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及物动词 vt. 1. 讲,叙述[(+to)]To him we related our troubles, asking his advice. 我们向他讲述了我们的困难,请他指导。 2. 使有联系[(+to/with)]Can you relate what happened in your childhood to your present state of mind? 你能否把你童年时的遭遇同目前的心境相联起来? 不及物动词 vi. 1. 有关,涉及[(+to)]I don"t know to what this relates. 我不知道这与什么有关。 2. 符合[(+with)]Your statement does not relate well with the facts. 你的说法与事实不太符合。 3. 相处[(+to)]She doesn"t relate well to her peers. 她和同辈处不来。 She doesn"t relate well to her mother. 她与她母亲相处不很和睦。 4. 认同;欣赏I just can"t relate to these new fashions. 我就是没办法认同这些新的流行款式。


relate的形容词形式related; related:adj.相关的;有联系的;属同一家族的;有亲属关系的 扩展资料   We regard health as inversely related to social class.   我们认为健康状况与社会地位成相反关系。   All these points of view are related, in a manner of speaking.   所有这些观点都在某方面相互关联。   He related the facts of the case to journalists.   他给记者们讲述了这件事的实际情况。




  relate有叙述;使有联系;有关联;涉及等意思,那么你知道relate的 同义词 有哪些吗?下面我为大家带来relate的同义词及辨析,下面跟着我一起来学习一下吧。   relate同义词:   join, combine, unite, connect, link, attach, couple, associate, relate   relate同义词辨析:   这些动词均有"连接,结合,联合"之意。   join 侧重把原来不相连接的物紧密地连接在一起,但仍可再分开。也指把分散的人或几个部分的人联合起来,或加入到某团体中去。   combine 指两个或两个以上的人或物结合在一起。   unite 指联合、团结、结合在一起,构成一个整体。   connect 指两事物在某一点上相连接,但彼此又保持独立。   link 指连环式的连接,或用接合物或 其它 方式连接,还可指一事物与另一事物的联系或关系。   attach 指把局部连接在整体上,小的接在大的上面,活动的接在固定的上面。   couple 专指连接两件东西,或把事物成对进行连接。   associate 指人与人友好和平、平等地联合在一起;用于物时,指两事物因历史或其它原因,很自然被人们联系在一起,即产生联想。   relate 指人与人有亲戚或婚烟关系;也指人或物之间尚存的实际或假想的联系。   relate的例句:   1. Other recommendations relate to the details of how such data is stored.   其他建议涉及此类信息储存方面的一些细节。   2. There were officials to whom he could relate the whole story.   有一些官员会听他讲述整个 故事 。   3. Afternoon groups relate to the specific addictions and problems therein.   下午的小组谈到具体的上瘾病例以及其中的问题。   4. These people, usually men, seem unable to relate to the opposite sex.   这些人,通常为男性,似乎不懂得如何跟异性相处。   5. Many entries relate to the two world wars.   很多条目与两次世界大战有关。   6. He is unable to relate to other people.   他无法理解他人的想法。   7. I found it difficult to relate the two ideas in my mind.   我觉得很难把这两种想法联系在一起。   8. It is difficult to relate his argument to the facts.   很难把他的论证同事实联系起来.   9. It is difficult to relate these results with any known cause.   很难把结果与任何已知原因联系起来.   10. Our findings relate to physically rather than the visually handicapped pupils.   我们的研究结果是关于肢体残疾的学生,而不是视力有障碍的学生.   11. His remarks didn"t relate to the topic under discussion.   他说的话与讨论的问题无关.   12. Ade couldn"t relate the phenomena with any theory he knew.   艾德无法用他所知道的任何理论来解释这种现象.   13. The professor told his students to relate theory with practice.   教授要学生们理论联系实际.   14. It"s too bad that you are unable to relate to the environment.   你不能适应环境,这太糟糕了.   15. It"s unfortunate when a father and son can"t relate to each other.   父子之间关系不好是很不幸的.

relate to doing还是do

relate to do是对的。relate作“讲述,叙述”解时是比较正式的用语,强调详细地、完整地、有条理地、连贯地叙述自己耳闻目睹或经历过的事情或经过。用作及物动词,其后接名词、代词、疑问词从句作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语须用to引出。relate还可作“把…联系起来”解,可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作不及物动词时,常与介词to连用,用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,宾语后常接介词with。同根词组:relate incredibly 难以置信地讲述。relate mirthfully 欢快地讲述。relate monotonously 单调地讲述。relate speciously 似是而非地讲述。relate sympathetically 令人同情地讲述。relate tediously 冗长地讲述。relate variously 各种各样地讲述。


Relate是一个多义词,根据上下文不同,它可以与不同的词组和短语搭配使用。以下是一些常见的固定搭配:一、Relate to:与…相关,与…有联系1、I can relate to his struggles.(我能理解他的困境。)2、The story relates to a real-life event.(这个故事与一个真实事件有关。)二、Relate with:与…有共鸣,与…相互联系1、I can really relate with her experiences.(我真的与她的经历能够产生共鸣。)2、The two songs relate with each other thematically.(这两首歌在主题上相互联系。)三、Relate back to:追溯到…,与…有直接联系1、The issue relates back to a decision made years ago.(这个问题可以追溯到多年前做出的一项决定。)2、This finding relates back to our previous research.(这个发现与我们以前的研究有直接关系。)四、Be related to:与…有关,与…相关1、This topic is closely related to climate change.(这个话题与气候变化密切相关。)2、The two incidents are not related.(这两个事件没有关联。)五、Relate well to:与…相处得好,与…有良好的关系1、She is very friendly and relates well to children.(她非常友善,与孩子们相处得很好。)2、He can relate well to people of all ages.(他能够与各个年龄段的人相处得很好。)这只是一些常见的固定搭配,实际使用中还可能有其他搭配方式。需要根据具体的语境选择合适的表达方式。relate释义Relate是一个动词,有多个释义。以下是几个常见的释义:1、关联;相关:表示两个事物之间有联系或有关系。(1)The article relates to the current economic situation.(这篇文章与当前的经济状况有关。)(2)Her story relates to our discussion about personal growth.(她的故事与我们对个人成长的讨论相关。)2、讲述;叙述:表示描述或讲述某个故事、经历或事件。(1)She related the details of her trip to Europe.(她叙述了她去欧洲旅行的细节。)(2)The witness related what he saw during the accident.(目击者叙述了他在事故中所见到的情况。)3、理解;体谅:表示感同身受或理解他人的感受、经历或情况。(1)I can relate to his struggles as I have experienced something similar.(我能理解他的困境,因为我经历过类似的事情。)(2)She could relate to their excitement since she had been through it before.(她能够理解他们的兴奋,因为她之前也经历过。)4、与…有亲戚关系;有联系:表示两人之间具有亲属或联系关系。(1)She is related to me by marriage.(她与我有婚姻关系。)(2)We are not related, but we have been good friends for years.(我们没有血缘关系,但我们多年来一直是好朋友。)

