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Live/Dead Indicator是什么意思

Live/Dead Indicator活/死指示器

Live/Dead Indicator是什么意思

生/死指示 Indicator为指示的意思


alive、live、living、lively区别:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、含义不同1、aliveadj. 活着的;有活力的;注意到的;热闹的2、livev. 活着;居住;过着。adj. 活的;直播的;现场的;带电的;燃烧着的;当前的。adv. 现场3、livingadj. 生动的。n. 生活;生计。动词live的现在分词4、livelyadj. 活泼的; 活跃的; 栩栩如生的; 真实的。adv. <废语>生机勃勃地二、用法不同1、alivealive的基本意思是“活着”,指人〔动物〕还没有死,也可指某人〔动物〕“有活力,活泼”或某事〔物〕“存在着,继续不断”。alive在句中主要用作表语,也可用作宾语补足语。一般不用在名词前作定语,偶尔用作定语时只能用在被修饰的名词之后。Who is the greatest man alive?谁是目前世界上最伟大的人物?2、livelive的基本意思是“居住,住”,引申可作“活,生存”“以某种方式生活”“继续存在,留存”“享受生活”等解。live可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时通常接同源宾语,有时也接experience等和动词不同源的词,表示“过…的生活,有…的实践或经历”。The cat is playing with a live mouse.猫在戏弄那只活老鼠。3、livingliving作形容词的基本意思是“活着的”,指长久存在,活力经久不衰,可用于人也可用于物,还可用于比喻。living在句中作定语时,既可前置也可后置。引申可作“现存的;在使用中的”“逼真的,生动的”解。The wilderness is a living museum of natural history.这片荒野是一座活生生的自然历史博物馆。4、lively作形容词有“积极的,活跃的”之意,lively侧重指轻快,机智,有生气。The sea is quite lively today.今天海面风浪很大。三、侧重点不同1、alive作形容词有“活着的,活的”之意,alive其反义词为dead,指生命从奄奄一息到精力旺盛的各种状态。2、live作形容词有“活着的,活的”之意,live通常作定语,指活生生的,生气勃勃的,还可表示现场直播的。3、living作形容词有“活着的,活的”之意,living其反义词为dead,指包括人和动植物的生命没有消失、仍然存在的状态。4、lively作形容词有“生动的”之意,lively普通用词,侧重有强烈的实际感或逼真感,使人富于想象或留下深刻的印象。



death die dead 到底有什么区别?? alive live living 有什么区别??

death是形容词,意为死的die为动词,意为死dead是die的过去分词,用在完成时中,常用:has/have been deadalive是形容词,意为活着的live是形容词时,意为活的、直播的,动词:生活、居住living是live的现在分词,生活,也可作形容词,意为活的, 逼真的, 现存的, 活着的希望能够帮到你,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~


6. A

dare to live歌词 中英对照

Dare to live勇敢活着Try looking at tomorrow, not yesterday,试着向往明天,而非留恋往昔and all the things you left behind和你抛在身后的一切all those tender words you did not say那些温柔的话还没来得及说the gentle touch you couldn"t find那温柔的触摸不知何处In these days of nameless faces在这些与莫名的面孔交错而过的日子里there"s no one truth, but only pieces没有真实,唯余碎片my life is all I have to give我的生命是我所能付出的一切Dare to live! Until the very last勇敢活着!直到最后一刻Dare to live! Forget about the past勇敢活着!忘了过去Dare to live!勇敢活着!Giving something of yourself to others将你自己的一部分赠与他人Even when it seems there is即便你似乎nothing more left to give已无所可赠Ma se tu vedessi l"uomodavanti al tuo portoneche dorme avvolto in un car-tonese tu ascoltassi il mondo una mattinasenza il rumore della pioggiaTu che puoi creare con la tua vocetu pensi i pensieri della gentepoi di dio c"&>69; solo DioVivere nessuno mai ce l"ha insegnatovivere non si puň vivere senza passatovivere &>69; bello anche se non l"hai chiesto maiuna canzone ci sar&&41;qualcuno che la canter&&41;Dare to live! 勇敢活着!Searching for that one true lovePerché perché perché perché non vivi questa seraDare to live!勇敢活着! You know what I"m talking ofPerché perché perché perché non vivi oraDare to live! 勇敢活着!Until the very last直到生命最后一刻Perché perché perché la vita non &>69; vitaYour life is all you have to give你的生命是你所能付出的一切perché non l"hai vissutaVivereDare to live! 勇敢活着!Until the very last直到生命最后一刻Perché perché perché la vita non &>69; vitaYour life is all you have to givePerché non l"hai vissuta maiI will say no我会说不I will say yes我会说是Say dare to live!向生命释放你的豪情!Dare to live!勇敢活着!

