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The Killers 歌词

歌曲名:The Killers歌手:Battle Royale专辑:Battle Royale30 Seconds To Mars -《The Kill》Robin_SHIWhat if I wanted to breakLaugh it all off in yourface..What would you do?What if I fell to the floor?Couldn"t take this anymoreWhat would you me down..Bury me,bury meI am finished with you....What if I wanted to fightBeg for the rest of my lifeWhat would you do?doYou say you wanted moreWhat are you waiting for?I"m not running from youfrom you...Come....break me downBury me,bury meI am finished with you...Look in my eyesYou"re killing me,killing meAll I wanted was you....I tried to be someone elseBut nothing seemed to changeI know now,this is who I really am insideFinally found myselfFighting for a chanceI know now,this is who I really amCome..break me down...Bury me,bury meI am finished with you,youyou...Look in my eyesYou"re killing me,killing meAll I wanted was you..Come..Break me down..Break me down..Break me down.....What if I wanted to break?What if IWhat if IWhat if IWhat if I

求the killers-read my mind歌词中文翻译

On the corner of main street 在大街的角落里Just tryin" to keep it in line 尝试使它掉队You say you wanna move on and 你说你想前进You say I"m falling behind 你说我在落后Can you read my mind? 你清楚我的想法吗?Can you read my mind? 你清楚我的想法吗?I never really gave up on 我从未真的放弃Breakin" out of this two-star town 从这小镇离开I got the green light 我等到绿光I got a little fight 我要进行小战斗I"m gonna turn this thing around 我将要改变为东西Can you read my mind? 你清楚我的想法吗?Can you read my mind? 你清楚我的想法吗?The good old days, the honest man;美好的时光过去了,最老实的人 The restless heart, the Promised Land 永不休息的心,天堂A subtle kiss that no one sees; 一个没人看到的微妙的吻A broken wrist and a big trapeze 摔断的腰和一个高秋千Oh well I don"t mind, you don"t mind 好我不介意,你不介意Coz I don"t shine if you don"t shine 因为你不大展光芒时我也不会Before you go, can you read my mind? 你走之时,你清楚我的想法吗?It"s funny how you just break down 你刚刚怎样崩溃很有趣Waitin" on some sign 等待信号I pull up to the front of your driveway 我停在你车道的前面With magic soakin" my spine 用魔法痛殴我的脊骨Can you read my mind? 你清楚我的想法吗?Can you read my mind? 你清楚我的想法吗?The teenage queen, the loaded gun; 年轻的皇后,装有子弹的枪The drop dead dream, the Chosen One 掉进死亡的梦,选择A southern drawl, a world unseen; 美国南方人慢吞吞的拉长调子的语气,一个看不见的世界A city wall and a trampoline 城市的墙和蹦床Oh well I don"t mind, you don"t mind 好我不介意,你不介意Coz I don"t shine if you don"t shine 因为你不大展光芒时我也不会Before you go 在你走时Tell me what you find when you read my mind 告诉我你读我的心时发现了什么Slippin" in my faith until I fall 在我减退信念中直到我摔倒He never returned that call 他永不回覆那电话Woman, open the door, don"t let it stay 女人,开门,不要让它停留I wanna breathe that fire again 我想休息一下等那火焰重燃She said她说Oh well I don"t mind, you don"t mind好我不介意,你不介意 Coz I don"t shine if you don"t shine 因为你不大展光芒时我也不会Put your back on me 靠着我Put your back on me 靠着我Put your back on me 靠着我The stars are blazing like rebel diamonds cut out of the sun星星像从太阳掉出的叛逆的金刚石般燃烧When you read my mind当你读我的心时

海明威小说the killers中的海明威式硬汉是谁


2013the killers凯乐斯乐队北京演唱会的时间是?




海明威的小说The killers的主题是什么,200左右,英文的~谢谢~




the killers成员简历

The Killers(杀手乐团)成立于2002年,来自美国拉斯维加斯,由Brandon Flowers(主唱),Dave Keuning(电吉他手),Mark Stoermer(贝司)和Ronnie Vannucci Jr.(鼓手)四人组建。他们音乐风格属于轻重摇滚,风格介于流行与摇滚之间。2004年,The Killers横跨大西洋,与英国独立厂牌lizard king签约,之后以单曲《Mr. Brightside》冲上英国流行单曲榜top 10,收入了以上两支上榜单曲的首张专辑《Hot Fuss》于年中发行,充满了米字旗的味道,深受英国歌迷的喜爱。后来他们获得了美国大厂Island的一纸合约,跃身英国乐坛主流。其创作的首波全球单曲《somebody told me》拿下billboard现代摇滚单曲与英国金榜的第三名,声名大噪,专辑销售突破300万张。主唱Brandon曾眼中闪着光芒说道:“我们想要成为美国的U2”,结果功夫不负苦心人!The Killers出道不到4个月就获得2005格莱美奖及全英音乐奖共5项提名,创作大碟《Hot Fuss》拿下英国金榜双周冠军、billboard流行专辑榜第8名,并受到U2的Bono,David Bowie,Duran Duran等人高度赞赏,摇滚爵士Elton John在巴黎宣传时特别邀请他们一起上电视节目,更是公开表示“这是我最爱的乐队”!

killers有没张专集叫 Trouble QUEEN


如何评价 The Killers 乐队

The Killers和Kings of Leon很相似:先在英国大受欢迎,再返攻美国。乐队其他成员都颇有音乐才华,The Killers暂停活动那段时间,除了小花,鼓手和贝斯手也推出了Solo专辑。由于The Killers的风格太杂糅,吸收了New Wave、Indie Pop、Post-Punk Revival的特点,所以我们直接叫它indie rock好了…评价杀手乐队对我很困难。因为The Killers博采众长,不仅每张专辑,连每首歌都拒绝重复。简单的说,这是一支以旋律为主导的乐队,一旦旋律创作能力下降,乐队的评价也下滑。Hot Fuss是The Killers最受欢迎的作品,乐队凭此一战成名,在英国收获了“国际最受欢迎乐队”(貌似是这种奖项)。得知这其实是一支来自美国拉斯维加斯的乐队我还大吃一惊:Hot Fuss哪里听得出美国味!?顺便一说,皇后乐队也是小花的偶像。Hot Fuss综合质量极高,没有filler的歌曲。Smile Like You Mean it、Somebody Told Me也是金曲。至于我,最喜欢B-Side中的Under the Gun。Hot Fuss将“写出不俗不low还能令人耳目一新的旋律”的能力发挥得淋漓尽致。听听“I got soul but I"m not a Soldier”旋律,难怪All These Things I"ve Done会成为某体育品牌的宣传歌曲…第二张Sam"s Town风格倾向美式Alternative Rock——Sam"s Town是拉斯维加斯的一家赌场的名字。小花说:“你们不是说我们是英式摇滚吗?哼!美式一把给你看!”(以上为想像场景…)但貌似评论和市场都不买账。Sam"s Town依然畅销,只是销量较Hot Fuse有所下滑。The Killers旋律创作能力依然彪悍,但是Bones的旋律太平淡了。好在For Reason Unknow、Read My Mind、When You were Young…等等歌曲依然能让人兴奋。Sam"s Town后一年,The Killers发行了一张B-Side合辑Sawdust。这张专辑很杂糅,比如有和Lou Reed合唱的Tranquilize,翻唱自Joy Division的名曲Shadowplay,走美式民谣风格的Ruby,Don"t Take Your Love to the Town…习惯了The Killers的慷慨激昂,你可以试试柔情似水的另一面。由于Sam"s Town销量口碑较Hot Fuss有所下滑,小花愤愤的说:“我再转回英式不行吗?哼!”(以上是想像情景…)于是Day&Age诞生了。我不得不说,The Killers旋律创作能力下降得厉害。一些歌曲Filler感觉明显。最诡异的是,乐队失去了“慷慨激昂”的热血,连主打歌Human和Spaceman都显得“平淡”。我最喜爱的一首是B-Side的Forget about What I Said。这种转变…见仁见智吧。至于Battle Born…找不出合适的词来评价这张专辑。一个乐队不可能十年如一日唱一种风格,但转型如果不符合歌迷预期,就是自寻死路。The Killers的转型就是这种情况。它们的编曲依然慷慨激昂,但旋律创作能力在下滑。当年向我推荐The Killers的朋友说:它已经失去继续关注的价值了。摇滚乐坛每年涌现的乐队千千万,老家伙一步走错就万劫不复。从Day&Age开始下滑的声势到Battle Born并没有停止,连我都要暗暗擦汗:这特么不是要胡萝卜吧?总之,我向各位推荐Hot Fuss和Sam"s Town这两张专辑。身为The Killers的乐迷,也能从这两张专辑中回忆过去的好时光。

海明威的the killers 的英文主要内容?很急!

"The Killers" isa short story by Ernest Hemingway. Itu2019s just an attempted murderstory. The story took place in a suburb of Chicago, called Summit, during the1920s, during Prohibition. Two men, Max and Al, walked into Henry"s lunchroom,which was run by George. They ordered something that was not available untilsix ou2019clock and they seemed have nopatience. They were quite strange that they ate with their gloves on and theykept their eyes on the mirror behind the bar. After talking with George, thetwo men told George to ask everyone come out. Then Al went into the kitchen andtied up Nick Adams, a recurring character in Hemingway"s stories, and Sam, theblack cook. Max and George soon had a conversation, which revealed that the twomen were there to kill Ole Andreson, a Swedish boxer, for a "friend".However, Andreson didnu2019t show up. At ten minutes past seven, the two killersthought that Andreson wouldnu2019t come at that day. so the two killers leftwithout killing anyone. George sent Nick to Hirsch"s boarding house, run byMrs. Bell, to warn Andreson about the two killers. Nick found Andreson lying inhis bed with all of his clothes on. He told Andreson what had happened. Itseemed that Andreson had known everything, he did not take any action. He exceptedto tell Nick not to do anything, as there was nothing that can be done. Nick left,went back to the lunchroom, and informed George about Ole Andreson"s reaction.In the end, Nick decided to get out of this town.

冰体的《Killers》 歌词

歌曲名:Killers歌手:冰体专辑:The Classic Collection「Killer Song」(C81)(麻枝准×やなぎなぎ - 终わりの惑星(ホシ)のLove Song プロジェクト)作词:麻枝准/作曲:麻枝准/编曲:古川贵浩歌:やなぎなぎきみは眼が见えない代わり真実だけが见えるだから谁もがきみを利用した食料を余分に持って逃げたやつはさて谁と杀されてしまう人の名を告げたきみはそんなこと望みはしないのに気づいてた いつかあたしもきみのため谁かを杀める日が来るってこと生きていくためなら当たり前のこと季节は狂ったままで秋のあと夏がきた谁もが水を探し求めたきみにだけ见える水脉教えろと首を绞めたでもそれは远い孤児院の井戸に続くその时が来たとあたしは悟った钝く光る刃物抜いて駆けた闇が味方した手応えははっきりあった手はまだ震えてた刹那明かりがあたしを照らした仲间に押さえられたそして両足の腱を削ぎ落とされてしまった手で这ってきみのもとへあったことを伝えたきみを连れて逃げることもできなくなったとでもきみは精悍な眼差しでこう言ったひとり杀ったらふたりも三人も同じときみが指し示すほうから敌は必ずやってきたあたしはそれを斩り倒し続けていったきみはあたしをひとりの戦士に変えてくれたきみを守る それが唯一のあたしの生きる意味时は流れひとつの伝说がまことしやかに嗫かれた难攻不落の城があるが不可解その城の主は眼が见えず骑士はまともに歩けさえしないとそんな奇迹を起こす恋もある终わり


1、killer的意思:n.杀人者; 杀手; 导致死亡的人(或动物、事物); 棘手的事; 令人激动的事物; 精彩的事物;2、killer的读音:英[?k?l?(r)],美[?k?l?r]。3、[例句]Hes a psychopath, a killer.他是个精神变态杀人者。4、复数:killers


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推荐点像-ケミカルエモーション KiLLER LADY的这样节奏感强的歌呗

谁的都可以么?如果这样的话我就列单子啦排序按照歌手名称,先字母后汉字GUMIおニューのかさぶた、ペットに食われろ334人の敌イカサマライフゲイムPoker Faceぽくらの16Bit Wars马赛克蛋糕卷恋爱勇者人生Reset键天弱Clap Hip CherryDance FloorFor My SoulMasked Bitchカミサマネジマキキリトリセン クランベリーシルバーバレットセツナトリップテトロドトキサイザ2号トロピカルu30fbサマーニビョウカンばいばいスカイブルーPANDA HEROマダラカルトロゼッタ 彼女の漫画的日常地球最后の告白を给锹形虫一记手刀结果穿越时空了交感ノ ト九龙レトロ恋はきっと急上升☆胆小鬼蒙布朗迷子の仆え十面相天鼠ディストレス完全惩悪ロリィタコンプレックス幽霊屋敷の首吊り少女正义粉碎IA现实的伦理主义者夕暮的蝉日记十六兆年零一夜的故事LIVEDRIVECHILDREN RECORD猿マネ椅子盗りゲームLily+REVESEWAVELily Lily Burning NightRe BrithジッタードールMikiミキミキ★ロマンティックナイト初音未来Weekender Girl爱言叶猫耳开关BadbyePanaroia1925パラメタ1925Far AwayRolling GirlPONPONPONSo much loving yousweet devilyellow阳炎/浮游Daysからくりピエロコンビニトリノコシティドレミファロンドハルイチモノクロ スカイ白い雪のプリンセスは二息步行积乱云グラフィテ巨大少女恋率方程式千本樱Baby 好好看着我Party Junkieジベタトラベルずれていく初音未来的消失呗旅鸦月见夜ラビット 左右 -みぎひだり-Black Rock ShooterFreely TomorrowSoarSweet DropsZigg Zaggえ - あぁ そうキャットフMelt里表ラバ ズ神曲【真有这首歌世界第一的公主殿下Heart Shooter39心壊サミットゆめゆめNyanyanyanyanya!とおせんぼ恋爱哲学秘密警察甩葱歌积み木の人形镜音双子(镜音Len 镜音Rin 合唱)笨拙恋歌心奇迹孤独的尽头二氯苯 反氯苯つけまつける 文学少女インセインTrick and Treat曼珠沙华缲り返し一粒いろは呗杀戮人偶 爆发リモコン炉心熔解自己嫌恶梦喰い白黒バクSpice!镜音连的暴走too Cute!I wanna trust youタイガーランペイジ爱情狂现东京泰迪熊トゥインクル八八花合战我的爱车黄色压路机下克上右肩之蝶イカサマu21d4カジノ再教育シンデレラシンドローム8HIT深海シティアンダーグラウンド男の娘メモラブル巡音流歌Rip=Relese骗人的旋转木马脆弱系少年少女Just Be Friends最后的女王LeiaScared Secret星屑ユ トピアHeart Beats巡姬舞踊曲No LogicBlackjackhypnoSpirALUKALUKA Night FeverToy Box多歌手合作【我就不打是谁和谁的了(殴俄罗斯套娃狂喜乱舞啊啊 美好的喵生脑浆炸裂女孩Perfect Crime爱DeeWorld"s End Dance HallBeat!Mr.MusicCrazy Night东京电脑侦探团KnifeMagnet快乐合成器インビジブルデッドラインサーカス1 2 Fan ClubShake itAnti The Holic东京电脑探侦团フロールサインマイルームディスコナイト罚ゲーム啊哈哈抱歉昨天突然下线了没来得及那么回答完毕了XD



