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Emerson Hart的《Vanity》 歌词

歌曲名:Vanity歌手:Emerson Hart专辑:Cigarettes And GasolineI"m not cocky, I just love myselfBitch!--- Christina Aguilera - Vanity - {Bi~ON~ic} (2010) ---Mirror mirror on the wallWho"s the flyest bitch of them all?Never mind i am (that bitch is so fuckin" pretty)Yeah I am (If I were her I would kiss me) Muah. Hey!Mirror mirror on the wallHit up prince charming tell him give me a callNever mind screw him (cuz I found somebody better)Never mind screw him (I make myself so much wetter)Everyday I see myself, I Love me even more (More)It"s me I adoreAin"t nobody got shit on me, I"m the best for sureMy cherie amorV is for vanityEverytime I look at meI turn myself on yeah, I turn myself on yeahV is for vanitythank you mom and daddy cuzI turn myself on yeah, I turn myself on yeah(Get into it)Mirror mirror on the wallWho"s the sexiest of them all?Never mind I am (Oh she"s so hot and sexy)Yeah I am (no wonders she"s so cocky)Ow!Mirror mirror on the wallThey call me stuck upBut I"m not at allNever mind I am (I am)(It"s not my fault I"m the shit)Yeah I am (I am)(and I"m a bad ass bitch)Everyday I see myself, I Love me even more (More)It"s me I adoreAin"t nobody got shit on me, I"m the best for sureAre you ready for me?V is for vanityEverytime I look at meI turn myself on yeah, I turn myself on yeahV is for vanitythank you mom and daddy cuzI turn myself on yeah, I turn myself on yeahGet into itNo regretsGet into itNo apologiesAnd now take myself to be my lawfully wetted bitchAll the girls say, yeah I"m vain, so what, so whatAll the boys say, yeah I"m vain, so what, so whatAll the girls say, yeah we"re vain, so what, so whatEverybody says, yeah were vain, so what and so whatV is for vanityEverytime I look at meI turn myself on yeah, I turn myself on yeahV is for vanitythank you mom and daddy cuzI turn myself on yeah, I turn myself on yeah(Get into it)If the shoe fits, wear it bitchIf the shoe fits, wear it bitchIf the shoe fits, wear it bitchRead my lips (muah!)I"m a vain bitch (hey!)HeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyCan"t love no one elseTill you love yourselfAnd if they don"t like itTell "emGet in lineAnd kiss your ass bitch (muah!)Love you baby (au revoir)That"s rightLet"s go out like thisMirror mirror on the wallWho"s the flyest of them allIt"s me, bow down get on your kneesWhere"s my queensWho reign supremeLet me hear you screamWhooo!And the legacy lives onGoing strongLet us not forgetWho owns the throne?(Max) You do mommy!http://music.baidu.com/song/3489983

self-reliance 作者Ralph waldo Emerson那个跪求中文翻译!

