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at least one 请问at least不应该是个副词吗 那怎么可以修饰名词one呢

at least是介词短语,相当于副词,它与about, over, nearly一样,可以作程度副词用关键的是,forty不是名词,而是表示年龄的数词. 如: She must be at least forty, She is about forty. She must be over forty. She is under forty. She is at most forty

At least与at most的区别是什么

At least, 最起码 At most, 顶多

at least 和more than 的具体用法,可以举例说明吗

简单说:1.From here to the bus stop you need ten minutes walking at least.从这儿到公交车站你至少需要步行十分钟;2.From here to the bus stop you need more than ten minutes walking.从这儿到公交车站你需要步行十分钟以上;

at least的用法


at least 后加什么?

at least: [至少] 一般后面跟句子,也可以加N或者do sth,给你几个参考的句子: 1. She"s completely homeless at least I have my parents to fall back on. 她是真正无家可归--我至少有父母可依靠. 2. The mark-up on food in a restaurant is usually at least 100%. 餐馆食物的成本加价率通常至少是100%. 3. She may be slow but at least she"s reliable. 她迟钝是迟钝, 但无论如何她很可靠. 4. He should at least have come to say good-by. 他至少也该来道个别(然而却没来)。 5. To go abroad to study, you should at least master the language. 要到国外读书, 你最起码要掌握那种语言。 6. We should brush our teeth at least twice a day. 我们每天应该至少刷两次牙。 7. I have to mop the kitchen floor at least once a day. 我每天至少要把厨房地板擦洗一次。 8. He has been there at least twice. 他至少去过那儿两次。 9. The school has at least fifty computers. 这所学校最少有五十部电脑。 10. Not yet surely. Have another drink at least. 啊,那当然不。(不过)您至少再喝杯饮料吧。 11. At least you should tell me your true situation. 至少你应该告知我们你的真实状况。

at least和at the very least有什么区别

作‘至少"意思时语气程度不一样,at the very least语气强,至少(不能退步)。at least 至少,尽量(有一种让步的语气在里面):At least this second meeting had helped to thaw the atmosphere.这第二次会议至少起到了缓和气氛的作用at the very least: 一点,丝毫,至少At the very least, the Government must offer some protection to mothers who fear domestic violence.最起码,政府必须向害怕遭受家庭暴力的母亲们提供某些保护。

at least 位置用法

at least位置用法如下:“At least”是一个非常常见的词组,在日常生活中用得相当频繁它的位置用法也非常多样,可以用于各种句型和语境。下面,我们将分步骤来详细阐述“At least”在不同位置下的用法。第一步:“At least”作为动词(verb)的副词“At least”作为动词的副词时,它通常放在动词之后,用来表示至少也要做到某件事情。比如,“You should at least try it once这个句子中,“at least”表示至少也要试一次。第二步:“At least”作为形容词(adjective)的副词“At least”作为形容词的副词时,通常放在形容词之前,用来表示最少的数量或者程度。比如,“I need at least an hour to finishthis task.”这个句子中,“at least”表示最少需要一个小时。第三步:“At least”作为副词(adverb)的副词“At least”作为副词的副词时,通常放在句子中的位置很灵活,用来表示最小的程度或者数量。比如,“It"s not an ideal solution,but it"s at least better than nothing.”这个句子中,“atleast”表示虽然不是最好的解决方案,但至少比没有好。第四步:“At least”的其他用法除了作为动词、形容词和副词的副词之外,还有一些其他情况下“at least”也会出现在句子中。比如,它可以用来表示把某件事情的后果最小化。比如,“at least nobody got hurt in theaccident。”它也可以用来表示表达某种承认或者让步的态度。比如“I"m not the best candidate, but I can at least try my best.99此外,它还可以用来表示一个限制条件。比如,“You can chooseany color you want, at least as long as it"s black.99总结:“at least”的用法已经详细地被介绍了。它作为一个常用词至此,组,在不同的语境和句型中,有着不同的用法和位置。良好地掌握这个词组的使用方法,可以帮助我们更加准确地表达自己的意图和想法。

at least 什么意思


at least又是什么意思

尊敬的百度用户您好! 很高兴为您解答! 基本释义 adj.最小的;最少的(little的最高级) adv.最小;最少 n.最小;最少 2网络释义 最少 ...leasing trade 租赁贸易 Least 最少,最小 leastdeveloped counrty 最不发达国家 ... 3短语 Least Squares最小二乘法 ; 最小平方 ; 最小二乘 least action[物][经]最小作用量 least residue最小剩余 至少 例句与用法: 1.He has been there at least twice. 他至少去过那儿两次. 2.I have to mop the kitchen floor at least once a day. 我每天至少要把厨房地板擦洗一次. 3.We should brush our teeth at least twice a day. 我们每天应该至少刷两次牙. 4.To go abroad to study,you should at least master the language. 要到国外读书,你最起码要掌握那种语言. 5.He should at least have come to say good-by. 他至少也该来道个别(然而却没来). 6.She may be slow but at least she"s reliable. 她迟钝是迟钝,但无论如何她很可靠. 7.The mark-up on food in a restaurant is usually at least 100%. 餐馆食物的成本加价率通常至少是100%. 8.She"s completely homeless at least I have my parents to fall back on. 她是真正无家可归--我至少有父母可依靠. 副词at least: 1.if nothing else (`leastwise" is informal and `leastways" is colloquial) 同义词:leastways,leastwise,at any rate 2.not less than 同义词:at the least 本解答由【谢小夫】友情提供!若有不足之处望谅解,望您给个【最佳答案】,在此表示谢谢!有缘下次再见! —————————————————————————————————————————— 亲,你还是一个人在百度知道里奋战么?猛击→ http://zhidao.baidu.com/team/view/%E7%99%BE%E5%BA%A6%E7%9F%A5%E9%81%93%E9%A1%BE%E9%97%AE%E5%9B%A2 加入 【百度知道顾问团】你我并肩作战,赢取大量百度财富值!



“at least”的用法有哪些?