live at/in/on有什么区别?介词后加什么?

live at/in/on的区别就是in/on/at的区别,介词后需加地点。in, on, at表示地点时的辨析:(1)、in表示在….里,用于内部,on表示在…上,用于表面接触。he lives in the home.(他住在家里。)he lives on the roof.(他住在屋顶上。)(2)、在表示某地时,in后接大地点,at后接小地点。He live in China yesterday.(他昨天住在中国。)扩展资料:一、in, on, at表示时间时的辨析。1、in通常用于年月,季节,白天晚上等词前。in 2017(在2017年);in May,2017(在2017年5月);in the morning(在早上);in the afternoon(在下午);in the evening(在晚上);in the daytime(在白天);in spring(在春天);in summer(在夏天)2、on通常用于星期,节日或具体的某一天。on Monday(在周一);on Monday morning(在周一早晨);on March 1st,2017(在2017年3月1日);on the afternoon of May 2nd(在5月2日的下午);on Teachers" Day(在教师节);on a windy evening(在一个有风的晚上);on a cold night(在一个寒冷的晚上)3、at通常用于钟点,夜晚中午或某些固定短语中。at six o"clock(在6点钟);at noon(在中午);at night(在晚上);at the beginning of(在……的开始);at the end of(在……的尽头);at the age of(在……的年纪)二、 in, on, at其他常考用法1、in的其他常考用法(1)、表示穿戴(衣服,衣服颜色,鞋帽等)in blue(穿蓝色的衣服);in uniform(穿制服)(2)、后跟语言材料,表示手段方法等in English(说英语);in ink(用墨水)(3)、表示所处的情况状态等in trouble(在……麻烦中);in danger(在……危险下);in good health(在良好的健康状况中)2、on的其他常考用法(1)、表示在从事…中。on business(在忙……中);on holiday(在……假期里)(2)、表示用,以,通过。on the phone(在通电话中);on foot(在步行中)(3)、表示依靠,依赖。live on corn(靠在角落里);depend on parents(依靠父母)3、at的其他常考用法(1)、表示动作的目标和方向,有对着….,向…的含义。look at(朝……看);laugh at(对……笑);point at(朝……指)(2)、表示状态。at work(在工作中);at school(在学校里)(3)、表示在…方面。be good at(在……方面擅长);be bad at(在……方面处于劣势)(4)、用在具体的价格前。The coat is on sale at 100 yuan.(这件外套卖100元)

为什么是living room而不是live room

这是固定词组 起居室的意思




1、在游戏的装备界面中,将皮肤切换为女祭司的皮肤。 2、接下来需要将皮肤切换为女祭司的皮肤后,前往游戏中。 3、接下来需要在游戏中,按下键盘的T+Y键,即可去掉衣服。 deadoralive中文游戏名翻译为《死或生沙滩排球维纳斯假期》或者《死或生沙滩排球女神假期》。该游戏以《死或生》中登场的众多美女为主角,让玩家与可爱的女孩们一起在度假海滩享受一段美好假期,与她们一起打海滩排球或是游戏各种水上娱乐活动等。游戏中玩家将扮演维纳斯群岛的岛主,协助10名女孩们在祭典维纳斯挑战赛中获胜,并与女孩们共谱美好回忆。

dead or alive6怎么爆衣?

