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Kitten作为编程猫独立研发的国内第一款2D图形化编程语言,受到越来越多人们的重视。源码编辑器即是学习Kitten最好的工具。编程猫独立开发底层架构,包括编译器、解释器、软件运行环境等,而市面上其他产品多数基于Scratch 框架开发。Kitten提供内容丰富的素材库,除了官方IP的素材外,还提供了了如会说话的汤姆猫、玩偶奇兵等经典主题素材。这个我知道呀,我家孩子就在他们家学习。最近和我讲了使用这个工具,说Kitten可以让用户在离线状态进行代码编辑,随时随地培养编程乐趣,、小程序开发者等都可以使用Kitten编程语言建立资料库以及进行资料分析。

是kitten is sleeping还是the kitten is sleeping?

你好!应该是:The kitten is sleeping. 小猫正在睡觉。(肯定是特指那只或这只小猫)定冠词the表示特指,意思是:这个/那个。



Your kitten died 是什么意思俚语











一、这是个疑问句,改回到陈述句的语序是 it is some wonder that … 二、可见 it 是形式主语,指代 that 引导后置的主语从句,意思是 “主语从句陈述的这件事有些奇妙” 三、主语从句的结构如下: 〔主语〕admitting you regret having children 承认你对有几个孩子表示后悔 (这件事) 【注:you regret having children 是 admitting 的嵌套宾语从句】 〔谓语部分〕is equivalent to admitting kitten-killing 等于允许杀害小动物。


对于父母而言,除了将孩子送到幼儿园接受基本的能力培养教育之外,家庭时间才是幼儿学习时光的真正开始。用讲故事、陪孩子玩游戏、给孩子“好奇”的机会、夸奖孩子对于美的认识等方式,代替用电子产品“哄孩子”、给孩子报各种各样的兴趣班却从不了解他们的“兴趣点”,身体力行地让孩子跟着父母受教育,这会比任何“超前教育”来得更有质量。  由于未来是人工智能时代,将广泛应用于生活的各方面,编程是人工智能的基础,是将来必备的一项技能,让孩子学习编程是很有必要的。写程序的过程是将大问题不断地分解成小问题,可以很有效的提升孩子的思维逻辑能力。编程是一门复合型的学科,包括数学、英语、写作逻辑等多项技能,学习编程还可以提升其他学科成绩,并培养专注力、细心度、团队协作、整合信息、解决问题等能力。参加一些编程比赛还可以增加升学和留学的竞争力,所以建议家长让孩子学习编程或者参加一些编程比赛,使孩子有一个美好的未来。

what is a kitten?



编程kitten考级有用的。 编程比做菜严谨的多。如果让孩子学习编程,将会十分有利于提高孩子的理解能力,带动语文学科的阅读能力。 考级是可以,但一定要告诉孩子考级内容仅仅是编程的一个aspect。Scratch等级考试有用,该考试是由中国电子学会发起的面向青少年机器人软件编程考试


kittens n. 小猫(kitten的复数)


kitty有很多意思 名词:1共同凑集的一笔钱 2纸牌游戏中全部堵住 3 小猫 kitten就是小猫的意思 kitten是kitty 的昵称,更口语化~




kitty有很多意思 名词:1共同凑集的一笔钱 2纸牌游戏中全部堵住 3 小猫 kitten就是小猫的意思 kitten是kitty 的昵称,更口语化~




kitten英 ["ku026atn] 美 [u02c8ku026atn]n. 小猫;小动物vi. 产小猫小猫; 猫跟; 小型履带拖拉机; 只小猫 复数:kittens 过去式:kittened 过去分词:kittened 现在分词:kittening 第三人称单数:kittens名词 n.1.小猫We keep a little multicolored kitten in the house.我家有只小花猫。小猫 A kitten is a very young cat1. a little fluffy kitten毛茸茸的小猫2. The cat picked up her kitten by the scruff of its neck.猫咬住幼崽的后颈把它叼了起来。3. We keep a little multicolored kitten in the house.我家有只小花猫。4. Don"t starve the kitten.别饿着小猫。5. The tiny kitten approached the enormous bear and let out a purr and a mew.那猫却走近体大腰圆的灰熊,冲它“喵呜“,“喵呜“地叫着。




"kitten" 的中文翻译是 "小猫咪"。以下是一些关于 "kitten" 的英文例句:1. I adopted a cute little kitten from the shelter.(我从收容所领养了一只可爱的小猫咪。)2. The kittens were playing together in the backyard.(小猫咪们在后院一起玩耍。)3. She named her new kitten Snowball because of its white fur.(她因其白色的毛发给她的新小猫咪取名为“雪球”。)


kitten英语读法是[u02c8ku026atn]有关kitten的例句:1、More precisely,the creature was akitten!(更准确地说,它是一只小猫咪!)2、kitten found the mittens.(小猫找来了手套。)3、Thekitten USES that box as its bed.(小猫把那个盒子当做它的床。)4、From somewhere, thekitten mewed.(从某个地方,这只小猫喵喵地叫着。)5、She nursed herkitten all evening.(整个晚上她一直抱着她的小猫咪。)6、Thekitten had settled comfortably in her arms and was purring enthusiastically.(小猫舒服地卧在她怀里,起劲地打着呼噜。)7、Thiskitten is behind the shelves.(这只小猫在架子后面。)8、The tinykitten was very timid, and too afraid to approach us.(这只小猫非常胆小,不敢靠近我们。)9、A very youngkitten was playing about among the chairs.(有一只小小猫儿在椅子下游戏。)10、Don"t starve thekitten.(别饿着小猫。)11、Mykitten won"t stop talking.(我的猫咪总是不停的说话。)


