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cell phone [英][sel fu0259un][美][su025bl fon] n.手机; 例句: 1. Are present cell phone safety standards strict enough? 现在的手机安全标准够不够严? 2. Harvey uses a cell phone to help manage his disease. 哈维利用一个手机来帮...




Cell PhonesAs is shown in the chart, cell phones are becoming more and more popular within China. In 1999, the number of cell phones in use was only 24,480,000, but in 2002, the number is more than 100 million, which is a turning point. The newest statistic shows that in 2007 the number has exceeded 500 million.There are many factors contributing to this development. Firstly, a cell phone has no wires and can be carried everywhere easily. Secondly, a cell phone is something wonderful that we can have fun with news, games, music and chat through sending short messages. Thirdly, the drop in price and the simultaneous improvement in the functions have made it possible for an average person to make use of a cell phone. ?The wide use of cell phones has made them more and more indispensable in peopleu2019s daily life. The many functions of the cell phone have made certain people reluctant to separate themselves from their cell phone.


Made in China.中国制造swim in the sea在海里游泳lie in bed躺在床上(有被等盖着)the people in the picture照片上的人an article in the newspaper报纸上的一篇文章wounded in the leg腿部负伤[表示时间] 在....期间; 在....之后in all my life在我一生中in one"s youth在青年时代in three weeks在三周内; 三周后I"ll see you again in five days.五天后我再见你。[表示范围、领域、方面]在....之内; 在....方面in all respects在各方面be weak in English在英语方面水平不高small in size尺寸小; 体积小[表示过程]在....过程中be killed in action阵亡[表示状态、情况]处在....中; 在....情况下in good condition情况良好go out in the rain冒雨外出a cow in milk产奶的牛in difficulties [danger]处在困难中[危难中]in doubt怀疑in tears满面泪水in hospital在住院in prison在监狱(服刑)[表示职业、活动]从事于; 参加engage [be engaged] in trade从事贸易be in an amateur play参加业余演出in politics [insurance, the law]从事政治活动[保险业, 法律工作]in plastics [building, furniture]从事塑料业[建筑业, 家具制造][表示地位、形式、方式] 以; 按照; 符合于buy in instalments以分期付款的方式购买arrange in alphabetic order按字母顺序排列in public公开地in secret秘密地in fun开玩笑in earnest急切地in a hurry匆忙地in rows排成排study in groups分组学习stand in a circle [a line]站成圈[排成队][表示服饰]穿着; 戴着; 带着be dressed in rags衣衫褴褛a wolf in sheep"s skin披着羊皮的狼a girl in red [uniform]穿红衣服[制服]的姑娘on[Cn]prep.在...上a painting on the wall墙上的一幅画在...旁, 靠近the inn on the road路旁的旅店the town on the river临河的城镇向着...march on London向伦敦前进smile on sb.对着某人笑在...时候; ...之后立即on the morning of May 5th在五月五日早晨on arriving home刚到家就...on analysis经分析后根据; 凭; 靠act on principles照原则办事live on靠...生活On what ground?凭什么理 由?关于; 论述a book on grammar语法书是...的成员be on the committee担任委员在从事...中, 处于...情况中on duty值班on guard [the watch]看守通过, 以...方式hear music on the radio用收音机听音乐on the quiet偷偷地由...支付, 由...承担All the expenses fall on me.全部费用由我支付。It is incumbent on me to reclaim him.劝他改过是我义不容辞的义务。一个又一个, 又, 累加loss on loss一再损失heaps on heaps许许多多冒...危险on pain of death冒生命危险You bet she could cook, She was just on it.她当然会烧菜, 她正好学会了这种手艺。



A move towards healthy eating could help ______heart disease(eliminate,elimination)

填:(to) eliminate (to可以省略) 固定搭配:help (to) do sth.有助于做某事 所以,help后应跟动词原形eliminate;而elimination是名词.

我说you jump i jump,别人说you jump i help,该怎么回呢?

you jump i sleep

little life skills are a big help翻译

小小的生活技能是很大的帮助。英译汉翻译15种技巧1. amplificationamplification for the purpose of rhetoric or coherence(修辞性或连贯性增I came to a garden of grottoes, pavilions and shapely rocks and trees.我来到一个假山花园前,园中亭阁玲珑,山石嶙峋,树木葱茏。Amplification by repetition (重复性增词)Avoid using this computer in extreme cold, heat, dust or humidity.不要在过冷,过热,灰尘过重,湿度过大的情况下使用此电脑。2. omissionomitting the pronounpronouns are more frequently used in English than in Chinese. Therefore , when translated into Chinese, many English pronouns may be omitted so as to conform the rendering to the accustomed usage of Chinese expression.For two weeks, he had been studying the house, looking at its rooms, its electric wiring, its bath and its garden.两周以来,他一直注意观察房子的情况,查看各个房间,留心电线的走向,通道和花园的布局。Omitting the articleAny substance is made up of atoms whether it is a solid, a liquid, or a gas.任何物质,不论是固体,液体还是气体, 都由原子组成。3. divisionSometimes, an English sentence with a restrictive attributive clause is too long or too complicated for the translator to take as a single sentence. In this case, we may divide it into two or several parts, placing the attributive clause after the principle clause to conform to the Chinese usage, repeating the antecedent being modified.Eg: They are striving for the ideal which is close to the heart of every Chinese and for which , in the past, many Chinese have laid down their lives。他们正在为实现一个理想而努力,这个理想是每个中国人所珍爱的,在过去,许多中国人为了这个理想而牺牲了自己的生命。He managed to raise a crop of 200 miracle tomatoes that weighed up to two pounds each.他种出了200个大得惊人的西红柿,每个重达两磅。4. combination( combination in restrictive attributive clauses)Pollution is a pressing problem which we must deal with.污染是我们必须解决的一个迫切问题。The people who worked for him lived in mortal fear of him.在他手下工作的人对他怕得要死。5. extensionthe extension of meaning may be either from the specific to the general or from the concrete to the abstract, and vice versa.It is more than transient everydayness.这远非一时的柴米油盐问题。(from the abstract to the concrete)Americans love work, it is meat and drink to them美国人热爱工作。对他们来说,工作就是乐趣。6. substitutionthe technique is used to replace the words of the original expression with Chinese synonyms or idioms according to different situations.He was indeed a good riddance他还是不在的好。The same is not true with a mortal illness.


