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landa v9考勤系统使用

SIM卡(Subscriber Identity Module) ,即用户识别卡,是全球通数字移动电话的一张个人资料卡。它采用A 级加密方法制作,存储着用户的数据、鉴权方法及密钥,可供GSM系统对用户身份进行鉴别。同时,用户通过它完成与系统的连接和信息的交换。 移动电话只有装上SIM卡才能使用。“SIM卡”有大小之分,功能完全相同,分别适用于不同类型的GSM移动电话。SIM卡可以插入任何一部符合GSM规范的移动电话中,而通话费则自动计入持卡用户的帐单上,与移动电话无关。





FLASHFXP卡在[右] LIST -al这个位置就停止了,怎么办呀


flashfxp 列表错误怎么解决








filezilla client 错误: 连接超时 错误: 读取目录列表失败


Underwear Is So Last Year是什么句型?

全倒装全部倒装是只将句子中的谓语动词全部置于主语之前。此结构通常只用与一般现在时和 一般过去时。常见的结构有:  1) here, there, now, then, thus等副词置于句首, 谓语动词常用be, come, go, lie, run。  There goes the bell.  Then came the chairman.  Here is your letter.  2) 表示运动方向的副词或地点状语置于句首,谓语表示运动的动词。  Out rushed a missile from under the bomber.  Ahead sat an old woman.  注意:上述全部倒装的句型结构的主语必须是名词,如果主语是人称代词则不能完全倒装。  Here he comes. Away they went.


FlashFXP现在没这个自动功能 只能用命令MDTM手动改上传文件的时间 同时还要FTP Server也支持这命令才行 Serv-U是支持的

NEC LaVie LL500/9声卡驱动


display和screen 区别





script 书法;剧本 play 剧本(指话剧的)

uff08 uff09___the time A.what


I play violio in my school orchestra 是什么句型?

主谓宾结构的简单句:主语I, 谓语动词是play,宾语是the violin,介词短语in my school orchestra 属于地点状语。







专升本英语Unit1 the power of language重点配套知识小结4?

【专升本快速报名和免费咨询: 】Unit1 the power of language重点配套知识小结413.credible adj. 可信的;可靠的The news report is hardly credible. 这则新闻报道令人难以置信。At first Clyde"s story appears credible enough.最初,克莱德编造的谎言似乎还足以使人相信。c14.landmark n. 路标;里程碑The church on the hilltop was a well-known landmark. 山顶上的教堂是一个显著的路标。The Russian Revolution represents a landmark in world history.俄国革命是世界历史上的一个里程碑。15.relevant adj. 紧密相关的;切题的I don"t think his remarks are relevant to our discussion. 我认为他的话与我们的议题无关。He consulted a number of relevant books and periodicals. 他参看了不少相关书籍和期刊。16.current adj. 现时发生的;当前的We try and keep ourselves informed about current trends. 我们设法随时了解当前形势的进展。We had a warm discussion over current events last evening. 昨天晚上我们热烈地讨论时事。了解更多甘肃统招专升本资讯扫码关注甘肃专升本考试微信公众号专升本有疑问、不知道如何总结专升本考点内容、不清楚专升本报名当地政策,点击底部咨询官网,免费领取复习资料:


设置不好 因为主端口在别人那里 一根主线是不可能出现连接2个路由器的

高中英语词汇:高三英语词汇解析Unit3 The land down under

《高三英语词汇解析Unit3 The land down under》由留学liuxue86.com我整理。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。 Words and expressions Canberra n. 堪培拉(澳大利亚首都) outback n. [the ~] (澳大利亚)内地 adj. 内地的 territory n. land that belongs to one government 领土;领域 This island is our territory. 这个岛是我国领土。 Queensland ["kwI:nzlEnd] n. 昆士兰 (澳大利亚州名) Victoria n. 维多利亚(澳大利亚州名) Tasmania [tAz"meniE] n. 塔斯马尼亚(岛)(澳大利亚地名) Aborigines n. (尤指澳大利亚的)土著居民 strait n. a narrow piece of water connecting two larger bodies of water 海峡 The strait is narrow. 这个海峡很窄。 Torres ["tRrEs]Strait 托雷斯海峡 islander n. an inhabitant of an island 岛上居民 fellow adj. being of the same kind, group, occupation, society; having in common certain characteristics or interests 同事的,同类的 fellow workers 同事 n. people of the same sort, friends; a man 同类;伙伴;家伙 We are fellows at school. 我们是同学。 What a nice fellow he is! 他是个多么好的人啊! Portuguese adj. 葡萄牙(人)的;葡萄牙语的 n. 葡萄牙人;葡萄牙语 Dutch adj. 荷兰(人)的;荷兰(语)的 n. [the ~] 荷兰人;荷兰语 claim vt. say that you should have something 要求 He can fairly claim to have more. 他可以正当地要求多给些。 vt. to say that something belongs to you 认领 I lost my umbrella, but claimed it at the lost property office. 我把伞丢了,后来在失物招领处认领回来了。 vt. state as a fact, despite objections; assert; maintain 声称 He claims to have written the article in two days. 他声称只用两天就把文章写成了。 n. a demand for something to which one has a real or supposed right 要求 They made a claim for higher pay. 他提出更高报酬的要求。 criminal n. a person who has done something seriously against law 罪犯;犯人 The judge imposes a punishment on the criminal. 法庭处罚这个罪犯。 adj. law breaking 犯罪的 Criminal parents could corrupt any child. 犯罪的父母可使孩子变坏。 govern v. to make laws for a country, to rule统治;治理 Who governs this country? 谁治理这个国家? governor n. someone who rules a state or province 州长;省长;总督 Who is the Governor of Hong Kong? 香港总督是谁? newcomer n. one who has only recently arrived 新来的人;新手 a newcomer to the big city 刚来到大都市的人 a newcomer to politics 政界的新人 as a consequence (of) in consequence 作为/由于u2026u2026的结果;因而 She worked hard at her lessons and as a consequence got high marks. 她努力学习功课,因而得了很高的分数。 resemble vt. to exhibit similarity or likeness to 像;类似 She resembles her mother in the way she moves her hands when she talks. 她说话时打手势的动作像她妈妈。 commonwealth n. 共和国;联邦;共同体 the Commonwealth of Australia 澳大利亚联邦 diverse adj. differing one from another; different 不同的;多种多样的 have diverse interests 有多种兴趣 transform vt. change the shape of someone or something; make something look different 改变;转变 Heat can transform water into steam. 热能使水变为蒸汽。 immigration n.[u] the act of coming into a country; the place where you enter a country移民 After the Customs, you must show your passport to the office at Immigration. 通过海关之后,你必须在移民局出示你的护照。 strengthen vt. to make strong or increase the strength of 加强 The fence was strengthened with wire. 这堵围栏用金属丝加固了。 vi. to become strong or stronger 变强 Our enemy has greatly strengthened during the truce talks. 和谈期间,敌人力量已大为增强。 differ vi. not to be the same 不同;相异 I must differ from you. 我不能同意你的意见。 pronunciation n. how you say a word or words 发音 His pronunciation is very bad. 他的发音很糟。 vocabulary n.[c] all the words in a language 词汇 He has a vocabulary of only a few hundred words. 他掌握的词汇只有几百个字。 n.[c] list of words in a lesson or book 词汇表 There is an English Chinese vocabulary at the end of the book. 书末附有英汉词汇表。 n.[c] all the words that one person knows 词汇量 A young child has a small vocabulary. 小孩子的词汇量小。 mate n.[c] friend; someone who works or learns, etc. with you 伙伴;同事 His mates waited for him by the gate. 他的同事在门口等他。 n.[c] husband or wife 配偶 She has been a faithful mate to him. 她一直都是他忠实的妻子。 v. to join closely; pair. (使)密切结合;(使)配对 sheila [5Fi:lE] n. ( Australian) a girl or young woman 少女;少妇 female n.[c] woman or girl; animal that can have baby animals; plant that has fruit 女子;雌性植物 A daughter is a female child. 女儿是女性孩子。 adj. of, relating to, or denoting the sex that produces ova or bears young. 女的;女性的 wilderness n. an unsettled, uncultivated region left in its natural condition荒野;荒地 billabong n. a dead-end channel extending from the main stream of a river死河; 干河道 aboriginal adj. of or relating to aborigines 土著的 aboriginal races 原始种族 concept n. a thought; an idea; a general notion 概念;观念 A small baby has no conc ept of right and wrong. 小孩不懂什么是正确和错误。 break out start suddenly 爆发;突然发生 A fire broke out near here yesterday. 昨天此地附近发生了一场火灾。 chew vt. to bite and grind with the teeth; masticate 咀嚼 You must chew your food well before you swallow it. 你吞下食物以前必须要好好咀嚼。 vt. to meditate on; ponder 深思 The judge chewed the matter over before making a decision. 法官在判决前仔细考虑过此事。 chairwoman n. a woman presiding officer of an assembly, meeting, committee, or board 女主席;女董事长 feed ... on to serve as food for 喂养;饲养 We feed the sheep on grass. 我们给羊吃草。 koala n. 树袋熊;考拉(澳洲产无尾熊,即koala bear) entire adj. complete; whole; without anything left out 完全的;整个的;全部的 The ship sank with the entire crew. 轮船及全体船员都沉没了。 Alaska n. 阿拉斯加(美国州名) mine n.[c] big hole in the ground that people make when they are looking for coal, metal, diamonds, etc. 矿井 There are many coal mines in the north. 北方有许多煤矿。 n.[c] a bomb placed in the ground or water for destroying enemy soldiers or ships 地雷 The lorry was destroyed by a land mine. 这辆卡车被一个地雷炸毁了。 v. dig for coal, gold, etc. in the ground 采矿 Gold is mined from deep under ground. 黄金是在很深的地下采的。 fence n.[c] a barrier round a garden or field 篱笆;围栏 We built a fence around the yard to keep the dog in. 为了不让狗出去我们在院子四周筑起一道篱笆。 dingo n. 澳洲野犬 round up to bring together; to collect in one place 赶拢;使集拢 They try to round up a scattered herd of cattle. 他们试图把分散的牲口赶在一起。 outdoors adv. in the open air, outside 在野外;在户外 They often worked outdoors. 他们常常在户外工作。 birthplace n. the place where someone is born or where something originates 出生地;发源地 outing n.[c] short journey to enjoy yourself 出外游玩;短途旅行 The children had plenty of outings during the summer. 孩子们夏天常外出游玩。 lemonade n. a drink made of lemon juice, water, and sugar 柠檬水 barbecue a social gathering, usually held outdoors, at which food is cooked over an open flame 户外烤肉餐;烧烤 vt. to roast or grill (meat or seafood) over live coals or an open fire 烧烤 roast vt. to cook with dry heat, as in an oven or near hot coals 烘烤 The meat is roasting. 肉正烤着。 adj. roasted 烘烤过的 roast duck. 烤鸭 steak n. a thick slice of meat or fish cut for frying, grilling, etc 肉排;鱼排 (尤指)牛排 =beefsteak barrier n.[c] a divider between two things障碍 The police put a barrier across the road. 警察设了路障。 the Great Barrier Reef 大堡礁 logical adj. reasoning; reasonable 合逻辑的;合乎情理的 His argument seems logical. 他的论据似乎有道理 [合逻辑] 。 wombat n. 袋熊 pointed adj. with a sharp end尖的 That is a pointed stick. 那是一根尖棍。 adj. sharp; clear and direct 直截了当的;率直的 His pointed remarks about the party were not polite. 他对聚会直率的议论显得很不礼貌。 claw n. one of the pointed nails on the feet of some animals and birds; hand on a crab, etc. (禽兽)爪;脚爪;(蟹等)钳;螯 Cats have very sharp claws. 猫有着锋利的脚爪。 A crab has two claws. 螃蟹有两个钳。 v. to scratch, dig, tear, or pull with or as if with claws 搔;挠;抓 The cat clawed the chair. 猫用爪子抓椅子。 hairy covered with hair or hairlike projections 多毛的;(似)毛发的 a hairy caterpillar 一条毛茸茸的毛虫 medium adj. middle, not big and not small 中等的 He is a man of medium height. 他是一个中等身材的男人。 bushy adj. covered with bushes 灌木丛生的 《高三英语词汇解析Unit3 The land down under》由留学liuxue86.com我整理