至少,最起码,通常用于句首 口语是也可以被用在句尾 for example :At least,you should be able to understand the basic concept of intergration before the end of this period.

please dont let me go I just want to stay 歌词的音乐 很空灵 很甜美的英文歌


what can we learn from john dancer作文

“DR JOHN SNOW—This well-known physician died at noon on the 16th instant,at his house in Sackville-street,from an attack of apoplexy.His researches on chloroform and other anaesthetics were appreciated by the profession.”John Snow"s death was sudden and early—he was only 45 years of age.Other obituaries and eulogies were more effusive.At the time of Snow"s demise he was a successful anaesthetist whose expertise was widely sought by surgeons and patients,but his theory that cholera was spread through water was not broadly supported.Yet fast forward to the present and Snow has become an iconic figurehead across public health and epidemiology,as well as anaesthesia.The John Snow Society,founded in 1993 with around 1500 members worldwide,promotes his life and works,and seeks to “provide a communication network for epidemiologists and those trained in the Snow tradition throughout the world”.The Society organises annual lectures at which members re-enact the removal of the pump handle during the eponymous 1854 cholera outbreak in Broad Street,Soho,London,UK.It also produces Snow memorabilia and the Society recently introduced a walk in the footsteps of “the medical detective” through the streets of Soho,concluding at the John Snow pub—itself a peculiar memorial since he practised temperance.So how has Snow been made a hero?


Don"t 也是

问--( )can Iwash my hands? 答--This way,please.You can wash your hands here.


这边请 英语可以这样说吗Please come here.

This way ,please.更地道

Could you tell me____?----Of course.This way,please. A.which is the way to the restroom

AB应该是where the restroom isC应该是how I can get to the restroom这题考你的是从句,要用陈述语序

带路是说“Follow me”还是“This way,please”

Follow me

- A table for two, please. - _________ A. It is a pleasure. B. This way, please. C. What can I do f



We do. It"s on the second floor. This way please.我做了(我愿意)。它在二楼。这边请。

别人说this way ,please.应该怎么回答

Thank you

This way,please.的同义句是什么?

Follow me, please





This way please什么意思?


This way,please.什么意思?怎么回答?


急,急!我的YEPP-55V三星MP3在开机时出现“Please reformat”的字样需要格式化机器?


安装微软模拟飞行10时提示要 please insert the disk labeled: FSX Disk 2


做磁盘阵列提示create at least one virtual drive是什么意思

你好!create at least one virtual drive创建至少一个虚拟驱动器

50 Ways To Leave Your Lover 歌词

  50 Ways to Leave Your Lover/王若琳  歌词:  "The problem is all inside your head",  He said to me  The answer is easy if you take it logically  I"d like to help you in your struggle to be free  There must be fifty ways to leave your lover  He said it"s really not my habit to intrude  Furthermore,  I hope my meaning won"t be lost or misconstrued  But I"ll repeat myself at the risk of being crude  There must be fifty ways to leave your lover  Fifty ways to leave your lover  Just slip out the back, Jack  Make a new plan, Stan  You don"t need to be coy, Roy  Just get yourself free  Hop on the bus, Gus  You don"t need to discuss much  Just drop off the key, Lee  And get yourself free  Just slip out the back, Jack  Make a new plan, Stan  You don"t need to be coy, Roy  Just get yourself free  Hop on the bus, Gus  You don"t need to discuss much  Just drop off the key, Lee  And get yourself free  He said it grieves me so to see you in such pain  I wish there was something  I could do to make you smile again  I said I appreciate that and would you please explain  About the fifty ways  He said why don"t we both just sleep on it tonight  And I believe in the morning  you"ll begin to see the light  And then she kissed me and  I realized she probably was right  There must be fifty ways to leave your lover  Fifty ways to leave your lover  Just slip out the back, Jack  Make a new plan, Stan  You don"t need to be coy, Roy  Just get yourself free  Hop on the bus, Gus  You don"t need to discuss much  Just drop off the key, Lee  And get yourself free  You just slip out the back, Jack  Make a new plan, Stan  You don"t need to be coy, Roy  Just get yourself free  Hop on the bus, Gus  You don"t need to discuss much  Just drop off the key, Lee  And get yourself free  歌手基本信息:  王若琳(Joanna Wang),1988年8月1日出生于台湾,创作型歌手。父亲为音乐制作人王治平。  2008年1月,发行首张唱片《Start From Here》,由Sony BMG 发行。 2009年1月,发行个人第二张专辑《joanna&王若琳》,6月17日,发行EP单曲《Can"t Take My Eyes Off You》。2009年7月17日,发行专辑《The Adult Storybook》。2011年,发行专辑《The Adventures of Bernie the Schoolboy》。2013年,发行专辑《银河的危机: 最奇异的午夜转播》。2014年,发行专辑《午夜剧院》。  主要作品:  01. 迷宫  02. Can"T Take My Eyes Off You  03. I Love You  04. 一生守候  05. Lost In Paradise  06. 有你的快乐  07. 亲密爱人  08. Let"s Start From Here  09. Lemon Tree  10. For No Reason  11. 三个人的晚餐  12. Vincent