工具/原料:MacBook PROWindows 10专业版dead or alive6爆衣技巧:1、在游戏的装备界面中,将皮肤切换为女祭司的皮肤;2、接下来需要将皮肤切换为女祭司的皮肤后,前往游戏中;3、接下来需要在游戏中,按下键盘的T+Y键;4、接下来玩家就可以看到自己的人物就爆衣了;

steam上的dead or alive怎么玩


吞(HX)缉老歌~20贝里 DEADorALIVE



1、按键卡死(逐个按键按一次,每个按键是否有弹力)。 2、键盘潮湿、漏电(清洗、干燥机板)。 3、 键盘纵、横线的保护元件及抗干扰电容漏电、短路(通过测对地电阻或键盘 触点电压来判定)。4、 翻盖控制电路失效引起。5、 CPU虚焊或坏(重植、更换)。6、 机板断线。

英国乐队dead or alive

主唱叫Pete Burns 男的。鼓手:Steve Coy 男的。官方网站:主要专辑有:1987 Rip It Up2001 Unbreakable2003 Evolution: The Hits2005 12 Inches Collection2010 That"s The Way I Like It: The Best of Dead or Alive

dead oralive 是什么意思

是dead or alive, 死亡还是生存


















deadoralive沙滩排球确实不能强化套装了。死或生:沙滩排球 维纳斯假期》是《死或生:沙滩排球》系列的最新作品。在玩游戏的过程中有许多新手玩家遇到了不少的问题。扭蛋就是我们熟悉的“抽奖”,或者又叫“开箱/卡/包”,是此类免费游戏厂商获利的主要手段。“扭蛋”分为好几种,其中“流行套装”扭蛋和“维纳斯”扭蛋是花费“V宝石”,也就是俗称的“钻”,用来抽取女孩各种样式和多种级别的泳衣,抽取方式可以选择单抽也可以10连抽,10连抽有“SR以上保底”,也就是运气再差,也会必出一套“SR”级泳衣。所以,deadoralive沙滩排球确实不能强化套装了。





求英文高手翻译Limp Bizkit的《Eat You Alive》的中文意思

嘿你怀念我不知道你的名字是他妈的我请你的东西的magnectic这里如果我能的方法你或什至接近的气味,你留下我会罚款毫无疑问, 你把里面的动物我会吃你还活着! 我会吃你还活着我会吃你还活着! 我会吃你还活着嘿你小姐好得看看我的道路,这是很酷你想要什么都做我的但我想你,是不是没有错,希望你 "原因我一个人,我可以想我想地狱你说,直毫无疑问, 我喜欢闻他们现在内裤我会吃你还活着! 我会吃你还活着我会吃你还活着! 我会吃你还活着对不起,非常抱歉(哎呀你这么热) 您的美丽是如此徒劳(哎呀你这么热) 它驱动箱,是它驱动箱(哎呀你这么热) 绝对疯狂我只是想看看你我只是想看看你我只是想看看你整天不存在没有错,没有没有什么不对的一旦你在我的渗入皮肤没有什么,没有什么在这个世界上这可以洗你离开一旦你在我的渗入皮肤没有什么,没有什么在这个世界上这可以洗你离开对不起,非常抱歉(哎呀你这么热) 您的美丽是如此徒劳(哎呀你这么热) 它驱动箱,是它驱动箱(哎呀你这么热) 绝对疯狂我会吃你还活着! 我会吃你还活着我会吃你还活着! 我会吃你还活着我会吃你还活着!

