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你好,很高兴为你解答Oliver :男生名,奥利弗希望对你有帮助



英文名oliver的寓意 英文名oliver有哪些寓意

1、名字含义:“橄榄树” 2、名词详解:(拉丁),橄榄树。(斯堪地拉维亚)温和亲爱的。OLIVER给人好几种印象。脏兮兮无无忧虑的乡下小孩;好学用功的书虫;热心奉献的人;或者愚蠢有趣的漫书人物。 3、名字来源:拉丁语




提起oliver为什么要在春天结婚配音,大家都知道,有人问oliver为什么要口elio,另外,还有人想问oliver你为什么要在春天订婚出自哪里?你知道这是怎么回事?其实v家oliver资料,下面就一起来看看oliver为什么要口elio,希望能够帮助到大家! oliver为什么要在春天结婚配音 1、oliver为什么要在春天结婚配音:oliver为什么要口elio 2、oliver为什么要在春天结婚配音:oliver你为什么要在春天订婚出自哪里? 3、oliver为什么要在春天结婚配音:v家oliver资料 瑞典音乐公司 PowerFX 发表 VOCALOID 与角色形象—— Oliver,由英国十三岁少年录制而成的英语系男声VOCALOID。 VOCALOID3正式发布,许多制作精良之VOCALOID角色也如雨后春笋现身,曾发行许多英语系VOCALOID的瑞典音乐公司 PowerFX 特别设立了新部门‘VOCATONE",并发表 VOCATONE 旗下首位 VOCALOIDOliver。 Oliver 是以“合唱团少年”为概念构想的 VOCALOID,真身配音员是十三岁的英国少年(不公开配音员姓名),有著男孩轻柔嗓音以及英国口音。 Oliver 的角色形象来自十八、十九世纪贵族少年服与如今少年合唱团。并承继 PowerFX 过去发表 VOCALOID 皆有“科学怪人”的属性,Oliver 的左眼与双脚包上了绷带。人设而伴随 Oliver 身旁的美国金翅雀名为‘James",主要是为了让角色设计看起来更有平衡感, Oliver 消息未全面公开之前,James 已经常出现动画预告里头。VOCALOID fansOliver 的角色设计各有感想,的 fansOliver 颇像英国作家狄更斯的经典‘孤雏泪"主角,日本的 VOCALOID fans 则发出“包帯萌え”的赞誉。 Fans 提问“Oliver 你的眼睛是怎麼了?!” Oliver 表示眼睛的伤是被某只猫抓伤… 音乐公司 PowerFXOliverFacebook 的社团专页(继初音ミク之后个拥有个人脸书的 VOCALOID),也特别设立了问答专区让喜欢 Oliverfans 能够更了解 Oliver。JAMES一位隶属新部门‘VOCATONE"的角色,Oliver 同样和其他 PowerFX 公司的VOCALOID有著良好相性,曾在万节发表与 Sweet和 BigAL 共唱改编自连续剧主题曲的‘The PowerFX family"。 v家oliver资料 ▲Happy Halloween fromand VocaTone! 日期尚未确定,不过 Oliver 已确认未来会发行软体盒装版与网路版本。相对日本的镜音レン(女性下田麻美配音),作为位‘真正的少年 VOCALOID ",Oliver 未来的发展相当值得期待。 陪伴Oliver的小鸟叫James。 Oliver歌曲 Moon River Dinky Dink Going Home Circus Monster RollingThe Deep Oliveru2019s Lullaby Circus Monster -Full- Fireflies canu2019teven dream 以上就是与oliver为什么要口elio相关内容,是关于oliver为什么要口elio的分享。看完oliver为什么要在春天结婚配音后,希望这对大家有所帮助!




这是他以前的艺名。严浩翔,2004年8月16日出生于广东省广州市,中国内地流行乐男歌手、影视演员,男子演唱组合时代少年团成员。2014年,参演个人首部电影《天空之泪》。2015年,参演武侠电影《禅寺风云》。2017年3月30日,以易安音乐社“展逸文”身份参与活动;5月,参演真人秀《我们的易安》。2018年1月,参演真人秀《易安放学后》;8月,参演真人秀《易安少年成长计划》和《我们的宿舍》。人物评价严浩翔作为团里的说唱担当,常说到的词便是“真实”。他的性格也受到了嘻哈精神的影响,就是要保持真实,不在乎外界给他贴的标签。真实,也是他对待音乐的态度,有一种深入的坚定和笃信。“在舞台上只有自己真正享受音乐,才能带给台下观众更好的体验。”这是他的舞台DNA 。虽然在粉丝们眼里严浩翔可盐可甜,但在平时的生活中,他却没有了在台上唱饶舌时的躁动,就像懒懒地趴在家中木地板上的猫一样,享受着属于自己的悠闲时光。


Oliver n. 奥利弗(男子名)


oliver的意思是:奥利弗;脚踏铁锤;男子名一.解释Oliver常见英文名音译是奥利弗,奥力佛。Oliver代表是温和的,重视重感情的人,万事和为贵,男士用的最多,最早出现于丹麦语、德语,Oliver是个冷门的名字,这个英文名字表示浪漫、开阔、友好。2.该名读音是[u02c8u0254livu0259],该名看起来很常见,听起来也很朗朗上口,大数据分析,很多叫Oliver的人都非常浪漫、开阔、友好。Oliver历史上最早出现于丹麦语、德语,这个名字在国外超级流行!温和的,重视重感情的人,万事和为贵。二.Oliver的来源Oliver的来源可以追溯到古希腊时期,当时它的意思是“和平的”。古希腊神话中,有一位名叫Olivia的女神,她是爱神爱德斯的女儿,她的名字来源于古希腊语中的“Olivia”,意思是“欧利弗”,也就是“聪明的、有智慧的”。三.Oliver的历史Oliver的历史可以追溯到古希腊时期,当时它的意思是“和平的”。后来,它的意思发生了变化,变成了“欧利弗”,意思是“聪明的、有智慧的”。Oliver一直是一个非常受欢迎的英文名字,它已经成为许多家庭的家庭名字。四.造句1.She cried when she spoke of Oliver. 她提起奥利弗的时候哭了。2.Even Oliver felt a tiny spark of excitement. 连奥利弗都感到一丝兴奋。3.When not producing art of his own, Oliver was busy advancing the work of others. 奥利弗在不搞自己的艺术创作时,就会忙着帮助别人完成作品。


oliver[英][ˈɔlivə][美][ˈɑləvɚ]n.脚踏铁槌; 网络奥利弗; 脚踏铁锤; 脚踏锤; 双语例句 1I told you, my name is oliver.我已经跟你说了,我叫奥利佛。2None of the other Bradys particularly liked oliver.其他的布莱迪都不像奥立佛。




oliver 脚踏铁锤 [建]

Oliver 咋读???????



Oliver是姓名。一般翻译为:奥利弗也有译为以下: 奥利佛; 奥立弗; 奥立佛

Oliver 是什么意思



oliver[英][u02c8u0254livu0259][美][u02c8ɑlu0259vu025a]n.脚踏铁槌双语例句1.Oliver filched a packet of cigarettes from a well-dressed passenger.奥立佛从一名衣冠楚楚的乘客身上偷得一包香烟。2.Oliver is acting tonight.奥利弗今晚演出。3.Oliver lingered no longer, but meekly followed his new mistress.奥立弗不再迟疑,乖乖地跟着他的新主人走去。4.Because Noah behaved like this, Charlotte was bad to Oliver too.因为诺亚老是这样捉弄他,夏洛蒂也就待他很坏。5.Oliver envied the fine person and dignified manners of his untutored brother.奥利佛非常妒忌他这个没受过教育的弟弟长得竟这么好,举止又落落大方。

求Sarah McLachlan - Angel (Live) 的歌词

Angel-Sarah McLachlanspend all your time waitingfor that second chancefor a break that would make it okaythere"s always one reasonto feel not good enoughand it"s hard at the end of the dayi need some distractionoh beautiful releasememory seeps from my veinslet me be emptyand weightless and maybei"ll find some peace tonightin the arms of an angelfly away from herefrom this dark cold hotel roomand the endlessness that you fearyou are pulled from the wreckageof your silent reverieyou"re in the arms of the angelmay you find some comfort thereso tired of the straight lineand everywhere you turnthere"s vultures and thieves at your backand the storm keeps on twistingyou keep on building the liethat you make up for all that you lackit don"t make no differenceescaping one last timeit"s easier to believe in this sweet madness ohthis glorious sadness that brings me to my kneesin the arms of an angelfly away from herefrom this dark cold hotel roomand the endlessness that you fearyou are pulled from the wreckageof your silent reverieyou"re in the arms of the angelmay you find some comfort thereyou"re in the arms of the angelmay you find some comfort here

关于东方神起的live tour和showcase

showcase 一般是指他们发行新专辑之后 通常是指韩文专辑 比如 rising sun,正反合,mirotic之类的大碟。为了宣传和回报歌迷 句型的一个小时左右的舞台活动。期间夹杂一些采访已经和歌迷的互动。live tour就是巡回演唱会。通常是一个主题。然后在韩国 日本 亚洲地区展开。现在JYJ的话 有世界巡演。通常日本的巡演 在日本国内展开。演唱日本发行的专辑里面的日文歌曲。亚洲巡演一般演唱韩文歌曲。地点通常包括韩国首尔 上海 南京 深圳 台湾之类的。。。

求SS501的u r man现场live视频


为什么SS501的live,U R Man这首歌里只有三个人啊?