kitten中tt发音方式是可以先给这个单词划分成两个音节:ki和tten,然后可以拼读出来这个单词应该读作kiten。看一下这个单词的音标是: [_k_tn]也能拼出来。其实背单词最推荐通过自然拼读来记住单词的读音和拼写。意思需要自己再记一下,而且尤其要注意词性,比如说kitten的意思是小猫,它是可数名词,证明它有复数形式。很多小猫就应该是many kittens./t/是爆破音,嘴巴微微张开,舌尖先紧贴上齿龈,憋住气。舌尖迅速下降,使气流冲出口腔,形成爆破音。/t/是清辅音,声带不震动,只能听到气流的声音。如:talk、taxi、tell、kitty、night、ticket、better。小猫; 猫跟; 小型履带拖拉机; 只小猫 复数:kittens 过去式:kittened 过去分词:kittened 现在分词:kittening 第三人称单数:kittens。




kitten 英["ku026atn] 美[u02c8ku026atn] n. 小猫;小动物 vi. 产小猫 第三人称单数:kittens;过去分词:kittened;名词复数:kittens;现在分... [例句]One kitten was stillborn and another died during birth.1只小猫为死胎,另1只出生期间死亡。




kitten[英]["ku026atn] [美][u02c8ku026atn] 生词本简明释义n.小猫;小动物vi.产小猫复数:kittens第三人称单数:kittens过去式:kittened过去分词:kittened现在分词:kittening以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 短语词组 同反义词1.N-COUNT小猫A kitten is a very young cat.以下结果由 金山词霸 提供例句One kitten was stillborn and another died during birth.1只小猫为死胎,另1只出生期间死亡。


英["ku026atn] 美[u02c8ku026atn] .n. 小猫;小动物 vi. 产小猫 第三人称单数:kittens;过去分词:kittened;名词复数:kittens;现在分... [例句]One kitten was stillborn and another died during birth.1只小猫为死胎,另1只出生期间死亡。


小猫kitten是新生儿或婴儿的猫猫cat是发展和岁的小猫从小猫 kitten/kitty 行为猫 cat/ pussy cat转变是3岁左右满意请采纳,谢谢












kittens英 ["ku026at(u0259)ns]美 ["ku026atns]n. 小猫;小动物n. (Kitten)人名;(法)基滕vi. 产小猫[网络短语]kitten 小猫,猫跟,幼猫组Bonsai Kitten 盆景猫Kitten Sanctuary 猫咪庇护所,小猫庇护所,喵喵安乐窝




不需要大写,a kitten ,the kitten, kittens 如果想做个商标或创造一个品牌,如Kitten Tom, 那么首字母要大写。


kids是儿童、小孩子buck『口语]小伙子,年轻人,(尤指勇敢、活泼、精力旺盛的)男青年,有时蔑称年轻的男黑人或印第安人kitten 小猫小动物,暗指幼齿


n. 小猫;小动物vi. 产小猫n. (Kitten)人名;(法)基滕[网络] 小猫咪;幼猫组










kitten 英["kɪtn] 美[ˈkɪtn] n. 小猫;小动物 vi. 产小猫 第三人称单数:kittens;过去分词:kittened;名词复数:kittens;现在分... [例句]One kitten was stillborn and another died during birth.1只小猫为死胎,另1只出生期间死亡。同学你好有帮助请点采纳或者右上角好评~祝你新的一年学习进步,马到成功!!!






is as cool in Portsmouth as it is in o




kittens n. 小猫( kitten的名词复数 ); v. 小猫( kitten的第三人称单数 ); [网络] 幼猫; 两只小猫; 小猫咪; still 英[stɪl] 美[stɪl] adv. 仍,仍然; 更,还要; 静静地; 〈诗〉常,不断地; adj. 不动的,静止的; 不狂暴的,温柔的; 没有活力的,死气沉沉的; n. 平静,寂静; 剧照; 静止摄影; 蒸馏器; [例句]I still dream of home.我依然做梦梦见家。

英文少儿歌曲:Three Little Kittens

Three Little Kittens Once three little kittens they lost their mittens, And they began to cry, "Oh,mother dear, We sadly fear our mittens we have lost." "What!Lost your mittens,you naughty kittens! Then you shall have no pie." "Mee-ow,Mee-ow,Mee-ow,Meow." Once three little kittens they lost their mittens, And they began to cry, "Oh,mother dear, We sadly fear our mittens we have lost." "What!Lost your mittens,you naughty kittens! Then you shall have no pie." "Mee-ow,Mee-ow,Mee-ow,Meow." 三只小猫 从前三只小猫丢掉了他们的手套, 于是他们开始哭, "哦,亲爱的妈妈, 我们伤心地恐怕我们已经丢失了我们的手套。" "什么!丢失了你们的手套,你们这些顽皮的小猫!" 那么你们将不会有馅饼了。" "喵,喵,喵,喵。" 从前三只小猫丢掉了他们的手套, 于是他们开始哭, "哦,亲爱的妈妈, 我们伤心地恐怕我们已经丢失了我们的手套。" "什么!丢失了你们的手套,你们这些顽皮的小猫!" 那么你们将不会有馅饼了。" "喵,喵,喵,喵。"