1、BT:①Bit Torrent的缩写,是一种P2P(点对点)共享软件,中文译名“比特流”或“变态下载”。②“变态”的缩写。 2、ZT:①“转帖”的缩写。②“猪头”的缩写,引申有ZT3,猪头三;ZT4,猪头四。 3、PP:①“片片”的缩写,片片指代照片。②“屁屁”的缩写,屁屁指代臀部。 4、GG:哥哥的缩写,指代男性,有时候女生用来指代自己的男友。与之相对的是MM,妹妹或者美眉的缩写,指代女性,有时候男生用来指代自己的女友。 5、NB:牛×的缩写,北京方言里用来表示叹为观止之意。 6、JJ:①姐姐的缩写。②鸡鸡的缩写。 7、DD:①弟弟的缩写,偶尔有引申义。②东东的缩写,指代东西。 8、GF:Girl Friend,女友。与之相对的是BF,Boy Friend,男友。 9、PLMM:漂亮美眉的缩写。 10、PPMM:PLMM的升级版,漂漂美眉。 11、RPWT:人品问题的缩写,来自猫扑论坛。一般来说,只要某上遇上了不可解之事,统统可归结为其有RPWT。 12、人品帖:测试你是否有RPWT的帖子,帖子题目很劲爆,只要你被骗进去,就说明你有RPWT。 例句:这张名为《朴树的裸照》的帖子是个人品帖,其实里面真的是一棵朴树的照片啊,树当然是裸的,哪里有穿衣服的 树?青眉居然被这个人品帖骗进去了,果真有RPWT啊。 13、PF:佩服的缩写。 14、SL:色狼的缩写。 15、KH:葵花,代指练《葵花宝典》的高手。 16、KHBD:葵花宝典。 17、PXJF:辟邪剑法,源于KHBD,KH专用的剑法。 18、BS:鄙视的缩写,也可写作B4。 例句:你要是ZT不注明,青眉会BS你,全论坛的人都会B4你的。 19、PMP:拍马屁。 20、PMPMP:拼命拍马屁。 21、MPJ:“马屁精MP:拍马屁。 20、PMPMP:拼命拍马屁。 21、MPJ:“马屁精”的缩写。 22、BC:“白痴”的缩写。也说是“白菜”的缩写,在网上,如果人家说你很白菜,那么就是形容你BC。 23、ODBC:“哦,大白痴”的缩写。 24、XB:小白的缩写。 25、YY:意淫的缩写,出自《红楼梦》第六回,精神上行淫。在网络上其意得到进一步推广,凡信心极度膨胀的小说,统称为YY小说。 26、ZE:“贼恶”的缩写,即真恶心,东北地区的方言发音。 27、SE:“少恶”即“少恶心”的缩写。 28、XHW:小黑屋的缩写,来自猫扑,在猫扑,违反规则是要被关小黑屋的。 29、FB:腐败的缩写,现在通常指出去吃喝一顿好的。 30、MD:妈的,粗话,慎用。 31、-请使用文明用语-:爱生活~爱珊瑚,粗口,慎用。 32、TNND:他奶奶的,粗口,慎用。 33、JR:贱人,脏话,特别慎用。 34、SJB:神经病,脏话,慎用。 35、SB:傻X,脏话,对别人的蔑称,禁用。 36、LR:烂人,禁用。 37、LJ:垃圾,禁用。 38、RY:人妖,慎用。 39、JS:“奸商”的缩写。 40、BXCM:冰雪聪明。 41、HJ:汉奸。 42、FQ:愤青。 43、BD:笨蛋。 44、JJWW:叽叽歪歪。 45、Tjjtds:弹鸡鸡弹到死,来自猫扑论坛。 46、CJ:纯洁。(来自郭敬明语:单我是纯洁的。广为天涯八卦菊花教引用的简写。) 47、HC:花痴。 48、BH:剽悍。出自新东方罗胖子的名言:剽悍的人生不需要解释。(采访郭敬明的时候,一个郭迷小正太表示支持郭,口出此言,此言顿时红遍互联网。注意:应该是PIAO HAN,而不是biao han,因为剽窃的剽字犯了忌讳,所以不用PH而用了BH。) 49、G JM:郭敬明,某当红青春作家,曾涉嫌抄袭。GJM后来被当作抄袭的简称,意义接近于“ZT”。(天涯菊花教为他而生,百度也有菊花教吧,名为菊花教,实为反郭的文学青年。菊花教教名取自他自己作品中的一句话“我是一朵小雏菊”) 50、三毛抄四:GJM出版过一本书,和三毛作品同名,由此衍生而来的新成语。意指盲信某种理论、某个人物而完全不管真相,本末倒置、颠倒黑白的一种狂热精神状态。出自龙空。(背景知识:三毛女士生于公元1943年3月26日,1991年1月4日清晨去世,享年48岁。而郭敬明生于公元1983年6月6日。唯一相同的是都是生于四川。) 51、145:猫扑论坛某名女,代表该论坛参加过雅典奥运。她曾做过一套网上广泛流传的测试智商的题目,得分为145,遂有名言:比我聪明的都没有我漂亮,比我漂亮的都没有我聪明。天涯社区遂演绎出一句名言:比我CJ的都没我BT,比我BT的都没我CJ。麻烦采纳,谢谢!



Soul On Ice (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Soul On Ice (Lp Version)歌手:Ice T专辑:PowerIce Cube - Soul On IceInternationally KnownYou Got To Smell My CologneWestcoast MotherfuckaLet"s Toast MotherfuckaOld Money ....Old Money New Money No Money Noge MoneyDon"t Try To Con The Godfather In SunnyDon"t Try To Turn Your Four Fathers Into MoneeyThe Rap God Got the Whole World Praying For MePray For Me Bird I See You LayingFor MeGot Crazy Goons DJing For MeI"m The Real Iron Man You Just Robert DowneyA Crack Head And Black Face Fresh Out The CountyNiggaBack The Fuck Up Off MeI Burn Just Like Hot CoffeeI"m Conned Up Sweet Like CoffeeLook What This Game Done For MeLook Mama Look Mama I"m Soul On IceLook Mama Look Mama I"m Soul On IceLook Mama Look Mama I"m Soul On IceLook Mama Look Mama I"m Soul On IceEyYou Bout To Smell My CologneYou Bout To Smell My CologneYou Bout To Smell My CologneLook NiggaYou Bout To Smell My CologneEyOld MoneyCandy Paint Flow Ever Since My AdidasIce Cube Fans Get Sugar Doc RidasSugar Ray Leonard Style Nigga I"m The SweetestRoll In On Some Ass Just Like JesusCool As A Fridge and You Shaking Like JelloMad Cause My LIfes Like A MarshmellowLook Motherfucka If You Smell My CologneAsk Yourself Why You"re All Up In My ZoneBack The Fuck Up Off MeI Burn Just Like Hot CoffeeI"m Conned Up Sweet Like CoffeeLook What This Game Done For MeLook Mama Look Mama I"m Soul On IceLook Mama Look Mama I"m Soul On IceLook Mama Look Mama I"m Soul On IceLook Mama Look Mama I"m Soul On IceEyYou Bout To Smell My CologneYou Bout To Smell My CologneYou Bout To Smell My CologneYou Bout To Smell My CologneOooh Ooh Oh OohYo What"s Up My Niggas Out ThereJust Letting You Know Right Now ManYou Got To You Better You Gotta Pay Your DuesTo The Dime NiggaDead On The Block And Hit Ya"ll AssWith That Old Ice Cube Superbom HitThe One That Sent Your Cousin Tony Tole To The PeneteniaryGet Back In 89The One That Sent Lil Ray Ray Out From LATo St Louis And Got Off The BusAnd Served Those Nigga Them Quater ThangsMake Sure Ya"ll Tune Into Ice CubeThe First One Who Put You NiggasOn Burns And PimpingPistols And PreachingOn Burns And PimpingPistols And PreachingOn Burns And PimpingPistols And PreachingOn Burns And PimpingPistols And PreachingOld MoneyOld MoneyOld MoneyOld Moneyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8090059

helping each other makes the world wonderfu

Hello, everyone. Iu2019m Li Zhi. Itu2019s nice to speak about helping here. Helping others is a wonderful thing. It is nice for people who you help and it is also nice of you. When you help your classmates, you can get along well with them, your friendship can develop quickly. If you give a hand to the old , you will feel very happy. In our life, patients are worth needing help most. When you help them ,you can know the meaning of happiness. Helping each other is very important. From now on, let us help others together! Thank you for your listening!

