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notonly but also的用法

Not only…but also是英语中比较常见的一个关联词组,用于连接两个表示并列关系的成分,着重强调后者。它的意思是“不仅 … 而且 ...”;其中的also有时可以省略。用法如下: 1、用于连接两个对等的成分,若连接两个成分作主语,其后谓语动词与靠近的主语保持一致。 如:She likes not only music but also sport. 她不但喜欢音乐而且喜欢运动。 2、not only…but also…中的also通常可以省略,或换成too,as well(要置于句末)。 如:He not only washed the car,but polished it too [as well]. 他不仅冲洗汽车,而且还擦拭了它。 3、为了强调,可将not only置于句首,此时其后的句子通常要用部分倒装的形式。 如:Not only do they need clothing, but they are also short of water. 他们不但需要衣服,而且还缺水。 扩展资料 not only...but also用法注意事项: 1、notonly…butalso不能用在否定句中。 2、notonly…butalso连接两个名词作主语时,谓语动词要根据butalso后的名词决定单、复数(就近原则)。 例:Notonlythestudentsbutalsotheteacherwasagainsttheplan. 不仅学生们,还有那位老师都反对该项计划。 3、在notonly...butalso搭配中,可以只用but或只用also,甚至可以把butalso都省略掉。 例:Inotonlyhearditbut(also)sawit. 我不仅听到了,而且看到了。

请问not only...but also...的用法:


not only…but also的用法

Americans are not only pulled into the story but also are fascinated by the incredible scenery.美国人不仅故事看得入迷,还陶醉在这不可思议的美景中。

not……but与not only……but also的区别

not……but,不是...而是...它否定not后面的内容,强调but后面的内容,如 It"s not me but Tom did the work.是Tom而不是我做了这个工作. not only……but also不仅..而且...Not only me but also Tom did the work.我和Tom一起做了这个工作.

not only …but also…这一句要怎么用。主语什么的,要加在哪里?

Not only does he speak English correctly, but also he speaks it fluently.

not only but also 用法

But it is not nice,it only a few,it also a lot of.

“not only … but also”什么意思?


not....only ,but.... also用法

not only```but also 意思是不但而且,做主语,就近原则。Not only i but also she is a teacher.

关于not only…but also的就近原则

are 因为有and

not only.........but also...........,句型中not only怎么倒装,句型是什么样的?


not only...but also的用法。 听说什么倒装的~~ 谁能跟我讲解下,顺便弄几个例句。


用not only ...but also造句


not only but also遇到情态动词怎么用 举例

not only … but also 连接两个分句,并且 not only 位于句首时,第一个分句中的主语和谓语要部分倒装.例如:  Not only does the sun give us light but also it gives us heat.  Not only did he speak English ...

it can not only but also用法

It can not only.bust also It not only can .but also can... 这两个都可以 我想写这个句子 How many passengers can it carry? Can it land anywhere or not? (not only.but) 前面是肯定回答(7个乘客) 后面也是肯定回答 上面两种形式都可以:具体如下 It can not only carry 7 passengers but also land anywhere. It not only can carry 7 passengers but also can land anywhere. 如果can放在前面的话,not only 和but also 是共用一个can 如果不是的话,则not only 和but also 分别使用一个谓语can

not only... but also... 的具体用法,能不能连接两个句子,带个例子,急急急!!!

1.连接主语:Not only I but also Tom and Mary are fond of watching television.不仅我,而且汤姆和玛丽都喜欢看电视。2.连接谓语动词 The Americans and the British not only speak the same language but also share a large number of social customs.英国人和美国人不但语言相同,而且有很多相同的风俗习惯3.连接宾语 The problem for the recipient was trying to guess not only who the sender was, but also what his secret feelings might be.收信人不仅要尽力猜出是谁的,还要推测寄信人内心有什么想法。4.连接宾语补足语:Light and bright colors make people not only happier but more active.浅色和鲜艳的颜色不但使人看了高兴,也会使人更加活泼。5.连接表语:Shakespeare was not only a writer but (also) an actor 莎士比亚不仅是一位剧作家,而且是一位演员。6.连接状语:If your friend reminds you kindly of your faults, take what he says not merely pleasantly but thank fully. 如果低你的朋友善意地指明出你的缺点,你不但要欣然接受,而且要心怀感激之情。7.连接定语: Man has become master not only of the sky but also of the space. 人类不但征服了天空,而且征服了太空。

not only. but also.结构的用法是什么?

