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2024年放假安排元旦 春节 清明节 劳动节端午节 中秋节 国庆节是几月几日 放假时间是哪几天?

2024年1月1日,星期一,元旦,非法定节假日。农历是癸卯年 甲子月 甲子日 (十一月二十)。生肖是兔。宜:交易.沐浴.安葬.祭祀.入殓.修坟.除虫.成服.除服.收养子女.迁坟.谢土。忌:搬新房.动土.修造.破土.斋醮。


2024年1月1日,星期一,元旦,非法定节假日。农历是癸卯年 甲子月 甲子日 (十一月二十)。生肖是兔。宜:交易.沐浴.安葬.祭祀.入殓.修坟.除虫.成服.除服.收养子女.迁坟.谢土。忌:搬新房.动土.修造.破土.斋醮。


1、耕耘 扶锄喘息时 我将耕耘一词拆开了 原来是两个犁上的木把 一口井和一片云 对一个农民这就够了 有井我们就用不着翻山越岭 去那条大河挑水了 有云我们就可以迎来雨 确保粮食丰收 那个把土地和劳动 造成书的人和我一样也是一个 热爱庄稼的人 他常在扶锄喘息时 琢磨字的写法 我看见他在禾苗中间摇晃 仿佛一团阳光或者一丝空气 他耕耘的姿势在我的诗中 很沧桑地发出声音 2、建筑工 铁锹,斗车,脚手架 敲击,滚动,默默承受着一切 水泥,砂浆,空心砖 湿了,干了,硬了,纵横交错 以汗水见证 不分昼夜的操劳 让砖墙拔高 筑起亮丽的风景线后 消瘦的影子悄然消失 3、劳动者之歌 一群人呼喊着口号 握着拳头走过大洋彼岸的街头 演绎出年年五一节的盛装 劳动最光荣劳动者权益必须得到尊重 五一节全世界劳动者的节日 这天浓缩了历史的风雨 这天延续了劳动的故事 这天是一面火红的旗帜猎猎飘扬 劳动的大旗鼓舞人们前进 劳动是历史前进的动力 从古自今从东到西从南到北 4、环卫工 挥手,扫开东方的鱼白 掏空了桶,装满了车,端走了蚊蝇的窝 挥手,拭净街头的尘垢 清新了轿车尾气弥过的每个角落 挥手,摘下西边的霞光 拖着长长的影子,携满身的灰尘 回家,把疲惫带入梦乡 5、欢庆五一劳动节 五一佳节喜气浓, 举国上下齐欢腾。 经济发展舞东风, 宏伟蓝图跨时空。 行业兴盛展新容, 综合国力满增强。 友谊之花开八方, 劳动人民洒满情。 创造历史架彩虹, 两个文明惠民生。 驾驭科技勇前行, 渴盼世界永和平。 6、歌唱劳动 在城市里每一条静谧或喧闹的街衢 我歌唱一把悠然舞动的扫帚 它缄默不语,一任身体与大地亲近 擦出些胭脂,为城市梳妆 关于平凡和伟大 关于卑微与崇高 舞动的扫帚,用绝美的舞姿注释 7、劳动者 天下最容易接近的是泥土 以及和泥土相依为命的男人和女人 他们以劳动的方式 同这个世界真情对话 他们漂泊过的所有地方 都生长发展史和进化论 蕴含丰富且平易自然 8、歌唱劳动 在这个花草苏醒柳枝跳舞的季节 我歌唱一只在松软泥土下蠕动的蚯蚓 这蠕动是最曼妙的舞蹈 它与农人耕耘与播种的躬身姿势 优美地契合,弥漫一些大豆的金黄 稻谷的芳香,成为墒情充裕的土地上 最美的舞神 9、工人 工人, 我以为是财富之神; 一砖一瓦盖高楼, 一镐一铲挖金银; 一经一纬织锦段, 一锤一斧造巨轮。 开火车,开汽车, 炼钢,炼铁,炼黄金。 没有工人修大道, 怎么高速通往幸福门。 工人,别人该尊重, 工人,自己该自信! 社会分工当工人, 就把自己当成神。 10、割草女 在所有的草中唯独割草女是一株 开花的草她健康的花颜使春天看上去 显得又瘦又小就盛在 她的篮中春天是她沉重的负担 闪了它的腰的却是那个放牛的 野小子他总是在她的背后 他总是把她引向远方远方 雨和风都很大阴影也很大 唯独阳光很小在她的脚尖上 就那么一点点红一点点 就让割草女痛一辈子她已不是 去年春天的那个女子她也不是 来年春天的那个女子那个 在草中独自开花的女子 她健康的花颜使春天看上去 显得又瘦又小 在她的篮中 关于五一劳动节的古诗 关于五一劳动节的古诗 1、《悯农》 唐李绅 锄禾日当午,汗滴禾下土。 谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦。 2、《观刈麦》 唐白居易 田家少闲月,五月人倍忙。 夜来南风起,小麦覆陇黄。 妇姑荷簟食,童稚携壶浆。 相随饷田去,丁壮在南冈。 足蒸暑土气,背灼炎天光。 力尽不知热,但惜夏日长。 复有贫妇人,抱子在其傍。 右手秉遗穗,左臂悬敝筐。 听其相顾言,闻者为悲伤。 家田输税尽,拾此充饥肠。 今我何功德,曾不事农桑。 吏禄三百石,岁晏有馀粮。 念此私自愧,尽日不能忘。 3、《归园田居》 东晋陶渊明 种豆南山下,草盛豆苗稀。 晨兴理荒秽,带月荷锄归。 道狭草木长,夕露沾我衣。 衣沾不足惜,但使愿无违。 4、《四时田园杂兴》 宋范成大 昼出耘田夜绩麻,村庄儿女各当家。 童孙未解供耕织,也傍桑阴学种瓜。 5、《乡村四月》 宋翁卷 绿遍山原白满川,子规声里雨如烟。 乡村四月闲人少,才了蚕桑又插田。 6、《畲田调二首》 宋王禹偁 之一 大家齐力斸孱颜,耳听田歌手莫闲。 各愿种成千百索,豆萁禾穗满青山。 之二 北山种了种南山,相助力耕岂有偏? 愿得人间皆似我,也应四海少荒田。 关于劳动的诗歌 关于劳动的诗歌 1、《为劳动者喝彩!给劳动者加油!》 青山绿水牛 是谁曾说: 劳动创造了人类! 是谁在说: 劳动赢得了幸福! 又是谁在唱: 劳动最光荣! 毛主席曾讲: 文艺为工、农、兵服务 也就是为劳动者讴歌。 我为建筑工人喝彩! 看!手拿着钢筋管, 象轻灵的燕 缀成了幢幢入云的大厦 缀成了江河座座桥梁 缀成了祖国繁荣昌盛 宏伟了他们自豪的胸膛 我为农民鼓掌! 瞧!烈日里,汗水洒向大地 大地披上了金绸、银缎 万紫千红、摇曳了农家的心 丰仓里都是国家的安稳! 我为家政人员感慨! 那家政的阿姨 回家后想着照料过的幼儿 泪水汇成晶莹的小溪 心声唱响在星光大道 和谐了千家万户的柴、米、油、盐 我为最有价值的科研人员加油! 上九天探索,下深海科考 祥云、清空;蔚蓝、墨黑 奏响出祖国辉煌腾达 我为援外的设计者鼓劲! 想念留在家里 心里装着祖国 喝彩响遍地球之村 每年有多少劳模举起奖杯 每年有多少劳模印在人心 每天都是劳动的海洋 是啊!劳动是美好! 光荣的!创造幸福的! 2、《为五一劳动节作诗》 在那个久远的年代 1886年的5月1日 一群朴素的劳动者 为了争取应有的权益 走上街头 从此后 人们记住了这个日子 从此后 劳动者的声音 变得愈加雄壮浑厚 我们不会忘记 当侵略者的铁蹄 踏破我美丽山河的时刻 无数劳动者 拿起了刀枪 用他们血肉之躯 谱写出一曲曲 抗击侵略 还我山河的壮歌 我们不会忘记 在那个烽烟四起的年代 无数劳动者 聚拢于正义的红旗下 为了国家的解放事业 抛头颅洒热血 演绎出一幕幕 铁骨忠魂的历史巨篇 我们不会忘记 在新中国百废待兴的那段艰难岁月 还是我们的劳动者 硬是用他们的双手 用他们不畏艰辛的意志 用他们报效祖国的忠贞 从一片废墟瓦砾中 托起了一个富强美丽的华夏民族 今天 我们更不能忘记 那一座座新式的厂房里 那一个个热火朝天的工地上 我们的劳动者们 依然在用他们的双手和智慧 用他们对国家 对民族最朴素的信仰 夜以继日任劳任怨 今天 当拿起笔的时候 我的心中开始热血沸腾 因为我在骄傲 因为我也是劳动者 因为我也在为我们民族的伟大复兴 而默默工作 今天 我想大声的喊出我心中的激动 劳动者我们也是最可爱的人 3、《劳动者之歌》 潇男 五月的花朵美丽芬芳 五月的歌声清脆嘹亮 五月的红旗特别鲜艳 五月的太阳格外辉煌 这花朵开遍五洲四海 这歌声响彻高山大洋 这红旗映亮五色皮肤 这阳光照暖亿万胸膛 红五月给了我们做人的尊严 红五月给了我们回天的力量 红五月给了我们生存的权利 红五月给了我们崇高的理想 我们是民族的中流砥柱 我们是国家的擎天栋梁 我们是世界的唯一主宰 我们是历史的推动力量 我们挥挥手――高山低头让路 我们跺跺脚――大河倒行逆淌 我们抬抬头――蓝天捧给星月 我们俯俯首――地球献出宝藏 我们用血汗造就出一个又一个亿万富翁 我们用双手建造起一座又一座人间天堂 我们为五月而骄傲 我们为劳动而荣光 我们为理想而无畏 我们为自由而欢唱 五月的花啊,你日夜地怒放吧 我们永远做爱花护花的园丁 五月的歌啊,你高昂地响亮吧 我们永远做你最整齐最雄壮的合唱 五月的红旗啊,你高高地飘扬吧 我们世世代代都是你最忠实的旗手 五月的阳光啊,你永久地照耀吧 照得那全世界的劳动人民―― 自由、自主、自立,劳动权益有保障。 万岁――劳动!万岁――解放!! 4、《我们都是五一》 凡君 多少高楼 都在五一中 拔地而起 多少大厦 都在五一中 灯碧辉煌 多少窗户 都在五一中 宽阔明亮 多少阑干 都在五一中 蜿蜒闪烁 哦 你是五一 我是五一 他是五一 我们都是五一 5、《五一短歌》 仝莓 可能 手掌上,趼开花 蜜蜂以它惯有的恶习在蜂巢上构筑一截甜甜的时光 蝴蝶飞来,粉翅贫困 春天似乎与它无关,有花无果 夏天的到来,有点小小的寂寞 天职 夏天衔着春光细细的尾巴,扣在 窗纸上。一节失眠的鸟啼 疼痛的关节在阅读纯粹的欣悦 一页一页,??如苦笋的拔节 美德 拔除这些杂草,让洋镐的力达到内心的软 不论年代,遗弃或收藏 擦拭尚有温度的砂碛 给她以月光般的颜色 天籁在午夜轻轻地阖眼 呼吸均匀 6、《献给――五一劳动者》 缘源圆 不要问我来自何方 也许,五湖四海 也不要问我情归何处 或许,只为服务人民 我们本来很渺小 渺小的有点不愿让人想起 然而,渺小的事物却光彩夺目 就像是沙砾中的一颗珍珠 不由自主让人眼前一亮 五月,是一个艳阳的季节 五一,一个纪念的日子 我们的青春奉献品格 就像是一股清香的气流 注入每一份事业香味四溢 我们曾挥汗如雨 我们曾淡泊名利 我们曾爱岗敬业 我们曾艰苦奋斗 这一切,太值得,太有价值 我们不可能被人一一镌刻 我们也不可能被人一一羡慕 不要问我为何如此 也许,只为轻于鸿毛,重于泰山 不要问我归去何兮 或许,化为――钉子汗水粉笔 篇七:劳动之歌 作者:幽谷雅州 劳动节是劳动者的节, 劳动是一种特殊的快乐。 劳动如多彩的光是那么明媚, 劳动创造出千般快活, 劳动使机器在飞速地转动, 劳动使万物承载世界, 劳动为节唱着赞歌。 无论坚守在什么岗位, 岗位是多么平凡, 都是劳动创造新的生活。 劳动是事业的根本, 劳动才能获取新的生活。 劳动是人类永远的旋律, 劳动是勤劳者心灵之歌。 劳动者平凡而伟大, 平凡伟大才更显广博。 只有愉快地投学习和劳动, 人生才会享受到真正的快乐! 7、《观刈麦》 唐白居易 田家少闲月,五月人倍忙。 夜来南风起,小麦覆陇黄。 妇姑荷箪食,童稚携壶浆。 相随饷田去,丁壮在南冈。 足蒸暑土气,背灼炎天光。 力尽不知热,但惜夏日长。 复有贫妇人,抱子在其旁。 右手秉遗穗,左臂悬敝筐。 听其相顾言,闻者为悲伤。 家田输税尽,拾此充饥肠。 今我何功德,曾不事农桑。 吏禄三百石,岁晏有余粮。 念此私自愧,尽日不能忘。 8、《悯农》 唐李绅 锄禾日当午,汗滴禾下土。 谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦。 国庆节诗歌 1、我爱祖国十月的花 我爱祖国十月的花, 她无比灿烂辉煌, 因为她在我的心中 有56中芬芳 啊,这芬芳在我心中四季难忘, 从春天北方的桃花吐艳, 到严冬海南的稻花飘香, 从炎夏荔枝满树的福建山村, 到秋天葡萄成熟的吐鲁番果香 天天有彩花开放, 季季有丰收在望, 在这些芬芳里, 我看到最绚丽的景象 还有她的雪白和碧绿, 美如黎明的晴空, 未来的希望 2、祖国啊,我为你自豪 当巍峨的华表, 让挺拔的身躯披上曙光, 当雄伟的天安门, 让风云迎来东升的太阳。 历史的耳畔, 传来了礼炮的隆隆回响, 那排山倒海般的回响, 是中国沧桑巨变的回响。 一位巨人俯瞰着世界, 洪亮的声音, 全世界都听到了, 中华人民共和国成立了! 当第一面五星红旗冉冉升起, 那胜利的旗帜, 在朗朗的空中迎风飘扬, 人民扬起了头颅, 全世界都看到了, 中国人民从此站起来了! 这历史凝聚了宏伟, 尽情地涂染十月的阳光, 这气势慷慨激昂, 筑起了一座丰碑屹立在世界的东方。 辉煌的纪元, 用苍劲的大手, 抒写了新中国灿烂的篇章, 人民自豪地指点江山。 苦难的母亲, 擦去满眼的泪花, 露出内心的喜悦由衷地欢畅, 祖国豪迈地走向了繁荣富强。 讴歌我们的历史, 有盘古开天辟地的神话, 迸发出生命的光芒。 讴歌我们的历史, 有四大发明的荣耀, 播撒在这片荒芜的土地上。 讴歌我们的历史, 有老子孔子的圣明, 几千年文明的圣火把我们照亮。 讴歌我们的历史! 3、华夏河山遍红旗, 中原内外皆兄弟。


五一劳动节诗歌   在生活、工作和学习中,大家都看到过许多经典的诗歌吧,诗歌语言言简义丰,具有凝练和跳跃的特点。那些被广泛运用的诗歌都是什么样子的呢?下面是我整理的五一劳动节诗歌,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 五一劳动节诗歌1   站在红五月首端   深入劳动者中间   感悟阳光里那跳跃的音符   一不小心   滴落下来   打动了无声的果林   沉寂的大地上   顿时 响起劳动的那支劲歌   回荡在亿万劳动者心中   回荡在蓝天白云之间   震落满树鸟声 铺红挂彩的早晨   情不自禁 阳光 雨露 春风   催开着城市的文明之花   催长着乡村的劳动之果   满眼的美景 在飘飞的音符下   欢快传唱着劳动之歌 劳动之歌   带来春播的佳音   捎去夏耘的希冀   令大地充满诗情   任金秋点染画意   劳动之歌 永唱不衰   音符般自地底不断拱出 丰   硕的果实 味美 香甜 五一劳动节诗歌2   你走在上班的路上   看到休闲的人们   轻盈的歌舞   脸上洒满阳光般的写意   你眼的余光轻扫而过   没有太多时间去眷恋和遐想   便匆匆踩着固定的车痕走过   任风景别人享   自己转身在忙碌的汗水里   忘却了倦意   继续着生活的节拍   没有埋怨   心里只有一丝淡淡的遗憾和愧疚   那是对孩子的失诺   和家人的期盼   心里默许   来年   来年说什么也要   好好陪陪她(他)们   一起放歌心情   可是   来年   来年涛声依旧 五一劳动节诗歌3   铁锹,斗车,脚手架   敲击,滚动,默默承受着一切   水泥,砂浆,空心砖   湿了,干了,硬了,纵横交错   以汗水见证   不分昼夜的操劳   让砖墙拔高   筑起亮丽的风景线后   消瘦的影子悄然消失   ◎ 车间工   挽起青葱的衣袖,巧手编织彩虹   为世界增添光彩,却   收获微薄,积起厚茧   岁月在脸上写满沧桑   心焦悴了,便回归田园   赶着那头老牛   弓起彩虹一样的弯   ◎ 环卫工   挥手,扫开东方的鱼白   掏空了桶,装满了车,端走了蚊蝇的窝   挥手,拭净街头的尘垢   清新了轿车尾气弥过的每个角落   挥手,摘下西边的霞光   拖着长长的影子,携满身的灰尘   回家,把疲惫带入梦乡 五一劳动节诗歌4   翻开五月的日历   我们仿佛看见   那怒形于色的人群   正潮水般的涌向天安门前   翻开五月的日历   我们仿佛听见   那激越高昂的呼声   越八十年的时光隧道   正清晰的响在耳边   还我青岛拒签和约   内惩国贼外争国权   祖国母亲岂容蹂躏   中华大地哪能踏践   这是一群热血青年正义的呐喊   这是一群爱国志士光荣宣言   象一座岩浆迸发的火山   似一柄刺向黑暗的利剑   似一股奔涌而来的洪流   似一只搏击风浪的海燕   痛打卖国贼人心大快   火烧曹家宅义愤冲天   血腥镇压何所惧   我以我血轩辕溅   这是一场反帝反封建的伟大胜利   这是一个非同寻常的历史转折点   这是一面永远高扬的旗帜   我是一首永恒的爱国诗篇   翻开五月的日历   我的思绪飘飞的得很远很远   翻开五月的日历   我的心里又添了几许忧患   伊拉克上空仍笼罩着战争的阴云   科索沃大地正弥漫着浓烈硝烟   日本右翼分子矢口否认侵华历史   世界和平的交响乐不和谐的旋律时隐时现   漫长的人类社会呀   演绎了多少苦难的岁月   悠久的历史文明啊   又有多少悲剧频频上演   无数个铁的事实告诉我们   愚昧就被欺凌   落后就要挨打   翻开五月日历   我的信心倍增   干劲冲天   信念是坚固的堡垒   理想象燃烧的火焰   和平的呼声早响彻全球   友谊种子已扎根心田   时代的号角已在大江南北响起   改革的春风正在沭阳大地吹遍   年轻的朋友信   让我们高扬五四鲜红的旗帜   团结一心务实苦干   奋起直追自强不息   去拥抱新世纪   去拥抱辉煌灿烂的明天 五一劳动节诗歌5   深入劳动者中间   感悟阳光里那跳跃的音符   一不小心   滴落下来   打动了无声的果林   沉寂的大地上   顿时   响起劳动的那支劲歌   回荡在亿万劳动者心中   回荡在蓝天白云之间   震落满树鸟声   铺红挂彩的早晨   情不自禁   阳光   雨露   春风   催开着城市的文明之花   催长着乡村的劳动之果   满眼的美景   在飘飞的音符下   欢快传唱着劳动之歌   劳动之歌   带来春播的佳音   捎去夏耘的希冀   令大地充满诗情   任金秋点染画意   劳动之歌   永唱不衰   音符般自地底不断拱出   丰硕的果实   味美   香甜   春风春雨把原野拂过,   惊起一层漫漫绿色。   高高铁塔、层层配电网络上,   悬挂着一幅幅检修线路工人忙碌的景色。   风 ,用温情的.手在电线上弹奏着   欢快的乐章,在寂寥中   为茫茫沙海里的工人们唱响一首伴奏曲 五一劳动节诗歌6   《江上渔者》   江上往来人,   但②爱鲈鱼③美。   君④看一叶舟⑤,   出没⑥风波⑦里。   《江上渔者》注释   ①渔者:捕鱼的人。   ②但:只   ③爱:喜欢   ④鲈鱼:一种头大口大、体扁鳞细、背青腹白、味道鲜美的鱼。生长快,体大味美。   ⑤君:你。   ⑥一叶舟:像漂浮在水上的一片树叶似的小船。   ⑦出没:若隐若现。指一会儿看得见,一会儿看不见。   ⑧风波:波浪。    《江上渔者》译文   江上来来往往的人只喜爱鲈鱼的味道鲜美。   看看那些可怜的打鱼人吧,正驾着小船在大风大浪里上下颠簸,飘摇不定。    《江上渔者》赏析   这首语言朴实、形象生动、对比强烈、耐人寻味的小诗,反映了渔民劳作的艰辛,唤起人们对民生疾苦的注意。   首句写江岸上人来人往,十分热闹。次句写岸上人的心态,揭示“往来"的原因。后二句牵过的视线,指示出风浪中忽隐忽现的捕鱼小船,注意捕鱼的情景。鲈鱼虽味美,捕捉却艰辛表达出诗人对渔人疾苦的同情,深含对“但爱鲈鱼美”的岸上人的规劝。“江上”和“风波”两种环境,“往来人”和“一叶舟”两种情态、“往来”和“出没”两种动态强烈对比,显示出全诗旨在所在。   表现手法上,该诗无华丽词藻,无艰字僻典,无斧迹凿痕,以平常的语言,平常的人物、事物,表达不平常的思想、情感,产生不平常的艺术效果。    《江上渔者》作者简介   范仲淹(989年-1052年),字希文。死后谥号文正,史称范文正公。为北宋名臣,政治家,军事家,文学   家,思想家,祖籍邠州(今陕西省彬县)。有敢言之名,曾多次上书批评当时的宰相,因而三次被贬。宋仁宗时官至参知政事,相当于副宰相。幼年丧父,对下层人民的痛苦感受较深。有《范文正公集》传世。 五一劳动节诗歌7   扛着锤头开山凿矿   握着犁耙耕耘天下   一个工人   一个农民   托起生命之光   工人画出了地球的经纬线   农民播洒了绿色和希望   一个修建了一座座城市   一个养活了城市里的人   哼着劳动者之歌前行   两行幸福的泪   是长江与黄河 五一劳动节诗歌8   一群人呼喊着口号   握着拳头走过大洋彼岸的街头   演绎出年年五一节的盛装   劳动最光荣劳动者权益必须得到尊重   五一节全世界劳动者的节日   这天浓缩了历史的风雨   这天延续了劳动的故事   这天是一面火红的旗帜猎猎飘扬   劳动的大旗鼓舞人们前进   劳动是历史前进的动力   从古自今从东到西从南到北   童年时,我总是这样想:   天下的路为什么那么多,   多得象撒在河中的渔网?   是谁把它们喂养大,   让许许多多的车辆在上面来往?   今天,我发现你们在路旁,   用自豪的目光送走车辆,   把碎过的石子撒在路上……   现在,我已明白,   你们就是那小小的石子,   把天下的路铺得又宽又长!   关于五一劳动节诗歌   劳动者   你不善于说教   生来就是做活的命   不劳动浑身发痒   连觉都睡不香   你最懂得   劳动创造一切   金山银山   那是汗水的结晶   你手上的老茧   换来明天的太   田野瓜果飘香   钢花飞溅煤浪涛涛   你脸上皱纹   刻着岁月的记忆   苦辣酸甜   酿成琼浆玉液   你那双眼睛   藏着智慧与聪明   所有困难踩脚下   顶天立地逞英雄   你是创造者   涂抹历史的辉煌   名山丽水都敬畏你   耳畔荡漾着《劳动者之歌》   关于五一劳动节诗歌   站在红五月首端   我想起二十一年前   参加工作报到的日子   凉风习习树枝摇曳   滴落下来的是   满地碎金婆娑斑斓   沉寂的大地上   顿时   响起了我欢愉的歌唱   回荡在爹妈心中   回荡在蓝天白云之间   光雨露春风   我们朴素的愿望   就是永不停息的劳动   就是让劳动成为美德和手艺   代代相传   日出而作   日落而息   这深入骨髓的传统和习惯   纯粹如父亲的面孔   让人无法抗拒   一天又一天   一年又一年   我们把田野小心的拿在手上   放在心上   在乡村在四起的歌谣里   劳动是我们成熟的途径   如今幸福正从深入浅出的劳动开始   从田野和乡村的所有角度   天南地北的包围我们   热爱劳动   我们疲倦的身子纯净   灵魂安详 五一劳动节诗歌9   地球人都知道   劳动是什么   什么是劳动   人类创造物质或精神财富的活动   劳动创造价值   劳动创造财富   劳动创造美丽   劳动创造幸福   劳动创造未来   无论简单劳动   还是复杂劳动   不论脑力劳动   还是体力劳动   甚至生理力劳动   劳动是一种运动   劳动是一种锻炼   劳动是一种修养   劳动是一种美德   我劳动,我光荣   我劳动,我自信   劳动的力量无穷   劳动的快乐无尽 五一劳动节诗歌10   【劳动者之歌】   五月的花朵美丽芬芳   五月的歌声清脆嘹亮   五月的红旗特别鲜艳   五月的太阳格外辉煌   这花朵开遍五洲四海   这歌声响彻高山大洋   这红旗映亮五色皮肤   这阳光照暖亿万胸膛   红五月给了我们做人的尊严   红五月给了我们回天的力量   红五月给了我们生存的权利   红五月给了我们崇高的理想   我们是民族的中流砥柱   我们是国家的擎天栋梁   我们是世界的唯一主宰   我们是历史的推动力量   我们挥挥手——高山低头让路   我们跺跺脚——大河倒行逆淌   我们抬抬头——蓝天捧给星月   我们俯俯首——地球献出宝藏   我们用血汗“造就”出一个又一个亿万富翁   我们用双手建造起一座又一座“人间天堂”   我们为五月而骄傲   我们为劳动而荣光   我们为理想而无畏   我们为自由而欢唱   五月的花啊,你日夜地怒放吧   我们永远做爱花护花的园丁   五月的歌啊,你高昂地响亮吧   我们永远做你最整齐最雄壮的合唱   五月的红旗啊,你高高地飘扬吧   我们世世代代都是你最忠实的旗手   五月的阳光啊,你永久地照耀吧   照得那全世界的劳动人民——   自由、自主、自立,劳动权益有保障。   万岁——劳动!万岁——解放! 五一劳动节诗歌11   【歌唱劳动】   一   歌唱劳动   在这个花草苏醒柳枝跳舞的季节   我歌唱一只在松软泥土下蠕动的蚯蚓   这蠕动是最曼妙的舞蹈   它与农人耕耘与播种的躬身姿势   优美地契合,弥漫一些大豆的金黄   稻谷的芳香,成为墒情充裕的土地上   最美的舞神   二   歌唱劳动   在千里之外遥远的故乡小村   我歌唱自己年迈的乡下母亲   她不知道五月里的某日是母亲节   只晓得早早升起那缕袅袅的炊烟   然后荷锄,走向田垄   让滴答的汗珠敲打丰收的渴望   看麦苗仿佛自己青葱的女儿一样,嫩绿地长大   三   歌唱劳动   在八百米幽暗板结的地心深处   我歌唱一盏熏黑而明亮的矿灯   它的光焰是喷射着汗水的咸涩   矿难让那些嶙峋的骨骼愈加坚硬   无数炭黑的手捧出又一道晨曦   此刻,初升的暖阳洒在身上   比空气更轻,比磐石更重   四   歌唱劳动   在城市里每一条静谧或喧闹的街衢   我歌唱一把悠然舞动的扫帚   它缄默不语,一任身体与大地亲近   擦出些胭脂,为城市梳妆   关于平凡和伟大   关于卑微与崇高   舞动的扫帚,用绝美的舞姿注释   五   歌唱劳动   在与我比邻的一家医院洁白的产房   我歌唱每一声初生婴孩幸福的啼哭   它嘹亮而悠扬,如快乐的音符   在女护士疲惫的汗珠上起舞   真想把最美的诗歌献给她们   可面对她们——这些圣洁的天使   我羸弱的诗句,何其卑微 五一劳动节诗歌12   一片片高楼林立   那是头戴安全帽的劳动者   一砖一砖用汗水垒砌   一个个优美的小区   绿树草坪   那是一个个物业人员   弯腰播种   夜晚的灯光明亮   那是电力工人   在平原上架线   在仰望的高山上架起   大山的光明   数不清的双手   用辛勤的劳动   打造出现在   美好的生活 五一劳动节诗歌13   盛赞五一劳动节   作者:郭子平   今天是我们的节日   你是否还有劳动人民的自豪   不要说资本家养活了我们   是我们让家乡变得富饶   我们朴实,我们善良   我们勇敢,我们勤劳   劳动是光荣的精神   人民只有人民   才是历史真正的创造   今天是解放的日子   你为何不砸碎那奴隶的镣铐   不要迷信还有什么救世主   是我们为了真理在燃烧   为了平等,为了正义   为了祖国,为了同胞   劳动是人民的本色   群众只有群众   才能把红旗举的高高   今天是庄严的宣判   你必须向所有的反动派开炮   要构建和谐就要消灭差别   我们是主人绝不能动摇   打到压迫,打到剥削   打到腐败,打到官僚   劳动是革命的力量   团结只有团结   才有铲除邪恶的钢刀   今天是我们的生日   你一定会为劳动者感到骄傲   全世界受苦的人团结起来   用劳动去冲破一切监牢   不怕苦难,不怕牺牲   不怕贫穷,不怕煎熬   劳动是生命的财富   劳动只有劳动   才是追求光明的法宝 五一劳动节诗歌14   我们朴素的愿望   就是永不停息的劳动   就是让劳动成为美德和手艺   代代相传   日出而作   日落而息   这深入骨髓的传统和习惯   纯粹如父亲的面孔   让人无法抗拒   一天又一天   一年又一年   我们把田野小心的拿在手上   放在心上   在乡村在四起的歌谣里   劳动是我们成熟的途径   如今幸福正从深入浅出的劳动开始   从田野和乡村的所有角度   天南地北的包围我们   热爱劳动   我们疲倦的身子纯净   五一劳动节朗诵诗歌八   生命的链条转动着我的脚步   拉动了我们耕田烧砖的欲望   脚手架和吊塔   在不断提高着我们劳动者的幸福指数   同时也让我们的生活成本   像雪球一样向前滚动   我们把汗水搅拌进建造大厦的水泥   把想像的翅膀和文化的密码   砌进中国的墙体   生命,要求我们生活和繁衍   于是,我们把劳动的节奏,装上高铁   把劳动的颜色   画入书刊和广告   劳动让我们精疲力尽   我们在讲台   在写字间   在实验室的灯光下   劳动着   劳动像咬合的齿轮   不停地转动   我们在烈日   在煤矿的深井里劳动   我们像晒裂的树皮   像染黑的猕猴   而劳动像那没有首尾的列车   轰轰隆隆   劳动也像一首诗   一行行地排列在我们劳动者的眼前   温暖如春 五一劳动节诗歌15   关于五一劳动节的古诗   1、《悯农》   唐·李绅   锄禾日当午,汗滴禾下土。   谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦。   2、《观刈麦》   唐·白居易   田家少闲月,五月人倍忙。   夜来南风起,小麦覆陇黄。   妇姑荷簟食,童稚携壶浆。   相随饷田去,丁壮在南冈。   足蒸暑土气,背灼炎天光。   力尽不知热,但惜夏日长。   复有贫妇人,抱子在其傍。   右手秉遗穗,左臂悬敝筐。   听其相顾言,闻者为悲伤。   家田输税尽,拾此充饥肠。   今我何功德,曾不事农桑。   吏禄三百石,岁晏有馀粮。   念此私自愧,尽日不能忘。   3、《归园田居》   东晋·陶渊明   种豆南山下,草盛豆苗稀。   晨兴理荒秽,带月荷锄归。   道狭草木长,夕露沾我衣。   衣沾不足惜,但使愿无违。   4、《四时田园杂兴》   宋·范成大   昼出耘田夜绩麻,村庄儿女各当家。   童孙未解供耕织,也傍桑阴学种瓜。   5、《乡村四月》   宋·翁卷   绿遍山原白满川,子规声里雨如烟。   乡村四月闲人少,才了蚕桑又插田。   6、《畲田调二首》   宋·王禹偁   之一   大家齐力斸孱颜,耳听田歌手莫闲。   各愿种成千百索,豆萁禾穗满青山。   之二   北山种了种南山,相助力耕岂有偏?   愿得人间皆似我,也应四海少荒田。    关于五一劳动节的诗歌   1、《劳动者》   劳动者!   天下最容易接近的是泥土   以及和泥土相依为命的男人和女人   他们以劳动的方式   同这个世界真情对话   他们漂泊过的所有地方   都生长发展史和进化论   蕴含丰富且平易自然   2、《劳动最光荣》   太阳光金亮亮   雄鸡唱三唱花儿醒来了   鸟儿忙梳妆   小喜鹊造新房   小蜜蜂采蜜忙   幸福的生活从哪里来   要靠劳动来创造   青青的叶儿红红的花   小蝴蝶贪玩耍   不爱劳动不学习   我们大家不学它   要学喜鹊造新房   要学蜜蜂采蜜糖   劳动的快乐说不尽   劳动的创造最光荣   3、《五月》   大地的五月,   禾苗的青春期;   冬小麦抽穗灌浆,   桃李杏挂果压枝。   一幅幅劳动的油画,   展现着万物的勃勃生机;   满目绿色为天地打气,   热烈的五月容不得半点消极!   五月,劳动的盛日,   春勤的光彩一切都那么现实;   迎新春的壮志,在五月   都长成花花绿绿的诗句。   除旧岁那陈腐往事,   早已被春雨刷洗;   五月,人生将迎接   更加壮观的更加红火的夏季。   五月,   看着自己的双手是多么有力;   五月,   看着自己的双脚该走出怎样的奇迹。   五月的大地与时俱进,   秋天才会有金色的果实;   五月的人生扎扎实实,   就经得起酷暑天的狂风暴雨。   五月   检验劳动盛日;   财富是劳动,   劳动是财富。   不劳而获,   永远都该予以鄙视,   让五月变成歌颂劳动的警句,   会促使亿万心灵变的美丽!   4、《工人》   工人,   我以为是财富之神;   一砖一瓦盖高楼,   一镐一铲挖金银;   一经一纬织锦段,   一锤一斧造巨轮。   开火车,开汽车,   炼钢,炼铁,炼黄金。   没有工人修大道,   怎么高速通往幸福门。   工人,别人该尊重,   工人,自己该自信!   社会分工当工人,   就把自己当成神。




