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关于日本的working holiday



假期用英语是holiday,音标:[u02c8hu0252lu0259deu026a]。holiday,英语单词,名词、不及物动词,作名词时译为“假日;节日;休息日,人名;(英)霍利迪”,作不及物动词译为“外出度假”。元旦:2022年12月31日至2023年1月2日放假调休,共3天。春节:1月21日至27日放假调休,共7天。清明节:4月5日放假,共1天。劳动节:4月29日至5月3日放假调休,共5天。端午节:6月22日至24日放假调休。中秋节、国庆节:9月29日至10月6日放假调休,共8天。双语例句1、The town has a festive holiday atmosphere.这个城市充满了喜庆的节日气氛。2、Today is Presidents" Day, a federal holiday.今天是总统纪念日,一个联邦假日。3、The company can tailor-make your entire holiday.这个公司可以为你量身订做整个假期。学英语好处1、学习英语可以提高自己的语言技能,增加一项语言能力。2、学习英语有利于和外国人交朋友,聊天或者一起工作。3、学习英语有利于了解其他国家的习俗文化等。4、学习英语有利于找工作,例如很多外企,英语都是必修需要。5、学习英语有利于出国学习或者旅游,不会迷路或者手足无措。

英语作文 happy summer holiday

Happy Summer Holidays My summer vacation of this year was very enjoyable. I went to the countryside to spend my summer holidays. It is very beautiful there. There are green plants, clear rivers, lovely animals and kind people. I spent two weeks helping my grandfather do some farm work there. I wrote down what happened in my diary every day.Besides that, I helped the children in the neighbourhood with their lessons. I helped them read English and improve their spoken English. Their parents thanked me for this.尽力了。


holidaymaker 英[u02c8hu0252lu0259deu026ameu026aku0259(r)] 美[u02c8hɑ:lu0259deu026ameu026aku0259(r)] n. 度假者; 假日游客; [例句]But it seems Brits don"t help themselves, with the typical holidaymaker checking their phone up to 12 times a day, mainly out of habit than necessity.不过英国的员工们似乎自己也不放过自己。英国度假者们平均一天要查看手机12次,主要是习惯使然,而非必须。[其他] 复数:holidaymakers 双语例句 柯林斯词典 英英释义tourist 英[u02c8tu028au0259ru026ast] 美[u02c8tu028aru026ast] n. 旅行者,观光客; 〈美〉冬季到南部做工的流动工人; [网络] 观光客; 游客; 旅行者; [例句]And the country " s better hotels typically offer lodging for tourist drivers at nominal or no charge.)全国最好的酒店一般都给搭载旅行者的司机提供费用低廉甚至是免费的住宿)。[其他] 复数:tourists 形近词: tourism sourish nourish 双语例句 柯林斯词典 英英释义 百度百科

One Wish: The Holiday Album的歌手简介

惠特妮·休斯顿(英文名:Whitney Houston)是位曾获得格莱美奖的美国R&B歌手、演员、作曲家、电影制作人与并曾担任模特。她以强而有力的嗓音、一字多转音的感染力与宽广的音域为世人所熟知,并成为流行天后。惠特妮在全世界有超过一亿八千万张专辑的销售纪录。根据吉尼斯世界纪录,惠特妮是获奖最多的女歌手(获奖415次,提名562次)。惠特妮·伊丽莎白·休斯顿(英语:Whitney Elizabeth Houston,1963年8月9日-2012年2月11日)是位曾获得格莱美奖的美国R&B歌手、演员、电影制作人与并曾担任模特。她以强而有力的嗓音、一字多转音的感染力与宽广的音域为世人所熟知,并成为国际乐坛天后。在1980 年代,惠特妮是少数能够在 MTV 获得大量的播出机会的黑人艺人之一,而那时是男性为主的摇滚时代。AOL Black Voices 曾说“虽然她的成功如同避雷针 (lightning rod) 一般,但总是能够从她那优美且有力的声音中得到证明。”而封她为 The Voice 更是使她闻名。  她是唯一在美国拥有两张最佳销售前 35 名的专辑的女性歌手,更是唯一拥有在告示牌流行榜 (Billboard) 连续七周冠军单曲纪录的歌手。惠特妮在全世界有超过一亿 7000 万张专辑的销售纪录。1985年的第一张同名专《WHITNEY HOUSTON》,不仅全球狂卖2200万张,蝉联BILLBOARD专辑榜14周冠军,多首畅销单曲如《YOU GIVE GOOD LOVE》(#3)、《SAVING ALL MY LOVE FOR YOU》(#1)更是大家耳熟能详的WHITNEY的代表作,WHITNEY可说是一踏入歌坛就奠定了她未来屹立不摇的伟大的天后地位。根据<Ebony> 杂志,惠特妮被认为是 20世纪中,世界最迷人的黑人女性前100 名之一。但自从在事业高峰时期嫁给 R&B 歌手 Bobby Brown 之后,使用禁药与婚姻暴力的传闻致使其唱片销售量和公众形象下降。在小报上出现有关对于她个人的麻烦事讨论的次数,远多于其音乐上的表现。惠特妮开始不像一般歌手常会被看见或是听见,她也停止在公开场合现身。惠特妮在 2005年与 2006年接受两次药物治疗计划。在第二次(2006年)成功的完成治疗计划之后,惠特妮与 Bobby Brown 离婚并且得到女儿的监护权。与音乐界的重量级人物、亲近的朋友,以及良师益友 Clive Davis 一起,2009年9月惠特妮·休斯顿发行她睽违7年的最新作品《I Look To You》。虽然惠特尼嗓音或许不如以前,但这张专辑还是打动了很多人,销量很好。


My May Day holiday plan May Day is coming soon.We will have a 3-day holiday.I am going to do a lot of things with my family and friends.On the morning of Thursday,I"ll get up early and see my grandparents first.In the afternoon after finishing all my homework,I"d like to play table tennis with my friends.【高分句型一】In the evening,I"ll watch TV and stay in bed early.(第一天)I will have a picnic with my family on Friday.In the evening I am going to go to the cinema. (第二天)On Saturday,I think I"ll have a good rest and prepare myself for the beginning of the future life.【高分句型二】(第三天)