relate 的用法



relate的名词形式是relation relate的动词形式是relate relate的形容词形式是relative 扩展资料   The relation between this two families is too complicated to explain.   这两个家族的关系解释起来太复杂了   I never relate my troubles to him.   我从不向他讲述我的麻烦   You can read related books to learn this tool.   你可以阅读相关的书籍来学习这个工具


relate的意思是:叙述,使有联系,有关联,涉及,符合,发生共鸣。英 [ru026a"leu026at]     美 [ru026a"leu026at]    例句:It is difficult to relate cause and effect in this case.翻译:这个案件中的动机与结果很难联系起来。短语:relate the incident to sb 把这件事讲给某人听用法1、relate作“讲述,叙述”解时是比较正式的用语,强调详细地、完整地、有条理地、连贯地叙述自己耳闻目睹或经历过的事情或经过。用作及物动词,其后接名词、代词、疑问词从句作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语须用to引出。2、relate还可作“把…联系起来”解,可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作不及物动词时,常与介词to连用,用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,宾语后常接介词with。


relate 关联、相关,既指一个因素影响另一个因素,也可以指两个因素互相影响、互相作用。correlate 互相关联,只能指两个因素互相影响、互相作用。举例1:the corruption is related with the misuse of power 腐败和权力滥用相关 the corruption is correlated with the misuse of power the corruption and the misuse of power are correlated the corruption and the misuse of power are related以上这个例子中,腐败和权力滥用之间的关联,即可用relate,也可以用correlate,因为两者是互相关联的,腐败可以导致权力滥用,权力滥用也可以导致腐败。举例2:his death is related to heart disease 他的死与心脏病有关心脏病是导致他死亡的原因,但是很显然他的死亡不可能产生心脏病,所以只能使用relate


relate的意思是:叙述,使有联系,有关联,涉及,符合,发生共鸣。英 [ru026a"leu026at]     美 [ru026a"leu026at]    例句:It is difficult to relate cause and effect in this case.翻译:这个案件中的动机与结果很难联系起来。短语:relate the incident to sb 把这件事讲给某人听用法1、relate作“讲述,叙述”解时是比较正式的用语,强调详细地、完整地、有条理地、连贯地叙述自己耳闻目睹或经历过的事情或经过。用作及物动词,其后接名词、代词、疑问词从句作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语须用to引出。2、relate还可作“把?联系起来”解,可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作不及物动词时,常与介词to连用,用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,宾语后常接介词with。

relate to 与relate with 有没有区别?有什么区别? 词组辨析

relate通常与to搭配:relate…to…;be related to associate通常与with搭配 connect既可以与to又可以与with (可参考较权威的字典,牛津、朗文之类的)

紫咲ほたる的《relate》 歌词

歌曲名:relate歌手:紫咲ほたる专辑:EastNewSoundBestVol.2relateVocal:紫咲ほたるArrange:きりんLyric:くまりす原曲:プレインエイジアゆらゆら薄れ行くひらひら舞い降りたきらきら辉いたら咲きほこる梦こぼれ落ちた 雫集め刻んで着た 足迹に霞む指に ひらりと落ちた冻える夜に 舞い降りた何故歩みを止め 振り向くずっと前を向き 手と手离さず何度形を変え 丑いパノラマのフレームに映り込む悲しい笑颜それで もっともっと远くまで姿が见えなくて 谁もが求めていた素敌なメモリー忧う人に するりと溶けた狂える夜に 闻こえてた何故愿いは 形変えてきっと忘れてた あの时のこと几度姿を変え 歪んだパノラマの视界にも映り込む悲しい影はいつも ずっとずっと见守ると形を忘れても 永远に缲り返す非情なメモリー谁かが忘れて此処に置き去りで汚れたままでも强く辉く何度形を変え 丑いパノラマのフレームに映り込む悲しい笑颜それで もっともっと远くまで姿が见えなくて 谁もが求めていた素敌なメモリー


relate英 [ru026au02c8leu026at] 美 [ru026au02c8let] vt.& vi. (把…)联系起来;讲,叙述(故事等)vt. 讲述,叙述;使…有联系;建立或展示联系vi. 涉及;有联系;符合;发生共鸣第三人称单数: relates 现在分词: relating 过去式: related 过去分词: related

interrelate correlate relate区别 详细点

relate: give an account,narrat; be connected by blood/marriage强调血亲/婚姻关系;强调人与人之间关系,强调人与人发生的事情之间的关系等,其次也能强调事物之间的关系。cor-relate:have a mutual relationship/connection and 1 thing is depends/affects on another强调两个事物之间本就有一些共性从而有联系并互相影响/依赖inter-relate:relate or connect to one other单纯表达事物之间有联系/相通---relate最常用,几乎百搭不出错,除去特定搭配几乎可以囊括correlate和interrelate的情况。想要强调两者之间不仅有关系还有共同点的话用relate或者correlate,只想强调两者相关就用interrelate。从程度而言,relate、correlate的联系程度深于interrelate。---非要简单粗暴不严谨一点的话就是:你和父母之间是relate你和闺蜜之间是correlate你和学校/公司/中国之间是interrelate


这里relate是及物动词这个to 并不是说是因为relate是不及物动词 我把句子变下形状She related (how it happened) to them.我向他们讲述那件事发生的经过.这个to them 是向他们



be related to/in/with等有什么区别,是否还能跟其他介词,意思和用法都请教下,

relate to 涉及; 同…有…关系; 与…协调; 将…与…联系起来 维系;涉及;与…有关;与…相关的 1.将…与…联系起来,使与…相结合 It is difficult to relate his argument to the facts. 很难把他的论证同事实联系起来. 2.涉及,关系到… His remarks didn"t relate to the topic under discussion. 他说的话与讨论的问题无关. 3.与…协调,与…相处得好,与…相适应 She doesn"t relate very well to her mother. 她和她母亲关系不太融洽. 4.同…有…关系 The unemployment figures are not necessarily related to the rise in prices. 失业的数目同物价的上涨并没有必然的联系. relate with 把…同…联系起来 connect sth in thought or meaning 联系;涉及与;和……有关;与联系 这些意思和relate to的意思都差不多,relate with还有“符合”的意思 relate with 使符合,使关联 relate with the facts 与事实相符 relate…with 把关联 没有relate in这样的说法,但是有 “in relation to”意为“涉及、论及” “Sympathy motivates altruism in relation to the plight of the recipient.” “in relation to”也可以表示相对性 “If two drives are on the same cable,you have to specify the priority of one drive in relation to the other.”