Delphi XE 系列的 TPolygon类型详解

TPolygon就是一个TPointF的动态数组,记录着一系列的坐标, 主要是绘制多边形的

Ice Ice Baby (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Ice Ice Baby (Lp Version)歌手:Big Daddy专辑:Cutting Their Own GroveVanilla Ice -《Ice Ice Baby》Robin_SHIIce ice babyIce ice babyAll right stop collaborate and listenIce is back with my brand new inventionSomething grabs a hold of me tightlyFlow like a harpoon daily and nightlyWill it ever stop yo I don"t knowTurn off the lights and I"ll glowTo the extreme I rock a mic like a vandalLight up a stage and wax a chump like a candleDance go rush to the speaker that boomsI"m killing your brain like a poisonous mushroomDeadly when I play a dope melodyAnything less than the best is a felonyLove it or leave it you better gain weightYou better hit bull"s eye the kid don"t playIf there was a problem yo I"ll solve itCheck out the hook while my DJ revolves itIce ice baby vanilllaIce ice baby vanilllaIce ice baby vanilllaIce ice baby vanilllaNow that the party is jumpingWith the bass kicked in and the vegas are pumpin"Quick to the point to the point no fakingI"m cooking MC"s like a pound of baconBurning them if you ain"t quick and nimbleI go crazy when I hear a cymbalAnd a hi-hat with a souped up tempoI"m on a roll and it"s time to go soloRollin" in my 5.0With my rap-top down so my hair can blowThe girlies on standby waving just to say hiDid you stop no I just drove byKept on pursuing to the next stopI busted a left and I"m heading to the next blockThe block was deadYo so I continued to A1A Beachfront AvenueGirls were hot wearing less than bikinisRockman lovers driving LamborghinisJealous "cause I"m out getting mineShay with a guage and Vanilla with a nineReading for the chumps on the wallThe chumps acting ill because they"re so full of eight ballsGunshots rang out like a bellI grabbed my nine all I heard were shellsFalling on the concrete real fastJumped in my car slammed on the gasBumpet to bumper the avenue"s packedI"m trying to get away before the jackers jackPolice on the scene you know what I meanThey passed me up confronted all the dope fiendsIf there was a problem yo I"ll solve itCheck out the hook while my DJ revolves itIce ice baby vanilllaIce ice baby vanilllaIce ice baby vanilllaIce ice baby vanilllaTake heed "cause I"m a lyrical poetMiami"s on the scene just in case you didn"t know itMy town that created all the bass soundEnough to shake and kick holes in the ground"Cause my style"s like a chemical pillFeasible rhymes that you can vision and feelConducted and formedThis is a hell of a conceptWe make it hype and you want to step with thisShay plays on the fade slice like a ninjaCut like a razor blade so fast other DJs say damnIf my rhyme was a drug I"d sell it by the gramKeep my composure when it"s time to get looseMagnetized by the mic while I kick my juiceIf there was a problem yo I"ll solve itCheck out the hook while Shay revolves itIce ice baby vanillaIce ice baby vanillaIce ice baby vanillaIce ice baby vanillaiceYo man let"s get out of hereWord to your motherIce ice baby too cold too coldIce ice baby too cold too coldIce ice baby too cold too coldIce ice baby too cold too coldhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7653991


emergency表示紧急,need help 表示需要帮助。

美国电影 The help 的结尾曲是什么歌啊

The Living Proof

make preparation for preparention 为什么加s 到底是oilpainting 还是oils painting 表示油画呀

make preparations for 为...做准备.是固定搭配oils painting是油画


分类: 电脑/网络 >> 程序设计 >> 其他编程语言 解析: 用goto构成的循环,如下: (注意:标号需要用label先声明才能使用。) program use_goto; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE}uses SysUtils; var i:integer; label outer,loop_start; begin i := 1; loop_start: if (i > 10) then goto outer; writeln(i); inc(i); goto loop_start; outer: readln; end. 运行结果: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


用goto构成的循环,如下:(注意:标号需要用label先声明才能使用。)program use_goto;{$APPTYPE CONSOLE}uses SysUtils;var i:integer;label outer,loop_start;begin i := 1;loop_start: if (i > 10) then goto outer; writeln(i); inc(i); goto loop_start;outer: readln;end.运行结果:12345678910

The Pretender (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:The Pretender (Lp Version)歌手:Jackson Browne专辑:The Next Voice You Hear - The Best Of Jackson BrowneJackson Browne - The PretenderI"m going to rent myself a houseIn the shade of the freewayI"m going to pack my lunch in the morningAnd go to work each dayAnd when the evening rolls aroundI"ll go on home and lay my body downAnd when the morning light comes streaming inI"ll get up and do it againAmenSay it againAmenI want to know what became of the changesWe waited for love to bringWere they only the fitful dreamsOf some greater awakeningI"ve been aware of the time going byThey say in the end it"s the wink of an eyeAnd when the morning light comes streaming inYou"ll get up and do it againAmenCaught between the longing for loveAnd the struggle for the legal tenderWhere the sirens sing and the church bells ringAnd the junk man pounds his fenderWhere the veterans dream of the fightFast asleep at the traffic lightAnd the children solemnly waitFor the ice cream vendorOut into the cool of the eveningStrolls the PretenderHe knows that all his hopes and dreamsBegin and end thereAh the laughter of the loversAs they run through the nightLeaving nothing for the othersBut to choose off and fightAnd tear at the world with all their mightWhile the ships bearing their dreamsSail out of sightI"m going to find myself a girlWho can show me what laughter meansAnd we"ll fill in the missing colorsIn each other"s paint-by-number dreamsAnd then we"ll put out dark glasses onAnd we"ll make love until our strength is goneAnd when the morning light comes streaming inWe"ll get up and do it againGet it up againI"m going to be a happy idiotAnd struggle for the legal tenderWhere the ads take aim and lay their claimTo the heart and the soul of the spenderAnd believe in whatever may lieIn those things that money can buyThought true love could have been a contenderAre you there?Say a prayer for the PretenderWho started out so young and strongOnly to surrenderhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1134503

Easy Money (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Easy Money (Lp Version)歌手:Rickie Lee Jones专辑:Rickie Lee JonesBilly Joel - Easy MoneyUgh! All right! Ugh! Hey! Aaaahh hah! Ugh!You don"t have to talk all night,I"m a man who can"t say noYou don"t have to twist my arm,just point me where you want to goTake me to the action,take me to the trackTake me to a party if they"re bettin" in the backI"ve been working all my life, can"t afford to waitLet me call my wife so I can tell her I"ll be lateI want the easy, easy money, easy money,I could get luckyOh, things could go right (Ah ah ah)I want the easy, easy moneyEasy money, maybe this one time, maybe tonightAaaahh hah!You don"t have to try too hard,I don"t need a song and danceUh-I don"t need an invitation-a,if you"ve got a game of chanceTake me to the tables, take me to the fightsRun me like the numbers, roll me like the diceWhen you"re counting on a killing, always count me inTalk me into losin" just as long as I can winI want the easy, easy money, easy money,I want the good timesOh, I never had (Ah ah ah) I want the easy, easy moneyOh, I want the good life, I want it badEasy money, you say I fool myself,but better me than being a fool for someone elseI got a hot slot machine of a system ready to go...Easy money,I got a one-track mind and a good reputation laying on the lineI"ll either come back a bum or a king,baby I don"t know...NICE...You don"t have to start a fire...ugh!I"m a man who can"t say noIf you"ve got a little risky business,just point me where you want to goTake me to the power,take me to the heatTake me to the cleaners if it"s open to the streetSomething"s got to pay off,something"s got to breakSomeone"s got a fortune that they"re begging me to takeI want the easy, easy money, easy money,I could get luckyThings could go right (Ah ah ah) I want the easy, easy moneyEasy money, maybe just this time, oh maybe tonightEasy money, oh, I don"t want no hard cashI just want the easy money...oh...I could get lucky(Easy money) Oh, count, count, count, count, count, haaa ha ha!Oh I"ve got some love now baby (Easy money)Oh I"ve got just a little easy money...http://music.baidu.com/song/8414974





MotorsportsYLPHY POWERED BY是什么意思?