求 以holiday为话题的英文文章 提纲也行

My holidayLast week I went to Kunming for my holiday.I relaxed myself during myholiday.I think kunming is a very good place.It was very beautiful andinteresting.Dianchi was very good.If you want to go to kunming,you must go to Dianchi.Kunming is very warm.People called kunming was spring city.So I like Kunming very much.The last,I hope go to Kunming twice. 求采纳,谢谢

enjoy your holiday的翻译和发音

enjoy your holiday英文发音:[ɪnˈdʒɔɪ jɔː(r) ˈhɒlədeɪ]中文释义:享受你的假期例句:So take a break this season, and enjoy your holiday shopping!因此,本季休息一下,享受您的假日购物!词汇解析:一、enjoy英文发音:[ɪnˈdʒɔɪ]中文释义:v.享受…的乐趣;欣赏;喜爱;过得快活;玩得痛快;得到乐趣;享有;享受例句:They were light-hearted and prepared to enjoy life.他们无忧无虑,随时准备享受生活。短语:1、enjoy life 享受生活;享受人生2、enjoy yourself 过得愉快;请自便3、enjoy your life 享受生活二、holiday英文发音:[ˈhɒlədeɪ]中文释义:n.假期;度假期;假日,节日例句:Sampling the local cuisine is one of the delights of holidaying abroad品尝当地菜肴是海外度假的乐趣之一。短语:1、public holiday 公休假日;国定假日2、happy holiday 快乐的节日;愉快的假期3、winter holiday 寒假扩展资料enjoy的用法:1、enjoy的基本意思是在感情和理智两方面对占有或使用某事物感到有乐趣和满足,即“以…为享乐”。这事物可以作用于感官(某人享…眼福),也可作用于心灵(玩得愉快)。2、enjoy只用作及物动词,可接名词、代词、动名词作宾语。可用于被动结构。3、enjoy作“观赏”解时,后面可以接表示时间的状语。4、enjoy后面常接反身代词作宾语,表示“玩得快乐,过得快活”,其后多接动名词。


首先,“五一”节不是一般的节日,它属于……  Phrase 1: public holiday /national holiday / legal holiday  分别是公假、国定假日、法定假日的意思。其实这3个单词在基本就是一个概念,但其中public holiday比较常见,legal holiday最不常见。  例:May day is a public holiday in China.  说起五一劳动节,最令人痛心的是,它原本是黄金周长假,现在却变成了……  Phrase 2: a brief holiday  (休息一两天的)短假  例:The Labour Day used to be long holidays, but in recent year it has become a brief holiday.  没有了黄金周,也没了累人的调休,但放完假还是会有……  Phrase 3: holiday mood  休假情绪,“假期综合症”  例:Tony has some holiday mood, he is still sleeping at home right now.  或许放完假,你会特别怀念从前上学时的日子。想来想去,还是这两个一去不复返的长假最令人怀念……  Phrase 4: summer holidays  暑假  例:I have been to the UK in the summer holidays.  Phrase 5: winter holidays  寒假  例:I tried some fish & chips in the winter holidays.  或许学这个词,以后在你孩子的身上可以用到。不过,你可能还会看到如下这一种“假日”,但它虽有 “holiday”,却与假期毫不相关。  Phrase 6: Roman holiday  并非指“罗马假日”,指的是辛灾乐祸  例:Their fighting made a Roman holiday for the opponent.  这个词你就在词库存里着,有需要的时候说一下就行了,接下来我们继续来说正事。  周末,你肯定在休假状态。如果有人问起,就可以说……  Phrase 7: on holiday  在休假  例:I"m sorry, Robert is on holiday now. You can contact him next week.  当然,你有时间的话也可以去海外玩,像是这么说……  Phrase 8: holiday abroad  出国度假  例:I want to take a holiday abroad in May.  或许很多朋友会羡慕你这一次“想走就走”的旅行,但如果你真的像这样去旅行的话,想必他们会对你佩服得五体投地……  Phrase 9: walking holiday  徒步旅行  例:Trust me, I had a walking holiday from China to Mars.  不过,我想周末的时间恐怕还不够你走出中国国境的。或许沿海的朋友可以试试游出国境。如果你怕半途迷路的话,还请记得要拿上这个。  Phrase 10: holiday brochure


   holiday   n. 假日;节日;休息日   vi. 外出度假   n. (Holiday)人名;(英)霍利迪   camps.   其中,最有趣的是,所谓的度假村的增长。   来自:中国的假期旅游Travels on Holidaysin China   I have a good summer holiday .   我有一个愉快的暑假。   来自:我的暑假My Summer Holiday   In last summer holiday ,my farther and mother changed their old conceptions a little that they still looked upon me as a child.   去年暑假,我的父母稍稍改变了他们仍然把我看作孩子的老观念。   来自:My Father and Mother我的父亲和母亲(二)   In China, people may take weeks of holiday from work to prepare for and celebrate the New Year.   在中国,人们可能会用几个星期的假日来准备庆贺新年。   来自:Chinese New Year 中国新年(四)   People compare moon cakes to the plum pudding and fruit cakes which are served in the English holiday seasons.   人们将月饼比作在英国的节日里才上餐桌的干果布丁和水果派。   来自:中秋节的"来历来及月饼的英语文章   But we never forget that this holiday is a time to give thanks.   但我们永远不会忘记这是一个表达感谢节日。   来自:最喜欢的节日 Favorite Holiday   They can watch movies, surf the Internet, take a holiday and so on.   人们可以看电影,网上冲浪,旅游等等。   来自:生活与风俗 Life and custom   In short,my summer holiday is colorful and meaningful.   总之,我的暑假多彩且富有意义。   来自:暑假生活 My Life in Summer Holiday   In recent years, the national holiday means the golden week as well, which is a short holiday that all people expectto.   近年,国庆节同样也是所有人都期待的短假黄金周。   来自:国庆节 The National Day   He often has a winter holiday for two or three months,because the place he works is very cold.   他一般会有两个或三个月的冬假,因为他工作的地方十分寒冷。

Working Holiday是什么意思


什么叫做niche holiday


niche holiday 是什么意思,有什么深刻含义?

niche在中文里,有一个非常契合的相对应的词,小众。niche holiday所以说是小众假期。

niche holiday是什么意思?

niche holiday指的是利基假期,就是一群喜欢某种东西或有共同爱好的人一起度假,比如参加米其林星级餐厅的美食爱好者之旅,或者潜水员前往加勒比海之旅。假期是指国家法定的假日,也指单位规定的休假日。除双休日外,我国国定假期为元旦、春节、清明、劳动节、端午、中秋、国庆。公布的《国民旅游休闲纲要(2013——2020年)》中提出,“到2020年基本落实职工带薪年休假制度”。要达到这一目标,广大私企、民营企业劳动者权益无疑是重点攻坚对象。5个利基目的地1、夜游铜官窑古镇夜游铜官成为本市的热门话题,待在新华联铜官窑内,与爱人朋友漫步湖畔,享受湖光的月光,伴着阵阵微风,让不耐烦的心慢慢平静下来,泡一壶茶,坐在河边,享受铜官窑的静谧之美。2、去大围山找高山杜鹃每年的四份是大围山的春季,百里山路上的杜鹃花是连续的,看到山峰,杜鹃花海就像一个五彩缤纷的瀑布,从山顶流下来,在山谷中轻轻荡漾。此外,从起,一个小型的“烟花秀”将在大围山国家森林公园连续三天推出。3、免费樱桃在朋友圈里,出现了第一波樱桃的美食,看着那些红色诱人的樱桃,我下班后赶到超市去大饱口福,发现他要花将近50元/公斤,二姐说肉疼!想实现樱桃自由,还是自己动手。二姐在长沙县发现了一片樱桃林,她在采摘和吃东西的时候再高兴不过了。他比独乐比众乐乐好,二姐不吝啬,现在我给大家介绍“黄花镇小顽子果园”,从星沙城市开车,您可以在樱桃王国并留下城市的噪音。除了采摘樱桃,还可以一路在福安水库垂钓,空气清新,水库水面100亩,环境很美静谧,有白鹭住在这里。4、做金井镇茶园的小茶农之前,长沙县金井镇一带有10多万亩茶园,底是春茶采摘季节。漫步湘丰茶博览园,观赏云卷云舒,享受翠绿体验茶厂手工铺茶、炒茶、烤茶。全茶宴、湘丰绿茶、湘丰红茶、湘丰红茶、红薯粉丝等商品深受游客欢迎。5、去益阳泥湖紫元英花海在益阳赫山区里有一个欧江岔镇和一个泥湖国家湿地公园。从柳林江至泥湖,30多公里外,柳林江(新河)路堤到泥湖上湖村到处都是紫云英。暴露于花海时,出现了一个微弱的花香。在河中湖水和紫云英紫色互相衬托,导致美丽的相遇与融合。岛上有牛羊,除了赏花外,他还非常适合放风筝、钓鱼、野餐、野营等活动,附近有商店买饮料和风筝。

an 8-day holiday和an 8-days holiday啥区别?