面码酱丨文结束了一天的训练后,Faker照例打开了直播,继续玩起了单排。在选人时,看着一排排了然于胸的英雄,他确实不知道该选什么,才能找回久违的乐趣。最终,他还是掏出了自己的绝活,诡术妖姬乐芙兰。游戏刚开始不久,Faker就打算对敌方中单动手,但敌方辅助卡尔玛及时赶到,给队友套上了护盾。按照一般的中单逻辑,最好的击杀时机已过,应该退回来从长计议,但Faker却直接改变目标,一套精彩的连招,秒掉了护盾技能CD的卡尔玛。这时,Faker开心地笑了,并向直播间的观众们炫耀道:“这就是faker~”在英文中,faker译为欺诈者,他用同样以狡诈著称的乐芙兰,向观众们诠释了自己的游戏ID。作为职业选手,他们的游戏ID,总是会成为焦点,玩家们也时常有疑问,为什么起这样的名字?背后又有什么故事?今天呢,面码就来和大家聊聊这些职业选手ID的故事~老人们常说,人靠衣装马靠鞍,在网络世界中,一个好听的ID,不但让大家印象深刻,还能体现出自己的内涵,这对于职业选手来说,尤为重要。但有些职业选手却完全不在乎,也许是吃了没文化的亏,也许就是觉得游戏ID不重要,总之他们起名的风格能总结为几个字,瞎几把起。比如前DOTA2世界冠军xiao8,他的游戏ID就非常简单无脑。“xiao”来自于之前他在《梦幻西游》中的游戏ID“小小”,而后面跟个8,是因为起名时,“xiao”和“xiao”后面跟着“1~7”的ID都被注册了,最终在xiao8时,才注册成功。另一位DOTA大神PIS,其早期的游戏ID也很随意。很多玩家认为,PIS这个名字,来自于当时他的一部操作集锦视频《perfect is shit》,但其实在此之前,PIS就已经叫Pis0tsss,据他本人说,这就是脸滚键盘起的ID。而PIS更出名的ID:YaphetS,意思大概是永远为王,也仅仅来自于朋友推荐而已。当然,比起“懒得考虑ID是什么所以随便起”的老哥们,为自己的ID附加一些特殊的意义,显然是更多职业选手的选择。他们最喜欢做的事情,就是用游戏ID,表现自己的某些喜好。比如,表明自己喜欢吃什么。前WE上单Caomei,就直白地告诉了大家,自己是个喜欢吃草莓的男人。RNG打野MLXG,在蜗居网吧,还未成名的那段日子里,就已经宣布了对麻辣香锅这种食物的热爱。未成名前的麻辣香锅(图片来自知乎用户胡俊峰)还有玉米、可乐等职业选手,也在用游戏ID诉说着自己最简单的爱好。这些吃货们,或许在起ID时没想那么多,但当他们站在比赛场上时,一定不会紧张,他们大概想着赶紧赢了比赛,然后用这些美食犒劳自己。除了吃货大军,还有很多职业选手,用游戏ID表明了自己死宅的身份。DOTA2职业选手EternaLEnVy,也就是我们俗称的EEsama,就是这样的动漫痴。他不但在比赛中经常使用Usami Haru(宇佐美春)、Shiratori Mizuha(白鸟水羽)等动漫人物的名字当ID,还在职业战队的官网上,放出自己最近喜欢看的动漫清单。国内的动漫痴职业选手也很多。这是职业选手PylLGD LOL分部的打野Pyl,他的ID来自于,为动漫角色凉宫春日配音的日本著名声优平野绫。这是声优平野绫Snake上单圣枪哥的ID Flandre,则是《东方Project》中的角色芙兰朵露斯卡雷特。这是圣枪哥这是他ID的动漫角色前WE辅助Conan的ID就更加明显了,他,就是想成为那个一集死一个人的小学生!咳咳,动漫里的柯南我就不放了,怕死人职业选手们注定没有多少自由时间,训练间隙看看动漫,或许就是这些动漫痴们的唯一精神慰藉,也是他们最后的温柔乡。说到温柔乡,那自然少不了职业选手喜欢的女人和自己ID的故事。前WE的AD微笑和解说苏小妍,堪称电竞圈的金童玉女,weixiao这个ID,是他对苏小妍的一句情话:你微笑时好美。没人会想到,一向高冷的大王,也有浪漫的一面。当年的B神,现在的MC雷子,因为曾经的女友喜欢一首名叫《Burning》的歌,就起了这个ID。后来,Burning这个词,成了无数DOTA玩家心中最尊敬的名字。而DOTA2现役职业选手LGD四号位FY的ID,就是自己女友名字的首字母组合。不过,有些好事者,也将这个ID解读成Fuck You,真当我太子不生气的咯?当然,除了按喜好起ID外,还有些选手按当时的心情际遇改ID。比如我们最熟悉的职业选手,厂长。最早,厂长还是WE的打野,他的ID是Promise,就是诺言的意思。那时的他,初出茅庐,沉默寡言,心中应该是有一个喜欢的人的,不然也不会有如此纯情的ID了。而他当时另一个ID ClearLove,更是明明白白地的告诉大家,我,厂长,是个痴情种子。(传言说这是一段网恋!)后来,WE接了技嘉的冠名,由于加上技嘉的英文,ID太长没法用,厂长只好将自己的ID改成Troll。Troll在游戏中就是坑比的意思,虽然这怎么看都像是自谦,但还是得说一句,当年他的发挥确实没多好。厂长贴吧的ID为明恋,也是他心中ClearLove的意思去了EDG后,厂长内战的成绩还算不错,但外战却鲜有亮点,在积蓄了几年力量后,他终于决定在S7的赛场上,证明自己,于是,将ID改成了ClearLove7。只不过,这一次,他的ID又成了大家嘲讽的对象。其实我相信厂长是在努力的,毕竟比起其他选手,他承受的压力要大很多。但在赛场上还是得说成绩,或许厂长随着ID变迁史,已经成熟许多,可没有成绩,再说什么都没意义。我们也只能希望,下次厂长改得不是ID,而是中国LOL最好成绩的历史吧。其实,每个职业选手的ID背后,可能都有一段故事。西恩三大吸之一的Zhou神,原来叫陈舟,于是用的ID就是Zhou,后来算命先生说陈舟这个名字不好,才改成了陈尧。430的ID来自于法拉利430,有意思的是,作为IG老板的王思聪,曾经承诺过,如果430在IG打满6年,他结婚的时候,真的会送他一辆法拉利,只可惜现在他已经退役了。从C9退役转战吃鸡的前CS:GO职业选手Shroud,最早用的ID是Eclipse,当他决定换ID时,就找了许多同义词,最后让朋友决定,朋友给他选了Shroud。这些职业选手们,曾经怀揣着职业梦,在电脑上输入了一个个简单又有含义的ID。他们不会知道,自己未来会站在什么高度,也不会知道,这些ID将成为多少玩家膜拜的对象。他们唯一确定的是,如果自己的ID,能够在数万人的体育馆里被高声喊出来,那么他们当初选择这条路,就是没错的。当然,还有无数个正在往职业选手这条路上努力的玩家,他们的ID默默无闻,他们的故事无人知晓,他们希望站到前辈的身边,而他们能做的,只有努力,努力,再努力。回复“BB”,每天送你一个游戏大美妞

