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电脑位什么以开机就出现SELF TEST G CHECK YOUR R MONIT IS WORKING B主机不报警电源指示灯亮风扇在转动


电脑关机后出现self test G check your pc and signal cable R monitor is working B 是什么原因?

点击 开始——运行——cmd 回车——输入chkdsk 回车这样 试试

Thinking in JAVA 中,总是出错,static Test monitor = new Test();的错误信息:

工程—右键—property—libraries—Add Libraries—JUnit—选择JUnit 3—finish



求linkin park音乐push me away, run away的歌词


Emily Dickinson 诗集译文 (二)

(6) 倘若 我能令一颗心免于破碎 那么 我也不算白活 倘若 我能抚平一条生命之伤痕 或是缓解一种疼痛 或是帮一只奄奄一息的小鸟 回到他的巢穴之中 ——那么,我也不算白活。VI. IF I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain; IF I can ease one life the aching Or cool one pain, Or help one fainting robin Unto his nest again, I shall not live in vain.(7)触手可及 触手可及! 我本触手可及 ——也许我应该走那一条路 悠悠地游荡过那个村庄 再悠悠地离去 ——那未曾奢望的紫罗兰 就在村中低低的田野里睡着 只是,如今追寻已然太迟 一小时前,我已与那馥郁擦肩而过VII. ALMOST WITHIN my reach! I could have touched! I might have chanced that way! Soft sauntered through the village, Sauntered as soft away! So unsuspected violets Within the filed lie low, Too late for striving fingers That passed, an hour ago.(8) “受伤的鹿跳得最高,” ——我听猎人如是说; 然而这只是临死前最后的狂欢, 而后陷入漫长的沉默。那迸溅的,是受了重击的岩石, 那飞跃的,是遭了践踏的兵器; 脸总会更加潮红 ——当你受到病魔的袭击欢笑乃是苦痛的铠甲, 将它严密地守护, 以免叫人窥见你的鲜血, 发出“你受伤了”的惊呼!VIII. A WOUNDED deer leaps highest, I"ve heard the hunter tell; "T is but the ecstasy of death, And thenthe brake is st lol.The smitten rock that gushes, The trampled steel that springs; A cheek is always redder Just where the hectic stings!Mirth is the mail of anguish, In which it cautions arm, Lest anybody spy the blood, And "you"re hurt" exclaim!(9) 最初的时候,心向往快乐, 而后希望免于痛苦; 然后渴求些许止痛剂 来缓解那生命的苦楚;而后,只愿去睡一觉, 倘若真的得以睡着—— 便奢望那审判者愿意 赐予它去死的自由。IX. THE heart asks pleasure first, And then, excuse from pain; And then, those little anodines That d eaten suffering;And then, to go to sleep; And then, if it should be The will of its I nquisitor, The liberty to die.(10)图书馆间 遇见一本上了年纪的书 是一种日渐消失的珍贵的快乐, 那书 躺在他穿了百年的衣服里, 我想,这是我的人可能荣幸吧。牵起他那庄严的手, 令它温暖于我的手中, 往后翻一篇,两篇, 直至回到他年轻的时候。他古雅的见解正待我审核 他深藏的学识正待我开启 那在我们彼此心中萦怀的 是古老的文学典籍什么事儿学者最关心? 那些比赛如何进行? ——那时柏拉图的命运已成定局 而索福克勒斯尚在人世。那时莎孚还是明丽的姑娘 而比阿丽特斯 正穿着 但丁顶礼膜拜的长裙 而这,已是数百年前的事情他娴熟地穿越时空 如一个人拜访这个小镇 而后告诉你 梦曾皆真 他住的地方 见证梦的诞生他的来访充满魔力, 你祈求他不要离去; 老书卷摇了摇他羊皮纸的头, 若即若离,仅此而已。X. IN A LIBRARY A PRECIOUS, mouldering pleasure "t is To meet an antique book, In just the dress his century wore; A privilege, I think,His venerable hand to take, And warming in our own, A passage back, or two, to make To times when he was young.His quaint opinions to inspect, His knowledge to unfold On what concerns our mutual mind, The literature of old;What interested scholars most, What competition ran When Plato was a certainty. And Sophocles a man;When Sappho was a living girl, And Beatrice wore The gown that Dante deified. Facts, centuries before,He traverses familiar, As one should come to town And tell you all your dreams were true; He lived where dreams were sown.His presence is enchantment, You beg him not to go; Old volumes shake their vellum heads And tantalize, just so.

You are walking down the street, minding your own business when you see a snowball. No big deal...

小题1:D小题1:A小题1:D 略

Real Muthaphuckkin G S 歌词

歌曲名:Real Muthaphuckkin G S歌手:Easy E专辑:Gangsta Memorial (Explicit)Real muthafuckin G"s...Real muthafuckin G"s...Real muthafuckin G"s...(Eazy-E)Hey Yo doctor, here"s another proper crackand it"s phat, watch the sniper, time to pay the piperand let that real shit provoke, so you"s a wanna be "locand you"ll get smoked and i hope that yer fans understandwhen ya talk about sprayin me, the same records that yamakin" is payin meMotherfuck DreMotherfuck SnoopMotherfuck Death Rowgentlemen, here comes my left blow"cuz i"m the E-A-Z-Y-E, and this is the seasonto let the Real motherfuckin G"s in, ya like a kid yafound a pup and now yer dapper, but tell me where thefuck ya found an anorexic rappertalkin "bout who ya go squabble with and who ya shootyou"re only 60 pounds when yer wet and wearin bootsdamn E, they tried to fade you on Dre DayBut Dre Day only met Eazy"s pay dayall of a sudden Dr Dre is a G thang, but on hisold album covers he was a she thangso Nigga please, Nigga please don"t step to deezmotherfuckin" Real G"sman you should of known by you should of known by now...(Gangsta)Now take it to the rapper, claimin to be dapper thenthe Dresta, smoother then a bitch but Dre"s a rollingangster, ain"t broke a law in yer life, yet every time you rapyou yap about the guns and knifes, just take a good lookand the Nigga, and you"ll capture the fact, that the bastard issimply just an actor, who mastered the bang and the slangand the Mental, of Niggaz in Compton, wattz, and South Centralnever ever once have you ran with the turf, yet in every verse youclaim you used to do the dirt, but tell me who"s a witnessto your fuckin work, so ya never had no buiness, sosave the drama jerk, Niggaz straight kill meknowin that they pranksters, this is going out toyou studio gangsters,see i did dirt, i did work, somany Niggaz can vouch that, so since i got stripesi got the right to rap about that, but Niggaz like youi gotta hate ya, i"m tired of Suburbian Niggaz talkin aboutthey comin from projectsknowin ya ain"t seen the parts of the streets Gthink ya tryin bang around the time of the peace treatywearin khackis and ya mob while ya ryhme, little fagtried to sag, but he"s gettin flooded at the same time,and ya set don"t accecpt ya, so ya scared to kick it with yer homies"cuz ya know they don"t respect ya, So Nigga please checknuts before ya step to deez, motherfuckin Real G"s"cuz ya know they don"t respect ya, So Nigga please checknuts before ya step to deez, motherfuckin Real G"s(BG Knockout)Well, it the Knock Out, definition orginal baby gangsterapproach me like you hard, motherfucker i"ma bank yashank ya, with my fuckin shank, if i havtaDr Dre an Snoop Dogy Dogg are fuckin actorspranksters, studio gangsters, bustersbut this time yer dealin with some real motherfuckersG"s, Nigga please, don"t try to stepbecause if ya do, and a pill cap is all that would be leftsee, young Niggaz like me, will break ya off somethin,claimin my city, but Dre you ain"t from ComptonNiggaz like ya"ll is what i call Wanna be"s it aint shit comparedto Real Motherfuckin" G"spoppin on this track, we ruthlessI never met an OG who never did shit wrongya tried to dis the Eazy-E so now Nigga it"s on youand ya Doggy Dogg, think yer all honk and shitboth of you bitches, can come and suck my Doggy dickbeatin a bitch don"t make ya shit, but then again some Niggazthink it makes a man, Damn it"s a triphow a Nigga could switch so quick from wearin lipstickto smokin on Chronic at picnics, and now ya think yer biggabut to me you ain"t nothin but a bitch ass Niggawho ain"t worth a food stamp, but atDeath Row, i hear yer gettin treated like Boot campgotta follow yer seargents directions, or get yer asspumped with a Smith and Wesson, learn a lesson from the EStay in your place and don"t step to Real motherfuckin G"sdre should have known by now..

