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lady gaga的《Judas》这首歌有什么含义,想表达个什么?


lady gaga的MV JUDAS是什么意思?



I"m glad to meet you.见到你很高兴。I"m so glad that you can come.你能来我太高兴了。


glad的比较级一般用more glad,不用gladder……如有疑问,请追问!

be glad的用法及例句

be glad to do sth.I am glad to see you.


I am glad (that) we fell down that ravine.glad 后面接的是宾语从句,不是同位语从句。宾从中,that 在这里是可以省略的,所以没有连接词 (也有一些情况不可省略)。补充一个例子:I am glad (that) that didn"t happen. 这里第一个that 是宾从的引导词,省略;第二个that 是从句中的主语(指的是没发生的那一件事)。希望帮到了你。


glad /g/






二者为形容词但意思又不同 glad是高兴的开心的意思一般作表语 而nice是好的不错的漂亮的等意思没有高兴的这一意思 一般作表语也可作定语




glad/pleased都有:“高兴、快乐”之意。1. glad 多用在与人见面时的客套语中,指使人感到:情绪上有短暂的喜悦,常用作表语,一般情况下不作定语。如: I"m glad to help you with your English. 我很高兴帮你学英语。2. pleased 意为:“对……感到满意/高兴”常与be连用,后面接介词with(sb), at(sth) 等引起的短语,或不定式;pleased 通常不作定语。如:① He is pleased with his new job. 他对他的新工作很满意。② She was very much pleased at the news. 她听到这个消息非常满意。 希望对你有帮助!


1) glad多用在与人见面时的客套语中,指使人感到情绪上有短暂的喜悦,常用作表语,一般情况下不作定语。例如: I"m glad to help you with your English.我很高兴帮助你学英语。 2) happy指使人感到内心的满足、幸福和愉快,祝贺新年、生日或节日时常用到它,可用作表语和定语。例如: Happy New Year!新年好!


happy, pleased, pleasant, joyful


你好, glad是形容词, 意思是高兴的, 副词是gladly. 它没有动词, 古英语用法里glad可以做动词, 现在已经不这样用。表示使...开心,高兴, 可以用动词please比如 He bought the necklace toplease his girlfriend. 他买项链让他女朋友开心。 或者make sb happy 让某人开心,采纳哈 !


glad的固定搭配如下:1、glad eye。抛媚眼;秋波;媚眼;口。2、Four Glad Meatballs。直译四个开心的肉球;四喜丸子。3、glad rags。晚礼服;在庄重的场合或举行仪式时穿的服装;最考究衣服。4、Glad you are my friend。我的好朋友;我的好冤家。5、Glad to Meet You。见到你很高兴;很高兴认识你;见到你真高兴;很高兴见到你。双语例句1、I"m so glad (that) you"re safe!你安然无恙我真高兴!2、I"m glad you came along.有你跟我一起来,我很高兴。3、Phew, I"m glad that"s all over.哦,这档事总算结束了!




glad的固定搭配如下:1、glad eye。抛媚眼;秋波;媚眼;口。2、Four Glad Meatballs。直译四个开心的肉球;四喜丸子。3、glad rags。晚礼服;在庄重的场合或举行仪式时穿的服装;最考究衣服。4、Glad you are my friend。我的好朋友;我的好冤家。5、Glad to Meet You。见到你很高兴;很高兴认识你;见到你真高兴;很高兴见到你。双语例句1、I"m so glad (that) you"re safe!你安然无恙我真高兴!2、I"m glad you came along.有你跟我一起来,我很高兴。3、Phew, I"m glad that"s all over.哦,这档事总算结束了!


1/glad释义: adj. 高兴的;乐意的 vt. 使......高兴 2/例句: I"m glad to help you carry the bags. 我很乐意帮你拿袋子。 Your arrival for my birthday party will glad me. 生日聚会上你的到来会使我很高兴。 3/glad的短语有: glad to meet you见到你很高兴 glad to see you见到你很高兴 glad of对……感到高兴 glad eyen. [口]媚眼;秋波


高兴的glad英语发音:发音英 [gl_d];美 [ɡl_d]。基本释义:形容词或者动词;意为高兴的,乐意的;令人高兴的,使人愉快的;(风光)明媚的,(景色)美丽的;充满欢乐的,兴高采烈的;使高兴。


glad的固定搭配如下:1、glad eye。抛媚眼;秋波;媚眼;口。2、Four Glad Meatballs。直译四个开心的肉球;四喜丸子。3、glad rags。晚礼服;在庄重的场合或举行仪式时穿的服装;最考究衣服。4、Glad you are my friend。我的好朋友;我的好冤家。5、Glad to Meet You。见到你很高兴;很高兴认识你;见到你真高兴;很高兴见到你。双语例句1、I"m so glad (that) you"re safe!你安然无恙我真高兴!2、I"m glad you came along.有你跟我一起来,我很高兴。3、Phew, I"m glad that"s all over.哦,这档事总算结束了!

be glad的用法及例句

be glad 是一个系表结构,表示为某事感到高兴,欢喜.其用法有3种: 1.后带介词短语,如 I am glad about his new job.我为他的新工作感到高兴. 2.后带动词不定式,如 I"ll be glad to do you a favour.我愿意为你效劳. 注意,如动词不定式不是句子主语的行为,则应在不定式之前加上逻辑主语,如 I shall be glad for you to come.你能来我将很高兴.(来的主语不是我,而是你,所以要加 for you.) 3.后带宾语从句,如 I am glad you have succeeded.你成功了我感到高兴. 以上例句不是本人自编的,均选自“金山词霸2009牛津版”,保证正确.