The Three Little Kittens 歌词

歌手:Twins歌名:The Three Little KittensThe Three little kittensThey lost their mittens and they began to cry"Oh mother dear she hears she hears"What!" Lost your mittens you naughty kittensThen you shall have no pie"Meow meow meow meow we shall have no pie"The Three little kittensThey found they mittens And they began to cry"Oh mother dear she hears she hears she hearA mittens we have found""What! Found your mittens you good little kittensAnd then you shall have some pie""Meow meow meow meow we shall have some pie"


kitten是国内的IDE。scratch是海外的IDE, 国内很多都是山寨的,海外版就是中文支持不太好。功能上都差不多,UI有点不同。英文差的,建议选kitten。

atomic kitten-If You Come To Me歌词翻译

So long ago 很久以前 I didn"t have a care about me 我对自己不关心 I didn"t know my right from wrong 我甚至分不清对与错 But now I know 但现在我知道 That you left got love around me 你的爱在我周围 You know it makes me feel so strong 你知道它使我有力量 Baby if you turn around 宝贝,如果你出现 And prove to me its real 证明那是真的 Maybe we can work it out 可能我会不再烦恼 Cos this is how I feel 因为那也是我的感觉 Do you know where you go when you give it all away 你知道吗?当你给予我爱的时候,无论你去哪里 I"ll be there for you, care for you 我都会在那里等你关心你 Love you everyday oh baby 无时无刻地爱你 噢,我的宝贝 And do you feel the same for me? 你与我有同样的感应吗? Everyday you"re away 每一天当你离开的时候 And I feel a little low 我都会有一点失落 I would cry for you, die for you 我会为你哭为你死 Just to let you know oh baby 只是为了让你知道 噢我的宝贝 And if you come to me you know I"ll make it right 如果你此时出现的话我会任何事都难不倒我 Through out all my life 我的整个一生 I never thought I"d have somebody 我从没有想过会有某个人 Someone to call my own 这个人会是属于我的 And now I"ve found 但是现在我发现 A little bit of heaven baby 一种欣慰 我的宝贝 A place to call my own 一个属于我的地方 So long ago 很久以前 I didn"t have a care about me 我对自己不关心 I didn"t know my right from wrong 我甚至分不清对与错 But now I know 但现在我知道 That you left got love around me 你的爱在我周围 You know it makes me feel so strong 你知道它使我有力量 Baby if you turn around 宝贝,如果你出现 And prove to me its real 证明那是真的 Maybe we can work it out 可能我会不再烦恼 Cos this is how I feel 因为那也是我的感觉 Do you know where you go when you give it all away 你知道吗?当你给予我爱的时候,无论你去哪里 I"ll be there for you, care for you 我都会在那里等你关心你 Love you everyday oh baby 无时无刻地爱你 噢,我的宝贝 And do you feel the same for me? 你与我有同样的感应吗? Everyday you"re away 每一天当你离开的时候 And I feel a little low 我都会有一点失落 I would cry for you, die for you 我会为你哭为你死 Just to let you know oh baby 只是为了让你知道 噢我的宝贝 And if you come to me you know I"ll make it right 如果你此时出现的话我会任何事都难不倒我 Through out all my life 我的整个一生 I never thought I"d have somebody 我从没有想过会有某个人 Someone to call my own 这个人会是属于我的 And now I"ve found 但是现在我发现 A little bit of heaven baby 一种欣慰 我的宝贝 A place to call my own 一个属于我的地方

my kittens are big cats now.they are one year old.什么意思

你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题: . . . 我的小猫现在都是大猫了。它们一岁大了。



Kitty 小猫,kitten小猫的可爱昵称。kitty同catty,源于拉丁语cattus指猫,en 是小物物名后缀,如duckling里的ling,piggy 里的by.这样,KITT是词干,分解完毕。

急!求Atomic Kitten的歌曲 its ok的翻译,谢谢!急!

well, i remember all the nights i used to stay at home (home)嗯,我记得我曾经在家时的所有夜晚on the phone (phone), all night long在电话里,一整夜used to talk about all the things we really wanna do我们曾经谈论我们想做的一切事情i believed in you我相信你i remember how you used to say我记得你曾经是怎么说的have no fear (no fear), youll be ok (ok)(没有恐惧),别害怕,你会没事的的when you told me anything you want is possible当你告诉我只要你想要就会有可能we could have it all我们能得到一切must have been a fool我肯定是个傻瓜all my dreams were with you我所有梦想都与你同在i say its ok我说好的i can promise you its all right我可以答应你会好的you aint keeping me up all night你没有让我整晚不睡no more再也不会了youre not here, but its ok你不在这,但没关系i assure you babe, its all right我相你,会好的well now you got to where you wanted嗯,你现在就在你想要去的地方like i knew you would就好象我知道你会的cash, car, house, its all good票子,车子,房子,真好its the why you never come around here no more这就是你再也不来我这的原因like you did before就如你以前一样got it all, thats the way it seems我都知道,就是如此looks like you live your dream看上去就是你得偿所愿地生活and i hope your life has turned out for the better now我希望你的生活比现在更好when im not around当我不在你左右its all right and a its ok and a没事的,会好的youre not here with me你不在我这里 (这句倒过来翻译:你没和我在一起,我也会没事的)

