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Little Girl 歌词

歌曲名:Little Girl歌手:Sandra专辑:Ten On OneThe station hazy lightA sleepin" bum, a single girlShe"s leavin" overnigtAn" she knows that it"s foreverAn" she"ll never ever returnIn italy on holidaysShe had to see da vinci"s styleAll the arts for credit cardsShe would forgive him for a smileAn" she knows that it"s foreverAn" she"ll never ever returnHey little girlDon"t wanna cause you painBut the big boys feel no sorrowHey little girlThey"re all the sameBut they feel no sorrowThere she is inside a trainAn" now she"s leanin" backShe"s got money for one dayAn" nothing in the rackAn" she knows that it"s foreverAn" she"ll never ever returnHey little girlDon"t wanna cause you painBut the big boys feel no sorrowHey little girlThe"re all the sameBut they feel no sorrowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8961893

一首英文歌开头,一女的唱的 I am little little girl

歌曲:big big world 歌手:emilla 专辑:big big world i"m a big big girl !我是个重要的女孩!in a big big world !在一个大世界里!it"s not a big big thing if u leave me.如果你离开我,那不是件大事.but i do do feel.但我确实感到.that i too too will miss u much.我将会非常想念你!but i do feel i will miss u much !但我确实觉得我将会非常想念你!miss u much !太过想念你了!i can see the first leaf falling.我能看见第一片落叶.it"s all yellow nice.是那样黄也那么的美.it"s so very cold outside.外面是那么的冷.like the way i"m feeling inside.就象我内心的感受.outside it"s now raining.现在外面正在下雨.and tears are falling from my eyes.而我的眼睛也在流泪.why did it have 2 happen ?这一切为什么要发生?why did it all have 2 end ?这一切又为什么要结束?i have ur arms around me ooooh like fire.我原来是躺在你如火炉般温暖的怀抱里的.but when i open my eyes.但当我醒来张开眼睛.u"re gone !你却已经走了!

Little Girl 歌词

歌曲名:Little Girl歌手:Tavares专辑:It Only Takes A Minute: A Lifetime With TavaresRoxette - Little GirlFrom Bugz To Vivian ChungOnce upon a time there was a little girlOnce she was mineIn my heart the only oneI wonder where you areI know you′re somewhere in meI can see your smile when I close, close my eyesOh, little girlWhere did you go, little girlI miss you soOh, I remember when she was mineI remember when she was mineOnce upon a time there was a little voiceSinging loud and clearIn my heart the only oneOnce upon a times there was so many dreamsOnce they were mineOh little girl, they are with, oh they are with you nowOh little girlWhere did you go, little girlI miss you soOh, I remember when she was mineOh, I remember when she was mineOh Oh GirlOh little girlWhere did you go, little girlI miss you soOh, I remember when she was mineOh little girlWhere did you go, little girlI miss you soOh, I remember when she was mine, my little girlI remember when she was mine, ohI remember when she was minehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2675256


small主要指的是尺寸、重量、体积、程度、数量、价值小,“不重要的,微不足道的”,“幼小的”、“年幼的”,词的本身不带任何感情色彩,只是表示not big, not large。little表示少量的、不足的,小巧的,带有感情色彩,蕴涵“喜欢”或“厌恶”的感情。a small girl 一个矮小的女孩a little girl 小(而可爱的)女孩a small matter 小事情a small boy 一个小(指矮小的)男孩a naughty little boy 一个顽皮的小男孩a little garden 小花园a small town 小镇例句:1. The boy is small for his age. 这个男孩比他的实际年龄显得矮小。2. This hat is too small for me. 这顶帽子我戴太小。3. The little dog followed the boy everywhere. 这条可爱的小狗寸步不离地跟着那个男孩。4. I lived in the country when I was small. 我小时候住在乡下。 5. My little brother is 18. 我的小弟弟18岁。 6. I have very little time for reading. 我没有多少时间看书。


The show-Lenka下载地址http://mp3.baidu.com/m?f=ms&tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lf=&rn=&word=The+show-Lenka&lm=-1

Little Girl 歌词

歌曲名:Little Girl歌手:Vic Damone专辑:Ultra-Lounge / Wild, Cool & Swingin Volume FiveRoxette - Little GirlFrom Bugz To Vivian ChungOnce upon a time there was a little girlOnce she was mineIn my heart the only oneI wonder where you areI know you′re somewhere in meI can see your smile when I close, close my eyesOh, little girlWhere did you go, little girlI miss you soOh, I remember when she was mineI remember when she was mineOnce upon a time there was a little voiceSinging loud and clearIn my heart the only oneOnce upon a times there was so many dreamsOnce they were mineOh little girl, they are with, oh they are with you nowOh little girlWhere did you go, little girlI miss you soOh, I remember when she was mineOh, I remember when she was mineOh Oh GirlOh little girlWhere did you go, little girlI miss you soOh, I remember when she was mineOh little girlWhere did you go, little girlI miss you soOh, I remember when she was mine, my little girlI remember when she was mine, ohI remember when she was minehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2785762

lana del rey的歌曲Never let me go 汉语歌词 谢谢大家

Never let me go永远不会舍得我离开Lana del reyHold me in your arms请将我拥入你的怀抱Love me like your best friends did就如你好友爱我那般(lana有恋父情结)Promise I won"t hurt you kid像爱个孩子,不让我受半点伤Hold me really tight until the stars look big紧紧抱着我,直到海角天涯,星星仿佛触手可及Never let me go永远不会舍得我离开All the world is ours全世界都是我们的Like they say in Scarface kid我们就是人们闻风丧胆的疤面煞星You can push your drugs and I can make it big你可以将毒品全部注入,而我可以让你的感觉更加强烈Singing at CBGB have a real good gig在CBGB的演唱会上有一场精彩绝伦的表演Hey you never know而你没有看过Cause baby we were born to live fast and die young宝贝,因为我们生如夏花般短暂,死如朝露般待晞Born to be bad, have fun所以生而为人,及时行乐Honey, you and me can be one亲爱的,你与我是命中注定要在一起Just believe, come on相信我,好吗If you love me hardcore, then don"t walk away若你已爱我入心,那就别离我而去It"s a game boy你所玩的那些把戏I don"t wanna play我真的无心参与I just wanna be your"s我只想成为你的唯一Like I always say就像我常说的那样Never let me go永远别让我离去Boy, we"re in a world war宝贝,在这混乱的世界中Let"s go all the way有一条崎岖的险路Put your foot to the floor需要你死心塌地Really walk away和我一起走下去Tell me that you need me more and more everyday告诉我,你一天比一天更需要我Never let me go, just stay永远不会放开我的手,让我留下来We gonna go far我们要走的路还很远I can already taste it kid而我恍若已与你白首LA"s gonna look real good洛杉矶看上去是那么繁华Drive me in your car until the sky gets big坐在副驾的我感觉天边就在眼前Never let me go永远别与我分开Send me to the stars带我去与星星作伴Tell me when I get there kid当我超脱之时别忘了叫住我I can be your Nancy我是你的南希You can be my Sid而你是我的席德(sex pistols乐队的主唱与其女友)Get into some trouble like our parents did像我们父母那般去惹点麻烦Hey, they"ll never know别担心,他们永远不会知道我们在重蹈覆辙Cause baby we were born to be bad宝贝,因为我们命中注定有此一劫Move on所以继续漂泊吧Built to go fast这是我们的使命Stay strong捍卫下去Honey, you and me and no one亲爱的,我们是命中注定的Just believe,Come on现在相信了吗If you love me hardcore, then don"t walk away若你已爱我入骨,你就不会舍得与我分开It"s a game boy你自以为是的那些小心机I don"t wanna play我早已烂熟于心I just wanna be your"s我只想好好爱你Like I always say就像我常说的那样Never let me go永远别让我离开Boy, we"re in a world war宝贝,我们在这混乱的世界中Let"s go all the way在这条崎岖的险路上Put your foot to the floor需要你死心塌地Really walk away和我走下去Tell me that you need me more and more everyday并且时刻提醒我,你一天比一天更爱我Never let me go, just stay永远不会放开我的手I remember when I saw you for the first time我还记得初次见你You were laughing你的笑容Sparking like a new dime就像崭新的硬币一样会闪闪发光,照亮了孤独带给我的黑暗I came over于是我朝着这光亮走到你面前,说:“Hello, can you be mine?”“嘿,你能属于我吗”Can you be mine属于我Can you be mine只属于我If you love me hardcore, then don"t walk away若你已爱我入狂,你绝不会忍心离开It"s a game boy如果你还把爱情当作游戏I don"t wanna play只会使我心碎I just wanna be your"s你可知我的心早已完全属于你Like I always say你早已听我说过千百遍Never let me go我无法离开你Baby it"s a sweet life宝贝,与你在一起的时光如此甜蜜Sing it like song这是我们共同谱写的恋曲It"s a short trip人生就如一次短暂的旅行Only getting one who can count on my love more than anyone而我已找到能相依为命的你Never let me go永远别和我分开If you love me hardcore, then don"t walk away若你真的爱我,请不要转身离去It"s a game boy所以请别再把爱情当游戏I don"t wanna play在我看来这非常幼稚I just wanna be your"s我只想好好爱你Like I always say你已听我说过千万遍Never let me go我无法离开你Boy, we"re in a world war宝贝,任这世界再混乱Let"s go all the way我们也要死心塌地Put your foot to the floor一直走下去Really walk away直到生命尽头Tell me that you need me more and more everyday告诉我,你这一刻比上一刻更爱我Never let me go, just stay永远不会舍得我离开

