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英语翻译 快点上线是不是 hurry to be on line?

…可以是可以…不过太…语法化了吧…@.@口语化的说法是,Get on line,quick/hurry~^ ^

上线下线的英文(指上网) 除了get on line/on-line/off line 还有哪些说法

上线 online 下线 offline 注意:两个词不要拆开!


继《Phigros》后,Pigeon Games 鸽游开发了第二款音乐节奏游戏《Rizline》,于 11 月 18 日在我国港澳台地区开启事前预约,预计 12 月 15 日正式发布! Pigeon Games的第二款音游 2019年,鸽游进行线下调研,寻找了 150 个未曾体验过音游的新玩家试玩了多款音游,最终得到了一个令他们有些意外的结论。 如果没有更多的手段去展示音乐的律动或者情绪,即使是低难度,往往就会让玩家产生难上手和不好玩的印象。反之,即使看上去很难上手,如果游戏拥有更流畅多变的谱面,则会吸引更多的玩家。 这样的调查结果让他们产生了新的灵感:保高核心玩家玩家关注的「上限」的同时,能不能让新手玩家的体验更平滑?就这样,《Rizline》应运而生。 更自由,更无拘 作为下落式音游,《Rizline》谱面并非单纯的点线组合,事实上线条律动动作,是由两个端点所在的平面律动所牵引实现的,这样所展现出的律动更流畅顺滑,可以更好的展现音乐的动感。点与线交织的下落音符,绘制出无限想象力的几何图案,灵动多变的谱面使得每个人都能感受到音乐蕴含的情绪。 新作还大胆的使用了竖屏设计和全荧幕判定,这使得游玩自由度大幅度提升,玩家也会更加专注于音乐的律动,感受节奏随着指尖碰撞。 更从容,更沉浸 RizTime 是《Rizline》在核心玩法上的独特设计。在歌曲情绪与谱面演出张力最优秀的一段,游戏会进入 RizTime,会有变色、判定变宽、大小判定、额外得分等额外效果。新手玩家在 RizTime 获得更高的容错,而核心玩家则能在 RizTime 阶段获得更好的沉浸体验。 在乐曲的高潮部分,连续正确的点击,带来 HP 地急速的回复,宛如危机时刻的英雄登场,从容扭转局势,真实一种刺激新奇地体验。 更紧密,更链接 Rizcard 是《Rizline》中玩家可自订的卡片系统。在游戏中打歌便可以获得不同的制卡素材,玩家可以通过选择收集到的素材,订制自己独一无二的Rizcard,并和朋友们在一起交换彼此的卡片。 双方交换了卡片,也就完成了好友添加,这一略显复古的方式,在一个快节奏快交互为主导的时代,却也十分有趣。 好友聚会时还可以开启面对面联机功能,大家可以轮流挑选喜欢的曲目游玩,选择完毕后,音乐便会临时共享给好友,每个人都可以选择适合自己的难度,感受不同的谱面和同样的乐趣。 让音乐成为链接世界的线 1 年前,制作人曾在社交平台说:「网游明明是将人与人联系起来的东西,但是总觉得哪里不对。我们和网线另一端的某人联系更紧密,却慢慢遗忘了很多实际见到的人。我想要通过一款游戏,将真正的「人」连接起来。就像曾经宝可梦那样,一根线,连接了游戏机,也将玩家与玩家连接在了一起。我也想做这样的事情,在手机上。」 1 年后,伴随这个愿景,《Rizline》这款为链接而生的音游即将发布。「让音乐成为链接世界的线!」 《Rizline》已正式开启事前预约,12 月 15 日将正式发布,感兴趣的玩家朋友可以关注《Rizline》官方 Facebook,获取关于游戏最新信息。

高通校准xtt综测模块qseq中set online nv起什么作用


mojo退出 line out


请问trash can liner是指垃圾袋还是垃圾桶呢?


