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FLICKER就是闪烁、 闪光的意思。 应该是在警告当前的光源频闪可能会对使相片曝光不均匀。

佳能750D 用自动对焦后,取景器里出现flicker闪烁。请问这是什么?如何解决





  flicker应该是闪烁光源检测,一般室内使用人造光源时,容易遇到,可以忽略,也可以使用防闪烁功能。  AF是自动对焦。

英语flicker 和 flash 有什么区别



单反出现flicker关闭在「设置-取景器显示-闪烁检测」里面取消显示就可以。数码单镜反光相机(Digital Single Lens Reflex Camera,常简称为DSLR),简称数码单反相机是一种以数码方式记录成像的照相机。属于数码静态相机(Digital Still Camera, DSC)与单反相机(SLR)的交集。单反就是指单镜头反光,即SLR(Single Lens Reflex),这是当今最流行的取景系统,大多数35mm照相机都采用这种取景器。在这种系统中,反光镜和棱镜的独到设计使得摄影者可以从取景器中直接观察到通过镜头的影像。因此,可以准确地看见胶片即将“看见”的相同影像。该系统的心脏是一块活动的反光镜,它呈45°角安放在胶片平面的前面。进入镜头的光线由反光镜向上反射到一块毛玻璃上。早期的SLR照相机必须以腰平的方式把握照相机并俯视毛玻璃取景。毛玻璃上的影像虽然是正立的,但左右是颠倒的。为了校正这个缺陷,眼平式SLR照相机在毛玻璃的上方安装了一个五棱镜。这种棱镜将光线多次反射改变光路,将其影像送至目镜,这时的影像就是上下正立且左右校正的了。取景时,进入照相机的大部分光线都被反光镜向上反射到五棱镜,几乎所有SLR照相机的快门都直接位于胶片的前面(由于这种快门位于胶片平面,因而称作焦平面快门),取景时,快门闭合,没有光线到达胶片。当按下快门按钮时,反光镜迅速向上翻起让开光路,同时快门打开,于是光线到达胶片,完成拍摄。然后,大多数照相机中的反光镜会立即复位。


防闪烁光线传感器(Flicker传感器)能够抑制拍照时产生的频闪,擅长在室内光/人造光环境下,精准监测屏幕光源的频闪频率,提供实时曝光调配,让你在拍摄时拥有更纯净视觉效果。备注:①vivo X Fold系列、vivo X Filp、vivo X 系列(X50及以后机型)、部分vivo Y系列机型、iQOO数字系列(iQOO 11 & iQOO 11 Pro及以后机型)、iOQQ Neo系列( Neo8 & Neo8 Pro及以后机型)支持,iOQQ Neo SE 系列不支持。部分机型具有单独的防闪烁传感器,其他机型由色温传感器兼容防闪烁传感器功能。②支持防闪烁光线传感器(Flicker传感器)的机型在使用自带相机进行拍摄时,相机会根据拍摄画面需要自动调用防闪烁光线传感器(Flicker传感器),无需手动开启。






FLICKER俗称抬头纹,是我们遇到较多的一种闪屏。理想状态下Vcom的中心值与Vpixel的中心值一致且VpixelH和VpixelL的差值与VcomH和VcomL的差值一致,在这样的情况下不会出现FLICKER现象。当这两个电压的中心值或差值出现偏差时,就会出现FLICKER现象。对于FLICKER,如果采用line inversion,则现象如下:拿一个显示模块上下晃动,出现很多横条纹,而停止晃动后横条纹减轻或消失,在灰阶下最明显。如果采用的是frame inversion,则现象是整个画面有明暗变化的闪屏。对于FLICKER,改善方法就是调节公共电极的电压Vcom。通过配合调节Vcom和VcomH的值,先尝试往哪个方向调节可以使FLICKER变轻,最后才确定在某个特定值上效果最好。但由于调节Vcom和VcomH的值是跳变的而不是连续变化的,所以有时只能将FLICKER调整到一个很不明显的状态而不能彻底解决,如果客户还不满意的话可以尝试调整GAMMA或者改为frame inversion 模式,因为大于100Hz的闪屏人眼是不能分辨的,所以在这种模式下轻微的FLICKER是分辨不出来的。对于固定的IC,Vcom和VcomH的值并不是确定不变的,搭配的Panel不一样,客户供给VDD电压的不同,GAMMA值的变化,都会对Vpixel产生影响,从而导致FLICKER的产生,这时就需要重新调整Vcom和VcomH的值来消除FLICKER。对于刷新频率设置不正确导致的闪屏,现象为播放动画或快速切换图片时画面显示不稳定,可能还会出现一两条横条纹且位置不固定。这里面关系到两个频率,一个是从CPU送数据到RAM里面的频率,另外一个是模块内部刷新频率。可以通过调节寄存器使刷新频率与CPU写入速度相匹配。另外也可以让客户通过更改CPU的写入速度来使两者匹配。扫描方向不一致导致闪屏对于扫描方向不一致导致闪屏的现象与上面提到的频率不匹配出现闪屏的现象很相似,这种现象不常出现,但由于接触不多,可能有时候出现不良时没有往这个方向去考虑,再怎么调整频率现象还是一直存在,这个时候就要检查一下CPU往RAM中送数据时的更新方向与模块的刷新方向是否一致。



