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跪求 Lady Antebellum - Need You Now 歌词的中文翻译。 我附上英文歌词,英语达人来,好的话追加分数。


求Lady Antebellum的As you turn away中英对照歌词

Standing face to face我们面对面站着wrapped in your embrace刚刚我还包裹在你的拥抱don"t wanna let you go不想让你走but you"re already gone但你已经走了Now you kiss my cheek现在你亲我的脸颊soft and bittersweet软软的,,苦中带甜I can read it in your eyes我能从你的眼里了解this is our goodbye这是我们的离别Nothing more to say不能多说什么Nothing left to break也没什麽可以打破I keep reaching out for you我一直在寻求的你hoping you might stay希望你可以留下Nothing more to give没有更多东西可以给Nothing left to take也没什么能带走I keep reaching out for you我一直寻求的你Reaching out for you挽留的你As you turn away当你转身离开Let go of my hand放开我的手so I can feel again那样我就可以再感受一次Nothing"s going to hurt as much再没有比要那最后的联系让人痛苦的了As that final touch No we can"t be friends不,我们不可能成为朋友Cause I couldn"t take seeing you因为我无法承受在明知我们分手了还可以见到你and knowing where we"ve been I hope you understand我希望你理解Nothing more to say没什么能多说的Nothing left to break也没什麽可以打破I keep reaching out for you我一直寻求的你hoping you might stay希望你可以留下Nothing more to give没有更多东西可以给Nothing left to take也没什么要带走I keep reaching out for you我一直寻求的你reaching out for you挽留的你As you turn away当你转身离开One step my heart is breaking我的心在慢慢碎掉One more my hands are shaking我的双手在颤抖The door is closing那扇门正慢慢关上and I just can"t change it而我却不能改变什么Nothing more to say没什么能多说Nothing left to break也没什麽可以打破Nothing more to give没有更多东西可以给Nothing left to take也没什么要带走I keep reaching out for you我一直寻求的你reaching out for you挽留的你I keep reaching out for you我一直寻求的你reaching out for you挽留你As you turn away当你转身离开时As you turn away当你转身离开As you turn away...当你转身离开…

