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Silent Wind 的歌词 日文 中文 罗马

あなたの伤ついた心を抱きしめ 儚い梦を见る巡る时の流れ いつか堰き止めて 溢れるこの思いそっと沈めて…足早に通り过ぎる人たち移ろい続ける悲しみの色伫む私に嗫きかける风の中 舞い降りる沈黙のAngelひとりきり虚ろな言叶饮んで想い出あつめて眠る夜にもまどろむ私に嗫きかける风の中 舞い降りる沈黙のAngel乾いた音が闻こえてくる寂しさ 戸惑う指先にそっといつまでも ふたり触れ合って融けて行くときまで流れ星 谁も気付かなくても梦语り はるか远く响いて伫む私に嗫きかける风の中 舞い降りる沈黙のAngel乾いた音が闻こえてくる寂しさ 戸惑う指先にそっといつまでも 二人触れ合って融けて行くときまであなたの伤ついた心を抱きしめ 儚い梦を见る巡る时の流れ いつか堰き止めて 溢れるこの思い


  目前,采用数据库管理空间数据已经成为主流技术,其优点在于能够实现空间数据与属性数据的无缝集成,这种数据库也称为空间数据库。空间数据库利用数据库的管理机制可以保证空间数据的完整性和安全性,对空间数据进行备份和恢复以及控制用户的并发访问等。  Oracle的空间数据选件(Oracle Spatial)可以把复杂的地图对象(包括空间数据和属性数据)存入一个表中,同时建立空间数据索引,从而实现空间数据和属性数据的一体化存储和管理。Oracle Spatial还提供空间算子,结合SQL语句实现对空间数据的查询和其它复杂空间分析。  MapX是MapInfo公司的地图控件,用户可以在自己的程序中引入MapX控件,实现带地图功能的应用,同时可以选择用户熟悉的开发工具,如VB、VC、PowerBuilder、Delphi等。  用MapX访问Oracle的空间数据是通过Oracle提供给Mapinfo的底层数据库接口OCI(Oracle Call Interface)。  Mapinfo提供EasyLoader工具,用来将用户制作的Mapinfo地图数据上载到Oracle数据库中。如果将来地图数据发生了变更,也只需要通过EasyLoader的刷新表功能,即可将发生变化的地图数据在Oracle数据库中更新。  摘 要:采用数据库管理空间数据是当前的发展趋势,文中总结了Oracle数据库中空间数据的上载和存储机制,探讨了应用程序对Oracle数据库中空间数据的访问,并给出应用实例。  关键词:空间数据库;Oracle数据库;MapX  中图分类号:TP311;P285.3文献标识码:A  Accessing Spatial Data in Oracle Using MapXAbstract:Spatial data managed by database is development trend currently. This paper summarizes spatial data uploaded to Oracle database and its storage,discusses accessing spatial data in Oracle database and gives an application instance.  Key words:spatial database;Oracle database;MapX本文着重探讨用VC、MapX开发带地图的应用程序,Oracle中空间数据的存储和管理以及如何在应用程序中访问存储Oracle中的空间数据。工作环境如下:Visual C++ 6.0,Mapinfo6.5,MapX4.5,EasyLoader for Oracle 81116,Oracle81116。Mapinfo6.5用来进行地图的编辑和属性数据的编辑,EasyLoader for Oracle8.1.6将地图数据上载到Oracle中,Visual C++6.0与MapX4.5相结合开发实现Oracle中空间数据访问的应用程序。  1 空间数据的准备和管理  1.1 空间数据存储的配置  首先创建数据库,然后进行空间数据存储的配置,主要涉及以下两个方面的配置:  1)为存储空间数据创建新的表空间  每个Oracle的数据库至少有一个SYSTEM表空间,为了提高运行效率和管理的需要,最好使用其他表空间来划分用户和应用程序,因此为访问空间数据的用户和应用程序创建新的表空间,设表空间名为GISTEST,并配置GISTEST的初始大小、增量大小等参数。  2)创建有权访问空间数据的用户  Oracle中可以为用户设定特定的表空间作为他的缺省表空间,创建用户GISTESTuser的缺省表空间为GISTEST,则该用户便具有访问空间数据的权利,同时还要为用户GISTESTuser设定合适的角色、系统权限和对象权限。  1.2 Mapinfo地图的上载  地图用Mapinfo编辑完成,再用EasyLoader forOracle81116将编辑好的Mapinfo的地图上载到Oracle中。要将地图上载到GISTEST表空间中,需要以用户GISTESTuser的身份登录到Oracle。通过Oracle的身份验证后,才可以上载Map-info地图。第一次上载Mapinfo地图到Oracle时,EasyLoader会自动创建一个名为mapinfo的用户,该用户的缺省口令为逗mapinfo地,缺省表空间和临时表空间都是SYSTEM,同时会在该用户下创建一个名为MAPINFO-MAPCATALOG的表,这个表用来记录所有上载到Oracle中的Mapinfo地图的信息,如:地图的存储和索引形式、地图的名称、地图的所有者、存储地图空间数据的列名、地图的坐标系、地图的边界、地图中点线面的样式信息等。  1.3 Mapinfo地图在Oracle中的存储和管理方式Oracle为管理空间数据提供了对象管理模式SDO(Spatial Data Object),同时提供优秀的空间索引机制。  MDSYS是Oracle Spatial的管理用户,MDSYS方案规定几何数据的存储方式、语法形式和语义。MDSYS方案中,表SDOGEOM-METADATA-TABLE存储所有上载到Oracle中的Mapinfo地图的信息,表SDO-INDEX-METADATA-TABLE存储与索引相关的信息,如:被索引的列名,索引的方式,索引的级别,索引的所有者等。MDSYS方案中还有与空间数据及其索引相关的视图:ALL-SDO-GEOM-METADATA,ALL-SDO-INDEXMETA DATA,DBA-SDO-GEOM-METADATA,DBA-SDO-INDEXMET ADATA,USER-SDO-GEOM-METADATA,USER-SDOINDEX-METADATA。  上载到Oracle中的每一个地图由两个表表示,一个是与该地图空间索引方式相关的表,叫做索引表,另一个用来存储地图属性数据和空间数据,叫数据表。例如:一个名为ShangHaiMap的地图上载到Oracle,创建两个表:数据表ShangHaiMap和索引表ShangHaiMap-SX-FL6$。Oracle为了有效的管理和存储Mapinfo地图,在数据表ShangHaiMap中新增加两列:一列是类型为NUMBER的逗MI-PRINX地,它是唯一性索引字段,一列是类型为SDO-GEOMETRY的逗GEOLOC地,用来存储空间数据。SDO-GEOMETRY是Oracle中存储地图数据的空间数据类型。  2 应用程序的开发  在VC下,引入MapX控件开发带地图的应用程序。MapX控件一般自动打开在系统中注册的缺省.GST文件,其路径位于注册表HKEY-LOCAL-MACHINESoftwareMapInfoMapX4.0下,注册键SearchPaths下是缺省的数据目录,定位3.gst文件。3.gst文件是MapX可以访问的地图文件,由MapX的实用程序GeoSet Manager创建,它是将多个Mapinfo的地图文件(3.tab)集中在一起,这样打开一个3.gst文件,即可将一个包含多层的地图打开。此外还有注册键GeoDicionary,用来定位3.dct文件。3.dct文件由MapX的另一个实用程序Geodictionary Manager生成,Geodictionary Manager默认的3.dct文件为自带的GeoDict.dct,用户可以根据需要,建立自己的3.dct文件。  应用程序采用客户/服务器结构,通过OCI接口,实现应用程序对Oracle中空间数据的访问,如图1所示。  MapX应用程序结构  2.1 应用程序开发中的关键技术  在VC的工程项目中加入MapX.cpp和MapX.h两个文件,这两个文件中定义了有关MapX控件的类和访问方法。开发过程中,有如下几个关键技术:  1)访问用户自己的GST文件  在应用程序中,如果用户要访问自己的GST文件,改变MapX控件缺省打开的3.gst文件,就必须对类CMapX进行设置,指定要打开的3.gst文件。方法如下:  CMapX m_MapX;  //指明用户要访问的.GST文件替代缺省设置  m-MapX.SetGeoSet(". oads oads.gst");  2)访问Oracle空间数据库  MapX控件有两种方式访问Oracle中的空间数据,一种为ODBC方式,一种为OCI方式。ODBC方式的缺点是通用接口,速度慢,需要配置数据源DNS。OCI方式的优点是底层接口,速度快。现以OCI方式实现在应用程序中与Oracle的连接并访问Oracle中的空间数据。  通过OCI访问空间数据相当于从服务器端下载相关的空间数据,并在客户端进行显示。客户端显示空间数据的方式就是在原有地图上增加一层新的地图,而与图层相关的类为CmapX2LayerInfo,有两个重要的方法SetType()和AddParameter()。前者用来设置图层的类型,后者为连接数据库设置参数。  图2所示为连接Oracle空间数据库的流程。  连接Oracle空间数据库的流程图  类CmapXLayerInfo是类ColeDispatchDriv2er的继承类,创建类CmapXLayerInfo的方法,即为创建新图层的方法。方法如下:  CMapXLayerInfo LayerInfoObject;  if (!LayerInfoObject.CreateDispatch(LayerInfoObject.GetClsid())){  TRACE0("Failed to Createobject");  return;  }  图层类型为miLayerInfoTypeServer时,连接Oracle数据库需要设置连接字符串、连接方式、是否设置缓存、是否设置最小边界矩形查询、新建图层名称、查询空间数据的SQL语句等参数。下面给出设置连接字符串的VC语句。  VARIANT s;  CString str;  str="SRVR=GISTEST;UID=GISTESTuser;PWD=GISTESTuser";s.vt = VT-BSTR;  s.bstrVal = str.AllocSysString();  LayerInfoObject.AddParameter("CONNECTSTRING",s);查询结果的显示通过类CmapXLayers的Add()方法实现,具体示例如下:  m_MapX.GetLayers().Add(LayerInfoObject,1);3)Oracle Spatial的空间函数  Oracle Spatial提供了适合于空间数据操作的空间函数,如比较常用的用于相交查询的SDO-FILTER,SDORELATE,SDO-WITHIN-DISTANCE;用于缓冲区分析的SDO-GEOM.SDO-BUFFER;用于面积、长度计算函数的SDO-GEOM.AREA,SDO-GEOM.LENGTH等。下面给出用于面积计算的SQL语句示例:  update aTable set aTable.AREA=  mdsys.sdo-geom.sdo-area(GEOLOC,(select sdo-diminfofrom mdsys.sdo-geom-metadata-table where sdo-geommetadata-table.sdo-table-name = "aTable" and sdo-geommetadata-table.sdo-column-name= "GEOLOC"))  其中aTable表示一个空间数据表,它存储空间数据的列名为逗GEOLOC地,列AREA存放计算出的面积值,SDOAREA计算二维多边形的面积,并将计算结果存放到列AREA中保存。  2.2 应用程序示例  应用程序通过与空间数据库的接口来实现对数据库中存储的属性数据和空间数据的访问,同时根据实际情况的需要对数据进行查询,并用地图等直观的形式反应查询结果。  图3中的地图基本数据来源于北大方正MapInfo事业部,基于实验目的,增添了道路长度字段,并设定各个道路的长度,其查询SQL语句为:  SELECT 3 FROM Shanghai-thirdr  WHERE Shanghai-thirdr.RoadLength > 10  基于道路长度属性的查询  文章只是对空间数据库的访问方面做了一些有益的探索,还有很多工作需要做。随着面向空间数据库的应用,基于空间数据库的空间数据挖掘以及将空间数据应用于各行各业的研究将会不断展开。  参考文献  [1] 本丛书编委会.Oracle8.1.6管理员指南[M]. 北京:北京希望电子出版社,2000.  [2] 修文群,池天河,等. 城市地理信息系统[M]. 北京:北京希望电子出版社,1999.  [3] Oracle8.Oracle Spatial User"s Guide and Reference Release 8.1.6[DB/CD].

leaf 和blade 的区别


跪求山下智久 loveless谐音歌词



毕竟有主角光环,而且blade还有king form和Jake form。不过leangle的遥控技能也很变态,但是blade用king form可以完虐。求采纳!