flicker 什么意思

v.闪烁;飘扬,摆动;昏倒n.闪烁;闪光;电影;假装昏倒的乞丐第三人称单数:flickers;过去分词:flickered;名词复数:flickers;现...[例句]Those furnaces may flicker on for a while.所以那些高炉可能会再闪烁一阵儿。

glisten, glimmer, flicker,glitter,sparkle,twinkle主要是区别.不要单单是意思

具体用法如下(包括其他发光词):1. dazzle: If a very bright light dazzles you, itstops you from seeing properly for a short time. 例:a deer dazzled by the headlights Dazzle是"刺眼、晃眼"的意思,特别当光线照得人短时间看不清物体时使用,与下文其他的"刺眼"选手颇有区别。2. flash: to shine suddenly and brightly for a shorttime, or to make something shine in this way; If alight flashes or if you flash a light, it shines with asudden bright light, especially as quick, regularflashes of light. 例:Lightning flashed overhead. Flash是快速地发出强光,意为"闪光",是闪光一族的普通意义,后文还有多个闪光词汇。3. flicker: to burn or shine with an unsteady lightthat goes on and off quickly; If a light or flameflickers, it shines unsteadily. 例:The overhead lights flickered momentarily. Flicker也是闪光,但是与flash闪得不同。Flash是闪出强光,闪一下马上消失,再接着闪出强光,比如打雷之前的闪电就是典型的flash;flicker也是"闪光门"高手,可是它只能闪出不太强的光,并且极不稳定,闪光时忽明忽暗,译为"闪烁、摇曳",这个词很浪漫,总令人想到Casablanca中迷人的汽车旅馆和那对恋人一起试过的那个long, hot summer"s night.4. glare: to shine with a very strong bright lightwhich hurts your eyes; If the sun or a light glares, itshines with a very bright light which is difficult tolook at; 例:The sun glared down on us. 这个已经不是闪光门弟子了,这是发出非常耀眼的光芒,让眼睛产生不适,且不适效果大大高于dazzle,有可能出现较长时间的失明。比如氧焊时,如果不戴眼罩看了那种强烈的白光后,好一会儿看不见东西,那就是一种glaring light, 比dazzlinglight历害多了。5. gleam: to shine softly [= glimmer]; If an object or asurface gleams, it reflects light because it is shinyand clean. 例:His teeth gleamed under his moustache;Blue-white moonlight gleamed through the window,throwing the shadows of the bars across the floor. 淡蓝色的月光透过窗户照进房来,窗条的影子斜斜地映在地板上。 Gleam是"发出微光",其微弱程度与下文要提及的glimmer相同,似乎在写作中二者完全可以互换使用,不过“柯林斯”字典告诉我们,glimmer的光有点unsteady,类似于flicker。gleam是稳定的光线,不会晃动。6. glimmer: If something glimmers, it produces orreflects a faint, gentle, often unsteady light; to shinewith a light that is not very bright [= gleam]: a weak,glimmering light 朗文字典认为glimmer等于gleam,但是柯林斯和牛津皆认为glimmer含有unsteady之意,是to shine with a faintunsteady light,因此一定要与gleam区别开来。glimmer与flicker相近,也有“光线晃动”之意,但是没有flicker那么"摇曳"得历害:A beam of gleaming light 一道微弱的光线A beam of glimmering light 一束昏暗、摇曳的光线7. glint: if a shiny surface glints, it gives out smallflashes of light [= sparkle]; If something glints, itproduces or reflects a quick flash of light. (WRITTEN);= glisten; to produce small bright flashes of light: 例:The sea glinted in the moonlight;The sun glinted on thewindows;The gold rims of his spectacles glinted in thesun. 该词使用场景描述:一群孩子在草丛中玩耍时,突然一个小孩惊叫起来,"看呀,前边草丛里有东西在发亮"。众人走近一看,原来是一只银戒指;夏日某夜,有淡淡的月光,四周万籁俱寂,我心事重重,独自来到沙滩上,看着黑黝黝的海水,听着潮涨潮落出神。月亮渐升渐高,月入中天之时,月光不如先前一样昏暗,海面一下子亮了起来,我看见涨潮的时候,海边奔涌着浅灰色的浪花。 以上两个场景是我臆想的,都适用glint这个词。Glint的关键点是"闪(泛)着微光",并且光线在变幻,我想到了李莫愁的"冰魄银针"在阳光下发出幽蓝幽蓝的光芒,煞是瘆人,这就是glinting的光;小龙女的"玉蜂针"一定不是这种光,而是一种明亮得多的光,可用glowing或者glittering。突发奇想,glint是否有消极、否定之意呢?比如李莫愁是坏人,她的暗器就发glinting的光,而小龙女是好人,并且这么多人喜爱她,因此她的暗器就不会发出glinting的光。呵呵,这纯属子虚乌有,又是我胡思乱想罢了。8. glitter: to shine brightly with flashing points oflight [= sparkle];to shine brightly with little flashesof light, like a diamond SYN sparkle 例:The ceiling of the cathedral glittered with gold;The riverglittered in the sunlight. Glitter一听就比glint, gleam, glimmer等感觉要好,“阳气”要大得多,是积极的、明亮的,正大光明的。