lady antebellum的详细资料,包括need you now的歌词,和他们其它的歌求大神帮助

组建地:美国,田纳西州,纳什维尔 歌曲派别:乡村 出道年份:2006 所属公司:Capitol Nashville 圈中好友:Jim Brickman,Linda Davis Lady Antebellum 在2006年在美国田纳西州,纳什维尔成立的乡村乐团。由Charles Kelley(领队,主唱) Dave Haywood(吉他手,钢琴,曼陀林演奏)和 Hillary Scott(主唱)组成。该团队在2007年与Jim Brickman合作作为特邀团队参与发行了单曲“Never Alone”,在与纳什维尔的首都唱片签约以前曾发行“Love Don"t Live Here” 。这首歌, 在2008年5月最热乡村歌曲排行榜上排名第三位,随后作为LA首张同名专辑的主打单曲。在美国发行了一百万张的销量,这张专辑同时也包含单曲“Lookin" for a Good Time ”和“I Run to You” , 后者在2009年成为该乐团的最受欢迎单曲。“Need You Now”在2009年中旬发布,是该乐团在2010年1月发行的新专辑中主打单曲,也是LA的第二首最受欢迎单曲。 Lady Antebellum在2009年被乡村音乐协会评为最热新乐团奖,2008最热新歌手奖。他们在第51届格莱美颁奖典礼上获得两项提名,在第52届格莱美奖获两项提名。他们的“I Run to You”获得最佳乡村音乐奖。在2009年11月,该乐团获得乡村音乐协会授予的最佳单曲“I Run to You”和最佳原创音乐组合奖。 成员之一的Hillary Scott是乡村音乐歌手Linda Davis的女儿,Charles Kelley是流行音乐艺术家Josh Kelley的兄弟。Charles在2005年中从北卡罗拉纳州的温斯顿-塞勒姆他和兄弟John工作的地方搬到纳什维尔。尝试着变成一个成功的乡村歌手,Charles说服了他曾经的中学同学,Haywood,在2006年从乔治亚州搬到纳什维尔以便可以共同创作音乐,那之后不久,Kelley在Myspace的网站上认识了Scott,他们开始计划组建纳什维尔音乐俱乐部并邀请Scott加入,名字拟定为Lady Antebellum.他们的三重唱在与Capitol Records 2007年7月签约以前开始在纳什维尔当地表演。 首张专辑:Lady Antebellum 在三人组签约后,成人时代的歌手Jim Brickman 选择Lady Antebellum在他2007年单曲“Never Alone”合作,该首单曲在美国billboard成人时代排行榜中名列第14。在2007年中旬,Lady Antebellum为MTV真实电视系列写了一首歌。 他们的首张单曲“Love Don‘t Live Here”在同年的九月发行,在12月制作了该歌曲的MTV。该首歌曲最为他们同名专辑首次发布的歌曲。在2008年4月15日由纳什维尔作曲家Paul Worley协同前独唱歌手Victoria Shaw担任制作人发布了Lady Antebellum的首张同名专辑,“Love Don"t Live Here” 在美国billboard乡村音乐排行榜上第三名的成绩,该专辑是billboard最热乡村音乐排行榜上首个由新乐团获得的第一位排行。 第二支单曲,“Lookin‘ for a Good Time”,在2008年6月发行,并在12月获得排行榜第11位。此外,Lady Antebellum 在2008年作为著名歌手Martina McBride的巡回演唱会Waking Up Laughing上作为公开嘉宾。Lady Antebellum 也对歌曲“I Was Here”献声,该首歌曲是下载量最大载Bubbling Under 100首中的第24位。在2008年12月,他们的歌曲“Baby,It"s Cold Outside”在该排行榜中获第三位, 他们的第三个官方歌曲“I Run to You”在2009年2月发行。这变成了这个三人组在2009年7月里的首个第一名。 在2009年10月7日,他们的首张专辑被唱片工业协会证实了在美国达到了一百万张销量。 第二张专辑:Need You Now 在2009年8月,这个团队发行了他们的第四首单曲,“Need You Now”,该收歌曲获得了最热乡村音乐排行榜的第50名,成为他们的第二支第一名单曲在2009年11月28日。开启了他们第二张制作专辑的开始,并于2010年1月26日正式发行。第二主打单曲“American Honey”在2010年1月11日在广播中发行。 Lady Antebellum is an American country music group established in Augusta, Georgia in 2006 by Dave Haywood, Charles Kelley, and Hillary Scott. Charles and Hillary alternate as lead vocalists, while Dave sings harmony vocals and plays lead guitar. Signed to Capitol Records in 2007, the trio has issued its debut single "Love Don"t Live Here", currently a Top 20 hit on the U.S. Billboard Hot Country Songs charts. There has been a buzz in Music City since mid-2006 when Lady Antebellum performed together for the very first time. The trio- comprised of Hillary Scott (vocals), Charles Kelley (vocals), and Dave Haywood (vocals, acoustic guitar, keys)- says their name, "Lady Antebellum," represents a sense of nostalgia found in the songs they sing. "It felt like magic," says Hillary, remembering their first performance together, "We all felt more comfortable onstage together than we ever had alone." A year and a half later, the buzz on Lady Antebellum is as strong as it"s ever been, and the rest of the nation will soon discover why. Hillary, Charles, and Dave, three young songwriter-musicians with varied influences and backgrounds, create a sound that is fresh and unique, yet still sounds like something you"ve known for a long time. The debut single, "Love Don"t Live Here," is only the beginning for Lady Antebellum. The "Lady A" buzz is coming...April 15! 2008格莱美最受欢迎新人组合,Lady Antebellum首张个人同名专辑简介,Hillary Soctt,Charles Kelley,和 Dave Haywood从2006年的夏天带来的独特古典与现代风格交织的乡村音乐全新诠释,整张专辑带有1960年代R&B灵魂乐和富于感情表达的 1970年代的独特风格。在全美下载量第一的《love don"t live here》获得全球乐迷的青睐。 《Lady Antebellum》是流行三人组Lady Antebellum自出道以来的首张正式专辑专辑。作为一支流行乡村三人组合,Lady Antebellum的三位成员分工明确,Hillary Scott和Charles Kelley担任双主唱,另一位多才多艺的团员Dave Haywood负责吉他、键盘和其他乐器。相对于那些单枪匹马孤军奋战的乡村歌手,以团队优势联合作战的Lady Antebellum在音乐上显得要更为丰富一些。相对于那些整张唱片中只有一个声音的专辑来说,这张《Lady Antebellum》更为耐听一些,两位主唱对快歌与抒情慢歌的把握都是不错的。 专辑名:Lady Antebellum Lady Antebellum 发行时间:2008-4-15 发行公司:Capitol Records 曲目: 1. Love Don"t Live Here 2. Lookin" For A Good Time 3. All We"d Ever Need 4. Long Gone 5. I Run To You 6. Love"s Lookin" Good On You 7. Home Is Where The Heart Is 8. Things People Say 9. Slow Down Sister 10. Can"t Take My Eyes Off You 11. One Day You Will 专辑名:Need You Now Need you now 发行时间:2010-1-26 发行公司:Capitol Nashville 曲目: 01.Need You Now 02.Our Kind Of Love 03.American Honey 04.Hello World 05.Perfect Day 06.Love This Pain 07.When You Got A Good Thing 08.Stars Tonight 09.If I Knew Then 10.Something "Bout A Woman 11.Ready To Love Again 12.Need You Now (Pop Mix) Need You Now 歌曲Need You Now 歌手:Lady Antebellum 专辑:《Need You Now》 歌词: 此刻我需要你 Picture perfect memories scattered all around the floor Reaching for the phone "cause I can"t fight it anymore And I wonder if I ever cross your mind For me it happens all the time 记载美好回忆的照片 散落在地板上 伸手去拿电话 因为我再也无法抗拒 我想知道我是否浮现在你的脑海 我对你可是朝思暮想 It"s a quarter after one I"m all alone and I need you now Said I wouldn"t call but I lost all control and I need you now And I don"t know how I can do without I just need you now 已是凌晨一点十五分 我芳心寂寞难耐 我此刻需要你 说过我不会打电话 但是我情不自禁 我此刻需要你 没有你 我无所适从 此刻我只需要你 我想知道我是否浮现在你的脑海 我对你可是朝思暮想 Another shot of whiskey can"t stop looking at the door Wishing you"d come sweeping in the way you did before And I wonder if I ever cross your mind For me it happens all the time 又喝了一杯威士忌 不停地向房门张望 期待你偏偏而至 就像以前那样 我想知道我是否浮现在你的脑海 我对你可是朝思暮想 It"s a quarter after one I"m a little drunk and I need you now Said I wouldn"t call but I lost all control and I need you now And I don"t know how I can do without I just need you now 我有点微醉 Guess I"d rather hurt than feel nothing at all 我宁愿遍体鳞伤也不愿麻木不仁 It"s a quarter after one I"m all alone and I need you now And I said I wouldn"t call but I"m a little drunk and I need you now And I don"t know how I can do without I just need you now I just need you now Oh baby I need you now 噢 宝贝 此刻我需要你求采纳

lady antebellum为什么叫战前女神

Lady Antebellum是美国一支乡村乐队,由三人组成。起初这三人认识后成了好朋友,在一起搞音乐。他们想在Myspace上建一个主页,拍些照片放在主页上。一次他们到了田纳西州的一个叫Franklin的小镇,看到那儿有很多南北战争前的房子,就像小说“乱世佳人”里的一样。他们觉得这些东西很美,而且Antebellum这个词也很酷,最后他们又在前面家了Lady这个词,于是乐队就有了lady antebellum这个名字

lady gaga歌的歌词







belladonna的意思是颠茄,莨菪。【拓展资料】1. A good example is belladonna.一个很好的例子就是颠茄。2. What effect does element of heart inject belladonna have?心脏注射颠茄素有什么作用?3.Belladonna and other poison plants have a long history of medical use.颠茄和其他毒性植物有着很长的药用史。二、颠茄的主要用途。颠茄的全草入药,其味味苦、辛,是收藏的中药颠茄酊、颠茄浸膏、颠茄流浸膏的原植物,其主要成分是莨菪碱,具有接触平滑肌痉挛、镇痛、抑制腺体分泌、扩大瞳孔等功效。颠茄是国内外重要的天然药物。另外颠茄还含有阿托品、东莨菪碱、颠茄碱等成分,一般不能随便使用,药用时请遵医嘱。它的枝叶和果实有毒,不能食用。



belladonna 什么意思

belladonna美 [.belu0259"dɑnu0259]英 [.belu0259"du0252nu0259]n.颠茄制剂 颠茄片;贝拉多娜;莨菪例句筛选1.What effect does element of heart inject belladonna have?心脏注射颠茄素有什么作用?2.A good example is belladonna.一个很好的例子就是颠茄。