Eat You Alive 歌词

歌曲名:Eat You Alive歌手:Limp Bizkit专辑:Greatest HitzEat You AliveLimp BizkitResults May VaryHey youMisses I don"t know what the fuck your name isI"m drawn to you, something"s magnectic hereIf I could approach youOr even get close to the scent that you left behindI"d be fineNo doubt thatYou bring out the animal insideI"d eat you ALIVE!!!I"d eat you aliveI"d eat you ALIVE!!!I"d eat you aliveHey youMisses too good to look my way and that"s coolYou want nothing at all to do with meBut I want you, ain"t nothing wrong with wanting you"cause I"m a man and I can think what the hell I wantYou got that straightNo doubt thatI"d love to sniff on them panties nowI"d eat you ALIVE!!!I"d eat you aliveI"d eat you ALIVE!!!I"d eat you aliveI"m sorry, so sorry (Damn you"re so hot)Your beauty is so vain (Damn you"re so hot)It drives me, yes it drives me (Damn you"re so hot)Absolutely insaneI just wanna look at youI just wanna look at youI just wanna look at you all dayThere ain"t nothing wrong, noThere ain"t nothing wrong with thatOnce you seep in under my skinThere"s nothing, there"s nothing in this worldThat could wash you awayOnce you seep in under my skinThere"s nothing, there"s nothing in this worldThat could wash you awayI"m sorry, so sorry (Damn you"re so hot)Your beauty is so vain (Damn you"re so hot)It drives me, yes it drives me (Damn you"re so hot)Absolutely insaneI"d eat you ALIVE!!!I"d eat you aliveI"d eat you ALIVE!!!I"d eat you aliveI"d eat you ALIVE!!!

Human Nature (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Human Nature (Live)歌手:Michael Jackson专辑:Bad 25Human NatureMichael JacksonLooking outAcross the nighttimeThe city winks a sleepless eyeHear her voiceShake my windowSweet seducing sighsGet me outInto the nighttimeFour walls wont hold me tonightIf this townIs just an appleThen let me take a biteIf they say --Why, why, tell em that its human natureWhy, why, does he do me that wayIf they say --Why, why, tell em that its human natureWhy, why does he do me that wayReaching outTo touch a strangerElectric eyes are evrywhereSee that girlShe knows Im watchingShe likes the way I stareIf they say --Why, why, tell em that its human natureWhy, why, does he do me that wayIf they say --Why, why, tell em that its human natureWhy, why does he do me that wayI like lovin this wayI like lovin this wayLooking outAcross the morningWhere the citys heart begins to beatReaching outI touch her shoulderIm dreaming of the streetIf they say --Why, why, tell em that its human natureWhy, why, does he do me that wayIf they say --Why, why, tell em that its human natureWhy, why does he do me that way

Polar bears live in the()

arctic(北极) 全句译为北极熊住在北极

the polar bear lives in the __ and___

the polar bear lives in the _snow_ and_ice_.这句话的意思是 北极熊生活在雪地和冰原。希望能帮到你。

POP STAR (live) 歌词

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 歌曲名:POP STAR (live)歌手:平井坚专辑:Ken"s Bar 2011 at MARINEMESSE FUKUOKAⅠwanna be your pop starkimi wo motto muchuu ni sa se te ageru kara nekirakira no POPSTARhane wo hirogemahou wo kake te ageyo u kimi dake niPop star「危険なアネキ」主题歌kimi ni deae ta yorokobi tokimi ni ae nai sabishi sa noryouhou wo te ni ire te koi ha hashiri dasusora mo tobe nai boku da kedokodoku wo utau yoru da kedo0sono hoo ni hohoemi wo atae rare ta narahajimete kimi wo dakishime ta shunkan nikamisama ga boku ni kudashi ta shimei hakimi dake no hiirooⅠwanna be a pop starkimi wo motto muchuu ni sa se te ageru kara nekirakira no POPSTARhane wo hirogehane wo hiroge mahou wo kake te ageyo uⅠwanna be your pop starkimi wo gyutto dakishime te ageru kara oidekirakira no POPSTARhane wo hirogemahou wo kake te ageyo u kimi dake nikakushi te i ta kurayami mokimi ha sotto hiroiage tetaisetsu na boku nan da todakishime te kure tahikari he to tsuduku michi wo arui te yuko ukizu ka bou kono migite hakimi to te wo tsunagu tame niYou"re gonna be my pop starboku wo motto muchuu ni sa se te hohoen dekirakira no POPSTARsono hitomi de boku ni mahou wo kake teYou"re my only pop starboku wo gyutto dakishime tara mou hanasa naikirakira no POPSTARsono hitomi de boku ni mahou wo kake teima sugu nikoi ni ochi taradare mo ga dareka no POPSTARkamisama ga boku ni kudashi ta shimei hakimi dake no hiirooⅠwanna be a pop starkimi wo motto muchuu ni sa se te ageru kara nekirakira no POPSTARhane wo hirogehane wo hiroge mahou wo kake te ageyoⅠwanna be your pop starkimi wo gyutto dakishime te ageru kara oidekirakira no POPSTARhane wo hirogemahou wo kake te ageyo u kimi dake nhttp://music.b***.com/song/53106327

