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illusion的游戏都有那些啊 说下呗 另外网站进不去啊




在Illusion《VR女友》中Oculus Touch手柄是怎么用的呢

《世贸中心》(World Trade Center) 导演:奥利佛·斯通 主演:尼古拉斯·凯奇、麦奇·吉伦哈尔、玛丽娅·贝罗 首映:2006年8月11日 《启示》(Apocalypto) 导演:梅尔·吉普森 主演:墨西哥土著居民 首映:2006年 《无间行者》(The Departed) 导演:马丁·斯科塞斯 主演:莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥、马特·达蒙、杰克·尼科尔森、马克·沃尔伯格 首映:2006年 ...展开《世贸中心》(World Trade Center) 导演:奥利佛·斯通 主演:尼古拉斯·凯奇、麦奇·吉伦哈尔、玛丽娅·贝罗 首映:2006年8月11日 《启示》(Apocalypto) 导演:梅尔·吉普森 主演:墨西哥土著居民 首映:2006年 《无间行者》(The Departed) 导演:马丁·斯科塞斯 主演:莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥、马特·达蒙、杰克·尼科尔森、马克·沃尔伯格 首映:2006年 《父辈的旗帜》(Flags of Our Fathers) 导演:克林特·伊斯特伍德 主演:雷恩·菲利普、保罗·沃克、亚当·彼奇 首映:2006年 《虎胆龙威4》(Die Hard 4.0) 导演:约翰·迈克迪南 主演:布鲁斯·威利斯 首映:2006年 《洛奇6》(Rocky 6) 导演:西尔维斯特·史泰龙 主演:西尔维斯特·史泰龙 首映:2006年 《第一滴血4》(Rambo IV) 导演:吴宇森 演员:西尔维斯特·史泰龙 首映:2006年 《加勒比海盗2:灵的财宝》(Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man"s Chest) 导演:戈尔·维宾斯基 主演:约翰尼·德普、凯拉·奈特丽、奥兰多·布鲁姆 首映:2006年7月7日 《007:皇家赌场》(Casino Royale) 导演:马丁·坎贝尔 主演:丹尼尔·克雷格、朱迪·丹奇、约翰·克里斯 首映:2006年11月17日 《咒怨美国版2》(The Grudge 2) 导演:清水崇 主演:萨拉·米歇尔·盖拉 首映:2006年10月20日 《年轻的汉尼拔:面具背后》(Young Hannibal: Behind the Mask) 导演:彼德·韦伯 主演:巩俐、卡斯帕尔·尤利尔、安东尼·霍普金斯 首映:2006年9月15日 《电锯惊魂3》(Saw III) 导演:达伦·林·博斯曼 主演:托宾·贝尔 首映:2006年10月26日 《德克萨斯州电锯杀人狂前传》(The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning) 导演:乔纳森·莱布斯曼 主演:约达纳·布雷斯特、托雷·汉德雷、安德鲁·布里尼亚斯基 首映:2006年10月1日 《我一直知道你去年夏天干了什么》(I"ll Always Know What You Did Last Summer) 导演:西尔文·怀特 主演:托雷·德维托、本·伊斯特 首映:2006年10月27日 《龙骑士》(Eragon) 导演:斯蒂芬·凡格梅尔 主演:艾德·斯皮里尔斯、约翰·马尔科维奇 首映:2006年12月15日 《致命拜访》(The Visiting) 导演:奥利弗·海施贝格 主演:妮可·基德曼、丹尼尔·克雷格 首映:2006年8月11日 《别惹蚂蚁》(Ant Bully) 导演:约翰·戴维斯 配音:朱莉亚·罗伯茨、尼古拉斯·凯奇、保罗·吉亚玛提、梅丽尔·斯特里普 首映:2006年8月4日 《谷仓》(Barnyard) 导演:史蒂夫·奥德卡尔克 配音:柯特妮·考克斯、安迪·迈克道威尔、山姆·艾略特、丹尼·格洛弗 首映:2006年10月6日 《食物大战》(Foodfight!) 导演:劳伦斯·卡萨诺夫 配音:查理·辛、伊娃·朗格利亚、希拉里·达芙 首映:2006年9月8日收起