其发光比较亮丽,常用于阳光照射下物体反光9. glisten: to shine and look wet or oily; Ifsomething glistens, it shines, usually because it is wetor oily 例:Her eyes were glistening with tears; Sweat glistened on his forehead.;The road glistened wetafter the rain;The boy"s back was glistening with sweat;glistening black hair 这个词非常浪漫,非常美,往往与水、油等有关。发出的光令人感觉到湿漉漉的或者油亮油亮的。第1个例句非常棒,女孩珠泪莹然,楚楚动人的样子真的令英雄魂断,还有美女出浴之后,头发湿湿的,在灯光下就是glistening的感觉,这也令男人意乱情迷。此处glistened with tears就是那种"闪着眼泪花的感觉";后句"他的额头渗出了汗珠",下一句是"雨后路面湿得发亮"。想像一下,夏天雨过天晴之后,柏油路在阳光下湿湿的,亮亮的,空气是如此清新,真想在路上小跑一阵,贪婪地呼吸泥土和草地醉人的芬芳。10. glister: (literary) to shine brightly with littleflashes of light, like a diamond SYN glitter 这是一个文气词,常用在文学作品中,与glitter一样,都是指"闪着明亮的光"。11. glow: to produce or reflect a soft steadylight [= shine];(especially of sth hot or warm) toproduce a dull, steady light: 例:The fireplace was still glowing with the remains of last night"s fire;The red tip of his cigarette was glowing in the dark;Thestrap has a fluorescent coating that glows in the dark. Glow是指发出或者反射出一种柔和的光,一般都有强烈或者微弱的热量发出,例句中烟头在暗处发出的光,壁炉中燃烧的火发出的光,背包肩带上涂有荧光粉,在黑暗中发出的光,都是用glow。12. beam: to send out a line of light, heat, energy etc;to produce a stream of light and/or heat 例:The morning sun beamed down on us; Light beamed through a hole inthe curtain;The sun beamed through the clouds. 这个词只当发光讲,没有任何限制或者修饰意义,是最普通的发光。13. shimmer: to shine with a soft light that looks asif it shakes slightly; to shine with a soft light thatseems to move slightly 例:The sea was shimmering in the sunlight; The lake shimmered in the moonlight. 这个词超级浪漫,其浪漫程度与glisten有过之而无不及。它特指在光线的照耀下物体感觉在轻微晃动,如:月光下湖面平滑如镜,微风吹过,湖面荡起一阵涟漪,远远望去,整个湖水都在月光中摇曳起来,这就是shimmering的效果,多么迷人啊,真想躺在天鹅绒一样光滑的湖面上,跟着月光一起摇动,然后进入梦乡。14. shine: to produce bright light; to produce orreflect light; to be bright: 例:The sun shone brightly in a cloudless sky;The dark polished wood shone like glass;The sun was shining;The moon shone brightly inthe sky. 这个词有时可与beam换用,但beam还可指发热、传导能量、无线电波等,而shine永远只能是发光,并且多为比较明亮的光。15. sparkle: to shine in small bright flashes; toshine brightly with small flashes of light;If somethingsparkles, it is clear and bright and shines with a lotof very small points of light.例:sparkling eyes;Her jewellery sparkled in the candle light;The sea sparkled in the sun;The crystal chandelier sparkled. 这是"发火花, 闪耀"之意,特指星星点点的闪光,比如春节放烟火时,夜空中盛开的各式烟火图案就可以称作sparklingfireworks patterns,区别于glow, glitter等,特指"数量多"。16. twinkle: if a star or light twinkles, it shines inthe dark with an unsteady light; to shine with a lightthat keeps changing from bright to faint to bright again例:Stars twinkled in the sky.; twinkling lights in thedistance "天上的星星不说话,地上的娃娃想妈妈,天上的星星眨呀眨,妈妈的心呀鲁冰花" 小时候听过这首歌,因此对于星星眨眼睛印象特别深刻。这个眨眼睛就一定是twinkle了,不过人眨眼睛时可以说wink,星星就不可以。远处的灯光忽明忽暗,也说twinkle。比如农村人迷信,说看到了"鬼火"一闪一闪的(那其实是死人骨头中的磷遇空气中的氧而自燃,有动物衔着骨头走动因此看起来是一闪一闪的)。哎呀,赶紧打住,现在已经23:41了,半夜了可不敢再说"鬼火",好怕怕。17. wink: to shine with a light that flashes on and off[= blink]: to shine with an unsteady light; to flash onand off SYN blink: 例:We could see the lights of the ship winking in the distance. Wink是人眨眼睛,也可指光线一闪一闪的,与blink相同,可是眨眼的含义还是有细微区别。Wink时有“暗示什么东东”之意,而blink只是普通的眨眼。比如,你和朋友约定一件事不能穿帮,朋友说到此事时你立即大眨其眼,暗示他不可点破,此处用wink而不用blink。表示光线一闪一闪时二者可以换用。