  在日常的学习中,大家或多或少都接触过一些经典的朗诵稿吧,朗诵,指清清楚楚的高声诵读。就是把文字作品转化为有声语言的创作活动。你所见过的朗诵稿是什么样的呢?以下是我为大家收集的庆祝五一劳动节诗歌朗诵稿,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。   庆祝五一劳动节诗歌朗诵稿1   【劳动者之歌】   五月的花朵美丽芬芳   五月的歌声清脆嘹亮   五月的红旗特别鲜艳   五月的太阳格外辉煌   这花朵开遍五洲四海   这歌声响彻高山大洋   这红旗映亮五色皮肤   这阳光照暖亿万胸膛   红五月给了我们做人的尊严   红五月给了我们回天的力量   红五月给了我们生存的权利   红五月给了我们崇高的理想   我们是民族的中流砥柱   我们是国家的擎天栋梁   我们是世界的唯一主宰   我们是历史的推动力量   我们挥挥手——高山低头让路   我们跺跺脚——大河倒行逆淌   我们抬抬头——蓝天捧给星月   我们俯俯首——地球献出宝藏   我们用血汗“造就”出一个又一个亿万富翁   我们用双手建造起一座又一座“人间天堂”   我们为五月而骄傲   我们为劳动而荣光   我们为理想而无畏   我们为自由而欢唱   五月的花啊,你日夜地怒放吧   我们永远做爱花护花的园丁   五月的歌啊,你高昂地响亮吧   我们永远做你最整齐最雄壮的合唱   五月的红旗啊,你高高地飘扬吧   我们世世代代都是你最忠实的旗手   五月的阳光啊,你永久地照耀吧   照得那全世界的劳动人民——   自由、自主、自立,劳动权益有保障。   万岁——劳动!万岁——解放!   庆祝五一劳动节诗歌朗诵稿2   五一   一群人呼喊着口号   握着拳头走过大洋彼岸的街头   演绎出年年五一节的盛装   劳动最光荣劳动者权益必须得到尊重   五一节全世界劳动者的节日   这天浓缩了历史的风雨   这天延续了劳动的故事   这天是一面火红的旗帜猎猎飘扬   劳动的大旗鼓舞人们前进   劳动是历史前进的动力   从古自今从东到西从南到北   童年时,我总是这样想:   天下的路为什么那么多,   多得象撒在河中的渔网?   是谁把它们喂养大,   让许许多多的车辆在上面来往?   今天,我发现你们在路旁,   用自豪的目光送走车辆,   把碎过的石子撒在路上……   现在,我已明白,   你们就是那小小的石子,   把天下的路铺得又宽又长!   关于五一劳动节诗歌   劳动者   你不善于说教   生来就是做活的命   不劳动浑身发痒   连觉都睡不香   你最懂得   劳动创造一切   金山银山   那是汗水的结晶   你手上的老茧   换来明天的太   田野瓜果飘香   钢花飞溅煤浪涛涛   你脸上皱纹   刻着岁月的记忆   苦辣酸甜   酿成琼浆玉液   你那双眼睛   藏着智慧与聪明   所有困难踩脚下   顶天立地逞英雄   你是创造者   涂抹历史的辉煌   名山丽水都敬畏你   耳畔荡漾着《劳动者之歌》   庆祝五一劳动节诗歌朗诵稿3   劳动者   生命的链条转动着我的脚步   拉动了我们耕田烧砖的欲望   脚手架和吊塔   在不断提高着我们劳动者的幸福指数   同时也让我们的`生活成本   像雪球一样向前滚动   我们把汗水搅拌进建造大厦的水泥   把想像的翅膀和文化的密码   砌进中国的墙体   生命,要求我们生活和繁衍   于是,我们把劳动的节奏,装上高铁   把劳动的颜色   画入书刊和广告   劳动让我们精疲力尽   我们在讲台   在写字间   在实验室的灯光下   劳动着   劳动像咬合的齿轮   不停地转动   我们在烈日   在煤矿的深井里劳动   我们像晒裂的树皮   像染黑的猕猴   而劳动像那没有首尾的列车   轰轰隆隆   劳动也像一首诗   一行行地排列在我们劳动者的眼前   温暖如春   庆祝五一劳动节诗歌朗诵稿4   树在春天里   我们朴素的愿望   就是永不停息的劳动   就是让劳动成为美德和手艺   代代相传   日出而作   日落而息   这深入骨髓的传统和习惯   纯粹如父亲的面孔   让人无法抗拒   一天又一天   一年又一年   我们把田野小心的拿在手上   放在心上   在乡村在四起的歌谣里   劳动是我们成熟的唯一途径   如今幸福正从深入浅出的劳动开始   从田野和乡村的所有角度   天南地北的包围我们   热爱劳动   我们疲倦的身子纯净   灵魂安详   致铺路工   童年时,我总是这样想:   天下的路为什么那么多,   多得象撒在河中的渔网?   是谁把它们喂养大,   让许许多多的车辆在上面来往?   今天,我发现你们在路旁,   用自豪的目光送走车辆,   把碎过的石子撒在路上……   现在,我已明白,   你们就是那小小的石子,   把天下的路铺得又宽又长!   庆祝五一劳动节诗歌朗诵稿5   又见劳动节   珍贵的候鸟飞离,留也留不住   一个小民的节日   却悄悄向我们走近   本应是第一个辛苦的工作天   总算找到一个借口停工释放   这次你又带来什么礼物   是厚重的欠薪档案   还是增加了不少下岗的角色   是产品的不景滞销   还是上涨了几个水电费的百分点   你来了,你排在了初夏的第一页   百万产业大军似乎永远站在富贵的后面   高楼大厦他们建完就撤   山珍海味他们端上就走   霓裳丽服他们缝好就送   你来了,平凡的日子也就不平凡了   被遗忘的一族有了集体冠名的时刻   密集的劳作尝试了聚焦的快感   默默的走秀多了曝光展示的舞台   新时代的无名英雄终于扯开了   高声合唱的歌喉   《五月》   大地的五月,   禾苗的青春期;   冬小麦抽穗灌浆,   桃李杏挂果压枝。   一幅幅劳动的油画,   展现着万物的勃勃生机;   满目绿色为天地打气,   热烈的五月容不得半点消极!   五月,劳动的盛日,   春勤的光彩一切都那么现实;   迎新春的壮志,在五月   都长成花花绿绿的诗句。   除旧岁那陈腐往事,   早已被春雨刷洗;   五月,人生将迎接   更加壮观的更加红火的夏季。   五月,   看着自己的双手是多么有力;   五月,   看着自己的双脚该走出怎样的奇迹。   五月的大地与时俱进,   秋天才会有金色的果实;   五月的人生扎扎实实,   就经得起酷暑天的狂风暴雨。   五月   检验劳动盛日;   财富是劳动,   劳动是财富。   不劳而获,   永远都该予以鄙视,   让五月变成歌颂劳动的警句,   会促使亿万心灵变的美丽!   朗诵五一劳动节诗歌7   劳动礼赞   劳动是一首陈久的歌   劳动是一幅唯美的画   劳动创造历史骄阳   劳动的春风九州荣光   礼赞劳动   歌声高亢嘹亮激昂   礼赞劳动   劳动者的生日倍感娇娆激荡   礼赞劳动   白天盼望红太阳温暖到心房   夜晚盼望白月亮挽起手儿叙思量   礼赞劳动   偷闲他们忙里朝天望   张开翅膀奋发向上   礼赞劳动颂扬劳动者   日夜劳动一线平静久常   朗诵五一劳动节诗歌8   《劳动者》   劳动者!   天下最容易接近的是泥土   以及和泥土相依为命的男人和女人   他们以劳动的方式   同这个世界真情对话   他们漂泊过的所有地方   都生长发展史和进化论   蕴含丰富且平易自然   《劳动最光荣》   太阳光金亮亮   雄鸡唱三唱花儿醒来了   鸟儿忙梳妆   小喜鹊造新房   小蜜蜂采蜜忙   幸福的生活从哪里来   要靠劳动来创造   青青的叶儿红红的花   小蝴蝶贪玩耍   不爱劳动不学习   我们大家不学它   要学喜鹊造新房   要学蜜蜂采蜜糖   劳动的快乐说不尽   劳动的创造最光荣



五一劳动节法定假日几天 法定假日多少天

  五一劳动节法定假日一天。规定五一劳动节属于法定节日,放一天假。   但一般是将五一劳动节的假期和前后的周末连在一起放的,所以连在一起一般就是三天了。法定节假日,一般是指根据各国、各民族的风俗习惯或纪念要求,由法律统一规定的用以进行庆祝及度假的休息时间。现行法定年节假日标准为11天。   对于成年人来说,最高兴的是莫过于发工资与放假,尤其是那些法定节假日,通常来说,过完春节,等清明,过完了清明等五一劳动节   第一个法定节假日就是新年,也叫做元旦节。在阳历的1月1号,可以放假一天。其次就是春节,很多朋友认为春节放假七天,其实这是个错误概念,春节的法定假期为三天。   第三就是清明节5月4日,这一天是用来纪念祖先的,放假一天。当然,这个节日和其他的节日有些不同,在那天如果你和别人说清明节快乐似乎有些违和感。因为对于有些人来说,这个清明节可能真的快乐不起来。   第四,劳动节。劳动节是5月1号,当天放假一天,原本劳动节是一个和国庆以及春节一样的长假期,但是随着节假日假期的调整,劳动节的假期被拆分,所以时至今日劳动节只放一天。   第五,端午节,俗称粽子节,这是和清明节一批进入法定节假日名单的节日,放假一天,农历端午节当日放假。   第六,中秋节,又被戏称为月饼节,这个节日放假一天,农历中秋当日放假。   第七,国庆节,国庆节是一年之内法定节假日的收官之节,放假三天,分别为10月1日,10月2日和10月3日。   法定节假日的休假安排,为居民出行、购物和休闲提供了时间上的便利,为拉动内需、促进经济增长作出了积极贡献。


五一劳动节幼儿园的活动总结   一个精彩的活动已经圆满收官,想必你学习了很多新知识,不如来好好的做个总结。一起来参考活动总结是怎么写的吧,下面是我为大家收集的五一劳动节幼儿园的活动总结,希望对大家有所帮助。   五一劳动节幼儿园的活动总结1   五一劳动节是一个重要的节日资源,是培养孩子从小树立良好的劳动观念,体验劳动快乐的良好开端,为了更好的激发孩子们爱劳动的情感,促进他们更好地理解“劳动节”的意义。值“五一”劳动节来临之际,为了让幼儿懂得尊重他人劳动成果,培养幼儿劳动意识和劳动能力。xx年x月xx日我园开展了“劳动x荣”五一劳动节主题教育活动。   活动共分为4个部分,包括:学习篇、实践篇、展示篇、家园互动篇。活动中,教师借助图片、多媒体等资料向孩子们介绍了“五一”国际劳动节的来历和各行各业不同阶层的劳动者,让幼儿体验他们的辛苦,了解劳动是x荣的事情,感受辛勤劳动者的光荣。孩子们在老师的带领下,开展了形式各样的活动。干起了力所能及的小事:小班帮着捡垃圾和校园的树叶、摆椅子、收拾玩具;中班为班级整理图书玩具,抹桌椅,浇花、擦桌子等……大班的孩子为班级拖地、扫地、擦洗走廊玻璃、楼梯扶手、门、窗台等……小朋友们在劳动中切身体验劳动的快乐,提升他们的独立意识和自理能力。在整个活动中,孩子们表现的都很积极、快乐。   此次活动,孩子们了解了工作者对社会的贡献,知道在生活中如何运用各行各业的资源,激发了幼儿爱劳动的强烈意识,更重要的是孩子们了解到了“五一劳动节”真正的含义,感受到了辛勤劳动者的光荣,激发了孩子们对这些x爱人的爱戴之情!   五一劳动节幼儿园的活动总结2   在“五一”劳动节即将到来之际,为使幼儿能渡过一个快乐而有意义的劳动节,我园在这周进行了一系列的活动,目的是要培养幼儿从小树立良好的劳动观念,体验劳动快乐的良好开端,同时也让幼儿传承了“劳动最光荣”的传统美德。因此,我园于4月15日下午开展了全园性的迎五一“劳动最光荣”的教育活动。   在《劳动最光荣》的音乐声中,活动开始了。幼儿们在老师的带领下,干得可起劲了,自己和伙伴们分工合作,有些拿水桶去提水,拿脸盆去端水的,有些拿着抹布使劲地擦桌子、椅子,生怕有哪里没擦干净的,还有些拿起扫帚扫地、拿拖把拖地的,把教室里的走廊、卫生死角等地方都打扫的干干净净。个别幼儿还和保育员阿姨一起洗玩具,晒玩具等等。活动整整持续了1个小时多,从小朋友们的脸上看到了又累又开心。   通过此次活动,孩子们懂得了劳动的艰辛和光荣。感受到了劳动的辛苦,体验到了劳动的快乐,学会到了劳动的技能,使得孩子们以后能关心,尊重身边为我们服务的人,也体验为他人服务的辛劳和快乐。   五一劳动节幼儿园的活动总结3   今天,我班结合“五一”劳动节主题活动,充分挖掘潜在教育资源,开展了“劳动真快乐”的主题活动,为了让幼儿了解“五一”国际劳动节的.来历,让孩子们在“劳动真快乐”主题中亲身体验到“以辛勤劳动为荣”,体验劳动的快乐,帮助孩子从小树立良好的道德观、荣辱观,教育幼儿从小热爱劳动,从自己做起,从小事做起,在自己的事情自己做的同时能为他人、为集体服务,培养幼儿的责任感和社会适应能力。   在对孩子进行了“五一”国际劳动节的相关知识介绍的基础上,我们开展了系列教育活动。通过劳动实践,孩子们感受了劳动的辛劳,同时也体验了劳动的乐趣。   此次活动不仅锻炼了幼儿的生活自理能力,更激发了幼儿爱劳动的强烈意识,重要的是孩子们了解到了“五一”劳动节真正的含义,感受到了辛勤劳动者的光荣,激发了孩子们对这些最可爱人的爱戴之情!   此次活动的开展为孩子们度过了一个快乐而有意义的劳动节,增添了丰富的教育内涵,培养了孩子们认识劳动、尊重劳动、热爱劳动的观念。   五一劳动节幼儿园的活动总结4   关心教职工的生活,满足教职工和幼儿的精神文化需求,促进师幼身心健康。xx幼儿园以“欢庆‘五一",创意劳动成果”为主题的庆祝活动在幼儿园大班拉开帷幕,大班幼儿积极参与,每个班级用图板展示了别具特色的师幼作品,场面热闹,幼儿有组织的观看了展览,幼儿园里到处洋溢着欢声笑语。    一、“劳动最光荣”主题实践活动   在五一国际劳动节来临之际,宁阳实验幼儿园大班级部开展了“劳动最光荣”系列主题活动,热烈庆祝“五一”国际劳动节,包括“自己的事情自己做”、“帮妈妈做家务”、“我是劳动小模范”等多项主题活动。在幼儿园里,让孩子们到种植园,给小麦、蒜苗拔草,给油菜、小花浇水、施肥,通过活动让幼儿进一步了解劳动节的真正意义,感受劳动的快乐,培养幼儿从小懂得关心他人,关心身边的事,尊重和感谢劳动者的社会情感。    二、创意美术展   为培养幼儿的艺术兴趣,提高幼儿创造美的能力,自本学期以来,大班开展了创意美术活动,举行了幼儿创意美术作品展示活动。幼儿有的在长卷上挥洒泼墨、有的在纸盘上彩绘、有的在蛋糕盘上绘制青花、有的在废旧挂历上线描、有的在宣纸上作画、有的印制版画,孩子们激情创意,尽情地抒发内心的喜悦和感受,老师们把孩子们的创意作品做成展板,全员幼儿参观。   通过本次创意绘画活动,既发展了幼儿丰富的想象力,又培养了绘画技能,提高美术活动兴趣,同时也展现了孩子们内心那片美丽的世界,此次创意美术活动取得了圆满成功。    三、开展“我是劳动小能手”比赛活动   幼儿园以大班班级为单位组织幼儿开展“我是劳动小能手”活动。本次活动结合幼儿园卫生扫除,组织幼儿进行擦桌子、椅子比赛。活动分组比赛。通过比赛评选出劳动小能手。让孩子们有劳动意识。    四、找寻春天的秘密   幼儿以班级为单位,在老师的带领下,走出幼儿园,走进社区和大自然。大班班级带幼儿来到田野,幼儿在田间采摘野菜、在小树林中穿行、观赏路旁的桃花等。老师和孩子们一起在田间放起风筝,幼儿手拿彩色的风车和塑料袋,探索感受风的力量;有的班级在中心广场的沙滩上游戏等。    五、举行健康讲座   全体教职工参加,幼儿园工会主办,在幼儿园多功能室举行的“远离污染,亲近美好生活”健康知识讲座。通过这次讲座,让教职工认识到身体是工作的本钱,在平时的教学中,不要忘记了保养自己的身体。   这些活动的开展丰富了教师和幼儿的文化生活,更调动了教师职工和幼儿参与活动的积极性,加强了团结,增进友谊,增强了幼儿的合作交往能力,体现了和谐校园的理念。 ;


