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Look和LOOK at的区别和意思和用法


look at的用法

look at翻译为看;考虑。look at一般用作“看着(有“朝某处看”的含义);看待”。 只是个动词短语,意思是“看",其后接名词或代词作宾语有时候用作“研究”。 有时候用作“研究”。 使用短语时就当一般的及物动词,例如:Please look at the blackboard carefully.请认真看黑板。look at 是由动词look与介词at 组成的词组,相当于及物动词,后面可以带宾语,侧重"看"的动作。

look at的用法

look at里面的at是表语吗?

look at 里面的 at 不是表语 。look at sb. / sth . 在这个动词短语中,look 是不及物动词,与介词 at 构成词组,at 后面的人或事物作 at 的介词宾语。如 :Boys and girls , look at the blackboard care-fully in class .In the zoo, children are looking at the mon-keys playing happily.

look和look at的区别。look后接什么

look是一个不及物动词,后面不能直接添加宾语,要加宾语需要搭配at,才能加宾语。look和look at的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、look:看,瞧。2、look at:看,考虑。二、用法不同1、look:look的基本意思是“为了看清某物而有意识地向某一方向看去”,指使用人的视力,强调的是有意地“看”的动作。2、look at:look用作不及物动词时主要作“看”“观望”解,常与介词at连用。也可作“面向,朝向”解,一般是指建筑物的朝向。look用作及物动词时主要作“注视”解,引申还可作“留心”“注意”“期望”解,其后可接动词不定式、疑问词引导的从句作宾语。可用于祈使句。三、侧重点不同1、look:是不及物动词,后面不能直接加宾语。2、look at:是动词词组,后面可以直接加宾语。

look in 与look at的区别,急急急急急急急急急

look in1. 往里看:例句: She was looking in a mirror.她在照镜子。He looked in his briefcase and found that report.他朝公文包里看了看,找到了那份报告。2. 顺便拜访,顺便看望,顺道访问(常与 on 连用):例句: She looked in on her friend on her way home.她在回家的路上顺便看看朋友。3. [口语]看电视:例句: With so much work to do, I have no time to look in tonight.今晚我有很多工作要做,没工夫看电视。look at1. 看;朝…看;盯:例句: The children looked at their new teacher in curiosity.孩子们好奇地望着新老师。His girlfriend is pretty to look at.他的女朋友长得好看。2. 看待;认为:例句: We should learn to look at problems all-sidedly.我们应该学会全面看问题。3. 考虑;着眼于;接受[常用于 will(或 would) not look at]:例句: The manager will not look at a report like that.经理不会答理那样一份报告。4. 检查;察看:例句: You should look at that house before you decide to buy it.你应该看看那栋房子再决定购买。5. 过目;浏览:例句: Have you looked at their report?你看过他们的报告了吗?





look和look at意思和用法?

两个都有“看”的意思但look 是不及物动词,后不能直接跟宾语look at 后必须跟宾语

look和look at的区别是什么?

look和look at的区别look 为不及物动词,后面不能带宾语,常单独使用,以引起对方注意。look 意为“看”,表示有意识地观看,强调“看”的动作。如: Look !How happily playing!看!他们玩得多高兴啊! Look! Englishcar. 看!那是一辆英国的小汽车。 Look.The bus is coming. 看。公共汽车来了。look at 是由动词look与介词at 组成的词组,相当于及物动词,后面可以带宾语,侧重"看"的动作。look本身是不及物动词,如果它要带宾语的话,后面就必须要有一个介词,所以有look at这个短语。例如: Please look at the blackboard. 请看黑板。 拓展look、watch 和see 的区别: 1. 从词义上看:look 通常表示主动地、有意识地“看”,侧重指看的行为;see 通常指看的客观结果,即“看见”;watch 也指有意识地看,但往往指仔细地盯着看事物的变化。如: I looked hard but saw nothing. 我认真看,但什么也没看见。 The cat is watching the mouse. 猫儿盯着老鼠。 If you watch (look) carefully, you will see how I do it. 你要是仔细观察(看),你就能看出我是怎样做的。 2. 从是否及物来看: (1) look 通常为不及物动词,若需后接宾语,其后须接介词(如at, for, after 等)。如: Look at the blackboard. 看黑板。 He is looking for his wallet. 他在找钱包。 有时 look 也用作及物动词,表示“仔细打量”。如: He looked me up and down. 他上下打量我。 (2) see 可用作及物或不及物动词。如: It was so dark I could hardly see (it). 太黑了,我几乎看不见(它)。 (3) watch 通常为及物动词。如: Did you watch the tennis match? 你观看了网球赛吗? 有时也用作不及物动词。如: A:Won"t you sit down and join us in the game? 坐下来跟我们一起玩好吗? B:No, I prefer to watch. 不,我喜欢看。 3. 从时态上看:look 和 watch 可用于进行时态(例句见上),而 see 作为感官动词,一般不用于进行时态。 但有时表示有意识的行为(如表示“看望”、“会见”、“陪送”等),也可用于进行时态。如: He is seeing his friend off. 他在送朋友。 I"ll be seeing you in the evening. 咱们晚上见。 4. 从表达习惯上看:看戏、看电影、看话剧、看演出等通常用动词 see (有时也可用 watch,但不如用 see 常见);另外,看展览、看风景、看望朋友等也通常要用动词 see;看电视、看比赛等通常用动词 watch;看图片、看黑板等,通常用动词 look at。