和lady gaga合唱的一个男组合


有一首舞曲开头是一个男的在喊Ladies and gentlemen

Lmfao、lil Jon - Shots 希望可以帮到你

求一首英文歌曲 歌词开头或有一段是 ladies and gentlemen how do you du

Christos Dantis - No Madonna Ladies and gentlemen how do you do Came here to talk about a thing so true Got me hangin" around Driven into the ground Got me crying Ladies and gentlemen how "d you react Tell me about it as a matter of fact I was only the bait In my lover"s debate I "ve been dying Had enough And now I "m leaving Elvis has left the building You had your chance You had the honour But baby you"re no Madonna Ladies and gentlemen I "m leaving tonight Not gonna stay and suffer all of my life If I made a mistake Gotta go for my sake And correct it Ladies and gentlemen I "m wishing you well It "s time for me to stop living this hell I have only one heart Time for me to restart And protect it

初三下册英语书ladies and gentlemen的翻译译文

ladies and gentlemen绅士淑女;诸位;女士们,先生们

Ladies and Gentlemen为什么把女士放在前面?


Ladies & Gentlemen 歌词

歌曲名:Ladies & Gentlemen歌手:栗山千明专辑:CIRCUS「Ladies & Gentlemen」作词∶いしわたり淳治作曲∶Stephan Jenkins & Kryz Reid歌∶栗山千明ドラマティック 空に 谛め云 でもどこへstop & go胸にcatch the feelingsねえなぜに急ぐの あの声待ってみて必ず最後に选ぶべき best answer分かる弱き者 祈るように oh haaa ah流星降らす夜 上に重なっていくイメージで闇でただ光ったスパーク铳 优柔what you wanna do... 目の前の适当になるようになった日々退屈は优雅の类似品同じ感情につけた阴と阳 弱き者祈るように 祈るように 祈るように ohhladies&gentlemen 今宵 あまねく皆様の愿いごとに 羽が生えますように come onどなたも目を闭じて 见えないものに 手を合わせたまま胸の邪気が逃げるまで研ぎ澄ます心は无のスタンスeasy comeほどeasy go 自分分割 手に本音の梦叶っちゃうgirlになっちゃえ命令はっきりと闻こえる声 远く天から响くcall迷いを舍て 我を舍て ここは主役ばっかのショウのステージ袖 弱き者祈るように 祈るように ah ahhladies&gentlemen 今宵 あまねく皆様の愿いごとに 羽が生えますように come onどなたも目を闭じて 见えないものに 手を合わせたまま胸の邪気が逃げるまでladies&gentlemen 今宵 あまねくすべての弱き者に 生きる意味をくれるようにladies&gentlemen 见えないものに 手を合わせたまま胸の邪気が逃げるまで【 おわり 】

飞机上那段“ladies and gentlemen”

Good morning (afternon, evening), Ladies and Gentlemen:Welcome aboard XX Airlines flight XX______to______(via_____

基德说“Ladies and Gentlemen, It’s a ShowTime!”时是在哪一集?


一首英文歌开头是ladies and gentlemen

Christos Dantis - No Madonna Ladies and gentlemen how do you do Came here to talk about a thing so true Got me hangin" around Driven into the ground Got me crying Ladies and gentlemen how "d you react Tell me about it as a matter of fact I was only the bait In my lover"s debate I "ve been dying Had enough And now I "m leaving Elvis has left the building You had your chance You had the honour But baby you"re no Madonna Ladies and gentlemen I "m leaving tonight Not gonna stay and suffer all of my life If I made a mistake Gotta go for my sake And correct it Ladies and gentlemen I "m wishing you well It "s time for me to stop living this hell I have only one heart Time for me to restart And protect it

关于Ladies and gentlemen使用的问题!



错了,应该是ladies and gentlemen女士们先生们

一首韩文歌开头是ladies and gentlemen高潮部分是喇叭声

다쳐 (Hurt Locker)播放歌手:NINE MUSES语言:韩语所属专辑:9MUSES S/S EDITION

为什么在口语中有时候是lLadies and gentlemen、有时候是boys and girls. 顺序为什么不一致。

ladies and gentlemen 是用于比较正式的场合,而boys and girls 是比较口语化的,如在学生群体中使用。

一首女生的英文歌曲,开始有Ladies and gentlemen ,注意是歌词,后面的歌词不记得了,还满“压韵”的。

Ladies and Gentlemen

一首非常劲爆的摇滚一开始先说一句“Ladies and Gentlemen.....”

Christos Dantis - No Madonna

We are ladies and gentlemen who serve the ladies and gentlemen是什么意思


求一首歌,rap,刚开头是Ladies and gentlemen。

Ladies and Gentlemen - SalivaLadies and gentlemen pleaseWould you bring your attention to meFor a feast for your eyes to seeAn explosion of catastropheLike nothing you"ve ever seen beforeWatch closely as I open this doorYour jaws will be on the floorAfter this you"ll be begging for moreWelcome to the showPlease come insideLadies and gentlemenBoomDo you want itBoomDo you need itBoomLet me hear itLadies and gentlemenBoomDo you want itBoomDo you need itBoomLet me hear itLadies and gentlemenLadies and gentlemen good eveningYou"ve seen that seeing is believingYour ears and your eyes will be bleedingPlease check to see if you"re still breathingHold tight cause the show is not overIf you will please move in closerYou"re about to be bowled overBy the wonders you"re about to behold hereWelcome to the showPlease come insideLadies and gentlemenWelcome to the show (welcome to the show)We"re glad you came along (we"re gla

为什么女士门先生门的英文会是这个呢?ladies and gentlemen ??

LADIES 就是女士们的意思GENTLEMEN就是先生们的意思

求拳击比赛开场的Ladies and gentlemen。。。那段话(英文)

Ladies and Gentlemen , welcome to our boxing competition. Allow me to introduce to you the participants. On my right, is Mr. Strong from USA and on my left is Mr. Will from Canada. Tonight both of them will compete for the Championship. Ladies and Gentlemen , kindly give them a loud applause . Thank you .

权志龙在哪首歌里面有唱到Ladies and gentlemen。。。???