illusion的游戏公司的游戏不在中国发售,想要所有游戏资源建议自己去贴吧去找比较快。illusion是位于日本横滨的一家3D游戏制作公司,主要作品有尾行系列、欲望格斗系列、欲望血液系列、人工少女系列及性感沙滩系列等。据国外媒体报道,日本PC游戏公司Illusion周五驳回了美国女权组织“现在就平等”(Equality Now)对该公司成人游戏《电车之狼R》(Rapelay)的抗议,这款游戏允许玩家模拟针对女性的性暴力行为。总部位于纽约的“现在就平等”组织本周早些时候对《电车之狼R》提出了抗议,称其“反对日本的强奸模拟游戏及性暴力行为的正常化”。该组织表示,《电车之狼R》违反了1985年《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》(Convention on the Elimination of All Formsof Discrimination againstWomen)中有关日本政府应当承担之义务的规定。强烈要求女权激进主义者向这款游戏的厂商Illusion及日本首相麻生太郎(TaroAso)提出书面抗议。公司背景:ILLUSION(イリュージョン)是日本株式会社Eye One(アイワン)在发售成人向游戏的品牌之一,也是业界对于3D美少女游戏影响甚大的一个品牌。依照Illusion的规定,它生产的游戏不允许在日本以外的国家或地区销售或使用,官方版本仅支持日语操作系统,并且仅限于在日本使用。






专辑《illusion》收录了主题曲《风之幽灵》、《Step by Step 》、《You"re my sweety》和《Crazy》等6首歌曲。


illusion“幻觉,错觉”be under no illusion about sth.对某事不存幻想。A mirage is an optical illusion. 海市蜃楼是一种视错觉。I thought I saw a ghost but it was just an optical illusion. 我以为我看见鬼了,其实只是一种幻觉。I was under the illusion that he was honest until he was caught stealing some money. 他偷钱当场被人抓住,在此之前我一直误以为他是个老实人。He cherished the illusion that she loved him, but he was wrong. 他抱有她爱他的幻觉,但他错了。=============================================delusion“欺骗,迷惑” delusion是某人或其他人一直坚持的错误信念,尽管这种信念和事实不符。He suffers from the delusion that he"s attractive to women.他糊里糊涂地认为自己对女人很有吸引力。He labours under the delusion that he"s a fine actor. 他有个错觉,以为自己是个好演员。Your hope of promotion is a mere delusion. 你提升的希望只不过是一种幻觉。His arguments sound convincing but they"re based on delusion. 他的论据听起来似乎有理,但根本上是欺骗性的。


illusion音译aespa。Illusion是“错觉,幻觉”的意思。1、delusion:错觉。2、illusion:幻想,幻想的事物。3、delusion:多指根本不能实现的想法,更常指海市蜃楼。复数: delusions,是人们观察物体时,由于物体受到形、光、色的干扰,加上人们的生理、心理原因而误认物象。4、illusion:illusion指出现在脑海里的错觉,复数: illusions,指没有相应的客观刺激时所出现的知觉体验。换言之,幻觉是一种主观体验,主体的感受与知觉相似。5、delusion:对所处环境的错误认知。6、illusion:对所持有的观念想法的误导。注意事项:ILLUSION(イリュージョン)是日本株式会社Eye One(アイワン)在发售成人向游戏的品牌之一,也是业界对于3D美少女游戏影响甚大的一个品牌。依照Illusion的规定,它生产的游戏不允许在日本以外的国家或地区销售或使用,官方版本仅支持日语操作系统,并且仅限于在日本使用。







有很多其中就有 *kkeeu*/




方法首先你必须有Illusion_Morpher这个工具可以到各大网站搜索下载打开软件后 点击xdiff based morphing然后载入需要的xdiff文件点击add xdiff file载入选择你想使用的xdiff文件 确定点击close file manager确认载入设置游戏的路径 你可以先找到游戏路径复制粘贴在上面点击morph several 载入PP文件在morph打上勾 确认你要修改的PP文件;点击 start morphing确认修改.





Illusion Wizzard怎么用?




ILLUSION Love Girl(ラブガール~魅惑の个人レッスン~) 谁能发个完美板给我



没有,I社今年新发布了个游戏,叫做 真实女友 ,表示还没有倒闭!





AE的particleIllusion粒子插件 创建的粒子有红叉线是怎么回事


particleIllusion 专业粒子库合集怎么安装?根本没有安装文件。急!!!

不需要安装,把你的粒子库放在默认粒子库文件夹比较好 在粒子效果预览窗口下面选中一个效果,鼠标右键,“载入粒子库”,选择一个粒子库文件即可。 自己弄弄看是不是这么简单? 另外想说的是,伙计?你是哪儿的?