__our food __,we had to walk to the town for help. A.Since;runs out B.because of;run out C.Fo...

选 A 因为我们的食物吃完了,我们不得不去正上求助。 since:表示由于,因为;run out:用完,吃完,固定搭配来的。because of,不能用于句首

Uptown (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Uptown (Lp Version)歌手:Prince专辑:Dirty Mindchuckie akenz Ft.Duane Star-UptownUptown, Yeah,It"s Chuckie Ay, Duane Star,Toronto (Toronto),406 to 905,This is strictly for my Uptown,You know what I mean,Uptown, North SideYo, I"m from the up of the down,Where you can move it around,The pounds of the dank grass,And not make a sound,where the hunnies real sweet,And I don"t care if they hoes,They still got me wondering,How she gets into those,Homie to the most blocks in Toronto (Yes),North Side where we living,Aint no followin" steps,I"m from the maple leaf city,Of the maple leaf country,Where the chronic is real sticky,No make believe money,I"m Canadian sonny,No more slaves in the fest,You think America is the only place that"s heavy with rep,Don"t think the soldiers aint strapped,Don"t think a woman aint fine,They say we heard we were soft,We say you told you was lying,We got the heart of a lion,We kinda move like "em too,We sit back and let you bitches cook,Then eat your food,Up town that"s where its at,You know where the blocks in order,Better think twice homie,When you crossin that border,Cause,Uptown that"s where we get down,If you aint from around,Well then don"t come around uh,Uptown that"s where we get down,If you aint from around,Well then don"t come around uh,Uptown that"s where we get down,If you aint from around,Well then don"t come around uh,Uptown that"s where we get down,We repping for the uppers,But got love for the downs uh,Place,No it aint that wild,But we aint afraid to die,Cause we let niggers shit fly uh,And I"m countin" stacks dummy,My language on tracks,Colourful like the money,Cause you get your ass beat,Talkin" shit like scar towns weak,Niggas know that my gun aint sweet,Think its cold man man get that heat,Uh my whole teams scarred,So don"t come around here frontin" like your hard,You talkin" shit i could care better,You better run fast,Or you"ll get streatched the fuck out,Like a work out class,And we aint soft cause we make niggas book (book),You see the score and your cats gettin" shook (shook),Your sweet ass might your get your shit took (took),And if you didn"t catch it here comes that hook (hook),Uptown that"s where we get down,If you aint from around,Well then don"t come around uh,Uptown that"s where we get down,If you aint from around,Well then don"t come around uh,Uptown that"s where we get down,If you aint from around,Well then don"t come around uh,Uptown that"s where we get down,We repping for the uppers,But got love for the downs uh,Uptown,Yeah,Toronto (Toronto),406 to 905,Northside (Northside till fade)http://music.baidu.com/song/825954


可以使用内存流和TBlob添加图片.我这里用的是Access表,Graphic字段类型为OEL物件.单元接口要引用JPEG单元.插入图片:procedure TForm1.Button5Click(Sender: TObject);var MStream : TMemoryStream; FileExt : string;begin if image1.Picture.Graphic <> nil then begin MStream := TMemoryStream.Create; FileExt := ExtractFileExt(Opendialog1.FileName); end; try image1.Picture.Graphic.SaveToStream(MStream); Mstream.Position := 0; adoquery1.Edit; TBlobField(Adoquery1.FieldByName("phote")).LoadFromStream(MStream); if uppercase(fileExt) = ".BMP" then//bmp图片插入 begin Adoquery1.FieldByName("isbmp").Value := 1; ShowMessage("Insert BMP OK!"); end else if (UpperCase(fileExt) = ".JPG") or (UpperCase(FileExt) = ".JPEG") then//JPEG图片格式 begin adoQuery1.FieldByName("isbmp").Value := 0; ShowMessage("Insert jpeg OK!"); end; adoquery1.Post; finally MStream.Free; end;end;读取:procedure TForm1.DBGrid1CellClick(Column: TColumn);var MStream : TMemoryStream; jpeg : TJpegImage;begin try MStream := TMemoryStream.Create; TBlobField(Adoquery1.FieldByName("phote")).SaveToStream(MStream); MStream.Position := 0; if Adoquery1.FieldByName("isbmp").Value = 1 then //琌BMP瓜��Α begin Image1.Picture.Graphic.LoadFromStream(MStream); end else if Adoquery1.FieldByName("isbmp").Value = 0 then begin jpeg := TJpegImage.Create; JPeg.LoadFromStream(MStream); Image1.Picture.Assign(jpeg); FreeAndNil(jpeg); end else Image1.Picture := nil; finally MStream.Free; end;end;

My Soul (Amended Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:My Soul (Amended Lp Version)歌手:Coolio专辑:My SoulMY SOUL作词:小松未歩作曲:小松未歩编曲:古井弘人眠ってる あなたの頬にキスをして変わらないものなど 何処にも无いと気付いた夜明けが来ても このままいられるのかなもうこれ以上 嘘つかないで自分にどうか 未来を映して それでも二人 寄り添えるなら岚の中 梦を数え 伤ついてもいい MY SOULクローゼットの中に电话をしまった夜更けの静けさに 爱しさが込み上げてく虹のように すぐ消える 笑颜を见せて雨上がりの空に 永远 誓うよどうか 未来を叶えて 遮るものを全部 消しても最後の爱と决めたならば 臆病にならないでねぇ 覚えてる 银色に辉く海を…ずっと そばにいたいと思ってたどうか 未来を映して それでも二人 寄り添えるならあなたと过ごしてきた季节も无駄じゃないのね MY SOULhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7800127

A king in Africa had a close friend that helped him grow up. The friend had a habit of looking ...

小题1:C小题2:D小题3:D 试题分析:短文大意:非洲的一个国王有一个帮助他成长的亲密朋友。朋友有个习惯,看到他的生活中有积极的事发生说说:“这是好的”。小题1:细节理解题。根据文章第二句话The friend had a habit of looking at everything positively(肯定)that happened in his life and saying “This is good”.可知选C小题2:细节理解题。根据they noticed that the king was missing a thumb. They never ate anyone who was less than whole, so they sent the king back.可知选D。小题3:标题归纳题。读短文可知本文是在说一切都会好的,所以选D。

Who can help me!!暑假英语日记

这``你想要什么样子的日记字数多少?还有 你是高几的学生对日记的内容有什么要求没?怎么不说清楚呢` 那怎么让人帮忙啊好了 如果你把问题补充清楚了我会考虑帮你写一下的但是30篇太多了哦 我可写不完您还是自己赶紧的能赶多少是多少吧

silp away什么意思

溜走Time slips away.时间溜走。

--Please_____your dictionary to me ---ok A.bring B.buy C.help D.take




《The Book of Ornamental Alphabets》txt下载阅读,求百度云资源

《The Book of Ornamental Alphabets, Ancient and Modern,》(DeLamotte, Freeman Gage)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1khKL1sakGSAkMfxyroQhYA 提取码: 5mvp书名:The Book of Ornamental Alphabets, Ancient and Modern,作者:DeLamotte, Freeman Gage出版社:Nabu Press出版年份:2010-1页数:114

字母alphabet 可数吗? 是不是alphabets?

