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电脑开机出现 Please wait怎么办?


电脑开机出现please wait怎么解决?


朗文leap和朗文side by side对比


翻译一下课文leave the photocopier in working condition and be sure to take back that stapl

leave the photocopier in working condition and be sure to take back that stapl可以翻译为:工作条件下离开影印机一定要回配

where are thrown clear翻译

谬论一:在严重的车祸中最好能被“扔出去”. 真相:不好意思,事实上,任何严重到可以把你“扔出去”的车祸都同样严重到给你一个糟糕的着陆.而很有可能你穿过了一扇挡风玻璃或门才能着陆.研究表明,人们在被“扔出去”的车祸中的死亡率比一般车祸死亡率高出了25倍.


onMouseOver 就是鼠标经过……也就是鼠标悬停在指定的范围内 onMouseOut相反,就是移出这个范围…………………… 上面那段代码基本上就是鼠标经过的时候显示一个层,然后鼠标移开后这个层就消失………………

Please choose a unique username for this website. This username is public and will appear on your p


安装电脑系统出现please choose a-b怎么办

系统坏了。直接换个验证过的系统盘重装系统就行了,这样就可以全程自动、顺利解决 系统损坏,无法进入桌面 的问题了。用u盘或者硬盘这些都是可以的,且安装速度非常快。安装方法如下:  1、U盘安装:用ultraiso软件,打开下载好的系统安装盘文件(ISO文件),执行“写入映像文件”把U盘插到电脑上,点击“确定”,等待程序执行完毕后,这样就做好了启动及安装系统用的u盘,用这个做好的系统u盘引导启动机器后,即可顺利重装系统了;  2、硬盘安装:前提是,需要有一个可以正常运行的Windows系统,提取下载的ISO文件中的“*.GHO”和“安装系统.EXE”到电脑的非系统分区,然后运行“安装系统.EXE”,直接回车确认还原操作,再次确认执行自动安装操作(执行前注意备份C盘重要资料)。