这首是什么歌 whenever never whenever never baby and/an never ....singer live you 歌名是什么 歌词听

这是一首非常好听的歌:why would i ever——sam watters。很清澈的女声。对于欧美音乐的问题、我想你大都可以问我。本人非常喜欢欧美音乐。

Bruno Mars - Nothing On You ( Walmart Soundcheck Live) 2010前面部分的歌词 还有MP3


Girlfriend(Live Acoustic) 歌词

歌曲名:Girlfriend(Live Acoustic)歌手:Avril Lavigne专辑:walmart soundcheckAlbum:The Best Damn ThingAvril Lavigne-Girlfriend(Clean Edit)Hey Hey You YouI don"t like your girlfriendNo way No wayI think you need a new oneHey Hey You YouI could be your girlfriendHey Hey You YouI know that you like meNo way No wayNo, it"s not a secretHey Hey You YouI want to be your girlfriendYou"re so fineI want you mineYou"re so deliciousI think about youall the timeYou are so addictiveDon"t you knowWhat I can doTo make you feel alrightDon"t pretendI think you knowI"m damn preciousHell YeahI"m the mother princessI can tell you like me tooAnd you know I"m rightShe"s like so whateverYou can do so much betterI think we should get together nowWell that"s what everyone"s talking aboutHey Hey You YouI don"t like your girlfriendNo way No wayI think you need a new oneHey Hey You YouI could be your girlfriendHey Hey You YouI know that you like meNo way No wayNo, it"s not a secretHey Hey You YouI want to be your girlfriendI can see the waySee the wayYou look at meAnd even when you look awayI know you think of meI know you talk about me all the timeagain and againSo come over hereand tell me what I wanna hearBetter, yeah,make your girlfriend dissapearI don"t wanna hear you say her nameever againCuz she"s like so whateverYou can do so much betterI think we should get together nowWell that"s what everyone"s talking aboutHey Hey You YouI don"t like your girlfriendNo way No wayI think you need a new oneHey Hey You YouI could be your girlfriendHey Hey You YouI know that you like meNo way No wayNo, it"s not a secretHey Hey You YouI want to be your girlfriendIn a secondyou"ll be wrapped around my finger‘Cause I can,cause I can do it betterThere"s no other,so when"s it gonna sink inShe"s so stupid,what the hell were you thinking?In a secondyou"ll be wrapped around my finger‘Cause I can,cause I can do it betterThere"s no other,so when"s it gonna sink inShe"s so stupid,what the hell were you thinking?Hey Hey You YouI don"t like your girlfriendNo way No wayI think you need a new oneHey Hey You YouI could be your girlfriend(No Way)Hey Hey You YouI know that you like meNo way No wayNo, it"s not a secretHey Hey You YouI want to be your girlfriendHey Hey You YouI don"t like your girlfriend ( No Way!)No way No wayI think you need a new one (Hey!)

Departure (Live) (Rome Soundcheck) 歌词

歌曲名:Departure (Live) (Rome Soundcheck)歌手:R.E.M.专辑:E-Bow The LetterTriviumDepartureAscendancyThis weight is so unbearable caving my lungsAll my life seems to be flashing in front of my eyes (in front of my eyes)Run away from all the pain, All The Pain In lifeRun Away! (Run Away!) From The Pain! Of Life!Ways of devotion turn to obsession open your eyes (open Your Eyes)I want you to see what you"ve done to mecrying out those eyes (crying out those eyes)Run away from all the pain, all the pain in lifeRun Away! (Run Away!) From The Pain! Of Life!Bring my end! (bring My End!) to an end!Distance yourself from the pain that covers meAs I reach out for your hand to find there"s nothing left for meRazors kiss the vein overdose for painA 12 gauge cross kisses the forehead a savior in a shellSever me from the fallFuck the people, Fuck the world, Fuck it allOpen my armsBleed out the floodIn crimson I begin to drownSever me from the fallFuck the people, Fuck the world, Fuck it allOpen my armsBleed out the floodIn crimson I begin to drownRun Away! (Run Away!) From The Pain! Of Life!Bring my end! (bring My End!) to an end!Distance yourself from the pain that covers meAs I reach out for your hand to find there"s nothing left for meDistance yourself from the pain that covers meAs I reach out for your hand to find there"s nothing left for me

Departure (Live) (Rome Soundcheck) 歌词

歌曲名:Departure (Live) (Rome Soundcheck)歌手:R.E.M.专辑:E-Bow The Letter「Departure」作词∶Rie Otsuka作曲∶Yutaka Sugaua歌∶RSP“はなればなれになったって あなたを信じてる”キミがくれたコトバで 强くなれたんだありがとう ありがとう いつまでも叫ぶよ忘れない 忘れない どんなに离れても明日の今顷はもう 知らない街ひとりきり冷たい风が吹いても 手を繋ぐこと出来ないいっぱい不安もある キミに頼りすぎてたって今更気付かされる当然 ずっと一绪だと思ってたよ全然 想像しなかったことだけどやっと 见つけた梦を叶えるために今进み始めるよ“はなればなれになったって その笑颜大好きさ”キミがくれたコトバを トランクに诘めて泣かないよ 泣かないよ 泣かないよ 今だけはそう笑って そう笑って さよなら言わなくちゃ踏みしめる落ち叶の音が ふたりの空に响いてたたいした会话もないまま 部屋の前まで辿り着く「一绪に买ったCD 持っていて欲しいあなたに…」キミの手が震えてたぎゅっと 诘め込まれたトランクを开けてそっと 一番上に置いてみたけどふと あのメロディーが恋しくなって朝まで聴いてたんだ“はなればなれになったって あなたを信じてる”キミがくれたコトバで 强くなれたんだありがとう ありがとう いつまでも叫ぶよ忘れない 忘れない どんなに离れても「空の上で开いてね」とキミから渡された手纸に 大きなピースサイン"GOOD LUCK!" 何度も重ねた文字“はなればなれになったって その笑颜大好きさ”キミがくれたコトバが 胸に溢れてる泣かないよ 泣かないよ 泣かないよ 今だけはそう笑って そう笑って またいつか会うために【 おわり 】


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living in the heart 歌词是什么?

Uh-Uh- Untouchable Coming_yet_to_us_AgainGirl Please come back to me Please come back to mePlease come back to me GirlI can`t breath I can`t smile everyday so because of youI can`t sleep I can`t live everyday so because of youGirl a jik no rul hyang han ne ma mun su mi ga pa jige tu go wo ho na na rul hyang han ne ma mun su mimo jo ji ge cha ga wo nan no ye sa rang e me ma lagon jo he jo bo rin ne ma me yu wi han su bu nunnun mul ji cho ga myo hu li jo he sal ga tun mi so e boso na gi him dul go i byo run ye go ob shi a pu mulpo bu wun so na gi a jik tu go un ne ga su mennon sa ra sum shi go i so nol hyang he ne shim jangun bam se do rok gye sok twi go i sogu de te mu ne su mul swil su i so yogu de te mu ne u sul su ga i so yocham i sang ha ge u so donun mu ri hu lo yo (ba bo cho rom)gu de nun a jik ne ga su me sa ra yogu de ga su men ne ga i na yona sa nun dong an (sum swi nun dong an)gu de rul it ji mo te yonan no te mu ne sum swi go nan no te me u nun sa ramnan no te mu ne sum swi go nan no te me u nun sa ramnan no te mu ne a pu go nan no te me u nun sa ramnan no te mu ne a pu go nan no te me u nun sa ramI can`t breath I can`t smile everyday so because of youI can`t sleep I can`t live everyday so because of youYe cha ga un gyo ul ba ram cho rom si ri go a pun i byoldu run dol go do nun gye jol cho rom to da shi ne gero mi lyo wa so ta san bom nal cho rom a rum dwosot don gi ok (gi ok) mu dop ji na na re yo rum cho romtu gop don u ri nun ob so (Yeah ) hi mob shi to ro ji nunnag yop cho rom sa rang un ju go gat go o ji a nulgot gat don gyo u run gyol guk ne ge ro cha ja wa so(OH ) sa ra mun cha ga un sa rang ul hal un myongin gol sa rang ul na nun mot mi do i jengu de te mu ne su mul swil su i so yogu de te mu ne u sul su ga i so yocham i sang ha ge u so donun mu ri hu lo yo (ba bo cho rom)gu de nun a jik ne ga su me sa ra yogu de ga su men ne ga i na yona sa nun dong an (sum swi nun dong an)na gu de rul it ji mo te yonan no te mu ne sum swi go nan no te me u nun sa ramnan no te mu ne sum swi go nan no te me u nun sa ramnan no te mu ne a pu go nan no te me u nun sa ramnan no te mu ne a pu go nan no te me u nun sa ramne ga jal mo tan ge i su myon yong so he jo be ro ga pul geda shi ma nal su man it da myon o ton i ri dun da hal ten dea jik do gu del i jul su ga ob so yogu de hun jo gun ji wo ji jil a na yocham ku man gat don u ri yeso jung han chu ong man (sa hyo ga yo)a jik do gu del gi da ri go i so yogu de nun ji gum o di i na yocham i sang ha jo (shi ga ni ga do)u so do nun mul man hu lo yoPlease come back to me Please come back to mePlease come back to me GirlPlease come back to me Please come back to mePlease come back to me Girl

am,is,are ,live,act的过去式,现在分词,单三式是什么?

was were live. living acting

Even Heaven Cries [Live At Sessions@Aol] 歌词

歌曲名:Even Heaven Cries [Live At Sessions@Aol]歌手:Monrose专辑:Sessions@AolEven Heaven CriesMonrose(haa)hahahahaa(haa)hahahahaa(haa)hahahahaa(haa)hahahahaaThere are Times when you feelThat you don"t know where you fit inSo you hideWhat is realEven when it hurts to pretendTo be the one that you thinkEverybody wants you to beNo one seeThe one you really areBut you don"t have to hide your heartCause nothing but you needs to changeSometimes it might seems hardAnd your whole world falls apartJust know that when you feel that wayEven heaven criesEverybody criesIt"s okay to doubtYourself sometimesYou don"t have to be afraidof what you fear insideIt"s alright (it"s alright)Cause even heaven cries...When you look on the mireAnd you don"t see picture perfectWhat they sayBreak your heartAnd make you feelYou"re not worth itAlle Wanna disappearHide the tearsStill play and make believeSo no one seeYeeaahThe one you really areBut you don"t have to hide your heartyour mire count that in everywaysometimes it might seem hardand your whole world falls apartJust know that when you hear the rainEven heaven criesEverybody criesIt"s okay to doubtYourself sometimesYou don"t have to be afraidof what you fear insideIt"s alright (it"s alright)Cause even heaven cries...No you"re not aloneDon"t be ashamedto let your feelings showYou should realizeyou"re special who you areIn time you"re gonna see(haa)hahahahaa(haa)hahahahaa(haa)hahahahaa(haa)hahaa(woohohoo)(haa)hahahahaa(haa)hahahahaaDon"t you realizeThat even heaven criesEverybody criesIt"s okay to doubtYourself sometimesYou don"t have to be afraidof what you fear insideIt"s alright (it"s alright)Cause even heaven cries...Everybody criesIt"s okay to doubtYourself sometimesYou don"t have to be afraidof what you fear insideIt"s alright (it"s alright)Cause even heaven cries


