02ccpu0252lu026a"nu0259u028amu026au0259l][美][u02ccpu0252lu026a"nou028amu026arl]adj.多项式的,多词学名(指由两个以上的词构成的学名)的; n.多项式,由2字以上组成的学名;







求Marilyn Manson的老婆的详细资料~


谁知道哪有下Lyn 的 《不是爱过吗》谢谢


有没人知道那里有卖Peter Lynch 著One Up on wall Street 《选股战略》的中文版

One up on wall street, by Peter Lynch , 选股战略 读后感:这本书在很久以前的智富杂志就已经推荐,但一直没有时间好好地把它读完,计划把智富杂志中所介绍的理财圣经都看完,毕竟它们都是经过时间的焠炼而留下来,打算在近期之内把这几本书读完并做一些整理的动作,消化吸收后形成个人的操作策略,在很久前就已经将<<一个投机者的告白>> 与 <<是川银藏>> 这二本看完,很可惜并没有花时间把重点整理出来趁这个假日把这本书看完,并做笔记。今天看的这本 <<选股战略>> 里面以故事穿插的方式说明作者的实际操作策略虽然书中的背景都是发生在美国,但对于台湾的股友实际操作股票仍有许多帮助。选股战略 by Peter LynchCH4:买任何股票前,必须面对的三件个人问题 1我有房子吗? 2我缺钱吗? 只投资你赔得起的钱,这笔钱如果赔了,在可预见的未来里 对你的日常生活不应有任何影响,才可投资股市 3我的个性能让我成功吗 耐性、自信、常识、持久力、弹性、忍受痛苦的能力、做研究的意愿 CH7 .不管是透过自己的观察(看到市场上某项产品热卖)或是从别人处得到的消息 均需自己再加以确认,确认这项产品对公司的财务底线产生多少效果,即该 项产品占全公司营业项目的百分比。 .股票的分类 A.缓慢成长股 1.每年付固定丰厚股息 2.股价成长缓慢如:电力公司 B.稳定成长股 1.每年盈余成长率在一成至二成之间如:可口可乐、必治妥 C.循环股 1.公司的业绩和利润呈规律起伏 2.循环股走出不景气,进入经济复苏时,股价上扬的幅度往往高过稳定成长型股票如:汽车公司、航空公司、轮胎公司、钢铁厂、化学厂及国防工业 D.起死回生股如:克莱斯勤。E.资产类 1.此类公司拥有被人忽略的某种有值钱的东西,未被真实反应至帐目上。CH8 如何辨识具成长型的股票: 1.听起来无聊-荒谬更好 2.做无聊的事 如专做瓶盖或手机小零件的小公司3.做让人摇头的事 找产品利基独特的小公司 4.是个分家的公司 由母公司脱离出来的独立公司 5.证券商不买,分析师不爱 找寻被证券商忽略的具成长潜力的公司,这些资料可从法人持股数量看出来资料来源: Vicker"s Institutional Holdings Guide, Nelson"s Directory of Investment Reaserch, Spectrum Survey, Value Line Investment Survey6.谣言四起:此股涉及有毒废弃物和(或)黑手党 如:赌场股票 7.让人沮丧的股票 如:葬仪社 8.无成长工业 无成长工业,往往没有竞争的问题,得以让公司持续成长,扩大市场占有率 9.占尽地利(垄断优势) 如:报纸业、制药公司、可口可乐、万宝路 10.人们非不断购买不可如:消费必需品11.科技使用者如:google12.局内人自己也买股票 当公司内部的人员每个都持有大量的股票时,表示公司的人对于公司成长均有信心资料来源:Vicker" Weekly Insider Report , The Indsiders , Wall Street Journal , Barron"s managane13.公司买回自己的股票 若公司买回一半的股份,而其盈余总数不变,那么每股平均盈余便加倍CH9 我会避开的股票1.热门工业中最热门的股票2.小心未来的XXX 人们把某种股票看成未来的XXX时,往往显示模仿者和其模仿对象的题峰期已近尾声 3.避开恶化经营公司.把钱花在思蠢的收购上(收购与公司本业无关的公司,无法发挥一加一大于二的综效) 4.提防耳语股票 5.小心居间型公司 有些公司把四分之一到一半的产品卖给同一客户,大客户具有无比的权力,可以杀供货商的价 或做其它的特权要求,让供货商的利润锐减。这类任人宰割的局面很难产生好投资。 这一点所描述的例子,在台湾或大陆等以代工为主的产业中常常可以看到,要特别注意。6.小心名称别致的股票CH11 二次牛刀小试选出的心目中的股票后,尽可能了解公司如何增加财富、刺激成长及未来发展,为自己的股票说「故事」。A.缓慢成长股.这家公司过去十年来,年年都提高股息,不论景气好坏都不例外,甚至过去三次不景气 期间都没有破例。B.稳定成长股.看本益比,看看股价最近几个月间是否有飞涨的情况,如果有,看看是什么因素造成的 C.循环股.故事内容应包含生意状况、存货量和价格。D.起死回生股.这家公司是否实施了改善措施?该措施到目前为止是否有效? E.快速成长公司.它要如何保持快速成长?往哪里成长?CH12 找寻事实1.充分利用证券经纪商 向证券经纪商索取公司的年报、季报及相关的投资报告2.打电话给股票公司 3.拜访公司总部4.亲自到投资人关系室5.阅读财报(重点放在资产负债表)CH13知名的数字 1.销售率 2.市盈率(P/E ratio) .一般说来本益比若是成长率的一半就算很好了 .公式: (长期成长率+股息) / 本益比 ex: (12 + 3) / 10 = 1.5 低于 1 不太好,1.5还可以,但该找2以上的公司 3.现金状况 4.债务部份 5.股息 6.账面价价 账面价值往往与一个公司真正的价值没有什么关系,都是大幅偏高或偏低 如:专利、品牌 7.现金流量8.存货 .对制造商或零售商而言,存货增多通常是个警讯 .存货比销售量的成长更快速,便是一个红灯9.成长率 10.税后纯益 CH17 买卖的最佳时机1.岁末税负大抛售(10到12月间)2.股价每隔几年发生的大暴动:如911、SARS、地震

