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Joan Baez的《Jesse》 歌词

歌曲名:Jesse歌手:Joan Baez专辑:The Complete A&M RecordingsJesse, come homeThere"s a hole in the bedWhere we sleptNow it"s growing coldHey Jesse, your faceIn the place where we layBy the heart, all apartIt hangs on my heart.And I"m leaving the lightOn the stairs.No, I"m not scaredI wait for you.Hey Jesse, I"m lonelyCome home.Jesse, the floorsAnd the boardsRecalling your stepsAnd I remember tooAll the pictures are fadingAnd shaded in greyBut I still set a placeOn the table at noon.And I"m leaving the lightOn the stairs.No, I"m not scaredI wait for you.Hey Jesse, I"m lonelyCome home.Jesse, the spread on the bedIs like when you leftI"ve kept it up for you.And all the blues and the greensHave been recently cleanedAnd they"re seemingly newHey Jes, me and you.We"ll swallow the lightOn the stairsWe"ll do up my hairAnd sleep unaware.Hey Jesse, I"m lonelyCome home.


链接:提取码: 5nwi《走遍美国 Family Album, U.S.A》导演: JoAnne Sedwick、Merrill M. Mazuer主演: 斯蒂文·卡普、Amy Van Nostrand、罗伯特·唐利、Ray Dash、露西·马丁、Adam Biesk、Susan Bigelow、Mark Zimmerman、詹娜·冯·欧莱、Petronia Paley、Kathryn Marcopulos、约书亚·马林纳类型: 家庭、儿童制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语首播: 1991(美国)集数: 78单集片长: 24分钟又名: 家庭相册

joanne rowling是谁

J.K.罗琳(J.K. Rowling),1965年7月31日出生于英国格温特郡,毕业于英国埃克塞特大学,英国作家。1989年,24岁的罗琳有了创作哈利·波特的念头。1997年6月,推出哈利·波特系列第一本《哈利·波特与魔法石》。随后,罗琳又分别于1998年与1999年创作了《哈利·波特与密室》和《哈利·波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒》。2001年,美国华纳兄弟电影公司决定将小说的第一部《哈利·波特与魔法石》搬上银幕。2003年6月,她再创作出第五部作品《哈利·波特与凤凰社》。2004年,罗琳荣登《福布斯》富人排行榜,她的身价达到10亿美元。2005年7月推出了第六部《哈利·波特与混血王子》,2007年7月推出终结篇《哈利·波特与死亡圣器》。截至2008年,《哈利·波特》系列7本小说被翻译成67种文字在全球发行4亿册。2010年,哈利·波特电影系列的完结篇《哈利·波特与死亡圣器》拍摄完成。2014年12月上旬,罗琳在邮件中公布,2014年圣诞期间从2014月12日起,她在格林威治时间每