Atomic Kitten的《So Right》 歌词

歌曲名:So Right歌手:Atomic Kitten专辑:Access All Areas: Remixed & B-Sideso rightGayatri Iyer & Kunal Ganjawallatu mere paas hai so right…tu mere saath hai so right…tu mere paas hai so right…tu mere paas hai so right…kaise kahoon kisi se mainkyun mera haal hai so so right…tu mere paas hai so right…tu mere saath hai so right…tu mere paas hai, so right…tu mere saath hai so right…mujhe pyaar ho gaya hai…this love is for ever and everye naram garam naram si hawa hai so right…ye sharam varam sharam mein sama hai right…jitna dekhoon tujhe… (dekhoon tujhe…)chhoone ko dil kare…hua jo haule se humkoyeh ahsaas hai so right…chhoo le yun dil ko din mein bhi…aisi ye raat hai so so righttu mere paas hai so right…(so right)tu mere saath hai so right…(so right)tu mere paas hai so right…(so right)tu mere saath hai so right…(so right)ye khuli ye bandh khuli sipalak hai so right…ye luki-chhipi-luki sijhalak hai rightmaine sapne mein kal…tujhko phir chhoo liya…ye andaaz hai so right…jo bhi yeh raaz hai so rightkaano mein kehe gayi tu jo…teri woh baat hai so so right…tu mere paas hai, so right…(so right)tu mere saath hai so right…(so right)tu mere paas hai, so right…(so right)tu mere saath hai so right…(so right)mujhe pyaar ho gaya hai…this love is for ever and evermujhe pyaar ho gaya hai…

noting in the world―atomic kitten 中文歌词


Don t You Know - Atomic Kitten怎么找?


atomic kitten唱的loving you 中文歌词


谁有这首歌的歌词.演唱者是ATOMIC KITTEN.如果可以麻烦把它翻译出来.谢了.

Hippy I don"t wanna be what you wanna be I just wanna be what"s right for me I don"t wanna see who you wanna see Because your friends are no good for me You say that love is an open door I see you walking out but I hear you taking more and now you wanna kick it cause you dropped on the floor I don"t wanna go where you wanna go Cause when you go you move too slow I just wanna see what I wanna be And now it seems that I wanna be free I"m hearing what you"re saying But I don"t know what you"re doing And I need some things explaining Cause you"re evil and you"re using This giving and mistaking This reality that you"re faking Can"t you justify the feeling And the pain that you"re making

Atomic Kitten的《Strangers》 歌词

歌曲名:Strangers歌手:Atomic Kitten专辑:Right NowAtomic Kitten---StrangersEverything you do says you′re leaving meEverything you say shows you don′t believe in meHow was I supposed to knowThat this was gonna hurt a soulYou and I are strangers in our homeYou and I are strangers in our homeEverything I feel proves there′s nothing left in meEverything I hear takes away the breath in meHow was I supposed to knowThat this was gonna hurt a soulYou and I are strangers in our homeYou and I are strangers in our homeHow was I supposed to knowthis was gonna hurt a soulthis was gonna hurt a soulYou and I are strangers in our homeYou and I are strangers in our homeYou and I are strangers in our homeYou and I are strangers in our home

Atomic Kitten 的Nothing In The World 中英对照

艺术家:Atomic Kitten 歌名:Nothing In The World 歌词: It"s been so long I can"t remember when We didn"t care how deep it was We dived right in Watching everything around us disappear Oh I"ve missed you here And it seems the little things get in the way We"re so caught up in routine from day to day Sometimes it feels like we"re not anchored anywhere Oh I"ve missed you, yeah So tell me there"s nothing in the world That could ever come between us Show me you"re not afraid tonight Baby make me believe That there"s nothing in the world that could ever Steal the moment from right here and now (Nothing) the world Two shadows falling back together now Baby we spent too much time just hiding out And there"s nowhere that I"d rather be than here Cos I"ve missed you, yeah So tell me there"s nothing in the world That could ever come between us Show me you"re not afraid tonight Baby make me believe That there"s nothing in the world that could ever Steal the moment from right here and now (Nothing) the world (Nothing in the world) (In the world) (There"s nothing in the world) So tell me there"s nothing in the world (nothin" in the world) That could ever come between us Show me you"re not afraid tonight Baby make me believe That there"s nothing in the world that could ever Steal the moment from right here and now (Nothing) Nothing So tell me there"s nothing in the world (nothin" in the world) That could ever come between us Show me you"re not afraid tonight Baby make me believe That there"s nothing in the world that could ever (ever) Steal the moment from right here and now (Nothing) Nothing (Right here and now) So tell me there"s nothing in the world (nothin" in the world) That could ever come between us Show me you"re not afraid tonight Baby make me believe That there"s nothing in the world that could ever Steal the moment from right here and now (Nothing) Nothing 我已经很久没有注意到我们有陷得多深 眼睁睁地看着身边的所有东西消失 我已经在这里错过了你 这看上去似乎有很多小事挡在路上 我们每天像例行公事一般去弥补 有时就感觉到我们的任何一个地方都是不固定的 我已经错过了你 告诉我世界上没有什么东西能介入我们之间 像我展示今晚你并不担心 亲爱的,请使我相信世界上没有东西能偷走从现在开始的这一刻 没有...世上没有东西 两个影子正在退却 亲爱的我们用了太多的时间躲藏 然而没有一地方能比这里更让我钟爱 我已经错过了你 告诉我世界上没有什么东西能介入我们之间 像我展示今晚你并不担心 亲爱的,请使我相信世界上没有东西能偷走从现在开始的这一刻 没有...世上没有东西