吃鸡提示your client version is.please exit the game and upte to3.6.4to join game 验证完整性没问题


He run out of the house,leaving the door open.lea


He run out of the house,leaving the door open.lea


Out 2 Space (feat. Gordon Voidwell) [Clean] 歌词

歌曲名:Out 2 Space (feat. Gordon Voidwell) [Clean]歌手:Chiddy Bang专辑:BreakfastChiddy Bang - Out 2 Space(feat. Gordon Voidwell)Officially on top the moonThings are looking up, things are lookin"Out 2 spaceThings are looking up, things are lookin"Soon I"m gonna be a starThings are looking up, things are lookin"I just done touch the starsOr am I out 2 space?Gettin" money not the filthy wayTalk down still they stayRight where they at, but me I"m aiming for the milky waySo things are looking upI see them skyscrapersForget me I need a crib with some fly neighborsHi haters, anything I flow on,feels so comfy like a pair of Cole Haan"sTeacher I am PresentThe homie I be so goneHow I get here?I just paved the road that I drove on. So long!(Yeah)And this the feeling that they can"t controlWe taking off to the stars nowI"m getting stoned while my brother rollsSo me and Keith will prolly blow it downCross it off the list, I am never off my shiftI squeeze all my clothes, yeah they cost a gripVisibly on the moon visit meEngage in astrocurricular activityOfficially on top the moonThings are looking up, things are lookin"Out 2 spaceThings are looking up, things are lookin"Soon I"m gonna be a starThings are looking up, things are lookin"I just done touch the starsOr am I out 2 space?It"s a hard act to follow manCall me Apollo manThings are looking up and this is what I wallow inFresh dress press ironed like SolomonCould you tell me how many chances could I give a man?Livin" grand home is where I rest do I feel out of place?Cause we resorted to be in orbit in outer spaceWanted the fame back when HOV made LuciferJust passed Jupiter tell the students I made my own rulesGive a f*ck about them handbooksThey owe it to me like money that Uncle Sam tookThey try to treat me like I graduated CranbrookThat"s a private school, chillin", yup, I"ve been coolTeam Swell the tightest crewWe eatin" so just allow us the right to chewPeople love me say "Chiddy nobody tight as you!"So I show improveI say this one for the books, it"s long overdueOfficially on top the moonThings are looking up, things are lookin"Out 2 spaceThings are looking up, things are lookin"Soon I"m gonna be a starThings are looking up, things are lookin"I just done touch the starsOr am I out 2 space?http://music.baidu.com/song/13964995


我所了解的:1. 只要是mask上的图案,肯定不透光,因为那个地方是铬。2. layout上某层为dark表示该处不透光(即暗),所以对应到wafer上是保留该处PR(对正胶而言)。3. layout上某层为clear表示该处 透光(即亮),所以对应到wafer上是去掉该处PR(对正胶而言)。4. layout上图案变成mask图案是由clear或dark参数决定。dark就是以后wafer上面要保留下来的(不是曝光的窗口),clear就是要开出来的,要曝光显影掉的。比如你版图上画的M1,金属连线当然是要保留下来的;NW当然是要开出窗口的,所以一般都是clear的1Darkand Clear :TW 和 JP 定义可能有不同,但很多情况是相同2 关键是maskshop 与foundry 对Darkand Clear 的定义必须一致3 tapeout data (GDS)已包含对刻蚀区与非刻蚀区的定义Darkand Clear : 动词或操作(并不针对mask 透光区glass,不透光区Cr 状态的描述)Clear : 请在制作mask时,保持GDS 数据中刻蚀区与非刻蚀区原样,不得改变(mask 与GDS数据的刻蚀区与非刻蚀区必须完全一致)Dark和clear就是定义你的所画的图形,将来做成光罩对应的部分是chrome,还是glass.

Please come with me是什么意思

come with me. 跟我来。 双语对照 例句: 1. Can you come with me? 你能跟我进来吗? 2. You better come with me. 你最好跟我来.

Please come with me是什么意思

Please come with me请跟我来拼音双语对照双语例句1But I"ll need you, too. Please come with me.但是我也会需要你。请跟我一起走。2Please come with me, I"m going to xuanwu lake garden.请跟我来,我也正要去玄武湖。

选择填空, Come ( ) me , please. A. to B. with C. on 谢谢


累计500分悬赏200字左右作文Learn from others

Learn from others It"s a very normal situation that we laugh at other"s stupid activitis and always believe that we are the best. It seems to be a traditional attitude of our people since ancient China when we pronouced that our country is the country in heaven.But this attidute is proved to be very dangerous by history.The invention was learned by the western countries and they made guns and canons to break the gate of our country. Practice and history warn us that we should learn from others. Everyone has adventages.Long ago Confucius had said a famours sentence that there will be my teacher in a group of three persons.Learning from others we can acknowlege of our shortage, confront it and even make it up so that we can become a more perfect and elegate person. To learn from others we can save our money time and energy to find the right way to sucess .We share our experience to others so that the whole nation will be more powerful and prosprous.

please.shut up中文是什么?