通常来说,look是一个不及物动词,后面不能直接添加宾语,所以仅仅表示“看”。如果想要表达“看某物”“,那么就应该在look后添加介词at,look at是及物动词短语,后面必须有宾语。 eg. Don"t look around when hav...



look at后面加什么形式

look at 后面加动名词形式。 look: v.看;瞧;寻找;寻求;注意;留心;留神; n.看;瞧;查找;眼神;表情;神情;脸色; int.(常为不悦时唤起他人注意)喂,听我说; 第三人称单数: looks复数: looks现在分词: looking过去式: looked过去分词: looked 扩展资料   Turn around and let me look at your back.   转过身去让我看看你的后背。   Christ! Look at the time ─ I"m late!   天哪!看看时间,我迟到了!   Let"s take a look at the damage.   让我们看看损失情况吧。   We need to take a long hard look at all the options.   我们需要十分谨慎地考虑所有的选择。

Look at 后面是不是只能加名词,是不是Look at 后面加名词前面都要加the?

对,介词后面要加名词的。the倒不一定。比如:look at me. 没什么规律,主要看是不是特指。the表示特指。比如,look at the picture,特指这一幅画。而如果是:look at our English books 这里就不是特指某一本书,所以没有the.

Look at是什么意思?

Look At 的中文意思就是看着,look at me就是看着我的意思,后面可接宾语。

look和look at的区别

look强调看的动作look at强调看的目标 look at 更具体 look一般不单独使用的 look 视眼广阔,look at 有些提示你注意看某个东西的意思 通常来说,look是一个不及物动词,后面不能直接添加宾语,所以仅仅表示“看”.如果想要表达“看某物”“,那么就应该在look后添加介词at,look at是及物动词短语,后面必须有宾语.eg.Don"t look around when having a talk with others.Look at the picture.look 1.看起来..eg:You look more beautiful today.2.一般用在口语中意:听着3.做名词 eg:good looks Look 是一个动词,相当于汉语中的 看啊!Look,look 可作名词或动词,名词意为看,名词意为表情或长相.在句子中作谓语动词.look at 是个动词词组,一般放在句中,at 后要跟名词或动名词.祈使句中用原形.不可以做谓语.



look at 的意思是什么?

v. 看;考虑;着眼于eg:Can I have a look at your catalogue?我能看一下你们的样本目录吗?

look at后面加什么

look at后面加名词或人称代词。look at后面的名词加the,为了引起注意,起强调的作用。例:Look at the blackboard,please. 双语例句 1、I think if I went to look at more gardens, I would be better on planning and designing them. 我觉得如果我更多地去看一些花园,就有可能更好地规划和设计它们。 2、Can I have a look at that? 我能不能看一眼那个? 3、Isn"t it fantastic? Just look at that! 这是不是棒极了?看看那个! 4、I flashed a look at Sue 我向休瞥了一眼。 5、We have set up a task force to look at the question of women returning to work. 我们已经成立了一个工作组去调查妇女复工的问题。

look at的中文意思

look at 短语意思是 看

take a look和take a look at 的区别

have a look 一般用于建议别人‘看看吧",比如 Let"s go and have a look.take a look 一般是表达自己的想法...比如买东西时人家问你 Can I help you? 你就要回答 Just take a look.(随便看看。)

look 与look at 用法及区别

看!那边有个女的在洗澡。这边的看就是look你看着我。这个就是look at

look at用法

look at是由动词look与介词at组成的动词短语,意思为“看、评判、审视”,其后接名词或代词作宾语。例如:Look at the boy!意思是看那个男孩!look at常常与look进行区分。 look与look at的区别 1.词性不同 (1)look为单词,look at为动词短语。 (2)look是不及物动词,后不可加宾语;look at后可加宾语。例如: Look at me!看我! She looked at the beautiful dress.她看着那件漂亮的连衣裙。 2.强调的事物不同 (1)look强调看的动作;look at强调看的目标。 (2)look at更具体;look一般不单独使用,但其单独使用的时候是为了引起对方的注意例如:Look!That"s an English car.看!那是一辆英国产的小汽车。 3.释义不同 (1)look意为“看起来;瞧”。例如: You look more beautiful today.你今天看起来更漂亮了。 (2)look at意为“(仔细)看;着眼,考虑”。例如: Look at the picture.看看这幅画。 She turned to look at him.她扭头看着他。 其他的“看” (1)see意为“看见”,及物动词,侧重“看”的结果。例如:Can I see your new pen?我可以看看你的新钢笔吗? (2)watch意为“观看,注视”,用来指注视移动着的物体,如看电视、看球赛、看戏等。例如:They are watching TV.他们正在看电视。