装vc的是时候为什么会出现The specified location is invalid.Please choose anot


Please choose me a good fabric

不自然please choose a good fabric for me自然



The Leaders 中文歌词

Wass Up Wass UpWass Up Wass Up Wass UpWass Up Wass UpWass Up Wass Up Wass Upud154ub808ube44uc804uc5d0 ub0b4uac00 ub098uc624uba74 Wass Up电视里我出现的话Wass Upuc8fduc5c8ub2e4 uae68ub098ub3c4 ubabb ubbffuaca8uc9c8睡死被吵醒也不敢相信uba38ub9ac ub05dubd80ud130 ubc1c ub05duae4cuc9c0 ub2e4ub978 swagger从头到脚都是不一样swaggerub530ub77cud558uae30uc5d4 ubc85ucc28 uc774 uc2a4ud0c0uc77cuc740 ub0b4uaebc模仿起来真吃力 这style是我的today uc608uc05cuc774ub4e4 uc904 uc11c Wass Uptoday 漂亮MM在我面前排起队Wass Upub2e4 ub098ub9cc ubc14ub77cubd10 what"s love都只看着我what"s loveuc2f8uc6b0uc9c0ub4e4 ub9d0uace0 ucc9cucc9cud788 uc774uc81c别吵架 慢慢来 现在come come andcome come andub0b4uac00 uc774ub798uc11c ud53cuace4ud574因为这样我累死了uc798ub09cuac74 uc54cuc544uac00uc9c0uace0知道我长得帅too fast to live too young to dietoo fast to live too young to dieubab8uc9d1uc740 uc791uc9c0ub9cc身材矮小ub0b4 ubaa9uc18cub9b0 Gulliver但我的嗓音Gulliverub098uc774ub294 uc801uc9c0ub9cc小小年纪uc774 ubc14ub2e5uc758 Sullivan这大地上的Sullivanud55cubc88 ub3ccuc558ub2e4ud558uba74 warrior回转一圈乃是warriormy name is G G G G baby babyGD GD baby babyyou want fameplaying stupper little gameyo check it girls formis ma face and afraidWass Up Wass UpWass Up Wass Up Wass UpWass Up Wass UpWass Up Wass Up Wass UpladyWass Up Wass UpWass Up Wass Up Wass UpWass Up Wass UpWass Up Wass Up Wass Upnow anybody want it knowwith that boy name teddyoh what he up to ub0b4 uba38ub9ac uc18d uac00ub77doh what he up to 我脑中的调子uc774ubbf8 ub2c8 uc120ubc18 uc704uc5d0已经在你身板之上uc5f4 uc190uac00ub77d uc624ub298ub3c4 uac74ubc18 uc704uc5d0十根手指今天也在键盘上yeah ub098ub984 ud0dcuc5b4ub098uc120 uc7a5uad70uac10yeah 我出生也伴有将军感flow so deep ho andflow so deep ho anduc7a0uc218ud568 uc7a0uc218ud568uc740 ube68ub7ec潜水艇潜水艇太快ube60ub974uba74 ube44ud589uae30 ube44ud589uae30ub294 fly太快就换飞机 飞机flyflyud558uba74 Teddyfly的话要数TeddyDefeat a ace CL she a queen have21 the black jackbeat that big bangin your face pow now takethat we the leaders of new schoolhow you love thatuac78uc74cuac78uc774 ub2f9ub2f9 ub0b4 ubbf8ub798ub294 ucc3ducc3d脚步堂堂 我的未来苍苍ub0a0 uc774uae30uace0 uc2f6ub2e4uba74 uadf8uac74 uc704ud5d8ud55c uc0c1uc0c1要赢我那绝对是危险的想象let you uae4cubd80ub294uac74 uace0uae09ubb34ub835uad00uad11let you 挑衅那显然是高级武力观光looking at my feetmy shoes are lanvinWass Up Wass UpWass Up Wass Up Wass UpWass Up Wass UpWass Up Wass Up Wass UpladyWass Up Wass UpWass Up Wass Up Wass UpWass Up Wass UpWass Up Wass Up Wass UpWe we we da we da leadersyou ain"t in the gameyou just cheer leadersub0b4 ub098uc778 ninteen visionuc740 HD我年纪ninteen vision是HDuba38ub9b0 uaf49 ucc28uc788uc9c0 ud0c0uace0ub09c ub9f5uc2dc头脑聪明 天生美资uc774ubbf8 coolud568uc744 ub118uc5b4uc11c ub09c ucc28uac00uc6cc已经超越cool到极致 我很冷uc5ecub7ec ubc88 ubb34ub300uc5d0 ubd88uc744 uc9c0ud540 ubc29ud654ubc94几次都在舞台引火的纵火犯Cuz I"m hot uc5b8uc81cub098 uc2e0uae30ub85dCuz I"m hot 任何时候都新记录And this number 1 spotit"s my home sweet homeub0a0 ub530ub77cud558ub824 ub9d0uc544ub77c别模仿我uad73uc774 ud560ud14cuba74 ud574ubd10ub77c硬要如此就试试看吧ub9d8ucc98ub7fc uc798 ub3fcub098ubd10ub77c看看能否如愿以偿I just do what I wannaI just do what I wannauc5b8uc81cub098 uc9c0ud0acuaec0 uc9c0ud0acuc904uc544ub294 Lady ub2f5uac8c符合何时都懂得守住所该守住的lady身份But I"m flipping and freaking itBut I"m flipping and freaking ituc544uc8fc ubc84ub987 uc5c6uac8c真没教养Ready or not here I comeReady or not here I comeWe don"t Care eh eh ehWe don"t Care eh eh ehuadf8 ub204uac00 uc55euc5d0uc788uac74 ub9dduc124uc774uc9c0ub9d0uace0谁在面前都不踌躇uc81cubc1c uc5b4uc11c ud53cud574请快点让开And i"m CL the oneand only baddest femaleWass Up Wass UpWass Up Wass Up Wass UpWass Up Wass UpWass Up Wass Up Wass UpladyWass Up Wass UpWass Up Wass Up Wass UpWass Up Wass UpWass Up Wass Up Wass Up

:Nuclear power is not a best option作文?