  glad表高兴的,乐意的; 令人高兴的意思,那么你知道glad的同义词有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了glad的同义词,希望对你有帮助哦!   glad的同义词辨析:   happy, glad, cheerful, joyful, merry, delightful, gay, pleasant, nice, jolly, agreeable   这些形容词均含"愉快的,高兴的"之意。   happy : 侧重感到满足、幸福或高兴。   glad : 最普通用词,语气较弱,表示礼貌的惯用语。指乐于做某事或因某事而感到满足,常表愉快的心情。   cheerful : 多指因内心的愉快而表现出兴高采烈,是强调而自然的感情流露。   joyful : 语气较强,强调心情或感情上的欣喜。   merry : 指精神情绪的暂时高涨,表示欢乐、愉快的心境或情景,侧重充满欢笑声和乐趣。   delightful : 指能带来强烈的快乐,激起愉快的情感,用于非常愉快的场合。   gay : 侧重无忧无虑、精神昂扬、充满生命的快乐。   pleasant : 侧重给人以"赏心悦目"或"愉快的,宜人的"感受。   nice : 语气较温和,泛指任何愉快或满意的感觉。   jolly : 通俗用词,多指充满快乐与喜悦的神情。   agreeable : 指与感受者的愿望、情趣或受好等和谐一致而带来的心情上的快意。   glad的例句:   1. I"m so glad to see you back where you belong.   我真高兴看到你又回到了属于你自己的天地。   2. I"m so glad he had a pang of conscience.   我很高兴他会有负疚感。   3. I can"t tell you how glad I was to leave that place.   我无法形容自己离开那个地方心里有多高兴。   4. She was feeling tired and was glad to lean against him.   她正感到有些疲倦,因此很高兴可以靠在他身上。   5. I"m so glad that we"ve found you at last!   我们终于找到你了,我真是太高兴了!   6. You can"t think how glad I was to see them all go.   你都想象不到,我看到他们全都走了,心里是多么高兴。   7. We were glad to be on dry land again.   再一次踏上陆地我们很高兴。   8. She thought she"d never been so glad to see his bulky form.   她想她从来没有因看到他那肥胖的身躯而如此高兴。   9. I am so glad that you have brought this to my notice.   我很高兴你让我注意到了这件事情。   10. "He speaks well of you." — "I"m glad to hear that."   “他对你评价很高。”——“真高兴听到这个。”   11. I"m glad that you"re over the flu.   你的流感好了,我真高兴。   12. I am glad it"s all over.   我很高兴一切都结束了。   13. I"d be glad to lend a hand.   我很乐意帮忙。   14. Hello, Dolph. Glad I caught you.   喂,多尔夫,可见着你了。   15. I ought to be glad about what happened.   我对发生的事情应该感到高兴才是。


glad用法详细如下:一、glad可以用作形容词高兴的;乐意的;令人高兴的,使人愉快的。例句:That friendless child"s noise would make you glad.那孤苦伶仃的孩子的喧闹声会使你听了高兴的。例句:I"m just glad to help.我很乐意帮忙的。二、glad指由于某一特定的事或原因而“喜悦”,描写的是人高兴或快乐的情绪,也可用于对愉快或满意的感情的有礼貌的表达。三、glad作“高兴的,欢喜的”解时在句中一般用作表语:接about表示高兴的原因,接at表示瞬间的喜悦,接of表示高兴的心理的持续状态;其后还可接由that/wh-引导的从句,that常可省略。四、glad作“使人高兴的,令人快乐的”解时,在句中通常用作定语。五、glad用作形容词的用法例句1、I"m glad to hear he"s feeling better.听说他身体好些了,我很高兴。2、I am glad we have come together at last.很高兴我们终于取得了一致。3、I"d be glad to lend you the money.我很乐意借给你钱。


glad 是形容词,形容词一般都可以作表语、定语、宾补。I am glad to see you. give a glad smile; see her glad to do the job

glad 音标是 汉语是

格莱德学习是一件愉快的事! (*^__^*) 请及时采纳,多谢!




glad If you are glad about something 即 you are happy and pleased about it. If you say that you will be glad to do something 即 you mean that you are willing and eager to do it . ================================================ pleased If you are pleased 即 you are happy about something or satisfied with something. If you say you will be pleased to do something 即 you are saying in a polite way that you are willing to do it. 一般而言两字一样是替人感到高兴,但有些地道用法是有些微妙的分别可以留意: glad可以指庆幸,例如:I am glad you are not hurt in the accident. 但很少人会说:I am pleased you are not hurt in the accident. pleased则会用在一些formal少少的wirting,而glad则甚少用于formal writing. 公司信件或回复客户等正式公文都不会用glad而只用pleased表达高兴或表示欢迎。 We are pleased to invite you to our annual ball/dinner. I"m please to go to your pany"s annual ball/dinner. 所以虽然两字查字典可能中文解差不多完全相同,但单就用途已经有些分别,再深的用法不谈以免影响你的理解。 jenkini1 raised a good point! 您好,我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源,您能从中得到不少帮助: 祝您好运! "glad" and "pleased" are the same! 2009-11-25 15:30:41 补充: "glad" and "pleased" are the same! 2009-11-25 15:31:09 补充: "glad" and "pleased" are the same!


be glad to do sth 很荣幸做某事

be glad 和be happy 的区别

表示高兴做某事一般用be glad to do sth ,be happy一般只表示状态,或者后面+for sth



be glad的用法及例句

be glad 是一个系表结构,表示为某事感到高兴,欢喜.其用法有3种:1.后带介词短语,如 I am glad about his new job.我为他的新工作感到高兴.2.后带动词不定式,如 I"ll be glad to do you a favour.我愿意为你效劳.注意...


格拉德 高兴的意思

如何理解:I booked a tour with the lady who runs the guest house……


求Sour Candy Lady Gaga/BLACKPINK资源mp3下载

Lady Gaga/BLACKPINK-《Sour Candy》网页链接这是你需要的资源去点击普通下载请登录查看下载或者转存确认无误---请及时采纳同求资源者请发求助提问自行学习如何使用百度网盘



Knut Fladmark加拿大考古学家


load 和lade用法上的区别

lade vt.(laded; laden )装载(贷物等), 装车[船]用勺舀(水); 汲出(船 里的水)塞满; 把...压倒加负担(常用过去分词)lade a ship with cargo 把货物装在船上lade water out of a boat 把水从船里舀出来be laden with responsibility 担负着责任习惯用语laden with 载满, 充满烦恼load n.【生】(不利)负荷(指有害基因的存在)担子, 负载物, 车等所载的重量; [喻]负担; 重任, 工作量[pl. ]许多, 大量, 一大堆【电】负载(量), 发电量; 电力输出, 电力消耗充填, 装药, 装弹搀(入)[俚]使人喝醉的量; 酒气装, 装载, 装入, 输入a train of twenty empties and ten loads 一列有二十辆空车厢和十辆有货物车厢的火车the live load 活负载, 动荷载the peak load 最大负载, 峰负载load meter 测荷仪, 落地磅秤edge [side] load 边(缘)荷载the permissible load 容许负载the rated load 额定负载free load [美俚]白吃白喝case load (法庭等)办案件数; (医生的)诊疗病例数loads of friends 大批朋友loads of time 充裕的时间The normal teaching load of a full professor is eight hours a week. 正教授正常的授课是为每周八小时。vt.装满; 使负担; [喻]使备受赞扬(恩宠等); 施以片面的、带有片面性的影响; 赋以感情上的联想把弹药装入(枪, 炮); 把胶卷装入(照相机)(使)饱和(将费用、利润等)附加于(纯保险费、成本等)内(垒球的)使一垒、二垒、三垒都有跑垒队员load a ship with coal 把煤装上船load cargo into the hold 把货装入船舱load a camera (with film) 把胶卷装入照相机load sb. with praise 对某人大加颂扬Load ! 【军】装子[炮]弹!习惯用语a load of (=loads of) [俚]很多, 大量be a load off one"s mind 如释重负be loaded down [up] with 装着..., 存有(某种股票等)bear a load on one "s shoulders 挑起重担cast [lay] the load on [upon] 把责任推给...get a load of [美俚]仔细地看[听]; 打量; 估计have a load on [美俚]喝醉lay not all the load on the lame horse 别把希望寄托在不中用的人身上lazy man"s load 懒人挑的重担(懒人懒得多跑路, 经常把两次担的东西做一次担)take a load off one"s feet [美俚]坐下歇歇脚take a load off sb."s mind 使某人放心; 解除某人思想 负担load down 使负担过重load up 装载, 装满


lade:to load heavily or oppressivelyload不解释了

we express our regret for being unable to deliver to you the bill of lading and shipping documents