please tall me get to the supermarket

please tall me how to get to the supermarket

Under The Influence (Lead Vox Up Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Under The Influence (Lead Vox Up Version)歌手:Plus One专辑:ObviousWhenever I"m feelin" downFeelin" insecureI like the way you come aroundAnd offer me the cureYou know exactly what to sayThe pieces fall in placeYou make it all okayWhen you show me you love meI can do anythingYou give me something to believe inAnd you"re everything I needUnder the influence of what you gotUnder the influence of what is trueI"m goin" higher than I"ve ever been"Cause I"m under the influence of youUnder the influence what you giveUnder the influence what you doI"m goin farther than I"ve ever been"Cause I"m under the influence of youSomething"s coming over meI like the way it feelsBecoming who I want to be"Cause it"s your love that healsIt"s the way you understandYou know just who I amI hold onto your handWhen you show me you love meI can do anythingYou give me something to believe inAnd you"re everything I needUnder the influence of what you gotUnder the influence of what is trueI"m goin" higher than I"ve ever been"Cause I"m under the influence of youUnder the influence what you giveUnder the influence what you doI"m goin farther than I"ve ever been"Cause I"m under the influence of youAnd it feels so goodI"m intoxicatedAnd I just can"t get enoughJust like it shouldI"ll always be living andrising up aboveUnder the influence of what you gotUnder the influence of what is trueI"m goin" higher than I"ve ever been"Cause I"m under the influence of youUnder the influence what you giveUnder the influence what you doI"m goin farther than I"ve ever been"Cause I"m under the influence of youUnder the influence of what you gotUnder the influence of what is trueI"m goin" higher than I"ve ever been"Cause I"m under the influence of youUnder the influence what you giveUnder the influence what you doI"m goin farther than I"ve ever been"Cause I"m under the influence of youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/1389340


发泄1.The speaker replied by unleashing the full force of his argument upon his opponent. 发言人竭尽其论点的全部力量回敬了对手。2.The ferocity and speed of the contagion were unprecedented, unleashing what the Managing Director of IMF, Michel Camdessus, has called "the first global financial crisis of the 21st Century". 经济不景之风旋即蔓延至其他国家,损害之深、速度之快,是前所未有的。国际货币基金组织总裁康德苏形容这次事件为「二十一世纪的首个全球金融危机」。3.Emotions are like a river. Theire power can be dammed up and released under control and direction, but is cannot be held forever in check. Sooner or later the dam will burst, unleashing catastrophic destruction. 情绪就像河流一样,你可以筑一道堤防把它挡起来,并在控制和导引之下排放它,但却不能永远抑制它,否则那道堤防迟早会崩溃,并造成大灾难。

learning 与acquisition;transfer与aptitude;以及use和usage在语言学中的定义

the cognitive process of acquiring skill or knowledge the act of contracting or assuming or acquiring possession of something the act of moving something from one location to another inherent ability a particular service accepted or habitual practice

How I learned to learn English 语法详细解释

How(方法状语) I(主语) learned (谓语)to learn English(宾语)


  leaf不仅是名词,叶子,树叶的意思,它也可以作动词,是翻书,生叶的意思。想知道leaf的过去分词是什么吗?下面是我为你整理的leaf的过去分词,希望大家喜欢!   leaf的过去分词   过去分词: leafed   leafed造句   1. He took out a sheaf of papers and leafed through them.   他拿出一沓报纸,匆匆翻阅了一下。   2. He leafed through the music.   他一张张地翻乐谱.   3. I leafed through the catalog and found nothing interesting.   我翻了翻目录,没看到什么有趣的东西.   4. I didn"t read the book carefully; I just leafed through it.   我没有认真地读那本书, 只是快速翻了翻.   5. He casually leafed through the book.   他随便翻阅着那本书.   6. She leafed through the pages.   她一页一页地翻看着.   7. She leafed through some old magazines that were kept in the waiting room.   她翻看着停放在室里的旧杂志.   8. Trees also serve as sound Barriers when full grown and leafed out.   当树木长大枝叶茂盛时,它们可以起到隔声的作用.   9. He thumbed through the report; She leafed through the volume.   他审查了她的报告; 她审查了很多书卷.   10. Description: Terrestrial orchids ; pseudobulbs ovate , dark green or purple - red, one - leafed at apex.   形态特徵: 地生兰, 具暗绿色或紫红色卵球形假鳞茎.   leaf 的常见用法   用作名词   I saw him take a leaf out of the book.   我看见他从书上撕下一页。   The falling leaf spiralled to the ground.   落叶盘旋著飘到了地上。   Not a leaf nor an insect stirred.   不单是树叶,连个虫子都不动。   This plant has green leaves throughout the year.   这种植物终年常青。   There was a layer of silver leaf outside the metal.   金属外边有一层银薄膜。   收起   用作动词   The trees are just beginning to leaf.   树刚刚开始长叶子。

课文The Last Leaf的大意简述(用英语)

A young girl by the name of Johnsy has fallen ill and is dying of pneumonia. She watches the leaves fall from a vine outside the window of her room, and decides that when the last leaf drops, she too will "drop," and die. While Sue tries to tell her to stop thinking like that, Johnsy is determined to die when the last leaf falls.An old French man, named Behrman, is an artist (and a very bad one too) who lives nearby and is Sue"s tutor, and who has been claiming that he will paint a masterpiece, even though he has never even attempted to start. Sue goes to him, and tells him that her sister is dying of pneumonia, and that Johnsy claims that when the last leaf falls off of a vine outside her window, she will die. Behrman scoffs at this as foolishness, but decides to see Johnsy and the vine.In the night, a very bad storm comes and wind is howling and rain is splattering against the window. Sue closes the curtains and tells Johnsy to go to sleep, even though there were still four leaves left on the vine. Johnsy protests but Sue insists on doing so because doesn"t want Johnsy to see the last leaf fall. In the morning, Johnsy wants to see the vine, to be sure that all the leaves are gone, but to their surprise, there is still one leaf left.While Johnsy is surprised that it is still there, she insists it will fall that day. But it doesn"t, nor does it fall through the night nor the next day. Johnsy believes that the leaf stayed there to show how wicked she was, and that she sinned in wanting to die. She regains her will to live, and makes a full recovery throughout the day.In the afternoon, a doctor comes and talks to Sue. The doctor says that Mr. Behrman had died of pneumonia an hour ago, and that he was ill only 2 days. A janitor had found him helpless with pain, and his shoes and clothing were wet and icy cold. The janitor couldn"t figure out where he had been on that stormy night, though she had found a lantern that was still lit, a ladder that had been moved, some scattered brushes, and a palette with green and yellow colors mixed on it. "Look out the window Sue, do you see that last ivy leaf? Darling, that was Behrman"s masterpiece - he painted it there the night that the last leaf fell."