好感系女神 曾之乔Joanne Tseng

几乎每一年都有作品,持续在演艺圈默默耕耘的曾之乔,终于在2015年因为《我的宝贝四千金》而再度爆红,剧中与谢佳见的「一飞恋」更是受欢迎到天天都有新闻话题。不似昙花一现的绚烂火花,曾之乔的演艺生涯就如她的性格一般,细水长流,每一步都走得扎实而沉稳,而今摆脱青涩稚气,天然不造作的半 *** 人味,让她终于在2015年成为新瞩目女神。 与曾之乔相处是件很舒服的事,不仅没有巨星架子,聊天的方式也像跟朋友一般,丝毫不会有压力或不知如何接话的情形。她的外表虽不属于令人眼睛一亮的美艳型,却独有一股清新隽永的美,令人越看越着迷,配上强大的好感气场,无论男女都会发自内心的喜欢她。 14岁就以少女团体Sweety出道,可以说是台湾史上最年轻的女子团体,我们看着她一路从女孩成长到女人,但却不可思议地依旧保有当年率真的清纯气息,如此独特的半 *** 人味使她的个人特色愈发鲜明,即便演艺圈后起之秀人才辈出,也没人能取代她的位置。 一头俏皮短发、一点点的男孩子气是过去对她最深的印象,小小年纪就组团勇闯星河,萤光幕前的她与一旁的刘品言就像水与火的组合,言言热情大方,炒热全场气氛,而她则负责补强,并做完美收尾,一切搭配的相得益彰,仿佛一出生就约好要组团似的,默契好的不得了,反观时下许多团体频传不合的情景,Sweety的绝佳默契及姐妹情谊简直堪称演艺圈的团体榜样。乔乔说,其实当初根本没想过会那么快出道,从被发掘到发片仅半年的时间,更不用说是跟别人成立团体了,至于两人之间为什么能培养出绝佳默契,她笑着表示:「刚开始我们也是各做各的,两个不认识的人维持了一段观察期,且我们个性又很不一样,言言很大方、很敢表现,而我则是属于比较内敛的,这样的反差却意外地让我们很互补,做任何事都变得更加轻松。记得刚开始我在演艺圈的挫折感很重,拍照、拍MV都会因为不顺而私下偷哭,言言不同,她总是很快速的就完成一切,却依然在一旁鼓励我,助我及早进入状况,两个就这样互相勉励,一起出国工作、一起拍戏,化阻力为助力,也渐渐培养出一股革命情感,有时候聊天想到以前,我们还是会哭,我跟她一起经历过这么多,就像双胞胎一样,是一辈子都难以抹灭的真挚情谊。」 简单平凡就是我追求的 《我的宝贝四千金》让曾之乔再尝爆红滋味,剧中黎一弯的角色深植人心,自然不造作的演技仿佛就在演自己一般,与谢佳见的「一飞恋」更堪称现今讨论度最高的萤幕情侣,针对此剧她表示:「很多人都觉得这部戏我像在演自己,但其实我的性格是属于直接、有个性的那种,黎一弯则比较温、很胆小,也不争不抢,与她的共通点我想就是都一样喜欢动物、小孩,眼睛看出去的世界全是美好的,不愿相信有坏人;剧中我可以不顾家人反对勇敢追求爱情,现实中我对于爱的人也一样,不论旁人怎么说都不会在意,只全然地相信与付出,同样能奋不顾身,但前提是这段感情不会让父母担心。」 「一飞恋」从开播就受到观众喜欢,两人自然不做作,又带有恋爱初学者的羞赧,使人仿佛回到初恋时光,更发自内心的希望一飞在现实中也能擦出恋爱火花,那么谢佳见是否会是曾之乔的好感类型呢?她略带甜蜜地表示:「谢佳见的某些部分的确是我有好感的类型,例如他很细心、贴心,常常能想到我还没想到的事,并抢先去做,是个很懂得照顾女生的人,这点真的很加分!不过谈恋爱我是需要长时间相处及了解,才会决定是否要开始,不太容易冲动或入戏而一头栽下去~」 出道至今,几乎等于绯闻绝缘体的乔乔,也不免令人好奇她私下的感情生活,「其实过程中并非没有谈过恋爱,只是可能很小就出道,所以我明白高调公开恋情,会为自己跟对方带来许多不必要的麻烦跟压力,再来天蝎座的个性,让我很重视隐私,很保护自己的每一段感情。」至于喜欢的类型是什么,只见她淡淡的表示:「我喜欢能让我有安全感的男生,不追求轰轰烈烈的恋爱、没有想嫁入豪门,稳稳定定、细水长流如平凡人般地恋爱,就是我所追求的。」在五光十色,人人追求豪门的演艺圈,乔乔的感情观平凡简单地如一股清流,或许正是因为生长在这个环境,更让她明白没有华丽外表的包装,唯有单纯真挚的情感才是最珍贵的吧! 细节成就完美 2015年对曾之乔而言可以说是非常旺的一年,不仅拍了一部爆红的戏剧,还因为其姣好的身材及外型接了许多代言。的确,近距离观察乔乔,真的会感叹造物主竟如此不公平,让她能同时拥有白皙水嫩的肤质及 *** 的身材,问其保养有什么小秘方,她笑笑地表示,自己最注重的就是清洁、保湿及防晒,像是卸妆就会彻底的卸2~3次,且每天都一定会用化妆水或面膜敷脸,长期敷下来发现肌肤的出油量减少了许多。因为工作的关系,乔乔也时常需要曝晒在阳光下,使得防晒格外重要,时间一到就会补擦,也因为用量大,她十分重视防晒乳的透气程度,「曾经用过很不透气的,真的让我拍戏时脾气越来越大,最后才忍不住借了淋浴间冲洗掉,目前很爱用曼秀雷敦的乳液型防晒,不仅舒适,防晒系数也很够,十分推荐!」 乔乔拥有 *** 身材是众所皆知的,如何维持想必也是许多女性好奇的问题,她表示自己一直都保有运动的习惯,肌肤的紧实度提升,曲线自然能好看,另外对于内衣裤的要求也很严格,「有时候去泡温泉,看到很多年轻人身形都垮掉了,脂肪也乱跑,真的很可惜!认真建议内衣裤一定选择包覆性够的,然后上厕所的时候要习惯拨肉,把脂肪拨进对的位置,才能维持完美的线条!」难怪人人常说魔鬼藏在细节里,乔乔原来就是靠著这些小习惯KEEP住美貌的啊~ 放松找到新定位 出道十年,许多童星都会面临尴尬的转型时期,乔乔也曾在这当中卡关、找不到方向过,毕竟演艺圈不断有新人出现,长江后浪推前浪,若是抵挡不住,就可能被现实给淘汰,「以前我想很多,会想透过复杂困难,甚至黑暗的角色来颠覆自己的形象,可是却曾因为入戏太深,影响了个性及价值观,我的年纪又处在尴尬的阶段,无法演 *** ,又青春不过新人,好在现在心态很放松,一放松就找到了新的定位,可以往上演,也能往下演,演年纪小的角色还能比新人多了说不出的故事感,不会太过单薄,我想这也是我目前的优势吧!」对于演艺之路的走向,乔乔不急着寻求转型,并怀抱着平常心,不为挑战而挑战,顺其自然,就能走出属于自己的一片天。 企划撰文/Anna Chen.图片提供/莎薇、曼秀雷敦、华研 ※更多本期杂志精彩内容请至《医美时尚》官网 订阅【健康爱乐活】影音频道,阅读健康知识更轻松 加入【】,天天关注您健康!LINE@ ID:@ : /beauty/article/21120/好感系女神 曾之乔JoanneTseng 关键字:医美时尚5月号, 曾之乔, 我的宝贝四千金, 一飞恋

想换一个英文名, joy joanna josie 哪一个比较好???



