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today i feel close you 歌词~!

Close my eyes and feel your mind 闭上双眼,感受你的心境 Time has passed 时光逝去 I walk like a shadow 我宛如幽魂般地游走 Never knew What I am going through 从未知觉自己穿越过的事物 You touch my heart and take my breath away 你触动我的心弦让我惊奇 Whisper on the wind so softly 风儿捎来的耳语 如此地轻柔 Let the bright stars fill our dreams with love 就让耀眼星辰将爱注满我们的梦想吧 Reach for your hand ( You are holding my key) 伸向你的手 (你正握著我的钥匙) and you show me the way 你引导我方向 Tonight, I feel close to you 今夜 我感觉更接近你 You open my door and light the sky above 你打开我心房 照亮了那天际 When I need a friend, you are there right by my side 每当我需要朋友时你就会陪伴在我身边 I wish we could stay as one 我多么希望我俩能合而为一不分开 I wish we could stay forever as one 我多么希望我两能永远在一起 永不分离 All the tears that haunt my past 那些泪水纠结著我的过往 You promised it′ll be better tomorrow 你曾约定过的明天将会更好的 play that song You and I listened to 播放那手我俩曾聆听过的歌吧! And let it gently ease our pain 让它轻柔地舒缓我们的伤痛 Tender rain drops from the blue sky 晴空飘下温柔的雨滴 Flowers blooming, life is so divine 丛花绽开 生命是如此的神奇 like sunlight on a stream (you′re holding my key) 彷佛溪水上闪烁耀眼的阳光般 (你正握著我的钥匙) You show the world to me 你引导我看全世界 Tonight, I feel close to you 今夜 我感觉更接近你 You open my door and light the sky above 你打开我心房 照亮了那天际 When I need a friend, you are there right by my side 每当我需要朋友时 你就会陪伴在我身边 I wish we could stay as one 我多么希望我俩能合而为一 不分开 So much love in this beautiful world 在这美丽的世界上 处处充满著爱 Search for the brightest star in the sky 找寻那夜空中最明亮的星辰 You will find the meaning of love 你将会发现真爱的意义 Don′t be afraid (Don′t be afraid), 别害怕 (别害怕) Just be yourself (Just be yourself) 只要作你自己 (只要作你自己) We need this love...I′ve never knew 我们需要这份爱…这份我从未知道的爱 Tonight, I feel close to you 今夜 我感觉更接近你 You open my door and light the sky above 你打开我心房 照亮了那天际 When I need a friend, you are there right by my side 每当我需要朋友时 你就会陪伴在我身边 I wish we could stay as one 我多么希望我俩能合而为一 不分开 Tonight, I feel close to you 今夜 我感觉更接近你 You open my door and light the sky above 你打开我心房 照亮了那天际 When I need a friend, you are there right by my side 每当我需要朋友时 你就会陪伴在我身边 I wish we could stay as one 我多么希望我俩能合而为一 不分开 I wish we could stay forever as one 我多么希望我俩能永远在一起 永不分离

谁能帮我翻译一下菲姬的close 2 U的歌词哦,英语不过关我看不懂..T T

我只是想接近你  和做所有那些你想要我  我只是想接近你  而且给你看我的感觉  好,我已意识到,我没有你,  让你靠近我都是我想,  粘在一起就像弗雷德和Stephy,当每一个人都诞生了  你总是和我在一起  你nevel离开我虽然你知道  有很多次,我一直都很好  你永远是只有女孩为我,  因为你我不再孤独  你是宝贵的,像diaments珍珠,  不是nobod

胡歌小红书广告英文歌好像是什么close to you的

one step close to you ,但是没有资源下载呢!

翻译 I want to be close to you.


close to you是什么风格的歌

典型的 - 爵士蓝调 -blues)蓝调音乐也叫布鲁斯,就是公认的当代流行音乐的根源之一。它其实是美国黑人的民间音乐风格,早在南北战争之前就已成型,黑人奴隶们为它创造了独特的音阶和和声,并且用它来排遣苦闷的生活,寄托思乡之情,这使得蓝调音乐从一开始就带有很强的幽怨色彩,因此它又被称为是“怨曲”,是忧郁的象征。蓝调音乐注重的是演奏、演唱者的“灵魂”能与音乐相通,也就是即兴发挥的能力。其体系中大小七和弦的运用,降三级、降七级的音阶,还有吉他的推弦技巧,对后来的几乎所有当代流行乐风格都有很深远影响。


just to be close to you

谁有莫文蔚的close to you 歌词的中文翻译

Close to you(靠近你) Why do birds suddenly apear everytime you are near 为什么每一次你的出现,鸟儿都会突然涌现? just like me,they long to be close to you 他们都和我一样渴望靠近你; Why do star fall down from the sky everytime you walk by 为什么每一次当你路过,星星会从天空坠落? just like me,they long to be close to you 他们都和我一样渴望靠近你; On the day thay you were born 在你出生的那一天, the angles got together 天使们齐聚一堂, And decided to create a dream come true 他们决定创造一个梦并将这个梦实现, So they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of gold 因此他们用月光装饰你的金发, And starlight in your eyes of blue 用星光装饰你兰色的双眼。 That is why all the girl in town 这就是为什么这里所有的女孩, follow you all around 总是跟在你左右, just like me 和我一样, they long to be close to you 她们渴望靠近你。

韩剧{她很漂亮}的插曲close to you在第几集有出现


唱卡朋特的close to you时有那些要注意的地方和技巧?


跪求和爸爸的Kiss的主题曲Close to you

已发送,请注意查收!It"s - Close To You「パパとKiss In The Dark」ED试听:http://happyneko.6621.cn/music/f2fe068b35e26724.htmlMP3格式,网盘,进入后下载:http://good.gd/481031.htm 歌词:Close to you 作词:ashrie 作曲:和也 编曲:R.terada 歌:It"s 瞬きさえ 忘れるくらい あなただけで いつでも 心の中 见透かされる Stop my love 优しいキス ふたりだけの朝を 今日も迎える 瞬间を止めてずっと 谁も居ないこの部屋 TVが空しく キミの欠片探して また见ないフリをする 间违ってる?きっと仆らは 他に何もいらない だって本当のコトは 谁ひとり わからないよ 许されない 恋の运命 もう元には 戻れない どんな时も 隣にいて Close my eyes 明日のコト考えたら 少し不安になるよ 全て忘れさせて 谁にだって一つは 悩みくらいあるだろう 目を闭じて现実には 背を向けて あなたがいる世界は あまりにも远くて Ah 壊れそうさ いつも仆の ココロ掴む あなただけが いつでも 头の中 全部占めて Close to you 変わらぬ爱 永远さえ ボクは望んでいるよ いつもいつの日にも 瞬きさえ 忘れるくらい あなただけで いつでも Stop my love 优しいキス ふたりだけの朝を 今日も迎える 瞬间を止めてずっと ==============================中译:虽是转瞬,却无法忘怀 无论何时都只为你 内心被轻易看透 Stop my love 温柔的吻 迎来两人相守的今晨 让时间在这一刻永远停留吧 这空无一人的房间 电视也显得那麼徒然 找寻你一丝一毫的存在 却装做未在寻觅一般 弄错了吗? 我们一定 除了彼此外一无所有 但事实上 谁都不了解真相 不被容许的恋爱的命运 已经这样 不能返回 怎样的时候也再身旁 Close my eyes 如果考虑明天的事 稍微变得不安哟 使之全部忘记 即使谁也会有一个 烦恼左右吧 合上眼现实慢慢转动 你在的世界 十分遥远 Ah 快要破碎掉了 我的心总是被牵动 只有你 无论什麼时候 都会浮现在我全部的脑海中 Close to you 永恒不变的爱 我期盼著哟 无论什麼样的日子也是 虽是转瞬,却无法忘怀 无论何时都只为你 内心被轻易看透 Stop my love 温柔的吻 迎来两人相守的今晨 让时间在这一刻永远停留吧

谁能帮我翻译一下New Kids On The Block 的close to you,这首歌太赞了 超喜欢(拜托英语达人进!!)

因为你没有给出英文歌词,我在这个网页找到的英文歌词不知是不是,翻译是我自己弄的,La, la, la, la...啦啦啦啦La, la, la, la...啦啦啦啦Oh... yeah...噢,耶I know that it"s hard我知道这很困难(I know that it"s hard)我知道这很困难To see me go (To see me go)看着我离开很困难To see me standing看见我站在那里So close to the door如此地接近门I know it"s hard when I"m far away我知道,我离你很远的时候很你难受But I promise you when I get back,但我答应你I"ll stay (I"ll stay)...我会留下来(我会留下来)Close to your hands, close to your legs在你的手边,在你的脚边Close to the way your body fits on the bed和你一起舒服地躺在床上Close to your hips, close to your lips靠近你的唇,靠近你的唇Close to the only one I can"t resist对那个我无法抵挡的人靠得如此近Close to your laugh, close to words你笑的时候,和你一起笑,你说话的时候,细心聆听Giving you everything I know you deserve给你我认为你应该得到的每样东西Close to you, baby,和你靠得近近的,宝贝Close to your world, close to you细心聆听你,和你靠得很近La, la, la, la... La, la, la, la啦啦啦啦,啦啦啦啦Hey... Mmm嘿,唔Baby, turn off that frown宝贝,不要再邹眉头了(Turn off that frown)不要再邹眉头了Wipe off your face (Wipe off that face)擦干你的泪(擦干你的泪)You know I"m weak to it (So weak)你知道,我对这没有抵抗力And you"re making me late而且,你是我就要迟到了Turn off that frown and come over here不要邹眉头了,过来吧(Won"t you come over?)你不过来吗I"m gonna say this like I did before,我将要说这个,就像我之前做的一样,Gonna make it crystal clear, when I"m...把它说得让你完全明白,当我.....Close to your hands, close to your legs当我靠近你的手的时候,靠近你的腿的时候Close to the way your body fits on the bed当我和你一去舒适地躺在床上的时候Close to your hips, close to your lips靠近你的唇,靠近你的唇Close to the only one I can"t resist靠近我所不能抵挡的唯一Close to your laugh, close to words和你一起笑,聆听你的心声Giving you everything I know you deserve给你所有我认为你应该拥有的Close to you, baby,靠近你,亲爱的Close to your world, close to you聆听你,靠近你Now you"re counting down the days,现在你在数着那些日子There"s a picture of your face in my heart在我的心中,有一幅你脸庞的图画Before you know it, I"ll be there在你知道前,我会到达那里Touching you in ways,以不同的方式触摸你So close in all the ways to time apart以不同的方式,直到时间分离So close to you, girl如此靠近你,我的女孩Close to your hands, close to your legs靠近你的手,靠近你的腿Close to the way your body fits on the bed和你一起舒适此躺在床上Close to your hips, close to your lips靠近你的唇,靠近你的唇Close to the only one I can"t resist靠近我唯一不能抵挡的Close to your laugh, close to words和你一起笑,聆听你Giving you everything I know you deserve给你所有我认为你值得拥有的Close to you, baby,靠近你,宝贝Close to your world, close to you聆听你,靠近你

