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You only live once

you only live once - but if you work it right, once is enoughDecember 14, 2005I"m home now. I am comfortably surrounded in my rolly chair and down comforter. I"ve already had my hot shower and Kelly"s Roast Beef sandwich. I"m even almost all unpacked. But then again, I dont have any dirty laundry...or even clothes for that matter. Everything I brought home were gifts, lavalavas, books/notebooks and food. All of my palagi clothes are in plastic bags in Lotofaga and Alafua.I"m back in Georgetown and I"m already trying to plan my next trip abroad. Will it be Turkey during Spring Break? Another DIS in January 2006? Or working abroad in China after graduation? All I know is that the more I travel the more I want to see. I remember Dr. Venuti once told me "The more you learn, the less you know." That is how I feel about traveling. The more places I go, the more pleaces I see and the more people I meet only make me want to do more - see more - converse more. I value the friendships and the contacts I"ve made in Samoa and Fiji more than anything else the Pacific Islands could have offered me.I was talking to Sara Watson a few hours ago. (I"m still jetlagged and I haven"t gone to bed yet) She said something along the lines of "I"m sure you have a lot of stories to tell. I know I do. But they"re probably not as interesting." And I thought to myself...and replied with something along the lines of..."Stories about human relationships are always interesting. The location is just the backdrop to the story." I could have been anywhere in the world...even Drew...and I would have had interesting stories to tell from this semester.The only difference is that this semester the people I interacted with were unlike anyone I"ve ever met. I had housemates from Papa New Guinea, Vanueta, Fiji and the Solomon Islands. At Drew my usual floormates are from NJ, PA and NY. I worked with Momoe vonReiche, a leading Pacific ISland artist. I spent a lot of time at the Bahai Temple and the Tiapapata Art Center in Tiapapata with a woman who was born two towns over from me in Massachusetts. I heard crazy travel stories from New Zealanders, Australians, Germans and English med students.Arrive in LAX was odd. Danielle and I had a hurried "farwell" because of the limited time we had to get to our respected terminals. However, on the shuttle I talked with a Peacecorp volunteer from Samoa. I had only been in Samoa for three months and I was ready to burst into tears from sensory overload. She had been in Samoa for two years and she looked like shit. Sorry for the language. It is intense, really it is. To go from the urban area of Samoa with one main road that can take you around the whole island/country to the middle of Los Angeles with houses built right on top of each other with no backyards, except maybe a pool. White people just look strange too. No offense, really. I remember when I arrived in Samoa I couldn"t decipher the different characterisitcs of the Samoan face. I mastered it in under a week. Now I have to readjust and do the same for palagis. I felt ridiculous while walking down the aisle of the plane - everyone was on their cell phone. No one was talking, asking about their trip, or even just saying hello. It was a much different atmosphere from the original plane trip from Honolulu to Samoa - with mostly Samoans onboard.I am still jetlagged. I"ve been up for a while. I tried to sleep to no avail. Now i"m just listening to the Pacific Island mixes I have, looking at pictures and trying to write a final entry for my journal.I appreciate everyone who has read bits, parts or even the whole journal. The comments have made me miss home a little less and the entries have benefited myself because they allow me to think things out through writing. What I have put in this journal is just a tiny portion of all the places, people and feelings i"ve encountered.If you want to know more...ask.Call me up and we can go out for coffee."Wherever we go, across the Pacific or Atlantic, we meet, not similarity so much as "the bizarre". Things astonish us, when we travel, that surprise nobody else.Miriam BeardFa soifua.For now.Love, Sieni.

English, which was only spoken by the people living in England in the _________century,

16th;moving;first;second;native;even if;the same;changing;German;different from;French;usage;identityue003

the time of our lives 歌词



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求kalafina-oblivious歌词,日文+罗马音+中文 格式:第一行日文 第二行罗马音 第

中日文对照:本当(ほんとう)は空(そら)を飞(と)べると知(し)っていたから其实 因知晓於空境飞翔的滋味羽(は)ばたくときが怖(こわ)くて风(かぜ)を忘(わす)れた才会畏惧展翅而忘了风oblivious何処(どこ)へ行(い)くの要往哪去?远(とお)くに见(み)えるあの蜃気楼(しんきろう)遥遥可见那海市蜃楼いつか怯(おび)えながら总有一天 在恐惧之中二人(ふたり)の未来(みらい)を映(うつ)して映照出两人的未来よるべない心(こころ)二(ふた)つ寄(よ)り添(そ)う顷(ころ)に当无依无凭的两颗心 紧紧靠近时本当(ほんとう)の悲(かな)しみがほら翼(つばさ)広(ひろ)げて真切的悲伤将 瞧 展开羽翼oblivious夜(よる)の中(なか)で夜里真昼(まひる)の影(かげ)を梦见(ゆめみ)るように有如梦想正午的残影きっと坠(お)ちて行(い)こう定会坠落下去光(ひかり)へ向光芒坠落いつか 君(きみ)と 二人(ふたり)总有一天 和你 两人 (超越)夜(よる)を 朝(あさ)を 昼(ひる)を 星(ほし)を 幻想(ゆめ)を夜晚 早晨 白日 星辰 幻想夏(なつ)を 冬(ふゆ)を 时(とき)を 风(かぜ)を夏季 秋天 时间 风水(みず)を 土(つち)を 空(そら)を水 大地 天空we go further in the destiny……oblivious侧(そば)にいてね待在我身旁静(しず)かな恋(こい)がほら始(はじ)まるよ寂静的恋情 瞧 开始罗いつか震(ふる)えながら总有一天 在颤抖之中二人(ふたり)の未来(みらい)へ朝向两人的未来oblivious何処(どこ)へ行(い)くの要往哪去?远(とお)くへ逃(に)げてゆく水(みず)の中(なか)远远逃离,远去的水中何(なん)て绮丽(きれい)な声(こえ)で以极其瑰丽的声音二人(ふたり)の未来(みらい)を歌唱歌(うた)って两人的未来 罗马音:Ho n do wo so ra wo to be ru tochi tte i ta ka raHa ne ba ta ku to ki ga ko wa ku teka ze wo wa su te taobliviousdo ko he yu ku noto o ku nimi e ru a no shi n ki rouI tsu kao bi e na ga raFu ta ri no mi raI tsu shi teYo ru be na I ko ko ro fu ta tsuyo ri so u ko ro niHo n do no ka na shi mi ga ho ratsu ba sa hi ro ge teobliviousyo ru no na ka dema hi ru noka ge wo yu me ni ru yo u niki ttoo chi te yu kouhi ka ri heI tsu kaki mi tofu ta riYo ru woa sa wohi ru woho shi woyu me woNa tsu wofu yu woto ki woka ze woMi zu wotsu chi woso ra wowe go further in the destiny……obliviousso ba ni I te neshi zu ka nako I ga ho ra ha ji ma ru yoI tsu kafu ru e na ga raFu ta ri nomi ra I heobliviousdo ko he yu ku noto o ku heni ge te yu ku mi zu no na kana te ki re I na ko e defu ta ri nomi ra I wou ta tte

缪斯乐队muse time is running out LIVE演唱会名字

缪斯(Muse,在部分中文刊物上被译为谬思)是一支英国摇滚乐乐队,这支乐队Absolution 2003 Time Is Running Out Absolution 2003 Hysteria Absolution

You Don T Love Me (Live @ Hmv) 歌词

歌名:You don"t love me演唱:The Kooks献给所有喜欢Kooks的朋友The Kooks 即将横扫英伦的摇滚新希望Oh you don"t love me the way that I love youCause if you did girl you would not do those things you doYou kill my heart just to see if I will riseAbove your anger and above your liesAnd all I see of youIs when you"re not so busyOh you"re not so busyAnd you don"t love me the way that I love youCause if you did girl you would not do the things you doYou turned my life around and for that I am glad, ohHowever much I love you, this love is getting badAnd oh my darling you could choseThe words that only you could useBut you know you"ll always be my girl, oh girlI"d take you out just for a biteAnd show you all the city sightsBut you know you"ll always be my girl, girlBut you don"t love me the way that I love you, ohCause if you did boy you would not do those things you doYou kill my heart just to see if I will rise, ohAbove your anger and above your liesBut all I see of youIs when you"re not so busyOh you"re not so busy, yeahYeah yeahDo do doIf you don"t love me you don"t careYou don"t love me you don"t careCause you don"t love me you don"t careYou don"t love me you don"t care

In a hole in the ground there lived a Hobbit


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flat gull grey/olive drab/flat black/military brown/insignia white/titanium(metalizer)/接下去

flat gull grey 灰色扁平鸥olive drab 草绿色flat black 哑黑色military brown 军事布朗(直译的,有可能是迷彩类)insignia white 马克白titanium metallizer 钛金属(光泽/粉末)处理,楼主的这个单词少了个L,所以也是你困惑的地方吧。gun metal( metallizer)青铜金属(光泽/粉末)metallize ["metu0259laiz] vt.[英国英语]使金属化;使具有金属外表;贴上金属箔用金属涂;用金属浸渍;用金属处理使…与金属化合