求一篇初一水平的英语作文:My plan for winter holiday?

My plans for winter holiday Hello, everybody! You both know the winter holiday is ing. Do you want to know what I am wana during the winter holiday? Well, I am wana finish my homework, surf the Internet, play basketball and badminton. After that, I am wana help my parents with housework and clean my own(自己的) room. I am wana have a relaxing and happy holiday! So how about you? 提示:Be wana do sth. = Be going to do sth.,10,m.,1,My happy winter holiday I often go to see my grandparents in the winter.They are both seventy years old, live in the country.I can do many interesting things there.I am used to getting up early in...,1,In the new year, do you have any new projects? Your new plan? You want to know my New Year"s new plan? My New Year"s new plan is in the new year, I intend to study hard in class to seriously listen ca...,0,求一篇初一水平的英语作文:My plan for winter holiday 求一篇英语作文:My plan for winter holiday(寒假计划)要初一水平的,五、六年级水平的也可以.不要太深奥的.80词以上,最好是80~90词.

节日快乐Happy Holiday 英语作文

My favorite holiday is New Year.It"s a very important festival in Chinese cultrue. 我最喜欢的节日是春节。它在中国文化中是很重要的节日。 In fact,it"s the highlight of the year.Everyone returns home for a family reunion. 事实上,它是每年的亮点。每个人都回家与家人团聚。 We have a big feast and chat about all the things that have happened in our lives. 我们有一个盛大的宴会,聊所有发生在我们生活中的事。 People also visit each other.We exchange gifts and good wishes for the next year. 人们互相拜访,交换礼物,为新的一年祝福。 New Year is especially fun for kids.That"s because we get presents and treats,including red envelopes filled with money. 新年对孩子们是特别有趣的。那是因为我们得到了礼物和款待,其中包括红包。 We also get to set off fireworks.But we never forget that this holiday is a time to give thanks. 我们也可以放烟花。但我们永远不会忘记这是一个表达感谢假期。 We feel grateful for our family and the things that we have. 我们感谢我们的家人和我们所拥有的事情。 Finally,we think about the future and the great year ahead. 最后,我们提前思考我们的未来以及美好的新的一年。

英语作文 my prefect holiday

My perfect holidayEverytime when I stay in a very very quiet night,I always think about something perfect and hope for it.For example,a perfect holiday.Once,after I finish all my homework,I lay in the bed.And though,if I have a vacation,I must spend all my free time on it.First,I would buy a air ticket to the USA.I would take my clothes,shoes and glasses leave for there.I like America,so I"d like to go to New York.I"d like to know that Americans how to change their life richer and richer.Then,I"d visit Washington.I"d also like to go to Los Angeles.I"d like to visit Hollywood and meet some film stars.If I can have some free time after it,I would stay there and learn some pressional English.I think that can help me in the future.So this is my perfect holiday.I am looking forward to it.Although I know that it is so so far from me!我们刚好这个星期也有布置这个作业 上面是我即兴写的一篇 不知道能不能帮上忙


中文读法 si bai shou hao le deispecial 英[u02c8speu0283l] 美[u02c8spu025bu0283u0259l] adj. 特殊的; 专用的; 专门的; 重要的; n. 专车; 特价; 特刊; 特约稿; [例句]You"re very special to me, darling亲爱的,你对我来说很重要。[其他] 比较级:more special 最高级:most special 复数:specials holiday 英[u02c8hu0252lu0259deu026a] 美[u02c8hɑ:lu0259deu026a] n. 节日; 假日,休息日; vi. 度假,休假; [例句]I"ve just come back from a holiday in the United States我刚从美国度假回来。[其他] 第三人称单数:holidays 复数:holidays 现在分词:holidaying过去式:holidayed 过去分词:holidayed


是的,假期的英文是holiday。重点词汇:holiday英['hu0252lu0259deu026a]释义:n.假日;节日;休息日vi.外出度假n.(Holiday)人名;(英)霍利迪[复数:holidays;第三人称单数:holidays;现在分词:holidaying;过去式:holidayed;过去分词:holidayed]短语:Roman Holiday罗马假日;罗马假期;罗马沐日;金枝玉叶词语辨析:holiday,leave,vacation这三个词都有“假日(期)”的意思,但含义用法并不相同。1、holiday一般指“休假”。2、leave指“请假”,被批准后离开自己的工作的一段时间。3、vacation在英国指大学的寒暑假或法定不工作的日子,美国可指任何假日(期)。

Our holidays were ruined by the weather, so ____have stayed at home!




survival holiday是什么意思



可能是指生存假期. 就是把你放到某个树林里或者其他偏远的地方进行生存训练

survival holiday是什么意思


The Dragon-Boat Festival has become another public holiday in ChinA.(翻译)

【答案】:端午节(Dragon-Boat Festival)已成为中国的又一个公共假日

Holiday testing是什么意思

Holiday testing假期测试testing[英][u02c8testu026au014b]; adj.与试验有关的,试验的; 棘手的; v.测验(test的现在分词); 例句:1.Google began testing self-driving cars in 2009. 谷歌从2009年开始测试自动驾驶汽车。2.India has been testing its ballistic missile defense system since 2006. 印度自2006年以来一直在测试其弹道导弹防御系统

as a special gift,our parent took us lndia for a holiday怎么读

你好!as a special gift,our parent took us lndia for a holiday作为一个特别的礼物,我们的父母带我们印度度假


holiday 英[u02c8hu0252lu0259deu026a] 美[u02c8hɑ:lu0259deu026a] n. 节日; 假日,休息日; vi. 度假,休假; [例句]I"ve just come back from a holiday in the United States我刚从美国度假回来。[其他] 第三人称单数:holidays 复数:holidays 现在分词:holidaying过去式:holidayed 过去分词:holidayed


holiday和vacation的区别:一、表达意思不同1、vacation:假期;(房屋)搬出;休假,度假。2、holiday:假日;节日;休息日;外出度假。二、构成不同1、vacation:vac空闲+ation表名词。2、holiday:来自宗教“神圣的日子holy day”。三、使用地域频次不同1、vacation:主要用于美国英语中。2、holiday:主要用于英国英语中。四、使用情况不同1、vacation:大学的假期,都用vacation。2、holiday:表示因宗教节日或国家喜庆日而设立的法定“假日”都用holiday。