53÷21=2…11 2×12+6=30(个) 答:有30个是白色的. 故答案为:30.


joanne bear 在五百左右 joanne泰迪一千多
















1、JOAN是什么意思啊?2、求好听的女生英文名及其含义3、Joan是读作“琼”还是“琼安”?4、Joan是英文名,谁知道意思。5、“娇”字英文名怎么写?JOAN是什么意思啊?1: JOAN BAEZ1941年1月9日出生于美国纽约Staten岛上.我们经常听到的与"民谣皇帝"Bob Dylan齐名的"民谣女皇"的称号就是指的Joan Baez.Baez作为民谣界女性权威演绎者的地位是在1959年Newprot民谣节上的演出后奠定的.她对民谣音乐的理解加上天生的近乎完美的嗓音使得她成为50年代之后民谣音乐中的一棵奇葩.Baez最初的四张专辑均取材于美洲与英国的传统民谣,然而随着民权运动的发展,她开始逐渐投身于抗议运动,这才让Baez成为真正有内容与个性的Joan Baez.在JOAN BAEZ IN CONCERT,PART 2专辑中的一曲We Shall Overcome,从多方面体现出了Baez的音乐个性,从而成为其音乐中的经典之一.同张专辑中还包括了Bob Dylan的几首歌:Don"t Think Twice,It"s All Right.Joan Baez带着这些有力的歌四处进行巡回演出,从音乐发面推动了民权运动,同时也孕育了她与Bob Dylan之间浪漫的爱情故事 2: Joan Jett 琼·杰特出生时间:1960年生于美国费城风格划分:硬摇滚、朋克摇滚艺人简介:她玩的是简单而纯粹的摇滚乐,她从不把自己的性别当一回事,她是几代摇滚女性的偶像。求好听的女生英文名及其含义1、Brianna名字拼音: [bri-an-na]中文音译:布赖恩名字寓意:渴望与人交往,喜欢新的经历。思维敏捷,创造力强,多才多艺。但情绪波动大。喜变化和进步。2、Brooke名字拼音:[bru:k]中文音译:布鲁克名字寓意:圆融,安全意识强,价值观牢固,Brook的异体,在小溪旁生活的人 小溪,Brook的异体 BROOK的变种。这个名字在20世纪50年代开始使用,可能受美国社会名流Brooke Astor(1902-2007)的影响。它被进一步推广的女演员布鲁克盾。3、Brooklyn名字拼音: [_br_kl_n]中文音译:布鲁克琳名字寓意:喜欢自我表现,与人交际,无拘无束,多姿多彩。友善可亲,但不善表达。4、Bailey名字拼音:["beli]中文音译:贝利/贝莉名字寓意:理想主义者,慷慨大方,愿意帮助他人。乐于承担责任,为他人服务。5、Bella名字拼音:["bel_]中文音译:贝拉名字寓意:上帝的誓约,思维敏捷,聪明伶俐,善于分析。多才多艺,独立,富有创造力。野心勃勃,具有领导才能,但缺乏耐心。渴望自由,喜欢旅行,自信。Joan是读作“琼”还是“琼安”?joan 很多人都会读成“祖恩”。应读“琼”。joan 是上帝赋予的或恩赐。有些人认为是“好”的意思,有些认为是“不好”的意思。Joan是英文名,谁知道意思。joan中文拼写:琼 名字含义:上帝的恩惠 名字来源:希伯来语“娇”字英文名怎么写?Jill, 来源:拉丁语;意思是:少女Joan/Joann,希伯来语;上帝的恩惠Jone, 希伯来语;来自上帝的礼物Joy/Joie,拉丁语/法语;意思是 喜悦(还有一个一般用在男生上的拼写是Joe,上帝赐予的孩子)若是喜欢简称,可以就用Jo扩展资料Jo [d__u]英文名Jo苏格兰常用的女生英文名字。汉译为“乔”,含义为“恋人、心上人”。中文音译:姬欧名字性别 :女孩来源语种:英语名字印象:反应快,聪明,善于吸收新的概念。爱好学习,不喜欢反应慢的人,有些肤浅。在同事中不受欢迎。不善于用语言表达。保守。相似英文名:Joab 乔布、Joachim 约阿希姆、Joakim 乔金、Joan 琼、Joana 乔安娜、Joanie 钟妮、Joann 乔安、Joanna 乔安娜、Joanne 乔安妮、Joannes 乔安尼斯参考资料:百度百科-jo


参考下 差不远了吧Joan 琼 法国,神话 上帝仁慈的赠礼 Joanna 乔安娜 希伯来 上帝仁慈的赠礼 Joanne 希伯来 希伯来 上帝仁慈的赠礼


个回答 - 提问时间: 2013年10月30日姜大卫,原名姜伟年,香港著名导演兼演员。出身于演艺世家,生父严化、母亲红薇以及继父尔光均为演员。其兄秦沛和同母异父的弟弟尔冬升,以及其妻李琳琳都是香港著名...

麦子 Joanne的真名叫什么?







Joanne是John的女性名字,希伯来语的意思是“上帝是仁慈的”的意思; Joyce这名字有愉快的含义,可能Joyce更适合你!