作为“联系”这一层意思看的话,他们的区别在于搭配不同 connect ..... with....懂了吗?望采纳!


re(词根:一再),late(迟到)记:你一 再(re)迟到(late)怎么相处得好!


字典查查就知道用法了.. vt. 1.讲,叙述[(+to)] To him we related our troubles,asking his advice. 我们向他讲述了我们的困难,请他指导. 2.使有联系[(+to/with)] Can you relate what happened in your childhood to your present state of mind? 你能否把你童年时的遭遇同目前的心境相联起来? vi. 1.有关,涉及[(+to)] I don"t know to what this relates. 我不知道这与什么有关. 2.符合[(+with)] Your statement does not relate well with the facts. 你的说法与事实不太符合. 3.相处[(+to)] She doesn"t relate well to her peers. 她和同辈处不来. She doesn"t relate well to her mother. 她与她母亲相处不很和睦. 4.认同;欣赏 I just can"t relate to these new fashions. 我就是没办法认同这些新的流行款式.

relate to的区别是什么呢?

一、含义不同1、relate to释义:有关联,与……有关,理解。2、be related to释义:和…有(亲戚)关系。二、用法不同1、relate torelate to :涉及,有关。译文:我不能把他说的和他做的联系起来。2、be related tobe related to :中的related 则是一个形容词。三、造句不同relate to:One of the underlying themes of the entire movie is something everyone can relate to, and it's true in many stories like Romeo and Juliet整部电影的潜在主题之一就是与每个人都有关的事情,而且在许多故事里是真实的,像《罗密欧与朱丽叶》。be related to:The only stipulation is that the topic you choose must be related to your studies唯一的要求是你选的题目必须与你的研究科目有关。


及物动词 vt. 1. 讲,叙述[(+to)] To him we related our troubles, asking his advice. 我们向他讲述了我们的困难,请他指导. 2. 使有联系[(+to/with)] Can you relate what happened in your childhood to your present state of mind? 你能否把你童年时的遭遇同目前的心境相联起来? 不及物动词 vi. 1. 有关,涉及[(+to)] I don"t know to what this relates. 我不知道这与什么有关. 2. 符合[(+with)] Your statement does not relate well with the facts. 你的说法与事实不太符合. 3. 相处[(+to)] She doesn"t relate well to her peers. 她和同辈处不来. She doesn"t relate well to her mother. 她与她母亲相处不很和睦. 4. 认同;欣赏 I just can"t relate to these new fashions. 我就是没办法认同这些新的流行款式.


及物动词 vt. 1. 讲,叙述[(+to)]To him we related our troubles, asking his advice. 我们向他讲述了我们的困难,请他指导。 2. 使有联系[(+to/with)]Can you relate what happened in your childhood to your present state of mind? 你能否把你童年时的遭遇同目前的心境相联起来? 不及物动词 vi. 1. 有关,涉及[(+to)]I don"t know to what this relates. 我不知道这与什么有关。 2. 符合[(+with)]Your statement does not relate well with the facts. 你的说法与事实不太符合。 3. 相处[(+to)]She doesn"t relate well to her peers. 她和同辈处不来。 She doesn"t relate well to her mother. 她与她母亲相处不很和睦。 4. 认同;欣赏I just can"t relate to these new fashions. 我就是没办法认同这些新的流行款式。


concern vt.有关于, 关系到;使担忧, 使烦恼 1. Does this concern me? 这个与我有关系吗? 2. What is their concern? 他们担心的到底是什么呢? relate v. 联系,(把…)联系起来,使有联系 1. To relate in detail. 详述深入到细节地叙述 2. To construct or relate a myth. 创作神话;讲述神话 have something to do with 1. Do you have something to do with this group? 你和那个集团有何关系? 2. I have something to do. 我有些要办的事.


Arcmap中的数据表可以进行JOIN和RELATE操作,其对比如下:1)连接不同relate-one to many,one to one,many to onejoin-one to one, many to one2)显示不同。relate后,表的外观是独立的。一个表的记录进入选择集时,另一个表的对应记录也同步进入选择集,分别显示在各自的窗口中。join后,被连接表合并到结果表中,结果表的字段得到扩展。实质是视图,并不是真正的追加,是在图层上做的操作,不改变数据。若想将这种追加保存,则可以Data -> Export Data,将数据导出即可。


  Arcmap中的数据表可以进行JOIN和RELATE操作,其对比如下:  1)连接不同  relate-one to many,one to one,many to one  join-one to one, many to one  2)显示不同。  relate后,表的外观是独立的。一个表的记录进入选择集时,另一个表的对应记录也同步进入选择集,分别显示在各自的窗口中。  join后,被连接表合并到结果表中,结果表的字段得到扩展。实质是视图,并不是真正的追加,是在图层上做的操作,不改变数据。若想将这种追加保存,则可以Data -> Export Data,将数据导出即可。


  relate有讲述,叙述; 使u2026有联系; 建立或展示联系等意思,那么你知道relate的 近义词 有哪些吗?下面我为大家带来relate的近义词及辨析,欢迎大家学习!   relate近义词:   join, combine, unite, connect, link, attach, couple, associate, relate   relate近义词辨析:   这些动词均有"连接,结合,联合"之意。   join 侧重把原来不相连接的物紧密地连接在一起,但仍可再分开。也指把分散的人或几个部分的人联合起来,或加入到某团体中去。   combine 指两个或两个以上的人或物结合在一起。   unite 指联合、团结、结合在一起,构成一个整体。   connect 指两事物在某一点上相连接,但彼此又保持独立。   link 指连环式的连接,或用接合物或 其它 方式连接,还可指一事物与另一事物的联系或关系。   attach 指把局部连接在整体上,小的接在大的上面,活动的接在固定的上面。   couple 专指连接两件东西,或把事物成对进行连接。   associate 指人与人友好和平、平等地联合在一起;用于物时,指两事物因历史或其它原因,很自然被人们联系在一起,即产生联想。   relate 指人与人有亲戚或婚烟关系;也指人或物之间尚存的实际或假想的联系。   relate的英语例句:   1. Other recommendations relate to the details of how such data is stored.   其他建议涉及此类信息储存方面的一些细节。   2. There were officials to whom he could relate the whole story.   有一些官员会听他讲述整个 故事 。   3. Afternoon groups relate to the specific addictions and problems therein.   下午的小组谈到具体的上瘾病例以及其中的问题。   4. These people, usually men, seem unable to relate to the opposite sex.   这些人,通常为男性,似乎不懂得如何跟异性相处。   5. Many entries relate to the two world wars.   很多条目与两次世界大战有关。   6. He is unable to relate to other people.   他无法理解他人的想法。   7. I found it difficult to relate the two ideas in my mind.   我觉得很难把这两种想法联系在一起。   8. It is difficult to relate his argument to the facts.   很难把他的论证同事实联系起来.   9. It is difficult to relate these results with any known cause.   很难把结果与任何已知原因联系起来.   10. Our findings relate to physically rather than the visually handicapped pupils.   我们的研究结果是关于肢体残疾的学生,而不是视力有障碍的学生.   11. His remarks didn"t relate to the topic under discussion.   他说的话与讨论的问题无关.   12. Ade couldn"t relate the phenomena with any theory he knew.   艾德无法用他所知道的任何理论来解释这种现象.   13. The professor told his students to relate theory with practice.   教授要学生们理论联系实际.   14. It"s too bad that you are unable to relate to the environment.   你不能适应环境,这太糟糕了.   15. It"s unfortunate when a father and son can"t relate to each other.   父子之间关系不好是很不幸的.