劳动节是属于全体劳动者的共同节日,为了庆贺他们的付出和所做出的的抗争而设立。下面是我为大家整理的 五一劳动节 最火公众号文案大全,喜欢可以 收藏 分享一下哟! 五一劳动节最火公众号文案 1、啊!多么美好的季节,多么可喜的收获,这天,我们在美丽、富饶的“乡间情趣园”里感受到了劳动的艰辛,品尝到了收获的喜悦。这在我的记忆中抹上了浓浓的一笔,它使我忘不了,真的,永远忘不了。 2、自尊心、幻想、情思的早熟和智能的呆滞,再加上必然的后果。懒散,这些就是祸根。科学,劳动,实际工作。才能够使我们病态的,浪荡的青年清醒过来。 3、真诚换来真情,爱心换来幸福,劳动才有收获,开怀自然开心,有心才会有梦,有梦才能成功,脚踏实地做事,诚信低调做人,自然事事顺心。 4、真情五一,紧握你因劳动开满茧花的手,聆听为你而作劳动节的赞歌,送上我节日里最真心的祝福:愿健康守着你,好运恋着你,幸福不离你! 5、 春节 放假啦,计划老大啦,开怀畅饮啦,甜美觉觉啦,疯狂购物啦,迪厅K歌啦,飚车兜风啦,旅游结婚啦,心情放松啦,节后重生啦,劳动人民节日快乐! 6、“劳动是创新的动力,智慧是文明的象征”,劳动创造了智慧,是普通的真理,无法否认。爱劳动的 句子 7、伸长你的腿,称心礼物你准备;张开你的眼,看看是否换气罐;用好你的嘴,体贴话语身边随;调动你的手,家务劳动全没收;银色情人节,愿她“银”上你! 8、5.1劳动节,我对着蓝天许愿,请给我房子,后来,我有了;5.4 青年节 ,我对着大海许愿,请给我爱,后来,我有了;8.12国际青年节,我对着太阳许愿,请给正看短信的你快乐,相信你一定也会有了。 9、天空离不开星月的点缀,大地离不开江山的娇媚,蝴蝶离不开芬芳的花卉,人生离不开朋友的抚慰,朋友,祝你劳动节快乐! 10、爸爸长着浓浓的眉毛,一双炯炯有神的大眼睛总是闪着严厉的目光。可能是因为长期从事脑力劳动的原因,额头上那深深的皱纹和他不到四十岁的年龄很相称。 11、蓬莱仕女勤劳动,繁荣生活即神仙。 12、五一假期就几天,趁此机会开心玩,祝你健康平安伴,烦恼忧愁抛一边,左瞧右看笑容甜,遍地黄金任你采,五一劳动节祝你,健康快乐万事顺。 13、成功=艰苦劳动+正确 方法 +少说空话。 14、劳动诚可贵,健康价更高。不为名利累,生活乐逍遥。用健康的身体去劳动,能创造价值;用健康的心态去劳动,能创造快乐!劳动节快乐! 15、有句话憋在心里很久了,劳动节不便说, 儿童 节也不妥, 中秋节 不好意思说, 国庆节 忘了说,终于到了 万圣节 ,我要恶狠狠地对你说:讨厌鬼,节日快乐! 16、不停留在已得的成绩上,而是英勇地劳动着,努力要把劳动的.锦标长久握在自己手里。 17、鸟儿叫,花儿笑,劳动节已来到;微风吹,艳阳照,工作烦恼全抛掉;柳絮飘,枝叶茂,平淡生活换新貌;短信到,祝福绕,愿你五一假期乐陶陶。 18、平时工作真忙碌,想要休息没出路,难得有个小假期,要是错过真可惜,三五搭伴去旅游,放松心情来休息,人生难得有知己,今日不聚待何时?祝劳动节快乐! 19、今日 芒种 ,该上山干活啦!将希望的种子播到土壤里,将劳动的热情挥洒在汗水里,将生活的充实塞进忙碌里,将朋友的情谊写进祝福里!芒种快乐! 20、用语言播种用彩笔耕耘,用汗水浇灌用心血滋润,这就是老师的崇高劳动。拥有年轻梦想即成真;拥有幸福频频出佳绩;拥有财富桃李满天下!祝 教师节 快乐! 21、每一种劳动都是一种力量,都是鱼和水的关系,无论是精神文明的迈进还是物质文明的飞跃,无论运用的是决胜千里之外的高科技还是城市美容师的挥汗如雨,不同的劳动和相同的汗水构成和谐的社会。 22、有句话憋在心里很久了,劳动节不便说, 儿童节 也不妥,中秋节不好意思说,国庆节忘了说,终于到了万圣节,我要恶狠狠地对你说:讨厌鬼,节日快乐! 23、劳动节到了,发扬我吃苦耐劳的优秀品质,为以逸待劳的你,献上举手之劳的祝福,愿你快乐不劳而获,幸福多劳多得,平安健康为你效犬马之劳!五一快乐! 24、多一棵树苗,多一丝绿意,多一点自然的气息;多一些爱心,多一份劳动,多一种生活的美丽;多一句祝福,多一声问候,多一滴朋友的情意。3.12 植树节 ,祝你事事顺心,植树节快乐。 25、生活中有了你,甜蜜的滋味将我拥抱;劳动中有了你,收获的喜悦将我缠绕;爱情中有了你,幸福的日子将我迷倒;不能没有你,你是我心中的宝! 26、劳动者此刻在辛勤劳作,学习者此刻在学无止镜,创业者此刻在奋勇拼搏,唯有懒猪者,此刻在拿着手机看短信。 27、白云飘荡风的记忆,鲜花绽放季节的艳丽,海岸记录浪的痕迹,短信传送我的心意,节日遥送情的惦记,五一劳动节我真诚祝福你:生活幸福万事如意! 28、当你坐在小汽车享受个人的流动空间,当你坐在巴士享受公众的效益,当你坐在远行的大船享受旅途的潇洒,当你飞入蓝天把世界变小,您可知道劳动的美丽。 29、让我们感念劳动,坚持“以热爱劳动为荣,以好逸恶劳为耻”。让我们感念劳动,做一名现代化建设的光荣劳动者。 30、于是铁皮人用他的斧头,砍倒了一些小树,做成一个木筏。当他正在忙碌地劳动时,稻草人发现靠在河边的一株树上,满生着佳果。这就使得多萝茜很快活,她成天除了硬壳果以外,没有旁的东西吃,便把成熟的水果做了一顿滋养的食品。 31、 未来将属于两种人:思想的人和劳动的人,实际上,这两种人是一种人,因为思想也是劳动。 32、高考在即,希望所有的高考学子们:轻轻松松进场!仔仔细细答题!认认真真检查!潇潇洒洒交卷!请相信:只要付出了辛勤的劳动,总会有丰硕的收获! 33、真情五一,紧握你因劳动开满茧花的手,聆听为你而作劳动节的赞歌,送上我节日里最真心的祝福:愿健康守着你,好运恋着你,幸福不离你! 34、穷玩车,富玩表,劳动致富不可少;穷喝粥,富吃肉,不吃你就会变瘦;进入新时代,传统习俗不更改,腊八粥儿喝起来!朋友,祝你腊八开怀! 35、数九寒天冻傻人,“ 小寒 ”天冷少出门。领玩孙儿快乐享,营养保健须养生。七旬老人爽精神,除雪扫院都称能。劳动锻炼要适度,强身健体能长命。祝福长辈寿无疆,幸福时光禄无限。 小雪 快乐,精神十足。 36、 谷雨 时节备耕忙忙,挥洒汗水播种希望,阳光拥有无限能量,辛勤的劳动创造辉煌,祝福你谷雨快乐,明天收获金黄的麦穗,幸福天长地久。 37、心有浪漫,天天情人节;心存感激,天天 感恩节 ;起早贪黑,天天劳动节;能够耍你,天天狂欢节外加 愚人节 。愚人,节日快乐哟! 38、五月一,聚一起,发发短信常联系;劳动节,把手携,欢欢喜喜诉离别。五一愿你五个一:一群好朋友,一份好工作,一个好身体,一生好运气,一个好家庭! 39、五一到,五一到,快给假期开个道;亲朋团聚不能少,吃喝玩乐图热闹;问候朋友没忘掉,收到祝福笑一笑;真心问声节日好,祝你劳动节日心情妙! 40、劳动节即将来临,短信送来关怀,旅游不要太累,潇洒切忌疲惫,饮酒莫要开车,平安牢记心间,佳肴荤素搭配,身体健康无恙,五一幸福快乐! 五一劳动节最火公众号金句 1、祝你五一开心生活,节后快乐工作,天天美好心情。 2、劳动节,轻声问候,愿你节日快乐。 3、五一劳动节休息很难求,祝愿好运跟你走。 4、五一到,向你问个好:办事处处顺,糊口步步高,彩票期期中,好运每天交! 5、今天虽然是劳动节,但也要多多注意休息,保持身体健康。祝节日快乐! 6、五一节,对你关怀在心田,祝你快乐幸福多一点。 7、祝五一快乐开心连连、幸福吉祥如意。 8、快趁五一去放松,快乐生活在身边! 9、放假休息比上班还累,玩得太尽兴了。 10、拥有你,天天都是情人节!拥有我,天天都是劳动节!我们两个在一起,天天都会是狂欢节! 11、劳动节将到,祝百事可乐,万事顺意! 12、朋友相隔遥远,捎上关怀问候,预祝五一劳动节,心情舒畅,快乐幸福! 13、褪去疲劳,忘却烦恼,祝你快乐,愿你美丽。 14、五一劳动节,祝你合家幸福! 15、起床啦!固然今天是公共假期,但是今天也要庆祝一下呀,五一节快乐! 16、劳动节好好休息,祝君事事如愿。 17、祝你五一笑不停,快乐幸福永相随! 18、踏上旅途,平安祥和;到处玩玩,轻松快活;搞点娱乐,烦恼无处躲;真心笑笑,美如花朵;祝旅途愉快! 19、对你的思念像袅袅的轻烟不绝如缕,对你的祝福是潺潺的小溪伴随一生一世。祝你五一节快乐! 20、今年五一想和女朋友去旅游,麻烦大家推荐一下谁的女朋友比较好。 21、送一份喜悦给你,愿你同家人的"相聚短暂而快乐。 22、五一到,送你人间五月芬芳。 23、每个人心中,都会有一个古镇情怀,流水江南,烟笼人家。五一快乐。 24、轻轻松松过五一,快快乐乐每一天! 25、今个劳动节,不要再紧张,心情放平缓,轻松晒太阳,莫要错过美好春光! 26、祝你五一节日快乐,放飞心情梦想。 27、五一劳动节,愿好运与你缠绵,健康与你相恋,生活更加烂漫! 28、祝你在五一劳动节,和你的亲密爱人间能体会到真心真意的一份爱。 29、五一小假期,送你五份礼:健康平安见面礼,幸福快乐大回礼,工作顺利幸运礼,爱情甜蜜神秘礼,生活惬意节日礼。 30、五一节,祝你快乐幸福多一点。 31、轻轻的问候,淡淡的微笔,伴跟着辉煌的阳光、和煦的东风,送去我您深深的祝福。祝五一节快乐。 32、五一来到,微信通报,人生歇脚。 33、五一劳动节到来之际,祝你劳动着,快乐着! 34、劳动节快乐,祝福朋友:花开不败,劳有所获! 35、放假,徘徊在兴奋与失落中。 36、一缕柔柔的关怀是水,把人守候,祝您健康快乐! 37、劳动带给我们一切,有劳动,才有回报,才有收成!祝你劳动节快乐! 38、五一节祝愿劳动朋友,生活越来越幸福。 39、手中茶、杯中酒,祝你好运天天有。 40、耕耘需要付出,勤劳就是美德。努力拼搏时时刻刻,自强不息年年月月。五一节快乐! 41、五一玩好,身体养好,日子过好,道路走好,心情超好。 42、五一到来之际,为你送上一份衷心的祈祷与祝福,祝你与家人过一个痛快而祥和的劳动节! 43、五一的锦绣,是在于那一天是春天亲吻夏天的日子!如梦如幻的季节,我送给你淡淡的醉意! 44、愿你劳动节快乐没人比,生活又如意! 45、朋友,在这幸福的时光里,让快乐和美好永远陪伴着你!劳动节快乐! 46、太阳高高照了,起床啦!今天是五一节,要庆祝一下呀,劳动节快乐! 47、五一劳动节:朋友一起来聚会,天南海北游一回。 48、劳动光荣!劳动万岁!用自已的双手创造辉煌,给最亲爱的人以幸福! 49、鸟儿叫,花儿笑,劳动节日乐逍遥。 50、享受生活,欢度五一,朋友记得常联系! 五一劳动节最火公众号句子 1、劳动是光荣的,劳动是伟大的,社会能够发展到如此现代,人类能够发展如此文明,都是由劳动创造出来的,没有劳动就没有时代的进步和发展。 2、劳动,饱含着尊严,企业不仅要让员工更努力工作,更要激发员工高效工作,不仅要靠加班工资的激励,更要让家人陪伴、身体健康,也成为工作的奖赏。 3、五月,检验劳动盛日;财富是劳动,劳动是财富。不劳而获,永远都该予以鄙视,让五月变成歌颂劳动的警句,会促使亿万心灵变的美丽! 4、做人只要你爱上了劳动,就会有一个健康的体魄,就会有一个积极的心态,劳动使人拥有大智若愚的智慧,劳动创造人生,劳动的人生最光荣,劳动使人生最美丽! 5、人类有了今天的美好,有了今天的文明,难道不是劳动的功绩?是劳动让我们脱离了茹毛饮血的野生动物生活状态,是劳动让我们直立走出了森林洞穴,走近了河流湖泊,是劳动让我们从刀耕火种进入了人类社会,走进了社会文明。 6、天才不能使人不必工作,不能代替劳动。要发展天才,必须长时间地学习和高度紧张地工作。人越有天才,他面临的任务也就越复杂,越重要。 7、有劳动就会有成果,有汗水才会有收获,人只有在劳动中才能创造财富,劳动就是创造,劳动是美德,做人有了爱劳动的美德,勤劳的一生,也是快乐的。 8、人生原本就是一本劳动之歌,做人要读书、读书、再读书;学习、学习、再学习;人生要活到老学到老,这就是人生的劳动观,价值观。 9、虽然只是四月末,我却畅想着五月!五月,是春末 夏至 的季节,大地被一场雷鸣后的大雨惊醒。就在那桃花枝头“她在丛中笑”的烂漫季节;是冬麦拔节、扬穗、棉花田管、职工挥汗,为膜上点播的棉苗封土,一张张辛勤耕耘的场景。 10、把自己春天一样在大地上展放,在暖暖的阳光里与阳光一起。 11、满山的桃花、碧绿的田野、金灿的油菜花望不到边际,农民,您用那粗壮的双臂换来我们的美食,您用汗水浇灌了我们的身体。 12、劳动,对于任何人都是平等的!是啊,无论你是做什么的,无论你是生活在低层的普通百姓,也无论你是工作在政府机关的高级领导,劳动,对于每一个人都是平等的。 13、当劳动成为一种享受,成为实现大众财富的同时改善个人生活路径的时候,我们才真切地体味到劳动的价值;当通过劳动改变了生活改变了环境改变了社会改变了过去的时候,我们才真切地明白,劳动伟大,劳动光荣。 14、劳动的"崇高道德意义还在于,一个人能在劳动的物质成果中体现他的智慧、技艺、对事业的无私热爱和把自己的 经验 传授给同志的志愿。 15、劳动是一种奉献,更是一种分享,分享劳动,也就是分享快乐,分享幸福,分享累累果实。从一个人对劳动的看法中,可以让我们清楚地知道,他的行为准则和道德品质。 16、劳动是神奇的,劳动是伟大的。劳动者用勤劳的双手和智慧, 编织 了这个五彩班斓的世界,创造了人类的文明。让我们在这个特别的日子里,向全世界的劳动者致敬。 17、哪些饱食终日、无所用心的人是无法理解快乐和幸福的含义的,他们认为有吃、有穿、有住、有玩就是最大的快乐,其实他们曲解了幸福的真谛。 18、我们要努力紧跟时代、肩负使命、锐意进取,做到勤于学习、善于实践,勤勉踏实,在工作上兢兢业业、精益求精,努力在平凡的岗位上干出不平凡的业绩。 19、劳动创造了历史,劳动创造了未来。在新的五一国际劳动节到来之际,让我们赞美劳动最美丽。 20、五月,是春季蓬勃向上、最绚烂的一段,它既没有六月的浮躁,也少了四月的稚嫩,给我们无限的朝气、力量与憧憬。五月,带着温柔,挟着雄风向我们热烈地走来,又会款款而去。在这短暂且又庄严的生命驿站里,我面对滚滚东流的黄浦江,常常陷入深思:五月,我们应该做些什么呢?又该拿什么奉献给这美好而难忘的五月呢? 五一劳动节最火公众号文案大全(110句)相关 文章 : ★ 51劳动节微信盆友圈文案一览 ★ 2020五一劳动节微信朋友圈文案 ★ 2020五一劳动节活动方案文案精选5篇 ★ 关于2020五一劳动节创意活动方案大全3篇 ★ 2020五一劳动节标语 ★ 五一劳动节微信祝福语大全 ★ 常见的五一劳动节祝福语微信朋友圈2020精选大全 ★ 五一劳动节活动宣传方案范文5篇精选 ★ 五一劳动节温馨祝福语大全,劳动节微信祝福语大全 ★ 2020五一劳动节创意活动方案5篇精选大全


学校劳动节英语演讲稿800字   演讲稿具有逻辑严密,态度明确,观点鲜明的特点。在快速变化和不断变革的"新时代,演讲稿在我们的视野里出现的频率越来越高,你知道演讲稿怎样才能写的好吗?下面是我帮大家整理的学校劳动节英语演讲稿800字,欢迎阅读与收藏。 学校劳动节英语演讲稿800字1   labor day on this day, mom and dad to visit me and beautiful along theriver road.   lantern when the first two days, a stroll along the river road in, so you apanoramic view across the river yuzhou yuan bridge, he, like the horizon of therainbow, bridging the north-south traffic, beautiful he yuan river winding likea ribbon flowing through here, cross-strait beautiful, rippling blue river, fromall the people gathered here his list.   xing i step quickly to the triassic park, where it is the light of theoceans, the world of light, only to stand quietly around the two rows of tall,tall and straight forward to the magnolia lamp post, which is far longer lookedlike a fire dragon lying. in the river, but also seems to be embedded in thewater park yuan neck a pearl necklace, more like a neat row of sentries,guarding the water park yuan harmony and perfection.   yuan in the middle of the water park, where the chinese history and cultureto display the statue of famous people, and confucius, wang, li bai ......theirheads and some idle, some silent with respect.   yuan look around the water park, willow snakes, breeze blowing gently,andi, i can not help but stand in admiration, yuan is the most beautiful waterpark, people went to the door, just like entering paradise.   this had a very happy 51. 学校劳动节英语演讲稿800字2   Music with the smell of coffee together in this room opened to diffuseslowly overflowing of this space every corner.magnificent evening sunset inevery ray of infiltration such as cotton-like softLane, and according to my Inthat big rattan chair, the entire body as if stuck in a chair in the. is at suchan afternoon, such a lazy greedy of me to enjoy the same to some very lazyafternoon. Thus, the thoughts will start in this Taste is full of happyafternoon start walking.轻舞and tune in every thread between Winston cruising.   This is a vacation near the end of 51 days, which is at high school throughthe first 51. Long vacation at a meeting with a finger toes counting the passageof days, one can not help Mr. Zhu Lao people at the rush time in sighpasses.   We also have take a long vacation, it is also our workers alsolaborofficials who are also mental, then we would mainly mental work, supplemented bythe labor of labor of the toiling masses   The day before yesterday Rumoi see, she run length, when the four-phase, asthe head, the silent. The question, why Meng said: "you lost." To read: "to eachother, each other."   Remember that first day, two, I still very woodenly, for test scores,rankings do not care, whenever Rumoi at me before the final exams after thebudget at the top of her or ask me a sense of when the post-test, I always likea wood-like. think at that time, I like sleeping like a baby, I do not know howmuch burdened with their own hopes and aspirations. until three days beforewaking up from a dream, like the general, did not realize the seriousness of thesituation.   Are perhaps three days of the year, in the torment of me, lessons,therefore, it fishes in that vague pain in the grown up, such as breaking pupalcocoon-like .   While in high school, occasionally naughty, but also somewhat diminished,and no longer indulge himself a mischief. Year where I think a lot, but alsounderstand that a number of things, including of course that was carrying thehope and look forward to. May be brought up not only mean age on the growth ofthe meaning of this simple, but more focused on growth and ideologicallyoverflew it!   I do not know by year"s time to learn to grow up, that price is not toomuch, but I at least can be sure it is correct.   Think high school this year from the second floor to the third floor,although it did not come this way, what initiative, but also it . At least thatwas their intention to come out step by step, down-to-earth, and there is noinfiltration of moisture, did not add any hypocritical things. maybe there is nogrowth that year, since I may be still "sleeping" to .   That year I learned how to grow up, as workers learned to use tools. Andnow to continue to grow up, I find this piece of land in the Senior section ofthe road leading to the ivory tower, then down into it, down . may be in the wayI want to give up the beautiful scenery along the way, may be leaving some ofthe burden of want to discard something, but all of her life in front of ushappy, what do people, this life can be for their own store and how many happymoments it   The music stopped, diffuse think has stopped. The horizon has been shroudedin darkness, and all thought the end song is also off. At this vacation afterall will be restored, and we will still be hard to work with. 学校劳动节英语演讲稿800字3   May 1 is International Labor Day, working people all over the world This isour own holiday. Today, we stand under the bright red flag with five stars, itshould be and how to celebrate this great Memory glorious holiday it?   1886 May 1, the Government of the United States deployed a large number ofthe bourgeois army and police brutally suppressed the Chicago workers to improveworking conditions and the struggle for the assembly. This shows that for theworking class not to say that the status of the owner, is to improve the basicliving conditions will be subjected to bloody repression. The May 1International Labor Day, is designed to mobilize and unite the proletariat andworking people all over the world, to fight for their freedom, liberation, forthe ultimate realization of the rights of the masters of unremittingstruggle.   China"s proletariat and the broad masses of working people in China underthe leadership of the Communist Party, after arduous struggle, so that themasters of the dream become a reality, the people become the masters of thestate and society, enjoy a wide range of democratic rights in order to masterthe spirit of into the great cause of socialist construction in the go. Oursocialist motherland is showing a vigorous, full of vigorous activity,high-spirited attitude to stride into the next century.   Us - as a cross-century generation of builders and successors, will beduty-bound to stir up the socialist modernization construction of the burden ofpower to the attitude of ownership into the construction of the homeland to thegreat cause. As a secondary school, from an early age should establish a senseof ownership, interest in national affairs, love for their homes, and fosterlong-term aspirations, the future of their own destiny with the homeland combineto become the ideal has a vision there is there is a noble ambition qualitypeople. The feelings of our labor to cultivate and develop work habits, Valuelabor, and actively take part in the activities of social practice. Of course,the most important thing is to study hard scientific and cultural knowledge, asolid grasp the skill-building for the future prosperity of our country and laya good foundation! This is the "51" International Day of commemoration of thebest. 学校劳动节英语演讲稿800字4   Today is the May Day Labor Day, and the city is boiling everywhere.   The streets, everywhere People are hurrying to and fro., heavy traffic.There are hawkers in the street. There are advertisements, leaflets, etc. It canbe said to be a bustle. There are so many people shopping in supermarkets thatalmost every corner is full of people. In front of the cash register, thequeuing people are like a bunch of twists and turns, which make the checkoutcrowded.   The gate of the park, parking line of parked cars, just like a car "". It"sa stream of people walking into the park. Some people take photos beside thescenery, some play chess on the table of the small woods, others exercise in thefitness field. Look at the small square near the bridge. People dance in thesquare freely. Zhongyang square, adults and children were flying kites happily.The kite with the wind fly in the blue sky. The kite is shining brightly in thesun, and is flying higher and higher in the sky. The sky kite brightly coloureddress is very beautiful.   As night fell, the whole city became an ocean of lights. The road is astring of bright lights, as the flash off the river torrents. On May 1, peopleare immersed in a happy atmosphere. 学校劳动节英语演讲稿800字5   Today, at the working holiday comes, I want to thank living, further workto thank for my life have the appearance of today.   Humans have the beauty of today, with today"s civilization, isn"t it themerits of labor? Is labor let us from the wild animals live eat birds andanimals raw state, walked out of the woods hole is labor let"s upright andapproached the rivers and lakes, is let us from the traditional agriculturalLabour entered the human society, entered the social civilization.   Is that all the workers made history, it is people get happiness with bothhands and a good fruit. The rich civilization of today is all the Chineseconstruction well-off society, with 30 years of reform and opening up thepractice of carefully to create a new China. We pay for their labor returns andproud, we live in such a history of the most magnificent enlightened times feelvery proud!   We advocate the labor, because we the strong physique, the revenues fromlabor; We respect for labor, because only labor can transform the worldconsolidation was old; We love working, because is the enthusiasm of thenational people"s labor, is the heroic people"s liberation army of armed policepublic security officers and soldiers work with their hands, is our stand andsave your hard work and all the people in the disaster areas took the greatvictory of the "5.12" earthquake relief, is full of kindness of the worldpeace-loving people to use the fruits of their Labour to support us, let us inthe face of the sudden huge damage feel the warmth of the society, the warmth ofthe world, the warmth of the earth.   Once upon a time, in China"s vast land, our labor are worthless; Once, thebroad masses of workers at the bottom of life, although pay a sweat, produce thewealth, but hungry clothed. In the darkness of the old China, imperialism,feudalism and bureaucratic capitalism three mountain holding pressure on theChinese people"s head, capitalist and feudal landlord squeezed all the workingpeople, without any human hands to create the world"s workers can not get everybit of good in this world, dominate the political power of the oppressor hadgreedily grab all the labor. At this moment in the world, working people can"tsee fair, civilized and dawn of hope.   Is the Chinese communist party led the people across the country tooverthrow the three mountain, is the communist party of China leads the peopleof the whole country the construction of socialist new China, from now on, standup, China"s most the broad masses of the people stood up! All the workers aremasters of the country, heading toward social fairness and justice and moderncivilization. Is the communist party of China for the Chinese rich and powerfuldemocratic civilization prosperous adhere to the reform and opening up, hasrealized the rapid development of China for decades, implements the labor forcerich soure of turning over the greatest liberation flourish. Is a new startingpoint in the history of the communist party of China people standing in theinnovation and development of marxism, put forward the theory of buildingsocialism with Chinese characteristics, the line, principles and policies,created the socialism with Chinese characteristics about new heights ofscientific development. China has entered a history one of the best developmentperiod. Laborers through labor, realizing the maximization of individualinterests, to realize the civilization and progress of a new life.   When labor becomes a kind of enjoyment, to realize the public wealth at thesame time improve personal life path, we really appreciate to labor value; Whenthrough labor has changed the society changed life changed the environmentchanged in the past, we didn"t really understand, great labor, labor isglorious.   Thanks to work, because we are ordinary workers, we are in service forothers to get the service of others; Thanks to work, let us know the life, forit is labor understand love, understand today"s side all don"t come easy! ;