We feel regretful for not being able to deliver to you the bill of lading and shipping documents.It is regretable that we did not able to deliver to you the bill of lading and shipping documents.

请问动画片《Lady & Trump》里面的狗都是什么品种

lady:骑士查理王猎犬(Cavalier King Charles Spaniel)

lady gaga《pork face》歌词!!

Mum mum mum mahMum mum mum mahI wanna hold em" like they do in Texas pleaseFold em" let em" hit me raise it baby stay with me(I love it)拜托,我想要像在德州赌场那样抓住他牵制他,让他盯上我,加注吧宝贝,留在我身边(我喜欢)LoveGame intuition play the cards with spades to startAnd after he"s been hooked I"ll play the one that"s on his heart爱情游戏就是要凭直觉从黑桃玩起等到他上钩之后,我就要玩弄他的心Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-e-ohh-oh-ohI"ll get him hot, show him what I"ve gotOh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-e-ohh-oh-oh,I"ll get him hot, show him what I"ve gotOh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-e-ohh-oh-oh我会让他欲火焚身,领教我的本事Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-e-ohh-oh-oh我会让他欲火焚身,领教我的本事Can"t read my,Can"t read myNo he can"t read my POKER FACE(She"s got me like noby)Can"t read myCan"t read myNo he can"t read my POKER FACE(She"s got me like noby)读不出,读不出,他读不出我的扑克脸(没有人像她一样如此地吸引我)读不出,读不出,他读不出我的扑克脸(没有人像她一样如此地吸引我)P-P-P-POKER FACE, P-P-POKER FACE,(Mum mum mum mah)P-P-P-POKER FACE, P-P-POKER FACE,(Mum mum mum mah)扑-扑-扑-扑克脸,扑-扑-扑克脸,(Mum mum mum mah)扑-扑-扑-扑克脸,扑-扑-扑克脸,(Mum mum mum mah)I wanna roll with him a hard pair we will beA little gambling is fun whan you"re with me(I love it)Russian Roulete is not the same without a gunAnd baby when it"s love if it"s not rough it isn"t fun, fun我们会成为坚强的一对并一起摇摆和我玩一场小小的赌博,这真的很有趣(我喜欢)俄罗斯轮盘一但没有了枪就完全不一样宝贝如果是爱的话,不野蛮一点就不好玩了Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-e-ohh-oh-ohI"ll get him hot, show him what I"ve gotOh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-e-ohh-oh-oh,I"ll get him hot, show him what I"ve gotOh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-e-ohh-oh-oh我会让他欲火焚身,领教我的本事Oh, oh, oh, oh, ohhhh, ohh-oh-e-ohh-oh-oh我会让他欲火焚身,领教我的本事I won"t tell you that I love youKiss or hug youCause I"m bluffin" with my muffinI"m not lying I"m just stunnin" with my love-glue-gunningJust like a chick in the casinoTake your bank before I pay you outI promise this, promise thisCheck this hand cause I"m marvelous我不会跟你说我爱你亲你或者抱你只是因为我在用我的身体诱惑你我没有说谎,我只是很擅长"爱情强力胶"就像是在赌场里的小妞在你动手前就把你洗劫一空我保证,我保证,猜猜看我手上有什麼王牌吧,因为我可是很不可思议的喔

lady gaga是谁?

Lady GaGa1986年出生于纽约的Yonkers,双亲为意大利人。小时候就读于名为the Sacred Heart的天主教学校,时尚名媛Paris Hilton(帕丽斯·希尔顿)和Caroline Kennedy都是她的校友。2006年,Gaga在自纽约大学辍学之后,签约Interscope Records成为作曲人。曾为布兰妮、菲姬、小野猫、阿肯等知名歌手作曲。当Akon发现Gaga同时具有幕前演唱的实力后,他签约Gaga到自己旗下,自此她开始筹备首张个人专辑。2008年,Gaga发布了自己的首张个人专辑《The Fame》,她自己解释此专辑为“有关让所有人都能感觉到如何著名。”原名:Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta 生日与出生地:1986年3月28日出生于美国纽约州扬克斯 身高:155cm (5尺1寸) 家人:Joseph Germanotta(爸爸)Cynthia Germanotta (妈妈)Natalie Germanotta (妹妹) 惯用手:左手 最喜爱的女歌手:碧昂丝·吉赛尔·诺斯(Beyonce Giselle Knowles)、麦当娜(Madonna) 最喜爱的男歌手:迈克尔·波顿(Michael Bolton)、迈克尔杰克逊(Michael Jackson) 音乐影响:David Bowie、Queen、Madonna 圈中好友:帕里斯希尔顿、妮基·希尔顿、米卡、碧昂丝 代表造型:闪电眼妆、白色“齐刘海”、“蝴蝶结”发型 作品风格:嘎嘎受到很多时尚的影响,她挑衅意味的时装风格受到好评,同时亦对很多名流有所影响。2009年她在澳门接受香港TVB《娱乐新闻报道》的VJ张允芝采访时表示,她的时尚概念来自朋友们和同性恋(my friends and gays)。音乐上,她受到了大卫·鲍伊和皇后乐队的启发,同时也受到流行歌手如麦当娜和迈克尔·杰克逊的影响。 主要路线:“时尚怪胎”和同志偶像 粉丝名称:Monster

《De Profundis The Ballad》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《De Profundis, the Ballad of Reading Gaol and Other Poetry》(Oscar Wilde)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: qdt1书名:De Profundis, the Ballad of Reading Gaol and Other Poetry作者:Oscar Wilde出版社:Dove Books出版年份:1997-02