宇多田光的close to you的歌词和翻译,

ねぇ 変わってくものは/我说 有些东西确かにあるけれど/的确是会改变ねぇ 変わらないものも/不过 这里也有些ここにはある事を/不变的东西信じていられるようになったのは/我能够开始这样相信伝えてくれる君がいたから/都是因为有你告诉我谁もいつかたったひとりの/每个人走在人生的路上人に出会うため歩いてく/都是为了遇见那唯一的人仆は君に出会うそのため/相信我也是为了与你相遇歩いてきたんだろう/才一路走到了这里ねぇ これからも同じ/我说 让我们从今以后景色を见て行こう/也一起共赏同样的风景これから先どんな出来事が/无论将来会发生怎样的事情待ち受けていても忘れないで/也千万不要忘记いつでも君のそばにいるよ/我会永远陪在你的身旁他には何も出来ないけど/虽然这是我唯一能做的涙の日も笑颜の日にも/无论在泪水或在欢笑的日子里君のそばにいよう/都让我陪在你身旁谁もいつかたったひとりの/每个人走在人生的路上人に出会うため歩いてく/都是为了遇见那唯一的人いつか生まれ変わったとしても/哪怕有一天我们重新诞生到这世上きっと君を见つけるんだろう/相信我一定还是可以找到你仆は君に出会うそのため/为了与你相遇また歩いてくんだろう/相信我会再次走下去i just wanna be close to youand do all the things you want me toi just wanna be close to youand show you the way i feelok, i"ve realised i"m nothing without you,keeping you close to me is all i want to,stick together like fred and stephy, when everyone was bornyou were always with meyou nevel left me though you knewthere were times i"ve been really good to youyou"ll always be there only girl for me,casue you i"m no longer lonelyyou"re precious like diaments and pearls,ain"t nobody like you, girl, haven"t you heard,that"s the trouth , that i love you much,i fall in love again, we"ll be kiss and touchi pray to god that love will never end,though i do know you haven"t sainti"ll be right there for you, your wish is i canand i"m the one on who you can dependi just wanna be close to youand do all the things you want me toi just wanna be close to youand show you the way i feelyou see you wanna be close to me,and i"m doing everything i can,without you i"m half the meni want to say girlfriend come againthanking god cause you"re so specialthere"s one thing i want you to knowleaving you - i don"t think soi"ll stay with you , you"re my girl, you knowbaby girl you gotta believe wheni say lovin" you is also easyi"m sending you a sms with huggs and many kissestelling you"re the beststill i pray the love will never end althoughi do know you haven"t sainti"ll be right there for you, your wish is i canand i"m the one on who you can dependi just wanna be close to youand do all the things you want me toi just wanna be close to youand show you the way i feeli feel love, when i"m lying in the midnight hour,holding you just like a dream,love is never what it seems, when we touch,and you"re holding me the way you feelboy, you make my dreams come trueyou make my dreams come truei just wanna be close to youand do all the things you want me toi just wanna be close to youand show you the way i feeli just wanna be close to youand do all the things you want me toi just wanna be close to youand show you the way i feelwanna be close to you

谁有莫文蔚的close to you 歌词的中文翻译

Close to you(靠近你) Why do birds suddenly apear everytime you are near 为什么每一次你的出现,鸟儿都会突然涌现? just like me,they long to be close to you 他们都和我一样渴望靠近你; Why do star fall down from the sky everytime you walk by 为什么每一次当你路过,星星会从天空坠落? just like me,they long to be close to you 他们都和我一样渴望靠近你; On the day thay you were born 在你出生的那一天, the angles got together 天使们齐聚一堂, And decided to create a dream come true 他们决定创造一个梦并将这个梦实现, So they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of gold 因此他们用月光装饰你的金发, And starlight in your eyes of blue 用星光装饰你兰色的双眼。 That is why all the girl in town 这就是为什么这里所有的女孩, follow you all around 总是跟在你左右, just like me 和我一样, they long to be close to you 她们渴望靠近你。

Close To You 2007 歌词

歌曲名:Close To You 2007歌手:舞曲专辑:欧美舞曲专辑14shayne ward - close to closeIt"s been a while since I"ve been this wayYou left your mark broken everythingBut don"t stop now take me all the way(Close to close, this close to close)They say love just isn"t worth itI say you gotta put the work inThat way you"ll always gotta get what you give(Close to close, this close to close)You"re this closeSo stay right here and don"t hold backI"m into what you"re doin" do it just like thatIt"s me and you forget the worldJust do what you doin"Because you"re this close to close(Close to close, this close to close)So don"t stop now take my breath awayDon"t let your heart try to play it safePlease, you"re this closeLast time love just wasn"t workingThis time I plan to put the work inThat way I"m always gotta get what I give(Close to close, this close to close)Ohh ohh This closeStay right here and don"t hold backI"m into what you"re doin" do it just like thatIt"s me and you forget the worldJust say what you"re sayin"Cause it"s the best thing that I"ve heardYou don"t know how far you"ve comeLeave your shield it"s overLet"s just get it doneSo stay with me and don"t let goJust do what you"re doingBecause you"re this close to close(Close to close, this close to close)It"s been a while since I"ve been this wayYou left your mark broken everythingBut don"t stop now take me all the wayInto your heart baby don"t stop me fallin"Stay right here and don"t hold back(Don"t hold back)I"m into what you"re doin"Doin" just like thatIt"s me and you forget the world(Me and you, forget the world)Just say what you"re sayin"Cause it"s the best thing that I"ve heardYou don"t know how far you"ve comeLeave your shield it"s overLet"s just get it doneSo stay with me and don"t let goJust do what you"re doin"http://music.baidu.com/song/1451438

陈慧娴 close to you,求歌词及翻译

Why do birds suddenly appear every time you are near   just like me, they long to be close to you.   Why do stars fall down from the sky every time you walk by   just like me, they long to be close to you.   On the day that you were born the angels got together   and decided to create a dream come true   so they sprinkled moon dust in your hair and gold starlight in your eyes of blue.   That is why all the girls in town follow you all around.   just like me, they long to be close to you.   On the day that you were born the angels got together   and decided to create a dream come true   so they sprinkled moon dust in your hair and starlight in your eyes of blue.   That is why all the girls in town follow you all around.   just like me, they long to be close to you.   just like me, they long to be close to you. 为什么鸟儿忽然出现 当你每次出现的时候就像我一样 他们一直渴望著 靠近你为什么群星从天空滑落 当你每次走过的时候就像我一样 他们一直渴望著 靠近你你出生的那天 天使聚在一起决定创造一个可实现的梦所以天使们在你的金发上撒下月光,在你的蓝眼睛里撒下星光这就是为什么镇上的姑娘们都围绕着你 就像我 他们一直渴望着 靠近你

谁有莫文蔚的close to you 歌词的中文翻译

Close to you(靠近你) 莫文蔚Why do birds suddenly apear everytime you are near 为什么每一次你的出现,鸟儿都会突然涌现?just like me,they long to be close to you 他们都和我一样渴望靠近你; Why do star fall down from the sky everytime you walk by 为什么每一次当你路过,星星会从天空坠落?just like me,they long to be close to you 他们都和我一样渴望靠近你; On the day thay you were born 在你出生的那一天,the angles got together 天使们齐聚一堂,And decided to create a dream come true 他们决定创造一个梦并将这个梦实现,So they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of gold 因此他们用月光装饰你的金发,And starlight in your eyes of blue 用星光装饰你兰色的双眼.That is why all the girl in town 这就是为什么这里所有的女孩,follow you all around 总是跟在你左右,just like me 和我一样,they long to be close to you 她们渴望靠近你.

close to you 原唱是谁?哪一年创作的。歌名翻译成中文是什么?

Close to you(靠近你) 莫文蔚唱的,《夕阳天使》 Why do birds suddenly apear everytime you are near 为什么每一次你的出现,鸟儿都会突然涌现? just like me,they long to be close to you 他们都和我一样渴望靠近你; Why do star fall down from the sky everytime you walk by 为什么每一次当你路过,星星会从天空坠落? just like me,they long to be close to you 他们都和我一样渴望靠近你; On the day thay you were born 在你出生的那一天, the angles got together 天使们齐聚一堂, And decided to create a dream come true 他们决定创造一个梦并将这个梦实现, So they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of gold 因此他们用月光装饰你的金发, And starlight in your eyes of blue 用星光装饰你兰色的双眼。 That is why all the girl in town 这就是为什么这里所有的女孩, follow you all around 总是跟在你左右, just like me 和我一样, they long to be close to you 她们渴望靠近你。希望采纳

Close To You (Comme Moi) 歌词

歌曲名:Close To You (Comme Moi)歌手:Franck Pourcel专辑:Dancing In The Sun/And Now...Vanessa Williams-Close To YouI"m all aloneIn my sleepless nightsEven though it"s youPlaying on my mindAll this I"ve tried to hideAll the things I felt insideAnd all my words have been tornI wanna be close to you(Repeat)Tantos versos eu rasgueiTantas vezesquis mudarQuantas làgrimas sequeiSem seu olharTanto tempo eu conteiPor você entao sonheiTantas horas sem um proquêI wanna be close to you(Repeat)Hey ya,ha ha~I wanna be close to you(Repeat)All the things I tried to hideAll the things I felt insideI wanna be close to you(Repeat)http://music.baidu.com/song/2666856

Close To You 歌词

歌曲名:Close To You歌手:Jay DelanoI just wanna be close to youAnd do all the things you want me toI just wanna be close to youAnd show you the way I feelOk, Ive realised Im nothing without you,Keeping you close to me is all i want to,stick together like Fred and Stephy, when everyone was bornyou were always with meYou nevel left me though you knewthere were times Ive been really good to youYoull always be there only girl for me,Casue you Im no longer lonelyYoure precious like diaments and pearls,aint nobody like you, girl, havent you heard,Thats the trouth , that I love you much,I fall in love again, well be kiss and touchI pray to God that love will never end,though I do know you havent saintIll be right there for you, your wish is I canAnd Im the one on who you can dependI just wanna be close to youAnd do all the things you want me toI just wanna be close to youAnd show you the way I feelYou see you wanna be close to me,and Im doing everything I can,without you Im half the menI want to say girlfriend come againThanking God cause youre so specialTheres one thing I want you to knowLeaving you - I dont think soIll stay with you , youre my girl, you knowBaby girl you gotta believe whenI say lovin you is also easyIm sending you a SMS with huggs and many kissestelling youre the bestStill I pray the love will never end althoughI do know you havent saintIll be right there for you, your wish is I canAnd Im the one on who you can dependI just wanna be close to youAnd do all the things you want me toI just wanna be close to youAnd show you the way I feelI feel love, when Im lying in the midnight hour,holding you just like a dream,love is never what it seems, when we touch,and youre holding me the way you feelBoy, you make my dreams come trueyou make my dreams come trueI just wanna be close to youAnd do all the things you want me toI just wanna be close to youAnd show you the way I feelI just wanna be close to youAnd do all the things you want me toI just wanna be close to youAnd show you the way I feelwanna be close to youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14351886

