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public void paintComonent(Graphics g) { Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g; //添加这一句g2.drawString("hello",75,75); //这里用g2调用}

急!!!沙滩伞的一些术语steel clip、crank、tilt、flap、Alu umbrella

Shatan San some of the terminology

PHILIPS/飞利浦 AJ301DB 钟控iPod音箱 闹钟收音机 MP3音响时间怎么调

这个说明书上都有吧:先在待机模式下,使用 DOCKu2022BUZZER u2022TUNER 滑块选择闹钟的音源。Dock - 如果选择 DOCK 闹钟模式,请确保插接了兼容的播放机,否则将自动选择蜂鸣模式。TUNER - 如果选择 TUNER 闹钟模式,请确保已在关闭设备之前正确地调谐至某个电台按住 ALM1 或 ALM2 两秒钟。按下或反复按 / 设置和调节小时数。按 ALM1 或 ALM2 进行确认。重复步骤 3-4 调整分钟。



the data on the clipboard cannot be pasted into

提示是说剪贴板的数据不能粘贴到 数组/阵列中。比如你剪贴板中是个图片数据,而你试图粘贴到文本输入框中,这就不会成功的。




1.validate 验证项目中的文件中代码有没有不规范的地方,有的话会显示红叉 automatically 是指你的java代码改了后,eclipse会自动把改过的java代码编译成class


validate 验证项目中的文件中代码有没有不规范的地方,有的话会显示红叉,MyEclipse中会出现各种形式的提示报错,可以去掉校验,点检证 看看就知道了工程 ——> 右键选择属性——>MyEclipse——>Validate——>Exclude Resource



philippians4:13 中文



Philippines[英] [ˈfɪləˌpi:nz, ˌfɪləˈpi:nz] [美] [ˈfɪləˌpinz, ˌfɪləˈpinz]生词本简明释义n.(用作单)菲律宾[地名] [亚细亚洲] 菲律宾查词历史:Filipinos常见度:音节划分:Fili▪pi▪noFilipinos生词本简明释义[医]菲律宾人n.菲律宾人( Filipino的名词复数 )




skid表示车辆车轮的打滑 skate表示滑冰,溜冰 slide表示在滑梯、跑到上滑动 slip表示滑倒


skidKK: []DJ: []n.1. 打滑;斜滑;滑行[S1]2. (支承或移动重物用的)垫木;滑动垫木[P1]3. 【主美】滑轨,木材滑道[C]4. 制轮器,煞车[C]5. (飞机的)起落橇[C]vt.1. (用煞车)刹住,使减速2. (用滑动垫木)滚滑;将...堆在垫木上3. 使(车轮等)打滑4. 【美】(沿木材滑道)拖运vi.1. 打滑;斜滑;滑行I tried to brake and we skidded into the ditch.我试图煞车,结果我们向一侧滑到沟里。2. 急遽下降3. (飞机转弯时)外滑slideKK: []DJ: []vi.1. 滑,滑动The boys amused themselves by sliding down the banister.男孩们从楼梯扶手滑下以取乐。2. 滑落;下落The car slid into the ditch.汽车滑进了沟里。3. 不知不觉地陷入[(+into)]He had slid into bad habits.他不知不觉地染上了坏习惯。4. 悄悄地走[Q][(into/out of)]She slid out of the classroom.她从教室里悄悄地溜走了。5. 【棒】滑垒vt.1. 使滑动,使滑行He carefully slid the top off the box.他仔细地将箱盖挪开。2. 悄悄地迅速放置[O][(+in/into)]He slid a pistol into his pocket.他将一支手枪悄悄地放入口袋。n.[C]1. 滑,滑行,滑动The car went into a slide on the iced road.汽车在结冰的路上打滑了。2. 下落,下降Steel operations normally head into a seasonal slide after October.钢铁交易通常在十月份以后出现季节性的下落。3. 滑道;滑坡;滑梯The frozen brook makes a good slide.冰封的小溪成为滑冰的好地方。4. 雪崩;山崩;土崩The slide cut off the valley from the rest of the world.山崩切断了这个山谷与外界的联系。5. 幻灯片She used slides as a teaching aid.她用幻灯片作教学工具。6. 【机】滑板;滑座7. (显微镜用)载玻片,载片8. 发夹SLIPabbr.1. =symmetric list processor 对称表处理机2. =Serial Line Internet Protocol 【电脑】序向线网际网络协定,串联线路网际网络协定slip1KK: []DJ: []vi.1. 滑动,滑行The ship slipped through the water.船在水面滑行。2. 滑跤,失足She slipped on the ice.她在冰上滑倒了。3. 滑落,滑掉;松脱He woke to find that his quilt had slipped off the bed.他醒来发现被子从床上滑下来了。4. 溜;悄悄走;(时间)不知不觉地过去[Q]The student slipped out of the classroom.那学生溜出了教室。5. 疏忽;不经意讲出;被遗忘Be sure not to let the truth slip.千万别把真相泄漏出去。6. 犯错误[(+up)]7. (健康等)变坏;下降Standards are slipping in this hotel.这家旅馆的水平在下降。8. 匆忙地穿(或脱)[(+into/out of)]He slipped into his coat and went out.他迅速穿好上衣,出去了。9. 不知不觉地陷入[(+into)]vt.1. 使滑动;使滑行The old lady slipped a hand over the heart.老太太伸手抚摩胸口。2. 错过;被...忽略;被遗忘Your telephone number has slipped my mind.你的电话号码我忘了。3. 摆脱,挣脱4. 匆忙地穿(或脱)[(+on/off)]He slipped off his clothes and went into the bathroom.他迅速脱掉衣服,走进浴室。5. 塞入;暗中塞(钱等);把...塞给[O][O1]He slipped the note into my hand.他把纸条悄悄塞到我手里。6. 无意中讲出;泄漏7. 使脱臼n.[C]1. 滑动;滑跤;失足He took a slip in the bathroom.他在浴室里滑了一跤。2. 下降There has been a slip in the quality of your work.你的工作质量有所下降。3. 意外事故;不幸事件4. 溜,溜走;不告而别[the S]5. 疏忽;错误[(+of/in)]That was only a slip of the pen.那仅是笔误。6. 【机】滑程;滑率7. (牵狗等用的)皮带8. 有肩带的连身衬裙;衬裙9. 枕头套10. 【空】侧滑11. 造船台,船台;码头12. (剧场的)舞台边门[P]slip2KK: []DJ: []n.[C]1. 片条,板条;纸条My friend wrote down his address and telephone number on a slip of paper.我的朋友把他的地址和电话号码写在一张纸条上。2. 接枝,插枝3. 后裔4. 瘦长的年轻人[S][(+of)]a slip of a girl瘦长的姑娘vt.1. 从(植物)取接枝(或插枝)

skid slide slip区别

slip : 指不自觉地、偶然地滑动。 slide : 通常多指与光滑表面保持接触并且迅速地连续滑动。 skid : 着重指不自主地或失去控制地滑动,特指车轮在结冰或潮湿路面上的滑动,常暗含有危险存在的意味。 扩展资料   例句:   She allowed victory to slip from her grasp.   她听任胜利从手中溜走。   He removed his brown slip-ons.   他脱掉了他的棕色无带鞋。   He slid into the driver"s seat.   他悄悄地坐到了司机的座位上。   She had slid into a depression.   她不知不觉地抑郁寡欢起来。   The motorbike went into a skid.   摩托车朝一侧滑了出去。


如果这个项目直接放在 workspace 目录下,必须项目名和项目文件夹名相同,也就是说项目名是 dncase2,那么这个项目的文件夹应该是 D:....workspacedncase2 如果这个项目文件夹不在 workspace 的目录下面,就没有这个要求。现在从图片中你已经可以看到一个名字叫 mldncase,它的文件夹名字是不是刚好就是dncase2 ?我们可以尝试手工编辑eclipse 项目文件夹下的 .project 文件中的 <name> ... </name> 部分来改名字,比如把项目文件夹名字改了之后再来这里改一下 .project 文件中的名字就可以当成一个全新的项目导入了。


你要调用那个数据库?mysql 还是orcl

clip studio有什么用?