look和look at的区别是什么 look和look at的有什么区别

1、强调的事物不同 look强调看的动作;look at强调看的目标 look at 更具体 look一般不单独使用的 2、词性不同 look为单词,而look at 为短语 look是不及物的,后不可加宾语,look at是及物的,后可加宾语 3、释义不同 look,看起来eg:You look more beautiful today. 一般用在口语中意:听着 做名词 eg: good looks。 Look 是一个动词,相当于汉语中的 看啊 look at(仔细地)看;着眼,考虑。


look at:看着...;look in:往里面看; 拜访; 短暂访问; 把注意力转向…;(在书中)查找。look,看,是一个不及物动词,所以不能直接带宾语,直接带宾语要用"see"。如果look 要带宾语,就要加介词。look at和look in,都是不及物动词look 加 介词的短语形式。但意义和用法不尽相同。look at是看着某人或某物的意思,如:Look at me. 看着我。look in的意思比较多,如:往...里面看;Tom looks in the door. 汤姆往门里看。拜访,一般指短暂的访问。Tom looked in Jerry. 汤姆拜访了杰利。把注意力转向:Tom began to look in Jerry. 汤姆开始把注意力转向杰利。(在书中)查找:Look in the documentation. 翻阅该文档(在文档中查找)。另外,look at中的at只能做介词,后面一定要接宾语。而look in中的in可以做副词,后面可以不接宾语,意思是:往里面看。如:Don"t look in. 别看进来。(别往里看)

look和look at的区别。look后接什么


look和look at有什么区别


请问look,look at,have a look的区别?

look只是指单纯的“看”,动词,是“不急物动词”。后面必须搭配“at、for、like、out”等介词1.look at “看着某物”e.g. Look at the blackbord please.请看着黑板2.look for“寻找”e.g.She is looking for her cat.她正在找她的猫。3.look like “……看起来像……”e.g.She looks like her mother.她看起来像她妈妈(指长相上)4.look out“往外看”e.g.Don"t look out of the window when you are in class.在你上课的时候不要往窗外看。have a look 指“看看”的意思。比如:Let me have a look at your hands.让我看看你的手,have a look可以等同于look at的意思,都是表示看看的意思


Look at是什么意思?


a my look at that 额 妈唉 路可 爱特 在特。


look at 1.watch 看*Father always looks at me with love in his eyes.父亲总带着慈祥的眼光看着我。Everybody looked at the hero with great admiration.大家都以钦佩的目光注视这位英雄。2. have a way of thinking or feeling toward; think about sth.in a certain way; consider对…持某种看法或感觉;考虑*Is he a hero or a villain? That depends on how you look at it.他是英雄还是恶魔?那要取决于你如何看待他了。*We should look at problems from different aspects,not from just one.看问题要从各个方面去看,不能只从单方面看。*What he looks at is its economy.他是从经济的角度看问题的。3. judge by the outward appearance从表面看来;从外观来看*To look at her, you"d never guess that she is a university professor.从外表看,你决不会猜到她是一位大学教授。*The building is not much to look at.这幢房子的式样不怎么好看。4.examine;inspect检查;察看;调查*You"d better have your ankle looked at by the doctor.你最好让医生检查一下你的踝骨。*Have you asked the plumber to come and look at the leaking pipe?你叫管道工来检查过漏水的管子了吗?*We must look at all the facts.我们必须调查所有事实。5.consider or accept(a proposal,suggestion, offer, etc.)(usu.used in negative form)考虑或接受(建议、提供等)(通常用否定式)*I wouldn"t look at a job like that.我不愿接受那样的工作。*After the way he treated her, she wouldn"t look at another man.她领略了他对待她的方式以后,就不愿再和任何男人打交道了。

look 和 look at 区别


look at的中文是什么?

look,look at,looks 这三个词的区别在哪里啊?

look 强调看,如,Look,it"s a plane.看,那是飞机。(引起对方的注意)look at 强调看向,Look at the blackboard,看黑板。looks用在第三人称后,Your skirt looks good.你的裙子看起来很漂亮。

have a look、look、look at的区别

have a look是看一下的意思 可以说Let me have a look也可以说Let me have a look at the blackboard. look at是看的意思,及物 look虽然也是看的意思,但是不及物,一般不单独用,只有做看起来……的意思的时候才单独用


通常来说,look是一个不及物动词,后面不能直接添加宾语,所以仅仅表示“看”.如果想要表达“看某物”“,那么就应该在look后添加介词at,look at是及物动词短语,后面必须有宾语. eg.Don"t look around when having a talk with others. Look at the picture. look做及物动词时很少,基本没怎么见过.在词典中,look是vt.& vi.看,瞧,就是及物不及物都有,常用不及物.