not only but also倒装结构的例句并说明其用法如下:not only but also倒装结构是英语中常用的一种语法结构,表示不仅......而且......的关系。not only开头,but also连接后面的句子,通常需要倒装,即把助动词或be动词提前到主语之前,以强调句子的并列关系。以下是一些not only but also倒装结构的例句及其用法。1.Not only was he intelligent,but also hardworking.这句话表示这个人不仅聪明,而且还很勤奋。was被提前,与only连用,but也被提前了,与also连用,以突出这两个特点的并列关系。2.Not only did she speak French,but also Spanish.这句话表示她不仅会说法语,而且还能说西班牙语。did被提前,与only连用,but也被提前了,与also连用,以强调她懂得两种外语的事实。3.Not only had he lost his job,but also his home.这句话表示他不仅失去了工作,还失去了家。had被提前,与only连用,but也被提前了,与also连用,表达了两个不幸的事件。4.Not only are they talented,but also hardworking.这句话表示他们不仅有才华,而且还很勤奋。are被提前,与only连用,but也被提前了,与also连用,以描述他们的两个优点。not only but also倒装结构通过在句子前半部分的助动词或be动词前加上not only,再在句子后半部分的并列成分(通常是but also)中提前谓语动词来实现语序颠倒的效果,并强调两个并列元素间的紧密关系。需要注意的是,在使用not only but also结构时一定要做到语法正确,注意主谓一致等细节问题。

not only but also倒装用法是什么

not only...but also的谓语动词要遵循“就近一致原则”。only位于句首修饰状语要倒装。在句首的only,如果后面跟了副词、介词短语或从句等状语,则主句用倒装结构。 扩展资料   句子怎么倒装   not only加倒装,but also不倒装。   一、not only...but also倒装主要用法:   就是谓语动词要遵循“就近一致原则”。   例如:Not only the students but also the teacher was invited.不仅学生们被邀请,而且那位教师也被邀请了。   二、Only倒装用法:   1、only位于句首修饰状语要倒装。   例如:only in this way can you learn english well.   2、在句首的only如果后面跟了副词、介词短语或从句等状语,则主句用倒装结构。如only后跟的`是主语,就不用倒装结构了。   例如:Only when the war was over in 1918 was he able to get back to work.   not only...but also倒装句的用法   1.连接二个分句(并列句),即 Not only和but后面都有主谓结构时,如果not only位于第一分句主语之前,则该分句要部分倒装;后一个分句,即 but 后面不用倒装。   2.如果not only不是位于第一分句主语之前,前后两个分句的主语相同,可以改为并列二个谓语,此时则不倒装。例如:   Not only had the poor man been arrested,but he had been sent to prison as well.=The poor man had not only been arrested but sent to prison as well.   3.如果Not only...but...连接两个主语,不能使用倒装。例如:Not only the teachers but also the students love their school very much.

not only......but also在句子中的用法


not only but also的用法

Not only...but also挺简单的。不但....而且....。只要记住,句子的前后要一致就可以了。一致就是时态,结构要统一。 Not only you are ....,but also I am..... Not only the country is .....,but also the world are......