holiday:假日vacation:假期老外的解释:a、对于英国人或者澳大利亚人来说,“假日”的意思等同于“假期”(尽管他们很少用“假期”)b、如果你是美国人,“假日”是指一个特殊的日子,好像圣诞节,而“假期”是指你会花两到三周的时间和你的家人出去旅行.其他说明:holiday n.一般表示时间可长可短的假期,为可数名词.与季节连用时多用复数;与数词连用时只表示次数,不表示日期.例如:We have had three holidays since the beginning of the year.但三天的假期应说:a holiday of three days或a three days holiday.我在度假vacation n.一般表示比较长的假期,多指大学的假期、法庭的休庭期.至于寒、暑假,英国人喜欢用:summer/winter holidays,美国人喜欢用:summer/winter vacation,区别不大.例如:We spent our summer holidays/vacation in the countryside this year.My Dad is now on holiday/vacation in Beijing.(表示状态)Every year,we go to the island for holiday/vacation.(表示目的)(holiday/vacation用单数,前面也不加冠词,但可用on/for one"s holidays)vacation v 休假; n (地方的)腾出、(职位的)辞去,


holiday和vacation的区别:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、含义不同holidayn. 假日;节日。vacationn. 假期;休假;腾出。vi. 度假。二、用法不同holidayholiday的基本意思是“假期”,指源于宗教的“节日,假日”,也可指不用去上班、上学等的“休假日”“假期”,还可指“出外度假时期”。其单数形式指包括含一天或一次的假期,复数形式指一次以上或一天以上的假期。holiday作“休假期”解时常用于复数形式,是英国用法。We are going to France to spend our holidays.我们将去法国度假。vacationvacation的基本意思是“假期,休假”,主要用于大学停课放假长达多周的假日或法院停止开庭,在美式英语中,凡是较长时间的休假都可用这个词。在固定短语on vacation中,vacation前不用冠词;在get a vacation,spend a vacation,take a vacation等短语中,vacation须用不定冠词a;而在long vacation,Christmas vacation等短语前通常有定冠词the。They will vacation in Hawaii during Christmas.他们圣诞节期间将到夏威夷度假。三、侧重点不同holiday作名词含有“假日”的意思,holiday来源于宗教的节日、假日,是普通用词,多用于英式英语中,指的是一个人在一年中不干工作的那段时间,也可用来表示一两天的短假期。作名词含有“假日(期)”的意思,holiday一般指“休假”。vacation作名词含有“假日”的意思,vacation用于大学停课放假长达多周的假日或法院停止开庭时间,在美式英语中,凡是较长时间的休假都可用这个词。作名词含有“假日(期)”的意思,vacation在英国指大学的寒暑假或法定不工作的日子,美国可指任何假日(期)。

vacation和holiday的区别? 好象是vacation不能加s是吧?只能加the不能加a好象

美国人vacation用得多,英国人一般都用holiday. vacation假期,可用作不可数或可数名词.vacation通常指一次性休假,无论假期有多长(通常指时间较长的假期),尤其用于学校的假期.在英国英语中常用,只能用于可数名词,还指各种假日,如元旦,用复数也可表示假期.


festival一般是指节日,与holiday和vacation有比较明显的区别.请看以下比较.holiday(holidays),leave,vacation 这三个词都有“假日(期)”的意思,但含义用法并不相同。holiday(holidays)一般指“休假”Tom and I are going to have a holiday.我和汤姆准备去度假。I"ve already had my holidays this year.我今年已经度过假了。During a holiday in Sweden,I found this note on my car.在瑞典度假期间,我在我的车子上发现了这张字条。Postcards always spoil my holidays.明信片总是弄得我过不好假日。My holidays passed quickly,but I did not send any cards to my friends.我的假日过的很快,但是我一张明信片也没有寄给朋友。注:have a (或one"s)holiday 度假,during a holiday 在一次假期中。这种用法的holiday 总用单数形式,但并不只是“一天”假。 复数形式的holidays 泛指“假日”,如summer holidays 暑假。但“Sunday is a holiday ”中的holiday 却是“一天”的假。leave 指“请假”,被批准后离开自己的工作的一段时间He stays at home on sick leave.他请了病假呆在家里。He asked for a six months" leave.他请了6个月的假。而 vacation 在英国指大学的寒暑假或法定不工作的日子,美国可指任何假日(期)The students are planning how to spend their summer vacation.这些大学生在计划着怎样过暑假。Mr. Fuller is on vacation now.费勒先生在度假。




holiday和vacation的区别:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、含义不同holidayn. 假日;节日。vacationn. 假期;休假;腾出。vi. 度假。二、用法不同holidayholiday的基本意思是“假期”,指源于宗教的“节日,假日”,也可指不用去上班、上学等的“休假日”“假期”,还可指“出外度假时期”。其单数形式指包括含一天或一次的假期,复数形式指一次以上或一天以上的假期。holiday作“休假期”解时常用于复数形式,是英国用法。We are going to France to spend our holidays.我们将去法国度假。vacationvacation的基本意思是“假期,休假”,主要用于大学停课放假长达多周的假日或法院停止开庭,在美式英语中,凡是较长时间的休假都可用这个词。在固定短语on vacation中,vacation前不用冠词;在get a vacation,spend a vacation,take a vacation等短语中,vacation须用不定冠词a;而在long vacation,Christmas vacation等短语前通常有定冠词the。They will vacation in Hawaii during Christmas.他们圣诞节期间将到夏威夷度假。三、侧重点不同holiday作名词含有“假日”的意思,holiday来源于宗教的节日、假日,是普通用词,多用于英式英语中,指的是一个人在一年中不干工作的那段时间,也可用来表示一两天的短假期。作名词含有“假日(期)”的意思,holiday一般指“休假”。vacation作名词含有“假日”的意思,vacation用于大学停课放假长达多周的假日或法院停止开庭时间,在美式英语中,凡是较长时间的休假都可用这个词。作名词含有“假日(期)”的意思,vacation在英国指大学的寒暑假或法定不工作的日子,美国可指任何假日(期)。


holiday和vacation的区别:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、含义不同holidayn. 假日;节日。vacationn. 假期;休假;腾出。vi. 度假。二、用法不同holidayholiday的基本意思是“假期”,指源于宗教的“节日,假日”,也可指不用去上班、上学等的“休假日”“假期”,还可指“出外度假时期”。其单数形式指包括含一天或一次的假期,复数形式指一次以上或一天以上的假期。holiday作“休假期”解时常用于复数形式,是英国用法。We are going to France to spend our holidays.我们将去法国度假。vacationvacation的基本意思是“假期,休假”,主要用于大学停课放假长达多周的假日或法院停止开庭,在美式英语中,凡是较长时间的休假都可用这个词。在固定短语on vacation中,vacation前不用冠词;在get a vacation,spend a vacation,take a vacation等短语中,vacation须用不定冠词a;而在long vacation,Christmas vacation等短语前通常有定冠词the。They will vacation in Hawaii during Christmas.他们圣诞节期间将到夏威夷度假。三、侧重点不同holiday作名词含有“假日”的意思,holiday来源于宗教的节日、假日,是普通用词,多用于英式英语中,指的是一个人在一年中不干工作的那段时间,也可用来表示一两天的短假期。作名词含有“假日(期)”的意思,holiday一般指“休假”。vacation作名词含有“假日”的意思,vacation用于大学停课放假长达多周的假日或法院停止开庭时间,在美式英语中,凡是较长时间的休假都可用这个词。作名词含有“假日(期)”的意思,vacation在英国指大学的寒暑假或法定不工作的日子,美国可指任何假日(期)。