「强力推荐 丧尸射击游戏」前线Zed(Frontline Zed)v1.1 中文版

游戏 名称:前线Zed 英文名称:Frontline Zed 游戏 类型:射击类(STG) 游戏 游戏 制作:Volcanic Games 游戏 发行:Volcanic Games 游戏 平台:PC游戏 介绍 《前线Zed(Frontline Zed)》是Volcanic Games制作发行的一款丧尸射击 游戏 。你和丧尸群之间只有一堵矮矮的防御墙……你得从零开始,自己建墙。随时随地收集武器。注意合理利用时间。珍贵的白天,你会用来修复防御工事,还是搜寻其他幸存者,帮助自己战斗?获得营救是支撑你生存下去的信念,但是,你得活得足够长才行。安装信息 1. 解压缩 2. 载入镜像 3. 安装 游戏 4. 复制CODEX文件夹下的未加密补丁到 游戏 目录覆盖 5. 运行 游戏 注:下载方式:关注私信发送 游戏 二字自动回复下载方式!切记,只能发送 游戏 二字!

Graphing lines and slope什么意思呢

Graphing lines and slope意思是:图形线和斜率/图线斜率graphing意思是:[计] 绘制图形slopen. 斜坡; 斜面; 倾斜; 斜率vi. 倾斜; 有斜度; 悄悄地走; 潜行vt. 使倾斜复数: slopes 过去式: sloped 过去分词: sloped 现在分词: sloping 第三人称单数: slopes








line 进线load 负载

inline void getNorm(vector&vLib)怎么理解,请教诸位

内联函数 就是编译时不传函数指针,直接将函数代码复制过去

吸血鬼日记中所有 klaus和Caroline在一起的集数



目前还没有擦出火花 一直是Claus在单相思 目前第四季出到第六集Caroline喜欢的还是Tyler 不过Caroline答应和Claus约会了 谁在森林中吗?是不是Claus和Caroline在森林中的那段啊?










克劳斯是第二季出来的 大概在20级左右吧 后来Caroline被杀了

吸血鬼日记中Klaus和Caroline 所有在一起的集数 有哪些?






求名画解说-毕加索的(Girl with a mandoline)

Girl with a mandolin——<弹曼陀铃的少女>(1910)尺寸为39.5×29(英寸),或100.3×73.6(厘米)。现收藏于纽约现代艺术博物馆。毕加索分析立体主义的代表作。该作品描绘的是一个裸体的少女抱着一个曼陀铃。我们可以看到从大腿到头的这部分身体。她的头转向左侧,把右边呈现给欣赏者。所以,可以看清她的脸部轮廓。她俯视着身前的曼陀铃,又似乎在演奏着。虽然她展示给大众的是她的右脸,但她的身体的其余部分是直接面对着我们。 在这幅画的颜色构成是浅棕色,褐色,黄色调,和橄榄绿色。这些颜色平淡深沉,彼此接近,过渡自然。没有鲜艳突出的色彩。这些因素使整个画面表现出颜色的统一性。 毕加索根据模特分析了其裸体图,并在绘画手法上将其分解成许多方块,立方体,矩形,和其他无名几何形状。他用排列这些形状来显示模特身体的不同部位,放弃所有预先的参照物,并将所有的视点同时考虑进去,使各个分解面与立方体组合十分协调,构成了这幅分析立体主义作品。

将括号内汉语翻译成英语(老师不太相信乔治的借口。“be inclined to”)

The teacher is inclined to not believing George"s excuses.



港服数码宝贝大师(Digimon Masters、数码暴龙online) 每次退出时蓝屏、掉线时候再登陆也是蓝屏




the finish line怎么读

则 飞逆是 赖

she did not got to the finish line哪里错了


cross the finish line造句

I am cross the finish line.


deadlineis后面用不用加介词最佳回答:deadlineis后面用加介词No matter how hard this work is, you must finish it by the deadline.

under armour和finish line官网都砍单,是因为国卡吗

ocial services are spotty and

The Finish Line (Explicit Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:The Finish Line (Explicit Lp Version)歌手:Busta Rhymes专辑:The ComingSnow PatrolEyes openThe Finish LineThe earth is warm next to my earInsects noise is all that I hearA magic trick makes the world disappearThe skies are dark, they"re dark but they"re clearA distant motorcade and suddenly there"s joyThe snow and tickertape blurs all my senses numbIt"s like the finish line where everything just endsThe crack of radios seems close enough to touchCold water, cleaning my woundsA side parade, with a single balloonI"m done with this, I"m coming to town(?)Blue as seas, running to themI feel like I am watching everything from spaceAnd in a minute I hear my name and I wakeI think the finish line"s a good place we could startTake a deep breath, take in all that you could want - End -