Nowadays, there is a popular argument that we should massively use nuclear energy to meet the expanding requirement of power in an age of overpopulation. Personally, I believe this assertion is problematic because it underestimates the uncertain risks resulting from this energy. The dangers of nuclear energy cannot be ignored. Leaks and explosions at nuclear power plants produce severe radiation, which can cause illness and death. A prime example is the Chernobyl nuclear accident in Ukraine, which killed tens of thousands of people and caused the abandonment of an entire city.In conclusion, nuclear power is not a best option for the security of human beings.以上仅供参考!谢谢!

If you (are) free ,please come to see me。括号里为什么用a

现在时表将来.-----------------------------------为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!


中文名:安娜·哈彻森 英文名:Anna Hutchison星座: 水瓶座出生日期: 1985-02-08出生地: 新西兰职业: 演员 安娜·哈彻森是位出生在新西兰的金发妞儿,此前一直活跃在新西兰的小荧屏,她出演了2012年由《复仇者联盟》导演乔斯·韦登执导的惊悚片《林中小屋》。在第3季的《斯巴达克斯》中,她饰演Leata,一名罗马显贵宠爱的妻子。她卷入了与斯巴达克斯对抗的战争,她和她所爱的人的生活都将因为这场冲突而改变。

My mather made me clean my room all by myself yes


leart French---myself a.by all of b.all of by选哪一个 为什么

你好!不选A和B,应该填:all by myself。 全是我自己希望能够帮到你






leash的意思如下:作名词时译为“皮带;束缚”,作及物动词时译为“束缚;用皮带绑住”。短语搭配1、Medang leash 印尼。2、pet leash 宠物拉手。3、3Kite Leash 风筝安全绳。4、Nylon Leash 竣新有限公司。5、Leash trilateral 拉绳三边。6、dog leash 狗钩 ; 将狗皮带 ; 狗笼上可以发现狗皮带 ; 牵狗绳。例句:1、He"s devotion keeps my girls on a benevolent leash,one that hangs quietly at theirside as they trot along but occasionally yanks them back to safety and solid ground.2、Community leash uses iPhone"s GPS capability to keep people updated on lost pets inthe area.3、The attendant handed me her leash.4、Another time the president was almost tripped over my leash,and even though thatwasn"t technically my fault,l take full responsibility.5、Standing by your man doesn"t mean trotting behind him-or dragging him around on aleash.

learn to use high heels to fight you are the real queen是什么意思

learn to use high heels to fight you are the real queen学会用高跟鞋打你是真正的女王很高兴为您解答如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问

有at little 这个短语吗?我知道有at least 至少这个短语!可是高考新题型里,有个I

就是 至少 至少自己准备早餐,

at least at most 在句子中的的位置。比如The girl is 7 at least 。还是The girl is at least 7.


in the end 与 at least的区别、

at least是至少的意思in the end 是最后的意思=at last,你是不是把at last与at least给混了

求关于more than 与at least 的辨析

≥ 配 more than 多于..≤ 配 at least 至少..

A few ,a lot of ,lots of ,at least.的用法?

a few 用于可数名词,表示有几个,也是强调“有”a lot of 只加可数,表示很多lots of 可不可都成,表示数量很多at least (数量) 至少,不少于; (表示真实性或可能性) 至少,最不济; (表示更正或改变自己刚说过的话) 至少,起码; (表示相对于不利条件或糟糕情形) 起码,不管怎样;

at least 和more than 的具体用法,可以举例说明吗?

副词一般都用来修饰动词,且放在动词后面。举个例子,Here are at least fifty students in the class,这里至少有五十个学生在这间教室里头。at least就用来修饰BE词are。

in the end 与 at least的区别

依次为 最后 至少

at least位置,情态动词前后都可以?助动词前后都可以?