Little Girl的歌词

Venice night at 5 o"clock威尼斯的夜晚 凌晨五点钟The station hazy light车站笼罩在朦胧的灯光下A sleepin" bum, a single girl一个熟睡的单身汉 一个孤单的小女孩She"s leavin" overnight她今夜即将离去And she knows that it"s forever她知道这即将是永别And she"ll never ever return她永远不会再回来In Italy on holidays在意大利的假日里She had to see da Vinci"s style她曾去看过达芬奇的作品All the arts for credit cards信用卡里的钱都为了买艺术品She would forgive him for a smile只因一个微笑她便会原谅他And she knows that it"s forever她知道这即将是永别And she"ll never ever return她永远不会再回来Hey little girl嘿 小女孩Don"t wanna cause you pain不想再伤害你But the big boys feel no sorrow但是那群大男孩从无悔改之意Hey little girl嘿 小女孩They"re all the same but they feel no sorrow他们全都没有悔改之意There she is inside a train她就在那火车上And now she"s leanin" back轻轻地倚在那儿She"s got money for one day她只够一天的钱And nothing in the rack行李空空And she knows that it"s forever她知道这即将是永别And she"ll never ever return她永远不会再回来Hey little girl嘿 小女孩Don"t wanna cause you pain不想再伤害你But the big boys feel no sorrow但是那群大男孩从无悔改之意Hey little girl嘿 小女孩They"re all the same but they feel no sorrow他们全都没有悔改之意

Little Girl 歌词

歌曲名:Little Girl歌手:Chet Baker And Art Pepper专辑:The Route韩真真 - Little girl词∶韩真真曲∶韩真真i"m a littleittle a very little girlyou have a spaciousspacious a very spacious heartwhen you hold my hand(I feel) i"m a little girli"m a littlelittle a very little girlno matter how cleverno matter how beautifulin front of youi"m just a little girl音乐响起 灯光亮起 站在舞台上所有幸福 无限风光 只写在脸上在这一刻 我却只想 站在你身旁用心里最想说的话 对你大声的歌唱我在你面前只是个小小的女孩我在你面前只有份小小的希望请陪在我身旁 听我说i‘m a little girli"m just a little girlhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2957868

这首英文歌的歌名是什么啊,里面有一句英文i will never let you go

应该是一首mc歌曲,原曲是never say goodbye,视频链接在下面https://me.mbd.baidu.com/r/7YbsGPoRuU?f=cp&u=c18ea05be0359cb8

找一首英文歌 第一句i was a little girl

Priscilla Aha-Dream I was a little girl alone in my little world who dreamed of a little home for me. I played pretend between the trees, and fed my houseguests bark and leaves, and laughed in my pretty bed of green. I had a dream That I could fly from the highest swing. I had a dream. Long walks in the dark through woods grown behind the park, I asked God who I"m supposed to be. The stars smiled down on me, God answered in silent reverie. I said a prayer and fell asleep. I had a dream That I could fly from the highest tree. I had a dream. oh~ Now I"m old and feeling grey. I don"t know what"s left to say about this life I"m willing to leave. I lived it full and I lived it well, there"s many tales I"ve lived to tell. I"m ready now, I"m ready now, I"m ready now to fly from the highest wing. I had a dream.用QQ音乐就可以下载并且听到. 希望可以帮到你,

别让我走《never let me go》电影,跪求无字幕版本! 百度云啊最好了~!


有谁知道歌词第一句是“hold on,little girl......”的歌名叫什么?是谁唱的?

To Be With You 打印此页 歌手:Mr.Big 专辑:Learn Into It Sunny Hold on little girl Show me what he"s doone to you Stand up little girl A broken heart can"t be that bad When it"s through, it"s through Fate will twist the both of you So come on baby come on over Let me be the one to show you I"m the one who wants to be with you Deep inside I hope you feel it too Waited on a line of greens and blues Just to be the next to be with you Build up your confidence So you can be on top for once wake up who cares about Little boys that talk too much I seen it all go down Your game of love was all rained out So come on baby, come on over Let me be the one to hold you I"m the one who wants to be with you Deep inside I hope you feel it too Waited on a line of greens and blues Just to be the next to be with you Why be alone when we can be together baby You can make my life worthwhile And I can make you start to smile solo When it"s through, it"s through Fate will twist the both of you So come on baby come on over Let me be the one to show you I"m the one who wants to be with you Deep inside I hope you feel it too Waited on a line of greens and blues Just to be the next to be with you

男生向你说little girl 什么意思

意思: 我很年青, 使我更新鲜感 !

跪求电影前度插曲little girl in the world歌词

little girl in the world这个世界中的一个小女孩I"m a little girl in love with the sunflower who shined in love我是一个小女孩 热爱那些闪耀在爱中的向日葵I thought it was a dream but now it sharing every moment in my place with me我曾以为那只是一个梦境 但现在 它却真实的发生在了我的身边Could you tell me was lost then fine in my life你能否告诉我 我的生活(如何)在迷失后又豁然开朗I feel like i"m know completed but I know every little love from girl我觉得我知道的很清楚 但事实上我几乎不曾得到过这个女孩的爱could you tell me was lost then find in my life你能否告诉我 我的生活(如何)在迷失后又豁然开朗

急需never let you go的歌词


A Little girl是什么意思?

A Little girl一个小女孩儿一个小女孩

Never Let Me Go 歌词

歌曲名:Never Let Me Go歌手:Wynton Marsalis专辑:Standard Time - Sony Jazz TriosNew Ridaz Never Let Me Go~_~ ^_^ O.OYeah..this my dream.I ill be here for you and i will neverLet you go nowNever let me go Never let me goAnd I will love you boy foreverNever let me go Never let me goWe"ll always be togetherBefore I let you goI wanna let you knowHow I never will leave you, cause I love you soWe"ll be together forever and build a happy homeI"ll be your man and you my sexy ladyWith the things you do you drive me crazySo tell me girl, are you really readyCuz of you I"m the person I amFor you i will do all that i can to protect youYou"re my lady and you mean so muchI just cant wait to feel the slide of your touch (yeah)I"ll be there for you, you"ll be there for meHopelessly romantic, baby are meant to beNever let me go Never let me goI will love you till foreverNever let me go Never let me goWe"ll always be togetherNever let me go Never let me goAnd I will love you boy foreverNever let me go Never let me goWe"ll always be togetherGirl im never gonna let you goI"m always gonna hang onto all those memoriesYou and me smiling, ur the reason for my good timesI could never be more blessed thenA better person in my life, than you, i wanna thank youFor being my better half girlI wanna show you that i could be a good manAnd hold you on all the stormy nightsWhipe away your tears foreverWhenever you need me ill be there for youJust call me i promise to be there through anything girlNever let you go Never let you goI will love you girl foreverNever let me go Never let me goWe"ll always be togetherNever let me go Never let me goAnd I will love you boy foreverNever let me go Never let me goWe"ll always be togetherWEll you should know these feelings are realI"ll be the only one, i"ll always be hereTo be right by ur side,you"ll never be aloneI"ll make u taste bright till we both grow oldHoldin" you girl..I cant find any ways to let you knowThat i promise you boyThat i"m always gon be here for youNever let you go Never let you goI will love you girl foreverNever let me go Never let me goWe"ll always be togetherNever let me go Never let me goAnd I will love you boy foreverNever let me go Never let me goWe"ll always be togetherThe Endhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8712624

little加不可数名词,但是为什么a little girl这里加了可数呢?

little有好几个意思呀,可以表示年纪小,a little girl是一个小女孩。。当他表示很少的时候才会加不可数名词

Never Let Me Go 歌词

歌曲名:Never Let Me Go歌手:Florence + The Machine专辑:MTV Presents UnpluggedNew Ridaz Never Let Me Go~_~ ^_^ O.OYeah..this my dream.I ill be here for you and i will neverLet you go nowNever let me go Never let me goAnd I will love you boy foreverNever let me go Never let me goWe"ll always be togetherBefore I let you goI wanna let you knowHow I never will leave you, cause I love you soWe"ll be together forever and build a happy homeI"ll be your man and you my sexy ladyWith the things you do you drive me crazySo tell me girl, are you really readyCuz of you I"m the person I amFor you i will do all that i can to protect youYou"re my lady and you mean so muchI just cant wait to feel the slide of your touch (yeah)I"ll be there for you, you"ll be there for meHopelessly romantic, baby are meant to beNever let me go Never let me goI will love you till foreverNever let me go Never let me goWe"ll always be togetherNever let me go Never let me goAnd I will love you boy foreverNever let me go Never let me goWe"ll always be togetherGirl im never gonna let you goI"m always gonna hang onto all those memoriesYou and me smiling, ur the reason for my good timesI could never be more blessed thenA better person in my life, than you, i wanna thank youFor being my better half girlI wanna show you that i could be a good manAnd hold you on all the stormy nightsWhipe away your tears foreverWhenever you need me ill be there for youJust call me i promise to be there through anything girlNever let you go Never let you goI will love you girl foreverNever let me go Never let me goWe"ll always be togetherNever let me go Never let me goAnd I will love you boy foreverNever let me go Never let me goWe"ll always be togetherWEll you should know these feelings are realI"ll be the only one, i"ll always be hereTo be right by ur side,you"ll never be aloneI"ll make u taste bright till we both grow oldHoldin" you girl..I cant find any ways to let you knowThat i promise you boyThat i"m always gon be here for youNever let you go Never let you goI will love you girl foreverNever let me go Never let me goWe"ll always be togetherNever let me go Never let me goAnd I will love you boy foreverNever let me go Never let me goWe"ll always be togetherThe Endhttp://music.baidu.com/song/13910842

little boy,little girl可以翻译为小男孩,小女孩吗?