是可数 的,刚才问了我同事




Let"s dance in style 让我们翩然起舞 Let"s dance for a while 让我们尽情欢笑 Heaven can wait 天堂也得等著我们 We"re only watching the skies 我们只是仰望凝视著天空 Hoping for the best 愿望有最好的结果 But expecting the worst 却作了最坏的打算 Are you going to drop the bomb or not 你到底是否即将要投下炸弹 Let us die young or let us live forever 让我们英年早逝,或让我们长生不死 We don"t have the power 的确,我们没有实权 But we never say never 但我们绝不说:绝不 Sitting in a sandpit 坐在沙坑里冥想 Life is a short trip 人生只是一趟短暂的旅行 The music"s for the sad men 这音乐是为了悲伤的人们而写的 Can you imagine when this race is won 你能想像得出当我们赢得这场战争 Turn our golden faces into the sun 我们以胜利者光彩荣耀的脸 面向太阳 Praising our leaders 赞颂我们的领导者 We"re getting in tune 我们随著领导者的音乐起舞 The music"s played by the madmen 当一群疯狂的人在指挥著音乐的演奏 Forever young, I want to be forever young 永远年轻,我想要永远年轻 Do you really want to live forever 你真的想活到永远 Forever -- and ever 永远,永远---- Some are like water 有人静若流水 Some are like the heat 有人热情如火 Some are a melody and some are the beat 有人是奏主旋律,也有人是打节拍伴奏 Sooner or later, they all will be gone 迟早,他们都终将漂逝而去 Why don"t they stay young 为何他们无法青春永驻 It"s so hard to get old without a cause 徒增岁月而没有奋斗的课题又情何以堪 I don"t want to perish like a fading horse 我不愿像褪了色的马一般灰飞烟灭 Youth"s like diamonds in the sun 青春就像阳光下的钻石 And diamonds are forever 而钻石是永恒的 So many adventures couldn"t happen today 有太多以往的冒险犯难在今天已无法实现 So many songs we forgot to play 有太多的歌我们已经忘记怎麼去唱 So many dreams swinging out of the blue 有太多凭空而生的梦想 We"ll let them come true 我们要使它们美梦成真

Shiver Me Timbers (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Shiver Me Timbers (Lp Version)歌手:BETTE MIDLER专辑:Experience The DivineI"m leavin" my fam"lyLeavin" all my friendsMy body"s at homeBut my heart"s in the windWhere the clouds are like headlinesOn a new front page skyMy tears are salt waterAnd the moon"s full and highAnd I know Martin Eden"sGonna be proud of meAnd many before meWho"ve been called by the seaTo be up in the crow"s nestSingin" my sayShiver me Timbers"Cause I"m a-sailin" awayAnd the fog"s liftin"And the sand"s shiftin"I"m driftin" on outOl" Captain AhabHe ain"t got nothin" on me, now.So swallow me, don"t follow meI"m trav"lin" aloneBlue water"s my daughter"n I"m gonna skip like a stoneSo please call my missusGotta tell her not to cry"Cause my goodbye is writtenBy the moon in the skyHey and nobody knows meI can"t fathom my stayin"Shiver me timbers"Cause I"m a-sailin" awayAnd the fog"s liftin"And the sand"s shiftin"I"m driftin" on outOl" Captain AhabHe ain"t got nothin" on meSo come and swallow me, follow meI"m trav"lin" aloneBlue water"s my daughter"n I"m gonna skip like a stoneAnd I"m leavin" my familyLeavin" all my friendsMy body"s at homeBut my heart"s in the windWhere the clouds are like headlinesUpon a new front page skyAnd shiver me timbers"Cause I"m a-sailin" awayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/805643

Shiver Me Timbers (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Shiver Me Timbers (Lp Version)歌手:BETTE MIDLER专辑:Experience The Divine: Greatest HitsI"m leavin" my fam"lyLeavin" all my friendsMy body"s at homeBut my heart"s in the windWhere the clouds are like headlinesOn a new front page skyMy tears are salt waterAnd the moon"s full and highAnd I know Martin Eden"sGonna be proud of meAnd many before meWho"ve been called by the seaTo be up in the crow"s nestSingin" my sayShiver me Timbers"Cause I"m a-sailin" awayAnd the fog"s liftin"And the sand"s shiftin"I"m driftin" on outOl" Captain AhabHe ain"t got nothin" on me, now.So swallow me, don"t follow meI"m trav"lin" aloneBlue water"s my daughter"n I"m gonna skip like a stoneSo please call my missusGotta tell her not to cry"Cause my goodbye is writtenBy the moon in the skyHey and nobody knows meI can"t fathom my stayin"Shiver me timbers"Cause I"m a-sailin" awayAnd the fog"s liftin"And the sand"s shiftin"I"m driftin" on outOl" Captain AhabHe ain"t got nothin" on meSo come and swallow me, follow meI"m trav"lin" aloneBlue water"s my daughter"n I"m gonna skip like a stoneAnd I"m leavin" my familyLeavin" all my friendsMy body"s at homeBut my heart"s in the windWhere the clouds are like headlinesUpon a new front page skyAnd shiver me timbers"Cause I"m a-sailin" awayhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8458449

Alphabeat的《The Spell》 歌词

歌曲名:The Spell歌手:Alphabeat专辑:The Beat Is ...The SpellLeavesThe Angela TestThe SpellIn the windBlack riderGather my sinsAnd write them on the wallMy silhoutteFeeds on meGlimpse of moonlightThis endless nightSweet, sweet sunlight heal my soulDrag me from this cold sweet saviourEase my mind until I shineGrim, grim shadowStarving shadeThe rider"s wounds bleedSo lean before meBlades of sunbeamsAwaking dreamsGash into the dark tear the night apartSweet, sweet sunlight heal my soulDrag me from this cold sweet saviourEase my mind until I shineBurst through the cloudsAll turns to goldWake from your slumpRelease me from the spell sweet saviourhttp://music.baidu.com/song/56632254

There She Goes Again (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:There She Goes Again (Lp Version)歌手:Marshall Crenshaw专辑:Rhino Hi-Five: Marshall CrenshawThere She Goes Again - James BluntWhen she holds on to meIt"s clear to see,It"s difficult.(Didn"t I know it)First time I"ve chosen to open up,Not broken upIt"s typical.(Didn"t I know it)For all the reasons I"ve told myself"Find something else"She"s serious(Didn"t I know it)All the heartfelt words we foundI"m coming "roundThey"re meaningless(Didn"t I know it)Wo-oahShe"s taken what she wantsBut she wants everythingThere she goes, there she goesWell there she goes againKnows how to turn it onYeah but not for longIt"s physical, physicalThen it don"t mean a thingI know better than to thinkShe"s standing stillDressed to killWell there she goes againHow many hearts that she thrown aside?So finding mineShould be no surprise(Didn"t I know it)I needed her like she knew I wouldAnd it hurt so goodShe"s satisfied(Didn"t I know it)It means nothing (to hold our kiss)"Cause she"s done thisA thousand timesWo-oahI know better than to thinkShe"s standing stillJust to thrillWell there she goes againWo-oahWo-oahThere she goes againThere she goes againDidn"t I knowI know better than to thinkShe"s standing stillJust to thrillDidn"t I knowI know better than to thinkShe"s standing stillJust to thrillWell there she goes again.-End-http://music.baidu.com/song/8178252