CLIP STUDIO PAINT是作为ComicStudio、IllustStudio继任者而出现的绘图软件,同属于CELSYS公司,一般简称为CSP,有专注于插画的PRO版本和加强漫画方面功能的EX版本。在CSP还叫CLIP PAINT Lab(公测版)的时候就在pixiv得到广泛好评。

菲利普·普尔曼(Philip Pullman)的作品有什么特点??


你好,你的eclipse插件 call hierarchy 的实现原理是什么?----------这个问题你现在解决了吗?

Eclipse call hierarchy 原理很简单,在 Eclipse 中所有的 Java 类都是一个 DOM 文档对象模型在操作,在 AST 分析时它已经建立这个模型,并把它们编录到一个索引文件中,以后我们可以进行 Java 搜索(比如搜索一个方法调用而不是一个方法定义)。这一切都在于 Eclipse JDT 插件它本身拥有相关的数据和索引,而我们手头上没有,那是我们手工来编录一个索引还是用文本描述分析一下呢。想复制 eclipse 生成 call hierarchy 的代码可以查看 eclipse 源码,它的 git repository url 在 eclipse 官方网站上有,你打开你所指的那个问题看看,里面包括了它。 上说明了 GIT URL ,你在 eclipse 中 clone 这个 repostory

eclipse 异常 hierarchy of the type is inconsiste怎么解决

方法/步骤解决第一步、在复制别人的代码,或者有些时候把导入包的代码删除掉之后会出现编写java程序时,出现The hierarchy of the type is inconsistent 错误,主要是这提醒。操作如图所示选中项目右键,选择build path 进行下一步操作解决第二步、选择这个工程,然后右击选择property中的build path 然后添加类库,选择在新建项目或者导入项目时候,的SDK,这样选中如图所示,然后点击确定就OK了。解决第三步、选择JRE library 然后确定添加,选择eclipse中默认的default JRE,或者是1.7或者是其他,但是选择然后apply确定选择“ok”就可以了如果有疑问按照图操作解决第四步、finish就可以了,这样我们去掉这个错误。如果还不行,那么就需要选中项目,右击选择“property”这个按钮菜单,进入类库设置,把错误的类库删除。按照步骤重新导入。解决第五步、通过前几步的操作,那么就进入到关键的一步,如图所示利用Eclipse的快捷键,比如Ctrl+Shift+o,把已然识别的类库中的调用类,导入进去,Eclipse就会自动识别,然后就解决了这个错误。解决最后一步、总结:由于我在eclipse里建了两个JAVA PROJECT项目,分别是A projiect和B projiect,项目A引用了一些JAR包,然后项目B引用了项目A,但是B没有引用A的JAR包,就出现了这个问题了,结果在B项目里引用A项目的JAR包就OK了。The hierarchy of the type is inconsistent 解释为:层次结构的类型不一致;通常发生在复制别人的代码或者导入他人工程时候,就会报出这个错误;作为程序员的建议;今年我作为毕业生进入一家软件公司实习,通常有些代码我是写不出来的,所以只能靠参考别人的代码,研究透了,然后再手写代码,有些时候需要直接运行看看效果。所以会遇到这个错误,建议一般导入的工程需要重新整理类库,或者新建lib文件夹,把所有的jar包放在这里添加到路径,就可以了。

eclipse插件 call hierarchy 的实现原理是什么?

Call HierarchyCall Hierarchy插件: 显示一个方法的调用层次,可以从中看到它被哪些方法调用了,以及它调用了哪些方法,是代码追踪比较实用的工具。Eclipse 3.1中也已经集成有这个功能了。


理解成带上下关系的层状结构就行了。 其实叫 tree 也不错

英语video clips怎么翻译?




eclipse debug查看变量时报 com.sun.jdi.ObjectCollectedException

这个异常类在jdi包下,jdi是Java Debug Interface的缩写,是专门用来debug的一些程序,这方面资料也比较少。既然说可能跟GC有关,那就想办法观察程序GC状态,什么时候进行了GC,以及debug无法查看集合内存放元素时的是否发生了GC以及内存状况。这里找来了Java VIsualVM工具,JDK自带,双击就能启动还是很方便的。左侧找到启动的项目进程,右边出现的窗口中,选择Visual GC选项卡(如果没有这个功能,需要从安装相应插件,软件内安装选择菜单栏中 工具-插件 到可用插件中找到安装),查看当前内存使用和分配情况。


空白处右击 refresh

电脑液晶屏 型号:LG.PHILIPS LP141WP1 WXGA里面这个WP1是什么意思啊?


wilson phillips-hoid on 的歌词

Hold On (Wilson Phillips)I know this pain 我知道这种痛苦Why do lock yourself up in these chains? 为什么要用这些锁链把你自己锁住No one can change your life except for you 没人能改变你的生活 除了你自己Don"t ever let anyone step all over you 别让任何人左右你Just open your heart and your mind 敞开心胸开阔视野Is it really fair to feel this way inside? 执着于内心的痛苦值得吗?Chorus: Some day somebody"s gonna make you want to 某一天某个人会让你想Turn around and say goodbye 转身说再见Until then baby are you going to let them 到那个时候,宝贝 你还会不会让他们Hold you down and make you cry 压抑你,使你哭泣Don"t you know? 你不知道吗Don"t you know things can change 你不知道一切都会改变的吗Things"ll go your way 一切都会往你想要的方向发展的If you hold on for one more day 如果你再坚持一天Can you hold on for one more day 你能再坚持一天吗Things"ll go your way 一切都会往你想要的方向发展的Hold on for one more day 再坚持一天吧You could sustain 你可以支持住的Or are you comfortable with the pain? 你习惯于这种痛苦吗You"ve got no one to blame for your unhappiness 对于自己的苦恼,你找不到人责怪You got yourself into your own mess 把自己弄得深陷困境Lettin" your worries pass you by 让你的担忧都消散吧Don"t you think it"s worth your time 难道你不觉得值得花费时间To change your mind? 改变你的想法(Chorus) I know that there is pain 我知道这是痛苦的But you hold on for one more day and 但是你坚持再多一天Break free the chains 敲碎锁链Yeah I know that there is pain 是的 我知道这是痛苦的But you hold on for one more day and you 但是你再坚持多一天你就可以Break free, break from the chains 脱离枷锁 获得自由Some day somebody"s gonna make you want to 某一天某个人会让你想Turn around and say goodbye 转身说再见Until then baby are you going to let them 到那个时候,宝贝你还会不会让他们Hold you down and make you cry 压抑你,使你哭泣Don"t you know? 你不知道吗Don"t you know things can change 你不知道一切都会改变的吗Things"ll go your way 一切都会往你想要的方向发展的If you hold on for one more day 如果你再坚持一天If you hold on 如果你坚持Don"t you know things can change 你不知道一切都会改变的吗Things"ll go your way 一切都会往你想要的方向发展的If you hold on for one more day 如果你再坚持一天If you hold on 如果你坚持Can you hold on 你能坚持吗Hold on baby 坚持吧Won"t you tell me now 你现在不能告诉我吗Hold on for one more day "Cause 再坚持一天, 因为It"s gonna go your way 一切都会往你想要的方向发展的Don"t you know things can change 你不知道一切都会改变的吗Things"ll go your way 一切都会往你想要的方向发展的If you hold on for one more day 如果你再坚持一天Can"t you change it this time 你现在不能改变它吗Make up your mind 下定决心Hold on 坚持Hold on 坚持Baby hold on宝贝 坚持

elliptical machine的正确翻译是什么?