《Get Out》歌词中英文对照: 我也算见惯世界我不蠢 I can be considered to have seen the world. I"m not stupid. 没外遇实在令人没法信 It"s had to believe that you"re not cheating. 我爱你却更爱鍚我青春 I love you, but I love my youth even more. 极硬净道别亦能忍痛 I can bear the pain of even the hardest of goodbyes. get out get out get out get out of my life get out get out get out of my life get out get out get out of my life you know i know Tick tock, oh Tick Tick tock我等紧你 Tick tock, oh Tick Tick tock I"m waiting for you 准备大家分飞 自己知机 Get ready, we"ll all be going our separate ways 你个性博爱却也算卑鄙 Your promiscuous nature is also despicable 玩具玩谢後便来抛弃 Toys that you"re done playing with are then tossed aside. get out get out get out get out of my life get out get out get out of my life get out get out get out of my life you know i know should I cry灾劫早该结束 should I cry, I should"ve ended this disaster long ago. should I cry敢讲我心不痛 should I cry, I dare say my heart won"t break. should I cry解脱应该庆祝 should I cry, extricating myself is worth celebrating. I won"t cry想跟你搞欢送 I won"t cry, I want to throw you a going-away party. Tick tock, oh Tick Tick tock我想跟你 Tick tock, oh Tick Tick tock I"m waiting for you 剖白闹交都可 绝交都可 Let me make clear, arguing and severing ties are both possible. 你爱上过我也有过花火 You loved me once, and the passion was there, 但事後利用别人伤我 But afterwards you used another to hurt me. get out get out get out get out of my life get out get out get out of my life get out get out get out of my life you know i know should I cry分开堪称有福 should I cry, breaking up will definitely bring good fortune. should I cry只贪你的英俊 should I cry, all I coveted were your looks should I cry玩过应该满足I won"t cry should I cry, I should be content with having played the game. I won"t cry 喜欢你 那些好感 不可信 These good feelings from liking you can"t be trusted. 为何你这样坏 Why are you this bad? 自问硬朗走得够快 I ask myself if I ran away from this quickly enough I won"t cry, baby I won"t cry cry, cry, I won"t cry



Wicked Game [Live] 歌词

歌曲名:Wicked Game [Live]歌手:HIM专辑:Digital Versatile Doom Live At The Orpheum Theater Xxxvii A.S.WICKED GAMEThe world was on fire, no-one could save me but youIt"s strange what desire will make foolish people doI"d never dreamed that I"d need somebody like youAnd I"d never dreamed that I"d need somebody like youNo I don"t wanna fall in lovethis world is always gonna brake your heartNo I don"t wanna fall in lovethis world is always gonna brake your heart..with youWhat a wicked game to playTo make me feel this wayWhat a wicked thing to doTo let me dream of youWhat a wicked thing to sayYou never felt this wayWhat a wicked thing you doTo make me dream of youNo I don"t wanna fall in lovethis world is always gonna brake your heartNo I don"t wanna fall in lovethis world is always gonna brake your heart..with youThe world was on fire, no-one could save me but youIt"s strange what desire will make foolish people doNo and I never dreamed that I"d love somebody like youI"ll never dream that I lose somebody like you, noNow I wanna fall in loveThis world is always gonna brake your heartNow I wanna fall in lustThis world is always gonna brake your heart..with youNobody loves no-one


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Oliver Wendell Holmes 是谁

美国大法官——霍姆斯姓名:霍姆斯   出生年代:1841-1935   名人职称:美国现代实用主义法学的创始人。   名人国家:美国   相关介绍:奥利弗·温德尔·霍姆斯(1841年-1935年)出生于美国马萨诸塞州波士顿,曾加入美国联邦军参加内战,1866年成为律师,1882年成为哈佛大学法学院教授和马萨诸塞州最高法院法官,1899年出任该法院首席法官,1902年至1932年担任美国联邦最高法院大法官。 霍姆斯被公认为美国实用主义法学、社会法学和现实主义法学的奠基人。他在《普通法》一书中针对法律形式主义倾向,提出了著名的“法律的生命在于经验而非逻辑”的法律经验论和“法律是对法院将要做什么的预测”的法律预测论,阐述了有限遵循先例原则,为法官自由裁量权和判例法提供了法理支持,揭示了美国普通法的精神,吹响了美国法哲学的号角。   霍姆斯在漫长的司法生涯中提出过许多与大多数法官不同的意见,被誉为“伟大的异议者”。例如,在1905年Lochnerv.NewYork案中,其异议确立了“普遍命题不裁决具体案件”规则,支持了纽约州劳工立法的合宪性;在1908年Adairv.UnitedStates案中,其异议开创了国会对契约合法性标准审查的先河;在1918年Hammerv.Dagenhart案中,其异议支持了国会对贸易的绝对管理权;在1919年Schenckv.UnitedStates案中,其异议确立了解决公民言论自由和公共安全矛盾的“明显而现实的危险”规则。尽管霍姆斯在美国法制史上颇受争议,但其有限司法权主张对美国宪政发展影响深远。怎么没分啊。。。

Oliver Wendell Holmes的名言

您好Oliver Wendell Holmes的名言“I find the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving: To reach the port of heaven, we must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it, but we must sail, and not drift, nor lie at anchor”

delivery intern什么意思

delivery intern交付实习生intern[英][u026anu02c8tu025c:n][美][u026anu02c8tu025c:rn]n.<美>住院实习医生; 拘禁(俘虏等); 扣留(船只等); 同“interne”,同“internee”; vt.拘留,关押; 第三人称单数:interns过去分词:interned复数:interns现在进行时:interning过去式:interned例句:1.The imf ended up dismissing the intern case. imf最终撤销了这起实习生案件。





Living Proof (Ep Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Living Proof (Ep Version)歌手:The Downtown Fiction专辑:The Downtown FictionEminem feat. Royce Da 5"9"" - Living ProofDon"t stopdon"t stopYeah, Bad and Evil is (BACK)we bout to get into a tail of gunner that details the dungeonthis is the pale moon illuminates the hail and thunderingoh once again where I fail from blunderingShady lifted his wing than I fell from under itnow I"m freefallin"my career is gone and the weed callin"regardless of who"s fault I was b-ballin"God bubble wrapped me and dropped me on top of the EarthMarshall double backed and got me from on top of the HearseI"m alive n-gga, Justin T ain"t got nothing on mecause I done cried Mary J Blige riversI realised that God"s with us as soon as I decided to put that bottle down and pick up my tie bridgesthe writings on the wall since n-ggas seen me at the baseball game with Shady and Jay-Zsuddenly everybody calls"like I"m just checking on you dog"while I throw up this message on the starwhen them bottles stop poppin"and them dollars start stoppingdo what you did to get it and dont stop (dont stop)I made a promise to my mommaI"mma out live herHow can I be a quitter when haters dont stop (dont stop)I"m living proof n-ggaits pretty safe to sayGod giveth and God taketh awayits the Worldwide American wayI"m living proof n-ggaYour body language is sayin" your confidence is gonewell pick ya ass up lil homie, come onyou just gone sit there and take it or make em suck ittell em where to shove it straight up (?)f-ck it,the last time the light kicked me in the assI pulled down it"s pants and put a foot up its assman what a catastrophy it"d be for me to be a bitch ass p-ssyand not open a can of whoop assdid ya piss ass whoop me will be the day I say I aint poopshit, the day that I dont straight shootI"ll drop out of my anti-women hate groupsay I"m a sissy faggot, record it play it back and put it on straight loopyou haters look like you ate a grape fruityou see me climbing back on that wagongot my swagga back I was dragging, hop back on itgrab the reigns on that bastard and came back on emwithout remorse manman of course I"m a one trick ponycause I"ll be screaming on these horns till I"m hoarse!when them bottles stop poppin"and them dollars start stoppingdo what you did to get it and dont stop (dont stop)I made a promise to my mommaI"mma out live herHow can I be a quitter when haters dont stop (dont stop)I"m living proof n-ggaits pretty safe to sayGod giveth and God taketh awayits the Worldwide American wayI"m living proof n-ggaNah I aint fading yetI"d rather stay and rapI mighta made a deckI find excitement in wondering what I"ma write nextso I dont stay in debtme brokeyou might aswell cut the embryo out my momma and play catch with the babywith AK"s with baby bayonet"sI"ma get rich or I"mma die tryingthats why its either kill or be killedso call me suicide homocide RyanTheres a bomb inside my headI"ma live wire, I am on the edgeteetering on it like I tore the iron mikeget on a nut like a tyre ironI have no desire stopping so why would I drop and rollthats how much Im flying higher(?)rappers are fun and I"m the time cause I"m just flying by "emman I"m laughing at ‘em the entire time, why am I up?cause tribulations I have triumphed bitch I"m fired upso it"s time for me to slit your f-cking lighter, light the sky upwhen them bottles stop poppin"and them dollars start stoppingdo what you did to get it and dont stop (dont stop)I made a promise to my mommaI"mma out live herHow can I be a quitter when haters dont stop (dont stop)I"m living proof n-ggaits pretty safe to sayGod giveth and God taketh awayits the Worldwide American wayI"m living proof n-gga


hololive六期生都有:拉普拉斯·达克尼斯、鹰岭露依、博衣小夜璃、沙花叉库洛艾、风真伊吕波。第六期不同于前面的几期,前面的几期都是个人vtur,而第六期是一个团体组织,出道时间为同一时间的2021年11月26日,团队名为秘密结社holoX。在角色担当方面,拉普拉斯·达克尼斯是成立《秘密结社holoX》的总帅,鹰岭露依是女干部,博衣小夜璃的研究家,沙花叉库洛艾是清洁工和实习生,风真伊吕波的保镖。各自有各自的人设和担当,不同于前几期,第六期是一整个团体。母公司背景COVER株式会社由谷乡元昭于2016年6月13日创办,在此之前他曾经于Imagineer与三丽鸥合作开发游戏,其后又创立过一些互联网相关的企业。本来COVER的业务核心集中于增强现实和虚拟现实,并且得到虚拟现实企业Tokyo XR Startups投资,早期的代表作有在2017年2月在Steam发布、于HTC Vive运行的乒乓球游戏 《Ping Pong League》。其后,Cover开始开发一款能让人化身虚拟形象进行直播,并且能实现与观众双向交互的虚拟现实程序,是为Hololive程序的雏型。在绊爱等VTuber带动的风潮之下,Cover开始转型为VTuber经纪公司。