Close To You 歌词

歌曲名:Close To You歌手:Marti Pellow专辑:Marti Pellow Sings The Hits Of Wet Wet Wet And Smile「Close To You」作词∶菅原纱由理作曲∶Sin歌∶菅原纱由理今までの私は强がる事しかできずに余计なプライド 邪魔をする度 心闭ざして独りいたけどあなたと出逢ったあの日から 全てが変わった暗闇の中に 光を灯してくれたね辛い时だって 涙も见せない(あなたの...)そんな强さが 私を勇気づけてくれる『爱してる』の言叶だけじゃ 足りないくらい想っているからこの恋だけは ずっと大切に あなたと育てていきたいよいつまでも どんなときでも あなただけの私でいたいよ何も言わずに手を握って 一绪にいれる それだけでいい窓から差し込む 日差しで目が覚めた朝に横にはいつもの爱しい笑颜 ぎゅっと抱きしめ そっと頬にキスをした外へ飞び出した 何気ないこの日常が“幸せ”と感じる何よりかけがえのない时间甘く冷たい风が吹き始める(Always love you...)寄り添ったぬくもり 优しさに包まれてく季节が変わってゆくように 心も移りゆくけれど私たちの気持ちだけは 変わらないと信じていたいよいつまでも どんなときでも 私だけのあなたでいて欲しいどんなことがあったとしても 支え合い歩いていきたい『爱してる』の言叶だけじゃ 足りないくらい想っているからこの恋だけはずっと大切に あなたと育てていきたいよいつまでもどんなときでも あなただけの私でいたいよ永远に続く限りない想い このとき瞬间を心に刻みたい【 おわり 】http://music.baidu.com/song/8127055

经典英文歌 close to you 的原唱是谁 ?


Close to you 的歌词

Close to you 靠近你 Nobody pays much attention 没人在意 they misuse their time 大家都在虚度时光 Maybe it's better to mention 也许最好提醒一下 moments passing by 时间在流逝 A secret to tell 有一个秘密 I got something they don't have 我拥有一些别人没有的 and baby it's you that is lifting me high 亲爱的是你让我兴奋 I just wanna be close to you 我只想靠近你 'cos I understand 因为我懂得 the strength of your hand 你手掌的力量 oh and love that you put me through 和你让我感受到的爱 you're more than a friend 你不仅仅是朋友 so love me again 所以请再一次爱我 Baby you're full of affection 宝贝你极具影响力 people stop and smile 人们驻足微笑 maybe they see my intention 也许他们看见了我的紧张失措 to make life worthwhile 为了使生活更有价值 A secret to tell 有一个秘密 now there's nothing holding back 现在什么都不能阻止 'cos baby it's you that is making me fly 因为亲爱的你使我感觉像在飞 I just wanna be close to you 我只是想靠近你 'cos I understand 因为我懂得 the strength of your hand 你手掌的力量 oh and love that you put me through 和你让我感受到的爱 you're more than a friend 你不仅仅是朋友 so love me again 所以请再一次爱我 I just wanna be close to you 我只是想靠近你 'cos I understand 因为我懂得 the strength of your hand 你手掌的力量 oh and love that you put me through 和你让我感受到的爱 you're more than a friend 你不仅仅是朋友 A secret to tell 有一个秘密 now there's nothing holding back 现在什么都不能阻止 'cos baby it's you that is making me fly 因为亲爱的你使我感觉像在飞 Oh baby oh yeah 哦 宝贝 哦 呀 love that you put me through 你让我感受到的爱 love that you put me through 你让我感受到的爱 I just wanna be close to you 我只是想靠近你 'cos I understand 因为我懂得 the strength of your hand 你手掌的力量 oh and love that you put me through 和你让我感受到的爱 you're more than a friend 你不仅仅是朋友 so love me again 所以请再一次爱我

Close To You 歌词

歌曲名:Close To You歌手:jose padilla专辑:SouvenirClose To YouCarpengtersWhy do birds suddenly appearEvery time you are nearJust like me, they long to beClose to youWhy do stars fall down from the skyEvery time you walk byJust like me, they long to beClose to youOn the day that you were bornAnd the angels got to getherAnd decided to create a dream come trueSo they sprinkled moon dustIn your hair of goldAnd starlight in your eyes of blueThat is why all the girls in townFollow you all aroundJust like me, they long to beClose to youOn the day that you were bornAnd the angels got to getherAnd decided to create a dream come trueSo they sprinkled moon dustIn your hair of goldAnd starlight in your eyes of blueThat is why all the girls in townFollow you all aroundJust like me, they long to beClose to youJust like me, they long to beClose to youlaaa~Close to youlaaa~Close to youlaaa~Close to youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7555525

谁有莫文蔚的close to you 歌词的中文翻译

Close to you(靠近你)   Why do birds suddenly appear   鸟儿们为何突然出现   Everytime you are near   每一次你靠近时   Just like me   就像我一样   They long to be close to you   它们早就想接近你   Why do stars fall down from the sky   星星为何从天上坠落   Everytime you walk by   每一次当你走来   Just like me   就像我一样   They long to be close to you   它们早就想接近你   On the day that you were born   在你诞生的那一天   The angels got together   天使们聚在一起   And decided to create a dream come true   决定创造出一个成真的美梦   So they sprinkled moondust in your hair of gold   於是,他们在你的金发洒上月尘   and starlight in your eyes of blue   在你的蓝眼珠里洒上星光   That is why all the girls in town   这就是为何城里所有的女孩   Follow you all around   到处都跟随著你   Just like me   就像我一样   They long to be close to you   她们早就想接近你

Close To You歌词

(Verse)I think it"s time we should let it all on the tableYou got my heart running like a car on a cableWe let the world pass us byYou show me a life full of colorWe"ll take a walk outside watching as our words run for cover(Chorus)Maybe it"s the way you get that look in your eyeThe way you captivate me with the hint of your smileI"ve got to be (got to be)Close to youI"ve got to be (got to be)Close to youBabada ba bada dadaBabada ba bada(Verse)I think we know There"s no way to stop what"s in motionBut I don"t mind Feeling such a beautiful emotion(Chorus)Maybe it"s the way you get that look in your eyeThe way you captivate me with the hint of your smileOh, I"ve got to be (got to be)Close to youOh, I"ve got to beClose to youBabada ba dada dadaBabada ba bada(Verse)Doesn"t take a song to sayHow I can"t stand when you"re awayOur world it turns to black and grayWhen you"re nowhere aroundI lose the clarity I"ve found(Chorus)Maybe it"s the way you get that look in your eyeThe way you captivate me with the hint of your smileI"ve got to beClose to youI"ve got to beClose to youBabada ba dada dadaBabada ba badaMaybe it"s the way you get that look in your eyeOh, I"ve got to beClose to youOh, I"ve got to beClose to youThe way you captivate me with the hint of your smileOh, I"ve got to beClose to youOh, I"ve got to beClose to youDadada da dadadada

I just wanna be close to you

Jay Delano 的 Close to you

Close to you的歌词,不是卡朋特的

Close to you》- Jonathan Clay (Verse)I think it"s time we should let it all on the table我想,是时候让我们摊牌了.You got my heart running like a car on a cable你让我的心像一辆在钢索上行驶的汽车一样紧张We let the world pass us by我们把世界抛在后头You show me a life full of color是你让我的生活充满色彩We"ll take a walk outside watching as our words run for cover我们把外出散步视作我们的语言,为了掩饰(Chorus)Maybe it"s the way you get that look in your eye也许这样我才能注视着你的眼镜The way you captivate me with the hint of your smile你微微的一笑就把我迷倒.I"ve got to be (got to be) Colse to you 我已经更靠近你了I"ve got to be (got to be) Close to you我已经更靠近你了Babada ba bada dadaBabada ba bada (Verse)I think we know 我想,我们知道There"s no way to stop what"s in motion没有什么办法阻止我们情感的涌动.But I don"t mind 不过我并不介意.Feeling such a beautiful emotion用心去体会这种美好的情感.(Chorus)Maybe it"s the way you get that look in your eye也许这样我才能注视着你的眼镜The way you captivate me with the hint of your smile你微微的一笑就把迷倒.Oh, I"ve got to be (got to be)Close to you我已经更靠近你了Oh, I"ve got to beClose to you我已经更靠近你了 Babada ba dada dadaBabada ba bada (Verse)Doesn"t take a song to say请不要拿这首歌来说事How I can"t stand when you"re away当你不在我身边的时候,我是如此的难以忍受Our world it turns to black and gray我们的世界开始灰暗下来When you"re nowhere around当你在我身边的时候.I lose the clarity I"ve found我开始变得头脑不清楚(Chorus)Maybe it"s the way you get that look in your eye也许这样我才能注视着你的眼镜The way you captivate me with the hint of your smile你微微的一笑就把我迷倒.I"ve got to beClose to you我已经更靠近你了I"ve got to beClose to you我已经更靠近你了Babada ba dada dadaBabada ba bada Maybe it"s the way you get that look in your eye也许这样我才能注视着你的眼镜Oh, I"ve got to beClose to youOh, I"ve got to beClose to youThe way you captivate me with the hint of your smile你微微的一笑就把我迷倒.Oh, I"ve got to beClose to youOh, I"ve got to beClose to you Dadada da dadadada

can i be close to you 是一首英文歌的一句歌词。高潮的一句。请问这是哪首歌?

男声还是女声? 如果是吉他男声 那这首歌就叫 can i be close to you http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTE4MDI3MDI0.html

close to you 歌词中文翻译!

Why do birds suddenly appearEvery time you are nearJust like me, they long to beClose to youWhy do stars fall down from the skyEvery time you walk byJust like me, they long to beClose to youOn the day that you were bornAnd the angels got to getherAnd decided to create a dream come trueSo they sprinkled moon dustIn your hair of goldAnd starlight in your eyes of blueThat is why all the girls in townFollow you all aroundJust like me, they long to beClose to you③②①On the day that you were bornAnd the angels got to getherAnd decided to create a dream come trueSo they sprinkled moon dustIn your hair of goldAnd starlight in your eyes of blueThat is why all the girls in townFollow you all aroundJust like me, they long to beClose to youJust like me, they long to beClose to you...为什么鸟儿突然出现 每当你靠近 我一样,他们渴望 你身边 为什么星级摔倒从天空 每次你走了 我一样,他们渴望 你身边 当日,你出生 和天使得gether 并决定建立一个梦想成真 因此,他们散布月球尘埃 在你的头发的黄金 和星光在你的眼睛是蓝色 这就是为什么所有的女孩在城里 跟着你周围 我一样,他们渴望 你身边 当日,你出生 和天使得gether 并决定建立一个梦想成真 因此,他们散布月球尘埃 在你的头发的黄金 和星光在你的眼睛是蓝色 这就是为什么所有的女孩在城里 跟着你周围 我一样,他们渴望 你身边 我一样,他们渴望 你身边? ...