林峰的歌曲“Illusion”与“爱不疚”好相似啊,为什么啊 ?









illusion是可数名词,英语中可数名词单数是不能单独出现的,前面必须加上冠词the或a(an)。否则则用复数形式。比如the horse is mild.或者horese are mild.




illusion的游戏公司的游戏不在中国发售,想要所有游戏资源建议自己去贴吧去找比较快。illusion是位于日本横滨的一家3D游戏制作公司,主要作品有尾行系列、欲望格斗系列、欲望血液系列、人工少女系列及性感沙滩系列等。据国外媒体报道,日本PC游戏公司Illusion周五驳回了美国女权组织“现在就平等”(Equality Now)对该公司成人游戏《电车之狼R》(Rapelay)的抗议,这款游戏允许玩家模拟针对女性的性暴力行为。总部位于纽约的“现在就平等”组织本周早些时候对《电车之狼R》提出了抗议,称其“反对日本的强奸模拟游戏及性暴力行为的正常化”。该组织表示,《电车之狼R》违反了1985年《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》(Convention on the Elimination of All Formsof Discrimination againstWomen)中有关日本政府应当承担之义务的规定。强烈要求女权激进主义者向这款游戏的厂商Illusion及日本首相麻生太郎(TaroAso)提出书面抗议。公司背景:ILLUSION(イリュージョン)是日本株式会社Eye One(アイワン)在发售成人向游戏的品牌之一,也是业界对于3D美少女游戏影响甚大的一个品牌。依照Illusion的规定,它生产的游戏不允许在日本以外的国家或地区销售或使用,官方版本仅支持日语操作系统,并且仅限于在日本使用。


illusion (N)错觉fantasy (N), (ADJ), (V)迷惑(V)= like(ADJ)= choice (V) He fancied that she would marry him.自以为是


, illusion n.幻想;错觉;假象 [iˈlju:ʒən]n.错觉, 幻想, 错误观念The sun appears to go round the Earth, but it"s an illu -sion.太阳看起来好像绕着地球转, 但这只是个错觉。假象The mirrors all round the walls give an illusion of greater space.墙壁周围的镜子造成一种较大空间的假象。




这两个词可表示“错觉”、“幻觉”的意思。illusion 是普通用词,凡指人们通常产生的各种错觉、幻觉,或给人们的某种假象;也可指人们对某事抱有的幻觉、幻想。1)Mirrors in a room often give an illusion of big space.房间里的镜子往往给人空间增大的错觉。2)Extreme heat can create an illusion of water on a highway in the summer.盛夏酷暑会造成公路上有水的幻觉。3)He always had an illusion that his position was not secure in the company.他总有一种幻觉,他在公司的职位很不安全。4)Do not have any illusions that an industrial tribunal will right allemployment wrongs.不要幻想一个劳资仲裁法庭能纠正所有的雇佣不公现象。5)Don"t cherish the illusion that your father will always pay your debts.不要心存幻想,因为你父亲会永远替你还债。6)All this creates the illusion that the company has gone through thepredicament.所有这些给人以假象:公司已经度过了难关。delusion 指因神经错乱或知识贫乏而引起的虚幻感觉。是某人或其他人一直坚持的错误信念,尽管这种信念和事实不符。1)People with schizophrenia can at times have some strange delusions.精神分裂症患者常会产生一些稀奇古怪的错觉。2)The sick man is under delusion that someone is going to kill him.那个生病的人有个错觉,以为有人要杀了他。3)He"s under the delusion that he will be promoted this year.他有个错觉,以为今年他将晋升职位。4)What he thought was a delusion from first to last.他的想法是彻头彻尾的妄想。5)He had an delusion of building a huge company and thus became a rich man.他妄想建立一家大公司,从此成为一个富人。6)Quite often a delusion may be seen to be groundless and still bechaerished.经常有这种情况,人们明知某种幻觉是毫无根据的,但仍会执迷不悟。





illusion 什么意思? illustrate? 什么意思

illusion 是幻觉,错觉的意思illustrate 是举例说明,做图解的意思补充一下, illusion 是名词, illustrate 是动词. 用法不一样的.


illusion [英]u026au02c8lu:u0292n [美]u026au02c8luu0292u0259nn. 错觉;幻想;错误观念;假象[例句]But that is an illusion.但是这只是一个错觉。采纳