flicker[英][u02c8flu026aku0259(r)][美][u02c8flu026aku025a]v.闪烁; 飘扬,摆动; 昏倒; n.闪烁; 闪光; 电影; 假装昏倒的乞丐; 第三人称单数:flickers过去分词:flickered复数:flickers现在进行时:flickering过去式:flickered例句:1.Those furnaces may flicker on for a while. 所以那些高炉可能会再闪烁一阵儿。2.Only a flicker of light from a mobile phone separated the ghosts around me from themountain behind them. 只有移动电话上闪过的一线光亮能够将我身边那些幽灵一般的人与他们身后的大山区分开来。

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glisten, glimmer, flicker,glitter,sparkle,twinkle主要是区别.不要单单是意思

具体用法如下(包括其他发光词):1. dazzle: If a very bright light dazzles you, itstops you from seeing properly for a short time. 例:a deer dazzled by the headlights Dazzle是"刺眼、晃眼"的意思,特别当光线照得人短时间看不清物体时使用,与下文其他的"刺眼"选手颇有区别。2. flash: to shine suddenly and brightly for a shorttime, or to make something shine in this way; If alight flashes or if you flash a light, it shines with asudden bright light, especially as quick, regularflashes of light. 例:Lightning flashed overhead. Flash是快速地发出强光,意为"闪光",是闪光一族的普通意义,后文还有多个闪光词汇。3. flicker: to burn or shine with an unsteady lightthat goes on and off quickly; If a light or flameflickers, it shines unsteadily. 例:The overhead lights flickered momentarily. Flicker也是闪光,但是与flash闪得不同。Flash是闪出强光,闪一下马上消失,再接着闪出强光,比如打雷之前的闪电就是典型的flash;flicker也是"闪光门"高手,可是它只能闪出不太强的光,并且极不稳定,闪光时忽明忽暗,译为"闪烁、摇曳",这个词很浪漫,总令人想到Casablanca中迷人的汽车旅馆和那对恋人一起试过的那个long, hot summer"s night.4. glare: to shine with a very strong bright lightwhich hurts your eyes; If the sun or a light glares, itshines with a very bright light which is difficult tolook at; 例:The sun glared down on us. 这个已经不是闪光门弟子了,这是发出非常耀眼的光芒,让眼睛产生不适,且不适效果大大高于dazzle,有可能出现较长时间的失明。比如氧焊时,如果不戴眼罩看了那种强烈的白光后,好一会儿看不见东西,那就是一种glaring light, 比dazzlinglight历害多了。5. gleam: to shine softly [= glimmer]; If an object or asurface gleams, it reflects light because it is shinyand clean. 例:His teeth gleamed under his moustache;Blue-white moonlight gleamed through the window,throwing the shadows of the bars across the floor. 淡蓝色的月光透过窗户照进房来,窗条的影子斜斜地映在地板上。 Gleam是"发出微光",其微弱程度与下文要提及的glimmer相同,似乎在写作中二者完全可以互换使用,不过“柯林斯”字典告诉我们,glimmer的光有点unsteady,类似于flicker。gleam是稳定的光线,不会晃动。6. glimmer: If something glimmers, it produces orreflects a faint, gentle, often unsteady light; to shinewith a light that is not very bright [= gleam]: a weak,glimmering light 朗文字典认为glimmer等于gleam,但是柯林斯和牛津皆认为glimmer含有unsteady之意,是to shine with a faintunsteady light,因此一定要与gleam区别开来。glimmer与flicker相近,也有“光线晃动”之意,但是没有flicker那么"摇曳"得历害:A beam of gleaming light 一道微弱的光线A beam of glimmering light 一束昏暗、摇曳的光线7. glint: if a shiny surface glints, it gives out smallflashes of light [= sparkle]; If something glints, itproduces or reflects a quick flash of light. (WRITTEN);= glisten; to produce small bright flashes of light: 例:The sea glinted in the moonlight;The sun glinted on thewindows;The gold rims of his spectacles glinted in thesun. 该词使用场景描述:一群孩子在草丛中玩耍时,突然一个小孩惊叫起来,"看呀,前边草丛里有东西在发亮"。众人走近一看,原来是一只银戒指;夏日某夜,有淡淡的月光,四周万籁俱寂,我心事重重,独自来到沙滩上,看着黑黝黝的海水,听着潮涨潮落出神。月亮渐升渐高,月入中天之时,月光不如先前一样昏暗,海面一下子亮了起来,我看见涨潮的时候,海边奔涌着浅灰色的浪花。 以上两个场景是我臆想的,都适用glint这个词。Glint的关键点是"闪(泛)着微光",并且光线在变幻,我想到了李莫愁的"冰魄银针"在阳光下发出幽蓝幽蓝的光芒,煞是瘆人,这就是glinting的光;小龙女的"玉蜂针"一定不是这种光,而是一种明亮得多的光,可用glowing或者glittering。突发奇想,glint是否有消极、否定之意呢?比如李莫愁是坏人,她的暗器就发glinting的光,而小龙女是好人,并且这么多人喜爱她,因此她的暗器就不会发出glinting的光。呵呵,这纯属子虚乌有,又是我胡思乱想罢了。8. glitter: to shine brightly with flashing points oflight [= sparkle];to shine brightly with little flashesof light, like a diamond SYN sparkle 例:The ceiling of the cathedral glittered with gold;The riverglittered in the sunlight. Glitter一听就比glint, gleam, glimmer等感觉要好,“阳气”要大得多,是积极的、明亮的,正大光明的。