名字全给你了,地址就自己找吧,好不。。rock and roll 个人认为最好听 Christina Aguilera--fighter NBA赛季的一手歌 we will rock you 经典 I still believe——NBA一首广告歌曲,来自天后Mariah Carey Don"t Stop——NBA2002-03赛季常规赛的主题曲 The Game Of Love——同样是一首2002-03赛季的主题曲 Dig In——NBA2002-03赛季季后赛的主题曲 Elevation——NBA宣传歌曲 Can"t Stop——NBA宣传歌曲 Fighter——NBA2002-03赛季的季后赛主题曲 Dilemma——NBA宣传曲 Bowling for soup-1985——NBA宣传曲 Outkast-Hey Ya Allen Iverson-last night——iverson的一首广为流传的歌曲 Liz phair-Why Can"t i Uncle Kracker-Drift Aways Elvis Presley-All Shook Up——猫王的那个 Train don"t stop there anymore-Elton John 全明星周末中场时的表演曲目 Californication-Red Hot Chili Peppers 篮球视频中常用的 Yeah -Usher nba-广告歌曲 a thousand miles My happy ending-Avril lavigne It"s my life-Bon Jovi Breathless So Young-The Corrs Crazy In Love——NBA全明星歌曲。2004年2月NBA东西部全明星对抗赛上,碧昂斯Beyonce 现场演唱这首《疯狂爱恋》 That s How I Beat Shaq 百度里没给上传 这里是具体地址 Just One Last Dance juelz santana - the second coming——NIKE AIR FORCE 25广告曲子 k.o.b.e——KOBE自己唱的同名歌曲 R Kelly I Believe Can Fly——JORDAN主演的空中大灌篮主题曲 DMX Party Up——电影like jordan(像乔丹一样打球)系列中的曲子 Bow Wow Basketball——电影like jordan(像乔丹一样打球)系列中的曲子 It"s My Life Hero Mariah Carey——KOBE经典视频中的伴奏 40 bars——Allen Iverson唱的

sleepwalker(glam nation live)


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ily white(希 海未 凛) bibi(真姬 妮可 绘理) printemps(果果 小鸟 阳花)喜欢的食物是拉面,尤其是豚骨系风味的拉面lovelive第四场演唱会为4th,第五场为5th 是为lovelive九个角色配音的九位声优的真人演唱会


Ours (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Ours (Live)歌手:LENA HORNE专辑:An Evening With Lena Horne: Live At The Supper ClubSugar Ray - OursCheck it outShe was your woman, but she was my girlOne on one, the queen of two worldsShe was your woman, but she was my girlThat would make her oursMmmm hmmmI met a girlShe had anotherbut I didn"t knowThe music was hella bangingon the stereoA latte later, she said YesGrabbed me by the hands, much respectBounce to bounce came with what I came to get,(yeah this is how the story goes) mmm?She was your woman, but she was my girlOne on one, the queen of two worldsShe was your woman, but she was my girlThat would make her oursMmmm hmmmNext thing I know, she"s with my sisterTalking to my mother, about the otherIs my girlie at homeOr is she with anotherAnother another another anotherTell me if you"ve seen him my bruthaA menage-a-three"s not hard to see till thenDon"t try to put me on holdShut up the situationLike a Springer episodeShut the door babyDon"t say a wordShe was your woman, but she was my girlOne on one, the queen of two worldsThat would make her oursMmmm hmmmmmshe"s ours mmmm hmmmmmDark blue skiesover deep watersYou"re drowning in a world of blueNever taking time to separate the twoBoth of "em goin" crazy over youOne"s your lover, the other"s your manPut them togetherthey wouldn"t understandShe"s minebut you can have herShe"s yoursI already had herShe"s mine?She was your woman, but she was my girlOne on one, the queen of two worldsShe was your woman, but she was my girlOne on one, the queen of two worldsShe was your woman, but she was my girlThat would make her oursMmmm hmmmOne on one, the queen of two worldsShe was your woman, but she was my girlOne on one, the queen of two worldsShe was your woman, but she was my girlThat would make her oursMmmm hmmm

Shut Me Out (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Shut Me Out (Live)歌手:Kutless专辑:Live From PortlandShut Me OutAidan HawkenIf I could start all over with you again,I"d change the way the story ends.I"d try my best to help you along,If ever there"s anything wrong,But I know you gotta be moving on.Baby it"s gonna be fine if you have to goAnd I always wish you well you know,It"s time for you to do everything,you always wanted to do.So, I"ll see you when you make it throughI couldn"t do anything right;I couldn"t do anything right,I was so far away and you shut me outside.Shut me outside,Shut me outside.God I wish I was sleeping with you tonight,We could listen to the rain outside,I"d tell you a story, sing you a song, promise you nothing is wrong,But I know you gotta be moving on.I couldn"t do anything right;I couldn"t do anything right,I was so far away and you shut me outside.It"s time for you to do everything,you always wanted to do.So, I"ll see you when you make it throughYeah, I"ll see you when you make it through

Life is short. It may feel like it takes forever sometimes, but the reality is that you live, an


Rollercoaster (Live & Acoustic 2008) 歌词

歌曲名:Rollercoaster (Live & Acoustic 2008)歌手:DI-RECT专辑:Live & AcousticRollercoasterEverything But The GirlAmplified HeartWords and Music by Ben WattLyric By : Mike0532I still haven"t got over it even now.I want to spend huge amounts of time on my own.I don"t want to cause any serious damage.I want to make sure that I can manage,because I"m not really in your head,I"m not really in your head.And I see love and disaffectionand the clouds build up and won"t pass over.This is my road to my redemption.And my life is just an image of a rollercoaster anyway.I still haven"t got over it even now.I want to spend huge amounds of time in my room.And I"m not coming out until I feel ready,not running out for a while my heart"s unsteady,and I"m not really in your head.I"m not really in your head.When you sky falls to minus zero,well some things must dissappear.Oh this is my road to my redemption.And my life is just an image of a rollercoaster anyway.The names may have been changed but the faces are the sameThe names may have been changed but as people we"re not the same.And I"m not, no I"m not, no I"m notreally in your head.And my life is just an image of a rollercoaster anyway.Yeah, my life is just an image of a rollercoaster anyway.End

跪求日本歌手olivia 的歌曲,越多越好~~PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzz


Voodoo (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Voodoo (Live)歌手:Sanne专辑:UnpluggedI"m not the one who"s so far awayWhen I feel the snake bite enter my veins.Never did I wanna be here again,And I don"t remember why I came.Godsmack ---- voodooCandles raise my desire,Why I"m so far away.No more meaning to my life,No more reason to stay.Freezing, feeling,Breathe in, breathe in...I"m coming back again...I"m not the one who"s so far awayWhen I feel the snake bite enter my veins.Never did I wanna be here again,And I don"t remember why I came.Godsmack ----- voodooHazing clouds rain on my head,Empty thoughts fill my ears.Find my shape by the moonlight,Why my thoughts aren"t so clear.Demons dreaming,Breathe in, breathe in...I"m coming back again...I"m not the one who"s so far awayWhen I feel the snake bite enter my veins.Never did I wanna be here again,And I don"t remember why I came.Godsmack ----- voodooVoodoo, voodoo, voodoo, voodoo.So far away...I"m not the one who"s so far away...I"m not the one who"s so far away...I"m not the one who"s so far away...

Eva, ________ in Canada, lived and practicef law


in Canada,lived and practiced law in America. A.was bornB.he was bornC.although bornD.being born




英国地理..: southport属于liverpool的以部分吗?


如何使用live http headers调试http post get请求

一、LiveHttpHeaders的安装 LiveHttpHeaders是一个用于分析HTTP流量的 Firefox 扩展,我们可以用它来分析和重放http请求。我们下面详细的说明该插件的安装步骤。 如果Firefox阻止了该扩展的安装,可以在单击右边的“允许”按钮以继续安装。 单击上...

如何使用live http headers调试http post get请求

  一、LiveHttpHeaders的安装  LiveHttpHeaders是一个用于分析HTTP流量的 Firefox 扩展,我们可以用它来分析和重放http请求。我们下面详细的说明该插件的安装步骤。   如果Firefox阻止了该扩展的安装,可以在单击右边的“允许”按钮以继续安装。   单击上图中的“允许”按钮就会启动安装过程,这时浏览器会弹出如下所示的“软件安装”对话框,   单击“软件安装”对话框中的“立即安装”按钮进入下一安装画面   在“附加附件”对话框中,请单击“重新启动Firefox”按钮,当浏览器重启后,会自动弹出   这说明我们已经成功安装好了LiveHttpHeaders扩展,关闭该对话框,我们就能在工具菜单以及“查看”菜单下的“侧栏”子菜单中看到LiveHttpHeaders的菜单项了。  二、LiveHttpHeaders主窗口  根据我们目的的不同,LiveHttpHeaders有两种启动方法:当我们只想监视通信量的时候,可以从浏览器的“查看”菜单中选择“侧栏”菜单 项,最后选择Live HTTP Headers菜单项;如果要使用该工具全部特性的话,则需要通过单击“工具”菜单中的Live HTTP Headers项来打开它   LiveHttpHeaders主窗口中有多个选项卡,不同的选项卡对应于不同的功能。窗口的中间部分显示的是发 出的请求和收到的响应,而各个请求-应答对之间有水平线进行分隔。该窗口底部包含LiveHttpHeaders的动作按钮以及规定是否启用捕获模式的 “Capture”复选框。选中这个按钮可以停止LiveHttpHeaders向下滚动,以便对已经产生的通信流量进行分析。  三、利用LiveHttpHeaders重放请求  除了监视HTTP流量外,我们还能利用LiveHttpHeaders重放一个请求,这对于Web 应用程序的安全性测试来说非常重要。LiveHttpHeaders使我们能够轻松读写之前的请求,所以也就能够方便地通过修改该请求的各个部分来测试程 序的弱点和缺陷。要进行重发的话,只要在窗口中间部分已列出的请求中选择一个,然后在窗口底部单击“Replay”按钮就会弹出如同图7中看到的那样的窗 口,我们能够在此对该请求进行各种修改,例如我们可以添加额外的头部,改变请求方式(GET或POST),或者修改发往服务器的参数,等等。对请求做好修 改后,单击“Live HTTP Replay”对话框底部的“Replay”按钮即可实现该请求的重发。   重放可能是LiveHttpHeaders中最有用的功能,因为它直接把请求的结果加载到浏览器中,这正是各Web代理程序所不具备的,如Burp。利用重放窗口,我们可以进一步利用浏览会话进行各种修改并查看其结果。  四、修改POST参数  正如前面提到的那样,我们能够利用重放功能来改变请求的任何部分,其中包括POST参数,如图8所示。注意,改变POST 请求时,需要注意头部中的Content-Length参数,因为LiveHTTPReplay不能动态提供请求内容的长度值。虽然大多数Web服务器/ 应用程序并不关心该值的对错,但是按照RFC的规范,该头部是必需的。如果不包含这个值,当使用了入侵检测系统(IDS)监控Web通信流量时,就会引起IDS报警。幸运的是,LiveHttpHeaders提供了一个长度计数器,它位于该窗口的左下方,我们可以利用它来插入我们的内容长度值。   除GET和POST请求之外,我们还可以利用这个工具通过TRACE、TRACK 和OPTIONS方式来测试Web服务器。例如,为重放工具提供下列命令,就可以测试一个Web服务器是否允许无限制的文件上载。  五、过滤功能  最后要介绍的是如何过滤掉不想要的请求类型,这会在检查大型Web 应用程序时减少我们的工作量。首先单击Live HTTP Headers主窗口中的Config选项卡,如下图所示:   通过该配置视图,我们可以排除和包括匹配特殊正则表达式规则的URL。使用“Filter URLs with regexp ”和“exclude URLs with regexp ”,可以根据请求的URL来规定哪些类型的请求是我们想要的。在上图中,以.gif、.jpg、.ico、.css和.js 结尾的请求将会排除在Headers视图之外。