holiday和vacation的区别:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、含义不同holidayn. 假日;节日。vacationn. 假期;休假;腾出。vi. 度假。二、用法不同holidayholiday的基本意思是“假期”,指源于宗教的“节日,假日”,也可指不用去上班、上学等的“休假日”“假期”,还可指“出外度假时期”。其单数形式指包括含一天或一次的假期,复数形式指一次以上或一天以上的假期。holiday作“休假期”解时常用于复数形式,是英国用法。We are going to France to spend our holidays.我们将去法国度假。vacationvacation的基本意思是“假期,休假”,主要用于大学停课放假长达多周的假日或法院停止开庭,在美式英语中,凡是较长时间的休假都可用这个词。在固定短语on vacation中,vacation前不用冠词;在get a vacation,spend a vacation,take a vacation等短语中,vacation须用不定冠词a;而在long vacation,Christmas vacation等短语前通常有定冠词the。They will vacation in Hawaii during Christmas.他们圣诞节期间将到夏威夷度假。三、侧重点不同holiday作名词含有“假日”的意思,holiday来源于宗教的节日、假日,是普通用词,多用于英式英语中,指的是一个人在一年中不干工作的那段时间,也可用来表示一两天的短假期。作名词含有“假日(期)”的意思,holiday一般指“休假”。vacation作名词含有“假日”的意思,vacation用于大学停课放假长达多周的假日或法院停止开庭时间,在美式英语中,凡是较长时间的休假都可用这个词。作名词含有“假日(期)”的意思,vacation在英国指大学的寒暑假或法定不工作的日子,美国可指任何假日(期)。



holiday vacation什么情况下用复数


Vacation 和Holiday 有什么不同?


vacation 假期 还有没有其他词性或者是意思,它跟holiday有什么区别 谢谢


作文 My holiday 5句

范文一:In my holiday,I would like to go Australia.It"s a very good place to visit.And it"s very beautiful place. Australia is big country.It covers an area of 7.6 million square kilometers.It has a population of over 10 million.It is one of the famous Oceanian country.The country is famous for its wool production and seashore tour and many other things.Many people spend their holiday there.Australia is on the south coast of the Pacific.So Beijing is far from Australia .It would take more than 10 hours to get there. First,I would go to The Opera House.It is in the Sydney.It is very famous in the world.It is known by many people in the world.So I would go to The Opera House. I would go to see the Kandaroos too.They live in the Australia.And they are very famous.And there are lots of others animals too.They all are known by many people. I am looking forward to going to Australia. 范文二:I had a happy summer holiday because I did many interesting things. I went to the beach and I swam in the sea.I called my friend and played with them.I visited my grandparents and ate much delicious food. Then I went to the zoo whit my sister.I was very happy.Because I saw a lot of animals.They were very lovely.So I took photos of all animals.I liked the butterflies best.They were colourful and beautiful.My sister liked it too. I had a wonderful summer holiday this year.What about you?Can you tell me somthing about it? 范文三: My name is WinnyKang.I went to Yunnan last winter holiday.There are very fun! First,I went to Stoye Forest.There are many stores.The stores are beautiful,then I went to Tianyahaijiao with my parents,there"re very very hot!The sun shine us,the sea and the sky were blue,there are hot,but there are very beautiful,too. The people are kind,they are teach us dances,we are play at there happy! 范文四: Oh!It was winter holiday.I was very happy.I read my favourite books.I have many wonderful books.But I could not read these books too much.I also had a lot of homework to do.I like playing computer games,too.It"s very interesting.But I could not play it too much.I wear glasses,I"m very sad.It"s not good for my eyes to play computer games too much. Oh!It was the Spring Festival.It"s Chinese traditional festival.People were very happy.They went shopping,cleaned their houses,had supper together……I went to my grandparents" home with my parents.My grandparents were very happy to see us.They prepared many kinds of nice food,such as fish,meat,vegetables and fruit.In the evening,we watched TV and lighted fireworks.We also knocked on people"s doors and gave some presents to them.After the Spring Festival,we went to Shanghai to go shopping.We bought clothes,shoes and some delicious food. I had a good holiday,I think.I also have very nice school life now.

哪些国家对中国大陆公民开放了working holiday visa的?


wish you a good holiday是什么意思


英文作文“my unforgettable holiday”150字

I had a nice winter vacation this year. It was un forgettable for me. In the vacation, I went to travel with my parents, we visited many museums and places of historic interest and scenic. That trip was the best trip that I ever had. During the Spring Festival, I went to visit my families, and I received many gifts and lucky money. I went to see the wonderful firework, it was so beautiful. I enjoyed my holiday, and what about you.

Thanksgiving,in the United States,is an American holiday for?

具体的翻译如下:In most countries, people usually eat traditional food on special festivals. Thanksgiving is a special holiday in the United States. It is usually on the fourth Thursday of November and is a time to thank the food in autumn.在大多数国家,人们通常在特殊的节日吃传统的食品。在美国一个特殊的节日时感恩节。它通常在11月第4个星期四,并且是一个感谢秋天的食物的时间。At this time, people also remember the first travelers who came to the United States from England 400 years ago. These travelers had a long and hard winter, and many people died.在这个时候,人们也记住了第一批在400年以前从英格兰来到美国的旅行者。这些旅行者度过了一个漫长的,艰苦的冬天,并且有许多人死了。In the next autumn, they thanked for the life and food in their new home. These days, most Americans still celebrate the idea by drinking at home and having a big meal with their family. The most important dish of this meal is usually almost Turkey, a big bird.在下一个秋天,他们感谢在新家的生活和食物。这些天,大多数的美国人任然一在家喝家人吃一顿大餐来庆祝这个主意。这顿饭的最重要的一道菜通常几乎是火鸡,一只大鸟。


歌手:陈晓东读白:唉...成日开工....)天天工作极忙乱思想不懂去运算也失去能源没中心去兜圈发觉理想未如愿乱闯一番也未远你要休息再可打算everybody needs a holiday 也请你要给灵魂认购一张戏飞everybody needs a holiday 去吸气最疯癫派对内再度重遇你风都可以是甜味只差想通这道理那感觉神奇像身体正飘飞你有你生命权力若不更改这定理会变不懂笑的机器<music>everybody <yes> are you ready

Weezer的《Holiday》 歌词

歌曲名:Holiday歌手:Weezer专辑:WeezerVampire Weekend - HolidayHoliday, oh, a holidayAnd the best one of the yearUnderneath my sheetsWhile I cover both my earsBut if I wait for a holidayCould it stop my fears?To go away on a summer"s dayNever seemed so clearHoliday, still so far awayA republic on the beachI can"t forget just how bad it getsWhen I"m counting on my teethA vegetarian since the invasionShe"d never seen the word "bombs"She"d never seen the word bombs blown up to 96 point FuturaShe"d never seen an A-K in a yellowy day-glo displayA teacher so lovely, it turned all the history books redI got wheels, I got Cutter sprayAnd a healthy sense of worthHalf of me is the gasolineBut the other half"s the surfTo away on a summer"s day

求助高手,找一首英文歌,歌词第一句是:when you are on a holiday。就知道这么多了,应该是英国歌手的。

island in the sun - weezer?