其发光比较亮丽,常用于阳光照射下物体反光9. glisten: to shine and look wet or oily; Ifsomething glistens, it shines, usually because it is wetor oily 例:Her eyes were glistening with tears; Sweat glistened on his forehead.;The road glistened wetafter the rain;The boy"s back was glistening with sweat;glistening black hair 这个词非常浪漫,非常美,往往与水、油等有关。发出的光令人感觉到湿漉漉的或者油亮油亮的。第1个例句非常棒,女孩珠泪莹然,楚楚动人的样子真的令英雄魂断,还有美女出浴之后,头发湿湿的,在灯光下就是glistening的感觉,这也令男人意乱情迷。此处glistened with tears就是那种"闪着眼泪花的感觉";后句"他的额头渗出了汗珠",下一句是"雨后路面湿得发亮"。想像一下,夏天雨过天晴之后,柏油路在阳光下湿湿的,亮亮的,空气是如此清新,真想在路上小跑一阵,贪婪地呼吸泥土和草地醉人的芬芳。10. glister: (literary) to shine brightly with littleflashes of light, like a diamond SYN glitter 这是一个文气词,常用在文学作品中,与glitter一样,都是指"闪着明亮的光"。11. glow: to produce or reflect a soft steadylight [= shine];(especially of sth hot or warm) toproduce a dull, steady light: 例:The fireplace was still glowing with the remains of last night"s fire;The red tip of his cigarette was glowing in the dark;Thestrap has a fluorescent coating that glows in the dark. Glow是指发出或者反射出一种柔和的光,一般都有强烈或者微弱的热量发出,例句中烟头在暗处发出的光,壁炉中燃烧的火发出的光,背包肩带上涂有荧光粉,在黑暗中发出的光,都是用glow。12. beam: to send out a line of light, heat, energy etc;to produce a stream of light and/or heat 例:The morning sun beamed down on us; Light beamed through a hole inthe curtain;The sun beamed through the clouds. 这个词只当发光讲,没有任何限制或者修饰意义,是最普通的发光。13. shimmer: to shine with a soft light that looks asif it shakes slightly; to shine with a soft light thatseems to move slightly 例:The sea was shimmering in the sunlight; The lake shimmered in the moonlight. 这个词超级浪漫,其浪漫程度与glisten有过之而无不及。它特指在光线的照耀下物体感觉在轻微晃动,如:月光下湖面平滑如镜,微风吹过,湖面荡起一阵涟漪,远远望去,整个湖水都在月光中摇曳起来,这就是shimmering的效果,多么迷人啊,真想躺在天鹅绒一样光滑的湖面上,跟着月光一起摇动,然后进入梦乡。14. shine: to produce bright light; to produce orreflect light; to be bright: 例:The sun shone brightly in a cloudless sky;The dark polished wood shone like glass;The sun was shining;The moon shone brightly inthe sky. 这个词有时可与beam换用,但beam还可指发热、传导能量、无线电波等,而shine永远只能是发光,并且多为比较明亮的光。15. sparkle: to shine in small bright flashes; toshine brightly with small flashes of light;If somethingsparkles, it is clear and bright and shines with a lotof very small points of light.例:sparkling eyes;Her jewellery sparkled in the candle light;The sea sparkled in the sun;The crystal chandelier sparkled. 这是"发火花, 闪耀"之意,特指星星点点的闪光,比如春节放烟火时,夜空中盛开的各式烟火图案就可以称作sparklingfireworks patterns,区别于glow, glitter等,特指"数量多"。16. twinkle: if a star or light twinkles, it shines inthe dark with an unsteady light; to shine with a lightthat keeps changing from bright to faint to bright again例:Stars twinkled in the sky.; twinkling lights in thedistance "天上的星星不说话,地上的娃娃想妈妈,天上的星星眨呀眨,妈妈的心呀鲁冰花" 小时候听过这首歌,因此对于星星眨眼睛印象特别深刻。这个眨眼睛就一定是twinkle了,不过人眨眼睛时可以说wink,星星就不可以。远处的灯光忽明忽暗,也说twinkle。比如农村人迷信,说看到了"鬼火"一闪一闪的(那其实是死人骨头中的磷遇空气中的氧而自燃,有动物衔着骨头走动因此看起来是一闪一闪的)。哎呀,赶紧打住,现在已经23:41了,半夜了可不敢再说"鬼火",好怕怕。17. wink: to shine with a light that flashes on and off[= blink]: to shine with an unsteady light; to flash onand off SYN blink: 例:We could see the lights of the ship winking in the distance. Wink是人眨眼睛,也可指光线一闪一闪的,与blink相同,可是眨眼的含义还是有细微区别。Wink时有“暗示什么东东”之意,而blink只是普通的眨眼。比如,你和朋友约定一件事不能穿帮,朋友说到此事时你立即大眨其眼,暗示他不可点破,此处用wink而不用blink。表示光线一闪一闪时二者可以换用。

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brick and click是"传统+现代"的意思 brick and click companies是那些既提供实实在在柜台服务,又提供网络平台为基础的服务的公司.