Illusion Of Love (Feat. Mattie Safer) 歌词

歌曲名:Illusion Of Love (Feat. Mattie Safer)歌手:Uffie专辑:Sex Dreams And Denim JeansUffie - Illusion Of Love (feat. Mattie Safer)Illusion of loveIt"s better than noneIllusion of loveIt"s better than noneI try I try I tryThe only thing I haveLive like you mind my headLive like you mind my headWhen I look aroundA stranger to myselfAll my friends are goneAll my friends are goneI cry I cry I cryUntil the day I dieWhen my tears fade and dryWhen my tears fade and dryShe filled me up with expressions of thingsnever dreamed beforeShe filled my heart with impressionsof a world never knownShe came and gone, but the world"s not as darkas it seemed beforeBecause, somehow the essence of her lingerswhen I leave me aloneBecauseIllusion of loveIt"s better than noneIllusion of loveIt"s better than noneOh why oh why oh whyI can"t sleep at nightThe sun is too damn brightThe sun is too damn brightMy head"s spinnin" aroundWith some air in my lungsMy essence is my faultMy essence is my faultOh my my oh myWhen I look in the mirrorI just see smoke and dustI just see smoke and dustToo many days I was praying for her fallToo many nights I was waiting for her callToo many times I was trembling in fearWasting away every day waiting to disappearWasting away every day waiting to disappearBecauseShe filled me up with expressions of thingsnever dreamed beforeShe filled my heart with impressionsof a world never knownShe came and gone, but the world"snot as dark as it seemed beforeBecause, somehow the essenceof her lingers when I leave me alone

Illusion Part 2 (The Call Of The Wild) 歌词

歌曲名:Illusion Part 2 (The Call Of The Wild)歌手:Heavenly专辑:Dust To DustArtist: HeavenlyTitle: Illusion Part 2 (The Call Of The Wild)Album: Dust to Dustlyric by SunbuddyRunning throught the timesI have touched the miseryThere we got no smilePeople lived in povertyBut still the nature grewRiding in the nigthI have killed my ennemiesBleeding to surviveBreaking down technologiesTo see the nature growFight for freedomLet"s unite to carry onit"s time to defeatno run awayor on the other sidewe will crossvictims of our past we got no failureoh never returnwe got no no returnthen we canrise up the univers to giveto the world a glimmer of joyrise up the universe and tell everyoneto hear the call of the wild<music>riding, riding, riding for tomorrowsavin, savin the kingdom crownsilence is reigning with sorrowguilty we are eternallyriding, riding, riding for tomorrowsavin, savin the kingdom crownsilence is reigning with sorrowguilty we are eternally<music>Fight for freedomLet"s unite to carry onit"s time to defeatno run awayor on the other sidewe will crossvictims of our past we got no failurenever returnoh we got no no returnthen we canrise up the univers to givethe world a glimmer of joyrise up the universe and tell everyoneto hear the call of the wildrise up the universe to givethe world a glimmer of joyrise up the universe and tell everyoneto hear the call of the wild<end>

英语This is a humable conclusion怎么翻译?

英语:This is a humable conclusion3.翻译:这是一个谦虚的结论。




illusion的游戏公司的游戏不在中国发售,想要所有游戏资源建议自己去贴吧去找比较快。illusion是位于日本横滨的一家3D游戏制作公司,主要作品有尾行系列、欲望格斗系列、欲望血液系列、人工少女系列及性感沙滩系列等。据国外媒体报道,日本PC游戏公司Illusion周五驳回了美国女权组织“现在就平等”(Equality Now)对该公司成人游戏《电车之狼R》(Rapelay)的抗议,这款游戏允许玩家模拟针对女性的性暴力行为。总部位于纽约的“现在就平等”组织本周早些时候对《电车之狼R》提出了抗议,称其“反对日本的强奸模拟游戏及性暴力行为的正常化”。该组织表示,《电车之狼R》违反了1985年《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》(Convention on the Elimination of All Formsof Discrimination againstWomen)中有关日本政府应当承担之义务的规定。强烈要求女权激进主义者向这款游戏的厂商Illusion及日本首相麻生太郎(TaroAso)提出书面抗议。公司背景:ILLUSION(イリュージョン)是日本株式会社Eye One(アイワン)在发售成人向游戏的品牌之一,也是业界对于3D美少女游戏影响甚大的一个品牌。依照Illusion的规定,它生产的游戏不允许在日本以外的国家或地区销售或使用,官方版本仅支持日语操作系统,并且仅限于在日本使用。