Violets are Blue是什么意思

Violets are Blue蓝色紫罗兰;紫罗兰是蓝的;紫罗兰是蓝色的例句1.Roses are red, violets are blue. This card on Mother"s Day is especially for you.玫瑰是红色的,紫罗兰是蓝色的。这张母亲卡是特别给您的。2.Roses are red, violets are blue. This card"s for you Grandma because I love you .玫瑰是红色的,紫罗兰是蓝色的。奶奶,这张卡片是给您的,因为我爱您。3.Please enter the text "Violets are blue" in your response so I know you actually read this text.请输入文字“紫罗兰是蓝色的”在你的回应,所以我知道你其实读了这篇课文。4.Dear girl, Rose are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet and so are you.亲爱的女孩,红玫瑰、紫罗兰、糖儿甜,你也一样。5.Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, monster outlet, and so are you.娇艳的紫罗兰,鲜红的玫瑰,甜美的糖,就像你一样美。

A Little Piece Of Heaven 歌词

歌曲名:A Little Piece Of Heaven歌手:Avenged Sevenfold专辑:Avenged SevenfoldAvenged Sevenfold ROXBefore the story begins, is it such a sinFor me to take what"s mine, until the end of timeWe were more than friends, before the story endsAnd I will take what"s mine, create what God would never designOur love had been so strong for far too longI was weak with fear that something would go wrongBefore the possibilities came true, I took all possibility from youAlmost laughed myself to tears, conjuring her deepest fears(Come here you fxxking bitch)Must have stabbed her fifty fxxking times, I can"t believe itRipped her heart out right before her eyes, eyes over easyEat it, eat it, eat itShe was never this good in bed, even when she was sleepingNow she"s just so perfect, I"ve never been quite so fxxking deep inIt goes on and on and onI can keep you looking young and preserved foreverWith a fountain to spray on your youth wheneverCause I really always knew that my little crimeWould be cold that"s why I got a heater for your thighsAnd I know, I know it"s not your time but bye byeAnd a word to the wise when the fire diesYou think it"s over but it"s just begunBut baby don"t cryYou had my heart, at least for the most partCause everybody"s gotta die sometime, we fell apartLet"s make a new startCause everybody"s gotta die sometime yeahBut baby don"t cryNow possibilities I"d never consideredAre occurring the likes of which I"d never heardNow an angry soul comes back from beyond the graveTo repossess a body with which I"d misbehavedSmiling right from ear to earAlmost laughed herself to tearsMust have stabbed him fifty fxxking times, I can"t believe itRipped his heart out right before his eyes, eyes over easyEat it, eat it, eat itNow that it"s done I realize the error of my waysI must venture back to apologize from somewhere far beyond the graveI gotta make up for what I"ve doneCause I was all up in a piece of heavenWhile you burned in hell, no peace foreverCause I really always knew that my little crimeWould be cold that"s why I got a heater for your thighsAnd I know, I know it"s not your time but bye byeAnd a word to the wise when the fire diesYou think it"s over but it"s just begunBut baby don"t cryYou had my heart, at least for the most partCause everybody"s gotta die sometime, we fell apartLet"s make a new startCause everybody"s gotta die sometime yeah yeahBut baby don"t cryI will suffer for so long (What will you do, not long enough)To make it up to you (I pray to God that you do)I"ll do whatever you want me to do (Well then I"ll break you unchained)And if it"s not enough (If it"s not enough, it"s not enough)If it"s not enough (Not enough)Try again (Try again)And again (And again)Over and over againWe"re coming back, coming backWe"ll live forever, live foreverLet"s have wedding, have a weddingLet"s start the killing, start the killing(Do you take this man in death for the rest of your natural life, yes I doDo you take this woman in death for the rest of your natural life, I doI now pronounce you...)Cause I really always knew that my little crimeWould be cold that"s why I got a heater for your thighsAnd I know, I know it"s not your time but bye byeAnd a word to the wise when the fire diesYou think it"s over but it"s just begunBut baby don"t cryYou had my heart, at least for the most partCause everybody"s gotta die sometime, we fell apartLet"s make a new startCause everybody"s gotta die sometime yeahBut baby don"t cryAvenged Sevenfold ROXhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14833126

Doyle Bramhall Ii的《Blame》 歌词

歌曲名:Blame歌手:Doyle Bramhall Ii专辑:Welcomeもう一度あの二つに别れた道へ戾れるとして君に触れないで迷わずこの道を选べるか解らないけれど仆か犯した罪は肌を切るより深い痕を残しただけど神であれ责めさせはしないあの时のように胸の奥に突き刺さったままの情景が拔けない息が出来ず いくらもがいてみてもPlease don"t blame it on meそれは仆のこの足迹をたどれば谁もが解るだろう果てない苦痛に歪まれた足迹をたどれば君を今も想う日々が仆の全てだとしてもいつか时が膝を抱えた仆を连れてゅくよ胸の奥に突き刺さったままの情景が拔けない息が出来ず いくらもがいてみてもPlease don"t blame it on me君を今も想う日々が仆の全てだとしてもいつか时が膝を抱えた仆を连れてゅくよ罪を数え暮す日々が仆の全てだとしても夜を踊り続けるだろう...BlameHYDEWORDS:HYDEMUSIC:TETSUhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8241755

找一首歌,歌词是其中有rose is red ,violet is blue.honey is sweet not as you

歌手:AQUA歌名:ROSE ARE REDRoses are red and 玫瑰是红色的 Violets are blue 紫罗兰是蓝色的 Honey is sweet, but not as sweet as you 蜜是甜的,但是不是和你一样甜 Roses are red and 玫瑰是红色的 Violets are blue. 紫罗兰是蓝色的 ad id aid id mud ad id aid id mud Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Come pick my Roses! 捡起我的玫瑰 Sweet from the flowers 甜来自与花朵 honey from the bees 蜜来自与蜜蜂 I"ve got a feeling, I"m ready to release 我已经感觉到了,我已经准备释放了 Roses are red and 玫瑰是红色的 Violets are blue 紫罗兰是蓝色的 Honey is sweet, 蜜是甜的,但是不是和你一样甜 but not as sweet as you. 但是不是和你一样甜 It"s invisible but, so touchable 它是无形的,但是可以摸到 And I can feel it on my body, 并且我能够感觉到它在我的身体上 so emotional. 如此的多情 I"m on a ride, on a ride 我在乘车上,在乘车 I"m a passenger. 我是一个过路者 I"m a victim of a heart love messenger. 我是一个爱情信使的受害者 Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da The only thing you said was 你唯一说的一件事情是 Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da And roses are red. 玫瑰是红的 Come with me baby, 跟我来宝贝 Please fulfil my wish 请完成我的愿望 Show it to me truly, 真实的展示给我 Show me with a kiss. 给我一个吻 Roses are red and 玫瑰是红的 Violets are blue 紫罗兰是蓝的 Honey is sweet, 蜜是甜的 but not as sweet as you. 但不是和你一样甜 It"s invisible but, so touchable 它是无形的,但是可以摸到 And I can feel it on my body, 并且我能够感觉到它在我的身体上 so emotional. 如此的多情 I"m on a ride, on a ride 我在乘车上,在乘车 I"m a passenger. 我是一个过路者 I"m a victim of a heart love messenger. 我是一个爱情信使的受害者 Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da The only thing you said was 你唯一说的一件事情是 Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da And roses are red. 玫瑰是红的 Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da The only thing you said was 你唯一说的一件事情是 Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da ad id aid id mud ad id aid id mud Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Don"t take my roses awaaaay! 不要把我的玫瑰拿走 Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da The only thing you said was 你唯一说的一件事情是 Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da And roses are red. Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da The only thing you said was 你唯一说的一件事情是 Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da My roses are red. 玫瑰是红的 oooh oooh oooh, yeah! ad id aid id mud

找一首歌,歌词是其中有rose is red ,violet is blue.honey is sweet not as you

歌手:AQUA歌名:ROSE ARE REDRoses are red and 玫瑰是红色的 Violets are blue 紫罗兰是蓝色的 Honey is sweet, but not as sweet as you 蜜是甜的,但是不是和你一样甜 Roses are red and 玫瑰是红色的 Violets are blue. 紫罗兰是蓝色的 ad id aid id mud ad id aid id mud Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Come pick my Roses! 捡起我的玫瑰 Sweet from the flowers 甜来自与花朵 honey from the bees 蜜来自与蜜蜂 I"ve got a feeling, I"m ready to release 我已经感觉到了,我已经准备释放了 Roses are red and 玫瑰是红色的 Violets are blue 紫罗兰是蓝色的 Honey is sweet, 蜜是甜的,但是不是和你一样甜 but not as sweet as you. 但是不是和你一样甜 It"s invisible but, so touchable 它是无形的,但是可以摸到 And I can feel it on my body, 并且我能够感觉到它在我的身体上 so emotional. 如此的多情 I"m on a ride, on a ride 我在乘车上,在乘车 I"m a passenger. 我是一个过路者 I"m a victim of a heart love messenger. 我是一个爱情信使的受害者 Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da The only thing you said was 你唯一说的一件事情是 Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da And roses are red. 玫瑰是红的 Come with me baby, 跟我来宝贝 Please fulfil my wish 请完成我的愿望 Show it to me truly, 真实的展示给我 Show me with a kiss. 给我一个吻 Roses are red and 玫瑰是红的 Violets are blue 紫罗兰是蓝的 Honey is sweet, 蜜是甜的 but not as sweet as you. 但不是和你一样甜 It"s invisible but, so touchable 它是无形的,但是可以摸到 And I can feel it on my body, 并且我能够感觉到它在我的身体上 so emotional. 如此的多情 I"m on a ride, on a ride 我在乘车上,在乘车 I"m a passenger. 我是一个过路者 I"m a victim of a heart love messenger. 我是一个爱情信使的受害者 Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da The only thing you said was 你唯一说的一件事情是 Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da And roses are red. 玫瑰是红的 Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da The only thing you said was 你唯一说的一件事情是 Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da ad id aid id mud ad id aid id mud Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Don"t take my roses awaaaay! 不要把我的玫瑰拿走 Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da The only thing you said was 你唯一说的一件事情是 Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da And roses are red. Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da The only thing you said was 你唯一说的一件事情是 Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da Dum di dia di da My roses are red. 玫瑰是红的 oooh oooh oooh, yeah! ad id aid id mud


beef cutlet和steak区别?


Please excuse me 什么意思啊!