【 #劳动节# 导语】五月,除了带来这明媚的阳光,冰凉的雪糕,还有那一股劳动精神的风,也跟着吹了过来!说道五月,就首当其冲的想到了五一劳动节,毕竟它是五月的第一天,是勤劳的节日,是劳动人民的节日。下面是 考 网分享的2022年劳动节手抄报内容【十篇】。欢迎阅读参考! 1.2022年劳动节手抄报内容   五一劳动节由来   此节源于美国芝加哥城的工人大罢工。1886年5月1日,芝加哥的二十一万多名工人为争取实行八小时工作制而举行大罢工,经过艰苦的流血斗争,终于获得了胜利。为纪念这次伟大的工人运动,宣布将每年的五月一日定为国际劳动节。这一决定立即得到世界各国工人的积极响应。   我国于1949年12月将每年的五月一日定为法定的劳动节,全国放假一天。这天,举国欢庆,人们换上节日的盛装,兴高采烈地聚集在公园、剧院、广场等,参加各种庆祝集会或文体娱乐活动,并对有突出贡献的劳动者进行表彰。2.2022年劳动节手抄报内容   各国关于劳动节习俗   中国劳动节(5月1日)   每年的五月一日定为法定的中国劳动节,一般都会放三天假举国欢庆,到了5月1日的那天,人们换上节日的盛装,参加各种庆祝集会或文体娱乐活动,并对有突出贡献的劳动者进行表彰。   俄罗斯劳动节(5月1日)   五一国际劳动节在俄罗斯一直非常重要的节日,除了5月1-3日全国放假,各种不同政见的非政府组织、劳工团体,都会在这一天自发举行各种庆祝活动。“五一”游 行的队伍要先穿过城市的主要街道、广场,最后在古老的或者宽阔的中心广场举行大型集会和庆典。同时,俄罗斯各地的各种俱乐部还会举行内容丰富、色彩缤纷的娱乐活动,人们的节日情绪很高。   日本的劳动节(11月23日)   日本有一个和五一劳动节类似的节日,叫“勤劳感谢日”,旧称“新尝祭”,是天皇品尝新米的日子。不过并不是5月1日,而是11月23日。这一天也是尊重劳动、庆祝生产的日子,而劳动人民大多数都休息。   韩国劳动节(5月1日)   “五一”国际劳动节期间,韩国不放假,因为在韩国五一不是法定节假日。根据韩国劳动法,除公务员外,其他劳动者在5月1日都将享受带薪假期。而很多人民因为工作性质的原因,国际劳动节这一天一般没有带薪假期,要继续上班。   泰国劳动节(5月1日)   泰国于1932年首次颁布劳工条例,随后将每年的5月1日确定为国家的劳动节,以此嘉奖辛勤工作的劳动者。这一天,泰国全国统一放假一天,而在泰国首都曼谷皇家田广场会举行活动,庆祝“五一”国际劳动节。   美国劳动节(9月4日)   当时资本主义工业已跃居世界第一位的美国,发生了全国工人大罢工,这对他们资本主义的利益造成很大的影响。所以美国政府后来在设立劳动节时,故意避开“五一”,另行规定每年9月的第一个星期一为劳动节,放假一天。   加拿大劳动节(9月4日)   加拿大的劳动节和美国一样,但是对加拿大人来说,劳动节为他们提供了一个非常难得的连休三天的长周末。很多加拿大人把这个劳动节的长周末看作是夏季的结束,他们举行各种活动来使自己和家庭共度美好的夏季,这些活动有家庭聚会,户外烧烤会,野营和度假等等。   新西兰劳动节(每年十月的第四个星期一)   在新西兰并没有国际五一劳动节,他们有自己的劳工节,起源于19世纪新西兰工人们,争取每天8小时工作制的运动。在每年十月的第四个星期一,新西兰的全国范围内的公众假期,这个时候正好处于春天,所以新西兰人们往往选择假期举家出游,享受春天的到来。   德国劳动节   因为德国有完善的劳动体系,工人保障机制基本上已经是世界水平了。所以5月1日这天只是一个很普通的小假日。在德国传统的习俗中,5月1日其实是德国本土的情人节。到了5月1日当天,很多地方都会立“五月树”,然后单身男女写愿望卡,祈望能得到心上人的喜爱。3.2022年劳动节手抄报内容   劳动节的意义   1、五一劳动节的意义在于工人斗争取得可喜成果,工人的工作时间普遍缩短。在工人的压力下,一些国家的政府颁布了有利于工人利益的法律,增强了工人阶级的斗争信心,也为国际工人运动积累了富贵经验。于劳动者通过斗争,用顽强、英勇不屈的奋斗精神,争取到了自己的合法权益,是人类文明民主的历史性进步。   2、纪念劳动人民争取合法权益:在封建社会和奴隶社会时期,劳动人民的合法权益是很难得到保障的,甚至被各个阶层所压迫,直到后来思想解放,劳动人民才逐渐开始争取合法权益,这是一件非常难得的事情,同时也是一件值得铭记并庆祝的事情。所以在1889年恩格斯提出设立五一国际劳动节,并于次年进行国际劳动者游 行示 威。   3、人类文明的发展:劳动人民的合法权益得到了保障,不仅仅是他们自身有好处,更是世界人类文明的一大进步。当人们开始尊重劳动人民的权益,那么就是人类文明的飞跃。所以劳动节自从被提出后,一直都是大部分国家最重视的节日之一,而中国更是将其设定为法定节假日。   4、提醒人民奋斗精神:劳动节的背后是无数的国际劳动者的汗水,他们为了自身的合法权益游 行示 威,不屈不挠争取到人权,这份精神是非常值得敬佩和学习的,更是所有劳动者不应该遗忘的,所以每年五一到来的时候都要举行劳动节。4.2022年劳动节手抄报内容   劳动节诗歌精选   昨天的风吹起了劳动的号角,   今天,晴朗的天空在预告   劳动的时刻即将来到   劳动者是辛勤的农民   在清晨的田野里,满是耕种的农民   构成一幅朴实的画   劳动者在农民身上得到最美的体现   面朝黄土背朝天   勤劳朴实一年年   与地为友至大寒   平平实实过大年   今天,我看见劳动者走进田野   清晨的温馨使他们与土地融为一体   满脸大汗   他们却笑一笑,接着干   到处都是   使我心灵震撼   劳动人民对土忠,劳动人民不平庸   劳动人民在流汗,劳动人民最能干   劳动人民最勤劳,劳动人民在耕种   劳动人民被歌颂,劳动人民真感动   劳动人民节日干,劳动人民在流汗   我是劳动人民的儿子,我敬佩劳动人民。   劳动人民最贫穷,劳动人民最光荣。   五一劳动节,劳动人民的节日   他们却不知道该休息该旅游   只知道雨后耕种   看   他们正扛着锄头往田里走。5.2022年劳动节手抄报内容   劳动节的名人名言   1、劳动教学里还能培养这样一些宝贵的个性品质,如学会群众工作热爱劳动克服困难的坚毅精神等。——赞科夫   2、最有幸福的,只是勤劳的劳动之后。劳动能给人以完全的幸福,幸福——劳动。——瞿秋白   3、人的幸福存在于生活之中,生活存在于劳动之中。——列夫.托尔斯泰   4、培养青年要尊重劳动者和劳动人民的感情。——加里宁   5、凡事总要有信心,老想着“行”。要是做一件事,先就担心着:“怕不行吧?”那你就没有勇气了。——盖叫天   6、劳动使人免除三种坏处——厌烦邪 恶及贫穷。——福尔特尔   7、劳动是社会中每个人不可避免的义务。——卢梭   8、平时不劳动的人,一生没有节日过。——涅克拉索夫   9、“一劳永逸”的话,有是有的,而“一劳永逸”的事却极少……——鲁迅   10、我们世界上最完美的东西,都是由劳动由人的聪明的手创造出来的。——高尔基   11、科学的进步取决于科学家的劳动和他们的发明的价值。——巴斯德   12、经过费力才得到的东西要比不费力就得到的东西叫能另人喜爱。一目了然的真理不费力就能够懂,懂了也感到暂时的愉快,但是很快就被遗忘了。——薄伽丘   13、就应记住,我们的事业,需要的是手,而不是嘴。——童第周   14、只有走在生活的前面,用自己的劳动创造了新的生活的人,才谈得上真正的美。——蒋孔阳   15、在重视劳动和尊重劳动者的基础上,我们有可能来创造自己的新的道德。——劳动和科学是世界上最伟大的两种力量。——高尔基   16、锄禾日当午,汗滴禾下土。谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦!——李绅   17、所有现存的好东西都是创造的果实。——米尔   18、做事,不止是人家要我做才做,而是人家没要我做也争着去做。这样,才做得搞笑味,也就会有收获。——谢觉哉   19、劳动永远是人类生活的基础,是创造人类文化幸福的基础。——马卡连柯   20、社会主义制度的建立给我们开辟了一条到达理想境界的道路,而理想境界的实现还要靠我们的辛勤劳动。——毛泽东   21、我毕生都热爱脑力劳动和体力劳动,也许甚至说,我更热爱体力劳动。当在体力劳动内加入任何优异的悟性,即手脑相结合在一起的时候,我就更个性感觉满意了。——巴甫洛夫6.2022年劳动节手抄报内容   时光飞逝,转眼就到了“五一”节了,“五一”是全世界广大劳动人民的共同节日,“五一”是专门为劳动人民设立的,因为没有劳动人民,就没有我们现在繁荣信息化的世界。   当然,五一劳动节最早的起源还是来自于美国,一八八六年的五月一日,芝加哥的20多万工人举行大罢工,要求8小时的工作制,通过他们的争取,他们最终获得了成功。为了纪念这次斗争所取得的胜利,在一八八 九年,恩格斯召集全体工人召开第二国际大会最终就确定了每年的5月1日为国际劳动节,以此来纪念他们取得的胜利。   劳动人民从古至今一直都存在着,就我们中国来说,想在遥远的秦朝,我们就会情不自禁地赞叹这伟大古老的中华文明,在两千多年的漫长岁月中,万里长城犹如一条巨龙,在地球上留下了叹为观止的人工建筑遗存,它蕴涵着丰富的思想文化内涵,凝聚着古代中国劳动人民的勤劳,勇敢的智慧,如果没有这三十万劳动人民的心血和汗水怎么可能会留下这一文明精神的象征,而在我们当今社会仍存在着没有老师,工人,农民这一劳动人民的付出,会有我们这样丰富多彩的生活吗?在此,我祝天下劳动人民节日快乐,身体健康。7.2022年劳动节手抄报内容   五一国际劳动节亦称“五一节”,在每年的五月一日。它是全世界无产队级、劳动人民的共同节日。   此节源于美国芝加哥城工人大罢工。1886年5月1日,芝加哥的二十一万六千余名工人为争取实行八小时工作制而举行大罢工,经过艰苦的流血斗争,终于获得了胜利。为纪念这次伟大的工人运动,1889年7月第二国际宣布将每年的五月一日定为国际劳动节。这一决定立即得到世界各国工人的积极响应。1890年5月1日,欧美各国的工人阶级率先走向街头,举行盛大的**与集会,争取合法权益。从此,每逢这一天世界各国的劳动人民都要集会、*,以示庆祝。   中国人民庆祝劳动节的活动可追溯至1920年。是年,一些革命的知识分子在上海、苏州、杭州、汉口等地向群众散发介绍“五一”的传单。1920年5月1日,北京、上海、广州、九江、唐山等各工业城市的工人群众浩浩荡荡地走向街市、举行了声势浩大的*、集会,这就是中国历的第一个五一劳动节。放后,中央人民政府政务院于1949年12月将五月一日定为法定的劳动节,是日全国放假一天。节日,举国欢庆,人们换上节日的盛装,兴高采烈地聚集在公园、剧院、广场,参加各种庆祝集会或文体娱乐活动,并对有突出贡献的劳动者进行表彰。8.2022年劳动节手抄报内容   劳动节是几月几日   五一国际劳动节简称五一节,在每年的5月1日。它是全世界劳动人民的共同节日。   过去,上述活动主要是由政府组织,队伍中包括各企业、机关的代表。现在,除政府统筹的庆祝活动外,各种不同政见的非政府组织、劳工团体,都会在这一天自发举行各种庆祝活动,既可以借这个机会充分阐述各自的政见,又能扩大本组织的影响。   一般来说,队伍要先穿过城市的主要街道、广场,最后在古老的或者宽阔的中心广场举行大型集会和庆典。同时,俄罗斯各地的各种俱乐部还会举行内容丰富、色彩缤纷的娱乐活动,人们的节日情绪很高。9.2022年劳动节手抄报内容   赞美劳动者的古诗   1、《悯农》   锄禾日当午,汗滴禾下土。   谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦。   2、《四时田园杂兴》   范成大   昼出耘田夜绩麻,   村庄儿女各当家。   童孙未解供耕织,   也傍桑阴学种瓜。   3、《归园田居》   陶渊明   种豆南山下,草盛豆苗稀。   晨兴理荒*,带月荷锄归。   道狭草木长,夕露沾我衣。   衣沾不足惜,但使愿无违。   4、《观刈麦》   白居易   田家少闲月,五月人倍忙。   夜来南风起,小麦覆陇黄。   妇姑荷箪食,童稚携壶浆。   相随饷田去,丁壮在南冈。   足蒸暑土气,背灼炎天光。   力尽不知热,但惜夏日长。   复有贫妇人,抱子在其旁。   右手秉遗穗,左臂悬敝筐。   听其相顾言,闻者为悲伤。   家田输税尽,拾此充饥肠。   今我何功德,曾不事农桑。   吏禄三百石,岁晏有余粮。   念此私自愧,尽日不能忘。10.2022年劳动节手抄报内容   劳动节的演讲稿   同学们,“五.一”国际劳动节即将来临,它是全世界劳动者的节日,它让我们知道劳动是最光荣。为什么说劳动最光荣,因为劳动创造了世界。   凡是了解历史的人都知道,从人猿到人的过程中,劳动起了决定性的作用。古猿人之所以能够直立行走,能够最终走出森林成为真正意义上的人类,劳动的作用是无可替代的。正是由于劳动,才能使我们祖先由动物进化成现在的人类。人类的发展史其实就是一部劳动史,是劳动创造了历史,是劳动改变了世界。   同学们,每当我们背着书包走在平坦宽阔的柏油马路上的时候;每当我们漫步在绿树成荫、繁花似锦的人工花园的时候;每当我们经过喧嚣的建筑工地的时候;你们是否想到了他们——那些为我们创造美好生活的劳动者。   从古到今,热爱劳动就是中华民族有传统美德,我们少先队员也要以爱劳动为美德,养成热爱劳动的好习惯。   让我们从自己做起,从身边做起。在家里,我们可以做力所能及的家务事,自己的事自己做,让我们从心底鄙视那些饭来张口,衣来伸手的“寄生虫”;在学校里,我们可以积极做老师的小帮手,同学的好朋友,每天早来学校几分钟,就可以把教室打扫得窗明几净,让同学们和你一起分享劳动的快乐。   同学们,让我们每个人都加入到劳动的行列中。劳动最光荣,它既藏在我们的心窝里,更体现在我们的行动中,让我们做个热爱劳动的孩子,像蜜蜂一样酿造美好的明天。





关于劳动之美的手抄报 劳动节的手抄报

劳动节的手抄报劳动节的手抄报怎么画美好生活小报劳动节最光荣小能手手抄报版权可商用第二师三建中学家务劳动最光荣手抄报六一班劳动最光荣五一劳动节手抄报word模版手抄报《劳动最光荣》手抄报优秀作品展览劳模事迹手抄报 第1页劳动节向劳动培养德智体美劳手抄报简单漂亮的五一手抄报图片五一劳动节手抄报简单一年级劳动美的手抄报 一年级的手抄报小学生热爱劳动手抄报热爱劳动的手抄报五一劳动节手抄报内容文字来了梦劳动美主题绘画劳动节手抄报图片大全素材关于五一劳动节的手抄报我爱劳动手抄报图片 - 劳动节手抄报 - 老师板报网劳动节手抄报推荐文章三年级劳动之美手抄报 三年级手抄报关于劳动节手抄报美德最光荣手抄报 劳动最光荣手抄报小学生关于五一劳动节的手抄报南劳动节手抄报我爱劳动手抄报--拉封丹既然思想存在于劳动之中人就要靠劳动而劳动实践手抄报比赛三建中学家务劳动小技巧手抄报优秀作品展 写美篇又简单又唯美爱劳动手抄报八张51劳动节热爱劳动光荣黑白线描涂色空白五一劳动节美丽手抄报 五一劳动节手抄报



五一劳动节手抄报 内容

劳动节的手抄报小学生五一劳动节手抄报小学生五一劳动节手抄报含内容文字劳动节手抄报模板大全五一劳动节小报劳动节快乐手抄报劳动最光荣小报几张简单的五一劳动节手抄报图片国机励志小学部五一劳动节手抄报展评五一劳动节手抄报素材劳动最快乐小学生五一劳动节手抄报版面设计图小学生关于快乐五一劳动节的手抄报的画法简单漂亮2017五一劳动节的手抄报我劳动我快乐手抄报图片 五一劳动节手抄报版面设计图劳动最光荣五一劳动节手抄报图片简单的五一劳动节手抄报庆祝五一劳动节手抄报图片精美又好看 随你伤我没心五一劳动节手抄报分享五一劳动节手抄报画-小蜜蜂采花蜜-五一劳动节-44kb手把手教孩子做 五一劳动节手抄报五一劳动节的简易手抄报 五一劳动节手抄报彭集街道中学开展庆祝五一国际劳动节手抄报展评活动关于五一劳动精的手抄报 五一劳动节手抄报

51劳动节我光荣手抄报 劳动最光荣手抄报

五一劳动手抄报绘画-劳动五一劳动手抄报劳动节的手抄报劳动节的手抄报怎么画节日大全 五一劳动节 51劳动节手抄报五一快乐劳动最光荣劳动节手抄报小学生劳动最光荣手抄报五一劳动节手抄报 图1五一劳动节手抄报 图2五一劳动最光荣手抄报简单又漂亮-图6五一劳动最光荣手抄报简单又劳动最光荣手抄报视频五一劳动节手抄报简笔画《劳动最光荣》手抄报优秀作品展览劳动最光一荣的手抄报劳动最光荣手抄报关于我劳动我光荣我快乐的手抄报劳动最光荣手抄报劳动我光荣手抄报 劳动最光荣手抄报劳动节手抄报版面设计-劳动的意义劳动最光荣手抄报图片大全注手抄报内容栏目劳动最光荣手抄报图片关于劳动节好看的手抄报.劳动最光荣但也应该有适当的休息时间哦.劳动最光荣手抄报图片劳动最光荣手抄报小学生2020年劳动节劳动最光荣手抄报简单好看劳动最光荣五一劳动节手劳动最光荣最简单最优秀的手抄报 劳动最光荣手抄报劳动最光荣五一劳动节手抄报五一劳动节手抄报图片大全内容劳动最光荣有关劳动节的手抄报劳动最光荣劳动节手抄报劳动最光荣手抄报大全一等奖劳动最光荣手抄报内容手抄报弘扬劳动精神





简单劳动节最光荣手抄报 劳动最光荣手抄报

劳动最光荣手抄报资料五一劳动节劳动最光荣小报手抄报素材四年级劳动劳动手抄报一等奖模板教程小学生劳动最光荣手抄报超好看二年级劳动最光荣手抄报内容及图片简单五年级劳动最光荣手抄报图片-图2五年级劳动最光荣手抄报图片-图1劳动光荣劳动最美的手抄报 劳动最光荣手抄报劳动最光荣手抄报图劳动最光荣手抄报好看又简单的劳动节手抄报用8k纸画的劳动节手抄报1劳动最光荣2019手抄报三年级劳动节a3手抄报 劳动节手抄报劳动最光荣a3纸手抄报 劳动最光荣手抄报快乐劳动最光荣劳动节手抄报快乐迎接五一劳动节手抄报手抄报图片简单51劳动节手抄报设计图劳动最关荣-108kb优秀五一劳动最光荣手抄报优秀劳动最光荣手抄报好看又简单的劳动节手抄报劳动节手抄报51劳动最光荣五一劳动节手抄报图片大全内容劳动最光荣手抄报劳动最光荣五一劳动节手抄报劳动最光荣劳动节手抄报简单又漂亮五一劳动最光荣手抄报简单又漂亮-图1五一劳动最光荣手抄报简单又劳动最光荣记郑州新徽实验学校三一班劳动节手抄报评比活动劳动最光荣 - 劳动节手抄报 - 老师板报网幼儿园五一劳动节手抄报图片劳动节劳动最光荣手抄报模板


【 #英语资源# 导语】五一假期真是好,五天小假乐逍遥,开心快乐来开道,好运相伴助你跑,健康平安缠你腰,吉祥如意怀中抱,幸福甜蜜眼前飘,祝你五一劳动节,心情乐陶陶!以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.劳动节英语日记   Today is May 5, the fifth day of the golden week. My mother took me to Zhongshan Park.   As soon as you enter the gate, the first thing you see is a large stone tablet. In front of the stone tablet is a lake. The water in the lake flows "clattering", as if playing a beautiful song.   There are guardrails on the left and right. Behind the guardrail are pots of bright flowers, red, white, purple and yellow. They are colorful and of different varieties. They are very beautiful.   I followed my mother and walked around the stone tablet. At a glance, I saw tables and stools neatly placed in the green woods. Some big brothers and sisters are sitting on stools, studying hard with books in their hands, and some grannies and grandparents are playing poker in groups.   Then, my mother and I walked straight forward to the bumper yard. My mother bought a ticket and took a bumper car with me. "Lingling" I stepped on the accelerator and my mother controlled the steering wheel. Suddenly, a car came to us and my heart was about to jump out. At this critical moment, my mother made a sharp turn and avoided the car. I breathed a sigh of relief and admired my mother. At this time, my mother bought another ticket and said to me, "Yuhan, you have grown up. My mother bought you a ticket. Now you can take a bumper car by yourself to exercise your courage." After listening to my mother"s words, I was excited and scared, but I still summoned up my courage and walked to the bumper yard with my ticket. I handed the ticket to the ticket collector and walked into the bumper yard. There was another "bell". I stepped on the accelerator and set off. Just as I was driving steadily, a car came towards me. It was too late to dodge, so I had to obey my fate. I closed my eyes and the car hit me and pushed me forward. I quickly turned the steering wheel, but then they withdrew. My car went round and round, making me dizzy and uncomfortable.   Then, my mother took me to play pulley, color painting and fishing. It was very interesting!   However, time was limited. After a while, when the sun was shining, I followed my mother to come and go. 2.劳动节英语日记   Today is labor day. In response to the call of our superiors, the school specially took a day off to help our parents do what we can.   "Get up quickly, Xiaoyi. Today is labor day. You can"t be lazy in front of my mother!" Early in the morning, I was scared to death by my mother"s "lion roaring skill". I had to say "Bye Bye" to my beloved quilt and began a day"s work.   After dinner, I wanted to sneak out to play, but I couldn"t escape my mother"s "golden eyes" and "Wuzhishan". I was awkwardly grabbed by my mother. "You little girl, you just want to play all day. When will you know to do serious things? Wash it for me!" "Yes, ma"am!" I finally gave in to my mother.   This bowl is really hard to wash. It"s slippery all over and almost broke. Eh, didn"t mom use hot water and detergent when she washed the dishes? It turns out that these two things are useless. No wonder they haven"t been washed for a long time. I carefully brought a basin of hot water and dropped a drop of detergent. Eh, how did this bowl become so obedient? Let me control. After a while, all the dishes were washed.   "Xiaoyi is sensible and can help her mother." My mother said to me gently. Suddenly I saw some white hair on my mother"s temples. This is no longer the young mother I know. My mother worked hard for my growth and never wanted to return, but I   This labor day makes me feel much more sensible. I want to help my mother do more things within my ability. This labor day makes me very happy! 3.劳动节英语日记   Today is labor day. I got up early in the morning and looked at the beautiful environment outside the window, which made me relaxed and happy!   I went to the park with my friends. Wow, it"s so beautiful here! The grass is full of countless beautiful flowers, birds chirp in the trees and sing beautiful songs, and many old people are exercising. We play fitness equipment, play that, play this, sometimes play hide and seek, sometimes play 123 wooden people, sometimes play throw basketball, and have a good time! At more than two o"clock, we were a little tired, so we went to the canteen to buy some food and go for a walk together. The scenery on the road is also very beautiful. Although it is not as good as other places, it is a very comfortable place for us!   What a full day today! What a happy May Day! In this festival, we should exercise and work! 4.劳动节英语日记   On May Day, father-in-law sun got up earlier than me. The weather was wonderful. I went to Huai"an park with my mother, father and aunt"s little brother.   There are many people in the park. There are people who dance, practice swords and sell things. It"s very lively! Red flowers, white flowers and yellow flowers... Compete for wonders and beauty!   What attracts me most is the amusement park. As soon as I took my mother to the amusement park, I climbed onto the "space UFO" without waiting for my mother to buy a ticket. The UFO rotates and rises and falls from time to time. I kept shouting "Mom"... My mother just laughed and ignored me at all 5.劳动节英语日记   Today is May 1st, international labor day. Mom took me to grandma"s house.   When I arrived at Grandma"s house, I saw that the cherry tree in front of grandma"s house was covered with fiery red cherries, like red agates. I picked some of the reddest cherries to eat. "Wow! How sweet!" My uncle saw me and said, "let"s dig bamboo shoots!" I said, "OK." My uncle and I walked to the bamboo forest with a hoe. When we got to the bamboo forest, I saw a very fat bamboo shoot from a distance. I dug one side of the bamboo shoot first, then shoveled it towards the side where the bamboo shoot was dug, and finally dug it out. Uncle, he dug a pit with two bamboo shoots in it. It"s killing two birds with one stone!   I gave the bamboo shoots to grandma to burn. After dinner, I took a bite of bamboo shoots and said, "it"s delicious. The harvest of labor is really great!" 6.劳动节英语日记   The annual "May Day" International Labor Day is coming, and we can have a few more days off.   On May Day, my mother called me up early in the morning, saying that it was to celebrate May Day International Labor Day and decided to clean at home, so my mother and I divided our work and began to work.   I first clean up all the things on the table at home, and then wipe them with a rag; Then he began to sweep the floor with a broom and carefully cleaned every corner of the house; Finally, drag the ground all over with a mop, and my work is finished. Mother is cleaning up oil dirt and stains in the kitchen. The day passed and the family soon changed. In the evening, I helped my mother tidy up the wardrobe and didn"t finish it until more than ten o"clock.   Lying in bed, I thought: today is really a labor day worthy of the name! 7.劳动节英语日记   On May Day, my mother and I went to the "dinosaur came" park to play. When I walked into the park, I saw several fake dinosaurs. They were fierce and pattable, and their claws could move. There was a dinosaur with twins on its back, a dinosaur full of thorns, and a Tyrannosaurus Rex, a dinosaur in the park. We also saw two big fountains. There are high water column and low water column. When the wind blows, the water splashes and floats with the wind, just like surfing.   Later, my good friend Linjiao and I were playing with water. We splashed each other, and the water splashed all over us. We took the grass in Shihe road as radishes and played with pulling radishes together. Linjiao"s father was fishing by the river. He caught four fish in all. We also played all kinds of games, but we were happy!   The sun slowly set. We reluctantly said goodbye to each other and made an appointment to play again when we were free. 8.劳动节英语日记   How time flies! May day in 2022 has arrived. I went to grandma"s house these days. I"m so happy!   The three of us got up early in the morning, washed our faces, cleaned up, and went to the street to buy grandma some of her favorite food. We divided our work and bought it. We finished it in a minute. We took a car and went on the way to grandma"s house. Don"t mention how beautiful it is.   After a while, we went to grandma"s house and met grandma. We hugged her affectionately. Grandma knew I was coming and bought me a sundae. It was delicious. We had a big meal at noon and talked with grandma for a while. In the afternoon, we rushed back. 9.劳动节英语日记   Today is "May Day". I thought of a special "May Day", so my parents and I went to the provincial children"s Library as volunteers. The aunt of the library arranged us to be volunteers on the third floor. The main work of the volunteers is: first stack the books returned by the readers according to the number, and then put them on the shelf. At the same time, put the books that the readers haven"t put well. Unconsciously, after a morning, although very tired, but very happy, at the same time, I also feel the hard work of my uncles and aunts. I think everyone should be a civilized reader, so as to reduce the workload of my uncles and aunts.   I had a full "May Day", I think "labor is the most glorious"! 10.劳动节英语日记   The annual happy May Day is here again. Today, everyone in the whole company took their children to sing karaoke, and I followed my mother.   When I arrived at the karaoke hall, I saw that it was not very bright, but the lights were colorful, flickering and beautiful. Began to sing, sounded wonderful music, everyone listened quietly. The first one is a big brother. I don"t know what song he sings. He also got 98 points. It"s really great. Then a little sister sang "only mother is good in the world" and got 100 points. Everyone applauded warmly. I almost clapped my hands red. Finally, I also sang a children"s song, but the score was not high, so I was embarrassed to say.   Although my singing is not good, I had a happy may day.




  伴随着温暖的春风,伴随着和煦的阳光,一年一度的“五一”劳动节不知不觉已悄然而至。想必热衷于享受生活的你早已经按耐不住了吧!那么为何不趁着这轻松的假日时光到外面散散心呢?相信“五一”劳动节美好的气氛一定会给你留下深刻的印象!以下是关于劳动节的作文栏目为您带来的《劳动节的英语作文》,希望我们的作文能让你喜欢。   【篇一:五一假】   I had a great time throughout my May Day Holiday.   On Monday, I went BBQ with my classmates who threw a celebration party at our middle school principle"s flat. Our parents were invited to the party. Everybody was excited about the holiday. I ate a lot of delicious food at that time.   On Tuesday, I went visiting my uncle"s family with my parents. We went to celebrate our good time at a fancy restaurant in Shanghai. Later that day, we sang karaoke in my uncle"s house. We stayed for the night.   On Wednesday, I went shopping with my cousins. We bought some brand name t-shirts and pants. In the afternoon, my cousins gave me a fun ride on the city highway. They also taught me how to drive their fancy car, so I tried to do some turning and parking. It was not easy first. But I learnt quick.   On Thursday, we returned home with many gifts from our trip. I tried to get some rest. At night, I chatted with my classmates on the phone, and I watched CCTV before going to bed.   From Friday on, I started to finish up my homework assignments on my personal laptop. Some of my assignments were quite boring. After I finished the homework, I emailed them to my teachers. That was the end of it. I started to prepare things for school on this coming Monday.   All in all, I enjoyed my May Day Holiday in many ways.   【篇二:我的五一计划】   On May 1sh, I"m going to my grandmother"s home.I think that must be very significative.Because she is too old to visit me and my parents, and she must be very have in mind our.   I will go for a walk with my grandmother and buy she some summer wears.they must fit her like best. Of course , I don"t think that is a easy work! So it must takes me many time.   After shopping, we will have a good rest and have lunch in my grandmother"s home.   And then, I will clean the home with my grandmother.   At last, I go home.   Of course, I must finish my homewolk.   【篇三:劳动节计划】   May holiday is coming. Our family is going to do something. Today I called my little brother"s phone at the noon. He asked me what I am going to do in the holiday. I told him we want to go on a trip some day during but where we don"t decide to go. We are going to sleep in the morning May first. Then we are going to go to Dawukou by bus in the afternoon. We are going to have a day off May 2nd. If it"s will fine in May 3rd we are going to go out on trip. I am going to go to the Forest Park. Your sister"s husband is going to hometown Xiamiao. He wants to go fishing.   Gui Zexuan is going to climb the hill with his friends. We are discussing. I asked my little brother what plans you are going to in the holiday. He invited us to go his home. He wanted to go Suyukou with us. I was glad to hear the news. Our family decided to go Yingchun to Suyukou on trip.!   【篇四:五一假期】   May first is a Sunday. And it is the Labor"s Day. My mother said to me:"Open your eyes!And look out of the window. What a fine day! Let"s go to park,"So my mother, my classmate and I went to the park. We took some foods in my schoolbag. On the way to the park. I saw the blue sky with snow-white clouds. I saw pear trees and some apple trees and so on. Below the trees, there are several kinds of flowers. It"s colorful, blue, red, yellow, pink, purple, orange and white. I saw some balloons and butterflies in the sky. I ate popcorn, cornflakes, banana and lollipop. They were wonderful.   In the afternoon, we went to the zoo. I visited the birds, mice, cats, dogs, budgies, hamsters, rabbits and so on.   May Day is my favorite day!