今天是Holiday 歌词

歌曲名:今天是Holiday歌手:棒棒堂专辑:四度空间棒棒堂 - 今天是Holiday哎哟,听说今天是Holiday哟LOLLIPOP!今天是HOLIDAY 特别的HOLIDAY想跟你CELEBRATE 要一起CELEBRATE今天是HOLIDAY 每天都HOLIDAY我自己TAKE A BREAK 快快的TAKE A BREAK把手机调成震动谁打来都不管关电话关灯关门不需再当宅男别在乎口袋里面只剩几枚铜板马上出发 我放自己一天假有个喜欢的女孩今天几点下班骑着我小AUTO BIKE带她去吃路边摊散散步去看夜景 心情像在过湾就这么办 我放自己一天假我 还有更疯狂无理头的梦想要 把每一天都变成星期天 HEY!今天是HOLIDAY 特别的HOLIDAY想跟你CELEBRATE 要一起CELEBRATE今天是HOLIDAY 每天都HOLIDAY我自己TAKE A BREAK 快快的TAKE A BREAK当生活有一天卡卡 不可怜他就是豁达不需要叫谁的爸妈 我想放假就能放假哈比哈比特别的妄想 想一想世界变得好大无所谓 只要快乐就好 今天就让我主导把手机调成震动谁打来都不管关电话关灯关门不需要当宅男别在乎口袋里面只剩几枚铜板马上出发 我放自己一天假有个喜欢的女孩今天几点下班骑着我小AUTO BIKE带她去吃路边摊散散步去看夜景 心情像在过湾就这么办 我放自己一天假我 还有更疯狂无理头的梦想要 把每一天都变成星期天 HEY!今天是HOLIDAY 特别的HOLIDAY想跟你CELEBRATE 要一起CELEBRATE今天是HOLIDAY 每天都HOLIDAY我自己TAKE A BREAK 快快的TAKE A BREAK今天是HOLIDAY 特别的HOLIDAY想跟你CELEBRATE 要一起CELEBRATE今天是HOLIDAY 每天都HOLIDAY我自己TAKE A BREAK 快快的TAKE A BREAK今天是HOLIDAY 想跟你CELEBRATE今天是HOLIDAY 我自己TAKE A BREAK今天是HOLIDAY 想跟你CELEBRATE今天是HOLIDAY 我自己TAKE A BREAK

Home For The Holidays 歌词

home for christmas歌手:n"sync专辑:home for christmaswoo~crossing the ocean with my window view thinking of the times i spent with you when i close my eyesand see the family making out their wishlistall dressed up for christmas on my ownfor too many years i miss the happinessi miss the tears chorus:when i close my eyes and i"m all alone i think of all the love we shared when i need a friend or a helping hand i know that you will all be there i"ve been gone for so many holidays but you can light the fire "cuz this yeari"ll be home for christmas day i see the children playing in the snow precious memories that i used to know when i see the lovein the lovers eye always there to teach usthe real meaning of christmas on my own, for too many years i miss the happinessi miss the tears it doesn"t matterhow grown you think you are something happens to yawhen you see that shinning starhoo-hoo-hoo-ya i am coming home

三篇英语作文 My friend My last weekend My holiday 难度六年级

My friend I have a good friend. She is a pretty girl. She lives in Jiujiang. She is a middle school student. She has big eyes, a small mouth, a small nose and a round face. She is tall and thin. She likes watching TV and playing the basketball. On the weekend, she always plays basketball with her friends in the afternoon and watches TV in the evening. She is a good student. She is good at English. She likes speaking in English. She always reports news in English in her school. She says we are good friends. We often send e-mails to each other everyday. I like her very much.

It rained continuously for a week, completely _______ our holiday. A.troubling B.bothering .

C 词义辨析。Trouble麻烦; bother打扰;ruin毁灭,使破产;damage损害,毁害。句意:雨持续的下了一个星期,彻底地毁了我的假期。完全没希望了。Damage的只是损害,还有希望。结合语境可知选C。

the prevalence of western holidays 大学英语作文

The Prevalence of Western Holidays It is noticeable that western holidays are becoming increasingly popular day by day,while Chinese traditional holidays are being somewhat neglected.Old people often complain that Chinese New Year has lost its real meaning.To their astonishment,young people in China,ignorant about Chinese traditional holidays,are crazy about Christmas or Valentines Day. There are several possible reasons for this phenomenon.First,western nations,such as the United States and Britain,are powerful and dominant in every aspect.Everything in these countries is assumed to be superior and adored by some modern young people.Second,the prevalence of English as a world language and the development of globalization enable western culture to flood in China.Overwhelmed by such a trend,Chinese unconsciously get involved in western culture.Last but not least,some Chinese people have blind faith in foreign things while dismiss our own possessions with contempt. I am critical of this trend.China boasts a brilliant history and splendid traditions.In modern times,Chinese tradition should be preserved and promoted.But it seems that young people no longer treasure the tradition.On the contrary,they turn to pursue enthusiastically a supposedly more modern culture.If this trend is allowed to continue,the priceless heritage of our ancestors will be replaced by western traditions.Nobody expects such a consequence.So letue10bs join hand in hand to protect Chinese tradition.