oval ["u0259u028av(u0259)l] n. 椭圆形;卵形adj. 椭圆的;卵形的elliptical [u026a"lu026aptu026ak(u0259)l] adj. 椭圆的;都是椭圆形的哦,前者更强调卵形的

elliptical clauses什么意思


exec cosmoflips是什么意思

.歌:KOKIA编曲:伊藤真澄Fou ki ra hyear presia reen/此刻恳求众神侧耳倾听Was zweie ra na stel yorra zuieg manaf/我并非要盗取您的神力Fou ki ra hyear presia reen/此刻恳求众神侧耳倾听Ma zweie ra irs manaf chyet oz omnis/世间生命皆为独一无二的存在en na cyurio re chyet/即使我并未被命运选中Was touwaka gaya presia accrroad ieeya/此刻恳求众神赐下希望Nn num gagis knawa na lequera walasye/尽管知晓世人各有善恶Was quel gagis presia accrroad ieeya whou wearequewie fogabe/我愿为祈求宽恕之人换来希望Fou ki ra hyear presia reen/此刻恳求众神侧耳倾听Was zweie ra na stel yorra zuieg manaf/我并非要盗取您的神力Ma zweie ra irs manaf chyet oz omnis/世间生命皆为独一无二的存在en na cyurio re chyet/即使我并未被命运选中Was touwaka gaya presia accrroad ieeya/此刻恳求众神赐下希望Nn num gagis knawa na lequera walasye/尽管知晓世人各有善恶Was quel gagis presia accrroad ieeya whou wearequewie fogabe/我愿为祈求宽恕之人换来希望Fou ki ra hyear presia reen/此刻恳求众神侧耳倾听Was zweie ra na stel yorra zuieg manaf/我并非要盗取您的神力Ma zweie ra irs manaf chyet oz omnis/世间生命皆为独一无二的存在Fou ki ra hyear presia reen/此刻恳求众神侧耳倾听Was zweie ra na stel yorra zuieg manaf/我并非要盗取您的神力Ma zweie ra irs manaf chyet oz omnis/世间生命皆为独一无二的存在Fou ki ra hyear presia reen/此刻恳求众神侧耳倾听Was zweie ra na stel yorra zuieg manaf/我并非要盗取您的神力Ma zweie ra irs manaf chyet oz omnis/世间生命皆为独一无二的存在Fou ki ra hyear presia reen/此刻恳求众神侧耳倾听Was zweie ra na stel yorra zuieg manaf/我并非要盗取您的神力Ma zweie ra irs manaf chyet oz omnis/世间生命皆为独一无二的存在终わり









eclipse添加XSDu2022 点击窗口 --> 属性(Windows --> Preferences)u2022 选择XML --> 目录(XML --> CataLog)u2022 点击添加(Add)u2022 添加XML目录(Add XML Catalog Entry)的窗口打开u2022 点击map-icon的图标下面的按钮并选择文件系统(File System)u2022 在打开的对话框中, 选择相应的XSD文件

如何为MyEclipse添加XML文档所使用的XML Schema

解决办法: 1、开MyEclipse,从菜单栏找到“Window”--->“Preferences(首选项)”; 2、在左侧导航菜单栏找到“MyEclipse”--->“Files and Editors”---->“XML”--->“XML Catalog”; 3、在右边的界面中,选择“User Specified Entries”,点击右边的“Add...”;4、在弹出的“Add XML Catalog Element”对话框中点击“File System...”,为Location输入框添加XSD文件所在路径;5、.xsd文件添加后,在下面的“Key:”右边的文本框会自动添加一个URI,如Spring的为:http: // www.,如果没有自动添加,使用别的文本编辑器打开此.xsd文件,找到相应的<xsd:schema xmlns...>名称空间声明;6、“Key Type:”右边的下拉框中有“Namespace Name”与“Schema Location”两个选项,将Key Type置为Schema Location;如果是DTD,那里将会有三个类型:Public ID,System ID,URI;7、在Key:右边的文本框中的URI后面加上/,再加上此xsd的名字, 如spring-beans-2.5.xsd的key为:http: // www.;8、点击“OK”保存后,即可看到“User Specified Entries”已有了所增加的xsd;9、重启MyEclipse即可,注意如果提示不出来,并在状态栏的左下出现“Content Assist not available at the current location”,请在光标位置键入一个空格再使用Alt+/试试;


eclipse在配置spring xml配置文件的时候,有时候会根据域名去查找所配置的xsd文件,而这个域名又不能访问的情况下,就会出现找不到xsd的问题。解决办法如下(本事例以找不到dubbo.xsd为例): eclispe-->window-->preferences-->xml catalog-->add 注意KEY 需要以/dubbo.xsd结尾,如下图所示 如图所示,只要引入相应的xsd文件即可

如何为MyEclipse添加XML文档所使用的XML Schema

解决办法:1、开MyEclipse,从菜单栏找到“Window”--->“Preferences(首选项)”;2、在左侧导航菜单栏找到“MyEclipse”--->“Files and Editors”---->“XML”--->“XMLCatalog”;3、在右边的界面中,选择“User Specified Entries”,点击右边的“Add...”;4、在弹出的“Add XML Catalog Element”对话框中点击“File System...”,为Location输入框添加XSD文件所在路径;5、.xsd文件添加后,在下面的“Key:”右边的文本框会自动添加一个URI,如Spring的为:如果没有自动添加,使用别的文本编辑器打开此.xsd文件,找到相应的<xsd:schema xmlns...>名称空间声明;6、“Key Type:”右边的下拉框中有“Namespace Name”与“Schema Location”两个选项,将Key Type置为Schema Location;如果是DTD,那里将会有三个类型:Public ID,System ID,URI;7、在Key:右边的文本框中的URI后面加上/,再加上此xsd的名字,如spring-beans-2.5.xsd的key为:8、点击“OK”保存后,即可看到“User Specified Entries”已有了所增加的xsd;9、重启MyEclipse即可,注意如果提示不出来,并在状态栏的左下出现“Content Assist not available at the current location”,请在光标位置键入一个空格再使用Alt+/试试;


Cherry Lips (Go Baby Go) 歌词

歌曲名:Cherry Lips (Go Baby Go)歌手:Garbage专辑:beautifulgarbageArtist/Band GarbageSong title Cherry Lips (Go Baby Go!)Album BeautifulgarbageShe gave you everything she hadBut she was young and dumbShe"d just turned twenty-oneShe didn"t care to hang aroundSo when the shit came down why she was nowhere to be foundThis life can turn a good girl badShe was the sweetest thing that you had ever seenYou"re such a delicate boyIn the hysterical realmOf an emotional landslideIn physical termsWith your cherry lips and golden girlsYou could make grown men gasp when you go walking pastAnd in your hot pants and high heelsThey could not believe that such a body was for realIt seemed like rainbows would appearWhenever you came here the clouds would disappearBecause you look just like a girlYour baby blues would flash and suddenly a spell was castYou"re such a delicate boyIn the hysterical realmOf an emotional landslideIn physical termsYou hold the candle in your heartTo shine the light on hidden partsYou make the whole world wanna danceYou bought yourself a second chanceGo baby go goWe"re right behind youGo baby go goYeah, we"re looking at youGo baby go goOh ,we"re right behind youGo baby go babyYeah, we"re right behind youGo baby go babyOh, we"re right behind youGo baby go babyYeah, we"re looking at youGo baby go babyOh, we"re right behind youGo baby go babyYeah, we"re looking at youYou hold a candle in your heartGo baby go goYou shine the light on hidden partsGo baby go goYou make the whole world wanna danceGo baby go goYou bought yourself a second chanceGo baby go baby goDelicate boyGo baby go baby goIn the hysterical realmGo baby go baby goOf an emotional landslideGo baby go baby goIn physical termsGo baby go goGoYeah, we"re looking at youGo baby go goOh, we"re right behind you



推荐些火爆的摇滚乐队 像slipknot 这样的。谢谢。

Liar,Static-X,Disturbed,Dope,Flaw,Ill Nino,Korn,Coal Chamber,Coal Chamber听听他们的,绝对不会失望!!!