Flower is red, leaf is green, candy is sweet, and so you are.出自哪本书

这是一部关于师生恋的小说《你是我的学生又怎样》这句话的情景是谈书墨寄给赵水光三盒水果糖显示的,部分原文如下:【包裹小小的一盒,两个手掌大,赵水光莫名其妙,赵妈妈没说要寄东西来啊。  拿了剪刀挑开裹得层层的胶带,三盒水果糖,草莓味的,蜜桃味的,柠檬味的,一张白色的纸条躺在糖盒下,她熟悉的苍松般的字体,仿佛刻上去的有力,:”Flowerisred,leafisgreen,candyissweet,andsoyouare.”  花是红的,叶是绿的,糖是甜的,你也是!  她翻开盖子,拨了一颗糖在嘴里,想起很久远的事情,嘴里是甜滋滋的蜜桃味,她反复地看着那句:“candyissweet,andsoyouare.”  窗外的雪渐大,屋内暖气却慢慢升高。】

the leaves were green

are 因为叶子单数是leaf,上面用的是复数的形式,因此用are

求the last leaf 读后感!!要新鲜的啊……急啊

This is a short story about two girls and a man. The two girls named Sue and Johnsy lived in a three-floor house with Mr.Behrman, a painter, who had been dreaming of drawing a masterpiece and had pneumonia the same as Johnsy. Johnsy told Sue that she would go with the last laef on the tree outside the window. Sue went to Mr.Behrman for help. The kind man went out to draw a piece of leaf on the wall at one cold and wild night to help the hopeless girl to keep her hold on the world, though himself had bad pneumonia. Then Johnsy picked her blief up to live on, but the kind man lost his life. The story is truely moving, as l see the greatest kindness from the weak man"s deepest heart. Actually, the man has already realized his dream to draw a masterpiece in the end. Yes, it is the leaf drawn on the wall. As very small it is, drawn inside is the most gorgeous heart, the most powerful encouragement and the most heartfelt blessing.

the last leaf 英语读后感

Last leaf, last love Yesterday I heard a heart-stirring story written by O Henry. It said in an autumn, a sad girl lied on the bed. She has a bad serious illness. And she would die soon. She looked attentively at a leaf outside the window, and told to an old painter who cared for her that she would die when the last leaf fell. The old painter didn"t want the young girl to die; he wanted to give her a wish to live. He knew that there would be a rainstorm soon; the leaf will be blown off. For continuing the girl"s life, the old painter drew a green leaf on the wall when it rained heavily. The following day, the girl woke up, and she was surprised to see that the green leaf did not be blown off. Her wish came true, and her mood became better and better. In the end, the girl is recovered to health. When she walked out of the hospital, she found that the leaf was painted on the wall! The old painter died, but the wish that a leaf never grew old came true in the girl"s heart. In fact, continuing the girl"s life is also the painter"s wish. If only the life never grow old, the wish will be young forever. The picture is a good present, it encourage the girl to face everyday. Maybe sometimes, we don"t need to give somebody presents, flowers; I think they just need a wish, a wish to continue their life. Like the green leaf in the article, it will be the best medicine to a patient. The last leaf which the painter painted is full of love and wish; I think the painter wanted the girl to face sunshine happily. That"s enough.


英 [li:vz]美 [livz]n. 树叶,花瓣; (leaf的复数); 页( leaf的名词复数 ); 叶子; 有…状叶的; 金属薄片v. 离开( leave的第三人称单数 ); 遗弃; 忘了带; 交托网 络叶;叶子;树叶;叶片1. They found the body buried beneath a pile of leaves. 更多牛津他们发现尸体被埋在一堆树叶下面。来自《权威词典》2. The leaves had been raked into a pile.树叶已经用耙子拢成了一堆。来自《权威词典》3. The leaves formed a dark green rosette.这些叶子聚在一起,像是一朵深绿色的玫瑰。来自《权威词典》4. the soft rustling of leaves树叶柔和的沙沙声来自《权威词典》5. The leaves on the plant had shrivelled up from lack of water.因为缺水,植物的叶子已经枯萎了。来自《权威词典》

the leaf is green

1.选b the leaf 是单数的主语,要用单数的动词is,而Are却是复数的,错误,am这个动词的主语应该是I. 2.选a 不定式to read 可以做动词like的宾语,而read和reads都是做谓语动词的,句中已经有了谓语动词like了,故b和C都错误.

she has a green leaf改为复数句

she has tennis rackets



绿叶英语是用green leaf还是用greenry?

如果要解释, green leaf 的意思是绿色的叶, greenary 的意思是绿叶, 但我想到的是已经剪下来的绿叶, 更贴接中文的绿叶应该用verdure

beauty clear.powder是什么意思

beauty clear powder美清粉很高兴为您解答如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问

Do you perfer eating at home or out eating? Please give you reason...求解啊。。急。。要用英语回答哦

I prefer eating outside. For one thing, it"s convinient since you don"t have to buy materials and cook by yourself. which take much time. For another, there are more delicious food in the restaurants and you will have more choices.

let me ___ it,please. A:did B:to do C:doing D:do

let sb do sth. 选D.



LOL 出现 Unable to create the error report. please verify that is enough space in your TEMP folder


When you are young,you whole life is about to seek for the fun.Then,you grow up learn to be secure!

You are to be responsible for the work as a whole. 【解析】be to do 是将来时态的一种表达方式,侧重“注定”的含义。 eg.You are to blame



clean finish no raw edges这是什么意思

clean finish no raw edges光边 不带毛边的意思服装行业术语。

我要怎么才能忘记你用英语是不是 please tell how can I forget you?