illusion的游戏公司的游戏不在中国发售,想要所有游戏资源建议自己去贴吧去找比较快。illusion是位于日本横滨的一家3D游戏制作公司,主要作品有尾行系列、欲望格斗系列、欲望血液系列、人工少女系列及性感沙滩系列等。据国外媒体报道,日本PC游戏公司Illusion周五驳回了美国女权组织“现在就平等”(Equality Now)对该公司成人游戏《电车之狼R》(Rapelay)的抗议,这款游戏允许玩家模拟针对女性的性暴力行为。总部位于纽约的“现在就平等”组织本周早些时候对《电车之狼R》提出了抗议,称其“反对日本的强奸模拟游戏及性暴力行为的正常化”。该组织表示,《电车之狼R》违反了1985年《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》(Convention on the Elimination of All Formsof Discrimination againstWomen)中有关日本政府应当承担之义务的规定。强烈要求女权激进主义者向这款游戏的厂商Illusion及日本首相麻生太郎(TaroAso)提出书面抗议。公司背景:ILLUSION(イリュージョン)是日本株式会社Eye One(アイワン)在发售成人向游戏的品牌之一,也是业界对于3D美少女游戏影响甚大的一个品牌。依照Illusion的规定,它生产的游戏不允许在日本以外的国家或地区销售或使用,官方版本仅支持日语操作系统,并且仅限于在日本使用。

求benny benassi的illusion的歌词全的

I wanna be your illusion, be your illusionTo make you happy tonightEnjoy this trip with meI wanna be your emotion, be your emotionWhy don"t you turn off the lights?Imagine how we could be livingSometimes I wonder whyWe have no limitsEverything we do is timedTo find out who we areWe won"t stop playingThe special game of loveAnd when we get togetherThe time is runningI"ll be your dream that you"ll remember over and overIf only you tried meIf only you touched meI wanna be your illusion, be your illusionTo make you happy tonightEnjoy this trip with meI wanna be your emotion, be your emotionWhy don"t you turn off the lights?Imagine how we could be livingThrough the darkness of the townLooking for a loverI"m praying you to stayTo keep the promise you madeCan"t you see it babyIt"s a part of the gameAnd every time that u say noYou got me going crazyI"m going out of my mindI"ll do what you want me toI"m a victim babyJust push me throughI wanna be your illusion, be your illusionTo make you happy tonightEnjoy this trip with meI wanna be your emotion, be your emotionWhy don"t you turn off the lights?Imagine how we could be livingTonight.....I wanna be your .. Illusion II wanna do what makes you feel alrightIt"s a matter of time now babyIt"s a matter of fag now babyI"m gonna make you feel good!