Never Let Me Go 歌词

歌曲名:Never Let Me Go歌手:Florence and The Machine专辑:MTV UnpluggedFlorence And The Machine - Never Let Me GoQQ : 349777127Looking up from underneathFrcatured moonlight on the sea,Reflections still look the same to me,As before i went under.And it"s peaceful in the deep,Cathedral where you can not breathe,No need to pray, no need to speakNow I am under.Oh, and it"s breaking over me,A thousand miles down to the sea bed,I found the place to rest my head.Never let me go, never let me go.Never let me go, never let me go.And the arms of the ocean are carrying me,And all this devotion was rushing out of me,And the crashes are heaven for a sinner like me,But the arms of the ocean delivered me.Though the pressure"s hard to take,It"s the only way I can escape,It seems a heavy choice to make,Now I am under.And it"s breaking over me,A thousand miles down to the sea bed,I found the place to rest my head.Never let me go, never let me go.Never let me go, never let me go.And the arms of the ocean are carrying me,And all this devotion was rushing out of me,And the crushes are heaven for a sinner like me,But the arms of the ocean delivered me.And it"s over,And I"m goin" under,But I"m not givin" up!I"m just givin" in.Woooah!Slipping underneath.Woooah!So cold, but so sweet.In the arms of the ocean, so sweet and so cold,And all this devotion I never knew went on,And the crashes are heaven for a sinner released,But the arms of the ocean delivered me.Never let me go, never let me go.Never let me go, never let me go.Delivered me.Never let me go, never let me go.Never let me go, never let me go.Delivered me.Never let me go, never let me go.Never let me go, never let me go.Never let me go, never let me go.And it"s over,And I"m goin" under,But I"m not givin" up!I"m just givin" in.Woooah,Slipping underneath.Woooah,So cold, but so sweetFlorence And The Machine - Never Let Me GoQQ : 349777127http://music.baidu.com/song/52047511

Never Let Me Go 歌词

Never let me go永远不会舍得我离开Lana del reyHold me in your arms请将我拥入你的怀抱Love me like your best friends did就如你好友爱我那般(lana有恋父情结)Promise I won"t hurt you kid像爱个孩子,不让我受半点伤Hold me really tight until the stars look big紧紧抱着我,直到海角天涯,星星仿佛触手可及Never let me go永远不会舍得我离开All the world is ours全世界都是我们的Like they say in Scarface kid我们就是人们闻风丧胆的疤面煞星You can push your drugs and I can make it big你可以将毒品全部注入,而我可以让你的感觉更加强烈Singing at CBGB have a real good gig在CBGB的演唱会上有一场精彩绝伦的表演Hey you never know而你没有看过Cause baby we were born to live fast and die young宝贝,因为我们生如夏花般短暂,死如朝露般待晞Born to be bad, have fun所以生而为人,及时行乐Honey, you and me can be one亲爱的,你与我是命中注定要在一起Just believe, come on相信我,好吗If you love me hardcore, then don"t walk away若你已爱我入心,那就别离我而去It"s a game boy你所玩的那些把戏I don"t wanna play我真的无心参与I just wanna be your"s我只想成为你的唯一Like I always say就像我常说的那样Never let me go永远别让我离去Boy, we"re in a world war宝贝,在这混乱的世界中Let"s go all the way有一条崎岖的险路Put your foot to the floor需要你死心塌地Really walk away和我一起走下去Tell me that you need me more and more everyday告诉我,你一天比一天更需要我Never let me go, just stay永远不会放开我的手,让我留下来We gonna go far我们要走的路还很远I can already taste it kid而我恍若已与你白首LA"s gonna look real good洛杉矶看上去是那么繁华Drive me in your car until the sky gets big坐在副驾的我感觉天边就在眼前Never let me go永远别与我分开Send me to the stars带我去与星星作伴Tell me when I get there kid当我超脱之时别忘了叫住我I can be your Nancy我是你的南希You can be my Sid而你是我的席德(sex pistols乐队的主唱与其女友)Get into some trouble like our parents did像我们父母那般去惹点麻烦Hey, they"ll never know别担心,他们永远不会知道我们在重蹈覆辙Cause baby we were born to be bad宝贝,因为我们命中注定有此一劫Move on所以继续漂泊吧Built to go fast这是我们的使命Stay strong捍卫下去Honey, you and me and no one亲爱的,我们是命中注定的Just believe,Come on现在相信了吗If you love me hardcore, then don"t walk away若你已爱我入骨,你就不会舍得与我分开It"s a game boy你自以为是的那些小心机I don"t wanna play我早已烂熟于心I just wanna be your"s我只想好好爱你Like I always say就像我常说的那样Never let me go永远别让我离开Boy, we"re in a world war宝贝,我们在这混乱的世界中Let"s go all the way在这条崎岖的险路上Put your foot to the floor需要你死心塌地Really walk away和我走下去Tell me that you need me more and more everyday并且时刻提醒我,你一天比一天更爱我Never let me go, just stay永远不会放开我的手I remember when I saw you for the first time我还记得初次见你You were laughing你的笑容Sparking like a new dime就像崭新的硬币一样会闪闪发光,照亮了孤独带给我的黑暗I came over于是我朝着这光亮走到你面前,说:“Hello, can you be mine?”“嘿,你能属于我吗”Can you be mine属于我Can you be mine只属于我If you love me hardcore, then don"t walk away若你已爱我入狂,你绝不会忍心离开It"s a game boy如果你还把爱情当作游戏I don"t wanna play只会使我心碎I just wanna be your"s你可知我的心早已完全属于你Like I always say你早已听我说过千百遍Never let me go我无法离开你Baby it"s a sweet life宝贝,与你在一起的时光如此甜蜜Sing it like song这是我们共同谱写的恋曲It"s a short trip人生就如一次短暂的旅行Only getting one who can count on my love more than anyone而我已找到能相依为命的你Never let me go永远别和我分开If you love me hardcore, then don"t walk away若你真的爱我,请不要转身离去It"s a game boy所以请别再把爱情当游戏I don"t wanna play在我看来这非常幼稚I just wanna be your"s我只想好好爱你Like I always say你已听我说过千万遍Never let me go我无法离开你Boy, we"re in a world war宝贝,任这世界再混乱Let"s go all the way我们也要死心塌地Put your foot to the floor一直走下去Really walk away直到生命尽头Tell me that you need me more and more everyday告诉我,你这一刻比上一刻更爱我Never let me go, just stay永远不会舍得我离开

Never Let Me Go 歌词

歌曲名:Never Let Me Go歌手:Florence + The Machine专辑:CeremonialsNever Let Me GoBono and the MDH BandSoundtrack Of The Million Dollar Hotel 2000Wow. After I (Tom)jumped, it ocurred to me.wow,在我跳下之后,猛然发现Life is perfect. Life is the best, full of magic,生命是完美的,生命是美好无比的,充满着奇异beauty, opportunity, and television.美丽、机会,还有电视,And surprises...lot"s of surprises, yeah.还有惊奇.....以及许多让人惊诧的东西。And then there"s the best stuff, of course.yeah,这就是最美好的东西。Better than anything anyone ever made up,当然,甚至比任何人所创造的还要美好,"cause it"s real.因为,它是真实的存在。You take a stranger by the hand你(意指life)牵着一个陌生人(Tom)的手A man who doesn"t understand那是一个并不了解His wildest dreams自己狂野梦想的人You walk across the dirty sand你穿过那脏乱的沙滩(生活中的不如意)And offer him an ocean指给他一片见所未见的海洋Of what he"s never seenMaybe I was blind也许是我眼瞎了Or I, I might have closed my eyes抑或是我闭上了双眼Maybe I was dumb也许是我哑了But what I forgot to say不过我忘了说的是If you didn"t know如果你不知道的话Is never let me go不要让我离去Never let me go不要让我离去Never let me go不要让我离去Never let me go不要让我离去You run from love and don"t believe你躲过爱的追逐,还不相信Unless it catches you by the heel除非它抓住你的脚后跟That even then, you struggle甚至那时你都还在挣扎From red I learned to cross the strand我从red那里学会穿过那片海滩Your footprints still there in the sand你的脚印仍留在沙滩上Everything else, washed away而其他的一切,全被冲走I may not be alone也许我并不孤独Oh I, I may have found my home也许我已找到了归处I may have lost my way也许我已迷失了方向But what I forgot to say不过我忘了说的是If you didn"t know如果你不知道的话Is never let me go不要让我离去Never let me go不要让我离去Never let me go不要让我离去录入:Fiddlehttp://music.baidu.com/song/10995272