Look at 和look 有什么用法

look 可以理解为 看look at 可以理解为 看着比如look arount 就是看看四周 look at me 看着你一般look 不直接接名词,要加个介词。look后面不能直接接句子只能接一些从句或是副词或是一些名词,只有加了介词后才能接短语,look at就是加介词的一种形式就可以直接跟短语了

Look和LOOK at的区别和意思和用法

Look 是一个动词,相当于汉语中的 看啊!!Look,here comes the bus.Look,there is a house.Look at 是一个词组,look这里是动词。 祝你成功.

谁知道Look和Look at的用法!?

look可以作为系动词,后面加形容词可以构成主系表结构,例如,He looks beautiful。look at 是一个动词词组,后面加名词可以构成主谓宾结构,例如,He looks at the blackboard

look at 和stare at的区别

look at 看stare at 盯,凝视

look at与 look for有什么区别?

look at 有看的意思,而look for有寻找的意思

look和look at的区别。look后接什么


look和look at的区别是什么?

look强调看的动作。 lookat强调看的目标。lookat更具体,look一般不单独使用的look视眼广阔,lookat有些提示你注意看某个东西的意思。通常来说,look是一个不及物动词,后面不能直接添加宾语,所以仅仅表示“看”。如果想要表达“看某物”“,那么就应该在look后添加介词at,lookat是及物动词短语,后面必须有宾语。look,lookat,see,watch都有"看"的意思但用法不同。look为不及物动词后面不能带宾语常单独使用以引起对方注意。例如: Look!That"sanEnglishcar.看!那是一辆英国的小汽车。lookat是由动词look与介词at组成的词组相当于及物动词后面可以带宾语,侧重"看"的动作。例如: Lookattheblackboard,please.请看黑板。see为及物动词意思是"看见",侧重"看"的结果。例如:CanIseeyournewpen?我可以看看你的新钢笔吗?watch是及物动词意思是"观看、注视"用来指注视移动着的物体。如看电视、看球赛、看戏等。参考资料look和lookat的用法及区别.道客巴巴[引用时间2018-1-15]

look at 的意思是什么?

词典解释 1. 看Look at the map, please. 请看这张地图。 以下结果来自互联网网络释义 look at1. 看着;注视;察看大学英语四级词汇短语(5)look at 看着;注视;察看2. 看,朝…看;考虑,研究;看待国家英语四级考试词组 - 内容 - 教育信...look at 看,朝…看;考虑,研究;看待3. 看着;看待成人高考高中起点英语备考单词表[好好学习社...look at看着;看待

look at 的意思是什么?

词典解释 1. 看Look at the map, please. 请看这张地图。 以下结果来自互联网网络释义 look at1. 看着;注视;察看大学英语四级词汇短语(5)look at 看着;注视;察看2. 看,朝…看;考虑,研究;看待国家英语四级考试词组 - 内容 - 教育信...look at 看,朝…看;考虑,研究;看待3. 看着;看待成人高考高中起点英语备考单词表[好好学习社...look at看着;看待

look at的用法和句型

look at的用法和句型:用法:look at是由动词look和介词at组成的动词短语,意思是“看",其后接名词或代词作宾语有时候用作“研究”。使用短语时就当一般的及物动词,强调看的目标,一般放在句中,at后要跟名词或动名词,祈使句中用原形,不可以做谓语。过去分词:looked at, 现在分词:looking at ,过去式:looked at,第三人称单数:looks at。句型:look at sb. do/doing sth。例句:1、Now let"s look at another facet of the problem.(现在咱们看问题的另一面。)2、She cast a speculative look at Kate.(她带着疑问的眼神看了凯特一眼。)3、look at that guy. He"s got red socks.(看那家伙,他穿着红袜子。)4、look at that moon. Is that beautiful or what?(看那月亮。很美,不是吗?)5、Make sure you get a good look at their faces.(你一定要仔细看清他们的面孔。)6、Brian had learned to look at her with new respect.(布赖恩已学会从新的角度看待她。)7、Can I have a look at that?(我能看看那个东西吗?)8、Let"s take a look at the damage.(让我们看看损失情况吧。)9、look at the time! We"ll be late.(看几点了!我们要迟到了。)

look at是什么意思


LooK at 的中文意思

向…… 看



look at是什么意思是系动词吗

look强调看的动作look at强调看的目标 look at 更具体 look一般不单独使用的 look 视眼广阔,look at 有些提示你注意看某个东西的意思 通常来说,look是一个不及物动词,后面不能直接添加宾语,所以仅仅表示“看”.如果想要表达“看某物”“,那么就应该在look后添加介词at,look at是及物动词短语,后面必须有宾语.eg.Don"t look around when having a talk with others.Look at the picture.look 1.看起来..eg:You look more beautiful today.2.一般用在口语中意:听着3.做名词 eg:good looks Look 是一个动词,相当于汉语中的 看啊!Look,look 可作名词或动词,名词意为看,名词意为表情或长相.在句子中作谓语动词.look at 是个动词词组,一般放在句中,at 后要跟名词或动名词.祈使句中用原形.不可以做谓语.求采纳

look at是什么意思

look at中文是什么意思

look at是看,考虑的意思

look at什么意思中文翻译



确切的说 英式发音不同balloon 中 的 oo 是 [ u:] 长音look 中的 oo 是 [ u ] 短音美式发音相同,都是 [ u ] 短音》》》》》良师益友伴你行 团队为你解答《《《《《 欢迎追问 O(∩_∩)O



in your eyes tonight i am looking for love出自哪首歌?