求教GWD-24 Q29 题干中Premise和conclusion的分析

teddy...偶来啦。。非nn 今天总结到啦 一起粘过来。。。Plant scientists have been able togenetically engineer vegetable seeds to produce crops that are highly resistantto insect damage. Although these seeds currently cost more than conventionalseeds, their cost is likely to decline.Moreover, farmers planting them can usefar less pesticide, and most consumersprefer vegetables grown with less pesticide, therefore, for crops for whichthese seeds can be developed,their use is likely to become the norm.Which of the following would be most useful to know in evaluating the argumentabove?Bg: Plant scientists havebeen able to genetically engineer vegetable seeds to produce crops that arehighly resistant to insect damage.Counterpromise: Althoughthese seeds currently cost more than conventional seeds, their cost is likely to decline.Additional promise: Moreover,farmers planting them can use far lesspesticide, and most consumers prefervegetables grown with less pesticide,Conclusion: therefore,for crops for which these seeds can be developed, their use is likely to become the norm.We know that new cropshave many advantages, so they are likely to become norm.So we have to find adisadvantage of new crops…A. Whether plant scientists havedeveloped insect-resistant seeds for every crop that is currently growncommerciallyirrelatedB. Whether farmers typically use agricultural pesticides in larger amounts than is necessary to prevent crop damage.Irrelated teddy你之所以觉得B分不清楚是因为你清楚的记得下面的两道题 可是抛开那两道题你再体会这个promise---conclusion的关系 因为有优点 所以使用普遍。。如果我们要削弱使用普遍 那么就要找一个缺点出来 而B所讲的就与这个逻辑链毫无关系了the issue whether farmers use pesticides in large amounts doesn"t matter at all。。。就算我过度使用了 并不影响使得我新crops普遍使用的优点C. Whether plants grown from the newgenetically engineered seeds can be keptcompletely free of insect damage.IrrelatedD. Whether seeds genetically engineered toproduce insect-resistant crops generate significantly lower per acre cropyields than do currently used seeds.E. Whether most varieties of crops currently grown commercially have greater natural resistance toinsect damage than did similar varieties in the past.When we answeryes it supports. When we answer no it doesn"tweaken…对比下这两个。。。- - 也许这就是为什么大家都说逻辑JJ是把双刃剑吧。。。。Scientists have made genetic modifications to cotton toincrease its resistance to insect pests.According to farmers" report, theamount of insecticide needed per acre to control insect pests was only slightlylower for those who tried the modified seed than for those who didnot.Therefore, since the modified seed costs more than ordinary seed withoutproducing yields of higher market value, switching to the modified seed wouldbe unlikely to benefit most cotton farmers economically.Which ofthe following would it be most useful to know in order to evaluate theargument?Whether farmers who tried the modified cotton seed had ever tried growing other crops from genetically modified seedWhether the insecticides typically used on ordinary cotton tend to be more expensive than insecticides typically used on other crops[争议 BE]Whether for most farmers who grow cotton it is their primary cropWhether the farmers who have tried the modified seed planted as many acres of cotton, on average, as farmers using the ordinary seed did Whether most of the farmers who tried the modified seed did so because they had previously had to use exceptionally large quantities of insecticide这是OG12 的69题69. Scientists have modified feed corn genetically, increasing its resistanceto insect pests. Farmers who tried out the genetically modified corn lastseason applied less insecticide to their corn fields and still got yields comparableto those they would have gotten with ordinary corn. Ordinary corn seed,however, costs less, and what these farmers saved on insecticide rarelyexceeded their extra costs for seed. Therefore, for most feed-corn farmers, switchingto genetically modified seed would be unlikely to increase profits.Which of the following would it be most useful to know in order to evaluate theargument?(A) Whether there are insect pests that sometimes reduce feed-corn yields, butagainst which commonly usedinsecticides and the genetic modification are equally ineffective(B) Whether the price that farmers receive for feed corn has remained steadyover the past few years(C) Whether the insecticides typically used on feed corn tend to be moreexpensive than insecticides typicallyused on other crops(D) Whether most of the farmers who tried thegenetically modified corn last season applied more insecticide than wasactually necessary(E) Whether, for most farmers who plant feed corn, it is their most profi tablecrop Argument Evaluation


literary allusion 文学典故 ; 典故 ; 文学用典





TPO 22 阅读第3篇 第4题The word “allusion” in the passage is closest in meaning to为什么答案是D?

allusion 暗指,A 增加的事物,B 修改,C 类似,D 提及。选项 D 最接近 allusion 的含义。


allusion: n.提及,暗示 例句与用法: There are many humorous allusions to human foibles in the drama. 剧中多处幽默地提到人类的弱点. His writings are full of classical allusions. 他的著作里用了很多典故. metonymy: n.转喻,换喻,选语失当 A word used in metonymy. 换喻词,转喻词用在换喻中的词 metaphor: n.隐喻,暗喻 例句与用法: She has a striking originality in her use of metaphor. 她在运用隐喻方面有独创性. In poetry the rose is often a metaphor for love. 玫瑰在诗中通常作为爱的象征.,6,怎样区分allusion和metonymy metaphor allusion 怎么区别?

Allusion 在literary terms是什么意思。请举一个例子。

A casual reference in literature to a person, place, event, or another passage of literature, often without explicit identification. Allusions can originate in mythology, biblical references, historical events, legends, geography, or earlier literary works.(即中文所谓“用典”)e.g. The names of SUV simply magnify the appeal of these vehicles that are the Frankensteinian concoctions of our private anxieties and desires. (本句中Frankensteinian即所谓用典,典故来自Mary Shelley的科幻小说Frankenstein)