卡朋特的close to You中文歌词!!!

Why do birds suddenly appear 为什么鸟儿忽然出现了 Every time you are near 每一次当你靠近的时候 Just like me, they long to be 就像我一样,它们一直盼望着 Close to you 能够靠近你 Why do stars fall down from the sky 为什么星星从天空掉落下来 Every time you walk by 每一次当你走过的时候 Just like me, they long to be 就像我一样,它们一直盼望着 Close to you 能够靠近你 On the day that you were born 在你出生的那天 And the angels got to gether 天使聚集在一起 And decided to create a dream come true 决定创造一个成真的美梦 So they sprinkled moon dust 所以他们喷洒月亮的尘埃 In your hair of gold 在你金色的头发上 And starlight in your eyes of blue 散布星辰的光芒在你蓝色的眼睛里 That is why all the girls in town 这就是为什么镇上所有的女孩 Follow you all around 都环绕着你 Just like me, they long to be 就像我一样,她们一直盼望着 Close to you 能够靠近你 On the day that you were born 在你出生的那天 And the angels got to gether 天使聚集在一起 And decided to create a dream come true 决定创造一个成真的美梦 So they sprinkled moon dust 所以他们喷洒月亮的尘埃 In your hair of gold 在你金色的头发上 And starlight in your eyes of blue 散布星辰的光芒在你蓝色的眼睛里 That is why all the girls in town 这就是为什么镇上所有的女孩 Follow you all around 都环绕着你 Just like me, they long to be 就像我一样,她们一直盼望着 Close to you 能够靠近你 Just like me, they long to be 就像我一样,她们一直盼望着 Close to you 能够靠近你

Close To You 歌词

歌曲名:Close To You歌手:Maxi Priest专辑:Top of the Pops 1990Maxi Priest - Close To Youlyric edit by huayilShe was a Jezabel, this Brixton queenLiving her life like a backstreet dreamTelling me lies when the truth was clearI think she knew what I wanted to hearSpinning me round like a wheel on fireWalking a tightrope on love"s highwireFatal attraction is where I"m atThere"s no escape for meI just wanna be close to youAnd do all the things you want me toI just wanna be close to youAnd show you the way I feelI feel love when I"m lying in the midnight hourHolding you just like a dreamLove is never what it seemsWhen we touch, and you"re holding me the way you doGirl you make my dreams come trueYou make my dreams come trueI just wanna be close to youAnd do all the things you want me toI just wanna be close to youAnd show you the way I feelShe was a Gemini on the cusp of MarsShe holds me back or she goes too farWinding me up just to let me downSo emotionally gagged and boundThere was more to this than meets the eyeA devil woman locked insideWith the full moon rising I was scaredI think I was possessedI just wanna be close to youAnd do all the things you want me toI just wanna be close to youAnd show you the way I feelI feel love everytime your body"s next to mineSomething deep inside of meWants to love you endlesslyWhen we touch girl, you don"t know how it makes me feelI just can"t believe it"s realI just can"t believe it"s realI just wanna be close to youAnd do all the things you want me toI just wanna be close to youAnd show you the way I feelShe had an attitude I can"t explainYou never know if you"re in the frameTying me up with elastic wordsI"m on a countdown till I get hurtHer blood was shot and she burned so brightA neon sign there in the nightIt"s hard to say if I went too farMy heart still bears the scarsI just wanna be close to youI just wanna be close to youShe was a Jezabel, this Brixton queenLiving her life like a backstreet dreamTelling me lies when the truth was clearI think she knew what I wanted to hearSpinning me round like a wheel on fireWalking a tightrope on love"s highwireFatal attraction is where I"m atThere"s no escape for meI wanna be close to youAnd do all the things you want me toI just wanna be close to you (I just wanna be close to you baby)And show you the way I feelI just wanna be close to youAnd do all the things you want me toI just wanna be close to youAnd show you the way I feelhttp://music.baidu.com/song/59388176

Close To You 歌词

歌曲名:Close To You歌手:群星专辑:70"s Karaoke ClassicsIna - Close to youI just wanna be close to youAnd do all the things you want me toI just wanna be close to youAnd show you the way I feelOk, I"ve realised I"m nothing without you,Keeping you close to me is all i want to,stick together like Fred and Stephy, when everyone was bornyou were always with meYou nevel left me though you knewthere were times I"ve been really good to youYou"ll always be there only girl for me,Casue you I"m no longer lonelyYou"re precious like diaments and pearls,ain"t nobody like you, girl, haven"t you heard,That"s the trouth , that I love you much,I fall in love again, we"ll be kiss and touchI pray to God that love will never end,though I do know you haven"t saintI"ll be right there for you, your wish is I canAnd I"m the one on who you can dependI just wanna be close to youAnd do all the things you want me toI just wanna be close to youAnd show you the way I feelYou see you wanna be close to me,and I"m doing everything I can,without you I"m half the menI want to say girlfriend come againThanking God cause you"re so specialThere"s one thing I want you to knowLeaving you - I don"t think soI"ll stay with you , you"re my girl, you knowBaby girl you gotta believe whenI say lovin" you is also easyI"m sending you a SMS with huggs and many kissestelling you"re the bestStill I pray the love will never end althoughI do know you haven"t saintI"ll be right there for you, your wish is I canAnd I"m the one on who you can dependI just wanna be close to youAnd do all the things you want me toI just wanna be close to youAnd show you the way I feelI feel love, when I"m lying in the midnight hour,holding you just like a dream,love is never what it seems, when we touch,and you"re holding me the way you feelBoy, you make my dreams come trueyou make my dreams come trueI just wanna be close to youAnd do all the things you want me toI just wanna be close to youAnd show you the way I feelI just wanna be close to youAnd do all the things you want me toI just wanna be close to youAnd show you the way I feelwanna be close to you----End----北京采摘在线Cncaizhaihttp://music.baidu.com/song/16293554

close to you歌词


求清水翔太close to you歌词的中文翻译

Close to you作词∶润作曲:润歌∶ALvinoClose to you 重要的事情,将它们铭刻于心中在你身边闪耀着的坚强的心只有一个把不安隐藏起来 一直伪装着外表不管是谁的劝告都不听 故作坚强一次又一次地 重复着这样的生活但我的心 已尖叫到快要坏掉的地步那样的事情还是尽早丢弃吧 向着明天前进就好了Close to you 既然正在寻找着自己的特色那就把已经决定了的事情坚持到最后就好Close to you 重要的事情,将它们铭刻于心中在你身边闪耀着的坚强的心只有一个自己的事平时都不去在意遇到问题时笑笑了事暗自逞强每一天每一天 谁在寻求着帮助我只是关上自己内心的门后悔的事还是尽早舍弃吧 向着未来前进就好了Close to you 如果想比昨天更加光芒闪耀只需要一直做自己能做到的事就好Close to you 只有现在,凝视着这唯一的瞬间你最强烈的愿望将会发出强烈的光芒Close to you 虽然是很重要的人只要毫不动摇地带着羁绊一起走下去就好Close to you 如果能够勇敢地相信自己那悄悄埋下的种子就会开出美丽的花Close to you 既然正在寻找着自己的特色那就把已经决定了的事情坚持到最后就好Close to you 重要的事情,将它们铭刻于心中在你身边闪耀着的坚强的心只有一个

close to you 清水翔太 假名歌词

楼上打错好多 我又重新打了一遍 「じゃあね。」 もうすぐ今日(きょう)という1日(いちにち)が终(お)わる ずっと考(かんが)えていた 君(きみ)の“幸(しあわ)せ”ばかり いつ君と会(あ)えなくなるかわからない だけど、迷(まよ)ったりしないで 大切(たいせつ)なことは 君がいること 谛(あきら)めてた梦(ゆめ)も辉(かがや)きだす 大切なことは 侧(そば)にいること 分(わ)け合(あ)える痛(いた)みもある Close To You... 正午(しょうご)のにわか雨(あめ) まるで2人(ふたり)のココロ どうして 本当(ほんと)の気持(きも)ち 言(い)わずに求(もと)め合(あ)うんだろう もし君に叶(かな)えたい梦があるなら 君も迷ったりしないで 大切なことは 空(そら)があること 君がいつでも羽(は)ばたけるような 大切なことは 言叶(ことば)じゃなくて 分(わ)け合った时间(じかん)の数(かず) Close To You... いつ君(きみ)と会(あ)えなくなるかわからない だけど、またすぐに会(あ)える 大切(たいせつ)なことは 君がいること 胸(むね)の奥(おく)でずっと 辉(かげや)いて 大切なことは 侧にいること 离(はな)れてても同(おな)じ Close To You... 大切なことは 空があること 君がいつでも羽ばたけるような 大切なことは 言叶じゃないよ 仆达(ぼくたち)は知(し)っている Close To You..

谁知道这个歌词?close to you

close to you (中英文对照)词:hal david 曲:burt bacharachwhy do birds suddenly appear 为何每次你靠近的时候every time you are near 鸟儿就突然飞翔而来just like me, they long to be 他们就像我一样close to you 也渴望能靠近你why do stars fall down from the sky 为何每次你经过的时候every time you walk by 星星就自天空坠落just like me, they long to be 他们就像我一样close to you 也渴望能靠近你on the day that you were born 你出生的那一天and the angels got to gether 天使们齐聚and decided to create a dream come true 决定让美梦成真so they sprinkled moon dust 他们将月亮的尘埃in your hair of gold 洒落在你的金发and starlight in your eyes of blue 而你的甚蓝双眼里有星光的闪烁that is why all the girls in town 所以城里的所有女孩follow you all around 都想要追随在你身旁just like me, they long to be 他们就像我一样close to you 也渴望能靠近你on the day that you were born 你出生的那一天and the angels got to gether 天使们齐聚and decided to create a dream come true 决定让美梦成真so they sprinkled moon dust 他们将月亮的尘埃in your hair of gold 洒落在你的金发and starlight in your eyes of blue 而你的甚蓝双眼里有星光的闪烁that is why all the girls in town 所以城里的所有女孩follow you all around 都想要追随在你身旁just like me, they long to be 他们就像我一样close to you 也渴望能靠近你just like me, they long to be 他们就像我一样close to you 也渴望能与你贴近

Close To You --JLS 英汉歌词

London, paris, tokyo Thinking of you wherever I go When I close my eyes, you"re by my side A thousand miles can"t keep us apart Your tender words serenade my heart And you keep me smiling, perfect timing I wish that you were here with me tonight See I"ve traveled around the world now And I"ve seen so many beautiful girls now (girls now) But somehow no one ever comes close to you You know I"ve been to many different places And I"ve seen so many pretty faces (faces) But baby no one ever comes close to you Close to you, close to you Planes and trains through sudden rain Another hotel, another day breaks And I"m on my way I called to say I wish that you were here with me tonight See I"ve traveled around the world now And I"ve seen so many beautiful girls now (girls now) But somehow no one ever comes close to you You know I"ve been to many different places And I"ve seen so many pretty faces (faces) But baby no one ever comes close to you Close to you, close to you And it feels like you are always with me On these lone nights, in another lonely city You are right here, right now Cos in my mind i never left at all Never left at all (oh) See I"ve traveled around the world now And I"ve seen so many beautiful girls now (girls now) But somehow no one ever comes close to you You know I"ve been to many different places And I"ve seen so many pretty faces (faces) But baby no one ever comes close to you See I"ve traveled around the world now And I"ve seen so many beautiful girls now (london, paris, tokyo) But somehow no one ever comes close to you You know I"ve been to many different places And I"ve seen so many pretty faces (faces) But baby no one ever comes close to you Close to you, close to you Can you hear me, can you hear me Can you hear me, baby

求:《close to you》 carpenters 320KPS或者无损的


《close to you》这首歌在哪部电影出现过


《夕阳天使》中的插曲:close to you是谁唱的?