David Lyndon Huff的《Chillout》 歌词

歌曲名:Chillout歌手:David Lyndon Huff专辑:Metro LoungeBlake Shelton - ChillBeen wound up tighter than a banjo stringPrice of gas groceries and all those thingsThey sound little till you add "em all upThen you really feel the crunch.Man, I"ve had enough.I need to chill, give it a restGet down to the lake with a full ice chestAnd chill, and let a cold coronaLift this world right off my shouldersLime in the water, steak on the grillI think it"s way past time for me to chillJust chill.This morning 65 was a parking lotBumper to bumper just start and stopSometimes I think we"re like a bunch of ratsGetting caught in our own trapsWell, I say to hell with that.I need to chill give it a restGet down to the lake with a full ice chestAnd chill, and let a cold coronaLift this world right off my shouldersLime in the water, steak on the grillI think it"s way past time for me to chillJust chill.Before we go to therapy and take another pillWe just need to chill, give it a restLay down in a hammock and take a deep breathAnd chill, it don"t cost a dimeTo reel in your troubles and just unwindCork in the water and time to killYou can"t tell me this ain"t a great way to chillJust chillMan, I need to chill.Just chill.



Marilyn Manson的《Dogma》 歌词

歌曲名:Dogma歌手:Marilyn Manson专辑:Portrait Of An American FamilyDogmaMarilyn MansonPortrait of an American Familyburn the witches, burn the witchesdon"t take time to sew your stitchesburn the witches, burn the witchesgood is the thing that you favorevil is your sour flavoryou cannot sedate all the things you hateburn the bridges, burn the bridgesdon"t take time to sew your stitchesburn the bridges, burn the bridgesgood is the thing that you favor )evil is your sour flavor )i don"t need your hate )i decide my fate )you cannot sedate all the things you rape ) (x2)i don"t need your hatei decide my fateburn the witches, burn the witchesdon"t take time to sew your stitchesburn the witches, burn the witches