Danny (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Danny (Live)歌手:Cliff Richard And The Drifters专辑:The Rock N Roll Years 1958-1963(O^~^O)...CherQQ制作....p(^-^)qdanny boy 丹尼男孩The Choirboys(童声版)Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling 噢!丹尼男孩,听笛声,笛声正在召唤From glen to glen and down the mountain side 在山谷间回荡,消失在山的另一边The summer"s gone and all the flowers are dying 夏天已经逝去,花儿开始枯萎Tis you tis you must go and I must bide 你必须得离去,而我会一直等待But come you back when summer"s in the meadow 如果你回来的时候,正是草原上的夏天Or when the valley"s hushed and white with snow 或是山谷沉静,白雪覆盖之时Tis I"ll be here. In sunshine or in shadow 我一定会去那儿,不论是阳光普照或阴影覆盖Oh Danny boy, oh Danny boy, I love you so 噢!丹尼男孩,噢!丹尼男孩,我是多么爱你--苏格兰风笛--And if you come when all the flowers are dying 但是如果你在百花凋谢的时候回来And I am dead as dead I well may be 也许我已经死去,我会死得很安详I pray you"ll find the place where I am lying 我祈祷你会前来,找到我长眠之地And kneel and say an ave there for me 跪下来和我说你为我而在这里And I shall hear though soft you tread above me 我会倾听,虽然你轻柔的踩在我上面And all my grave shall warmer sweeter be 我的坟墓将会更加温暖而甜蜜Then you will kneel and whisper that you love me 然后你跪下,在我耳边低声说你爱我And I shall sleep in peace until you come to me 我将在平静中安息,直到你来我身边爱尔兰民歌-伦敦德里小调





hearts lives more than one什么意思


Lonely At The Top (Live Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Lonely At The Top (Live Version)歌手:Randy Newman专辑:Randy Newman / LiveChamillionaire - Lonely At The Top(Intro - Chamillionaire)Came a long way, know what I"m sayin?They tried to tell me how it was gonna beIt"s crazy but they all just kept sayin the same thing(Chorus - Chamillionaire)They say it"s lonely (they say it"s lonely), lonely at the top (top)Lonely at the top (top), lonely at the topThey say it"s lonely (they say it"s lonely), lonely at the top (top)Lonely at the top (top), lonely at the topThey say it"s lonely (they say it"s lonely), lonely at the top (top)Lonely at the top (top), lonely at the topThey say it"s lonely (they say it"s lonely), lonely at the top (top)Lonely at the top (top), lonely at the top(Break - Chamillionaire)It"s so lonelyIt"s so lonelllllyIt"s so lonelyIt"s so lonely, lonely, lonely, lonelyIt"s so lonely(Verse 1 - Chamillionaire)Ye-yeah, you can"t get to the top without ever riskin your armorYou"ll never have full control and that"s even if you Obama (fo" real)Keep a pen for the paper and keep a pistol for dramaKeep a clip for the paper too or they liftin your dollarsPaper clip and I promise, I punch ya just to be honestGoin over they head "cause most people Hooked on EbonicsHow he work for the police and he gon" slip ya some chronic?Money"s the root of all evil, then our (pockets is demonic) (yeah)You go out bein greedy like Madoff did for a dollarYou"ll be instantly famous, they takin pics with your barber (fo" real)They"ll be messy as ever, especially if it"s a bloggerTurn a artist to target just "cause your pissed he ain"t call yaTake a trip to the "hood and you can go pick an OsamaAin"t no camels20but trust me you can get hit with the llamaNever cross the wrong person "cause he might give you the karmaHear "em clappin that, clappin that, like a pistol performance (woo)You"ll be ready to fight when they send a diss to ya mama (okay)You"ll be ready to kill when they send a diss to ya daughter (okay)Left your girl by her lonely, ya friend assist ya and call herWouldn"t pay her attention and now you (wish that you saw her)Because it"s(Chorus - Chamillionaire)They say it"s lonely (they say it"s lonely), lonely at the top (top)Lonely at the top (top), lonely at the topThey say it"s lonely (they say it"s lonely), lonely at the top (top)Lonely at the top (top), lonely at the topThey say it"s lonely (they say it"s lonely), lonely at the top (top)Lonely at the top (top), lonely at the topThey say it"s lonely (they say it"s lonely), lonely at the top (top)Lonely at the top (top), lonely at the topIt"s so lonely(Verse 2 - Chamillionaire)See I had came with some groupies but I forgot who they was (why?)"Cause they forgot where they manners was when we got in the club (okay)They forgot that they came with me when they got "em a buzzThey yellin "me" (me) when Jay-Z askin "who rollin with us?" (say what?)On Patron or that vodka like it"s the poppinest drug (drug)She club hoppin with us and then she club poppin with thugs (Slim Thug)I be solo as ever, "cause bullets poppin becauseHe step out with the Bloods and then he got popped by a CuzSmoke screen, a mirage, all the candy and cars (cars)Should of seen how these chickens so quick to hand me they drawers (they drawers)Look how you throwin rocks like you never had any flaws (people clapping)You can keep your perfection and you have the applause(Chorus - Chamillionaire)They say it"s lonely (they say it"s lonely), lonely at the top (top)Lonely at the top (top), lonely at the topThey say it"s lonely (they say it"s lonely), lonely at the top (top)Lonely at the top (top), lonely at the top (Yeah, uh, uh)They say it"s lonely (they say it"s lonely), lonely at the top (top) (It"s lonely at the top, right?)Lonely at the top (top), lonely at the top (Unless I stand up here and see down to the bottom clear)They say it"s lonely (they say it"s lonely), lonely at the top (top)Lonely at the top (top), lonely at the top (Yeah)(Break - Chamillionaire)It"s so lonely (Spend your whole life chasin cheddar, Sometimes you just feel like you just want to move on to somethin better)It"s so lonellllly (Know what I"m sayin? I know it"s somethin bigger out there, I know it is man, I know it is)It"s so lonely (Success is similar to goin to jail and gettin locked up by yourself You got a lot of time to think)It"s so lonely, lonely, (Yeah, you gon" have a lot of time to think homie)lonely, lonely, yeah (A whole lot of time to think, You gonna be by yourself)(Outro - Chamillionaire)"Cause you ain"t gonna want to hang out nobody that"s a back stabberYou ain"t gonna want to be around people that always come around with ulterior motivesAnd you ain"t really able to noticeYou know, got they hand out, beggin for moneyLike you owe "em the World, you know what I"m sayin?That"s why I ain"t lookin at them, I"m lookin for you, you"re the futureAre you listenin? I know you"re out there, yeahChamillionaire - Lonely At The Top

The sun heats the earth, __________is very important to living things.


NBA live 2004按键操作


Cocaine (Live) (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Cocaine (Live) (Album Version)歌手:Frankenbok专辑:Greetings & SalutationsEminem (ft.Jazmine Sullivan) - CocaineGot to have it,yeah I made itI"m addictedgot more freedomThis was a beat with no words at first, it"s a blank paintingExercising the mind, it"s brain strength trainingStarts off something like shady"s an insane maniacyeah slim shady that"s a zany name ain"t itnow all you needs an image to go with the name, babywife beaters and white t-shirtsHanes mainly, its a long shot but is it possiblethere"s a lane maybe,if not, he"s gonna have to come and change the whole game mainlyhe wants the fame so bad he can taste ithe can see his name up in lightswomen screaming his fucking name feintingshady did it, he sold out the whole stadiumjoe smo made it, he took his plain jane ladyand his baby Hailey out the trailerbut he ain"t trailing anymore he"s ahead of the racewhile maintaining his innocencelittle does he know his train is derailingand he"s about to be raped by this gamewhat you do for, what you keep forthe c.o.c.a.i.n.ecause want to give itGot to have it,yeah I made itI"m addictedgot more freedomYou"re operating on all cylinderssyllables spit like dillingersspilling your gutspeople are feeling your mic skillsbut these haters are ice grillin" yawilling to sacrifice anything for the life they might steal from yafake friends will kill for ya, die for yabut you can"t decipher why for the life of yait wasn"t like this when you were cypheringargue with your wife againshe found vicodin in your pants last night againyour disputes publicnothings private anymorewhen your best friends say bye bye to himwhat kind of apple you take a bite of slim(but this is what you wanted Marshall ain"t it)fuck no, the way that it turned outwas nothing like the picture that I painted in my headsometimes a dream I make is more fun than to actually make itthe game stripped me nakedit robbed me of ever having another real relation-shipwith another girl, this World is a fucking tripas I slip in another worldproceed, take another hitsniff til I fucking urltell em all to fucking sit and spin til they fucking twirlmiddle finger up againrelapsing back in this game, oh well, fuck it thenwhat you do for, what you keep forthe c.o.c.a.i.n.ecause want to give itGot to have it,yeah I made itI"m addictedgot more freedomstart of cryjust say you never liejust you can live life you take bythe role your side d.c.o.s```you think you goodjust call u got on the earthconcern on it with you get it knowno longer to pump on large to so they come hereon here we calling, my name is calling,why you stronger live when you could be bowlingmy head saying yeah, but my feeling staringso maybe walking but it idot fallingbut i got the heaven, ilike givin the hand forshe has the grammy, I got to take it, I got to make itleave the pain in keep sang it, yeahwhat you do for, what you keep forthe c.o.c.a.i.n.ecause want to give itGot to have it,yeah I made itI"m addictedgot more freedom