Close to you-Whigfield 意大利舞曲天后 - Whigfield 薇格菲尔 真名 Sannie Charlotte Carlson ,现年32岁,出生于丹麦,在意大利发展她的音乐事业,现在生活在西班牙。“Whigfield”这个名字是她为了向她的钢琴老师Whigfield先生致敬而取的。 原始版本《Close to you》出自她1995年7月12日的同名专辑,混音舞曲版出自1996年5月6日的混音舞曲专辑《Megamixes》,完整名称为《Close to you (Down Town Remix)》 CLOSE TO YOU (Whigfield) Nobody pays Much attention They misuse their time Maybe it better to mention Moments passing by A secret to tell I got something They don"t have And baby it"s you that Is lifting me high I just wanna be close to you "Cos I understand The strength of your hand Oh and love that you Put me through You"re more than a friend So love me again Baby you"re full of affection People stop and smile Maybe they see my intention To make life worthwhile A secret to tell Now there"s nothing Holding back "Cos baby it"s you that Is making me fly I just wanna be close to you "Cos I understand The strength of your hand Oh and love that you Put me through You"re more than a friend So love me again I just wanna be close to you "Cos I understand The strength of your hand Oh and love that you Put me through You"re more than a friend A secret to tell Now there"s nothing Holding back "Cos baby it"s you that Is making me fly Oh baby oh yeah Love that you put me through Love that you put me through 下载地址: http://music.xiaoxiong.net/mp3/Whigfield.mp3

英文歌歌词有一句 Can I be close to you

就是Can I be close to you吧····

Close To You的乐队简介

1969年卡朋特兄妹正式以“Carpenters”为名推出了他们的首张专辑《Offering》,其中一首Beatles的老歌“Ticket to Ride”在经过他们的翻唱之后大受欢迎,也因此打开了他们的知名度,各地的电台也纷纷播出了这个全新版本的Ticket to Ride。作曲大师巴特·巴拉克(Burt Bacharach),也通过电台广播认识了这两位新人,非常欣赏他们的独特演绎,他找到了唱片公司的另一位老板杰瑞·莫斯(Jerry Moss)要求想办法安排“Carpenters”为他在一家医院的慈善义演中献声暖场,还希望理查德能大胆改编一些他自己创作的乐曲做成一首联奏。对于这个千载难逢的好机会,当然是求之不得的。这时候,老板阿尔伯特找到了理查德,建议他可以试试巴拉克发表于63年的一首“They Long To Be Close To You”,理查德当然不会拒绝这样的好事。1970年6月,“Carpenters”的第二张专辑“Close To You”上市发行,没过几个星期主打单曲“Close To You”就登上了排行榜的冠军宝座,还蝉联了四个星期。鉴于在这张专辑中的突出表现,卡朋特兄妹获得了该年度格莱美“最佳新人”和“最佳流行合唱团体”两项大奖。但是the Carpenters也不是这首歌的原唱,Dionne Warwick和Dusty Springfield,都演唱过这首歌,但始终没有走红。Richard舒缓的改编突出了温暖的小号独奏和柔润的加利福尼亚式和声的渲染。原作者Burt Bacharach说:“我认为理查德真正抓住了这首歌的精华。”参考:the Carpenters作品介绍之(2)——(They long to be)Close To You时代为卡朋特创造了机会,就象十九世纪的美国需要秀兰.邓波尔一样,七十年代的美国将卡朋特捧为了英雄。就在人们里和街道上的毫不间歇的骚乱暴动,经历着史上最大一次代沟问题,而陷入无助和绝望的时候,这对来自Downey小镇的,歌声醇美,轮廓鲜明,总爱唱着爱情歌曲的兄妹便成了救世主,一时间,所有的父母和孩子都开始聆听同一首歌“why do birds,suddenly appear,everytime you are near....”卡朋特用《close to you》搭起了两代人之间的桥梁,歌声里跃动着他们热爱生命的心。

英文歌close to you 是哪个外国人唱的

backstreet boys

Close To You 歌词

歌曲名:Close To You歌手:JLS专辑:JlsJLS - Close To YouMaximal RnB - Your first RnB source!London, paris, tokyoThinking of you wherever I goWhen I close my eyes, you"re by my sideA thousand miles can"t keep us apartYour tender words serenade my heartAnd you keep me smiling, perfect timingI wish that you were here with me tonightSee I"ve traveled around the world nowAnd I"ve seen so many beautiful girls now (girls now)But somehow no one ever comes close to youYou know I"ve been to many different placesAnd I"ve seen so many pretty faces (faces)But baby no one ever comes close to youClose to you, close to youPlanes and trains through sudden rainAnother hotel, another day breaksAnd I"m on my wayI called to sayI wish that you were here with me tonightAnd it feels like you are always with meOn these lone nights, in another lonely cityYou are right here, right nowCos in my mind i never left at allNever left at all (oh)See I"ve traveled around the world nowAnd I"ve seen so many beautiful girls now (girls now)But somehow no one ever comes close to youYou know I"ve been to many different placesAnd I"ve seen so many pretty faces (faces)But baby no one ever comes close to youSee I"ve traveled around the world nowAnd I"ve seen so many beautiful girls now(london, paris, tokyo)But somehow no one ever comes close to youYou know I"ve been to many different placesAnd I"ve seen so many pretty faces (faces)But baby no one ever comes close to youClose to you, close to youCan you hear me, can you hear meCan you hear me, babyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/528422

我想问问《close to you》这首歌曲的中文翻译的歌词

close to you 莫文蔚 为什么对鸟突然出现在你是近象我时候, 长期他们是紧挨 你为什么星跌倒从天空在你行走象我时候, 长期他们是紧挨你在天 你出生天使聚会并且决定创造梦想来如此他们洒月亮尘土在你金子 和starlight 的头发在是蓝色的你的眼睛为什么所有女孩在镇里跟 随你所有环绕象我, 长期长期他们是紧挨你象我, 他们是紧挨你

关于卡朋特的 close to you 的英文介绍。

百度百科卡朋特兄妹——Close To You   简介   原唱:卡朋特兄妹  卡朋特兄妹是一对欧美兄妹组合,是上世纪70年代家喻户晓的乐团。他们共演唱500余首歌曲,几乎都是自己做词作曲。在全世界各地开过许多演唱会。主唱妹妹卡伦卡朋特(1950---1983),伴唱,演奏:理查德卡朋特(1946---)他们的成名曲之一,另一首则是yesterday once more(昨日重现)。这两首歌受到很多明星的称赞,可惜年轻的卡伦过早的因为种种原因离世于1983年2月4日,年仅33岁,卡朋特兄妹从此解散,也是一大遗憾……   歌曲歌词    歌词:  Why do birds suddenly appear   为什么鸟儿忽然出现了   Every time you are near   每一次当你靠近的时候   Just like me, they long to be   就像我一样,它们一直盼望着   Close to you   能够靠近你   Why do stars fall down from the sky   为什么星星从天空掉落下来   Every time you walk by   每一次当你走过的时候   Just like me, they long to be   就像我一样,它们一直盼望着   Close to you   能够靠近你   On the day that you were born   在你出生的那天   And the angels got together   天使聚集在一起   And decided to create a dream come true   决定创造一个成真的美梦   So they sprinkled moon dust   所以他们喷洒月亮的尘埃   In your hair of gold   在你金色的头发上   And starlight in your eyes of blue   散布星辰的光芒在你蓝色的眼睛里   That is why all the girls in town   这就是为什么镇上所有的女孩们   Follow you all around   都环绕着你   Just like me, they long to be   就像我一样,她们一直盼望着   Close to you   能够靠近你   On the day that you were born   在你出生的那天   And the angels got to gether   天使聚集在一起   And decided to create a dream come true   决定创造一个成真的美梦   So they sprinkled moon dust   所以他们喷洒月亮的尘埃   In your hair of gold   在你金色的头发上   And starlight in your eyes of blue   散布星辰的光芒在你蓝色的眼睛里   That is why all the girls in town   这就是为什么镇上所有的女孩   Follow you all around   都环绕着你   Just like me, they long to be   就像我一样,她们一直盼望着   Close to you   能够靠近你   Just like me, they long to be   就像我一样,她们一直盼望着   Close to you   能够靠近你 </B>  close to you的创作背景   乐队简介  1969年卡朋特兄妹正式以“Carpenters”为名推出了他们的首张专辑《Offering》,其中一首Beatles的老歌“Ticket to Ride”在经过他们的翻唱之后大受欢迎,也因此打开了他们的知名度,各地的电台也纷纷播出了这个全新版本的Ticket to Ride。作曲大师巴特61巴拉克(Burt Bacharach),也通过电台广播认识了这两位新人,非常欣赏他们的独特演绎,他找到了唱片公司的另一位老板杰瑞61莫斯(Jerry Moss)要求想办法安排“Carpenters”为他在一家医院的慈善义演中献声暖场,还希望理查德能大胆改编一些他自己创作的乐曲做成一首联奏。   对于这个千载难逢的好机会,卡朋特兄妹当然是求之不得的。这时候,老板阿尔伯特找到了理查德,建议他可以试试巴拉克发表于63年的一首“They Long To Be Close To You”,理查德当然不会拒绝这样的好事。1970年6月,“Carpenters”的第二张专辑“Close To You”上市发行,没过几个星期主打单曲“Close To You”就登上了排行榜的冠军宝座,还蝉联了四个星期。鉴于在这张专辑中的突出表现,卡朋特兄妹获得了该年度格莱美“最佳新人”和“最佳流行合唱团体”两项大奖。 </B>  但是the Carpenters也不是这首歌的原唱,Dionne Warwick和Dusty Springfield,都演唱过这首歌,但始终没有走红。Richard舒缓的改编突出了温暖的小号独奏和柔润的加利福尼亚式和声的渲染。原作者Burt Bacharach说:“我认为理查德真正抓住了这首歌的精华。”   参考:the Carpenters作品介绍之(2)——(They long to be)Close To You </B>  时代为卡朋特创造了机会,就象十九世纪的美国需要秀兰.邓波尔一样,六十年代的美国将卡朋特捧为了英雄。就在人们里和街道上的毫不间歇的骚乱暴动,经历着史上最大一次代沟问题,而陷入无助和绝望的时候,这对来自Downey小镇的,歌声醇美,轮廓鲜明,总爱唱着爱情歌曲的兄妹便成了救世主,一时间,所有的父母和孩子都开始聆听同一首歌“why do birds,suddenly appear,everytime you are near....”卡朋特用《close to you》搭起了两代人之间的桥梁,歌声里跃动着他们热爱生命的心。

close to you 是不是向你靠近的意思?