ftisland《bingbingbing》译音歌词 急急急

紧紧按耐的心在看到她的时候还是激动不已了心脏好像要掉出来一样怦怦直跳了数万人中 我只看得见她了我好像入迷了对上眼的瞬间就让我停止呼吸了一对我笑我就六神无主了世上没有比她更美的女孩了我好像沦陷了全身Bing Bing Bing Bing Bang Bang Bang Bang 她占满我的思绪了我要付出的爱只会给她一个人了是因为我太善良了所以上天才把她作为礼物送给我了紧紧抓着双手 我好像心醉了甜美的声音让我六神无主了打过招呼 已经是成功的一半了我要恋爱了整天Bing Bing Bing Bing Bang Bang Bang Bang 只在一个地方打转了说不定就会偶然遇见她 不断徘徊了今晚我一定要见到她 是时候跟她告白我的心了全身Bing Bing Bing Bing Bang Bang Bang Bang 她占满我的思绪了我要付出的爱只会给她一个人了是因为我太善良了所以上天才把她作为礼物送给我了全身Bing Bing Bing Bing Bang Bang Bang Bang 她占满我的思绪了整天Bing Bing Bing Bing Bang Bang Bang Bang 我六神无主了全身Bing Bing Bing Bing Bang Bang Bang Bang 只在一个地方打转了说不定就会偶然遇见她 不断徘徊了今晚我一定要见到她 是时候跟她告白我的心了

Last but not least是什么意思


ftisland bingbingbing的罗马音歌词

F.t Island - Bing Bing Bing Maeumeul kkot jabado keunyeolbomyun ddeollryeoyoShimjaneun ddeoreojildeut dugundugun keoryeoyoSumanheun saramjongae keunyeoman nan boyeoyoNan banhaetnabwayoJaejin) nunirado majuchimyun sumi meotjeobeoryeoyoNalbogo utseojumyun ajjilajjilhaneoyoSesaengae keunyeoboda yeibbunyeojan eobseoyoBok bbajyeotnabwayoHongki) ontong bingbingbingbing bangbangbangbang keunyeoga mamdolayoNaega ganun sarang hanaramyun keunyeo julraeyoNan chakhangabwayoHaneuri nalwihae keunyeoreul seonmulhae jungeoyaJaejin) soneul kkot jabajweoyo chihangeotman gatayoDalkomhan moksoriae eojileojilhaneyoInsanun nawutseuni ijae baneul ongeojypNan saranghalggeoyaHongki) jongil bingbingbing bangbangbangbang gateun jaril dorayoHokshi uyeoncheorum keunyeolbolkka seoseonggeoryeoyoNa oneul bamaenun kkot keunyeoreul manna nae maneul gobaekhalggeoyaHongki) ontong bingbingbingbing bangbangbangbang keynyeoga maemdorayoNaega ganun sarang hanaramyun keunyeo julraeyoNan chakhangabwayoHaneuli nalweihae keunyeoreul jungeoyaOntong bingbingbingbing bangbangbangbang keunyeoga mamdorayoJongil bingbingbingbing bangbangbangbang eojireoweoyoJongil bingbingbingbing bangbangbangbang gateun jaril dorayoHokshi uyeoncheorum keunyeolbolkka seoseonggeoryeoyoNa oneul bamaenun kkot keunyeorul manna nae mameul gobaekhalggeoya

when does your class begin in the morning。

when the class begins c.the sixth unit going to be

replace the drum unit是什么意思

replace the drum unit更换磁鼓机drum unit[英][dru028cm u02c8ju:nit][美][dru028cm u02c8junu026at]磁鼓机; .很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!