my holiday英语作文六年级

  导语:转眼快要开学了,大家都在假期中玩的愉快吗?你的假期是怎样的呢?下面是我为您收集整理的英语作文,希望对您有所帮助。   my holiday英语作文(一)   Summer holiday is coming.I am going to do many things that I want to do. For exampie,first I will jion a soccer club,because I like playing soccer.During the summer holiday, I want to practice more to improve my skills.Second I will go to my grandma"s house,because I miss her very much.I want to stay with her for several days.Last I will help my mother do some housework. She was really tired when I was go to school. Except for taking care of me, she also has to work. Therefore, I want to help her in the holidays.What will you do on Summer Holiday?   暑假就要到来了,我打算做一些我想做的事。比如说,首先我要参加一个足球俱乐部,因为我喜欢踢足球。暑假期间,我想多练习以提高我的技术。其次,我要去奶奶家,因为我很想念她。我想和她待几天。最后,我会帮我妈妈做些家务。我去学校的时候她真的很累。除了要照顾我之外,她还要工作。因此,我想在假期帮助她。暑假你会做些什么呢?   my holiday英语作文(二)   Oh! It was winter holiday. I was very happy. I read my favourite books. I have many wonderful books. But I could not read these books too much. I also had a lot of homework to do. I like playing computer games, too. It"s very interesting. But I could not play it too much. I wear glasses, I"m very sad. It"s not good for my eyes to play computer games too much.   Oh! It was the Spring Festival. It"s Chinese traditional festival. People were very happy. They went shopping, cleaned their houses, had supper together……I went to my grandparents" home with my parents. My grandparents were very happy to see us. They prepared many kinds of nice food, such as fish, meat, vegetables and fruit. In the evening, we watched TV and lighted fireworks. We also knocked on people"s doors and gave some presents to them. After the Spring Festival, we went to Shanghai to go shopping. We bought clothes, shoes and some delicious food.   I had a good holiday, I think. I also have very nice school life now.   哦!这是寒假。我非常高兴。我读我最喜欢的书。我有很多美妙的书。但是我不能读这些书太多了。我也有很多作业要做。我也喜欢玩电脑游戏。这是非常有趣的。但是我不能玩太多。我戴眼镜,我非常难过。它对我的眼睛不好,玩电脑游戏太多。   哦!这是春节。这是中国的传统节日。人们非常高兴。他们去购物,打扫房屋,一起晚餐……我和我的父母去我的祖父母家。我的祖父母很高兴看到我们。他们准备了很多好吃的,如鱼、肉、蔬菜和水果。在晚上,我们看电视和点燃的烟花。我们也敲人的门,给他们一些礼物。春节后,我们去购物去了上海。我们买了衣服,鞋子和一些美味的食物。   我想我有一个愉快的假期。我现在也有很好的学校生活。   my holiday英语作文(三)   I have a two months summer vacation. During the holiday, I was very happy, because I did not have to focus on my study all the time. But I still spent some time in my study. I want to learn more in the holiday. Besides, I spent a lot of time in playing, such as meeting friends, watching TV, searching the Internet, playing computer games and so on. In addition, I help my mother do some house work. I can reduce some burden of her and learn to be independent. In short, I have a good and rich holiday.   我有两个月的暑假。假期期间,我玩得很开心,因为我没有把所有的时间都花到学习上。但是,我仍然花了些时间在学习上。我想要在假期期间学更多东西。此外,我花了很多时间在玩耍上,比如说见朋友,看电视,上网,玩游戏等等。另外,我帮助我妈妈做些家务。我能够帮她减少负担并学会了独立。总之,我度过了开心丰富的假期。 my holiday英语作文六年级

英语作文 《My Favorite Holiday》

My favorite holiday is Christmas and it always on December 25th. I enjoy the idea of giving and receiving presents and going to church to watch the Christmas plays and I enjoy the Christmas parades that different towns have during this holiday season. Because gift-giving and several other aspects of the holiday involve heightened economic activity among both Christians and non-Christians, Christmas has become a major event for many retailers. I enjoy letting the children help me put up the Christmas tree. It"s a pleasure to see them excited by the Christmas lights on the tree and on the house. I ride around to different towns so they can see other people decorations. Christmas is based on the story of Jesus" birth. December 25 is not thought to be Jesus" actual date of birth and the date may have been chosen to correspond with a Roman Festival. Most of all this is a national holiday which businesses are closed and gives families time to spend together. My favorite holiday is Christmas and it always on December 25th. I enjoy the idea of giving and receiving presents and going to church to watch the Christmas plays and I enjoy the Christmas parades that different towns have during this holiday season. Because gift-giving and several other aspects of the holiday involve heightened economic activity among both Christians and non-Christians, Christmas has become a major event for many retailers. I enjoy letting the children help me put up the Christmas tree. It"s a pleasure to see them excited by the Christmas lights on the tree and on the house. I ride around to different towns so they can see other people decorations. Christmas is based on the story of Jesus" birth. December 25 is not thought to be Jesus" actual date of birth and the date may have been chosen to correspond with a Roman Festival. Most of all this is a national holiday which businesses are closed and gives families time to spend together.



during holiday与 on holiday 的区别

during holiday在两个词中间要加一个the,表示在.期间‘强调的是时间状语;而on holiday 则表示“度假";强调的是一种状态.在实际的考查当中,通常说go.on holiday; 而 做了某事during或in the holiday

my holiday英语作文六年级作文

  读书的时候,我们期盼着假日的到来,当节假日到来的时候,可以去户外旅游以及其他的活动,你知道六年级的我的假日的作文怎么写吗?下面是我给大家整理的my holiday英语作文六年级作文,供你参考!   my holiday英语作文六年级作文篇1   My holiday   I went to the moon on Dec. 25th. But the moon is very cold. So I brought a lot of warm clothes and I wore some warm clothes. Then I took a spaceship to the moon.   When I arrived at the moon. I could see a lot of ETs. The ETs were very nice. I was excited on the moon because the ETs were my good friend from the second day. They stayed with me in a big fancy hotel. The hotel was the best hotel on the moon. So they treated me very nice. And I saw some racks, some buildings and the moon KFC. The moon buildings were very high and advanced. And the moon racks were very big. The moon KFC was bigger than KFC on earth. So I liked the moon. We always had own meals in the moon KFC. And I played with the ETs on the moon. I was interested in the moon. Because there are a lot of interesting things that I never experenced when Iu2018m on the earth. but I left there on January. 1st. When I left there, the ETs gave me a lot of presents. Then I went back home by a spaceship!   Iu2018m sure Iu2018ll visit the moon again next year!   my holiday英语作文六年级作文篇2   My holiday   My holiday was good. I stayed at home for sometime. I went to Tianyi Square and bought same games. But one day, my monther, my younger brother and I went to Tianyi digital square to buy games. And I bought a new uniform in the evening. I"d like to have a glass of apple juice my monther bought it for me. I says, " Thanks a lot. " I bought some shoes. I want a pair of sports shoes. In the shop, the wonderful song added tour pleasure. I see the black shoes. my monther says, " There are beautiful !"   I was happy that day, because I went to Tianyi Square and had a lot of fum.   my holiday英语作文六年级作文篇3   My May Day Holiday   I had a great time throughout my May Day Holiday.   On Monday, I went BBQ with my classmates who threw a celebration party at our middle school principleu2019s flat. Our parents were invited to the party. Everybody was excited about the holiday. I ate a lot of delicious food at that time.   On Tuesday, I went visiting my uncleu2019s family with my parents. We went to celebrate our good time at a fancy restaurant in Shanghai. Later that day, we sang karaoke in my uncleu2019s house. We stayed for the night.   On Wednesday, I went shopping with my cousins. We bought some brand name t-shirts and pants. In the afternoon, my cousins gave me a fun ride on the city highway. They also taught me how to drive their fancy car, so I tried to do some turning and parking. It was not easy first. But I learnt quick.   On Thursday, we returned home with many gifts from our trip. I tried to get some rest. At night, I chatted with my classmates on the phone, and I watched CCTV before going to bed.   From Friday on, I started to finish up my homework assignments on my personal laptop. Some of my assignments were quite boring. After I finished the homework, I emailed them to my teachers. That was the end of it. I started to prepare things for school on this coming Monday.   All in all, I enjoyed my May Day Holiday in many ways.