not only but also的用法



notonly…butalso用法如下:not only … but also意思是“不但…而且…”用于连接两个表示并列关系的成分,着重强调后者,连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词的单复数根据就近原则,also通常可以省略,当notonly放在句首,连接一个句子时,该句应使用倒装语序,而but also后面的句子仍用陈述语序。not only … but also连接两个主语:例句:not only you but also he needs this book.不但你需要这本书,而且他也需要。Not only the students but(also) the teacher is active in sports and games.不但学生,就连老师都积极参加体育运动。Not only you but also he is going to the park this morning.今天早上不但你打算去公园,而且他也打算去。Not only he but also we are going to the cinema this evening.今天晚上不但他要去电影院,而且我们也要去。

not only but also用法

not only but also用法有:若连接两个成分作主语时,坚持就近原则,与靠近的主语保持一致。not only放在句首,后面句子用倒装结构等等。not only but also意思是 :不仅……而且……1、若连接两个成分作主语时,坚持就近原则,与靠近的主语保持一致。如:She likes not only apple but also orange. 她不但喜欢苹果而且喜欢橘子。Not only the students but also the teacher was invited. 不仅学生们被邀请,而且那位教师也被邀请了。2、not only放在句首,后接句子时要用倒装结构等等。Not only are mothers not paid but also most of their boring or difficult work is unnoticed.母亲们不仅得不到报酬,而且所干的乏味艰辛的活儿也很少被留意。

I also have the life to be arrogant.