关于五一劳动节的英语日记(精选11篇)   有趣的一天又要结束了,想必大家都学习了不少新知识,立即行动起来写一篇日记吧。怎样写日记才更能吸引眼球呢?下面是我为大家收集的关于五一劳动节的英语日记(精选11篇),欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。   五一劳动节的英语日记1   today is labor day i wanted sleepy of the problems may depend on how in bed together after a while do not want to mother and father ran hastily from which my father said he shan and i want your mother to buy a big market guangcai furniture at home idle you nothing you do for a long time on the work you did not clean your room on ah finished cleaning your room left.   fathers work, then how can pyronaridine i do not sound lazy to climb up to wash clothes brush it started cleaning the garbage i have to say about a good clean-up to blame the sorry though i am a girl but the room was indeed a public in fact, the landfill vice table i put things out of the room to have a short while into the living room sofa table are filled with things i used then i put the cloth to clean the table a second time to i have lived for half a table wiping the sweat as well as silk, such as rain fell like a short while, after all, summer is coming so hot on my hand wiped sweat not continue to the table that i am now seriously discredited it so the every corner of the floor had become dirty clean call me a bum sitting on the bed followed by breathing only clean up the garbage on the line out of the room worked hard in my finally clean.   although i am very tired but neat room, i watched very happy!   五一劳动节的英语日记2   At once, the "May Day" is to be reached. At last, we can relax a lot, and pick up the disorderly mood after the failure of the mid-term examination, and meet the coming "May 1" with a full posture.   In the face of the upcoming May Day holiday, I have many plans in my mind, for example, I intend to read books in the bookstore in this "May Day" holiday, or watch the TV for a day at home. However, when the "may" is really about to come, there is no serious plan in the heart how to pass this "may one" small long holiday, unwittingly feeling a little anxiety, a little confused, always feel that it should do something meaningful.   High school life, tension and excitement, the competition was so fierce, "one careless loser". I really hope to borrow this "may one" long holiday to relax my nerve, but the teacher said: "the first is an important stage, the relationship with the second division, this final event can not relax." Alas, tangled... I dont know what to do.   I really hope that "May 1" will come quickly so that I can go home early and get together with my family earlier. Anyway, in the "May Day" holiday, I will not have a trace of relaxation and slack on school. After all, as a student, learning is the most important thing, and only after learning, I can have a mood to play.   "May 1" I love and fear you!   五一劳动节的英语日记3   We are happy to welcome the five long vacation, in this small holiday, my schedule is full of activities, every day.   May 1: I went to guanqian street with my mother, what are you doing in the front street? Is, of course, pick up from the mothers colleagues, aunt South Korea South Korea snacks, although I also went to South Korea, but there is no play completely, Korea snacks to eat, so into the aunt help me to take this opportunity to get from South Korea bring something to eat, Im really very grateful to the aunt!   May 2: on the evening of May 1, our family returned to the west hill. My brother and I played very happy, and he was very happy to play. I also saw the baby sister, who was just over five months old, so cute! Face powder tender, cant help to touch a hand, unfortunately only played a day to go back to suzhou, because still have homework.   On May 3: review your lessons at home, and my sister together to write papers, two people together to write a lot of homework, usually someone who didnt write so much homework, but my sister came, sometimes also want to "show off" yourself, so he wrote many papers.   During this long holiday, I had to live every day as if it was time.   五一劳动节的英语日记4   今天是五一劳动节,爸爸妈妈和我准备来一次大扫除。   Today is may day. Mom and dad and I are going to have a big cleaning.   我们准备好清洁用具,有畚箕、扫帚、抹布等。开始大扫除了,第一项任务就是整理房间和杂物,我们把书柜里的书全拿出来,把它们归好类,依次放入书柜,呵,书柜比原来整洁多了。   We have prepared cleaning tools, such as dustpan, broom, duster, etc. The first task is to clean up the room and sundries. We take out all the books in the bookcase, classify them and put them in the bookcase in turn. Oh, the bookcase is much cleaner than before.   第二项任务是扫地和拖地。我拿起扫帚,认认真真地扫起来,再小心翼翼地扫进畚箕里。干活不能半途而废,我立刻拿起拖把,将地板拖得干干净净。   The second task is sweeping and mopping the floor. I picked up the broom, swept it conscientiously, and then carefully swept it into the dustpan. I cant stop working. Ill pick up the mop and mop the floor clean.   干完活,我们都已满头大汗,可家里却一干二净了。   After finishing the work, we were all sweating, but our family was clean.   五一劳动节的英语日记5   Finally, I hope for the May 1 International Labor Day, because dad said he would take me to the botanical garden.   But in the morning I just woke up and heard outside the "patter" rains. It does not rain, as early as late or not, and specifically against me, I was very annoyed, sitting on the bed sulking.   My father worked outside and usually went home only on weekends, so he always kept me. He knew I was a kitten and said, "I havent smell fish for a long time, dont want to eat fish?" I said, "good fish, good taste, only Tianyuan restaurant is good."   My father and I were walking in the street. My face was like a heaving, heavy rain. It hit my arm, and it was chilly and trembling from time to time. Dad saw it, and hurriedly put his suit on my body. I felt a little warmer. Dad laughed at me. I grudgingly rushed to my dad and laughed. My face began to clear up from the shade.   Tianyuan restaurant finally arrived, and dad asked how much the fish cost. The waiter said, "45 yuan", though it was very expensive, dad didnt hesitate to pay the bill. When Dad had a chance to talk to the boss, "business is good! Even my kids know your name here!" the boss laughed and said, "doing business is a real price." Its such a heavy rain that you can also buy fish, which means that you really have a heart. The boss said to the busy chef, "do the fish well" may be the boss is happy, the last boss only takes us forty yuan. We walked back happily, and dad kept shaking all the way, but he kept laughing at me.   Back home, my mother was ready for the battle. I ate the fish in the wind, the rain, and the hard to buy. I felt it was more beautiful than any time. Finally, the fish soup was eliminated by our family. We spent a wonderful and memorable "May 1 International Labor Day".   五一劳动节的英语日记6   I spent this holiday very quick, on the 1st may, we went to the zoo, there were crowded there, so many travelers coming from all over the country to have some fun during the holidays.   On 2nd may, i visited my relatives with my parents, we had a great lunch together, the resturant were crowded as well.on 3rd may, we went to shopping in the mall, after the shopping we went to watch a new movie.   All the other days lefti didnt go anywhere, no only becasue i still have some homework,but also there were almost all crowded in everywhere!   我很快度过了这个假期,5月1日,我们去了动物园,那里很拥挤,有那么多来自全国各地的游客在假期里玩得很开心。   5月2日,我和父母去探望亲戚,一起吃了顿丰盛的午餐,餐厅也很拥挤。5月3日,我们去购物中心购物,购物后去看一部新电影。剩下的日子我哪儿也没去,不仅因为我还有一些作业,而且几乎到处都是人!   五一劳动节的英语日记7   今天是五一劳动节,我和爸爸、妈妈一起去看望外公、外婆。   Today is may day. My father and mother went to see my grandparents.   一路上,爸爸开车,妈妈给我讲故事、猜谜语,有时又和妈妈一起看看车外美丽的风景,心情特别舒畅。一眨眼就到了外婆家,看见外婆在家门口笑盈盈地迎接我们,外公正在家门前的菜园里忙碌着。我大声叫着:“外公!今天是五一劳动节,我给您评个劳模吧!”外公听了乐呵呵!   Along the way, my father drove, and my mother told me stories and riddles. Sometimes I saw the beautiful scenery outside the car with my mother. I was very happy. In the twinkling of an eye, I arrived at my grandmothers house and saw my grandmother greeting us with a smile. My grandfather was busy in the garden in front of my house. I called out, "grandfather! Today is may day. Let me give you a model worker My grandfather was very happy!   外公退休后还是很勤劳,菜园里种着各种各样的`蔬菜。蔬菜饿了外公就给它们施肥,渴了就给他们浇水,长虫了就给它们捉虫,它们长得十分可爱。外公家一年四季都有吃不完的.新鲜可口的蔬菜,都是绿色食。   My grandfather is still very hard-working after his retirement. There are all kinds of vegetables in the garden. When the vegetables are hungry, my grandfather will fertilize them, when they are thirsty, they will be watered, and if the insects grow, they will catch them. They are very lovely. My grandfathers house has endless fresh and delicious vegetables all year round, all of which are green food.   吃中饭的时候,我们高兴地和外公一起唱起了《劳动最光荣》。我也要向外公学习,从小做个爱劳动的好孩子。   When we had lunch, we happily sang the most glorious work with my grandfather. I also want to learn from my grandfather and be a good child who loves labor.   五一劳动节的英语日记8   On May 1, labor day, mom and dad went to work overtime. I lay in my bed and thought, "Labor Day is labor day," well, clean up.   Make up your mind and get up to work! I washed the rag, moved a stool and walked along, and cleaned all the wardrobes in the house from top to bottom. In a moment, my forehead had exuded a fine sweat, and the wardrobe was shining, and they seemed to be laughing.   That strange to feel shy, I am a girl, I was always absent-minded, I learn to go out of order. Usually my mother helps me to clean up. Today I will show my skills. I put the books on the desk first on the bookshelf, then put other things on the tea table, then I cleaned the desk with a rag, and arranged the learning items like the pen and the pencil sharpener. At this time, clean learning seemed to be smiling at me.   I started to drag the floor. The appearance of the floor makes me heartache. Its weird that I dont pay attention to every time I move on the bench, it will be scarred. I carefully gently wipe it with a broom, "face" on the floor originally Cang a more glorious. I picked up the mop, a first and a swiftly sweep away the millions of enemy troops! Hey, the floor looked at me, too.   The room was finally clean and bright under my struggling efforts. I am very tired but very happy. This is the magic of labor. I laughed happily.   五一劳动节的英语日记9   Today is really a sunny day,I have been planing to make an excursion in the afternoon since yesterday evening. Hiking are too tiresome,so my sister said,she want to take us to Zhuhai City,that precise place maybe called Central Valley.   Furthermore,we talked about tonights movie, we will see the movie spiderman,a very famous American thriller in Hollywood.   Moreover,I will take my girlfriend to buy some bait for the holidays fishing day, I remember it should be on 3rd or 4th,May.www.kt250.com/   I am so sorry to tell you ,I could not tell what I have promised to my friends in the laboursday, I am really a forgettable guy,maybe two more three days later, some of my friends will visit me or they will give me a buzz for a badminton game.   For memorizing all the happy hour, I write this article for a happy note for today, 1st,May.   Send all my best wishes to my friends.   Sincerely yours!   五一劳动节的英语日记10   Today is labor day, I decide to do some housework.   When I eat, I say, "Mom, Ill do some housework for you after dinner." Mother nodded. After dinner, I asked my mother: what do I have to do? Mom said, "sweep the floor first and then sweep the floor clean." So I looked for a broom to start cleaning the room seriously. I soon to sweep over, picked up a mop, mop wrung water first began to mop the floor. I dragged a, tired sweating, or reluctant to rest, continue to work hard. At last, the room was clean and shiny. Mother boasts that I am a labor - loving child.   I watched my work and smiled happily. I want to do more housework for adults. Be a good boy who loves to work.   五一劳动节的英语日记11   May first is a Sunday. And it is the Labor"s Day. My mother said to me :“Open your eyes!And look out of the window. What a fine day! Let"s go to park,” So my mother, my classmate and I went to the park. We took some foods in my schoolbag. On the way to the park. I saw the blue sky with snow-white clouds. I saw pear trees and some apple trees and so on. Below the trees, there are several kinds of flowers. It"s colorful, blue, red, yellow, pink, purple, orange and white. I saw some balloons and butterflies in the sky. I ate popcorn, cornflakes, banana and lollipop. They were wonderful.   In the afternoon, we went to the zoo. I visited the birds, mice, cats, dogs, budgies, hamsters, rabbits and so on.   May Day is my favorite day! ;


五一劳动节英文介绍(通用8篇)   五一劳动节到了,送你五个一,愿你生活上,衣食无忧;爱情上,浓情依依;事业上,一飞冲天;健康上,身体一级棒。 以下是为大家分享的五一劳动节英文介绍,供大家参考借鉴,欢迎浏览!   五一劳动节英文介绍 篇1   51 international Labor Days call 51 sections, May 1 in every year.It is the whole world labor common festival of the people.   五一国际劳动节简称五一节,在每年的5月1日。它是全世界劳动人民的共同节日。   As for"51 causes of the section"s are such:   关于“五一节的由来”是这样的.:   This stanza comes from the worker"s big strike of American Chicago.On May 1 in 1886, Chicago of 20 in order to fight for practicing eight hours to work to make but hold the big strike, many ten thousand workerses pass by hard of bloodshed conflict, acquired the victory finally.For memorial this time the socialist that the worker"s one who exercise, July 14 in 1889, from all countries Marxist call represents the conference, Parisian solemn and impressive open in France.On the conference, attend meeting to represent the consistent approval:Common festival that May 1 settles for the international proletariat.This resolution gets the international community, the worker responds to actively.On May 1 in 1890, the working class of Euro-American all countries leads off to go into the street, holding the grand demonstration and holding a meeting, fighting for the legal rights.From now on, every time round this international community labors the people to all want the catcall, parade, to show to celebrate.   此节源于美国芝加哥的工人大罢工。1886年5月1日,芝加哥的20 多万工人为争取实行八小时工作制而举行大罢工,经过艰苦的流血斗争,终于获得了胜利。为纪念这次工人运动,1889年7月14日,由各国马克思主义者召集的社会主义者代表大会,在法国巴黎隆重开幕。大会上,与会代表一致同意:把5月1日定为国际无产阶级的共同节日。这一决议得到世界各国工人的积极响应。1890年5月1日,欧美各国的工人阶级率先走上街头,举行盛大的示威游行与集会,争取合法权益。从此,每逢这一天世界各国的劳动人民都要集会、游行,以示庆祝。   The Chinese people celebrate the activity of the Labor Day and can trace back to to 1918.Is a year, etc. of some knowledge members of revolution at Shanghai, Suzhou ground sends forth to introduce toward crowd"51" of handbill.On May 1 in 1920, worker"s crowd of etc. of Peking, Shanghai, Guangzhou city goes into the street to hold the huge parade of threatening force and hold a meeting.After new China establish, our country in December of 1949 will"51" settle for the legal Labor Day.   中国人民庆祝劳动节的活动可追溯至1918 年。是年,一些革命的知识分子在上海、苏州等地向群众散发介绍“五一”的传单。1920年5月1日,北京、上海、广州等城市的工人群众走上街头举行了声势浩大的游行、集会。新中国成立后,我国于1949 年12月将“五一”定为法定的劳动节。   "51" night before lasts of 1921, the long and hot store labor extension school that summer waits for someone to establish in the communism group of Peking member 邓 in, the workers learn to sing 《 51 memorial songs 》 .Its lyrics is: "The beautiful freedom, the star of world, puts together me red-blooded, sacrifice for him, want to sweep away the force system everything clean, remember the beautiful day of May first.The red flag dance in the wind, walk bright road, each exhausted ability, each take need, don"t divide the rich and poor high or low, responsibility only mutual aid, wish hard everyone is together enterprising." This stalwart and emollient song, from grow the teacher of the hot store labor practice school and University of Peking to progress the student to create the plait but become together.   1921年“五一”前夕,在北京的共产主义小组成员邓中夏等人创办的长辛店劳动补习学校里,工人们学唱《五一纪念歌》。其歌词是:“美哉自由,世界明星,拼吾热血,为他牺牲,要把强权制度一切扫除净,记取五月一日之良辰。红旗飞舞,走光明路,各尽所能,各取所需,不分贫富贵贱,责任唯互助,愿大家努力齐进取。”这首雄壮有力的歌,是由长辛店劳动实习学校的教员和北京大学的进步学生共同创编而成的。   五一劳动节英文介绍 篇2   More than 100 years after the first Labor Day observance, there is still some doubt as to who first proposed the holiday for workers.   Some records show that Peter J. McGuire, general secretary of the Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners and a cofounder of the American Federation of Labor, was first in suggesting a day to honor those "who from rude nature have delved and carved all the grandeur we behold."   But Peter McGuire"s place in Labor Day history has not gone unchallenged. Many believe that Matthew Maguire, a machinist, not Peter McGuire, founded the holiday. Recent research seems to support the contention that Matthew Maguire, later the secretary of Local 344 of the International Association of Machinists in Paterson, N.J., proposed the holiday in 1882 while serving as secretary of the Central Labor Union in New York. What is clear is that the Central Labor Union adopted a Labor Day proposal and appointed a committee to plan a demonstration and picnic.   The first Labor Day holiday was celebrated on Tuesday, September 5, 1882, in New York City, in accordance with the plans of the Central Labor Union. The Central Labor Union held its second Labor Day holiday just a year later, on September 5,1883.   In 1884 the first Monday in September was selected as the holiday, as originally proposed, and the Central Labor Union urged similar organizations in other cities to follow the example of New York and celebrate a "workingmen"s holiday" on that date. The idea spread with the growth of labor organizations, and in 1885 Labor Day was celebrated in many industrial centers of the country.   Labor"s Day is on May 1st. Labor"s Day is an international day for workers. Working is glorious, and we should respect workers. The Labor"s Day is workers" holiday and workers can enjoy themselves to their heart"s content. Many people choose to travel. And some others will go to the cinema. Some will go to parks. And others will stay at home.   五一劳动节英文介绍 篇3   Hello, today is May Day. Our family went shopping. We bought, lollipops, ice creams, cornflakes, toasts, butter, orange, milk and rolls. And my mother bought toys for me. Such as: train, ball, balloon, car, doll, plane and skateboard. After that we went to zoo. I saw rabbit, tigers, snails, and lions, hamsters, budgies and zebras. My sister asked me “what do your like?” I answered “I like skipping rope. That"s very nice.” She said “Here is you prize, Sunny!” “Oh, thank you! I love it!” I shouted. We sat under a tree. After lunch we drank some milk.   Today I was very happy!   五一劳动节英文介绍 篇4   I had a great time throughout my May Day Holiday.   On Monday, I went BBQ with my classmates who threw a celebration party at our middle school principle"s flat. Our parents were invited to the party. Everybody was excited about the holiday. I ate lots of delicious food at that time.   On Tuesday, I went visiting my uncle"s family with my parents. We went to celebrate our good time at a fancy restaurant in Shanghai. Later that day, we sang karaoke in my uncle"s house. We stayed for the night.   On Wednesday, I went shopping with my cousins. We bought some brand name t-shirts and pants. In the afternoon, my cousins gave me a fun ride on the city highway. They also taught me how to drive their fancy car, so I tried to do some turning and parking. It was not easy first. But I learnt quick.   五一劳动节英文介绍 篇5   Today is May Day. My mother father and me went to park to have picnic, and visited my grandma and grandpa.   In the morning at nine o"clock, we went to park for picnic, we took juice, cornflakes, apples, oranges, lollipops, bananas, ice creams, mangoes , and so on. I also took toys, such as doll, ball, balloon, skateboard and a kite.   In the afternoon at two o"clock, we went to visit my grandma and grandpa. I helped grandpa to do some house work. My sister and me played skateboard and doll. At eight o"clock we went home, and played computer games for two hours and then went to bed.   Today I am very happy!   五一劳动节英文介绍 篇6   The expectant Labor Day arrived at finally,we cantake a break finally. The seldom several days holidays, I want to play a fully enjoy.   The first day, I am going to Yiwu. I by train, Setout from Shanghai, by way of Jiaxing and Hangzhou. The scenery in the journey is very beautiful, There is many hills, But not how many waters, My happpy mood did not therefore suffer the influence, Because I am not to like the water very much, Especially big river.   Keep in mind the strange and pleased mood, I arrived Yiwu. The many people says, Yiwu become famous because of small merchandise, I approve very much now, However the night that I like it. I live the neighborhood in hills, Air is very good, But there is a lot of insectual. The sunlight is very strong there sevral days, Usually in the daytime of time, I sleeping in house, The nightfall go to play. Very quick a week passde by.   The holidays be over, I felt not how happy, But I hope that I can to breathe the air on the hills again. Expect the labor day of the next year.   五一劳动节英文介绍 篇7   Today is May Day. My mother father and me went to park to have a picnic, and then visited my grandma and grandpa.   In the morning at nine o"clock, we went to park for picnic, we took juice, cornflakes, apples, oranges, lollipops, bananas, ice creams, mangoes, and so on. I also took toys, such as doll, ball, balloon, skateboard and a kite.   In the afternoon at two o"clock, we went to visit grandma and grandpa. I helped grandpa to do some house work. My sister and me played skateboard and doll. At eight o"clock we went home, and played computer games for two hours and then went to bed.   五一劳动节英文介绍 篇8   A wind and the calendar of the afternoon, me and my mother, cousin and the cousin yo dog to clean air, scenic Geleshan play. Small colorful flowers to welcome our arrival with a smile; Xiaocaohu their small head out and waved to us. We enjoy the beautiful scenery while hiking.   Along the way, yo dog to hop to hop from time to time naughty and jumped into the water hole, the others have a muddy splash. We came to a rock and saw the beautiful, fragrant honeysuckle fill the fields. Cousin cousin and I could not wait to pick up the pick pocket honeysuckle. Pick a pick, and I was honeysuckle mixed with a bit of rattan, the foot-slip, fall down on. If my hand tightly grasped the honeysuckle vines and perhaps on to pieces of it. End mining flowers, the mother asked us: "Do you know what the benefits of honeysuckle it?" Cousin said: "Honeysuckle is Shannon." Cousin said: "Honeysuckle Qingre, Reduce Pathogenic Fire." I said : "Honeysuckle can also be down summer heat." her mother said: "You are right, but the best place honeysuckle is native, does not appreciate other people"s live."   After the play, I not only enjoy the beautiful scenery, but also to understand the truth in life. Ah really gain a lot. ;










五一节是我国的国定假日,规定放假一天。 今年把前后一周的休息日调整一下,变成连续休息五天。2023年劳动节放假日期安排通知如下:2023年4月29日至5月3日放假调休,共5天。4月23日(星期日)、5月6日(星期六)上班。






五天。根据国务院发布的五一节最新放假通知,2023年五一节一共放假五天,从四月29号一直到五月3号。国际劳动节又称“五一国际劳动节”“国际示威游行日”(International Workers" Day或者May Day),是世界上80多个国家的全国性节日。







节副本boss技能打法 dnf劳动节副本怎么打





Labor"s Day is on May 1st. Labor"s Day is an international day for workers. Working is glorious, and we should respect workers. The Labor"s Day is workers" holiday and workers can enjoy themselves to their heart"s content. Many people choose to travel. And some others will go to the cinema. Some will go to parks. And others will stay at home.


I had a great time throughout my May Day Holiday. On Monday, I went BBQ with my classmates who threw a celebration party at our middle school principle"s flat. Our parents were invited to the party. Everybody was excited about the holiday. I ate a lot of delicious food at that time. On Tuesday, I went visiting my uncle"s family with my parents. We went to celebrate our good time at a fancy restaurant in Shanghai. Later that day, we sang karaoke in my uncle"s house. We stayed for the night. On Wednesday, I went shopping with my cousins. We bought some brand name t-shirts and pants. In the afternoon, my cousins gave me a fun ride on the city highway. They also taught me how to drive their fancy car, so I tried to do some turning and parking. It was not easy first. But I learnt quick. On Thursday, we returned home with many gifts from our trip. I tried to get some rest. At night, I chatted with my classmates on the phone, and I watched CCTV before going to bed. From Friday on, I started to finish up my homework assignments on my personal laptop. Some of my assignments were quite boring. After I finished the homework, I emailed them to my teachers. That was the end of it. I started to Ppare things for school on this coming Monday. All in all, I enjoyed my May Day Holiday in many ways.


     在这个五一劳动节里,我们都过得多姿多彩。下面是由我为大家整理的“五一劳动节英语作文带翻译”欢迎阅读,仅供参考,希望对你有所帮助。   篇一:五一劳动节英语作文带翻译   During those days. I enjoyed myself. At first, I went to the zoo to see lovely animals. And then. I went to the sea world to see beautiful fishes. That was very interesting.   Secondly I went for a trip with my parents, we went to Linxia to visit my grandparents and to eat minority"s foods. We rode horse on the grassland and had a fun with local children. It was very exciting. After that, I held a party and invited some of my best friends to visit my house.   My mother bought a lot of tasty foods for us, we also took many photos on the party. We played very happy. I also watched lots of carton films at home, they were wonderful.   I like the holiday. I like my May Day.   在那些日子里。我玩的很开心。首先,我去动物园看可爱的动物。然后.我去了海洋世界看了美丽的鱼。这是很有趣的。   其次,我和我的父母去旅行,我们去临夏看望我的祖父母和吃少数民族的食物。我们骑着马在草原上,有一个有趣的当地儿童。这是非常令人兴奋的。在那之后,我举行了一个派对,邀请我的一些最好的朋友参观我的房子。   我的妈妈给我们买了很多好吃的食物,我们也拍了很多照片。我们玩的很开心。在家里我也看了很多电影,他们都很棒。   我喜欢的节日。我喜欢我的五一。   篇二:五一劳动节英语作文带翻译   I had a great time throughout my May Day Holiday.   On Monday, I went BBQ with my classmates who threw a celebration party at our middle school principle's flat. Our parents were invited to the party. Everybody was excited about the holiday. I ate a lot of delicious food at that time.   On Tuesday, I went visiting my uncle's family with my parents. We went to celebrate our good time at a fancy restaurant in Shanghai. Later that day, we sang karaoke in my uncle's house. We stayed for the night.   On Wednesday, I went shopping with my cousins. We bought some brand name t-shirts and pants. In the afternoon, my cousins gave me a fun ride on the city highway. They also taught me how to drive their fancy car, so I tried to do some turning and parking. It was not easy first. But I learnt quick.   On Thursday, we returned home with many gifts from our trip. I tried to get some rest. At night, I chatted with my classmates on the phone, and I watched CCTV before going to bed.   From Friday on, I started to finish up my homework assignments on my personal laptop. Some of my assignments were quite boring. After I finished the homework, I emailed them to my teachers. That was the end of it. I started to prepare things for school on this coming Monday.   All in all, I enjoyed my May Day Holiday in many ways.   我在五一假期过得很愉快。   星期一,我和同学们一起去烧烤,他们在我们中学的公寓里举行了庆祝晚会。我们的父母被邀请参加聚会。每个人都对假期感到兴奋。那个时候我吃了很多美味的食物。   星期二,我和父母去看望了我叔叔的家人。我们去上海的一家高档餐厅庆祝我们的美好时光。那天晚些时候,我们在叔叔家唱卡拉OK。我们过夜。   星期三,我和我的表兄弟一起去购物。我们买了一些名牌T恤衫和裤子。下午,我的表兄弟在城市公路上给了我一次有趣的旅行。他们还教我如何开他们漂亮的汽车,所以我试着做一些转弯和停车。不容易。但我学得很快。   星期四,我们带回家了很多礼物。我试着休息一会儿。晚上,我和同学在电话里聊天,在睡觉前我看了中央电视台。   从星期五开始,我开始在我的个人笔记本电脑上完成我的家庭作业。我的一些作业很无聊。做完作业后,我用电子邮件发给老师。就这样结束了。在这个星期一,我开始为学校准备一些东西。   总之,我在许多方面享受了五一假期。   篇三:五一劳动节英语作文带翻译   During the May 1st Labor Day vacation I spent my time productively. First I had to get my schoolwork out of the way. I separated all the assignments by subject and began working on them. One by one I completed those assignments and checked over them. After a few hours of hard work I finally finished.   Time to have some fun! I quickly grabbed my football and began running towards the door. On my way out I saw my parents hard at work with spring cleaning. Even though I really wanted to relax and go play I decided to help my parents out instead. First I helped my father clean the windows. There‘s a lot of dirt flying around outside so it took a lot work to make the windows spotless.   Afterwards I went and helped my mom with the floor by bring buckets of water back and forth for her mop. Time goes by fast when you‘re busy at work and soon we found ourselves looking at a clean and beautiful home. We were very proud of the work we had done and that‘s a great feeling to discover on this Labor Day.   在5月1日劳动节假期我度过的时间的非常有效率。首先,我必须迅速完成功课。我首先按课程分开作业,然后开始一个一个做。我做完并检查了一遍。几个小时的艰苦工作之后,我终于完成了。   时间过得很愉快!我赶紧抓起我的足球,奔向门口。正要出门时,我看到我的父母正在艰难工作做大扫除。虽然我真的很想放松出去玩,我还是决定留下来帮助我的父母。首先,我帮着父亲擦玻璃窗。看到很多灰尘到处乱飞,因此花了很多工作,最终使窗户一尘不染。   后来我去帮助妈妈取水桶拖地,她拿拖把拖地。忙忙碌碌工作的时候,觉得时间过得很快,很快,我们就发现自己身在一个干净,美丽的家园。我们都为自己所做的工作而自豪,我发现那是在这个五一劳动节非常好的感觉。