如何确定at least放在情态动词前后或者助动词前后,建议您去找含有at least短语的两个典型例句,然后熟练记忆,以后再遇到这种问题,脑海中就是这两个句子。英语的学习很多时候都是靠熟练记忆和不断积累

for和 at least做什么成分


at least后加名词单复数

没有规定,根据实际情况来确定。如:I have at least one friend here .I have at least two problems .

at least 是什么符号 是大于等于 还是小于等于


at least和least的用法与区别 详细点 英语

least 是 little 的最高级,意思是:最少,最不at least 至少,固定表达least of all 跟 least 类似,只是加了个修饰 of all,强调程度

at least 同义词

at any rate;at the least;wenigstens

at least和 in least是同义词吗 加不加the有什么区别 ?at least 和at most 是反义吗 也可以加the 吗

at least是至少 in least是一点,丝毫,极少 二者不是同义词,加不加the没有区别,at least 和 at most (至多)是反义词,都可以加the,little-less-the least many/much-more-the most



at least 放在那里啊?

放在动词后面,例句:I pay at least 50 yuan for the book.谢谢采纳~~

up to与 at least的区别

up to 是一直到 at least是至少

At least 在句中可以做什么成分?


at least 和 at the least有什么区别

是一个意思 “至少”通常at least用于句中,at the least用于句首,而且后面要加逗号eg:There"s at least 5 words in this sentence.At the least,can you bring me some water?

at least等于什么

not at most

at least 和 at the least

at least后面跟短语,如: at least 20 yuan at the least一般放最后,如: We need 20 yuan at the least. 小弟不才,个人所学.

at least和at least有什么区别?


at least 造句带翻译?

l watch TV three time at least,6,至少,2,百度,1,There are at least forty students in the class room.,1,You should take excises at least three times a week.,1,I.doing.my.homework.one.hour.at.least,1,至少,0,ihave at least three apples.,0,you should finish your homework before playing games at least. 在玩游戏之前你至少得完成家庭作业。,0,

at least在句中的位置

at most 和at least 都是介词短语,在句中做状语,修饰数量或程度的词语. 的确,一般说来,状语,尤其是表示方式的状语,往往出现在被它修饰的动词后,或干脆在句尾,如: He spoke highly of his professor. He does everything carefull. 但也有很多状语人们倾向于前置,尽管后置按语法也对,例如频率状语: He often works late into night. He is sometimes careliess. at least 和 at least 就是这样的,放在它们所修饰的表示数词或程度的词语前.所以最为常用的词序应该是: The girl is at least 7. The pencil costs at most five yuan. 需要说明的是 --- 前面提到过 --- 换个词序在语法上还是允许的;而且,有时候为了强调,或加强状语的预期,说话者还故意把他们放到一个不同寻常的位置,如句尾: The girl is 7 at least. The pencil costs five yuan at most,

as little as与at least区别翻译

as little as 仅仅,只不过 little + 不可数名词 He always tries to pay the workers as little as possible.(钱不可数) 他总是设法尽可能少地支付工人们的工钱. at least adv.至少 无论如何,反正



at least 和more than 的具体用法,可以举例说明吗

副词一般都用来修饰动词,且放在动词后面.举个例子,Here are at least fifty students in the class,这里至少有五十个学生在这间教室里头.at least就用来修饰BE词are.

at least是什么词性

1.at least是一个介宾词组,类似于副词,在句中一般做状语. 它可以放在句首,所以说其后是可以跟句子的. At least I have you.这种句子是可以的. 再如:At least you look happy.至少你看上去高兴. At least I think so.至少我认为是如此. 2.at least作为一个状语,其位置非常灵活,一般放在其强调的部分之前. 所以楼主给的例子中,从句意来看,at least就是修饰宾语的. 它还可以修饰其他成分,如以下几个例子: 1)修饰主语 At least fifteen were killed. 至少十五人死亡. 2)修饰宾语 Authorities are reporting at least 30 arrests. 当局表示,至少有30人被捕. 3)修饰状语 He went at least once a week. 他至少一周去一次.

at least 的用法带例子 带翻译

at least至少 We played golf at least twice a week. 我们一星期至少打两次高尔夫球. A ticket to Chicago would set you back at least $300. 一张去芝加哥的机票肯定至少花了你300元吧.