寻一首歌 开头独白大概是:耶耶~~ Ladies and Gentlemen 是收英文歌 是女声


求首英文歌,开头是男的说了串英文,什么Ladies and Gentlemen.....后面是女声唱的

ciara - one, two step,%20Two%20Step.mp3

Ladies and Gentlemen...怎么学这句话。?用中文说 雷特森杰特们标准不


第一句是Ladies and Gentlemen的歌是什么啊?

ladies and gentlemen 打印此页 歌手:saliva 专辑:blood stained love story Ladies and gentlemen pleaseWould you bring your attention to me?For a feast for your eyes to seeAn explosion of catastropheLike nothing you"ve ever seen beforeWatch closely as I open this doorYour jaws will be on the floorAfter this you"ll be begging for moreWelcome to the showPlease come insideLadies and gentlemenBoomDo you want it?BoomDo you need it?BoomLet me hear itLadies and gentlemenBoomDo you want it?BoomDo you need it?BoomLet me hear itLadies and gentlemenLadies and gentlemen good eveningYou"ve seen that seeing is believingYour ears and your eyes will be bleedingPlease check to see if you"re still breathingHold tight cause the show it not overIf you will please move in closerYour about to be bowled overBy the wonders you"re about to behold hereWelcome to the showPlease come insideLadies and gentlemenBoomDo you want it?BoomDo you need it?BoomLet me hear itLadies and gentlemen

天天向上16年6月3号首歌词里有 ladies and gentlemen的是什么歌

Ladies and Gentlemen - SalivaLadies and gentlemen pleaseWould you bring your attention to me?For a feast for your eyes to seeAn explosion of catastropheLike nothing you"ve ever seen beforeWatch closely as I open this doorYour jaws will be on the floorAfter this you"ll be begging for moreWelcome to the showPlease come insideLadies and gentlemenBoomDo you want it?BoomDo you need it?BoomLet me hear itLadies and gentlemenBoomDo you want it?BoomDo you need it?BoomLet me hear itLadies and gentlemenLadies and gentlemen good eveningYou"ve seen that seeing is believingYour ears and your eyes will be bleedingPlease check to see if you"re still breathingHold tight cause the show is not overIf you will please move in closerYou"re about to be bowled overBy the wonders you"re about to behold hereWelcome to the showPlease come insideLadies and gentlemenWelcome to the show (welcome to the show)We"re glad you came along (we"re glad you came along)Please come insideLadies and gentlemenBoomDo you want it?BoomDo you need it?BoomLet me hear itLadies and gentlemenBoomDo you want it?BoomDo you need it?BoomLet me hear itLadies and gentlemenBoomDo you want it?BoomDo you need it?BoomLet me hear itLadies and gentlemenBoomDo you want it?BoomDo you need it?BoomLet me hear itLadies and gentlemenBoomDo you want it?BoomDo you need it?BoomLet me hear it

求一首歌,歌词里有ladys and Gentleman

是《Mona Lisa》吧? (Spoken) This is a story about Mona Lisa, about Mona Lisa Ladies and gentlemen, I"ve got a little story to tell About Mona Lisa and how she suddenly fell (huh) See everyone knew her, they knew her oh so well Now I am taking over to release her from her spell She"s the original(yeah,yeah) She"s unforgettable, (yeah,yeah,yeah) She wants a-you to know (yeah) She"s been cloned It"s kind of incredible. (yeah,yeah) She"s so unpredictable. (yeah,yeah,yeah) She wants a-you to know (yeah) She"s been cloned, she"s been cloned, she"s been cloned She was taken under, drowning in her sea (huh) Running like an angel, she was crying, and could not see (oh no) Now see everyone"s watching, as she starts to fall Now, dont have a break down And be a legend of her fall She"s the original(yeah,yeah) She"s unforgettable, (yeah,yeah,yeah) She wants a-you to know (yeah) She"s been cloned It"s kind of incredible. (yeah,yeah) She"s so unpredictable. (yeah,yeah,yeah) She wants a-you to know (yeah) She"s been cloned, she"s been cloned, she"s been cloned Ladies, does that make you cry? (huh) Mona Lisa meant to fly Nobody really does (Spoken) Everyone, may we have a moment of silence? Right here. God. She"s the original(yeah,yeah) She"s unforgettable, (yeah,yeah,yeah) She wants a-you to know (yeah) She"s been cloned It"s kind of incredible. (yeah,yeah) She"s so unpredictable. (yeah,yeah,yeah) She wants a-you to know (yeah) That she"s home, that she"s home She"s the original(yeah,yeah) She"s unforgettable, (yeah,yeah,yeah) She wants a-you to know (yeah) She"s been cloned It"s kind of incredible. (yeah,yeah) She"s so unpredictable. (yeah,yeah,yeah) She wants a-you to know (yeah) That she"s home, that she"s home, that she"s home

第一句是 Ladies and gentlemen的英文歌 男生唱的 R&B节奏的 叫什么名字?

应该是阿姆的Crack A Bottle.