La Song (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:La Song (Lp Version)歌手:beth hart专辑:Rhino Hi-Five: Singers-Songwriters: The "90SBy : JosephieShe hangs around the boulevardShe"s a local girl with local scarsShe got home lateShe got home lateShe drank so hard the bottle achedAnd she tried and she tried and she tried and she triedbut nothin"s clear in a bar full a fliesSo she takes and she takes, she takes and she takesShe understands when she gives it awayShe saysMan I gotta get outta this townMan I gotta get outta this painMan I gotta get outta this townOutta this town and out of L.A.She"s gotta gunShe"s gotta gunShe got a gun she calls the lucky oneShe left a note right by the phone"Don"t leave a message "cause this ain"t no home"And she cried and she cried and she cried and she criedShe cried so long her tears ran dryThen she laughed and she laughed, she laughed and she laughed"Cause she knew she was never comin" backShe saidMan I"m gonna get outta this townMan I"m gonna get outta this painMan I"m gonna get outta this townOutta this town & out of L.A.It"s all she lovesIt"s all she hatesIt"s all too much for her to takeShe can"t be sure just where it endsor where the good life beginsSo she took a trainShe took a trainTo a little old town without a nameShe met a manHe took her inBut fed her all the same bullshit again"Cause he lied and he lied and he lied and he liedHe lied like a salesman sellin" fliesSo she screamed and she screamed and she screamed and she screamedIt"s a different placeBut the same old thangIt"s all I loveIt"s all I hateIt"s all too much for me to takeI can"t be surewhere it beginsOr if the good life lies withinSo she saidMan I gotta get out of this townYeah, now I gotta get back on that trainMan I gotta get out of this townI"m outta my painSo I"m goin" back to L.A.OhBack to L.A.Back to L.A.Yeah yeah I"m going back to L.A.I"m goin" back to L.A.http://music.baidu.com/song/7892813

做系统出现问题,电脑显示hit h for help or enter continue,接下来怎


装机显示hit“h”forhelp info,or“enter”to continue


hit h-for help info,or enter to continue什么意思


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delphi 如何在自动终止线程和手动终止线程时都正确的设置窗体上的控件


delphi indy编程 中出现terminate thread timeout



在Delphi中使用线程,当窗体关闭时,如果窗体中启用了线程,一般需要手动关闭,以释放资源。 常用来结束线程的代码为:thread.Terminate;thread.WaitFor;即先触发Terminate方法,然后等待线程的结束。这种方法要求线程不能使用FreeOnTerminate := True; 否则在WaitFor即将结束的时候会引发“无效句柄”的错误。 这种方法在窗体关闭的时候会等待一段事件(因为WaitFor)。 因此,如果不是在主窗体中结束线程时,其实我们可以不必使用WaitFor。而是采用如下方法: 将FreeOnTerminate := True;这样在窗体关闭的代码中直接调用thread.Terminate; 即可。注意: 如果设置了 thread.OnTerminate := SomeFunction; 那么在调用PcmThrd.Terminate;前尽量将thread.OnTerminate := nil,以免结束线程后SomeFunction中的变量出现空指针错误。当然,这不是绝对的,需要根据具体程序而定 .


Office Tool Plus 工具可以很方便的下载和安装各种版本的 MS Office。MS Office 按授权方式不同,有两种版本类型:批量授权版(VOL Edition),缩写“VOL”或“VL”,即“批量授权许可”,是针对企业客户的大批量采购的版本,也可称之为“VOL”大客户版。有两种激活方法:KMS 服务器激活或 MARK 密钥激活。KMS 激活只能使用180天,之后要重新激活。MARK 一旦激活,长期有效。零售版(RTL Edition):这是官方出售的版本,一个 KEY 只能激活一台电脑。正版 KEY 激活后,可以一直使用,享受微软售后技术服务。非正规渠道的 KEY 即使可以激活,也有被封的风险,也无法享受微软售后技术服务。这也是正版和盗版的区别。总之,“VOL版”和“零售版”同属一个内核,功用完全相同,区别仅仅在于供给目标不同,激活方法不同。




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1.解压 Office Tool Plus 压缩包;2.打开文件夹,运行 setup.bat;3.等待安装完成后会自动弹出或是运行 Office Tool Plus.exe 就可以使用了;



LP Not alone歌词翻译

I break down,我被击败,我想哭泣Fear is sinking inThe cold comes,Racing through my skin恐惧沉浸,寒冷来临,在我的身体里流转Searching forA way to get to you我寻找着……Through the storm you...在这场风暴中你的身影Go, giving up your home去吧,放弃你的家园Go, leaving all you"ve known去吧,遗忘你的记忆You are not alone但你不是孤独的With arms up,举起双手Stretched into the sky碰触天空With eyes like,双目凝视搜寻……Echoes in the night深夜里的回声Hiding fromThe hell that you"ve been throughSilent one, you....你沉默,在地狱式的经历背后Go, giving up your home去吧,放弃你的家园Go, leaving all you"ve known去吧,遗忘你的记忆You Go, giving up your home去吧,放弃你的家园Go, leaving all you"ve known去吧,遗忘你的记忆You are not alone但,你不是孤独的下同You go, giving up your homeGo, leaving all you"ve knownYou go, giving up your homeGo, you are not unknownYou are not aloneYou are not unknownYou are not alone你不是默默无闻的一个人你,不是孤独的

put the characters c ,d, m, l,x in the right order--but not alphabetical

把字母 c ,d, m, l,x 按正确顺序排好。但不是按字母表的顺序。



中文翻译put these letters in alphabetical order


Put these words in alphabetical order.Then compelte the rule.是神马意思,急用,快



分类: 电脑/网络 >> 程序设计 >> 其他编程语言 问题描述: 如题,我有个程序首先是启动页面等主窗口载入之后就退出启动页面进入主窗口但我现在主窗口在会连接网页,此时如果用户的网速慢或网页打不开,启动页面置留的时间就很长请问怎么样可以让主窗口完全显示以后再去连接网页, 解析: 你说的或意思是不是像WORD 启动时效果 巧用Delphi制作溅射屏幕 (作者:施路)精心编写的WINDOWS程序显示启动注意事项,称之为溅射屏幕(splash screen)。利用一点儿小小的内容,即可给程序的显示添加不少色彩。 由于工程本身创建程序的主窗口,且启动溅射屏幕必须在创建主窗口之前出现,所以工程文件必须创建自己的启动屏幕。这意味着用户必须修改源代码来创建工程文件,而这通常在DELPHI编程中是不需要的。下面的过程介绍了溅射屏幕的建立过程。 1、开始一个新的工程。将窗体命名为MainForm,同时将其Caption属性设置为SplashinDemo。把这个工程保存在一个目录中,如C:ProjectsSplashin。把MainForm的单元命名为Main,把工程文件命名为Splashin。 2、在MainForm中插入一个Button组件。将Button的Name属性改为ExitButton,而将其Caption属性改为Exit。为ExitButton的OnClick事件创建一个处理器,在过程的begin和end关键词之间插入Close;语句。 3、选取File|New Form命令,或者单击New Form速度按钮。添加一个新的窗体。 4、将这个窗体的Name属性改变为SplashForm,删除其Caption属性。此外,将其BorderStyle属性改变为bsnone,同时将BorderIcons下的三个子值设置为False。 5、保存这个工程。当Delphi提示读者提供单元文件名时,要确信当前目录为正确的目录。为SplashForm的单元文件名输入Splash。 6、将SplashForm的Enabled属性设置为False。这里不想让用户能够给窗口提供键盘和鼠标命令,这是极少见的情况之一。在这个例子中,我们想让程序对SplashForm的显示拥有完全的控制权。 7、由于窗口没有轮廓,所以从Additional组件类中插入一个Bevel组件对象。这有助于定义窗口的边缘。将Bevel1的Align属性设置为alClient。同时,将对象的Shape属性改变为bsFrame,将其Style属性改变为bsRaised。这些值由使用者来确定。 8、在SplashForm中插入想使用的组件,在这里不要插入任何按钮或者其他相互作用的控件。应用程序本身显示和去除启动溅射对话框。 9、选择Project菜单。高亮显示Splash工程个弹出式菜单。选择Options命令。在所产生的Project Options对话框中,选取Forms页标签。注意,MainForm和SplashForm位于自动创建的窗体列表中。高亮显示每个窗体并单击鼠标右按钮来将其移动到Available窗体。所有的Delphi窗体在运行时都是在内存中自动创建的,这要消耗内存和系统资源。在这样的一个案例中,程序是在运行时创建窗体的,读者应该从自动创建的列表中删除窗体。关闭ProjectOptions窗口。 10、接下来,修改工程的源代码,以便在显示主窗口之前显示溅射对话框。这里需要在工程文件中插入语句,以便与Splash.dpr工程文件相匹配。工程源代码如下: program Project3; uses Forms, main in "main.pas" {MainForm}, splash in "splash.pas" {SplashForm}; {$R *.RES} begin SplashForm:=TSplashForm.Create(Application); SplashForm.Show; SplashForm.Update; Application.CreateForm(TMainForm,MainForm); SplashForm.Close; Application.Run; end. 11、如果这时编译和运行程序,它就非常快速地显示和去除启动溅射对话框,以至用户可能没机会见到它。为了强迫对话框保持几秒钟的可见时间,请选取程序的MainForm。为窗体的OnCreate命令创建一个处理器。在关键词的前面添加一个名为stopTime的长整型变量。在begin和end之间插入两个语句:一个为对Windows GetTickCount函数的调用。来将stopTime设置为Windows已在运行的秒数;另一个语句为while语句,这个语句另外延迟2秒钟。程序清单如下: unit main; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls; type TMainForm = class(TForm) Exitbutton: TButton; procedure ExitbuttonClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var MainForm: TMainForm; implementation {$R *.DFM} procedure TMainForm.ExitbuttonClick(Sender: TObject); begin close; end; procedure TMainForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var stopTime:LongInt; begin stopTime:=GetTickCount div 1000; while ((GetTickCount div 1000)<(stopTime+2)) do Sleep(1); end; end. 12、按F9编译、运行程序。