Joanne Joanne近年照片身份介绍: 韩国组合TAKE成员李承铉的亲妹妹Joanne,Joanne几年前在韩国出道, 曾经与韩国SM.Entertainment艺人合作,并与神话组合、H.O.T.成员出演过红及一时的韩国周末娱乐节目。 当年被称为宝儿接班人,后来因为公司内部问题一直没有签约新的公司。 而Joanne也借此机会完成了自己的高中学业,顺利进入大学。 Joanne新专辑中将收录李承铉与Joanne对唱歌曲


Joanna n. 乔安娜(女子名); Joanna heard him bump into the table and curse again.乔安娜听见他撞到了桌子上,又骂骂咧咧的。 形近词: Joanne





关于Joan of Arc的文章,英语的

Joan of Arc(1412-1431)Joan of Arc, in French, Jeanne d"Arc, also called the Maid of Orleans, a patron saint of France and a national heroine, led the resistance to the English invasion of France in the Hundred Years War. She was born the third of five children to a farmer, Jacques Darc and his wife Isabelle de Vouthon in the town of Domremy on the border of provinces of Champagne and Lorraine. Her childhood was spent attending her father"s herds in the fields and learning religion and housekeeping skills from her mother. When Joan was about 12 years old, she began hearing "voices" of St. Michael, St. Catherine, and St. Margaret believing them to have been sent by God. These voices told her that it was her divine mission to free her country from the English and help the dauphin gain the French throne. They told her to cut her hair, dress in man"s uniform and to pick up the arms. By 1429 the English with the help of their Burgundian allies occupied Paris and all of France north of the Loire. The resistance was minimal due to lack of leadership and a sense of hopelessness. Henry VI of England was claiming the French throne. Joan convinced the captain of the dauphin"s forces, and then the dauphin himself of her calling. After passing an examination by a board of theologians, she was given troops to command and the rank of captain. At the battle of Orleans in May 1429, Joan led the troops to a miraculous victory over the English. She continued fighting the enemy in other locations along the Loire. Fear of troops under her leadership was so formidable that when she approached Lord Talbot"s army at Patay, most of the English troops and Commander Sir John Fastolfe fled the battlefield. Fastolfe was later stripped of his Order of the Garter for this act of cowardice. Although Lord Talbot stood his ground, he lost the battle and was captured along with a hundred English noblemen and lost 1800 of his soldiers. Charles VII was crowned king of France on July 17, 1429 in Reims Cathedral. At the coronation, Joan was given a place of honor next to the king. Later, she was ennobled for her services to the country. In 1430 she was captured by the Burgundians while defending Compiegne near Paris and was sold to the English. The English, in turn, handed her over to the ecclesiastical court at Rouen led by Pierre Cauchon, a pro-English Bishop of Beauvais, to be tried for witchcraft and heresy. Much was made of her insistence on wearing male clothing. She was told that for a woman to wear men"s clothing was a crime against God. Her determination to continue wearing it (because her voices hadn"t yet told her to change, as well as for protection from sexual abuse by her jailors) was seen as defiance and finally sealed her fate. Joan was convicted after a fourteen-month interrogation and on May 30, 1431 she was burned at the stake in the Rouen marketplace. She was nineteen years old. Charles VII made no attempt to come to her rescue. In 1456 a second trial was held and she was pronounced innocent of the charges against her. She was beatified in 1909 and canonized in 1920 by Pope Benedict XV.


Joanna(乔安娜)是 Joan(琼 [也称Jane 简/珍妮])的昵称,源自希伯来语,指“上帝的恩惠”。

Joan Armatrading的《Simon》 歌词

歌曲名:Simon歌手:Joan Armatrading专辑:Me Myself I能把pop推向无底的深渊的力量rock"n"rollCatch your breath,Hit the wall,Scream out loud,As you start to crawlBack in your cageThe only placeWhere they willLeave you alone."Cause the weak willSeek the weaker til they"ve broken them.Could you get it back again?Would it be the same?Fulfillment to their lack of strength at your expense,Left you with no defense;They tore it down.(Chorus):And I have felt the same as you,I"ve felt the same as you,I"ve felt the same.Locked insideThe only placeWhere you feel sheltered,Where you feel safe.You lost yourselfIn your search to findSomething else to hide behind.The fearful always preyed upon your confidence.Did they see the consequence,when they pushed you around?The arrogant build kingdoms made of the different ones,Breaking them "til they"ve become just another crown.And I have felt the same as you,I"ve felt the same as you,I"ve felt the same.Refuse to feel anything at all,Refuse to slip,Refuse to fall.Can"t be weak,Can"t stand still,You watch your back "cause no one will.You don"t know why they had to go this far,Traded your worth for these scars,For your only company.And don"t believe the liesThat they have told to you. Not one word was trueyou"re alright, you"re alright, you"re alright.And I have felt the same as you,I"ve felt the same as you,I"ve felt the same.

Joan Armatrading的《Simon》 歌词

歌曲名:Simon歌手:Joan Armatrading专辑:Gold能把pop推向无底的深渊的力量rock"n"rollCatch your breath,Hit the wall,Scream out loud,As you start to crawlBack in your cageThe only placeWhere they willLeave you alone."Cause the weak willSeek the weaker til they"ve broken them.Could you get it back again?Would it be the same?Fulfillment to their lack of strength at your expense,Left you with no defense;They tore it down.(Chorus):And I have felt the same as you,I"ve felt the same as you,I"ve felt the same.Locked insideThe only placeWhere you feel sheltered,Where you feel safe.You lost yourselfIn your search to findSomething else to hide behind.The fearful always preyed upon your confidence.Did they see the consequence,when they pushed you around?The arrogant build kingdoms made of the different ones,Breaking them "til they"ve become just another crown.And I have felt the same as you,I"ve felt the same as you,I"ve felt the same.Refuse to feel anything at all,Refuse to slip,Refuse to fall.Can"t be weak,Can"t stand still,You watch your back "cause no one will.You don"t know why they had to go this far,Traded your worth for these scars,For your only company.And don"t believe the liesThat they have told to you. Not one word was trueyou"re alright, you"re alright, you"re alright.And I have felt the same as you,I"ve felt the same as you,I"ve felt the same.