亲们: 谁有ftisland的bingbingbing的罗马歌词,喜欢喜欢,不胜感谢呐。么么

*Bing Bing Bing*maeumeul kkot jabado keunyeolbomyun ddeollryeoyoshimjaneun ddeoreojildeut dugundugun keoryeoyosumanheun saramjongae keunyeoman nan boyeoyonan banhaetnabwayoJaejin) nunirado majuchimyun sumi meotjeobeoryeoyonalbogo utseojumyun ajjilajjilhaneoyosesaengae keunyeoboda yeibbunyeojan eobseoyobok bbajyeotnabwayoHongki) ontong bingbingbingbing bangbangbangbang keunyeoga mamdolayonaega ganun sarang hanaramyun keunyeo julraeyonan chakhangabwayohaneuri nalwihae keunyeoreul seonmulhae jungeoyaJaejin) soneul kkot jabajweoyo chihangeotman gatayodalkomhan moksoriae eojileojilhaneyoinsanun nawutseuni ijae baneul ongeojypnan saranghalggeoyaHongki) jongil bingbingbing bangbangbangbang gateun jaril dorayohokshi uyeoncheorum keunyeolbolkka seoseonggeoryeoyona oneul bamaenun kkot keunyeoreul manna nae maneul gobaekhalggeoyaHongki) ontong bingbingbingbing bangbangbangbang keynyeoga maemdorayonaega ganun sarang hanaramyun keunyeo julraeyonan chakhangabwayohaneuli nalweihae keunyeoreul jungeoyaontong bingbingbingbing bangbangbangbang keunyeoga mamdorayojongil bingbingbingbing bangbangbangbang eojireoweoyojongil bingbingbingbing bangbangbangbang gateun jaril dorayohokshi uyeoncheorum keunyeolbolkka seoseonggeoryeoyona oneul bamaenun kkot keunyeorul manna nae mameul gobaekhalggeoya

lay the foundation of造句两条

He laid the foundations of his success by study and hard work.He plans to lay the foundations of a new school.

请问laem chabang的SCT港口的全称是什么?



使用trim命令可以将图像裁剪为指定大小,因此可以使用trim命令将图la修剪成图1b。具体步骤如下:1. 在命令行窗口中输入“convert -trim la.jpg 1b.jpg”,其中“la.jpg”为原始图像,而“1b.jpg”为修剪后的图像名称。2. 在修剪过程中,trim命令会自动检测图像边缘的空白区域,并将其删除。这样可以使图像更加紧凑,去除多余的空白部分,使其更适合用于各种应用中。除了trim命令,还有许多其他的图像处理命令可以用于修改和优化图像,例如resize、rotate、crop、flip等等。这些命令可以用于调整图像的大小、方向、裁剪、翻转等等,以便更好地适应不同的应用需求。

plant crops加s








He is the man who I collaborated with in writing the book.这里为什么用who,而不用whom。


matlab中crop的意思 -= self.speed else: # 若即将移动出背景区域,则及时纠正为背景边缘位置 = 0

禧玛诺BB-X Larissa怎么才能锁住不会双向转动?




王者荣耀五杀配音是Larissa Gallagher还是李百可

这些击杀语音都来自美国配音演员Larissa Gallagher(拉里萨·加拉赫),视频中还出现了即将上线的新模式五军之战中要用到的六杀、七杀、八杀、九杀、十杀,对应的英文分别是Hexa KIll、Hepta Kill、Octa Kill、Nona Kill、Deca Kill。


1、 PVC配皮系列:采用日本高科技原料为主料。2、 提花布配皮系列:采用韩国原料为主料。3、 软皮系列:才用意大利高档软皮为主料。款式:以软行为主,产品针对中产阶级消费群体。设计:以日本欧洲每年的流行趋势开发设计,针对中国中产消费群体的定位系列,产品一简约典雅的风格,浪漫与成熟的完美结合。




Last Saturday it was a fine day上周六是一个晴朗的日子。

who后一定用单三吗?比如who are you?who are your parents play with?


was it a fine day last Sundy ? 什么意思

上个星期天是个再好不过的一天了。语法点:词义的选择,根据上下文联系以及次在句子中的搭配关系来选择和确定词义。last 这一形容词。 例如:He is the last man to do it . 他绝不会干那件事。





Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException 错误!大家帮帮我!谢谢了

java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "200 "我看到字符串后面有一个空格哦这样是不能转化为字符串的!