  relate表讲述,叙述的意思,那么你知道relate的短语有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了relate的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!   relate的短语:   ~+名词   relate one"s ideas 叙述自己的观点   relate the incident to sb 把这件事讲给某人听   relate a story 讲故事   ~+介词   relate by blood 有血缘关系   relate to 与u2026有关,与u2026相处   relate to the case 与这个案子有关   relate to sb the story of 向某人讲述u2026的经过   relate ... with 把u2026和u2026联系起来   同义词辨析:   join, combine, unite, connect, link, attach, couple, associate, relate   这些动词均有"连接,结合,联合"之意。   join : 侧重把原来不相连接的物紧密地连接在一起,但仍可再分开。也指把分散的人或几个部分的人联合起来,或加入到某团体中去。   combine : 指两个或两个以上的人或物结合在一起。   unite : 指联合、团结、结合在一起,构成一个整体。   connect : 指两事物在某一点上相连接,但彼此又保持独立。   link : 指连环式的连接,或用接合物或其它方式连接,还可指一事物与另一事物的联系或关系。   attach : 指把局部连接在整体上,小的接在大的上面,活动的接在固定的上面。   couple : 专指连接两件东西,或把事物成对进行连接。   associate : 指人与人友好和平、平等地联合在一起;用于物时,指两事物因历史或其它原因,很自然被人们联系在一起,即产生联想。   relate : 指人与人有亲戚或婚烟关系;也指人或物之间尚存的实际或假想的联系。   relate的短语例句:   1. Other recommendations relate to the details of how such data is stored.   其他建议涉及此类信息储存方面的一些细节。   2. There were officials to whom he could relate the whole story.   有一些官员会听他讲述整个故事。   3. Afternoon groups relate to the specific addictions and problems therein.   下午的小组谈到具体的上瘾病例以及其中的问题。   4. These people, usually men, seem unable to relate to the opposite sex.   这些人,通常为男性,似乎不懂得如何跟异性相处。   5. Many entries relate to the two world wars.   很多条目与两次世界大战有关。   6. He is unable to relate to other people.   他无法理解他人的想法。   7. I found it difficult to relate the two ideas in my mind.   我觉得很难把这两种想法联系在一起。   8. It is difficult to relate his argument to the facts.   很难把他的论证同事实联系起来.   9. It is difficult to relate these results with any known cause.   很难把结果与任何已知原因联系起来.   10. Our findings relate to physically rather than the visually handicapped pupils.   我们的研究结果是关于肢体残疾的学生,而不是视力有障碍的学生.   11. His remarks didn"t relate to the topic under discussion.   他说的话与讨论的问题无关.   12. Ade couldn"t relate the phenomena with any theory he knew.   艾德无法用他所知道的任何理论来解释这种现象.   13. The professor told his students to relate theory with practice.   教授要学生们理论联系实际.   14. It"s too bad that you are unable to relate to the environment.   你不能适应环境,这太糟糕了.   15. It"s unfortunate when a father and son can"t relate to each other.   父子之间关系不好是很不幸的.


可以及物也可以不及物relate 英[ru026au02c8leu026at]美[ru026au02c8let]vt. (把…) 联系起来; 讲,叙述; (故事等)vt. 讲述,叙述; 使…有联系; 建立或展示联系;vi. 涉及; 有联系; 符合; 发生共鸣;[网络] 关联; 联系; 相关;[例句]Other recommendations relate to the details of how such data is stored.其他建议涉及此类信息储存方面的一些细节。[其他] 第三人称单数:relates 现在分词:relating 过去式:related 过去分词:related 形近词: dilate neolate collate




relate的意思是:叙述,使有联系,有关联,涉及,符合,发生共鸣。英 [ru026a"leu026at]     美 [ru026a"leu026at]    例句:It is difficult to relate cause and effect in this case.翻译:这个案件中的动机与结果很难联系起来。短语:relate the incident to sb 把这件事讲给某人听用法1、relate作“讲述,叙述”解时是比较正式的用语,强调详细地、完整地、有条理地、连贯地叙述自己耳闻目睹或经历过的事情或经过。用作及物动词,其后接名词、代词、疑问词从句作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语须用to引出。2、relate还可作“把…联系起来”解,可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作不及物动词时,常与介词to连用,用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语,宾语后常接介词with。




relate读音:英[ru026au02c8leu026at];美[ru026au02c8leu026at]。短语搭配:1、relate log 相关日志。2、relate sb 理纹棵辣解或同情某人;理解或同情或人。3、Relate Documents 相应文件。4、Relate Slice 动层面相关显示;自动层面奔局遥才相关显示。5、relate tediously 冗长达章担地讲述。6、relate speciously 似是而非地讲述。7、relate call 电话。例句:1、How can others relate to you?其他人狼酷乃和你相处的如何?2、So I need to relate this to what I do want.所以我要把这个和我想要的联系起几少龙来。3、It defines what these software elements are and how they relate to each other.它定义了这些软件要素是什么,以及愚祖体雅它们试洪如何与其他的部分产生联系。

论文里面,related work 和 literature review是一个意思吗?请写过英文论文的学姐学长们指教~

related work 是相关作品,而literary review 是文献综述,能一样吗?

JSY LATEX是泰国的天然乳胶枕头生产商?