I also have the life to be arrogant.我也有自高自大的生活。

not only but also

一、 not onlybut的 主要用法   1.连接主语:   Not only I but also Tom and Mary are fond of watching television.   不仅我,而且汤姆和玛丽都喜欢看电视。   2.连接宾语:   The problem for the recipient was trying to guess not only who the sender was, but also what his secret feelings might be.收信人不仅要尽力猜出是谁的,还要推测寄信人内心有什么想法。   3.连接谓语动词   The Americans and the British not only speak the same language but also share a large number of social customs.英国人和美国人不但语言相同,而且有很多相同的风俗习惯。   注意not onlybut also连接的动词一般不重复,这与汉语不同。如汉语说我不仅懂英语,而且懂俄语,英语则说I know not only English but also Russian,而不说I not only know English but also know Russian.再如:气体不仅改变形状,而且改变体积,英译为A gas changes not only in shape but also in volume.(注意介词常重复)   4.连接表语:   Shakespeare was not only a writer but (also) an actor 莎士比亚不仅是一位剧作家,而且是一位演员。   5.连接宾语补足语:   Light and bright colors make people not only happier but more active.浅色和鲜艳的颜色不但使人看了高兴,也会使人更加活泼。   6.连接状语:   If your friend reminds you kindly of your faults, take what he says not merely pleasantly but thank fully. 如果低你的朋友善意地指明出你的缺点,你不但要欣然接受,而且要心怀感激之情。   7.连接从句:   He didnu2019t let us off the hook until we had proved not only that we knew what an organism was but also that we had the fortitude to stand up for the truth. 直到我们证明了我们不仅知道什么是生物体,而且具有坚持真理的不屈不挠精神时,他这才放过我们。   8.连接定语:   Man has become master not only of the sky but also of the space. 人类不但征服了天空,而且征服了太空。   9.连接句子:   I not only heard it, but (also) I saw it. 我不仅听到、而且看到了它。 Not onlybut also连接句子时, not only 可以置于句首表示强调,这时第一分句要采用倒装结构。例如:   Not only has he a first-class brain but also he is a tremendously hard worker. 他不仅有着头等聪明的脑子,而且工作很能吃苦。   Not only had the poor man been arrested but he had been sent to prison as well. 这个可怜的人不仅被逮捕,而且被投进监狱。   Not only do the professors have their own ideas on the matter, but the students have theirs too.对这件事不仅教授们有自己的看法,学生们也有自己的想法。   10.用于 it isthat 强调结构   It is not only the scientist and the physician who need a long special training now, but the computer expert, the accountant, and the business manager. 现在,不仅科学家和医生需要长期的专门训练,计算机专家、会计师和企业经理也需要这种训练。   It is not only what we do, but also what we do not do, for which we are accountable. 我们不但要对我们所做的事负责,而且要对我们没有去做的事负责。   二、not onlybut的省略及其变体   1.Not onlybut also中的also可以省略。有人认为该句型所连接的第二部分最高级形容词或它所表示的范围、程度、影响等超过第一部分时,常将also省略。例如:   He was not only a successful writer but (also) the greatest poet of his time. 他不仅是一位成功的作家,而且是他那个时代最伟大的诗人。   He is famous not only in China but (also) in the whole world. 他不仅闻名中国,而且闻名全球。   Not only do they suffer less pain than most women in labor, but the town boasts an unusually   low rate of infant mortality. 这不仅使她们比大多数产妇受痛苦,而且使城市婴儿死亡率大大降低。   2.not onlybut also句型一般只省略also,但在连接句子时,有时也可见到省略but甚至but also的情形。例如:   Not only was I tired, I was also cold.我不光困倦, 还感到很冷。