Cocaine [Original 12 Live Version] 歌词

歌曲名:Cocaine [Original 12 Live Version]歌手:Mc Shan专辑:Down By The Law [Deluxe]Eminem (ft.Jazmine Sullivan) - CocaineGot to have it,yeah I made itI"m addictedgot more freedomThis was a beat with no words at first, it"s a blank paintingExercising the mind, it"s brain strength trainingStarts off something like shady"s an insane maniacyeah slim shady that"s a zany name ain"t itnow all you needs an image to go with the name, babywife beaters and white t-shirtsHanes mainly, its a long shot but is it possiblethere"s a lane maybe,if not, he"s gonna have to come and change the whole game mainlyhe wants the fame so bad he can taste ithe can see his name up in lightswomen screaming his fucking name feintingshady did it, he sold out the whole stadiumjoe smo made it, he took his plain jane ladyand his baby Hailey out the trailerbut he ain"t trailing anymore he"s ahead of the racewhile maintaining his innocencelittle does he know his train is derailingand he"s about to be raped by this gamewhat you do for, what you keep forthe c.o.c.a.i.n.ecause want to give itGot to have it,yeah I made itI"m addictedgot more freedomYou"re operating on all cylinderssyllables spit like dillingersspilling your gutspeople are feeling your mic skillsbut these haters are ice grillin" yawilling to sacrifice anything for the life they might steal from yafake friends will kill for ya, die for yabut you can"t decipher why for the life of yait wasn"t like this when you were cypheringargue with your wife againshe found vicodin in your pants last night againyour disputes publicnothings private anymorewhen your best friends say bye bye to himwhat kind of apple you take a bite of slim(but this is what you wanted Marshall ain"t it)fuck no, the way that it turned outwas nothing like the picture that I painted in my headsometimes a dream I make is more fun than to actually make itthe game stripped me nakedit robbed me of ever having another real relation-shipwith another girl, this World is a fucking tripas I slip in another worldproceed, take another hitsniff til I fucking urltell em all to fucking sit and spin til they fucking twirlmiddle finger up againrelapsing back in this game, oh well, fuck it thenwhat you do for, what you keep forthe c.o.c.a.i.n.ecause want to give itGot to have it,yeah I made itI"m addictedgot more freedomstart of cryjust say you never liejust you can live life you take bythe role your side d.c.o.s```you think you goodjust call u got on the earthconcern on it with you get it knowno longer to pump on large to so they come hereon here we calling, my name is calling,why you stronger live when you could be bowlingmy head saying yeah, but my feeling staringso maybe walking but it idot fallingbut i got the heaven, ilike givin the hand forshe has the grammy, I got to take it, I got to make itleave the pain in keep sang it, yeahwhat you do for, what you keep forthe c.o.c.a.i.n.ecause want to give itGot to have it,yeah I made itI"m addictedgot more freedom

求baby vox - i belive Lrc歌词。

Balla balla komiko ra balla balla bonita balla balla mueppe ra chika balla bonita balla balla komiko ra balla balla bonita balla balla mueppe ra chika balla bonita Uyonira hagien nomuna shimgagheji urin soroga sororul morun chogul heyamanhesso byonheborin mosubgwa sorodarun yoningwa gathun yonghwal boro gada urin majuchyossoji Nowa nuni maju chidon gu sungan nanun teyonhan chog haryo erul sojiman danghwanghanun noui pyojongdurul barabomyonso nado guman momchithamyo danghwanghedongoya Nonun narul pihessogo nado norul wemyonhessojiman ni yophe inun yonine olguri gunggumhesso nanun dwirul dorabwago nodo narul bogo issoji urin soro marobshi sororul uishighago issoji Shiganun bolsso inyonina jinagago gutten uri olmana manhun banghwangul hessona yongwonhi nol mothbolgora midossonunde uyonun to norul negyothe deryoda nohaso Dajonghan soroui yoninul bomyo nowa nan marobnun jilthul nukkyossulgoya nuninsado nanuji mothanche dwidorasomyo soroui hengbogul binun u urhan narilkoya Balla balla komiko ra balla balla bonita balla balla mueppe ra chika balla bonita balla balla komiko ra balla balla bonita balla balla mueppe ra chika balla bonita Uyonira hagien nomuna usuwosso gonnolmogul gonnomyo dashi majuchyo boringoya nanun norul boago nonun gogel dollyossoji gurohge urin suchimyo soro wemyonhessoji Nowa nuni maju chidon gu sungan nanun teyonhan chog haryo erul ssojiman danghwanghanun noui pyojongdurul barabomyonso nado guman momchithamyo danghwanghedongoya Shinhodungun chalbassogo nega noru dorabwassul ten gil gonnoeso nonun nal barabogo issosso gu te machim bosuga uril garojillo gassogo ne yoninun nal bomyo no we guronyago heji Shiganun bolsso inyonina jinagago gutten uri olmana manhun banghwangul hessona yongwonhi nol mothbolgora midossonunde uyonun to norul negyothe deryoda nohasso Dajonghan soroui yoninul bomyo nowa nan marobnun jilthul nukkyossulgoya nuninsado nanuji mothanche dwidorasomyo soroui hengbogul binun u urhan narilkoya


有投过IET Generation,Transmission&Distribution或者IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery的吗?



livehouse意思是:室内场馆。LiveHouse最早起源于日本,这些室内场馆具备专业的演出场地和高质量的音响效果。和普通的酒吧不同,LiveHouse一般都有顶级的音乐器材和音响设备,非常适合近距离欣赏各种现场音乐。由于观众和艺人距离非常近,因此在Live House中的演出气氛往往远胜于大型的体育馆的效果。词语辨析:house,board,lodge,room,shelter这组词用作动词时,都有“寄住”的意思。1、room指“给…提供一个房间住”,仅供睡觉,不包括餐饮与娱乐。2、house指“遮蔽以免受气候等侵袭”(提供有顶盖、有墙、像房屋般的遮蔽)。3、board主要指“提供膳宿;包食宿”,而且通常指收费的。4、shelter指“庇护,遮蔽”,暗示提供庇护场所,使人免受风雨、轰炸等伤害。5、lodge指“给某人提供一个地方暂住”。



求早安少女的そうだ!We,re ALIVE的歌词(罗马)

Souda! We"re ALIVEそうだ!We"re ALIVEdoryoku mirai A BEAUTIFUL STARdoryoku Ah Ha A BEAUTIFUL STARdoryoku zenshin A BEAUTIFUL STARdoryoku heiwa A BEAUTIFUL STAR (Come on!)[Ab/Ka] DOKKIDOKKI shite mitai na[Ab/Ka] DANCIN" THROUGH THE NIGHT[Go/Og] FUNKY FUNKY shite mitai na[Go/Og] FUNKY! DISCOTHEQUEWe"re ALIVE SO ikite iruTHE ningen sou sou THE ningen[Ii/Ab/Yo/Ka/Ta/Ko/Ni] BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM[Ii/Ab/Yo/Ka/Ta/Ko/Ni] BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM[Ii/Ab/Yo/Ka/Ta/Ko/Ni] BOOM BOOM PUMP IT UP[Yas/Yag/Go/Is/Ts/Og] YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH[Yas/Yag/Go/Is/Ts/Og] YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH[Yas/Yag/Go/Is/Ts/Og] YEAH YEAH PUMP IT UPWe"re ALIVE datte kangaeruTHE ningen YES YES THE ningenAIDORU RIIMAN GYARUko GYARUokuntouchan mo kaachan mo [Ab/Yag] minna minnaOGYAA tto kono yo ni umareta toki wamaru hadaka sa GO! GO! GO! GO!doryoku mirai A BEAUTIFUL STARdoryoku Ah Ha A BEAUTIFUL STARdoryoku zenshin A BEAUTIFUL STARdoryoku heiwa A BEAUTIFUL STARdoryoku mirai A BEAUTIFUL STARdoryoku Ah Ha A BEAUTIFUL STARdoryoku zenshin A BEAUTIFUL STARdoryoku heiwa A BEAUTIFUL STARGO! GO! GO! GO![Ii/Ab/Yo/Ka/Ta/Ko/Ni] shiawase ni naritai[Yas/Yag/Go/Is/Ts/Og] anata wo mamotte agetaihontou no kimochi wa kitto tsutawaru hazuGO! GO! GO! GO!We"re ALIVE[Ii/Yo] yatta~! yatta~! shite mitai na[Ii/Yo] HAPPY! THROUGH THE NIGHT[Yag/Ts] DISCO DISCO shite mitai na[Yag/Ts] FUNKY! DISCOTHEQUEWe"re ALIVE SO koi wo suruTHE ningen HEY HEY THE ningen[Ii/Ab/Yo/Ka/Ta/Ko/Ni] BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM x6[Ii/Ab/Yo/Ka/Ta/Ko/Ni] BOOM BOOM PUMP IT UP[Yas/Yag/Go/Is/Ts/Og] YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH x6[Yas/Yag/Go/Is/Ts/Og] YEAH YEAH PUMP IT UPWe"re ALIVE datte nayanderuTHE ningen YEAH YEAH THE ningendaiji ni shite ita rusuden no koeBOTAN machigatte [Yag/Yo] keshichimattaGAKU tte itsumade kuyanderu yorikobushi agete! GO! GO! GO! GO!doryoku mirai A BEAUTIFUL STARdoryoku Ah Ha A BEAUTIFUL STARdoryoku zenshin A BEAUTIFUL STARdoryoku heiwa A BEAUTIFUL STARHEY! GO! GO! GO! GO![Ii/Ab/Yo/Ka/Ta/Ko/Ni] shiawase ni naritai[Yas/Yag/Go/Is/Ts/Og] anata wo mamotte agetaiheibon na watashi ni datte dekiru hazuGO! GO! GO! GO![Yas/Yag/Go/Is/Ts/Og] shiawase ni naritai[Ii/Ab/Yo/Ka/Ta/Ko/Ni] aijou de tsutsunde agetaiikutsu ni natte mo WOW seishun da yoGO! GO! GO! GO!We"re ALIVEdoryoku mirai A BEAUTIFUL STARdoryoku Ah Ha A BEAUTIFUL STARdoryoku zenshin A BEAUTIFUL STARdoryoku heiwa A BEAUTIFUL STAR