是的,泰国天然乳胶枕头生产企业。JSY LATEX 金世缘

请问一下这是一什么机器?说是破碎机,英文名称是plate compactor.好像是做建筑材料,用来捣碎材料的机器


很久以前好听的英文歌,歌词里面有do the chocolate,感觉是一群孩子唱的

Buckle Up "N" Chuggeluck

platelet-rich plasma是什么意思

platelet-rich plasma:富含血小板血浆

英语作文Better early than late


连词成句:Katie late for is shool.(速解赠豆)


Hot Chocolate的《I M Sorry》 歌词

歌曲名:I M Sorry歌手:Hot Chocolate专辑:The Rest Of The Best Of Hot ChocolateTitle:I"m Sorry Artist:SibelAlbum:The Diving BelleTake a Look inside of my heartCan"t you see it"s breaking apartPut away your foolish prideLet me in I"m knocking at the doorI"m changing - (yes I am) rearranging nowI"m changing - (yes I am) I"m much wiser nowI"m SorrySorry for the things I saidI"m SorrySorry for the things I didAnd I"m sorry that I ever let you goI"m sorry that I ever let you goTake a look inside of my soulI don"t want to hurt anymoreTell me why we fuzz and fightHow can we make it alright?I"m changing - (yes I am) rearranging nowI"m changing - (yes I am) I"m much wiser nowI"m SorrySorry for the things I saidI"m SorrySorry for the things I didAnd I"m sorry that I ever let you goI"m sorry that I ever let you go(Na na na na na na I"m sorry I"m sorry)Can we get it back baby(Na na na na na na I"m sorry I"m sorry)I can"t let you go(Na na na na na na I"m sorry I"m sorry)I"m sorry that I ever let you goI"m SorrySorry for the things I saidI"m SorrySorry for the things I didAnd I"m sorry that I ever let you goI"m sorry that I ever let you goI"m SorrySorry for the things I saidI"m SorrySorry for the things I didAnd I"m sorry that I ever let you goI"m sorry that I ever let you goI"m sorry that I ever let you go

肿,疼痛 translate in english

肿=swollen or swelling His left arm is swollen. 他的左臂肿大。 疼痛=pain an ache or soreness She has a pain in her stomach. 她胃痛。 Mother says she is aching all over with fatigue. 母亲说她累得浑身疼痛。 Hope this can help you with! 参考: myself and dictionary 肿 疼痛 swollen and in pain 肿 = Swell Swelling (noun) 疼痛 = Ache headache (头痛) stomachache (肚痛) pain 也有痛的意思 但较多指"痛苦" (mantally & not physically). 关予痛及痛苦 我想提一提 agony 这字 解做: 极度痛苦 (可用作 both mantally & physically) 参考: self u can just say "pain"

chocolate worms是什么意思

chocolate worms巧克力蠕虫chocolate[英][u02c8tu0283u0252klu0259t][美][u02c8tu0283ɑ:klu0259t]n.巧克力; 巧克力糖; 巧克力色; adj.(含有)巧克力的; 巧克力色的; 复数:chocolateswormsn.虫( worm的名词复数 ); (昆虫的)幼虫; (人或动物体内的)寄生虫; 懦夫;



late, lately , more late, latest有什么区别


Have you talked to her latelyuff1f

【答案】:D题意:你近来和她谈了吗? 句中lately意为:近来,不久前。 A项lastly意为:最后,终于;例句:Lastly--remember to praise your child for a job well done.最后一点,记得要赞美你的孩子工作做得好。 B项finally意为:最后,终于;例句:After years of hard work,his efforts finally bore fruit.经过多年艰苦劳动之后,他的努力终于取得了成果。 C项shortly意为:立刻,简短地,唐突地;例句:I hope to announce the winner shortly.我希望马上宣布胜利者的名字。 D项recently意为:最近,新近;例句:The weather has been very snowy recently.近来天气多雪。故本题选D。

He gets up late还是lately为什么?

late lately是指,近来,




late1.是形容词,晚的,已故的等意思很多。如:He is always late.2.副词,He comes late.lately是副词,近来,不久前。如:He comes here lately. 他最近会来到这里latest1.是late的最高级,最晚的,最新的。如:This is the latest news2.是名词,最晚的,最新的。如:I want the latest.later是1.late的比较级,较晚的,更迟的。如:I get up at 10, he is later than me, at 11!2.副词,后来,稍后,一会. 如:Try again later 稍后再打以上不是很详细,不过可以帮助你理解。

Laura Fygi的《Lately》 歌词

歌曲名:Lately歌手:Laura Fygi专辑:LiveVashti Bunyan - Lately猫咪回来吧,狗狗一直在等你never was much given to prayerbut lately I"m pleading with the airto keep you safe from harm my dearsthe only things that you should keep in rowsare your perfect teeth - and the rest you knowits own sweet way will always go2009.04.26 7猫咪回来吧,狗狗一直在等你add your footsteps to the wearfor a tiny deny in every stairwill let them know that you"ve been there2009.04.26 7猫咪回来吧,狗狗一直在等你



TV Yellow的《Lately》 歌词

Lately歌曲:Lately歌手:ELLEGARDENLatelyI think I"m doing fineDon"t know what"s going onBut I"m out of itMaybeDesperate long enoughTo get bored of being madBut still it"s out thereYeah still it"s out thereIt"s almost 5:00amDon"t wanna fall asleepI"m finding something she was missingIt"s almost 5:00amAnd I"m still going onI"m finding something to believe inClearlyI"m doing something wrongShe smiles in my photographsI"m out of itMaybeIt means a lot to meIt tells me how to smileAnd it"s always out thereYeah it"s always out thereIt"s almost 5:00amDon"t wanna fall asleepI"m finding something she was missingIt"s almost 5:00amAnd I"m still going onI"m finding something to believe inIt"s almost 5:00amDon"t wanna fall asleepI"m finding something she was missingIt"s almost 5:00amAnd I"m still going onI"m finding something to believe in

Stevie Wonder的《Lately》 歌词

歌曲名:Lately歌手:Stevie Wonder专辑:The Definitive CollectionLatelyBy Stevie WonderLately I have had this strangest feeling,with no vivid reasons here to find.Yet the thought of losing you"s been ringinground my mind...Far more frequently you"re wearing perfume,with you say, "No special place to go"But when I ask will you be coming back soon,you don"t know, never know.Well, I"m a man of many wishes,I hope my premonition misses,but what I really feelmy eyes won"t let me hide,cause they always start to cry.cause this time could mean goodbye.Lately I"ve been staring in the mirror,very slowly picking me apart.Tryin" to tell myself I have no reasonwith your heart.Just the other night while you were sleeping,I vaguely heard you whisper someone"s name.But when I ask you of the thoughts you"re keeping,you just say, nothing"s changed.Well, I"m a man of many wishes,I hope my premonition misses,but what I really feelmy eyes won"t let me hide,cause they always start to cry.cause this time could mean goodbye.Well, I"m a man of many wishes,I hope my premonition misses,but what I really feelmy eyes won"t let me hide,cause they always start to cry.cause this time could mean good, goodbye.