DNA ladder 和DNA maker是同样的东西么

DNA ladder只是 DNA maker的一种 ,DNA maker还包括很多。

问Lady Gaga3首歌的歌词

《Bad Romance》 LADY GAGACaught in a bad romance 囚禁于邪恶传奇 Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah! Mum-mum-mum-mum-mah! GaGa-oo-la-la! Want your bad romance 垂涎于你的邪恶传奇 Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah! Mum-mum-mum-mum-mah! GaGa-oo-la-la! Want your bad romance 垂涎于你的邪恶传奇 I want your ugly 垂涎于你的丑恶 I want your disease 垂涎于你的病态 I want your everything 垂涎于你的所有 As long as it"s free 只要它是自由的 I want your love 垂涎于你的爱恋 Love-love-love 爱恋-爱恋-爱恋 I want your love 垂涎于你的爱恋 I want your drummer 垂涎于你的鼓点 The touch of your healing 你治愈的的抚摸 I want you leather dirty kiss in the scene 垂涎于剧本中抽搐肮脏的吻 And I want your love 垂涎于你的爱恋 Love-love-love 爱恋-爱恋-爱恋 I want your love 垂涎于你的爱恋 Love-love-love 爱恋-爱恋-爱恋 I want your love 垂涎于你的爱恋 You know that I want you 你明白我垂涎于你 And you know that I need you 你明白我想占有你 I want it bad 我要它更邪恶 Bad and bad 肮脏 堕落 I want your loving 我垂涎于你的迷恋 And I want your revenge 我垂涎于你的复仇 You and me put on a bad romance 你我正在编织邪恶传奇 I want your loving 我垂涎于你的迷恋 All your love is revenge 你的迷恋是复仇 You and me put on a bad romance 你我正在编织邪恶传奇 Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh! Oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh! Caught in a bad romance 囚困于邪恶传奇 Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh! Oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh! Caught in a bad romance 囚困于邪恶传奇 Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah! Mum-mum-mum-mum-mah! GaGa-oo-la-la! Want your bad romance 垂涎于邪恶传奇 I want your horror 我垂涎于你的恐惧 I want your design 垂涎于你的阴谋 "Cause you"re a criminal 只因你是罪孽 As long as your mine 只要你是我的 I want your love 我垂涎于你的爱恋 Love-love-love 爱恋-爱恋-爱恋 I want your love 我垂涎于你的爱恋 I want your psycho 我垂涎于你的灵魂 You"re burning this stick 枯木因你燃烧 Want you in my room 垂涎于囚在我牢房里的你 When your baby is sick 亲爱的每当你充满攻击性时 I want your love 我就垂涎于你的爱恋 Love-love-love 爱恋-爱恋-爱恋 I want your love 垂涎于你的爱恋 Love-love-love 爱恋-爱恋-爱恋 I want your love 我垂涎于你的爱恋 You know that I want you 你明白我要占有你 And you know that I need you 你明白我无法放弃你 I want it bad 我要它更邪恶 Bad and bad 肮脏 堕落 I want your loving 我垂涎于你的迷恋 And I want your revenge 我垂涎于你的复仇 You and me put on a bad romance 你与我正在编制邪恶传奇 I want your loving 我垂涎于你的迷恋 All your love is revenge 你的迷恋是复仇 You and me put on a bad romance 你与我正在编制邪恶传奇 Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh! Oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh! Caught in a bad romance 囚困于邪恶传奇 Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh! Oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh! Caught in a bad romance 囚困于邪恶传奇 Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah! Mum-mum-mum-mum-mah! GaGa-oo-la-la! Want your bad romance 垂涎于你的邪恶传奇 Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah! Mum-mum-mum-mum-mah! GaGa-oo-la-la! Want your bad romance 垂涎于你的邪恶传奇 Walk-walk fashion baby 行走在上流社会 亲爱的 Work it 虐待它 Work the bitch crazy 鞭挞那些荡妇使她们更加疯狂 Walk-walk fashion baby 行走在上流社会 亲爱的 Work it 虐待它 Work the bitch crazy 鞭挞那些荡妇使她们更加疯狂 Walk-walk fashion baby 行走在上流社会 亲爱的 Work it 虐待它 Work the bitch crazy 鞭挞那些荡妇使她们更加疯狂 Walk-walk fashion baby 行走在上流社会 亲爱的 Work it 虐待它 Work the bitch crazy 鞭挞那些荡妇使她们更加疯狂 I want your love 我垂涎于你的爱恋 And I want your revenge 垂涎于你的复仇 I want your love 我垂涎于你的爱恋 I don"t wanna be friends 我可不是你的同伴 Said I want your love 我要占有你的爱 And I want your revenge 占有你的复仇 I want your love 我要占有你的爱恋 I don"t wanna be friends 我可不是你的战友 Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh! Oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh! Caught in a bad romance 囚禁于邪恶传奇 Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh! Oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh! Caught in a bad romance 囚禁于邪恶传奇 I want your loving 我垂涎于你的迷恋 And I want your revenge 垂涎于你的复仇 You and me put on a bad romance 你我正在编制邪恶传奇 I want your loving 我垂涎于你的迷恋 All your love is revenge 你的迷恋是复仇 You and me put on a bad romance 你与我正在编制邪恶传奇 Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh! Oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh! Caught in a bad romance 囚困于邪恶传奇 Oh-oh-oh-oh-oooh! Oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh! Caught in a bad romance 囚困于邪恶传奇 Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah! Mum-mum-mum-mum-mah! GaGa-oo-la-la! Want your bad romance