The Finish Line 歌词

歌曲名:The Finish Line歌手:Snow Patrol专辑:Eyes Open [Deluxe Edition]Snow PatrolEyes openThe Finish LineThe earth is warm next to my earInsects noise is all that I hearA magic trick makes the world disappearThe skies are dark, they"re dark but they"re clearA distant motorcade and suddenly there"s joyThe snow and tickertape blurs all my senses numbIt"s like the finish line where everything just endsThe crack of radios seems close enough to touchCold water, cleaning my woundsA side parade, with a single balloonI"m done with this, I"m coming to town(?)Blue as seas, running to themI feel like I am watching everything from spaceAnd in a minute I hear my name and I wakeI think the finish line"s a good place we could startTake a deep breath, take in all that you could want - End -

求Finish Line这首歌的中文翻译

Giving up, why should I we"ve come to far to forget算了吧 我想尽办法要忘记we"re beautiful, we just got lost somewhere along the way美丽的过去 其实我只要放弃自我就行了so much was missing when you went away你不在身边的时候 许多感觉都已经不在了Let"s start from here, lose the past让我们重新开始 忘记过去change our minds, we don"t need a finish line改变心意 我们不需要画地自限let"s take this chance not think too deep让我们把握机会 不要再眷恋of all those promises we couldn"t seem to keep那些我们 曾无法守住的诺言I don"t care where we go我不在意 未来会带我们到哪里去Let"s start from here让我们一起重新开始standing here face to face a finger on your lips面对面站在这 将手指贴在唇上don"t say a word don"t make a sound silence surrounds us now不作一声 就让沉默 现在包围我们even when you were gone I felt you everywhere这样 在你走之后 我仍然可以感受你在每个地方Let"s start from here, lose the past让我们重新开始 忘记过去change our minds, we don"t need a finish line改变心意 我们不需要画地自限let"s take this chance not think too deep让我们把握机会 不要再眷恋of all those promises we couldn"t seem to keep那些我们 曾无法守住的诺言I don"t care where we go我不在意 未来会带我们到哪里去Let"s start from here让我们一起重新开始I"ve never been the one to open up我从来都不是那个把爱说出口的人but you"ve always been the voive within但是 你永远是那个听见我心声的人the only warmth from my cold heart温暖我那颗已经冷却的心的人Let"s start from here, lose the past让我们重新开始 忘记过去change our minds, we don"t need a finish line改变心意 我们不需要画地自限let"s take this chance not think too deep让我们把握机会 不要再眷恋of all those promises那些我们 曾无法守住的诺言I don"t care where we go我不在意 未来会带我们到哪里去Let"s start from here让我们一起重新开始

Finish Line 歌词

歌曲名:Finish Line歌手:Mad Trucker Gone Mad专辑:The Black AlbumLloyd Banks – Finish LineUnder dog is cool, I"m used to being overlookedlook at me now I"m filled with style, my blunt is rolled with Kushlook bitch I"m ballin, ballin"chasin" K"s like Reggie Bushmy haters hatin" don"t know how inside the Bentley lookfive in the mornin" recordingyou think I slept all daybut I really aint slept at allI got bills that"s due, need cheques todaysouthside don"t play play aroundif you want me, another black body dumpedduck down when you hear the sound,I got peace but not the kind you wantn-gga R.I.P, march throught the club with no I.Dmake sure they put the pretty b-tches round metables of Bub" and it"s all on methink about bread when you think about Pwhat I done did and how I ODcheck a muthaf-cking thing here freetouch nothing you seeI ex"ing off the hoes quick as they comedrinking heavy rollin" up like i got an extra lungsinging Bentley, sippin" harley pardon what I"ve becomeleakin" bezey, reaper fetti, product of mama slumthese n-ggas never did sh-t for me when I was starvin" sonjust me against them, you remember thatthought you"d be glad but you parting along when I"m ending atI don"t see no kind of friend in thatf-ck em all go spend a stackyapping like a bitch don"t get more friend than thatthis that no pretending rapy"all know how my engine atnine in front two ten"s in backrunning with that stack in his backone in yo adI know I"m watched by an angelstill feel her hugs and her kisseson the phone with my grandmadon"t give a f-ck bout these bitchesdont give a f-ck bout their trophy"sor anything that they might owe meI do this for you (you, you)the only ones that really know meonly ones that aint disown meI remember everything they saidsaid I was dead, deaded all thatsledgehammer right on your headlive for the now, su woo to gonesucka n-gga"s left redno time for waiting rather get mine insteadI gettin" money on a dimegirl it"s my timego get that Love sh-t out your mindyou living blindcan"t go for that will fall behindI"m on the grindIm hittin "em two at a timewhy would I declinesee you at the finish lineline, line,line,line,line,linesee you at the finish lineline, line,line,line,line,linesee you at the finish lineline, line,line,line,line,linesee you at the finish lineline, line,line,line,line,line

finish line or finishing line?