【 #英语资源# 导语】劳有所得,是一种积累;劳有所获,是一种追求;劳有所为,是一种态度;劳有所闲,是一种艺术;劳有所乐,是一种境界。劳动着,幸福着,预祝五一快乐! 为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有帮助。 1.五一劳动节英语作文   After school has been open for so long, I finally ushered in the four-day Labor Day holiday. I discussed with my father, mother and brother to go to Tianxin Park in Wugui mountain.   Our family drove a car to Tianxin park. After getting off, we walked up the mountain. There are a large number of people here, but the air is particularly fresh and comfortable.   The mountain road in front of us was blocked by a stream, but the magic thing is that there is a thick and long tree root in the middle of the stream across the whole stream, forming a natural, strange and beautiful small bridge, just so that we can walk steadily through the stream.   Not far from the mountain road, there is a clear stream with many small and colorful stones. Sparkling in the sunshine. My brother and I stepped on small stones to catch crabs in the stream. It was fun. After a while, we caught four small crabs with different shapes. Put it in the mineral water bottle, I saw them scrambling in the bottle in a panic. One of the female crabs was afraid that we would hurt her, so she gave birth to all the eggs in her stomach, fearing that her children would be in danger. After my brother and I observed and found it, we were deeply moved by the "great maternal love" of crab mother.   So I discussed with my brother to put all the crabs I caught back to the stream unharmed. I saw them climb quickly to the ditch and return to nature. My brother and I clapped and cheered happily! 2.五一劳动节英语作文   Today is may day. Mom and Dad don"t have to go to work, so we decided to go to the "Zhongshan flower market" to buy some flowers and watch them at home.   Just arrived at the door of "Zhongshan flower market", bursts of faint fragrance rushed towards me, and I ran to "the world of flowers". There are so many and beautiful flowers here! There are cactus, plain sailing, hydrangea, and many small flowers whose names I can"t name. Are they waiting for me to find their names?   Cactus, round like a football, wearing green clothes and sharp and sharp thorns, looks like a hedgehog shrunk into a ball and painted with crows from a distance.   Plain sailing, its leaves are very thick, one by one close to the inside. Most of the flowers are white, like a light boat, in which lies a proud and lovely girl, dressed in tender yellow clothes, singing the poem "early hair Baidi city" alone.   Hydrangea looks like snowballs from a distance. When you look closer, you know that these Hydrangea are composed of small flowers. These small flowers are composed of four petals, like beautiful butterflies. They are so close together. It"s the first time I"ve seen such a different flower!   After careful selection, we finally chose three kinds of flowers, and then we went home happily. 3.五一劳动节英语作文   Labor day, which I have been looking forward to for a long time, has finally come! Early in the morning on May 1, I set out with my parents and sister. Although there are many vehicles on the road, it is also very blocked, and there are a sea of people everywhere, it has not affected my good mood at all. Until the afternoon, we finally came to Fangji island.   As soon as I got off the bus, I was stunned by the beautiful scenery of Fangji island. Looking at the sea and sky, the blue water and blue sky are really beautiful. At the moment, my mood is incomparably excited and excited. I like it here so much. The sand under your feet is thin and soft. It"s very comfortable to step on it. There are many people on the beach, some lying in the sun on chairs, some building castles on the beach, some swimming in the sea, and some children picking up shells on the beach. On one side, I felt itchy, so I put on my swimsuit and rushed into the beach with my sister.   We had a great time playing on the beach. My sister likes to pick up shells. She picked up many kinds of shells, which are very beautiful. We also surf in the sea with our father. When the waves come, we jump together; The waves hit us one after another. Just when we were playing the most vigorously, I accidentally fell and drank a few mouthfuls of sea water. It was too salty! The taste is really bad. It must be more uncomfortable if it goes into our eyes, but this episode can"t stop us from embracing the sea.   Now the sun is setting and the sea breeze is blowing; At the moment, I blend with the sea, with happiness and laughter! 4.五一劳动节英语作文   It"s may day. My mother and I go to zimaling park. What surprises me is not the beautiful scenery, nor the lovely animals, but the crowded amusement park. Interesting things happen here!   When you enter the amusement park, you can see a high tower soaring into the sky at a glance. With the scream, you can see a row of people soaring into the sky. WOW! This is exciting! I took my mother"s hand and ran like a bird out of the cage. My mother said while running, "I"m afraid of heights. Let"s go and play something else!" This was really disappointing. I had to reluctantly release my mother"s hand and go to the queue by myself. Finally wait until a game called "frog jump"!   There were so many people. I waited in line for a long time, and finally it was my turn. With excitement, timidity, excitement and other complex feelings, I sat in the middle of a row of seats, and then carefully fastened my seat belt. When I was just ready, a "ouch" broke the silence, and the "frog" suddenly jumped up. The speed was so fast that we screamed one after another. The shoes of a little brother next to him also broke away from gravity and flew into the sky faster than us. The crowd below burst into laughter!   After the "frog jump", we began the journey of conquest. We first conquered the terrible haunted house, felt the exciting bumper car, and then enjoyed the wonderful 5D film together. We laughed wildly in front of the harrowing mirror. Finally, we returned with full load in the doll clamping machine! 5.五一劳动节英语作文   The annual labor day is coming again. My mother and I agreed to go to Zhuhai Changlong.   Into Zhuhai Chimelong, where a sea of people, a jubilant, full of laughter. What attracts me most is the 5D movie. When I got there, I was so excited that I couldn"t wait to rush in and finish it right away. However, there are too many people. We have to wait a little.   Finally, it was my turn. I took my mother"s hand and took the film glasses. I ran to the seat in a hurry and found two seats. My mother and I sat down. After a while, the film began. I saw two little tigers talking together. Suddenly, a lovely elf flew in and said pitifully, "please help us!" The two little tigers readily agreed. Just as I was enjoying it, the chair suddenly shook up, and my heart was startled. Then, something from somewhere under my feet stabbed me and shouted, so I quickly raised my feet high. Finally, there was a drizzle in the sky. I looked up curiously. It turned out to be colorful and strange bubbles. It"s so beautiful!   After watching the 5D movie, my mother and I stretched out and ran out in a hurry.   The 5D movie I watched this time has been deeply reflected in my mind, which makes me unforgettable for a long time. It also makes me feel that watching 5D movies is really fun Very exciting, so happy. Next time, I"ll watch a 5D movie. 6.五一劳动节英语作文   One day during the May Day holiday, my mother and brother went to Daneng Lake Park to observe ants. I think ants are really powerful.   First of all, my family and I looked for a pile of branches together. I said excitedly, "there are so many ant nests in denang lake. There are ant nests under almost every tree." Soon after, my mother and brother found a huge ant nest under a cypress tree, but I sat on the bench in the park to rest. I heard my brother running excitedly and holding my hand to see the ant nest. I ran to the ant nest and squatted down. They were like a strong army. I took a long tree pole and stabbed the Legion into the sky with nine cattle and two tigers. Suddenly, the ants felt the sneak attack of uninvited guests. They picked up their beloved weapons and fought bravely. My brother was bitten by the ants for several times, itching and crying. My mother comforted for a long time before she stopped crying. Ants are really hard to mess with!   Finally, when we stop attacking, they don"t run away. They are in good order and take their own responsibilities. They rebuild their homes and build ant nests in the blink of an eye.   They unite with each other and defend their homeland like a strong army, which I admire very much. Although they are small, their team spirit is enough to shock us!   What an interesting holiday today! 7.五一劳动节英语作文   There are verdant and verdant streams in the park, and I am deeply attracted by the beautiful green and green mountains in the afternoon   When we came to the lawn, we were covered with dense tents everywhere, and our family began to set up division of labor. I was responsible for cheering up the air cushion bed, and my parents set up tents. With our concerted cooperation, our temporary home was built. At this time, there were dazzling lights and beautiful performances on the stage. We hurried up to watch the excitement. We saw a large stove in front of the stage, burning a fire and billowing smoke from time to time. Then a staff member shouted, "let"s jump around the campfire hand in hand!" At this time, we saw everyone rush up and jump up, hand in hand in a big circle. We jumped and danced, sang and sang... Pushed our party to the climax.   At nine o"clock in the evening, the tourists went into the tent to rest. The grass outside the tent hummed a field tune, the frog also sang its song, and Sister Feng gently flew "whirring" outside the tent and sang a beautiful music. Listening to this intoxicated music, I gradually fell asleep 8.五一劳动节英语作文   Today is labor day on May 1st. The weather is very hot. The hot sun is baking the earth. I read comics in the shade of the tree.   At this time, I saw the flowers and grass beside me lazily holding their heads, looking listless. Seeing this scene, I thought to myself: in such a hot weather, these flowers and grasses must be so hot that they have no spirit. Why don"t I help them fan! Today is five anyway. On labor day, we should also do some work. Thinking of this, I stood up and walked to these flowers and grass, took out my fan and fanned them. The scorching sun shone relentlessly on me, and bean sized beads of sweat trickled down from my face drop by drop. "Tick tock" "tick tock" five minutes passed and ten minutes passed. I had no strength and sat down on the ground panting. Although I spent nine cattle and two tigers, these flowers and plants didn"t raise their heads, but they went lower.   When I got home, I told my mother the whole story clearly. After listening to it, my mother couldn"t help laughing and said, "silly child, it"s useless for you to do this. You should move to a cool place in a few hours. If you just do that, you can hit its stem with a fan, and it will become lower. You! You! What a good intention to do bad things!" After listening to my mother, I stayed for three or four seconds.   "Ah! All my hard work is in vain!" 9.五一劳动节英语作文   On May Day, father-in-law sun got up earlier than me. The weather was wonderful. I went to Huai"an park with my mother, father and aunt"s little brother.   There are many people in the park. There are people who dance, practice swords and sell things. It"s very lively! Red flowers, white flowers and yellow flowers... Compete for wonders and beauty!   What attracts me most is the amusement park. As soon as I took my mother to the amusement park, I climbed onto the "space UFO" without waiting for my mother to buy a ticket. The UFO rotates and rises and falls from time to time. I kept shouting "Mom"... My mother just laughed and ignored me at all   Later, we played bumper cars and water guns... May day is really happy! 10.五一劳动节英语作文   Today is labor day, so I got up later than usual. My mother said, "we want to have a happy festival. Although we don"t go to the suburbs, we want to find happiness at home. As the name suggests, labor day is to work."   After lunch, I hurried to clean my room. I carefully organized my desk, swept and dragged the floor. Looking at the clean and tidy room, I was very happy. I thought that as long as I work, I will gain. Then, my mother and I went to a small park nearby and played for a while. Today is really happy!


导语:五一国际劳动节,又称国际劳动节、劳动节,是世界上大多数国家的劳动节。下面是我为大家带来的难忘的五一劳动节四年级英语作文,希望对大家有所帮助。   难忘的五一劳动节四年级英语作文1 My clas *** ates threion party at our middle school principle‘s parents ed to the ybody ed about the holiday.I ate a lot of delicious food at that time.I also visiting my relatives h my parents. to celebrate our good time at a fancy restaurant in r that day,ayed for the night. The next day,I shopping h my cousins. some brand name T-shirts and the afternoon,my cousins gave me a fun ride on the city highhey also taught me hou to drive their fancy car,so I tried to do some turning and easy I learnt d home h many gifts from our trip.I tried to get some night,I chatted h my clas *** ates on the phone,and I ched CCTV before going to e last Friday,I started to finish up my homes on my personal laptop. Some of my assignments e r I finished the homehem to my teachers.   难忘的五一劳动节四年级英语作文2 Today is May mother father and me went to park to have a picnic, and then visited my grandma and grandpa. In the morning at nine o"clock, we went to park for picnic, we took juice, cornflakes, apples, oranges, lollipops, bananas, ice creams, mangoes, and so on.I also took toys, such as doll, ball, balloon, skateboard and a kite. In the afternoon at o o"clock, we went to visit my grandma and grandpa.I helped grandpa to do some house sister and me played skateboard and eight o"clock we went home, and played puter games for o hours and then went to bed. Today I"m very happy!   难忘的五一劳动节四年级英语作文3 May first is a it is the Labor"s mother said to me:"Open your eyes!And look out of the a fine day! Let"s go to park,"So my mother, my clas *** ate and I went to the took some foods in my the way to the park.I saw the blue sky with snow-white clouds.I saw pear trees and some apple trees and so w the trees, there are several kinds of "s colorful, blue, red, yellow, pink, purple, orange and white.I saw some balloons and butterflies in the sky.I ate popcorn, cornflakes, banana and were wonderful. In the afternoon, we went to the zoo.I visited the birds, mice, cats, dogs, budgies, hamsters, rabbits and so on. May Day is my favorite day! 标签: 五一劳动节 四年级 作文 难忘 英语


  Today is May Day. My mother father and me went to park to have a picnic, and then visited my grandma and grandpa.   In the morning at nine o"clock, we went to park for picnic, we took juice, cornflakes, apples, oranges, lollipops, bananas, ice creams, mangoes, and so on. I also took toys, such as doll, ball, balloon, skateboard and a kite.   In the afternoon at o o"clock, we went to visit my grandma and grandpa. I helped grandpa to do some house work. My sister and me played skateboard and doll. At eight o"clock we went home, and played puter games for o hours and then went to bed.   Today I"m very happy!   翻译:   今天是五一劳动节。我的母亲父亲和我去公园野餐,然后看望了我的爷爷奶奶。   上午九点,我们去公园野餐,我们带了果汁,玉米片,苹果,橘子,棒棒糖,香蕉,冰淇淋,芒果等。我也拿了玩具,如玩偶,球,气球,滑板和一个风筝。   到了下午两点钟,我们去拜访我的爷爷奶奶。我帮爷爷做一些家务。我和妹妹玩滑板和玩偶。八点钟,我们就回家了,玩了两个小时电脑游戏,然后就去睡觉了。   今天,我非常高兴!


1.五一劳动节游玩英语作文   Today is labor day. My parents took me to Qilin mountain amusement park.   At the foot of the mountain, vehicles and crowded people are walking slowly up the mountain. From a distance, they look like dark ants. There are many people buying tickets at the gate of the zoo. The line is in a long line. It"s very lively! We continued to go up and met three classmates along the way.   At the amusement park, my father and I played very exciting surfing and crazy Mickey Mouse together. It was really fun! Then I went to play with the water transparent ball. I squatted in a big transparent ball. My uncle pushed the ball into the water. When I got on the water, I stood up and fell down in a few seconds, like a little brother who had just learned to walk, which made the people on the shore laugh. Later, I simply lay lazily in the sun in the ball. The ball shook on the water. I lay in the cradle like a baby and shook and shook. It was very fun!   This year"s May Day is really happy. It"s an unforgettable may day trip! 2.五一劳动节游玩英语作文   Today, my parents took me, my sister and Aunt Wang"s family to Nanhai park. After about an hour"s journey, they finally arrived at Nanhai park.   As soon as I got to Nanhai Park, I couldn"t wait to start playing. In Nanhai Park, there are many trees around the lake, like soldiers on guard. The branches of willows flutter in the wind, like the hair of a spring girl.   Green grass, green leaves and colorful flowers gather like going to the market to form a dazzling summer.   Next, we went to the lake to have a water battle. Both of us took a boat. In this way, we started a water battle in the rippling lake. The other party was better to start first. I saw that they had weapons, and I was unwilling to show weakness. I also made a LV weapon, forcing the other party to retreat and flee in a hurry.   I decided to strike while the iron was hot, so I went up and started a series of fierce attacks on the other side until they surrendered. Suddenly, the other party attacked us! Regardless of three, seven and twenty-one, I grabbed the steering wheel from my father and crashed into each other"s ship. It seemed as if I wanted to die together and finally won. I looked at them triumphantly and laughed.   Time passed quickly. In the twinkling of an eye, a day passed and we were reluctant to go home. 3.五一劳动节游玩英语作文   Today, my mother took me to the sand stall to play. When I came to the beach, the first thing I saw was the endless sea. The sea was blue, especially when I looked at it, it was no different from the sky. At this time, I saw many shells and starfish on the beach. I couldn"t help saying, "the sea is so beautiful!" My mother told me to go swimming, but I didn"t dare. So my mother put the swimming ring on my waist and said, "the sea is very fun. Go! It"s safe to have this lifebuoy!" But I still dare not. I"m very nervous. I walk slowly to the front of the sea step by step. My feet are shaking.   At this time, the waves came to my feet and gently patted my feet, ah! So cool and comfortable. Gradually, I began to let go of my guard and bravely soak in the sea. A small circle found swimming easy and fun! I swam ashore to the dressing room. My mother found a picture for me. I must have laughed more brightly than the sun at that time!   The sea is so beautiful! This trip is really unforgettable, which makes me really feel the infinite charm of the sea! 4.五一劳动节游玩英语作文   On May 1, labor day, my father drove to Dongying children"s palace with my mother, me, sister and aunt.   Entering the children"s palace, the first thing I saw was a TV Tower more than 100 meters high. What a magnificent building! Walking inside, rows of neat trees, which are luxuriant and lush, seal the whole children"s palace tightly, as if they were the guards of the children"s palace, powerful and majestic. Further inside, I saw a sea of people, bustling.   I saw a lot of new things inside, like countless fish in the sea. One of them is my favorite bumper car, so we chose this game. The game began. I drove the car attentively and didn"t dare to have any negligence. Just when I was about to turn the corner, a car suddenly came and hit my front. At this moment, another car hit my rear. Didn"t it make me suffer from the enemy? In this way, I was trapped in a corner and couldn"t extricate myself. I quickly re ignited, started the machine, pulled the car in front of me, looked for a way to make a living and rushed out!   At this time, my father, mother and aunt applauded me, and I was full of pride like a victorious soldier! Just as I was driving forward meticulously, suddenly a small red car ran in front of me. If I turned left, I would avoid its collision. But at that time, I was in a hurry and turned right. The other party was very fierce, and suddenly hit my car and turned around. Just as I tried to get back to normal, the end bell rang.   The bumper car race also gave me insight in happiness. The more urgent the moment, the more I need to be calm. 5.五一劳动节游玩英语作文   Today is labor day. My mother and I went to the park mountain to play. The fierce sun shines brightly on the jubilant people.   We came to the "Three Kingdoms maze". My mother bought a ticket and just went in. I thought the maze was very simple. Just go around and you can come out. But we walked around in the second circle, but we didn"t find the door. Fortunately, I walked into a dead end several times.   We went to see animals again. I saw beautiful peacocks, lovely Phoenix birds, small mountain deer, grinning monkeys, fierce tigers, lazy lions, bulky black bears and many other animals. I photographed them with my camera.   At the beginning of the animal performance, the keeper led the goat to stand on the arc-shaped stool. The goat carefully circled with its feet, walked on a thick rope, and then went down the stairs; The big black bear came out. He not only learned to stand and walk, but also turned a big stick with his front leg, faster and faster   Today"s garden tour was very fruitful. I didn"t expect that the heavy black bear would do such clever movements. It"s really a "bear" that can"t be judged by its appearance! 6.五一劳动节游玩英语作文   On the day of May Day, I went to Wuxi plum garden with my father, mother and brother to enjoy the plum blossoms.   When we arrived at the gate, we saw many cars, not even a parking space. We finally found a parking space and stopped the car. We bought the tickets well, because there were so many people here that the team was like a dragon. It took us two hours to buy the tickets.   As soon as we entered, we saw plum blossoms, some of which were all open, some only opened two or three, some were in bud and fascinating, and we also saw peach blossoms, spring plum and camphor trees... All of which are luxuriant and dense, so that people can rest there.   We entered a Ming Garden hall, where the plum blossoms, my God, are really fascinating, because the plum blossoms here are blooming vigorously, have new vitality and are extremely beautiful!   After enjoying the plum blossom, we went to the supermarket to buy some snacks and went home happily!   This is the scene where we go to enjoy the plum blossom. Isn"t it beautiful? 7.五一劳动节游玩英语作文   During the May Day holiday, my family and I visited Zhouzhuang, an ancient town in Zhejiang Province known as "the first water town in the south of the Yangtze River".   Zhouzhuang is surrounded by water and only a small piece of land. We seem to be in the world of water, just as the Italian traveler Marco Polo said: Zhouzhuang is really worthy of being the Venice of the East. As soon as you enter Zhouzhuang, you can see that there are shuttling ships on the crisscross rivers. On one ship after another, the boatmans paddle and sing ancient songs, rowing forward leisurely. On the river, ancient stone arch bridges lie quietly. Being in it, people seem to go back to the long past and feel the simplicity and tranquility of Zhouzhuang   On the day we went, there was a drizzle in the sky. The rain hit the river and ripples in circles, just like beautiful lotus blossoms. The rain hit his face, itching and crisp, making people feel the beauty of the south of the Yangtze River.   Zhouzhuang has more water than anything else. The ancient town is surrounded by water. The river channel in the town is in the shape of a well. Residents build houses according to the river and form streets according to the water. No matter where you look, you can see the small meandering rivers of Zhouzhuang, interspersed in the ancient town.   Zhouzhuang"s second largest is qiaoduo. There are 14 ancient bridges built in yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties across the river. Among them, Fuan bridge and Shuangqiao bridge are the most important. It"s a pity not to go to Shuangqiao when we arrive at Zhouzhuang. 8.五一劳动节游玩英语作文   On May Day this year, my father took me and my brother to Weifang "Fuhua amusement park".   When I arrived at Fuhua amusement park, I saw some people playing trampolines and bumper cars. I found a very interesting thing - Ferris wheel.   When I got to the ferris wheel, I said, "ah! How big!" Soon I got on the legendary Ferris wheel. Slowly, slowly, the "workshop" I took rose into the air. When I reached the place, I looked down, ah! The scenery of Fuhua amusement park has a panoramic view. It fell slowly again.   My most unforgettable entertainment game is "torrent influx".   When we got there, there was a sea of people. We waited and waited, and finally it was our turn. We took the epithelial raft, climbed up the "hillside" along the water flow, and the "leather Raft" slid down with a whoosh. My body was splashed with water like chicken soup. I"m very happy after playing "torrent"! 9.五一劳动节游玩英语作文   On May 1, international labor day, it was sunny. My family and my cousin went to the reservoir in Yuyao for barbecue. When we got to the place, my little sister and other children helped my uncle set up a tent. After setting up the tent, a group of our children played all kinds of games in the tent.      When lunch time came, we took a bunch of mutton and sausage and had a happy conversation while eating. My parents were fishing at the edge of the reservoir, and I couldn"t help but go to help. The endless Lake glittered in the sun, and several eddies occasionally appeared on the calm lake. It was a small fish ready to bite. I was responsible for putting the fish in the bucket. My uncle was a high hand and caught one after another.   When the sun went down, we went to the nearby mulberry garden to pick mulberry. My mother said that mulberry is very nutritious, but we must pick the most purple one. That kind is mature and tastes very sweet. In the distance, strings of purple and red mulberries looked like the little girl"s black eyes. They were very beautiful! I picked it carefully and tasted it. The purple juice flowed in my mouth. We picked a lot and planned to come back and give it to our friends in Shanghai.   It"s time to start. I think Yuyao is a very beautiful and rich place. I like it very much! 10.五一劳动节游玩英语作文   Today is may day. Our family went to Suzhou. We came to Panmen scenic spot. The first thing that comes into view is an ancient wooden tower, which has seven floors, with a wide bottom and a narrow top. I climbed the tower with the crowd. The wooden stairs are narrow and narrow as you go up. When you climb the stairs leading to the sixth floor, the stairs are as narrow as a drawer without a door. You need to put your feet in and take them out. The seventh floor is too narrow for tourists to stop. Standing on the sixth floor, I can see half of the ancient city of Suzhou. My eyes are full of white walls and black tiles with Suzhou characteristics, hidden in the green mountains and forests. It"s very beautiful.      Then we came to the ancient city gate of Suzhou. The ancients were so clever! They set up two doors. When the first door was opened, the enemy rushed in, but had to break through the second door. At this time, the soldiers guarding the city put down the first door with a twist lock. The enemy became trapped between the two doors, forming a situation of catching turtles in a jar, which was easily eliminated. This city is called urn city.   Today, I not only had a good time, but also increased my knowledge and broadened my horizons.


美国没有清明节、中秋节、春节;有劳动节。美国的重要节日有: 1. 新年(New Year"s Day):每年1月1号。 2.马丁·路德·金纪念日(Martin Luther King Day):每年1月第三个星期一。 3.林肯纪念日(Lincoln"s Birthday):每年2月1号。 4.华盛顿纪念日(Washington"s Birthday):每年2月第三个星期一。 5. 情人节(Valentine"s Day):每年2月14日。 6.耶酥受难日(Good Friday):复活节前一周的星期五。 7.复活节(Easter/Easter Sunday):春分月圆后的第一个星期日。 8.愚人节(April Fool):每年4月1日。 9.劳动节 (May Day):每年5月1日 10.母亲节(Mother"s Day):每年5月第二个星期日。 11.父亲节(Father"s Day):每年6月第三个星期日。 12. 独立日(Independence Day):每年7月4日。 13. 祖父母(外祖父母)节(Grandparents" Day):9月劳动节后的第一个星期日。 14.万圣节(Halloween):10月31日。 15. 感恩节(Thanksgiving):每年11月最后一个星期四。 16. 圣诞节(Christmas Day):每年12月25日


下面是关于劳动节的常用短语和表达方法。1.“International Worker"s Day”(国际劳动节):这是正式的名称,也是五一劳动节的国际命名方式。2."Labor Day"(劳动节):Labor Day或Labour Day是指大多数国家在5月1日庆祝的节日。3."May Day"(五一节):在世界上许多国家和地区,五一劳动节是一个公共假日,也是国际劳动运动的日子。4.“Working People"s Day”(劳动人民节):此短语通常用于强调庆祝的活动与工人阶级有关。5.“Celebrate Workers"Contributions”(庆祝工人的贡献):这是一种表达感激之情的形式,通常在这个特殊的日子里作为口号使用。6."Worker solidarity"(工人团结):强调工人们团结起来,互相支持和组织起来实现共同利益。7.“Workers"rights”(工人权益):指工人应该享有的基本人权,例如工资、福利、生产安全等方面的权利等等。8."Struggle for workers"rights"(争取工人权益):此短语通常与五一劳动节的历史渊源联系在一起。它强调工人阶级曾为争取自身利益做出了很大的贡献。9."Pay tribute to the working people"(向劳动人民致敬):这是一种感激之情的表达方式,用于强调劳动者们的贡献以及他们对社会和经济的重要性。10."Take a break"(休息一下):虽然五一国际劳动节是为庆祝劳动者所设立的节日,但同时也是民众放松并享受生活的好时机。细心的老板可以选择为员工放假来表达他们对劳动者的感激。总结:以上是与劳动节相关的一些短语,这些词汇可以帮助你更好地表达自己对五一劳动节的理解和观点,以及在这个特殊的日子里表达感谢、支持和尊重。


国际劳动节又称“五一国际劳动节”、“国际示威游行日”(International Workers" Day或者May Day),是世界上80多个国家的全国性节日。定在每年的五月一日。它是全世界劳动人民共同拥有的节日。1889年7月,由恩格斯领导的第二国际在巴黎举行代表大会。会议通过决议,规定1890年5月1日国际劳动者举行游行,并决定把5月1日这一天定为国际劳动节。中央人民政府政务院于1949年12月作出决定,将5月1日确定为劳动节。

劳动节的英语怎么说 劳动节用英语怎么说

"劳动节"的英文翻译为 "Labor Day"。Labor Day解析如下:一、发音:英式发音:[u02c8leu026abu0259r deu026a]美式发音:[u02c8leu026abu0259r deu026a]二、释义:n. 劳动节三、含义拓展:"Labor Day"是一种节日,旨在纪念和庆祝劳动者的贡献和成就。它通常在每年的九月的第一个星期一举行,是许多国家都会庆祝的重要节日之一。劳动节被视为一个机会,用来表彰工人们的辛勤劳动,并提倡劳动权益和工作环境的改善。四、例句:1. We usually have a family barbecue on Labor Day.(我们通常在劳动节举行家庭烧烤。)2. Labor Day marks the unofficial end of summer in the United States.(劳动节标志着美国夏季的非正式结束。)3. Many people enjoy a long weekend getaway during Labor Day.(许多人在劳动节期间享受一个漫长的周末度假。)4. Labor Day parades and celebrations are held in various cities across the country.(全国各地都会举行劳动节游行和庆祝活动。)常用短语:- Labor Day weekend - 劳动节周末- Labor Day holiday - 劳动节假期- Labor Day parade - 劳动节游行- Labor Day sales - 劳动节促销活动


The Labors" Day


Labour Day


问题一:劳动节用英语咋说 1.New Year"s Day 元旦(1月1日) 2.Spring Festival;Chinese New Year"s Day 春节(农历一月一日) 3.Lantern Festival 元宵节(农历一月十五日) 4.International Working Women"s Day 国际劳动妇女节(3月8日) 5.Arbor Day 植树节(3月12日) 6.Postal Day 邮政节(3月20日) 7.World Meteorology Day 世界气象节(3月23日) 8.Ching Ming Festival ;Tomb-sweeping Festival 清明节(4月5日) 9.International Labour Day 国际劳动节(5月1日) 问题二:劳动节用英语怎么写 劳动节 [láo dòng jié] [词典] International Labour Day或者 labor day; [网络] Labour Day; May day; Labour"s Day; [例句]五一劳动节很近了。 May Day is very near. 问题三:劳动节用英语怎么说 Labour Day 问题四:五一劳动节用英语怎么说 Labor Day 词典释义 [经]May day 例句 全部May day 1. 过去在五一劳动节这天,数十万人常常乘坐大巴到东柏林 *** 。 On May Day hundreds of thousands used to be bussed in to parade through East Berlin 问题五:五一劳动节英文怎么说 资本主义国家不庆祝五一劳动节的,因此 耽么说 五.一. MAY DAY 如果你一定要说,就说国际工人节 INTERNATIONAL WORKER"S DAY 不然老外不懂 其他几位说LABOR DAY的同志,我在美国,美国的LABOR DAY是九月份,如果你对美国人说LABOR DAY,他们会搞错的. 问题六:五一劳动节用英语怎么说 这些都可以: International Workers" Day Labour Day May Day 问题七:五一劳动节英语怎么说91 May day 英 [mei dei] 美 [mei de] 五一劳动节 双语例句 On May Day hundreds of thousands used to be bussed in to parade through East Berlin 过去在五一劳动节这天,数十万人常常乘坐大巴到东柏林 *** 。 May Day has bee a venerable institution 五朔节已经变成一个神圣庄严的传统节日。 问题八:劳动节的英文 Labor"s day 问题九:劳动节在那个月份,用英语怎么写 你好! 劳动节在哪个月份 In what month labor day ? 希望对你有所帮助。