Joan Baez的《The Boxer》 歌词

歌曲名:The Boxer歌手:Joan Baez专辑:LiveEditors - The BoxerA Bruisful Blue Play fights with the starsThis Place is our prisonIt sells the pastSo take me to townI wanna dance with the cityShow me something ugly,Show me something prettyDamn this place makes a boy out of meThe Rain meets my face by the ?An Unwanted sun pulls rank in the skyThe Boxer isn"t finishedHe"s not ready to dieI"m attracted to the lightI"m attracted to the heatIt"s a violent nightThere are boxers in the streetAnd damn this place makes a boy out of meThe rain meets my Face before an oak treeDazed in the final rounds

如何评价lady Gaga的新专《Joanne》中的《Million Reasons》

1.关于主题.这是gaga写给音乐的歌(别问我怎么知道的,因为我本质),即使事业低迷flop,公关弱爆coming soon,artpop墙倒众人推成了名副其实的笑话,有千万种理由让她现在相对体面地功成身退,但她有one good reason to stay,那就是热爱.歌词呼应了首单的歌词里第一句就传达出来的力不从心:“ Trying to take control.Pressure"s taking its toll.”2.关于风格.说乡村没倒错,但竟然好多评论说像霉霉-我只能说你样本很少且不精良,但是判断还蛮准...官方的标准说法是country-rock.首先,这首歌是Gaga和Hillary Lindesy一起写的(co-penned).3.关于一千个从良的理由.从良的同学想多了.有小怪兽在twitter上说“i miss when Gaga used to make dark pop songs with a hidden message".(我怀念当年gaga做主题深奥的黑暗流行).Gaga亲自回复"who says that"s not on Joanne"(谁说爵安妮上没有,e不发音但翻译就这吧)乡村会有的,舞曲也会有的.

Joan Baez的《The Rose》 歌词

The Rose演唱:阿桑Some say love it is a riverThat drowns the tender reedSome say love it is a razorThat leaves your soul to bleedSome say love it is a hungerAnd endless aching needI say love it is a flowerAnd you its only seedIt"s the heart afraid of breakingThat never learns to danceIt"s the dream afraid of wakingThat never takes the chanceIt"s the one who won"t be takenWho can not seem to giveAnd the soul afraid of dyingThat never learns to liveWhen the night has been too lonelyAnd the road has been too longAnd you think that love is onlyFor the lucky and the strongJust remember in the winterFar beneath the bitter snowLies the seed that with the sun"s loveIn the spring becomes the rose

请i love you 的唱者joanna wang的事迹


Joan Red - You Be The Hero歌词及翻译

  重复的地方不再翻译,作为参考请谅解  You Be The Hero :  Verse 1:  Caught in the blink of an eye  被一双亮晶晶的眼睛吸引  Cause in the pages turning  只因翻过这一页  Surely i will fight you here  确定无疑地我将为你而战  You were always there before  你以前会一直为我守候  Bridge :  And only if you look me in the eyes you can"t take it  只要你看着我的眼睛,你就不能忍受  Softly shut your heart you wont make it  轻轻地关上你的心门,你就不会达到  (so my hopes with you)  我的希望与你同在  Chorus:  I love you, can"t hate you  我爱你,舍不得恨你  surpressed by all my walls  被我的心墙挤压  I need you, come show me love my hero  我需要你,来向我展示你的爱吧。我的英雄  I lost you, can"t keep you the one with all my hope  我失去了你,无法用的希望保留住你  I need you come save me you be the hero.  我需要你,来拯救我成为英雄吧  Verse 2:  This was the only thing we had  这是我们所仅有的  You should face the one without the mask (my hopes and dreams here)  你必须摘下面具面对她(我的希望与梦想在此)  Bridge :  And only if you look me in the eyes you can"t take it  Softly shut your heart you wont make it  Chorus:  I love you, can"t hate you  surpressed by all my walls  I need you, come show me love my hero  I lost you, can"t keep you the one with all my hope  I need you come save me you be the hero.  Go!  Thought you were my hero!  我想你会成为我的英雄  I love you, can"t hate you  surpressed by all my walls  I need you, come show me love my hero  I lost you, can"t keep you the one with all my hope  I need you come save me and be my hero  My hero (my hero)  My hero (my hero)  My hero (my hero)  Verse 1:  Caught in the blink of an eye  Cause in the pages turning  Surely i will fight you here  You were always there before  Bridge :  And only if you look me in the eyes you can"t take it  Softly shut your heart you wont make it  (so my hopes with you)  Chorus:  I love you, can"t hate you  surpressed by all my walls  I need you, come show me love my hero  I lost you, can"t keep you the one with all my hope  I need you come save me you be the hero.  Verse 2:  This was the only thing we had  You should face the one without the mask (my hopes and dreams here)  Bridge :  And only if you look me in the eyes you can"t take it  Softly shut your heart you wont make it  Chorus:  I love you, can"t hate you  surpressed by all my walls  I need you, come show me love my hero  I lost you, can"t keep you the one with all my hope  I need you come save me you be the hero.  Go!  Thought you were my hero!  I love you, can"t hate you  surpressed by all my walls  I need you, come show me love my hero  I lost you, can"t keep you the one with all my hope  I need you come save me and be my hero  My hero (my hero)  My hero (my hero)  My hero (my hero)