帮忙翻译这段歌词 never let it go

让我们开始吧! 本人习惯松开... 总天数的歌曲时,提出了黄金 遗憾地打破模具 当我的生活和呼吸中的每一行每一个说明。 造成这些话,给我的力量时,我并没有强大到足以使我自己。 谁想得到,但都将有6个字符串的手段打击这种共鸣。 我仍然认为,这可以使普通的生活,通过... 没有别的原因了以往任何时候都觉得很真实。 让音乐控制! 这声音是美丽的 和我永远不会让它去(永远让它去) 不,我决不会让它去 造成这一天就意味着一切都进行的火炬 点燃火焰内我们大家(在我们所有人) 造成这些话给我希望当这一切似乎不可能独自面对世界 我将这种感觉总是作为一种手段,超越... 我仍然认为,这可以使普通的生活,通过... 没有别的原因了以往任何时候都觉得很真实。 让音乐控制! 这声音是美丽的 和我永远不会让它去(永远让它去) 不,我决不会让它去 让音乐控制! 这声音是美丽的 和我永远不会让它去(永远让它去) 不,我决不会让它去 原因当说到底这首歌将继续进行时,我们都死了 造成这个普通说明一切,我们知道,我们永远不应该让它去..

little little girl什么意思


谁有柏原崇唱的 little girl 的歌词及其中文翻译


Never Let Me Go 歌词

歌曲名:Never Let Me Go歌手:The Impressions专辑:The Best Of .... Vol 2Never Let Me GoBono and the MDH BandSoundtrack Of The Million Dollar Hotel 2000Wow. After I (Tom)jumped, it ocurred to me.wow,在我跳下之后,猛然发现Life is perfect. Life is the best, full of magic,生命是完美的,生命是美好无比的,充满着奇异beauty, opportunity, and television.美丽、机会,还有电视,And surprises...lot"s of surprises, yeah.还有惊奇.....以及许多让人惊诧的东西。And then there"s the best stuff, of course.yeah,这就是最美好的东西。Better than anything anyone ever made up,当然,甚至比任何人所创造的还要美好,"cause it"s real.因为,它是真实的存在。You take a stranger by the hand你(意指life)牵着一个陌生人(Tom)的手A man who doesn"t understand那是一个并不了解His wildest dreams自己狂野梦想的人You walk across the dirty sand你穿过那脏乱的沙滩(生活中的不如意)And offer him an ocean指给他一片见所未见的海洋Of what he"s never seenMaybe I was blind也许是我眼瞎了Or I, I might have closed my eyes抑或是我闭上了双眼Maybe I was dumb也许是我哑了But what I forgot to say不过我忘了说的是If you didn"t know如果你不知道的话Is never let me go不要让我离去Never let me go不要让我离去Never let me go不要让我离去Never let me go不要让我离去You run from love and don"t believe你躲过爱的追逐,还不相信Unless it catches you by the heel除非它抓住你的脚后跟That even then, you struggle甚至那时你都还在挣扎From red I learned to cross the strand我从red那里学会穿过那片海滩Your footprints still there in the sand你的脚印仍留在沙滩上Everything else, washed away而其他的一切,全被冲走I may not be alone也许我并不孤独Oh I, I may have found my home也许我已找到了归处I may have lost my way也许我已迷失了方向But what I forgot to say不过我忘了说的是If you didn"t know如果你不知道的话Is never let me go不要让我离去Never let me go不要让我离去Never let me go不要让我离去录入:Fiddlehttp://music.baidu.com/song/10315928

Let Your Heart Sing 歌词

歌曲名:Let Your Heart Sing歌手:Katharine Mcphee专辑:The Tinker Bell (Songs From and Inspired by)Katharine Mcphee - Let Your Heart SingIt starts with a whisper, a sound on the breezeDancin on moonbeams and shakin the treesOne single note to a chorus returnIt glows like your hope from the moment its bornFlying over rainbows,On the promise of tomorrowLet the truth save the dayAnd you"ll never lose your wayIf you follow, follow the voice in your heartAlways know that"s how to find who you areSo hold on, never let go of your dreamsYou"ll see the magic, believing is where it beginsLife is a beautiful thingLet your heart sing(Let your heart sing,Let your heart sing,let your heart sing)It starts with a secret, a glimmer of lightThe last leaf that falls, the swallow"s first flightA touch of a raindrop, a sparkle of snowThe north star that guides you wherever you goRacing every shadow,Chasing sunlight till the stars glowLet the truth in your heart send you everydayYou"ll never lose your wayIf you follow, follow the voice in your heartAlways know that"s how to find who you areSo hold on, never let go of your dreamsYou"ll see the magic, believing is where it beginsLife is a beautiful thing,Let your heart sing (Sing your song, your whole life long)Let your heart sing (Let your heart jump where you belong)Let your heart sing (Sing your song, your whole life long)Let your heart singLet your heart sing(Let your heart sing,let your heart singlet your heart singlet your heart sing)http://music.baidu.com/song/62117478

Never Let Me Go的介绍

《Never Let Me Go》是一部由根据英国日裔小说作家石黑一雄的同名原作改编电影,和本片同名插曲。1另《Never Let Me Go》也是美国新晋独立歌手Lana Del Rey的一首未正式发行的单曲。

little不是只能接不可数名词吗?为什么可以说little girls 小女孩们?


求神起《I never let you go》的韩文歌词

I Never Let Go - ub3d9ubc29uc2e0uae30 (东方神起) [uc601uc6c5] ub110 uc78auc73cub824 ub110 uc9c0uc6b0ub824 uc218ub9ceuc740 ub0a0uc744 ub178ub825ud588uc5b4ub3c4 [ubbf9ud0a4] ud0dcuc5f0ud55cucc99 ubc14ubcf4ucc98ub7fc uc11cud22cub978 uc778uc0acub9ccuc774 ub0b4uac90 ub2e4uc600uc5b4 [uc720ub178] uc5b4uc0c9ud55c ub9d0ud22cub3c4 uadf8ub300ub97c uc704ud55c uac70uc8e0 uac00uc2b4uc774 uadf8ub308 uc704ud55c ub0b4 uc774uc720uc8e0 (uadf8ub308 uc704ud55c uac70uc8e0) [ucd5cuac15] uadf8ub9acuc6ccud558uaca0uc8e0 ub2e8 ud558ub8e8 ud55c uc21cuac04ub3c4 ub098uc5d0uac8cuc11c ub108ubb34ub3c4 uba40uc5b4uc9c4 ub108 *[uc2dcuc544] I never let go (Never I) I"m gonna make a way (I"m gonna) Oh I find ever-way (ub5a0ub098uc9c0 ub9d0uc544uc694) ub0b4 ud488uc548uc5d0 uc601uc6d0ud788 I never let go (Never I) I"m gonna make a way (I"m gonna) Oh I find ever-way (ub5a0ub098uc9c0 ub9d0uc544uc694) ub0b4 uacc1uc5d0uc11c uc601uc6d0ud788 [ubbf9ud0a4] uc65c ub5a0ub098uc694 ub9d0ud574uc918uc694 uc54c uc218 uc5c6ub294 ub09c uc5b4ub5a1ud574uc57cuc8e0 [uc720ub178] uc218uc90duac8c ub0a0 uc9c0ucf1cuc8fcub358 uadf8ub300uc758 ubbf8uc18cub9c8uc800 ub2e4 ub05duc778uac00uc694 [ucd5cuac15] uae30ub098uae34 uc2dcuac04ub3c4 uadf8ub300ub97c uc704ud55c uac70uc8e0 ubaa8ub4e0 uac8c uadf8ub308 uc704ud55c ub0b4 uc774uc720uc8e0 (uadf8ub308 uc704ud55c uac70uc8e0) [uc2dcuc544] ud798ub4e4uc5b4ud558uaca0uc8e0 ub2e8 ud558ub8e8 ud55c uc21cuac04ub3c4 ub098uc5d0uac8cuc11c ub108ubb34ub3c4 uba40uc5b4uc9c4 ub108 *[uc601uc6c5] Repeat [uc2dcuc544] ub610 ub2e4ub978 uc2dcuac04uc774 uc640ub3c4 uadf8ub300ub9ccuc774 uc804ubd80uc778 uac78 [uc601uc6c5] uc624uc9c1 ub108ub9ccuc774 ub098uc758 ub108ub9ccuc774 ub0a0 uc0b4uc544 uc788uac8c ud574 *[ucd5cuac15] Repeat [uc601uc6c5] ub110 uc704ud574uc11c uc601uc6d0ud788 想要忘记你, 想要抹去你, 不管努力了多少日子, 还是想无动於衷的傻瓜一样, 对我只有匆促的问候, 再怎麼别扭也是为了你吧, 为了你就是我的理由(是为了你吧) 很想念吧, 一天 , 一瞬间 对我都是很遥远的你 I never let go (Never I) I";m gonna make a way (I";m gonna) oh I find ever-way (不要离开) 永远的在我身边, 为何要离去 , 请告诉我 , 不明白的我 该怎麼办呢 , 就像腼腆地呵护我对你的微笑, 全都结束了吗 所有的时间都是为了你吧 为了你的一切就是我的理由吧 (是为了你吧) 很痛苦吧 , 一天 一瞬间 , 对我都是很遥远的你 不管经过多少时间 , 你就是我的全部 只有你 只有我的你 , 才能让我继续活下去 为了你 直到永远《I Never Let Go》音译歌词 (Hero) ne li ju lie ne ji wu lie se ma nin na lier nu lie gei se du (Micky)tai ye nan ce ba bu ce lem se tu li nin da ma ni nai gei da ye se (Uno) se sai gan ma tu du ki dai lier wu han ge jiu ka si mi ki gai wu han nai yi yu jiu(ki dai wu han ge jiu) (Max) ku li wo han gei jiu da na lu han sun gen du na ei gei se no mu du me le jin ne (Xiah) I Never Let Go(Never I) I"m Gonna Make A Way(I"m gonna) Oh I Find Ever way (de na ji ma la yu) nai pu ma nei yang wang ni I Never Let Go(Never I) I"m Gonna Make A Way(I"m gonna) Oh I Find Ever Way(de na ji ma la yu)nai gie tei se yang wang hi (Micky)wai de na yu ma lai jiu yu a su e nin nan e de gei ya jiu (Uno) su ju gei na ji kie ju den ki dai ei mi su ma ze da ki tin ga yo (Max) ki na din si gan du ki dai lier wu han ge jiu mu din gei ki dai wi han nai yi yu jiu(ki dai wu han ge jiu) (Xiah) hi di le ha gei jiu dan ha lu sun gan du na ei gei se no mu du me se jin ne (Hero) I Never Let Go(Never I) I"m Gonna Make A Way(I"m gonna) Oh I Find Ever Way(de na ji ma la yu) nai pu ma nei yang wang ni I never let go(Never I) I"m Gonna Make A Way(I"m gonna) Oh I Find Ever Way(de na ji ma la yu)nai gie tei se yang wang hi (XIAH) du da lin xi ga ni wa du ki dai ma ni zen bu yin ger (HERO) wo ji no ma ni na ei no ma ni na sa la yi gei hei (Max) I Never Let Go(Never I) I"m Gonna Make A Way(I"m gonna) Oh I Find Ever Way(de na ji ma la yu) nai pu ma nei yang wang ni I never let go(Never I) I"m Gonna Make A Way(I"m gonna) Oh I Find Ever Way(de na ji ma la yu)nai gie tei se yang wang hi (Hero) ne wu hai se yang wang hi