slipknot suff歌词

Bury all your secrets in my skin .Come away with innocence, and leave me with my sins .The air around me still feels like a cage .And love is just a camouflage for what resembles rage again… So if you love me, let me go. And run away before I know. My heart is just too dark to care. I can"t destroy what isn"t there. Deliver me into my Fate - If I"m alone I cannot hate .I don"t deserve to have you… My smile was taken long ago .If I can change I hope I never know .I still press your letters to my lips .And cherish them in parts of me that savor every kiss .I couldn"t face a life without your light .But all of that was ripped apart… when you refused to fight So save your breath, I will not hear. I think I made it very clear. You couldn"t hate enough to love. Is that supposed to be enough? I only wish you weren"t my friend. Then I could hurt you in the end. I never claimed to be a Saint… My own was banished long ago .It took the Death of Hope to let you go .So Break Yourself Against My Stones .And Spit Your Pity In My Soul .You Never Needed Any Help .You Sold Me Out To Save Yourself .And I Won"t Listen To Your Shame .You Ran Away - You"re All The Same .Angels Lie To Keep Control… My Love Was Punished Long Ago .If You Still Care, Don"t Ever Let Me Know .If you still care, don"t ever let me know…

求Slipknot Psychosocial中文歌词

i did my time, and i want out so abusive,fate it doesn"t cut, the soul is not so vibrant the reckoning, the sickening back at you, subversion pseudo-sacred with scared perversion go drill your gasses, go dig your graves then fill your mouth with all the money you will save sinking in, getting smaller again undone, it has begun i"m not the only one and the rain will kill us all, throw ourselves against the wall but no one else can see, the preservation of the martyr in me psychosocial, psychosocial, psychosocial psychosocial, psychosocial, psychosocial oh, there are cracks, in the road we lay from where the devil fell the secrets have gone mad! this is nothing new, but would we kill it all? fate was all we had who needs another mess? we could start over just look me in the eyes and say i"m wrong now there"s only emptiness, but a message to bring i think we"re done i"m not the only one! and the rain will kill us all, throw ourselves against the wall but no one else can see, the preservation of the martyr in me psychosocial, psychosocial, psychosocial psychosocial, psychosocial, psychosocial the limits of the day!, the limits of the day!, the limits of the day!, the limits of the day!! fake and defenseless lie, i tried to tell you first, your hurtful lies are given out, can"t stop the killing idea, if it"s hunting season, is this what you want?, i"m not the only one! and the rain will kill us all, throw ourselves against the wall but no one else can see, the preservation of the martyr in me and the rain will kill us all, throw ourselves against the wall but no one else can see, the preservation of the martyr in me. the limits of the day!, the limits of the day! 关乎我的时光里,我只是想逃离 如此受到侮辱的命运 没有被终止 灵魂并非如此充满活力 说起来,它令人作呕 它把你颠覆 把伪神圣与胆怯融合 把你融成一体 去挖掘你的坟墓 填满你的嘴 省下你的金钱吧 那些变得越来越不重要了 算了吧,咱们开始 我可不是只是一个 大雨降至,我们所有人都得完蛋 让自己去撞墙 反正没有其他人可以看到 把这信念放在心里吧 社会心理,社会心理,社会心理 社会心理,社会心理,社会心理 哦,有些阴暗,那是我们干的 在那里,魔鬼都要屈服的 所谓秘密,就是疯狂 这完全是新的主张 当然我们会杀死所有人 命运是我们自己的 谁需要别人的烂摊子? 我们可以重新开始 你看看我的目光 并告诉我你错了 现在仅存的东西是空虚 一个信号就说明 我们大功告成了 我可不是只有一个 大雨降至,我们所有人都得完蛋 让自己去撞墙 反正没有其他人可以看到 把这信念放在心里吧 社会心理,社会心理,社会心理 社会心理,社会心理,社会心理 终结这一天! 终结这一天! 关于你假冒的手无寸铁的谎言 让我告诉你,伙计 你的问题出在 有着制止杀戮的想法 如果这是个狩猎的季节 这是你想要的东西? 我可不是只有一个 大雨降至,我们所有人都得完蛋 让自己去撞墙 没有其他人可以看到 把信念放在心里吧 我可不是只有一个 大雨降至,我们所有人都得完蛋 让自己去撞墙 反正没有其他人可以看到 把这信念放在心里吧 终结这一天! 终结这一天!

Slipknot-Spit it out 歌词的中文翻译,谢谢

自从你不在第1地点给予一个诅咒可能到了桌子变形的时间了因为我解决了这些敏感的问题最终判决有罪。。。人们几乎要消灭我了你恐惧行走中的践踏。停止,降落和滚动--你在愚.蠢中死去嘴真.他.....娘.的大--王....八..蛋你现在害怕我吗?你装哑巴总比我想象中的要强基.金.会里流淌是.小.便和醋从我身上踏过去。我将诽.谤,这样想会恐.惧?废..话!当另一个哑巴朋.克发出呲.呲的噪音时还有什么能够破坏这些声音?我说过有些东西我真能让你扭曲?那你应去找到你所希望的方式明智,字面上的亵..渎 猛击我唾.弃!-.gun.出来!你想要做的就是把我拖走我想要做的就是把你做成邮票可能你以一种方式传播着谣言保持你所有游离当你体会,加速,恐惧我猜到了该埋葬你这头度铬制成的.驴..子的时候了直到(埋掉)你的脑袋你听到的是正确的,..婊..子,我说话不结.巴如果你懂什么是GOOD-S.I.T,闭.嘴乞丐兄弟。暗箭伤人--你对人很蔑视,不懂吗?另类抨.击--我们知道你KISS了.屁..股b.i.g.i.d.y (理解为头晕)- b.i.g.g.i.d.y.......荡..妇..男童 来自中非豪萨族。听不到S.H.I.T因为噪音不够大。加速,有顺序的面对着你艰难的运动着嘴唇,将回家吃早饭你变的无拉扯,无力,无核现在你开始S..H.I.T?好,不要否决任何赢利不是最好的,如果你想不可以隐藏但我可以找到你---跟随再你后面!唾.弃!-出来!你想要做的就是把我拖走我想要做的就是把你做成邮票一回合我记录着比分所有的联想冲压着使我愤怒一句:“我是..婊..子”回响在我的已聋的耳朵边下个5年你将在那里?组员都是蠢蛋,都是痴呆准备撅起你的嘴唇。再塞住,使你痛苦当他们嘭的一声(暴烈)再让你难受你要给我痛苦吗?足够多了!~C.a.o..我!我要脱离敌对!C.a.o..我!我要脱离.灌.肠..器!唾弃!-G.u.n出来!你想要做的就是把我拖走我想要做的就是把你做成邮票C.a.o你.吗,G.U.N出来! 审核要通过啊 要通过啊 神啊 阿...门 好艰辛啊我

Slipknot的《Purity》 歌词

歌曲名:Purity歌手:SlipknotPurity作曲:堂本 刚作词:堂本 刚编曲:知野芳彦仆がコボシタナミダは叹きのブルースかそれか胜利の证か虚しいなぁあほ臭いなぁ若き日の仆へ戻って来いやって叫んだ手伸ばしたんやけど利害に汚された自分を纯然な眼で睨み返した呜呼 どうしようもない同床异梦ですこれが子供のころに目指した场所か梦なんか右も左にも动けへんやんけ魂の暴力ってやつでただ一人仆はおまえだけ信じて爱して しゃぶってキスしてたい…若き日の仆へ戻って来いやって叫んだ手伸ばしたんやけど利害に汚された自分を纯然な眼で睨み返した右も左にも动けへんやんけ魂の暴力ってやつでただ一人仆はおまえだけ信じて爱して しゃぶってキスしてたい…爱して しゃぶってキスしてたい…

slipknot的vermilion pt.2的中文歌词


slipknot的vermilion pt.2的中文歌词


Slipknot的《Vermilion》 歌词

歌曲名:Vermilion歌手:Slipknot专辑:Voliminal Inside The NineSlipknotVermilionBy SakyoShe seemed dressed in all of meStretched across my shameAll the torment and the painLeaked through and covered meI"d do anything to have her to myselfJust to have her for myselfNow I don"t know what to doI DON"T KNOW WHAT TO DOWHEN SHE MAKES ME SADShe is everything to meThe unrequited dreamA song that no one singsThe unattainableShe"s a myth that I have to believe inAll I need to make it real is one more reasonChorusI DON"T KNOW WHAT TO DOWHEN SHE MAKES ME SADBridge But I wont let this build up inside of me x4I catch in my throatChokeTorn into pieces, I wont.. noI don"t want to be thisBut I wont let this build up inside of me x4Won"t let this build up inside of meshe isn"t real ( won"t let this build )I can"t make her real ( up inside of me )X2