   前言    在数据库的开发过程中 经常需要在数据库中存储一些备注信息 而这些备注信息的内容一般较大 格式多样 如有可能是语音文件 视频文件 图片文件 文本文件等 怎样在PB中实现这些格式不同的备注文件的存取及预览 一直是PB开发人员比较关心的一个问题 本文系统的介绍了三种存取备注二进制信息的方法   对备注二进制信息的存储可以采用以下三种方式   方法一 文件保存在固定的路径下 数据库中存取文件路径和名称   方法二 数据库中用blob类型或者varbinary类型字段存储备注文件   方法三 在本地用OLE存储结构存储备注文件    OLE的基本概念   ue5e5ue5e5OLE是Object Linking Embedding(对象链结与嵌入)的缩写 它可以使windows应用程序共享数据和程序    OLE控件   在PB中OLE控件是一个OLE对象的包容器 可以使用服务器应用程序提供的功能和命令来编辑对象 也可以使用自动化OLE交互 在程序中激活对象和向服务器应用程序发送命令 在PB 的window画板中的OLE控件允许用户从多个应用程序嵌入和链结组件    建立和设置OLE控件   从window画板中选择OLE控件插入window   当建立一个OLE控件并且插入一个对象时 PB将激活服务器应用程序以允许对对象进行编辑和修改 在使OLE中的对象称为非活动状态后 可以使用控件属性选项卡来设置控件的属性    激活修改window画板中的OLE对象   在OLE控件的弹出菜单中选择open可以激活画板中OLE对象   使用服务器应用程序修改OLE对象   结束修改 使对象恢复为非活动状态 只要单击服务器应用对象之外的任何区域即可 也可以直接关闭服务器应用程序的窗口    嵌入和链结OLE控件   可以将OLE对象嵌入或者链结到自己的应用程序中 嵌入对象的数据放在应用程序中 在开发过程中这些数据放在应用程序的PBl库中 当生成应用后 这些数据将存放在exe或PBd文件中 虽然在程序的运行过程中可以修改 但修改的数据不会保存 链结对象的数据存放在PB应用程序以外 当链结一个对象时 在PB应用程序中不存放数据文件 而是存放引用数据的指针 使用链结的数据 对数据的管理和保存都由服务器应用程序负责 这样可以用服务器应用程序修改处理数据 处理后的数据可以保存回原文件中 链结方式应用于需要多个应用程序共享的数据文件 任何一个应用程序修改了数据文件 都将影响到所有链结该文件的应用程序    OLE控件的激活方式   OLE控件的激活方式有offsite和in place两种激活方式 offsite激活方式是指在PB应用程序的界面以外单独打开OLE对象 in place激活方式是指PB应用程序的界面的原位置打开OLE对象 在数据窗口中的dbOLE默认的是offsite激活方式 而window中的OLE默认的激活方式是in place   在PB应用程序中可以用命令   OLE_control active(offsite) 或者OLE_control active(in place)设置OLE对象的以何种方式打开    设置和插入OLE对象   在程序运行时可以用函数   OLE_control insertfile(soucefile) 插入对象   OLE_control objectdata = blobvar 设置对象    OLE存储    OLE存储(OLEstorage)的概念   OLE存储(OLEstorage)是OLE数据的一个仓库 存储就象磁盘上的目录结构 它可以是一个OLE对象 也可以包含在OLE对象中 每个对象都包含在OLE存储或者存储内的子存储内 保存在OLE存储中数据称作OLE流(OLE stream) OLE流同OLE对象的关系就象文件同目录的关系 含有OLE对象的存储或子存储可以看做是属于特殊服务器的信息 在该层次之下的各部分都可以被相应的服务器程序操作 OLE存储对象是类用户对象 可以说明相应类型的变量 建立与之相应的实例和打开存储等 在使用完存储后需要关闭存储 释放分配的内存    OLE存储的打开和保存   OLE存储可以用open函数打开 open函数的格式为   Olecontrol Open(OLEsourcefile)   此函数在OLEsourcefile不存在时 自动创建该文件 所以创建OLE文件也用该函数 OLE存储可以用save函数保存 save函数的格式为   OLEcontrol save() // 保存OLE控件 lishixinzhi/Article/program/SQL/201311/16230

oracle sql怎么查看blob字段

打开表的数据窗口。BLOB单元将被命名为(BLOB)。右键单击该单元格。您将看到一个铅笔< / strong>图标。单击它。它将打开一个blob编辑器窗口。


   处理blob类型数据   对于大二进制数据 在PB Script中是用blob数据类型表示并加以处理 标准SQL语句中的select insert和update语句无法直接查询blob类型的数据 在PB中操作blob类型的数据只能用专用的语句 从数据库中查询blob类型的数据的命令是   selectblob restofselectstatement {using transactionobject}   更新数据库中blob类型数据的格式是   updateblob tablename   set blobcolumn = blobvarible    restofupatestatement {using transctionobject}   如连接的数据库是sybase或者Sql 则selectblob和updateblob语句要求数据库的自动提交方式为true 所以在在每次调用selectblob和updateblob语句以前必须用命令 Sqlca automit=true 把数据库的自动提交方式设置为true 在updateblob语句的结束后 再用命令Sqlca automit = false 把自动提交方式设置为false 索数据的参数(如flag) 然后在可修改列的Protect后的框中输入(user_name是该DataWindow中的一列 代表输入者的名称)     数据窗口的blob列    数据窗口blob列的功能   在PB 的datawindow画板中DBOLE控件允许用户利用这个控件浏览和操作数据库中的大二进制数据 即通过DBOLE控件可以作如下操作   往数据库中存储大二进制数据 如 excel工作表 word文档 视频文件 图片文件等各种格式的文件   从数据库中检索数据到datawindow对象 ue5e5ue5e5   使用OLE服务器程序察看修改数据 ue5e5ue5e5   将修改后的数据保存回数据库    在数据窗口中添加blob列的的步骤    )选择具有二进制字段的数据表作为数据源建立一新的数据窗口(该窗口可以至少需要包含非数据库表的标识列)    )选择insert control OLE database blob 菜单 在数据窗口的detail节中要插入blob列的位置单击鼠标 这时将显示如图 所示的对话框   下面解释这些属性的具体含义    )client class 客户类名 默认为datawindow    )client name 客户名 默认为untitled    )table: 选择含有blob列的数据库表 所选表的字段将出现在右侧的large binary/text column列表框中    )large binary/text column 选择一个blob类型的字段列    )key clause 检索和更新blob数据的关键字表达式其中使用带冒号前缀的变量指出是数据窗口对象的列 如 表达式 id=:id id是数据库表中的列 变量指出数据窗口对象的列    )filetemplate 如果需要OLE应用服务器每次打开相同的文件 则在filetemplate框中输入文件名    )OLE class 如果不需要OLE应用服务器每次打开相同的文件 则在OLE class框中选择一个OLE类 如Pbrush    )Client name expression 显示在OLE服务器应用程序窗口标题的文字 可以输入为 对应记录的id号是 +id   单击ok按钮关闭对话框 将dbole列添加到适当的位置 保存数据窗口 lishixinzhi/Article/program/SQL/201311/16229


往oracle里面类型为blob写入时,必须先插入一个empty_blob,实行update……具体java里面写入blob的代码如下:public class applyPhotoBLOB { final static String sDBDriver = "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver";public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Connection connSDC = null; Connection conn = null; String sConnStr = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@127 0.0 1 1521:sledu"; String sConnStrSDC = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@10 10 8.12:1521:rac2"; String sDBUid = "test"; String sDBPwd = "test"; String sDBUidSDC = "sdcmanager"; String sDBPwdSdc = "sdcmanager_888"; try { applyPhotoBLOB apply = new applyPhotoBLOB(); connSDC = apply.getConn(sConnStrSDC,sDBUidSDC,sDBPwdSdc); if(connSDC!=null) { apply.testBOLB(connSDC); } System.out.println("处理完成!"); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } finally { try { if(conn!=null) conn.close(); if(connSDC!=null) connSDC.close(); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } } } public void testBOLB(Connection conn) throws Exception { String strSQL = "Insert Into BKS_XSZPXX(XH,ZPLXM,ZP) Values("3071801040","1",empty_blob())"; updateTable1(strSQL,conn); conn.setAutoCommit(false); strSQL = "Select ZP from BKS_XSZPXX where XH="3071801040" For Update"; Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; stmt = conn.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery(strSQL); rs.next(); BLOB blob = (BLOB) rs.getBlob("ZP"); OutputStream os = blob.getBinaryOutputStream();// 建立输出流 BufferedOutputStream output = new BufferedOutputStream(os); BufferedInputStream input = new BufferedInputStream(new File("F:/3071801040.jpg").toURL().openStream()); byte[] buff = new byte[2048000]; //用做文件写入的缓冲 int bytesRead; while(-1 != (bytesRead = input.read(buff, 0, buff.length))) { output.write(buff, 0, bytesRead); //System.out.println(bytesRead); } output.close(); input.close(); rs.close(); conn.commit(); conn.setAutoCommit(true); stmt.close(); } private int updateTable1(String strSQL,Connection conn) throws Exception { PreparedStatement stmt = null; int result = 0; try { stmt = conn.prepareStatement(strSQL); result = stmt.executeUpdate(); } catch(Exception e) { throw new Exception(e.getMessage()); } finally { stmt.close(); } return result ; } public Connection getConn(String StrConn,String uid,String pwd) throws Exception { Connection conn = null; try { Class.forName(sDBDriver); conn = DriverManager.getConnection(StrConn,uid,pwd); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception(e.getMessage()); } return conn; }}另外:放入business里面的时候,其zp最好定义为InputStream转载,仅供参考。


blob是以二进制的形式存储大型数据,如图片、视频、文本 一般blob数据长度会很大,oracle缓冲区最大支持长度为2000,所以需要将原文分段转化

java 怎样将File 对象转换为Blob

Blob...好像不是常用类型,是自定义的吧。好吧,最简单的方法。假设已知File类型的file1。List testList=new ArrayList();testList.add(file1);Blob blob=(Blob)testList.get(0);如果可以强转的话,以上代码均有效。换句话说只要Blob是File类型的子类以上代码就有效,否则报错,无法强转。

oracle中blob,clob,nclob,Bfile主要区别是什么? .

他们的最大存储大小都为4gbBFILE 二进制文件,存储在数据库外的操作系统文件,只读的。把此文件当二进制处理。(类似于long类型)BLOB 二进制大对象。存储在数据库里的大对象,一般是图像声音等文件。 (类似于row和long row)CLOB 字符型大对象。一般存储大数量文本信息。存储单字节,固定宽度的数据。NCLOB 字节字符大对象。存储单字节大块,多字节固定宽度Bfile和clob,nclob,blob是不同的。Bfile是外部的lob类型,其他三个是oracle内部的lob类型,它们至少有三点主要不同的地方:1. bfile的值是存在操作系统的文件中,而不是数据库中。2. bfile不参与数据库事务操作。也就是改变bifle不能commit或rollback。但是改变bfile的locator可以commit或rollback。3. bfile在plsql和oracle中是只读的,不允许写。