"at least", "at less" 和 "at little" 是有区别的。"At least" 意思是至少,表示最低限度,用来表示一个数量或程度最少要达到多少。例如:"I need at least two hours to finish this project." 意思是我最少要花两个小时完成这个项目。"At less" 是错误用法,正确的是 "at least""At little" 意思是在很小的程度上,表示程度很小。例如 "I"m at little tired" 意思是我有点累.总之, "at least" 表示最低限度,"at less" 是错误用法, "at little" 表示程度很小。

at least 和in the least的区别是什么?

at least 的意思是“至少”At least people should not smoke in public .至少人们不应该在公共场所吸烟.in the least的意思是“一点,丝毫”Not that he is likely to accept any ideas that seem in the least radi...



at least 是什么词组?后可以跟句子么?

at least可以理解为副词。而副词一般都用来修饰动词,且放在动词后面。举个例子,Here are at least fifty students in the class,这里至少有五十个学生在这间教室里头。at least就用来修饰BE词are。关键是灵活作用就是了,可以按中文角度来理解“至少”可以修饰什么动词,这样应该是很简单了,再将想表达的句子翻译成英语句子就行了。题外话,这就是事物之间的相通性。祝你学好英语!

at least的用法

at least可以理解为副词来修饰find。而副词一般都用来修饰动词,且放在动词后面。 解释:最少;至少;起码 短语: (1)at the least 至少 ; 最少 ; 至少机动风暴; (2) At very least 很少上 ; 扩展资料   例句:   She did at least write to say thank you.   她至少还写了信道谢   At least give him credit for trying.   至少该表扬他尝试过。   Use wood of at least 12 mm thickness.   使用至少12毫米厚的木材。



at least有什么用法

在句子当中,at least可以理解为副词来修饰find。而副词一般都用来修饰动词,且放在动词后面。 扩展资料   【at least】   1、解释:   最少;至少;起码。   Here are at least fifty students in the class.这里至少有五十个学生在这间教室里头。   那么at least就用来修饰BE词are。   2、 短语:   (1)at the least至少 ; 最少 ; 至少机动风暴;   (2) At very least很少上 ;   (3)at the least至少 ;   (4)at their least至少 ;   (5) At least forever直到永远   3、 例句:   (1)6KBAt least it should be.至少应该是极少的。   (2)20KBIf I go through all this, then will my application at least be granted?如果我都完成这些,然后我的申请至少应该被准许了吧?   (3)23KBWhen you do, I think you"ll find that at least one of the above applies to you.一旦你这样做了,我想你将会找出至少一条上面说的`情况与你相符。   (4)5KBOr, at least it was.或者,至少以前 是这样。   (5)16KBOne should travel out of his own country at least once.我们至少应该离开自己的国度去旅行一次。   (6)9KBOr at least what I think he did.或至少我认为他做了什么。





at least什么意思

at least, 至少,不少于,起码。例句:他走了至少有一个星期。He has been away for at least a week.这个东西至少要花500元。It"ll cost at least 500 dollars.





at least和not less than 的区别

at least表示至少,而not less than表示不少于,两者意思不一样,后者表示两者比较,而前者没有此意。not fewer than的差别就是little和few的差别,前者后面接不可数名词,而后者接可数名词。

the fewest,the least和at least有什么区别

the fewest是few的最高级the least是little的最高级,两者意思相近,但是the fewest后接可数名词,而the least后接不可数名词.比如:I make the fewest errors in this exam.在这次考试中我做错的题最少.The least worry I have is about weather.我最不担心的就是天气.at least 有两种意思一种是"至少"的意思.This duty requires at least two people.这项任务至少需要两个人.另一种"反正,无论如何"的意思.It looks like rain, but at least we will leave here later.天像是要下雨了,但是无论如何等会我们也要离开这里.