they live by the sea.

They live by the sea.句意;他们住在海边。提问by the sea :Where do they live? 提问They :Who lives by the sea?

NBA LIVE07中的音乐叫什么?

u25a0The Coup My Favorite Mutiny Pick A Bigger u25a0Feezy 350feat.ShaunaK Mr. Dj What the Feezy? u25a0Ghislain Poirier Mic Diplomat Da Riffs/NBA LIVE07 Exclusive u25a0Mark Ronson feat.Alex Greenwald Just Exit Music u25a0Army Of The Pharaohs Gorillas The Torture Papers u25a0Ten Days Till Get Them Hands hi Music SoulLife u25a0Redrama I Don"t Know To Tell You Street Music u25a0Pigeon John Higher And The Summertime PollParty u25a0Dead Prez Presents M-1 Til We Get There Confidential u25a0Murs & 9th Wonder L.A. Murray"s Reverga u25a0BRAZA Son Do BRAZA Welcome to Brazil u25a0Gnarls Barkley Crazy St.Elsewhere

初二英语 loss是什么词 过去是为 loss their lives 翻译


Long long ago ,there lived a king......

那天给孩子讲故事,想着讲一个什么故事好呢?无意中脑海浮现这句话,Long long ago ,there lived a king...... 就把过去印象中的课文故事讲给孩子听。 孩子居然非常感兴趣,想要听完这个故事。可是只记得开头一部分,后面完全忘记了,甚至和一篇讲鳄鱼的文章串台了。幸好有强大的网络找到了这篇原文课文,当时初中英语课情形和画面仿佛历历在目,记得这篇英语课文好像是初中二年级课本里的文章,现在想起来还是那么熟悉的,找到这篇课文讲了故事,思绪也回到了中学时的情景。现在有一点怀念过去的上课的那些画面。 有幸在网络找到这篇文章,特附上当初的这篇课文全文,加以纪念: Long long ago, there lived a king. He loved horses. One day he asked an artist to draw him a beautiful horse. The artist said, "All right, but you must wait." So the king waited. He waited and waited. At last, after a year he could not wait any longer. He went to see the artist himself. Quickly the artist brought out paper and a brush. In five minutes he finished drawing a very bea,utiful horse. The king was angry. "You can draw a good horse in five minutes, yet you kept me waiting for a year. Why?" "Come with me, please." said the artist. They went to the artist"s workroom. There they saw piles and piles of paper. On every piece of paper was a picture of a horse. "It took me more than a year to learn to draw a beautiful horse in five minutes." the artist said. 给孩子全篇朗读过后,孩子饶有兴趣的听完。 突然觉得,现在家长们着急给孩子们上英语班,不如在闲暇时刻把自己过去所学的当初英语课上的有趣文章故事,直接读给孩子听,或者把有趣的英语歌曲给孩子播放,也能激发孩子们的英语兴趣,多少能起一点作用。 回忆起当初对英语课感兴趣的一个原因就是不太枯燥,除了音标、句型外,很多有趣的英语故事都还是看的有滋有味。 英语故事和语文在某种程度上相通了,喜欢语文的孩子一般不会太畏惧英语,如今的英语学习和过去大不相同了,对于口语表达要求更高,更加趋向于实用,这在雅思等考试上也有要求,毕竟知识只有在实践了才有所用处,知行合一确实是真理,在学习上寓教于乐更能激发人的学习动力。 作为家长启蒙英语完全可以先尝试把自己掌握的英语内容用趣味性的方式传递给孩子,也许能激发孩子学习英语的兴趣。