都可以finishing line 精整作业线,终点线finish line (赛跑的)终点线

NIKE衣服上的There is no finish line是什么意思 ?


自行车前叉,中空轴,指拨内部可以打finish line红盖的润滑油吗?


Train乐队的The Finish Line英文歌词及中文翻译哪位亲能帮帮忙~不甚感激~!

Train乐队The Finish Line 雪巡警睁眼终点线地球是我的耳朵旁的温暖昆虫噪声是一切,我听到一个魔术让世界消失天空是黑暗的,他们"再黑暗,但他们"重新明确一个遥远的车队,突然有"快乐雪和tickertape模糊我所有的感官麻木它"就像终点在刚刚结束的一切随着收音机裂缝似乎足够接近触摸冷的水,清洗我的伤口阿方游行,用一个气球我"米做到这一点,我"米来镇(?)蓝如海,他们运行我觉得我从太空看一切而在一分钟我听到我的名字,我醒来我觉得终点线"山好地方,我们可以开始深吸一口气,在所有你能想到 如果答案您满意的话,请按下满意答案,谢谢</SPAN></SPAN>

There is no finish line


finish line还是finishing line




急急急!!在口腔医学修复学里 finish line 是指什么?牙颈线?完成线?


finished line finishing line区别

finishing line是固定搭配,终点线。finished line就是完成的线,可以是画完了或者其他的吧,并不是一个固定搭配。

Finish Line 歌词

歌曲名:Finish Line歌手:Brooke Hogan专辑:the redemptionBrooke Hogan - Finish LineHey Heyoh ohHeyoh oh ohHey Hey HeyFly with meI wont let, I wont let you downTry me and I can say I wont let you downCome with me away with me I"ll never let you downI"ll never let you down no I wont let you downAnd I"m feeling you shining starI know you hang sure I wont give up on yaI"m not giving up no trust me just this one timeI"ll be at the finish lineI"m runningTo the finish line, finish line, finish lineI"m runningTo the finish line, finish line, finish lineSee you when you get thereTo little girls who follow meI"ll never let you downTo families who doubted meI"ll never let you downDaddies to the mommiesI"ll never let you downI"ll never let you downI"ll never let you downAnd I"m feeling you baby girlI know you aint sure I wont give up on yaI"m not giving up no put your hand in mineI"ll take you to the finish lineI"m runningTo the finish line, finish line, finish lineI"m runningTo the finish line, finish lineSee you when you get thereI"m runningI"m runningI"m runningI"m runningohI"m runningI"m runningI"m runningI"m runningohI"m runningI"m runningI"m runningI"m runningohI"m runningI"m runningI"m runningI"m runningI"m runningTo the finish line, finish lineI"m runningTo the finish line, finish lineSee you when you get there

get to the finish line的意思是什么

到达终点的意思 get to the :到达/期待某个地点或者某样东西 finish:指结束某件事情某个历程 line:点 线的意思 finish line这个词组是指终点线的意思

finish line是什么意思


怎样用Adobe streamline转换矢量图,具体步骤有哪些啊,


ANSYS中Velocity streamline的7.974e+002是什么意思

要看绘制彩色streamline的物理量是什么,如果是速度,那就是速度为7.974e+002m/s, 或者是自定义的单位。7.974e+002是科学计数法,等于 797.4



ANSYS CFX中画出来的streamline还没到出水口就消失了,意味着什么?





