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In the Northern Ocean there is a fish, the name of which is Kun - I do not know how many li in size. It changes into a bird with the name of Peng, the back of which is (also) - I do not know how many li in extent. When this bird rouses itself and flies, its wings are like clouds all round the sky. When the sea is moved (so as to bear it along), it prepares to remove to the Southern Ocean. The Southern Ocean is the Pool of Heaven. There is the (book called) Qi Xie, a record of marvels. We have in it these words: ‘When the phang is removing to the Southern Ocean it flaps (its wings) on the water for 3000 li. Then it ascends on a whirlwind 90,000 li, and it rests only at the end of six months." (But similar to this is the movement of the breezes which we call) the horses of the fields, of the dust (which quivers in the sunbeams), and of living things as they are blown against one another by the air. Is its azure the proper colour of the sky? Or is it occasioned by its distance and illimitable extent? If one were looking down (from above), the very same appearance would just meet his view. And moreover, (to speak of) the accumulation of water; if it be not great, it will not have strength to support a large boat. Upset a cup of water in a cavity, and a straw will float on it as if it were a boat. Place a cup in it, and it will stick fast; the water is shallow and the boat is large. (So it is with) the accumulation of wind; if it be not great, it will not have strength to support great wings. Therefore (the peng ascended to) the height of 90,000 li, and there was such a mass of wind beneath it; thenceforth the accumulation of wind was sufficient. As it seemed to bear the blue sky on its back, and there was nothing to obstruct or arrest its course, it could pursue its way to the South. A cicada and a little dove laughed at it, saying, ‘We make an effort and fly towards an elm or sapanwood tree; and sometimes before we reach it, we can do no more but drop to the ground. Of what use is it for this (creature) to rise 90,000 li, and make for the South?" He who goes to the grassy suburbs, returning to the third meal (of the day), will have his belly as full as when he set out; he who goes to a distance of 100 li will have to pound his grain where he stops for the night; he who goes a thousand li, will have to carry with him provisions for three months. What should these two small creatures know about the matter? The knowledge of that which is small does not reach to that which is great; (the experience of) a few years does not reach to that of many. How do we know that it is so? The mushroom of a morning does not know (what takes place between) the beginning and end of a month; the short-lived cicada does not know (what takes place between) the spring and autumn. These are instances of a short term of life. In the south of Chu there is the (tree) called Ming-ling, whose spring is 500 years, and its autumn the same; in high antiquity there was that called Da-chun, whose spring was 8000 years, and its autumn the same. And Peng Zu is the one man renowned to the present day for his length of life: if all men were (to wish) to match him, would they not be miserable?


逍遥游翻译及原文如下:译文:北方的大海里有一条鱼,它的名字叫做鲲。鲲的体积,真不知道大到几千里;变化成为鸟,它的名字就叫鹏。鹏的脊背,真不知道长到几千里;当它奋起而飞的时候,那展开的双翅就像天边的云。这只鹏鸟呀,随着海上汹涌的波涛迁徙到南方的大海。南方的大海是个天然的大池。《齐谐》是一部专门记载怪异事情的书,这本书上记载说:“鹏鸟迁徙到南方的大海,翅膀拍击水面激起三千里的波涛,海面上急骤的狂风盘旋而上直冲九万里高空,离开北方的大海用了六个月的时间方才停歇下来”。春日林泽原野上蒸腾浮动犹如奔马的雾气,低空里沸沸扬扬的尘埃,都是大自然里各种生物的气息吹拂所致。天空是那么湛蓝湛蓝的,难道这就是它真正的颜色吗?抑或是高旷辽远没法看到它的尽头呢?鹏鸟在高空往下看,不过也就像这个样子罢了。再说水汇积不深,它浮载大船就没有力量。倒杯水在庭堂的低洼处,那么小小的芥草也可以给它当作船;而搁置杯子就粘住不动了,因为水太浅而船太大了。风聚积的力量不雄厚,它托负巨大的翅膀便力量不够。原文:北冥有鱼,其名为鲲。鲲之大,不知其几千里也。化而为鸟,其名为鹏。鹏之背,不知其几千里也。怒而飞,其翼若垂天之云。是鸟也 ,海运则将徙于南冥。南冥者,天池也。《齐谐》者,志怪者也。《谐》之言曰:“鹏之徙于南冥也,水击三千里,抟扶摇而上者九万里,去以六月息者也。”野马也,尘埃也 ,生物之以息相吹也。天之苍苍,其正色邪?其远而无所至极邪?其 视下也,亦若是则已矣。且夫水之积也不厚,则其负大舟也无力。覆杯水于坳堂之上,则芥为之舟。置杯焉则胶,水浅而舟大也。风之积也不厚,则其负大翼也无力。故九万里则风斯在下矣,而后乃今培风;背负青天而莫之夭阏者,而后乃今将图南。蜩与学鸠笑之曰:“我决起而飞,枪榆枋而止,时则不至,而控于地而已矣,奚以之九万里而南为?”适莽苍者,三餐而反,腹犹果然;适百里者,宿舂粮;适千里者,三月聚粮。之二虫又何知!小知不及大知,小年不及大年。奚以知其然也?朝菌不知晦朔,蟪蛄不知春秋,此小年也。楚之南有冥灵者,以五百岁为春,五百岁为 秋;上古有大椿者,以八千岁为春,八千岁为秋。而彭祖乃今以久特闻,众人匹之,不亦悲乎!