《For The First Time And Forever》好久没在生命里 For the First Time in Forever安娜:The window is open, so"s that door所有的门和窗打开了I didn"t know they did that anymore我真不知道他们这么做Who knew we owned a thousand salad plates?装沙拉的盘子有八千个For years I"ve roamed these empty halls空空的舞厅常走过Why have a ballroom with no balls?不举行舞会做什么Finally they"re opening up the gates他们终于把门打开了There"ll be actual real live people真实的嘉宾将会到来It"ll be totally strange这感觉有点奇怪Wow, am I so ready for this change但我已准备好这转变了Cuz for the first time in forever因为好久没在生命里There"ll be music, there"ll be light音乐响起 灯亮起For the first time in forever好久没在我生命里I"ll be dancing through the night夜里跳舞不停息Don"t know if I"m elated or gassy不知道我有多喜气洋溢But I"m somewhere in the zone但我一定在那里Cuz for the first time in forever因为好久没在生命里I won"t be alone我不再孤寂Tonight imagine me gown and all,想想今晚我的新晚装fetchingly draped against the wall妩媚地轻轻靠着墙A picture of sophisticated grace这张图画又高贵又大方I suddenly see him standing there,我突然看到他站在一旁a beautiful stranger, tall and fair高大陌生人美丽目光I wanna stuff some chocolate in my face我想把所有巧克力吃光But then we laugh and talk all evening,当我们聊了整个晚上Which is totally bizarre有点奇异和反常Nothing like the life I"ve lead so far我的人生此刻才开放For the first time in forever好久没在我生命里There"ll be magic, there"ll be fun感到乐趣与惊喜For the first time in forever好久没在我生命里I could be noticed by someone吸引到别人的注意And I know it"s totally crazy我知道我是有一些疯狂To dream I"d find romance梦想浪漫天地But for the first time in forever但好久没在我生命里At least I"ve got a chance我遇到好时机爱莎:Don"t let them in, don"t let them see别让他们 进来看见Be the good girl you always have to be做好女孩就像你的从前Conceal, don"t feel, put on a show躲藏 收敛 当你表演Make one wrong move and everyone will know一出错会让所有人发现But it"s only for today (It"s only for today)但是只有在今天(安娜:是只有在今天)This agony awaits (This agony awaits)跟痛苦说再见(安娜:跟痛苦说再见)Tell the guards to open up the gates (The gates)要守卫快将大门 打开(安娜:打开)安娜:For the first time in forever (Don"t let them in, don"t let them see)好久没在我生命里(爱莎:别让他们进来看见)I"m getting what I"m dreaming of (Be the good girl you always have to be)我的梦想变成现实(爱莎:做好女孩就像你的从前)A chance to change my lonely world (Conceal)改变我的孤单世界(爱莎:躲藏)A chance to find true love (Conceal, don"t feel, don"t let them know)找真爱的时机(爱莎:躲藏别让他们看见)I know it all ends tomorrow,明天一切将会消失So it has to be today一定要今天开始Cuz for the first time in forever因为好久没在生命里For the first time in forever好久没在我生命里Nothing"s in my way!那么的顺利!【好久没在生命里 — 重逢 For the First Time in Forever—Reprise】安娜:You don"t have to protect me, I"m not afraid!你用不e799bee5baa6e58685e5aeb931333335326162着保护我,我一点儿都不害怕!Please don"t shut me out again,求你别又把我拒之门外Please don"t slam the door请别甩上门You don"t have to keep your distance anymore你不必和我继续保持距离Cuz for the first time in forever,因为好久没在生命里I finally understand我终于理解你For the first time in forever,好久没在我生命里We can fix this hand in hand一起来解决问题We can head down this mountain together我们可以一起从山上下去You don"t have live in fear不必活在恐惧里Cuz for the first time in forever,因为好久没在生命里I will be right here我陪伴着你爱莎:Anna, Please go back home, your life awaits安娜 请回去吧 你有生活Go enjoy the sun and open up the gates (Yeah, but)快享受阳光大门都打开了(安娜:我会的,可是)I know我知道You mean well, but leave me be你没错 但别管我Yes, I"m alone, but I"m alone and free我是孤单 但有自由生活Just stay away and you"ll be safe from me快离开我 你会安全得多安娜:Actually we"re not (What do you mean you"re not?)其实你说错(爱莎:什么我说错)I get the feeling you don"t know (What do I not know?)我想你没听说过(爱莎:没听过什么?)Arendelle"s in deep, deep, deep, deep snow阿伦戴尔被冰雪淹没爱莎:What?!什么?!安娜:You"ve kind of set off an eternal winter.. everywhere貌似你把所有的地方都变成了……永恒的冬天爱莎:Everywhere?所有地方?安娜:Well, it"s okay, you can just unfreeze it没事的 只要你解冻就行爱莎:No, I can"t, I — I don"t know how!我不知道怎么解冻!安娜:Sure you can! I know you can!你一定能!我知道你能!安娜:Cuz for the first time in forever, (I"m such a fool, I can"t be free)因为好久没在生命里(爱莎:我真太笨 能去哪里)You don"t have to be afraid (No escape from the storm inside of me)你不需要再恐惧(爱莎:逃不过漫天风暴在心里)We can work this out together (I can"t control the curse)我们能一起地努力(爱莎:解除不了诅咒)We"ll reverse the storm you"ve made (Anna, please! You"ll only make it worse!)扭转风暴的痕迹(爱莎:安娜请你别再错下去)Don"t panic (There"s so much fear)别恐慌(爱莎:充满恐惧)We"ll make the sun shine bright (You"re not safe here)阳光重临大地(爱莎:离开这里)We can face this thing together (No!)一起面对不要放弃(爱莎:不!)We can change this winter weather一起改变寒冬天气And everything we"ll be (I can"t!)一起来努力就可以(爱莎:不可以!)