Close To You 歌词

歌曲名:Close To You歌手:Noon专辑:爵士女伶第三篇 Best Audiophile Voices III《Close To You》Sung By "Noon"Why do birds suddenly appearEvery time you are near?Just like me, they long to beClose to you.Why do stars fall down from the skyEvery time you walk by?Just like me, they long to beClose to you.On the day that you were bornThe angels got togetherAnd decided to create a dream come trueSo they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of goldAnd starlight in your eyes of blue.That is why all the girls in townFollow you all around.Just like me, they long to beClose to you.On the day that you were bornThe angels got togetherAnd decided to create a dream come trueSo they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of goldAnd starlight in your eyes of blue.That is why all the girls in townFollow you all around.Just like me, they long to beClose to you.Just like me (Just like me)They long to beClose to you.Wahhhhhhhhhhh, close to you.Wahhhhhhhhhhh, close to you.Hahhhhhhhhhhh, close to you.Lahhhhhhhhhhh, close to you.http://music.baidu.com/song/18603391

close to you 歌词中文翻译!

why do birds suddenly appear everytime you are near 为什么鸟儿忽然出现 当你每次出现的时候just like me they long to be close to you 就像我一样 他们一直渴望著 靠近你why do stars fall down from the sky everytime you walk by 为什么群星从天空滑落 当你每次走过的时候just like me they long to be close to you 就像我一样 他们一直渴望著 靠近你on the day that you were born the angels got togther 你出生的那天 天使聚在一起and decided to creat a dream come true 决定创造一个可实现的梦so they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of gold所以天使们在你的金发上撒下月光,and starlight in your eyes of blue 在你的蓝眼睛里撒下星光that is why all the girls in town 这就是为什么镇上的姑娘们follow you all around just like me they long to be close to you都围绕着你 就像我 他们一直渴望着 靠近你 下面就是重复部分了 相信你就知道了今天刚好看了这部电影 被姐妹情深深地感动着也感叹于“一个人最痛苦的事情,就是等待不会实现的事情”的伤感,但这是一首浪漫唯美的音乐 我很高兴遇到这个问题


Carpenters 《Close To You》Sung By "Carpenters"Why do birds suddenly appearEvery time you are near?Just like me, they long to beClose to you.Why do stars fall down from the skyEvery time you walk by?Just like me, they long to beClose to you.On the day that you were bornThe angels got togetherAnd decided to create a dream come trueSo they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of goldAnd starlight in your eyes of blue.That is why all the girls in townFollow you all around.Just like me, they long to beClose to you.On the day that you were bornThe angels got togetherAnd decided to create a dream come trueSo they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of goldAnd starlight in your eyes of blue.That is why all the girls in townFollow you all around.Just like me, they long to beClose to you.Just like me (Just like me)They long to beClose to you.Wahhhhhhhhhhh, close to you.Wahhhhhhhhhhh, close to you.Hahhhhhhhhhhh, close to you.Lahhhhhhhhhhh, close to you.

close to you歌词

I just wanna be close to you And do all the things you want me to I just wanna be close to you And show you the way I feel Ok, I39;ve realised I39;m nothing without you, Keeping you close to me is all i want to, stick together like Fred and Stephy, when everyone was born you were always with me You nevel left me though you knew there were times I39;ve been really good to you You39;ll always be there only girl for me, Casue you I39;m no longer lonely You39;re precious like diaments and pearls, ain39;t nobody like you, girl, haven39;t you heard, That39;s the trouth , that I love you much, I fall in love again, we39;ll be kiss and touch I pray to God that love will never end, though I do know you haven39;t saint I39;ll be right there for you, your wish is I can And I39;m the one on who you can depend I just wanna be close to you And do all the things you want me to I just wanna be close to you And show you the way I feel You see you wanna be close to me, and I39;m doing everything I can, without you I39;m half the men I want to say girlfriend come again Thanking God cause you39;re so special There39;s one thing I want you to know Leaving you - I don39;t think so I39;ll stay with you , you39;re my girl, you know Baby girl you gotta believe when I say lovin39; you is also easy I39;m sending you a SMS with huggs and many kisses telling you39;re the best Still I pray the love will never end although I do know you haven39;t saint I39;ll be right there for you, your wish is I can And I39;m the one on who you can depend I just wanna be close to you And do all the things you want me to I just wanna be close to you And show you the way I feel I just wanna be close to you And do all the things you want me to I just wanna be close to you And show you the way I feel I feel love, when I39;m lying in the midnight hour, holding you just like a dream, love is never what it seems, when we touch, and you39;re holding me the way you feel Boy, you make my dreams come true you make my dreams come true I just wanna be close to you And do all the things you want me to I just wanna be close to you And show you the way I feel

请问《close to you》这首歌曲的歌词翻译成中文

close to you 莫文蔚 为什么对鸟突然出现在你是近象我时候, 长期他们是紧挨 你为什么星跌倒从天空在你行走象我时候, 长期他们是紧挨你在天 你出生天使聚会并且决定创造梦想来如此他们洒月亮尘土在你金子 和starlight 的头发在是蓝色的你的眼睛为什么所有女孩在镇里跟 随你所有环绕象我, 长期长期他们是紧挨你象我, 他们是紧挨你

Close To You(卡朋特兄妹演唱歌曲)详细资料大全

《Close To You》是卡朋特兄妹演唱的一首歌曲,收录于专辑《Yesterday Once More》中。 基本介绍 中文名称 :靠近你 外文名称 :Close To You 所属专辑 :Yesterday Once More 歌曲时长 :03:41 发行时间 :1973年5月16 发行 歌曲语言 :英语 演唱者 :The Carpenters 演唱者简介,歌曲歌词,乐队简介, 演唱者简介 原唱: 卡朋特兄妹 卡朋特兄妹是一对欧美兄妹组合,是上世纪70年代家喻户晓的乐团。他们共演唱500余首歌曲,几乎都是自己做词作曲。在全世界各地开过许多演唱会。主唱妹妹卡伦卡朋特(1950---1983),伴唱,演奏:理察卡朋特(1946---)close to you是他们的成名曲之一,另一首则是yesterday once more(昨日重现)。这两首歌受到很多明星的称赞。除此之外,还有许多经典的歌曲:Jambalaya、 of the world等等。可惜年轻的卡伦过早的因为神经性厌食症离世于1983年2月4日,年仅33岁,卡朋特兄妹从此解散,也是一大遗憾…… 翻唱: 莫文蔚、陈慧娴 歌曲歌词 歌词: Why do birds suddenly appear 为什么鸟儿忽然出现 Every time you are near 每一次你靠近时 Just like me, they long to be 就像我一样,它们一直盼望着 Close to you 靠近你 Why do stars fall down from the sky 为什么星星从夜空坠落 Every time you walk by 每一次你走过时 Just like me, they long to be 就像我一样,它们一直盼望着 Close to you 靠近你 On the day that you were born 你出生的那一天 The angels got together 天使们聚集在一起 And decided to create a dream come true 决定创造一个成真的美梦 So they sprinkled moon dust 所以他们喷洒月亮的纤尘 In your hair of gold 于你金色的头发上 And starlight in your eyes of blue 于你澈蓝的眼眸中 点缀了星辉 That is why all the girls in town 这就是为什么镇上所有的女孩 Follow you all around 都环绕着你 Just like me, they long to be 就像我一样,她们一直盼望着 Close to you 靠近你 On the day that you were born 在你出生的那一天 The angels got together 天使们聚集在一起 And decided to create a dream come true 决定创造一个成真的美梦 So they sprinkled moon dust 所以他们喷洒月亮的纤尘 In your hair of gold 于你金色的头发上 And starlight in your eyes of blue 于你澈蓝的眼眸中 点缀了星辉 That is why all the girls in town 这就是为什么镇上所有的女孩 Follow you all around 都环绕着你 Just like me, they long to be 就像我一样,她们一直盼望着 Close to you 靠近你 Just like me, they long to be 就像我一样,她们一直盼望着 Close to you 靠近你 乐队简介 1969年卡朋特兄妹正式以“Carpenters”为名推出了他们的首张专辑《Offering》,其中一首Beatles的老歌“Ticket to Ride”在经过他们的翻唱之后大受欢迎,也因此打开了他们的知名度,各地的电台也纷纷播出了这个全新版本的Ticket to Ride。作曲大师巴特·巴拉克(Burt Bacharach),也通过电台广播认识了这两位新人,非常欣赏他们的独特演绎,他找到了唱片公司的另一位老板杰瑞·莫斯(Jerry Moss)要求想办法安排“Carpenters”为他在一家医院的慈善义演中献声暖场,还希望理察能大胆改编一些他自己创作的乐曲做成一首联奏。 对于这个千载难逢的好机会,当然是求之不得的。这时候,老板阿尔伯特找到了理察,建议他可以试试巴拉克发表于63年的一首“They Long To Be Close To You”,理察当然不会拒绝这样的好事。1970年6月,“Carpenters”的第二张专辑“Close To You”上市发行,没过几个星期主打单曲“Close To You”就登上了排行榜的冠军宝座,还蝉联了四个星期。鉴于在这张专辑中的突出表现,卡朋特兄妹获得了该年度格莱美“最佳新人”和“最佳流行合唱团体”两项大奖。 但是the Carpenters也不是这首歌的原唱,Dionne Warwick和Dusty Springfield,都演唱过这首歌,但始终没有走红。Richard舒缓的改编突出了温暖的小号独奏和柔润的加利福尼亚式和声的渲染。原作者Burt Bacharach说:“我认为理察真正抓住了这首歌的精华。” 参考:the Carpenters作品介绍之(2)——(They long to be)Close To You 时代为卡朋特创造了机会,就象十九世纪的美国需要秀兰.邓波尔一样,七十年代的美国将卡朋特捧为了英雄。就在人们里和街道上的毫不间歇的骚乱暴动,经历著史上最大一次代沟问题,而陷入无助和绝望的时候,这对来自Downey小镇的,歌声醇美,轮廓鲜明,总爱唱着爱情歌曲的兄妹便成了救世主,一时间,所有的父母和孩子都开始聆听同一首歌“why do birds,suddenly appear,everytime you are near....”卡朋特用《close to you》搭起了两代人之间的桥梁,歌声里跃动着他们热爱生命的心。