  streamline  英 [u02c8stri:mlau026an] 美 [u02c8strimu02cclau026an]  vt.  把…做成流线型; 使现代化; 组织; 使简单化  n.  流线; 流线型  第三人称单数: streamlines 复数: streamlines 现在分词: streamlining 过去式: streamlined  数据来源:金山词霸  双语例句柯林斯词典英英释义百度百科百度知道  1  They"re making efforts to streamline their normally cumbersome bureaucracy.  他们正努力精简本来繁冗复杂的官僚体制。

the real bottom line的用法


what is triple bottom line

Global Compact /全球契约

帮忙英语翻译: The firm saw its bottom line buoyed by st

百度一下 英译汉。



MFC 用MoveTo LineTo画图 如何放大缩小 求高手指导

你可以自己增添放大缩小的系数(my_scale).座标系,原点在 x0,y0画x[i], y[i] 点 时, 添入 座标变换: xv = x0 + (x[i] - x0) * my_scale; yv = y0 + (y[i] - x0) * my_scale; 画 xv,yv 就可以了。另一种办法 改变 Viewport 的设置。 Viewport 的视野大了,图就小了,视野小了,图就大了。


先思考个问题:默认的div元素高度为0,为什么添加了文字之后,高度就有了?这个高度是由哪个属性决定的?如果是span元素,高度又是又谁决定的呢? 如上图所示,结果应该很明确了:影响div元素高度的是line-height属性,影响span元素高度的是font-size属性,更准确的说法应该是line-height决定块状元素的内容区域高度,而font-size影响行内元素的文本区域高度,这里请记住 内容区域与文本区域不是同一个概念 。 我们这里的x就是26个英文字母中的x。由于自身形态的一些特殊性,这个小小的不起眼的字母在CSS中是一个很重要的概念。 如基线base-line的定义就是: 字母x 的下边缘(线)就是我们的基线。 vertical-align中的middle指的就是: 关于基线向上1/2的x高度对齐 而x的高度甚至作为一个尺寸单位,这个单位就是ex,就是指小写字母x的高度。 张鑫旭在《CSS世界》中一书中,将veritcal-align属性值分为4类: 这种划分方法是根据属性值的类型来划分的,实际使用中感觉这样的划分方法不够合理,如线类中的baseline、middle是受到元素font-size影响,而top、bottom却是受到元素line-height影响;也就是说baseline、middle是子元素文本区域与父元素文本区域对齐,top、bottom是子元素内容区域与父元素内容区域对齐,不同的veritcal-align属性值,影响其对齐效果的属性都是不同的。 上图显示的是改变子元素line-height(内容区域)对对齐的影响,此外根据veritcal-align属性值不同,子元素的内容区域、文本区域,父元素的内容区域、文本区域都会对对齐造成影响,设置百分比或相对尺寸更是会与font-size与line-height两个属性产生直接联系,可见简单的vertical-align想要合理使用并不是那么简单的。 理解和正确使用line-height与vertical-align,首先要明确内容区域与文本区域的概念: 在一般情况下,可以认为font-size影响span,span内容大小即为文本区域,line-height影响div,div的内容大小即为内容区域。这里要注意影响并不是简单的font-size或line-height数值就决定区域的高度。 如上图div元素的实际高度是43而不是40,这是因为div中的文本存在一个为ling-height值40px的内容区域,而span也存在一个ling-height值40px的内容区域,这两个内容区域高度相等,但是vertical-align默认值为baseline,所以两者之间是关于文本区域对齐的,文本区域两者大小是不同的,即baselin所在位置不同,连接两个高度相同矩形,接口不在同一个位置,自然两者就无法对齐,父元素要包含这两个元素,高度也就不可能只有40px。div包含图片,底部出现空白也是因为这个原因了,图片的底部就是baseline,div中存在幽灵节点,两者基于baseline对齐造成了底部空白。