Atomic Kitten的《Hippy》 歌词

歌曲:Hippy歌手:Atomic KittenI don"t wanna be what you wanna beI just wanna be what"s right for meI don"t wanna see who you wanna seeBecause your friends are no good for meYou say that love is an open doorI see you walking out but I hear you taking moreand now you wanna kick it cause you dropped on the floorI don"t wanna go where you wanna goCause when you go you move too slowI just wanna see what I wanna beAnd now it seems that I wanna be freeYou say that love is an open doorI see you walking out but I hear you taking moreand now you wanna kick it cause you dropped on the floorI"m hearing what you"re sayingBut I don"t know what you"re doingAnd I need some things explainingCause you"re evil and you"re usingThis giving and mistakingThis reality that you"re fakingCan"t you justify the feelingAnd the pain that you"re makingYou say that love is an open doorI see you walking out but I hear you taking moreand now you wanna kick it cause you dropped on the floor

Atomic Kitten的《So Hot》 歌词

歌曲名:So Hot歌手:Atomic Kitten专辑:Feels So GoodFlash lightsMoon grinHot bodies groovingI knew there was love in the airAnticipationMy heart is racingI"m yours for the night if you dareIf you wanna do itMake your move rightIf you want me babyKeep me in your sightAin"t no use in fightingCos my mind"s made upYou get me so hotDon"t you wannaDance to the music all nightParty till the dawn when the sun comes upKiss goodbye in the moonlightYou got me feeling hotPlease don"t ever stopPlease don"t ever ever stopNow I know I"ve got youExactly the way I want youAnd all of your defences are downMy body"s cravingWhy the hell you waiting?My fantasy is what I foundThe time is nowI can show you howTake you whereYou"ve never been before(I wanna freak you down in all the right places)I wanna Make you feelLike you never need no more(Make you hotter than the one you ever tasted)I wanna take you whereMake you feel

Atomic Kitten的《You Are》 歌词

歌曲:you are歌手:Atomic KittenMaybe you think you"re not right for meThat you"ll never be everything I needWell I tell you straight from my heartYou are you areIf you don"t think that you"ve got the pedigreeThat you"re not someone who can talk to meWell I"ll tell you straight from my heartYou are you areYou are you are my reason (my reason)You are the air I"m breathing (I"m breathing)Ask who"s in my heart, you are you are (you are)If ever I wanted to run away (to run away)I"d go only if you would come with me (you"d come with me)"Cos no one can talk to my heart like you are, you areOh if I do for you what you do for me (do for me)If I"m on your mind everytime you sleep (in your dreams)Say the words and no matter how farI"ll be where you areYou are you are my reason (my reason)You are the air I"m breathing (I"m breathing)Ask who"s in my heart, you are you are (you are)Ooh I wish you"d ask me how I feelI"d say that I"m emphaticOoh and when you"re near to meThis urgency is automaticOoh you"re my addiction boyAnd I don"t want to break the habitI"d say that you"re in my heartYou"re in my heartYou are you are my reason (my reason)You are the air I"m breathing (I"m breathing)Ask who"s in my heart, you are you are (you are)Maybe you think you"re not right for me(You are my reason)That you"ll never be everything I needWell I tell you straight from my heartYou are you areIf you don"t think that you"ve got the pedigreeThat you"re not someone who can talk to meWell I"ll tell you straight from my heartYou are you are

atomic kitten 现在怎样了?所有成员都不在乐坛发展了嘛

atomic kitten 2004年已经解散了。但是2007年重组。2008年解散。但各自都有自己的发展。成员Liz McClarnon出单曲,在演电视。Natasha Hamilton也是。有三个孩子Jenny Frost出现在一些电视节目中Kerry Katona是电视节目主持人