close to you歌词+翻译

Close to you》- Jonathan Clay (Verse) I think it"s time we should let it all on the table 我想,是时候让我们摊牌了. You got my heart running like a car on a cable 你让我的心像一辆在钢索上行驶的汽车一样紧张 We let the world pass us by 我们把世界抛在后头 You show me a life full of color 是你让我的生活充满色彩 We"ll take a walk outside watching as our words run for cover 我们把外出散步视作我们的语言,为了掩饰 (Chorus) Maybe it"s the way you get that look in your eye 也许这样我才能注视着你的眼镜 The way you captivate me with the hint of your smile 你微微的一笑就把我迷倒. I"ve got to be (got to be) Colse to you 我已经更靠近你了 I"ve got to be (got to be) Close to you 我已经更靠近你了 Babada ba bada dada Babada ba bada (Verse) I think we know 我想,我们知道 There"s no way to stop what"s in motion 没有什么办法阻止我们情感的涌动. But I don"t mind 不过我并不介意. Feeling such a beautiful emotion 用心去体会这种美好的情感. (Chorus) Maybe it"s the way you get that look in your eye 也许这样我才能注视着你的眼镜 The way you captivate me with the hint of your smile 你微微的一笑就把迷倒. Oh, I"ve got to be (got to be)Close to you 我已经更靠近你了 Oh, I"ve got to beClose to you 我已经更靠近你了 Babada ba dada dada Babada ba bada (Verse) Doesn"t take a song to say 请不要拿这首歌来说事 How I can"t stand when you"re away 当你不在我身边的时候,我是如此的难以忍受 Our world it turns to black and gray 我们的世界开始灰暗下来 When you"re nowhere around 当你在我身边的时候. I lose the clarity I"ve found 我开始变得头脑不清楚 (Chorus) Maybe it"s the way you get that look in your eye 也许这样我才能注视着你的眼镜 The way you captivate me with the hint of your smile 你微微的一笑就把我迷倒. I"ve got to beClose to you 我已经更靠近你了 I"ve got to beClose to you 我已经更靠近你了 Babada ba dada dada Babada ba bada Maybe it"s the way you get that look in your eye 也许这样我才能注视着你的眼镜 Oh, I"ve got to be Close to you Oh, I"ve got to be Close to you The way you captivate me with the hint of your smile 你微微的一笑就把我迷倒. Oh, I"ve got to be Close to you Oh, I"ve got to be Close to you Dadada da dadadada

英文歌曲close to you 的歌词

分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐 问题描述: 就是歌词啦 英文和中文都要 解析: 1.《Close To You》 Sung By "Carpenters" Why do birds suddenly appearEvery time you are near? Just like me, they long to be Close to you. Why do stars fall down from the sky Every time you walk by? Just like me, they long to be Close to you. On the day that you were born The angels got together And decided to create a dream e true So they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of gold And starlight in your eyes of blue. That is why all the girls in town Follow you all around. Just like me, they long to be Close to you. On the day that you were born The angels got together And decided to create a dream e true So they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of gold And starlight in your eyes of blue. That is why all the girls in town Follow you all around. Just like me, they long to be Close to you. Just like me (Just like me) They long to be Close to you. Wahhhhhhhhhhh, close to you. Wahhhhhhhhhhh, close to you. Hahhhhhhhhhhh, close to you. Lahhhhhhhhhhh, close to you. 2.close to you 歌手:莫文蔚 why to birds suddenly appear every time you are near just like me ,they long to be close to you why to stars fall down from the sky every time you walk by just like me ,they long to be close to you on the day that you were born the angels got together and decided to create a dream e so they sprinkled moon dust in you hair of gold and starlight in your eyes of blue that is why all the girls in town follow you all around just like me ,they long to be close to you just like me ,they long to be close to you

close to you什么意思

close to you 是靠近你的意思。 例句:Thinking about how much those close to you love you will provide a confidence boost。想想身边那么多爱你的人,你就会有动力变得更自信。

英文歌曲close to you 的歌词

Why do birds suddenly appear Every time you are near Just like me, they long to be Close to you Why do stars fall down from the sky Every time you walk by Just like me, they long to be Close to you Onthe day that you were born And the angels got together And decided to create a dream come true So they sprinkled moon dust In your hair of gold And starlight in your eyes of blue That is why all the girls in town Follow you all around Just like me, they long to be Close to you Just like me, they long to be Close to you

close to you原唱是谁

《close to you》原唱是狄昂·华薇克(Dionne Warwick)。《close to you》这首歌原名是They Long To Be Close To You,原唱是狄昂·华薇克(Dionne Warwick),后来由Carpenters(卡朋特兄妹)翻唱时改名为《close to you》,成为他们的经典成名曲。1、歌手资料:狄昂·华薇克(Dionne Warwick),1940年12月12日出生于美国新泽西的东橘市,美国传奇R&B女歌手,有R&B鼻祖的美誉。曾荣获5座格莱美奖,也是第一个同时拿下格莱美最佳流行女歌手与最佳R&B歌手的黑人女歌手。根据《Billboard》杂志称,Dionne Warwick是在摇滚年代(1955年-1999年)间单曲上榜次数仅次于传奇歌手Aretha Franklin的女歌手。迪昂共获得三座格莱美最佳流行女歌手奖以及最佳R&B女歌手奖,被billboard评为最伟大的R&B歌手第13名,上个世纪她还是炙手可热的广告明星并且演唱了许多经久不衰的经典广告曲,同时她是联合国食物与粮食组织的全球大使。2、歌曲简介:歌名:Close To You原名:They Long To Be Close To You原唱:Dionne Warwick狄昂·华薇克翻唱:Carpenters专辑:Bird Of Prey语言:英语流派:R&B 节奏布鲁斯版权公司:cappo digital歌词:Why do birds suddenly appear为什么鸟儿忽然出现Every time you are near每一次你靠近时Just like me, they long to be就像我一样,它们一直盼望着Close to you靠近你Why do stars fall down from the sky为什么星星从夜空坠落Every time you walk by每一次你走过时Just like me, they long to be就像我一样,它们一直盼望着Close to you靠近你On the day that you were born你出生的那一天The angels got together天使们聚集在一起And decided to create a dream come true决定创造一个成真的美梦So they sprinkled moon dust所以他们喷洒月亮的纤尘In your hair of gold于你金色的头发上And starlight in your eyes of blue于你澈蓝的眼眸中 点缀了星辉That is why all the girls in town这就是为什么镇上所有的女孩Follow you all around都环绕着你Just like me, they long to be就像我一样,她们一直盼望着Close to you靠近你On the day that you were born在你出生的那一天The angels got together天使们聚集在一起And decided to create a dream come true决定创造一个成真的美梦So they sprinkled moon dust所以他们喷洒月亮的纤尘In your hair of gold于你金色的头发上And starlight in your eyes of blue于你澈蓝的眼眸中 点缀了星辉That is why all the girls in town这就是为什么镇上所有的女孩Follow you all around都环绕着你Just like me, they long to be就像我一样,她们一直盼望着Close to you靠近你Just like me, they long to be就像我一样,她们一直盼望着Close to you靠近你

close to you什么意思中文翻译

  仓木麻衣有一首英文歌叫做tonight I feel close to you,这句话的意思你们知道吧,那么它的后半句close to you是什么意思呢?下面是我给大家整理的close to you什么意思,供大家参阅!   close to you什么意思   靠近你   close to you的英语例句   1. You"ll go cross - eyed if you try to look at things so close to you.   这么近看东西会变成对眼的.   2. If a naysayer close to you has been difficult and critical, there"s a good chance you"ve finally silenced that person.   如果你身边有和你唱反调和总给你制造麻烦的人存在,那么这个月有个很好的机会让这个人彻底闭嘴。   3. You were probably buying"em for someone close to you, and I insulted them.   你可能是给你身边的人买的而我却侮辱了她.   4. Today, practice seeing God in anyone who is close to you.   今天, 练习在每一个亲近的人身上体验上帝.   5. It"seems that it is the last time am close to you.   当 我 知道你的心是那么漂移,没有和我贴近的可能的时候.   6. They want so much to be close to you.   他们非常想跟你亲近.   7. Hold me close to you as we brace for flight.   抱紧我吧仿如我们就要一起飞翔.   8. I wonder what you hide I wanna be close to you.   我想知道你到底隐瞒了什么,我想要接近你.   9. They long to be close to you.   他们盼望靠近你.   10. Joan: But you got the chance to hold a cute girl close to you.   琼: 可你有机会很近地拥着一位可爱的姑娘.   11. When soup gets short you may slightly raise the side close to you.   最后快喝完时,可将汤盘靠近你的一侧稍稍抬高一点.   12. Gather a handful roses and share their beauty with someone close to you.   收集一大束玫瑰,并且与你亲密的分享它们的美丽.   13. Maria: There"s still time , Captain. They want so much to be close to you.   玛丽亚: 上校,来日方长. 他们非常想跟你亲近.   14. Many things get close to you may not be yours. tease getting may lose yourself.   上了大学才知道,有很多东西是不属于你的, 你使劲强求会遭天遣的.   15. Esteban: Your mother made the sacrifice to become your stepmother, to be close to you.   为了接近你们, 她作出很多的牺牲,其实她就是你们的养母.   歌曲Close To You歌词   Why do birds suddenly appear   为什么鸟儿忽然出现   Every time you are near   每一次你靠近时   Just like me, they long to be   就像我一样,它们一直盼望着   Close to you   靠近你   Why do stars fall down from the sky   为什么星星从夜空坠落   Every time you walk by   每一次你走过时   Just like me, they long to be   就像我一样,它们一直盼望着   Close to you   靠近你   On the day that you were born   你出生的那一天   The angels got together   天使们聚集在一起   And decided to create a dream come true   决定创造一个成真的美梦   So they sprinkled moon dust   所以他们喷洒月亮的纤尘   In your hair of gold   于你金色的头发上   And starlight in your eyes of blue   于你澈蓝的眼眸中 点缀了星辉   That is why all the girls in town   这就是为什么镇上所有的女孩   Follow you all around   都环绕着你   Just like me, they long to be   就像我一样,她们一直盼望着   Close to you   靠近你   On the day that you were born   在你出生的那一天   The angels got together   天使们聚集在一起   And decided to create a dream come true   决定创造一个成真的美梦   So they sprinkled moon dust   所以他们喷洒月亮的纤尘   In your hair of gold   于你金色的头发上   And starlight in your eyes of blue   于你澈蓝的眼眸中 点缀了星辉   That is why all the girls in town   这就是为什么镇上所有的女孩   Follow you all around   都环绕着你   Just like me, they long to be   就像我一样,她们一直盼望着   Close to you   靠近你   Just like me, they long to be   就像我一样,她们一直盼望着   Close to you   靠近你  

close to you 是不是向你靠近的意思?