Little Girl (With Blue Eyes) 歌词

歌曲名:Little Girl (With Blue Eyes)歌手:Pulp专辑:Countdown 1992-1983Roxette - Little GirlFrom Bugz To Vivian ChungOnce upon a time there was a little girlOnce she was mineIn my heart the only oneI wonder where you areI know you′re somewhere in meI can see your smile when I close, close my eyesOh, little girlWhere did you go, little girlI miss you soOh, I remember when she was mineI remember when she was mineOnce upon a time there was a little voiceSinging loud and clearIn my heart the only oneOnce upon a times there was so many dreamsOnce they were mineOh little girl, they are with, oh they are with you nowOh little girlWhere did you go, little girlI miss you soOh, I remember when she was mineOh, I remember when she was mineOh Oh GirlOh little girlWhere did you go, little girlI miss you soOh, I remember when she was mineOh little girlWhere did you go, little girlI miss you soOh, I remember when she was mine, my little girlI remember when she was mine, ohI remember when she was minehttp://music.baidu.com/song/9922329


高斋翻译Joy分享:small,little这些形容词均有“小的”意思。这两个单词在CATTI备考、MTI备考、考研英语备考、经济学人外刊精读、专四专八、四六级、托福雅思里面经常遇到:1. small多指数量、面积、体积、价值、数字、尺寸、声音或意义等的小或少,指略小于正常的大小。例:①This coat is too small for me.这件上衣对我来说太小了。②“I"m scared,”she said in a very small voice.她非常小声地说:“我很害怕。”《柯林斯词典》③He felt the apartment"s only drawback was that it was too small.他觉得这个公寓唯一的缺点就是太小了。《柯林斯词典》2. littleA. 指在体积、数量、距离、年龄、身材等方面比正常的小,多带有主观感情色彩,含有小而可爱或小巧的意味。例:①Yes,I lost my little darling the night.是的,那夜我失去了我娇小的爱人。②This little bed will do for our youngest daughter.这张小床我们最小的女儿睡能行。B. little还表示“少的”意思时,如little money表示的是几乎没钱,为否定陈述;使用a little money时,表示还有一些钱,为肯定陈述。C. Little 还可以表示小时候,如You"ve had chess on the brain since you were little.你从很小的时候就对下棋产生了浓厚兴趣。《柯林斯词典》



let go和let it go

Let go! 放开我! let it go! 放手!Never let go 永不放弃。

怎样更改Google chrome 浏览器的默认下载器?


求 I never let go 的歌词


I will never let go . 是啥意思?有懂得指点下吧。

我从不放弃。 let go=give up是放弃的意思。 let go这个词语在这里不能从字面上解释,不能翻译为让……走 而应该翻译为“放弃” 这里提供一段电影泰坦尼克号的经典对白来说明: ROSE:I can"t feel my body. 路丝:我失去知觉了。 JAKE:Winning that ticket was the best thing that ever happened to me.It brought me to you.And I"m thankful for that,Rose,I"m thankful.You must do me this honor.You must promise me that you will survive...that you won"t give up... no matter what happens... no matter how hopeless...Promise me now,Rose,and never let go of that promise. 杰克:赢得船票是我一生中最幸运的事。让我认识了你。感谢上苍,路丝,我市那么感激它!你要帮我个忙。答应我活下去……无论发生什么……无论多么绝望……永不放弃。答应我,路丝,永不放弃我对你的承诺。 ROSE:I promise. 路丝:我答应你。 JAKE:Never let go. 杰克:永不放弃。 ROSE:I will never let go,Jake,I"ll never let go. 路丝:我不会放弃的,杰克,我永远不会放弃。

Never Let Go 歌词

歌曲名:Never Let Go歌手:David Crowder*Band专辑:RemedyElliott Yamin - Never Let Gowhat do you saywhen you can"t even look the one you love in the faceall you can think about iswhat price are you"re gonna payeverything i worked so hard fori blew it awayjust for a momentso how do i explain the tears you crytrading in your love for just one nightsorry baby i apologizehoping that"s enough to get me byyou ain"t never know me to be like thisi was so weak could not resistthat it never happened would be my wishi can"t believe what i didwhy did i let goknowing you"d never do me the samei should of just came homebut i didn"t know how to leavei left you alonei did not mean to play with your heartgirl.. should of never let go (never let go)i dealt with the painof the mess i madeand watching you walk awaylike it"s crazy here without youbut you"re not to blame, noafter finding you maybe i thought i could changeit lasted a momentnow i can"t even stop the tears i crydon"t want to deal with this another nightwhat i did before i don"t know whywhen you"re the one i needed in my lifeyou ain"t never know me to be like thisi was so weak could not resisti don"t think i"m gonna get over this, noi can"t believe what i didwhy did i let goknowing you"d never do me the samei should of just came homebut i didn"t know how to leavei left you alonei did not mean to play with your heartgirl.. should of never let go (never let go)please i have controlcos i.. baby i can"t let goi"m a better man then i showed yajust don"t wanna believe that it"s overcos every night and every dayi"m hoping that you"re okohhh you know it"s hard to let gowhy did i let goknowing you"d never do me the samei should of just came home (should of came home)but i didn"t know how to leave (i didn"t know how to leave)i left you alonei did not mean to play with your heartgirl.. should of never let go (never let go)why did i let go (why did i let go)knowing you"d never do me the samei should of just came home (i should of came home)but i didn"t know how to leave (i didn"t know how to leave)i left you alonei did not mean to play with your heartgirl.. should of never let go (never let go)should of never let goi should of never let gohttp://music.baidu.com/song/10400162

Never Let Go 歌词

歌曲名:Never Let Go歌手:David Crowder*Band专辑:Premiere Performance Plus: Never Let GoI never imagined a dream so clearUntil the day that you came inYou open my eyes bright in all of my daysYou changed my life in so many waysWithout you in my life everything"s just blueNow that you"re at my sideI know there"s one thing"s trueI"ll never let go of the one who loves me soI"ll never let go of the one who believes in meI"ll stay by your side until the end of timeAnd I"ll never let you, let you goI never thought that I find love just like thisSo many feelings all wrapped up in a kissShowing me sunsets in such heavenly skysWith your precious smile and one look in your eyesThis feeling that I have inside I"ll never let it goNow that you"re in my life I want the world to knowI"ll never let go of the one who loves me soI"ll never let go of the one who believes in meI"ll stay by your side until the end of timeAnd I"ll never let you, let you goI"ll never mistreat you,I"ll never cause you any painI"ll always protect you,be your shelter from the rainYou don"t have to worry,no you don"t have to fearCause I"ll be with you right by your sideYes I"ll always be nearYes I"ll always be nearI"ll never let go of the one who loves me soI"ll never let go of the one who believes in meI"ll stay by your side until the end of timeyou should know that I love you so much babyAnd I"ll never let you, let you gohttp://music.baidu.com/song/2831681

Never Let Go 歌词

歌曲名:Never Let Go歌手:Me In Motion专辑:The Lifted Hands EPTaj Jackson - Never Let Gowhat do you saywhen you can"t even look the one you love in the faceall you can think about iswhat price are you"re gonna payeverything i worked so hard fori blew it awayjust for a momentso how do i explain the tears you crytrading in your love for just one nightsorry baby i apologizehoping that"s enough to get me byyou ain"t never know me to be like thisi was so weak could not resistthat it never happened would be my wishi can"t believe what i didwhy did i let goknowing you"d never do me the samei should of just came homebut i didn"t know how to leavei left you alonei did not mean to play with your heartgirl.. should of never let go (never let go)i dealt with the painof the mess i madeand watching you walk awaylike it"s crazy here without youbut you"re not to blame, noafter finding you maybe i thought i could changeit lasted a momentnow i can"t even stop the tears i crydon"t want to deal with this another nightwhat i did before i don"t know whywhen you"re the one i needed in my lifeyou ain"t never know me to be like thisi was so weak could not resisti don"t think i"m gonna get over this, noi can"t believe what i didwhy did i let goknowing you"d never do me the samei should of just came homebut i didn"t know how to leavei left you alonei did not mean to play with your heartgirl.. should of never let go (never let go)please i have controlcos i.. baby i can"t let goi"m a better man then i showed yajust don"t wanna believe that it"s overcos every night and every dayi"m hoping that you"re okohhh you know it"s hard to let gowhy did i let goknowing you"d never do me the samei should of just came home (should of came home)but i didn"t know how to leave (i didn"t know how to leave)i left you alonei did not mean to play with your heartgirl.. should of never let go (never let go)why did i let go (why did i let go)knowing you"d never do me the samei should of just came home (i should of came home)but i didn"t know how to leave (i didn"t know how to leave)i left you alonei did not mean to play with your heartgirl.. should of never let go (never let go)should of never let goi should of never let gohttp://music.baidu.com/song/2616925

Little girl是什么意思


诺基亚s60的软件File Man好 还是FExploere好?