求一首歌 前面说Ladies and Gentlemen后面是女声接着全是啦啦啦 啦啦啦是合唱

feel the girl 歌手:ms.jade 专辑:girl interrupted [Intro Timbaland (Ms. Jaded)]Ladies and gentlemenLadies and gentlemen(Ms. Jade) Lay lay lay ladies and gentlemen(Ms. Jade) Ladies and gentlemen(Ms. Jade) Ladies and gentlemen(Ms. Jade) Lay ladies and gentlemen(Ms. Jade) Skrip skirt skrip lay lay(Ms. Jade) La la la layEarr err err[Verse 1 Ms. Jade]Ms. Jade"s the name comin" to ruin the gameBringin" the thunder and rain, bus or a train or a planeMe and my girls shrivel all over the worldMakin" you stumble and hurl, braids, ponytails and the curlsI got them folk pumpin" and movin" aroundJumpin" and gettin" it down, sweatin" and workin" it nowNo question, gonna throw on them clothes tonightSo set them bows tonight, engines gon" hum on the bikesNo matter if he black, peurto rican or whiteStiletto heels tonight, free chicken wings and some riceI got your dude lickin" my toes and stuffWhat wha wha wha what, light the chronic up!I know y"all gonna love when I do itI do it professional like Duro and ClueDoin" it all for the lootY"all better get ya"ll asses up out the seatsSweat runnin" down your cheeks, virgins turn into freaks[Chorus Timbaland (Ms.Jade)]Fricka fa frick feel the girl(Ms. Jaaaaaaade)Fricka fa frick fa frick feel the girl(Ms. Jaaaaaaade)Frickida frick fa frick feel the girl she"ll(Ms. Jaaaaaaade)Light the chronic up![2x][Verse 2 Ms. Jade]Ya bet was lost, time to set it offShoppin" at the mall, don"t care what it costConcerned about who be in my sheetsYou got beef with me? Then don"t speak to meLike how my flow different kinda paceGarbage and the waste, please get out my faceYou wanna taste? Miss me like I"m MaseYou wanna taste? Lick me William H.I"m leavin y"all toothless like GeromeRollin" on the chromes, two ways and the phonesThis Philly chick ain"t wit this silly shitBlunts and dutches licked, scrapin" up for rentRat smugg-el-in", like the governmentKeep "em bub-bel-in", take it on the chinSo now they all duckin" from the slugskisses and the hugs, just cut up the rug![Chorus (x2)][Verse 3 Ms. Jade]I ain"t gon" stop, "til I"m satisfiedChain hangin" like Nas, see right through the liesY"all never knew a dame could be so tightkillin" and feelin" it right, gettin" it on tonightWe keep it real, type of chicks we areGettin nice at the bar, bang it loud in your carI"m from the town, niggas gon" hold me downLost but now I"m found, watch me snatch the crownI clear my throat, ladies spit what I wroteTakin" off my coat, stuntin" tryin to pokeWe in the back, countin" and peelin" the stacksCombin" and brushin" the tracks, y"all can"t hold me backI"m comin out switchin" and changin" your routeTakin" it to the house, bills and large amountsI got the club bouncin" and shakin" they framesGlass fillin", puff and then pass, if your feelin" in Philly then dance[Chorus (x4)][Outro Timbaland]Frid fra frick fra feel the girlFrid fra freaky freaky feel the girlFreh freh freh feel feel feel the girlShh doha doha digga doha doha fra fricky fricky feel the girlFra fridicka feel the girlFra freh freh freh freh freh feel feel feel feelFra fra freaky feel

一首英文歌曲,开头是ladies and gentlemen

lover ---Taylor Swift

有一个英文歌开头第一句是Ladies and Gentlemen求歌名

Time for tea

谁知道有首英文歌曲开头歌词是 Ladies and Gentlemen 的`

你确定是英文歌曲吗?李玟有首歌《so crazy》开头也是这句,你听听看是不是你要的。。呵呵。希望我回答对啦。。

抖音最近特别火的歌,Ladies and Gentlemen这是什么歌


开头是Ladies and Gentlemen这首歌叫什么?

就叫<Ladies and Gentlemen>Ladies and gentlemen please Would you bring your attention to me? For a feast for your eyes to see An explosion of catastrophe Like nothing you"ve ever seen before Watch closely as I open this door Your jaws will be on the floor After this you"ll be begging for more woa Do you want it? woa Do you need it? woa Let me hear it Ladies and gentlemen Ladies and gentlemen good evening You"ve seen that seeing is believing Your ears and your eyes will be bleeding Please check to see if you"re still breathing Hold tight cause the show is not over If you will please move in closer You"re about to be bowled over By the wonders you"re about to behold here Welcome to the show (welcome to the show) Please come inside Ladies and gentlemen Boom Do you want it? Boom Do you need it? Boom Let me hear it ladies and gentlemen boom Do you want it? boom Do you need it? boom Let me hear it Welcome to the show (Welcome to the show) We"re glad you came along (We"re glad you came along) Please come inside Ladies and gentlemen Boom Do you want it? Boom Do you need it? Boom Let me hear it Ladies and gentlemen (4 times) 女士们先生们 请问你们可以关注下我吗? 为了让你们眼睛看到一场庆典 一个灾难的爆发 并不像你们之前所看到的一切 当我打开门时请靠近点 你的喉咙将贴近地面 然后你们将会请求更多 woa 你想要这个吗? woa 你需要这个吗? woa 让我听到 女生们先生们 晚上好女士们先生们 眼见为实 你的耳朵和你的眼睛将会流血 请检查下你是否还在呼吸 紧紧地坚持下去,因为表演还没有结束 如果你乐意靠近一点 哪么你就将滚出去 在你即将看到奇观的到来之际 欢迎来到这场表演 进近来 女士们先生们 Boom 你想要这个吗? boom 你需要这个吗? boom 让我听到你们的回答 女士们先生们 欢迎来到这场表演 我们很高兴你能来 请近来 女士们先生们 Boom 你想要这个吗? boom 你需要这个吗? boom 让我听到你们的回答 女士们先生们 (复歌,4次)

Ladies and gentlemen 的读法

雷嘚斯安得针头们gentleman /"dЗentlmen/ 复数:gentlemen 音标中"men"的"e"是倒立那个。。。打不出来,。。。 Lady /"leidi/ 复数 :Ladies

有首英文歌开头是Ladies And Gentlemen~~~~~~ 是男的唱的。比较鸡肋

hand up

ladies and乡亲们什么意思

原句应该是ladies and gentlemen意思是“女士们,先生们”这里后半段改成了乡亲们,是搞笑的手法译为:女士们,乡亲们”

“Ladies and Gentlemen, It’s a ShowTime!”

女士们先生们!!魔术表演开始啰!!  (Ladies and gentlemen, It"s show time!) 剧场版  M3 世纪末的魔术师(世纪末の魔术师)The last wizard of century 1999/04/14   目标:罗曼诺夫王室密宝——皇帝复活节之蛋  预告函:由黄昏的狮子到拂晓的少女,当没有秒针的时钟走到第十二个字的时候,我将从发光的天空楼阁降临,收下回忆之卵  ——世纪末的魔术师   解读:“由黄昏的狮子到拂晓的少女”意味着狮子座的最后一天——8月22日黄昏,一直到处女座第一天的黎明,这代表犯案的日子,在这句话中,从头数起的第十二个字是へ(日文中有前往、直到的意思),预示着犯案时间是7点20分,“发光的楼阁”指用来预报气象的通天阁.   易容人物:白鸟任三郎  在本集中,KID得知警方已将蛋移至别处,于是让全城停电,找出除了饭店、医院以外还有灯亮的地方,成功拿到回忆之蛋。不料却被神秘狙击手“史考兵”所伤,蛋完璧归赵,鸽子为保护主人受了重伤,被柯南救回。因此在柯南差点被小兰识破身份之际,KID易容成新一(其实只不过是变换发型而已~)使柯南再次摆脱危机。  经典语句:Ladies and gentlemen.It"s a show time!  (对柯南)给你一句忠告,世上有些事最好让它永远成为谜。还有一个谜题你解得开吗,名侦探。我为什么要以工藤新一的样子出现,去解救一个棘手的敌人

“Ladies and gentlemen ,跟我一起来,嗨呀呀,嗨呀呀”是什么歌?