Atomic Kitten - Cradle 求 中文歌词,不要直接翻译出来的

ATOMIC KITTEN LYRICS 原子小猫歌词 Complimentary "Cradle" Ringtone 互补性的“摇篮”铃声 "Cradle" “摇篮” Cradle 摇篮 I will rock you like a baby, I will, 我将岩石你像一个婴儿,我会, Cradled in my arms, cradled在我的武器, I will keep you safe from danger, 我将随时向你安全的危险, Shelter you from harm... 住房你免受伤害, ... There will never be another lover, 有永远的另一个情人, Who treats you like I do, 谁对待你喜欢我, We can drift into forever, 我们可以漂移到永远, On a love thats made for two... 就爱这就是为2 ... Dont you ever say this loves not special, 不用你说,这不是特别喜欢, Dont you ever think its not essential... 不用你认为其没有必要... Baby... 婴儿... I was only thinkin of you, 我只是thinkin的你, Hopin you were thinkin of me, hopin你thinkin我, Two hearts beating just like one, 二心中跳动,就像一, Agaisnt the world... agaisnt世界上... Baby... 婴儿... I am always dreamin of you, 我一向dreamin你, Hopin you are dreamin of me, hopin你是dreamin我, I could never live, 我可以永远活, One day without your love... 一天,没有你们的爱... I will kiss you like an angel, baby, 我会吻你喜欢一个天使,婴儿, Cradled in my wings, cradled在我的翅膀, I will take you up to heaven, 我会带你到天堂, Show you precious things... 显示您宝贵的事情… … If you promise that you love me, 如果您的承诺,你爱我, If you promise that you care, 如果您的承诺,您的照顾, I will be here for you always, 我会在这里为您一如既往, And forever this I swear... 和永远,这是我发誓... Dont you ever say this loves not special, 不用你说,这不是特别喜欢, Dont you ever think its not essential... 不用你认为其没有必要... Baby... 婴儿... I was only thinkin of you, 我只是thinkin的你, Hopin you were thinkin of me, hopin你thinkin我, Two hearts beating just like one, 二心中跳动,就像一, Agaisnt the world... agaisnt世界上... Baby... 婴儿... I am always dreamin of you, 我一向dreamin你, Hopin you are dreamin of me, hopin你是dreamin我, I could never live one day, 我可以永远活一天, Without your love... 没有你们的爱... Though you say you want a love, 虽然你说你要的爱, But you dont think you believe it, 但你不要认为你相信它, Just open up your heart, 刚刚打开你的心, And you know you will recieve it... 你知道,您将收到它... Oh baby... 哦婴儿... Baby... 婴儿... Dont you ever say this loves not special, oh 不用你说,这不是特别喜欢,哦 Dont you ever think its not essential... 不用你认为其没有必要... Baby... 婴儿... I was only thinkin of you, 我只是thinkin的你, Hopin you were thinkin of me, hopin你thinkin我, Two hearts beating just like one, 二心中跳动,就像一, Agaisnt the world... agaisnt世界上... Baby... 婴儿... I was only dreamin of you, 我只是dreamin你, Hopin you were dreamin of me, hopin你dreamin我, I could never live one day, 我可以永远活一天, Without your love... 没有你们的爱... I was only, I was only, I was only thinkin of you... 我只是,我只是,我只是thinkin的你… … I was only, I was only, I was only thinkin of you... 我只是,我只是,我只是thinkin的你… … I was only, I was only, I was only thinkin of you... 我只是,我只是,我只是thinkin的你… … i was only, i was only, i was only thinkin... 我只是,我只是,我只是thinkin ... oh baby 哦婴儿 [ ] [ ] Complimentary "Cradle" Ringtone 互补性的“摇篮”铃声