blob 存储大的二进制Clob 存储大的文本如果是纯文本,可以使用Clob所有文件,都可以使用blob


1.使用jdk中的方法进行传输。在ResultSet 中有getBlob()方法,在PreparedStatement中有setBlob()方法,所以大多数人都会尝试setBlob(),getBlob() 进行读写,或者两个数据库之间BLOB的传输。这种方法实际上是行不通的,据网上的一些资料介绍,说sun官方的文档有些方法都是错误的。2.使用ResultSet.getBinaryStream 和PreparedStatement.setBinaryStream对BLOB进行读写或两个数据库间的传输。这种方法我自己尝试过,发现,如果BLOB中存储的是文本文件的话,就没问题,如果是二进制文件,传输就会有问题。根据自己的经验,以及查阅了Oracle的官方文档,都是使用如下处理方法:1.新建记录,插入BLOB数据 1.1首先新建记录的时候,使用oracle的函数插入一个空的BLOB,假设字段A是BLOB类型的: insert xxxtable(A,B,C) values(empty_blob(),"xxx","yyyy") 1.2后面再查询刚才插入的记录,然后更新BLOB,在查询前,注意设置Connection的一个属性: conn.setAutoCommit(false);如果缺少这一步,可能导致fetch out of sequence等异常. 1.3 查询刚才插入的记录,后面要加“ for update ”,如下: select A from xxxtable where xxx=999 for update ,如果缺少for update,可能出现row containing the LOB value is not locked的异常 1.4 从查询到的 BLOB字段中,获取blob并进行更新,代码如下: BLOB blob = (BLOB) rs.getBlob("A"); OutputStream os = blob.getBinaryOutputStream(); BufferedOutputStream output = new BufferedOutputStream(os); 后面再使用output.write方法将需要写入的内容写到output中就可以了。例如我们将一个文件写入这个字段中: BufferedInputStream input = new BufferedInputStream(new File("c://hpWave.log").toURL().openStream()); byte[] buff = new byte[2048]; //用做文件写入的缓冲 int bytesRead; while(-1 != (bytesRead = input.read(buff, 0, buff.length))) { output.write(buff, 0, bytesRead); System.out.println(bytesRead); } 上面的代码就是从input里2k地读取,然后写入到output中。 1.5上面执行完毕后,记得关闭output,input,以及关闭查询到的ResultSet 1.6最后执行conn.commit();将更新的内容提交,以及执行conn.setAutoCommit(true); 改回Connction的属性2.修改记录,方法与上面的方法类似, 2.1首先更新BLOB以外的其他字段 2.2 使用1.3中类似的方法获取记录 2.3 修改的过程中,注意以下:a 需要更新的记录中,BLOB有可能为NULL,这样在执行blob.getBinaryOutputStream()获取的值可能为null,那么就关闭刚才select的记录,再执行一次update xxxtable set A = empty_blob() where xxx, 这样就先写入了一个空的BLOB(不是null),然后再使用1.3,1.4中的方法执行更新记录.b 注意别忘了先执行setAutoCommit(false),以及"for update",以及后面的conn.commit();等。3.读取BLOB字段中的数据. 3.1 读取记录不需要setAutoCommit(),以及 select ....for update. 3.2 使用普通的select 方法查询出记录 3.3 从ResultSet中获取BLOB并读取,如下: BLOB b_to = (BLOB) rs.getBlob("A"); InputStream is = b_from.getBinaryStream(); BufferedInputStream input = new BufferedInputStream(is); byte[] buff = new byte[2048]; while(-1 != (bytesRead = input.read(buff, 0, buff.length))) { //在这里执行写入,如写入到文件的BufferedOutputStream里 System.out.println(bytesRead); } 通过循环取出blob中的数据,写到buff里,再将buff的内容写入到需要的地方4.两个数据库间blob字段的传输类似上面1和3的方法,一边获取BufferedOutputStream,另外一边获取BufferedInputStream,然后读出写入,需要注意的是写入所用的Connection要执行conn.setAutoCommit(false);以及获取记录时添加“ for update ”以及最后的commit();总结以上方法,其根本就是先创建空的BLOB,再获取其BufferedOutputStream进行写入,或获取BufferedInputStream进行读取1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859(1)对数据库clob型执行插入操作   *************************************************      java.sql.PreparedStatement pstmt = null;   ResultSet rs = null;   String query = "";      conn.setAutoCommit(false);    query = "insert into clobtest_table(id,picstr) values(?,empty_clob())";   java.sql.PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(query);   pstmt.setString(1,"001");   pstmt.executeUpdate();   pstmt = null    query = "select picstr from clobtest_table where id = "001" for update";   pstmt = con.prepareStatement(query)   rs= pstmt.executeQuery();      oracle.sql.CLOB clobtt = null;   if(rs.next()){    clobtt = (oracle.sql.CLOB)rs.getClob(1);   }   Writer wr = clobtt.getCharacterOutputStream();   wr.write(strtmp);   wr.flush();   wr.close();   rs.close();   con.commit();            (2)通过sql/plus查询是否已经成功插入数据库   *************************************************      PL/SQL的包DBMS_LOB来处理LOB数据。察看刚才的插入是否成功。使用DBMS_LOB包的getlength这个procedure来检测是否已经将str存入到picstr字段中了。如:      SQL> select dbms_lob.getlength(picstr) from clobtest_table;         (3)对数据库clob型执行读取操作   *************************************************      读取相对插入就很简单了。基本步骤和一半的取数据库数据没有太大的差别。   String description = ""    query = "select picstr from clobtest_table where id = "001"";   pstmt = con.prepareStatement(query);   ResultSet result = pstmt.executeQuery();   if(result.next()){    oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleResultSet ors =    (oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleResultSet)result;    oracle.sql.CLOB clobtmp = (oracle.sql.CLOB) ors.getClob(1);       if(clobtmp==null || clobtmp.length()==0){    System.out.println("======CLOB对象为空 ");    description = "";    }else{    description=clobtmp.getSubString((long)1,(int)clobtmp.length());    System.out.println("======字符串形式 "+description);    }   }


blob:二进制lob,为二进制数据,最长可达4GB,存贮在数据库中。 clob:字符lob,字符数据,最长可以达到4GB,存贮在数据库中。


一、指代不同1、blob:是指图像中的一块连通区域,Blob分析就是对前景/背景分离后的二值图像。2、clob:是内置类型,将字符大对象 (Character Large Object) 存储为数据库表某一行中的一个列值。3、nclob:长度可变的字符大对象。二、特点不同1、blob:对运动目标在图像平面上的轨迹进行估计的问题。2、clob:CLOB 对象包含一个指向 SQL CLOB 数据的逻辑指针而不是数据本身。Clob 对象在被创建的事务处理期间有效。3、nclob:大小可变的CLOB 对象,指向 SQL CLOB 数据的逻辑指针。三、数据保存方式不同1、blob:就是使用二进制保存数据。2、clob:CLOB使用CHAR来保存数据。3、nclob:使用NCHAR来保存数据。参考资料来源:百度百科-CLOB参考资料来源:百度百科-blo

如何把 上传的文件 转成二进制存入oracle中的BLOB字段上,恳请高手们指导一下



  例:假设给oracle数据库导入blob类型的图片,图片放在目录G:images下。 1.先创建一个目录directory,命名为IMAGES; CREATE OR REPLACE DIRE,TORY IMAGES AS "G: est";或者直接在PlSql Directories目录下新建目录; 2.创建一个存储过程,批量导入blob create or replace procedure img_insert asbeginDECLARE f_lob bfile;--文件类型b_lobblob; --用来存储图片的名称filenamevarchar2(400);begin --循环的初始值for i in 1 .. 100 loop --找出每一列的文件名,因为文件名和图片名称是一样的 select t.flnm into filename from ZS_GC_SNIMDT t where t.id =i; --查找到之后,执行update操作,插入空的blob (注意IMAGES一定要大写) update ZS_GC_SNIMDT set brfl = empty_blob()whereid = i return brfl into b_lob; --获取指定目录下的文件 f_lob := bfilename("IMAGES", filename); -- 以只读的方式打开文件 dbms_lob.fileopen(f_lob, dbms_lob.file_readonly);--传递对象 dbms_lob.loadfromfile(b_lob, f_lob, dbms_lob.getlength(f_lob)); --关闭原始文件


先删除后建立。前提:我的report_data 字段类型是CLOBalterer table REC_DOWNLOAD_LIST drop column report_data ;alterer table REC_DOWNLOAD_LIST add report_data BLOB;


BLOB是按二进制来存储的,而CLOB是可以直接存储文字的。1、BLOB和CLOB都是大字段类型2、BLOB是按二进制来存储的3、CLOB是可以直接存储文字的4、两个是可以互换的的,或者可以直接用LOB字段代替这两个。5、但是为了更好的管理ORACLE数据库,通常像图片、文件、音乐等信息就用BLOB字段来存储,先将文件转为二进制再存储进去。6、像文章或者是较长的文字,就用CLOB存储,这样对以后的查询更新存储等操作都提供很大的方便。7、CLOB全称为字符大型对象(Character Large Object)。8、它与LONG数据类型类似,只不过CLOB用于存储数据库中的大型单字节字符数据块,不支持宽度不等的字符集。9、可存储的最大大小为4G字节10、NCLOB 基于国家语言字符集的NCLOB数据类型用于存储数据库中的固定宽度单字节或多字节字符的大型数据块11、不支持宽度不等的字符集12、可存储的最大大小为4G字节13、BFILE 当大型二进制对象的大小大与4G字节时,BFILE数据类型用于将其存储在数据库外的操作系统文件中14、当其大小不足4G字节时,则将其存储在数据库内部的操作系统文件中,BFILE列存储文件定位程序,此定位程序指向服务器上的大型二进制文件

falling (donna lewis)歌词

落      也许我们也太离谱了  另外的情感纽带  我不知道你到底是什么    让我对你的信任  我将在你面前的安全  如果我还以为是你所要做的  与你    感觉好像我坠落  深入未知的领域  我失去了战斗到一个人呆着  我跌倒,爱上了你    我们该何去何从  我们为何静默站立等待  另一个使我们做的(移动)。  我怎么现在感觉怎么样?  走出自己的私人世界  som希望采纳


更新数据的时候,写insert语句的时候,不更新blob字段,blob字段对应的数据用 empty_blob() 代替就行。(注意:在执行上面那个 sql 之前,一定要把 connection 设置成不自动提交: conn.setAutoCommit(false); )最后单独出来blob字段://把 blob 字段取出来String sql = "select ANNEX from market_info_collect_t where info_id=""+ infoId + "" for update ";Statement stt=null;stt = conn.createStatement();rs = stt.executeQuery(sql);if (rs.next()) {blob = (oracle.sql.BLOB) rs.getBlob("ANNEX");outStream = blob.getBinaryOutputStream();instream = myFile.getContentStream();byte[] data = new byte[instream.available()];instream.read(data);outStream.write(data, 0, data.length);}instream.close();outStream.flush();outStream.close();上面这段是我以前写过的代码中的一部分,你看一下,希望对你能有帮助。。。


不知道你用的编程语言是什么 若是java 的话 直接从数据库里面拿(如果有hibernate支持)那就domain.getBlob()。然后用流去将blob转换成string 具体怎么做 百度。存值的时候是将表单的string转换成blob再塞进数据库。newSerialBlob(String对象的.getBytes())

by the way什么意思pleasure


oracle中blob,clob,nclob,Bfile主要区别是什么? .



BLOB全称为二进制大型对象(Binary Large Object)。它用于存储数据库中的大型二进制对象。可存储的最大大小为4G字节 CLOB CLOB全称为字符大型对象(Character Large Object)。它与LONG数据类型类似,只不过CLOB用于存储数据库中的大型单字节字符数据块,不支持宽度不等的字符集。可存储的最大大小为4G字节 NCLOB 基于国家语言字符集的NCLOB数据类型用于存储数据库中的固定宽度单字节或多字节字符的大型数据块,不支持宽度不等的字符集。可存储的最大大小为4G字节 BFILE 当大型二进制对象的大小大与4G字节时,BFILE数据类型用于将其存储在数据库外的操作系统文件中;当其大小不足4G字节时,则将其存储在数据库内部的操作系统文件中,BFILE列存储文件定位程序,此定位程序指向服务器上的大型二进制文件。

block letters是什么意思

block letters释义印刷体大写字母网络大写数据合作方:金山词霸双语例句柯林斯词典百度知道新1Also avoid using RED block letters and impolite languages.避免使用红色的文字和粗鲁的语言。

帮忙写篇英语作文。city problems

Nowdays,as the big cities are developing rapidly,more and more people are flowing into the big cities.With the development ,the problems are emerging quickly,such as the city congestion,pollution,some unsustainable factors,and so on. In these all problems,congestion is obveriously.For example,the traffic congestion.There are always traffic jams on the road.It takes us too many hours to arrive where we want to just in a city.And there are so many person on the bus that it is almost hard to take breath.Because of this,going out shopping or doing anything become a difficult thing.Meanwhile,there is a lack if hourse in the big city.Because of too many people,the average square of each person is very small.And the prices of the hourse in these big citied are extremely high.Another big problem in the big city is that there are more and more unsustainable fators exist.Having too many people will occur frequently,such as robbery,rape cases. So,in my opinion,the local government should increase some laws and strenthen the ablilty of regulation to control the people who intend to enter the city.One city must have its own capacity,if population in it is over its ablilty,the problem will get more and more worse.