Discotique (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Discotique (Live)歌手:U2专辑:Beautiful Day EpYou can reachBut you can"t grab itYou can hold it, control itNo, you can"t bag itYou can pushBut you can"t direct itCirculate, regulate, oh noYou cannot connect itYou know you"re chewing bubblegumYou know what that isBut you still want some"Cause you just can"t get enoughOf that lovie dovie stuffYou get confusedBut you know itYeah, you hurt for it, work for it, loveYou don"t always show itLet goDiscotheque (Hi, come on child)Oh oh Let goDiscothequeYou"re looking for the oneBut you know you"re somewhere else insteadYou want to be the songBe the song that you hear in your headIt"s not a trick"Cause you can"t learn itIt"s the way you don"t pay, that"s okay"Cause you can"t earn it (yeah)You know you"re chewing bubblegumYou know what that isBut you still want someYou just can"t get enoughOf that lovie dovie stuffLet go Let go Oh oh ohDiscotheque (Come on, come on)You"re looking for the oneBut you know you"re somewhere else insteadYou want to be the songBe the song that you hear in your headLove...But you take what you can get"Cause it"s all that you can findBut you know there"s something moreBut tonight, tonight, tonightDiscotheque

田燚&火箭少女101杨超越歌曲《Shall We Talk(Live)》歌词

Shall We Talk – 田燚&杨超越 原唱:陈奕迅 作词:林夕 作曲:陈辉阳 编曲:陈迪 TYZ乐队 乐队队长兼吉他1:黄竣琮@TYZ 钢琴:韩天赫 键盘:王知音 吉他2:Andrew Moore 鼓手:胡瑀轩 贝斯:Ryan Bradetich 打击乐:GMAN 和声:梁古驰、王思斯、刘芮嘉 Program: 齐文涛 混音:范郡哲@TYZ 音乐总监:谭伊哲@TYZ 杨超越talk:小时候 奶奶的大蒲扇摇摇晃晃。 妈妈做的蛋炒饭特别香。 门前的油菜花田,是我们捉迷藏的秘密基地。 有一次,我藏好了,可小伙伴先回了家。 我等了很久很久,没有人找到我。 天黑了。 田燚:小叮当 不爱回家吃饭 宁愿在大安公园捉迷藏 看明月光 低头不思故乡 宁愿看漫画不听妈妈的评弹 孩子们只会贪玩 父母都只会期望 为什么天南地北不能互相体谅 蟋蟀对着螳螂 有什么东西好说 shall we talk shall we talk 好像过去牵着手去上学堂 杨超越talk: 长大后,奶奶不在了。我开始跟全世界捉迷藏。 可油菜花田,藏不下我了。 田燚:请你说 我们为何变成陌路人的模样 请你说 还有什么比沉默更难堪 难道互相隐藏 就能避免了失望 表白有什么可怕 请你别怕为难不要转弯 啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦啦啦 啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦啦啦 田燚:请你说 我们为何变成陌路人的模样 请你说 还有什么比沉默更难堪 难道互相隐藏 就能避免了失望 表白有什么可怕 请你不要转弯 不要转弯 不要转弯 yeah (四火对着杨超越唱) 请你说 请你说出心里难以承受的伤 不能说 除非我们早已忘记了爱的力量 聊天只能假装 表情需要勉强 何必把这种遗撼 带到未来的天堂 杨超越talk: 田四火你别怕,藏不下了,就勇敢走出去吧。 杨超越你别怕,回不去了,就努力长大吧。 杨超越:天黑黑 孩子不在身旁 都跑到外面干活爱吃便当 田燚:and shall we talk 只有树叶摇晃 田燚+杨超越:沉默到听得见那如歌的行版 田燚&火箭少女101杨超越歌曲《Shall We Talk(Live)》

Ambition (Live) 歌词

歌曲:Ambition(中英对照)歌手:DovesSo ambition cut you down你无法战胜自己的雄心Ain't a love as perfect天下没有完美的爱情Everybody knows it每个人都知道这一点Something drove you down虽然你曾经放弃过自己的抱负Something as good为了某些美好事物Something new某件新鲜事情Somebody good或者某个不错的人Our ambition cuts you down但最终我们还是输给了自己的雄心There's not a love that's perfect天下没有完美的爱情But I. I live in hope但是我 我仍然心存希望Somebody good为了某个不错的人Somebody new某个新认识的人Something as good或者某些美好事物Something that's mine那些属于自己的美好事物Ain't a love that's perfect王子和王子没有完美的爱情Everybody knows it每个人都清楚这一点Ambition cuts us down雄心将你我击败 让彼此分离



The Logical Song (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:The Logical Song (Live)歌手:Supertramp专辑:LiveThe Logical Song- SupertrampWhen I was young,it seemed that life was so wonderful,A miracle, oh it was beautiful, magical.And all the birds in the trees,well theyd be singing so happily,Joyfully, playfully watching me.But then they send me awayto teach me how to be sensible,Logical, responsible, practical.And they showed me a worldwhere I could be so dependable,Clinical, intellectual, cynical.There are timeswhen all the worlds asleep,The questions run too deepFor such a simple man.Wont you please,please tell me what weve learnedI know it sounds absurdBut please tell me who I am.Now watch what you sayor theyll be calling you a radical,Liberal, fanatical, criminal.Wont you sign up your name,wed like to feel youre acceptableRespecable,presentable, a vegtable!(............... Music ..............)At night, when all the worlds asleep,The questions run so deepFor such a simple man.Wont you please,please tell me what weve learnedI know it sounds absurdBut please tell me who I am.Who I am, who I am, who I am(............... Music ..............)

Breakfast In America (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Breakfast In America (Live)歌手:Supertramp专辑:LiveBreakfast In America - James BluntTake a look at my girlfriendShe"s the only one I gotNot much of a girlfriendNever seem to get a lotTake a jumbo across the waterLike to see AmericaSee the girls in CaliforniaI"m hoping it"s going to come trueBut there"s not a lot I can doCould we have kippers for breakfastMummy dear, Mummy dearThey got to have "em in TexasCos everyone"s a millionaireI"m a winner, I"m a sinnerDo you want my autographI"m a loser, what a jokerI"m playing my jokes upon youWhile there"s nothing better to doLalalalalalallalalalaLalalalalalallalalala..Don"t you look at my girlfriendShe"s the only one I gotNot much of a girlfriendNever seem to get a lotTake a jumbo cross the waterLike to see AmericaSee the girls in CaliforniaI"m hoping it"s going to come trueBut there"s not a lot I can doLalalalalalallalalala...-End-

But the Nobel Foundation limit of three recipients per prize, each of whom must still be living,

outgrow愿意是“长大不再需要,过大而不适合”,用在被动情况下,就是“不适合;被抛弃不用”的意思,这里应该是“不适合”之意,指不适应“现代科研的联合/合作研究的特性/现状”。row在这里应该是指“一系列,一连串(的问题)”,这要结合下文。as引到的是一个定语从句,修饰破折号前面的整个句子,as代替的就是整个上面的句子“但是,诺贝尔基金会关于每个奖项只能有(不超过)三名获奖者,并且三人都必须健在的这种限制,早已被现代科研联合科研的特性所证明:它不再适应现状”,所以as指的是一件事,当然因该是“被证实/证明”。破折号前面的句子中,the Nobel Foundation limit是主语,has been outgrown是谓语,of three recipients per prize是limit的定语,而each of whom must be living则是recipients的定语从句;破折号后面,as是(定语从句的)主语,will be demonstrated是谓语,by the inevitable row是状语,over是介词“关于,就”,后面who引导的是over的宾语从句,over与自己的宾语从句一起构成介词短语,做row的定语“关于......的一系列问题”;宾语从句中,who是主语,is ignored是谓语,when引导时间状语从句,修饰谓语动词is ignored,"当需要对黑格斯玻色子的(伟大)发现进行褒奖的时候“。