killer whale怎么读

killer whale[英][u02c8ku026alu0259 hweil] [美][u02c8ku026alu025a hwel] 生词本简明释义n.逆戟鲸,虎鲸复数:killer whales以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 百科释义1.N-COUNT逆戟鲸;虎鲸;杀人鲸A killer whale is a type of black and white whale.以下结果由 金山词霸 提供例句The most ferocious sea creatures bow killer whale statue.海中生物最凶猛的虎鲸的船首雕像。

killer whale怎么读

killer whale[英][u02c8ku026alu0259 hweil] [美][u02c8ku026alu025a hwel] 生词本 简明释义 n.逆戟鲸,虎鲸 复数:killer whales 以下结果由 金山词霸 提供 柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 百科释义 1.N-COUNT逆戟鲸;虎鲸;杀人鲸A killer whale is a type of black and white whale. 以下结果由 金山词霸 提供 例句 The most ferocious sea creatures bow killer whale statue. 海中生物最凶猛的虎鲸的船首雕像.



this killer 歌词

歌曲名:this killer歌手:Blackfield专辑:blackfield iiDon"t leave the door ajarDon"t walk awayDon"t leave me in the darkYou think you know me wellIt makes me laughCause I don"t know myselfThis killer on the runHe steals from me a songHe"ll catch me off my guardHe likes me when I"m downAnd when I"m sadFallen manFallen manIt"s always me aloneThat hears the noiseCause it"s my inner voiceSo stay inside your holeWe"ll hide awayBefore I lose controlThis killer on the runHe steals from me a songHe"ll catch me off my guardHe likes me when I"m downAnd when I"m sadFallen manFallen manThis killer on the runHe steals from me a songAnd I can say I know him wellAnd so can he, because it"s meHe is meHe is me




Linux系统当可用内存较低的时候oom killer机制会根据一定的规则去杀掉一些进程来释放内存,而Android系统的LowMemoryKiller机制就是以此功能为基础做了一些调整。Android系统中的APP在使用完成之后并不会马上被杀掉,而是驻留在内存中,当下一次在此进入此应用的时候可以省去进程创建的过程,加快启动速度。LowMemoryKiller机制会在内存资源紧张的时候,杀掉一些进程来回收内存。 LowMemoryKiller机制分为三个部分 Framework中的ProcessList和Native的lmkd进程通过Socket进行进程间通信,而lmkd和内核中的LowMemoryKiller通过writeFileString向文件节点写内容方法进行通信。 Framework层通过一定的规则调整进程的adj的值和内存空间阀值,然后通过socket发送给lmkd进程,lmkd两种处理方式, 一种将阀值写入文件节点发送给内核的LowMemoryKiller,由内核进行杀进程处理,另一种是lmkd通过cgroup监控内存使用情况,自行计算杀掉进程。 lmkd是一个native进程,由init进程启动,定义在/system/core/lmkd/lmkd.rc中 在lmkd.rc中,启动了lmkd进程,并创建了一个名为lmkd的socket的描述符,用于socket进程间通信。lmkd启动后首先执行main方法。 main方法首先设置了当前进程的调度规则,然后执行了init方法和mainLoop方法。 lmkd的init方法中做的工作 我们先分析内核实现的LowMemoryKiller进程查杀机制, 然后再分析lmkd实现的机制。两者最终的结果都是在内存紧张的时候杀死一些进程来释放内存, 但是实现机制去不太一样。 init执行初始化完成之后, 进入mainloop方法,循环等待epoll事件的上报,init的时候epoll监听的socket连接, 当有socket连接的时候就会调用ctrl_connect_handler方法。 监听到socket连接, 我们知道此时连接lmkd的socket客户端就是framework,当有连接到来的时候accept方法返回连接的socketFD, 然后将连接的socketFD同样加入epoll中, 当socketFD中有可读消息,即framework给lmkd发送消息的时候,epoll唤醒然后会掉ctrl_data_handler方法来处理。 Framework和lmkd进程通过socket来进行进程间通信,在lmkd初始化的时候,通过监听socket描述符lmkd来等待Framework发送的消息。 Framework向lmkd发送命令相关的方法有三个。 上面的三种情况Framework最终是通过socket向lmkd发送了三种消息。 lmkd接收命令处理逻辑 lmkd通过epoll监听socket中是否有数据, 当接受的framework发送的socket命令之后,调用ctrl_cmmand_handler方法处理,显示解析socket中的命令和参数,根据对于的命令来调用不同的方法处理。 对于进程查杀有两种实现方式,一种是内核的LMK,通过shrinker来触发低内存回收, 另一种是lmkd通过cgroup监控内存使用情况,自行计算杀掉进程。两种实现不太一样,需要逐个分析。 设置内存阀值和adj的值就是将从framework收到的数据封装成字符串,通过writefilestring写入到两个文件节点,以供内核LMK使用。 /sys/module/lowmemorykiller/parameters/minfree : 内存级别限额 /sys/module/lowmemorykiller/parameters/adj :内存级别限额对应的要杀掉的进程的adj值. 由于使用内核LMK, 所以调整进程优先级直接将优先级写入对应进程的oom_adj_score文件即可。 移除进程的时候不需要做任何操作 在linux中,有一个名为kswapd的内核线程,当linux回收存放分页的时候,kswapd线程将会遍历一张shrinker链表,并执行回调,或者某个app启动,发现可用内存不足时,则内核会阻塞请求分配内存的进程分配内存的过程,并在该进程中去执行lowmemorykiller来释放内存。虽然之前没有接触过,大体的理解就是向系统注册了这个shrinker回调函数之后,当系统空闲内存页面不足时会调用这个回调函数。 struct shrinker的定义在linux/kernel/include/linux/shrinker.h中: 内核LowMemoryKiller shrinker的注册过程如下: 注册完成之后, 在内存紧张的时候就会回调shrinker, 其中最主要的是lowmem_scan方法。具体实现如下: 内核LMK的原理很简单:首先注册了shrinker,在内存紧张的时候会触发lowmem_scan方法,这个方法要做的就是找打一个进程,然后杀掉他,释放一些内存。 内核LMK的实现逻辑已经分析完了 lmkd实现内存查实的方式是基于 cgroup memory 来实现的。 什么是cgroup memory? Cgroup的memory子系统,即memory cgroup(本文以下简称memcg),提供了对系统中一组进程的内存行为的管理,从而对整个系统中对内存有不用需求的进程或应用程序区分管理,实现更有效的资源利用和隔离。 cgroup memory相关的文件 简单的了解了下cgroup的原理,再来看lmkd的init方法 先了解下memory pressure_level的用法 init_mp_common方法严格的按照pressure_level的用法,注册了pressure_level的事件回调, pressure_level分为三个等级 当内存达到相应的等级,就会回调mp_event_common方法, 由mp_event_common方法来处理。 lmkd内存查杀原理: 进程查杀的两种实现方式原理类似,都是注册是的回调,当内存紧张的时候根据剩余内存的adj来查杀大于该adj的内存。内核shrinker方式是只有内存紧张的时候才会去释放,而cgroup方式控制更加精细, 根据不同等级来触发内存回收。



killer doubleshot pro是什么

Killer DoubleShot Pro功能就是打开双网卡的Teaming支持。

海明威的小说The killers的读后感(英文的)

Works of Ernest Hemingway initiated minimalist movement in American fiction and had an enormous influence on the work of Raymond Carver and other minimalist authors. Comparing the style of Ernest Hemingway"s “The Killers” and Raymond Carver"s “What We Talk About When We Talk About Love”, one can notice numerous similarities. The first one can be seen in the description of the setting. Ernest Hemingway writes:Outside it was getting dark. The street-light came on outside the window. The two men at the counter read the menu. From the other end of the counter Nick Adams watched them. He had been talking to George when they came in. (The Killers)Raymond Carver"s passage seem to be strikingly similar:The four of us were sitting around the kitchen table drinking gin. Sunlight filled the kitchen from the big window behind the sink. There were Mel and me and his second wife, Teresa-Terri, we called her-and my wife, Laura. (What We Talk About When We Talk About Love)Both authors use only few short sentences to introduce and enumerate characters, and to describe the atmosphere. They both do it by avoiding pronouns and using the same nouns they have been using in previous sentences. The vocabulary is very simple and devoid of florid excess.Clarity and precision are also present in the description of characters:She was a bone-thin woman with a pretty face, dark eyes, and brown hair that hung down her back. She liked necklaces made of turquoise, and long pendant earrings. (What We Talk About When We Talk About Love)He wore a derby hat and a black overcoat buttoned across the chest. His face was small and white and he had tight lips. He wore a silk muffler and gloves. (The Killers)Describing characters, both authors employ luminous details which seem to be very carefully chosen. As if according to the saying that “less is more”, Hemingway and Carver use only two or three sentences for character description. The rest is to be found in action and dialogues since characters are presented dramatically: readers learn about them through their dialogues. The interpretation of character"s tone and feeling is based on the context and other character"s response. This way of presenting characters makes the role of dialogue to be of paramount importance. Especially when the are almost none editorializing instances:“It gets worse,” Terri said. “He shot himself in the mouth. But he bungled that too. Poor Ed,” she said. Terri shook her head. “Poor Ed nothing,” Mel said.Another thing that can be said about Hemingway and Carver"s style is that they frequently make use of lexical and syntactical repetition. In the example above there are repeatedly used same words and the same structure: “Terri said”, “Mel said”. This technique, as the stylistician M.A.K. Halliday observes, generates motivated prominence.In both u201eThe Killers” and u201eWhat We Talk About When We Talk About Love” story, which is what we learn about characters and their past, dominates over action, which is what physically happens. It is very different from popular fiction where there is almost only action. Hemingway and Carver do not comment on what happens in the story and let readers interpret the meaning through characters" dialogues. They are very economic when describing action:The two of them went out the door. George watched them, through the window, pass under the arc-light and cross the street. In their tight overcoats and derby hats they looked like a vaudeville team. George went back through the swinging-door into the kitchen and untied Nick and the cook. (The Killers)He poured more gin into his glass. He added an ice cube and a sliver of lime. We waited and sipped our drinks. Laura and I touched knees again. I put a hand on her warm thigh and left it there. (What We Talk About When We Talk About Love)This story takes place primarily within the confines of Henry"s Lunch-Room. As two men enter the establishment, George, the counterman, asks them what they would like to eat. The two men are not sure what they would like and take a few minutes to look at the menu. The only other person at the counter is Nick Adams.When one of the men orders roast pork tenderloin, George informs him that that item is only available for dinner which will not be served until 6 o"clock. According to the clock in the lunchroom, the time is 5:20. However, George tells the men that the clock is twenty minutes fast.George then tells the man that he can serve sandwiches, steak or eggs. The man asks for chicken croquettes, but again he is told that that is a dinner item. Frustrated, the man asks for ham and eggs. This man"s name is Al, and he is wearing a derby hat, buttoned up, black overcoat, a silk muffler and gloves. Al"s companion, who is similarly dressed, asks for bacon and eggs.As Al and his companion wait for their food, they speak to George and Nick in a condescending manner, referring to them as "bright boys" and making fun of the town in which they live. In the course of the conversation, we learn that the name of Al"s companion is Max.After George serves the men their food, he steps back and watches them eat, noting that neither man removes their gloves. Max, uncomfortable with being watched, lashes out at George. Returning to their food, Al asks Max if he knows the name of the young man at the other end of the counter. Max calls out to Nick and tells him to join George on the other side of the counter. Nicks asks why they want him to do this, but does not get a reply.Next, Al asks if there is anyone in the kitchen. George replies that Sam, the Negro cook is there. When Max tells him to bring Sam into the lunchroom, George asks why. Sensing that George is suspicious of them, Al assures him they will not be hurt and asks again for Sam to join them. When Sam enters the lunchroom, Al gets off his stool and takes Nick and Sam back to the kitchen, leaving Max and George alone at the counter. When George again asks Max to explain what is going on, Max responds by asking George to tell him what he thinks is going on. George does not have an answer.Meanwhile, Al asks the two men to move from where they are standing. Again, Max asks George to tell him what he thinks is going on. When George does not respond, Max tells him that he and Al are there to kill Ole Andreson, a man that normally comes to the diner at six o"clock for dinner.In an attempt to get him to change the subject, Max asks George if he has seen any movies recently. Rather than answer Max"s question, George asks what Ole has done to the two men that has caused them to want to kill him. Max replies that they have never met Ole; rather, they have been hired to assassinate him. Al thinks that Max is providing too much information and suggests to Max that perhaps he should keep quiet. He tells Max that he has Nick and Sam tied up in the kitchen.Max instructs George to tell anyone that enters the lunchroom that the cook is off for the evening. Further, George is to cook whatever the person orders. As he agrees to do this, George asks what is going to happen to them. Max tells him that he really cannot predict his fate.Shortly after this, a man enters the lunchroom for supper. When George tells him that Sam has gone out, the man decides to go to another establishment. Max compliments George on his handling of the situation and once again refers to him as a "bright boy."By five minutes to seven, Ole still has not arrived. George tells Max that if Ole has not arrived by now, he will not be there that night. Al decides they should wait five more minutes. While they wait, another man comes in, and upon hearing that Sam is not there to cook, he abruptly leaves.After five minutes have passed, Max suggests to Al that it is time to leave. Al wonders what they should do with George, Nick and Sam. Max tries to assure him that they do not need to harm them; Al is not totally convinced as he thinks Max as told them too much.Even so, the two men leave the lunchroom. George goes back to the kitchen and unties Nick and Sam. While Nick is somewhat dazed, Sam is clearly shaken by the experience. George tells them why the men were there and suggests that Nick go find Ole Andreson to tell him the two men want to kill him. Sam tries to dissuade Nick from doing this, but Nick goes anyway.Nick arrives at the boarding house where Ole lives to find him lying on his bed, fully dressed. (Ole had been a heavyweight prizefighter in his younger years.)Nick reports the evening"s events to Ole. When he does not get a response, he tells Ole that George suggested Ole might want to know about what happened. Ole says that there is nothing he can do about the two men who want to kill him. He thanks Nick for coming to tell him. He also refuses Nick"s offer to alert the police.Before Nick leaves, Ole says that he has not been able to bring himself to leave his room all day. Nick asks if he can do anything to alleviate Ole"s troubles, but Ole tells him that he has taken the wrong path and nothing can change the past. Ole thanks Nick again for coming and Nick leaves.On his way out of the boarding house, Nick runs into the landlady and they discuss Ole"s reluctance to leave his room. Nick returns to the lunchroom and reports what has happened to George. Sam hears him enter, but once Nick starts to speak, he retreats to the kitchen saying that he does not want to hear what Nick has to say.Nick tells George that he told Ole that the men were looking for him so that he could kill them. He also tells George that Ole does not intend to protect himself. The two men agree that Ole will wind up dead. The two men wonder what Ole did to get himself into so much trouble. Nick decides that he wants to leave town; knowing that Ole is sure to be killed the moment he leaves his room is too much for him to handle. George agrees that this is probably a wise thing for Nick to do.Sentences are short and simple. They are often joined by coordinate conjunction “and”, which is a characteristic of paratactic style. Neither Hamingway nor Carvver explain relation or connection between sentences. Lack of subordinate sentences gives effect of clarity and directness. By saying less, both authors leave their readers with the freedom to interpret the text and to imply their own meaning.The other thing worth mentioning is the choice of vocabulary. Both authors use everyday language in characters" dialogues, which makes them appear very realistic.字数够吗