度假是spend holiday还是spend holidays


my holiday英语作文及翻译

  现在很多同学都已经放寒假了,那么你在这个寒假都有些什么计划吗?下面我为大家带来英语作文my holiday及翻译,希望大家喜欢。    my holiday英语作文一:   How time flies. This term ends quickly and the winter holiday is coming.I make a general plan for it.   Firstly, my teachers leave us some homework, so I must earnestly finish them on time.I plan to finish them before the Spring Festival, and then I can enjoy the festival with all my heart.   Secondly, I will spend some time with my friends.Generally, we study together but have little time to play.During the holiday, we want to have fun together.   Finally, I will visit my grandparents with my parents, and then we will spend the Spring Festival with them.I havenu2019t seen them for a long time. I miss them very much.   This is my winter holiday plan. What is yours?   时间过得真快!这个学期马上就要结束了,寒假即将开始。我制定了一个大概的寒假计划。   首先,老师们给我们布置了寒假作业,所以我要先认真地按时完成作业。我打算在春节前完成,这样我就可以全心全意过新年了。   其次,我会抽些时间和我的朋友们待在一起。平时,我们一起学习但是很少有时间去玩。放假期间,我们想一起玩乐。   最后,我会和爸爸妈妈去看爷爷奶奶,然后和他们一起过年。我有很长时间没见过他们了,很想念他们。   这就是我的寒假计划,你的寒假计划是什么呢?    my holiday英语作文二:   I like my holiday very much. Though it"s very short,I can enjoy the Spring Festival. I can watch cartoon every day. I needn"t go to school .Sometimes I can go to play with my friend outside. With the festival coming,I can play all the time. I can play video game with my brother. I am good at playing PC game. Then more and more relatives came to my home. We had dinner together. It"s so lively that I"m very happy. But I still have to do my homework. During the holiday,I learned a lot. I love my holiday.   我很喜欢我的假期。虽然很短,我可以享受春节。我可以每天看动画片。我不必上学。有时候,我可以去发挥我的朋友之外。随着节日的到来,我可以支配所有的时间。我可以玩视频游戏和我的兄弟。我擅长玩电脑游戏。然后,越来越多的亲戚来到我家。我们共进晚餐。   这是如此生动,我非常高兴。不过,我还要做功课。假日期间,我学到了很多东西。我爱我的假期。    my holiday英语作文三:   I have a very gooa holidy.It is kind of buzy .I did my homework and wend to Beijing ,the Beijing was beautiful.Ilove it.Beijing have many shop,but the shop it was very expensive.and Beijing have many food ,and the food was cheap and delicious ,i like Beijing food.I went swimming with my father.we were very happy.and i visit my uncle,my uncle cook food for me.After diner .My uncle and I went watch sitcom.I like sitcom very much.And you?This was my buzy but interesting holidy.Do you have a good holiday?   我有一个很好的假期。这是一种在。我做了我的家庭作业,去北京,北京很漂亮。我爱它。北京有很多商店,但它是非常昂贵的商店。北京有很多的食物,而食物很好吃又便宜,我喜欢北京的食物。我去游泳,我很高兴我们我拜访了我的叔叔,我的叔叔为我做饭。晚饭后。我和我叔叔去看喜剧。我非常喜欢情景喜剧。你呢?这是我忙碌而有趣的假期。你有一个愉快的假期?    my holiday英语作文四:   The winter vacation is coming,I have made a plan for my vacation.I want to spend time with my family,so I will return to my hometown .I am for back to my hometown for preparation. I miss my grandparents very much , so I will visit my grand parents at first.I will chat with my uncle and aunt ,play with my cousin .It will be very intereting .I hope I will have a great time there.

over holiday & during holiday 有什么区别?

没有over holidays这种说法

my holiday小学英语作文


may holiday 题目下80字左右小学英语作文

I had a great time throughout my May Day Holiday. On Monday, I went BBQ with my classmates who threw a celebration party at our middle school principle"s flat. Our parents were invited to the party. Everybody was excited about the holiday. I ate a lot of delicious food at that time. On Tuesday, I went visiting my uncle"s family with my parents. We went to celebrate our good time at a fancy restaurant in Shanghai. Later that day, we sang karaoke in my uncle"s house. We stayed for the night. On Wednesday, I went shopping with my cousins. We bought some brand name t-shirts and pants. In the afternoon, my cousins gave me a fun ride on the city highway. They also taught me how to drive their fancy car, so I tried to do some turning and parking. It was not easy first. But I learnt quick. On Thursday, we returned home with many gifts from our trip. I tried to get some rest. At night, I chatted with my classmates on the phone, and I watched CCTV before going to bed. From Friday on, I started to finish up my homework assignments on my personal laptop. Some of my assignments were quite boring. After I finished the homework, I emailed them to my teachers. That was the end of it. I started to prepare things for school on this coming Monday. All in all, I enjoyed my May Day Holiday in many ways.

spend the holiday on/in/at sp是选哪个


帮我写一篇英语作文,题目 My Holiday Days

有什么区别么?holidays 和 holiday days?

in holiday,in the holiday和on holiday的区别 具体点

in holiday 泛指放假,但说话人说话的时候并不在放假.如,i"d like to stay with my families in the holiday 指特定的假期,根据上文的延续.如,Christmas is a spcial holiday in western countries.In the...

in holiday 和 on holiday的区别

in holiday 泛指放假,但说话人说话的时候并不在放假.如,i"d like to stay with my families in the holiday 指特定的假期,根据上文的延续.如,Christmas is a spcial holiday in western countries.In the holiday,people usually stay with their families.on holiday 处于放假的状态如,i"m on holiday now.类似有on duty 上班中 另外补充一下,如果你前面曾经提起过某个节日,而现在针对这个节日说on,就要用on the holiday,特指在这个节日.否则,用on holiday.via @khylpe



in the holidays和on holidays的区别

in the holiday 指特定的假期,根据上文的延续.如,Christmas is a spcial holiday in western countries. In the holiday, people usually stay with their families.on holiday 处于放假的状态如,i"m on holiday now.类似有on duty 上班中

holiday 前面加on还是in 还是有什么固定搭配的



in holiday 泛指放假,但说话人说话的时候并不在放假。如,i"d like to stay with my families in the holiday 指特定的假期,根据上文的延续。如,Christmas is a spcial holiday in western countries. In the holiday, people usually stay with their families.on holiday 处于放假的状态如,i"m on holiday now.

in your holiday和over your holiday有什么区别


in holiday,in the holiday和on holiday的区别


on holiday 还是 on the holiday有什么不同

  如果你前面曾经提起过某个节日,而现在针对这个节日说on,就要用on the holiday,特指在这个节日.否则,用on holiday.  如果你前面曾经提起过某个节日,而现在针对这个节日说on,就要用on the holiday,特指在这个节日.否则,用on holiday.

是in the holiday还是over the holiday?

你是想表达“在节假日”的意思吗? 那应该是“on holidays”或“on the holiday”

在假期是in the holiday 还是on the holiday? on 和in可以说吗?during是正确的

其实都可以啊 只不过是重点不同 on vacation ,on holiday 是短语 但是中间没有the on vacation ,on holiday 在度假;在休假中 in the holiday 强调这段时间其中某一点时间 during the holiday 强调假期的从头到尾
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