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 砖和砂浆   点击和迫击炮

clicks and bricks是什么意思

clicks and bricks 公司企业结合在线电子商务和传统零售渠道的营运策略。=clicks and mortar (click表示鼠标点击,代表电子商务,brick砖或mortar灰,代表实体零售商店);

clicks and bricks是什么意思

clicks and bricks点击和砖块双语对照词典结果:clicks and bricks公司企业结合在线电子商务和传统零售渠道的营运策略。=clicks and mortar (click表示鼠标点击,代表电子商务,brick砖或mortar灰,代表实体零售商店); 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Tesco uses the even more annoying phrase "clicks and bricks".

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bruno mars 《click clack away》 中英歌词翻译

you shot me through the heart staring in your eyes 你把我盯着通过心在你的眼睛里so i might die a happy man today 所以我今天可能会死一个快乐的人just empty out your barrel girl 你只是空桶的女孩it"s alright 没关系click clack away 点击了止回阀click clack away 点击了止回阀go ‘head pull it pull it pull it 去把它的头把它拉它click clack away 点击了止回阀click clack away 点击了止回阀yeah yeah 是的,pull it pull it pull it 把它把它拉它yeah yeah 是的,pull it pull it 把它把它go ahead make my day 向前走,今天真让我高兴click clack away 点击了止回阀you got… dumbass seduction 你有诱惑…头蠢驴啊if i was broke i"d give you half of nothing 如果我没钱了,我要给你一半的什么or give it all then i give you more 或给它那我给你更多的爱i"m no decorator but the writing"s on the wall 我不是设计师但是写在墙上went to summer fall, april, may and june 到夏天秋天,四月、五月和六月you shot me through the heart but i don"t have a wound 你把我通过心但是我没有伤口you got a good aim cause i could"ve sworn i moved 你有一个还算不错的目标,因为我曾经发过誓能感动我when it comes to relationships i don"t have a clue 谈到爱情,我一点头绪也没有love at first sight i don"t know i zoom 一见钟情,我不知道我的变焦镜头you put a hit on me ba da bing ba da boom 你放了一个命中在我本科达宾达巴繁荣if this is pain hurry up and let me suffer 如果这是痛苦的快点让我受苦what doesn"t kill me should make my love tougher 那些不杀我,使我的爱应该采取更强硬的i"m tough now, whassup now 现在我很强硬,whassup了fire at me i swear i won"t duck down 开枪的时候,我发誓我不会鸭下来wow you had me in awe 哇,你让我怀着敬畏之情you ain"t have to shoot girl you had me from your jaw 你不是要射的女孩,你让我从你的下巴you shot me through the heart staring in your eyes 你把我盯着通过心在你的眼睛里so i might die a happy man today 所以我今天可能会死一个快乐的人just empty out your barrel girl 你只是空桶的女孩it"s alright 没关系click clack away 点击了止回阀click clack away 点击了止回阀click clack away 点击了止回阀click clack away 点击了止回阀go ‘head pull it pull it pull it 去把它的头把它拉它yeah yeah 是的,pull it pull it pull it 把它把它拉它pull it pull it 把它把它go ahead make my day 向前走,今天真让我高兴click clack away 点击了止回阀you take away my very breath 你拿走了我非常的气息no need to ask if i"m ready, yes 不用问如果我准备好了,是的i go get my tux and you go get your dress 我去拿我的身礼服是和你去拿你的衣服上了and we gon" do it big although we just met “我们下定大虽然我们才刚认识i was just being fresh yeah i know i"m a mess 我不过是新鲜的没错,我知道我看起来糟透了but i like spontanuity, continuity 但是我喜欢spontanuity、连续性let it flow let it flow… with me 让它流让它流…和我在一起and i"m not pressing charges 我不需按的指控don"t want you to ricochet and hit another target 不想让你弹打另一个目标you take me to the edge, right up to the margin 你带我去的优势,直到那保证金all i see is fireworks i can feel it sparking 我看到的是我能感受到它引发烟花hope you keep me at the centre of your bullseye 我希望你保持你的中心舷窗and you know it"s more benefits or full time 大家也知道它的更多的利益或全部时间you are everything and more 你是我的一切you ain"t have to shoot girl you had me from your jaw 你不是要射的女孩,你让我从你的下巴you shot me through the heart staring in your eyes 你把我盯着通过心在你的眼睛里so i might die a happy man today 所以我今天可能会死一个快乐的人just empty out your barrel girl 你只是空桶的女孩it"s alright 没关系click clack away 点击了止回阀click clack away 点击了止回阀click clack away 点击了止回阀click clack away 点击了止回阀go ‘head pull it pull it pull it 去把它的头把它拉它yeah yeah 是的,pull it pull it pull it 把它把它拉它yeah yeah 是的,pull it pull it 把它把它go ahead make my day 向前走,今天真让我高兴click clack away 点击了止回阀采纳哦