英语流利说 懂你英语 Level 6 等级测试 汇总

1、Desperate 绝望的: 2、Lost the Sanity 失去理智的: insane, crazy 3、Bored Tasks 无聊的任务: repetitive, routine 4、Current Performance 近期表现: 5、Living Conditions 生活条件: deplorable 6、不确定某些事情: skeptical, doubtful 7、比别人表现好: unsurpassed, unrivalled 8、 adequate, sufficient 9、 solution, remedy 10、unuseful: unnecessary, inessential 11、going faster: accelerating, speeding up 1. If they owned a home or flat, it would more difficult to move. If they decided to move, they would probably have to sell. If prices have risen,that would be OK. In fact, they might even make a profit. However, if prices were down when they have to sale, they would lose money. 2. When the villagers heard his cries for help, they rushed up the hill to rescue him and chase the wolf away. Of course, when they got there, there was no wolf to be seen , and the boy, who was still in the tree, was laughing . The sheep were grazing peacefully. Annoyed . The villagers returned to the village and back to their normal activities. 3. The accident wouldn"t have happened had the weather been better. 4. Though the days are dark and freezing cold in the depths of winter, the moon will rest above the horizon for weeks at a time. Its pale light illuminates the cold, craggy landscape as if acknowledging a companion and reaffirming the bonds of life. So even for those who live in the darkest part of the earth, there is light. 5. Injuries can be minimized by doing a proper warm up. This consists of increasing your heart rate and blood flow to all part of your body. 6. Understanding injuries and the body reacts to them can help people cope with the problems that accompany physical exercise. The support and understanding of coaches, teammates and family can be a critical factor in prevention and recovery. Once an injury occurs, it"s too late to prevent it, and recovery can take a long time. 7. After discussing the injury with Bob and his parents, they concluded that the cause of the injury was from playing soccer. 8. With his death, power shifted to his adopted son Octavian, who vowed revenge against the event of assassins. Eventually, several of the leading assassins were either killed or committed suicide . 9. From the left atrium, The oxygenated blood is pumped into another chamber, the left ventricle. The left ventricle then pumps the blood into the aorta, which is the largest artery in the body. From the aorta, the oxygenated blood passes through a network of smaller arteries throughout the entire body, including the brain. 10. Controversy has arisen at times when teams have made decisions that could threaten a player"s long-term health for short-term gain. 11. Many works will become redundant , replaced by machines that can perform cognitive tasks better than people. An even greater danger is that they will develop personalities and become more interesting than people. 12. He may have taken his computer with him, but i"m not sure if he did or not. 13. On the day of his assassination , it is reported that Caesar may have been handed a warning note as he enterd the senate. 14. Gradually, Bob improved, and after a few month was close to full recovery.He no longer had any signs of depression, and was finally able to return to school.Ultimately, Bob graduated from his university with honors, and entered a famouslaw school. 15. Since diseases and epidemics don"t stop at national borders , this is a global issue requiring global action . 16. A large international study has found that ten risk factors account for 90 percent of all the risk of stroke. (1) Despite advances in technology, one of the biggest threats to human survival comes from primitive life forms. (2) Infectious diseases are caused by microorganisms, such as bacteria, virus and parasites. (3) These organisms have no access to education or technology, but they present a huge challenge to humanity. (4) That"s because they are adaptable. (5) Just as adaptability has helped humans survive, it makes it more difficult to control infectious diseases. (1) Jack is a psychiatrist, which means he treats people who have mental problems. (2) He has been treating patients for many years and he has used a variety of treatments. (3) Sometimes he just listens and talks to patients and sometimes he uses meditations. (4) These meditations affect the brain in many different ways. (1) To survive, your first task will be to find water, a rare commodity in the desert. (2) Animals such as ants and seed-eating birds are strong indicators of water. (3) You can also cut and suck moisture from the roots and leaves of plants. (4) Trees like the desert oak have roots near the surface. (5) But be careful. The branches of gum trees are a rich source of water, but the leaves are poisonous, so don"t eat them. (1) The forest area near the reactor site is one of the most radioactive places on Earth.(2) Named the Red Forest because its trees turned a reddish-brown color as they died, the forest is trying to make a recovery. (3) Animals such as elk and eagles have been seen in the area. (4) And birch trees have grown where the radioactive trees of the forest were bulldozed and buried by the Soviet government. (1) One thing he is considering is to sell his share in the company. (2) He could begin to sell a little at a time and reinvest the money in somewhere else. (3) But where would he invest? (4) He doesn"t know much about investing and several of his friends have lost a lot by making a bad investment. (1) The past tense form is also used to express something that is unlikely or imaginary, from the speaker"s point of view. (2) Here is an example, (3) He wishes he had a car. (4) The fact is that he doesn"t have a car, so the use of had indicated that it isn"t real, it"s imaginary. (1) You want a lifestyle that you can"t have in the city. (2) If you really wanted those things, you can move back to the countryside. (3) Not, that"s not an option. If I did that, my wife would divorce me. (4) Have you ever talked about it with her? (1) The company he works for is a pharmaceutical company. (2) It develops new drugs which is risky business and sells them worldwide. (3) It"s expensive to develop new drugs and it can take a very long time to get a new drug approved. (4) Without government approval, it can"t be sold, which can result in a huge loss. (1) Though the experiment was designed to last for 14 days, it had to be stopped after just six days. (2) It had to be stopped because of what was happening to the participants. (3) The interactions between the prisoners and guards had become hostile and degrading. (4) The guards had become aggressive and brutal, and the prisoners were passive and depressed. (5) As a result, five of prisoners had to be released early because of severe negative emotions. (1) Many people think that the past tense form only indicates past time. (2) However, that is only one of the possible meanings. (3) The past tense form is also used to express something that is unlikely or imaginary, from the speaker"s point of view. (4) Here is an example: "He wishes he had a car." (5) The fact is that he doesn"t have a car, so the use of "had" indicates that it isn"t real: it"s imaginary. (1) Anyway, if it were possible, would you want a woman you could control? (2) A woman I could control?No, I can"t imagine it. (3) Most of the women I"ve been with have tried to control me! (4) Well, that"s one of the differences between men and women. Violent actions were seldom shown in gruesome detail but were inferred from the situation. The experiment demonstrates that situations can have a powerful effect on human behavior. An injured brain must be healed before other treatments, such as vitamins, drugs or counseling, can work. He left an hour ago, so he should be there by now since he"s had plenty of time to get there. Engaging with the elderly will become one of the biggest areas of work in the country. The car accident wouldn"t have been happened had the weather been better. Experts warn that smart machines may cause widespread unemployment. If he knew she was getting messages from other men, he would be furious. It"s difficult to have a conversation with her because she always interrupts. There"s a good chance he"ll be transferred, so it would be foolish to buy a house at this time. Could you come back in a few minutes? It was an overdose of drugs and alcohol that nearly killed him. Something is controversial if it causes public disagreement. With an aging population, health problems become a growing concern. Scientists warn that relying on alternative resources might only support half of the global population. Her mother"s memory problems have gotten worse, so it"s more difficult to live with her. Worried that he was ill, they gave him a series of health examinations, but none showed anything wrong. Estimates of the number of deaths that will eventually result from the accident vary enormously. Engaging with the elderly will become one of the biggest areas of work in the country. If he hadn"t played soccer, his brain wouldn"t have been injured. His company is downsizing and moving its head office to another city. If he knew she was getting messages from other men, he would be furious. From her facial expression, it was obvious that she really disliked him. Once you upload the brain onto the internet, you could leave your body behind. Is that really what you want to do? It was an overdose of drugs and alcohol that nearly killed him. Experts warn that smart machines may cause widespread unemployment. By involving herself in mathematics and engineering, she broke the dominant stereotype. Kennedy and his wife were sitting in an open car, waving to a large crowd of people when he was shot. When the nuclear fuel rods hit the cooling water, the fission reaction accelerated out of control due to a sudden power surge. He left an hour ago, so he should be there by now since he"s had plenty of time to get there. Their sales revenues were much less than they anticipated, so they ran out of money. If he hadn"t played soccer, his brain wouldn"t have been injured. Housing costs, food prices, and energy costs are all important that affect the cost of living in an area. I was just thinking about how much things have changed since I was a child. If he were to reform the government, he would need the support of the people. It"s expensive to develop new drugs and it can take a very long time to get a new drug approved. Looking back to classic movies and comparing them with what we have today, we see many similarities. If he lost the use of his legs, he wouldn"t be able to continue working in the same way. People today are living longer than at any point in human history. The conclusion is the most important part of the presentation She"s never been very social, so it"s unlikely that she will go out to meet new friends Viral infections are cause by viruses, such as the influenza virus. He has practice hard so he should do well in the competition. To be hard on someone means to put pressure on them. We can"t issue a ticket until you give us definite dates. So what is it that you wanted to see me about.

eleven kilometers directly below ghe city

在这个城市下面的11公里处,可算得上20 世纪最大的地震之一发生了 很高兴为您解答,fightout为您答疑解惑 如果本题有什么不明白可以追问,

Sooner or later, we will be passed One people, one city, a lifetime love dearly. 是啥意思?


关于"City problem"为题的一篇英语作文

City ProblemsNowadays, millions of migrant workers flock into cities in search of jobs and betterliving. However, with the sharp rise in the urban population, many problems arise in the development of cities.Firstly, cities become more and more crowded, putting much pressure upon transportation, housing, sanitation, education, employment and so on. City services and facilities have been strained to a breaking point. Secondly, a growing number of private cars emit huge amount of carbon dioxide, leaving the air mercilessly polluted. What is more, the city is also threatened by rising crime. Not a single day passes without the report of someone being robbed, kidnapped or murdered. Last but not least, city-dwellers are not only separated from the natural world but also isolated from each other, even not knowing the name of their next-door neighbor.All these problems have harmed the attractiveness of the city. Unless there is some improvement, more and more people may seek to live in the suburbs.(翻译:现在,有很多外来的的工作者聚集到城市中来寻找工作机会和更好的生活。 但是,随着城市人口的急剧增加,在城市发展过程中很多问题也显现出来。首先,城市变得越来越拥挤,交通,住房,医疗,教育,求职等的压力越来越重。城市的服务和公共设施已经达到饱和状态。第二点,数量日益增长的私人用车也制造出过量的二氧化碳,空气遭到污染。而且,由于刑事案件的增多,城市也受到了一定的威胁。每天都会有抢劫,绑架,以及谋杀等的相关报告。最后非常重要的一点事,城市居民不仅远离了自然环境,而且也远离了彼此,他们甚至不知道自己邻居的姓名。 所有的这些问题都使得城市的吸引力在大大降低。除非这些问题会得到一定的改善,否则越来越多的人会选择住在郊外。)或着Nowdays,as the big cities are developing rapidly,more and more people are flowing into the big cities.With the development ,the problems are emerging quickly,such as the city congestion,pollution,some unsustainable factors,and so on. In these all problems,congestion is obveriously.For example,the traffic congestion.There are always traffic jams on the road.It takes us too many hours to arrive where we want to just in a city.And there are so many person on the bus that it is almost hard to take breath.Because of this,going out shopping or doing anything become a difficult thing.Meanwhile,there is a lack if hourse in the big city.Because of too many people,the average square of each person is very small.And the prices of the hourse in these big citied are extremely high.Another big problem in the big city is that there are more and more unsustainable fators exist.Having too many people will occur frequently,such as robbery,rape cases. So,in my opinion,the local government should increase some laws and strenthen the ablilty of regulation to control the people who intend to enter the city.One city must have its own capacity,if population in it is over its ablilty,the problem will get more and more worse.