long long ago there lived in hangzhou a girl called a qiao.后面不记得了,有谁记得这个以前英文课本上

LADY SILKWORM Long long ago, there lived in Hangzhou a girl called Aqiao. When Aqiao was nine years old, her mother died. Her father remarried and the stepmother was cruel to Aqiao and her brother. One winter morning,  the stepmother told Aqiao to go out and cut some grass for the sheep. The poor girl,  with a basket on her back, searched all day from the riverside to the foot of the mountain. But where could she find any green grass in winter? She was tired, cold and hungry, but she was afraid to go home and face her stepmother. As she walked along, she noticed an old pine tree ahead at the entrance to a valley. Aqiao pushed the branches aside. She saw a brook with red flowers and green grass on both sides. She bent down immediately to cut the grass. She went on cutting and cutting until she came to the end of the brook. She stood up to wipe the sweat off her face. Suddenly she saw a lady all in white standing in front of her. The lady was smiling. "Little girl, how nice to see you! Won"t you come and stay with us for a while?" Aqiao looked around. To her surprise, she found herself in a different world. There were rows of white houses with trees in front of them. The leaves on the trees were green and large. And there were many other ladies in white, who  were singing and picking the leaves from the trees. Aqiao liked what she saw and decided to stay. After that she worked together with the ladies in white. They picked leaves from the trees, and fed them to some little white worms. Slowly, the little worms would grow up and spit out silk to form cocoons. The lady in white told Aqiao how to reel the shining silk from these cocoons and how to dye the silk different colors. Time passed quickly and three months went by before Aqiao knew it. One day, Aqiao thought of her brother:"Why not ask my brother to cme here too?" Early next morning, without telling the lady in white, she hurried back home. When left, Aqiao took some silkworm eggs and a bag of mulberry seeds with her. As she walked, she dropped the seeds along the road so that she would know the way back. When Aqiao reached home, she found that her father had grown old and her brother had become a young man. The cruel stepmother had died. It had been fifteen years since she left! "Aqiao! Why didn"t you come home all these years? Where have you been?" Aqiao told her father all that had happened. Her father thought that she must have met a fairy. The next day Aqiao decided to go back to the valley with her brother. But when she opened the door, she found things had changed. The road was lined with mulberry trees. All the seeds she had dropped had grown into trees. She walked along the trail of mulberry trees until she came to the valley. The old pine tree still stood there like an umbrella covering the entrance, but she could no longer find a way to get into the valley. So all she could do was to go back home. It was said that that was how the Chinese first raised silkworms. The lady in white whom Aqiao met in the valley was Lady Silkworm, the fairy in charge of the harvesting of silk.

tata young i belive闀勶拷娑掳拷鏂囩纸鏄忥拷




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loving;亲爱的;loving wordslovely可爱的lovely weatheralive活着的;He is alive.living活生生的;living things

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游戏名:《生化实验室》(Lab still alive) 网络上有提供下载,电脑上可以玩。 《Lab still alive》是一款横版动作ACT新游戏,ARPG横版生化实验室。这款游戏讲述的是一个萌妹纸如何逃出有着机器人、触手、怪蜀黎等邪恶生物的实验室的故事。