求hjems kt 歌词 Sandra Lyng Haugen的

ting ke king er for tain tu e lone longconni cant shi top for mai bo so mu gado a for ch high shi ke fer my bu er for a e d gi lai o laie a jallow so bei other die I say a ~omi money e de e ~sh~leep yap only f lei the worldo ~ya ~ a yongserd yongserd o~ o ~ o ~o ya ~yongserd yongserd yongserdtalking pli ching on sing ge lone vicongmin e na mu zai ho lai mang la ni mangso na li he can~ man loli can top~ canch de saili an na maine a jallow so bei other die I say a ~omi money e de e ~sh~leep yap only f lei the worldo ~ ya ~ a yongserd yongserd o ~ o ~ o ~ o ya ~ yongserd yongserd yongserdhu hus ti ge ni ma bo none ya yang goo de si ya yo ti de e~ xio tok any ma ni can mik xi o ti po bi o s~ti ge no u~ si ~bong lu soya ba sha li hei pong ti neng bo o bo lo gi yongserde a jallow so bei other die I say a ~omi money e de e ~sh~leep ya~p ~only f~ lei the worldo ~ya ~a yongserd yongserd o~ o ~ o ~ o ya~o yongserd yongserd yongserde a jallow so bei other die I say a ~omi money e de e~ sh~leep ya~p~ only f~ lei the worldo ~ya ~a yongserd yongserd o o o o ya ~o yongserd yongserd yongserd

Jocelyn Enriquez的《Even If》 歌词

歌曲名:Even If歌手:Jocelyn Enriquez专辑:JocelynEven IfJocylen EnriquezTime, they say eases the painBut now I must keep myself, apartFrom how things use to beI know I should go on with my lifeAnd leave the world behindThat I have learned to liveI know I know I have to be strong(Chorus)Even if my heart should call out your name out in the rainEven if these arms should want to embrace you once againAnd even if I'm all cried out and no longer in painI'll never fall in love that way, ever againTears are falling like the rainHow do I convice my heart againThat things will be okayI know I have to make it on my ownSince you left me all aloneSuch a lonely placeI know I know I got to go on(Chorus)Even if my heart should call out your name in the rainEven if these arms should want to embrace you once againAnd even if I'm all cried out and no longer in painI'll never fall in love that way, ever againPromise that you'll stay and never leaveJust tell me why should I believeObviously you have gone astrayAnd now your miles awayI'll go on without you(Chorus)Even if my heart should call out your name out in the rainEven if these arms should want to embrace you once againAnd even if I'm all cried out and no longer in painI'll never fall in love that way, never fall in love that wayEver again...


surname和familyname意思一样,意思是都是:姓 区别:surname,英国英语,可以是名词也可以是动词,正规场合常用。familyname,美国英语,只有名词形式,口语常用。




family name 在英语中是表姓,相当于中文的张王李赵一样,在名字的后面如Jon Black.Black就是姓,Jon是名字。所以说family name做普通名词时不需大写,需不需要大写要看语境。





Bon Iver&St.Vicent的Roslyn歌词?

Up with your turretAren"t we just terrified?Shale, screen your worry from what you won"t ever findDon"t let it fool youDon"t let it fool you...downDown"s sitting round, folds in the gownSea and the rock belowCocked to the undertowBones blood and teeth erode, with every crashing nodeWings wouldn"t help youWings wouldn"t help you...downDown fills the ground, gravity"s proudYou barely are blinkingWagging your face aroundWhen"d this just become a mortal home?Won"t, won"t, won"t, won"tWon"t let you talk meWon"t let you talk me?downWill pull it taut, nothing let out

Bon Iver & St. Vincent版Roslyn的歌词

Up with your turretAren"t we just terrified?Shale, screen your worry from what you won"t ever findDon"t let it fool youDon"t let it fool you...downDown"s sitting round, folds in the gownSea and the rock belowCocked to the undertowBones blood and teeth erode, with every crashing nodeWings wouldn"t help youWings wouldn"t help you...downDown fills the ground, gravity"s proudYou barely are blinkingWagging your face aroundWhen"d this just become a mortal home?Won"t, won"t, won"t, won"tWon"t let you talk meWon"t let you talk me?downWill pull it taut, nothing let out

Claire Lynch的《Jealousy》 歌词

歌曲名:Jealousy歌手:Claire Lynch专辑:Love LightJealousyWill YoungI take it all backAll that I saidIt comes out to fastSo IJust couldn"t helpThe way that I feltI started the fire.Watching you walkI followed you thereStanding too closeIt"s hurting.I pictured the wordsThe warmth of your breath.I started the fireIt"s burning.And it feels like jealousyAnd it feels like I can"t breatheAnd I"m on, down on my kneesAnd it feels like jealousy.Seeing a lightA face in the crowdMy lonely heart is racing.And my whole worldIs under attack.What kinda love am I facing?Is it me that you wantCos it"s me you can haveCan you give me an answer?I"m tired of waiting.I"m tired of thinking.And it feels like jealousyAnd it feels like I can"t breatheAnd I"m on, down on my kneesAnd it feels like jealousy.I"m tired of waiting.I"m tired of thinking.And it feels like jealousy (hey)And it feels like I can"t breathe (I can"t breathe)And I"m on, down on my knees (ohh)And it feels like jealousyAnd it feels