Slipknot的《My Plague》 歌词

歌曲名:My Plague歌手:Slipknot专辑:Iowa: 10th Anniversary EditionMy PlagueFrom SlipknotI"m in conniptions for the final act you came here forThe one derivative you manage is the one I abhorI need a minute to elaborate for everyone the Everydaybullshit things that you have doneYour impossible ego fuckis like a Megalomaniacal tab on my tongueAnd if you touch me I will rip you apartI"ll reach in and take a bite out of thatShit you call a heart...I don"t mind being ogled, ridiculedMade to feel minisculeIf you consider the source, it"s kinda pitifulThe only thing you really know about me is......that"s all you"ll ever knowI know why you blame meI know why you blame yourselfI know why you plague meI know why you plague yourselfI"m turning it around like a knife in the shellI wanna understand why, but I"m hurting myselfI haven"t seen a lotta reasons to stop itI can"t just drop itI"m just a bastard, but at least I admit itAt least I admit itI know why you blame meI know why you blame yourselfI know why you plague meI know why you plague yourself我将继续制作一些活结的好听曲目而罕见的lrcKill you - fuck you - i will never be youYeah~Kill you - fuck you - i will never be youYeah~I can"t fuckin" take it anymoreA snap of the synapseAnd now it"s fuckin" warKill you - fuck you - i will never be youYeah~I know why you blame meI know why you blame yourselfI know why you plague meI know why you plague yourselfI know why you blame meI know why you blame yourselfI know why you plague meI know why youPLAGUEYOURSELF!I KNOW WHY YOU PLAGUE YOURSELF!(Repeat 4)My PlagueFrom Slipknot

Slipknot的《The Shape》 歌词

歌曲名:The Shape歌手:Slipknot专辑:Iowa: 10th Anniversary Edition能把pop推向无底的深渊的力量rock"n"rollToo tragic to stay with youToo static to try for youThese scars, they swallow hardThe part of the past that"s hollow and darkToo horrid to kill for youToo sordid to die with youUnstable as always, come downEverything else is just dust and soundSEPARATE (I"ve lost my only way)SEPARATE (I"ve lost my only way)SEPARATE (I"ve lost my only way)SEE THE SHAPE (Broken and thrown away)I"d give it all away, come take it all awayYou can"t resent the fearSomebody tell me how I got hereI"d give it all to you, come take it, it"s all for youThe noise is so damn loud, butEverything else is just dust and soundSEPARATE (I"ve lost my only way)SEPARATE (I"ve lost my only way)SEPARATE (I"ve lost my only way)SEE THE SHAPE (Broken and thrown away)I don"t wanna do this anymoreEverything"s shit - everything"s been takenForsaken - gotta start it over cuz I"m hearing itBackwards - DON"T make sense - DON"T feel betterWho"s better? It"s not that simpleYou gotta figure it out before you make things difficultIt"s not a word, it"s a problem, the problem was easyDraw your conclusions - solutions?Anybody else wanna run?Contorting, distorting - I am undoneOne less propaganda nightmare fixtureAre you getting the picture?SEPARATE (I"ve lost my only way)SEPARATE (I"ve lost my only way)SEPARATE (I"ve lost my only way)SEE THE SHAPE (Broken and thrown away)SEPARATE (I"ve lost my only way)SEPARATE (I"ve lost my only way)SEPARATE (I"ve lost my only way)SEE THE SHAPE (Broken and thrown away)

Slipknot的《Surfacing》 歌词

《Surfacing》歌手:Slipknot 所属专辑:《Slipknot》发行时间:1999-06-29歌词:Running out of ways to run I cant see I cant be Over and over and under my skin All this attention is doing me in! Fuck it all! fuck this world! Fuck everything that you stand for! Dont belong! dont exist! Dont give a shit! Dont ever judge me! Picking through the parts exposed Taking shape taking shag Over and over and under my skin All this momentum is doing me in! Fuck it all! fuck this world! Fuck everything that you stand for! Dont belong! dont exist! Dont give a shit! Dont ever judge me! You got all my love livin in your own hate Drippin hole man hard step no fate Show you nuthin but I aint holdin back Every damn word I say is a sneak attack When I get my hands on you Aint a fucking thing you can do Get this cuz youre never gonna get me I am the very disease you pretend to be I am the push that makes you move I am the push that makes you move I am the push that makes you move I am the push that makes you move Fuck it all! fuck this world! Fuck everything that you stand for! Don"t belong! don"t exist! Don"t give a shit! Don"t ever judge me! Fuck it all! fuck this world! Fuck everything that you stand for! Don"t belong! don"t exist! Don"t give a shit! Don"t ever judge me!


Enemy - Show me what you wanna be I can handle anything Even if I can"t handle you Readily - Either way it better be Don"t you fuckin" pity me Get up, get off... What the hell am I sayin"? I don"t know about malevolent SlipknotSure as hell decadent I want somebody to step up, step off Walls! Let me fall! Fuck you all! Get a grip, don"t let me slip "til I drop the ball I - I want it all! Fuck this shit, I"m sick of it You"re goin" down, this is a war! Who the fuck am I to criticize your twisted state of mind? You"re leavin" me suspect, I"m leavin" you grotesque Cause and effect, you jealous ass Press your face against the glass - suffer I want it all! Fuck this shit, I"m sick of it You"re goin" down, this is a war! I"ve just begun It"s about that time Gotta get mine You can"t kill me Cuz I"m already inside you Sick

slipknot的《Sic》 歌词

歌曲名:Sic歌手:slipknot专辑:Voliminal Inside The Nine(Sic)SlipknotSlipknotHere come the painEnemy - Show me what you wanna beI can handle anythingEven if I can"t handle youReadily - Either way it better beDon"t you fuckin" pity meGet up, get off...What the hell am I sayin"?I don"t know about malevolentSure as hell decadentI want somebody to step up, step offWalls! Let me fall! Fuck you all!Get a grip, don"t let me slip "til I drop the ballFuck this shit, I"m sick of itYou"re goin" down, this is a war!Who the fuck am I to criticize your twisted state of mind?You"re leavin" me suspect, I"m leavin" you grotesqueCause and effect, you jealous assPress your face against the glass - sufferFuck this shit, I"m sick of itYou"re goin" down, this is a war!I"ve just begunIt"s about that timeGotta get mineYou can"t kill meCuz I"m already inside youSick

Slipkont (活结乐队)所有专辑?