Living Proof 歌词

歌曲名:Living Proof歌手:Buddy Guy专辑:Living ProofEminem feat. Royce Da 5"9"" - Living ProofDon"t stopdon"t stopYeah, Bad and Evil is (BACK)we bout to get into a tail of gunner that details the dungeonthis is the pale moon illuminates the hail and thunderingoh once again where I fail from blunderingShady lifted his wing than I fell from under itnow I"m freefallin"my career is gone and the weed callin"regardless of who"s fault I was b-ballin"God bubble wrapped me and dropped me on top of the EarthMarshall double backed and got me from on top of the HearseI"m alive n-gga, Justin T ain"t got nothing on mecause I done cried Mary J Blige riversI realised that God"s with us as soon as I decided to put that bottle down and pick up my tie bridgesthe writings on the wall since n-ggas seen me at the baseball game with Shady and Jay-Zsuddenly everybody calls"like I"m just checking on you dog"while I throw up this message on the starwhen them bottles stop poppin"and them dollars start stoppingdo what you did to get it and dont stop (dont stop)I made a promise to my mommaI"mma out live herHow can I be a quitter when haters dont stop (dont stop)I"m living proof n-ggaits pretty safe to sayGod giveth and God taketh awayits the Worldwide American wayI"m living proof n-ggaYour body language is sayin" your confidence is gonewell pick ya ass up lil homie, come onyou just gone sit there and take it or make em suck ittell em where to shove it straight up (?)f-ck it,the last time the light kicked me in the assI pulled down it"s pants and put a foot up its assman what a catastrophy it"d be for me to be a bitch ass p-ssyand not open a can of whoop assdid ya piss ass whoop me will be the day I say I aint poopshit, the day that I dont straight shootI"ll drop out of my anti-women hate groupsay I"m a sissy faggot, record it play it back and put it on straight loopyou haters look like you ate a grape fruityou see me climbing back on that wagongot my swagga back I was dragging, hop back on itgrab the reigns on that bastard and came back on emwithout remorse manman of course I"m a one trick ponycause I"ll be screaming on these horns till I"m hoarse!when them bottles stop poppin"and them dollars start stoppingdo what you did to get it and dont stop (dont stop)I made a promise to my mommaI"mma out live herHow can I be a quitter when haters dont stop (dont stop)I"m living proof n-ggaits pretty safe to sayGod giveth and God taketh awayits the Worldwide American wayI"m living proof n-ggaNah I aint fading yetI"d rather stay and rapI mighta made a deckI find excitement in wondering what I"ma write nextso I dont stay in debtme brokeyou might aswell cut the embryo out my momma and play catch with the babywith AK"s with baby bayonet"sI"ma get rich or I"mma die tryingthats why its either kill or be killedso call me suicide homocide RyanTheres a bomb inside my headI"ma live wire, I am on the edgeteetering on it like I tore the iron mikeget on a nut like a tyre ironI have no desire stopping so why would I drop and rollthats how much Im flying higher(?)rappers are fun and I"m the time cause I"m just flying by "emman I"m laughing at ‘em the entire time, why am I up?cause tribulations I have triumphed bitch I"m fired upso it"s time for me to slit your f-cking lighter, light the sky upwhen them bottles stop poppin"and them dollars start stoppingdo what you did to get it and dont stop (dont stop)I made a promise to my mommaI"mma out live herHow can I be a quitter when haters dont stop (dont stop)I"m living proof n-ggaits pretty safe to sayGod giveth and God taketh awayits the Worldwide American wayI"m living proof n-gga






2种说法,一种说是意外打错(少数)更多的说是有意的,因为说ungeilivable汉语拼音太直白了点,所以加上un和vable更符合英语规则,也更顺口一些,读音  ["

geilivable是什么语 ,什么意思?


求以下歌曲歌词:ghetto gospel, the facts of life, bacause you live,

ghetto gospelUhh, Hit them with a lil" ghetto gospel [Chorus - Elton John:] Those who wish to follow me (My ghetto gospel) I welcome with my hands And the red sun sinks at last into the hills of gold And peace to this young warrior without the sound of guns [2Pac] If I could recelect before my hood dayz I"d sit and reminisce, nigga and bliss on that good dayz i stop and stare at the younger, my heart goes to"em They tested, it was stressed that fate under In our days, things changed Everyone"s ashamed to the youth cuz the truth looks strange And for me it"s the worst, we left of a world that"s cursed, and it hurts cause any day they"ll push the button and yall condemned like Malcolm x and Bobby Hunton, died for nothin Don"t them let me get teary, the world looks dreary but when you wipe your eyes, see it clearly there"s no need for you to fear me if you take the time to hear me, maybe you can learn to cheer me it aint about black or white, cuz we"re human I hope you see the light before its ruined my ghetto gospel [Chorus - Elton John] [2Pac] Tell me do you see that old lady aint it sad Living out a bag, plus she"s glad for the little things she has And over there there"s a lady, crack got her crazy Guess she"s given birth to a baby I don"t trip and let it fade me, from outta the frying pan We"re jumping to another form of slavery Even now I keep discouraged Wonder if they take it all back while I still keep the courage I refuse to be a role model I set goals, take control, drink out my own bottle I make mistakes, I learn from everyone And when its said and done I bet this Brotha be a better one If I"m upset, you don"t stress Never forget, that God hasn"t finished with me yet I feel his hand on my brain When I write rhymes, I go blind, and let the lord do his thang But am I less holy Cuz I choose to puff a blunt and drink a beer with my homies Before we find world peace We gotta find peace in that war on the streets My ghetto gospel [Chorus - Elton John] [2Pac] Lord can you hear me speak!! To pay the price of being hell bound...


一些可能的句子可能是:Being homesick, I often feel lonely living alone.I"ve been feeling homesick lately, and it"s tough living alone.Living alone can be tough when you"re feeling homesick.It"s hard to shake the feeling of homesickness when you"re living alone.这些句子都使用了 "being homesick" 和 "living alone" 这两个短语。它们可以用来表示因为想家而感到孤独的感受。

跪求BON JOVI的《Wanted Dead Or Alive》完整歌词!

Artist: Kool G Rap & DJ Polo Album: Wanted: Dead or Alive Title: Wanted: Dead or Alive License plates reads: K-O-O-L-G-R-A-PBe alert, suspect is armed and extremely dangerousAnd also, he"s wanted dead or aliveFind him...>I"m wanted dead or aliveI stalk the New York sidewalkAll the girls hawk, but I don"t stop to talkI keep stepping with a nine on my waistlineGot 16 shots and I don"t waste mineNever fess cause I"m dressed with a bulletproof vestTry to test, I leave a bloody-ass messDriving a Saab that connects with the mobBank job, plenty niggers I robBlood stains are on my BallysA sucker got rowdy, so I shot him in an alleyPumped his face full of dum-dumsThen left him for the cast of rats and the bumsYo a lot of suckers hate me with a passionCause they know I can catch them one night and I ain"t flashingI got a crazy big posse or should I say a crew?Of niggers that belong in the zooWatch you spit up, blood when you get hit upOne in the head, making sure you don"t get upThis is what happens and nobody can"t stop itCrackheads searching a dead man"s pocketsStreets are filled with brothers that kill like IllvilleThey murdered before and they still willPosse"s roar in a drug warCause some believe in death before poorShooting galleries, for a rich man"s salaryPockets so fat they need dough or low caloriesI got an order for another manslaughterWear the musty badge like his ass fell in waterI had to run up in the kid"s cribFor something he did, I didn"t dig, the little pigAnyway I didn"t have itIn fact now the little faggot is crawling with maggotsTry to bother the neighborhood godfatherAnd I"ll burn your ass up like lavaTook alive the suckers that tried to get liveI never fronted, I"m wanted dead or aliveUnit One, 10-13, suspects in pursuit between 7th and Broadway...This is Unit Two, we"re closing in...Proceed with caution...>Here"s the plan: Shannon, you bring the vanEverybody"s wearing gloves on their handStrictly army suits and long black Timberland bootsI want us all to roll like troopsSee now we get the roll on themCause the punk little sucker they shot up came and told on themI want him bagged them tooCause ain"t no telling of what he might do to my crewShoot a sucker at point-blank rangeIf he seems like he"s acting strangeDump the chump chain, go straight for the green and the jewelsAnd we can even take niggers" jewelsShoot to kill and don"t leave no witnessSurvivors try to get live and get with thisSnatch up the top man and start slapping himAnd put a cap in him and then start wrapping himUp and pass no time to shiverStop on the bridge and deliver bodies into the riverNext stop, blow away that pain-in-the-ass copThe one that keeps getting niggers knockedPut an end to his shit and he ain"t about making collarsThe crooked-ass rookie wants dollarsMy man Ron"s on the rooftop, waiting to snipeTwo bullets went right through his windpipeCold blooded, shot down taking his very last breathLeft to bleed to deathSkip the jive, suckers that try to get liveYo, I"m wanted dead or aliveUnit Three, requesting back-upI repeat, officer requesting back-up...Yo this is Unit TwoYo I"m in pursuit of him right nowI got him, I got him, I got himBut when you see him, he won"t be aliveCause I"m gonna get him...>I"m wanted dead or aliveSo you better go and pin up posters Souls are burning like bread in the toasterYou stand in a trance with your pants full of manureFlesh and blood clogs up the street sewersReady to kill some one else andCause I"m wanted dead or alive like Baby Face NelsonKick butts, a lot of heart, a lot of gutsAnd I"m quick to kick a nigger in his nutsArmed robbery, homicide, third degree murderPlus shit you never heard ofCome in my face with the he say, she sayAnd I"mma kick you up your ass like PeléOne night some kids went for brokeAnd you can almost choke from the gunsmokeSomebody got robbed and got fed upSo he set up the block to get wet upOne kid got caught down a dead-end streetGunned him down from his head to his feetOne brother got smoked in a car chaseThrough the windshield, a bullet in the faceLeft his head wide open like a basketWent to his funeral, shot up his casketThis is the type of shit on the street I surviveYo, I"m wanted dead or aliveI repeat, all units cease pursuit, cease pursuitRoadblock is now being set upOver and out...>