keep moving-keep walking-keep flying


谁能介绍一下肖恩金斯顿(Sean Kingston)

Sean Kingston出生在牙买加首都金斯敦(Kingston),6岁开始在迈阿密长大。尽管他的祖父是牙买加传奇音乐制作人Jack Ruby。Sean还是一度沦落到当母亲和姐姐双双入狱的时候,无家可归只能窝在破车里。而Sean优秀的音乐天赋并没有因为生活的艰辛而被埋没,凭借出色的掌控节奏和旋律的才能,Sean Kingston在十几岁的年纪就混迹迈阿密的演出圈,参加各种才艺比赛,曾经和Ludacris,Pitbull这样的大牌同台演出。人生经历童年  Beautiful Girls Sean Kingston(中文名:肖恩.金斯顿)这个今年21岁的牙买加小伙子有张胖胖的娃娃脸,可他却同样因为拥有一段异于常人的坎坷童年,而有着同龄人所没有的成熟。在他的歌词里,完全看不到一个十几岁的年轻人应该有的轻飘飘,这或许因为他从来就不曾有过一个轻松的青春期。成长及走红  去年年初的某天,Sean Kingston进入了曾为Britney Spears,50 Cent,Rihanna制作歌曲的著名制作人J.R. Rotem的MySpace,J.R.给Sean回复了e-mail,在听到了Sean的样带后,立即把他签进了自己的厂牌——和Epic唱片的合资公司Beluga Heights,并在2007年春天为他发行了单曲《Colors 2007》。   Sean Kingston真正一炮而红还是因为他的第2支个人单曲《Beautiful Girls》。某天Sean在广播里听到黑人歌手Ben E. King的歌曲《Stand By Me》,立即问J.R.有没有人用采样过这首歌。J.R.立即编了简单的节奏,Sean在一个小时内就完成了歌词。Sean的所有歌词都坚持自己创作,并且坚持不说脏话也不用消极的语言的原则。   除了坚持自己的创作理想以外,Sean Kingston还拥有远大的志向——要在这个行业中发扬光大,拥有自己的唱片厂牌,在商界寻找自己的位置,大干一番。另外,Sean还要实现自己儿时的梦想,就是重读表演学校。也许某天,你能够看到小胖Kingston的第一部戏。谁知道呢?反正他还很年轻。   Sean Kingston,牙买加人,现住美国迈阿密。虽年仅17岁【2007年17岁】,但机智聪慧的说唱技巧和十足雷鬼味的说腔让人不得不对其产生好奇与好感。而其家庭背景也相当优秀: 雷鬼艺人Buju Banton是他的叔叔,在牙买加为Bob Marley 和Burning Spear录制专辑的Jack Ruby则是他的祖父。此次官方发行的单曲”Beautiful Girls”由著名音乐制作人Jonathan “J.R.” Rotem监制,该曲是Sean Kingston计划于今年秋季发行首张个人同名专辑中的一首。Sean Kingston还和The Game 以及 Rick Ross合作演唱歌曲”Colors”,这首歌就没有”Beautiful Girls”来的温柔啦,呵呵,美国式说唱味道很浓,不过听听也不错Sean Kingston保持他的态度:”做好的音乐,不需要辱骂" 。新人王  17岁令全球媒体惊为天才的资优生,跳级成为2007年的发烧新人王,Sean Kingston让嘻哈舞池少了黑街暴戾之气、使饶舌乐种多了更为派对欢愉氛围、添入流行领域摇摆暖系的雷鬼节拍,大声畅快的释放一剂夏日解闷良药。不仅强行掠夺全美市场,靠著三连发单曲〈Beautiful Girls〉、〈Me Love〉、〈Take You There〉拿下3白金+1金唱片的销售认证,更征服大英帝国,风光抱走黑人音乐最高荣誉MOBO Awards的「最佳雷鬼演出」奖项加冕。Sean在2009年持续煽动这股热带风味的旋律,调制出一道道清凉爽口佳肴。   在亚买加长大原名Ka"Shon Anderson的Sean Kingston,六岁开始创作,运用Dancehall、Reggae、Pop、Doo-Wop等元素混入Hip-Hop/Rap区块中。直到吸引布兰妮、里欧娜、蕾哈娜畅销专辑幕后推手Jonathan “J.R.” Rotem的目光,幸运和Epic Records签下一纸合约,顺利问市降落告示牌Top6的首张专辑《惊为天才Sean Kingston》,才华洋溢的参与撰写所有歌谣,全球轻松大破百万门槛。一鸣惊人的〈Beautiful Girls〉,强行登上美+英+加+澳+纽等21国冠军宝座,纽约邮报大力推崇:「这是不容错过的杰作」。   以首张专辑单曲〈Beautiful Girls〉一鸣惊人,美英加澳纽21国冠军天才新人王吨位十足最新专辑!   英伦黑人音乐最高荣誉MOBO Awards「最佳雷鬼演出」!   这个夏天,一首Beautiful Girls红透了美国的大小电台,一个在迈阿密生活的牙买加人,,BOB Marley制作人JACK RUBY的孙子,Buju Banton的侄子Sean Kingston 逐渐显示自己实力 kingston说他的叔叔BuJu从小就告诉他:“无时无刻保持谦虚,坚持,相信你自己的能力!”而且经常给他讲述一些生活的东西,这些都让他在音乐创作中找到了很多的灵感。   kingston,家族的音乐血统,也让他的音乐之路崎岖了许多,能得到现在的成功,也是来之不易。   他说他很希望去制作一个REAL的streets 故事的MixTape,他认为一张好的MixTape可以让大家一起成长,让更多的人关注。他来自迈阿密的好朋友DJ KHALED也全力支持他的想法。   2010年,Sean Kingston与Justin Bieber合作最新单曲《Eenie Meenie》。   2010年与其他四位歌手参加了首届青奥会主题曲的录制。   2010年,再度与Justin Bieber合作单曲《Shawty Let"s Go》,两人一起创作。

sean kingston的歌都有哪些 ?