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loving 表示“慈爱的”,一般修饰年长者. lovely 表示“可爱的,令人愉快的”,即可以修饰人,也可以修饰物.比如: What a lovely little girl she is ! 她是一个多么可爱的女孩哦! She has a lovely cat. 她有一只可爱的猫. 形容词lovely的常见词义是“漂亮的”、“美丽动人的”、“美好的”.如: 1.You look lovely with your hair short. 你留短发看起来很可爱. 2.We had a lovely time at the evening party. 我们的晚会办得很好. loving作“充满深情的”、“充满爱心的”解.如: 1.He is a very loving child. 他是个富有爱心的孩子. 2.The children"s mother is a loving woman. 孩子们的母亲很慈爱. alive 表示“ 活着的;活泼的;有生气的”,与dead相对,一般在句中作表语. living 表示“活的;现存的;活跃的;有生命的”,一般在句中作定语,比如: living things 生物, English is a living language. 英语是一门活的语言.

Regression [Live Version] 歌词

歌曲名:Regression [Live Version]歌手:Dream Theater专辑:Live Scenes From New YorkArtist: Dream TheaterAlbum: Scenes From A MemoryTitle: RegressionHypnotherapist:close your eyes and begin to relax. take a deep breath, and let it out slowly.concentrate on your breathing. with each breath you become more relaxed. imagine a brilliant white light above you, focusing on this light as it flows through your body.allow yourself to drift off as you fall deeper and deeper into a more relaxed state of as i count backward from ten to one, you willFeel more peaceful, and calm. ten. nine. eight. seven. will enter a safe place where nothing can harm you. five. four. three. two.if at any time you need to come back, all you must doEn your eyes. one.Nicholas:Safe in the light that surrounds meFree of the fear and the painMy subconscious mindStarts spinning through timeTo rejoin the past once againNothing seems realI"m starting to feelLost in the haze of a dreamAnd as i draw nearThe scene becomes clearLike watching my life on a screenHello victoria so glad to see youMy friend.


alive与living 都有 活着的 意思alive 只能作表语,不能作定语living 可以作定语如 The fish is still alive.这条鱼还活着。 There are many living things in the world.

There are many kinds of____(live ) things on the earth空格填什么?为什么这样填。能带句子翻译吗?


Living things cannot live without air.中为什么用WITHOUT,而不用HAVE NO?

without是介词短语,用have not 的话要跟上从句的呀,比如Living things cannot live if they have not air.~

选择题:Are there any _ things on the moon?A.alive 活的,有生命的

alive things / living things

Scientists say a need is something alive things must have in order continue to live. 原句是否有错? alive things : alive 这个形容词不会前置,须要后置,故应说 things alive. in order continue to live : in order to live 中间应不可这样插入 continue 这个动词? 是否应该写为: Scientists say a need is something that things alive must have in order that they could continue to live. 先谈living things意思是生物,即所有有生命的动/植物。然后再谈 alive意思除了”有生命”外,其实还有”现存”:still existing Longman就有一例,Ancient traditions are very much alive in rural areas. 你的句子就是用了alive这个意思,alive things即现存的东西(当然凭句子的前后,就知是指现存的生物) 希望帮到你! 2009-04-03 07:17:31 补充: allofu *** e说得对,alive这形容置多用于补语状态,但现今却用于名前前面的人越来越多,若在网上搜寻,外国人所写的文章也现alive thing等 2009-04-03 07:23:24 补充: 其实这句句子的分割,可能不是alive things,而是something alive 全句 Scientists say (that) a need is something alive things must have in order continue to live. 将alive things a need is something alive意思是:需要是存在的 2009-04-03 07:26:42 补充: 而且第二句确如allofu *** e所说,文法有错误,因为同一句有两个动词,或许这是打错字,原句可能是 things must have in order continued to live 意思是:事物必定已经有序地继续生活(或生存) 2009-04-03 07:28:39 补充: 但因没有前后文,就不知是否应将句子这样分割 alive 和 living 都是 adjective 不过意思是不同,alive是指某物仍活着,而 living 是指有生命,living things 是个常用词,解作生物,合乎句子里的上文下理。



I like Oliver Twist best ,which is written by British writer为什么用which不用it


“Treats of the Place Where Oliver Twist Was Born

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