(省去了but)   George not only made an important friend, he also learned about the frontier. (省去了but)   Since moisture is needed for rain, dry air in the morning not only allows the spider to get an early start, is also means a dry day. 有了湿度才会下雨,因此,早晨空气干燥不仅使蜘蛛早点开始结网,而且意味着这一天不会下雨。(省去了but)   Not only bas she been an excellent wife, she has been a better husband than Iu2019ll never be.   她不仅是一个极其出色的妻子,而且是一个我永远也做不到的好丈夫。(省去了but also)   Not only were there no traces of drinking water in the room, there was not sufficient water found in the dead staru2019s stomach to have comfortably taken the tablets with. 不仅房内没有饮用水的痕迹,在这位已故影星的胃里也没发现有把这些药丸舒适地送下去的水。省去了but also)   3. not onlybut also的形式比较固定,但也会出现but与also被分隔开来的情形。例如:Not only the mother but the children are also sick.   Not only is his right lung affected but his left lung is also.他不但右肺被感染,而且左肺也被感染了。   4.not only A but also B的替代式常见的还有not only A but Bas well, not only A but B too, not merely A but also B, not just A but also B, notalonebut 等。例如:   Not only my mother was unhappy, but Mary, too. 不但我妈妈不高兴,玛丽也不高兴。   Not just the people of our nation, but all the people of the world have profited from his work.不仅我们GJ的人民,而且全世界所有的人民,都从他的研究工作中得到了好处。   Not poets alone, nor artists, nor that superior order of mind which arrogates to itself all refinement, feel this, but dogs and all men.不仅诗人,艺术家以及那些自命不凡、思想杰出的人觉得如此,连狗和普通人也有同感。   三、 not onlybut用法 注意事项   1.not only A but also B结构中的A和B通常是同等成分。由于同一成分常常由同一词类的词来担任,所以A与B常常也是同一词性,这从本文第一部分的例句中即可看到。但是,也有A与B属于不同词性的情形。如:He is not only very clever, but also a very hard worker, and he likes to do everything well.(他不但聪明,而且能下功夫。他喜欢把每一件事都做得很好。)其中A是形容词,B是名词,但两者均在句中作表语,因此仍是正确句子。然而,在He not only plays the piano, but also the violin.一句中,A是动词,B是名词,不是同一成分,因此语法学家认为此句有点欠妥,至少在书面语中就是如此。如改为He plays not only the piano, but also the violin就无懈可击了,再看下面二例:   The surprise grant not only enabled Dad to finish A&T, but to graduate first in his class.这笔意外的奖学金不仅使我父亲能读完农业和技术学院,而且毕业成绩名列榜首。   1.Not only spoke English very carefully, but very clearly as well.   2.有人认为,not onlybut also不能用于否定句。汉语中用于否定句中的不但而且在英语中要用as well as 表示。如不但我不想看戏,而且他也不想看戏可译作He, as well as I, doesnu2019t want to see the play.不过,这条规则也有例外,请看下面二例:   Not only did none of us know how the crime was to be committed, we didnu2019t even know what the crime was to be!   Not only donu2019t I know the population of Nepal, I donu2019t know where in godu2019s world it is!我不但不知道尼泊尔人口,而且连它究竟在哪里也不知道!   这两个例句有几个共同点:都是连接否定分句,都是倒装句,都没有用but also。下面一例出自一位美国作家之手,所不同的是,not onlybut连接的是并列谓语,第一个动词是否定的,第二个动词则是肯定的:   Nonetheless, as he described Maryu2019s attitudes her accomplishments, he found himself wishing that she cared more about the police side of his life than she seemed to, that she might understand it as intimately, say, as the woman opposite him. But this motion seemed to him so disloyal to Mary that he not only did not articulate it, but at once tried to suppress it.