lynceus造句 lynceusの例文 "lynceus"是什麼意思

All do except for Hypermnestra, whose hu *** and, Lynceus , flees. Idas and Lynceus immediately understood what was happening. In the ensuing brawl, Pollux killed Lynceus . Some time later, Idas and Lynceus visited their uncle"s home in Sparta. Far away, Idas and Lynceus approached. Lynceus and Hypermnestra then began a dynasty of Argive kings ( the Danaid Dynasty ). In return, Idas and Lynceus , nephews of Leucippus and rival suitors, killed Castor. Idas and Lynceus eventually set out for home, leaving Helen alone with Paris, who then kidnapped her. Lynceus , named for the lynx because he could see in the dark, spied Castor hiding in the tree. Hilaera and Phoebe were priestesses of Artemis and Athena, and betrothed to Lynceus and Idas, the sons of Aphareus. It"s difficult to see lynceus in a sentence. 用 lynceus 造句挺难的 Phoebe and Hilaera were priestesses of Athena and Artemis, and betrothed to Idas and Lynceus , the sons of Aphareus. When Idas and Lynceus tried to rescue their brides-to-be they were both slain, but Castor himself fell. He and Lynceus loved Hilaeira and Phoebe and fought with their rival suitors, Castor and Polydeuces, kilpng the mortal brother Castor. Lynceus killed Danaus as revenge for the death of his brothers and he and Hypermnestra started the Danaid Dynasty of rulers in Argos. In the trilogy"s cpmax and d閚ouement, Lynceus reveals himself to Danaus, and kills him ( thus fulfilpng the oracle ). The manuscript text says not that Duris studied under Theophrastus, but that his brother Lynceus and Lynceus"s correspondent Hippolochus did so. The manuscript text says not that Duris studied under Theophrastus, but that his brother Lynceus and Lynceus "s correspondent Hippolochus did so. Fpes at tree-top level, with a slow, drifting, unpredictable fpght akin to that of the tree nymph ( " Idea lynceus " ). """Phidiana lynceus " ""is a species of sea slug in the Phidiana genus, an aeopdina nudibranch, a family Facepnidae. Danaus imprisons or threatens to kill Hypermnestra for her disobedience, but Lynceus reappears and kills Danaus; Lynceus bees the new king of Argos, with Hypermnestra as his queen. Danaus imprisons or threatens to kill Hypermnestra for her disobedience, but Lynceus reappears and kills Danaus; Lynceus bees the new king of Argos, with Hypermnestra as his queen. In the mon genus " Lynceus ", which can open its spherical valves wide, the thoracic legs move in an oar-pke manner along with the antennae. Forty-nine followed through, and subsequently buried the heads of their bridegrooms in Lerna; but one, Hypermnestra, refused because her hu *** and, Lynceus , honored her wish to remain a virgin. The ""graceful clam shrimp ""( " Lynceus gracipcornis " ) is a species of clam shrimp found in Texas, northern Florida and possibly other regions in beeen. In short order, it is revealed that forty-nine of the Danaids killed their hu *** ands as ordered; Hypermnestra, however, loved her hu *** and Lynceus , and thus spared his pfe and helped him to escape. Amymone, the blameless, was eventually reconciled with her father, and given in marriage to Lynceus , with whom she founded a race of kings that led to Danae, the mother of Perseus, founder of Mycenae. "" Lynceus ""( in Greek, " Lynkeus " ) was the jealous murderer of Arene and was said to have excellent sight, even able to see through trees, walls and underground. The daughters were ordered by their father to kill their hu *** ands on the first night of their weddings and this they all did with the exception of one, Hypermnestra, who spared her hu *** and Lynceus because he respected her desire to remain a virgin. In some versions, Lynceus later slew Danaus as revenge for the death of his brothers, and the Danaides were punished in the underworld by being forced to carry water through a jug with holes, or a sieve, so that the water always leaked out. As a edy author Lynceus is classed among the writers of Athenian New Comedy, and the single surviving fragment from his play " Kentauros " ( " The Centaur " ), as quoted by Athenaeus ( 131f ), appears in the standard collections of ic fragments. It"s difficult to see lynceus in a sentence. 用 lynceus 造句挺难的 One opinion is that Lynceus now must decide how to punish the forty-nine homicidal Danaids, when Aphrodite appears in " deus ex machina " fashion and absolves them of the murders, as they were obeying their father; she then persuades them to abandon their cepbate ways, and the trilogy closes with their marriages to forty-nine local Argive men.