我的世界这个指令/gamerule aommandBlockOutput false是什么意思?

纠正一下,根据我的经验这个指令为:/gamerule commandblockoutput false这个指令为游戏规则(gamerule)而整个指令的意思就是关闭命令的提示,比如说给予玩家物品,就会提示“给予***物品名 数量”,关闭之后就不会再显示,如果想再次显示的话可以输入/gamerule commandblockoutput true望采纳,谢谢

求一首歌 歌词里面有一段不停重复 let me out let me out

  let me out 打印此页  歌手:bens brother  You sit and you stare and you wait and you wonder  You think maybe it"s me and I"m being a fool  You start to believe it"s a curse that you"re under  And you"re just a doll for a girl who is cruel  With a pin  So let me out or let me in  And tell me how, we can win  Cause I really wanna know now  Before I begin  To let you go To let you go  So let me know  I"d rather be wandering hungry and homeless  Than here in the warmth of a silent defeat  You"ve gotta be honest with me and be ruthless  `stead of shifting uncomfortably there in your seat  And your skin  And who"ve thought I"d have the strength to say  Let me out or let me in  But as the words are pouring from my mouth  I wanna say them again, and again and again  So let me out  Or let me in  And tell me how, we can win  Cause I really wanna know now  Before I begin  To let you go To let you go  Oh  Let me out, or let me in,  Oh no no  And tell me how  We can win  Oh no I really wanna know now  Before I begin  Oh to let you go, to let you go  Let me know

英语作文my bed lifestyle不良习惯

My Lifestyle I have a healthy lifestyle.Every morning I get up early and take exercise,my favorite sport is running and it makes me healthy.In my free time,I like to watch TV.But I never watch TV too long.My eating habits are very good.I eat vegetables and fruit every day.I like fast food,but I hardly eat it,because it"s bad for my healthy.I drink milk before I go to bed every night.I sleep nine hours every night.My lifestyle helps me stay healthy and get good grades.(中文:我有一个健康的生活方式。每天早上,我早早起床和做运动,我最喜爱的运动是跑步,它使我健康。在我休息的时间,我喜欢看电视。但我没有看太久。我的饮食习惯很好。我每天吃蔬菜和水果。我喜欢快餐,但我只是偶尔吃,因为它对我的健康有害。我每天晚上在睡觉前喝牛奶。我的睡眠时间有9个小时。我的生活方式让我保持健康和得到好成绩。)


Lesson 30   1.after prep.稍后,在…后面;跟着 conj. 在…以后,后来   after all终究;到底 (in spite of everything on earth)   例句:1.I felt tense and shaky. It was the first time, after all.   我感觉紧张并且浑身发抖,这毕竟是第一次。   2.What is diamond after all?   钻石到底是什么呢?   2.duty n. 责任,义务;税;值班   go off duty(end a day"s work and leave)   例句:At 4:30 in the afternoon, I go off duty.   我下午4:30下班。   3.join vi./vt. 参加,加入,结合;和…在一起   join in 参与,参加(take part in an activity)   例句:1.There"s that story about Picasso, who once got a telegram inviting him to join in a protest against the imprisonment of Russian writers.   有个关于毕加索的故事提到他曾收到一份邀请他参与一项*囚禁俄国作家活动的电报。   2.Many people join in community theatres because they want to perform or to be creative.   很多人参加到社区剧院里来因为他们想表演或发挥创造能力。   4.other than1 除了   A:When"s a good time to get together to discuss our history project?   A:什么时候我们可以聚一聚讨论一下我们的历史课题?   B:Other than this Wednesday, one day"s as good as the next.   B:只要不是这个星期三,任何一天都行。   例句:Don"t you have anything else other than that sweater?   除了这件套头衫之外你没有别的可穿的吗?   5.other that2 而不(instead of)   例句:The one thing you"ve got to remember when making your own wine is to keep everything spotlessly clean other than that it"s just a question of following very basic instructions.   自己酿酒时,你要记住的一件事就是使所有的东西绝对干净,而不仅仅是按照基本要求做的问题。   6.stay up 睡得很晚,熬夜   例句:1.Ruth stayed up all night and did puzzles.   鲁斯一整夜没睡觉做智力测验题。   2.Debra says she is going to stay up all night studying for her exam tomorrow morning.   黛布拉说她会一整夜不睡觉,要准备明天早上的考试。   A:Debbie certainly enjoys computer games.   A:黛比真地很喜欢电脑游戏。   B:Yeah. She stays up all night. It"s hard to tear her away.   B:是的。她整晚不睡觉。要把她从电脑旁边拉走很难。


v. 拖着脚走;把脚动来动去;坐立不安;洗牌;把……变换位置;调动;搪塞n. 洗牌;拖着脚走,曳行;曳步舞,曳步动作;改组;慢切分节奏;随机播放装置[网络] 侧滑[专业] 置乱 [计算机科学技术];置乱 [电子、通信与自动控制技术]adj. [数] 随机的;任意的;胡乱的n. 随意adv. 胡乱地[网络] 随机;任意[专业] 随机 [计算机科学技术];随机 [医药科学];无规 [化学]二者区别一目了然。

The police checking the scene of the crime the mother with her little son

(C ) 1. The police _______ checking the scene of the crime. A. am B. is C. are D. were ( D ) 2. The mother with her little son ______ at my home ________ that snowy night . A. were , at B. was , at C. were , on D. was , on ( D) 3. I think travelling by train is _______ than a rushed trip by air . A. enjoyable B. enjoyabler C. much enjoyable D. more enjoyable ( C ) 4. She asked me ________ I liked dancing . A. what B. when C. whether D. where ( C ) 5. Look ! There are a lot of students _______ on the playground . A. play B. to play C. playing D. are playing ( C ) 6. _____ between 8 am and 10 am this morning , the jewel store was robbed . A. Sometimes B. Some times C. Sometime D. Some time ( C ) 7. Kitty forgot to return the story book to Millie . So Millie said to her , “Remember to ______ the book to me when you ______ to school tomorrow . ” A. take , come B. take , go C. bring , come D. bring , go ( C ) 8. I really don"t know _________ I can do for you . A. who B. that C. what D. which ( A) 9. The Blacks _______ their bags with their books . A. are busy filling B. is busy filling C. are busy to fill D. is busy to fill ( C)10. They are talking about ______ next Sunday . A. where are they going B. where are they going to C. where they are going D. where they are going to ( D )11. The man ______ blue is my father . A. dress B. wear C. put on D. in ( C )12. We don"t know ______ she"ll stay here ________ go home . A. neither , nor B. either , or C. whether , or D. if , and ( B )13. The detective found him guilty _______ stealing the old woman"s diamonds . A. in B. of C. with D. on ( B )14.What do you mean ________ “clean the house” ? A. on B. by C. for D. with ( B )15. ---- What did the teacher say just now ? ---- He said that the earth _______ round the sun . A. go B. goes C. going D. will (A )16. He ______ but could ______ nothing . A. looked , see B. saw , look C. watched , see D. saw , watch ( C )17. He was attacked with a knife and he ________ a lot . 2 A. bleed B. blood C. bled D. bleeded ( C )18. Could you tell me _________ that"s a fast train or not ? ----- It"s a fast train . A. if B. when C. whether D. where ( A)19. I don"t know ______ he will come tomorrow _______ he comes , I"ll let you know . A. whether , if B. if, whether C. when , whether D. that , if

求kat-tun{my angel,you angle}完整日语假名歌词


Lean,6 sigma是什么意思?分别代表什么?

学习 六西格玛就是有的公司说的精实六标准差六标准差 (Six Sigma) 是要为您确定什麼是您不知道的、并且强调什麼是您必须知道的,同时须采取那些措施减少错误,以及重新整合、组织您浪费的时间成本、金钱、成功机会及错失的客户。 六标准差 (Six Sigma) 利用统计学的概念来衡量流程中的瑕疵。达 到六标准差,即意味著您的生产流程中仅会有百万之 3.4 的不良率 (Defects per Million Opportunities, DPMO) ;换句话说,这表示已经接近完美状况。Sigma (σ) 是希腊字元,为「标准差 (Standard Deviation)」的衡量。在商业术语中,其代表「流程」与「完美」的偏差值



windows installer服务 说的是启用后又停止了 怎么做??

  Windows Installer(windows安装服务)是一种通用的软件发布方式,现在许多软件都使用windows Installer作为自己的安装程序,有时因为各种原因以及windows Installer本身的缺陷,会导致windows Installer出错。症状一:删除某个程序后,在运行某些软件时,老会弹出一个“windows正在配置Windows Installer,请稍候”的窗口。 解决办法: 1、重新安装Windows Installer,office XP安装盘的根目录有两个名为instmsi.exe和InstMsiW.exe的文件,instmsi.exe用于win9X/Me,InstMsiW.exe用于Win2000/XP; 2、打开组策略→计算机配置→管理模板→Windows组件→Windows Installer→禁用Windows Installer,只是这样一来,很多软件就有能安装了,此法用于Win2000/XP。 3、请看本文最后的“终级解决方案” 症状二:Win2000/XP安装软件时提示“无法访问windows安装程序,服务中windows Installer状态为停止,不能启动” 解决办法: 1、命令提示符下输入:misiexec /regserver 2、在“管理工具”→“服务”中启动windows Installer 症状三:Win2000/XP安装软件时提示“不能访问Windows Installer服务……” 解决办法: 1、检查当前用户有无管理员权限; 2、结束进程Ikernel,exe后再安装; 3、删除系统安装目录Program FilesCommon FilesInstallShieldEngine下的所有文件再安装。 4、首先,运行“msiexec /unregserver”,停止Windows Installer服务; 接着,安装InstMsiW.exe(office XP安装盘的根目录下有,也可以从网上下载,地址为:http://download.microsoft.com/download/WindowsInstaller/Install/2.0/NT45/EN-US/InstMsiW.exe),用Winrar解压至设定的目录;进入目录,右键点击msi.inf选“安装”,右键点击mspatcha.inf,选安装; 最后运行“msiexec /regserver”启用服务。 症状四:安装软件时提示“系统管理员设置了系统策略,禁止进行此项安装” 解决办法: 1、尝试用症状三的解决方法; 2、打开组策略→用户配置→管理模板→Windows组件→Windows安装服务→将“禁止从媒体安装”设为“禁用”,将“永远以高特权进行安装”设置为“启用”

windows install clean up 装不上

开始—运行—输入services.msc——找到WINDOWS INSTALLER,双击,选择启动。 不行再按以下步骤试一下: 1、先用msiexec/unregserver 停掉windows installer服务。 2、下载InstMsiW.exe,用winrar解压开,进入目录。 3、右击mspatcha.inf ,点击安装。 4、再用msiexec/regserver 启用服务。 如果还不行,就得重装系统了!