晚会上,ladies and gentlemen用日语惯常是怎么表达呢???

皆さん 皆様 

《嘻哈空姐》中一开始空姐说了什么?“Ladies and gentlemen ,……”

Ladies and gentlemen.thank u so much for flying with us .please keep just seat belts on.we should be take off shortly女士们先生们,感谢您乘坐本次航班,请你系好安全带,飞机马上起飞

求一首英文歌歌名,第一句是ladies and gentleman do you remember

remember the time

开头是Ladies ladies and gentlemen 是什么歌


good morning,ladies and gentlemen.什么意思

女士们,先生们, 早上好!

蔡依林《玩美》歌词“ladies and gentlemen,welcome”接下来一句英文是什么?

Ladies and Gentlemen Welcome We go round the road of world tonight Yeah Welcome everybody Yeah 时尚重生 用完美定义女人 耀眼的灵魂 在谁的躯体里封存 光彩缤纷 惊艳了所有眼神 懂爱的人 才能够得到一个吻 释放我的爱 我要你过来 Ladies Ladies and Gentlemen Welcome yeah 谁是倾城的女神 让男人用爱情崇拜 现在 未来 完美 是种本能 我用来揭开无限的精采 现在 未来 幸运发生 太傻的人才等 此时此分 我要你 为我狂奔 幻境成真 谁是拥有我的人 懂爱的人 才能够打开我心门 释放我的爱 我要你过来 Ladies Ladies and Gentlemen Welcome yeah 谁是倾城的女神 让男人用爱情崇拜 现在 未来 完美 是种本能 我用来揭开无限的精采 oh yeah 现在 未来 爱上以后 跟着本能走 不用回头 完美温柔 你怎么说No 你怎么说怎么说怎么说 music yeah 谁是倾城的女神 让男人用爱情崇拜崇拜 现在 未来 完美 是种本能 我用来揭开无限的精采精采 现在 未来 谁是倾城的女神 让男人用爱情崇拜崇拜 现在 未来 完美 是种本能 我用来揭开无限的精采精采 现在 未来

ladies and gentlemen how do you do中文歌词

Christos Dantis - No Madonna Ladies and gentlemen how do you do Came here to talk about a thing so true Got me hangin" around Driven into the ground Got me crying Ladies and gentlemen how "d you react Tell me about it as a matter of fact I was only the bait In my lover"s debate I "ve been dying Had enough And now I "m leaving Elvis has left the building You had your chance You had the honour But baby you"re no Madonna Ladies and gentlemen I "m leaving tonight Not gonna stay and suffer all of my life If I made a mistake Gotta go for my sake And correct it Ladies and gentlemen I "m wishing you well It "s time for me to stop living this hell I have only one heart Time for me to restart And protect it

Good morning,ladies and gentlemen.是什么意思

Good morning,ladies and gentlemen.女士们,先生们,早上好。请采纳

ladies and gentlemen怎么读

ladies and gentlemen的翻译是: 女士们先生们读法: 雷滴斯an娟头们斯

Ladies and gentlemen 用中文怎么说

女士们和先生们 雷地丝恩得检头门

Lady Gaga的《Speechless》 歌词

歌曲名:Speechless歌手:Lady Gaga专辑:The Fame Monster (Deluxe Edition)SpeechlessLady GaGaI can"t belive what you said to meLast night when we were aloneYou threw your hands upBaby you gave up, you gave upI can"t believe how you looked at meWith your James Dean glossy eyesIn your tight jeans with your long hairAnd your cigarette stained liesCould we fix you if you broke?And is your punch line just a joke?I"ll never talk againOh boy you"ve left me speechlessYou"ve left me speechless, so speechlessI"ll never talk againOh boy you"ve left me speechlessYou"ve left me speechless, so speechlessI can"t believe how you slurred at meWith your half wired broken jawYou popped my heart seamsOn my bubble dreams, bubble dreamsI can"t believe how you looked at meWith your Johnnie Walker eyesHe"s gonna get you and after he"s throughThere"s gonna be no love left to ryeAnd I know that it"s complicatedBut I"m a loser in love So baby Raise a glass to mendAll the broken heartsOf all my wrecked up friendsI"ll never talk againOh boy you"ve left me speechlessYou"ve left me speechless so speechlessI"ll never love again,Oh friend you"ve left me speechlessYou"ve left me speechless, so speechlessHooow?Haaaa-oooo-wow?H-ooow?Haaaa-oooo-wow?H-ooow?And after all the drinks and bars that we"ve been toWould you give it all up?Could I give it all up for you?And after all the boys and girls that we"ve been throughWould you give it all up?Could you give it all up?If I promise to you boyThat I"ll never talk againAnd I"ll never love againI"ll never write a songWon"t even sing alongI"ll never love againSo speechlessYou left me speechless, so speechlessWill you ever talk again?Oh boy, why you so speechless?You"ve left me speechless so speechlessSome men may follow meBut you choose “death and company”Why you so speechless? Oh oh oh