应该是One Teddy Bear Falls Off,一只泰迪熊掉了下来。

python BeautifulSoup获取a标签问题


China Compulsory Certification是什么意思


English is a compulsory subject on this course;art is optional. 为什么是on,而不是in呢?


English is a compulsory subject on this course;art is optional.为什么是on,而不是in呢?

in this course 意思是,在这期间 on this course意思是,关于这门课程 或者,在具体的一段时间 在(具体的)这一学期,英语是必修课,美术是选修课 (允许在下一学期就不如此了)

required/compulsory course区别

用在course 前,都是必修的意思。但后者更强烈,有强制的含义。


post-compulsory 后义务教育;义务后教育 ; 后续义务教育例句筛选1.MA Post-Compulsory Education and Training后续义务教育与训练2.Post-compulsory: overview - Switzerland - Information概况介绍-瑞士信息3.Analyzing the Policy of the Post-compulsory Education Distributaries in China我国义务教育后分流政策分析

universal education和compulsory education有什么区别

universal有普遍、一般的意思,compulsory是强制的、强迫的、义务的意思。universal education是一般教育、普遍教育的意思。compulsory education是义务教育的意思,如九年义务教育。 请采纳


compulsory 意思是强制的 反义词有optional/voluntary compulsory course 意思是必修课,这个意思上的反义词是selective/elective course


compulsory指的是依据法律法规必须得做的。例如,我们所说的义务教育,服兵役等。这些针对国民每一个人来说,都是有责任有义务必须履行的。mandatory则是指获得某种授权(后)必须得做的。比如党政领导干部,必须遵纪守法,不得擅自做主更改政策等。例句辨析:mandatory1、It"s mandatory for citizens to pay taxes. 公民有征缴税款的义务。2、This independent review of domestic financial systems should be mandatory and public. 这一对国内金融体系的独立审查应该是强制性的和公开的。3、In2003 the company has passed the ISO9001 quality management system certification and accreditation mandatory CCC. 公司已于2003年通过了ISO9001质量管理体系认证和CCC强制性认证。compulsory1、In Germany learning Russian was not compulsory. 在德国,俄语不是必修课。2、Many young men are trying to get away from compulsory military conscription.很多年轻人试图逃避强制征兵的政策。3、English, Maths, ICT and science are compulsory subjects. 英语、数学、信息与通信技术和科学是必修科目。






compulsory是一个英语单词,形容词、名词,作形容词时意为“ 义务的;必修的;被强制的”,作名词时意为“(花样滑冰、竞技体操等的)规定动作”。短语搭配compulsory education 义务教育compulsory course 必修课compulsory insurance 强制保险compulsory license 强制许可nine-year compulsory education 九年制义务教育compulsory subject 必修课compulsory execution 强制执行compulsory measure 强制手段compulsory exercise 规定动作china compulsory certification 中国强制认证(3C认证)compulsory purchase 强制购买He believes that the study of history should be compulsory in school.他认为在学校里学习历史应该是强制性的。



compulsory course是什么意思?

compulsory course[英][kəmˈpʌlsəri kɔː(r)s][美][kəmˈpʌlsəri kɔː(r)s]必修课;

compulsory education是什么意思



释义上三者没有区别。 在习惯用法和搭配上略有不同。mandatory最常用,compulsory 其次,obligatory最不常用且最正式。搭配方面, 前两者常见的组合有:mandatory testing, mandatory sentencing and mandatory retirement.compulsory military service and compulsory education另外obligatory还有另一层意思,形容某件事太频繁以至于完全在意料之中,例如:This action movie includes the obligatory chase scene.这部动作电影加入了无一例外的汽车追逐场景。