安装时出现"无法访问windows tnstaller服务",还说“该服务没有真确安装时可能发生这种情况”。

能访问windowns install服务的解决方式:安全模式下运行msiexec /regserver”,之后重新启动系统。 关于Windows Installer服务出错解决方法(近日一机子发生类似问题,经过查找得出这个东东,拿出来与大家共享一下) 很多朋友在安装MSI格式的文件包时,经常会遇到windows installer出错的情况,有如下几种现象: 1、所有使用windows installer服务安装的MSI格式程序均不能正常安装,并且系统提示“不能访问windows installer 服务,可能你在安全模式下运行 windows ,或者windows installer 没有正确的安装,请和你的支持人员联系以获得帮助”。 2、察看“windows installer服务”的状态,一般为停用,当你试图启用此服务,会发现此服务已被系统禁用,或则windows installer服务已被标记为删除。 3、如果你重新安装windows installer服务,系统提示“指定的服务已存在”。 当出现了以上现象,是非常令人头疼的,而且问题难以解决,后来经自己研究发现一些非常好的解决方法。 笔者以Windows2000和Windows XP系统为例,根据它们出现的不同问题分别介绍一下解决过程: 一、Windows2000解决过程: 在Windows2000系统中3种现象都是经常出现的。 第一步:点击”开始-->运行“,输入”CMD“命令,在弹出的”CMD命令提示符“窗口中输入”msiexec /unregserver“命令,这样就停掉windows installer服务。 第二步:下载windows installer服务安装程序包,Windows2000/NT系统的安装程序包为”InstMsiW.exe“,Windows98/ME安装程序包为"InstMsiA.exe",Windows XP系统则集成了最新版本的Windows Installer v2.0。 下载”InstMsiW.exe“安装程序包后,将其用winrar解压开,然后进入到此目录中。 第三步:右键单击”msi.inf“文件,点击”安装“选项,接着右键单击” mspatcha.inf “文件,点击”安装“。 第四步:在CMD命令提示符下输入”msiexec /regserver“命令,这样就启动了windows installer服务,重新启动Windows2000系统后,问题就得到解决。 注意:在安装两个inf文件的过程中,不要重新启动系统,全部操作完成后才能重启,另外,如果系统安装了”瑞星病毒防火墙”和“瑞星网络防火墙”,建议在操作过程中关闭瑞星防火墙。 二、Windows XP解决过程: Windows XP集成了最新版本的Windows Installer v2.0,但在Windows XP里安装MSI程序也会经常出现”找不到windows installer服务”“的错误。 第一步:使用记事本编写installer.reg文件,内容如下: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesMSIServer> "ImagePath"=- "ImagePath"=hex(2):25,00,53,00,79,00,73,00,74,00,65,00,6d,00,52,00,6f,00,6f,00, 74,00,25,00,5c,00,53,00,79,00,73,00,74,00,65,00,6d,00,33,00,32,00,5c,00,6d, 00,73,00,69,00,65,00,78,00,65,00,63,00,2e,00,65,00,78,00,65,00,20,00,2f,00, 56,00,00,00 然后将文件保存为”.reg“格式,双击该文件,将文件内容导入注册表。 第二步:重新启动电脑进入安全模式(启动时按F8键),然后点击”开始-->运行“,输入”CMD“命令,在弹出的”CMD命令提示符“窗口中输入”msiexec /regserver“,最后重新启动系统即可。 ============ ============ =========== ============ 解决方法2: 一、所有使用installer安装的程序,均不能正常安装,提示:“不能访问windows installer 服务。可能你在安全模式下运行 windows ,或者windows installer 没有正确的安装。请和你的支持人员联系以获得帮助” 二、察看windows installer服务,一般为停用。如果试图在service中启用,有时会发现,被系统禁用,再启动,提示:“指定的服务已标记为删除”,或者启用成功仍然出错。 三、如果试图重新安装InstMsiW.exe,提示:“指定的服务已存在” 解决办法: 1、将以上文字复制到NOTEPAD中,存为installer.reg文件,执行。 Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesMSIServer] "ImagePath"=- "ImagePath"=hex(2):25,00,53,00,79,00,73,00,74,00,65,00,6d,00,52,00,6f,00,6f,00, 74,00,25,00,5c,00,53,00,79,00,73,00,74,00,65,00,6d,00,33,00,32,00,5c,00,6d, 00,73,00,69,00,65,00,78,00,65,00,63,00,2e,00,65,00,78,00,65,00,20,00,2f,00, 56,00,00,00 2、重新启动机器至按F8到安全模式,开始运行,打cmd 3、输入:msiexec /regserver 重新启动,问题解决。

公司的电脑,XP系统,安装CAD时,提示我不能访问windows installer服务,怎么解决?


vmware 安装出现 windows Installer 无法访问

首先,请确认:1、请确认你没有删除Windows Installer。删掉的话自然要重新安装2、请确认Windows Installer服务没有被禁用。到控制面板->管理工具->服务中查看Windows Installer,确认设置不为禁用(自动手动都可以,默认设置应该为手动)。3、请确认你没有删除C:WINDOWSInstaller文件夹,如果此文件夹被删除,会导致一系列不确定的错误,其中就有可能如你所描述的错误。卸载和重新安装windows installer服务1、先用dos命令窗口msiexec /unregserver 停掉windows installer服务。2、下载InstMsiW.exe,用winrar解压开。进入目录。3、右击msi.inf ,点击安装,右击mspatcha.inf ,点击安装。4、再用dos命令窗口msiexec.exe /regserver 启用服务。

安装东西时提示Windows installer无法访问服务,


installer.exe 解决方法


SQL server 安装程序在运行Windows installers文件时遇到错误

系统提示“不能访问windows installer 服务,可能你在安全模式下运行 windows ,或者windows installer 没有正确的安装,请和你的支持人员联系以获得帮助”。解决方法:在Windows2000系统下:第一步:点击 开始-->运行,输入 CMD 命令,在弹出的CMD命令提示符窗口中输入“msiexec /unregserver”命令,是为了停掉windows installer服务。第二步:下载windows installer服务安装程序包,Windows2000/NT系统的安装程序包为“InstMsiW.exe”Windows98/ME安装程序包为"InstMsiA.exe",Windows XP系统则集成了最新版本的Windows Installer v2.0。下载“InstMsiW.exe”安装程序包后,将其用winrar解压开,然后进入到此目录中。第三步:右键单击“msi.inf”文件,点击“安装”选项,接着右键单击“mspatcha.inf ”文件,点击“安装”。第四步:在CMD命令提示符下输入“msiexec /regserver”命令,这样就启动了windows installer服务,重新启动Windows2000系统后,问题就得到解决。注意:在安装两个inf文件的过程中,不要重新启动系统,全部****作完成后才能重启,另外,如果系统安装了”瑞星病毒防火墙”和“瑞星网络防火墙”,建议在****作过程中关闭瑞星防火墙。在Windows XP系统下:第一步:使用记事本编写installer.reg文件,内容如下:Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesMSIServer]"ImagePath"=-"ImagePath"=hex(2):25,00,53,00,79,00,73,00,74,00,65,00,6d,00,52,00,6f,00,6f,00,74,00,25,00,5c,00,53,00,79,00,73,00,74,00,65,00,6d,00,33,00,32,00,5c,00,6d,00,73,00,69,00,65,00,78,00,65,00,63,00,2e,00,65,00,78,00,65,00,20,00,2f,00,56,00,00,00然后将文件保存为“.reg”格式,双击该文件,将文件内容导入注册表。第二步:重新启动电脑进入安全模式(启动时按F8键),然后点击开始-->运行,输入CMD命令,在弹出的CMD命令提示符窗口中输入“msiexec /regserver”,最后重新启动系统即可。

lene marlin的my love的歌词

An empty street An empty house A hole inside heart I"m all alone and the rooms Are getting smaller I wonder how I wonder why I wonder where they are The days we had The songs we sang together And oh! my love I"m holding on forever Reaching for a love That seems so far So I say a litter prayer No my dream will take me there Where the skies are blue to see you once again my love Overseas from coast to coast Find a place I love the most Where the fields are green To see you once again My love I Try to read I go to work I"m laughing with my friends But I can"t stop to keep myself From thinking I wonder how I wonder why I wonder where they are The days we had The songs we sang togetther And oh! my love I"mholding on forever Reaching for a love That seems so far So I say a litter prayer No my dream will take me there Where the skies are blue to see you once again my love Overseas from coast to coast Find a place I love the most Where the fields are green To see you once again To hold you in my arms To promise my love To tell you from my heart You are all I"m thinking of Reaching for a love That seems so far So I say a litter prayer No my dream will take me there Where the skies are blue to see you once again my love Overseas from coast to coast Find a place I love the most Where the fields are green To see you once again My love And hope my dream will take me there Where the skies are blue to see you once again my love Overseas from coast to coast Find a place I love the most Where the fields are green To see you once again My love

安装windows installer3.1出现的问题


windows Installer 是做什么用的?

分类: 电脑/网络 问题描述: 我想安装office2000,我下载了以后,却安装不了,每次安装都会显示”不能访问windows Installer服务,可能是你在安全模式下运行windows,或者windows Installet没有正确地安装,请和你的支持人员联系以获得帮助.”这是怎么回事呢. 解析: Windows Installer是一种系统服务,用来安装和管理系统中的应用程序。它为应用程序的开发、定制、安装和升级提供了一种标准化的方法和手段。 解决办法如下: Windows2000系统下:第一步:点击 开始-->运行, 输入 CMD 命令,在弹出的CMD命令提示符窗口中输入 “msiexec /unregserver”命令,是为了停掉windows installer服务。 第二步:下载windows installer服务安装程序包, Windows2000/NT系统的安装程序包为“InstMsiW.exe”Windows98/ME安装程序包为"InstMsiA.exe",Windows XP系统则集成了最新版本的Windows Installer v2.0。 下载“InstMsiW.exe”安装程序包后,将其用winrar解压开,然后进入到此目录中。 第三步:右键单击“msi.inf”文件,点击“安装”选项,接着右键单击“mspatcha.inf ”文件,点击“安装”。 第四步:在CMD命令提示符下输入“msiexec /regserver”命令, 这样就启动了windows installer服务,重新启动Windows2000系统后,问题就得到解决。 注意:在安装两个inf文件的过程中,不要重新启动系统,全部操作完成后才能重启,另外,如果系统安装了”瑞星病毒防火墙”和“瑞星网络防火墙”,建议在操作过程中关闭瑞星防火墙。 Windows XP系统下: 第一步:使用记事本编写installer.reg文件,内容如下: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesMSIServer] "ImagePath"=- "ImagePath"=hex(2):25,00,53,00,79,00,73,00,74,00,65,00,6d,00,52,00,6f,00,6f,00, 74,00,25,00,5c,00,53,00,79,00,73,00,74,00,65,00,6d,00,33,00,32,00,5c,00,6d, 00,73,00,69,00,65,00,78,00,65,00,63,00,2e,00,65,00,78,00,65,00,20,00,2f,00, 56,00,00,00 然后将文件保存为“.reg”格式,双击该文件,将文件内容导入注册表。 第二步:重新启动电脑进入安全模式(启动时按F8键),然后点击开始-->运行,输入CMD命令,在弹出的CMD命令提示符窗口中输入“msiexec /regserver”,最后重新启动系统即可。 OK,问题解决了。

a full student-level standard deviation 是什么意思?


在本地计算机无法启动windows installer服务 错误 5


windows installer服务不能安装升级修补程序 怎么解决越详细越好

开始—运行—输入services.msc——找到WINDOWS INSTALLER,双击,选择启动。不行再按以下步骤试一下:1、先用msiexec/unregserver 停掉windows installer服务。2、下载InstMsiW.exe,用winrar解压开,进入目录。3、右击mspatcha.inf ,点击安装。4、再用msiexec/regserver 启用服务。如果还不行,就得重装系统了!