1 .两行文字之间基线的距离,倒数第二根 2 .vertical-align中有top,middle,baseline,bottom与之是由关联的.这些就是文字对应的四根线哪一根的css样式 1 .如果一个标签没有定义height属性,包括百分比高度,那么最终的高度表现一定是来自line-height起了作用. 2 .那width是怎么来的 3 .line-height产生高度的原因:在inline box模型中,有一个line boxes,他会包裹每一行文字。line boxs也不是直接的生产者,而是中层干部。真正决定高度的是手下的一堆inline标签,line boxes会考察手下元素的line-height值,谁的值高,就会用谁的值,向上汇报,最后形成全部高度 4 .line-height可以和height互换,因为实现的效果一样。都能撑开一个高度,然而这两个CSS属性有一个较隐蔽的差异,就是使用height会使标签haslayout,而使用line-height则不会 5 .行高在文章显示中的应用 line-hheight:1.5 .不能写死,不然不会自动适配文字的大小 1 .首先,一行中的每个元素都有一个各自的内容区域。这个是由字体尺寸决定的 2 .行内元素会生成一个行内框inline box。没有其他因素影响的时候,行内狂等于内容区域,设定行高可以增加或减少行内框的高度 3 .由于行高可以应用在任何元素上,所以同一行内的若干元素都有可能有不同的行高和行内框高 4 .行框:是指本行的一个虚拟的矩形框,高度是本行内所有元素行框中的最大值 1 .只对行内元素奇效。默认是baseline参数基线对齐 2 .属性值 1 .设置行间的距离 2 .line-height 与 font-size 的计算值之差(在 CSS 中成为“行间距”)分为两半,分别加到一个文本行内容的顶部和底部。可以包含这些内容的最小框就是行框。 1 .一个div如果没有设置高度,这时我们在div里面添加文字,盒子会有高度。这个高度是由line-height支撑起来的,而不是font-size 2 .对于非替换的内联元素,他的可视高度“完全”由line-height决定。和padding,border完全没有影响 3 .line-height作用于内联元素的谢姐 4 .问题1:按理说,如果line-height是1,那么就是没有间距,但是为啥是这样的结果呢,看起来上面的被覆盖了8px的像素,上面的是20,下面的是28px.为啥normal才是这个效果 //这样的默认感觉才是对的,但是为啥加了默认值反而覆盖了呢。 3 .line-height 与 font-size 的计算值之差(在 CSS 中成为“行间距”)分为两半,分别加到一个文本行内容的顶部和底部。可以包含这些内容的最小框就是行框 4 .当line-height设置为2的时候,半行距是大小1倍文字的大小,两行文字中间的间距的间隙差不多是一个文字尺寸大小。如果line-height值值大小是1倍文字大小,那么半行间距是哦,两行文字会挨在一起。如果间距是负值,两行文字就会重叠纠缠在一起 5 .纯文本,line-height会决定最终的高度 1 .首先line-height不会影响替换元素的高度,比如图片.但是如果添加line-height值的话,实际表现是会有影响的,因为图片构成的内联元素,会构成一个内联盒子,而每一个内联盒子前面都有一个宽度为0的幽灵空白节点,其内联特性表现和一个正常的字符一模一样,于是这个字符使用了行高,所以最后的表现就是行高的高度 2 .图文混合的时候,内联替换元素和内联非替换元素一起的时候 1 .对于块级元素,line-height没有任何用,我们平时改变line-height,块级元素的高度跟着变化实际上是通过改变块级元素里面内联级别元素占据的高度实现的 1 .错误的说法:想要让的单行,垂直居中,只要设置line-height大小和height高度一样就可以了 2 .实现原因:行高的实现机制是上下平分line-height值 3 .多行文本实现垂直居中的3种方式 1 .normal 2 .数值 3 .百分比 4 .长度值 5 .最关键的区别:继承的时候不一样。数值作为line-height,那么最后继承的是都是1.5或者2这个值,但是如果是百分数,或者长度值,那么继承出来的是最后算出来的值。所以属性重置的时候要用下面这种写法 6 .css计算行高的时候,不是向下取整,而是向上取整。

bottom-line performance是什么意思


the bottom line是什么意思


triple bottom line 啥意思

你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下:triple bottom line三重底线The triple bottom line (缩写为 "TBL" 或 "3BL"),是由英国学者约翰·埃尔金顿(John Elkington)提出的,意思为在扩展或获取资源和经济价值时兼顾环境和社会的和谐统一。即经济、社会、自然环境三方面的平衡统一。The triple bottom line 是一个衡量组织或社会成功的新价值标准-----从经济、生态和社会意义三方面对组织或社会的行为进行综合考虑。希望我的回答对你有帮助,满意请采纳

bottom line是什么意思

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Status Quo的《Caroline》 歌词

歌曲名:Caroline歌手:Status Quo专辑:Colour CollectionOh carol, don"t let him steal your heart away.Well I"ve got to learn to dance if it takes me all night and day.Well come into my machine so we can move on out.I know a jumping little joint where we can jump and shout.It"s not too far back on the highway not too long a ride.You take your car along and you park it outside.A little cutie takes your hat and you can thank her, ma"am,"cos every time you"re gonna drive, you find the joint is jammed.Oh carol,don"t let him steal your heart away.Well I"ve got to learn to dance if it takes me all night and day.Well if you want to hear some music like the boys all play,Hold tight, tap your foot,don"t let it carry you away.Don"t let the heat overcome you "cos they play so loudWhile the music will treat you when they get a crowd.Well you can dance i know you will, you thought.I got my eyes on you baby,"cos you dance so good.Don"t let him steal your heart away.I"ve got to learn to dance if it takes me all night and day.Well I"ve got to learn to dance if it takes you all night and day.