China plans to let tourists ______ the Xisha Islands in the South China Sea this year. [&...






lady gaga在白宫前演讲的内容 要翻译不要大概

英语原文:hello,my friends ,i have seen and witness so many things over the past two years,and i can say with such certain teen that this is single most important moment of my career,i am humble to stand before all of you here today,i know that some of you have been fighting,and doing and ()work that stand all the way back to the (stone wall rights) and i solute you,and do you know that i love (judy garllette)i am also inspired by the masses of all the young people here today,the younger generation ,my generation , we are the ones coming up in the world and we must continue to push this movement forward and close the gap ,we must demand full equality for all ,they say that this country is free,and they say that this country is equal,but its not equal if it sometimes,obama i know that you are listenning,Are you listenning!!!!!!!!!!!we were continue to push you and your administration,to bring your words of promise to a reliaty,we need change now!we demand actions now,and to (barny frank),we are putting more than presures on this grass,and today this grass is ours,we were come away today,and continue to do the work in our own backyards with our local politicians and just for my backyard,as a woman in pop music,as a woman with the most beautiful gay fans in the whole do my part, I refuse to accept any (mersogen sticks) and homo (fobic) behavior in music lyrics or actions in the music industry,i am (strawberry) honored to have this plateform here today,and I will continue to fight for full equality for all,I love you all so much,bless god and bless the gayz.—————————————————————————————————————你好!我的朋友们(暗指gay)我在过去的2年以上的时间内亲眼目睹了许多事情,这是我目前人生中最重要的时刻,我虔诚的站在你们各位的面前,我知道你们中的一些人一直在为此挣扎斗争着,请大家不要那么紧张,你们知道吗,其实我很欣赏,朱迪噶雷特。我同时也被你们在场的这一大群年轻人所感染,年轻的一代,也是我们这一代,我们来到这个世界上是附有使命的,所以我们必须将这个运动继续推动和发扬下去,我们必须消除代沟,我们必须要(要求政府)平等的对待我们每一个人,他们说(政府)我们的国家是自由的,是平等的,但是却在“某些时刻”(暗指同志人群)出现了偏差,奥巴马,你听到老娘说话了没有!!!!!!!听到没有!!!!!!我们会一直去给您和您的统治打压,让您的承诺得以兑现,我们现在就要变革!!我们现在就要看到(政府有所)行动!!今天白宫前的这片绿地就是我们的,我们今天相聚在一起在我们的后院用我们的政治权益去继续我们的使命,这只是我们的后院!作为一个流行乐界的女性,作为一个在全球拥有大量心地美好的同志歌迷们的女性~(帮助你们)这是我分内的事,我不允许在我的音乐世界里出现任何无知的音乐人用音乐的歌词去侮辱同志人群的行为,我非常荣幸今天能够能站在(白宫前)的这个演讲台上,我将继续为“全民平等”而战!我太爱你们了(同志人群),愿上帝保佑所有的同性恋!

佐拉·尼尔·赫斯顿的介绍,以及Slavery Gave Nothing TO lost 更详细的讲解

  佐拉·尼尔·赫斯顿(Zora Neale Hurston),1891-1960,是20世纪美国文学的重要人物之一。她是小说家、黑人民间传说收集研究家、人类学家。她也生在美国南方,是哈莱姆文艺复兴时期的活跃分子。她毕生为保持黑人文化传统而奋斗,收集出版了黑人民间故事集《骡与人》及《告诉我的马》。赫斯顿还写了四部小说:《他们眼望上苍》《约拿的葫芦藤》《摩西,山之人》《苏旺尼的六翼天使》。这是黑人文学中第一部充分展示黑人女子内心女性意识觉醒的作品,在黑人女性形象的创造上具有里程碑式的意义,被公认是黑人文学的经典作品之一。  BIRTHDATE: Jan. 7, 1891?  EDUCATION: Graduated from Morgan Academy (high school division of Morgan College (now Morgan State University) in 1918. Attended Howard University and received her B.A. in anthropology from Barnard College, Columbia University in 1928.  FAMILY BACKGROUND: Her father was a Baptist preacher, tenant farmer, and carpenter. At age three her family moved to Eatonville, Fla., the first incorporated black community in America, of which her father would become mayor. In her writings she would glorify Eatonville as a utopia where black Americans could live independent of the prejudices of white society.  DESCRIPTION OF ACCOMPLISHMENTS: A novelist, folklorist, and anthropologist, Zora Neale Hurston was the prototypical authority on black culture from the Harlem Renaissance. In this artistic movement of the 1920s black artists moved from traditional dialectical works and imitation of white writers to explore their own culture and affirm pride in their race. Zora Neale Hurston pursued this objective by combining literature with anthropology. She first gained attention with her short stories such as "John Redding Goes to Sea" and "Spunk" which appeared in black literary magazines. After several years of anthropological research financed through grants and fellowships, Zora Neale Hurston"s first novel Jonah"s Gourd Vine was published in 1934 to critical success. In 1935, her book Mules and Men, which investigated voodoo practices in black communities in Florida and New Orleans, also brought her kudos.  The year 1937 saw the publication of what is considered Hurston"s greatest novel Their Eyes Watching God. And the following year her travelogue and study of Caribbean voodoo Tell My Horse was published. It received mixed reviews, as did her 1939 novel Moses, Man of the Mountain. Her autobiography Dust Tracks on a Road was a commercial success in 1942, despite its overall absurdness, and her final novel Seraph on the Suwanee, published in 1948, was a critical failure.  Zora Neale Hurston was a utopian, who held that black Americans could attain sovereignty from white American society and all its bigotry, as proven by her hometown of Eatonville. Never in her works did she address the issue of racism of whites toward blacks, and as this became a nascent theme among black writers in the post World War II ear of civil rights, Hurston"s literary influence faded. She further scathed her own reputation by railing the civil rights movement and supporting ultraconservative politicians. She died in poverty and obscurity.  DATE OF DEATH: Jan. 28, 1960.  PLACE OF DEATH: Fort Pierce, Fla.  Primary Works  Jonah"s Gourd Wine (novel), 1934; Mules and Men (folklore), 1935; Their Eyes Were Watching God (novel), 1937; Tell My Horse (Caribbean travel book), 1938; Moses: Man of the Mountain (novel), 1939; Dust Tracks on a Road (autobiography), 1942; Seraph on the Swanee, 1948; I Love Myself When I am Laughing ... & Then Again When I Am Looking Mean and Impressive: A Zora Neale Hurston Reader (ed. Alice Walker), 1979; The Sanctified Church (ed. Toni Cade Bambara), 1981; Spunk: The Selected Short Stories of ZNH, 1985.  Drama: Color Struck:A Play in Four Scenes. Fire!! 1(November 1926): 7-14; "Great Day," 1927; Mule Bone: A Comedy of Negro Life in Three Acts, 1931, Drama Critique (Spring 1964): 1-3-107.  Fiction:  Jonah"s Gourd Vine. Introduction by Fannie Hurston. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott; London: Duckworth Press, 1934; Moses, Man of the Mountain. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1939. London: J.M. Dent & Sons, 1941; Seraph on the Sewanee. New York: Charles Scribner"s Sons, 1948; Spunk, the Short Stories of Zora Neale Hurston. Berkeley, Calif.: Turtle Island Foundation, 1984; Their Eyes Were Watching God. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1937.  Short Stories (not in Spunk):  "Drenched in Light." Opportunity (December 1924): 371-74; "John Redding Goes to Sea." Opportunity (January 1926): 16-21.  Nonfiction:  Dust Tracks on a Road. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1942; I Love Myself When I Am Laughing anf Then Again when I Am Looking Mean And Impressive. Edited by Alice Walker. Introduction by Mary Helen Washington. Old Westbury, N.Y.: Feminist Press, 1979; Mules and Men. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1935; The Sanctified Church. Foreward by Toni Cade Bambara. Berkeley, Calif.: Turtle Island Foundation, 1981; Tell My Horse. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1938.  建议参看:  20世纪美国黑人文学批评理论  关于Slavery Gave Nothing TO lost中的反传统的积极、乐观的奴隶制度,因为我没有看过原文不便评论,但对于奴隶制的认识不能局限于我们传统的观念,请思考过为什么在民主、共和的近代美国还会出现奴隶制。