哪位大神给我用英语简短的介绍下碧昂斯,莉莉艾伦,KEANE,lady gaga,justin,dido这几个歌手,谢谢啦~


请教pauladeanda有一首歌walk away的歌词

希望是这首Paula DeandaWalk Away lyricsPAULA DEANDA:I"m gonna remember youYou"re gonna remember what I didPALUA DEANDA:I"m gonna remember you You"re gonna remember meMALE:I"m gonna remember youYou"re gonna remember meMALE:Ya your going to remember me booI"m going to remember you tooI can"t forget all the crazy shh we use to doYou were doing to much I wasn"t doing anuf That"s what your friends say You got a man anywaysI can"t explain it nether I never what to leave yaHell ya it"s hard to walk away When I see ya when I see you I remember the dayYou up your shoes on and moved onBefore I could say PAULA DEANDA:I saw you with your new girl just yesterdayAnd I feel that I must confessEven though it kills me to have to sayI"ll admit that I was impressedPhysically just short of perfectionGotta commend you on your selectionThough I know I shouldn"t be concernedIn the back of my mindI can"t help but questionDoes she rub your feetWhen you"ve had a long dayScratch your scalpWhen you take out your braidsDoes she know that you like tooPlay PS2 till 6 in the morningLike I doI can"t explain this feelingI think about it everydayAnd even though we"ve moved onIt gets so hard to walk away(I"m gonna remember youYou"re gonna remember me)Walk Away, Walk Away, walk away(I"m gonna remember youYou"re gonna remember me)I can"t forget how we used to beOur life from day to dayHoping maybe you"ll come backAnd though I tell myself not to be afraidTo move on but it seems I can"tThough a new man has given me attentionIt ain"t the same as your affectionThough I know I should be contentIn the back of my mindI can"t help but questionDoes he kiss me on the foreheadBefore we playShow up on my doorstep(With a bouquet)Does he call me in the middle of the dayJust to say hey baby I love youLike you used toI can"t explain this feelingI think about it everydayAnd even though we"ve moved onIt gets so hard to walk away(I"m gonna remember youYou"re gonna remember me)Walk Away, Walk Away, walk away(I"m gonna remember youYou"re gonna remember me)So hard to express this feelingCause nobody compares to youAnd you know she"ll never love you like I doI can"t explain this feelingI think about it everydayAnd even though we"ve moved onIt gets so hard to walk away(I"m gonna remember youYou"re gonna remember me)Walk Away, Walk Away, walk away(Remember You)I can"t explain this feelingI think about it everydayAnd even though we"ve moved onIt gets so hard to walk away(I"m gonna remember youYou"re gonna remember me)(I"m gonna remember youYou"re gonna remember me)

LOVE ENGLISH Dear teacher and classmates: I am very glad to make a speech here in this class again!


后海大鲨鱼 Lady Sisters歌词

Lady Sisters Hey girls my lady sisters Your shoes come from the hottest island Hey boy my Mr.Brothers Your pants come from the magazine Are you such a shiboy? Are you such a shigirl? Waking up in the comic world I donu2019t know your name Waking up in the comic world I canu2019t see your face What does the 21th centry youths against? What does the 21th centry youths against? What does the 21th centry youths against? What does the 21th centry youths against?

求Lady Gaga 《Money honey》的中文歌词?




黑执事第二季的歌 那个my lady


黑执事有一集伊丽莎白变成了木偶,然后把她做成木偶的人出场时放的歌叫什么?我记得有一句什么“oh my lad

london bridge is falling down《伦敦桥要倒塌了》


It"s been a long time since I camearound从我回来已经过了很长时间It"s been along time but I"m back intown已经这么久了我又回到这个小镇But this time I"m not leaving withoutyou不过这次我将不会离开你独自离开You taste like whiskey when you kissme oooh当你吻我时有 威士忌的香气I"ll give up anything again to be yourbaby doll我愿放弃一切再次成为你的挚爱Yeah this time I"m not leaving withoutyou这次我将不会离开你独自离开You said sit back down where youbelong你说叫我坐到位子上In the corner of my bar with your highheels on踩着 高跟鞋在你酒吧的角落里Sit back down on the couch where we

求lady gaga 的歌名 开头是mama run mama mama hulala- -(译音),这首歌叫什么名?

叫 ‘badromance" 楼下的说什麼啊?! 还说是GA迷~不懂别乱说

连铸中ladle shroud是什么意思?


求《Escape - The Pina Colada Song》中英双译歌词

ar:rupert holmes][ti:escape][00:14.51]I was tired of my lady, we"d been together too long.[00:19.41]Like a worn-out recording, of a favorite song.[00:28.49]So while she lay there sleeping, I read the paper in bed.[00:35.50]And in the personals column, there was this letter I read:[00:42.37]If you like Pina Coladas, and getting caught in the rain.[00:49.59]If you"re not into yoga, if you have half-a-brain.[00:53.90]If you like making love at midnight, in the dunes of the cape.[01:03.31]I"m the lady you"ve looked for, write to me, and escape.[01:23.87]I didn"t think about my lady, I know that sounds kind of mean.[01:30.85]But me and my old lady, had fallen into the same old dull routine.[01:37.98]So I wrote to the paper, took out a personal ad.[01:42.10]And though I"m nobody"s poet, I thought it wasn"t half-bad.[01:49.17]Yes, I like Pina Coladas, and getting caught in the rain.[01:58.38]I"m not much into health food, I am into champagne.[02:05.26]I"ve got to meet you by tomorrow noon, and cut through all this red tape.[02:12.39]At a bar called O"Malley"s, where we"ll plan our escape.[02:32.94]So I waited with high hopes, then she walked in the place.[02:39.89]I knew her smile in an instant, I knew the curve of her face.[02:46.77]It was my own lovely lady, and she said, "Oh, it"s you."[02:51.64]And we laughed for a moment, and I said, I never knew...[03:00.58]That you liked Pina Coladas, and getting caught in the rain.[03:07.72]And the feel of the ocean, and the taste of champagne.[03:14.41]If you like making love at midnight, in the dunes of the cape.[03:21.42]You"re the love that I"ve looked for, come with me, and escape.[03:41.99]If you like Pina Coladas, and getting caught in the rain.[03:48.86]If you"re not into yoga, if you have half-a-brain.[03:53.55]If you like making love at midnight, in the dunes of the cape.[04:02.74]You"re the love that I"ve looked for, come with me, and escape

Escape - The Pina Colada Song中文歌词是什么?



歌名:《treasure》歌手:Bruno Mars歌词:(第三行歌词里就有sexy lady)Give me your, give me your, give me your attention baby对面的宝贝看过来 看过来啊看过来I got to tell you a little something about yourself我要告诉你你是多么出色的美人儿You"re wonderful, flawless, ooh you"re a sexy lady你完美无瑕 美丽绝伦 性感无双But you walk around here like you wanna be someone else但你却在这里踱步 让人觉得你迷失了自己I know that you don"t know it, but you"re fine, so fine我明白你没有意识到 但你的美貌赛貂蝉 胜西施Oh girl I"m gonna show you when you"re mine, oh mine宝贝啊 若你当我女友 我要让你过上神仙日子Treasure, that is what you are宝贝 你就是我的专属宝藏Honey you"re my golden star属于我的闪耀金星And if you could make my wish come true如果你能让我梦想成真If you let me treasure you就让我好好地来爱你If you let me treasure you让我好好呵护你Pretty girl, pretty girl, pretty girl you should be smiling漂亮女神 美丽妹纸 你应该展开笑颜A girl like you should never look so blue美人如你不应该如此忧郁You"re everything I see in my dreams你就是我的梦中情人I wouldn"t say that to you if it wasn"t true这是我真心真意 所以我才告诉你I know that you don"t know it, but you"re fine, so fine我明白你没有意识到 但你的美貌赛貂蝉 胜西施Oh girl I"m gonna show you when you"re mine, oh mine宝贝啊 若你当我女友 我要让你过上神仙日子Treasure, that is what you are宝贝 你就是我的专属宝藏Honey you"re my golden star属于我的闪耀金星And if you could make my wish come true如果你能让我梦想成真If you let me treasure you就让我好好地来爱你If you let me treasure you让我好好呵护你You are my treasure, you are my treasure你是我的专属宝藏 专属宝藏You are my treasure, yeah, you you you, you are你就是我的专属宝藏 专属宝藏You are my treasure, you are my treasure宝贝 你就是我的专属宝藏You are my treasure, yeah, you you you, you are你是我的专属宝藏Treasure, that is what you are宝贝 你就是我的专属宝藏Honey you"re my golden star属于我的闪耀金星And if you could make my wish come true如果你能让我梦想成真If you let me treasure you就让我好好地来爱你If you let me treasure you让我好好呵护你