Living Proof 歌词

歌曲名:Living Proof歌手:Bruce Springsteen专辑:Lucky TownBad Meets Evil - Living ProofWe bout to get into a tail of gunner that details the dungeonThis is the pale moon illuminates the hail and thundering"01"s the year where I fell from blunderingShady lifted his wing than I fell from under itNow I"m freefallin", my career is gone into re-callin"Regardless of who"s fault I was speedballin"God bubble wrapped me and dropped me on top of the EarthMarshall doubled back and got me from on top of the HearseI"m alive n*gga, Justin T ain"t got nothing on meCause I done cried Mary J. Blige riversI realised that God"s with us as soon as I decidedTo put that bottle down and pick up my Todd BridgesThe writing"s on the wallSince n*ggas seen me at the baseball game with Shady and Jay-ZSuddenly everybody calls like "I"m just checking on you dog"While I just throw up this message on the stall..When them bottles stop poppin" and them dollars start stoppingDo what you did to get it and don"t stopI made a promise to my momma, I"mma out live herHow can I be a quitter when haters don"t stopI"m living proof n*gga, it"s pretty safe to sayGod giveth and God taketh awayIt"s the Worldwide American way, I"m living proof n*ggaYour body language is sayin" your confidence is goneWell pick ya ass up lil homie, come onYou just gone sit there and take it or make "em suck itTell em where to shove it straight upYou gon" make love to the world or you gon" f*ck itThe last time that life kicked me in the assI pulled down it"s pants and put a foot up its assMan what a catastrophe it"d be for me to be a b*tch ass pussyAnd not open a can of whoop ass, did ya piss ants whoop meWill be the day I say I ate poop, shit, the day thatI don"t straight shoot, I"ll drop outta my anti-women hate groupSay I"m a sissy fagot, record it play it backAnd put it on straight loop, you haters look like you ate a grape fruitYou see me climbing back on that wagon got my swagger backI was dragging, hop back on it, grab the reigns on that bastardAnd came back on "em without remorse manMan of course I"m a one trick ponyCause I"ll be screaming on these whores "til I"m hoarse!Nah I ain"t fading yet, I"d rather stay and rep, I mighta made a dentBut I find excitement in wondering what I"ma write nextSo I don"t stay in debt me broke, you might as well cut the embryoOut my momma and play catchWith the baby with AKs with baby bayonetsI"ma get rich or I"ma die tryingThat"s why its either kill or be killed, so call me suicide homicide RyanThere"s a bomb inside my head, I"m a live wireI am on the edge, teetering on it like I tore the iron micGet on a nut like a tyre iron, I have no desire stoppingSo why would I drop and roll, that"s how much on fire I amRappers are fun and I"m the time cause I"m just flying by ‘emMan I"m laughing at ‘em the entire time, why am I up?Cause tribulations I have triumphed b*tch I"m fired upSo it"s time for me to slit your f*cking lighter, light the sky up

the people you love begome ghosts inside of you andlike this you keep them alive是什么意思

the people you love become ghosts inside of you and like this you keep them alive你所爱的人,在你里面成为了幽灵,你要让他们活着ghosts 英["ɡu0259u028asts] 美["ɡou028asts] n. 鬼( ghost的名词复数 ); (尤指可怕事物的) 记忆; 隐约的一点点; (电视屏幕上的) 重影; [网络] 鬼屋; 鬼怪; 幽灵; [例句]I don"t believe in ghosts.我不相信有鬼。[其他] 形近词: ghosty

how to live before you die text 观后感写好了吗?能不能给我发一份!~谢谢了 在线等。

Much like my fellow TMF-er Steven found with the new DePedro album, every now and then this job presents you with an album that is almost impossible to critique. Sondura"s debut album Live Before You Die is one of these occasions. However that"s not to say Sondura"s album is a ‘nice" album like DePedro"s effort, after all any heavy metal band aiming for ‘nice" are in the wrong genre straightaway, it"s just that Live Before You Die rarely provokes any other reaction than ‘meh". It could have all gone so different though if the majority of the album lived up to the standards set by the first two tracks on the album. Sondura"s name literally translates in Portuguese as ‘hard sound" and title track Live Before You Die certainly delivers on this name with crunching riffs from the off and a catchy duel-vocal chorus that one could easily imagine replicated in a sweaty mosh pit. Scars builds on this and evokes Dragonforce especially during its epic guitar riffage towards the end which would leave any metal-head screaming for more, which unfortunately never materialises. Despite attempting variations with tempo with many of the following tracks such as the crowd-pleasing ‘slow build up, big finish" style of Falling Free, it soon becomes obvious that there is not much different being offered on the album. The riffs remain as crunching as on Live Before You Die but it becomes difficult to differentiate one riff from another such as the main chorus hooks of Black And White and A Thousand Miles. They may not be 100% similar but one could easily replace one with the other and not notice any difference. Because of this, the album ends up blending into one long track and only the most dedicated listener would not suffer from a bit of metal fatigue. Even when a break from the norm does appear to come in the form of Fake with its mellow opening salvo, it soon dissipates into the same riff-heavy choruses. However it does then lean towards the more screamo side of metal in its end bridge so at least it"s the most hardcore ballad you will ever hear and nothing like the Radio One friendly ‘rock ballad" pap continuously churned out by bands like U2. This is almost being too harsh on an album that goes about its business in a solid manner from the strong vocals to the sharp instrumentals despite the similarities between tracks. It"s just that when the album gets it right as it does one final time with the epic penultimate track Last Man Standing, which is as the kids say nowadays a ‘tune" with a capital T, it becomes clear that a massive opportunity has been missed to create a truly great British metal debut album. All of the ingredients are there, it"s just that they are too often presented in the same recipe.



北京imagine想象空间live house可容纳多少人


Looking Up (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Looking Up (Live)歌手:Michel Petrucciani专辑:The Best Of Blue NoteParamore - Looking UpThings are looking upOh, finallyI thought I"d never see the dayWhen you"d smile at meWe always pull throughOh, when we tryI"m always wrongBut you"re never rightOh, you"re never rightHonestly, can you believeWe crossed the world while it"s asleep?I"d never trade it in"Cause I"ve always wanted this andIt"s not a dream anymore, noIt"s not a dream anymoreIt"s worth fighting forCould have given up so easilyI was a few cheap shots awayFrom the end of meTaken for grantedAlmost everythingThat I would have died forJust yesterdayJust yesterdayHonestly, can you believeWe crossed the world while it"s asleep?I"d never trade it in"Cause I"ve always wanted this andIt"s not a dream anymore, noIt"s not a dream anymoreIt"s worth fighting forGod knows the world doesn"t need another bandWhoa, oh, ohWhoa, oh, ohBut what a waste it would"ve beenWhoa, oh, ohWhoa, oh, ohI can"t believe we almost hung it upWhoa, oh, ohWhoa, oh, ohWe"re just getting startedWhoa, oh, ohWhoa, oh, oh, ohHonestly, can you believeWe crossed the world while it"s asleep?I"d never trade it in"Cause I"ve always wanted this andIt"s not a dream anymore, noIt"s not a dream anymore, no, ohIt"s not a dream anymore, no, ohIt"s not a dream anymoreIt"s worth fighting forI can"t believe we almost hung it upWhoa, oh, ohWhoa, oh, ohWe"re just getting startedWhoa, oh, ohWhoa, oh, ohI can"t believe we almost hung it upWhoa, oh, ohWhoa, oh, ohWe"re just getting startedYeah, we"re just getting started

Holidae In (Live) (Sessions@Aol) (Feat. Snoop Dogg) 歌词

歌曲名:Holidae In (Live) (Sessions@Aol) (Feat. Snoop Dogg)歌手:Chingy&Snoop Dogg专辑:Holidae In (Live)Bomb ass pussyMa ooh you got that bomb, know you got itMa ooh, you got some bomb ass pussyMa I know you got that bomb bomb pussy(Whachu doin?) Nothing chillin at the Holidae In(Who you wit?) Me and my peeps won"t you bring four of your friends(What we gon" do?) Feel on each other and sip on some HenOne thing leading to another let the party begin(Whachu doin?) Nothing chillin at the Holidae In(Who you wit?) Me and my peeps won"t you bring four of your friends(What we gon" do?) Feel on each other and sip on some HenOne thing leading to another let the party beginPeeps call me upJust bring the liquor there"s already eight shawtiesI"m on my way (way) let me stop by the storeGet a 12 pack of Corona, plus an ounce of "dro, ya know?Now I"m on Highway 270 and Natural Bridge roadI"m already blowed, hit third I"m a be be blowed some mo"Pulled up, stop parked, rims still spinningValet look like he in the game and must be winningTo room 490 I"m headed, on my way upThere"s three girls on the elevator like "wassup"I told em follow me they knew I had it cracking BOne said "ain"t you that boy that be on BET?""Ya that"s me, Ching-a-ling equipped wit much ding-a-ling"Knock on the door I"m on the scene of thingsBusted in, Henny bottle to the face!Fuck it then, feel like my head a toxic wasteThere"s some pretty girls in herre, I heard em whisperingTalking bout "that"s that dude that sing "Right Thurr" he glistening"I ain"t come to talk (talk) I ain"t come to sit (sit)What I came for was to find out who I"m gon hit, aww shit(Whachu doin?) Nothing chillin at the Holidae In(Who you wit?) Me and my peeps won"t you bring four of your friends(What we gon" do?) Feel on each other and sip on some HenOne thing leading to another let the party begin(Whachu doin?) Nothing chillin at the Holidae In(Who you wit?) Me and my peeps won"t you bring four of your friends(What we gon" do?) Feel on each other and sip on some HenOne thing leading to another let the party beginMa showed up like "what"s the hold up?"Man know what get them wraps and roll upI took a chick in the bathroom seeing what"s poppinYou know what"s on my mind, shirts off and panties droppingNiggaz knocking on the door drunk, and sillyThe girl said "can I be in yo video" I"m like "yeah!", "oh really?"Now she naked strip teasing, me I"m just cheesingShe gave me a reason to be a damn heathenHandled that, told ol" G, bring tha cameraThen I thought about, no footage as I ram herWalked out the bathroom smiling, cats still whilingSharing the next room wit some girls lookin like they from an island(Whachu doin?) Nothing chillin at the Holidae In(Who you wit?) Me and my peeps won"t you bring four of your friends(What we gon" do?) Feel on each other and sip on some HenOne thing leading to another let the party begin(Whachu doin?) Nothing chillin at the Holidae In(Who you wit?) Me and my peeps won"t you bring four of your friends(What we gon" do?) Feel on each other and sip on some HenOne thing leading to another let the party beginStop, drop, KABOOM!, baby rub on ya nipplesSome call me Ludacris, some call me Mr. WigglesFar from little, make ya mammary glands giggleGot "em under control, the bowl of tender biddlesDoc-tor giggles, I can"t stop until it ticklesJust play a little "D" and I"ll make ya mouth dribbleBits and Kibbles, got "em all after the pickleI swing it like a bat, but these balls are not whiffleHit "em in triples, wit no strikes, stripes, or whistlesI ain"t felt this good, since my wood lived off a thistleSippin" some ripple, I got quarters, dimes, and nickelsFor shizzle dizzle, I"m on a track with the Big Snoop DizzleLet the Henny trickle, down the beat, wit a ghetto tempoI done blazed the instrumental, laid it plain and simpleGetting brain in the rental, I done did it againMy eyes chinky, I"m wit Chingy, at the Holidae In(Whachu doin?) Nothing chillin at the Holidae In(Who you wit?) Me and my peeps won"t you bring four of your friends(What we gon" do?) Feel on each other and sip on some HenOne thing leading to another let the party begin(Whachu doin?) Nothing chillin at the Holidae In(Who you wit?) Me and my peeps won"t you bring four of your friends(What we gon" do?) Feel on each other and sip on some HenOne thing leading to another let the party beginYeah, let the party begin, bitchChing-a-ling Ling, all the way in St. LouisMy nigga Chingy, Disturbing Tha PeaceLuda, Luda, going hard on you hoesYeah bitch, bring four of ya friendsMeet me at the Holidae InBring a gang of that Hen, some DSOPOh wee, and light that sticky ickyAnd we gone do the damn thingNow what I"m talking boutWe gon" disturb the peace right nowYeah we ain"t doing nothing but chillinWe chillin" and nuttin"Know what I"m talking bout, so push the buttonYou know what"s happenin", fa shizzle, uh huhYeah bitch, trying to run from this pimpin"You can"t out run the pimpin" bitch, I done told you