劳动节源于美国芝加哥的工人大罢工,为纪念这次工人运动,在1889年7月,在恩格斯组织召开的第二国际成立大会上宣布将每年的5月1日定为国际劳动节。下面是我为大家分享的 五一劳动节 主题 活动 总结 汇报,希望能帮助到大家! 五一劳动节主题活动总结汇报1 1、通过开展以“我劳动,我光荣;”为主题的系列活动,让同学们了解“劳动节”的由来,了解我国不同时代的劳模风采。 2、通过有计划有组织的开展各类活动,从宣传“我劳动,我光荣;”这个主题思想转化到我们每个学生的实际行动中。 3、通过在学校、家庭两个层面参与不同类型的劳动,培养爱劳动的热情,养成爱劳动的好习惯。争做:“劳动小当家”。 二、活动主题 我劳动,我光荣;我能干 三、活动内容 (一)宣传知识 1、通过学校广播宣传劳动节的由来。 2、学生举办 黑板报 宣传。 3、学生自办 手抄报 。 4、学生自主宣传。 (二)绘画比赛 1、绘画主题:劳动最光荣 2、绘画形式:绘画表现形式不限。每个班上交6件作品,可适当增加。 3、上交时间:4月30日前上交,逾期做自动放弃。 (三)我是劳动小当家 1、在“五一”放假期间与爸爸妈妈一起对自己的家进行一次彻底的大扫除; 2、能帮爸爸妈妈做一件力所能及的家务事,洗菜、淘米、洗碗、扫地、拖地等 3、知道“谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦”的含义,并能做到我的饭碗里没有一粒剩饭(菜); (四)学唱劳动歌曲 1、各班音乐老师负责在本周学习有关“劳动光荣”的歌曲。 2、周五班队活动课,以班级为单位,举行“我爱 唱歌 更爱劳动”的演唱比赛。 五一劳动节主题活动总结汇报2 一、活动目的 为了丰富广大群众的 文化 娱乐生活,缓解员工的紧张工作节秦,增强员工锻炼身体的意识,现组织登山活动。这次活动还可以增强员工的意志力,增强集体的凝聚力。 二、活动时间 20-年5月1日 三、活动地点 四、活动对象 有限公司全体员工 五、活动内容 1、制定好具体的集合时间和地点。 2、准备水和干粮。 3、提醒员工应该带的东西。 六、活动总结 本次活动的意义,请员工发表此次活动的感受和想法。 七、安全保障 措施 1、在出发前所有参与活动的人员集中会议室进行出行前安全培训,增强安全防范意识和自我保护能力。 2、在条件允许的情况下,可以组织有关人员对活动场地和路线进行认真勘察,并对可能发生的情况做好充分的估计和应变准备。 3、出发前必须听从导游及领队的指挥。在每一次集合时(出发前,返回前)一定要清点人数,确保员工安全,确保旅游活动的圆满成功。 4、携带急救用品,以防员工受伤或突发疾病(如感冒药、晕车药、发烧药、创可贴等)。 5、为了确保员工安全,参加旅游活动的员工必须服从领队及导游的安排,有突发事件要随时联系并及时上报领队及导游。 6、在旅游期间,禁止单独行动,休息时间外出必须向领队 报告 并获批准后方可结群外出。 7、请自带好雨具、水杯及有关旅游生活用具。 8、注意人身和财产安全。 八、活动道具 扑克30副、小礼品 九、应急预案 1、如果5月1日出现恶劣天气,不能如期正常出行,则活动时间改期,活动时间再议。 2、如果出发前出现有因身体不适不能参加,对该同事进行合理安排,让其留下休息。若发生在游玩过程中,则应当就近联系医生,事先应了解附近的紧急电话。 五一劳动节主题活动总结汇报3 一、目的与意义: 庆祝五一劳动节和五四 青年节 传承劳动节要劳动的精神娱乐大众放松身心。 口号 :我们劳动我们骄傲我们年轻我们富有。 二、活动内容 (一)后山拔草。 分成三个小组每组负责一个区域。经过小组长检查完成所负责区域的拔草任务后方算拔草任务完成。 (二)清扫校园。 分成八个小组每组负责一个区域。经过小组长检查完成所负责区域后清扫任务完成。 (三)玩游戏: 1、千里走单骑 每队一名队员竞赛规则分四队。竞赛在规定的路程内谁能将自行车骑地最稳最慢的即为胜利者。 2、鲁宾逊漂流记 依照主持人的要求竞赛规则4名队员每人手拿一只 乒乓球 拍和一个乒乓球。将乒乓球放在乒乓板上保持平衡越过预先设置的障碍物最后又快又稳达到目的地的为胜利者。 3、快乐呼啦圈 一边摇着呼啦圈竞赛规则由四人上场比拼。一边衣着手中的别针双方中的任何一方先穿够25枚别针并保持呼啦圈不掉就算胜利。 4、四人五足 最先到达终点的一组为赢。竞赛规则分四组比赛。 5、澳洲袋鼠 双脚放入麻袋中竞赛规则各队抽三名队员上场。跳到折返点处咬下终点处悬挂而下糖果最先回到起点的队为胜。 6、为歌狂 每组的人轮流比赛胜利者再进入下一轮比赛。竞赛规则采取淘汰赛方式5人为一组。 五一劳动节主题活动总结汇报4 一、活动目的: 1、通过开展以“我劳动,我光荣;我创造,我幸福”为主题的系列活动,让同学们了解“劳动节”的由来,了解我国不同时代的劳模风采。 2、通过有计划有组织的开展各类活动,从宣传“我劳动,我光荣;我创造,我幸福”这个主题思想转化到我们每个学生的实际行动中。 3、通过在学校、家庭两个层面参与不同类型的劳动,培养爱劳动的热情,养成爱劳动的好习惯,争做“劳动小能手”。 二、活动主题 我劳动,我光荣;我自理,我能干 三、活动内容 (一)我是劳动小能手 1、在“五一”放假期间与爸爸妈妈一起对自己的家进行一次彻底的大扫除; 2、能帮爸爸妈妈洗一次脚; 3、知道“谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦”的含义,并能做到我的饭碗里没有一粒剩饭(菜)。 (二)学唱劳动歌曲 1、各班音乐老师负责在本周推荐欣赏“劳动光荣”的歌曲。 2、周二班队活动课,布置劳动节活动。 四、活动要求 各班要切实布置好两个阶段的活动,让学生亲身体验劳动的快乐。 可拍照发到班级博客或者在班级展板上展出。 五一劳动节主题活动总结汇报5 五一劳动节即将到来,工会将举办全体员工“欢度五一劳动节、喜登__山活动”。以下是本次活动 策划方案 。 一、活动目的 欢度五一劳动节,登高望远,陶冶情操,感受体育锻炼的魅力,享受成功的乐趣,体现团队精神,丰富业余生活,创建和谐 企业文化 。 二、活动内容 登__山 三、组织机构 总指挥:工会主席 工作组成员:各工会小组长及成员 四、具体事项 (1)时间;20__年_月_日下午14:30-17:30 (2)地点:__山风景区 (3)形式:自由组合,自由活动 (4)考勤:下午17:00前在山顶公园登记,并领取100元活动费。 (5)要求:希望各位工会会员准时参加,团结合作,互相帮助,根据自我身体状况和健康条件,确定登山的速度,要量力而行,并且爱护公物,注意安全,参加活动有始有终。 五一劳动节主题活动总结汇报6 为了欢庆五一,同时增强同学们体育锻炼的意识,以组织拔河比赛的形式,为平时缺乏体育锻炼的同学们创造运动机会,提供展现集体风采的舞台,通过拔河比赛发扬团队精神,增强凝聚力,使学生们集合集体的力量,以提高我校学生团体合作和坚忍不拔的精神。 一、活动名称 :拔河友谊赛 二、活动宗旨 :增进同学之间的交流,集体荣誉感及凝聚力。 三、活动目的: 欢庆五一,丰富学生们的校园生活,增强师生之间的相互了解。促进同学之间的友好相处,使得校园气氛更加活跃,加强各同学间的交流。 四、活动对象 :__科技职业学校__级全体同学 五、活动时间: 20__年4月29日—31日 六、活动地点: 校 篮球 场 七、主办单位: __科技职业学校 八、承办单位: 学生会体育部 九、参赛要求: 1、这一次比赛分为男生组、女生组、男女混合组;以班级为单位组成各参赛队伍。 2、女生组限报7人;男生组限报10人;混合组限报20人(女生:7人、男生:13人) 3、参赛队员必须是本班级同学:__届各班级必须参加。 十、活动流程: 1、4月29日各班级报名表于19:00交到学生会办公室,并由队长抽签决定比赛顺序。 2、4月30日下午16:10比赛正式开始,比赛实行晋级赛;最后选出冠军。 十一、注意事项 1、比赛时由于双方都是用力拉,所以拔完后一场后不可立即松绳,以免造成对方队员受伤,各体育委员谨记,转告给各班队员。 2、各班级需努力完成比赛。 3、比赛要做到文明比赛,遵循友谊第一,比赛第二。 4、比赛时不得有冒名顶替,拉拉队不可上场帮忙。一经发现立即取消。 5、由于比赛场面比较大,需裁判二名,维护秩序日常工作人员4名。 十二、奖品 冠军奖状各一份(班级团体),班级操行分加50分/组。 五一劳动节主题活动总结汇报7 “五一”国际劳动节即将来临,为了丰富员工业余生活及欢度“五一”国际劳动节,公司决定于20__年_月__日——20__年_月_日举办以“铸造一流团队、打造一流企业”为主题的__市旅游活动。 一、活动意义 增进员工之间感情、发挥团队协作精神。 二、活动负责部门、活动安排及领导小组成员 1、主办部门:公司工会。 2、协助部门:团支部、综合管理部。 3、活动安排:分两批出发(时间根据公司生产情况定)。 4、领导小组成员:___。 4、1第一批领导小组成员: 领队:___(副总经理)。 副领队:___(综合管理部经理)、___(团支部书记)。 召集人:___(团支部书记)。 4、2第二批领导小组成员: 领队:___(副总经理)。 副领队:___(副总经理)、___工会副主席。 召集人:___。 三、活动时间、地点 1、活动时间: 第一批:20__年_月__日下午__时在公司统一乘车出发到__乘飞机,20__年_月_日从__乘飞机返回__后乘大巴返回公司。 第二批:时间待定(以公司通知为准)。 2、活动地点:__市及名胜风景区。 3、集合地点:公司篮球场。 四、经过路线 __(乘大巴)__(乘飞机)__。 五、参加活动主要成员 公司领导、各部门领导、所有任职干部及各部门骨干,具体名单另附表。 六、名单确定 具体人员由各单位一把手及公司共同商定。 七、安全保障措施 1、在出发前所有参与活动的人员集中会议室进行出行前安全培训,增强安全防范意识和自我保护能力。 2、在条件允许的情况下,可以组织有关人员对活动场地和路线进行认真勘察,并对可能发生的情况做好充分的估计和应变准备。 3、出发前必须听从导游及领队的指挥。在每一次集合时(出发前,返回前)一定要清点人数,确保员工安全,确保旅游活动的圆满成功。 4、携带急救用品,以防员工受伤或突发疾病(如感冒药、晕车药、发烧药、创可贴等)。 5、为了确保员工安全,参加旅游活动的。员工必须服从领队及导游的安排,有突发事件要随时联系并及时上报领队及导游。 6、在旅游期间,禁止单独行动,休息时间外出必须向领队报告并获批准后方可结群外出。 7、请自带好雨具、水杯及有关旅游生活用具。 8、注意人身和财产安全。 八、活动道具 扑克__副、小礼品。 九、费用预算 ___元/人(含车费、风景区门票费、住宿费、餐费等),预算费用总计约_____元。该项费用由公司统一开支。 十、其他安排 活动过程中允许举办趣味游戏。 五一劳动节主题活动总结汇报8 一、说明及目的 “五。一”黄金周是 春节 过后的第一个销售高潮,再加上恰逢春夏交替之时,应紧紧抓住销售,以促销为载体,提升客流,扩大销售,清甩春装库存,为夏装的全面上市及下一步的全面招商做好铺垫。 二、活动时间 4月__日——5月__日 三、活动主题 每个季节都有礼!——“五一”有礼! 四、活动详细内容 (一)、劳模有礼 5月1-__日,凡历年获得过市级(含)以上荣誉的劳动模范,可凭有效证件在我商场服务台领取礼品一份(衬衣一件,服务台值班经理负责登记发放,财务处准备库存衬衣__件)。 (二)、购物有礼 凡在4月__日——-5月__日活动期间,购物单票金额在__元以上的顾客,即送洗衣粉一袋。购物累计金额__元以上的顾客,送价值__元遮阳伞一把;累计满__元的前十位顾客,可领取价值__元的红宝石黄金吊坠一枚;累计满__元的前两位顾客,可领取价值__元的红宝石黄金手链一条。(图书、双星、三楼黄金首饰不参与,团购不参与, 其它 柜组全部参与!) (三)、 母亲节 有礼 “为母亲祈福,送安康‘祥鹤"!” 1、为庆祝5月__日母亲节的到来,5月1日起,__只“祥鹤”,__个祝福,为__位顾客准备,送给__位慈爱的母亲!(凡购物的顾客均可凭小票到正门口工作人员处领取“祥鹤”,并留下你的真挚祝福,亲自悬挂在中厅许愿树上。) 2、5月__日——-母亲节当天,凡在我商场购物满__元的前__名顾客,加2元即可获得“康乃馨”鲜花一束。 注:为加深顾客印象,宣传我商场,印制__张小型“背粘胶”,打上“平顶山商场赠送”字样,所有礼品上都要粘贴。 五、室内外布置(统一色调——蓝色) 1、正门口上方以品牌宣传为主,配以“五一”促销主题的宣传。 2、正门口两边 广告 牌以整体活动内容宣传为主。 3、二门口更换为详细活动内容宣传(包括_展架)。 4、各专厅可以POP海报、打折牌宣传价位及打折信息,喧染气氛,主题统一为——“五。一”有礼!(部经理配合实施) 六、媒体宣传 1、4月__日,以软文的形式在晚报上以《劳模与平顶山商场的情结》为标题,重点宣传“劳模有礼”活动,并贯穿宣传本次“五一”促销活动的整个内容。 2、母亲节前夕,与报社联系关于“为母亲祈福,送安康‘祥鹤"!”的新闻报道,是之成为我市商业同行的又一促销亮点。 七、要求 1、部经理大力配合,一定要把活动精神传达到每个商户和员工。 2、除黄金、双星、图书不参加活动外,其余商户无条件执行参加。 3、值班经理和活动组织人员要尽心尽职,各处室配合好此活动。(每天活动工作人员名单另文下发) 4、4月__日、5月__日下午到收款台统一缴款,部经理督促到位。 5、各收款员要履行职责,收款盖章,不可假公济私。 6、各营业员、商户不得私自收款,截留顾客小票;不得参与此活动。一经发现,严肃处理。 八、预算 1、中厅布置:__元 2、“背粘胶”印刷:__元 3、室内外布置:__元 4、活动奖品预算:__元 5、报纸广告:__元 总计:__元 其中:4月__日——5月__日(__节)共__天时间按各专柜销售额的1%进行扣点,其余商场负担。 五一劳动节主题活动总结汇报9 一、活动主题: 强体魄、建和谐、展风采、迎五一 二、活动范围: 全乡工会成员 三、活动项目: 1、 野炊 2、比赛项目:扑克牌比赛(拱猪或 斗地主 )、蒙眼过障碍赛、搬运气球、蒙眼击鼓、爬山 四、人员安排: (一)生活组组长:___成员:___、___、___、___、___等 生活组负责活动期间的伙食和炊事人员的抽调,被生活组成员抽调的成员需服从安排。 (二)活动组组长:___成员:___、___、___、___等活动组负责统筹活动开展过程中的游戏环节的组织和人员的抽调。 五、游戏安排: 1、扑克牌比赛(拱猪或斗地主) 拱猪采用“四暗天”打法,斗地主为四人斗地主,固定对家。每2人固定为一组,中途不得换人,比赛采用3局两胜制,胜利的一方进入下一轮,直到决出名次; 需准备的道具:扑克牌若干副,桌凳若干。人员准备:裁判员2-3人。负责人:___。 2、蒙眼过障碍赛 在场地内放置若干障碍物(凳子或纸箱均可),两人为一队,一人蒙住眼从起点处出发,另一人在终点处用声音指挥对方,如碰到障碍,则罚时3秒,最后用时少的一队获胜。 需准备的道具:蒙眼的布一条,障碍物若干,哨子一只,秒表一块。人员准备:裁判员一名,计时员一名。负责人:___。 3、搬运气球6-8人为一队,每队每次出2人,两人胸对胸或背对背,中间放1 个气球,两人用胸或背夹紧,立于起点线后。令下,两人同时侧向跑动,绕过障碍物后返回交第二队两人。第二队用同样的 方法 将球运回交下一组。依此类推,先完成的组为胜。比赛规则:(1)、令下后才能跑动。途中若球掉地,要在原地夹好,继续比赛。(2)、在跑动过程中,一律不许用手触球。(3)、球运过终点线后,才能交下两人。最终按速度取名次。 需要准备的道具:气球若干,障碍物若干,哨子一只,秒表一块。人员准备:裁判员一名,计时员一名。负责人:___。 4、蒙眼击鼓5-6人一队,蒙上眼睛转三圈后击鼓,每人击一次,击中人数多的一队获胜。旁边的队员不能用声音提醒,否则视为违规,击中次数不算。 需要准备的道具:桶或盆一只(用来代替鼓),短木棒一根。人员准备:裁判员一名。负责人:___。 5、爬山人员准备:裁判员一名。负责人:___。在整个游戏环节中,如有条件,应准备扩音器一支。 六、注意事项: 在活动过程中,要服从安排,注意安全,照看好随行的老人及 儿童 ,游戏环节由领导小组根据现场情况选择进行,获胜者有奖品,参与者有纪念品。所有参与者因本着友谊第一、重在参与的心态参加活动,杜绝冲突的产生。不参加游戏的人员,在现场文明观看,不起哄、不喝倒彩。 未尽事宜,由本次活动领导小组负责解释。 五一劳动节主题活动总结汇报10 一、活动背景及目的 一年一度的“五一”黄金周即将到来,为了回报全体员工一年的辛勤工作及丰富员工的假期生活,公司组织全体员工到____旅游,也借此活动加强内部员工的团结及合作精神。 二、活动类型:____休闲度假 三、活动口号:热力四射开心“五一” 四、活动时间:时间待定 五、队伍安排 全员共分三组: ________小队(蓝队) ________小队(黄队) ________小队(红队)公司五一活动策划方案每队各设一名队长,由领队统一指挥。全员统一着红黄蓝各色队服,按组集中活动。 六、行程安排 第一天 8:30:全体员工到公司大楼前集合 9:00:出发(路途车上活动由领队人员组织) 11:30:到达目的地,入住酒店 12:00:就餐后休息 15:30:集合及活动安排 16:00:“温泉ry”开始(同时进行互动游戏) 18:00:y晚餐烧烤开始(同时进行互动游戏) 20:30:自由活动,员工可以观赏琼海市夜景或其它娱乐活动。 23:30:为了确保各位员工人身安全,请在酒店或领队的规定时间回酒店休息。 第二天 早上八点前:全体员工凭穔o虿途碜杂稍诰频暧迷绮汀?br>;(由于我们公司员工年龄有一定的差距,在此订做了第二天不同的活动行程方案,员工根据自己的情况自由选择喜的项目。) 1、万泉河峡谷探险 适合人群:身体健康者,心脏病、高血压患者严禁参加本活动; 装备:自备耐磨休闲衣裳、长裤、手套,防滑运动鞋;(此活动消耗体力过大,请自备水及少许干粮)。 8:00:坐车前往万泉河。 8:20:开始游览热带雨林中掩映着一个个支流峡谷,依次有:瀑布清潭、神秘洞、情人谷、叠泉、一线天等等,银河奔泻的飞流瀑布,河畔石柳百花怒放、山鸟啾鸣,景点清幽美不胜收。 12:00:结束探险返回酒店指定地点。 2、休闲自由 体育运动 适合人群:喜休闲体育运动的人员,包括包龄球, 高尔夫球 8:30:(具体时间自已定),在酒店或其它娱乐中心进行体育运动12:00:结束活动返回酒店指定地点。 3、休闲观光活动 适合人群:希望观赏琼海一些著名景点及喜安静领略大自然风情的人群。 地点:博鳌水城、玉带滩 8:00坐车前往博鳌水城(博鳌亚洲论坛会址所在地); 10:00乘船游览博鳌三江入海口,登上创世界吉利斯记录的“玉带滩”,一滩观两景; 12:00:结束活动返回酒店指定地点。 12:20:在酒店用午餐 13:00:返回海口 (注:以上活动人数要达到一定的数量才开展,三组活动中只选两组,人最少的那一组活动取消,选此项目活动的人员重新选) 五一劳动节主题活动总结汇报(10篇)相关 文章 : ★ 五一劳动节学校主题活动总结精选10篇 ★ 2022五一劳动节活动主题总结【十篇】 ★ 2022五一劳动节活动总结报告十篇 ★ 五一劳动节主题活动总结汇报最新8篇 ★ 2022五一劳动节实践活动心得体会精选10篇 ★ 五一劳动节活动优秀总结 ★ 五一劳动节主题活动总结5篇 ★ 2021年五一劳动节的活动工作总结 ★ 五一劳动节心得感想通用10篇 ★ 2020年五一劳动节活动总结范文