please tell me how to forget u

lean back experience什么意思

lean back experience靠经验

lean back 的歌词是什么

(Oh...Sweet Love)I didn"t mean itWhen I said I didn"t love you soI should"ve held on tightI never should"ve let you goI didnt know nothingI was stupidI was foolishI was lying to myselfI could not fathom that I would everBe without your loveNever imagined I"d beSitting here beside myselfCoz I didn"t know youCoz I didn"t know meBut I thought I knew everythingI never feltThe feeling that I"m feeling nowNow that I don"tHear your voiceOr haven"t touched or kissed your lipsCoz I don"t have a choiceOr what I wouldn"t giveTo have you lying by my side right here Coz babyWhen you leftI lost a part of meIt"s still so hard to believeCome back baby pleaseCoz we belong togetherWho else am I gonna lean onWhen times get roughWho"s gonna talk to me on the phone Till the sun comes upWho"s gonna take your placethere aint nobody there oh baby babyWe belong togetherI can"t sleep at nightWhen you"re all on my mindBobby Womack"s on the radioSinging to me"If you think you"re lonely now"Wait a minuteThis is too deep, too deepI gotta change the stationSo I turn the dialTrying to catch a breakAnd then I hear BabyfaceI only think of youAnd it"s breaking my heartI"m trying to keep it togetherBut I"m falling apartI"m feeling all out of my elementI"m throwing thingsCryingTrying to figure outWhere the hell I went wrongThe pain reflected in this songAin"t even half of whatI"m feeling insideI need youNeed you back in my life BabyWhen you leftI lost a part of meIt"s still so hard to believeCome back baby pleaseCoz we belong togetherDon"t Let Him Steal Your Heart Away---Phil Collins---Lrc:sunpzhYou were lonely and you needed a friendAnd he was there at the right time with the right smileJust a shoulder to lean onSomeone to tell you it"ll all work out alrightDon"t let him steal your heart awayNo, don"t let him steal your heart awayDon"t let him steal your heart awayNo, don"t let him steal your heart awayYou can look at him the way you did meAnd hold him close say you"re never letting goBut any fool can see you"re fooling yourselfBut you ain"t fooling meSo don"t let him steal your heart awayNo, don"t let him steal your heart awayAnd don"t pack my suitcase, I"ll be backAnd don"t take my pictures off a" the wallOh, did you hear meDon"t let him change a thing "cos I"ll be backJus tell him to pack his things and get out of your lifeAnd just give me one more chanceI"ll show you I"m right, I"m right"Cos I"ve been thinking and I know it was me leaving you lonelyBut hoping you could be strongBut could you look at me straightTell me what else can I do but say I was wrong?So don"t let him steal your heart awayNo, don"t let him steal your heart awayWell he"s gonna try to make it work for youMake you think your whole life"s been leading to thisBut whatever you doThink about me and don"t be fooled by his kissAnd don"t let him steal your heart awayPlease, don"t let him steal your heart awayAnd don"t pack my suitcase, I"ll be backAnd don"t take my pictures off a" your wallOh, did you hear me?Don"t let him change a thing "cos I"ll be backJus tell him to pack his thingsand get out of your lifeAnd just give me one more chanceI"ll show you I"m rightYou know I"m rightYou were lonely and you needed a friendAnd he was there at the right time with the right smileJust a shoulder to lean onSomeone to say don"t you worry it"ll all be alrightBut he"s no good for youHe"ll make you think your whole life"s been leading to thisAnd whatever you doThink about me, oh, and don"t be fooled by his kiss* * *

求lean back [Remix feat. Lil Jon, Eminem, Mase & Remy Martin] lrc歌词

google.cn直接打fat joe - lean back (remix lyrics。第一个就有歌词。。实在是发不了啊。。歌词很暴```力。。网站禁止

Lil Jon & The East Side Boyz的《Lean Back》 歌词

歌曲名:Lean Back歌手:Lil Jon & The East Side Boyz专辑:Crunk JuiceFat Joe Ft. Eminem, Mase & Lil Jon - Lean Back (Crunk Remix)Stop!It"s the mother fucking remixUh yea Harlem in tactWho in the world wanna problem with that?For real I heard Harlem is backWho in the world wanna problem with that?Uh yea Harlem is backWho in the world wanna problem with that?You know I heard Harlem is backWho in the world wanna problem with that?(Let"s Go!)Said my niggaz don"t dance we just pull up our pantsAnd do the rockaway, now lean back, lean back, lean back, lean backCome onI said my niggaz don"t dance we just pull up our pantsAnd do the rockaway, now lean back, lean back, lean back, lean back Come onYo yo yo yo its deja vuAnd the day ya"ll doIt"ll be the day ya"ll bleedWrist minus 80 degreesKing of Harlem ain"t nobody made me leaveWho else could take 5 years offCold turkey come back and fly lears offCats front leave them leaning like SmirnoffIf haters wanna hate then its their lossCome up in the Rucker with all my Jake"s onCar grills so big you can cook a steak onPeople hear Ma$e call em" wanna get their mase onYou hot 16 I"m a very great songBeen beating on the DJ before the Ma$e songYou play Clark Kent you better have your cape onPlenty homes Mansion many roomsMy necklace, 2 ex"s and 3 Bentley bulls now lean backSaid my niggaz don"t dance we just pull up our pantsAnd do the rockaway, now lean back, lean back, lean back, lean backCome on!I said my niggaz don"t dance we just pull up our pantsAnd do the rockaway, now lean back, lean back, lean back, lean backYou don"t want no problems with HarlemYou don"t want no problems with the boogie down BronksterYou don"t want no drama with the blond bomberOriginal don dotta of the blond bottleThe model from white AmericaThen Joe the spokesperson for the LatinoThen we got Ma$e back to represent everything else in betweenIncluding the percentages of the press we don"tThe best from each coastThe midwest to the dirty dirtyEven further to MiamiAll the way back to Californ-i-aIt would probably be best right now if I warned Dre to get on the horn andTell him about the storm coming all our waySo tell him pack grab a gat right now get on the floor I"ll waitShake that ass a little more my wayBut baby I don"t dance not that I can"t there"s a pistol in my pantsSaid my niggaz don"t dance we just pull up our pantsAnd do the rockaway, now lean back, lean back, lean back, lean backCome on!I said my niggaz don"t dance we just pull up our pantsAnd do the rockaway, now lean back, lean back, lean back, lean backCome on!No Judas or cowardice that Caine"s brother Abel is able to stop meNigga not meGot the streets asking damn who can top PSummer jam killed it man they did it all with 1 beatI guess I"m bicoastal nowTook a down south brother to bring your boy outAs the wheel keeps spinningI can hear Niggars thinking Crack got one hit then he outNo Joey bring them semi"s outForce you and yours to pour a little Henny outSo much rappers acting in the gameI had to tell them put the mic away and run and get your Emmy"s outLean back mother fuckerThis here"s a three peat we back at the RuckerIt"s good coke crack preach it to your brotherThe mic more rap and preach you mother fuckerSaid my niggaz don"t dance we just pull up our pantsAnd do the rockaway, now lean back, lean back, lean back, lean backCome on!I said my niggaz don"t dance we just pull up our pantsAnd do the rockaway, now lean back, lean back, lean back, lean backCome on!Said my niggaz don"t dance we just pull out a gatAnd say blow your block away, fuck niggaLean back, lean back, lean back, lean backI Said my niggaz don"t dance we just pull out a gatAnd say blow your block away, bitch niggaLean back, lean back, lean back, lean backHeyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/12988737