Olivia Ong(新加坡)的《Fade Away》 歌词

歌曲名:Fade Away歌手:Olivia Ong(新加坡)专辑:A Girl Meets Bossa Nova 2Take Me Away(我走)I cannot find a wayTo describe itIts thereInsideAll I do is hideI wishThat itWould just go awayWhat wouldYou do?You do?If you knew...What would you do?All the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayI feelLike IAm aloneAll byMyselfI need to get around thisMy wordsAre coldI dont want them to hurt youIf IShow youI dont think youd understandCause no one understsandsAll the pain]I thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Im getting nowhereOn and on and...Take me awayIm going nowhereOn and on and...Up and on andUp and onAll the painI thought I knewAll these thoughts lead back to youBack to whatWas never saidBack and forthInside my headI cant handle this confusionIm unableCome and take me awayTake me awayTake me away

请帮忙翻译olivia ong 唱的fade away的歌词

FADE AWAY ---放下我只想对你问声hello,但,你缺看不到我的方式像尽力采取冷静的方式的你一样我想我迷失了我的心回到那里,然后哦,如何抛开我的感情你知道,我明白这只是一时的冲动通常一时的心动的情况是不会长久我只是情不自禁,我的男孩。所以你,我会选者离开,我们将会只是朋友,我的男孩。… 可惜,你已带走了我的微笑,每一次你看我的方式它已远离褪色我想还是最好保持这样每一次你看我的方式是啊,它褪色远离你只想对我说声hello,现在状况颠倒了换作我看不到你的方式但我们不能让感情犯错哦,情感总是扭动不定好吧,让这个故事简短一些吧你看,我知道这只是一时的冲动一时的冲动通常都不会长久我只是情不自禁,男孩所以你,我会放下我们将会只是朋友哦,我爱的男孩…

olivia的fade away的歌词

OLIVIA ONG - FADE AWAYI just wanna say hello to youBut you"re not lookin" my wayLike you trying to act coolI think I lost my mindBack there and thenOh how I let my feelings goYou see, I know it"s just a crushAnd a crush won"t ever last longNo one"s forcing it, boySo you I"ll put asideThought friends we would beOh, boy…*Sadly you took my smile awayEvery time you look my wayIt fades awayI think it"s best it stays this wayEvery time you look my wayYeah, it fades awayYou just wanna say hello to meNow the table"s turnedI"m not lookin" your wayDon"t get it wrongOh, it"s twisted upAlright let"s make this story shortYou see, I know it"s just a crushAnd a crush won"t ever last longNo one"s forcing it, boySo you I"ll put asideThought friends we would beOh, boy…Repeat *Whao…Why did it have to go down this way?I"ll admit I feel you when you are nearMaybe baby we got it all wrongRepeat * x2

Animal Boy (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Animal Boy (Live)歌手:The Ramones专辑:Loco LiveKesha - AnimalI am in loveWith what we areNot what we should beAnd I amI am starstruckWith every partOf this whole storySo if it"s just tonightThe animal insideLet it live and dieLike it"s the end of timeLike everything insideLet it live and dieThis is our last chanceGive me your hands"Cause our world is spinningAt the speed of lightThe night is fadingHeart is racingNow just come and love meLike we"re gonna dieI"m not asleepI"m up for the fightInto the magicAnd I don"tWant the concreteI am aliveComes with the tragicSo if it"s just tonightThe animal insideLet it live and dieThis is our last chanceGive me your hands"Cause our world is spinningAt the speed of lightThe night is fadingHeart is racingNow just come and love meLike we"re gonna dieThis is our last chanceGive me your hands"Cause our world is spinningAt the speed of lightThe night is fadingHeart is racingNow just come and love meLike we"re gonna die

Amsterdam (Live In Sydney) 歌词

歌曲名:Amsterdam (Live In Sydney)歌手:Coldplay专辑:Live 2003Coldplay - AmsterdamCome on, oh my star is fadingAnd I swerve out of controlIf I, if I"d only waitedI"d not be stuck here in this holeCome here, oh my star is fadingAnd I swerve out of controlAnd I swear I waited and waitedI"ve got to get out of this holeBut time is on your sideIt"s on your side nowNot pushing you downAnd all aroundIt"s no cause for concernCome on, oh my star is fadingAnd I see no chance of releaseI know I"m dead on the surfaceBut I am screaming underneathAnd time is on your sideIt"s on your side nowNot pushing you downAnd all aroundOh it"s no cause for concernStuck on the endOf this ball and chainAnd I"m on my way back down againStood on the edgeTied to the nooseSick to the stomachYou can say what you meanBut it won"t change a thingI"m sick of the secretsStood on the edgeTied to the nooseBut you came along and you cut me looseYou came along and you cut me loose...~~END~~

求初音未来/livetune的hand in hand罗马音。

Hand in Hand作词:kz作曲:kz编曲:kz呗:初音ミク目を闭じて 视えるそのme wo tojite mieru sono指先へ めがけたyubisaki e megaketa口ずさむ その歌をkuchizusamu sono uta wo続けてtsuzuketeそうsouHand in hand 君のその手はHand in hand kimi no sono te wa知らない谁かの手もshiranai dareka no te moHand in hand 握ってるんだHand in hand nigitterundaずっと ずっとzutto zuttoミライまでmirai madeまだ 泣かないでmada nakanaide気付かないだけだよkizukanai dake dayo言叶や想いkotoba ya omoi见えづらいからねmiezurai karane好きな人 好きなことsuki na hito suki na koto好きな场所 めがけたsuki na basho megaketa优しさが 変えるんだyasashisa ga kaerunda明日をashita woそうsouHand in hand 君が叫んだHand in hand kimi ga sakenda歌は谁かの手もuta wa dareka no te moHand in hand 包みこむからHand in hand tsutsumi komu kara途切れないでtogirenaideだからねdakaraneHand in hand 强い気持ちはHand in hand tsuyoi kimochi wa谁かの肩を抱くdareka no kata wo dakuHand in hand 覚えていてねHand in hand oboeteiteneずっと ずっとzutto zuttoミライまでmirai made何気ない言叶nanigenai kotoba覚えてないメロディーoboetenai merodi^知らないうちにshiranai uchi ni笑颜を作ってるegao wo tsukutteruその声で その指でsono koe de sono yubi deその胸で 描いたsono mune de egaita爱しさは 伝わるよitoshisa wa tsutawaruyo明日へashita eそうsouHand in hand 君が掴んだHand in hand kimi ga tsukandaその手は远くまでsono te wa tooku madeHand in hand 违う谁かのHand in hand chigau dareka no涙拭うnamida nuguuだからねdakaraneHand in hand 强い気持ちはHand in hand tsuyoi kimochi wa谁かの肩を抱くdareka no kata wo dakuHand in hand 覚えていてねHand in hand oboeteiteneずっと ずっとzutto zuttoミライまでmirai made目を闭じて 视えるそのme wo tojite mieru sono指先へ めがけたyubisaki e megaketa口ずさむ その歌をkuchizusamu sono uta wo続けてtsuzuketeそうsouHand in hand 君が掴んだHand in hand kimi ga tsukandaその手は远くまでsono te wa tooku madeHand in hand 违う谁かのHand in hand chigau dareka no涙拭うnamida nuguuだからねdakaraneHand in hand 君が叫んだHand in hand kimi ga sakenda歌は谁かの手もuta wa dareka no te moHand in hand 包みこむからHand in hand tsutsumi komu kara途切れないでtogirenaideだからねdakaraneHand in hand 强い気持ちはHand in hand tsuyoi kimochi wa谁かの肩を抱くdareka no kata wo dakuHand in hand 覚えていてねHand in hand oboeteiteneずっと ずっとzutto zuttoミライまでmirai made



Live (amd64)与Live (amd64failsafe)有何区别?