有关Atomic Kitten的所有情况

last goodbye好听

SHE哪首歌是翻唱atomic kitten的《eternal flame》啊

eternal flame - she atomic kitten 专集 - 冬日音乐纪念册

atomic kitten三个人的个人具体资料

全名:Elizabeth McClarnon 出生地:利物浦 星座:牡羊座 生日:1981年10月4日 家中成员:父、母和兄弟Joe 座右铭:顺着感觉走 最爱的活动:聊足球、翻杂志、看影集 加入AK的时间:AK最早的成员之一。 最大的期望:能遇见玛丹娜。 最爱的AK歌曲:Strangers 曾经的梦想:希望能成为律师。 注:谣传曾和Blue的Lee交往,但未曾证实。暂无专辑Natasha Hamilton全名:Natasha Maria Hamilton 星座:巨蟹座 生日:1982年7月17日 出生地:利物浦 家中成员:父、母和姊妹Georgina 加入AK的时间:1999年5月。 最爱的活动:吃比萨、泡舞厅、吃美食、唱唱歌、和男友在一起。 最爱的电影:热舞17 最爱的演员:马汀·肯普、乔治·克鲁尼 最大的期望:希望成为受欢迎的歌手。 最爱的AK歌曲:Whole Again 注:已为人母、育有一子Josh。 Jenny Frost全名:Jennifer Frost 星座:双鱼座 生日:1975年2月22日 出生地:利物浦 家中成员:父、母和姊妹Shelly 加入AK的时间:2001年1月。 最爱的活动:交朋友、跳舞、购物、派对、享受美食。 最爱的电影:任何有艾尔帕西诺的电影。 最爱的演员:艾尔帕西诺 最爱的AK歌曲:Whole Again 最爱的城市:曼彻斯特 最爱的饮料:草莓奶昔 最爱的影集:六人行 注:已和DJ男友Dom Thrupp订婚。 已离队成员Kerry KatonaKerry也是一头金发,如今是兼职电视节目主持人。2001年她与Westlife成员布莱恩结婚生子,毅然退出了组合,她为布莱恩生了两个女儿之后两人离婚。1999年7月,Liz McClarnon, Natasha Hamilton, Kerry Katona与英国乐坛最火热的流行工厂Innocent公司签下唱片合同,Atomic Kitten成立了。1999年12月,处女单曲Right Now进入英国榜前10。2000年3月,第二支单曲See Ya也进入前10,并被用作Fiat的欧洲广告歌。2000年7月,到2000年的夏天,你读到的报刊里已经都有了AK的消息。她们发行了第三张单曲I Want Yout Love,并被当时当红的舞曲组合Steps邀请,为他们的巡演开场。2000年10月,Atomic Kitten发行了她们第四首单曲Follow Me,榜上成绩不佳,最高仅排第20。2000年12月,组合的第一年结束,她们获得了Disney和Smash Hits两个流行音乐奖项的最佳新人奖。2001年1月,成员Kerry Katona宣布离队,成立家庭。组合找到了好朋友,前女子组合Precious成员Jenny Frost作为新成员,加入组合。她于1月15日首次和组合一起演出全新单曲"Whole Again"。这首单曲在月末发行,并空降英国单曲榜冠军位置,雄霸4周冠军宝座。2001年7月,组合发行了翻唱The Bangles的经典作品Eternal Flame。这首单曲空降冠军,同期发行的再版处女专辑也成为了冠军。2002年1月,组合获得了两项全英音乐奖的提名,开始了21场英国巡演,获得好评。同时成员Natasha Hamilton宣布怀孕。2002年5月,组合发行第二张专辑的首支单曲It"s OK。2002年8月,成员Natasha于24日诞下宝贝儿子Josh,一周后组合的新单曲The Tide Is High夺得英国单曲榜冠军宝座,保持3周。2002年9月,组合第二张专辑Feels So Good空降冠军,这意味着组合和Spice Girls, The Supreme一样,成为同时占据单曲和专辑榜冠军的女子组合。专辑同名歌曲Feels So Good是Kylie Minogue为组合度身定做的舞曲。2002年11月,组合发行双面单曲The Last Goodbye / Be With You2003年3月,组合再次得到全英音乐奖提名,发行专辑第四支单曲Love Doesn"t Have To Hurt。2003年5月,组合展开美国宣传,并没有太大反响。她们回到英国筹备第三张录音室专辑Ladies Night,也成为了热门专辑。2004年4月,组合出版精选集,进行Greatest Hits巡演,随后解散。Liz McClarnon继续做歌手,曾推出单曲Woman In Love,成绩平平;曾经参与名人真人秀;2007年曾经以单曲"Don"t It Make You Happy"参与代表英国参加Eurovision歌曲大赛的代表精选,不成功。Natasha Bedingfield曾经专心做妈妈,后来也出来做真人秀,参加Just The Two Of Us,即英国原版名声大震。Jenny Frost曾推出单曲,成绩平平。




kittenn.小猫;小动物vi.产小猫kittyn. 小猫,猫咪puss n. 少女;猫咪;嘴,脸catn. 猫;猫科动物

Atomic Kitten-see ya歌词翻译

自己译的啦,你要检查一下啦yeah,yeah,yeah,oohoh,babyyeah,yeah,yeahcheck it out now,ooh把它找出来baby,check it out now宝贝,把它找出来 i"ve been looking and been searching,oh baby噢,宝贝,我一直在找寻着for the one who"ll be true(oh,yeah,ooh)一个真挚的人and i thought that i had found him我想我找到他oh,boy,but now i know it"s not you(oh,yeah,ooh)噢,男孩,但现在我知道那个人不是你"cos you can see me running因为你看见我在跑的时候but you"re standing still你仍站在那里you don"t believe it"s coming你不相信它已经来了but you know that it will但你知道它会来so,baby,see ya因而,宝贝,再见all right(oh,yeh)好i wouldn"t wanna be ya tonight今晚我不想跟你在一起let me make it clear,all right让我说清楚一点,好吗you"re not the one for me,yeah你不是适合我的那个人yeah,yeah,yeahwe"ll there"s plenty more where you came from从你来的地方,我们会有更多so i think i"ll go fish(oh,yeah,ooh)因而我想我会去钓鱼"cos there"s a great big ocean out there因为那里有个很大的海洋and,boy,you"re not my favourite dish(oh,yeah,ooh)男孩,我的最爱不是你"cos you can see me sinking因为你看着我沉下去like i told you so像我跟你说的那样i need a new direction我需要一个新方向but you won"t let me go但你不会让我去找so,baby,see ya因而,宝贝,再见all right(oh,yeah)好i wouldn"t wanna be ya tonight今晚我不想跟你在一起let me make it clear,all right让我说清楚一点,好吗you"re not the one for me,yeah你不是适合我的那个人yeah,yeah,yeah(ooh)check it out now把它找出来"cos you can see me running因为你看见我在跑的时候but you"re standing still你仍站在那里you don"t believe it"s coming你不相信它已经来了but you know that it will但你知道它会来so,baby,see ya因而,宝贝,再见all right(oh,yeah)好i wouldn"t wanna be ya tonight今晚我不想跟你在一起let me make it clear,all right让我说清楚一点,好吗you"re not the one for me,yeah你不是适合我的那个人yeah,yeah,yeah(oh,baby)so baby,see ya因而,宝贝,再见all right(oh,yeah)好i wouldn"t wanna be ya(yeah,yeah,yeah)今晚我不想跟你在一起let me make it clear,all right让我说清楚一点,好吗you"re not the one for me,yeah你不是适合我的那个人yeah,yeah,yeah(ooh)