File Man

A little girl和 little girl. 这两个有什么区别?

a little girl 一个小女孩,泛指任何一个小女孩,单数。

never let go的歌曲歌词

这首电影《The Guardian/惊涛大冒险》的片尾曲《Never Let Go/永不放弃》can you lay your life down so a stranger can live你会为了一个陌生人而献出生命么can you take what you need, but take less than you give你能做到付出大于回报么could you close every day without the glory and fame你能放弃名利享乐过每天么could you hold you head high when no one knows your name当没人知道你名字的时候,你还会趾高气扬么that"s how legends are made - at least that"s what they say传奇的人物就是这样产生的--至少他们是这么说的we say goodbye - but never let go我们说再见----但别松手we live we die - cbecause cuz you can"t save every soul我们会生,我们会死---因为你不可能拯救每个灵魂gotta take every chance to抓住每一次机会show that you"re the kinda of man whowill never look back - never look down向世界宣誓,你不是那种放不开,自信不起来人!and never let go别松手can you lose everything you ever had planned你会放弃那个追寻已久的梦想么can you sit down again and play another hand你会再次坐下来,再作一曲么could you risk everything for the chance of being alone你会孤注一掷忍受寂寞孤独么under pressure find the grace - or would you come undone在郁闷时找找乐子--或者放松放松that"s how legends are made - at least that"s what they say传奇的人物就是这样产生的--至少他们是这么说的

Never Let Go 歌词

歌曲名:Never Let Go歌手:Segments of the SOUL专辑:Segments Of The SoulTaj Jackson - Never Let Gowhat do you saywhen you can"t even look the one you love in the faceall you can think about iswhat price are you"re gonna payeverything i worked so hard fori blew it awayjust for a momentso how do i explain the tears you crytrading in your love for just one nightsorry baby i apologizehoping that"s enough to get me byyou ain"t never know me to be like thisi was so weak could not resistthat it never happened would be my wishi can"t believe what i didwhy did i let goknowing you"d never do me the samei should of just came homebut i didn"t know how to leavei left you alonei did not mean to play with your heartgirl.. should of never let go (never let go)i dealt with the painof the mess i madeand watching you walk awaylike it"s crazy here without youbut you"re not to blame, noafter finding you maybe i thought i could changeit lasted a momentnow i can"t even stop the tears i crydon"t want to deal with this another nightwhat i did before i don"t know whywhen you"re the one i needed in my lifeyou ain"t never know me to be like thisi was so weak could not resisti don"t think i"m gonna get over this, noi can"t believe what i didwhy did i let goknowing you"d never do me the samei should of just came homebut i didn"t know how to leavei left you alonei did not mean to play with your heartgirl.. should of never let go (never let go)please i have controlcos i.. baby i can"t let goi"m a better man then i showed yajust don"t wanna believe that it"s overcos every night and every dayi"m hoping that you"re okohhh you know it"s hard to let gowhy did i let goknowing you"d never do me the samei should of just came home (should of came home)but i didn"t know how to leave (i didn"t know how to leave)i left you alonei did not mean to play with your heartgirl.. should of never let go (never let go)why did i let go (why did i let go)knowing you"d never do me the samei should of just came home (i should of came home)but i didn"t know how to leave (i didn"t know how to leave)i left you alonei did not mean to play with your heartgirl.. should of never let go (never let go)should of never let goi should of never let gohttp://music.baidu.com/song/15284093

little girl 是不是指没有意识的小女孩?

毛丫头 小女孩 指年龄小

Never Let Go 歌词

歌曲名:Never Let Go歌手:John Barry And His Orchestra专辑:The Ultimate John BarryNever Let GoBRYAN ADAMSCan you lay your life down, so a stranger can liveCan you take what you need, but take less than you giveCould you close every day, without the glory and fameCould you hold your head high, when no-one knows your nameThat"s how legends are made, at least that"s what they sayWe say goodbye, but never let goWe live, we die, "coz you can"t save every soul.Gotta take every chance to, show that you"re the kinda man whoWill never look back, never look downand never let goCan you lose everything, you ever had plannedCan you sit down again, and play another handCould you risk everything, for the chance of being aloneUnder pressure find the grace, or would you come undoneThat"s how legends are made, at least that"s what they sayWe say goodbye, but never let goWe live, we die, "coz you can"t save every soulGotta take every chance to, show that you"re the kinda man whoWill never look back, never look downand never let goNever Let GoNever Let GoGotta take every chance to, show that you"re the kinda man whoWill never look back, never look downand never let goWe say goodbye, but never let goWe live, we die, "but you can"t save every soulGotta take every chance to, show that you"re the kinda man whoWill never look back, never look downand never let goWill never look back, never look downand never let gohttp://music.baidu.com/song/2775566

Never Let Go 歌词

歌曲名:Never Let Go歌手:Image专辑:ImageTaj Jackson - Never Let Gowhat do you saywhen you can"t even look the one you love in the faceall you can think about iswhat price are you"re gonna payeverything i worked so hard fori blew it awayjust for a momentso how do i explain the tears you crytrading in your love for just one nightsorry baby i apologizehoping that"s enough to get me byyou ain"t never know me to be like thisi was so weak could not resistthat it never happened would be my wishi can"t believe what i didwhy did i let goknowing you"d never do me the samei should of just came homebut i didn"t know how to leavei left you alonei did not mean to play with your heartgirl.. should of never let go (never let go)i dealt with the painof the mess i madeand watching you walk awaylike it"s crazy here without youbut you"re not to blame, noafter finding you maybe i thought i could changeit lasted a momentnow i can"t even stop the tears i crydon"t want to deal with this another nightwhat i did before i don"t know whywhen you"re the one i needed in my lifeyou ain"t never know me to be like thisi was so weak could not resisti don"t think i"m gonna get over this, noi can"t believe what i didwhy did i let goknowing you"d never do me the samei should of just came homebut i didn"t know how to leavei left you alonei did not mean to play with your heartgirl.. should of never let go (never let go)please i have controlcos i.. baby i can"t let goi"m a better man then i showed yajust don"t wanna believe that it"s overcos every night and every dayi"m hoping that you"re okohhh you know it"s hard to let gowhy did i let goknowing you"d never do me the samei should of just came home (should of came home)but i didn"t know how to leave (i didn"t know how to leave)i left you alonei did not mean to play with your heartgirl.. should of never let go (never let go)why did i let go (why did i let go)knowing you"d never do me the samei should of just came home (i should of came home)but i didn"t know how to leave (i didn"t know how to leave)i left you alonei did not mean to play with your heartgirl.. should of never let go (never let go)should of never let goi should of never let gohttp://music.baidu.com/song/2661174

求宇多田光的never let go的日文、中文歌词

Never let go真実は最高の嘘で雔して琭実は榦上の梦でごまかそうそんな二人でもあなたを失いたくないねぇどうしてそんあに不安あの揺るぎ无い爱なんて欲しくないのに二人で靴脱ぎ舍ててはだしでかけていこうi"ll never let go无感覚の中泳いで不安の中走ってくi"ll never let go二人で靴脱ぎ舍ててはだしでかけていこうi"ll never let go太阳に目が眩んでもその手を离さないでi"ll never let go悲しみは优しい雨に任せて幸せを思い出そう先が见えないけど怖くない明日の私たちどこに居るの?music...Never Let Go(中译)真实隐藏在最大的谎言里现实蒙蔽於极致之梦境即使是那样的两个人我也不想失去你为何如此不安呢虽然不祈求无可动摇的爱情两人脱掉鞋子就这样光著脚吧I"ll never let go穿越无感觉的状态奔跑於不安之中I"ll never let go两人脱掉鞋子就这样光著脚吧I"ll never let go即使太阳如此炫目也不放开你的手I"ll never let go就把悲伤交给温柔的雨滴映出幸福的回忆看不见未来却不害怕明天的我们会在何方呢两人脱掉鞋子就这样光著脚吧I"ll never let go穿越无感觉的状态奔跑於不安之中I"ll never let go两人脱掉鞋子就这样光著脚吧I"ll never let go即使太阳如此炫目也不放开你的手I"ll never let goNever let go (罗马字)Shinjitsu wa saikou no uso de kakushiteGenjitsu wa gokujou no yume de gomakasouSonna futari de moAnata o oishinaitaku naiNee doushite sonna ni fuan na noYuruginai ai nante mo hashiku nai no niFutari de kutsu nugisuteteHadashi de kakete ikouI"ll never let goMukankaku no naka oyoideFuan no naka hashittekuI"ll never let goFutari de kutsu nugisuteteHadashi de kakete ikouI"ll never let goDaiyou ni me ga kuran de moSono te o hanasanaideI"ll never let goKanashimi wa yasashii ame ni makaseteShiawase wo omoidasouSaki ga mienai kedo kowakunaiAshita no watashitachi doko ni iru no?Futari de kutsu nugisuteteHadashi de kakete ikouI"ll never let goMukankaku no naka oyoideFuan no naka hashittekuI"ll never let goFutari de kutsu nugisuteteHadashi de kakete ikouI"ll never let goDaiyou ni me ga kuran de moSono te o hanasanaideI"ll never let go

never let go中文是什么意思?