thoughtprovoking读音:[u02c8θu0254:tpru0259u02ccvu0259ukiu014b]引起思考的,发人深省的用作形容词(adj.)1、Opposite Hita Plaza in the Jida district, this museum features traditional Chinese architecture displays and thought provoking exhibitions.位于吉大海天城对面,这个博物馆以中国传统建筑风格和令人深思的陈列为特色。2、By Friday, you settle down somewhat and become more contemplative, possibly diving into a new book or conversation that provokes deep thought.到周五,你会稍微安定下来并进入沉思,也许是开始阅读某本新书或是沉浸在某个让人深思的话题中。

英文歌词里有every step rm taking 这首歌叫什么名字

Every Breath You Take原唱:The PoliceEvery breath you takeEvery move you makeEvery bond you breakEvery step you takeI""ll be watching youEvery single dayEvery word you sayEvery game you playEvery night you stayI""ll be watching youOh can"t you seeYou belong to meHow my poor heart achesWith every step you takeEvery move you makeEvery vow you breakEvery smile you fakeEvery claim you stakeI""ll be watching youSince you""ve gone I""ve been lost without a traceI dream at night, I can only see your faceI look around but it""s you I can"t replaceI feel so cold and I long for your embraceI keep crying baby, baby, pleaseOh can"t you seeYou belong to meHow my poor heart aches( With every breath you take )Every move you makeEvery vow you breakEvery smile you fakeEvery claim you stakeI""ll be watching youEvery smile you fakeEvery claim you stakeI""ll be watching youEvery vow you breakEvery vow you breakEvery vow you breakEvery vow you breakEvery vow you breakEvery vow you break

There must be a lot more fun than taking a bus. 1.must在这的用法 2.more在这的用法 4.为什么是taking

1.must在这里是做情态动词用的,意思是——必定会.....;2.其实,more是“many/much——许多”的比较级,表示“更多”;more......than就是“比......更多”;3. 在这个句子中,用taking,而不用动词原形take,是因为前面的那个than,它的词性是介词,要注意,介词后面要跟名词,而动词变名词的方法,就是在动词后面加ing,所以,这里的take就变成了taking,也就是通常所说的动名词;4. 这个句子可以解释成;相比乘公共汽车而言,必定有乐趣得多。5.顺便说下,常见的介词,通常有这些:with, without, of, about, above,below, at, on, by, in, through, before, after, through.......希望这个回答对您会有帮助,谢谢!

Making love out of nothing at aii中文是什么意思

无中生爱。 "Making love out of nothing at all" 是 80 年代 Air Supply 的经典歌曲。个人理解,歌曲是一个善于玩弄感情的男人的自白,说自己如何有技巧地应付女人,可是当他遇到歌词中的女人的时候,却发现离不了她而感叹: But I don"t know how to leave you And I"ll never let you fall And I don"t know how you do it Making love out of nothing at all 可是我不知道如何离开你 我永远不会让你倒下 而且我不知道你怎样做到 从一无所有造出爱 这里的 make love 不照固定词组的意思翻译,而是理解为普通动词加名词:“造”和“爱”。 (谷歌自动翻译为“让爱一切成空 ”,为不少中文网站所转载,难以在上下文中说得通。)

联想电脑出现checking media什么意思?

联想笔记本出现checking media的原因是设置错误导致的,具体解决方法步骤如下:1、首先进入安装系统的pe界面,打开diskgenius分区工具,将硬盘重新分区,分成mbr格式,如图所示。2、进bios,切换到securlty选项,选择source boot回车进入下一子菜单。3、选择source boot,设置为disabled。4、切换到startup选项,选择csm,回车改为enabled,就可以解决问题了。这是由于系统的启动选项进行了更换导致的,您可以在重启的时候进入电脑的BIOS,然后通过一次在【source boot】、【source boot】和【Boot Option Priorities】选项调整之后,按下【F10】退出即可。切换到【startup】,选择【csm】,改为【enabled】;移动到【Boot】页面,找到【Boot Option Priorities】,将选项调整为【Windows Boot Manager】即可。

what sort of和what kind of区别

kind指性质相同,且有极相似之物质,在分类中可作为一类者。 What kind of cake do you like best?你最喜欢哪一种饼? sort可与kind互换使用,但较为含混,有时只表示大概此种而已。Sort有时有轻蔑的意味,相反kind要庄重得多。 He makes friends with all sorts of people.他同各种各样的人交朋友。

what sort of和what kind of区别

区别其实就是sort和kind的区别。kind表示的种类属于中性,sort则带有贬义。I never do that sort of thing 贬义i never do that kind of thing 中性 不带感情色彩

a sort of,a kind of,a type of,a variety of的区别


type of 和kind of 的区别

+kind of 可作状语,用来修饰形容词,意为“有几分”"有点" 例:Pandas are kind of cute (熊猫有几分可爱) I"m feelling kind of tired (我感到有点累) +kind 意为类型,种类,of 表示从其后面加的名词(复数)中选择, 例:what kind of books do you like? (你喜欢什么种类的书) a kind of trees (一种树) all kind of animals (所有种类的动物) all kind of colors (各种各样的颜色) +sort of 具有与 kind of 一样的用法,作“有几分”多用于正式语中,作种类,多用于指人 +type of 只有表种类的用法,多用于口语 kind of和sort of后接动词多用于口语中,意为稍稍,轻微,有点,可以与a little互换 如:I kind of speak English = I speak a little English

a sort of,a kind of,a type of,a variety of的区别

1 a sort of,a kind of,a type of,---------至少在口语中hardly any difference 2 a variety of=== different kinds of

kind of / sort of后接名词有何特点

说明:引用此文请注明出处,并务请保留后面的有效链接地址,谢谢!kind of / sort of 后接名词有何特点 ■本站特约作者 陈根花 1.单数形式的kind [sort] of一般要用在单数可数名词和不可数名词前(且名词前通常不用冠词)。如:I only like this kind [sort] of flower (bread). 我只喜欢这种花(面包)。What kind [sort] of picture do you like best? 你最喜欢什么样的图画?注:在口语或非正式文体中有时也可在kind of后接复数名词。如:What kind [sort] of pictures do you like best? 你最喜欢什么样的图画?2.复数形式的kinds [sorts] of则通常用于复数名词或不可数名词前(名词前也不用冠词)。如:I enjoy these kinds [sorts] of films. 我喜欢这些类型的电影。They sell all kinds [sorts] of cheese. 他们出售各种奶酪。What kinds [sorts] of pictures do you like best? 你最喜欢哪些种类的图画?但是,在现代英语中,复数形式的kinds [sorts] of 也可用于单数名词前。如:I"ve seen many kinds [sorts] of car. 我见过许多类型的汽车。所以综合以上内容可知:以下四句从语法上看都是正确的,但以第一句和第四句最为普通:What kind [sort] of book do you like reading? 你喜欢读哪种书?What kind [sort] of books do you like reading? 你喜欢读哪种书?What kinds [sorts] of book do you like reading? 你喜欢读哪种书?What kinds [sorts] of books do you like reading? 你喜欢读哪种书?3.比较以下同义表达:This kind [sort] of computer is of good quality.=Computers of this kind [sort] are of good quality. 这种电脑质量很好。Many kinds [sorts] of snakes are found in Africa.=Snakes of many kinds [sorts] are found in Africa. 非洲有很多种蛇。4.比较What kind [sort] of ...和What kind [sort] of a ...两者从形式上看,一个带不定冠词,一个不带不定冠词;从意思上看两者稍有区别:(1) What kind [sort] of ...侧重指类型、类别、种类等,其中的 what 具有类似 which的含义。如:What kind [sort] of car is it? 这是什么牌子的车?(2) What kind [sort] of a...侧重指作用、性质、性能等,其中的what具有类似how的含义。如:What kind [sort] of a car is it? 这种车质量如何?主要参考资料:《朗文英语语法》《英语常用词多用途词典》 引用地址:

a sort of与a kind of的区别

1 a sort of,a kind of,a type of,---------至少在口语中hardly any difference 2 a variety of=== different kinds of

kind of / sort of后接名词有何特点

如:I only like this kind [sort] of flower (bread).我只喜欢这种花(面包).What kind [sort] of picture do you like best?你最喜欢什么样的图画?注:在口语或非正式文体中有时也可在kind of后接复数名词.如:What kind [sort] of pictures do you like best?你最喜欢什么样的图画?2.复数形式的kinds [sorts] of则通常用于复数名词或不可数名词前(名词前也不用冠词).如:I enjoy these kinds [sorts] of films.我喜欢这些类型的电影.They sell all kinds [sorts] of cheese.他们出售各种奶酪.What kinds [sorts] of pictures do you like best?你最喜欢哪些种类的图画?但是,在现代英语中,复数形式的kinds [sorts] of 也可用于单数名词前.如:I"ve seen many kinds [sorts] of car.我见过许多类型的汽车.所以综合以上内容可知:以下四句从语法上看都是正确的,但以第一句和第四句最为普通:What kind [sort] of book do you like reading?你喜欢读哪种书?What kind [sort] of books do you like reading?你喜欢读哪种书?What kinds [sorts] of book do you like reading?你喜欢读哪种书?What kinds [sorts] of books do you like reading?你喜欢读哪种书?3.比较以下同义表达:This kind [sort] of computer is of good quality.=Computers of this kind [sort] are of good quality.这种电脑质量很好.Many kinds [sorts] of snakes are found in Africa.=Snakes of many kinds [sorts] are found in Africa.非洲有很多种蛇.4.比较What kind [sort] of ...和What kind [sort] of a ...两者从形式上看,一个带不定冠词,一个不带不定冠词;从意思上看两者稍有区别:(1) What kind [sort] of ...侧重指类型、类别、种类等,其中的 what 具有类似 which的含义.如:What kind [sort] of car is it?这是什么牌子的车?(2) What kind [sort] of a...侧重指作用、性质、性能等,其中的what具有类似how的含义.如:What kind [sort] of a car is it?这种车质量如何?主要参考资料:《朗文英语语法》《英语常用词多用途词典》

kind of 与 sort of表示“有点,有几分”讲时,有什么区别?

Kind of还是一种什么什么 Sort of当这个意思讲的时候 没大区别 混用无妨。另外,Sort of很多时候口语常用,有点像"you know"这样夹着说的没啥实际意义的词。不过sort of在这里的意思是有点儿,稍微,有几分。eg. it"s a sort of Emergency Situation.

英语sort of和kind of区别是什么?

kind of有点儿,几分常用于口语中sort of有点,几分类别

kind of,sort of,type of 的区别?

+kind of 可作状语,用来修饰形容词,意为“有几分”"有点"

英语语法:some sort of 和 some kind of , sort of 和 kind of 意思是否一样。我看还有人一起用得


all sort of all kind of all kinds of 的区别,谢谢

应是all kinds of 与all sorts of,都意为各种各样的,前者较正式,后者较口语,后者多指人kinds of表示很多种类,如:I have all/different kinds of science books.我又所有/不同种类的科学书籍。而kind of表示的意思是“有点儿”,如:I"m kind of tired.我有点儿累。(kind of=sort of都是“有点儿”的意思).而且kind of还经常被写作kinda,广泛运用于口语当中表示“有一点儿”的意思。但如果你要说“一种东西”的时候,如:一种感觉,a/one kind of feeling;这种事情this kind of thing.

somewhat与kind of和sort of表示“有点儿…”有区别吗?望高手详解!谢谢!

somewhat 是书面用语,一般我们论文中会使用。kind of 和 sort of 则用于口语,正式的文章中不予适用。它们可以交替使用。

kind of,sort of,type of 的区别?


kind of 和 sort of 用法的区别

kind of和sort of 最常见的含义是:“种类”。一般情况下,sort of和kind of 可以相互替换。网上有 网址

kind of / sort of后接名词有何特点

如:I only like this kind [sort] of flower (bread). 我只喜欢这种花(面包)。 What kind [sort] of picture do you like best? 你最喜欢什么样的图画?注:在口语或非正式文体中有时也可在kind of后接复数名词。如:What kind [sort] of pictures do you like best? 你最喜欢什么样的图画?2. 复数形式的kinds [sorts] of则通常用于复数名词或不可数名词前(名词前也不用冠词)。如:I enjoy these kinds [sorts] of films. 我喜欢这些类型的电影。 They sell all kinds [sorts] of cheese. 他们出售各种奶酪。 What kinds [sorts] of pictures do you like best? 你最喜欢哪些种类的图画?但是,在现代英语中,复数形式的kinds [sorts] of 也可用于单数名词前。如:I"ve seen many kinds [sorts] of car. 我见过许多类型的汽车。 所以综合以上内容可知:以下四句从语法上看都是正确的,但以第一句和第四句最为普通:What kind [sort] of book do you like reading? 你喜欢读哪种书?What kind [sort] of books do you like reading? 你喜欢读哪种书?What kinds [sorts] of book do you like reading? 你喜欢读哪种书?What kinds [sorts] of books do you like reading? 你喜欢读哪种书?3. 比较以下同义表达:This kind [sort] of computer is of good quality.=Computers of this kind [sort] are of good quality. 这种电脑质量很好。Many kinds [sorts] of snakes are found in Africa.=Snakes of many kinds [sorts] are found in Africa. 非洲有很多种蛇。4. 比较What kind [sort] of ...和What kind [sort] of a ...两者从形式上看,一个带不定冠词,一个不带不定冠词;从意思上看两者稍有区别:(1) What kind [sort] of ...侧重指类型、类别、种类等,其中的 what 具有类似 which的含义。如:What kind [sort] of car is it? 这是什么牌子的车?(2) What kind [sort] of a...侧重指作用、性质、性能等,其中的what具有类似how的含义。如:What kind [sort] of a car is it? 这种车质量如何?主要参考资料:《朗文英语语法》《英语常用词多用途词典》 ~

kind of / sort of后接名词有何特点

kind of比较正式 sort of 不太正式 而且往往有点贬义的意味

kind of 和 sort of 用法的区别

没什么严格区别,可以互换:比如:what kind of animal do you like?你喜欢哪种动物? what sort of novel does he write?他写的哪种小说?希望帮助到你,学习进步。