海菲乐布料佛山海菲乐纺织科技有限公司办公室地址位于 佛山市顺德区龙江镇世埠居委会站前路以西龙头家具材料市场C2座107号(住所申报),于2018年10月23日在工商局注册成立,注册资本为60(万元),在公司发展壮大的3年里,我们始终为客户提供好的产品、良好的技术支持、健全的售后服务,我公司主要经营研发:纺织布料;销售:装饰布、纺织原料、家具材料、装饰材料、皮革、五金商品、钢材;经营和代理各类商品

If I can ease one life the aching,or cool one pain,or help one fainting robin.Ishall not live

请看下面翻译如果我能使一颗心免于哀伤If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain; If I can ease one life the aching, Or cool one pain, Or help one fainting robin Unto his nest again, I shall not live in vain. 如果我能使一颗心免于哀伤 我就不虚此生 如果我能解除一个生命的痛苦 平息一种酸辛 帮助一只昏厥的知更鸟 重新回到巢中 我就不虚此生。 约1864年 江枫 译

If I can ease one life the aching,or cool one pain,or help one fainting robin.Ishall not live




Hostile [Live Version] 歌词

歌曲名:Hostile [Live Version]歌手:Pantera专辑:Official Live: 101 ProofHostMuse( Cave single - September 99 )I"ve read you wellI just want to get awayCos you used my loveI just need to get awayMy trust in you has been abusedMy trust in you has been overusedSick of this spaceWish we could be far awayCos I wasted all my youthI"ve never see it againMy trust in you has been abusedMy trust in you has been overusedWhy can you get everything?Can you tell me why I just want to run away?Can you tell me why I just want to get away?I just wanted too muchI wish we could be far awayAnd if my wish comes trueYou never see me again

以撒的结合开头的独白说的什么啊? 就只听到了什么Isaac and his mother liv

Isaac and his mother lived alone in a small house on a hill. Isaac kept to himself drawing pictures and playing with his toys as his mom watched Christian broadcasts on the television. Life was simple and they were both happy. That was until the day Isaac"s mom heard a voice from above:"Your son has become corrupted by sin. He needs to be saved.""I will do my best to save him, my Lord," Isaac"s mother replied, rushing into Isaac"s room, removing all that was evil from his life.Again the voice called to her:"Isaac"s soul is still corrupt. He needs to be cut off from all that is evil in this world and confess his sins.""I will follow your instructions, Lord. I have faith in thee," Isaac"s mother replied as she locked Isaac in his room away from the evils of the world.One last time Isaac"s mom heard the voice of God calling to her:"You"ve done as I"ve asked, but I still question your devotion to me. To prove your faith, I will ask one more thing of you.""Yes, Lord. Anything," Isaac"s mother begged."To prove your love and devotion, I require a sacrifice. Your son, Isaac, will be this sacrifice. Go into his room and end his life as an offering to me, to prove you love me above all else.""Yes, Lord," she replied, grabbing a butchers knife from the kitchen.Isaac, watching through a crack in his door, trembled in fear. Scrambling around his room to find a hiding place, he noticed a trapdoor to the basement hidden under his rug. Without hesitation, he flung open the hatch just as his mother burst through his door and threw himself down into the unknown depths below..以撒和她的母亲独住在小山上的一间小房子里。以撒不停地自己绘制着图片和玩他的玩具,他的妈妈正观看着电视上的基督教节目。生活很简单,他们都是快乐的。直到一天,以撒的母亲听到一个声音从上方传来:“你的儿子已经是罪恶至极之人,他需要被救赎。”“我会尽我所能去救他,我的主。”以撒的母亲回答道,她冲进了以撒的房间,去除了以撒生活中的所有“邪恶”。同样的声音继续告知她:“以撒的灵魂仍然是污秽的,他的罪恶需要被切除于世界,并承认自己的罪。”“我会遵循您的指示,主。您是我的信仰。”以撒的母亲回答道,她将以撒锁入了房间,令以撒的罪恶远离世界。最后,以撒的母亲听到上帝的声音在召唤她:“我的要求你已经做到了,但我仍然怀疑着你的奉献。为了证明你的信仰,我将要求你的还有一件事。”“是的,主,任何事情。”以撒的母亲央告着。“为了证明你的爱和奉献,我要命令一个牺牲。你的儿子,以撒。去进入他的房间,并结束他的生命奉献给我,这将证明你对我的爱高于一切。”“遵命,主。”她回答道,并从厨房取下了屠刀。以撒,透过门缝的裂纹得知了一切,并在恐惧中颤抖。他想抢在他的母亲到来之前从房间里寻觅一个藏身之处,终于,他注意到地毯下隐藏着地下室的暗门。没有犹豫,他像他的母亲一样猛地推开了门,并全身心地进入了下方所未知的深处……

Fallin (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Fallin (Live)歌手:Evridiki专辑:Evridiki - Best OfI keep on fallin in love with youSometimes I love yaSometimes you make me blueSometimes I feel goodAt times I feel usedObey you darlingMakes me so confusedI keep on fallin in and out of love with youI never loved someone way that I loved youOh,oh,oh I never felt this wayHow do you give me so much pleasureand cause me so much painJust when I think I"ve taken more than would a foolI start fallin back in love with youI keep on fallin in and out of love with youI never loved someone way that I loved you(oh baby)oh,oh,oh,oh,ooooh(yeahyeah)Oh,oh,oh,oh,fallin(fall)(fall)(fall)(fall)I keep on fallin in and out of love with youI never loved somebody way that I love youI keep on fallin in and out of love with youI never loved somebody way that I love youI keep on fallin in and out of love with youI never loved somebody way that I love you

Sound Horizon 6th Story Concert Moira(Live)所有歌姬都是谁?

六女神:Remi,Miki,Haruka,Endo Mari,Kaori,Yuuki圣女:井上杏美Misa:栗林みな実王子:宇都宫隆(这个不算是歌姬么= =。。王子也唱了,且很有爱的唱了=v=)冥王+


分类: 电脑/网络 >> 互联网 解析: live邮箱和hotmail邮箱都是微软旗下邮件产品. hotmail我是从七年前申请后开始用的,但live好像是今年上半年才推出的吧,包括MSN空间的域名都用"live". live邮箱采用Hotmail邮件系统,live邮箱采用Live邮件系统;均可正常登录使用Live Messenger. 个人感觉"live"的功能和界面比"hotmail"好的多.




Kazuki Kato LIVE GIG 2006 2006/05/05 Shibuya O-west Kazuki Kato LIVE GIG 2006[GLAMOROUS ATTACK]TOUR 2006/10/28 福冈 BEAT STATION 2006/10/29 広岛 ナミキジャンクション 2006/11/03 札幌 KRAPS HALL 2006/11/05 爱知 名古屋ダイアモンドホール 2006/11/12 大阪 BIG CAT 2006/11/19 宫城 仙台JUNK BOX 2006/11/26 东京 SHIBUYA-AX 2006/11/27 东京 SHIBUYA-AX Kazuki Kato LIVE GIG [FACE] TOUR 2007/04/06 福冈 DRUM Be-1 2007/04/07 広岛 ナミキジャンクション 2007/04/09 宫城 仙台JUNK BOX 2007/04/11 札幌 PENNYLANE24 2007/04/18 爱知 Zepp Nagoya 2007/04/20 大阪 なんばHatch 2007/04/21 香川 高松オリーブホール 2007/04/25 神奈川 横浜BLITZ Kazuki Kato 1st Anniversary Special Live GIG 2007 2007/04/26 渋谷C.C.Lemonホール Kazuki Kato LIVE GIG 2007-BATTELE of HIBIYA-YAON- 2007/10/13 日比谷野外音楽堂 Kazuki Kato LIVE GIG ~in Love~ 2008/02/07 新潟 LOTS 2008/02/21 东京 Shibuya O-EAST 2008/02/24 札幌 PENNY LANE 24 2008/03/01 福冈 DRUM LOGOS 2008/03/02 広岛 CLUB QUATTRO 2008/03/09 高知 BAY 5 AQUARE 2008/03/16 大阪 なんばHatch 2008/03/17 爱知 Zepp Nagoya 2008/03/23 宫城 Zepp Sendai Kazuki Kato LIVE GIG ~SCRAP&BUILD~ 2008/04/28 日本武道馆 加藤和树&The Drastic~Fighting Road Tour 2008~ 2008/08/10 鹿児岛 CAPARVO HALL 2008/08/11 宫崎 SR BOX 2008/08/13 熊本 DRUM Be-9 2008/08/15 爱媛 松山SALONKITTY 2008/08/16 冈山 CRAZY MAMA KINGDOM 2008/08/17 兵库 神戸VARIT. 2008/08/26 青森 QUARTER 2008/08/27 岩手 盛冈Club Change WAVE 2008/09/06 静冈 浜松窓枠 2008/09/07 岐阜 CLUB ROOTS 2008/09/09 石川 金沢EIGHT HALL Kazuki Kato LIVE GIG 2008-One Night Only- 2008/12/17 新木场 STUDIO COAST kazuki Kato 3rd Anniversary special LIVEGIG2009~Shining Road~ 2009/04/25 日比谷野外音楽堂 Kazuki Kato LIVE GIG 2009 Tour-Drastic Glamor Tour- 2009/07/17 福冈 DRUM LOGOS 2009/07/18 広岛 CLUB QUATTRO 2009/07/19 香川 高松オリーブホール 2009/07/21 新潟 LOTS 2009/07/23 宫城 Zepp Sendai 2009/07/25 爱知 Zepp Nagoya 2009/07/26 大阪 なんばHatch 2009/07/28 东京 Zepp Tokyo 2009/07/31 札幌 PENNY LANE 24 Kazuki Kato LIVE GIG 2010-It"s My Life- 2010/12/12 新木场 STUDIO COAST Kazuki Kato 5th Anniversary Live”GIG”Tour2011~Rock"in Hall~ 2011/05/05 东京 Shibuya O-WEST 2011/05/14 兵库 尼崎市総合文化センターアルカイックホール 2011/05/21 爱知 名古屋市公会堂 2011/05/27 东京 中野サンプラザ 2011/05/28 东京 渋谷eggman Kazuki kato Live GIG Tour~Clash Complexion~ 2011/10/08 爱知 名古屋ダイアモンドホール 2011/10/10 石川 金沢EIGHT HALL 2011/10/15 大分 DRUM Be-0 2011/10/16 福冈 DRUM LOGOS 2011/10/22 宫城 仙台darwin 2011/10/29 东京 赤坂BLITZ 2011/10/30 东京 赤坂BLITZ 2011/11/03 札幌 PENNY LANE 24 2011/11/05 新潟 LOTS 2011/11/06 静冈 浜松窓枠 2011/11/12 広岛 CLUB QUATTRO 2011/11/13 香川 高松オリーブホール 2011/11/19 大阪 BIG CAT JOKER 1st LiveGAME 2012~ROCK ON~ 2012/05/05 品川ステラボール JOKER VERSUS LIVE ~Battle Game 2012~ 2012/08/16 代官山UNIT VS SuG 2012/08/17 代官山UNIT VS アンダーグラフ JOKER Live GAME Tour2012-2013 ~OVER~ 2012/12/14 宫城 仙台darwin 2012/12/16 札幌 PENNY LANE 24 2012/12/22 広岛 ナミキジャンクション 2012/12/23 広岛 ナミキジャンクション 2012/12/24 福冈 BEAT STATION 2013/01/05 静冈 浜松窓枠 2013/01/06 千叶 柏PALOOZA 2013/01/12 爱知 名古屋ダイアモンドホール 2013/01/14 爱媛 松山SALONKITTY 2013/01/19 大阪 BIG CAT 2013/01/20 石川 金沢AZ 2013/01/26 埼玉 さいたま新都心 HEAVEN"S ROCK 2013/01/27 东京 SHIBUYA-AX Kazuki Kato 7th Anniversary Special Live GIG 2013 ~My Relation~ 2013/07/07 恵比寿ザu30fbガーデンホール Kazuki Kato Acoustic Live KK-station~フラクリ~ 2013/11/13 大阪 Umeda AKASO 2013/11/14 爱知 Electric Lady Land 2013/11/21 东京 渋谷Duo MUSIC EXCHANGE Kazuki Kato LIVE GIG Tour 2014~Sing A Song Fighter~ 2014/06/06 爱媛 松山サロンキティ 2014/06/07 福冈 BEAT STATION 2014/06/08 冈山 CRAZYMAMA KINGDOM 2014/06/10 大阪 梅田CLUB QUATTRO 2014/06/11 石川 金沢AZ 2014/06/13 宫城 仙台CLUB JUNK BOX 2014/06/15 札幌 cube garden 2014/06/18 千叶 柏PALOOZA 2014/06/20 东京 Zepp DiverCity TOKYO 2014/06/22 爱知 名古屋ダイアモンドホール Kazuki Kato Acoustic Live KK-station 2014~BIRTH~ 2014/09/28 宫城 仙台CLUB JUNK BOX 2014/10/02 大阪 Umeda AKASO 2014/10/03 爱知 名古屋CLUB QUATTRO 2014/10/04 神奈川 横浜Bay Hall Kazuki Kato LIVE GIG 2015 TOUR~Ever Onward~ 2015/05/02 福冈 BEAT STATION 2015/05/03 広岛 ナミキジャンクション 2015/05/05 冈山 IMAGE 2015/05/06 香川 高松MONSTAR 2015/05/08 大阪 Umeda AKASO 2015/05/09 京都 京都MUSE 2015/05/10 石川 金沢AZ 2015/05/12 神奈川 新横浜NEW SIDE BEACH!! 2015/05/15 札幌 KRAPS HALL 2015/05/17 宫城 仙台MACANA 2015/05/19 埼玉 さいたま新都心 HEAVEN"S ROCK 2015/05/21 东京 赤坂 BLITZ 2015/05/23 静冈 SOUND SHOWER ark 2015/05/24 爱知 名古屋ダイアモンドホール Kazuki Kato Acoustic Live KK-station 2015~Summer Vacation~ 2015/08/05 东京 新宿FACE 2015/08/07 爱知 名古屋ダイアモンドホール 2015/08/08 大阪 梅田CLUB QUATTRO 2015/08/09 福冈 福冈DRUM LOGOS 2015/08/11 东京 新宿FACE