  那天我读了一些,它们是由一位著名的画家而不是常规的原始。听到一个忠告的灵魂永远这样行,让这个主题是它可能。他们忽略了情绪比任何认为他们可能包含。相信你自己的思想,认为什么是真实的,在你的私人心是真的了。这是因众人,——那就是天才。说出你的潜在的信念,它将普遍意义上的;因为总是最深挚的质和我们成为第一个想到的是回本公司最后审判的号角。熟悉的声音,就是我们要归咎于摩西最高价值,柏拉图和弥尔顿是他们化为乌有,书和传统的发言,但没有什么,他们认为,一个人应该学会检测,看那一丝曙光,在他的脑海里闪过,比从天空中那吟游诗人和圣人。他否认,恕不另行通知他的想法,因为这是他的。每天的工作中,我们认识自己的天才拒绝的思想;他们回到我们一定的异化的威严。伟大的艺术作品没有更多的影响比这个功课。他们教导我们要遵守我们的自发的印象时good-humored锲而不舍之后大部分的声音是整个哭的另一边。一个陌生人说明天还以精湛的判断力正是我们所拥有的思想和感觉,我们将不得不采取与羞辱自己的观点。  有一次在每个人的教育,当他到达坚信嫉妒是无知,模仿是自杀行为,他必须把自己还是作为他的分;尽管广阔的宇宙充满了良好,没有核心的功效,但他能来,我们将玉米,通过他的辛劳给那块地赐给他,就是用。他的权力蕴藏在本质上都是新的,没有,但是他知道这是他所能做的,也不知道他已经试过了。不是一张脸,一个字符,有一个事实,使得留下印象,另一个都没有。它不是没有preestablished和谐,这个雕塑的记忆。眼睛被放置在一个雷坠落,某个特定的雷。烦躁地勇敢地让他说出最大的口供音节。我们表达自己,但一半的神圣的想法感到羞愧,我们每一个人都代表了。它可能是安全的,并具有良好的比例信任问题一样,所以它被如实地传授,但神必不再有他的工作显明的懦弱。由它需要一个神圣的人展示什么神圣。一个男人是同性恋时断裂,全神贯注地工作,尽了最大努力,但是他所说的或做的,否则将给他没有和平。它是一种解脱并不能传达有效。在他的天才抛弃他,没有沉思的科幻片,没有发明,就没有希望。  每个人都相信自己的振动;铁的字符串。接受的地方发现你出于天意,社会的同时代人,你的业务。伟人们总是这么做了,并把自己的天才般的到他们的年龄,出卖他们的感觉很激动人心的永恒,在他们的心中,通过他们的手工作中都存在。我们现在正人,须接受最高的心一样超然的命运,而不是在一个角落,捏懦夫之前的一场革命,但是逃亡redeemers和捐助者、虔诚的追求者高尚泥全能者的努力让我们前进,利用混沌与黑暗…  这是我们所听到的声音在孤独,但是他们变得微弱,当我们走入熙熙攘攘的世界。到处都是社会的阴谋的男子气概的每一个成员。社会是一个合资公司,其中成员同意,为了更好的获取食物分给每个股东,投降的自由和文化的杀手。在大多数的要求一致。自力更生是它的厌恶。爱不是现实和它的创造者,但名字和风俗习惯。  18将成为一个真正的男人,必须愿意去。他采集不朽的棕榈树不可阻挡的善性的知觉觉知的名称,但必须了解,如果它是善行。什么是神圣的,但是最后我们自己心灵的完整性。解脱自己,而且你会得到世人的。我记得一个答案是相当年轻时,促使使我有价值的顾问是谁与我强求惯于旧情人的教义”。我说,我与神圣的传统,如果我生活完全是在吗?我的朋友建议,“但是这些脉冲可以从下面,不是从上头来的。”我回答说。“他们不会在我看来是这样;但如果我是魔鬼的小孩,我将活那么从魔鬼。”,没有任何法则是神圣的,但我对我的天性。好与坏,只不过是个名声很容易转移到另一个人身上,唯一正确的,符合我的唯一的错误是什么;反对它。当一个人自己在众人面前反对党如有名无实的,但他。我羞于认为是多么容易的名字,我们投降,大量的徽章,社会和死去的机构。每个像样的和得体的人在影响着我不止是正确的。我应该去正直和重要,而且讲那个粗鲁的真理在各个方面。  我必须做的事情都令我担忧,而不是人们所认为的。这条规则同样艰难的,在现实生活和精神生活,服务于整个伟大和渺小的区别。它是更加困难,因为你总能找到那些认为他们知道什么是你的责任比你知道的。这是生活在这个世界的看法。  谢谢支持,如有不妥,请指出。

Emerson Drive的《moments》 歌词

歌曲名:moments歌手:Emerson Drive专辑:countrifiedI was coming to the end of a long long walkWhen a man crawled out of a cardboard boxUnder the E. Street BridgeFollowed me on to itI went out halfway acrossWith that homeless shadow tagging alongSo I dug for some changeWouldn"t need it anywayHe took it lookin" just a bit ashamedHe said, You know, I haven"t always been this wayI"ve had my moments, days in the sunMoments I was second to noneMoments when I knew I did what I thought I couldn"t doLike that plane ride coming home from the warThat summer my son was bornEmerson DriveAnd memories like a coat so warmA cold wind can"t get throughLookin" at me now you might not know itBut I"ve had my momentsI stood there tryin" to find my nerveWondering if a single soul on EarthWould care at allMiss me when I"m goneThat old man just kept hanging aroundLookin" at me, lookin" downI think he recognizedThat look in my eyesStanding with him there I felt ashamedI said, You know, I haven"t always felt this wayI"ve had my moments, days in the sunMoments I was second to noneMoments when I knew I did what I thought I couldn"t doFor a woman who became my wifeAnd a love that, when it was right,Could always see me throughLookin" at me now you might not know itBut I"ve had my momentsI know somewhere "round a trashcan fire tonightThat old man tells his story one more timeHe saysI"ve had my moments, days in the sunMoments I was second to noneMoments when I knew I did what I thought I couldn"t doLike that cool night on the E. Street BridgeWhen a young man almost ended itI was right there, wasn"t scared a bitAnd I helped to pull him throughLookin" at me now you might not know itOh, lookin" at me now you might not know itBut I"ve had my momentshttp://music.baidu.com/song/14074441



self-reliance 作者Ralph waldo Emerson那个跪求中文翻译!