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Killer In You 歌词

歌曲名:Killer In You歌手:Limp Bizkit专辑:Gold Cobra≡ 卐 Limp Bizkit - Killer In You 卐 ≡album: Gold Cobrareleased on June 28, 2011There"s a motherfucking killer on the looseAnd he"ll destroy every single one of youYou better watch it cause he"s looking for your ass nowBetter lock all your doors and shut the house downHe"s making a list and he"s checking it twiceHe was born pissed and he"s ready to sliceHis reality ain"t like yours or mineHe can shed blood I hope it ain"t mineHe don"t give a fuck if your crying for helpHe was born blind in the chambers of hellSatan gave his homeboy a license to killAnd if he comes knocking I"m going to show him the dealWhat the fuck you gonna do about thatWhat the fuck you gonna do about thatWhen the killer shows up with a gatYou gonna have to grab yourself a baseball batTo remind this motherfucker where the home runs atWhat the fuck you gonna do about thatWhat the fuck you gonna do about thatYour gonna have to face the moment of truthYou know what to doYou gonna have to find the killer in youHe"s got a trunk full of hatches and shitBombs, gasoline, matches and shitAnything to make a human die quickCreeping in the night like some superfly shitSo scandalous and everything about him is wrongChainsaw starting up at the crack of dawnLeatherface is a pussy he don"t compareHe"ll have you shitting in your motherfucking underwearAll your homies coming hard better get a gripHe"ll kill your wife and your baby sleeping in the cribWe got to stop and shut this motherfucker downShow his ass who runs this motherfucking town !Show his ass who runs this motherfucking town !What the fuck you gonna do about thatWhat the fuck you gonna do about thatWhen the killer shows up with a gatYou gonna have to grab yourself a baseball batTo remind this motherfucker where the home runs atWhat the fuck you gonna do about thatWhat the fuck you gonna do about thatYour gonna have to face the moment of truthYou know what to doYou gonna have to go and find the killer in youLay that motherfucker on the curbLet"s find the killer in you !Show that motherfucker the dealAnd now it"s realAnd now it"s realYAHHHHHHHHHHHHH !Kill that motherfucker, Kill-Kill that motherfucker !Kill that motherfucker, Kill-Kill that motherfucker !Kill that motherfucker, Kill-Kill that motherfucker !Kill that motherfucker, Kill-Kill that motherfucker !What the fuck you gonna do about thatWhat the fuck you gonna do about thatWhen the killer shows up with a gatYou gonna have to grab yourself a baseball batTo remind this motherfucker where the home runs atWhat the fuck you gonna do about thatWhat the fuck you gonna do about thatYour gonna have to face the moment of truthYou know what to doYou gonna have to go and find the killer in you

英语短文a killer in the backseat翻译


the killers 成员里面的这个人是谁??


Riot的《Killer》 歌词

歌曲名:Killer歌手:Riot专辑:The Privilege Of PowerWell you"re just across the street,Looks a mile to my feet,I wanna go to you.Funny how I"m nervous still,I"ve always been the easy killI guess I always willCould it be that everything goes round by chance (Chance)Or only one way that it was always meant to be (be)You kill me you always know the perfect thing to say,hey hey, hey heyI know what I should do but I just can"t walk awayI can picture your face wellfrom the bar in my hotelI wish I"d go to youI pick up put down the phoneLike your fave heatmiser song goes:It"s just like being aloneOh god please don"t tell methis has been in vain (Vain)I need answers for what all the waitingI"ve done means(means)You kill me you"ve got some nervebut can"t face your mistakes hey hey, hey heyI know what I should do but i just can"t turn awaySo go on loveLeave while there"s still hope for escapeGotta take what you can these daysThere"s so much ahead and so much regretI know what you wanna sayI know but I can"t help feeling differentlyI loved you and I shoulda said itbut tell me just what has it ever meantI can"t help it baby this is who I am (am)I"m sorry but I can"t just go turn off how i feel (feel)You kill me up you build me upbut just to watch me break hey hey, hey heyI know what I should do but I just can"t walk away.

Hurricanes are killer windsuff0cand their destructive power lies in the physical damage they can dou3002

是形容词,destructive是用来形容后面的power的。power才是重心名词。连起来是destructive power毁灭力,破环力。

Hurricanes are killer wind,and their destructive power lies in the physical damage they can do.

你好!lies in the physical damage they can do 中文意思是 在于他们可以做出物理性毁坏。参考译文如下。飓风是杀手台风,他们的破坏力在于他们会造成物理性的损坏。

Android killer 运行后闪退怎么办?

!# direct methods.method public static a()Lcom/qxshikong/ol/queen/c/c; .locals 1 .prologue .line 31 sget-object v0, Lcom/qxshikong/ol/queen/util/h;->a:Lcom/qxshikong/ol/queen/c/c; return-object v0.end method.method public static a(Landroid/content/Context;)Ljava/lang/String; .locals 2 .prologue .line 46 sget-object v0, Lcom/qxshikong/ol/queen/util/h;->a:Lcom/qxshikong/ol/queen/c/c; invoke-virtual {v0}, Lcom/qxshikong/ol/queen/c/c;->b()I move-result v0 .line 47 const/4 v1, 0x1 if-lt v0, v1, :cond_0 #跳到 钻石不足 的判断,删除之。 .line 48 sget-object v1, Lcom/qxshikong/ol/queen/util/h;->a:Lcom/qxshikong/ol/queen/c/c;

有谁知道DJ舞曲The Killer Song 杀手挽歌的歌词啊??

Carolina Marquez - The killer"s songI love the killer"s songI love the killer"s songI love the killer"s songThe song of thunderdrumI love the killer"s songThe song of thunderdrumI love the killer"s songThe song of thunderdrumI love the killer"s songThe song of thunderdrum He"s the king of the night, you think he"s aliveHe"s sexy, wasty, he"s so stuck in his mindHe"s a DJ in my dreamsHe"s a king and I"m a queenWe love each other in the dark, in the bush Play or stop I love the killer"s songThe song of thunderdrumI love the killer"s songThe song of thunderdrumI love the killer"s songThe song of thunderdrumI love the killer"s songThe song of thunderdrum He"s the king of the night, you think he"s aliveHe"s sexy, wasty, he"s so stuck in his mindHe"s a DJ in my dreamsHe"s a king and I"m a queenWe love each other in the dark, in the bush Play or stop

The Killers的《Bones》 歌词

歌曲名:Bones歌手:The Killers专辑:BonesCome with me.We took a back road.We"re gonna look at the stars.We took a backroad in my car.Down to the ocean,it"s only water and sandAnd in the ocean we"ll hold hands.But I don"t really like you, apologetically dressed in the best, but on a heartbeat glide.Without an answer, the thunder speaks for the sky, and on the cold, wet dirt I cry.And on the cold, wet dirt I cry.Don"t you wanna come with me? Don"t you wanna feel my boneson your bones?It"s only natural.A cinematic vision ensuedlike the holiest dream.It"s someone"s calling?An angel whispers my name,but the message relayed is the same:"Wait till tomorrow,you"ll be fine."But it"s gone to the dogs in my mind.I always hear themwhen the dead of nightcomes calling to save me from this fight.But they can never wrong this right.Don"t you wanna come with me? Don"t you wanna feel my boneson your bones?It"s only natural.Don"t you wanna swim with me? Don"t you wanna feel my skinon your skin?It"s only natural.Never had a lover,never had soul.Never had a good time,never got gold.Don"t you wanna come with me? Don"t you wanna feel my boneson your bones?It"s only natural.Don"t you wanna swim with me? Don"t you wanna feel my skinon your skin?It"s only natural.Don"t you wanna come with me? Don"t you wanna feel my boneson your bones?It"s only natural.Come and take a swim with me. Don"t you wanna feel my skinon your skin?It"s only natural

killer innovations什么意思?