at least的反义词

  at least表示至少无论如何,反正的意思,那么你知道at least的反义词是什么吗?一起来学习一下吧!    at least的反义词1: at most至多; 最多    at least的反义词2: no more than只是; 至多;   at least的例句:   1. Try to eat at least four slices of bread a day.   每天尽量至少吃4片面包。   2. At least three British golf courses are now owned by the Japanese.   现在英国至少有3家高尔夫球场为日本人所有。   3. At least this second meeting had helped to thaw the atmosphere.   这第二次会议至少起到了缓和气氛的作用。   4. Whatever its obscurities, the poem was clear on at least one count.   这首诗再怎么晦涩,至少有一点是清楚的。   5. The police say his death was an accident, officially at least.   警方说他的死是个意外,起码官方消息如此。   6. At least they have a real chance to find work.   至少他们的确有找到工作的机会。   7. That meant that he, notionally at least, outranked them all.   那意味着至少理论上他比他们级别高。   8. He was stunned to discover cost overruns of at least $1 billion.   他震惊地发现花费至少超了10亿美元。   9. At least two people died of exposure in Chicago overnight.   昨天晚上,芝加哥至少有两人冻死。   10. At least one estimate puts the total tab at $7 million.   至少有一个估价把总数定在了700万美元。   11. I had other matters to occupy me, during the day at least.   至少白天我还有别的事情要做。   12. At least one British officer was feeding him with classified information.   至少有一个英国官员在向他提供机密情报。   13. At least four high-flying warplanes had to take evasive action.   至少有4架高空飞行战斗机不得不采取避让行动。   14. The human population swelled, at least temporarily, as migrants moved south.   随着移居者南移,人口出现膨胀,至少是暂时性膨胀。   15. For low-paid workers, the marginal tax rate is at least 75%.   对于低收入的工人来说,边际税率至少为75%。   at most的例句:   1. Poach the pears in apple juice for perhaps ten minutes at most.   把梨放入苹果汁中,最多煮10分钟左右。   2. We need 100 tons of cement at most for this project.   这项工程满打满算有一百吨水泥就足够了.   3. There were at most twenty people in the classroom.   教室里最多不过20人.   4. This sack of potatoes weighs a hundred jin at most.   这袋土豆也就一百斤.   5. Winter is the slack season at most hotels.   对大多数旅馆来说,冬天是淡季.   6. She"s 25 years old, at most.   她最多25岁.   7. The provisions can last three days at most.   这点给养充其量只够维持三天.   8. He faces at most 12 years in prison and could be paroled after eight years.   他面临最高12年监禁,8年后可以获得假释。   9. Nationwide industrial action began earlier this week, when staff at most banks walked out.   本周早些时候多数银行职员举行罢工,遍及全国的劳工行动由此开始。   10. Many companies are expecting flat sales or at most a 1 to 2 percent increase over last year.   很多公司预计销售不会有大的起色,或者最多比去年增多1%或2%。   11. These applications require , at most, only a few watts of laser power.   这些应用所用的激光功率最多为几瓦.   12. That man"s a general nuisance , ie to most people at most times.   那男子处处招人讨厌.   13. This figure is at most an approximate average value.   这数字最多是个近似平均值.   14. We can use at most nine words in this code.   在这个电码系统中我们最多可用9个字.   15. After a few generations at most, every original family was bound to split up.   每个原始家庭,至迟经过几代以后是一定要分裂的.   no more than的例句:   1. Their replies were no more than grunts of acknowledgement.   他们所谓的回答不过是表示承认的咕哝罢了。   2. Father had no more than a superficial knowledge of music.   父亲对音乐只懂一点皮毛。   3. The northward journey from Jalalabad was no more than 120 miles.   从贾拉拉巴德向北的旅程不到120英里。   4. They make no more than a mutter of protest.   他们只不过是低声抗议了一下。   5. The man was no more than ten yards away and slightly uphill.   那名男子就在10码之内,稍近山顶。   6. It"strue we were acquainted, but no more than that.   我们的确认识,但仅此而已。   7. Some places were no more than glorified pubs.   一些地方名字叫得好听,其实不过是酒馆而已。   8. The restaurant was no more than a glorified fast-food cafe.   这地方美其名曰餐馆,其实只不过是个快餐店而已。   9. Three thousand dollars is no more than a portion.   3000美元只不过是一部分.   10. It"s no more than one mile to the shops.   到商业区不过一英里.   11. The load should be no more than five tons.   载重以5吨为限.   12. Death is no more than passing from one room into another.   死亡只不过是从一个房间进入另一个房间。   13. The talk is no more than a platitude.   这番话无非是老生常谈.   14. It"s no more than a platitude.   无非是老生常谈.   15. It was to be a closed circle of no more than twelve women.   它本来应该是一个不超过12名女性的封闭的小圈子。

at least和at most的区别

at least=至少 The old man is at least 80 ayears old. at most =最多 You can play computer games for at most 3 hours a day.