Kind of 、Kinda、Sort of 所有用法与中文意思!看例句搞懂

Kind of 、Sort of 用法跟中文意思 ,你都知道了吗?Kind of 跟 Sort of 在英文里是超常见的口语用法,你动不动就会听到老外说“yeah! Kinda! !” 但这是什么意思呢? 你还会听到很多外国人会将 Kind of 念成 kinda ,将 Sort of 念成 sorta ,其实这是正确的唷!在英文里面有超多英文口语缩写,kinda 跟 sorta 就是其中的两个。 Kinda 是 kind of 的缩写, sorta 是 sort of 的缩写。 如果你还不知道 Kind of 跟 Sort of 的正确用法 ,别担心,本篇文章会有完整教学。 Kind of 、Sort of 用法、中文意思、例句 下面教学 Kind of 跟 Sort of 的正确用法,以及 Kind of 跟 Sort of 在使用上是不是有什么差异。 文章目录 一、Kind of、Kinda 用法、中文意思 Kind of 修饰形容词 kind of 修饰动词 kind of 修饰名词 二、What kind of 用法 三、Kind of like 用法 四、Sort of 用法 Kind of / Sort of 用法整理 一、Kind of、Kinda 用法、中文意思 Kind of 的中文意思是指「有点儿;有一点」的意思,通常是用来表达不确定的语气,就是「有一点儿」确定,但又不太确定的那种语气。 例: I kinda like him. 我有点喜欢他。(但又不是那么确定) 上述例句就是指,我有点喜欢他啦,但就一点儿,还不太确定的意思。 除此之外,Kind of 常常会被念成 kinda,因为语言本身就有越来越简便的趋势。例如 want to 变 wanna,got to 变 gotta…等等。更多英文口语缩写可以参考下面文章。 学会Wanna、Gonna、Gotta…英文缩写,各种英文口语用法大 *** ! 从上面的例句你会发现,Kind of 就是用来表达「有点儿」的那种不确定的含糊语气,通常有以下用法。 Kind of 修饰形容词 Kind of 接在形容词前面,用来修饰形容词的程度。 例: It was kind of strange to see him again. 再见到他,感觉有点怪怪的。 例: He is kind of rude. 他有点没礼貌。 kind of 修饰动词 kind of 置于动词前面,用来修饰动词的程度。 例: I kind of expected it. 我有点期待。 例: I kinda like her. 我有点喜欢她。 kind of 修饰名词 kind of 放在名词前面的话,则用来修饰名词的程度。 例: The movie was kind of a disappointment. 这部电影有点令人失望。 例: She"s kind of a bitch. 她有点 *** 。 Kind of 其实意思表达的就是「有点儿」的意思,常常会念成 kinda。除此之外,你还会常见到 What kind of…这种开头的问句,意思是完全不一样的唷。(继续往下看) 二、What kind of 用法 What kind of 就跟上面的「kind of」意思完全不同了。 Kind 本身当作名词时,有「种类」的意思,所以 What kind of 其实就是在问「哪一种…」的意思啦。 例: What kind of fish is this? 这是什么鱼? 例: What kind of wine do you have? 你有哪种酒? 例: What kind of movies do you like? 你喜欢哪种电影? 例: What kind of job are you looking for? 你在找什么样的工作? 例: What kind of food do you want? 你想要什么样的食物? 三、Kind of like 用法 喜欢听美国电视节目的人,应该都会常常听到 “It was kind of like….”这样的句子开头,其实跟前面意思一样,这句话很像中文里面的 “这有点像是…..”。Kind of like 是非常口语的用法。 Kind of like 除了表达「有点像是…..」的意思之外,还可以用来修饰人唷。 例: He looked kind of like Tom. 他看起来有点像汤姆。 四、Sort of 用法 看完了 kind of 用法,那么 sort of 呢?其实 Kind of 跟 Sort of 用法还有意思一模一样。只是美式英文会用 Kind of ,英式英文则会用 Sort of。 Sort of 跟 kind of 一样也有缩写,Sort of 可以缩写成 Sorta。 例: I sorta miss my girlfriend. =I kinda miss my girlfriend 我有点想念我女朋友。 例: I kinda like her. I sorta like her. 我有点喜欢她。 例: The movie was kind of a disappointment. The movie was sort of a disappointment. 这部电影有点令人失望。 例: He"s kind of rude. He"s sort of rude. 他有点没礼貌。 Kind of / Sort of 用法整理 下面整理 Kind of / Sort of 这两个片语的用法。 1.Kind of 中文意思表达「有点儿…」,缩写为 kinda。Kind of 可以用来修饰形容词、动词,或是名词。表达「程度」上的不确定性。 2.what kind of 是指「哪一种…」的意思。 3.”It"s kind of like…”这句英文超级口语、超常听到,中文意思类似「这就像是….」。 英文不要再用「嗯、啊、喔」|五种方法帮你争取思考时间 【英文口语用法】gonna、wanna、gotta、shoulda、coulda…10个英文缩写大汇整! hafta、dunno、gimme…是什么意思?8 个对话常见的英文连音字! 英文缩写 Wanna、Gonna、Gotta…用法!口语用法大 *** !

sort of和kind of区别

区别不大,但是sort of英式英语常用些(你看哈利波特的时候可以注意到赫敏很爱说这个词) kind of(kinda)是美式常用英语。 sort of: 几分,有点;kind of:是美国人非常爱用的口语,也是有点,有几分的意思。 扩展资料   kind of还有:大致是这样. 的意思   例句:I kind of made it look like the post office had lost his letter.   总之,我使这件事看起来好像是邮局把他的信弄丢了似的   当你问一个东西的情况的`时候,或者推测一个东西是不是你所想的样子时,如果对方回答kind of的话,就表示基本上大致就是这个样子,但是从细节上还略微有一些不同之处   a kind of 稍稍,几分,略微   例句:a kind of a reddish-brown 略呈红的棕色   sort of: 几分,有点   例句:1)I sort of like him, but I don"t know why 我有点喜欢他,但不知道为什么   2)"Were you disappointed?" "Well, yes, sort of. But it doesn"t mean really." “你失望吗?”“嗯,是的,有一点,不过没有什么关系   英式英语中有常用的口语,表示:有点像,好像

habe courage,kindness

答案:A. mercy 仁慈,宽容;pity 遗憾;kindness和蔼;courage 勇气,结合句意,他只是个孩子,对他仁慈点吧,have mercy on 对…怜悯,故选A.

Linkin Park的《Part Of Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Part Of Me歌手:Linkin ParkPart of me won"t go away.Every day reminded how much I hated it.Weighted against the consequences,Can"t live without it so it"s senseless.Want to cut it out of my souland just live with a gaping hole.Take control of my lifeand wash out all the burned tastes.I made the problems in the first place.Hang my head low "cause its part of me.You"ll hardly see right next to the heart of me.Heard of me?The moons soon scar.New cuts cover where the old ones areand now I"m sick of this.I can"t stand the sandpaper thoughts that grate on my sanity.I"d rather not even bethan the man that"s staring in the mirror through me.Cut myself freewillingly stop just what"s killing me.I feel it everyday.I feel I"m in my way.I feel it swell up inside,Swell up inside.Swallowing me!(Freedom can be frightening if you"ve never felt it)Once it"s been dealt,when you feel like you"ve been touched by something angelicand then melted down into a pool of peace.Cease to be,the animal you used to be.Removed the broken parts you know were wrong,and feel the calm when the problems all gone,and then you start to seea little piece of yourself that you can"t let be.Memories of the last fight to free yourselftake you to the depths at the bottom of the welland now you know that you can chose to lose the part in your heartwhere your insides bruise.You can live if you"re willing to.Put a stop to just what"s killing you.Alive in me, inside of me, a part of me screams violently, silently.Alive in me, inside of me, a part of me screams politically.This part of me won"t go away, (Alive in me, inside of me, a part of me screamsA part of me won"t go away. (Alive in me, inside of me, a part of me screamsEverywhere I look around I see how everything ought to be.Every time I see myself there"s always something wrong with me.Everywhere I look around I see how everything ought to be.And every time I see myself there"s always something wrong with me.