in this cruel world we must live in deep love.什么意思





Animelo Summer Live的演唱歌曲

8月29日SKILL(PS2游戏《第2次超级机器人大战α》片头曲)/JAM ProjectWings of the legend(PS2游戏《第2次超级机器人大战OG》片头曲)/JAM Project混合曲:Breakthrough~Rocks~レスキューファイアー(电视动画《愚者信长》片头曲2、PS2游戏《超级机器人大战OG ORIGINAL GENERATIONS》片头曲、特摄片《119特警队救火英雄》片头曲)/JAM ProjectFOOL THE WORLD(电视动画《愚者信长》片头曲1)/茅原实里境界の彼方(电视动画《境界的彼方》片头曲)/茅原实里向かい风に打たれながら(电视动画《RAIL WARS! -日本国有铁道公安队-》片头曲)/茅原实里混合曲:OVERDRIVER~ZAQNESS(电视动画《RAIL WARS! -日本国有铁道公安队-》片尾曲)/ZAQAlteration(电视动画《锁锁美小姐@不好好努力》片头曲)/ZAQ混合曲:Trust in you~デートu30fbアu30fbライブ(电视动画《约会大作战》片头曲、电视动画《约会大作战Ⅱ》片头曲)/sweet ARMS7 Girls War(电视动画《Wake Up, Girls!》片头曲2)/Wake Up, Girls!タチアガレ!(剧场版及电视动画《Wake Up, Girls!》主题曲)/Wake Up, Girls!混合曲:アイドル活动!~Signalize!~ダイヤモンドハッピー(电视动画《星梦学园》插曲、片头曲1、片头曲2)/STAR☆ANISSHINING LINE* (电视动画《星梦学园》片头曲4)/STAR☆ANISWith You/With Me(电视动画《魔奇少年 The kingdom of magic》片尾曲2)/9nine君が笑む夕暮れ(电视动画《东京暗鸦》片尾曲1)/南条爱乃混合曲:Dragon Soul~空u30fb前u30fb绝u30fb後 Kuu-Zen-Zetsu-Go(电视动画《龙珠改》片头曲、电视动画《龙珠改 魔人布欧篇》片头曲)/谷本贵义ビュンビュン!トッキュウジャー(特摄片《烈车战队特急者》片尾曲)/Project.RFight 4 Real(电视动画《噬血狂袭》片头曲2)/ALTIMABurst The Gravity(电视动画《加速世界》片头曲2)/ALTIMACYBER CYBER/ALTIMA featuring Wake Up, Girls, STAR☆ANIS & 9nine未来圣闘士Ωu301cセイントエボリューションu301c(电视动画《圣斗士星矢Ω》片头曲3)/流田Projectアニメじゃない -梦を忘れた古い地球人よ-(电视动画《机动战士高达 ZZ》片头曲1)/流田Project & Project.R恋はみるくてぃー(电视动画《三坪房间的侵略者!?》片尾曲)/petit miladyスキ キライ キライ 大スキu2661/petit milady暁の水平线に/舰队收藏 第一航空战队(野水伊织、藤田咲)提督との绊/舰队收藏 金刚型高速战舰(东山奈央)FANTASTIC TUNE(电视动画《黑子的篮球 第2期》片尾曲2)/小野贤章Butter-Fly(电视动画《数码宝贝大冒险》片头曲)/和田光司IGNITE(电视动画《刀剑神域Ⅱ》片头曲)/蓝井艾露シリウス(电视动画《KILL la KILL》片头曲)/蓝井艾露Believe(电视动画《机动战士高达 SEED》片头曲3)/蓝井艾露 & 黑崎真音X-encounter(电视动画《东京暗鸦》片头曲1)/黑崎真音sister"s noise(电视动画《科学超电磁炮S》片头曲1)/fripSideblack bullet(电视动画《黑色子弹》片头曲)/fripSideonly my railgun(电视动画《科学超电磁炮》片头曲1)/fripSideWHITE BREATH/T.M.RevolutionINVOKE(电视动画《机动战士高达 SEED》片头曲1)/T.M.Revolutionignited -イグナイテッド-(电视动画《机动战士高达 SEED DESTINY》片头曲1)/T.M.RevolutionHEART OF SWORD u301c夜明け前u301c(电视动画《浪客剑心》片尾曲3)/T.M.RevolutionEN-1 OUTRIDE(2006年主题曲)EN-2 ONENESS(2014年主题曲)8月30日GO!!!(电视动画《火影忍者》片头曲4)/FLOW & GRANRODEOCOLORS(电视动画《Code Geass反叛的鲁路修》片头曲1)/FLOW爱爱爱に撃たれてバイバイバイ(电视动画《武士弗拉明戈》片头曲2)/FLOWMOON PRIDE(电视动画《美少女战士Crystal》片头曲)/桃色幸运草Z月虹(电视动画《美少女战士Crystal》片尾曲)/桃色幸运草Z猛烈宇宙交响曲u30fb第七楽章「无限の爱」(Emperor Style)(剧场版动画《猛烈宇宙海贼 亚空的深渊》片头曲)/桃色幸运草Zユニバーページ(电视动画《萌萌侵略者 OUTBREAK COMPANY》片头曲)/三森铃子せいいっぱい、つたえたい!(电视动画《修业魔女璐璐萌》片头曲)/三森铃子フェイス(电视动画《白银的意志 ARGEVOLLEN》片尾曲)/三泽纱千香ユナイト(电视动画《加速世界》片尾曲2)/三泽纱千香いつかの、いくつかのきみとのせかい(电视动画《我们大家的河合庄》片头曲)/fhánadivine intervention(电视动画《魔女的使命》片头曲)/fhánaポーカーフェイス(电视动画《黑白小姐 -The Animation-》主题曲)/黑白小姐Stand Up!(手机游戏《白猫计划》主题曲)/堀江由衣混合曲:Golden Time~半永久的に爱してよu2661(电视动画《青春纪行》片头曲1、片尾曲2)/堀江由衣混合曲:キャンディu2665キャンディ~ひみつのアッコちゃん~花の子ルンルン~サザエさんのうた(电视动画《小甜甜》片头曲、电视动画《甜蜜小天使 第2作》片头曲、电视动画《花仙子》片头曲、电视动画《海螺小姐》片头曲1)/堀江美都子アクビ娘の歌(电视动画《喷嚏大魔王》片尾曲)/堀江美都子 featuring 桃色幸运草Zmoving soul(电视动画《Fate/kaleid liner 魔法少女☆伊莉雅 2wei》片头曲)/栗林美奈实Shining☆Days(电视动画《舞-HiME》片头曲)/栗林美奈实儚くも永久のカナシ(电视动画《机动战士高达00 2nd Season》片头曲1)/栗林美奈实 & angela开け!地狱の釜の盖/地狱的沙汰全明星 阿仁尊地狱篇(安元洋贵、长嶝高士、青山桐子、小林由美子、种崎敦美、喜多村英梨)キャラメル桃ジャム120%(电视动画《鬼灯的冷彻》片尾曲3)/碧琪·玛姬(上板堇)地狱の沙汰も君次第 (电视动画《鬼灯的冷彻》片头曲)/地狱的沙汰全明星 阿仁尊地狱篇(安元洋贵、长嶝高士、青山桐子、小林由美子、种崎敦美、喜多村英梨、山田荣子、岛本须美)READY!!(电视动画《偶像大师》片头曲1)/THE IDOLM@STERお愿い!シンデレラ/THE IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLSThank You!/THE IDOLM@STER MILLION STARSM@STERPIECE/THE IDOLM@STER THREE STARS!!!to the beginning (电视动画《Fate/Zero 第二季》片头曲)/Kalafina君の银の庭 (剧场版动画《魔法少女小圆 [新编] 叛逆的物语》片尾曲)/Kalafinaheavenly blue(电视动画《ALDNOAH.ZERO》片头曲)/Kalafina掌 -show-(电视动画《银河骑士传》片尾曲)/喜多村英梨Birth(电视动画《神不在的星期天》片头曲)/喜多村英梨Different colors(剧场版动画《K MISSING KINGS》主题曲)/angelaShangri-La(电视动画《苍穹之战神》片头曲)/angelaシドニア(电视动画《银河骑士传》片头曲)/angela変幻自在のマジカルスター(电视动画《黑子的篮球 第2期》片头曲2)/GRANRODEOシャニムニ/GRANRODEO恸哭ノ雨(电视动画《恋爱天使安琪莉可 辉煌的明日》片头曲)/GRANRODEOCan Do(电视动画《黑子的篮球》片头曲1)/GRANRODEOEN-1 RE:BRIDGE~Return to oneself~(2009年主题曲)EN-2 ONENESS(2014年主题曲)8月31日Preserved Roses(电视动画《革命机Valvrave》片头曲)/T.M.Revolution×水树奈奈革命デュアリズム(电视动画《革命机Valvrave 第2期》片头曲)/水树奈奈×T.M.Revolutionキミシニタモウコトナカレ(电视动画《香格里拉》片头曲)/May"n featuring DaichiRe:REMEMBER(电视动画《M3u301c其为黑钢u301c》片头曲1)/May"n今日に恋色(电视动画《狐仙的恋爱入门》片头曲)/May"nビジュメニア(电视动画《世界征服 谋略之星》片尾曲)/悠木碧クピドゥレビュー(电视动画《如果折断她的旗》片头曲)/悠木碧Su30fbMu30fbL☆(电视动画《我的脑内恋碍选项》片头曲)/Afilia Sagaマジカル☆エクスプレス☆ジャーニー/Afilia Saga featuring ふっかちゃん混合曲:Charming Do! ~Tinkling Smile(电视动画《最近,妹妹的样子有点怪?》片尾曲、电视动画《前进吧!登山少女 第二季》片尾曲)/小仓唯混合曲:PUPPY LOVE!! ~ Intro Situation/唯夏织ラブミーギミー(电视动画《T宝的悲惨日常》片头曲)/田村由香里 & 宫野真守Anisama 10th Special Medley(前半):This game~CHOIR JAIL~私がモテないのはどう考えてもお前らが悪い(电视动画《NO GAME NO LIFE 游戏人生》片头曲、电视动画《黄昏乙女×失忆幽灵》片头曲、电视动画《我不受欢迎,怎么想都是你们的错!》片头曲)/铃木木乃美Anisama 10th Special Medley(后半):AVENGE WORLD~DAYS of DASH~This game(电视动画《结界女王 震颤》片头曲、电视动画《樱花庄的宠物女孩》片尾曲、电视动画《NO GAME NO LIFE 游戏人生》片头曲)/铃木木乃美Another Heaven(游戏《命运石之门》主题曲)/伊藤香奈子Hacking to the Gate(电视动画《命运石之门》片头曲)/伊藤香奈子 & 铃木木乃美STAND PROUD(电视动画《JoJo的奇妙冒险 星尘斗士》片头曲)/桥本仁Rising Hope(电视动画《魔法科高中的劣等生》片头曲1)/LiSA夕景イエスタデイ(电视动画《目隐都市的演绎者》插曲)/LiSAcrossing field(电视动画《刀剑神域》片头曲)/LiSAハピネスチャージプリキュア!WOW!(电视动画《Happiness Charge 光之美少女!》片头曲)/仲谷明香混合曲:プリキュアu30fbメモリ~パーティ ハズカム(电视动画《Happiness Charge 光之美少女!》片尾曲1、片尾曲2)/吉田仁美DANZEN! ふたりはプリキュア(Ver. Max Heart)(电视动画《光之美少女Max Heart》片头曲)/五条真由美+工藤真由+池田彩混合曲:プリキュアメドレー 2014アニサマVer./光之美少女夏日彩虹!それは仆たちの奇迹(电视动画《LoveLive! 第2期》片头曲)/μ"sSnow halation(电视动画《LoveLive! 第2期》插曲)/μ"sNo brand girls(电视动画《LoveLive!》插曲)/μ"sWALK(电视动画《黑子的篮球 第2期》片尾曲1)/OLDCODEXDried Up Youthful Fame(电视动画《Free!-Eternal Summer-》片头曲)/OLDCODEXRage on(电视动画《Free!》片头曲)/OLDCODEXNEW ORDER(电视动画《T宝的悲惨日常 觉醒篇》片头曲)/宫野真守カノン(电视动画《歌之王子殿下2000%》片头曲)/宫野真守You & Me/田村由香里 featuring motsuFantastic future(电视动画《变态王子与不笑猫》片头曲)/田村由香里秘密の扉から会いにきて(电视动画《农林》片头曲)/田村由香里恋の抑止力 -type EXCITER-(PSP游戏《潜龙谍影 和平先驱》插曲)/水树奈奈METRO BAROQUE(剧场版动画《BLOOD-C The Last Dark》主题曲)/水树奈奈BRIGHT STREAM(剧场版动画《魔法少女奈叶 The MOVIE 2nd A"s》片头曲)/水树奈奈TRANSMIGRATION/水树奈奈 & 奥井雅美EN-1 Generation-A(2007年主题曲)EN-2 ONENESS(2014年主题曲)



求love live 里的pure girls project的罗马音歌词(((o(*uff9f▽uff9f*)o)