Whoso would be a man, must be a nonconformist. He who would gather immortal palms must not be hindered by the name of goodness, but must explore if it be goodness. Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind. Absolve you to yourself, and you shall have the suffrage of the world. I remember an answer which when quite young I was prompted to make to a valued adviser who was wont to importune me with the dear old doctrines of the church. On my saying, "What have I to do with the sacredness of traditions, if I live wholly from within?" my friend suggested,--"But these impulses may be from below, not from above." I replied, "They do not seem to me to be such; but if I am the Devil"s child, I will live then from the Devil." No law can be sacred to me but that of my nature. Good and bad are but names very readily transferable to that or this; the only right is what is after my constitution; the only wrong what is against it. A man is to carry himself in the presence of all opposition as if every thing were titular and ephemeral but he. I am ashamed to think how easily we capitulate to badges and names, to large societies and dead institutions.来源:( http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_596ba9fc01009s6n.html) - 《论自助》 中文翻译_丽人购物天堂_新浪博客 Every decent and well-spoken individual affects and sways me more than is right. I ought to go upright and vital, and speak the rude truth in all ways. If malice and vanity wear the coat of philanthropy, shall that pass? If an angry bigot assumes this bountiful cause of Abolition, and comes to me with his last news from Barbadoes, why should I not say to him, "Go love thy infant; love thy wood-chopper; be good-natured and modest; have that grace; and never varnish your hard, uncharitable ambition with this incredible tenderness for black folk a thousand miles off. Thy love afar is spite at home." Rough and graceless would be such greeting, but truth is handsomer than the affectation of love. Your goodness must have some edge to it,--else it is none. The doctrine of hatred must be preached, as the counteraction of the doctrine of love, when that pules and whines. I shun father and mother and wife and brother when my genius calls me. I would write on the lintels of the door-post, *Whim*. I hope it is somewhat better than whim at last, but we cannot spend the day in explanation. Expect me not to show cause why I seek or why I exclude company. Then again, do not tell me, as a good man did to-day, of my obligation to put all poor men in good situations. Are they my poor? I tell thee thou foolish philanthropist that I grudge the dollar, the dime, the cent, I give to such men as do not belong to me and to whom I do not belong. 任何名副其实的真正的人,都必须是不落俗套的人。任何采集圣地棕搁叶的人,都不应当拘泥于名义上的善,而应当发掘善之本身。除了我们心灵的真诚之外,其它的一切归根结蒂都不是神圣的。解脱自己,皈依自我,也就必然得到世人的认可。记得,当我还很小的时候,有位颇受人尊重的师长。他习惯不厌其烦地向我灌输宗教的古老教条。有一回,我禁不住回了他一句。听到我说,如果我完全靠内心的指点来生活,那么我拿那些神圣的传统干嘛呢;我的这位朋友提出说:“可是,内心的冲动可能是低下的,而不是高尚的。”我回答说:“在我看来,却不是如此。不过,倘若我是魔鬼的孩子,那么我就要照魔鬼的指点来生活。”除了天性的法则之外,在我看来,没有任何法则是神圣的。 好与坏,只不过是个名声而已,不费吹灰之力,便可以将它从这人身上移到那人身上。唯一正确的,是顺从自身结构的事物;唯一错误的,是逆自身结构的事物。一个人面对反对意见,其举措应当像除了他自己之外,其它的一切都是有名无实的过眼烟云。使我惭愧的是,我们如此易于成为招牌、名份的俘虏,成为庞大的社团和毫无生气的习俗的俘虏。 任何一个正派、谈吐优雅之士都比一位无懈可击的人更能影响我、左右我。我应当正直坦诚、生气勃勃,以各种方式直抒未加粉饰的真理…如果恶意和虚荣披着慈善的外衣,可行吗?如果一个愤怒偏执的人假定这个慷慨引起了废止,并且从巴巴多斯岛传来了他最后的消息,为何我不应该告诉他:去爱你的孩子,爱你的砍柴工具,养成良好的谦虚的性格,保持优雅,不要伪装你的冷酷,拥有慈爱之心,迈过这些不可思议的台阶对于一个毫无希望的平民就走出了一千米远。 你对外界的爱伴随内心的痛苦,粗陋和不雅会向你招手,但是坚持真理要比虚伪的爱更加英俊潇洒。你的善良一定要有一个限度,不然它就什么都不是。 当开始悲哀时,作为爱的精神的对立面,仇恨的意识必须被劝诫。当我的天才召唤我时,我会避开父亲、母亲、妻子和兄弟,会把灵感写在门口柱子上的软麻布上。我希望它会比让灵感消失要强一些,但是我们没有时间对它做出解释。假使我没有表现出来,我会疏远亲人和朋友花时间去探究。然后再一次,不要告诉我,今天作为一个好人,我需要对促使所有贫穷的人开始好转表示感激。这些人是我的贫穷吗?我告诉你这个愚蠢的慈善家,我很不情愿把这些元、角、分给到那些不属于我的或者我不属于的人。