The job"s done. =The job is(was) done. 这项工作(这个活儿)完成了。这句话属于被动语态的一般现在时或过去时。而lately是副词最近、近来,这个词是现在完成时的标配,即用到它一定会跟着现在完成时。因此,lately是不可以出现在上面的句子里。

Kenny Lattimore的《Lately》 歌词

歌曲名:Lately歌手:Kenny Lattimore专辑:Weekend「LATELY」作词∶STEVIE WONDER作曲∶STEVIE WONDER歌∶福原美穂Lately I have had this strangest feelingwith no vivid reason here to find.Yet the thought of losing you"s been hanging "round my mind.Far more frequently you"re wearing perfumewith, you say, no special place to go.But when I ask will you be coming back soonyou don"t know, never know.Well, I"m a man of many wishes,hope my premonition misses,but what I really feel,my eyes won"t let me hide,"cause they always start to cry."cause this time could mean goodbye.Lately I"ve been staring in the mirror,Very slowly picking me apart.Trying to tell myself I have no reasonWith your heart.Just the other night while you were sleeping,I vaguely heard you whisper someone"s name.But when I ask you of the thoughts you"re keeping,You just say nothing"s changedWell, I"m a man of many wishes,hope my premonition misses,but what I really feel,my eyes won"t let me hide,"cause they always start to cry."cause this time could mean goodbye.【 おわり 】

Lately (Turn Off The Stars Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Lately (Turn Off The Stars Album Version)歌手:Turn Off The Stars专辑:Turn Off The StarsDontae - LatelyI"m just sitting back and realizing,all the reasons I made a bad turn.She was getting fed up and slowly drifting,like it"s the love we had crashed and burned.I had excuses for everything,I put your feelings last, I kept my business first.I never knew how much you meant to me,until the last minute it hit me.Now that she"s gone,Deep inside I feel broke.I cant live my life right,So empty inside.Without her, I don"t know if I can make it,maybe shes all I"ve ever needed.I hate that shes gone,no it aint a good feeling.I feel so ???,no I can"t save it."Cause it"s killing me in every way,I can"t explain it.(oh)Maybe I deserve for you to leave.Maybe I should"ve seen how it is between you and me.Maybe, maybe, just maybe, maybe."Cause lately, I been thinking about myself.Lately I been driving you insane, breaking your heart.Lately, lately, just lately, lately.What I don"t get most of all,What makes us stand up, and make love girl?I"m so confused I can"t come in.I feel so bad that ??? doesnt know,I put on a front, and see whats going onand I dont feel right, because I know that it"s wrong.I took advantage of your love and it hurts,Oh it hurts.Now that she"s gone,Deep inside I feel broke.I cant live my life right,So empty inside.Without her, I don"t know if I can make it,maybe shes all I"ve ever needed.I hate that shes gone,no it aint a good feeling.I feel so ??,no one can save me."Cause it"s killing me in every way,I can"t explain it.(Girl)Maybe I deserve for you to leave.Maybe I should"ve seen how it is between you and me.Maybe, maybe, just maybe, maybe."Cause lately, I been thinking about myself.Lately I been driving you insane, breaking your heart.Lately, lately, just lately, lately.Baby, I should have paid more attention;Took up ties that you was giving.But I had too much going on girl, girl."Cause ?????I don"t know what to do,what to do..Maybe I deserve for you to go,I deserve for you to go..Oh,Oh oh ohh, ( Don"t know what I should do )Ohh oh ohh,Yeah yeah yeah.(oh)Maybe I deserve for you to leave.Maybe I should"ve seen how it is between you and me.Maybe, maybe, just maybe, maybe."Cause lately, I been thinking about myself.Lately I been driving you insane, breaking your heart.Lately, lately, just lately, lately.....

Stevie Wonder的《Lately》 歌词

歌曲名:Lately歌手:Stevie Wonder专辑:Song Review A Greatest Hits CollectionLatelyBy Stevie WonderLately I have had this strangest feeling,with no vivid reasons here to find.Yet the thought of losing you"s been ringinground my mind...Far more frequently you"re wearing perfume,with you say, "No special place to go"But when I ask will you be coming back soon,you don"t know, never know.Well, I"m a man of many wishes,I hope my premonition misses,but what I really feelmy eyes won"t let me hide,cause they always start to cry.cause this time could mean goodbye.Lately I"ve been staring in the mirror,very slowly picking me apart.Tryin" to tell myself I have no reasonwith your heart.Just the other night while you were sleeping,I vaguely heard you whisper someone"s name.But when I ask you of the thoughts you"re keeping,you just say, nothing"s changed.Well, I"m a man of many wishes,I hope my premonition misses,but what I really feelmy eyes won"t let me hide,cause they always start to cry.cause this time could mean goodbye.Well, I"m a man of many wishes,I hope my premonition misses,but what I really feelmy eyes won"t let me hide,cause they always start to cry.cause this time could mean good, goodbye.


“late”和“lately”的区别是:late有形容词和副词词性,而lately只有副词词性。 late adj. 晚的;迟的;已故的;最近的 adv. 晚;迟;最近;在晚期 lately adv. 近来,不久前 扩展资料   Better late than never.   迟做总比不做的好。   I was shut out for being five minutes late.   我就迟到了五分钟,便被关在了门外。   She radiotelephoned her mother to say she would be late.   她给母亲打无线电话说她要晚到。   I fear I am late.   我恐怕要迟到了。   Look! It"s late. Mother will grumble again.   你瞧,这么晚了,妈妈又该唠叨了!   The late dinner disgruntled my father.   晚饭太晚让我父亲气恼了。

Macy Gray的《Lately》 歌词

歌曲名:Lately歌手:Macy Gray专辑:The SelloutMacy Gray - LatelyThat day when I made you cry,didn"t think you"d say goodbyebut I hurt you deep inside and I"m sorry loveHope you can understandwhen I went to the other manSee baby, had to work my planbut you"ve had enoughYeah, shake me loveYou wake me loveI"m dreamin" of ya(I know that we"re)We"re broken up but I"m sure it was love,my loveLately I"ve been...Lately I"ve been coming up just like a palm treePeople surrounding meYeah, I"m popularThey say I"m prettyYou should come back to me (Back to me)Lately, latelyYeah, baby I was a crabDidn"t realise what I hadTook the good and made it badand I"m sorry loveBut I landed on my feet, nowLookie here and you will see, nowI think you"ll like meCheck me outYeah, shake me loveDon"t wake me loveI"m dreamin" of ya(I know that we"re) We"re broken upbut I"m sure it was love, my loveLately I"ve been...Lately I"ve been coming up just like a palm treePeople surrounding meYeah, I"m popularThey say I"m pretty (I"m pretty baby)You should come back to me (Yeah, yeah)Lately, latelyYou have what I needand I know how it seemsbut it"s not that way (Not that way)I was chasing my dreams(I was chasing my dreams)If you only knew (If you only knew)how I felt about you, you"d be running back(Running back), back on my streetLately (Lately) I"ve been coming up (Coming up)just like a palm tree (Palm)People surrounding meYeah, I"m popularThey say I"m prettyYou should come back to me (Yeah)Lately, latelyLately I"ve been coming up just like a palm treePeople surrounding me(Yeah, all now get that I"m popular)Yeah, I"m popularThey say I"m pretty (Yeah, that I"m pretty baby)You should come back to meLately, latelyLately I"ve been coming up(Come to me) just like a palm treePeople surrounding meYeah, I"m popularThey say I"m prettyYou should come back to me (Alright)Lately, lately