Be My Yoko Ono (Live 5/01/04 Glasgow) 歌词

歌曲名:Be My Yoko Ono (Live 5/01/04 Glasgow)歌手:Barenaked Ladies专辑:Everywhere For Everyone Glasgow, Uk 5/01/04Be My Yoko OnoBarenaked LadiesTalk to the Hand: Live in MichiganBe My Yoko OnoBarenaked LadiesAlbum:Talk to the Hand: Live in MichiganIf there"s someone you can live without, then do soAnd if there"s someone you can just shove out, oh do soYou can be my Yoko OnoYou can fallow me wherever I goBe my, be my, be my Yoko Ono woahIsn"t it beautiful to see two people so much in love?Barenaked as two virgins hand in hand and hand and hand in gloveNow that I"m far away it doesnt seem to me to be such a painTo have you hangin off my ankle like some kind of ball and chainYo can be my Yoko OnoYou can fallow me wherever I goBe my, be my, be my Yoko Ono, woahBe my YokoOh no, here we goOur life is one big one punOh no, here we go, as Yoko sings about Aiee!I know that when I say thisI may be stepping on pins and needles.But I don"t like all these people slagging her for breaking up the Beatles.Don"t blame it on Yokey!if I was John and you were Yoko,I would gladly give up musical genius,just to have you as my very own, personal Venus.Hit it!You can be my Yoko OnoYou can follow me wherever I goBe my, be my, be my Yoko Ono woahBe my, be my ,be my, be my, be my Yoko Ono woahBe my, be my, be my, be my, be my Yoko Ono woahBe my, be my, be my, be my Yoko Ono....woah

Having lived in Israel(以色列) for three years, I’m impressed with the way they wait in line?



女名吗?如果是的话叫 Olivia (个人认为更好听一点)Olive 也可以用作男名

Live Motion振膜技术到底是个什么样的技术?专业人员可以讲解一下么?

LiveMotion振膜技术是来自Plextor日本声学材料研究所的最新成果  耳机单元通过振膜的瞬态冲程反应制造空气振动,从而发声,因此振膜的性能直接影响频率响应和灵敏度高音往往震幅较小而频率较高,而低音往往是震幅较大而频率较低。为了满足高低不同频率的声音特性,耳机振膜便成为了一对矛盾体,因为出色的高频需要坚硬不易形变的材料,而想要获得良好的低频又需要类似与橡胶那样有良好形变恢复能力的材料。振膜材料的运用,直接影响了耳机声音的品质。将纳米级碳分子嵌入微米级的聚酯纤维  而浦科特的LiveMotion振膜技术正是来自Plextor日本声学材料研究所的最新成果。研究人员将碳分子在纳米级微粒的状态下,嵌入微米级的聚酯纤维中,发现这种聚酯碳素复合材料可以更好地制作出更轻盈和更强刚性的振膜,可有效降低无序谐振,提升声音的清晰度。而后他们又利用先进的3D空间建模和物理声学测量技术辅助这种纳米复合振膜的编织和压制,经过Plextor资深调音师的反复聆听,最终制作出相应耳机的振膜形状。 “利用LiveMotion振膜技术,单元振膜能更好地达到韧性和刚性的平衡,从而提供出色的动态表现,让人声和乐器等元素的表现都有极佳的声音分离表现。”Steve又提到:“浦科特耳机的设计理念在于设计师会根据不同型号的定位,设计特定适合的音乐风格,力求耳机的声音表现更能打动听众的内心,这正是浦科特耳机在包装上标注出来的指引。正因如此,浦科特每款耳机都会有不一样的外观、腔体、单元设计。”

Glorious Day (Living He Loved Me) 歌词

歌曲名:Glorious Day (Living He Loved Me)歌手:Casting Crowns专辑:WOW Hits 2012 (Deluxe Edition)Casting Crowns - Glorious Day (Living He Loved Me)One day when Heaven was filled with His praisesOne day when sin was as black as could beJesus came forth to be born of a virginDwelt among men, my example is HeWord became flesh and the light shined among usHis glory revealedLiving, He loved meDying, He saved meBuried, He carried my sins far awayRising, He justified freely foreverOne day He"s comingOh glorious day, oh glorious dayOne day they led Him up Calvary"s mountainOne day they nailed Him to die on a treeSuffering anguish, despised and rejectedBearing our sins, my Redeemer is HeHands that healed nations,stretched out on a treeAnd took the nails for meLiving, He loved meDying, He saved meBuried, He carried my sins far awayRising, He justified freely foreverOne day He"s comingOh glorious day, oh glorious dayOne day the grave could conceal Him no longerOne day the stone rolled away from the doorThen He arose, over death He had conqueredNow He"s ascended, my Lord evermoreDeath could not hold Him,the grave could not keep HimFrom rising againLiving, He loved meDying, He saved meBuried, He carried my sins far awayRising, He justified freely foreverOne day He"s comingOh glorious day, oh glorious dayOh glorious dayOne day the trumpet will sound for His comingOne day the skies with His glories will shineWonderful day, my Beloved One, bringingMy Savior, Jesus, is mineLiving, He loved meDying, He saved meBuried, He carried my sins far awayRising, He justified freely foreverOne day He"s comingOh glorious day, oh glorious dayOh glorious dayOh glorious day

The smell is familiar to everyone who lives near a bakery. 请高手帮忙分析一下这个英语句子

everyone 是宾语 who后面的是一个定语从句

I Swear (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:I Swear (Live)歌手:All 4 One专辑:精选集 Greatest HitsI swear ! 我发誓!By the moon & the stars in the skies.当着天上的星星月亮And I swear ! 我发誓!Like the shadow that"s by Ur side.如同守候你的背影I see the questions in Ur eyes.我看见你眼中闪烁着疑问I know what"s weighing on Ur mind.也听见你心中的忐忑不安U can B sure I know my part.你可以安心,我很清楚我的脚本"Cause I"ll stand beside U through the years.在往后共渡的岁月里U"ll only cry those happy tears.你只会因为喜悦而流泪And though I"d make mistakes.即使我偶尔会犯错I"ll never break Ur heart.也不会让你心碎I"ll be there.我必在你左右For better or worse.无论丰腴困厄Till death do us part.至死不渝I"ll love U with every beat of my heart!我用我每个心跳爱你I gove U everything I can.我愿给你一切我所能给的I"ll build Ur dreams with these two hands.用双手为你筑梦We"ll hang some memories on the walls.将最美好的回忆挂在墙上And when(And when)Just the two of us are there.当你我独处U won"t have 2 ask if I"d still care.你不在对我的爱存疑"Cos as the time turns the page.任时光荏苒My love won"t age at all.我的爱永不老去And I swear(I swear)! 我发誓!I swear(And I swear)! 我发誓!I Swear(I swear)! 我发誓!Better Or Worse.丰腴困厄Oh ! No ! 哦,不!I"ll love U with every single beat of my heart.我用我每个心跳爱你!And I swear,I swear,I Swear ! 我发誓!