Speechless 无言以对(Lady GaGa/Stefani Germanotta)I can"t belive what you said to me我不敢相信你对我说的话Last night when we were alone昨晚我们两人独处You threw your hands up你举起双手Baby you gave up, you gave up宝贝你投降了,你投降了I can"t believe how you looked at me我不敢相信你这样看著我With your James Dean glossy eyes用你帅气闪亮的双眼In your tight jeans with your long hair穿著你的紧身牛仔酷 留著长发And your cigarette stained lies还有你用菸头烧过的谎言Could we fix you if you broke?如果你坏掉了 我们可以修好吗 ?And is your punch line just a joke?难道你那些甜言蜜语只是场笑话 ?I"ll never talk again我再也不能言语Oh boy you"ve left me speechless噢 男孩 你让我无言以对You"ve left me speechless, so speechless你让我无言以对 多麼无言以对And I will never love again而我再也不能去爱Oh boy you"ve left me speechless噢 男孩 你让我无言以对You"ve left me speechless, so speechless你让我无言以对 多麼无言以对I can"t believe how you slurred at me我不敢相信你如此的无视我With your half wired broken jaw用那歪一边的下巴You popped my heart seams你穿透了我的心缝On my bubble dreams, bubble dreams刺破了我美梦的泡影,美梦的泡影I can"t believe how you looked at me我不敢相信你这样看著我With your Johnnie Walker eyes用你醉茫茫的眼睛He"s gonna get you and after he"s through他一定会逮到你 当她结束There"s gonna be no love left to rye再没有爱情可以被收成And I know that it"s complicated而我知道这很复杂But I"m a loser in love但我在爱情里是个输家So baby raise a glass to mend所以宝贝举起杯来弥补All the broken hearts我那些破碎的心Of all my wrecked up friends给我那些残败的朋友I"ll never talk again我再也不能言语Oh boy you"ve left me speechless噢 男孩 你让我无言以对You"ve left me speechless, so speechless你让我无言以对 多麼无言以对And I will never love again而我再也不能去爱Oh boy you"ve left me speechless噢 男孩 你让我无言以对You"ve left me speechless, so speechless你让我无言以对 多麼无言以对Hooow?Haaaa-oooo-wow?H-ooow?WowHaaaa-oooo-wow?H-ooow?WowAnd after all the drinks and bars that we"ve been to喝过那麼多杯 去过那麼多家酒吧Would you give it all up?你还是要抛弃一切?Could I give it all up for you?我可以为你抛弃一切吗?And after all the boys and girls that we"ve been through在我们经历了那麼多红男绿女之后Would you give it all up?还是要抛弃一切?Could you give it all up?还是要抛弃一切?If I promise to you boy如果我答应你That I"ll never talk again我永远不会再言语And I"ll never love again我永远不会再去爱I"ll never write a song我永远不会再写歌Won"t even sing along连跟著唱都不会I"ll never love again我永远不会再去爱So speechless多麼无言以对You left me speechless, so speechless你让我无言以对,多麼无言以对Why you so speechless, so speechless?为何你无言以对,多麼无言以对?Will you ever talk again?你可会再度言语Oh boy, why you so speechless?噢 男孩 为什麼你如此无言以对You"ve left me speechless你让我无言以对Some men may follow me有些男人可能会跟著我But you choose “death and company”但你却选死亡与陪伴Why you so speechless? Oh oh oh为何你无言以对 , 噢 噢 噢

office lady什么意思

OL 百度百科

lady gaga 的Dyer Maker是翻唱谁的?

Led Zeppelin

求吸血鬼骑士 rainy lady 罗马音+中文歌词

Rainy Lady hikaru shizuku Flowin" now sono egaoIma kimi wo dakishime youKeeping Shivering Story ride a merry go roundMeguri meguru tsureteikunosa Brand new dayAme agari mabushii gogo no keshiki kono mune ga odori dasuAozora ni haeru nureta shatsu hirogeNiji no shita de warau kimi ga subete da to omottaIma Rainy Lady mune ni hashiru Flowin" now kono omoiKaze no naka kanjite yoLookin for the true shine just only you knowTsunaida te no naka de hajikeru Brand new daysFui ni mitsumeta me wa pareedo no you sa mabataki no tabi kawaruChizu wo sasu yubi ga douji ni fureattaDonna michi mo jikan sae mo koete yukeru darou kimi toKanashimi ga (toori ame no youna) setsunasa wa (doko kara furuno)Kono toki wa hohoemi no naka ni...Kitto Rainy Lady ochita shizuku Flowin" now itsu no hi gaHare wataru sora no shitaKeeping Shivering Story ride a merry go roundMeguri meguru toki ni habatake kagayaki wo mamottekuBrand new days



Courtney Melody的《My Lady》 歌词

歌曲名:My Lady歌手:Courtney Melody专辑:Total Recall Vol. 8Unknown - My LadyAh la la la la laAh la la la la laAh la la la la laAh la la la la laAh la la la la laAh la la la la lammmmm, ohhhhthe days have come and gone so fastwho knew that this love was gonna lastgod knows we"ve been though some very bad timesbut baby everytime i see you smileit always take me back girl its been awhilethe first time i held you close and looked in your eyesmy baby, my ladyeverything that drives a man crazymy true lovethe one i hold so tightmy baby, my ladyyou open my heart and saved memy bestfreindthe one i kiss goodnightthose days are gone but youre still by my sidewhat a joy its been to have you in my lifeim so proud to say that youre my, my girlyouve change my life in so many waysyoure the reason why im here todayyoure the sun that shines on, on my high worldmy baby, my ladyyoure everything that drives a man crazymy true lovethe one i hold so tightmy baby, my ladyyou open my heart and saved memy bestfreindthe one i kiss goodnightbaby, i can never tell you how muchyou mean to me, huhbut everytime you hear this songi want you to be remindedof how much i truly love youmy baby, my ladyyoure everything that drives a man crazymy true lovethe one i hold so tightmy baby, my ladyyou open my heart and saved memy bestfreindthe one i kiss goodnightmy baby, my ladymy true lovemy baby, my ladymy bestfreindi love you

柯有纶的《Sugar Lady》 歌词

歌曲名:Sugar Lady歌手:柯有纶专辑:2009柯有纶全创作One Day柯有纶 - Sugar Lady作词:柯有纶 作曲:柯有纶 编曲:SKOT SUYAMA你的微笑让我神魂颠倒什麽原因开了这个玩笑全身沾满了谁的味道一个不开心喔让你糟糕No no no you want it you want it you want itNo no no sexy sexy oh babyNo no no you want it you want it you want itNo no no 心跳加速感觉快发烧Hey hey hey sugar lady 快点看过来Hey hey hey sugar lady 让你很痛快Hey hey hey sugar lady 快点看过来Hey hey hey sugar lady 不要不理不睬Hey hey hey sugar lady 快点来来来Hey hey hey sugar lady 我要你的爱Hey hey hey sugar lady 快点来来来Hey hey hey sugar lady 不要不理不睬Check one check two 麦克风大点A to the Z to the Honey Funky DWe gonna party to this old school twistPut you hands up say Oh Oh OhCheck one check two 麦克风大点A to the Z to the Honey Funky DYou can call me sexy honey baby爱你叫我 sugar daddy

lady gaga的Monster中文歌词?


NBA球队PHI是不是Philadelphia 76ers的缩写


NBA球队PHI是不是Philadelphia 76ers开头三个字母


Philadelphia 76ers名字里的76ers是怎么来的?