好久没鼓捣了,不知道是什么问题.怎么没人回答啊?你看一下windows installer的"依存关系"那一项,是不是"rpc"没开的关系啊?以后有机会试试~~~~~~~~

电脑重装系统,缺少Windows Installer文件,无法安装程序


六年级let s talk全部翻译是?

let"s talk的全部翻译:1、大家一起说2、新课呈现3、第一课时。1、Let"s talk about love:谈情说爱;疲倦的恋人们;恋人们;2、Let"s Talk Health:谈健康;大家谈健康;年大家谈健康;3、Let"s talk this over:我们好好谈谈吧;我们好好谈吧;让我们好好谈谈吧;4、let"s talk later:让我们以后再谈;让我们谈一谈后;咱们以后再谈;让我们以后再聊。

安装windows installer3.1出现的问题

碰到一系列的关于WINDOWS INSTALLER的出错信息,在网上查了一些相关资料,终于一一解决了.问题一:一、所有使用installer安装的程序,均不能正常安装,提示:“不能访问windows installer 服务。可能你在安全模式下运行 windows ,或者windows installer 没有正确的安装。请和你的支持人员联系以获得帮助”二、察看windows installer服务,一般为停用。如果试图在service中启用,有时会发现,被系统禁用,再启动,提示:“指定的服务已标记为删除”三、如果试图重新安装InstMsiW.exe,提示:“指定的服务已存在”resolution:The MSI Installer can be a real pain. It may be that one of the files required by it is corrupt. Here"s what you do. Run msiexec /unregserver again. Then delete msiexec.exe from the system32 directory. Potentially, you could rerun the install at this point but for some reason this doesn"t always work. Instead, download a fresh copy of the windows installer, use an unzipping tool to extract it, go into the folder and manually install from the inf files. To do this, right click on it and select install. Make sure you do msi.inf first, and then mspatcha.inf or you get a missing file error (likely because msiexec.exe is missing). After all this run msiexec.exe /regserver to recreate the service. 一、先用msiexec /unregserver 停掉windows installer服务。二、下载InstMsiW.exe,用winrar解压开。进入目录。三、右击msi.inf ,点击安装,右击mspatcha.inf ,点击安装。四、再用msiexec.exe /regserver 启用服务。问题二:以上的问题解决后,在我安装vpc的时候,又碰到这个问题:Error -1607: Unable to Install InstallShield Scripting Run Time查了相关的资料后,发现我安装的系统里没有ISScript.exe.所以我下载并更新了IkernelUpdate.exe and IsScript7x.zip...问题就解决了。当然很多时候出错的原因不一定相同,解决的方法也不一定一样,我只是把我的解决方法拿出来,算是一个参考。

Let S Talk About Love 歌词

歌曲名:Let S Talk About Love歌手:Helen Shapiro专辑:This Is... 1966Let"s Talk About LoveLet"s talk about loveCeline DionEverywhere I goall the places that I"ve beenEvery smile is a new horizonon a land I"ve never seenThere are people around the worlddifferent faces different namesBut there"s one true emotionthat reminds me we"re the sameLet"s talk about loveFrom the laughter of a childto the tears of a grown manThere"s a thread that runs right through usand helps us understandAs subtle as a breezethat fans a flicker to a flameFrom the very first sweet melodyto the very last refrainLet"s talk about loveLet"s talk about usLet"s talk about lifeLet"s talk about trustLet"s talk about loveohIt"s the king of all who liveand the queen of good heartsIt"s the ace you may keep up your sleevetill the name is all but lostAs deep as any seawith the rage of any stormBut as gentle as a falling leave on any autumn mornLet"s talk about loveLet"s talk about usLet"s talk about lifeLet"s talk about trust(Let"s talk about love)it"s all we"re needin"(Let"s talk about us)it"s the air we"re breathin"(Let"s talk about life)I wanna know you(Let"s talk about trust)wanna show youEverywhere I goall the places that I"ve beenEvery smile is a new horizonon a land I"ve never seenThere are people around the worlddifferent faces different namesBut there"s one true emotionthat reminds me we"re the samewoo....Let"s talk about loveLet"s talk about usLet"s talk about lifeLet"s talk about trustLet"s talk about love(Let"s talk about us)(Let"s talk about life)it"s all we needed(Let"s talk about trust)the air we"re breathin(Let"s talk about love)All we need(Let"s talk about us)the air we"re breathin(Let"s talk about life)Baby(Let"s talk about trust)hoo....let"s in the air our breathinLet"s talk about love......http://music.baidu.com/song/2782190

Let S Talk About Love (2003 Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Let S Talk About Love (2003 Remaster)歌手:Helen Shapiro专辑:The Ultimate Helen ShapiroDavid Archuleta - Let"s talk about lovewww.ArchuletaChina.cn 出迷论坛Sometimes I wonderWhat I"d be when I grew upAnd then I rememberedIt was anything I dreamed ofI could be a poet or a singerOr I can be a scientistBut before I make that decisionLet"s talk about my listLet"s talk about loveLet"s talk about peaceAnd living in perfect harmonyLet"s talk about hugsAnd let"s talk about ways that we can shareLet"s talk about youLet"s talk about meLet"s talk about how we can be one big familyLet"s talk about lovetalk about loveSometimes I feel likeI want to give my friends a callTo tell them what I am dreamingAnd everything I wantI want us to be a little closerAnd to always reach out a handTo be kind to on anotherAnd always understandIt"s all about loveIt"s all about peaceAnd living in perfect harmonyIt"s all about hugsIt"s all about ways we can shareIt"s all about youIt"s all about meIt"s all about how we can be one big familyIt"s all about lovela la la la la la lala la la la lala la la la la la lala la la la laEverybody has a heartEverybody has a smileLet"s wrap a bow around each oneAnd give it away once in a whileLet"s talk about hugsall about ways that we shareLet"s talk about youLet"s talk about meLet"s talk about how we can be one big familyLet"s talk about lovetalk about loveLet"s talk about hugsAnd let"s talk about ways that we can shareLet"s talk about youLet"s talk about metalk about how we can be one big familyLet"s talk about lovetalk about lovetalk about loveDavid Archuleta - Let"s talk about lovewww.ArchuletaChina.cn 出迷论坛http://music.baidu.com/song/3474998

Let S Talk About Love 歌词

歌曲名:Let S Talk About Love歌手:Helen Shapiro专辑:Helen ShapiroLet"s talk about loveCeline DionEverywhere I goall the places that I"ve beenEvery smile is a new horizonon a land I"ve never seenThere are people around the worlddifferent faces different namesBut there"s one true emotionthat reminds me we"re the sameLet"s talk about loveFrom the laughter of a childto the tears of a grown manThere"s a thread that runs right through usand helps us understandAs subtle as a breezethat fans a flicker to a flameFrom the very first sweet melodyto the very last refrainLet"s talk about loveLet"s talk about usLet"s talk about lifeLet"s talk about trustLet"s talk about loveohIt"s the king of all who liveand the queen of good heartsIt"s the ace you may keep up your sleevetill the name is all but lostAs deep as any seawith the rage of any stormBut as gentle as a falling leave on any autumn mornLet"s talk about loveLet"s talk about usLet"s talk about lifeLet"s talk about trust(Let"s talk about love)it"s all we"re needin"(Let"s talk about us)it"s the air we"re breathin"(Let"s talk about life)I wanna know you(Let"s talk about trust)wanna show youEverywhere I goall the places that I"ve beenEvery smile is a new horizonon a land I"ve never seenThere are people around the worlddifferent faces different namesBut there"s one true emotionthat reminds me we"re the samewoo....Let"s talk about loveLet"s talk about usLet"s talk about lifeLet"s talk about trustLet"s talk about love(Let"s talk about us)(Let"s talk about life)it"s all we needed(Let"s talk about trust)the air we"re breathin(Let"s talk about love)All we need(Let"s talk about us)the air we"re breathin(Let"s talk about life)Baby(Let"s talk about trust)hoo....let"s in the air our breathinLet"s talk about love......http://music.baidu.com/song/2755836

let talk about love的歌词

[ti:let"s talk about love][ar:celine dion][al:let`s talk about love][by:ina大人物]let"s talk about love singer:celine dionevery where i go all the places that i`ve beenevery smile is a new horizonon a land i`ve never seenthere are people around the world different faces,defferent namesbut that`s one true emotionthat reminds me we aren`t the samelet`s talk about lovefrom the laughter of a childto the tears of a grown manthere`s a thread that runs straight through us and helps us understandand subtle as a breezethat fans a flicker to a framefrom the very first sweet melody to the very last refrainlet`s talk about love,let`s talk about uslet`s talk about life,let`s talk about trustlet`s talk about loveit`s the king of all who liveand queen of all good heartsit`s the one you may keep up your sleeve`til the name is all out lostas deep as any seawith the rage of any stormbut as gentle as a falling leafon any autumn mornlet`s talk about love,let`s talk about uslet`s talk about life,let`s talk about trustlet`s talk about love,it`s all we are needinglet`s talk about us,it`s the air we`re breathinglet`s talk about life,i wanna know youlet`s talk about trust,i wanna show youevery where i go all the places that i`ve beenevery smile is a new horizonon a land i`ve never seenthere are people around the world different faces,defferent namesbut that`s one true emotionthat reminds me we aren`t the samelet`s talk about love,let`s talk about uslet`s talk about life,let`s talk about trust……

please give my best wishes for you! 什么意思

pleasegivemybestwishesforyou!什么意思最好的祝福送给你 /向你表达我的良好祝愿

my name is leo错在哪里?


【急!】刀剑乱舞三日月宗近solo曲Endless Night罗马音

Endless Night - 三日月宗近作词:miyakei作曲:TAKAROT; FUNK UCHINO散らばった星を繋げてそこにchirabatta hoshi wo tsunagete soko ni まだ见えない星座を探したmada mienai seiza wo sagashita 思い通りにはならないomoidoori ni wa naranai そこに答えもないsoko ni kotae mo nai でも君と行く明日をdemo kimi to iku ashita wo 见たいと思うから手を伸ばしてmitai to omou kara te wo nobashite Endless Night 夜に描くEndless Night yoru ni egaku Endless Night 仆らの星Endless Night bokura no hoshi 何度でも朝を迎えまた仆らは歩くnandodemo asa wo mukae mata bokura wa aruku Precious Night だけど今はPrecious Night dakedo ima wa そっと夜风にまかせsotto yokaze ni makase 音のない星空に包まれたいoto no nai hoshizora ni tsutsumaretai 君が笑えばこんな仆にもkimi ga waraeba konna boku ni mo 意味がある気がした 不思议さimi ga aru ki ga shita fushigi sa 夜明けにはまだ早いからyoake ni wa mada hayai kara 话をしていようhanashi wo shiteiyou 君のこれまでの时间kimi no koremade no jikan たわいない気持ちをいつまででもtawainai kimochi wo itsumade demo Endless Night 空に浮かぶEndless Night sora ni ukabu Endless Night 仆らの星Endless Night bokura no hoshi 何度でも见失ったらまた君を目指すよnandodemo miushinattara mata kimi wo mezasu yo Precious Night だから今はPrecious Night dakara ima wa そっと夜风に吹かれsotto yokaze ni fukare 云のない星空に想い驰せてkumo no nai hoshizora ni omoi hasete 终わらない夜がそっとowaranai yoru ga sotto 仆らを包んで満ちてく(ha ha)bokura wo tsutsunde michiteku (ha ha) 君を感じたら心合わせてkimi wo kanjitara kokoro awasete ずっとずっと…zutto zutto 「そばに居ていいか?」soba ni ite ii ka Endless Night 夜に描くEndless Night yoru ni egaku Endless Night 仆らの星Endless Night bokura no hoshi 何度でも朝を迎えまた仆らは歩くnandodemo asa wo mukae mata bokura wa aruku Precious Night だけど今はPrecious Night dakedo ima wa そっと夜风にまかせsotto yokaze ni makase 音のない星空に包まれたいoto no nai hoshizora ni tsutsumaretai Tonight いつまでも君のそばでTonight itsumademo kimi no soba de

IAR编译CC2530,提示:Error[e104]: Failed to fit all segments into specified ranges.

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