英语作文 a habit is good for our health

好的生活习惯对我们的健康有益Good living habits are important to our lives,which ensure us a healthy body and a good mood.Havinga good rest is the basic,so that we can have enough energy in the whole d...

Balla Baby (Live) (Sessions@Aol) 歌词

歌曲名:Balla Baby (Live) (Sessions@Aol)歌手:Chingy专辑:Balla Baby (Live)You know the definition of a balla(uh hu) That"s meC-H-I-N-G to the YLet me explain it to you thoughChorusI"m a balla (say what) high roller baby (baby, baby)Shot caller (that"s right) ain"t nobody gets crazy (drive em crazy dirty) like meYou a hater (you a hater) why you tryin" to play me (I don"t think he know)fake player (fake player) ain"t nobody hatin (hey, I"m a balla for real)(oh, oh, oh)Girl I know you do the nasty (nasty)I could tell when ya (when ya) walked past me (past me)And you"re proud of looking flashyErrthing on your mindJust ask meI know my errrrelated stuff wasky (wabbit)Carrots all in the dezzyIt"s a habbit (uh)Wurrs my cashOutside I gotta Benz and Jag (both sittin on chrome)Is she down for gettin dirty with a get it boyAll I need is one night just to hit it boyAfter the club we can check in at a five-star tellyGet a suite an let me put somethin in your bellyWhat"s your name Sheena(ah) that you was ShellyDon"t matta four o"clockJust be readyForeva solja probably won"t come back from your mommaMust be thick that"s where ya get your back fromChorusNow I know we keep it crackin ask "em and brit (what"s up)The girls on us so dirty who you rollin wit (V-I-P)From Magic City to the pink slip in the Lou (Lou)them chicks love the diamonds that I get from Rob JewelsWe been in the spot maaaan hang up flirtinWe be surrounding by girls man and I ain"t purpinAll I know is money cash hoes like JAnd I got all three no I don"t play (don"t play)Chicks call me Drama King like KaySlay (KaySlay)Cause in the bed I bring it (yeah) night and dayLettin rounds off in "em like an AKYou leavin wit me tell me is it free or do I have to pay, (what you say)ChorusI like em black, white, Puerto Rican, or HaitianLike Japanese, Chinese, or even Asian (okay)Don"t matter what color on this occasion, (fo sho)Like smoke take a hit of what I"m blazinInstead of God it"s me these girls praisinMeet me at about 6 at the Days Inn5 of "em, 1 of me, I"m feelin caged inI"m a pimp, I"ma keep on playinYou know I love "em for that one night, (one night)I could take on ten with my one pipe, (one pipe)Knock "em all like a bowlin pin on site, (on site)Make "em soak, change, girl look herre you better get your mind right(cause...)I"m a balla (say what) high roller baby (baby, baby)Shot caller (that"s right) ain"t nobody gets crazy (drive em crazy dirty) like meYou a hater (you a hater) why you tryin" to play me (I don"t think he know)fake player (fake player) ain"t nobody hatin (hey, I"m a balla for real)(oh, oh, oh)Aint nobody gettin it.... like me

Theme From New York, New York [Live At Radio City Music Hall, June, 1990] 歌词

歌曲名:Theme From New York, New York [Live At Radio City Music Hall, June, 1990]歌手:Frank Sinatra专辑:Sinatra: New YorkTheme From New York, New YorkFrank SinatraNothing but the bestFrank Sinatra - Theme from New York New YorkStart spreading the newsI"m leaving todayI want to be a part of itNew york new yorkThese vegabond shoesAre longing to strayRight through the very heart of itNew york new yorkI wanna wake up in the cityThat doesn"t sleepAnd find I"m king of the hillTop of the heapThis little town bluesAre melting awayI"ll make a brand new start of itIn old new yorkIf I can make it thereI"ll make it anywhereIt"s up to youNew york new yorkNew york new yorkI wanna wake up in the cityThat never sleepsAnd find I"m a number oneTop of the listKing of the hill a number oneThis little town bluesAre melting awayI"m gotta make a brand new start of itIn old new yorkAnd if I can make it thereI"m gonna make it anywhereIt"s up to youNew york new yorkNew york


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Femme Fatale (Live/1984 Aragon Ballroom) 歌词

歌曲名:Femme Fatale (Live/1984 Aragon Ballroom)歌手:R.E.M.专辑:Reckoning (Deluxe)(Reed)Here she comes, you better watch your stepShe"s going to break your heart in two, it"s trueIt"s not hard to realizeJust look into her false colored eyesShe builds you up to just put you down, what a clown"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)See the way she walksHear the way she talksYou"re written in her bookYou"re number 37, have a lookShe"s going to smile to make you frown, what a clownLittle boy, she"s from the streetBefore you start, you"re already beatShe"s gonna play you for a fool, yes it"s true"Cause everybody knows (She"s a femme fatale)The things she does to please (She"s a femme fatale)She"s just a little tease (She"s a femme fatale)See the way she walksHear the way she talks

Butterfly [Live From Highline Ballroom] 歌词

歌曲名:Butterfly [Live From Highline Ballroom]歌手:Jason Mraz专辑:LuckyJason Mraz - ButterflyI"m taking a moment just imaginin" that I"m dancin" with youI"m your pole and all you"re wearing is your shoesYou got soul, you know what to do to turn me onuntil I write a song about youAnd you have your own engaging styleAnd you"ve got the knack to vivifyAnd you make my slacks a little tight, you may unfasten them if you likeThat"s if you crash and spend the nightBut you don"t fold, you don"t fadeYou"ve got everything you need, especially meSister you"ve got it allYou make the call to make my dayIn your message say my nameYour talk is all the talk, sister you"ve got it allCurl your upper lip up and let me look aroundRide your tongue along your bottom lip and bite downAnd bend your back and ask those hips if I can touchBecause they"re the perfect jumping off point of getting closer to yourButterflyWell you float on byOh kiss me with your eyelashes tonightOr Eskimo your nose real close to mineAnd let"s mood the lights and finally make it rightBut you don"t fold, you don"t fade, you"ve got everything you needEspecially meSister you"ve got it allYou make the call to make my dayIn you message say my nameYour talk is all the talk sister you"ve got it allYou"ve got it all, you"ve got it all, you"ve got it allYou"ve got it all, you"ve got it all, you"ve got it allYou"ve got it all, you"ve got it allDoll I need to see you pull your knee socks upLet me feel you up side, down slide, in slide, out slide, over hereClimb in my mouth now childButterfly, well you landed on my mindDammit you landed on my ear and then you crawled insideNow I see you perfectly behind closed eyesI wanna fly with you and I don"t wanna lie to youCause I, cause I can"t recall a better daysI"m coming to shine on the occasionYou"re an open minded ladyYou"ve got it allAnd I never forget a faceIf I"m making my ownI have my daysLet"s face the fact here, it"s you that"s got it allYou know that fortune favors the braveWell let me get paid while I make you breakfastThe rest is up to you, you make the callYou make the call to make my dayIn your message say my nameYour talk is all the talk, sister you"ve got it allCause I can"t recall a better dayI"m coming to shine on the occasionYou"re a sophisticated lady, oh you"ve got it allYou"ve got it all, you"ve got it all, you"ve got it allYou"ve got it all, you"ve got it all, you"ve got it allYou"ve got it all, you"ve got it all, you"ve got it allYou"ve got it all, you"ve got it all….Butterfly, baby, well you"ve got it allKevin Boul, share with you!

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求V家Oliver的Pumpkin March歌词

Lyrics Vocaloid - Pumpkin Marchby Nekobilla01, Dec 6, 2013, 4:05:27 PMJournals / PersonalPumpkin marchSinger : Oliver ( Vocaloid 3 )Ghostly laughter climbs down your spineDon"t worry, I"m sure you will be fineWhy, you asked, Because you are the scariest of your kindTake my hand, so you won"t forget your wayHurry. Or else we will be lateWhere to, you asked. A party to celebrate this special day.Don"t make us wait..Tula pilatu kah luttataFrightened face hidden under your maskTula putapittana tufeepahTake it easy or we"ll tie you upTula littata luppashahFalila tufeepah tilatu lakahYour shaking voice itches my earsSing me a songLook, the reflection in my eyesDon"t you see the monster live inside?Forgive me please, you beggedIs this another trick of yours?You leave me no choice..Don"t you escape.Tula pilatu kah luttataDon"t forget the faces that you"ve betrayedTula putapittana tufeepahHave you ever stopped being jealous?Tula littata luppashahHappiness built on other"s misfortunesIt"s getting late, don"t you think? We should move on to the main dish.. Don"t ruin any food on your plateTula pilatu kah luttataThat serious look on your face is such a wasteTula putapittana tufeepahLet me carve a smiley on your faceTula littata luppashahChocolate, biscuits, raspberry tartsOpen up big, I will feed you until your teeth rot.Can"t you see your ugly self?Even poor mirror"s about to break.Gobble down a piece of cake for every lie that you sayI wonder, how much would you weight?These layers of decaying skin are giving me a stomach acheCongratulations. There"s no need to dress up.. anymore...Hello its Nekobilla~!This song and Lyrics is not original from me..Lyrics & song by: momocashewYou can check the video here
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