Pure girls project - μ"s词:畑亜贵曲︰仓内达矢失败も心配も话してみてごらんshippai mo shinpai mo hanashite mite goranでしょ?でしょ?desho desho私たちには内绪にしちゃだめよwatashi tachini wa naishoni shicha dame yo友情って言っちゃうの耻ずかしいなyuujyou tte icchauno hazukashii naでしょ?しょ?しょ?しょ?deshou sho sho shoいつでも侧にいてくれるからitsudemo sobani itekureru karaスキu30fbキライ あれ?似てない?suki kirai are nitenaiおたがい违うotagai chigau性格もいいね(だから)いいねseikaku mo iine (dakara) iineそれも正しいよね(ピュアガールズだ!)soremo tadashii yone (pyua ga-ruzu da)纯粋宣言jyunsui sengenYeah! Yeah! Yeah!歩こう(歩こう)歩こう(歩こう)arukou (arukou) arukou (arukou)今日も(君と)元気いっぱいkyou mo (kimi to) genki ippai语ろう(语ろう)语ろう(语ろう)katarou (katarou) katarou (katarou)おしゃべりとまらないからoshaberi tomaranai kara歩こう(歩こう)歩こう(歩こう)arukou (arukou) arukou (arukou)今日も(君は)元気いっぱいkyou mo (kimi to) genki ippaiいっしょうけんめいがんばれ!isshou kenmei ganbare取りあえず今は目の前のことtoriaezu ima wa meno mae no kotoでしょ?(yeah!)desho (yeah)でしょ?(yeah!)desho (yeah)寄り道の准备だyori michi no jyunbi da安心や安全は退屈なんだよねanshin ya anzen wa taikutsu nanda yoneしよっ?しよっ?shiyo shiyo新しいなにか始めたいよやっぱりatarashii nanika hajimetai yo yappari友情って冒険のなかまみたいyuujyou tte bouken no nakama mitaiしよっ?しよっ?しよっ?しよっ?shiyo shiyo shiyo shiyoそこにいないと足りない気持ちsokoni inai to tarinai kimochiクルu30fbコナイ あれ?知らない?kuru konai are shiranai意见が割れるときだってiken ga wareru toki datteいいよ(でもね)いいよiiyo (demo ne) iiyoみんな正しいよね(ピュアガールズさ!)minna tadashii yone (pyua ga-ruzu sa)纯粋宣言jyunsui sengenYeah! Yeah! Yeah!踊ろう(踊ろう)踊ろう(踊ろう)odorou (odorou) odorou (odorou)嬉しい(时间)もっといっぱいureshii (jikan) motto ippai笑おう(笑おう)笑おう(笑おう)waraou (waraou) waraou (waraou)ふりつけ考えようかfuritsuke kangae you ka踊ろう(踊ろう)踊ろう(踊ろう)odorou (odorou) odorou (odorou)嬉しい(时间)もっといっぱいureshii (jikan) motto ippaiいっしょうけんめいやったよ!isshou kenmei yatta yoその後はたぶん甘い诱惑sonoato wa tabun amai yuuwakuしよっ?(yeah!)shiyo (yeah)しよっ?(yeah!)shiyo (yeah)自分にご褒美だjibunni gohoubi da歩こう歩こう 今日も元気いっぱいarukou arukou kyou mo genki ippai语ろう语ろう おしゃべりとまらないからkatarou katarou oshaberi tomaranai kara歩こう歩こう 今日も元気いっぱいarukou arukou kyou mo genki ippaiいっしょうけんめいがんばれ!isshou kenmei ganbare踊ろう(踊ろう)踊ろう(踊ろう)odorou (odorou) odorou (odorou)嬉しい(时间)もっといっぱいureshii (jikan) motto ippai笑おう(笑おう)笑おう(笑おう)waraou (waraou) waraou (waraou)ふりつけ考えようかfuritsuke kangae you ka踊ろう(踊ろう)踊ろう(踊ろう)odorou (odorou) odorou (odorou)嬉しい(时间)もっといっぱいureshii (jikan) motto ippaiいっしょうけんめいやったよ!isshou kenmei yatta yoその後はたぶん甘い诱惑sonoato wa tabun amai yuuwakuしよっ?(yeah!)shiyo (yeah)しよっ?(yeah!)shiyo (yeah)自分にご褒美だ!jibunni gohoubi daでしょ?(yeah!)desho (yeah)でしょ?(yeah!)desho (yeah)寄り道の准备だyori michi no jyunbi da


一般疑问:Is this a silver key?特殊疑问句:what is this?

DJ为什么要使用Ableton Live

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Live for Tomorrow 歌词

歌曲名:Live for Tomorrow歌手:Aethra专辑:Time and EternityShane:Can"t believe its overThat you"re leavingWeren"t we meant to be?Should"ve sensed the dangerRead the warningsRight there in front of meJust stopLets start it overCouldn"t I get one more try?All:Maybe tomorrow you"ll say that you"re mineYou"ll realize, I could changeI"m gonna show you I"m in it for lifeI"ll get you back somedayMaybe tomorrowShane:I forgot to be thereI was selfishI can see that nowMark:I should"ve got to known youShould"ve held youWhen your tears fell downJust stopDon"t make me beg youTell me that you"ll stay the nightAll:Maybe tomorrow you"ll say that you"re mineYou"ll realize, I could changeI"m gonna show you I"m in it for lifeI"ll get you back somedayI will find a wayNicky:Wait a minuteJust hear me outThis time I promise, I"ll put you firstShane:Turn around nowYour heart can"t let you walk awayI"ll do what it takesAll:Maybe tomorrow you"ll say that you"re mineYou"ll realize (realize), I could change (I can change)I"m gonna show you I"m in it for lifeI"ll get you back somedayMaybe tomorrowKian:There"s so much I wanna say nowI just wanna make a life with you (don"t walk away)There"s so much I wanna do nowI just wanna make love to youShane:Maybe tomorrow

nobady knows where she lives, do they?还是does he

do they

求动漫lovelive第十三集,蕙乃果她们三个最后一起唱的那首歌,歌词有DO !I do !Ili


Animelo Summer Live的节目单

Animelo Summer Live 2011 -rainbow- 8月28日(日)「ヒカリ」~ 「COSMIC LOVE」 /水树奈々 &堀江由衣 「Rumbling hearts」 / 栗林みな実 「时すでに始まりを刻む」 / 栗林みな実 「STRAIGHT JET」 / 栗林みな実 「翼はPleasure Line」 / 栗林みな実&黒崎真音 「Magic∞world」 / 黒崎真音 「メモリーズラスト」 / 黒崎真音 「オルフェ」 / 宫野真守 「BODY ROCK」 / 宫野真守 「SHOOT!」 / RO-KYU-BU! 「Party Love~おっきくなりたい~」 / RO-KYU-BU! 「正解はひとつ!じゃない!!」 / ミルキィホームズ 「雨上がりのミライ 」 / ミルキィホームズ 「Hacking to the Gate」 / いとうかなこ+志仓千代丸 「刻司ル十二ノ盟约」 / ファンタズム(FES cv.榊原ゆい) 「裏切りの夕焼け」 / 谷山纪章&宫野真守 「インモラリスト」 / 堀江由衣 メドレー:「PRESENTER」 ~ 「YAHHO!!」 / 堀江由衣 「もう何も怖くない、怖くはない」 / 石川智晶 「不完全燃焼」 / 石川智晶 「NOAH」 / JAM Project 「Vanguard」 / JAM Project 「レスキューファイアー」 / JAM Project 「Os-宇宙人」 / エリオをかまってちゃん 「コタツから眺める世界地図」 / エリオをかまってちゃん 「SUPERNOVA」 / GRANRODEO 「アウトサイダー」 / GRANRODEO 「Go For It!」 / GRANRODEO 「I"ll believe」 / ALTIMA 「ETERNAL BLAZE」 / 水树奈々&远藤正明 「UNBREAKABLE」 / 水树奈々 「纯洁パラドックス」 / 水树奈々 「SCARLET KNIGHT」 / 水树奈々 「rainbow」 / アニサマ2011テーマソング Animelo Summer Live 2011 -rainbow- 8月27日(土)メドレー:「Freedom Dreamer」 ~ 「惑星のランデブー」 / 茅原実里&田村ゆかり 「禁断のエリクシア」 / May"n 「もしも君が愿うのなら」 / May"n 「Scarlet Ballet」 / May"n 「侵略ノススメ☆」 / ULTRA-PRISM 「ゆりゆららららゆるゆり大事件」 / 七森中☆ごらく部 「GO MY WAY!!」 / アイドルマスター 「READY!!」 / アイドルマスター 「エウレカベイビー」 / 麻生夏子 メドレー:「ダイヤモンドスター☆」 ~ 「More-more LOVERS!!」 ~ 「Perfect-area complete!」 / 麻生夏子 メドレー:「ヒャダインのカカカタ☆カタオモイ-C」 ~ 「ヒャダインのじょーじょーゆーじょー」 / ヒャダイン feat.佐咲纱花 「Zzz」 / 佐咲纱花 「Last vision for last」 / 飞兰 「螺旋、或いは圣なる欲望。」 / 飞兰 「God only knows~集积回路の梦旅人」 / ELISA 「热帯夜Girls」 / 奥井雅美&飞兰&麻生夏子 「CLIMBER×CLIMBER」 / BREAKERZ 「Everlasting Luv」 / BREAKERZ メドレー:「LEVEL5 judgelight」 ~ 「only my railgun」 / fripSide 「Heaven is a Place on Earth」 / fripSide 「宇宙戦舰ヤマト」 / ささきいさお 「银河鉄道999」 / ささきいさお 「マジンガーZ」 / 水木一郎 「コンバトラーVのテーマ」 / 水木一郎 「Z伝说 ~终わりなき革命~」 / ももいろクローバーZ メドレー:「ミライボウル」 ~ 「ピンキージョーンズ」 / ももいろクローバーZ 「Butter-Fly」 / 影山ヒロノブ&May"n 「Defection」 / 茅原実里 「Planet Patrol」 / 茅原実里 「TERMINATED」 / 茅原実里 「Beautiful Amulet」 / 田村ゆかり 「Endless Story」 / 田村ゆかり 「LOVE ME NOW!」 / 田村ゆかり 「MAXON」 / JAM Project 「VICTORY」 / JAM Project 「Rocks」 / JAM Project メドレー:「GONG」 ~ 「SKILL」 / JAM Project&水树奈々 「rainbow」 / アニサマ2011テーマソング 注:2012年3月28日发行BD/DVD中未收录ささきいさお,T.M.Revolution,Kalafina。
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