LINKIN PARK的《Part of Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Part of Me歌手:LINKIN PARK专辑:Hybrid Theory PromoPart of me won"t go away.Every day reminded how much I hated it.Weighted against the consequences,Can"t live without it so it"s senseless.Want to cut it out of my souland just live with a gaping hole.Take control of my lifeand wash out all the burned tastes.I made the problems in the first place.Hang my head low "cause its part of me.You"ll hardly see right next to the heart of me.Heard of me?The moons soon scar.New cuts cover where the old ones areand now I"m sick of this.I can"t stand the sandpaper thoughts that grate on my sanity.I"d rather not even bethan the man that"s staring in the mirror through me.Cut myself freewillingly stop just what"s killing me.I feel it everyday.I feel I"m in my way.I feel it swell up inside,Swell up inside.Swallowing me!(Freedom can be frightening if you"ve never felt it)Once it"s been dealt,when you feel like you"ve been touched by something angelicand then melted down into a pool of peace.Cease to be,the animal you used to be.Removed the broken parts you know were wrong,and feel the calm when the problems all gone,and then you start to seea little piece of yourself that you can"t let be.Memories of the last fight to free yourselftake you to the depths at the bottom of the welland now you know that you can chose to lose the part in your heartwhere your insides bruise.You can live if you"re willing to.Put a stop to just what"s killing you.Alive in me, inside of me, a part of me screams violently, silently.Alive in me, inside of me, a part of me screams politically.This part of me won"t go away, (Alive in me, inside of me, a part of me screamsA part of me won"t go away. (Alive in me, inside of me, a part of me screamsEverywhere I look around I see how everything ought to be.Every time I see myself there"s always something wrong with me.Everywhere I look around I see how everything ought to be.And every time I see myself there"s always something wrong with me.

this is fucking muscle man什么歌

girl friend 艾薇儿 I"m the mother fucking princess 我是母亲该死的公主 I can tell you like me too 我可以告诉你你也喜欢我 And you know I"m right 而且你知道我是对的 She"s like so whatever 她看起来如此一般 You can do so much better 你可以找到更好的I think we should get together now 我想我们现在就应该在一起 fuck you 莉莉艾伦Fuck you (Fuck you)Fuck you very, very muchCause we hate what you doAnd we hate your whole crewSo please don"t stay in touchFuck you (Fuck you)Fuck you very, very muchCause your words don"t translateAnd it"s getting quite lateSo please don"t stay in touch 一首歌啊,我只是把带有fuck 的歌词片段给出来了

linkin park part of me 歌词翻译

上面的那位,你打了一堆翻译,我感觉这歌词有问题,我听过这歌,歌词有句的正确翻译是:你的爱(如此)便宜。 而你的翻译根本没这句,你这歌词哪里复制或查到的呢?或者,你根本不知道这首歌。

Linkin Park - Part of me 歌词翻译

我的一部分不会离开每一天都提醒我我有多恨这样与这结果过不去却不能离开这种感觉生活,这真是毫无意义想要把它从我的灵魂里切除带着个撕裂的漏洞过活重新掌握我自己的生活洗去所有被烧焦烧伤的味道是我自己一开始就造成了问题把我的脑袋放低,因为这是我的一部分你很难看正确看清我心所想听到我说的吗?月亮上很快留下了道道疤痕新的伤口遮盖了原来老的而我现在已经厌烦了这样我无法忍受这些砂纸慢磨一样的难受想法老是刺激着我的理智我宁愿我从来没这样过而不是看着镜子中的那个男人盯着我自己割离自己让自己自由乐意停止这些正在谋杀我的(想法)割离自己让自己自由乐意停止这些正在谋杀我的(想法)割离自己让自己自由乐意停止这些正在谋杀我的(想法)割离自己让自己自由乐意停止这些正在谋杀我的(想法)我每天感觉到我感觉我已经在回来的路上我能感觉到它在里面鼓胀着在里面鼓胀着吞噬我(如果你从没感觉到它,自由也可以很可怕)一旦这被解决掉当你感觉你似乎被天使一样的东西感动到然后被溶化进一池平和里去不再是像你以前野兽一样的去掉你知道是错的那已损坏的部分并在问题都离去时感觉宁静这时你就开始看到你不能由着它去的自己的一小块,最后争吵的记忆,让自己自由带你沉入井底深渊 而现在你知道你可以选择失去心里的这一部分那你内心被碰伤的(部分)如果你愿意你可以好好生活只要让那些正在谋杀你的感觉停止隔离自己让自己自由乐意停止这些正在谋杀我的(想法)隔离自己让自己自由乐意停止这些正在谋杀我的(想法)隔离自己让自己自由乐意停止这些正在谋杀我的(想法)隔离自己让自己自由乐意停止这些正在谋杀我的(想法)我每天感觉到我感觉我已经在回来的路上我能感觉到它在里面鼓胀着在里面鼓胀着吞噬我活跃在我心里,在我身体里面,一部分的我狂烈地,默默地尖叫着活跃在我心里,在我身体里面,一部分的我贤明地尖叫着这部分的我不会离开,(活跃在我心里,在我身体里面,一部分的我尖叫着)这部分的我不会离开,(活跃在我心里,在我身体里面,一部分的我尖叫着)环顾四周我到处都看到事情本来应该是怎样的每一次我看着我自己,总有哪里不对劲环顾四周我到处都看到事情本来应该是怎样的而每一次我看着我自己,总有哪里不对劲我每天感觉到我感觉我已经在回来的路上我能感觉到它在里面鼓胀着在里面鼓胀着吞噬我我每天感觉到我感觉我已经在回来的路上我能感觉到它在里面鼓胀着在里面鼓胀着吞噬我我能感觉到它在里面鼓胀着在里面鼓胀着吞噬我我能感觉到它在里面鼓胀着在里面鼓胀着吞噬我


I read my book in the morning.意思是:我在早晨读(我的)书。


the movie starts at 10 o"clock in the morning.这场电影会在早上十点钟开始。

continued working和continued to work的区别

一、侧重点不同continued to work也就是continue to do 侧重于指中途有所停顿或间断,continued working也就是continue doing 侧重于指中途没有间断或中断的时间非常短。二、指代不同continued to work继续做工作,是做完一件事继续做另一件事continued working继续做工作,指继续做刚刚做过的那件事。扩展资料:continue的用法1、continue的基本意思是“继续”,指动作或状态的继续或持续不中断。可表示一件事一直在做,中间没有停歇,也可以表示中间有一个中断,又接着做下去。2、continue可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时可接名词、动名词、动词不定式或that从句作宾语,也可以接as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。continue还可引出直接引语。3、continue还可用作系动词,接(to be+) adj或as+ n作表语,to be常可以省略。

continued working和continued to work的区别

continue working 与 go on working 同义,意思是 “继续做手中的工作”。continue to work 意思是 “停下手中的活儿继续做别的工作”。

有一首英文歌里面有这么一句the lion king ofthe savanna,求这是什么歌


mrs.king is busy with her christmas tree什么意思意思

mrs.king is busy with her christmas tree金小姐正忙着做她的圣诞树。如有疑问,请追问!