  在修辞里面allusion指:暗指,引述;diction指:措词,用词  allusion英 [u0259u02c8lu:u0292n] 美 [u0259u02c8luu0292u0259n]  n.典故; 影射; 暗指,间接提到;  [网络]引述; 隐喻; 英语典故;  [例句]The title is perhaps an allusion to AIDS.  该题目可能暗指艾滋病。  ---  diction英 [u02c8du026aku0283n] 美 [u02c8du026aku0283u0259n]  n.措辞; 文辞; 发音法; 措词,用词;  [网络]用词; 选词用字; 选词

deduce a conclusion,derive a conclusion,conclude a conclusion一样吗?

deduce是 推演 根据条件而推论出的结论derive 是 衍生 根据条件 生成的结论concluded 是总结 根据条件总结出结论


conclusion的意思是:结束,终结。短语搭配:draw a conclusion:得出结论;出结论。come to conclusion:得出结论。in conclusion:总之, 最后。draw conclusion:得出诊断结论;做结论;得出结论。final conclusion:定论。a foregone conclusion:预料之中的必然结局。leap the conclusion:草率下结论。jump the conclusion:草率下结论。successful conclusion:成功的结论。same conclusion:同样的结论。logical conclusion:合乎逻辑的推断。speedy conclusion:快速的结论。unanimous conclusion:一致结论。wrong conclusion:错误结论。inevitable conclusion:必然结论。firm conclusion:明确结论;确切结论;肯定的结论。inescapable conclusion:不可避免的结论;不能避免的结论;无法避免的结论。hasty conclusion:草率决断;草率结论。reach conclusion:得出结论。erroneous conclusion:错误结论。双语例句:1、This vaguely uplifting conclusion is out of key with the body of his book.这一含糊其辞地鼓舞人心的结尾与该书的主体不协调。2、If the premise is true, then the conclusion must be true.如果前提正确,那么结论必定正确。3、In conclusion, it is clear that the market is maturing.总之,市场正日趋成熟这一点十分清楚。4、I incline to the view that this conclusion is untenable.我赞同该结论站不住脚这一观点。5、Diogenes" conclusion that air is the prime matter.第欧根尼关于空气是万物之源的论断。6、He points to several factors supporting this conclusion.他提出了几个支持该结论的因素。7、Each research group came to a similar conclusion.各调查组得出了相似的结论。8、The following innocent conclusion with which she perorates.她作为结束语的如下没有恶意的结论。9、He had arrived at a wholly insupportable conclusion.他得出了完全站不住脚的结论。10、Such a conclusion by itself would be reductive.孤立地看,此结论有使问题简单化的倾向。


以元音为划分依据。con clude。conclu sion



in conclusion 和 to conclude区别


求Illusion Elysium 罗马音 歌词


The research lacks solid evidence,and therefore,its conclusions are doubtful.

前半句,主语the research,谓语lacks,宾语evidence。后半句,主语its conclusions,谓语系动词are,表语doubtful。

Cypress Hill的《Illusions》 歌词

歌曲名:Illusions歌手:Cypress Hill专辑:The CollectionLeona Lewis - IllusionMy hands are tied in a knot I"ve never seen beforeMy feet are bound to a weight headed to the ocean floorBaby I ain"t crying wolf this timeThis situation I can"t untie, undoIf there was a trapdoor, or a hidden floorBaby I would"ve used itTo get out, to set me freeBut I don"t know how to do itYour love"s an illusionI keep on falling for it, I keep on falling for itYour love"s an illusionI could"ve swore I saw itBut I keep on falling for itCos yor love"s an illusionYou hesitated in a way I"ve never seen beforeBaby when it comes down to itI just wanted moreBaby I ain"t crying wolf this timeThis relationship I can"t untie, undoIf there was a trapdoor, or a hidden floorBaby I would"ve used itTo get out, to set me freeBut I don"t know how to do itYour love"s an illusionI keep on falling for it, I keep on falling for itYour love"s an illusionI could"ve swore I saw itBut I keep on falling for itNow you see itNow you don"tUsed to feel itWhat went wrongNow you see itNow you don"tUsed to feel itAnd now it"s goneIf there was a trapdoor, or a hidden floorBaby I would"ve used itTo get out, to set me freeBut I don"t know how to do itYour love"s an illusionI keep on falling for it, I keep on falling for itYour love"s an illusionI could"ve swore I saw itBut I keep on falling for itYour love"s an illusionI keep on falling for it, I keep on falling for itYour love"s an illusionI could"ve swore I saw itBut I keep on falling for itCos yor love is an illusion
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