at least是什么意思呀?


at least与at the least


at least等于primarily

手工(金融专业)翻译,请支持. Investment投资 the investment can be in the form of cash,equipment,inventory,other tangible property,cash equivalents and indebtedness by assets owned by the alien provided that he or she is personally and primarily liable and the assets of the new commercial enterprise are not used to secure any of the indebtedness.the definition apecifically excludes capital acquired by unlawful means. 投资可以是现金、设备、存货,或其他有形资产、现金等价物,及对外部持有的可靠债权(不包括新企业的不安全资产)该项定义特别不包括非法取得的资金. the basic investment amount is $1 million,the required investment is $500,000 for a business established in a "targeted employment area."Targeted employment areas include: 基本投资额为100万美元,“目标就业区”要求的投资金额是50万美金.“目标就业区”包括: 1 rural areas,defined as any area other than one within a metropolitan statistical area or within the boundary of ta city or town with a population of 20,000 or more; and 2 areas having an unemployment rate that is at least 150% of the national average. 1.农业区域,处于大城市内或处于超过2万人口的城镇边缘的区域除外. 2.失业率至少为国内平均水平的150%的区域.

英语每日一句:at least

  As I write this, Hurricane Irma has flattened the Caribbean islands, killed at least 10 people and is barrelling towards south Florida.   【全句解释】   就在我写这些文字之时,飓风厄玛已将加勒比群岛夷为平地,造成至少10人身亡,此时此刻它正朝着佛罗里达州南部飞奔过去。   【词语】   【注释】   ①连词as+时间状语从句:就在......之时。Hurricane Irma...是“主句”部分。   ②at least+数字+名词:至少......的“名词”   ③people:人们。【注】在表示“人们”时,people本身就是“复数”;“单数person /u02c8pu025cu02d0(r)s(u0259)n/”,表示:人。   ④为了避免重复,killed at least 10 people的前面省略了Hurricane Irma has。   ⑤为了避免重复,is barrelling towards south Florida.的前面省略了Hurricane Irma。   ⑥本句借用“拟人”的手法,运用flattened(将......夷为平地),killed(致死)和barrelling towards(正朝......飞奔过去)这三组词语将飓风刻画得惟妙惟肖。   公众号:一句话学英语   本文为原创文章,版权归作者所有,未经授权不得转载!

at least 语法问题 请 语法好的朋友讲解

一、所有的介词短语都是副词词组,有的表示时间(如:at night【夜间】,during the day【白天】),有的表示处所(at home【在家】,up the river【在狱中】),有的表示方式(by the way【顺便】,by means of【依靠】),有的表示条件(如:with one"s help【在某人帮助下】,in that case【如果是那样的话】),有的表示程度(如:in a way【有点】,in large【大规模地】)。当然还可以表示原因、结果、目的、比较等。二、副词性的介词短语可以作表语(如:He is at home)、定语(如:some students from this school【来自这所学校的几个学生】)或状语。作状语时,一般用来说明行为或状态产生的时间、原因、条件、处所、方式、程度、目的、结果。三、at least就是一种表示程度的介词短语,用来修饰动词说明其产生时的最小程度。四、多数语言中的状语位置都很灵活,根据说话人对它的强调态度,可以出现在句首、句中或句末。见下面的1—5:————————————————————————————————————1. At least the club keeps the young people off the streets. 起码俱乐部能使年轻人不在街上乱逛了. ——at least 修饰keeps,说明“一直保持的程度”?2. He smoked at least half a packet of cigarettes a day. 他每天至少抽半包烟。 —— at least修饰动词 smoked 吗,说明“吸烟的程度”3. I reckon there are at least fifty people in the room. 我估计房间里至少有五十个人. ——at least 修饰there are,说明“存在的程度”4. His picture is worth at least twenty pounds. 这张图片至少值二十英镑. —— at least 修饰is worth,说明“价值的程度”5. You should let me know at least. 你最起码应该让我知道 ——at least 修饰know,说明“知道的程度”6. 从这里坐火车去北京你至少需要5个小时 以下句子都没有错。 A)You need at least 5 hours from here to Beijing by train.(也可以是to go to Beijing from here ——介词短语to …是目的状语,from …是处所状语) B)It takes you at least 5 hours to go to Beijing from here by train. 7. 关注某人/某事 * pay attention to sb/sth. * be concerned about sb/sth. * with an eye to sb/sth. 【我一直在默默关注你】 I have been paying attention to you. I"m concerned about you all the time. I"m always with an eye to you.【我不太关注网上的新闻】 I don"t very much pay attention to the news on the web. I"m not much concerned about the news on the web. I"m not very much with any eye to the news on the web.8. a seven-day holiday ,和(a) seven days" holiday? 意思是否等同? 后一个,加不加a 不很确定。 a seven-day holiday 连续的七天的假期 seven days" holiday 总共七天的假期,包括累计的和连续的 “我一个月有8天假期”最好变通翻译为—— I have seven days altogether on leave in a month(累计休息8天)