Rockin Around The Christmas Tree 歌词

歌曲名:Rockin Around The Christmas Tree歌手:Dion专辑:Rock N Roll Christmas (World)Billy Gilman - Rockin" Around The Christmas TreeRocking around the Christmas treeAt the Christmas party hopMistletoe hung where you can seeEvery couple tries to stopRocking around the Christmas tree,Let the Christmas spirit ringLater we"ll have some pumpkin pieAnd we"ll do some caroling.You will get a sentimentalFeeling when you hearVoices singing let"s be jolly,Deck the halls with boughs of hollyRocking around the Christmas tree,Have a happy holidayEveryone"s dancing merrilyIn the new old-fashioned way.You will get a sentimentalFeeling when you hearVoices singing let"s be jolly,Deck the halls with boughs of hollyRocking around the Christmas tree,Have a happy holidayEveryone"s dancing merrilyIn the new old-fashioned way.Merry Christmas!

电影King.Kong 有画面长宽比为16:9的吗?


求一首英文歌 节奏感比较强的,有句歌词类似king kong down

Satellites [Acoustic Versio...播放歌手:James Blunt语言:英语所属专辑:Heart to Heart发行时间:2014-03-21

求电影《金刚king kong》加长高清完整版。

去电影天堂吧 里面有的 输名字的时候用金刚

求电影《金刚king kong》加长高清完整版迅雷下载 要求:1080P DTS 国英双音轨 字幕 2005


king crimson怎么念

读音是:英[ku026au014b'kru026amzn]。重点词汇:king。英[ku026au014b]释义:n.君主,国王;某物之王,首屈一指者;(国际象棋中的)王;极具影响;(纸牌中的)老K;(英国)男性国王在位时使用的国歌。v.<古>立……为王。【名】(King)(德、英、葡、捷、西)金,(中)金(普通话·威妥玛),(泰)京,(东南亚国家华语)京(人名)。[复数:kings;第三人称单数:kings;现在分词:kinging;过去式:kinged;过去分词:kinged]短语:King Kong金刚;许冠杰;大金刚;片。词语使用变化:kingn.(名词)king的基本意思是“君主,国王”,指一个君主制国家中处于至高无上地位的男人,与其相对应的阴性名词是queen。king用于比喻还可表示“巨头,大王”或某一行业中的“杰出人物”。表示封、立、宣布或选举某人为国王时,其前一般不用冠词,其余情况下常加定冠词the。


KOD6 hiphop 音乐整理【HIPHOP】32进16强第一组:【Baby Sleek V.S 小裴( Winner )】Front 2 Back - Xzibit第二组:【Mahita(Winner Come From Rssia) V.S 跳蚤】?第三组:【亮亮(Winner)V.S 阿K】Go Hard - The Rangers第四组:【腾飞(Winner) V.S MOON】Throw It Up Ft. David Banner - Izza Kizza第五组:【JC俊(Winner) V.S 戚家宝】Whateva - Remy Martin第六组:【大龙(Winner) V.S YELLOW】Kings On Tha Set - TIP第七组:【郭辉 V.S 炎炎(Winner)】All Good Ft. Blade Brown - Mic Geronimo第八组:【陈博(Winner) V.S 姚尧】Friday Night - Young Gunz第九组:【T V.S Maika( Winner)】Show me the Money - Petey Pablo第十组:【A-MING V.S Mickey(Winner)】?第十一组:【麦迪(Winner) V.S Wencer】Who Got It ??? - Nappy Roots第十二组:【泥鳅(Winner) V.S 杨林材】?第十三组:【King Kong (Winner) V.S 黄喜】I Got Sumthin" To Say - Grandmaster Flash第十四组:【阿文 V.S 李哲(Winner)】Fresh From Hea To Toe - Billy Blue第十五组:【赵倩 V.S 穆林(Winner)】Centipede ft. Lil Jon - Ying Yang Twins第十六组:【龙龙 V.S 王子奇(Winner)】Act Right - Method Man16进8第一组:【小裴 V.S Mahita(Winner)】Code of The Streets - Gang StarrUniversal Mind Control - CommonSuperthug - Noreaga第二组:【亮亮(Winner) V.S 腾飞】Black Moon - Who Got Da PropsBusta Rhymes - Don"t Touch Me第三组:【JC俊(Winner) V.S 大龙】Can I Get Open Ft. Jay-Z - Original FlavorWhat A World Ft. Chester French - Common第四组:【炎炎(Winner) V.S 陈博】Take It Back Home - Asia / RascoTouch And Go - Joe Budden第五组:【Maika(Winner) V.S Mickey】Hiphop is dead - Nas?第六组:【麦迪(Winner) V.S 泥鳅】Doe Fiend - G-DepTouch Me - Flo Rida第七组:【King Kong V.S l李哲(Winner)】Battle - Erik SermonDrop - Ying Yang Twins第八组:【穆林 V.S 王子奇(Winner)】Release Yo" Self - Method Man?8进4第一组:【Mahita V.S 亮亮(Winner)】Witness - Roots ManuvaRed Dragon - Swollen Members第二组:【JC俊(Winner) V.S 炎炎】The Matrix Ft. Pharoahe Monch, Sean Price, & DJ Premier - Black MilkUFC Remix (cuts by DJ Shadow) - The Mighty Underdogs第三组:【Maika(Winner) V.S 麦迪】Break - Oh NoYes ft. Jay-Z - Memphis Bleek第四组:【李哲(Winner) V.S 王子奇】?Smash Sumthin ft. Adam F - RedmanPump Ya Fist - Large Professor & Mikey D Lotto半决赛第一组:【亮亮 V.S JC俊(Winner)】Clap Your Hands - Guilty SimpsonElevator Ft. Timbaland - Flo Rida第二组:【Maika(Winner) V.S 李哲】Shake it Ft. Noisia - Foreign BeggarsMorning After Dark - TimbalandThe Way I Are - TimbalandSpeak Ya Clout - Gang Starr决赛【Maika (Winner) V.S JC俊】Dopest Verse - Mad KapBout Ta" Bubble - Tech N9ne

kingk barbie是什么意思

应该是king kong barbie 金刚芭比



king kong是什么药

king kong是金刚的意思不是药你朋友逗你呢

John Barry的《King Kong》 歌词

歌曲名:King Kong歌手:John Barry专辑:Moviola Ii: Action And AdventureAh nah nah nahDon"t come to my roomIf you"ve got nothing good to sayCan"t run me over in a parked carAh nah nah nahYou"re always speaking for soundTripping over wordsI know it"s habit and you mean wellyou mean wellAh nah nah nahOne of us is leavingAnd it won"t be meYou take my drum and you beat itSo it never healsAh nah nah nahWe know our lines too wellWe are water tightAnd all the good thigns that you mean to saythey get lostDon"t come to my roomWhen you"ve got nothing good to sayCan"t run me over in a parked carA parked carOne of us is leavingAnd it won"t be meYou take my drum and you beat itSo it never healsOne of us is leavingOne of us is leavingOne of us is leavingOne of us is leaving

kong king 翻译成汉语怎么说


为什么 KING KONG 翻译成金刚


陈奕迅的《King Kong》 歌词

歌曲名:King Kong歌手:陈奕迅专辑:Third Encounter Live陈奕迅 - King Kong曲:Eric Kwok 词:林宝 编:Eric Kwok即管取笑我高脂肪 这KingKong真的可一气过 哼一千首爱歌根本不会怕他跟他怎讲只因一身脂肪抵挡得起炮火大大大大大大大条道理份量大就可吸多点空气来日日夜夜侍候及承受你单薄的丝质梳化怎可以媲美成廿八吋大睥你话瘦多好看 但我话其实你没有眼光照道理这般看 下个大气候会大兴粗壮你话要抛低我你便会欣赏我但我话其实你还未够磅用重量衡量爱情没法挡你话我应沮丧会像我般向往但我话这是最大的解放让重量去做最后的解放腹肌一块过 不必三尖八角小姐可以脂肪中滑浪及游乐不必安慰我 即使多脂肪这胸襟都不须找软尺去量度份量就是力量若还未够他日就在月夜下抱着大楼全面为你爆钮