Joan Osborne 前面没有伴奏的歌词是什么啊


Joan Osborne的《One Of Us》 歌词

歌曲名:One Of Us歌手:Joan Osborne专辑:The Singer, The SongIf God had a name, what would it be?And would you call it to His faceIf you were faced with Him in all His glory?What would you ask if you had just one question?Yeah, yeah, God is GreatYeah, yeah, God is GoodYeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeahWhat if God was one of us?Just a slob like one of us?Just a stranger on a busTrying to make His way homeIf God had a face, what would it look like?And would you want to seeIf seeing meant that you would have to believeIn things like heaven and in JesusAnd the Saints and all the ProphetsYeah, yeah, God is GreatYeah, yeah, God is GoodYeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeahWhat if God was one of us?Just a slob like one of us?Just a stranger on a busTrying to make His way homeTrying to make His way homeBack up to heaven all alone.Nobody callin" on the phone"Cept for the Pope maybe in Rome.Yeah, yeah, God is GreatYeah, yeah, God is GoodYeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeahWhat if God was one of us?Just a slob like one of us?Just a stranger on a busTrying to make His way homeLike a holy rolling stone.Back up to heaven all aloneJust tryin" to make his way HomeNobody callin" on the phone"Cept for the Pope maybe in Rome.

Joan Osborne的《One Of Us》 歌词

歌曲名:One Of Us歌手:Joan Osborne专辑:DrivetimeIf God had a name, what would it be?And would you call it to His faceIf you were faced with Him in all His glory?What would you ask if you had just one question?Yeah, yeah, God is GreatYeah, yeah, God is GoodYeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeahWhat if God was one of us?Just a slob like one of us?Just a stranger on a busTrying to make His way homeIf God had a face, what would it look like?And would you want to seeIf seeing meant that you would have to believeIn things like heaven and in JesusAnd the Saints and all the ProphetsYeah, yeah, God is GreatYeah, yeah, God is GoodYeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeahWhat if God was one of us?Just a slob like one of us?Just a stranger on a busTrying to make His way homeTrying to make His way homeBack up to heaven all alone.Nobody callin" on the phone"Cept for the Pope maybe in Rome.Yeah, yeah, God is GreatYeah, yeah, God is GoodYeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeahWhat if God was one of us?Just a slob like one of us?Just a stranger on a busTrying to make His way homeLike a holy rolling stone.Back up to heaven all aloneJust tryin" to make his way HomeNobody callin" on the phone"Cept for the Pope maybe in Rome.

Joan Osborne的《One of Us》 歌词

歌曲名:One of Us歌手:Joan Osborne专辑:1996 Grammy NomineesIf God had a name, what would it be?And would you call it to His faceIf you were faced with Him in all His glory?What would you ask if you had just one question?Yeah, yeah, God is GreatYeah, yeah, God is GoodYeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeahWhat if God was one of us?Just a slob like one of us?Just a stranger on a busTrying to make His way homeIf God had a face, what would it look like?And would you want to seeIf seeing meant that you would have to believeIn things like heaven and in JesusAnd the Saints and all the ProphetsBack up to heaven all alone.Nobody callin" on the phone"Cept for the Pope maybe in Rome.Like a holy rolling stone.Back up to heaven all aloneJust tryin" to make his way HomeNobody callin" on the phone"Cept for the Pope maybe in Rome.

Joan Osborne的《One Of Us》 歌词

歌曲名:One Of Us歌手:Joan Osborne专辑:True Drivetime (3 Cd Set )If God had a name, what would it be?And would you call it to His faceIf you were faced with Him in all His glory?What would you ask if you had just one question?Yeah, yeah, God is GreatYeah, yeah, God is GoodYeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeahWhat if God was one of us?Just a slob like one of us?Just a stranger on a busTrying to make His way homeIf God had a face, what would it look like?And would you want to seeIf seeing meant that you would have to believeIn things like heaven and in JesusAnd the Saints and all the ProphetsYeah, yeah, God is GreatYeah, yeah, God is GoodYeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeahWhat if God was one of us?Just a slob like one of us?Just a stranger on a busTrying to make His way homeTrying to make His way homeBack up to heaven all alone.Nobody callin" on the phone"Cept for the Pope maybe in Rome.Yeah, yeah, God is GreatYeah, yeah, God is GoodYeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeahWhat if God was one of us?Just a slob like one of us?Just a stranger on a busTrying to make His way homeLike a holy rolling stone.Back up to heaven all aloneJust tryin" to make his way HomeNobody callin" on the phone"Cept for the Pope maybe in Rome.