compulsory指的是依据法律法规必须得做的。例如,我们所说的义务教育,服兵役等。这些针对国民每一个人来说,都是有责任有义务必须履行的。mandatory则是指获得某种授权(后)必须得做的。比如党政领导干部,必须遵纪守法,不得擅自做主更改政策等。例句辨析:mandatory1、It"s mandatory for citizens to pay taxes. 公民有征缴税款的义务。2、This independent review of domestic financial systems should be mandatory and public. 这一对国内金融体系的独立审查应该是强制性的和公开的。3、In2003 the company has passed the ISO9001 quality management system certification and accreditation mandatory CCC. 公司已于2003年通过了ISO9001质量管理体系认证和CCC强制性认证。compulsory1、In Germany learning Russian was not compulsory. 在德国,俄语不是必修课。2、Many young men are trying to get away from compulsory military conscription.很多年轻人试图逃避强制征兵的政策。3、English, Maths, ICT and science are compulsory subjects. 英语、数学、信息与通信技术和科学是必修科目。


有“强制性”含义compulsory: [ ku0259m"pu028clsu0259ri ] a. 被强制的,强迫的,义务的词形变化: 副词:compulsorily 名词:compulsoriness 名词复数:compulsories 例句与用法: 1. Is military service compulsory in your country? 你们国家实行义务兵役制吗? 2. Is English a compulsory subject? 英语是必修科目吗? 3. I think it is compulsory. 我认为这是非做不可的。 4. Attendance at evening prayers is not compulsory. 参加晚祷并非硬性规定.




com +pul +sory


compulsory意思是:强制的;势在必行的。英 [ku0259m"pu028clsu0259ri]     美 [ku0259m"pu028clsu0259ri]    adj. 强制的;势在必行的;义务的。Attendance at evening prayers is not compulsory.参加晚祷并非硬性规定。I think it is compulsory.我认为这是非做不可的。近义词:obligatory 畅通词汇 英 [u0259"blu026aɡu0259tri]     美 [u0259"blu026aɡu0259tu0254u02d0ri]    adj. 强制性的;义务的;必须的。Attendance at school is obligatory.上学是强制性的。It is an obligatory step that does not arise from revenge, rancour or other lower emotions, but from the rational necessity to make mankind gain insight.这是一个强制性的步骤,不产生报复,怨恨或其他低的情感,但是从理性的必要性,使人类了解。




compulsory是一个英语单词,形容词、名词,作形容词时意为“ 义务的;必修的;被强制的”,作名词时意为“(花样滑冰、竞技体操等的)规定动作”。英[ku0259mu02c8pu028clsu0259ru026a]美[ku0259mu02c8pu028clsu0259ru026a]compulsory education 义务教育compulsory course 必修课compulsory insurance 强制保险compulsory license 强制许可nine-year compulsory education 九年制义务教育compulsory subject 必修课compulsory execution 强制执行compulsory measure 强制手段compulsory exercise 规定动作china compulsory certification 中国强制认证(3C认证)compulsory purchase 强制购买He believes that the study of history should be compulsory in school.他认为在学校里学习历史应该是强制性的。Pilotage is not compulsory.引航是非强制的。I think they should be compulsory really.我想这个课是他们必修的。


上集回顾: 上集快速领略了一下 BeautifulSoup 的大概功能,并学习了如何安装和构造一个 BeautifulSoup 对象。 本集学习 BeautifulSoup 的 Tag 及其属性。 由于HTML和XML是由大量tag组合和嵌套而成,所以检索目标信息就是检索目标tag的过程。 一、Tag对象 Tag 对象与XML或HTML原生文档中的tag相同: Tag有很多方法和属性,其中最重要的属性是: name和attributes。 二、name属性 每个tag都有自己的名字,通过 .name 来获取: 如果改变了tag的name,那将影响所有通过当前Beautiful Soup对象生成的HTML文档: 三、attributes属性 一个tag可能有很多个属性. tag <b class="boldest"> 有一个 “class” 的属性,值为 “boldest” . tag的属性的操作方法与字典相同: 也可以直接”点”取属性, 比如: .attrs : tag的属性可以被添加,删除或修改. 再说一次, tag的属性操作方法与字典一样 四、多值属性 HTML 定义了一系列可以包含多个值的属性。最常见的多值的属性是 class (一个tag可以有多个CSS的class). 还有一些属性 rel , rev , accept-charset , headers , accesskey 。在Beautiful Soup中多值属性的返回类型是list: 如果某个属性看起来好像有多个值,但在任何版本的HTML定义中都没有被定义为多值属性,那么Beautiful Soup会将这个属性作为字符串返回 将tag转换成字符串时,多值属性会合并为一个值 如果转换的文档是XML格式,那么tag中不包含多值属性 五、字符串 字符串常被包含在tag内。BeautifulSoup用 NavigableString 类来包装tag中的字符串: 一个 NavigableString 字符串与Python中的Unicode字符串相同,通过 unicode() 方法可以直接将 NavigableString 对象转换成Unicode字符串: 本集总结: 下集见