lately做副词相当于recently,表示"最近,近来"之意,强调时间点,多用过去时,表示时间长度,多用完成时,但不可用于将来时态中。 lately 意为"近来,最近",相当于 recently ,可置于句首也可置于句末。have you weighed yourself lately? 你最近称过体重吗?Where have you been lately? 前一向你到哪里去?What is he do lately? 他最近干什么?She was here only lately. 她最近才来过这。She has been queer lately. 她最近身体不舒服。Prices have shot up lately. 最近物价暴涨。I haven"t seen him lately. 我最近未见过他。He reads the news lately. 他最近获悉这个消息。TheposterreadsHave you seen them lately? 你最近见过他们吗?Have you seen Kate lately?


lately在这里的意思是:如今,而今 这里 until lately 是最为一个插入语放在这个句子里面的. 意思是:在美国,直到如今,男子还是依然被人为不能哭泣. I usually see you in the shop lately{最近}!


late就是迟到,晚,是形容词,在名词前后latest是形容词最高级,最晚的,最近的,最新的 lately是副词放在动词前后近来,最近


lately是副词最近until lately 表示直到最近Be she homesick lately? 她近来老想家吗?来源: dj.iciba.com2.We have been having a few disagreements lately. 我们近来发生了一些争执。来源: dj.iciba.com3.Attendance at meetings seems to have fallen off lately. 参加会议者最近似乎已经减少了。来源: dj.iciba.com4.He has lately set forth a book on prose. 他最近出版一本论散文的著作。来源: dj.iciba.com5.I have not seen anything of him just lately. 近来我连他的影子也没见到过。来源: dj.iciba.com6.I have not seen anything of Old Li lately. 我近来根本没有见到过老李。来源: dj.iciba.com7.That boy has been lazing about too much lately. 那男孩子近来太懒散了。来源: dj.iciba.com8.There have been some pretty unsparing antientertainments just lately. 就在最近,就有一些过度的反传统的娱乐。来源: dj.iciba.com9.The old wound has been playing up again lately. 近来旧伤又发作了。来源: dj.iciba.com10.Their talk lately was only from the teeth outwards. 他们最近的谈话并没有真实的意义。来源:



ELLEGARDEN的《Lately》 歌词

Lately歌曲:Lately歌手:ELLEGARDENLatelyI think I"m doing fineDon"t know what"s going onBut I"m out of itMaybeDesperate long enoughTo get bored of being madBut still it"s out thereYeah still it"s out thereIt"s almost 5:00amDon"t wanna fall asleepI"m finding something she was missingIt"s almost 5:00amAnd I"m still going onI"m finding something to believe inClearlyI"m doing something wrongShe smiles in my photographsI"m out of itMaybeIt means a lot to meIt tells me how to smileAnd it"s always out thereYeah it"s always out thereIt"s almost 5:00amDon"t wanna fall asleepI"m finding something she was missingIt"s almost 5:00amAnd I"m still going onI"m finding something to believe inIt"s almost 5:00amDon"t wanna fall asleepI"m finding something she was missingIt"s almost 5:00amAnd I"m still going onI"m finding something to believe in


[ti:][ar:][al:][by:] [00:02.56]Lately[00:06.44]Kim DongWan[00:08.06][00:15.89]Lately I have had this strangest feeling,[00:22.67]with no vivid reasons here to find.[00:29.06]Yet the thought of losing you"s been ringing[00:34.88]round my mind...[00:42.54]Far more frequently you"re wearing perfume,[00:49.42]with you say, "No special place to go"[00:55.64]But when I ask will you be coming back soon,[01:01.73]you don"t know, never know.[01:09.43]Well, I"m a man of many wishes,[01:13.39]I hope my premonition misses,[01:16.69]but what I really feel[01:19.23]my eyes won"t let me hide,[01:22.40]cause they always start to cry.[01:36.22]cause this time could mean goodbye.[01:57.05]Lately I"ve been staring in the mirror,[02:03.79]very slowly picking me apart.[02:10.55]Tryin" to tell myself I have no reason[02:16.09]with your heart.[02:23.79]Just the other night while you were sleeping,[02:30.30]I vaguely heard you whisper someone"s name.[02:37.13]But when I ask you of the thoughts you"re keeping,[02:43.21]you just say, nothing"s changed.[02:51.16]Well, I"m a man of many wishes,[02:54.70]I hope my premonition misses,[02:58.13]but what I really feel[03:00.45]my eyes won"t let me hide,[03:03.67]cause they always start to cry.[03:17.48]cause this time could mean goodbye.[03:30.73]Well, I"m a man of many wishes,[03:35.36]I hope my premonition misses,[03:38.89]but what I really feel[03:41.06]my eyes won"t let me hide,[03:44.26]cause they always start to cry.[03:57.83]cause this time could mean good, goodbye.


  ▲lately和recently都通常与完成时连用。如:  Have you seen her lately? 你最近见过她吗?  I haven"t had enough sleep lately. 我近来睡眠不足。  The Chinese market has opened up recently. 中国市场最近开放了。  These measures have only been recently introduced. 这些措施是刚刚实施的。  ▲但它们也可连用一般过去时。如:  They recently put my rent up. 他们最近提高了我的租金。  A sad accident happened at Madame Blaosky"s lately. 布劳斯基夫人家不久前发生了一件令人伤心的事。  ▲若是连用一般现在时,则通常用于lately,一般不用recently。如:  He doesn"t like watching TV lately. 他近来不喜欢看电视。  We used to visit London once a week, but lately we go there twice a week. 我们过去总是每周去一次伦敦,但最近我们每周去两次。  ▲注意:lately和recently都通常不用于将来,如:  最近我们要去巴黎。  不说:We will go to Paris lately [recently].  而说:We will go to Paris soon.

get up late还是lately 是要加副词吗?

get up late 是正确的. late 本身就可以作副词 lately 不久前,近来,最近 它没有 晚 的意思.