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Tamara的《Late Night》 歌词

歌曲名:Late Night歌手:Tamara专辑:My LifeMario - Late Nighyou come and stay in with meand i can take a piece of meain"t no talkinit"s just physicaltell me whats the reasonwhy i feel like (like) i dont know youi"m sitting lonely tryna figure out,who went wrong in the morning we should talk about iti can"t live with you,i can"t live without you(i can"t live without you)and wanna know whyknow whyLate night you calli wake up and your goneyou numb back and forthyou run back and forthbut you felt much better,what"s betterwhen you were my baby,when you were my girl.Late night you calli wake up and your goneyou numb back and forthyou run back and forthbut you felt much better,what"s betterwhen you were my baby,when you were my girl.your gas break keeps stallingmy high hopes keeps fallingnow my heart"s brokewas that your plan?tell me why, why babyi"m sitting lonely tryna figure out,who went wrong in the morning we should talk about iti can"t live with you,i can"t live without you(i can"t live without you)and wanna know whywhy babyLate night you calli wake up and your goneyou numb back and forthyou run back and forthbut you felt much better,what"s betterwhen you were my baby,when you were my girl.Late night you calli wake up and your goneyou numb back and forthyou run back and forthbut you felt much better,what"s betterwhen you were my (my) girl.i"m tired of playing this game(so tell me)is you is or aint wannagoing back and make up your mind(so tell me)is you is or aint wannagoing back and make up your mind(so tell me)is you is or aint wannagoing back and make up your mind(so tell me)is you is or aint wannagoing back and make up your mindLate night you calli wake up and your goneyou numb back and forthyou run back and forthbut you felt much better,what"s betterwhen you were my baby,when you were my girl.but now, baby its late night when you callLate night you calli wake up and your goneyou numb back and forthyou run back and forthbut you felt much better,what"s betterwhen you were my baby,when you were my girl.

Syd Barrett的《Late Night》 歌词

歌曲名:Late Night歌手:Syd Barrett专辑:The Madcap LaughsMario - Late Nighyou come and stay in with meand i can take a piece of meain"t no talkinit"s just physicaltell me whats the reasonwhy i feel like (like) i dont know youi"m sitting lonely tryna figure out,who went wrong in the morning we should talk about iti can"t live with you,i can"t live without you(i can"t live without you)and wanna know whyknow whyLate night you calli wake up and your goneyou numb back and forthyou run back and forthbut you felt much better,what"s betterwhen you were my baby,when you were my girl.Late night you calli wake up and your goneyou numb back and forthyou run back and forthbut you felt much better,what"s betterwhen you were my baby,when you were my girl.your gas break keeps stallingmy high hopes keeps fallingnow my heart"s brokewas that your plan?tell me why, why babyi"m sitting lonely tryna figure out,who went wrong in the morning we should talk about iti can"t live with you,i can"t live without you(i can"t live without you)and wanna know whywhy babyLate night you calli wake up and your goneyou numb back and forthyou run back and forthbut you felt much better,what"s betterwhen you were my baby,when you were my girl.Late night you calli wake up and your goneyou numb back and forthyou run back and forthbut you felt much better,what"s betterwhen you were my (my) girl.i"m tired of playing this game(so tell me)is you is or aint wannagoing back and make up your mind(so tell me)is you is or aint wannagoing back and make up your mind(so tell me)is you is or aint wannagoing back and make up your mind(so tell me)is you is or aint wannagoing back and make up your mindLate night you calli wake up and your goneyou numb back and forthyou run back and forthbut you felt much better,what"s betterwhen you were my baby,when you were my girl.but now, baby its late night when you callLate night you calli wake up and your goneyou numb back and forthyou run back and forthbut you felt much better,what"s betterwhen you were my baby,when you were my girl.