Bruno Mars - Click Clack Away歌词的中文翻译,不要机翻

重复的不在翻译,意译较多,希望不会介意。You Shot MeThrough The Heart Staring In Your Eyes佳人以箭射我心,任凭温柔凝视So i Might Die aHappy Man Today然,牡丹花下死,无憾Just Empty OutYour Barrel Girl恋人,便使往事随风罢It"s Alright安好Click Clack Away尘世之嚣渐逝Click Clack Away尘世之嚣渐逝Go ‘Head Pull ItPull It Pull It反复驱使Click Clack Away尘世之嚣渐逝Click Clack Away尘世之嚣渐逝Yeah YeahPull It Pull ItPull It一如既往Yeah YeahPull It Pull ItGo Ahead Make MyDay我心死已,佳人远去Click Clack Away尘世之嚣渐逝You Got… DumbassSeduction佳人于我,极度诱惑If i Was Broke i"dGive You Half Of Nothing我愿不惜生死,只为与你相依Or Give It AllThen i Give You More以我性命为期i"m No DecoratorBut The Writing"s On The Wall来世不可预知,除非以笔记之Went To SummerFall, April, May And June历经冬春雨雪,共度花前月下You Shot MeThrough The Heart But i Don"t Have a Wound虽伤痕在身,但我心如一You Got a Good AimCause i Could"Ve Sworn i Moved只因有誓在先,有愿在前When It Comes ToRelationships i Don"t Have a Clue谈及此恋,我空迷茫Love At FirstSight i Don"t Know i Zoom对你一见钟情,此生独恋You Put a Hit OnMe Ba Da Bing Ba Da Boom为你心掀狂澜If This Is PainHurry Up And Let Me Suffer若此恋注定伤痛,为佳人,我愿承受What Doesn"t KillMe Should Make My Love Tougher我的爱恋愈锉弥坚i"m Tough Now,Whassup Now为爱坚守Fire At Me i Sweari Won"t Duck Down面对烈火,誓不低头Wow You Had Me InAwe我愿为你为奴You Ain"t Have ToShoot Girl You Had Me From Your Jaw让我爱你,仰视你You Shot MeThrough The Heart Staring In Your Eyes而佳人射中我心,任我温柔凝视So i Might Die aHappy Man Today然,成全佳人,我已无憾Just Empty OutYour Barrel Girl便使往事随风,It"s Alright安好Click Clack AwayClick Clack AwayClick Clack AwayClick Clack AwayGo ‘Head Pull ItPull It Pull ItYeah YeahPull It Pull ItPull ItYeah YeahPull It Pull ItGo Ahead Make MyDayClick Clack AwayYou Take Away MyVery Breath佳人之美,无法喘息No Need To Ask Ifi"m Ready, Yes无须多问,我等爱来临i Go Get My TuxAnd You Go Get Your Dress各换盛装And We Gon" Do ItBig Although We Just Met与子携手,尽管初相逢i Was Just BeingFresh Yeah i Know i"m a Mess对爱我一无所知But i LikeSpontanuity, Continuity但我已在尝试Let It Flow Let ItFlow… With Me随时光,细水长流And i"m NotPressing Charges爱是如此自主Don"t Want You ToRicochet And Hit Another Target佳人只属我一人You Take Me To TheEdge, Right Up To The Margin为我挚爱All i See IsFireworks i Can Feel It Sparking烟花绚烂Hope You Keep MeAt The Centre Of Your Bullseye期许我在你眼中And You Know It"sMore Benefits Or Full Time期许地久天长You Are EverythingAnd More我心永恒,惟你是爱You Ain"t Have ToShoot Girl You Had Me From Your JawYou Shot MeThrough The Heart Staring In Your EyesSo i Might Die aHappy Man TodayJust Empty OutYour Barrel GirlIt"s AlrightClick Clack AwayClick Clack AwayClick Clack AwayClick Clack AwayGo ‘Head Pull ItPull It Pull ItYeah YeahPull It Pull ItPull ItYeah YeahPull It Pull ItGo Ahead Make MyDayClick Clack Away