阅读短文,选出正确答案Joan is an American girl. She lives in China now. She is in my class. Her pa

小题1:C小题2:A小题3:A小题4:D小题5:C 小题1:根据第一句Joan is an American girl.可知,Joan来自美国。故选C。小题2:根据第三行likes speaking Chinese with us after class可知,答案选A。小题3:根据第三行Her father teaches us English well可知,她爸爸是英语老师。故选A。小题4:根据第五行Sometimes可知,答案选D。小题5:根据第五行They like the Chinese food very much.可知,C项正确。Joan家有四个人,Joan的哥哥不在中国,排除A、B、D。故选C。

teenie weenie和joanne

Teenie Weenie中文名“维尼熊”可不是英国的小熊维尼,它是韩国衣恋集团品牌持有人。韩国自创品牌“TEENIE WEENIE”的休闲装深受年轻一代的喜爱,除了卡通小熊顽皮多样的造型,它轻松自然的设计风格、舒适柔和的质地也深受年轻一代的喜爱。Joanne,韩国艺人,韩国组合TAKE成员李承铉的亲妹妹Joanne,十几年前在韩国出道,曾经与韩国SM.Entertainment艺人合作,并与神话组合、H.O.T.成员出演过红及一时的韩国周末娱乐节目。当年被称为宝儿接班人,后来因为公司内部问题一直没有签约新的公司。 另有台湾艺人曾之乔的英文名是joanne,曾之乔(1988年11月17日-),别名乔乔,红橘子国际娱乐公司旗下艺人之一。目前就读于国立台湾艺术大学戏剧与剧场应用系。望采纳,谢谢



摇滚女王Joan jett(琼·杰特)的详细资料?



Karen 好听!

听民谣皇后Joan Baez《钻石与铁锈 Diamond and Rust》调寄《忆旧游》

念魂归故里 ,系马楼前 ,曾误芳辰 。 欲寄江南梦,奈匆匆燕子 ,错许殷勤 。 别来料也霜鬓 ,襟上旧时痕 。 况瘦损婵娟 ,萧郎陌路 ,又在黄昏 。琴心,定谁扣 ,便相忘江湖 ,难算波纹 。 锈忆还君赠 ,把幺弦弹破 ,剗却愁根 。 夜阑坐到星灭 ,回首泣逡巡 。 任背影愔愔 ,春衫莫染前度尘 。于62年就登上时代周刊封面的琼贝兹,是家喻户晓的民谣皇后。 那个时代的她手持一把吉他,歌唱着个性与青春; 那个时代的她怀抱一腔信念,投身于热烈的人权运动; 那个时代的她缘于对音乐的热爱,邂逅了一生中重要的他。 鲍勃.迪兰与琼相互欣赏,相互赞扬,虽然这段感情无疾而终,但他们从未在公众面前讳言这份情感。 "...Our breath comes out white cloud mingles 你我呼出的气如白云般交错 and hangs in the air 凝结在空气中 speaking strictly for me 对我来说 we both could"ve died then and there 我们那时差点死去 now you"re telling me you"re not nostalgic 如今你却对我说,你并不念旧 then give me another word for it 那么请你找另一个字来代替 you who"re so good with words and at keeping thing vague 你是那样的善于运用词藻,使之暧昧难懂 cause i need some of that vagueness now 而我现在正需要那样的暧昧不明 ..." 齐豫在翻唱这首歌的时候曾经注解“钻石象征坚定和闪光的过往,铁锈代表着质变和时间的印痕”。 2 人从61年的偶遇,到63年的相识。1963年,迪伦在一个南方民歌节演出,台下观众不太买帐,除了一个人。就是刚刚被《Blowing in the wind》感动过的琼,当时的琼如日中天,是民谣歌手中的代言人,甚至上了时代的封面。她盛情邀请迪伦和她一起度过一段时间,认真写歌,这段日子里,琼给 了迪伦无私的关心爱护。 直接跳到70年代,琼曾经结婚又离婚。鲍勃经过艰苦的戒毒,1973年以后才慢慢重返舞台。 琼和鲍勃分离了十年,他们可以彼此在新闻里看到对方,但始终没有私下联系。终于在1975年,鲍勃打了一个电话给琼。那夜之后,琼写了她最著名的歌曲《钻石与铁锈》(Diamond & Rust)。 分手许多年以后,在一场琼u2022贝兹的演唱会上,唱到第三首歌的时候,琼u2022贝兹用略带颤抖的声音说了句:“I"ll be damned look what the wind brought in!”(真见鬼,什么风把你吹来了?) 随后,鲍勃u2022迪伦一头乱头发在台上出现,抱着个吉他,坐在贝兹身边。歌迷们沸腾了,高声欢呼,随后开始沉醉于两人合唱的《Blowing in the wind》 。唱完后,鲍勃u2022迪伦随即匆匆走掉,贝兹眼泪汪汪地接着唱她自己写的歌《Diamonds and Rust》,这是把藕断丝连表达得最直白的歌词,也只有他们两人才能懂得全部含义。 …… 琼和迪伦的后续,就是零星的相遇,不舍与怀念,最终在1985年,还是分离。但这首歌从此成为琼每年演唱会的保留曲目。……