crush 与 clash有什么区别

crush 是压碎,作为名词是暗恋的意思clash 是撞击

Syd Barrett的《Late Night》 歌词

歌曲名:Late Night歌手:Syd Barrett专辑:Crazy Diamond (The Complete Recordings)Mario - Late Nighyou come and stay in with meand i can take a piece of meain"t no talkinit"s just physicaltell me whats the reasonwhy i feel like (like) i dont know youi"m sitting lonely tryna figure out,who went wrong in the morning we should talk about iti can"t live with you,i can"t live without you(i can"t live without you)and wanna know whyknow whyLate night you calli wake up and your goneyou numb back and forthyou run back and forthbut you felt much better,what"s betterwhen you were my baby,when you were my girl.Late night you calli wake up and your goneyou numb back and forthyou run back and forthbut you felt much better,what"s betterwhen you were my baby,when you were my girl.your gas break keeps stallingmy high hopes keeps fallingnow my heart"s brokewas that your plan?tell me why, why babyi"m sitting lonely tryna figure out,who went wrong in the morning we should talk about iti can"t live with you,i can"t live without you(i can"t live without you)and wanna know whywhy babyLate night you calli wake up and your goneyou numb back and forthyou run back and forthbut you felt much better,what"s betterwhen you were my baby,when you were my girl.Late night you calli wake up and your goneyou numb back and forthyou run back and forthbut you felt much better,what"s betterwhen you were my (my) girl.i"m tired of playing this game(so tell me)is you is or aint wannagoing back and make up your mind(so tell me)is you is or aint wannagoing back and make up your mind(so tell me)is you is or aint wannagoing back and make up your mind(so tell me)is you is or aint wannagoing back and make up your mindLate night you calli wake up and your goneyou numb back and forthyou run back and forthbut you felt much better,what"s betterwhen you were my baby,when you were my girl.but now, baby its late night when you callLate night you calli wake up and your goneyou numb back and forthyou run back and forthbut you felt much better,what"s betterwhen you were my baby,when you were my girl.


DECLARE_SERIAL / IMPLEMENT_SERIAL 宏的技术详解(转) DECLARE_DYNAMIC表明的是支持类型信息, 有了这个宏,我们就可以判断一个类究竟是什么类,比如class A;class B:public A;A a;B b;有一个指针 class *pA 它指向一个对象, 请问你怎么知道pA指向的是a对象还是b对象,这时如果有类型信息,我们就可以知道pA到底是什么对象, 其实,它内部的实现原理是一个字符串,所以,进行这个判断时,实际上是字符串比较.DECLARE_DYNCREATE是动态创建的意思.这个有点类似Com的类工厂.它实际上是用类CRunTime class记录了类的静态创建函数的地址.这个特性在很多地方需要使用.就在下面说的DECLARE_SERIAL就是一个经典的例子.动态创建主要用在 我不知道要创建的对象就是是什么类,但是我知道它肯定是从某个基类派生的.DECLARE_SERIAL是指序列化特性,它是一个完全自动化的存储机制,它可以将一个对象数组(可能含有A,B,C类的对象)存储进去,而且能够根据存储的情况准确的载入进来,这看起来很简单, 但是,有一个问题我们必须考虑, 就是怎么写这个程序,使得载入的时候能够正确创建相应的A,B,C类的对象呢(注意,这里是三个不同的类).而且MFC的设计人员当初编写这个机制的时候根本不知道到底会出现什么类,也许还会出现D类. 怎么办呢?可以肯定,存储机制中必须要有能够判断类种类的代码.所以,序列化机制DECLARE_SERIAL包含了DECLARE_DYNAMIC,这样在存储进入文件的时候,可以将类名称存储到文件中.OK,我们载入的时候可以知道我们要载入什么类了,但是,我们又要怎么去创建它呢? 所以DECLARE_SERIAL也包含了DECLARE_DYNCREATE,它用于创建对象.那么,DECLARE_SERIAL到底有什么特殊的地方呢?首先,它必须实现operator>>(具体原因可以看看深入浅出,还有版本控制,这样,我们在处理序列化时,可以很灵活.首先记住一点,DECLARE_SERIAL最主要的用途是一种智能存储.所以我们可以不用这个智能特性.当我们没有DECLARE_SERIAL,而有void CMessg::Serialize(CArchive& ar)时,我们只能这样进行存储CDocument::Serialize(ar){if (ar.isstoring()){//存储一个对象pMessg->Serialize(ar);}else{//必须非常明确的指出New一个 CMessg对象;pMessg = new CMessg;pMessg->Serialize(ar);}}在上面这个例子中,根本没有利用MFC为我们设计的序列化只能机制.再看下面一个例子CDocument::Serialize(ar){if (ar.isstoring()){//存储一个对象ar << pMessg;}else{//必须非常明确的指出New一个 CMessg对象;ASSERT(pMessg == NULL);ar >> pMessg;}}