Click Clack 歌词

歌曲:"Click Clack"歌手:Slim Thug (feat. Pusha T)I was taught only reach for the heat if you bustingSo when lift this shirt that"s the end of discussionClick clack motherfuckers! - I ain"t trying to hear nothing!Click clack motherfuckers! - I ain"t trying to hear nothing!When snitch niggaz give police clues to watchWell I"m a give them faggot niggaz news to watchMy trigger blow niggaz out they shoes and socksI guarantee I won"t miss you if I use the dotI"m Slim Thugga motherfucker! best respect my G!Or they gon say they name after R.I.PHow dare you pussy niggaz" tissue slugs bout meCause then I"m a get to show ya how thug I be!And I don"t give a FUCK what set you claimThey got rich niggaz that blow out brainsJust cause you from the projects don"t mean you hardMost of them hoods y"all repping ain"t seen you broads!I was taught only reach for the heat if you bustingSo when lift this shirt that"s the end of discussionClick clack motherfuckers! - I ain"t trying to hear nothing!Click clack motherfuckers! - I ain"t trying to hear nothing now!Don"t make me pull it on ya! on ya! on ya! ya hear me?!Don"t make me pull it on ya! on ya! on ya!Big home, big car, big jewelryWhispers in the street, all the talk of robberyAin"t no Quad Studio, Tupac and PFor every watch there"s a glock, come shop with meHood DVDs the closest you get to TVBE or MT, the whole world done see meVH1 Behind the Scenes, there"s bout to be a three-peatSo keep on rewinding your part and others try and defeat meStrap like the movie, better yet the sequelStrap Before Rap, we"ll call that the prequelI told ya wit the pen, there shall be none equalBut since he ain"t write it, that makes him more lethal! UUSSSHH!!I was taught only reach for the heat if you bustingSo when lift this shirt that"s the end of discussionClick clack motherfuckers! - I ain"t trying to hear nothing!Click clack motherfuckers! - I ain"t trying to hear nothing!Don"t make me pull it on ya! on ya! on ya! ya hear me?!Don"t make me pull it on ya! on ya! on ya!I was taught only reach for the heat if you bustingSo when lift this shirt that"s the end of discussionClick clack motherfuckers! - I ain"t trying to hear nothing!If you smart you gon hit the ground running and duckingA lot of rap niggaz be trying to play hardKnowing damn well that they lying and they fraudThey talk that hard shit when somebody press recordWhen there"s beef in the streets they run to their body guardI"m still a hood nigga, you can catch me on the blockAnd when I"m the club you can catch me wit the glockI know them jackas plotting trying to catch me wit a knotBut we gon see if them laws can come catch me when he"s shotI was taught only reach for the heat if you bustingSo when lift this shirt that"s the end of discussionClick clack motherfuckers! - I ain"t trying to hear nothing!Click clack motherfuckers! - I ain"t trying to hear nothing now!Don"t make me pull it on ya! on ya! on ya! ya hear me?!Don"t make me pull it on ya! on ya! on ya!

click clack 歌词翻译

click clack(扣扳机声.)I was taught only reach for the heat if you busting当你被毁的时候,我只知道要达到多少热度So when lift this shirt that"s the end of discussion所以当举起这件衬衫的时候,那就是这个讨论的终点Click clack motherfuckers! - I ain"t trying to hear nothing!开枪吧他 妈的,我不是设法要听到什麽Click clack motherfuckers! - I ain"t trying to hear nothing!开枪吧他 妈的,我不是设法要听到什麽[Verse - Slim Thug]When snitch niggaz give police clues to watch当那个做告发人的黑鬼给警察线索去看的时候Well I"m a give them faggot niggaz news to watch我给他们一群黑鬼的新闻去看My trigger blow niggaz out they shoes and socks我的枪扳机炸到黑鬼的鞋子和袜子I guarantee I won"t miss you if I use the dot我保证在我击中你的时候我不会想你的I"m Slim Thugga motherfucker! best respect my G!我是SIM THUGA他 妈的,你最好尊重我的GOr they gon say they name after R.I.P否则在R.I.P后他们讲说他们的名字

grandptc twodollarclick两个网站的真实性

我也想知道 你体现成功了吗--骗子网站 大家不要相信

lick my aipples是什么意思

您是不是要找:lick my nippleslick my nipples舔我的乳头nipplesn.乳头( nipple的名词复数 );<美>(奶品的)橡皮奶头;(机器上的)乳头状注油口;加油嘴形近词: supples hopples tipples ripplet ripples双语例句Jack: I have nipples right? could you milk me? 杰克:我也有乳头对吧?你能给我挤奶吗?

Lick my nipples什么意思?

lick my nipples意思舔我的乳头。lick英 [lɪk],美 [lɪk]v. 舔;bai轻拍;击败;掠过n. 舔;少许;打例句:He licked his fingers.翻译:他舔手指。扩展资料:同义词:crawl。动词解释:爬,爬行,匍匐行进,(昆虫)爬行,缓慢行进。名词解释:n.缓慢的速度,爬泳,自由泳。例句:Don't worry if your baby seems a little reluctant to crawl or walk——如果你的宝宝不爱爬也不爱走,不要担心。

Lick my nipples什么意思?

lick my nipples意思舔我的乳头。lick英 [lɪk],美 [lɪk]v. 舔;bai轻拍;击败;掠过n. 舔;少许;打例句:He licked his fingers.翻译:他舔手指。扩展资料:同义词:crawl。动词解释:爬,爬行,匍匐行进,(昆虫)爬行,缓慢行进。名词解释:n.缓慢的速度,爬泳,自由泳。例句:Don't worry if your baby seems a little reluctant to crawl or walk——如果你的宝宝不爱爬也不爱走,不要担心。
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