http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/kouyu8000/ 口语8000句蛮好``看看吧


luke 英[lu:k] 美[luk] adj. <古>冷淡的; look 英[lu028ak] 美[lu028ak] vt. 看,瞧; vi. 寻找; 注意; 面向; 看起来好像; n. 看; 样子; (尤指吸引人的) 相貌; 眼神;




Luke "u"是长音Look "u"是短音


是sara bareilles的morningside吧?I"m not scared of you nowOr so i sayThere"s no reason to runAlthough i mayI"m not as sure as i seemThis much i knowWhat does it mean you leave and i followI could try to forget what you do when i let you getThrough to me but then you do it over againI could rage like a fire and you"d bring rain i desireTil you get to me on my morningsideKeep my distance i triedNo useBut no matter the milesI"m back to youI could try to forget what you do when i let you getThrough to me but then you do it over againI could rage like a fire and you"d bring rain i desireTil you get to me on my morningsideLet me down you say never baby blues don"t you everI"m used to being one with the misfortune to findAfternoons run for cover and full moons just wonderWhat it looks like here on my morningsideLook back don"t you dare let me start to do thatI don"t care if the things that i haveOnly make me afraid to lose iNeed to let goNeed to want to keep letting you knowThat we both have a reason to followLong as we let this lead i"m barely breathingI try to forget what you do to me but then you do it over againI could rage like a fire and you"d bring rainTil you get to me on my morningsideLet me down you say never baby blues don"t you everI"m used to being one with the misfortune to findAfternoons run for cover and full moons just wonderWhat it looks like here on my morning side