Lady In Black 歌词

歌曲名:Lady In Black歌手:Gregorian专辑:Mystic SpiritsIts the M.I.B.s, oh, here come the M.I.B.sHere come the Men in BlackHere come the Men in Black (Men in Black)They wont let you rememberNanana...The good guys dress in black remember thatJust in case we ever face to face and make contactThe title held by me...M.I.B.Means what you think you saw, you did not seeSo dont blinkThink what was there but nows goneBlack suit with the black Ray Bans onWalk in shadow move in silenceGuard against extra-terrestrial violenceBut though we aint on no government listWe straight dont existNo names and no figerprintsSaw something strangeWatch your backCause you never quite know where the M.I.B.s is atUh and...Here come the Men in Black (Men in Black)The galaxy defenders (uh uh, uh uh)Here come the Men in Black (Men in Black)They wont let you remember (uh uh, uh uh)Now from the deepest of the darkest of nightOn the horizon, bright light in the site tightCameras zoom, only your pen been doomBut then like BOOM black suits fill the room upWith the quickness talk with the witnessesHypnotize, neuralizeVivid memories turn to fantasiesAint no M.I.B.sCan I pleaseDo what we say thats the way we kick itYa know what I meanI say my noisy cricket get wicket on yaWere your first, last and only line of defenceAgainst the worst scum of the universeSo dont fear us, jeer usIf you ever get near us, dont jeer usWere the fearlessM.I.B.s freezin the ball of flatWhats that stand for?Men In Black.The Men in BlackThe Men in BlackLet me see ya just bounce it with meJust bounce with meJust bounce it with me cmonLet me see ya just slide with meJust slide with meJust slide with me cmonLet me see ya take a walk with meJust walk with meTake a walk with me cmonAnd make your neck workNow freezeHere come the Men in Black (Men in Black)The galaxy defenders (right on, right on)Here come the Men in Black (Men in Black)They wont let you rememberA-ight check itLet me tell you this in closinI know we might seem imposinBut trust me if we ever show in your sessionBelieve me its for your own protectionCuz we see things that you need not seeAnd we be places that you need not beSo go with your lifeForget that Roswell crapShow love to the black suitCuz thats the men inThats the men in...Here come the Men in Black (here we come)The galaxy defenders (galaxy defenders)Here come the Men in Black (oh here they come)They wont let you remember (wont let you remember)The galaxy defenders (uh uh, uh uh)Here come the Men in Black

Unity (Steve Lade Radio Edit) 歌词

歌曲名:Unity (Steve Lade Radio Edit)歌手:Shinedown专辑:UnityI found a note with your name and a picture of usEven though it was framed and covered in dustIt"s the map in my mind that sends me on my wayThey say it"s never too late to stop being afraidAnd there is no one else here, so why should I wait?And in the blink of an eye, the past begins to fadeSo have you ever been caught in a sea of despair?And your moment of truthis the day that you say "I"m not scared"Put your hands in the airIf you hear me out thereI"ve been looking for you day and nightShine a light in the darkLet me see where you are"Cause I"m not gonna leave you behindIf I told you that you"re not aloneAnd I show you this is where you belongPut your hands in the airOne more timeI"ve seen a million miles, met a million facesTook all I knew to reach all these placesAnd I"d do it again if it brings me back to youSo have you ever been caught in a sea of despair?And your moment of truthis the day that you say "I"m not scared"Put your hands in the airIf you hear me out thereI"ve been looking for you day and nightShine a light in the darkLet me see where you are"Cause I"m not gonna leave you behindIf I told you that you"re not aloneAnd I show you this is where you belongPut your hands in the airOne more time!!Put your hands in the airPut your hands in the airIf you hear me out thereI"ve been looking for you day and nightShine a light in the darkLet me see where you are"Cause I"m not gonna leave you behindIf I told you that you"re not aloneAnd I show you this is where you belongPut your hands in the airOne more timePut your hands in the airOne more time

求动感英文歌 要求节奏特好听 一听就喜欢的那种 不要Lady gaga 艾薇儿 布兰妮 听烂了都

as long as you love me latin grilnever let you gopray

求一首女声英文歌 开头是 喔哦 喔哦 so my什么什么的 大约是这样 不是lady gaga的歌 求高人指教

fx summer

求翻译lady antebellum的cant take my eyes off you的歌词


求Lady Antebellum新歌just a kiss歌词

Lady Antebellum - Just A Kiss (Lyrics by MaxRNB) lyin" here with you so close to me it"s hard to fight these feelings when it feels so hard to breathe caught up in this moment caught up in your smile i"ve never opened up to anyone so hard to hold back when i"m holding you in my arms we don"t need to rush this let"s just take this slow just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight just a touch in the fire burning so bright and i don"t want to mess this thing up i don"t want to push too far just a shot in the dark that you just might be the one i"ve been waiting for my whole life so baby i"m alright, with just a kiss goodnight i know that if we give this a little time it will only bring us closer to the love we wanna find it"s never felt so real, no it"s never felt so right just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight just a touch in the fire burning so bright and i don"t want to mess this thing up i don"t want to push too far just a shot in the dark that you just might be the one i"ve been waiting for my whole life so baby i"m alright, with just a kiss goodnight no i don"t want to say goodnight i know it"s time to leave, but you"ll be in my dreams tonight tonight tonight just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight just a touch in the fire burning so bright and i don"t want to mess this thing up i don"t want to push too far just a shot in the dark that you just might be the one i"ve been waiting for my whole life so baby i"m alright, oh, let"s do this right, with just a kiss goodnight with a kiss goodnight kiss goodnight (Lyrics by MaxRNB)(刚好我最近也很喜欢这首)