Status Quo的《Caroline》 歌词

歌曲名:Caroline歌手:Status Quo专辑:The Silver CollectionThey say that I am the kind of girlWho let their feelings take controlWonder if I"m aloneIt seems that I am that type of girlCan"t help but feel that much my childIt makes me feel as though,I feel that you careIn the candle light there, you canTrying to free your soulSo,now You gotta look, inside usYou gotta learn to touchAll you"ll find is endless strength nowYou gotta love, in silenceYou gotta learn to trustEverybody wants to reach outTry it, in silenceYou gotta learn to trust Ai, ai,「CAROL」作词∶EMA/Chara作曲∶Chara歌∶CharaIn my little perfect worldDon"t need any words to feel you nowSafely in your armsI guess I am just a simple girlCan"t help but hope you feel it nowIt makes me feel as though,I know that you careIn the candle light there, you canYou"re trying to free your soulWe gotta look, inside usWe gotta learn to touchAll we"ll find is endless strength nowWe gotta love, in silenceWe gotta learn to trustEverybody wants to reach outTry it, in silenceWe gotta learn to trustAi, ai, aii…We fall in love, fall out of loveWe gotta learn to trustEverybody is close to loveEverybody wants to reach outLove, so many fireworks nowYou gotta let me remind you …Everbody can【 おわり 】

Status Quo的《Caroline》 歌词

歌曲名:Caroline歌手:Status Quo专辑:Live At The N.E.C.Oh carol, don"t let him steal your heart away.Well I"ve got to learn to dance if it takes me all night and day.Well come into my machine so we can move on out.I know a jumping little joint where we can jump and shout.It"s not too far back on the highway not too long a ride.You take your car along and you park it outside.A little cutie takes your hat and you can thank her, ma"am,"cos every time you"re gonna drive, you find the joint is jammed.Oh carol,don"t let him steal your heart away.Well I"ve got to learn to dance if it takes me all night and day.Well if you want to hear some music like the boys all play,Hold tight, tap your foot,don"t let it carry you away.Don"t let the heat overcome you "cos they play so loudWhile the music will treat you when they get a crowd.Well you can dance i know you will, you thought.I got my eyes on you baby,"cos you dance so good.Don"t let him steal your heart away.I"ve got to learn to dance if it takes me all night and day.Well I"ve got to learn to dance if it takes you all night and day.

Status Quo的《Caroline》 歌词

歌曲名:Caroline歌手:Status Quo专辑:LiveOh carol, don"t let him steal your heart away.Well I"ve got to learn to dance if it takes me all night and day.Well come into my machine so we can move on out.I know a jumping little joint where we can jump and shout.It"s not too far back on the highway not too long a ride.You take your car along and you park it outside.A little cutie takes your hat and you can thank her, ma"am,"cos every time you"re gonna drive, you find the joint is jammed.Oh carol,don"t let him steal your heart away.Well I"ve got to learn to dance if it takes me all night and day.Well if you want to hear some music like the boys all play,Hold tight, tap your foot,don"t let it carry you away.Don"t let the heat overcome you "cos they play so loudWhile the music will treat you when they get a crowd.Well you can dance i know you will, you thought.I got my eyes on you baby,"cos you dance so good.Don"t let him steal your heart away.I"ve got to learn to dance if it takes me all night and day.Well I"ve got to learn to dance if it takes you all night and day.