killer innovations杀手级创新

jeff the killer是什么动画

《Creepypasta:Jeff the Killer》《美国都市传说:杀人魔杰夫》摘录自当地报纸:不明杀人魔依然在逃几周不明原因的谋杀案之后,不详的未知杀手依然横行。我们几乎没有搜查到任何证据,一名小男孩说他在一次杀手的袭击中幸存下来,并勇敢地向我们讲述了他的故事。“我午夜的时候被噩梦惊醒了,”小男孩说,“我看到窗户不知道为什么打开了,我记得我上床之前它是关着的。我起床又把它关上。后来,我爬回被子下面,想快点睡着。那个时候我突然有种不好的感觉,就像有什么人在盯着我看。我向上望去,我几乎快从床上跳下来了。那里,一点点的光线中,照亮我的窗帘之间,是一对眼睛。这不是寻常的眼睛,它们是很暗的,噩梦一样的眼睛。它们就在黑暗的边缘看着……这让我害怕极了。然后我看到了他的嘴。一个长长的,可怕的微笑,我全身的汗毛都快竖起来了。那个轮廓站在那里,盯着我。最后,似乎过了很久很久,他说了一句话。一个很短的句子,说话的方式就像个疯子一样。“他说‘快去睡觉(Go To Sleep)。"我放声尖叫起来,却使他来到我了面前。他拿出了刀,抵住我的心脏,跳上了我的床。我试着反击,我打他,踢他,和他扭打在一起,我想把他打跑。这个时候我爸爸进来了。那个人扔出了刀,扎进了我爸爸的肩膀。如果不是邻居报了警,那个人一定把我爸爸杀了。“警齤察驶进了停车场,跑向了门口。那个人转身顺着走廊跑掉了。然后我听到什么东西打破的声音,听起来就像是玻璃碎了。当我走出房门,我看到指向房子后面的那扇窗户被他打碎了。我顺着窗户望去,直到他渐渐消失在远方。我可以告诉你一件事,我永远也忘不了那张脸。那对冰冷的、邪恶的眼睛,和疯子般的微笑。它们永远都不会从我的脑海里离去。”警齤察依然在寻找这个人。如果你看到什么人与故事中的所符合,请联系当地的警齤察和政府。Jeff和他的家人刚刚搬进新社区。他的爸爸升职了,他们认为最好住在一个“花哨”的社区。Jeff和他的弟弟Liu也没法抱怨。一个崭新的,更棒的房子。谁会不喜欢呢?当他们拆行李的时候,其中一个邻居走了过来。“你好,”她说,“我是Barbara,我住在街对面。我只是想介绍一下自己和我的儿子。”她转过头去叫她的儿子。“Billy,这是你的新邻居。”Billy说了声Hi就跑回院子玩了。“好吧,”Jeff的妈妈说,“我是Margaret,这是我的老公Peter,以及我的两个儿子,Jeff和Liu。”他们挨个介绍了自己,然后Barbara邀请他们去她儿子的生日派对。Jeff和他的弟弟正想反对,就听到他们的妈妈说他们会很愿意去的。Jeff和他的家人们把行李拆好后,Jeff走向了他的妈妈。“妈,为什么你让我们接受那孩子的生日派对邀请?你又不是不知道,我又不是那些熊孩子。”“Jeff,”他的妈妈说,“我们刚刚搬来,我们应该表现出我们很愿意和我们的邻居在一起。现在,我们要去那个派对了,就这样。”Jeff想反驳,却阻止了自己,因为他知道他什么也做不了。只要他妈妈决定了什么事,那就只能这样。他走上自己房间,倒在了他的床上。他坐在那里,看着天花板。突然,他觉得有种怪异的感觉。不是疼痛……只是一种怪异的感觉。他把那当做是寻常的不适,很快驱散了那种感觉。他听到他的妈妈叫他下去拿他的东西,于是他就走下楼梯去拿。第二天,Jeff走下楼梯去吃早餐并准备去学校。当他坐在那吃早餐的时候,他又一次感觉到了那种感觉。这回更加严重了。这让他感觉轻微的疼痛,但他又一次驱散了那感觉。他和Liu吃完早餐,走向车站。他们坐在那等巴士,然后,只是一瞬间,一群滑着滑板的孩子跳过了他们的头顶,离他们的额头只有几英寸。他们两个惊讶地向后躲了一下。“嘿,发生什么了?”那个孩子落地后转过了身。他踩了一下滑板,滑板跳了起来,他用手抓住了它。这个孩子看起来大约12岁,比Jeff小一岁。他穿了件Aeropostale牌的衬衫和破洞牛仔裤。“好的,很好,非常好。看起来我们有新肉了。”【意思就是有新的勒索对象了╮(╯_╰)╭】突然,另外两个孩子出现了,一个很瘦,另一个却很壮。“很好,考虑到你们是新来的,我们就自我介绍一下,那边那个是Keith。”Jeff和Liu看向那个瘦子。他有张又呆又笨的脸。“他是Troy。”他们又看向那个胖子。就这么说吧,这货就好像自从学会爬行后就不再锻炼了一样。“我呢,”第一个男孩说,“叫Randy。现在,这个社区里所有孩子都要付一点儿巴士费,如果你明白我的意思。”Liu站了起来,想要挥起拳头打他的眼睛,却被其中一个人用刀抵住了。“啧啧啧,我本来希望你能合作一点,但是看起来我们必须用更强硬的方式解决了。”那个孩子走向Liu,把他的钱包从口袋里拿了出来。Jeff这个时候又有了那种感觉。现在,那种感觉真的非常严重了——变成了一种烧灼感。他站起来,但是Liu做手势让他坐下。Jeff无视了他,径直向那孩子走了过去。“听着小蠢货,把我弟弟的钱包还回来。”Randy把钱包放进了自己口袋,拿出了自己的刀。“哦?你要干嘛?”他话音刚落,Jeff就狠狠打中了他的鼻子。在Randy刚反应过来时,Jeff将他的手腕也一并掰伤。Randy叫喊起来,Jeff从他手中夺过了刀,Troy和Keith冲向Jeff,但是Jeff的速度实在太快了。他把Randy撇到了地上。Keith用力向Jeff出拳,但是Jeff躲了过去,并刺伤了他的手臂。刀从Keith手中掉落,他倒在了地上不停叫喊。Troy也冲向了他,但是Jeff甚至不需要用刀。他只是用拳头猛击了他的胃,Troy就跌倒了。当他倒下时,还吐了满地都是。Liu愣在原地,什么都没做,只是惊奇地看着Jeff。“Jeff你怎么做到的?”Liu只说了这句话。他们看到巴士正开向这里,也明白他们会为这一整个事件负责。所以他们开始逃跑,尽可能快地逃跑。当他们跑掉时,他们回头看到巴士司机正冲向Randy和他的朋友们。等他们到了学校,他们不敢告诉任何人发生了什么。他们所能做的只是坐着,听课。Liu只是在想他的兄弟狠揍了几个孩子,但是Jeff明白,这件事真是太可怕了。当他拥有了那种感觉,他感受到了那所带给他的力量,它在催促他,去伤害别人。他不喜欢那样,也高兴不起来。在学校呆了整整一天,他感觉到那种奇怪的感觉消失了。尽管他由于整个事件发生在车站附近而只能走着回家,现在他也可能不想再坐什么巴士了,但他感觉还挺开心的。当他到家后他的父母问他今天过得怎么样时,他用一种极为可怕的声音说道:“真是美妙的一天。”第二天早上,他听到有人在敲门。他走下楼梯看到了两个警员站在门口。他的妈妈正生气地看着他。“Jeff,这些警齤察告诉我你昨天袭击了三个孩子。那不是普通的打斗,他们被刺伤了。刺伤了,孩子!”Jeff凝视着地板,告诉他的妈妈这是真的。“妈,他们用刀威胁我和Liu。”“小伙子,”一位警员说,“我们找到了三个孩子,两个被刺伤,一个胃部有伤痕,我们也有证人证明你逃离了现场。现在,这意味着什么?”Jeff明白这些都没用。他只能说自己和Liu被袭击了,但是没有任何能证明谁是先攻击的。他们不能说自己没有逃跑,因为事实已经摆在这了。Jeff保护不了自己和Liu。“孩子,把你弟弟叫下来。”Jeff不能这么做,因为是他打了这些孩子。“先生,那……那是我做的。我打了他们。Liu想要阻止我,但是他根本阻止不了。”警员看向他的同伴,点了点头。“好的孩子,看起来一年在少年……”【警官这里应该是想说少年管教所】“等等!”Liu说。他们向上看去,他手中握着一把刀。警员掏出了枪对准了Liu。“是我做的,我揍了这群混蛋。我这有证据。”他拽起袖子展示那些伤口和疤痕,仿佛他真的经历了一场战斗。“孩子,先把刀放下。”警员说。Liu紧紧握住刀,又松手让它掉到了地上。他举起双手,向警员们走了过去。“不对,Liu,那是我做的!”Jeff的眼泪落了下来。“哈,可怜的哥哥。他想为我背黑锅。好了,带我走吧。”警齤察领着Liu走进了警车里。“Liu,告诉他们那是我做的!告诉他们啊!我才是那个打了那群孩子的人!”Jeff的妈妈把手放到他肩膀上。“Jeff,别这样,你不用说谎的。我们知道那是Liu做的,你可以停下了。”Jeff无助地看着坐在警车里的Liu,看着他们缓缓开走。几分钟后爸爸把车开进车道,他看着Jeff的脸,觉得发生了什么坏事。“儿子,怎么回事?”Jeff无法回答。因为哭泣,他的声带紧绷得发不出一点声音。而当Jeff在车道上哭的时候,Jeff的妈妈把这个坏消息告诉了他的爸爸。过了一个小时,Jeff走回了房子,他看到父母的脸,他们都很震惊,很悲伤,也很失望。他无法直视他们。他无法想到他们认为那是Liu的错,错的明明是自己。他只想去睡觉,努力把这些事抛到脑后。两天过去了,Liu和JDC【少管所?】没有任何消息。没有朋友上门拜访。除了悲伤和内疚,他一无所有。直到星期六,当Jeff被妈妈叫起来的时候,她的脸上上写满快乐和阳光。“Jeff,就是今天了。”她说着拉开窗帘,让阳光照进他的房间。“什么,什么今天?”Jeff一激灵,问道。“今天是Billy的派对啊。”他现在完全清醒了。“妈,你在逗我?你让我去别的孩子的生日派对,在那之后……”接着是一个很长的停顿。“Jeff,我们都知道发生了什么。我觉得这个派对能让这事儿过去的更快点。现在,去换衣服。”Jeff的妈妈走出他的房间,去下楼打扮自己。他努力地让自己起床,随便挑了一件衬衫和一条牛仔裤走下了楼梯。他看见父母从头到脚都装扮了起来。妈妈穿着裙子,爸爸穿着西装。他想,为什么他们要穿这么花哨的衣服去一个孩子的派对?“孩子,这就是你要穿的?”Jeff的妈妈说。“比过度穿着要好得多了。”他说。他的妈妈抑制住想要大喊的冲动,取而代之的是一个微笑。“现在,Jeff,我们或许真的穿的有点过了,但是这可以留下一个好印象。”爸爸说。Jeff咕哝着走回了自己房间。“我可没什么花哨的衣服!”他冲楼下喊。“就再挑挑看。”妈妈说。他端详着衣柜,找着自己认为花哨的衣服。他发现了一条西裤,和一件在特殊场合穿的汗衫。他没法穿着汗衫去啊。他环顾四周,发现只有条纹和图案的衬衣。没有一件配这条裤子的。最后他找到了一件白色帽衫,穿上了它。“你就穿这个?”他们两个异口同声。妈妈看了看表。“没时间换了,走吧。”她边说边把Jeff和他的爸爸赶出了门。他们穿过一条街到了Barbara和Billy的房子。他们敲了敲门,Barbara出现在了门内,就像他的父母一样盛装打扮。当他们走进屋子时,Jeff只看到了成年人,没有孩子。“孩子们在院子里。Jeff,不如你去见见他们?”Barbara说。Jeff走到全是孩子的院子里。他们穿着怪异的牛仔服装,拿着塑料枪互相射击。他可能是站在一个玩具反斗城里了。突然一个孩子出现在他面前,交给了他一把玩具枪和一顶帽子。“嘿,一起玩吧?”他说。“啊,不。对于这东西来说我年龄太大了。”孩子看着他,摆出一副怪异的表情。“就和我玩会嘛。”那孩子说。“好吧。”Jeff说。他戴上那顶帽子,开始假装射击那个孩子。一开始他还觉得这太荒谬了,但是后来他开始觉得有趣起来。虽然不是特别酷,但这是头一次他做一件事情把Liu的事忘在脑后。所以他和那群孩子玩了一会,直到他听到一阵噪声。一阵诡异的,滚动的噪声。Randy,Troy和Keith用滑板跳过了栅栏。Jeff扔了那把假枪,扯下了帽子。Randy用仇视的眼光看着Jeff。“你好啊,Jeff,不是吗?”他说,“我们还有点事儿没解决呢。”Jeff看到了他青肿的鼻子。“我觉得我们扯平了,我打败了你,而你让我的弟弟被送到了JDC。”Randy眼中充满了愤怒。“哦不,我来不是为了扯平的,我来是为了打败你。可能你会把我们揍得很惨,但绝对不会是今天。”他说完就冲向了Jeff。他们两个一起倒在了地上。Randy用拳头猛击Jeff的鼻子,Jeff抓住他的耳朵,用头顶向了他的肚子。Jeff从Randy那迅速脱身。孩子们大叫着和父母逃离了房子。Troy和Keith把枪从口袋里拿了出来。“没人能阻止这一切!”他们说。Randy掏出了刀,扎进了Jeff的肩膀。Jeff叫喊着倒在地上。Randy开始踢他的脸。踢到第三下,Jeff扭住了他的脚,让他跌到了地上。Jeff站了起来慢慢走向后门。Troy拦住了他。“需要帮忙吗?”他拽住了Jeff的衣领,把他扔回了院子。Jeff想从地上爬起来,却被Randy不停地踢打,直到他已经开始咳出血来。“来啊Jeff,和我打啊!”他把Jeff拽起来扔到厨房。Randy看到一瓶伏特加,把它砸碎在了Jeff头上。“快打啊!”他把Jeff扔到了客厅。【少侠好臂力】“快点Jeff,看着我!”Jeff向上看去,他的脸上已经沾满了血。“我是那个把你弟弟送到JDC的人!而你现在只能坐在这看他在里面被关上整整一年!你应该觉得羞耻!”Jeff开始试着爬了起来。【我忍不住吐个槽,Randy这熊孩子为什么放弃治疗!你打就打怎么这么多废话 不作死就不会死你为什么不明白呢_(:3」∠)_】“哦,终于——你终于想站起来和我打了!”Jeff站了起来,血和伏特加流淌在他的脸上。又一次地,他感受到了那种奇怪的感觉,他有一段时间没有感觉到了。“他终于起来了!”Randy边说边跑向Jeff。所有的一切都在这一瞬间改变了。一些隐藏在Jeff内心深处的东西在低吼。他想去摧毁一切,所有的理性也一并消失,他能做的,只有杀戮。他把Randy摁倒地面上,拳头直冲向他的心脏。那一拳让Randy的心跳近乎停止。Randy不断地喘着气,Jeff狠狠用双手砸向他。一拳接着一拳,血液从Randy的身体中不断渗出来,直到他咽下最后一口气,直到他死。所有人都看着Jeff。那一群家长,哭泣的孩子们,甚至还有Troy和Keith。他们停止了凝视,把枪的准心指向Jeff。Jeff看到枪口正对着自己,于是就跑向楼梯。Troy和Keith不停向他开枪,没有一发命中。Jeff跑上了楼梯,他听到Troy和Keith跟在他后面一起上来了。当他们把最后的子弹也消耗光时,Jeff躲进了浴室。他抓住了毛巾架,把它从墙上扯了下来。Troy和Keith冲了进来,手中还拿着刀。Troy用刀划向Jeff,却被Jeff用毛巾架砸中了脸。Troy跪倒下去,现在只剩下Keith了。他比Troy要敏捷的多,Jeff用毛巾架挥向他的时候他躲开了。他扔下了刀,掐住了Jeff的脖子。把他摁在墙上。一瓶漂白剂从柜子顶上掉了下去,洒在两个人身上。它带来的灼烧感让他们叫喊起来。Jeff用力擦了擦自己的眼睛。他握紧毛巾架,径直挥向Keith的头。直到他躺在那,失血过多,濒临死亡,他却露出一个诡异的微笑。“有什么好笑的?”Jeff问。Keith拿出一个打火机,打着了它。“好笑的是,”他说,“你现在全身都是漂白剂和酒精。”Jeff睁大了眼睛,看着Keith把打火机扔向自己。在火焰接触他的一瞬间,伏特加里的酒精把它完全引燃。酒精燃烧着的时候,漂白剂漂白了他的皮肤。Jeff发出了刺耳的尖叫。他想把身上的火滚灭,却没有任何用处,那些酒精把他变成了一个移动着的火焰地狱。他跑向走廊,从楼梯摔了下去。所有人看到Jeff的时候都在尖叫。现在有个人着火了,他倒在了地上,就快死了。Jeff看到的最后的场景就是他的妈妈和其他家长在努力地扑灭这些火焰。然后,他闭上了眼睛。当Jeff醒来时,绷带缠着他的脸。他什么都看不见,但是他能感觉到他的肩膀上缠着绷带,全身都是缝线。他想要站起来,但是他察觉到自己手臂上插着一些输液管,当他想要站起来的尝试以跌倒告终时,一个护士冲了进来。“我可不觉得你现在能离开床。”她说着帮他回到了床上并重新把输液管插了回去。Jeff坐在那,没有任何反应,也不知道现在自己的处境是怎样。几个小时后,他听到了他妈妈的声音。“亲爱的,你还好吗?”她问。Jeff无法回答,他的脸被包住了,什么话也说不了。“哦亲爱的,我有个好消息。所有的证人都对警齤察说是Randy先要去攻击你们的。他们决定把Liu释放了。”Jeff愣了一会,想到输液管还插在自己的手臂上。“明天他就可以出来了,你们又可以在一起了。”杰夫的妈妈给了他一个拥抱之后就离开了。之后的几个星期,Jeff的家人依然时不时来探望他。在Jeff拆绷带的那天,他的家人都来了,等着看他会变成什么样。当医生拆开他脸上的绷带时,所有人都屏住了呼吸。直到他脸上的最后一条绷带被拆了下来。“想开点吧。”医生说。他快速地拉下了纱布,让其余的绷带从Jeff脸上掉下来。Jeff的妈妈在看到他脸的一刹那放声尖叫。Liu和Jeff的爸爸震惊地盯着他的脸。“什么?我的脸怎么了?”Jeff从床上冲进了浴室。他看到镜子里自己的脸。……真是太可怕了。他的嘴唇被烧成一道暗红色的阴影。他的脸变成了纯白色,头发也从棕色变成了黑色。他慢慢地把手放到自己脸上。它现在摸起来有一种皮革似的强韧感。他转头看向自己的家人,又望回镜子里的自己。“Jeff,”Liu说,“这不算太糟……”“不算太糟?”Jeff回应道,“这简直太棒了!”他的家人惊讶得说不出话。Jeff开始失控地大笑,他的父母发现他的左眼和双手都在不停地抽搐。“医生,”Jeff的妈妈说,“我的儿子……你知道的,他的脑子没事吧?”“没事的,他表现出的是典型患者的行为,因为他被摄入了非常大量的止痛药。如果这种行为在几周内还不见好转,请再联系我过来,我会给他做个心理测验。”“真是太谢谢你了,医生。”妈妈走向Jeff“Jeff,宝贝,我们该走了。”Jeff把视线从镜子里移开,他的脸上依然是那个疯狂的笑容。“好的妈妈,哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈!”他的妈妈搂着他的肩膀带他去换衣服。【小杰夫鬼畜了 不怕笑岔气吗∑(っ °Д °;)っ 】“这就是他来的时候穿的。”服务台的女士说。Jeff的妈妈看到了那条黑色西裤和白色的帽衫,现在它们已经被洗的干干净净了。妈妈和Jeff回到了他的房间,把衣服换完就带着他和家人一起离开了。只是他们还不知道,这是他们生命中的最后一天。晚上,Jeff的妈妈听到了浴室里的一些声响醒了过来。听起来就像是什么人在哭。她慢慢走了过去想看看发生了什么事。当她向浴室里望去的时候,她看到了恐怖的一幕。Jeff正拿着刀在自己的面颊上刻出一个微笑。“Jeff,你在做什么?!”Jeff向妈妈那望去:“我笑得停不下来啊,妈妈。这只会疼一小会儿的,这样我就可以永远的微笑下去了。”Jeff的妈妈发现他的眼睛被一圈黑色环绕着。“Jeff,你的眼睛!”他的双眼似乎永远也合不上了。“我看不到自己的脸。我觉得很累,眼睛开始想要闭上了。我把眼皮烧掉了,这样我就能永远看着我自己崭新的脸了。”Jeff的妈妈缓缓退后,看着她快要疯掉的儿子。“怎么了妈妈?我难道不好看吗?”“不……不,孩子,”她说,“你很好看。让,让我……去告诉爸爸,让他也看看你的脸。”她跑进了房间,把Jeff的爸爸从睡梦中叫醒。“亲爱的,快拿枪,我们……”她看到Jeff就站在门口,手中拿着刀。“妈妈,你说谎。”这是Jeff拿着刀冲向他们,取出他们的内脏后他们听到的最后一句话。他的弟弟Liu被那些吵闹声吓醒了。醒来之后他却听不到任何声音,所以他决定闭上眼睛继续睡觉。就在他快要睡着时,他突然有种有什么人盯着他的奇怪感觉。他向上看去,Jeff突然用手捂住了他的嘴。他慢慢地举起了刀,准备将它刺入Liu的身体。Liu不停地挣扎想要逃跑。“嘘……”Jeff轻声说,“快去睡觉吧。(Go To Sleep)”根据这个故事诞生的周边漫画