是Q Lazzarus唱的Heaven,歌词 Everyone is trying to get to the bar. The name of the bar, the bar is called Heaven. The band in Heaven plays my favorite song. They play it once again, they play it all night long. Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens. Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens. There is a party, everyone is there. Everyone will leave at exactly the same time. Its hard to imagine that nothing at all could be so exciting, and so much fun. Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens. Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens. When this kiss is over it will start again. It will not be any different, it will be exactly the same. It"s hard to imagine that nothing at all could be so exciting, could be so much fun. Heaven is a place where nothing every happens Heaven is a place where nothing every happens

Philadelphia Passed a Soda Tax

The fifth largest city in the US passed a significant soda tax proposal that will levy 1.5 cents per liquid ounce on distributors. 美国第五大城市费城通过了一项重要的“苏打水征税”提案,该提案决定对经销商征收每液体盎司1.5美分的税。Philadelphia"s new measure was approved by a 13 to 4 city council vote. It sets a new bar for similar initiatives across the country. 费城的这项新措施以13票比4票获得了市议会的通过。它为美国全国范围内的类似举措设置了新的标准。It is proof that taxes on sugary drinks can win substantial support outside super-liberal areas. 这证明,即使在超自由主义领域之外,对含糖饮料征税也可以赢得大量支持。Until now, the only city to successfully pass and implement a soda tax was Berkeley, California, in 2014. 目前为止,加州的伯克利是唯一一个成功通过并实施了苏打水征税的城市,该税法于2014年通过。The tax will apply to regular and diet sodas, as well as other drinks with added sugar, such as Gatorade and iced teas. 该税不仅适用于佳得乐和冰茶等其他含糖饮料,也适用于普通汽水和无糖汽水。It"s expected to raise $410 million over the next five years, most of which will go toward funding a universal pre-kindergarten program for the city. 预计在未来五年中,它将征集到4.1亿美元,其中大部分将用于资助该市的一项普及学前教育项目。While the city council vote was met with applause inside the council room, opponents to the measure, including soda lobbyists, made sharp criticisms and a promise to challenge the tax in court. 虽然市议会投票结果在议会厅内赢得了欢呼,但是该项提案的反对者,包括苏打水游说者,却对此进行了尖锐的批判,并且发誓会在法庭上反对这一税收。"The tax passed today unfairly singles out beverages — including low- and no-calorie choices," said Lauren Kane, spokeswoman for the American Beverage Association. 美国饮料协会发言人劳伦·凯恩(Lauren Kane)称,”今天通过的这项税收专门针对饮料——包括低卡和零卡饮料,这很不公平。”"But most importantly, it is against the law. So we will side with the majority of the people of Philadelphia who oppose this tax and take legal action to stop it." “但最重要的是,这是违法的。因此,我们将与大多数费城人站在一起,反对这项税收,并采取法律行动阻止它。”An industry-backed anti-tax campaign has spent at least $4 million on advertisements. The ads criticized the measure, characterizing it as a "grocery tax." 一场由行业支持的反税运动已花费了至少400万美元用于广告宣传。这些广告批判了这项税收,并将其描绘为“杂货税。”Public health groups applauded the approved tax as a step toward fixing certain lasting health issues that plague Americans. 公共健康组织则支持这项已通过的税收,并称赞这是解决某些长久困扰美国人的健康问题所迈出的一步。"The move to recapture a small part of the profits from an industry that pushes a product that contributes to diabetes, obesity and heart disease in poorer communities in order to reinvest in those communities will sure be inspirational to many other places," said Jim Krieger, executive director of Healthy Food America. "Indeed, we are already hearing from some of them. It"s not "just Berkeley" anymore." 优食美国(Healthy Food America,一个致力于促进健康饮食的组织)的执行主任吉姆·克里格(Jim Krieger)说:“从一个所推广的产品会让较贫困社区的人口患上糖尿病、肥胖症和心脏病的行业拿回一小部分利润,以再投资于这些社区,这种举措肯定会对其他许多地方产生启发。”“事实上,我们已经收到了一些地方的来信。不会只有伯克利一个城市。”Similar measures in California"s Albany, Oakland, San Francisco and Colorado"s Boulder are becoming hot-button issues. Health advocacy groups have hinted that even more might be coming. 类似措施在加州的奥尔巴尼、奥克兰、旧金山和科罗拉多州的博尔德正成为热点问题。健康组织暗示未来可能会有更多城市。




美国 宾夕法尼亚州 费城



Philadelphia 歌词

歌曲名:Philadelphia歌手:john mark mcmillan专辑:the medicineJohn Mark McMillan - PhiladelphiaYou step through meAnd the screen door hits the woodAnd your packing all your thingsYou say your moving out to there to HollywoodAnd I can"t do a thingYou say there"s nothing for youIn this cardboard townAnd every bridge you crossYour gonna burn it to the groundYou wont listen to a word that I"m telling yaSo who"s running through the hallsIn the houses of painThat are staring back at meLike the ocean from a planeI swear I"ve seen your eyesin the ghost of PhiladelphiaI think about you late at night sometimesWhen I can"t sleepCause I can hear the trainIt"s always thereYou just don"t know itTill a quarter to threeYou just can"t hear it in the dayWhen every body"s got your numberIn a plexy glass townWhere the birds ain"t got wingsBut no one makes a soundCause they all know how to flyJust I wouldn"t buy what they"re selling yaI run into your old man every once and againMostly in the springReminds me of our younger and more genuine days whenYou weren"t so out of reachStill for all your runningYou just can"t change a mileOf the things you carry aroundIn the closet of your mindAnd the days keep coming manThey never fail yaYour never gonna run awayFrom what your hanging round your headFrom what you said




安德鲁(汤姆u2022汉克斯 Tom Hanks 饰)和米勒(丹泽尔u2022华盛顿 Denzel Washington 饰)认识于法庭上,两人都是年轻有为的律师,各为其主。然而,年轻的安德鲁不久后因为同性恋和身染艾滋病被老板发现,以莫须有理由解雇了。 遭解雇后的安德鲁四处寻找律师为他讨回公道。当安德鲁找到米勒时,米勒一开始拒绝了他。因为米勒像普通人一样憎恨同性恋和惧怕艾滋病,但当他看到安德鲁在图书馆搜索“艾滋病歧视”时遭到管理员的白眼,听着妻子缓慢而平静地说出他们的姨妈、朋友有很多也是同性恋时,他决定受理安德鲁的案件。 在最后的法庭上,病危的安德鲁毅然出庭…… 如果你要是打《费城故事》的话,会有更多信息的。


Philadelphia的发音是:[,filu0259"delfju0259; -fiu0259] 中文发:非了 呆非恶


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