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《实习医生格蕾》(Grey"s Anatomy)是一部以医学为主题,在美国十分受欢迎的黄金时段电视系列剧。曾经获得艾美奖,第一季在2005年3月27日(美国地区)于美国广播公司(ABC)首播,故事主要围绕在由艾莲u2022朋佩欧(Ellen Pompeo)饰演的格蕾(Meredith Grey),她是华盛顿西雅图格瑞斯医院的外科实习医生。本剧同时也有许多其他人物参与,但格蕾是最主要的角色,同时几乎在每一集的开头和结尾担任旁白的工作。2013


主要用法就是谓语动词要遵循“就近一致原则”,Notonlythestudentsbutalsotheteacherwasinvited.不仅学生们被邀请,而且那位教师也被邀请了。 --------------------- (以下为详细用法) “notonly…butalso…”是一个并列连词词组,其意思基本等于“both…and…”,但侧重点放在“butalso”上,另外该词组使用时须遵守一定的规则,如要求对称,倒装及主谓一致等。以下两个句子往往被看作是欠妥或错误的: 1.*Sittinguplatelastnight,Tomnotonlyreadtheassignmentbutalsomanypoemsbyhisfavouritepoet. 2.*Notonlythestudentsbutalsotheteacherwereinvited. 上述两句第一句欠妥,第二句是错误的,应分别改为:1.Sittinguplatelastnight,Tomreadnotonlytheassignmentbutalsomanypoemsbyhisfavouritepoet.昨晚汤姆熬至深夜,不仅看了课外作业,而且读了他最喜欢的一位诗人的许多诗歌。2.Notonlythestudentsbutalsotheteacherwasinvited.不仅学生们被邀请,而且那位教师也被邀请了。下面就来谈谈正确使用该词组时须注意的几点事项及其常见的几种变体形式。 一、使用notonly…butalso…时须注意的几点: 1.notonly与butalso后面所连接的词的词性必须对等: (1)Frankinwasconsiderednotonlyaninventor,butalsoastatesman.富兰克林不仅被看作发明家,而且被看作政治家。 (2)Thenursewasnotonlycompetentbutalsokind.这位护士不仅能干而且亲切和蔼。(3)Theynotonlybrokeintohisofficeandstolehisbooks,butalsotoreuphismanuscripts.他们不仅闯进他的办公室,偷走了他的书,而且还撕掉了他的手稿。 (4)Notonlyyoubutalsoshehastoattendtheceremony.不令你而且她也得参加典礼。 (5)Inproduction,weshouldalwayskeepaneyenotonlyonquantitybutalsoonquality.在生产中,我们不仅要关注数量,而且要关注质量。 (6)Theycompletedtheprojectnotonlypunctuallybutalsoperfectly.他们不仅准时完成工程,而且完成得很出色。2.notonly只能连用,而butalso既可连用,也可分开用:a.HespeaksnotonlyEnglish,butalsoFrench.他不仅说英语,还说法语。b.Televisionisnotonlyboring,butitalsowastesalotoftime.电视不仅乏味,而且还浪费许多时间。c.Shewasnotonlycompelledtostayathome,butshewasalsoforbiddentoseeherfriends.她不仅被强迫蹲在家中,而且被禁止去看朋友。3.谓语动词的数应与butalso后主语的数保持一致:NotonlyyoubutalsoMrZhangteachesinthiscollege.不仅你,张老师也在此学院教书。 4.notonly放在句首,后接句子时要用倒装结构: (1)Notonlyshouldproletariansemancipatethemselvesbutalsothewholemankind.无产者不仅要解放他们自己,而且要解放全人类。 (2)Notonlydoestelevisionappealtothosewhocanreadbuttothosewhocan"t.电视不仅吸引阅读的人,而且也吸引了不会阅读的人。 (3)NotonlywaseverythingAlbertEinstainhadtakenawaybutalsohiscitizenshipwasdeprivedof.爱因斯坦的财产不仅被掳掠一空,而且他的德国国籍也被剥夺了。 (4)Notonlyhadthepoormanbeenfined,butalsohehadbeensenttoprison.这个可怜的人不仅被罚款,而且还被送进了监狱。二、notonly,butalso的几种常见的变体形式: 1.notonly的变体形式:常见的变体有notjust,notmerely,notsimply,notsolely等。 (1)Suchworkisnotjustdevaluedinthatcountry,itsnatureiswidelymisunderstood.这种工作在那个国家不但被贬低,而且工作的性质也被许多人误解。 (2)Thereisnotmerelyconcisionintheselinesbutalsoelegance.这些台词写得不仅乘法,而且优雅。 (3)Notsimplydidheteachschool,buthewrotenovels.他不仅教书,也写小说。 (4)Thisnovelisnotsolelysuitableforusinstudyingmodernfictionbutcanalsobeusedintheteaching.这本小说不但适合我们研究现代小说,而且能用于教学。 2.butalso的变体形式:a:省去also,只留but;b:省去but,只留also;c:but…aswell;d:butalso全部省略。 (1)ScarlettquakedlestsheandFranklosenotonlytheirfreedombutthehouse,thestoreandmill.斯佳丽害怕得发抖,惟恐她与弗兰克不仅会失去自由,而且还会失去房屋、商店及锯木厂。 (2)She"snotonlyanexcellenthousewifealsoafirstclassmathematician.她不仅是一个出色的家庭主妇,而且是一位一流的数学家。 (3)Notonlydoeshewritethewordstothesongs,buthecomposesthemusicaswell.他不仅给歌曲写词,也谱曲。 (4)Suchachangewouldimprovenotonlyhissocialimagebuthishealthaswell.这样的变化不仅会提高他的社会形象,而且会改善他的健康。 (5)NotonlydidIhearthecar,Iactuallysawitcrash.我不仅听见了车的声音,而且还亲眼看见了那辆车撞坏了。采纳哦



英语词语辨析 obliged compulsory compelled forced 都有被迫的,强迫的,义务的意思 各用在什么情况呢?

obliged 指有必要做什么事,觉得有义务做某事,如: Don"t feel obliged to give teachers gifts.They are not expected. I feel obliged to ask them to dinner.compulsory 指有义务必须要做,如: compulsory courses 必修课 compulsory education义务教育 It is compulsory for all motorcyclists to wear helmets.compelled和forded 都都表示被强迫的。前者也指有必要的,后者多指用暴力迫使,“被迫的,不得已的”(个人觉得没什么区别,只是后者比前者更口语化,用得更普遍),如: I feel compelled to write and tell you how much I enjoyed your book. I was forced to leave my country and make a living abroad.

英语词语辨析 obliged compulsory compelled forced 都有被迫的,强迫的,义务的意思 各用在什么情况呢?




also said that the idiom怎么译

also said that the idiom还说了成语idiom 英[ˈɪdiəm]美[ˈɪdiəm]n. 习语,成语; 方言,土语; (语言) 风格; 惯用语法;[网络] 英语习语; 习惯用法; 惯用语;[例句]McCartney was also keen to write in a classical idiom, rather than a pop one.麦卡特尼也热衷于古典风格而不是通俗风格的创作。[其他] 复数:idioms






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