谁有 玛丽莲梦露(Marilyn Monroe) 中英对照的简介

英文的 呵呵 内容绝对好 中英对照的只能在英语学习杂志上找到吧Marilyn Monroe An illegitimate child whose father (Edward Mortensen) had deserted her mother (Gladys Baker, marilyn monroe) before marilyn monroe was born, Norma Jean endured a childhood of poverty and misery, sexual abuse (at the age of eight) and years in foster homes and orphanages after her mother suffered a nervous breakdown and was institutionalized. Escape from this cycle came at the age of sixteen marilyn monroe with an arranged marriage to a 21-year-old aircraft plant worker. While working at the Radio Plane Company factory in Burbank, marilyn monroe had her picture taken by a visiting Army photographer. Norma Jean then began modeling bathing suits and, after bleaching her hair blonde, began posing for pinups and glamour photos. Howard Hughes saw some of marilyn monroe photographs and expressed an interest in giving her a screen test for RKO, but Ben Lyon of 20th Century-Fox beat Hughes to the punch, signing Norma Jean Baker to a contract and changing her name to marilyn monroe. After appearing in small parts in films including "Love Happy" (1949) and "All About Eve" (1950), Monroe achieved celebrity with starring roles in three 1953 features--"Niagara," "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" and "How To Marry a Millionaire"--as well as a series of nude calendar photos, taken in 1948, which appeared in the December 1953 debut issue of Playboy magazine. By the end of the year, Monroe had been voted the top star of 1953 by American film distributors. In all her film roles, from "Niagara" to "The Misfits" (1961), Monroe portrayed an object of desire and exhibition. Her basic character grew out of the dumb blonde archetype, but Monroe"s dumb blonde could not be pinned down to any particular origin or social class. She was defined only by what was shown on the screen, with neither a previous history nor seemingly a future. Frequently her characters were namelesss ("Love Happy," 1955"s "The Seven Year Itch"), further accentuating her status as an object. She usually had no discernable job and when she did, it was a female-relegated profession such as chorus girl, actress or secretary. But to the dumb blonde stereotype, Monroe added a sense of innocence, naturalism and overt sexuality. Her sexuality was never seen as a threat, but as something harmless and benevolent. ^ITime^R magazine"s sanguine response to Monroe"s ^IPlayboy^R centerfold summed up her appeal: "Marilyn believes in doing what comes naturally." Along with this kindly, innocent sexuality went a vulnerability; Monroe"s characters were often humiliated at the expense of a voyeuristic pleasure, whether being lassoed like a cow in "Bus Stop" (1956) or exposing herself unknowingly in "Some Like It Hot" (1959). At the height of her fame, Monroe sensed the limited range of her screen persona and clearly desired to change it: "To put it bluntly, I seem to be a whole superstructure without a foundation." Forming Marilyn Monroe Productions in 1956, she produced "Bus Stop" and "The Prince and The Showgirl" (1957). But her personal problems, with failed marriages to baseball star Joe DiMaggio and playwright Arthur Miller and increasing reliance on drugs to combat depression and physical ailments, served to forestall any serious change in her career. The public wanted Marilyn as they had discovered her in 1953, and that was what they got in "Let"s Make Love" (1960). marilyn monroe was still capable of memorable work, especially with top directors like Billy Wilder ("Some Like It Hot") and John Huston ("The Misfits"), but her personal demons, or precarious involvement with people in high places, eventually overwhelmed her. On August 5, 1962, she was found dead of an overdose of sleeping pills. Monroe"s was a tragedy in which her public, the media and the Hollywood power brokers all shared blame.