you make me see like the 里维up……look and me歌词 不会拼

this hot

《sit still,look pretty》的中文歌词

Could dress up, to get love盛装出席 为了寻爱But guess what?你猜到了什么I"m never gonna be that girl我从来不会成为那种女孩Who"s livin" in a barbie world在那种无忧无虑的坏境下生活Could wake up and make up and play dumb可以醒来化妆打扮自己Pretending that I need a boy假装需要一个男朋友Who"s gonna treat me like a toy他把我当作玩具对待And all the other girls wanna wear expensive things and diamond rings所有的女孩们都渴望穿金戴银But, I don"t wanna be the puppet但 我不想成为一个木偶that you"re playin" on a string被你玩弄于掌心This queen don"t need a king女王的世界不需要国王Oh I don"t know what you"ve been told喔 我不理解你所说的But this gal right here is gonna rule the world但是这个女孩将要统治这个世界Yeah that is where I"m gonna be, because I wanna be是的 我将要统治这个世界 因为我想No I don"t wanna sit still, look pretty我不想静静地坐着 看起来很美的样子You get off on a nine to five你工作朝九晚五Dream of picket fences and trophy wives梦想着有像花瓶一样的妻子守在家But no, I"m never gonna be, cause I don"t wanna be不 我决不会这样 因为我不想No I don"t wanna sit still, look pretty我不想静静地坐着 看起来很美的样子Mr. Right could be nice for one night和白马王子共度一晚是很美好But then he wanna take control但是之后他就想掌控你And I would rather fly solo而我更喜欢单飞Then Snow White之后白雪公主She did right in her life她做了她生命正确的事Had seven men to do the chores有七个小矮人为她做家务Cause that"s not what a lady"s for因为这并不是女士所做的The only thing that a boy"s gonna give a girl for free"s pertivity男孩只能给女孩免费的专利And I"m alone in this but I"m not that sugarsweet我是孤独的 我没有那么甜美don"t need H.V.I.C我不需要那些不可靠的专利Oh I don"t know what you"ve been told喔 我不理解你所说的But this gal right here is gonna rule the world但是这个女孩将要统治这个世界Yeah that is where I"m gonna be, because I wanna be是的 我将要统治这个世界 因为我想No I don"t wanna sit still, look pretty我不想静静地坐着 看起来很美的样子You get off on a nine to five你工作朝九晚五Dream of picket fences and trophy wives梦想着有像花瓶一样的妻子守在家But no, I"m never gonna be, cause I don"t wanna be不 我决不会这样 因为我不想No I don"t wanna sit still, look pretty我不想静静地坐着 看起来很美的样子Sure I"m a pretty girl up in a pretty world当然 我的美远超于这个世界But they say pretty hurts但他们说美是有毒的And I don"t wanna sit still我不想静静地坐着I"m a pretty girl up in a pretty world我的美远超于这个世界But no I won"t sit still, look pretty我不想静静地坐着 看起来很美的样子Sure I"m a pretty girl up in a pretty world当然 我的美远超于这个世界But they say pretty hurts但他们说美是有毒的And I don"t wanna sit still我不想静静地坐着I"m a pretty girl up in a pretty world我的美远超于这个世界But no I won"t sit still, look pretty我不想静静地坐着 看起来很美的样子Oh I don"t know what you"ve been told喔 我不理解你所说的But this gal right here is gonna rule the world但是这个女孩将要统治这个世界Yeah that is where I"m gonna be, because I wanna be是的 我将要统治这个世界 因为我想No I don"t wanna sit still, look pretty我不想静静地坐着 看起来很美的样子You get off on a nine to five你工作朝九晚五Dream of picket fences and trophy wives梦想着有像花瓶一样的妻子守在家But no, I"m never gonna be, cause I don"t wanna be不 我决不会这样 因为我不想No I don"t wanna sit still, look pretty我不想静静地坐着 看起来很美的样子Oh I don"t know what you"ve been told喔 我不理解你所说的But this gal right here is gonna rule the world但是这个女孩将要统治这个世界Yeah that is where I"m gonna be, because I wanna be是的 我将要统治这个世界 因为我想No I don"t wanna sit still, look pretty我不想静静地坐着 看起来很美的样子You get off on a nine to five你工作朝九晚五Dream of picket fences and trophy wives梦想着有像花瓶一样的妻子守在家But no, I"m never gonna be, cause I don"t wanna be不 我决不会这样 因为我不想No I don"t wanna sit still, look pretty我不想静静地坐着 看起来很美的样子......Sit still, look pretty x4我不想静静地坐着 看起来很美的样子




Look! I have a puppet.看,我有一个木偶。

Look at that girl.She is very s()括号里肿么填?????????? 跪求~~~~~~~~~~·


有首英文歌开头唱的是Hey you look at me!是什么歌.不是艾薇

不知道是不是britney spears《hold it against me》?

people always look better in the sun(soko唱的)的歌词是什么

People always look better in the sunI thought it doesnt matter,He"s ugly anyway,But today it was a sunny day.I thought it doesnt matter,He"s ugly anyway,But today i crossed this way.People always look better in the sun. [x4]I thought it doesnt matter,He"s ugly anyway,But today it was a sunny day.I thought it doesnt matter,He"s ugly anyway,But today i crossed this way.People always look better in the sun. [x4]And i can see in the back of your eyes,That i have to choose another time,To say whats on my mind.I have to choose another time,To say whats on my mind.I have to choose another time,To say that...People always look better in the sun. [x4]I thought it doesnt matter,He"s ugly anyway,But today it was a sunny day.I thought it doesnt matter,He"s ugly anyway,But today i crossed this way.People always look better in the sun. [x4]It"s just a sunny day.Probably not the good day,To say what"s in my heart.


登录outlook,鼠标移动到在右下角图标,按住Ctrl,然后右键Outlook的小图标,选择连接状态,展开服务器名称,查看SMTP Address(看公用文件夹连接),查看Server name(主要看后面一串ID),使用命令检查outlook连接的公用文件夹邮箱是哪一个,以此推断连接的服务器。Outlook 是一种免费的、基于网络的电子邮件门户服务,同时将逐步淘汰Hotmail服务,微软寻求从谷歌Gmail吸引更多用户,它成为了使用频率最高的企业电子邮件服务品牌。


不是。应该是look at。这是固定词组。yes i look at the english book的意思是:是的我看英语书。

I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor的歌词!

Stop making the eyes at me, I"ll stop making the eyes at youAnd what it is that suprises me is that I don"t really want you toAnd your shoulders are frozen (cold as the night)Oh, but you"re an explosion (you"re dynamite)Your name isn"t Rio, but I don"t care for sandAnd lighting the fuse might result in a bang, b-b-bang, go!I bet that you look good on the dancefloorI don"t know if you"re looking for romance orI don"t know what you"re looking forWell, I bet that you look good on the dancefloorDancing to electro-pop like a robot from 1984From 1984!I wish you"d stop ignoring me, because it"s sending me to despairWithout a sound, yeah, you"re calling me, and I don"t think it"s very fairThat your shoulders are frozen (cold as the night)Oh, but you"re an explosion (you"re dynamite)Your name isn"t Rio, but I don"t care for sandLighting the fuse might result in a bang, b-b-bang, go!I bet that you look good on the dancefloorI don"t know if you"re looking for romance orI don"t know what you"re looking forWell, I bet that you look good on the dancefloorDancing to electro-pop like a robot from 1984From 1984!Oh, there ain"t no love, no Montagues or CapuletsAre just banging tunes and DJ sets and...Dirty dancefloors, and dreams of naughtiness!Well, I bet that you look good on the dancefloorI don"t know if you"re looking for romance orI don"t know what you"re looking forWell, I bet that you look good on the dancefloorDancing to electro-pop like a robot from 1984From 1984!