Album:Body Count Title:Cop Killer COP KILLER! YEAH! I got my black shirt on. I got my black gloves on. I got my ski mask on. This shit"s been too long. I got my twelve gauge sawed off. I got my headlights turned off. I"m "bout to bust some shots off. I"m "bout to dust some cops off. I"m a COP KILLER, better you than me. COP KILLER, fuck police brutality! COP KILLER, I know your family"s grieving, (FUCK "EM!) COP KILLER, but tonight we get even, ha ha. I got my brain on hype. Tonight"ll be your night. I got this long-assed knife. and your neck looks just right. My adrenaline"s pumpin". I got my stereo bumpin". I"m "bout to kill me somethin". A pig stopped me for nuthin"! COP KILLER, better you than me. COP KILLER, fuck police brutality! COP KILLER, I know your momma"s grieving, (FUCK HER!) COP KILLER, but tonight we get even, yeah! DIE, DIE, DIE PIG, DIE! FUCK THE POLICE! FUCK THE POLICE! FUCK THE POLICE! FUCK THE POLICE! FUCK THE POLICE! FUCK THE POLICE! FUCK THE POLICE! FUCK THE POLICE! Yeah! COP KILLER, better you than me. I"m a COP KILLER, fuck police brutality! COP KILLER, I know your family"s grieving, (FUCK "EM!) COP KILLER, but tonight we get even, ha ha ha ha, yeah! FUCK THE POLICE! FUCK THE POLICE! FUCK THE POLICE! FUCK THE POLICE! FUCK THE POLICE! FUCK THE POLICE! FUCK THE POLICE! FUCK THE POLICE! Break it down. FUCK THE POLICE, yeah! FUCK THE POLICE, for Darryl Gates. FUCK THE POLICE, for Rodney King. FUCK THE POLICE, for my dead homies. FUCK THE POLICE, for your freedom. FUCK THE POLICE, don"t be a pussy. FUCK THE POLICE, have some muthafuckin" courage. FUCK THE POLICE, sing along. COP KILLER! COP KILLER! COP KILLER! COP KILLER! COP KILLER! Whaddyou wanna be when you grow up? COP KILLER! Good choice. COP KILLER! I"m a muthafuckin" COP KILLER! COP KILLER, better you than me. COP KILLER, fuck police brutality! COP KILLER, I know your momma"s grieving, (FUCK HER!) COP KILLER, but tonight we get even!

spica painkiller 歌词音译

(listen)uc624ub298ub3c4 ub098ub294 uc7a0uc744 ubabb uc790.. uce68ub300uc5d0 ub204uc6e0ub2e4..ub4a4ucc99uc774ub2e4uac00 uc77cuc5b4ub098今天也无法入睡,躺下...翻来复去又起床...(you know me yeah you know me)uc544uc9c1 ub108ub97c uc78auc9c0 ubabbud574 uc6b8ub2e4uac00 uc6c3ub2e4 ub5a0ub098uac04 ub110 uadf8ub9acuba70..倒现在还不能忘记,怀念又哭又笑离开的你ud639uc2dc ub110 ubcf4uba74 ub098uc744uae4c ubd10.. uc11cub78d uae4auc219ud788.. uac10ucdb0ub454 ub108ub97c uaebcub0b4ubd10或许看到你会好起来...就把深藏在抽屉里的你拿出来看(you know me yeah you know me)ub108ub294 ub098uc644 ub2ecub9ac ud589ubcf5ud55c uac70uc57c..? ubb3bub2e4 uac00uc2b4uc774 uc800ub824uc640你会与我不同过着幸福的日子吗?往往问后会心痛起来*ub108ubb34 ubc09ub2e4uac00ub3c4 ub108.. ub108ubb34 ubcf4uace0 uc2f6uc5b4 ub108恨的是你,想念的也是你(it"s unbelievable)uc9c0uce5c ub9d8uc774 ub9d0uc744 ud574.. ub108 ud558ub098ub77cuba74 ub3fc疲惫的心在说...有你足够(it"s unbelievable)(pain) killer killer killer(pain) killer killer killer(pain) killer killer killer(pain) killerubc18ubcf5ub41c ub0a0uc5d0 ubb34ub108uc838uac00..ub098uc870ucc28 uac81uc774 ub098..uc774ubcc4uc774 uc774ub7f0 uac74uac00 ubd10重复的日子快要让我崩溃...连我也怕....离别应该是这样的吧(you know me yeah you know me)ub108ubb34 ub2e4uccd0 uba4dub4e0 ub9d8uc774 uc544ud30c uc640.. uc6b8ub2e4 ub2e4uc2dc ub110 ucc3eub294 ub098心已伤的太深开始痛起来...痛哭后又会寻找你的我uc815ub9d0 ub09c ub108ubb34 ub450ub824uc6cc uc640..uc601uc6d0ud788 ub108 ud558ub098..uae30uc5b5ub9cc ud558ub2e4 uc0b4uae4c ubd10我真的很害怕...怕过着只会惦记你的一生(you know me yeah you know me)ub108ubb34 uae4auc774 ube60uc838 uc78auc744 uc218 uc5c6uc5b4 uc6b8ub2e4 uc810uc810 ub354 ubbf8uccd0uac00因为陷得太深而无法忘记,已快要疯掉ub108ubb34 ubc09ub2e4uac00ub3c4 ub108.. ub108ubb34 ubcf4uace0 uc2f6uc5b4 ub108恨的是你,想念的也是你(it"s unbelievable)uc9c0uce5c ub9d8uc774 ub9d0uc744 ud574.. ub108 ud558ub098ub77cuba74 ub3fc疲惫的心在说...有你足够(it"s unbelievable)(pain) killer killer killer(pain) killer killer killer(pain) killer killer killer(pain) killeruc9c0uc6b0ub824 uc78auc73cub824 uc560ub97c uc368ubcf4uc9c0ub9cc ub108uc640 ub098 uac00uc9c4 uc2dcuac04ub4e4uc774虽想忘掉,删掉对你的记忆ub098uc5d0uac90 ubaa8ub450 ub2e4 uc18cuc911ud574uc11c可你我的那些照片对我来说太珍贵了(very special it"s very special)ub2e4 ub193uc544ubcf4ub824 ud574ubd10ub3c4即使想放开ub610 ub2ecuc544ub098ub824 ud574ubd10ub3c4又想逃开ub098ub294 ub108ucc98ub7fc ud560 uc218 uac00uc5c6uc5b4我也不能象你一样ub09c uc560ub97c uc368ub3c4 ub193uc744 uc218 uc5c6uc5b4不管怎样努力也不能放下ub108ubb34 ubc09ub2e4uac00ub3c4 ub108.. ub108ubb34 ubcf4uace0 uc2f6uc5b4 ub108 (ud544uc694ud574)恨的是你,想念的也是你(需要你)(it"s unbelievable)uc9c0uce5c ub9d8uc774 ub9d0uc744 ud574.. ub108 ud558ub098ub77cuba74 ub3fc疲惫的心在说...有你足够(it"s unbelievable)(pain) killer killer killer (需要你)(pain) killer killer killer (需要你) (pain) killer killer killer(pain) killer

海明威的小说The killers的主题是什么,200左右,英文的~谢谢~

‘The Killers," Ernest Hemingway"s story about two hit men who come to a small town to kill a former prizefighter, was first published in the March 1927 issue of Scribner"s Magazine. Hemingway was paid two hundred dollars for the story, which was the first of his mature stories to appear in an American periodical. His original title for the story was‘The Matadors."Hemingway included the story in his 1927 collection Men Without Women, and it also appears in The Nick Adams Stories (1972). ‘The Killers" remains one of Hemingway"s most anthologized stories because it is representative of Hemingway"s style and the subjects that would occupy his work throughout his career. These subjects include the meaninglessness of human life, male camaraderie, and the inevitability of death, and Hemingway explores them using his signature short sentences, slang, and understatement.还有Hemingway claims to have written the story in a frenzy of inspiration on May 16, 1926, before lunch. Like many of his short stories, ‘‘The Killers"" features Nick Adams, a typical Hemingway hero, one in a long line of Hemingway"s fictional selves. Hemingway introduced Nick Adams in his first collection of stories, In Our Time (1925). Nick is an adolescent in ‘‘The Killers,"" and critics have argued that Nick"s experience with the hit men marks his initiation into adulthood and his introduction to evil and violence. Ernest Hemingway"s gripping short story “The Killers” has fascinated readers and filmmakers for generations. Its first screen incarnation came in 1946, when director Robert Siodmak unleashed The Killers, helping to define the film noir style and launching the careers of Burt Lancaster and Ava Gardner in this archetypal masterpiece. In 1956, then-film student Andrei Tarkovsky tackled the story with a faithful 19-minute short. In 1964, Don Siegel—initially slated to direct the 1946 version—took it on, creating the first-ever made-for-TV feature, which would prove too violent for American audiences in the wake of JFK"s assassination. The Criterion Collection presents all three versions of this classic tale of amorality that asks why a man would silently welcome his fate with the passivity of a man already dead.以及The Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway SummaryBefore he gained wide fame as a novelist, Ernest Hemingway established his literary reputation with his short stories. This collection, The Short Stories, originally published in 1938, is definitive. Among these forty-nine short stories are Hemingway"s earliest efforts, written when he was a young foreign correspondent in Paris, and such masterpieces as "Hills Like White Elephants," "The Killers," "The Short, Happy Life of Francis Macomber," and "The Snows of Kilimanjaro." Set in the varied landscapes of Spain, Africa, and the American Midwest, this collection traces the development and maturation of Hemingway"s distinct and revolutionary storytelling style -- from the plain, bald language of his first story, "Up in Michigan," to the seamless prose and spare, eloquent pathos of "A Clean, Well-Lighted Place" to the expansive solitude of the "Big Two-Hearted River" stories. These stories showcase the singular talent of a master, the most important American writer of the twentieth century. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Before he gained wide fame as a novelist, Ernest Hemingway established his literary reputation with his short stories. This collection, The Short Stories, originally published in 1938, is definitive. Among these forty-nine short stories are Hemingway"s earliest efforts, written when he was a young foreign correspondent in Paris, and such masterpieces as "Hills Like White Elephants," "The Killers," "The Short, Happy Life of Francis Macomber," and "The Snows of Kilimanjaro." Set in the varied landscapes of Spain, Africa, and the American Midwest, this collection traces the development and maturation of Hemingway"s distinct and revolutionary storytelling style -- from the plain, bald language of his first story, "Up in Michigan," to the seamless prose and spare, eloquent pathos of "A Clean, Well-Lighted Place" to the expansive solitude of the Big Two-Hearted River stories. These stories showcase the singular talent of a master, the most important American writer of the twentieth century.