never let go中文意思是永不放手

Little Girl 歌词

歌曲名:Little Girl歌手:Vic Damone专辑:The Lively Ones/Strage Enchantment韩真真 - Little girl词∶韩真真曲∶韩真真i"m a littleittle a very little girlyou have a spaciousspacious a very spacious heartwhen you hold my hand(I feel) i"m a little girli"m a littlelittle a very little girlno matter how cleverno matter how beautifulin front of youi"m just a little girl音乐响起 灯光亮起 站在舞台上所有幸福 无限风光 只写在脸上在这一刻 我却只想 站在你身旁用心里最想说的话 对你大声的歌唱我在你面前只是个小小的女孩我在你面前只有份小小的希望请陪在我身旁 听我说i‘m a little girli"m just a little girlhttp://music.baidu.com/song/3455553

lana del rey 的 never let me go 歌词

Hold me in your armsLove me like your best friends didPromise I won"t hurt you kidHold me really tight until the stars look bigNever let me goAll the world is oursLike they say in Scarface kidYou can push your drugs and I can make it bigSinging CBGB have a real good gigHey you never knowCause baby we were born to live fast and die youngBorn to be bad, have funHoney, you and me can be oneJust believe, come onIf you love me hardcore, then don"t walk awayIt"s a game boyI don"t wanna playI just wanna be your"sLike I always sayNever let me goBoy, we"re in a world warLet"s go all the wayPut your foot to the floorReally walk awayTell me that you need me more and more everydayNever let me go, just stayWe gonna go farI can already taste it kidEllie"s gonna look real goodDrive me in your car until the sky gets bigNever let me goSend me to the starsTell me when I get there kidI can be your NancyYou can be my SidGet into some trouble like our parents didHey, they"ll never knowCause baby we were born to be badMove onBuilt to go fastStay strongHoney, you and me and no oneJust believeCome onIf you love me hardcore, then don"t walk awayIt"s a game boyI don"t wanna playI just wanna be your"sLike I always sayNever let me goBoy, we"re in a world warLet"s go all the wayPut your foot to the floorReally walk awayTell me that you need me more and more everydayNever let me go, just stayI remember when I saw you for the first timeYou were laughingSparking like a new dimeI came over“Hello, can you be mine?”Can you be mineCan you be mine?If you love me hardcore, then don"t walk awayIt"s a game boyI don"t wanna playI just wanna be your"sLike I always sayNever let me goBaby it"s a sweet lifeSing it like songIt"s a short tripOnly getting one who can count on my love more than anyoneNever let me goIf you love me hardcore, then don"t walk awayIt"s a game boyI don"t wanna playI just wanna be your"sLike I always sayNever let me goBoy, we"re in a world warLet"s go all the wayPut your foot to the floorReally walk awayTell me that you need me more and more everydayNever let me go, just stay


small主要指的是尺寸、重量、体积、程度、数量、价值小,“不重要的,微不足道的”,“幼小的”、“年幼的”,词的本身不带任何感情色彩,只是表示not big, not large。little表示少量的、不足的,小巧的,带有感情色彩,蕴涵“喜欢”或“厌恶”的感情。a small girl 一个矮小的女孩a little girl 小(而可爱的)女孩a small matter 小事情a small boy 一个小(指矮小的)男孩a naughty little boy 一个顽皮的小男孩a little garden 小花园a small town 小镇例句:1. The boy is small for his age. 这个男孩比他的实际年龄显得矮小。2. This hat is too small for me. 这顶帽子我戴太小。3. The little dog followed the boy everywhere. 这条可爱的小狗寸步不离地跟着那个男孩。4. I lived in the country when I was small. 我小时候住在乡下。 5. My little brother is 18. 我的小弟弟18岁。 6. I have very little time for reading. 我没有多少时间看书。

求一首英文歌男生唱的高潮有一句never never let you go好像是节奏挺快的

let me love you

little girl什么意思


Never let this go的歌词及中文翻译


never let me go是什么意思

Never Let Me Go释义别让我走; [电影]千万别丢下我1Love me tender, love me sweet; never let me go.温柔地爱我,甜甜蜜蜜,不要让我离开你。2Trust is* You will never let me go when I am between your hands.信任就是抓着你的手永远不会被放开。

never let me go是什么意思

never let me go别让我走

Little girl什么意思


Never Let Me Go ~ 别让我走(影评)

故事开始于一九九零年代末英国乡间的海尔森,一所把画画作为重点技能培养的学校。凯西,露丝和汤米在阳光的沐浴下过着他们青涩的少年时光。很唯美的画面,典雅的英伦风格,所有的一切都井然有序:早晨起床后的一杯牛奶,课堂上唱的校歌,不许吸烟和严禁打架的校规。一切都在向着一个怀旧青春文艺片的节奏发展。汤米画的像老鼠的大象,凯西和露丝的友情,凯西和汤米之间渐生的情愫,露西老师对汤米的鼓励。都给整部影片压抑的灰色色调带去了很多温馨的时刻。当越来越多的破绽随着迷离忧伤的配乐出现,整个故事开始变成一个扣人心弦的谜题,让你一边害怕一边忍不住去解开它:孩子们永远灰色调的校服,绑在手腕上的身份识别链,海滩边搁浅的破船,那扇严禁走出的校门,凯西脸上受伤时校医们机械般地问答,露西老师忧郁的眼神。直到送玩具的卡车来到了学校,孩子们兴奋的表情和摆满课桌的残破不堪的玩具形成了鲜明的对比,只有凯西一个人静静地坐在教室外的椅子上,不争也不抢。她的眼神很聪慧,身上始终有一种安静又从容的气质,仿佛能隔着屏幕抚慰你的忧伤。汤米来到她的身边,手中紧握着一盘磁带送给她,凯西回给他温柔的一吻。 凯西回到宿色,磁带里放出的正好是《kiss me》这首歌。电影的配乐出自大师瑞秋波特曼,音乐的魅力让整个电影的宿命感体现的淋漓尽致。凯西仰着头满脸陶醉地哼唱,阳光洒在她的脸上,这是整个影片最温暖的时刻,露丝在宿舍门口的窥视预示着整个故事的急转直下。她们从露西老师的口中得到一个令人震惊的消息:他们是没有未来的孩子,是克隆人。海尔森的终极目标是将他们培养成器官捐献者,他们必须无私地奉献自己的一切,直到年轻的生命之花凋零。这个答案猝不及防,往所有人的心口上开了一枪。 在18岁之际,他们得以走出海尔森,去了另外的寄宿学校等待捐赠。黯然的命运如影随形,没有希望的人生该怎么活着?我们也想和长大后的他们一起去寻找答案。长大后的三个演员和小时候气质很像,扮演露丝的是文艺女神凯拉·奈特莉。凯瑞·穆丽根为人熟知的角色是《成长教育》里的精灵少女,她本人的气质和凯西这个角色融合的很好。安德鲁·加菲尔德身上始终有种纯真又迷茫的少年感。长大后成为情侣的是汤米和露丝,尽管露丝知道汤米爱的是凯西。在等待死亡的人生里。爱情似乎成了活下去的最大支撑,死和孤独地等死,哪个更让人绝望? 他们想找到自己的受捐者,想知道自己的生命和那些人究竟有什么不同。人生都那么短暂,是不是很多人都觉得活不够。其中有一个细节,当他们外出去看露丝的受捐者时,在咖啡馆他们发现自己不会点餐。他们之前在学校里经过无数次的训练。可当他们面对真实的场景时还是会手足无措。这个细节让人感到无比的绝望和冷漠。凯西后来申请成了看护者,她比别人更早地接受了命运,或许正因为如此她才能胜任看护者的职责,那需要一颗坚强而冷漠的心,年复一年地面对捐献者的死亡,面对自己迟早也要面对的结局。 随着凯西的离开,露丝和汤米也分手了,或许因为早知结局,汤米和凯茜没有尝试着再去寻找彼此,他们都知道太美好的东西最好不去拥有,拦在他们中间的并不是露丝而是那没有未来的未来,于是他们只是安静地把彼此放到心最深处,连思念也一并埋葬。 再一次相遇,露丝和汤米都经历过了几次捐赠。在凯西和汤米终于能够正视彼此的心意之后,他们所渴求的一切就是能多活几年,不是一辈子,不是长生不死,都不是,只要那么几年。他们带着自己画的最好的画找到了当年帮海尔森开过画展的女士。因为有人曾说过,只要能证明两个克隆人真心相爱,就能延缓捐献的时间。 他们觉得画画是他们唯一学过能证明自己灵魂美好的事。灵魂美好的人才能拥有爱情,而不仅仅是个任人予取予求的生命体。他们又从新燃起了希望。可那残忍的答案击碎了他们所有卑微的渴求和残存的希望:开画廊不是为了证明他们的灵魂是否美好,只是为了看看他们是不是有灵魂。而不管有没有灵魂,他们存在的所有意义就是等着被捐献,没有人能打破这个规则。 在汤米绝望的嘶吼之后,在凯西对着一片原野静静流泪之后,一切还是继续进行着。最后,在汤米的第三次手术中,凯西在观察窗外静静的看着她这一生唯一的恋人,汤米在麻药后闭上了眼睛。他的人生就这样走到了终结。 “我告诉自己,如果这一切是真的,而我等的够久,远方的地平线就会出现一个身影,慢慢靠近、清晰,直至我认出那是汤米,他会挥手,或许还会喊我……”凯茜站在黄昏的风里眺望着远方,这是她最后一个想往, 也可能是平生唯一一个想往。 世上所有的生命是否真的有所不同,每个人都有终结之日。也许我们都只关注自己的遭遇,不了解自己的索取对别人意味着什么。电影之外的我们似乎也应该好好想想这个问题。

little girl什么意思

双语对照词典结果:little girl[英][u02c8litl ɡu0259:l][美][u02c8lu026atl ɡu025al]小妞儿;妞妞;小女子; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.But then he saw the little girl inside. 但他看到里面还有一个小女孩。