求lady antebellum的..things people say歌词

如果是lady gaga的我可以帮你翻译

Lady Antebellum的《Need You nom》英文歌词和中文歌词

 Need You Now   此刻我需要你 I just need you now(2张)   Picture perfect memories   想念中的美好记忆   scattered all around the floor   都散落在地板上   Reaching for the phone   伸手去拿电话   "cause I can"t fight it anymore   因为我再也无法抗拒    And I wonder if I ever cross your mind   我想知道我是否偶尔浮现在你的脑海    For me it happens all the time   对我来说这是很经常发生的   It"s a quarter after one   已是凌晨一点十五分    I"m all alone and I need you now   我独自一人 此刻我需要你    Said I wouldn"t call   说过我不会打电话   but I lost all control and I need you now   但是我失去了控制 此刻我需要你   And I don"t know how I can do without   没有你 我无所适从   I just need you now   此刻我只需要你   Another shot of whiskey   又喝了一杯威士忌   can"t stop looking at the door   不可遏制地向房门张望   Wishing you"d come sweeping   期待你翩翩而至   in the way you did before   就像以前你做的那样   And I wonder if I ever cross your mind   我想知道我是否曾经浮现在你的脑海   For me it happens all the time   对我来说这是经常发生的   It"s a quarter after one   已是凌晨一点十五分   I"m a little drunk and I need you now   我现在微醉 此刻我需要你   Said I wouldn"t call   我说过我不会打电话   but I lost all control and I need you now   但是我失去了控制 此刻我需要你   And I don"t know how I can do without   没有了你 我无所适从   I just need you now   此刻我只需要你   Guess I"d rather hurt than feel nothing at all   我宁愿遍体鳞伤也不愿麻木不仁   It"s a quarter after one   已是凌晨一点十五分   I"m all alone and I need you now   我独自一人 此刻我需要你   And I said I wouldn"t call   我说过我不会打电话   but I"m a little drunk and I need you now   但是我微醉了 此刻我需要你   And I don"t know how I can do without   没有你 我无所适从   I just need you now   此刻我只需要你   I just need you now   此刻我只需要你   Oh baby I need you now   哦,宝贝 此刻我只需要你

Lady Antebellum 的 American Honey歌词翻译…最好中英对照…

She grow up on the side of the roadWhere the church bells ring and strong love growsShe grew up good, she grew up slowLike American honeySteady as a preacher, free as a weedCouldn"t wait to get goingBut wasn"t quite ready to leaveSo innocent pure and sweetAmerican HoneyThere"s a wild wild whisper blown in the windCallin out my name like a long lost friendOh I miss those days as the years go byOh nothings sweeter than summertimeAnd American honeyGet caught in the race of this crazy lifeTryin to be everything can make you lose your mindI just wanna go back in timeTo American honey yeah!There s a wild wild whisper blown in the windCallin out my name like a long lost friendOh I miss those days as the years go byOoh nothings sweeter than summertimeAnd American HoneyGone for so long nowI gotta get back to her somehowTo American HoneyThere"s a wild wild whisper blown in the windCallin out my name like a long lost friendOh I miss those days as the years go byOoh nothings sweeter than summertimeAnd American honeyAnd American honey 那道路的一旁见证了她的成长那教堂的铃声响起 美好爱情萌发她快乐地生活着 时光流逝缓慢好似美国甜心似传教士般的沉稳 又似野草般的自由跟随自己的心生活又不情愿退却如此天真 如此清纯 又如此可爱美国甜心轻风拂去 树叶吹起 甚是喧闹像久违的挚友一般呼唤我的名字年华飞逝 我想念那些日子没有什么能再比那个盛夏甜蜜了美国甜心 你在哪里不知不觉混入生活疯狂的竞争当中我誓要让你为我失去理智但我也许只是想及时回来回到那美国甜心的身边轻风拂去 树叶吹起 甚是喧闹像久违的挚友一般呼唤我的名字年华飞逝 我想念那些日子没有什么能再比那个盛夏甜蜜了美国甜心 你在哪里我离去了那么久无论如何也要回到她的身边回到那美国甜心的身边轻风拂去 树叶吹起 甚是喧闹像久违的挚友一般呼唤我的名字年华飞逝 我想念那些日子没有什么能再比那个盛夏甜蜜了美国甜心 你到底在哪你到底在哪

All For Love - Lady Antebellum中文歌词

一切为了爱 战前女神爱,你什么都不知道的东西因为爱不打开并运行离开你站在黑暗中。你告诉我,你的感情变化而你并不想留,并打破我的心婴儿为时已晚。原因是什么的时候,你对我说那我的一切,你永远需要你怎么知道的只是走开看着我的眼睛说你们这样做是为了爱你们这样做是为了爱你们这样做是为了爱你们这样做是为了爱爱,什么是我应该做的事情吗?闹翻了,可以这么残忍但我只是不能忽视的真相。所以,千万不要告诉我,我不明白因为我不想在我的手上但它是所有剩下来要做的。你想要的一切,就是我们曾经是我不能打这些感受我的内心尽可能多的,因为这会伤害,它是唯一的出路相信我,当我说我这样做是为了爱我这样做是为了爱我这样做是为了爱我这样做是为了爱爱,你什么都不知道的东西因为如果你这样做,还有的仍然是我们的我这样做是为了爱。

Lady Antebellum的《Get To Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Get To Me歌手:Lady Antebellum专辑:GoldenGet To MeLady AntebellumThe night is highGot a full moon risin"And you know this is the time I get a little bit lonelyAnd I can"t fight it, I can"t hide itDon"t know where you areBut I want you just like lightningShooting straight out of the skyCome and strike me with your light ignitingYeah ignitingGotta get to meGotta get to meYou gotta spread your wings and start flyin"Like a drop of rainGotta find a wayDon"t hit the breaks just come and crashThrough my horizonBring back the air I need to breatheBaby, you gotta get to meThe bottle is emptyAnd I"m dancing in the shadow of a memoryYeah call me crazyBut I still got this schoolgirls dreamYou"re gonna show up and kiss mePull me in, hold me tightLove me and carry me awayLike there"s no more tomorrowsAnd no more yesterdaysGotta get to meGotta get to meYou gotta spread your wings and start flyin"Like a drop of rainGotta find a wayDon"t hit the breaks just come and crashThrough my horizonBring back the air I need to breatheBabyYou gotta get to meGotta get to meGotta get to meYou gotta spread your wings and start flyin"Like a drop of rainGotta find a wayDon"t hit the breaks just come and crashThrough my horizonBring back the air I need to breatheBabyAnd get to meGet to meGet to me yeahYou gotta get to meThe night is highGotta full moon risin"

求lady antebellum的golden歌词的中文翻译!


求Lady Antebellum--Need You Now的歌词翻译


跪求lady antebellum的when you got a good thing的歌词和歌词翻译!