中文名称:Slipknot活结 专辑歌手:Slipknot 活结 地区:美国 语言:英语 简介: Slipknot不是一支只出售态度、口号、思想的乐队,Trash、Hip-Hop、Hardcore一锅粥似地袭向听着的双耳,可以从他们的音乐中发现清楚的听出Ministry、Slayer、Marilyn Manson,而且由于阵容的庞大和精确分工,Slipknot也经常被成为第一支“即兴演出的死亡金属乐队”。Shock Rock中行为艺术、态度、极端音乐这几大要素被Slipknot发挥到了顶点。 1995年9月,Slipknot乐队成立于美国艾奥瓦州的首府Des Moines地区,经过成立之初的发展之后,以Shawn "Clown" Crahan为首的这支乐队最终形成了多达九人的固定阵容。Slipknot乐队也顺势分别以0到8的九个数字来代表没名成员,从0到8,他们依次是:Sid Wilson,Joey Jordison,Paul Grey,Chris Fehn,James Root,Craig Jones,Shawn "Clown" Crahan,Mick Thompson,Corey Taylor。自从成立之初,Slipknot乐队的九名成员们就开始以面具作为他们最重要的表演工具来使用,无论到哪里,都只见面具,而不见他们的庐山真面目。 在Slipknot乐队成立之后,他们始终在追求着自己独特的音乐风格,以自己的方式来表现音乐,一种狂燥,噪声,黑暗,暴力,宣泄的重金属音乐。不过他们独特而疯狂的演出方式最初在当地并没有得到太多的认可,但是并没有过太久,他们狂暴的音乐就赢得了很多年轻人的追捧。1996年的万圣节,Slipknot乐队自己录制了一张样片《Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat.》,并且在1997年夏天通过内布拉斯卡州的一家名叫-ismist的小唱片公司发售,幸运的是他们的这张专辑在发行不久之后得到了一家较大的唱片公司Roadrunner Records唱片公司的垂青,在这一年晚些时候,Slipknot乐队和Roadrunner Records唱片公司正式签约,他们也开始了与制作人Ross Robinson之间长期的合作。 1999年,在经过了一段时间积累之后,Slipknot乐队在Roadrunner Records唱片公司发行了他们第一张正式的专辑《Slipknot》,通过不停的巡演,Slipknot乐队逐渐拥有了他们自己的固定歌迷群体,而他们在Ozzfest音乐界上的演出,更是极大的提高了他们的知名度,他们暴力、甚至有些血腥的演出很快通过电视转播而征服了众多的重金属乐迷,在这次演出中有多位乐队成员在表演时发泄过度而受伤,乐队灵魂人物Crahan的头部甚至需要缝针。不过鲜血为他们换来了更为广泛的知名度,他们的单曲《Wait and Bleed》和《Spit It Out》马上成为了很受欢迎的单曲,他们的专辑销量也一直非常顺利,在2000年的时候几乎进入了Billboard 200排行榜的前50名,并且在全美范围内的销量突破了100万张,这在Roadrunner唱片公司的历史上还是第一次。 2001年,Slipknot乐队已经成为了美国最受关注的重金属乐队之一,他们的第二张专辑《Iowa》被寄予厚望,这张专辑在8月底发行的时候虽然面临众多专辑的竞争,但是仍然在Billboard 200排行榜上名列第三,并且在全美的销量达到了88万多张。但是就在这张专辑发行之后,在经历了巡演与Ozzfest音乐节的疯狂演出之后,Slipknot乐队的成员之间却开始走向了分裂。 Slipknot乐队在巡演结束之后成立了自己的Maggot Recordings唱片公司,并且签下了一支名为Downthesun的乐队,其中的主唱是Slipknot乐队核心Crahan的调鼓师,但是乐队的其他成员却纷纷开始乾起了自己的事情。 Slipknot乐队的DJ Sid Wilson也更名为了DJ Starscream开始个人发展;乐队的两名吉他手James Root和Mick Thompson也分别开始了个人音乐的发展;而乐队的鼓手Joey Jordison也加盟到了另一支乐队the Rejects,他在那里甚至经常是作为吉他手演出;乐队的主唱Corey Taylor加盟到了Superego乐队,并且为2002年的卖座大片《蜘蛛侠》(Spider-Man)的电影原声贡献了一首个人单曲《Bother》。不过,Slipknot乐队的分裂仍然没有到尽头,反而更加愈演愈烈。2002年夏天,曾经为其他乐队客串吉他手的Slipknot乐队的鼓手Joey Jordison与Static-X乐队的吉他手Tripp Eisen一起组建了Murderdolls乐队;乐队的主唱Corey Taylor则重组了自己的Stone Sour乐队,其他的成员还包括了另两名Slipknot乐队的成员吉他手Jim Root,和DJ Sid Wilson,并且这支Stone Sour乐队还在2002年发行了第一张专辑《Stone Sour》,似乎乐队的复合仍然遥遥无期。 2002年冬天,Slipknot乐队的主唱Corey Taylor在乐队的主页上发表了一篇声明,声称队友们相互之间已经有几个月没有说过话了,还声称乐队宁愿解散也不愿成为第二个Gwar乐队。这篇声明很快引起了Gwar乐队成员Oderous Urungus与Corey Taylor之间的口舌之争。不过这篇声明很快也重新把Slipknot乐队的成员们凝聚在了一起,2003年初,Corey Taylor的声明就在主页上消失了,取而代之的是乐队成员已经重新聚合,并且着手与开始他们新专辑的录制工作。 2003年夏天,Slipknot乐队开始与另一名大牌制作人Rick Rubin一起开始了三年以来首张新专辑的录制工作,并且从2004年初的时候开始再次展开巡回演出,而且已经明确了将再次参加夏天的Ozzfest音乐节,并将使用他们重新设计好的第三代面具。2004年5月25日,Slipknot乐队的愤怒和喧嚣随着他们的第三张正式专辑《Vol. 3: The Subliminal Verses》再次回到了歌迷的身边。 Slipknot 1. 742617000027 2. (Sic) 3. Eyeless 4. Wait and Bleed 5. Surfacing 6. Spit It Out 7. Tattered and Torn 8. Me Inside 9. Liberate 10. Prosthetics 11. No Life 12. Diluted 13. Only One 14. Scissors 15. Get This 16. Interloper 17. Despise Iowa 1. (515) 2. People = Shit 3. Disasterpiece 4. My Plague 5. Everything Ends 6. The Heretic Anthem 7. Gently 8. Left Behind 9. The Shape 10. I Am Hated 11. Skin Ticket 12. New Abortion 13. Metabolic 14. Iowa Vol. 3- The Subliminal Verses 1. Prelude 2. Blister Exists 3. Three Nil 4. Duality 5. Opium of the People 6. Circle 7. Welcome 8. Vermilion 9. Pulse of the Maggots 10. Before I Forget 11. Vermilion, Pt. 2 12. Nameless 13. Virus of Life 14. Danger - Keep Away 上面是他们三张专辑所有的歌!

Slipknot的《(Sic)》 歌词

歌曲名:(Sic)歌手:Slipknot专辑:Iowa: 10th Anniversary Edition(Sic)SlipknotSlipknotHere come the painEnemy - Show me what you wanna beI can handle anythingEven if I can"t handle youReadily - Either way it better beDon"t you fuckin" pity meGet up, get off...What the hell am I sayin"?I don"t know about malevolentSure as hell decadentI want somebody to step up, step offWalls! Let me fall! Fuck you all!Get a grip, don"t let me slip "til I drop the ballFuck this shit, I"m sick of itYou"re goin" down, this is a war!Who the fuck am I to criticize your twisted state of mind?You"re leavin" me suspect, I"m leavin" you grotesqueCause and effect, you jealous assPress your face against the glass - sufferFuck this shit, I"m sick of itYou"re goin" down, this is a war!I"ve just begunIt"s about that timeGotta get mineYou can"t kill meCuz I"m already inside youSick

Slipknot的《Eyeless》 歌词

歌曲名:Eyeless歌手:Slipknot专辑:Voliminal Inside The NineEyelessSlipknotSlipknot - EyelessInsane - Am I the only muthafucker with a brain?I"m hearing voices but all they do is complainHow many times have you wanted to killEverything and everyone - Say you"ll do it but never willYou can"t see California without Marlon Brando"s eyesYou can"t see California without Marlon Brando"s eyesYou can"t see California without Marlon Brando"s eyesI am my Father"s sonHe"s a phantom, a mystery and that leaves meNothing!How many times have you wanted to die?It"s too late for me. All you have to do is get rid of me!You can"t see California without Marlon Brando"s eyesYou cant see California without Marlon Brando"s eyesYou cant see California without Marlon Brando"s eyesIt"s all in your headIt"s all in my headIt"s all in your headI tried - You lied to me for so longEverywhere I go, there"s a sense of itFreak on my antics and give me a choiceDoesn"t matter if I give a shitIt"s shit that you gave meYou can"t see California without Marlon Brando"s eyesYou cant see California without Marlon Brando"s eyesYou cant see California without Marlon Brando"s eyesIt"s all in your headIt"s all in my headIt"s all in your headDo you wanna feel pain? Takin" my name in vainCaring never felt so lame insideAnybody else got pride? Do you wanna take my life?Maybe I"ll reverse my rideWho the hell are you? Fuck you!Better suck it up cuz you bled throughBetter get away from meStay the fuck away from me!I feel safe - Seems your savedI feel safe - Seems your savedLook me in my brand you eyeLook me in my brand you eyeLook me in my brand you eye(Motherfucker)Look me in my brand you eyeLook me in my brand you eyeLook me in my brand you eyeLook me in my brand newChab ; )Enjoy the Slipknot

slipknot的官方[MV] Snuff里面具体想表达的是什么意思?