如何在Delphi XE7自定义启动闪屏Splash功能


如何在Delphi XE7自定义启动闪屏Splash功能

第一步,打开Delphi XE7开发环境,选择菜单工具栏中[Project]-->[Options...]进入项目配置。如何在Delphi XE7自定义启动闪屏Splash功能?2第二步,进行项目配置对话框后,首先在左边框中选中[Application]选项。如何在Delphi XE7自定义启动闪屏Splash功能?3第三步,在这个对话框右边的上半部分主要是程序的应用小图标的设置参数,我们可以不用管它先。如何在Delphi XE7自定义启动闪屏Splash功能?4第四步,这时我们必须要选上Include Splash Image,否则移动应用程序启动时就不会有这个splash界面了。如何在Delphi XE7自定义启动闪屏Splash功能?5第五步,选中[Splash tile mode]的下拉框,这是Splash界面中的标题模式, 一般选择不显示标题的。这个选项作一下解释:1. disabled -按图片尺寸大小显示,显示位置有Splash Gravity设置2. clamp - 图形边框适应屏幕大小3. repeat - 屏幕水平,竖立方向重复填充满Splash Image4. mirror - 跟repeat差不多,图片是镜像的。如何在Delphi XE7自定义启动闪屏Splash功能?6第六步,选中[Splash Gravity]的下拉框,这个选项只有当Splash Title Mode为Disable时有效。主要是设置比屏幕小的图片在屏幕中的位置,一般选择居中效果。如何在Delphi XE7自定义启动闪屏Splash功能?7第七步,这时我们就可以看到启动时splash界面的预览界面了,是不是看到了啊!你可以根据需求把图片做得更漂亮,这样启动效果更美艳。如何在Delphi XE7自定义启动闪屏Splash功能?END注意事项必须要选上Include Splash ImageSplash Gravity选项只有当Splash Title Mode为Disable时有效




就是多了一个p 前面一样的

求翻译Could eating more greens and less meat help you delay the onset of cataracts?


offer help to me和offer to help me有什么区别?

意思差不多,但是结构和help的词性不同。第一句,offer 动词help直接宾语 to me 间接宾语。help是名词。第二句,offer动词 to help me动词不定式短语做宾语。help是动词。例如,Could you help me with my case? 你能帮我把箱子提一下可以吗?Thank you for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。Because of your help,I have succeeded. 因为你的帮助,我成功了。Helping others makes you happy. 帮助别人会让你快乐。


你好,这么说,把中文意思给你润润色翻翻,你就大概能了解这些句子的区别和语气了:Can You help me - 你能帮我下吗?一般加个“请”显得客气点:Can you help me please?或者 Can you please help me?如果口气再客气点,就把Can给换成Could,Would,May等等,这几个词是按顺序语气渐弱的.Do You help me - 你到底帮我不?一般是很不客气很不耐烦的口语说法:Do you help me or not?你到底帮不帮我?上面的说法除非挺熟的人,最好不要用,感觉挺粗鲁的.情景举例:男/女朋友说了帮自己干啥的,结果在旁边玩游戏阿捣乱阿什么的,自己不耐烦了,就这么说.下面的确是对象不同了,换成自己问自己了,可是也没有人这么问不是吗?Can I help me - 我能帮我下吗?Do I help me - 我到底帮我不?希望能帮到你

she is help me哪里错了?

She is helping me.

no help me怎么改

我觉得你想说的是,没人帮助我。 如果是这样的话 Nobody helped me! 更好一些nobody helps me.第三人称单数。但是在老外看来“help”是一个程度很重的词通常是非常紧急、突发性的甚至是涉及到生命安全的事情才需要用到“help”!所以当你说“Help me”的时候对方要么以为情况紧迫,要么会觉得是一个很难帮的忙例句Help me! I can t get out!救命!我出不去了!如果只是日常的帮助,我们可以这样表达do a favor帮个小忙,例句:Could you do me a favor to find my hotel?我迷路了,您能告诉我怎么回饭店吗?give me a hand帮我一下这个意思就很明显了“搭把手”嘛肯定就只是举手之劳啦~Can you give me a hand? I m exhausted.你能帮帮我吗?我已经筋疲力尽了。Could I trouble you to...可以麻烦你.....吗?这句话用于更正式的场合,trouble这个词更显得谦卑,表示自己很不好意思给别人造成麻烦了。Could I trouble you to open the door for me?我能麻烦你帮我开一下门吗?那如果你听到别人前面说了一堆后面来一句“So help me”是不是以为前面都在讲自己的困难最后说“所以请帮帮我”?但实际上这句话等同于“So help me God”希望我的答复您能满意

Help Me Help You 歌词

歌曲名:Help Me Help You歌手:Holly Valance专辑:FootprintsJulianne Hough - Help Me, Help YouWell, she started with a margaritaThen she went to straight tequilaAnd before the night was over, ohHer little secret was between usBut she laughed, I criedAnd she said, "I"ll be fine."Now she"s barely walking and I"m thinkingWonder how long she"s been drinking, like thisShe looks me in the eye and says, "I swear I"m quitting."I almost believed itThen she cried but she lies"Cause that"s what she said last Saturday nightHow am I suppose to helpSomebody when they tell youThat they don"t need helpHow am I suppose to reach a soulThat doesn"t know they need to save themselvesMy friend, I"ve done all I can doYou"ve got toHelp me, help youOh, I get home from workI turn the TV onThe telephone"s a ringingHer little girl is cryingSays, "I can"t wake mama up from sleeping."Well, I burned that roadOpened up the door, she says,"Leave me alone."It"s been 4 years and now I standIn the back of the roomShe said, "I started with a margaritaThen I went to straight tequila."12 steps, 4 years, and 27 daysAnd now I stand before youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7482483