Lady Antebellum的《Downtown》 歌词

歌曲名:Downtown歌手:Lady Antebellum专辑:GoldenLady Antebellum-DowntownWell, all the parties on the streets are talking,store front mannequins sleeping in lights.We used to smoke while we were jaywalkinglike it was your birthday every other Saturday night.Knew The bands so we never payed our cover.Wrote our names on the bathroom tiles.We never dressed to impress all the others,They would let us in on a laid back kind of style.But Boy you know it"s been a while.I don"t know why you don"t take me down townlike you got anywhere better to be.Talk it up and give me the go round round like a good time tease.I"m only counting on your cancellation,Then I should be countin" on you at my door.Did you forget about how we went around,I don"t know why you don"t take me downtown anymore.Ohhhhhhh anymore.I got some platforms sitting in the corner.They wanna stroll on a city sidewalk.I got a dress that"ll show a little uhhh uh but you ain"t getting uhh ohh if you don"t come pick me up (damn),Show me off (wow), you might be tired but I"m not!And I don"t know why you don"t take me down town like you got anywhere better to be.Talk it up and give me the go round round like a good time tease.I"m only counting on your cancellation,Then I should be countin" on you at my door.Did you forget about how we went around,I don"t know why you don"t take me downtown anymore.I don"t know why you don"t take me down town like you got anywhere better to be.Talk it up and give me the go round round like a good time tease.I"m only counting on your cancellation, then I should be countin on you at my door.Did you forget about how we went around,I don"t know why you don"t take me downtown anymore.Ohhh anymore.Yeah don"t know why you don"t take me downtown,I don"t know why you don"t take me downtown anymore.I just don"t get it

Lady Antebellum唱的《Need You Now》歌词,和中文翻译,谢谢、

Need You Now 此刻我需要你 Picture perfect memories 记载美好回忆的照片 scattered all around the floor 都散落在地板上 Reaching for the phone 伸手去拿电话 "cause I can"t fight it anymore 因为我再也无法抗拒 And I wonder if I ever cross your mind 我想知道我是否偶尔浮现在你的脑海 For me it happens all the time 对我来说这是很经常发生的 It"s a quarter after one 已是凌晨一点十五分 I"m all alone and I need you now 我独自一人 此刻我需要你 Said I wouldn"t call 说过我不会打电话 but I lost all control and I need you now 但是我失去了控制 此刻我需要你 And I don"t know how I can do without 没有你 我无所适从 I just need you now 此刻我只需要你 Another shot of whiskey 又喝了一杯威士忌 can"t stop looking at the door 不可遏制地向房门张望 Wishing you"d come sweeping 期待你翩翩而至 in the way you did before 就像以前你做的那样 And I wonder if I ever cross your mind 我想知道我是否曾经浮现在你的脑海 For me it happens all the time 对我来说这是经常发生的 It"s a quarter after one 已是凌晨一点十五分 I"m a little drunk and I need you now 我现在微醉 此刻我需要你 Said I wouldn"t call 我说过我不会打电话 but I lost all control and I need you now 但是我失去了控制 此刻我需要你 And I don"t know how I can do without 没有了你 我无所适从 I just need you now 此刻我只需要你 Guess I"d rather hurt than feel nothing at all 我宁愿遍体鳞伤也不愿麻木不仁 It"s a quarter after one 已是凌晨一点十五分 I"m all alone and I need you now 我微醉 此刻我需要你 And I said I wouldn"t call 我说过我不会打电话 but I"m a little drunk and I need you now 但是我微醉了 此刻我需要你 And I don"t know how I can do without 没有你 我无所适从 I just need you now 此刻我只需要你 I just need you now 此刻我只需要你 Oh baby I need you now 哦,宝贝 此刻我只需要你

Lady antebellum-wanted you more歌词中文翻译

You know the way 你明了曾经走过的路途, You′ve been before I′ve seen the signs 我见到你留下的足迹, You set the rules 你立下誓言, The bitter days 往昔的苦涩, Can′t be ignored 无法忘记. It′s just the same 让一切都仿佛 Just like before 过去模样. You wanted more 你要的太多, I love the sun 阳光雨露, I love the rain 已是我的最爱, You gave it up 你却毫不满足 But all in vain 一切只是徒劳 I love the way 我钟爱原来的方式, It was before So bittersweet 甜蜜苦涩都被珍视, To be adored We had it all 我们曾经拥抱所有, You let it go 而你却残忍放手 You wanted more 你想要的太多, To help pretend 来为你掩饰真我, But in the end 到最后,若不是旁人记得我 What is a friend 看不透何为朋友 If not some one Remember me You know my name 你知道我的名字 I′m still the same 我还原来的我, But not for you 却不是为你 That′s not enough 那还不够, You wanted more 你要的太多, I love the sun 阳光雨露 I love the rain 已是我的最爱 You gave it up 你却毫不满足, But all in vain 一切只是徒劳. You couldn′t change 你不会改变, You know the score 结果了然心间. So bittersweet 甜蜜苦涩都被珍视, To be adored We had it all 我们曾经拥抱所有, You gave it up 你却残忍放手, You wanted more 你想要的太多. We had it all 我们曾经拥抱所有, You gave it up 你却残忍放手, You wanted more 你想要的太多, But in the end 到最后,何为朋友? What is a friend... You loved the way 你爱原来的样子, It used to be The way you are 曾经的你 You and me 我和你 You came too late 我们相遇得太晚 You left too soon 我们分别得太早 Just like the rings 如同月亮周围的光线, Around the moon 转眼没了迹象. We had it all 我们曾经拥抱所有, We had it all 我们曾经拥抱所有, You let it go 而你却残忍放手, You wanted more 你想要的太多, You gave it up 你选择残忍放手, You wanted more 你想要的太多

lady antebellum的《need you know》歌词

wo~ What about the plans that you left behind那些你留下的回忆该怎么办如果是lady gaga的我可以帮你翻译

求Lady Antebellum - Need You Now的LRC歌词

Picture perfect memories scattered all around the floorReaching for the phone "cause I can"t fight it anymore And I wonder if I ever cross your mindFor me it happens all the timeIt"s a quarter after one, I"m all alone and I need you now Said I wouldn"t call but I lost all control and I need you nowAnd I don"t know how I can do without, I just need you nowAnother shot of whiskey can"t stop looking at the doorWishing you"d come sweeping in the way you did beforeAnd I wonder if I ever cross your mindFor me it happens all the timeIt"s a quarter after one I"m a little drunk and I need you nowSaid I wouldn"t call but I lost all control and I need you nowAnd I don"t know how I can do without I just need you nowOoh...Guess I"d rather hurt than feel nothing at allIt"s a quarter after one I"m all alone and I need you nowAnd I said I wouldn"t call but I"m a little drunk and I need you nowAnd I don"t know how I can do without I just need you nowI just need you nowOh baby I need you now
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