如何使用 Visual Basic 使 Outlook 自动化

建立自动化范例开启 Visual Basic 然後建立新的「标准执行档」专案。从 [专案] 功能表中,选择 [参考] 再选取 [Microsoft Outlook]。将按钮新增到表格中。按两下按钮,然後新增下列程式码:" Start Outlook. " If it is already running, you"ll use the same instance... Dim olApp As Outlook.Application Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") " Logon. Doesn"t hurt if you are already running and logged on... Dim olNs As Outlook.NameSpace Set olNs = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI") olNs.Logon " Create and Open a new contact. Dim olItem As Outlook.ContactItem Set olItem = olApp.CreateItem(olContactItem) " Setup Contact information... With olItem .FullName = "James Smith" .Birthday = "9/15/1975" .CompanyName = "Microsoft" .HomeTelephoneNumber = "704-555-8888" .Email1Address = "someone@microsoft.com" .JobTitle = "Developer" .HomeAddress = "111 Main St." & vbCr & "Charlotte, NC 28226" End With " Save Contact... olItem.Save " Create a new appointment. Dim olAppt As Outlook.AppointmentItem Set olAppt = olApp.CreateItem(olAppointmentItem) " Set start time for 2-minutes from now... olAppt.Start = Now() + (2# / 24# / 60#) " Setup other appointment information... With olAppt .Duration = 60 .Subject = "Meeting to discuss plans..." .Body = "Meeting with " & olItem.FullName & " to discuss plans." .Location = "Home Office" .ReminderMinutesBeforeStart = 1 .ReminderSet = True End With " Save Appointment... olAppt.Save " Send a message to your new contact. Dim olMail As Outlook.MailItem Set olMail = olApp.CreateItem(olMailItem) " Fill out & send message... olMail.To = olItem.Email1Address olMail.Subject = "About our meeting..." olMail.Body = _ "Dear " & olItem.FirstName & ", " & vbCr & vbCr & vbTab & _ "I"ll see you in 2 minutes for our meeting!" & vbCr & vbCr & _ "Btw: I"ve added you to my contact list." olMail.Send " Clean up... MsgBox "All done...", vbMsgBoxSetForeground olNS.Logoff Set olNs = Nothing Set olMail = Nothing Set olAppt = Nothing Set olItem = Nothing Set olApp = Nothing

哈利波特第一集里面:For a full minute of the three of them stood and looked at the lit


请以Look Good and Feeling Good为题,写一篇英语作文,150词左右?

Look Good and Feeling Good If you want to make yourself feeling good,you should make yourself looking good.The first thing you should do is that keeps your hair short.If your hair is too long ,you will feel lazy.But keeping your hair short will make you feel that you look spirited. The other thing is that you should make your wear looking regular, so that you will feel energetic and positive.If you don"t do this,you will make yourself Like a loafer. The most important thing is that you should learn to pretend,pretending to *** ile,pretenging to be happy and pretending to feel good. Yes,just pretending.It isn"t the meaning of hypocrisy. Pretending is a great way of adjusting your state. The research shows that changing the state of one"s body can changing his feeling. In a word,if you look good,you will feel good;if you feel good,you will feel good.,3,请以Look Good and Feeling Good为题,写一篇英语作文,150词左右 谈如何通过改变外表或采取其他方法使你内心感觉越来越好的,必须是自己的亲身经历和感受.

辩论looking goog or feeling good

Looking Good OR Feeling Good?看上去很好而真正幸福的人有多少?看上去很好的人,总免不了想要表现得更好、要保持着一直好;若是没有被别人夸奖心中就要失落、不快乐。 可是,自我感觉好,周围的反应不是决定因素,而是你自己决定的,这样就总是快乐。 与其把注意力放到“看上去如何”上,不如将心思转向“怎样感觉更好”上,人生将会成倍的轻松充实起来的。 Those that appears well, how many of them are actually happy?Ones which looks good, could not resist the temptation of performing even betteror to maintain looking as good. And would feel upset or depressed, if they were not praised by others.However, surrounding response is not the determinant of one"s emotion.It is determined by youself, in this way you"ll always be happy.Instead of directing one"s attention on "How good it looks", it is better to think about "How to feel good",Life will be twice as carefree and enriching. 

looking good,feeling good啥意思


Look good, do good, fell good 什么意思


look andwrite the words in the same kind with the first word.什么意思?


女生唱的英文歌开头歌词是do do do 然后是hey if you want you look at who

I"m Still Loving You - 连诗雅
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