早安少女组 help me 罗马拼音~~

watashi wo kono mama hitoribocchi ni shiteoku wake?amari ni mo samishii omoi wo[Ii/Is]sase tsuzukeru no nara[Fu/Ii/Is]watashi wa dokoka tooku ni tondeitte shimau no.nee. ii no?[Say/Sat] tasukete onegai[Fu/Is] kore ijou watashigaman nante dekinai(Ha)(Ha)(Ha)[Ta/Sat] zutto matsu dake no[Mi/Is] zutto matsu dake nomatsuko MIJIMEKKUSU(Ah)Shinagawa Gotanda (Ah)Azabu ni Roppongi[Is/Sat] Shinjuku Shin-Okubo (Ah)[Mi/Fu] doko de asonderu no?kokoro ja ittsumo sakendeiru no niaitsu no mae de wa wakatta FURI shichau[Ik/Su/Ii/Ku] yumemiru dake ja kantan sa[Ta/Fu] zenshin de kotaete yo[Ik/Su/Ii/Ku] kuchi yakusoku wa NO Thank you[Mi/Say] sumiyasui toko ni shite yo[Ta/Fu/Su/Is/Ku/Od] KIRAKIRA shiteru onna no ko[Mi/Ik/Say/Ii/Sat] watashi wa habataku yo[Ta/Fu/Su/Is/Ku/Od] GUZUGUZU shiteru otoko no ko[Mi/Ik/Say/Ii/Sat] koukai shinaide ne[Ta/Fu] PINCHI karatsukamitorueikou[Say/Sat] tasukete onegai[Mi/Is] kayowai watashi wanamida mo desou ni nai(Ha)(Ha)(Ha)[Ta/Sat] honne ga ienai[Fu/Is] honne ga ienaiieNAI CHINGEERU(Ah)(Ah Uh)Osaka Nagoya (Ah Ah Ah)Sapporo Hakata (Ah Uh)[Is/Sat] Hiroshima Sendai (Ah Uh)[Mi/Fu] Nihon ni iru no?yasashiku saretara namida ga desou yoaitsu no tsuyoki no konkyo wa doko ni an no[Ik/Su/Ii/Ku] akiramecha make wo mitomechau[Mi/Say] sore dake wa dekinai no[Ik/Su/Ii/Ku] hitoribocchi ni nomikomarenai[Ta/Fu] koko ga funbari dokoro ne[Mi/Ik/Say/Ii/Sat] KIRAKIRA shiteru onna no ko[Ta/Fu/Su/Is/Ku/Od] watashi wa habataku yo[Mi/Ik/Say/Ii/Sat] GUZUGUZU shiteru otoko no ko[Ta/Fu/Su/Is/Ku/Od] koukai shinaide ne[Mi/Sat] ANCHI karamanabiurugenjitsu[Mi/Ik/Say/Ii/Sat] KIRAKIRA shiteru onna no ko[Ta/Fu/Su/Is/Ku/Od] watashi wa habataku yo[Mi/Ik/Say/Ii/Sat] GUZUGUZU shiteru otoko no ko[Ta/Fu/Su/Is/Ku/Od] koukai shinaide ne[Mi/Ik/Say/Ii/Sat] KIRAKIRA shiteru onna no ko[Ta/Fu/Su/Is/Ku/Od] watashi wa habataku yo[Mi/Ik/Say/Ii/Sat] GUZUGUZU shiteru otoko no ko[Ta/Fu/Su/Is/Ku/Od] koukai shinaide ne[Mi/Say] PINCHI karatsukamitorueikou

一首英文歌的开头歌词是help me~ ,在蝙蝠侠阿卡姆骑士的预告里面听过的

You"re stuck on meAnd my laughing eyesI can t pretendThough I try to hideI like youI like youI think I felt my heart skip a beatI"m standing hereAnd I can hardly breatheYou got me YeahYou got meThe way you take my handIs just so sweetAnd that crooked smile of yoursIt knocks me off my feetOh I just can"t get enoughI"m a stoup I need to fill me upIt feels so good it must be loveIt"s everythingThat I"ve been dreaming ofI give up I give in I let goLet"s beginCuz no matter what I doOh ohMy heart is filled with youI can"t imagine what it"d be likeLivin" each day in this lifeWithout you OhWithout youOne look from youI know you understandThis mess we"re in you knowIs just so out of handOh I just can t get enoughI"m a stoup I need to fill me upIt feels so good it must be loveIt"s everythingThat I"ve been dreaming ofI give up I give in I let goLet"s beginCuz no matter what I doOh ohMy heart is filled with youI hope we always feel this wayI know we willAnd in my heart I knowYou"ll always stayOh I just can"t get enoughI"m a stoup I need to fill me upIt feels so good it must be loveI give up I give in I let goLet"s beginCuz no matter what I doOh I just can"t get enoughI"m a stoup I need to fill me upIt feels so good it must be loveI give up I give in I let goLet"s beginCuz no matter what I doOh ohMy heart is filled with youOh ohYou got me You got meOh oh oh ohYou got me You got me

Help me.翻译几个(初三)句子---百度别吞!~~

someone is knocking the door,would you please open the door?teacher divided the class into 6 groupshe found that 2 policemen were walking towards himChina is a developing country while Japan is a developed countrythe sun rises in the east everyday(用FROM是错的)

help me 阿..帮忙翻译阿..谢谢


help me~~~请英文高手帮忙翻译一段

一个企业的核心能力发展被确定为全球的领导和在90年代竞争力的关键。 NEC公司,本田,佳能被用作范例的公司认为自己的设想的核心竞争力方面。核心能力是组织集体学习和能力,协调和整合多种生产技能和技术流,它们是对工作和价值传递的服务业和制造业组织也。一个企业必须设想本身的能力的一个投资组合,而不是一个战略业务单位(SBU的)组合。后者限制了公司能够利用其技术能力,他们往往对外部资源的依赖。对优势的真正根源在于管理的能力,合并为能力,整个公司的技术和生产技能,让个别企业去适应新的机会。培养核心竞争力并不意味着开支比竞争对手的研发,交流各SBU的,还是价格成本/最终产品的性能。三种测试查明这些能力:(1)他们提供可能的接触到各种市场;(2)他们大大有助于最终用户利益的产品;(3)应竞争者很难模仿。培养核心竞争力,同时也意味着得益于同盟,建立能力,这些都是在现有的业务发展。与核心竞争力和终端产品的有形联系是,核心产品,体现了一个或多个核心竞争力。公司必须最大限度地提高核心产品的世界制造业的份额。全球领导地位赢得了核心竞争力,核心产品和最终产品;的全球品牌是由内扩散的核心竞争力的产品上。企业必须避免的战略性业务,其费用暴政是:(1)根据发展的核心能力和核心产品的投资,(2)被监禁的资源,(3)范围内的创新。高层管理人员必须添加缬氨酸

_____(help)me first,please.


英语大神!急啊!初二作文help me

Social Practical ActivityLast Saturday,our class committee organized a social practical activity. At 7:30 am we gathered at the school gate. After lining in a queue, we marched to the bus terminal station. At around 8:00 am we entered the waiting room. Once inside we started to sweep the floor, clean the seats and help the passengers with their luggage. At 3:00 pm we went to the Old People"s Home to visit the old people living there. Seeing the old people, we offered them some fruits which we bought with our pocket money. Then we helped them to wash their clothes and sweep the floor. Afterwards we sang some songs and danced for them. We had a very good time that afternoon. We felt very happy for being able to help others.

动词填空。。。。。help me。

workingto learnbought
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