AndroidTV 开发之 Leanback 库简介

对于 AndroidTV 应用的开发,Google 提供了 Leanback 库的支持。对于某些使用场景,使用 Leanback 能提高开发效率,开发出来的界面也符合 Material Design 规范。 依赖: compile "com.android.support:leanback-v17:+" 或者 compile "com.android.support:leanback-v17:25.1.1" 依赖 Leanback 需指定 minSdkVersion >= 17 ,并且 Leanback 库在 Sdk >= 21 系统中,有 比较好的动画和阴影 等效果。 可以在 Github 上找到官方的使用 demo: ** leanback-showcase ** (这个比较全,推荐参照这个) androidtv-Leanback 对于符合 Leanback 库各种交互流程、页面布局的特定场景,Leanback 能提高开发效率,开发出来的页面符合 Material Design 规范,比较美观。 但是,对于国内的各类定制化需求而言,Leankback 的可定制化程度达不到开发需求。 Android TV application hands on tutorial


Miss Wang王小姐: May I speak to Mrs Zhang, please? 我可以和张女士讲话吗?

关于再土耳其买的皮衣品牌问题,PUNTO LEATHER

不一定是牌子 你可以去淘宝上看看

main vocal ,lead vocal,vocal的区别,要详细点,(kpop里的)?

main 是主唱 一般唱的比较多,负责的part很多都是高音部分,lead 是领唱 ,vocal就是主唱,其实就是唱的多唱的少的问题…main 负责大部分 然后lead ,剩下的就是Rap和不能唱的

Sleater Kinney的《Sold Out》 歌词

歌曲名:Sold Out歌手:Sleater Kinney专辑:Sleater - KinneyAlbum: Sleater Kinney(for m.m.)sold outdo do you want iton a magazine covertake itits my bodytake iti want moneydiamonds are a girls best friendwanna be a starwatch me go nowheresuckin on his dickfuck iti want moneydiamonds are a girls best friendi see the way you look at girlsyou think that i dont know iti know what you want from mei know what you want from mesold outdo do you want iton a magazine covertake it its my bodyuh uhhttp://music.baidu.com/song/22748322

please let me up 怎么翻译


~ Please answer me ~

更新1: Please give me reason.. thank you yes we can. Yes we can decisions . Hum or human beings are bipedal primates belonging to the mammalian species Homo sapiens (Latin: "wise man" or "knowing man") in the family Hominidae (the great apes).[1][2] Hum have a highly developed brain capable of abstract reasoning language and introspection. This mental capability bined with an erect body carriage that frees their upper limbs for manipulating objects has allowed hum to make far greater use of tools than any other species. Hum originated in Africa about 200 000 years ago but they now inhabit every continent with a total population of over 6.6 billion as of 2007[3]. Like most primates hum are social by nature; however hum are particularly adept at utilizing systems of munication for self-expression the exchange of ideas and anization. Hum create plex social structures posed of cooperating and peting groups ranging in scale from *** all families and partnerships to species-wide political scientific and economic unions. Social interactions beeen hum have also established an extremely wide variety of traditions rituals ethics values social norms and laws which form the basis of human society. Hum also have a marked appreciation for beauty and aesthetics which bined with the human desire for self-expression has led to cultural innovations such as art literature and music. Hum are also noted for their desire to understand and influence the world around them seeking to explain and manipulate natural phenomena through science philosophy mythology and religion. This natural curiosity has led to the development of advanced tools and skills; hum are the only known species to build fires cook their food clothe themselves and use numerous other technologies u2027 &a mp;n bsp; °ou2027°●╔╦╗ ╔╦╗ ╔╦╗ ╔╦╗○u2027°ou2027° u2027°ou2027°○╠希╣.╠望╣.╠帮╣.╠到╣你 啦~● u2027°ou2027° u2027°ou2027°●╚╩╝ ╚╩╝ ╚╩╝ ╚╩╝○ u2027°ou2027 ∴ ╭╯╰╮ ﹒°.﹒u2027°∴°﹒°.

Maybe you should learn to relax!的翻译

Dr Alice Green agrees.格林博士同意爱丽丝。She also says that these children may find it hard to think for themselves when they are older.她还说这些孩子可能会发现很难独立思考当他们长大后。"Parents are trying to plan their kids" lives for them.“父母正试图计划他们的孩子的生活对于他们。When these kids are adults,they might find it difficult to plan things for themselves.当这些孩子是成年人,他们可能会发现为他们自己做计划很难。"Parents should learn to give their kids a bit more time to themselves.“父母应该学会给他们的孩子多一点自己的时间。On the one hand,children need organized activities.一方面,孩子们需要有组织的活动。On the other hand,they also need time and freedom to relax,and they need time to do things by themselfs.另一方面,他们也需要时间和自由去放松,他们需要时间来做的事情themselfs。参考:有道词典

ethical committee clearance。是什么意思

ethical committee clearance伦理委员会的间隙clearance[英][u02c8klu026au0259ru0259ns][美][u02c8klu026aru0259ns]n.清洁,清扫; [建]净空; 空隙,间隙; 放行证; 复数:clearances例句:1.The clearance was effective between november 1988 and july 1990. 这一许可的有效期是1988年11月到1990年7月.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


树叶 没什么用法,变复数成leaves
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