夕阳天使插曲《close to you》的中文意思

Close to you(靠近你) Why do birds suddenly apear everytime you are near 为什么每一次你的出现,鸟儿都会突然涌现? just like me,they long to be close to you 他们都和我一样渴望靠近你; Why do star fall down from the sky everytime you walk by 为什么每一次当你路过,星星会从天空坠落? just like me,they long to be close to you 他们都和我一样渴望靠近你; On the day thay you were born 在你出生的那一天, the angles got together 天使们齐聚一堂, And decided to create a dream come true 他们决定创造一个梦并将这个梦实现, So they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of gold 因此他们用月光装饰你的金发, And starlight in your eyes of blue 用星光装饰你兰色的双眼。 That is why all the girl in town 这就是为什么这里所有的女孩, follow you all around 总是跟在你左右, just like me 和我一样, they long to be close to you 她们渴望靠近你。

求olivia ong的《close to you》 中英对照歌词

Close to you(靠近你) Why do birds suddenly appear 鸟儿们为何突然出现 Everytime you are near 每一次你靠近时 Just like me 就像我一样 They long to be close to you 它们早就想接近你 Why do stars fall down from the sky 星星为何从天上坠落 Everytime you walk by 每一次当你走来 Just like me 就像我一样 They long to be close to you 它们早就想接近你 On the day that you were born 在你诞生的那一天 The angels got together 天使们聚在一起 And decided to create a dream come true 决定创造出一个成真的美梦 So they sprinkled moondust in your hair of gold 於是,他们在你的金发洒上月尘 and starlight in your eyes of blue 在你的蓝眼珠里洒上星光 That is why all the girls in town 这就是为何城里所有的女孩 Follow you all around 到处都跟随著你 Just like me 就像我一样 They long to be close to you 她们早就想接近你

close to you 的中文意思


close to you (卡朋特)的中文歌词

为什么每次你在身边的时候 鸟儿都出现了呢 就象我一样 它们也都想靠近你 为什么每次你走过的时候 星星都从天空中坠落 就象我一样 它们也都想靠近你 在你出生的那一天 天使们聚集到一起 决定让一个梦想成真 所以他们把月亮的粉末撒到你的金发上 把星光洒进你的蓝眼睛里 那就是为什么 城里的所有女孩 都会到处跟着你 就象我一样 她们也都想靠近你

close to you 什么意思啊?


close to you什么意思

CLOSE TO YOU 靠近你; 天天; 接近你; 走近你; 亲近你;[例句]Someone close to you may need help.某个和你很亲密的人可能需要你的帮助;

come closer是什么意思?


求歌词里一开头就有“i close my eyes"很清脆空灵的女声唱的一首英文歌

是不是陈粒的PONY.Closing my eyes,I"m getting highAgain and againStep out the line......



有一句歌词是“I wanna be closer la la la......”的,有谁知道这是哪首歌

Akon《Right Now(Na Na Na)》It"s been so long 已经过去很久了 that I haven"t seen your face 我没有看到你的样子 I"m trying to be strong 我努力想变得更强 but the strength I have is washing away 但是这个能力已经不复存在了 it won"t be long 因为你已经很久 before I get you by my side 没有在我的身边了 and just hold you tease you squeeze you 我只想拥有你,品味你,紧握着你, tell you what"s been on my mind 告诉你我现在的想法 I wanna make up right now na na 我现在就想要补偿 I wanna make up right now na na 我现在就想要补偿 wish we never broke up right now na na 希望我们现在永远不会分开 we need to link up right now na na 我需要现在就要和你联系上 I wanna make up right now na na 我现在就想要补偿 I wanna make up right now na na 我现在就想要补偿 wish we never broke up right now na na 希望我们现在永远不会分开 we need to link up right now na na 我需要现在就要和你联系上 Girl I know mistakes were made between us two 女孩,我知道在我们之间曾犯下的错误 and we showed 那天晚上我们的眼神 ourselves that night even said somethings weren"t true 甚至说了有些东西不是真的 why"d you go 为什么你离开后 and haven"t seen my girl since then 从那以后再也看不到你 why can"t it be the way it was 为什么不能像以前一样 cause you were my Homie lover and friend 因为你曾是我亲密的爱人和挚友 I wanna make up right now na na 我现在就想要补偿 I wanna make up right now na na 我现在就想要补偿 wish we never broke up right now na na 希望我们现在永远不会分开 we need to link up right now na na 我需要现在就要和你联系上 I wanna make up right now na na 我现在就想要补偿 I wanna make up right now na na 我现在就想要补偿 wish we never broke up right now na na 希望我们现在永远不会分开 we need to link up right now na na 我需要现在就要和你联系上 I can"t lie (I miss you much) 我无法欺骗自己,我很想你 watching everyday that goes by 看着时间一天天过去, (I miss you much) 我很想你 till I get you back I"m gon" try 我会忍不住流泪直到你回来的时候, (yes I miss you much) 我很想你 cuz you are the apple of my eye 你是我的掌上明珠, (girl I miss you much) 我很想你 I can"t lie (I miss you much) 我无法欺骗自己,我很想你 watching everyday that goes by 看着时间一天天过去, (I miss you much) 我很想你 till I get you back I"m gon" try 我会忍不住流泪直到你回来的时候, (yes I miss you much) 我很想你 cuz you are the apple of my eye 你是我的掌上明珠, (girl I miss you much) 我很想你 I wanna make up right now na na 我现在就想要补偿 I wanna make up right now na na 我现在就想要补偿 wish we never broke up right now na na 希望我们现在永远不会分开 we need to link up right now na na 我需要现在就要和你联系上 I wanna make up right now na na 我现在就想要补偿 I wanna make up right now na na 我现在就想要补偿 wish we never broke up right now na na 希望我们现在永远不会分开 we need to link up right now na na 我需要现在就要和你联系上 I want you to fly with me 我希望和你一起飞翔 (want you to fly) 和你一起飞翔 I miss how you lie with me 我希望你与我同眠 (miss how you lie) 与你同眠 just wish you could dine with me 我希望你与我同逝 (wish you could dine with me) 与你同逝 the one that"ll grind with me 脑海里琢磨着犯罪计划 (said the one that will grind with me) (脑海里琢磨着犯罪计划) I want you to fly with me 我希望和你一起飞翔 (want you to fly) 和你一起飞翔 I miss how you lie with me 我希望你与我同眠 (ohh miss how you lie) 与你同眠 just wish you could dine with me 我希望你与我同逝 (wish you could dine) 与你同逝 the one that"ll grind with me 脑海里琢磨着犯罪计划 (ohh the one that"ll grind) (脑海里琢磨着犯罪计划) I wanna make up right now na na 我现在就想要补偿 I wanna make up right now na na 我现在就想要补偿 wish we never broke up right now na na 希望我们现在永远不会分开 we need to link up right now na na 我需要现在就要和你联系上 I wanna make up right now na na 我现在就想要补偿 I wanna make up right now na na 我现在就想要补偿 wish we never broke up right now na na 希望我们现在永远不会分开 we need to link up right now na na 我需要现在就要和你联系上

求歌名,歌词包含every time i closed my eyes




the word happy would lose its meaning怎么翻译?

The word happy would lose its meaning. “快乐”这个词将失去它的意义。

Travis的《Closer》 歌词

歌曲名:Closer歌手:Travis专辑:FIFA 08Title: CloserArtist: TravisAlbum: The Boy With No NameI"ve had enoughOf this paradeI"m thinking ofThe words to sayWe open upUnfinished partsBroken upIt"s so mellowAnd when I see you then i know it will be next to meAnd when I need you then I know you will be there with meI"ll never leave youJust need to get closer, closerLean on me nowLean on me nowCloser, closerLean on me nowLean on me nowKeep waking up (waking up)Without you here (without you here)Another day (another day)Another year (another year)I seek the truth (seek the truth)We set apart (we set apart)Thinking ofA second chance (a second chance)And when I see you then i know it will be next to meAnd when I need you I know you will be there with meI"ll never leave youJust need to get closer, closerLean on me nowLean on me nowCloser, closerLean on me nowLean on me nowLean on me nowAnd when I see you then i know it will be next to meAnd when I need you I know you will be there with meI"ll never leave youJust need to get closer, closerLean on me nowLean on me nowCloser, closerLean on me nowLean on me nowLean on me nowCloser, closerCloser, closerhttp://music.baidu.com/song/59018681

The pretty reckless《Nothing left to lose》中文歌词?

10 You 你You don"t want me, no 你不想拥有我,不You don"t need me 你不需要我Like I want you, oh 正如我想拥有你一样Like I need you 正如我需要你一样And I want you in my life 我要你和我共度时光And I need you in my life 我想你陪我度过一生You can"t see me, no 你看不到我,不Like I see you 正如我看到你一样 I can"t have you, no 我不能拥有你,不 Like you have me 正如你拥有我一样 And I want you in my life 我要你和我共度时光And I need you in my life 我想你陪我度过一生You can"t feel me, no 你感觉不到我的存在,不Like I feel you 正如我感觉到你的存在一样 I can"t steal you, no 我不能把你的心偷走,不 Like you stole me 正如你把我的心偷走一样And I want you in my life 我要你和我共度时光And I need you in my life 我想你陪我度过一生

英文中的 close relationship 是指性关系吗?





积雪融化,流向河川奔向大海不久这里也会季节更换变得充满和绚的阳光张开手的我们,见到了梦想继续著漫长的旅行闭上眼睛,就感到你在身边若在那日 我能触碰到你即使舍弃一切也无所谓闭上你的双眸风给予花,雨给予土爱给予我 那微笑也一同细雪在慢动作中缓缓舞落至那时的你不为受伤的事所触碰现在仍停伫在这里迷惑、眼泪的意义、及那所有的一切总有一天将从这里起步,你能否忘记?跌跌撞撞中生活下去是最好的捷径正因以开玩笑的口吻说出这话如今才感到更加悲伤纯白的景色却描绘出两个梦境但总有一天那谎言将越变越大明明争吵已结束了却只留下堆积而成的切痛...闭上你的双眸歌给予空,星给予窗梦给予你 那爱怜也一同薄暮垄罩的大地只是毫无目的地延伸下去冰冷的雪,闪闪落下那样的景色只是一味地重复就这样子活着的坚强 我们该去哪里寻求...风给予花 雨给予土爱给予我 然后那微笑也一同细雪在慢动作中缓缓舞落至那时的你受伤的事,无法触动不为受伤的事所触碰 现在仍停伫在这里迷惑、眼泪的意义、及那所有的一切总有一天将从这里起步,你能否忘记?

有一首英文歌,里面一句唱的歌词有:kiss you ones, 最后一句是try to sun now close eyes,请问是什么歌

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