  为保证活动高起点、高质量、高水平开展,时常需要预先制定活动方案,活动方案是从活动的目的、要求、方式、方法、进度等都部署具体、周密,并有很强可操作性的计划。那么问题来了,活动方案应该怎么写?下面是我整理的2022五一劳动节公司活动策划方案,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。   五一劳动节公司活动策划方案 篇1   为了庆祝“五一”国际劳动节和丰富公司员工业余生活,促进部门间友谊及增强全体职工的凝聚力,创造和谐的达利企业文化氛围,经公司研究决定:于五月一日劳动节举办文体活动,具体活动方案如下:   一、活动目的   通过组织和开展一系列活动,提高达利企业文化的宣传,增进员工之间感情,发挥团队协作精神,提高企业的向心力和归属感。   二、时间和地点   时间:20xx年5月1日8:00—15:00   地点:保安室与1栋、2栋宿舍楼之间(备用场地:1号与2号库房通道之间)。   三、活动领导小组   组长:   副组长:   组员:   由公司综合管理部主导负责此次活动的策划、宣传和组织实施,包括活动所需器材和奖品的设置、场地布置、经费的预算编制和厂区卫生、人员安全及人员安排等,具体安排如下:   1、组织协调组负责人:张志明;保障活动现场人员安全及赛场秩序。   2、场地布置、电力保障组负责人:黄华彬;保障活动现场水电的正常供应(各车间主任配合)   3、宣传报道组负责人:吴承风;负责整个活动的宣传及报道。   4、器材物资组负责人:熊佳、刘翠红、胡小燕,负责活动所需器材物资及奖品准备和保管。   5、现场摄影组负责人:张梦菲;负责整个活动过程的摄影。   6、现场秩序维护及参赛人员组织:负责参赛人员的组织召集、比赛现场秩序的维护。   负责人:黄思贤、黄华彬、乐继锑、陈志锋、蔡雅锋、余作龙、沈钟泉、李康、林志峰   四、报名方式   1、每项比赛每人只能参加一次。   2、趣味投圈活动项目,员工可带直系家属参加,每人限带1人。   3、由各参赛组负责人负责员工的报名和登记手续(各车间应提前做好宣传工作,让广大员工踊跃报名,并向报名人员讲述活动的规则及安全等相关事项)。   4、4月15日起向各参赛组负责人报名,有要带家属参加趣味投圈活动,需加备注说明,统一汇总后交至综合管理部。   报名截止日期:20xx年4月25日前。   五、活动项目   1、升旗仪式:   8:00各部门/车间按要求统一着装列队走到办公楼广场进场,   8:08升旗仪式(奏国歌)   8:20比赛正式开始   2、拔河比赛(团体赛)   时间:08:20—09:30,地点:保安室与1、2栋宿舍楼之间。   按分配好的参赛组,分男队和女队,男队每队10人,女队每队8人,分别进行抽签,实行淘汰赛制。角逐出团体赛的前三名。   3、同舟共济(五人踏板竞速团体赛)   时间:09:30—10:30,地点:保安室与1、2栋宿舍楼之间。   参赛对象:按部门车间组织人员(男3女2混合)组队报名,角逐团体赛的前三名   4、托乒乓球(团体接力赛)   时间:10:30—11:30,地点:保安室与1、2栋宿舍楼之间。   参赛对象:按部门车间组织人员组队(5人)报名,角逐团体赛的前三名   5、台球比赛(个人)   时间:10:30—11:30,地点:员工活动中心   参赛对象:全体员工,抽签决定比赛对手,一对一比赛,三局两胜。   6、定点投篮(个人)   时间:10:30—11:30,地点:篮球场   参赛对象:全体员工,每次单人进行投篮,投中者给予规定奖品。   7、趣味套圈(个人)   时间:10:30—12:00,地点:保安室与1、2栋宿舍楼之间。   参赛对象:全体员工凭票进行,全体员工均可参加,凭票参加,一人一票,一张票可以投五次。投中有奖(奖品为生活用品、公司产品)。   六、奖励办法   1、颁奖时间:20xx年5月1日14:30   2、颁奖地点:办公楼门前   3、奖项设置:   团体奖:拔河比赛   男队:一等奖、二等奖、三等奖(各10名)   女队:一等奖、二等奖、三等奖(各8名)   奖品:一等奖空调被   二等奖竹凉席   三等奖吹风机   团体奖:同舟共济(5人踏板竞速)乒乓球接力赛   男女混合:一等奖、二等奖、三等奖(各5名)   奖品:一等奖空调被   二等奖竹凉席   三等奖吹风机   个人奖   台球比赛:一等奖、二等奖、三等奖(各1名)   奖品:一等奖空调被   二等奖竹凉席   三等奖吹风机   定点投篮:公司产品、生活日用品   套圈:公司产品、生活日用品   五一劳动节公司活动策划方案 篇2   为了丰富广大教职工的文体生活,经校工会研究,决定开展庆“五一”体育趣味竞技比赛等系列庆祝活动。具体方案如下:   一、观看电影   根据区直企事业工会文件要求,结合我校实际,将于4月底组织观看电影《澳门风云2》,具体时间另行通知。   二、体育趣味竞技比赛   (一)活动时间:20xx年4月29日。   (二)活动地点:学校操场。   (三)竞赛项目及规则   1、“横行霸道”(双人夹球竞跑)   (1)比赛规则:各教研小组各选出6名成员,每两人组成一组进行接力;参赛选手背对背夹住气排球侧跑,至终点后再折返跑回起点,再将球传给本工会小组下一组参加选手继续赛跑。以完成规定赛程时间计算排名;如在竞赛过程中皮球掉落,则参赛选手必须在皮球掉落处停止并将球重新夹住再继续跑,否则视为违例。   (2)负责人:   2、“前赴后继”(五分钟定点投篮)   (1)比赛规则:各教研小组选出3名参赛选手(女至少1名)参加竞赛;参赛选手在球场罚球线处列成纵队,每位选手投一次球后再转至队伍后排队进行循环投篮。以在三分钟比赛时间内投中球数量计算排名。   (2)负责人:   3、“手舞足蹈”(1分钟跳绳比赛)   (1)比赛规则:各教研小组选出3人参加比赛(含1名男);每位选手按规定时间1分钟内进行跳绳,以规定时间内累计三人跳绳次数计算排名。   (2)负责人:   4、乒羽竞技   (1)比赛规则:4个教研小组各选出2人(一人参加乒乓球,一人参加羽毛球)比赛;抽签的方式进行搭配对战,采用11球定胜负,胜方各再决战。   (2)负责人:   (四)各教研组人员:   语文组:   数理组:   英语组:   综合组:   (五)积分计算办法   1、本次竞赛活动以累计积分排名次;   2、每项目得分为:第一名5分,第二名3分,第三名2分,第四名1分。   3、根据最后得分分发奖品。   五一劳动节公司活动策划方案 篇3   一、活动目的:   为了丰富广大群众的文化娱乐生活,缓解职工的紧张工作节秦,满足职工日益增长的精神文化生活需求,倡导健康的文化生活习惯,培养大家对文体活动的爱好,树立正确的劳动价值观念,建立和谐劳动工作环境。   二、组织机构:   领导小组组长:xx   副组长:xx   成员:xx(办公室成员及工会小组长)   (一)活动第一项:由工会主席蒋桂英发表庆祝“五一”活动演讲   (二)第二项:趣味活动、比赛内容及规则   所有团体项目由各部门选派代表代表本部门参加,(其中每项活动:业务部派三人参加,其它部门派一人参加,仓储部与办公室共同组队参加)   除灭火器演练活动在库区进行外,其它活动在“百花园”进行。   1羽毛球——xx负责   单打:各参赛单位选手分上下半区采取抽签分组淘汰方式,前三名予以奖励。(11分一局,三局二胜)   2、斗地主——xx负责   每个参赛单位报两名选手分成两组,分上下半区采取抽签分组淘汰方式,前三名予以奖励。   3、灭火器演习短跑——xx负责   提灭火器短跑50米现场灭火:公司全体人员参加现场演练,各部门选代表参加,由区粮食局安全管理员讲解消防知识,灭火器的使用,现场灭火演练(邀请出租户的代表参加,目的学会使用灭火器)   4、摸“福”xx负责   全部选手都可以参加,以摸到“福”为准,给予奖励。   5、拔河——由xx负责   各参赛单位全部队员参赛,采取抽签淘汰方式进行比赛,前两三名予以团体奖励。   (三)活动第三项:以上活动完后在“百花园”自由活动,6:00“百花园”就餐。   以上所有活动重在参与,参与中陶冶情操、增智强体,过一个健康、欢乐、和谐的“五一”。让所有员工在热闹的活动环境中,让心灵得到提升,身心愉快、舒畅。   五一劳动节公司活动策划方案 篇4   一、简介   本次工会活动是庆五一劳动节趣味运动会,以工会小组为单位组织公司职工参赛,每位工会小组成员参赛项目不能超过两项。工会小组负责人需要在周二中午下班前把小组具体参赛职工的名单和参赛项目交到工会。   召开时间:20xx年5月1日上午九点至下午五点。   召开地点:茶陵县体委。   具体小组及负责人:   江东家园项目组(刘永元)   地王国际项目组(刘正)   丽家湾项目组(谭立江)   药监局项目组(彭建华)   公司领导组(刘凯)   工会代表组(刘鸿)   工作人员:各位工会委员。   考勤:刘鸿。   统计:贺晓兰。   发放礼品:刘鸿。   裁判:刘军、段华、刘远华。   二、趣味运动会运动项目   1、乒乓球投篮:各个工会小组选派4位职工参赛,每人有5球的机会,把乒乓球投进塑料垃圾桶中,投篮距离为5米,计算4位职工的投中的总数,评出一、二、三名。   2、足球射门:各工会小组选派3位职工参赛,每人有5球的机会,把足球踢进球门即可(距离约为半个篮球场的长度),计算3位职工的进球总数,评出一、二、三名。   3、踢毽子:各工会小组选派3位职工参赛,不限时间,计算一次所踢的个数,然后计算三位职工的总数,评出一、二、三名。   4、跳绳比赛:各工会小组选派4位职工参赛,其中两人负责挥绳,其他2人跳绳,2位职工都必须能跳绳,可以2人同时,也可以分先后,由裁判负责数数,每小组有两次机会,取数量多的一次,评出一、二、三名。   5、除参赛职工外,其他职工需要到场,将由工会和工会小组组长共同考勤。   三、奖品   每位参赛职工每参加一项可以领取一份奖品,按工会小组统计的参赛名单和参赛项目发放。请各位工会小组长将参赛名单在比赛结束后交到罗峥荣处,并领取奖品。   五一劳动节公司活动策划方案 篇5   一、活动目的   为隆重庆祝“五一”国际劳动节,丰富职工文化生活,体现生动活泼、团结互助的企业文化精神,提高员工队伍的团队凝聚力。为投入在紧张繁忙生产、经营工作中的广大职工创造一个休闲放松的机会,特拟定本活动方案。   二、活动时间   活动建议时间在:   20xx年5月1日14:00—17:00;   三、活动形式   卡拉ok歌唱比赛。   四、活动地点   公司大会议室。   五、活动内容   1、宣读4月份创先争优名单,发放奖品。(14:00—14:30)   2、先进代表讲话、董事长致辞。(14:30—15:00)   3、歌唱比赛。(15:00—16:30)   4、发放奖品、主任致闭幕词。   六、活动程序   4月xx日已通知形式下发公司各部门,xx日统计参赛选手名单以及所选唱歌曲,由办公室准备歌曲伴奏,5月1日下午14:00活动开始。   七、活动组织机构   (一)主办部门:综合办公室。   (二)活动总指挥:xxx。   (三)活动策划及主持人:xx。   (四)裁判组:由各部门主管及两名员工代表。   (五)后勤、物品采购及综合支持:xxx。   八、活动宣传   对活动情况在公司宣传栏内进行专题宣传;   九、活动单位   xxx全体成员。   十、奖项设置   一等奖:1名奖金500元;二等奖:2名奖金200元,参与奖根据报名人数除一、二等奖外均获得,奖品50元以内纪念品。   十一、活动费用预算   比赛奖金:500+200×2=900元,纪念品预计400元;   饮料、瓜子、花生:400;   总计:1700元。   五一劳动节公司活动策划方案 篇6   一、活动名称:   山东三川集团“庆五一,大家一起来”娱乐活动   二、活动目的:   在五一国际劳动节来临之际,我们要充分发挥三川员工的文艺表演才能,大家一起来参与,丰富全体员工的文化娱乐生活。   三、活动时间:   20XX年5月1日下午2点开始   四、活动地点:   山东三川集团2楼会议室   五、参加人员:   山东三川集团全体员工   六、主持人:   XX和XX   七、注意事项:   1、要注意时间安排,根据现场气氛,灵活掌握节奏;   2、要遵守活动规则,积极参与,调动活动气氛;   3、在活动过程中坚持适度原则,就要活泼但不失庄重;   4、活动分为集体游戏类和个人表演类,希望大家能积极报名,共同娱乐。个人表演类每个部门至少提供2个节目,其他根据情况公司会作具体安排。   八、活动流程:   1、主持人介绍活动的基本情况,请领导致辞;   2、领导致辞;   3、娱乐互动;   热场游戏:   现场每一个人分发两张纸条,在其中一张上写上在哪里,另一张写上在干什么,收起分别放入两个容器中。每一个人在两个容器中各抽取一张纸条,然后把自己抽到的内容,以“今天下午我(是固定的)在哪里干什么”的形式念出来,大家可以随便写的。   (1)游戏类:   大力神(扳手腕):   找张桌子当擂台,一个人做擂主,接收其他人的挑战,进行扳手腕游戏。标准就是擂主不用扳倒对手,只要保持10秒不被扳倒就算赢,而参加的人要在短短的10秒内扳倒擂主才算赢。假如参加游戏的人赢了的话,也可以代替原来的擂主,由此类推。   知识问答:   根据三川集团的基本情况,设定题目,为了考察大家对我们公司的了解程度,有利于员工更详细全面的了解我们公司,增强主人翁意识。   (2)表演类:   自由K歌:   只要想唱,就可以在这个舞台上一展歌喉,人人参与,氛围活跃。   自由发挥:   参与人员可以根据每一个人自己的兴趣爱好,选择自己最佳的表演方式,如打羽毛球、打乒乓球,打台球   (3)我们都是一家人,交流沟通:   由于平时领导和员工都忙于工作,彼此交流的机会较少,以本次活动为契机,员工可以向领导反映一些工作和生活中遇到的问题,对公司未来的发展提一些建议,谈一下自己的想法,此项活动有利于拉近领导与员工的距离,树立领导的威信,调动员工工作的积极性,更好地建设三川集团!   4、总结评优   (1)领导对本次活动进行点评总结;   (2)主持人根据评比表现和记录,宣布评比结果,对表现优秀的团队和个人予以奖励。   五一劳动节公司活动策划方案 篇7   一、活动背景及目的   一年一度的“五一”黄金周即将到来,为了回报全体员工一年的辛勤工作及丰富员工的假期生活,公司组织全体员工到琼海官塘旅游,也借此活动加强内部员工的团结及合作精神。   二、活动类型:   官塘温泉休闲度假   三、活动口号:   热力四射开心“五一”   四、活动时间:   时间待定   五、队伍安排   全员共分三组:   xxxxxxxx小队(蓝队)   xxxxxxxx小队(黄队)   xxxxxxxx小队(红队)   每队各设一名队长,由领队统一指挥。全员统一着红黄蓝各色队服,按组集中活动。   六、行程安排   第一天   8:30:全体员工到公司大楼前集合   9:00:出发(路途车上活动由领队人员组织)   11:30:到达目的地,入住酒店   12:00:就餐后休息   15:30:集合及活动安排   16:00:“温泉party”开始(同时进行互动游戏)   18:00:happy晚餐烧烤开始(同时进行互动游戏)   20:30:自由活动,员工可以观赏琼海市夜景或其它娱乐活动。   23:30:为了确保各位员工人身安全,请在酒店或领队的规定时间回酒店休息。   第二天   1、万泉河峡谷探险   适合人群:身体健康者,心脏并高血压患者严禁参加本活动;   装备:自备耐磨休闲衣裳、长裤、手套,防滑运动鞋;(此活动消耗体力过大,请自备水及少许干粮)。   8:00:坐车前往万泉河。   8:20:开始游览热带雨林中掩映着一个个支流峡谷,依次有:瀑布清潭、神秘洞、情人谷、叠泉、一线天等等,银河奔泻的飞流瀑布,河畔石柳百花怒放、山鸟啾鸣,景点清幽美不胜收。   12:00:结束探险返回酒店指定地点。   2、休闲自由体育运动   适合人群:喜欢休闲体育运动的人员,包括包龄球,高尔夫球   8:30:(具体时间自已定),在酒店或其它娱乐中心进行体育运动   12:00:结束活动返回酒店指定地点。   3、休闲观光活动   适合人   群:希望观赏琼海一些著名景点及喜欢安静领略大自然风情的人群。   地点:博鳌水城、玉带滩   8:00坐车前往博鳌水城(博鳌亚洲论坛会址所在地);   10:00乘船游览博鳌三江入海口,登上创世界吉利斯记录的`“玉带滩”,一滩观两景;   12:00:结束活动返回酒店指定地点。   12:20:在酒店用午餐   13:00:返回海口   (注:以上活动人数要达到一定的数量才开展,三组活动中只选两组,人最少的那一组活动取消,选此项目活动的人员重新选)   七、活动人员安排   统筹策划:   领队:   财务:   交通:   后勤:   服装/道具:   八、互动游戏   温泉paty游戏一;难度系数★★★   “害你在心口难开”   游戏规则:参加游戏的每个人将标出禁止做的动作或禁止说的话,互相吸引陷害的方式将其他人纳入圈套中,中招者将享受“大槌入水”的残酷惩罚。   温泉paty游戏二;难度系数★★★☆   五一劳动节公司活动策划方案 篇8   为庆祝“五一”国际劳动节,进一步活跃职工业余文化生活,激励员工立足岗位争奉献,营造崇尚劳动、团结和谐、聚力发展的浓厚氛围,集团工会决定在五一期间开展“庆五一”系列活动。现将具体事宜通知如下:   一、文体活动项目   1、男子拔河比赛   报名要求:以各厂或部室联合组队报名,每队10人,领队1人。   活动时间:5月1日上午9:00   活动地点:集团文化中心前   奖项设置:一、二、三等奖各一名   2、乒乓球比赛   报名要求:男女员工均可报名。   活动时间:5月1日下午2:30——5月2日   活动地点:集团乒乓球厅   奖项设置:男子组设一、二、三等奖;   女子组设一、二等奖。   报名要求:自即日起至4月27日下午5点30分,由各单位统一将参赛名单报综合管理部办公室。   二、“劳动者之歌”歌咏比赛   活动主题:以“劳动美,冀钢美”为主题,突出展现职工爱岗敬业的热情,拼搏向上的昂扬斗志、对生活的赞美和对劳动的热爱。   活动内容:独唱、合唱、歌伴舞、诗歌朗诵等,每个节目4-6分钟为宜。   活动时间:5月8日晚20:00   活动地点:集团文化中心   报名要求:各部门、各单位领导要高度重视本次活动,至少选送1个节目,于4月30日前将节目名单上报综合管理部办公室。   三、相关要求   1、各单位接到通知后,要精心组织,积极参加,按照报名时间将参赛名单上报至综合管理部办公室。   2、各单位在不影响生产的前提下,协调活动期间参赛人员的工作和比赛时间,确保工作比赛两不误。   xx集团工会委员会   20xx年xx月xx日   公司五一活动通知3   公司所属各单位:   为庆祝五一劳动节,丰富员工的文化生活,根据公司xx年工会工作计划,在五一节前组织“五一文体趣味活动活动”。现将有关事宜通知如下:   一、成立活动领导小组   组长:xx   副组长:xx   组织人员:xx(总裁判统计名次)、xx(裁判)、xx裁判)、xx(裁判)   二、活动程序   1、公司领导讲话。   2、宣布现场应急预案。   3、各裁判组成员到位,依次开始组织各项活动。   4、颁奖   5、篮球赛   三、活动项目及奖项设置   部门按照报名人员数量采购奖品。报名表格式见附表。   五、活动时间:   x月x日(周x)下午4点开始。   六、活动说明:   1.由于此次比赛集体项目较多,如本单位人数不够,可在建安公司范围内自行联系人员,组合成一组报名即可。   2.裁判组成员如无特殊原因,下午3:30点在xx集合,进行活动前准备工作。   3.得奖人员在同一项目中,若取得一个以上的奖项,则按照最高奖项发放奖品,不再重复发奖。   七、活动地点及场地布置:   xxx   八、比赛项目及规则:   1、双龙戏珠:   各队派出4人,一边站2人。排头一组背对背夹着汽球,从起跑线起侧向移动,到达对面的终点线后(两人都到达),在交接区内拿下汽球交给对面的一组队员(其他队员不能帮忙),该组队员再往回走;以此类推,以最后两人冲过终点线为结束比赛,中途气球破了回头重新夹,掉了可捡起继续。   2、单腿火车   每队派出4人,站成纵排,每个队员的左手搭在前一个队员的左肩上,右手把前一个队员的右腿放在自己的右腰间,右腿往后伸,给后一名队员放在其右腰间上,依次排好成队。(左右腿可交换,规则相同即可)每队队员听到开始信号后,开始单腿向前跳,绕过障碍(2个板凳),直到终点,用时少者优胜。   3、抢凳子(个人项目)   游戏开始先把凳子成圆形后,参加人员在凳子外面围成一圈,主持人敲鼓或放音乐时参加人员就沿着圆形顺时针或逆时针跑动,参赛队员当听到口令后开始抢椅子坐,抢不到者淘汰出局,把一张椅子拿掉,继续比赛,以坚持到最后的人为胜。名次取留到最后的三人。   4、篮球赛2个队伍,劳务公司牵头直属队组建一支队伍,安全生产技术部牵头机关、各项目部组建一支队伍,并每支队伍各出裁判一人。裁判名单4月24日报人力资源部。   九、要求:   1.各单位对本次活动要高度重视,确定好参赛人员,按时上报参赛人员名单。   2.在不影响生产的前提下,组织一线员工参加,xx员工不得少于50%,男女不限。   3.各单位负责人带队,提前10分钟到场。


【 #英语资源# 导语】五一劳动节大家最开心的是什么?当然是有三天小长假可以和家人朋友一起出去游玩啦!在准备好好玩之前不妨来学习学习一些关于劳动节的英语。劳动节叫作International Workers" Day、Labour Day或是May Day(别搞错啦!这个可不是万人迷的Mayday哦~)下面是 考 网! "五一劳动节"用英语怎么说资本主义国家不庆祝"五一劳动节"的,因此,要么说五一:"May day" 。 如果你一定要说,就说"国际工人节" international worker"s day 不然老外不懂。如果用"labor day"就不恰当了,在美国labor day是九月份,如果你对美国人说labor day,他们会搞错的。例句: Tomorrow is May Day. We are going to make a day of it. 明天是五一劳动节,我们准备痛痛快快玩一天。They designated May 1st as International Labour Day to be observed by the workers of all countries. 他们把“五·一”定为“国际劳动节”,成为各国工人的节日。The girl chosen queen of a May Day festival. 被选作国际劳动节女王的女孩。背景阅读: 此节源于美国芝加哥的工人大罢工。1886年5月1日,芝加哥的20多万工人为争取实行八小时工作制而举行大罢工,经过艰苦的流血斗争,终于获得了胜利。 为纪念这次工人运动,1889年7月14日,由各国马克思主义者召集的社会主义者代表大会,在法国巴黎隆重开幕。大会上,与会代表一致同意:把5月1日定为国际无产阶级的共同节日。这一决议得到世界各国工人的积极响应。1890年5月1日,欧美各国的工人阶级率先走上街头,举行盛大的**与集会,争取合法权益。 从此,每逢这一天世界各国的劳动人民都要集会、*,以示庆祝。从“五一劳动节”学“假期”英语“五一劳动节”可以把它叫作May Day(五一),Labour Day(劳动节),或是最正式的叫法International Workers" Day(国际劳动节)。老外会倾向于”May Day“,而对国人来说Labour Day更准确一些。接下来我们来一起学习holiday这个词。或许你会觉得holiday这么简单有什么好学的?其实越简单越容易让你掉以轻心。就最基本的来说,你知道a holiday和 two holidays分别是什么意思吗? 一天假期和两天假期的意思?这么想就错了。a holiday并非a day,因为holiday的意思是一段时间的假期,并非是一天假期。就算假期持续2天,也算作a holiday。 Holiday: a time of rest from work, school etc. 更进一步说,two holidays并不是指“两天假期”,而是“两次假期”的意思。还有,holidays除了是复数之外,还被用来表示持续很久的长假(如暑假)。不知道刚才的这个小知识点,有没有让你收起一些对holiday这个单词的轻视?如果你想学习更多的有关说法,就来看看这14组词吧。Phrase 1: public holiday /national holiday / legal holiday 分别是公假、国定假日、法定假日的意思。其实这3个单词在基本就是一个概念,但其中public holiday比较常见,legal holiday最不常见。Phrase 2: a brief holiday (休息一两天的)短假Phrase 3: holiday mood 休假情绪,“假期综合症”Phrase 4: summer holidays 暑假Phrase 5: winter holidays 寒假Phrase 6: Roman holiday 并非指“罗马假日”,指的是辛灾乐祸Phrase 7: on holiday 在休假Phrase 8: holiday abroad 出国度假Phrase 9: walking holiday 徒步旅行Phrase 10: holiday brochure 假日指南,旅游手册Phrase 11: holiday resort 度假胜地Phrase 12: holiday snap 度假照片,纪念照Phrase 13: holiday romance 度假中的浪漫邂逅Phrase 14: enjoy your holiday 节日愉快五一劳动节相关英语词汇1.Labour for public good 公益劳动 2.labor and social seurity 劳动保障 3.rehandling duplication of labor 重复劳动 4.fruit of labor 劳动成果 5.labor contract law 劳动合同法 6.physical work / manual work 体力劳动 7.manpower demand forecasting 人才需求预测 8.systems engineering for manpower 人才系统工程 9.Labor and Social Security Bureau 劳动和社会保障 10.labor arbitration 劳动仲裁international labor day(may day) 五一劳动 11.labor force, manpower 劳动力 12.labor legislation 劳动法 13.labor intensive 劳动密集型 14.labour disputes 劳动争议 15.labour discipline 劳动纪律 16.labor of love 义务劳动 17. reeducation through labor 劳动教养 18.labor economics 劳动经济学 19.working capacity labor capacity 劳动能力 20. labour handbook 劳动手册 21. paid labour 有偿劳动 五一劳动节相关谚语1、He that will not work shall not eat.不劳动者不得食。 2、A work ill done must be twice done.未做好的活,需要重新做。 3、As you sow you shall mow.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。 4、As is the workman so is the work.什么工人出什么活。 5、A bad workman quarrels with his tools.拙匠常怨工具差(人笨怨刀钝)。 6、The early bird catches the worm.早起的鸟有虫吃。 7、Food given by another person is only a throat tickler, but food gained by the labour of one"s own hand is the food which satisfies.(Australian proverb)人家给的食物只能使嗓子眼舒服,而亲手劳动得来的食物则使人心满意足。(澳大利亚谚语) 8、Labour is often the father of pleasure.勤劳常为快乐之源。 9、Little strokes fell great oaks.水滴石穿。 10、He that will not work shall not eat.不劳动者不得食。 11、An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.一日之计在于晨。 12、Few words,many deeds.少说话,多做事。 13、no song,no supper.不劳无获。 14、practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。 15、Heaven never helps the man who will not act.自己不动,叫天何用。 16、No pains, no gains.没有付出就没有收获。 17、Nothing is to be got without pains but poverty.世上唯有贫穷可以不劳而获。这些谚语无一不说明了劳动的重要性,看看你可以做的家务活有哪些? cook rice 煮饭 fried dish 炒菜 wash dishes 洗碗 wash clothes 洗衣服 mend clothes 缝补衣服 sweep the floor 扫地 mop the floor 拖地 water flowers浇花 wash dishes洗碗 make dinner/cook做饭 tidy (up) the room整理房间 mop the floor 拖地 clean windows擦窗户 take out the trash 倒垃圾 hang the clothes out 晾衣服 clean the table 收拾桌子 dust the furniture 掸去家具灰尘

各国五一劳动节习俗 要英语的

You sick mind


"五一劳动节"用英语怎么说资本主义国家不庆祝"五一劳动节"的,因此,要么说五一:"May day" 。 如果你一定要说,就说"国际工人节" international worker"s day 不然老外不懂。如果用"labor day"就不恰当了,在美国labor day是九月份,如果你对美国人说labor day,他们会搞错的。例句: Tomorrow is May Day. We are going to make a day of it. 明天是五一劳动节,我们准备痛痛快快玩一天。They designated May 1st as International Labour Day to be observed by the workers of all countries. 他们把“五·一”定为“国际劳动节”,成为各国工人的节日。The girl chosen queen of a May Day festival. 被选作国际劳动节女王的女孩。背景阅读: 此节源于美国芝加哥的工人大罢工。1886年5月1日,芝加哥的20多万工人为争取实行八小时工作制而举行大罢工,经过艰苦的流血斗争,终于获得了胜利。 为纪念这次工人运动,1889年7月14日,由各国马克思主义者召集的社会主义者代表大会,在法国巴黎隆重开幕。大会上,与会代表一致同意:把5月1日定为国际无产阶级的共同节日。这一决议得到世界各国工人的积极响应。1890年5月1日,欧美各国的工人阶级率先走上街头,举行盛大的**与集会,争取合法权益。 从此,每逢这一天世界各国的劳动人民都要集会、*,以示庆祝。从“五一劳动节”学“假期”英语“五一劳动节”可以把它叫作May Day(五一),Labour Day(劳动节),或是最正式的叫法International Workers" Day(国际劳动节)。老外会倾向于”May Day“,而对国人来说Labour Day更准确一些。接下来我们来一起学习holiday这个词。或许你会觉得holiday这么简单有什么好学的?其实越简单越容易让你掉以轻心。就最基本的来说,你知道a holiday和 two holidays分别是什么意思吗? 一天假期和两天假期的意思?这么想就错了。a holiday并非a day,因为holiday的意思是一段时间的假期,并非是一天假期。就算假期持续2天,也算作a holiday。 Holiday: a time of rest from work, school etc. 更进一步说,two holidays并不是指“两天假期”,而是“两次假期”的意思。还有,holidays除了是复数之外,还被用来表示持续很久的长假(如暑假)。不知道刚才的这个小知识点,有没有让你收起一些对holiday这个单词的轻视?如果你想学习更多的有关说法,就来看看这14组词吧。Phrase 1: public holiday /national holiday / legal holiday 分别是公假、国定假日、法定假日的意思。其实这3个单词在基本就是一个概念,但其中public holiday比较常见,legal holiday最不常见。Phrase 2: a brief holiday (休息一两天的)短假Phrase 3: holiday mood 休假情绪,“假期综合症”Phrase 4: summer holidays 暑假Phrase 5: winter holidays 寒假Phrase 6: Roman holiday 并非指“罗马假日”,指的是辛灾乐祸Phrase 7: on holiday 在休假Phrase 8: holiday abroad 出国度假Phrase 9: walking holiday 徒步旅行Phrase 10: holiday brochure 假日指南,旅游手册Phrase 11: holiday resort 度假胜地Phrase 12: holiday snap 度假照片,纪念照Phrase 13: holiday romance 度假中的浪漫邂逅Phrase 14: enjoy your holiday 节日愉快五一劳动节相关英语词汇1.Labour for public good 公益劳动 2.labor and social seurity 劳动保障 3.rehandling duplication of labor 重复劳动 4.fruit of labor 劳动成果 5.labor contract law 劳动合同法 6.physical work / manual work 体力劳动 7.manpower demand forecasting 人才需求预测 8.systems engineering for manpower 人才系统工程 9.Labor and Social Security Bureau 劳动和社会保障 10.labor arbitration 劳动仲裁international labor day(may day) 五一劳动 11.labor force, manpower 劳动力 12.labor legislation 劳动法 13.labor intensive 劳动密集型 14.labour disputes 劳动争议 15.labour discipline 劳动纪律 16.labor of love 义务劳动 17. reeducation through labor 劳动教养 18.labor economics 劳动经济学 19.working capacity labor capacity 劳动能力 20. labour handbook 劳动手册 21. paid labour 有偿劳动 五一劳动节相关谚语1、He that will not work shall not eat.不劳动者不得食。 2、A work ill done must be twice done.未做好的活,需要重新做。 3、As you sow you shall mow.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。 4、As is the workman so is the work.什么工人出什么活。 5、A bad workman quarrels with his tools.拙匠常怨工具差(人笨怨刀钝)。 6、The early bird catches the worm.早起的鸟有虫吃。 7、Food given by another person is only a throat tickler, but food gained by the labour of one"s own hand is the food which satisfies.(Australian proverb)人家给的食物只能使嗓子眼舒服,而亲手劳动得来的食物则使人心满意足。(澳大利亚谚语) 8、Labour is often the father of pleasure.勤劳常为快乐之源。 9、Little strokes fell great oaks.水滴石穿。 10、He that will not work shall not eat.不劳动者不得食。 11、An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening.一日之计在于晨。 12、Few words,many deeds.少说话,多做事。 13、no song,no supper.不劳无获。 14、practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。 15、Heaven never helps the man who will not act.自己不动,叫天何用。 16、No pains, no gains.没有付出就没有收获。 17、Nothing is to be got without pains but poverty.世上唯有贫穷可以不劳而获。这些谚语无一不说明了劳动的重要性,看看你可以做的家务活有哪些? cook rice 煮饭 fried dish 炒菜 wash dishes 洗碗 wash clothes 洗衣服 mend clothes 缝补衣服 sweep the floor 扫地 mop the floor 拖地 water flowers浇花 wash dishes洗碗 make dinner/cook做饭 tidy (up) the room整理房间 mop the floor 拖地 clean windows擦窗户 take out the trash 倒垃圾 hang the clothes out 晾衣服 clean the table 收拾桌子 dust the furniture 掸去家具灰尘


五一劳动节英语怎么说 May Day或International Worker"s Day。 劳动节快乐英语怎么说 happy May Day或happy International Workers " Day。 为啥五一劳动节英语不是Labor Day 资本主义国家不庆祝"五一劳动节"的,因此说五一是"May day" 。 如果你一定要说,就说"国际工人节" international worker"s day 不然老外不懂。如果用"labor day"就有可能会引起混淆,特别对老美来说,Labor Day虽然也是劳动节,但是节日时间是九月份的第一个星期一。 例句: Tomorrow is May Day. We are goint to make a day of it. 明天是五一劳动节,我们准备痛痛快快玩一天。 They designated May1 as International Labour Day to be observed by the workers of all countries. 他们把“五一”定为“国际劳动节”,成为各国工人的节日。 the girl chosen queen of a May Day festival. 被选作国际劳动节女王的女孩。 背景阅读: 此节源于美国芝加哥的工人大罢工。1886年5月1日,芝加哥的20 多万工人为争取实行八小时工作制而举行大罢工,经过艰苦的流血斗争,终于获得了胜利。为纪念这次工人运动,1889年7月14日,由各国马克思主义者召集的社会主义者代表大会,在法国巴黎隆重开幕。大会上,与会代表一致同意:把5月1日定为国际无产阶级的共同节日。这一决议得到世界各国工人的积极响应。1890年5月1日,欧美各国的工人阶级率先走上街头,举行盛大的示威游行与集会,争取合法权益。从此,每逢这一天世界各国的劳动人民都要集会、游行,以示庆祝。 劳动节英文祝福语 1、看出今年五一有啥不同吗?以前五一都是放七天假,现在是五一前上七天班。 What is the difference between May 1 and May 1? Before May 1, it was seven days off. Now it"s the seven day before May 1. 2、劳动节,愿我们的劳动带给大家春天的回报,祝您全家幸福愉快。 Labor day, may our labor bring you the rewards of spring, and wish your family a happy life. 3、上帝七天创造了宇宙万物,五一放假七天,我们能创造一段世间奇缘吗? God created the universe in seven days. May day is seven days off. Can we create a strange world? 4、今天是国际男人劳动节,祝女人们节日快乐,天天美丽! Today is the international men"s labor day, I wish women happy holidays, every day beautiful! 5、守着你的承诺,让我们一起在五一节实现。 Keep your promise, let"s make it together in May 1. 6、又是踏青出游的日子,祝你和家人在这踏青出游的五一节快乐、开心! It"s the day of outing. I wish you and your family happy and happy in this may day. 7、劳动节不劳动!所以我仅仅劳累手指一动,给你发条短信祝你劳动节快乐! Labor day does not work! So I just tired fingers move, give you a Clockwork SMS, I wish you a happy Labor Day! 8、五一我要睡个长觉,但是吃饭时你可以通知我! May I have a long sleep, but you can tell me when I eat. 9、祝你劳动节愉快!心想事成!工作开心!我会永远支持你的! I wish you a happy Labor Day! May all your wishes come true! Have fun! I will always support you! 10、虽然你我不能相聚,但我的思念和祝福伴随你走每一段路。亲爱的,保重! Although you and I can not get together, my thoughts and wishes accompany you every way. My dear, take care!


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