找一首英文歌,记得男声的一点RAP好像是go go let it go oh 说了两次,是我在亚航飞吉隆坡的飞机上听到的


帮忙翻译这段歌词 never let it go

never let it 绝不让它稍纵即逝 Here we go!深情的前奏~我们开始啦~ I wont let go...我决不放手让它走 Of the days when songs were made of gold 在那些由金子铸成歌曲的日子里 Regret to break the mold 遗憾地打破陈规 When I live and breathe every line in every note.当我们在每条五线谱上的每个音符上生存和呼吸时 Cause those words,gave me strength when I wasn"t strong enough to make it on my own.当我没有强大到仅靠个人力量独自取得成功时,那些话给了我力量 Who would have ever though that six strings would have the means to strike this chord.谁曾料想到吉他(六弦琴)又是激起了内心共鸣 I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...我始终坚信平凡的生活也可使我们冲破难关取得成功 Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.因为从不曾有其他事物让我感到如此真实 Let the music take control!让音乐在我掌控之下 That sound is beautiful 这声音如此美妙 And I"ll never let it go (never let it go) 我绝不让它稍纵即逝(绝不稍纵即逝) No i"ll never let it go 不,我绝不让它稍纵即逝 Cause to this day it means everything to carry on the torch因为这一天意味着进行火炬传递 Ignite a flame inside us all (inside us all)我们将被放在里面一起点燃 Cause these words give me hope when it all seems impossible to face the world alone 当独自面对着世界,有些事好似不可能完成时,这些话给了我希望 And I will always have this feeling as a means to rise above...并且 我将一直保持这份感觉去克服,去超越 I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...我始终坚信平凡的生活也可使我们冲破难关取得成功 Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.因为从不曾有其他事物让我感到如此真实 Let the music take control!让音乐在我掌控之下 That sound is beautiful这声音如此美妙 And I"ll never let it go (never let it go)我绝不让它稍纵即逝(绝不稍纵即逝) No i"ll never let it go 不,我绝不让它稍纵即逝 Let the music take control!让音乐在我掌控之下 That sound is beautiful 这声音如此美妙 And I"ll never let it go (never let it go) 我绝不让它稍纵即逝(绝不稍纵即逝) No i"ll never let it go不,我绝不让它稍纵即逝 Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone 因为当我们都已死去,毕竟音乐还将继续 Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go因为这平凡的音符是我们所了解的,决不可任其稍纵即逝的一切





never let go什么意思


never let go 这首歌歌词的中文翻译

never let go 不要松手 can you lay your life down so a stranger can live 你会为了一个陌生人而献出生命么 can you take what you need, but take less than you give 你能做到付出大于回报么 could you close every day without the glory and fame 你能放弃名利享乐过每天么 could you hold you head high when no one knows your name 当没人知道你名字的时候,你还会趾高气扬么 that"s how legends are made - at least that"s what they say 传奇的人物就是这样产生的--至少他们是这么说的 we say goodbye - but never let go 我们说再见----但别松手 we live we die - cbecause cuz you can"t save every soul 我们会生,我们会死---因为你不可能拯救每个灵魂 gotta take every chance to 抓住没一次机会 show that you"re the kinda of man who will never look back - never look down 向世界宣誓,你不是那种放不开,自信不起来人! and never let go 别松手 can you lose everything you ever had planned 你会放弃那个追寻已久的梦想么 can you sit down again and play another hand 你会再次坐下来,再作一曲么 could you risk everything for the chance of being alone 你会孤注一掷忍受寂寞孤独么 under pressure find the grace - or would you come undone 在郁闷时找找乐子--或者放松放松 that"s how legends are made - at least that"s what they say 传奇的人物就是这样产生的--至少他们是这么说的

Daler Mehndi的《Boom Boom》 歌词

歌曲名:Boom Boom歌手:Daler Mehndi专辑:Ek-Danaohohoh ohohohohohoh ohohohVengaboys are back in townohohoh ohohohohohoh ohohohohohoh ohohohohohoh ohohohIf you alone and you need a friendSomeone to make forget your problemsJust come along, baby take my handI need a lover tonightohohoh ohohohThis is what I wanna doohohoh ohohohLets have some funohohoh ohohohOne on one, just me and youohohoh ohohohBoom Boom Boom Boom!!I want you in my roomLets spend the night togetherFrom now until foreverBoom Boom Boom Boom!!I wanna double roomLet"s spend the night togetherTogether in my roomohohoh ohohohEverybody get on downohohoh ohohohVengaboys are back in townohohoh ohohohThis is what I wanna doohohoh ohohohLets have some funohohoh ohohohone on one, just me and youohohoh ohohohohohoh ohohohohohoh ohohohohohoh ohohohhttp://music.baidu.com/song/16467437

never let go什么意思?

I will never let go中文翻译是:我永不会放手或我永不放弃。never表决不,从不的意思。let go 在这里要结合语境当作短语,翻译为放弃或放开。类似意思的句子有:1.I will never give up2.I will not give up3.I"m not going to let go扩展资料“I will never let go”该句为一般将来时一般将来时的构成:1.肯定句:主语 + shall/will + 动词原形2.否定句:主语 + shall/will + not + 动词原形3.疑问句:Shall/Will + 主语 + 动词原形4.疑问代词/疑问副词 + shall/will + 主语 + 动词原形一般将来时的肯定句:句型:主语 + shall/will + 动词原形在书面语中,如果主语是第一人称,常用“助动词shall + 动词原形”构成一般将来时的肯定句。如:If I have time tomorrow,I think I"ll get a haircut。如果我明天有时光,我想去理个发。在口语中,所有的人称都能够用will,即“主语(所有人称) + will + 动词原形。如:Some day,I"ll tell you。将来某一天我会告诉你的。参考资料来源:百度翻译-I will never let go

never let go是什么意思


never let go什么意思

let go 有让他去吧的意思像let it go ..就是指放弃了.泰坦尼克里面最后jack就跟rose说过类似never let go的话 在人手紧抓着什么东西不愿放手的情况也可以说let go .放手的意思

徐真真唱的一首歌 歌词好像有 baby i never let u go,让我靠在你的左右。是什么歌啊?

偶尔梦见你 (午夜番)

她问marry me,please,my darling 我愿意,该怎么回答?


I will never let go是什么意思·麻烦哪位大侠给翻译下·谢谢了··


想找首歌 只记得有一句开头的歌词是let she go,let she go...

分类: 音乐 问题描述: 以前是在MTV天籁村里听过 好象是某电影的配乐(忘了哪部)电影[亲亲两颗心]里也用到了(小女孩坐在车里穿过伦敦街道时放的) 解析: 首先呢...“let she go”这种串法是不对的,let后面是加 *** .(宾语)加do sth.的,就是“let *** . do sth.” 换句话说,正确的应该是“let her go”才符合语法的....... 扯远了…………中文名称:天生一对 英文名称:The Parent Trap 别名:亲亲俩姐妹 发行时间:1998年 Hollywood Records HR-62173-2 专辑歌手:原声大碟 地区:美国 语言:英语 配乐:Alan Silvestri 专辑曲目: 1.L O V E - Nat King Cole 2.Do You Believe In Magic - The Lovin" Spoonful 3. There She Goes - The La" 4. Top Of The World - Shonen Knife 5. Here Comes The Sun - Bob Khaleel 6. I Love You For Sentimental Reasons - Linda Ronstadt 7. Soulful Strut - Young Holt Unlimited 8. Never Let You Go – Jakaranda 9. Bad To The Bone - Gee Thorogood & The Destroyers 10. The Happy Club - Bob Geldof 11. Suite From The Parent Trap - Alan Silvestri 12. This Will Be (An Everlasting Love) - Natalie Cole 13. Dream Come True - Ta-Gana 14. Groovin" - Pato Banton & The Reggae Revolutation 15. Let"s Get Together - Nobody"s Angel 我没有看过这部电影,所以,详细歌词就不知道了,这是电影原声,只能帮你到这里了 我会下载来看的!!如果找到,一定给你~~~~~~~

女生 哪首歌里面有 I NEVER LET YOU GO 这句

it"not goodbye

一首比较慢的英文歌,歌词里有let you go

In Your Words 是不是这首?

请问一首歌名,女歌手,歌词有never never never let you go,不是贾斯汀比伯的

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