Status Quo的《Caroline》 歌词

歌曲名:Caroline歌手:Status Quo专辑:True Rock (3 Cd Set)CarolineCarolineThere"s always people talkin"Makes their world go "roundDon"t mean ya have to listenDon"t let them get you downCarolineCarolineEverything will be just fineCarolineWe can work it out this timeYou know they"re only jealousThey want what they can"t haveThey never willDon"t let it get ya crazy"Cause life is just too short for thatAnd you know it ain"t easyBut you know you"ve gotta let it goCarolineCarolineEverything will be just fineCarolineYou can work it out this timeCarolineEverything will be just fineOh CarolineMy CarolineCarolineOoh Whoa oohCarolineCarolineCarolineCarolineWe can work it out this timeCarolineWe can work it out this timeYou will find out about it just in timeMake yourself common and let it shine~end~

Status Quo的《Caroline》 歌词

歌曲名:Caroline歌手:Status Quo专辑:Live At The N.E.COh carol, don"t let him steal your heart away.Well I"ve got to learn to dance if it takes me all night and day.Well come into my machine so we can move on out.I know a jumping little joint where we can jump and shout.It"s not too far back on the highway not too long a ride.You take your car along and you park it outside.A little cutie takes your hat and you can thank her, ma"am,"cos every time you"re gonna drive, you find the joint is jammed.Oh carol,don"t let him steal your heart away.Well I"ve got to learn to dance if it takes me all night and day.Well if you want to hear some music like the boys all play,Hold tight, tap your foot,don"t let it carry you away.Don"t let the heat overcome you "cos they play so loudWhile the music will treat you when they get a crowd.Well you can dance i know you will, you thought.I got my eyes on you baby,"cos you dance so good.Don"t let him steal your heart away.I"ve got to learn to dance if it takes me all night and day.Well I"ve got to learn to dance if it takes you all night and day.

Status Quo的《Caroline》 歌词

歌曲名:Caroline歌手:Status Quo专辑:Music For SeventiesOh carol, don"t let him steal your heart away.Well I"ve got to learn to dance if it takes me all night and day.Well come into my machine so we can move on out.I know a jumping little joint where we can jump and shout.It"s not too far back on the highway not too long a ride.You take your car along and you park it outside.A little cutie takes your hat and you can thank her, ma"am,"cos every time you"re gonna drive, you find the joint is jammed.Oh carol,don"t let him steal your heart away.Well I"ve got to learn to dance if it takes me all night and day.Well if you want to hear some music like the boys all play,Hold tight, tap your foot,don"t let it carry you away.Don"t let the heat overcome you "cos they play so loudWhile the music will treat you when they get a crowd.Well you can dance i know you will, you thought.I got my eyes on you baby,"cos you dance so good.Don"t let him steal your heart away.I"ve got to learn to dance if it takes me all night and day.Well I"ve got to learn to dance if it takes you all night and day.

Status Quo的《Caroline》 歌词

歌曲名:Caroline歌手:Status Quo专辑:Xs All Areas - The Greatest HitsOh carol, don"t let him steal your heart away.Well I"ve got to learn to dance if it takes me all night and day.Well come into my machine so we can move on out.I know a jumping little joint where we can jump and shout.It"s not too far back on the highway not too long a ride.You take your car along and you park it outside.A little cutie takes your hat and you can thank her, ma"am,"cos every time you"re gonna drive, you find the joint is jammed.Oh carol,don"t let him steal your heart away.Well I"ve got to learn to dance if it takes me all night and day.Well if you want to hear some music like the boys all play,Hold tight, tap your foot,don"t let it carry you away.Don"t let the heat overcome you "cos they play so loudWhile the music will treat you when they get a crowd.Well you can dance i know you will, you thought.I got my eyes on you baby,"cos you dance so good.Don"t let him steal your heart away.I"ve got to learn to dance if it takes me all night and day.Well I"ve got to learn to dance if it takes you all night and day.

Status Quo的《Caroline》 歌词

歌曲名:Caroline歌手:Status Quo专辑:Whatever You Want - The Very Best Of Status QuoOh carol, don"t let him steal your heart away.Well I"ve got to learn to dance if it takes me all night and day.Well come into my machine so we can move on out.I know a jumping little joint where we can jump and shout.It"s not too far back on the highway not too long a ride.You take your car along and you park it outside.A little cutie takes your hat and you can thank her, ma"am,"cos every time you"re gonna drive, you find the joint is jammed.Oh carol,don"t let him steal your heart away.Well I"ve got to learn to dance if it takes me all night and day.Well if you want to hear some music like the boys all play,Hold tight, tap your foot,don"t let it carry you away.Don"t let the heat overcome you "cos they play so loudWhile the music will treat you when they get a crowd.Well you can dance i know you will, you thought.I got my eyes on you baby,"cos you dance so good.Don"t let him steal your heart away.I"ve got to learn to dance if it takes me all night and day.Well I"ve got to learn to dance if it takes you all night and day.
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