布菲只做黑管 ,,,,,其他都不做 。。。。


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Ralph Waldo Emerson是什么意思

Ralph Waldo Emersonn. 拉尔夫·瓦尔多·爱默生双语例句1. Ralph Waldo Emerson was a great thinker, essayist and poet in the American literary history.拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生(RalphWaldo Emerson)是美国伟大的思想家, 散文作家和诗人.来自互联网2. Ralph Waldo Emerson, the leader of the Transcendentalists, moved to Concord where he met Thoreau.“先验论”者的领袖雷尔夫·瓦尔德 、 爱默生迁到康考特后,与索洛结识.来自辞典例句3. Ralph Waldo Emerson: The dice of God are always loaded.爱默生: 上帝的骰子是灌过铅的!来自互联网4. For nonconformity the world whips you with its displeasure ( Ralph Waldo Emerson )只因不随俗,整个世界都用不悦鞭笞着你 ( 拉尔夫沃尔多埃默森 )来自互联网5. Ralph Waldo Emerson was an American essayist and poet.爱默生是美国散文家和诗人.来自互联网

ralph waldo emerson那个是姓哪个是名?

Ralph Waldo Emerson拉尔夫•沃尔多•爱默生1803年5月25日-1882年4月27日生于波士顿。美国思想家、文学家,诗人。爱默生是确立美国文化精神的代表人物。爱默生是姓。英语姓名的一般结构为:教名+自取名+姓。即:last name, middle name, first namelast name+middle name:名first name:姓



emerson college 排名

爱默生学院Emerson College2021年THE华尔街日报/泰晤士报高等教育最佳大学排名:第501-600名爱默生学院(波士顿)创立于1880年,早期是一所教授公开演讲辩论的小型学校。长久以来,爱默生学院(波士顿)以其拥有专业领先地位而享有口碑。在1980年,爱默生学院成为全美首先提供写作与出版研究课程的学校。在1991年,爱默生学院首先提供学童戏剧的课程,并且成为最先颁发戏剧、艺术、演讲辩论、大众传播和新闻学位的学校之一。同时,它也是新英格兰地区第一个设立FM教育台及close-circut的电视广播工作室的学校。 爱默生学院是美国唯一一所专致于信息交流艺术和人文科学背景的综合性学院。学校可提供被新英格兰院校协会所认可艺术和信息传媒学位项目。多年来,该学校已发展成为国际公认的多元化学院,学校设有通信、市场营销、通讯科学、新闻、表演艺术、视觉艺术和媒体以及书面文学和出版等学院,可授予学士、硕士学位。爱默生学院在2018年在美国电影学院排名中位列全美第10位,2020年在美国电影学院排名中位列全美第9名,属于美国顶尖电影学院




Emerson ["emu0259sn] n. 爱默生(Ralph Waldo Emerson 美国思想家,诗人)网络释义 爱默生 艾默生 美国艾默生 望采纳!


emerson[ "emu0259sn ]n.United States writer and leading exponent of transcendentalism (1803-1882)同义词:Ralph Waldo Emerson双语例句:用作名词(n.)Emerson at the extreme end of his life turned soft.爱默生在风烛残年时心境趋于平和。Emerson"s feeling for nature was real enough.爱默生对大自然可谓一往情深。



爱默生Emerson, Ralph Waldo 的资料 最好中英对照 具体些