诅咒你们所有人! 我已无路可走 我什么也看不见,什么也不能做 你在空中不停盘旋 有时还会在我的皮肤里腐烂 这些所有的注意力在将我吞噬 FUCK IT ALL! FUCK THIS WORLD!(这句不用翻译了吧。。。) fuck你代表的所有事物! 你什么都不是,也不曾存在! 我已无所谓,所以你也不用来评论我! 你在我的伤口上撒盐 你已变成我的阴影,在我的心里乱作一团 你在空中不停盘旋 有时还会在我的皮肤里腐烂 所谓的动力正在讲我吞噬! FUCK IT ALL! FUCK THIS WORLD! fuck你代表的所有事物! 你什么都不是,也不曾存在! 我已无所谓,所以你也不用来评论我! 你tmd也别来惹我! 在你仇恨的深处,却有着我所有的爱 爱钻牛角尖的人将不会有命运和希望 这也许不代表什么而且我也不会退缩 我说的每一句话像是偷袭。 当你落入我的手掌心 你将不会有好日子 你将会无能为力 因为胜者为王败者为寇 我是你致命的病毒 我也是你作恶的动力 FUCK IT ALL! FUCK THIS WORLD! fuck你代表的所有事物! 你什么都不是,也不曾存在! 我已无所谓,所以你也不用来评论我! 你tmd也别来惹我!

SLIPKNOT的 people shit 歌词

come on!here we go again, motherfucker!yeah!come on down, and see the idiot right heretoo fucked to beg and not afraid to carewhat"s the matter with calamity anyway?right? get the fuck outta my faceunderstand that i can"t feel anythingit isn"t like i wanna sift through the decayi feel like a wound, like i got a fuckinggun against my head, you live when i"m deadone more time, motherfucker!everybody hates me now, so fuck itblood"s on my face and my hands, and i don"t know whyi"m not afraid to cry, but thats none of your businesswhose life is it? get it, see it, feel it, eat itspin it around so i can spit in its facei wanna leave without a trace"cause i don"t wanna die in this placepeople = shitpeople = shitpeople = shitpeople = shitpeople = shit (whatcha gonna do?)people = shit ("cause i am not afraid of you)people = shit (i"m everything you"ll never be)people = shit (yeah)yeahcome on!it never stops - you can"t be everything to everyonecontagion - i"m sitting at the side of satanwhat do you want from me?they never told me the failure i was meant to benow, over do it - don"t tell me you blew itstop your bitching and fight your way through iti"m - not - like - you - i - just - fuck - upc"mon motherfucker everybody has to diec"mon motherfucker everybody has to dieeverybody has to diepeople = shitpeople = shitpeople = shitpeople = shitpeople = shitpeople = shit (yeah)people = shit (yeah)people = shit (yeah)people = shit (aaargh)people = shitpeople = shitpeople = shitpeople = shitpeople = shit (whatcha gonna do?)people = shit ("cause i am not afraid of you)people = shit (i"m everything you"ll never be)people = shit (yeah)goddamn light!



slipknot的官方[MV] Snuff里面具体想表达的是什么意思?


Slipknot的《Sulfur 》 歌词

歌曲:Sulfur歌手:Slipknot专辑:antennas to hell发行时间:2012-07-24发行公司:RoadRunnermy guilt and my shame always sell me short - always feel the sameand my face and my soul always wear me thin - always under controlbut the longest hours you"ll have in your lifeare the ones you sit through to know if you"re rightso i"ll wait, but i pray that i"m wrongbecause i think i know what"s going onso let me get this straight… the only will is my owni do whatever i want and stay aloneall my decisions make it untouchable and taintedi"m gonna suffer for the rest of my lifebut i will always find a way to survivei"m not a failure, but i know what it"s likei can take it or leave it… or diestay - you don"t always know where you stand"til you know that you won"t run awaythere"s something inside me that feelslike breathing in sulfur…my life is undoneand i"m a sinner to most but a sage to someand my gods are untruei"m probably wrong, but i"m better than youand the longest hours i"ve had in my lifewere the ones i went through to know i was rightso i"m safe, but i"m a little outsidei"m gonna laugh when i"m buried alivestay - you don"t always know where you stand"til you know that you won"t run awaythere"s something inside me that feelslike breathing in sulfur…like breathing in sulfurstay - you don"t always know where you stand"til you know that you won"t run awaythere"s something inside me that feelslike breathing in sulfur…like breathing in sulfur


RUN!Here Comes the Pain !Everybody Show me what you wanna beI can handle anythingEven if I can"t handle youMentally - Either way it better beDon"t you fuckin" pity meGet up, get up...What the hell am I sayin"?I don"t know about malevolentSure as hell decadentI want somebody to step up, step upWalls! Let me fall! FUCK YOU ALL!Get a grip, don"t let me slip "til I drop the ballFuck this shit, I"m sick of itYou"re goin" down, this is a war!FUCK IT!Who the fuck am I to criticize your twistedstate of mind?You"re leavin" me suspect - I"m leavin" you grotesqueFeels like a burn from which you never learnCause and effect, you jealous assPress your face against the glass - SUFFER!Fuck this shit, I"m sick of itYou"re goin" down, this is a war!I"ve just begunIt"s about that timeGotta get mineI"ve just begunIt"s about that timeGotta get mineI"ve just begunIt"s about that timeGotta get mineI"ve just begunIt"s about that timeGotta get MINE!YOU CAN"T KILL MECUZ I"M ALREADYINSIDE YOU YOU CAN"T KILL MECUZ I"M ALREADYINSIDE YOU!YOU CAN"T KILL MECUZ I"M ALREADYINSIDE YOU!YOU CAN"T KILL MECUZ I"M ALREADYINSIDE YOU!SIC!SIC!SIC!SIC!HA!..HA!..HAHAHA!..HAHAHA!..Y-YEAH!!!!YEAH!

Slipknot的《Eyeless》 歌词

歌曲名:Eyeless歌手:Slipknot专辑:Antennas to HellEyelessSlipknotSlipknot - EyelessInsane - Am I the only muthafucker with a brain?I"m hearing voices but all they do is complainHow many times have you wanted to killEverything and everyone - Say you"ll do it but never willYou can"t see California without Marlon Brando"s eyesYou can"t see California without Marlon Brando"s eyesYou can"t see California without Marlon Brando"s eyesI am my Father"s sonHe"s a phantom, a mystery and that leaves meNothing!How many times have you wanted to die?It"s too late for me. All you have to do is get rid of me!You can"t see California without Marlon Brando"s eyesYou cant see California without Marlon Brando"s eyesYou cant see California without Marlon Brando"s eyesIt"s all in your headIt"s all in my headIt"s all in your headI tried - You lied to me for so longEverywhere I go, there"s a sense of itFreak on my antics and give me a choiceDoesn"t matter if I give a shitIt"s shit that you gave meYou can"t see California without Marlon Brando"s eyesYou cant see California without Marlon Brando"s eyesYou cant see California without Marlon Brando"s eyesIt"s all in your headIt"s all in my headIt"s all in your headDo you wanna feel pain? Takin" my name in vainCaring never felt so lame insideAnybody else got pride? Do you wanna take my life?Maybe I"ll reverse my rideWho the hell are you? Fuck you!Better suck it up cuz you bled throughBetter get away from meStay the fuck away from me!I feel safe - Seems your savedI feel safe - Seems your savedLook me in my brand you eyeLook me in my brand you eyeLook me in my brand you eye(Motherfucker)Look me in my brand you eyeLook me in my brand you eyeLook me in my brand you eyeLook me in my brand newChab ; )Enjoy the Slipknot