侧田的《Lately》 歌词

歌曲名:Lately歌手:侧田专辑:侧田 One Good Show 演唱会Day Of Fire - LatelyStealin", down, feelin" I"m burnin" todayDone with everything that I"ve thrown awayWaitin" for the sun up, I"m through the gray with my songI need you,I feed youYou know You knowYou know You know You knowIt"s time to forget about all the thingsYou"ve been thinkin" about latelyLately, it"s been a rollercoaster,These doubts and reasons whyIt"s time to forget about all the liesThat are makin" your heart angryAngry, and all the ones that saidYou would never ever fly,flyCuttin" through, feel the groove of the dayPushin" through the pain til it goes away, yeahMemories cuttin" like a razor bladePushin" through the pain til it fades away, yeahI bleed youYou know You knowYou know You know You knowIt"s time to forget about all the thingsYou"ve been thinkin" about latelyLately, it"s been a rollercoaster,These doubts and reasons whyIt"s time to forget about all the liesThat are makin" your heart angryAngry, and all the ones that saidYou would never ever fly,flyPlease take this heart of mine for a rideThrough the skyPlease take this heart for a rideThrough the skyYeah yeahhIt"s time to forget about all the thingsYou"ve been thinkin" about latelyLately, it"s been a rollercoaster,These doubts and reasons whyIt"s time to forget about all the liesThat are makin" your heart angryAngry, and all the ones that saidYou would never ever fly, flyFlyyyy

英语中lately 为什么是现在完成时标志性词

and pale gleams the smile of the sea-beach.

get up late还是lately

late 形容词、副词 “晚”lately副词 “最近的”=recently所以应该是 get up late

Nnenna Freelon的《Lately》 歌词

歌曲名:Lately歌手:Nnenna Freelon专辑:Tales Of WonderMacy Gray - LatelyThat day when I made you cry,didn"t think you"d say goodbyebut I hurt you deep inside and I"m sorry loveHope you can understandwhen I went to the other manSee baby, had to work my planbut you"ve had enoughYeah, shake me loveYou wake me loveI"m dreamin" of ya(I know that we"re)We"re broken up but I"m sure it was love,my loveLately I"ve been...Lately I"ve been coming up just like a palm treePeople surrounding meYeah, I"m popularThey say I"m prettyYou should come back to me (Back to me)Lately, latelyYeah, baby I was a crabDidn"t realise what I hadTook the good and made it badand I"m sorry loveBut I landed on my feet, nowLookie here and you will see, nowI think you"ll like meCheck me outYeah, shake me loveDon"t wake me loveI"m dreamin" of ya(I know that we"re) We"re broken upbut I"m sure it was love, my loveLately I"ve been...Lately I"ve been coming up just like a palm treePeople surrounding meYeah, I"m popularThey say I"m pretty (I"m pretty baby)You should come back to me (Yeah, yeah)Lately, latelyYou have what I needand I know how it seemsbut it"s not that way (Not that way)I was chasing my dreams(I was chasing my dreams)If you only knew (If you only knew)how I felt about you, you"d be running back(Running back), back on my streetLately (Lately) I"ve been coming up (Coming up)just like a palm tree (Palm)People surrounding meYeah, I"m popularThey say I"m prettyYou should come back to me (Yeah)Lately, latelyLately I"ve been coming up just like a palm treePeople surrounding me(Yeah, all now get that I"m popular)Yeah, I"m popularThey say I"m pretty (Yeah, that I"m pretty baby)You should come back to meLately, latelyLately I"ve been coming up(Come to me) just like a palm treePeople surrounding meYeah, I"m popularThey say I"m prettyYou should come back to me (Alright)Lately, lately


i got fat




The job"s done. =The job is(was) done. 这项工作(这个活儿)完成了。这句话属于被动语态的一般现在时或过去时。而lately是副词最近、近来,这个词是现在完成时的标配,即用到它一定会跟着现在完成时。因此,lately是不可以出现在上面的句子里。


ately的意思是"最近”,用来表示目从较早的时间以来的经常发生的情况。例如:l"vebeen busyately.(我最近很忙。)Newly的意思是"新近”,用来表示过去发生过的,但与当前或近期有关的新事物或情况。例如:1nave a newly purchased car.(我有一两新买的车。)希望我的回答对您有所帮助,祝您生活愉快

late , later ,laterly , lately 的意思



1. 什么是lately和recentlyLately和recently都表示最近的意思,常用于英语口语和书面语中,但它们有一些区别。Lately通常指最近过去的时间,通常是几个星期到几个月之间的时间段。而Recently则指更广泛的时间段,可以是最近的一段时间,在数天到数周之内,也可以是数个月或数年的时间段。2. Lately和recently的用法Lately和recently可以在句子中用作副词,修饰动词或形容词,以表示一个行动或状态的“新鲜度”。例如:She has been lately very busy with her work. (她最近一直忙于工作。)Recently, the weather has become colder. (最近天气变冷了。)3. 这两个词的不同例句尽管这两个单词的含义相似,但是在某些情况下却不能互相替代。例如:- LatelyLately通常用来描述与过去几周和几个月相关的事情,例如:I haven"t seen my friend lately. (我最近没有见到我的朋友。)Lately, sales have been increasing. (最近,销售额有所增加。)- RecentlyRecently则适用于更广泛的时间段,可以涵盖过去几天到过去几年,例如:Recently, I"ve been thinking a lot about my future. (最近,我一直在思考我的未来。)I haven"t been to the beach recently. (我最近没有去海滩。)4. 表达方式上的区别除了在使用时指代不同的时间段之外,lately和recently还有一些在表达方式上的差异。例如:Lately这个单词可能会让人联想到一个相对较短的时间段,因此通常具有褒义。使用这个词可以表达一个积极的状态或变化,例如:Lately, I"ve been feeling great. (最近我感觉很好。)Sales have been up lately. (近期销售额呈上升趋势。)相比之下,recently则更加务实。这个单词强调的是一个事件发生的事实,不带任何情感色彩,例如:Recently, the company has hired several new employees. (最近,公司雇佣了几名新员工。)I"ve been working hard at the gym recently. (我最近一直在健身房努力锻炼。)5. 使用lately和recently的注意点虽然Lately和recently的区别较小,但是在使用时还是要注意一些细节。以下是一些需要注意的事项:- 通常情况下,Lately所指的时间比Recently的时间短,应特别注意这一点。- 无论是Lately还是Recently在句子中均为副词,它们不能用于名词或代词。- 如果你要在英语口语中使用Lately和Recently,要注意两者的发音是不同的,Lately发[le?tli],而Recently发[r?sntli]。6. 案例分析以下是一些使用Lately和Recently的例子:- Lately我感觉身体很健康,每天都能睡好觉。- Recently我很忙,几乎每天都要加班。- Lately,我已经开始更加关注我的健康状况。- Recently,我决定开始学习一门新技能。7. 总结虽然Lately和Recently在实际用法中存在区别,但这两个单词的大致含义非常相似,都表示“最近的”意思。选择哪个单词要视情况而定,但是无论哪个单词,都需要根据上下文和具体时间段来使用。同时,还需要注意这两个单词所表达的情感色彩和发音的区别。
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