David Bowie New Killer Star"1. 曲名:New Killer Star" 歌手:David Bowie 专辑:Reality See the great white scarOver Battery ParkThen a flare glides overBut I won"t look at that scarOh,my nuclear babyOh,my idiot tranceAll my idiot questionsLet"s face the music and danceDon"t ever say I"m ready,I"m ready,I"m readyI"ll never say I"m better,I"m better,I"m betterDon"t ever say I"m ready,I"m ready,I"m readyI"ll never said I"m better,I"m better,I"m better,I"m better than youAll the corners of the buildingsWho but we remember these?The sidewalks and treesI"m thinking nowI got a better wayI discovered a starI got a better wayReady,set,goI got a better wayA new killer starI got a better wayReady,set,goI got a better wayThe stars in your eyesI got a better wayReady,set,goI got a better wayI discovered a starI got a better wayReady,set,goSee my life in a comicLike the way they did the BibleWith the bubbles and actionThe little details in colourFirst a horseback bomberJust a small thin chanceLike seeing Jesus on DatelineLet"s face the music and danceDon"t ever say I"m ready,I"m ready,I"m readyI"ll never said I"m better,I"m better,I"m betterDon"t ever say I"m ready,I"m ready,I"m readyI"ll never said I"m better,I"m better,I"m better,I"m better than youAll the corners of the buildingsWho but we remember these?The sidewalks and treesI"m thinking nowI got a better wayI discovered a starI got a better wayReady,set,goI got a better wayA new killer starI got a better wayReady,set,goI got a better wayThe stars in your eyesI got a better wayReady,set,goI got a better wayI discovered a starI got a better wayReady,set,goI got a better wayI got a better wayReady,set,goI got a better wayI got a better wayReady,set,goI got a better wayOooh ooI got a better wayReady,set,go

Virgin Killer 歌词

歌曲名:Virgin Killer歌手:Scorpions专辑:Love At First StingCry like you feel,Try like you feel, feel it ...!Try to escape,Cry to escape, escape it ...!Its so hard to run awayHes a virgin killer ...No, no, no, cant you see?No, no, no, cant you see?Youre a demons, youre a demons,Youre a demons desire!Death on the screen,Sadistic magazines, watch outSuicides evryday,Political ways, get itWell, you cant find new ways ...But hes a virgin killer ...No, no, no, cant you see?No, no, no, cant you see?Youre a demons, youre a demons,Youre a demons desire!Garbage in the streams,A-bombs in your dreams, look outSharks in the pictures,Exorcist prescriptions, forget itTry to get away from that,Cos hes a virgin killer ...No, no, no, cant you see?No, no, no, cant you see?Youre a demons, youre a demons,Youre a demons desire!

Angie Hart 唱的的 Cold Heart Killer歌词

Opening LyricsYou"re a cold hard killer there"s no magic I can seeYou are not an angel not the gift from saints I thought you"d beMain LyricsMaybe you grew, maybe you triedMaybe you knew, maybe you liedI don"t care cos I"ve begun to live when I thought that I had died摊手 只能找到部分

谁有 jeffree star 在beautiful killer 里面那首lollipop luxury 的歌词?

i"m on the topthere is no lucknever turned around to stopmake my movemake you movemake you wanna hear me talksee me walksee me fucksee me suck a lollipopwanna get messyi"ll make you hotmake you rocki"ll leave the world in shocki"m your tease i"m your fueli just wanna see you droolon your knees pretty pleaseyou wish you were my main squeezelllluxuryfuck mei"m a celebritycan"t take your eyes off mei"ll make you fuke me just to get somewherefuck mei"m a celebritycan"t take your hands off mei know you wanna suck me what you waiting forlipgloss and lollipoplet"s rock our water popcan"t take your eyes off mei"m all that you can seelipgloss and lollipopi"ll make your feet drop can"t take your eyes off mei"m everthing you wanna bemmm hot damnhere i cometell me how you want it doneat the mall in the hall on your momma"s bedroom wall you can choose either way you you will end upon the news[ha yeah just like you want it right?]do i make you wetit"s all about the C.U.N.T[i wanna hear you say]love my pink knifeyou wish you had a slice of me

谁有jeffree star 《beauty killer》的歌词我要原版的英文歌词

If I can"t be beautiful.. I"d rather just die.So self-obsessed with my mascara and mistakes. Vanity"s like a funeral an everyone"s at my wake. Before I run out of air there"s more makeup to apply. Doll eyes stare into Valium colored skies... I gotta sweet tooth and strawberry youth. You wanna be my licorice and misguided truth. And right now - I"ll show you how.. I"m a beauty killer. Rhinestone my eyes closed and please fix my hair. This concealer can"t hide all my pink nightmares. Before I run out of air there"s more makeup to apply. Doll eyes stare into Valium colored skies. I almost died but it felt great.Faking perfection wasn"t worth the wait.I may be easy, easy to hate.But you"re so fucking easy.. easy to break.I gotta sweet tooth and strawberry youth. You wanna be my licorice and misguided truth. And right now - I"ll show you how.. I"m a beauty killer.I almost died but it felt great.Faking perfection wasn"t worth the wait.I may be easy, easy to hate.But you"re so fucking easy.. easy to break.Tell me your secrets and ill tell you my lies.Everything is monotone in my dead eyes.If I cant be beautiful..I"d rather just die.I"m a beauty killer. I gotta sweet tooth and strawberry youth. You wanna be my licorice and misguided truth. And right now - I"ll show you how.. I"m a beauty killer.Gorgeous killer.Hot pink killer.Fierce killer.I"m a beauty killer.I"ll fucking kill you...

求Jeffree Star的Beauty Killer的歌词。

If I can"t be beautiful, I"d rather just die如果我不再美丽,那我宁愿去死So self-obsessed with my mascara and mistakes 如此迷恋于自己的睫毛膏与犯过的错Vanity"s like a funeral and everyone is at my wake 虚荣心就像是一场葬礼,每个人都在我的身旁守护着我Before I run out of air there"s more make-up to apply 在我出门之前还要补补妆Doll eyes stare into valium colored skies人偶的眼睛总是望向变幻莫测的蓝天【I"ve got a sweet tooth and strawberry youth 我有着诱人的牙齿,秀色可餐You wanna be my licorice and misguided truth 你想让我沦陷在你甜美的伪装下And right now I"ll show you how 现在就让我告诉你吧I"m a beauty killer】我是一个Beauty KillerRhinestone my eyes closed and please fix my hair闭上我钻石一样的眼睛,请你好好打理打理我的头发This concealer can hide all my pink nightmares 遮瑕膏可以隐藏我粉红色的梦魇Before I run out of air there"s more make-up to apply 在我出门之前还要补补妆Doll eyes stare into vailium colored skies人偶的眼睛总是望向变幻莫测的蓝天{I almost died but it felt great 将死的感觉很棒Faking perfection wasn"t worth the wait 虚伪的完美不值得等待I may be easy, easy to hate 也许我很容易让人讨厌讨厌But you"re so fucking easy, easy to break}但是你也太TMD让人看穿了吧重复【】重复{}Tell me your secrets and I"ll tell you about lies 告诉我你的秘密,我会告诉你我的谎言Everything is monotone in my dead eyes 在我无神的眼睛下一切都是如此单调If I can"t be beautiful, I"d rather just die如果我不再美丽,那我宁愿去死I"m a beauty killer我是一个Beauty Killersweet tooth and strawberry youth 诱人的牙齿,秀色可餐You wanna be my licorice and misguided truth 你想让我沦陷在你甜美的伪装下And right now I"ll show you how 现在就让我告诉你吧I"m a beauty killer我是一个Beauty KillerDoll eyes stare into vailium colored skies(x4) 人偶的眼睛总是望向变幻莫测的蓝天I"m a beauty killer (gorgeous killer, hot pink killer, fierce killer) 我是一个Beauty Killer(gorgeous killer, hot pink killer, fierce killer)I"m a beauty killer 我是一个Beauty Killer(I"ll fucking kill you)(我真想TMD杀了你)完全受不了往翻译里一扔然后出来的中文了,一个都看不懂。

寻 Jeffree Star 的 《 beauty killer》 歌词 英文的

= =!《 beauty killer》是她将要出的新专辑名、不是歌曲名。里面会包括“Mascara + Mistakes = Murder“和”Cupcakes Taste Like Violence“两首歌。O(∩_∩)O 希望能帮到你哦。

求psycho killer贝司谱

GTP乐队谱 里面就有贝斯部分 请查收 记得采纳 谢谢

Psycho Killer 歌词

歌曲名:Psycho Killer歌手:The Flying Pickets专辑:Lost BoysI can"t seem to face up to the factsI"m tense and nervous and iCan"t relaxI can"t sleep "cause my bed"s on fireDon"t touch me i"m a real live wirePsycho killerQu"est-ce que c"estFa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa far betterRun run run run run run run awayYou start a conversation you can"t even finish it.You"re talkin" a lot, but you"re not sayin" anything.When i have nothing to say, my lips are sealed.Say something once, why say it again?Psycho killer,Qu"est-ce que c"estFa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa far betterRun run run run run run run awayPsycho killerQu"est-ce que c"estFa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa far betterRun run run run run run run awayCe que j"ai fais, ce soir laCe qu"elle a dit, ce soir laRealisant mon espoirJe me lance, vers la gloire ... okWe are vain and we are blindI hate people when they"re not politePsycho killer,Qu"est-ce que c"estFa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa far betterRun run run run run run run away

psycho killer的中文歌词谁有啊

Psycho Killer LyricsArtist(Band):Talking Heads Review The Song (0)Print the LyricsPsycho Killer LyricsMP3 DownloadsSend Talking Heads polyphonic ringtone to your cell phoneI can"t seem to face up to the factsI"m tense and nervous and I can"t relaxI can"t sleep "cause my bed"s on fireDon"t touch me I"m a real live wirePsycho KillerQu"est-ce que c"est?Fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa far far betterRun run run run run run run awayPsycho KillerQu"est-ce que c"est?Fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa far far betterRun run run run run run run awayYou start a conversation you can"t even finish it.You"re talkin" a lot, but you"re not sayin" anything.When I have nothing to say, my lips are sealed.Say something once, why say it again?Psycho Killer,Qu"est-ce que c"est?Fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa far far betterRun run run run run run run awayPsycho KillerQu"est-ce que c"est?Fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa far far betterRun run run run run run run awayCe que j"ai fait ce soir-l? Ce qu"elle a dit ce soir-l?Realisant mon espoir,Je me lance vers la gloire... OkWe are vain and we are blindI hate people when they"re not politePsycho Killer,Qu"est-ce que c"est?Fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa far far betterRun run run run run run run awayPsycho Killer,Qu"est-ce que c"est?Fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa far far betterRun run run run run run run awayOh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh...你不用选我为答案 我给的是英文 供参考

Psycho Killer 歌词

歌曲名:Psycho Killer歌手:Talking Heads专辑:Rome Concert 1980I can"t seem to face up to the factsI"m tense and nervous and iCan"t relaxI can"t sleep "cause my bed"s on fireDon"t touch me i"m a real live wirePsycho killerQu"est-ce que c"estFa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa far betterRun run run run run run run awayYou start a conversation you can"t even finish it.You"re talkin" a lot, but you"re not sayin" anything.When i have nothing to say, my lips are sealed.Say something once, why say it again?Psycho killer,Qu"est-ce que c"estFa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa far betterRun run run run run run run awayPsycho killerQu"est-ce que c"estFa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa far betterRun run run run run run run awayCe que j"ai fais, ce soir laCe qu"elle a dit, ce soir laRealisant mon espoirJe me lance, vers la gloire ... okWe are vain and we are blindI hate people when they"re not politePsycho killer,Qu"est-ce que c"estFa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa far betterRun run run run run run run away


psycho killer精神杀手双语例句1Is there anyone here that understands a woman can be psycho killer too?这里有人能懂明白女人有时候也可能变成精神杀手吗?2And, personally, I haven"t seen one goddamn psycho killer.而我从没见到过这个变态杀手。

我msi ge40的笔记本,在官网装驱动是发现Killer BigFoot LAN和Qualcomm LAN两个网卡驱动,装哪个啊?


if i was a serial killer 歌词

歌曲名:if i was a serial killer歌手:Insane Clown Posse专辑:the tempestIf I was a Serial KillerThey would find all my victim"s headsIn funky ass gas station toiletsAnd if I was a Serial KillerI would be strange and derangedAnd I would never changeIf I was a Serial KillerI"d be known as the smokerCause I"d cut off and smoke all they hairand if I was a Serial KillerI would sleep on broken glass and thumbtacksand I would smoke mad crackFirst thing I would do is kill a couple hottiesThey"d always get some mustard up decapitated bodiesDumped on State police law just before dawnTo let em know my ritual had begunI"d crack a 40 with the devil tell him dig me a holecause I"m coming when I die until them I"m in controlThis is if I was a Serial Killer and though I aintbut if I was I"d do my walls all blood red with blood paintThis is if I was a Serial Killer and though I aintBut if I was I"d never stop cause I know I can"tIf I was a Serial KillerI would drive a black vanAnd I would ride around on college campusAnd if I was a Serial KillerI would walk among us and gain trustUntil I needed that rushI"d park outside these bitches homes and then drive awayThen come back with my lights off this time I"m here to stayI"d wear human bones around my neck and have my ceremoniesThen go back upstairs and microwave some macaronisYou know what"s all up in my trunkSo don"t ask me to pop itOnce I get out to my cabinThen I"ll finally unlock itThis is if I was a Serial Killer and though I"m notBut if I was I"d snap a photo once they died on the spotThis is if I was a Serial Killer and though I"m notBut if I was I"d know that I can"t so I would never stopAnd I don"t know myself anymore(and I don"t know who I am anymore)And I don"t know who to be anymore(and I don"t know who I am anymore)And I don"t know what to think anymore(and I don"t know who I am anymore)Except that I am strange and deranged(and I don"t know who I am anymore)And I will never changeI wanna hold up this hatchetPsychopathic Records shit we"ll burn the whole planet downI wanna run with this hatchetWe gotta always kick the wicked shit we"ll always be the sameI wanna hold up this hatchetFuck the world take me under bitch we trying to rule the tunnels,The Tempest raining lightning balls of fire rainICP with Mike E Clark againI wanna run with this hatchet(Wicked Clowns, Blaze, Twiztid, Boondox and LotusHolding down the underground and you know thisI wanna run with this hatchetYou know thisChop it on downChop it on downI wanna run with this hatchetI wanna run with this hatchetI wanna hold up this hatchetPsychopathic Records shit we"ll burn the whole planet downI wanna run with this hatchetWe gotta always kick the wicked shit we"ll always be the sameI wanna hold up this hatchetFuck the world take me under bitch we trying to rule the tunnels,The Tempest raining lightning balls of fire rainICP with Mike E Clark againI wanna run with this hatchetWicked Clowns, Blaze, Twiztid, Boondox and LotusHolding down the underground and you know thisI wanna run with this hatchetYou know thisIf I was a Serial KillerI would bury all my special projectsunderneath the garden in my grandmother"s backyardAnd if I was a Serial KillerI would be strange and derangedAnd I would rock my hatchet chain

求psycho killer 歌词翻译!!!提前谢过!!!