一种长方形黑药丸上面字母是king kong

金刚 大力丸壮阳药

king kong1024如何恢复出厂设置

建议按以下步骤进行:1、先行备手机内的数据 (短信、联系人、下载的应用程序等),然后请按以下步骤操作恢复出厂设置 :2、两种方式:(1)手机在开机状态下,进入手机设置—存储—菜单拉到最下,点击恢复出厂设置即可。(2)先把手机彻底关机,然后同时按住“音量减键”+“电源键”,直到手机出现Hboot界面,然后松手,按音量选择页面中的FACTORY RESET这一项,选好之后按下电源键确定即可清除所有数据恢复出厂设置。3、重启手机后,手机便恢复出厂设置了。

电影《无耻混蛋》酒吧中猜人名那场戏,盖世太保头上那张「King Kong」的卡片有什么隐喻或彩蛋吗?

首先第一,盖世太保Hellstrom在游戏的开始即说明,写的人物可以是真实的,也可以是虚构的。此处是第一伏笔。很多影评对《无耻混蛋》的指责就是,无视历史,竟然编出希特勒希姆莱戈林等人被一并炸死的剧情。然而此处即是昆汀的第一次隐喻:这部电影你可以当真实来看,也可以理解为完全虚构。 第二,游戏的规则是问十个用“是/否”来回答的问题,最后来说出自己头上的人物。此处为伏笔二。 如果你是德国人,你不会去破坏游戏规则:只有10个问题,之后必须作出回答。 “上尉,你还不如这杯苏格兰威士忌更像德国人。” 无论是金刚还是黑奴,在上面10个问题中都是合理的答案。但为什么德国人先说现实存在的黑奴,后说虚构的金刚呢? 其实此处是昆汀的再次隐喻:“你以为这是真实的,其实这都是虚构的”。骂人猴子是有明显侮辱性的,在他们喝酒之前,德国人已经怀疑他们是间谍了,这个看似玩笑的小游戏却直接体现出了英国人对纳粹的侮辱。而女星开始的时候觉得是个游戏,但是到最后已经感觉到了德国人的态度,所以她是玩不下去了。而英国人还沾沾自喜的以为自己的小聪明得逞了。

韩国King Kong Entertainment经济公司旗下都有哪些艺人?


中译英: 在结局的这一幕,King Kong在帝国大厦的顶层被警方的直升机乱枪扫射而死。

At the end of this episode, King Kong in the top floor of The Empire State Building was shot to death by the police helicopter

金刚 king_kong 电影说明了什么?

金刚从未去主动攻击人类,只是傻傻的追随着爱,而人却主动出击一次次将他置于死地,赶尽杀绝,这其实正是人类内心懦弱和自私的极端表现,事实上人类也是这样一步步毁灭这个原本和谐美好的自然的。金刚怎么死的?与其说是被美女害死的,倒不如说是被人性丑陋的一面害死的吧。 很难想像,强壮而粗野的金刚,却在一个纤弱女子面前,显出内心深藏着的脆弱与孤独。金刚为爱燃尽了整个生命,他得到的是那个女子的一个微笑、一个抚摸、一行泪水。仅此而已。最后的帝国大厦楼顶,金刚右手掩胸,和ANN一同远眺朝阳冉冉升起。左手掩胸,意思是,太美了。他一边看着朝阳一边温柔地将ANN轻轻托在手中。太美了。他是指景,还是人,亦或指他的爱情,谁都不知道。只是那一瞬间,仿佛回到远古丛林中的那个岩壁上,金刚和ANN相依看着朝阳冉冉升起,那万丈霞光,天边的红云,美到令人心碎的清晨,ANN甜蜜微笑,左手掩胸,试图告诉金刚,这太美了。 当金刚再也支撑不住即将倒下的那一刻,眼中流露出的眷恋。。。它盯着ANN美丽的双眸,仿佛要用尽全身力气看到她的心底。他竭力将手伸向她,却无法触碰到她,那一刻,他想告诉她,他是那样地爱着她,直至精疲力竭,粉身碎骨。相信看到这个画面,每个观众的内心都是悲哀的,但这也很美,美的让人无法触摸,遥不可及。

King Kong的《Paranoia》 歌词

歌曲:Paranoia歌手: King Kong所属专辑:《Trouble Again》歌词:Please could you stop the noise,Im trying get some rest.From all the unborn chicken,Voices in my head.Whats that,Whats that,Whats that,Whats that,When i am king,You will be first against the wallWith your opinionsWhich is of no consequence at allAmbition makes you look pretty uglyKicking squeeling gucci little piggyYou dont rememberYou dont rememberWhy dont you remember my name anymoreOff with his head manOff with his head manWhy wont he remember my name?I guess he doesoooohhhhhhhhhoooohhhhhhhhhoooohhhhhhhhhoooohhhhhhhhhrain downrain downrain downrain downCome on rain down on meCome on rain down on meFrom a great heightFrom a great heightFrom a great heightFrom a great heightThats it sir,Youre leaving,The crackle of pig skin,The dust and the screaming,The yuppies networking,The panic,The panic,The vomit,The vomit,God loves his children,God loves his children,

谁知道电影《king kong》(金钢)中女主角的真实姓名和简介?


侧田 kong 的歌词大意是什么???``KING KONG ???


《金刚》King Kong是意译还是音译?




电影《金刚》(king kong)是中国话吗?




电影《金刚》中king kong到底啥意思啊



kingkong是金刚意思“King Kong”是一个英文词汇,字面意思是巨猿或金刚。这个词汇最开始被用于1933年的黑白电影《金刚》,描述的是一只体型巨大的大猩猩在人类社会中所经历的种种困境。在现代的文化中,“King Kong”这一词汇已经发展出了多种含义,在不同的语境下都有着不同的诠释。首先,在一些情境中,“King Kong”这个词汇可以用来形容某些东西的强大、巨大或者威猛。比如说,人们可能会用“King Kong”来形容一座高耸入云的摩天大楼、一辆足以横扫一切的跑车或者一个生命力旺盛的运动员。其次,“King Kong”也可以用来指代某个特定的事物或者人物。例如,在电影、游戏、音乐等各种领域,人们可能会创建一个以“King Kong”命名的角色、歌曲、故事甚至品牌。这些命名并不一定与原始的“King Kong”电影有直接联系,而更多的是基于对这个词汇本身的寓意和象征意义的理解。最后,“King Kong”也可以用来形容某些负面的情况或者行为。比如,在一些场合下,人们可能会用“King Kong”来形容某个人的野蛮、残忍或者过分自信的行为。总之,“King Kong”这个词汇在现代的语境下已经与其最初的意义产生了巨大的变化,它已经逐渐发展成为一个极具象征意义和多义性的词汇。其涵盖的范围非常广泛,从描述物理强度到指代特定事物,再到形容某种人性或社会现象,都已经成为了人们对于这个词汇的理解和运用。

halfway decent looking 什么意思


跪求艾薇儿under my skin这首歌的歌词

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