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CHANEL: 创始人Gabrielle Chanel于1913年在法国巴黎创立chanel,产品种类繁多,有服装、珠宝饰品、配件、化妆品、香水,每一种产品都闻名遐迩,特别是她的香水与时装。 是一个有80多年经历的著名品牌,chanel时装永远有着高雅、简洁、精美的风格,她善于突破传统,早40年代就成功地将“五花大绑”的女装推向简单、舒适,这也许就是最早的现代休闲服。 CHANEL最了解女人,chanel的产品种类繁多,每个女人在CHANEL的世界里总能找到合适自己的东西,在欧美上流女性社会中甚至流传着一句话“当你找不到合适的服装时,就穿CHANEL套装”。 品类:男装、女装、运动装、体育用品、牛仔装、皮饰品、配件、香水、家饰品这个牌子越来越为广大的mms所喜爱,走植物路线的厂牌,偏向沙龙全身护理(看它家那么讲究的按摩手法就知道了)算是欧美中产阶级推崇的牌子了,娇韵诗以身体护理出头,却能开发面部护理的口碑产品,让偶拜一个先,说出来很怪,娇家也没有形成明确的产品系列,为啥比雅顿卖得好得多呢?maybe是法国血统的缘故,走美容院路线的话也会很快拥有一批固定用户群,绿水黄水莲花油兰花油多元瓣膜吸盘卸妆乳……这些大家津津乐道的产品——偶通通没有用过,所以还是让其他mm来讲心得,更有说服力。凭感觉:他家的东西很有特色,无论是使用方法还是产品的物理外观,一般来说走植物路线,是比较健康的,娇韵诗家的过敏报告也很少,从一些产品的成分分析来看,算是很合理,较少添加不明袖里的化合物,它家一个常被提到的一个缺点就是:气味。气味太香,气味太怪……,从偶用的它家纤体产品来说,纤体精华和排水油味道很大,前者充满着薄荷的辛辣,后者感觉就是植物精油的味道,偶不在意,估计不喜欢的人也不少,添加东西控制这种味道应该很容易,,娇家不这么做也实在令人感谢。偶用了快一个月它家的纤体套,效果是看得见滴,价格是贵得流血滴,每天用力按摩是好辛苦滴,它家按摩板停产是超级不人道滴。----------------------香奈尔的香水还不错,我朋友买过。衣服嘛就是上白下黑。娇韵诗现在好像做纤体做的比较疯狂,是个法国大牌子。





lana del rey puppy love歌词

It"s not puppy love,Puppy, puppy, puppy loveIt"s not puppy love,Puppy, puppy, puppy loveYou make me wanna beLike one of those girlsFrom the 1950sWearing those big pearlsI"ll cook you breakfastCoffee on your desk yesI"ma bring you toast,But baby I"m still the bestestIt"s not puu1e57py love,Puppy, puppy, puppy loveIt"s not puppy love,Puppy, puppy, puppy loveYou make me wanna beLike one of those girls on the colored TVIt was a new worldThe The Dick Van Dyke ShowWe"re sharing BonoThe way I see I got you babeMakes you say oh noCause you"re the class presidentWithout Jackie OAnd I"m singing happy birthdayLike Marilyn MonroeThis is not a school girl crushThis is not a u1e57uppy love,It"s the real thingWhen you told me you loved meu1e56romise I"ll never see a Barbie day, oneThis is not a school girl thing(no two)What about the diamond ringEveryone knows I"m like Jessica RobinWondering when you are gonna have it babyIt"s not puppy love,Puppy, puppy, puppy loveIt"s not puppy love,Puppy, puppy, puppy loveYou make me wanna beLike one of those girlsPin-up queen and platinum girlsI"ll do my summer poseGolden sand between my toesYou can back my favorite snucklesWe"ve been going ho-hoDear everybody"s here oh and when you"re hitting it homeOh I"m singing for the soldiers like Marilyn MonroeOneThis is not a school girl crushNo twoThis is not a puppy love,It"s the real thingWhen you told me you loved mePromise I"ll never see a Barbie day,OneThis is not a school girl thing(no two)What about the diamond ringEveryone knows I"m like Jessica RobinWondering when you are gonna have it babyAnd if I call you on the telephoneOn night overdoseCause I"m strong and I"m lonely like Marilyn MonroeThis is not a school girl crushThis is not a puppy love,It"s the real thingWhen you told me you loved meWhat ever hapu1e57ened to hold me, trust me babyOneThis is not a school girl crushNo twoThis is not a puppy love,It"s the real thingWhen you told me you loved mePromise I"ll never see a Barbie day, oneThis is not a school girl thing(no two)What about the diamond ringEveryone knows I"m like Jessica RobinWondering when we are gonna have a babyIt"s not puppy love,Puppy, puppy, puppy loveIt"s not puppy love,Puppy, puppy, puppy love




这名字女的可以用的 差不多读“克蕾雅”

在altium designer10里面的光耦,光耦是在 库 miscellaneous 然后点optoisolator1这个就是4脚的光耦。


我的altium designer winter 09里面没有Miscellaneous Devices.PcbLib这个库是怎么回事啊?现在我连一个

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