变态杀手lyricsartist(带):会说话的头复习歌曲(0)打印歌词变态杀手歌词MP3下载发名嘴和弦铃声到您的手机,我似乎无法正视factsi很紧张,我不能‘放松不能入睡,因为我的床上firedon别碰我我是一个真正的火线心理killerqu"est-ce阙是?FA FA FA FA远远betterrun跑、跑awaypsycho killerqu"est-ce阙是?FA FA FA FA远远betterrun跑啊跑啊跑跑你开始谈话,你甚至不能完成它。你说了很多,但你不说任何事情。当我无话可说,我的嘴唇是密封的。说一次,为什么说一遍?变态杀手,这是什么?FA FA FA FA远远betterrun跑、跑awaypsycho killerqu"est-ce阙是?FA FA FA FA远远betterrun跑啊跑啊跑跑了CE阙既成事实CE soir-l我?CE qu"elle DIT CE soir-l?realisant妈妈的愿望,我的枪和明日的荣耀…欧文是徒劳的,我们blindi恨的人当他们不礼貌的变态杀手,这是什么?FA FA FA FA远远betterrun跑、跑awaypsycho杀手,这是什么?FA FA FA FA远远betterrun跑啊跑啊跑跑哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦… 有的不会 我英语才4级- -

killer sudoku 什么意思

nnnnnnnnnnnnnn^cha yi xia......

Killer (2000 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Killer (2000 Digital Remaster)歌手:Van Der Graaf Generator专辑:The BoxWell you"re just across the street,Looks a mile to my feet,I wanna go to you.Funny how I"m nervous still,I"ve always been the easy killI guess I always willCould it be that everything goes round by chance (Chance)Or only one way that it was always meant to be (be)You kill me you always know the perfect thing to say,hey hey, hey heyI know what I should do but I just can"t walk awayI can picture your face wellfrom the bar in my hotelI wish I"d go to youI pick up put down the phoneLike your fave heatmiser song goes:It"s just like being aloneOh god please don"t tell methis has been in vain (Vain)I need answers for what all the waitingI"ve done means(means)You kill me you"ve got some nervebut can"t face your mistakes hey hey, hey heyI know what I should do but i just can"t turn awaySo go on loveLeave while there"s still hope for escapeGotta take what you can these daysThere"s so much ahead and so much regretI know what you wanna sayI know but I can"t help feeling differentlyI loved you and I shoulda said itbut tell me just what has it ever meantI can"t help it baby this is who I am (am)I"m sorry but I can"t just go turn off how i feel (feel)You kill me up you build me upbut just to watch me break hey hey, hey heyI know what I should do but I just can"t walk away.

歌词we just killers 是什么歌曲

歌手: Jade Valerie所属专辑:《Out Of The Box (Mini Album)》歌词Jade Valerie - Just Another DayJust another day 只不过是另一天 Just another day “新的一天”Another name I"ll say 我会叫另一个新的名字 Not over, but it"s over anyway 并没有结束 但是不管怎样现在的这一切已结束了 Just another day只不过是另一天 Another name I"ll say 我会叫另一个新的名字 Not over, but it"s over anyway一切并没有结束 但是不管怎样现在的这一切已结束了 Always knew there would come a day 一直都知道总会有那么一天 There would come a day we"d say 总有那么一天我们会说 Bye bye bye 再见… Now summer"s gone and life moves on 现在夏天已经过去 生活依旧继续着 And we"re too old to我们已经长大 不能总是 Cry cry cry哭哭哭 So hum a tune for me and you, don"t make it blue asking 所以为你和我哼一首曲子 不要忧伤地问 Why why why 为什么… Let me see you smile for a while, for one more mile just try 让我看看你微笑一会儿 尝试跨出一大步 To sing for me 为我而歌唱 Won"t you play for me baby 宝贝难道你不想为我演奏吗 Just sing for me 为我而歌唱吧 Won"t you play for me (play for me) 难道你不想为我演奏吗 Just another day 只不过是另一天 Just another day 崭新的一天 Another name I"ll say 我会叫另一个新的名字 Not over, but it"s over anyway一切并没有结束 但是不管怎样现在的这一切已结束了 Just another day只不过是另一天 Another name I"ll say 我会叫另一个新的名字 Not over, but it"s over anyway一切并没有结束 但是不管怎样现在的这一切已结束了 Some may say, some may say it was a big mistake for me to Go go go 有的人可能会说 有的人可能会说我的离开是一个天大的错误 But I am water, life is rock, gotta find a way to Flow flow flow但是我就像是水 生活是岩石 我需要找到让自己川流不息的方法 The road I chose, the road I chose, only god will know where it Goes goes goes 我选择的这条路 我选择的这条路只有上帝知道它通向哪里 Oh sing for me噢 为我歌唱吧 Just another day只不过是另一天 Just another day 崭新的一天 Another name I"ll say 我会叫另一个新的名字 Not over, but it"s over anyway一切并没有结束 但是不管怎样现在的这一切已结束了 Just another day只不过是另一天 Another name I"ll say 我会叫另一个新的名字 Not over, but it"s over anyway一切并没有结束 但是不管怎样现在的这一切已结束了 it"s over anyway不管怎样已经结束了 Just sing for me 为我而歌唱吧 Won"t you play for me baby宝贝难道你不想为我演奏吗 May your dreams be big, and your problems small 愿你的梦想都是大大的 而你的困难都是小小的 And when the bad days come I hope you Fight fight fight 当艰苦的日子到来时 我希望你可以与之对抗 I hope you dance, I hope you love, I hope you live in the Light light light 我希望你能翩翩起舞 我希望你热爱生活 我希望你生活在光亮之中 I won"t forget, how could I forget the way you look it makes me Shine shine shine 我不会忘记 我怎么会忘记你的样子 是你们让我变得闪闪发光 Oh sing for me噢 为我歌唱吧 Just another day 只不过是另一天 Just another day 崭新的一天 Another name I"ll say 我会叫另一个新的名字 Not over, but it"s over anyway一切并没有结束 但是不管怎样现在的这一切已结束了 Just another day只不过是另一天 Another name I"ll say 我会叫另一个新的名字 Not over, but it"s over anyway一切并没有结束 但是不管怎样现在的这一切已结束了 (it"s over anyway) 不管怎样已经结束了 Just sing for me 为我而歌唱吧 Won"t you play for me baby宝贝难道你不想为我演奏吗 bye bye bye bye bye bye再见…



鹿晗韩站romance killer 为什么要叫浪莎




Killer Queen 歌词

歌曲名:Killer Queen歌手:Louis Clark & The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra专辑:Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Plays QueenArtist : QueenAlbum : Sheer Heart AttackTitle : Killer QueenShe keeps Moet et Chandonin her pretty cabinet." Let them eat cake ! " , she saysjust like Marie Antoinette.A built-in remedyfor Kruschev and Kennedyat anytime an invitationyou can"t decline.Caviar and cigarettes,well versed in etiquetteextraordinarily nice.She"s a KillerQueen Gunpowder,gelatine.Dynamite with a Laser Beam,guaranteed to blow your mind.{ Anytime ! }Recommended at the price,insatiable an appetite.{ Wanna try ? }....................To avoid complications,she never kept the same address.In conversation,she spoke just like a Baroness.Met a man from China,went down to Geisha Minah.Then again incidentallyif you"re that way inclined.Perfume came naturally from Paris.For cars she couldn"t careless,fastidious and precise.She"s a KillerQueen Gunpowder,gelatine.Dynamite with a Laser Beam,guaranteed to blow your mind.{ Anytime ! }............................................................<Music>Drop of a hat she"s as willing asplayful as a pussy cat.Then momentarily out of action,temporarily out of gas.To absolutely{ drive you wild. }{ Wild ! }She"s all out to get you.She"s a KillerQueen Gunpowder,gelatine.Dynamite with a Laser Beam,guaranteed to blow your mind.{ Anytime ! }Recommended at the price,insatiable an appetite. { Wanna try ? }<Music>You wanna try.............................................<End>..........@@@@@

Killer Queen 歌词

歌曲名:Killer Queen歌手:Queen专辑:Die Hit Giganten - Hits der 70erArtist : QueenAlbum : Sheer Heart AttackTitle : Killer QueenShe keeps Moet et Chandonin her pretty cabinet." Let them eat cake ! " , she saysjust like Marie Antoinette.A built-in remedyfor Kruschev and Kennedyat anytime an invitationyou can"t decline.Caviar and cigarettes,well versed in etiquetteextraordinarily nice.She"s a KillerQueen Gunpowder,gelatine.Dynamite with a Laser Beam,guaranteed to blow your mind.{ Anytime ! }Recommended at the price,insatiable an appetite.{ Wanna try ? }....................To avoid complications,she never kept the same address.In conversation,she spoke just like a Baroness.Met a man from China,went down to Geisha Minah.Then again incidentallyif you"re that way inclined.Perfume came naturally from Paris.For cars she couldn"t careless,fastidious and precise.She"s a KillerQueen Gunpowder,gelatine.Dynamite with a Laser Beam,guaranteed to blow your mind.{ Anytime ! }............................................................<Music>Drop of a hat she"s as willing asplayful as a pussy cat.Then momentarily out of action,temporarily out of gas.To absolutely{ drive you wild. }{ Wild ! }She"s all out to get you.She"s a KillerQueen Gunpowder,gelatine.Dynamite with a Laser Beam,guaranteed to blow your mind.{ Anytime ! }Recommended at the price,insatiable an appetite. { Wanna try ? }<Music>You wanna try.............................................<End>..........@@@@@

Queen组合的"Killer Queen"中文歌词

She keeps her Moet et Chandon In her pretty cabinet 在那漂亮的小阁楼里 她保存下悦酩香槟 "let them eat cake" she says Just like Marie Antoinette “让他们吃蛋糕”她说 活像玛丽.安托尼特 A built-in remedy 这一种内生的疗法 For Kruschev and Kennedy 对于和赫鲁晓夫和肯尼迪 At anytime an invitation 任何时间的邀请 You can"t decline 都无法拒绝 Caviar and cigarettes 鱼子酱和香烟 Well versed in etiquette 诗意的礼节 Extraordinarily nice 格外迷人 She"s a Killer Queen 她是个杀手女王 Gunpowder, gelatine 火力强劲 Dynamite with a laserbeam 带激光束的胶质弹药 Guaranteed to blow your mind 保证让你意乱情迷 Anytime 随时随地 Ooh, recommended at the price 强烈推荐,以此价格 Insatiable an appetite 满足你贪得无厌的脾胃 Wanna try? 想试一下? To avoid complications 为了避免纠纷 She never kept the same address 她从来没有固定住址 In conversation 交谈中 She spoke just like a baroness 她活象个男爵夫人 Met a man from China 约会一个中国男 Went down to Geisha Minah 她立即变为二流艺妓 (Killer, killer, she"s a killer Queen) (杀手,杀手,她就是杀手女王) Then again incidentally 顺便提一句 If you"re that way inclined 对这一口是否您也有兴趣? Perfume came naturally from Paris (naturally) 香水自然是来自巴黎 For cars she couldn"t care less 汽车?她毫不在意 Fastidious and precise 确实毫不在意 She"s a Killer Queen 她就是杀手女王 Gunpowder, gelatine 火力强劲 Dynamite with a laser beam 带激光束的胶质弹药 Guaranteed to blow your mind 保证让你意乱情迷 Anytime 随时随地 Drop of a hat she"s as willing as 她心甘情愿 如帽沿的水滴搬滴落 Playful as a pussy cat 她顽皮有趣 又像毛茸茸的小猫咪 Then momentarily out of action 偶尔什么也不做 Temporarily out of gas 有时又像皮球泄了气 To absolutely drive you wild, wild... 她将完全驾驭你,疯狂,疯狂 She"s all out to get you 而她,你永远得不到 She"s a Killer Queen 她就是杀手女王 Gunpowder, gelatine 火力强劲 Dynamite with a laser beam 带激光束的胶质弹药 Guaranteed to blow your mind 保证让你意乱情迷 Anytime 随时随地 Ooh, recommended at the price 强烈推荐 以此价格 Insatiable an appetite 满足你贪得无厌的脾胃 Wanna try ? 想试一下? You wanna try... 来试一下