Slipknot的《(sic)》 歌词

歌曲名:(sic)歌手:Slipknot专辑:Antennas to Hell(Sic)SlipknotSlipknotHere come the painEnemy - Show me what you wanna beI can handle anythingEven if I can"t handle youReadily - Either way it better beDon"t you fuckin" pity meGet up, get off...What the hell am I sayin"?I don"t know about malevolentSure as hell decadentI want somebody to step up, step offWalls! Let me fall! Fuck you all!Get a grip, don"t let me slip "til I drop the ballFuck this shit, I"m sick of itYou"re goin" down, this is a war!Who the fuck am I to criticize your twisted state of mind?You"re leavin" me suspect, I"m leavin" you grotesqueCause and effect, you jealous assPress your face against the glass - sufferFuck this shit, I"m sick of itYou"re goin" down, this is a war!I"ve just begunIt"s about that timeGotta get mineYou can"t kill meCuz I"m already inside youSick

Slipknot活结贝斯手Paul Gray怎么死的?好像是今年5月24日驾崩的

都传闻是吸毒 唉 可惜了


在观众焦急的期盼下,漆黑的舞台上突然出现了9个演员,灯光和音乐同时出现,激昂的节奏伴随着狂野的音乐,顿时让人感到了一种超现实主义的震撼。舞台上的每个演员都穿着红色的工作服,戴着不同的面具,在舞台四处尽情地表演。如同往常一样,在场的每个人都感到热血沸腾。毫无疑问,这是slipknot在演出。 “我到这里来作我自己的音乐,我并不在乎你是否喜欢这种音乐。”slipknot的创始人,乐队的打击乐手shawn “6” crahan戴着一个小丑面具说道(slipknot乐队的每一名成员都拥有从0到8中的一个数字),“我要作出最狂野、最真诚也最疯狂的音乐。我们登台演出,但这不仅仅是一种表演,这是来自我们灵魂深处的感悟。尽管每次演出过后我们都会感到十分疲惫,但我们喜欢这种感受。”crahan出生于des moines,一个只有30万人口的小城市。按crahan的形容,这是一个远离艺术的城市。他说当初他组建slipknot乐队仅仅是为了能给自己提供一种娱乐和激发创造力的途径。crahan说道,“从一开始就有人告诉我们,我们几乎没有成功的可能,尤其是我们9个人都戴着面具,还有3名鼓手。但我们对此毫不在意,我们对他们说‘你们根本不知道自己在说些什么,我们作出的音乐将会改变整个世界,整个时代。"而这也正是我们努力去做的事情。” slipknot这个原本鲜为人知的乐队,他们的第二张同名专辑《slipknot》在上市后一周内就销出了15000张,这令整个音乐界都为之惊讶。crahan对于乐队的事业是这样评价的,“我们十分努力地工作,每天不停地工作,接受采访,进行现场演出。同时,我们有良好的工作精神,并且为自己定下了非常高的目标。” “我们希望打破所有的陈规旧俗,并且我们能对我们所做的事情负责。我们从不吸毒,整个乐队就象是一个大家庭,我们有时也有自己的问题,但是我们自己能把这些问题处理好。” 在crahan不懈的努力下,乐队于1995年正式成立。在最初的一年中,crahan和贝司手paul “2” gray共同创作和构思了许多歌曲。在这一年中乐队逐步充实和壮大,鼓手joey “1” jordison,dj sid “0”wilson,打击乐手chris “3”fehn,吉他手mick “7”thomson以及主唱corey “8” toylar先后加入了乐队。 乐队在相对与世隔绝的环境中工作,crahan让乐队的每个成员都把cd扔掉,不要再看mtv,因为slipknot乐队需要的是自己的风格,自己的音乐。“我们是一支乐队,”crahan说道,“我们是一个整体,我们来到一起只有一个原因——我们要做出有史以来最出色的音乐。” 乐队成员所佩戴的面具,其作用是让每个人都能表达出他的个性,“我们每个人都有不同的面具,但是我们希望能把这些差异有机地统一起来,”打击乐手chris指着他的面具说道,“我们想让观众知道,他们来看slipknot的表演,根本不必在意自己的模样或是身处的环境。” 1996年以后,slipknot在当地的影响逐步扩大,并与roadrunner公司签订了合约。在制作人ross robinson的策划组织下,乐队的第二张同名专辑获得了成功,迄今销量已超过15万张,其中的单曲“split it out”以及“wait and bleed”更是取得了骄人的成绩。 crahan的一番话很好地对其怪异的创作风格以及slipknot乐队作了总结,“这是一支怪异、疯狂的乐队,他让我重新学会了相信自己。每天我们都在与困苦对话,与那些同样经历着困苦的观众对话。现在他们戴着面具,穿着工作服来听我们的演唱。我们的音乐广泛地影响着听众,而且,我们的梦想一定能够实现,那就是人们不再为了流行的发型或衣服浪费时间,而都能专注于对我们每个人而言都十分重要的东西——音乐。”

slipknot为什么叫活结呢 ?


Slipknot的《Snuff》 歌词

歌曲名:Snuff歌手:Slipknot专辑:antennas to hellSlipKnotSnuffHope Is GoneBury all your secrets in my skin在我的肌肤里埋葬你所有的秘密.Come away with innocence, and leave me with my sins带着清白远走高飞,带着我的罪恶离我远去.The air around me still feels like a cage空气如牢笼般围绕.And love is just a camouflage for what resembles rage again…爱再一次为愤怒而掩盖. By:臭小So if you love me, let me go.爱我就让我走吧.And run away before I know.在我知道以前请离开我.My heart is just too dark to care.我的心是如此黑暗,对一切漠不关心.I can"t destroy what isn"t there.我无法毁灭虚无之物.Deliver me into my Fate如果我仍旧无法憎恨.If I"m alone I cannot hate就算我会孤独我也不会去怪罪.I don"t deserve to have you…我不配拥有你.My smile was taken long ago我的笑容早已逝去.If I can change I hope I never know如果我从此这样改变,我希望自己永远都不曾知道.I still press your letters to my lips我的嘴唇重复着你曾经的话.And cherish them in parts of methat savor every kissI couldn"t face a life without your light我不能面对没有你光亮的生活But all of that was ripped apart… when you refused to fight但当你拒绝和争吵,这一切又将我撕碎.So save your breath, I will not hear.保存你的呼吸吧,我将再也听不到它.I think I made it very clear.我想我会清晰地记住.You couldn"t hate enough to love.你不能用足够的恨去爱.Is that supposed to be enough?难道这不足以被期待吗?I only wish you weren"t my friend.我希望我们不曾是朋友,Then I could hurt you in the end.那样的话我可以在最后将你伤害I never claimed to be a Saint…我从不想成为圣人My own was banished long ago我所拥有的早已被放逐.It took the Death of Hope to let you go我宁愿接受死亡而放你离开So Break Yourself Against My Stones你在我的石头上砸碎自己.And Spit Your Pity In My Soul你在我的灵魂中唾弃你的怜悯.You Never Needed Any Help你从不需要任何帮助.You Sold Me Out To Save Yourself你出卖了我而保全自己.And I Won"t Listen To Your Shame我不想听到你的惋惜.You Ran Away - You"re All The Same走开吧,你与旁人并无差异.Angels Lie To Keep Control…天使们依靠谎言来维持控制.My Love Was Punished Long Ago我的爱很早以前就已被惩罚.If You Still Care, Don"t Ever Let Me Know如果你仍旧在乎我,无论如何也别让我知道.If you still care, don"t ever let me know…如果你仍旧在乎我,无论如何也别让我知道.纪念我死去的爱-臭小

slipknot 活结乐队到底是哪个国家的乐队?美国还是北欧?



美国的 活结 九个人 编号0到8 其中0号鼓手是世界上最吊的乐队鼓手


美国重金属乐队活结Slipknot糙汉主唱Corey Taylor在伦敦的一次演唱会上,被粉丝们起哄要求演唱《海绵宝宝》主题曲。








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