lynch.的《JUDGEMENT》 歌词

歌曲名:JUDGEMENT歌手:lynch.专辑:judgementLynch. - JUDGEMENT作词:叶月作曲:叶月Don"t get me wrongCan you embrace?I will not move against my willNow look straight aheadYou can take back what you givethere is no time to be afraidI"ll show you nowThe truth of how we got this farmake it stay forever in your heartさぁ 爱と知り爱と讴え キミは炎焔红く揺れド派手に舞う 怯えながらさぁ 选べばいい未来も过去も何もかも忘れてこの诗は「ねがい」不动の才をJudgment of myselfI may never know the answer to foreverBut I"m alive and still singing hereAll the scars we have sharedWill become part of our prideThat will change our future still to come―― Open your eyes and see―― The flame surrounding sea―― We"re at the bottom now―― With darkness all around―― HATE will cloud my way―― NOW I"ll sing till death―― FATE this is the song of praiseさぁ 爱と知り爱と讴え キミは炎焔红く揺れド派手に舞う 怯えながらさぁ 选べばいい未来も过去もJudgment of myself爱と知り爱と讴え キミは炎焔红く揺れド派手に舞う 怯えながらさぁ 选べばいい未来も过去も何もかも忘れてこの诗は「ねがい」不动の才をJudgment of myself爱と知り爱と讴えDon"t get me wrongCan you embrace?I will not move against my willおわり


Jessalyn常见英文名音译是杰萨林或者杰瑟琳。Jessalyn代表是美丽的,女孩叫这个名字较多,历史上最早出现于希伯来语,Jessalyn是个常用的名字,这个名字给人的印象美丽。性格寓意: 重要,不寻常,独特,时髦,有趣,完美,特别,漂亮,美丽,优雅,可爱Jessalyn 的相似英文名,昵称及变体基本也是女生使用居多。如下,Joslin(乔斯林)寓意老实、意志坚强Joslyn(约斯特)寓意精力充沛、多才Jacklin(杰克林)寓意踌躇满志、精力充沛Josselyn(乔斯林)寓意虔诚、秀雅Jocelyn(琼丝琳)寓意积极、乐观Joshlin(约书林)寓意简单、光明磊落Jeglum(杰格伦)寓意特别、美貌Jacqueline(杰奎琳)寓意有创造力、老练Joscelyn(乔斯林)寓意老实Jacklyn(杰克林)寓意老实、花枝招展


Joely Fisher

Marilyn Manson(玛丽莲·曼森)的Hey Cruel World歌词,英文原文和中文翻译

Hey, cruel world…You don"t have what it takesWe don"t need your faith.We"ve got fucking fate.Hey, cruel world…You don"t have what it takesWe don"t need your faith.We"ve got fucking fate.CreatorPreserverDestroyerAsk which one I am.There"s no drugged-out devils orSquare-halo angelsWalking among us.I am among no oneI am among no oneI am among no oneNo oneHey, cruel world…You don"t have what it takesWe don"t need your faith.We"ve got fucking fate.FateFateFateThe center of the universeCannot existWhen there are no,No edgesThe center of the universeCannot existWhen there are no,No edgesHey, cruel world…You don"t have what it takesWe don"t need your faith.We"ve got fucking fate.FateFateFateFateFate, fate, fateFate, fate, fateI am among no oneI am among no oneI am among no oneNo oneHey, cruel world…You don"t have what it takesWe don"t need your faith.We"ve got fucking fate.FateFateFateFateFateFate

寂静岭女歌手Mary Elizabeth McGlynn的《Love Pslam》这首歌的歌词~~英文中文都行~

以下是英语歌词。Mary Elizabeth McGlynn "Love Psalm"Oh, this isn"t the life that I dreamed it could beI"m staring into the eyes of the shell left of meAnd now every decision I makeThe good, the pleasure and the painCould simply all be erased if I choose it to beThis nightmare unfolds like a rose that awakes to the springOh, it"s so close to the sanity I"m trying to cling toI"m tearing out the pages "cause it hurtsTo be forced to feel the heart"s breakHow much of this torture can I take?Is it not worth the risk to create just one more try?I know that I can fix itIf you could rewrite our life any way that you pleaseWould you tear out the pages of our memories?Would you take back the pain and all the hurt we create?Or could you be satisfied with the love that you made with me?If you could rewrite our life any way that you pleaseWould you tear out the pages of our memories?Would you take back the pain and all the hurt we create?Or could you be satisfied with the promise you made?And so we rewrite our life, but it"s not what we"ve madeIn the chaos we dance as we stand unafraidAlways one change away from making ourselves completeThe world will perish in flamesAnd I"ll watch as you fade from me.Rewrite our love psalmRewrite our love psalmRewrite our love psalmRewrite our love psalmRewrite our love psalm自己认真回答的,有问题请追问、希望及时采纳—— u2665 多谢 ⌒_⌒

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雷亚里普利(Rhea Ripley)和贝基林奇(Becky Lynch)在摔角和生活上有什么关系?


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marilyn manson 的 saint歌词的意思



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