at least放在句中的哪个地方?

作为副词,一般来说放在需要修饰的词语前面,例如:We need at least 3 workers.

at least 是怎么用的啊?它还可以放在for后面?

at least 是至少,如果是放在for后面,那就是for at least +时间 例子:for at least two years

英语 at least中的at 表示什么呢

at least是至少的意思 at的原意是 1.当 2.对 3.靠 4.靠近 5.于 6.在 而at least是一个词组,如果非要解释的话,应该是“在”这个意思. least是“最少”的意思 和起来就是“在最少”用通俗的中文解释就是“在最少的情况下”也就是“至少”的意思. 但以上解释为中文式解法,在英文的解释中at least是一个词组,是固定词组的搭配,是不能分开解释的. 不知道这样讲你了解了吗?

at least的同义词

at lowest/no more than 至少

pleaae dot let me go i just wanna stay 歌名

《Heartbeats》Amy DiamondI can"t figure out 我不明白 Is it meant to be this way 这是否意味着只能如此 Easy words so hard to say 简单的话语却难以说出口 I can"t live without 我不能生存 Knowing how you feel 如果无法触摸到你的感觉 Know if this is real 如果无法得知这是否真实 Tell me am I mistaken 告诉我是我错了吗? Cause I don"t have another heart for breakin" 因为我已经没有另一颗心为你破碎 Please don"t let me go 请别让我离开 I just wanna stay 我只愿为你停留 Can"t you feel my heartbeats 难道你没有听到我的心跳 Giving me away 出卖了我 I just want to know 我只是想知道 If you too feel afraid 你是否也感到担心 I can feel your heartbeats 我可以听见你的心跳 Giving you away 出卖了你 Giving us away 出卖了我们 I can"t understand 我无法理解 How it"s making sense 有什么意义 That we put up such defense 我们建立这样的防御 When all you need to know 你需要知道一切 No matter what you do 无论你做什么 I"m just as scared as you 我和你同样恐惧 Tell me am I mistaken 告诉我是我错了吗? Cause I don"t have another heart for breakin" 我已经没有另一颗心为你破碎 Please don"t let me go 请别让我离开 I just wanna stay 我只愿为你停留 Can"t you feel my heartbeats 难道你没有听到我的心跳 Giving me away 出卖了我 I just want to know 我想知道 If you too feel afraid 你是否也感到担心 I can feel your heartbeats 我能听见你的心跳 Giving you away 出卖了你 Giving us away 出卖了我们 Please don"t let me go 请别让我离开 I just wanna stay 我只愿为你停留 Can"t you feel my heartbeats 难道你没有听到我的心跳 Giving me away 出卖了我 I just want to know 我想知道 If you too feel afraid 你是否也感到担心 I can feel your heartbeats 我能听见你的心跳 Giving you away 出卖了你 Giving us away 出卖了我们

at least 解释

at least是介词短语,相当于副词,它与about, over, nearly一样,可以作程度副词用类似的词:at most ^_^

at least和at the very least有什么区别

两者在修饰“至少”的程度上不相同.at least:至少,但没有很强烈的语气at the very least:也表示至少,但是语气更为强烈,表示那种无法让步的“至少”.
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