Atomic Kitten的《See Ya》 歌词

歌曲:See Ya歌手:Atomic Kittenyeah,yeah,yeah,oohoh,babyyeah,yeah,yeahcheck it out now,oohbaby,check it out nowi"ve been looking and been searching,oh babyfor the one who"ll be true(oh,yeah,ooh)and i thought that i had found himoh,boy,but now i know it"s not you(oh,yeah,ooh)"cos you can see me runningbut you"re standing stillyou don"t believe it"s comingbut you know that it willso,baby,see yaall right(oh,yeh)i wouldn"t wanna be ya tonightlet me make it clear,all rightyou"re not the one for me,yeahyeah,yeah,yeahwe"ll there"s plenty more where you came fromso i think i"ll go fish(oh,yeah,ooh)"cos there"s a great big ocean out thereand,boy,you"re not my favourite dish(oh,yeah,ooh)"cos you can see me sinkinglike i told you soi need a new directionbut you won"t let me goso,baby,see yaall right(oh,yeah)i wouldn"t wanna be ya tonightlet me make it clear,all rightyou"re not the one for me,yeahyeah,yeah,yeah(ooh)check it out now"cos you can see me runningbut you"re standing stillyou don"t believe it"s comingbut you know that it willso,baby,see yaall right(oh,yeah)i wouldn"t wanna be ya tonightlet me make it clear,all rightyou"re not the one for me,yeahyeah,yeah,yeah(oh,baby)so baby,see yaall right(oh,yeah)i wouldn"t wanna be ya(yeah,yeah,yeah)let me make it clear,all rightyou"re not the one for me,yeahyeah,yeah,yeah





Atomic Kitten的《Believer》 歌词

歌曲名:Believer歌手:Atomic Kitten专辑:The CollectionBeliever--Atomic KittenI hear the clock, I hear the rainI"m all aloneWhy am I here and you are there?I miss you soI wish that you were here with meI need to breathe the air you breatheCos your blood is my bloodI feel it in my heart that we"ll be togetherAnd your god is my godYour love has made me a believerAll through the night I stay awakeAnd think of youIf love is deep then it will keepI know it"s true, I know it"s trueI never felt so sure beforeBut I don"t doubt it anymoreCos your blood is my bloodI feel it in my heart that we"ll be togetherAnd your god is my godYour love has made me a believer (A believer)I believe in the way I feelI believe our love is realI believe in the dream we shareI feel it everywhereI believe in the way we touchI never felt so much loveYour love has made me a believerYour love has made me a believerCos your blood is my bloodI feel it in my heart that we"ll be togetherAnd your god is my godYour love has made me a believerA believer, a believer, a believerCos your blood is my bloodI feel it in my heartYour god is my godYour love has made me a believerYour love has made me a believerYour love has made me a believerIt is true that your love has made me a believerCos your blood is my blood and your god is my god


"Kitten"和"cat"都是英语中表示猫的词汇,但它们的含义和用法略有不同。"Kitten"通常用来指小猫,也就是猫的幼崽。例如:我们家有一只小猫,它非常活泼。(We have a kitten at home, and it"s very playful.)这些小猫还没有开眼睛。(These kittens haven"t opened their eyes yet.)"Cat"则通常用来指成年的猫。例如:我家的猫喜欢睡在沙发上。(My cat likes to sleep on the sofa.)这只黑猫看起来很神秘。(This black cat looks very mysterious.)需要注意的是,"kitten"和"cat"在某些情况下可以互换使用,但它们的含义略有不同。例如,在描述一只小猫时,可以使用"kitten"或"cat",但使用"kitten"更准确地表达了这只猫的年龄和大小。

Atomic Kitten的《Cradle》 歌词

歌曲:Cradle歌手:Atomic KittenI will rock you like a baby lover cradled in my armsI will keep you safe from danger shelter you from harmThere will never be another lover treats you like I doWe can drift into forever on a love taht "s made for twoDon"t you ever say this love"s not specialDon"t you ever think it"s not essentialBabyI was only thinking of youHoping you were thinking of meTow hearts beating just like one against the worldBaby I am always dreaming of youHoping you are dreaming of meI could never live one day without your loveI will kiss you like an angel baby cradled in my wingsI will take you up to heaven show you precious thingsIf you promise that you love meIf you promise that you careI will be here for you always and forever this I swearNow you say you wanna loveBut you don"t think you believe itJust open up your heartAnd you know you will receive itOh babyBaby don"t you ever think this love not specialNoDon"t you ever think it"s not essentialI was only I was only I was only thinking of youI was only I was onlyI was only thinging oh baby