Killer Queen 歌词

歌曲名:Killer Queen歌手:Queen专辑:Greatest HitsArtist : QueenAlbum : Sheer Heart AttackTitle : Killer QueenShe keeps Moet et Chandonin her pretty cabinet." Let them eat cake ! " , she saysjust like Marie Antoinette.A built-in remedyfor Kruschev and Kennedyat anytime an invitationyou can"t decline.Caviar and cigarettes,well versed in etiquetteextraordinarily nice.She"s a KillerQueen Gunpowder,gelatine.Dynamite with a Laser Beam,guaranteed to blow your mind.{ Anytime ! }Recommended at the price,insatiable an appetite.{ Wanna try ? }....................To avoid complications,she never kept the same address.In conversation,she spoke just like a Baroness.Met a man from China,went down to Geisha Minah.Then again incidentallyif you"re that way inclined.Perfume came naturally from Paris.For cars she couldn"t careless,fastidious and precise.She"s a KillerQueen Gunpowder,gelatine.Dynamite with a Laser Beam,guaranteed to blow your mind.{ Anytime ! }............................................................<Music>Drop of a hat she"s as willing asplayful as a pussy cat.Then momentarily out of action,temporarily out of gas.To absolutely{ drive you wild. }{ Wild ! }She"s all out to get you.She"s a KillerQueen Gunpowder,gelatine.Dynamite with a Laser Beam,guaranteed to blow your mind.{ Anytime ! }Recommended at the price,insatiable an appetite. { Wanna try ? }<Music>You wanna try.............................................<End>..........@@@@@

Killer Queen 歌词

歌曲名:Killer Queen歌手:Queen专辑:Sheer Heart AttackArtist : QueenAlbum : Sheer Heart AttackTitle : Killer QueenShe keeps Moet et Chandonin her pretty cabinet." Let them eat cake ! " , she saysjust like Marie Antoinette.A built-in remedyfor Kruschev and Kennedyat anytime an invitationyou can"t decline.Caviar and cigarettes,well versed in etiquetteextraordinarily nice.She"s a KillerQueen Gunpowder,gelatine.Dynamite with a Laser Beam,guaranteed to blow your mind.{ Anytime ! }Recommended at the price,insatiable an appetite.{ Wanna try ? }....................To avoid complications,she never kept the same address.In conversation,she spoke just like a Baroness.Met a man from China,went down to Geisha Minah.Then again incidentallyif you"re that way inclined.Perfume came naturally from Paris.For cars she couldn"t careless,fastidious and precise.She"s a KillerQueen Gunpowder,gelatine.Dynamite with a Laser Beam,guaranteed to blow your mind.{ Anytime ! }............................................................<Music>Drop of a hat she"s as willing asplayful as a pussy cat.Then momentarily out of action,temporarily out of gas.To absolutely{ drive you wild. }{ Wild ! }She"s all out to get you.She"s a KillerQueen Gunpowder,gelatine.Dynamite with a Laser Beam,guaranteed to blow your mind.{ Anytime ! }Recommended at the price,insatiable an appetite. { Wanna try ? }<Music>You wanna try.............................................<End>..........@@@@@

Killer Queen 歌词

歌曲名:Killer Queen歌手:Queen专辑:Greatest Hits (2011 Remaster)Artist : QueenAlbum : Sheer Heart AttackTitle : Killer QueenShe keeps Moet et Chandonin her pretty cabinet." Let them eat cake ! " , she saysjust like Marie Antoinette.A built-in remedyfor Kruschev and Kennedyat anytime an invitationyou can"t decline.Caviar and cigarettes,well versed in etiquetteextraordinarily nice.She"s a KillerQueen Gunpowder,gelatine.Dynamite with a Laser Beam,guaranteed to blow your mind.{ Anytime ! }Recommended at the price,insatiable an appetite.{ Wanna try ? }....................To avoid complications,she never kept the same address.In conversation,she spoke just like a Baroness.Met a man from China,went down to Geisha Minah.Then again incidentallyif you"re that way inclined.Perfume came naturally from Paris.For cars she couldn"t careless,fastidious and precise.She"s a KillerQueen Gunpowder,gelatine.Dynamite with a Laser Beam,guaranteed to blow your mind.{ Anytime ! }............................................................<Music>Drop of a hat she"s as willing asplayful as a pussy cat.Then momentarily out of action,temporarily out of gas.To absolutely{ drive you wild. }{ Wild ! }She"s all out to get you.She"s a KillerQueen Gunpowder,gelatine.Dynamite with a Laser Beam,guaranteed to blow your mind.{ Anytime ! }Recommended at the price,insatiable an appetite. { Wanna try ? }<Music>You wanna try.............................................<End>..........@@@@@

killer queen歌词到底表达了什么意义?看翻译也不理解

给你个通俗点的翻译版本——She keeps her Moet et Chandon In her pretty cabinet在那漂亮的小阁楼里,她晃动着悦酩香槟"let them eat cake" she says Just like Marie Antoinette“何不食肉糜?”好个不食人间烟火的皇后陛下A built-in remedy For Kruschev and Kennedy没有人不为她所倾倒At anytime an invitation任何时间的邀请You can"t decline你都无法拒绝Caviar and cigarettes鱼子酱和香烟Well versed in etiquette诗意的礼节Extraordinarily nice格外迷人She"s a Killer Queen她就是那杀手皇后Gunpowder, gelatine火力全开,如胶似漆Dynamite with a laserbeam银瓶乍破,镭射四溢Guaranteed to blow your mind保证让你意乱情迷Anytime随时随地Ooh, recommended at the price哦吼,追求她吧,你绝对不会失望Insatiable an appetite治好你多情的毛病Wanna try?想试一下?————————————To avoid complications.She never kept the same address居无定所,避开如潮的追求者In conversation.She spoke just like a baroness谈吐得体,她活象个男爵夫人Met a man from China哪怕是那东方的古板男人Went down to Geisha Minah也被她玩弄于鼓掌(Killer, killer, she"s a killer Queen)(杀手,杀手,她就是杀手皇后)Then again incidentally顺便提一句If you"re that way inclined你可是下一个追求者?Perfume came naturally from Paris (naturally)别忘了来自巴黎的香水For cars she couldn"t care less别忘了开上豪华的座驾Fastidiousand precise挑剔并且又讲究She"s a Killer Queen她就是那杀手皇后Gunpowder, gelatine火力全开,如胶似漆Dynamite with a laserbeam炸弹迸开,镭射四溢Guaranteed to blow your mind保证让你意乱情迷Anytime随时随地——————————Drop of a hat she"s as willing as她活泼妩媚 如帽沿的水滴搬滴落Playful as a pussy cat她顽皮有趣 又像毛茸茸的小猫咪Then momentarily out of action偶尔什么也不做Temporarily out of gas你也像皮球泄了气To absolutely drive you wild, wild...她将完全驾驭你,疯狂,疯狂She"s all out to get you而你却只能看着她翩翩起舞She"s a Killer Queen她就是那杀手皇后Gunpowder, gelatine火力全开,如胶似漆Dynamite with a laserbeam炸弹炸弹迸开,镭射四溢Guaranteed to blow your mind保证让你意乱情迷Anytime随时随地Ooh, recommended at the price哦吼,追求她吧,你绝对不会失望Insatiable an appetite不管你有多么多情Wanna try?想试试吗?Wanna try?试试看吧~

Killer Queen 歌词

歌曲名:Killer Queen歌手:Queen专辑:Live KillersArtist : QueenAlbum : Sheer Heart AttackTitle : Killer QueenShe keeps Moet et Chandonin her pretty cabinet." Let them eat cake ! " , she saysjust like Marie Antoinette.A built-in remedyfor Kruschev and Kennedyat anytime an invitationyou can"t decline.Caviar and cigarettes,well versed in etiquetteextraordinarily nice.She"s a KillerQueen Gunpowder,gelatine.Dynamite with a Laser Beam,guaranteed to blow your mind.{ Anytime ! }Recommended at the price,insatiable an appetite.{ Wanna try ? }....................To avoid complications,she never kept the same address.In conversation,she spoke just like a Baroness.Met a man from China,went down to Geisha Minah.Then again incidentallyif you"re that way inclined.Perfume came naturally from Paris.For cars she couldn"t careless,fastidious and precise.She"s a KillerQueen Gunpowder,gelatine.Dynamite with a Laser Beam,guaranteed to blow your mind.{ Anytime ! }............................................................<Music>Drop of a hat she"s as willing asplayful as a pussy cat.Then momentarily out of action,temporarily out of gas.To absolutely{ drive you wild. }{ Wild ! }She"s all out to get you.She"s a KillerQueen Gunpowder,gelatine.Dynamite with a Laser Beam,guaranteed to blow your mind.{ Anytime ! }Recommended at the price,insatiable an appetite. { Wanna try ? }<Music>You wanna try.............................................<End>..........@@@@@


Oh Listen今夜我依旧无法入睡躺在床上 辗转难眠后又再度起身You know me yeah you know me到现在还是无法忘记你 又哭又笑地思念着已经离开的你或许看见你会痊愈试着掏出埋藏在内心深处的你You know me yeah you know me你是否正好跟我相反是幸福的呢想问出口 内心却早已麻木对你恨之入骨却又非常想念你It"s unbelievable疲惫的心却认定 只要有你便足够It"s unbelievablePain Killer killer killerPain Killer killer killerPain Killer killer killerPain Killer在反复的日子里逐渐崩溃就连我也开始害怕原来所谓的离别就是这样You know me yeah you know me受过太多伤害伤痕累累的心渐渐感到痛楚哭着哭着又再度找寻你的我我真的非常害怕害怕永远只记得你一个人就这样活下去You know me yeah you know me陷得太深无法忘怀哭着哭着逐渐走向崩溃边缘对你恨之入骨却又非常想念你It"s unbelievable疲惫的心却认定 只要有你便足够It"s unbelievablePain Killer killer killerPain Killer killer killerPain Killer killer killerPain Killer即使费尽心思 想要抹去你的存在但是我和你一起拥有过的时间对我来说都非常珍贵Very special It"s very special即使想要全部放掉就算又试着逃跑我也无法像你一样我就算用尽全力也无法放手对你恨之入骨却又非常想念你需要你 It"s unbelievable疲惫的心却认定 只要有你便足够It"s unbelievablePain Killer killer killer我需要你Pain Killer killer killer我需要你Pain Killer killer killerOh babyPain KillerOh

Babamars的《Painkiller》 歌词

歌曲名:Painkiller歌手:Babamars专辑:Whatever Happened To All Our PionneersPainkillerdeath铁杆歌迷Faster than a bulletTerrifying screamEnraged and full of angerHe"s half man and half machineRides the Metal MonsterBreathing smoke and fireClosing in with vengeance soaring highHe is the PainkillerThis is the PainkillerPlanets devastatedMankind"s on its kneesA saviour comes from out the skiesIn answer to their pleasThrough boiling clouds of thunderBlasting bolts fo steelEvils going under deadly wheelsHe is the PainkillerThis is the PainkillerFaster than a lazer bulletLouder than an atom bombChromium plated boiling metalBrighter than a thousand sunsFlying high on raptureStronger free and braveNevermore encapturedThey"ve been brought back from the graveWith mankind ressurrectedForever to surviveReturns from Armageddon to the skiesHe is the PainkillerThis is the PainkillerWings of steel PainkillerDeadly wheels Painkiller

Judas Priest的《Painkiller》 歌词

歌曲名:Painkiller歌手:Judas PriestPainkillerdeath铁杆歌迷Faster than a bulletTerrifying screamEnraged and full of angerHe"s half man and half machineRides the Metal MonsterBreathing smoke and fireClosing in with vengeance soaring highHe is the PainkillerThis is the PainkillerPlanets devastatedMankind"s on its kneesA saviour comes from out the skiesIn answer to their pleasThrough boiling clouds of thunderBlasting bolts fo steelEvils going under deadly wheelsHe is the PainkillerThis is the PainkillerFaster than a lazer bulletLouder than an atom bombChromium plated boiling metalBrighter than a thousand sunsFlying high on raptureStronger free and braveNevermore encapturedThey"ve been brought back from the graveWith mankind ressurrectedForever to surviveReturns from Armageddon to the skiesHe is the PainkillerThis is the PainkillerWings of steel PainkillerDeadly wheels Painkiller

Judas Priest的《Painkiller》 歌词

歌曲名:Painkiller歌手:Judas Priest专辑:PainkillerPainkillerdeath铁杆歌迷Faster than a bulletTerrifying screamEnraged and full of angerHe"s half man and half machineRides the Metal MonsterBreathing smoke and fireClosing in with vengeance soaring highHe is the PainkillerThis is the PainkillerPlanets devastatedMankind"s on its kneesA saviour comes from out the skiesIn answer to their pleasThrough boiling clouds of thunderBlasting bolts fo steelEvils going under deadly wheelsHe is the PainkillerThis is the PainkillerFaster than a lazer bulletLouder than an atom bombChromium plated boiling metalBrighter than a thousand sunsFlying high on raptureStronger free and braveNevermore encapturedThey"ve been brought back from the graveWith mankind ressurrectedForever to surviveReturns from Armageddon to the skiesHe is the PainkillerThis is the PainkillerWings of steel PainkillerDeadly wheels Painkiller

Judas Priest的《Painkiller》 歌词

歌曲名:Painkiller歌手:Judas Priest专辑:A Touch Of Evil - LivePainkillerdeath铁杆歌迷Faster than a bulletTerrifying screamEnraged and full of angerHe"s half man and half machineRides the Metal MonsterBreathing smoke and fireClosing in with vengeance soaring highHe is the PainkillerThis is the PainkillerPlanets devastatedMankind"s on its kneesA saviour comes from out the skiesIn answer to their pleasThrough boiling clouds of thunderBlasting bolts fo steelEvils going under deadly wheelsHe is the PainkillerThis is the PainkillerFaster than a lazer bulletLouder than an atom bombChromium plated boiling metalBrighter than a thousand sunsFlying high on raptureStronger free and braveNevermore encapturedThey"ve been brought back from the graveWith mankind ressurrectedForever to surviveReturns from Armageddon to the skiesHe is the PainkillerThis is the PainkillerWings of steel PainkillerDeadly wheels Painkiller



止痛剂-嗑药过量(Painkiller: Overdose)有汉化补丁什么的吗

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