Joan Baez的《Michael》 歌词

歌曲名:Michael歌手:Joan Baez专辑:Honest LullabyMicha歌:久远ゆん(Alieson)作词:久远ゆん 作编曲:SYUいつからでしょう私(わたし)の舌(した)は丑(みにく)い茑(つた)に覆(おお)われ望(のぞ)まない音(おと)の花(はな)びら散(ち)すほど痛(いた)み悲(かな)しい旋律(せんりつ)に切(せつ)ない言叶(ことば)ただ并(なら)べていくだけで伤(きず)ついた谁(だれ)かの心(こころ)救(すく)えるでしょうか想(おも)われる存在(そんざい)になりたくてまた今日(きょう)も髪(かみ)を切(き)り落(お)とします私(わたし)さえ强(つよ)くあり続(つづ)ければ何(なに)か変(か)えられるでしょうか私(わたし)には両(りょう)の手(て)がないのです逃(に)げ回(まわ)る両足(りょうあし)もないのです涙(なみだ)する瞳(ひとみ)さえないのです歌(うた)う希望(きぼう)はあるのです

Joan Osborne的《Spider Web》 歌词

歌曲名:Spider Web歌手:Joan Osborne专辑:The Best Of Joan Osborne 20th Century Masters The Millennium CollectionMatt Pokora - SpiderwebTossin" and turnin"Every night been tryin" to sleepIt ain"t the rain against my window keeping meAwake, weak inside lady I begin to shakeWhen I turn and look at your faceThis ain"t the way we startedNot how it"s supposed to goNor did I ever thinkYou have true colors you were trueThought I was living the dreamBut I"m a fly in a spiderwebThought I was living the dream, yeahI"m runningKeep gunningNo, I"m caught in a spiderwebI"m caught in a spiderwebSpiderwebOne shotCan"t get outNo, I"m caught in a spiderwebI"m caught in a spiderwebSpiderwebCan someone save me?Can someone save me from this hellI gotta break freeI gotta break free from myselfI"ve been racking my brainThinking how to get outScreaming is useless when no one can hear you shoutIt"s just a matter of timeBefore I breakBreak apart in a mistakeThis ain"t the way we startedNot how it"s supposed to goNor did I ever thinkYou have true colors you were trueThought I was living the dreamBut I"m a fly in a spiderwebThought I was living the dream, yeahI"m runningKeep gunningNo, I"m caught in a spiderwebI"m caught in a spiderwebSpiderwebOne shotCan"t get outNo, I"m caught in a spiderwebI"m caught in a spiderwebSpiderwebCan someone save me?Can someone save me from this hellI gotta break freeI gotta break free from myselfCan"t get out x7I"m runningKeep gunningNo, I"m caught in a spiderwebI"m caught in a spiderwebSpiderwebOne shotCan"t get outNo, I"m caught in a spiderwebI"m caught in a spiderwebSpiderwebCan someone save me?Can someone save me from this hellI gotta break freeI gotta break free from myself

冲上云霄2 Joanne真名


Joana Zimmer的歌《lucky star》歌词中文意思是什么?

Can"t you see you are 你看不到你自己the one I"m always thinkin of那个我日思夜想的人 In my Dreams you are already mine在梦境中你是我的 If you show me love 如果你让我看到爱I promise I"ll be there for sure 我发誓我会在这里I would stay forever by your side永远陪伴你身边 look at me now 现在,注视着我can"t you see all the love in my eyes难道你看不到我眼中的爱意? And will you give it a try 你是否会给它一个尝试的机会?Will you be my lucky star 你是否会成为我的幸运星?Be the one to show me who you are 成为那个能让我知道你是谁的人will you guide me through the nights 你是否会在夜里为我指引方向be my every shining light 成为耀眼的光芒will you be my lucky star你是否会成为我的幸运星? Be the one to show me who you are成为那个能让我知道你是谁的人 cause I know this could be love我知道这必定是爱 shining on my heart 沐浴我的心房wu m What if I would tell 如果我向你倾诉exactly how I feel for you我对你的一切爱意Would you oh would you let me down你是否,是否会让我失望? look at me now 现在,注视着我Will you give this love a try你是否会给这份爱一个尝试的机会? I got nothing to hide 我没有什么好躲藏的Will you be my lucky star你是否会成为我的幸运星? Be the one to show me who you are 成为那个能让我知道你是谁的人will you guide me through the nights 你是否会在夜里为我指引方向be my every shining light 成为耀眼的光芒will you be my lucky star你是否会成为我的幸运星? Be the one to show me who you are成为那个能让我知道你是谁的人 cause I know this could be love我知道这必定是爱 shining on my heart 沐浴我的心房m ho ye look at me now 现在,注视着我Will you give this love a try你是否会给这份爱一个尝试的机会? I got nothing to hide 我没有什么好躲藏的Will you be my lucky star你是否会成为我的幸运星? Be the one to show me who you are 成为那个能让我知道你是谁的人will you guide me through the nights 你是否会在夜里为我指引方向be my every shining light 成为耀眼的光芒will you be my lucky star你是否会成为我的幸运星? Be the one to show me who you are成为那个能让我知道你是谁的人 cause I know this could be love我知道这必定是爱 shining on my heart 沐浴我的心房

Joana Zimmer的歌《lucky star》歌词中文意思是什么?


求Lucky Star Joana Zimmer 歌词

《 lucky star 》 --Joana Zimmer 下载 can"t you see... you are...the one I"m always thinking of 难道你不知道么,你是那个我一直在思念的人 in my dreams you are already mine 在我的梦中,你已经是我的了 if you show me love 如果你向我示爱 I promise I"ll be there for sure 我一定会一直在那里等待你 I would stay forever by your side 我会永远在你身边陪伴你 look at me now 现在看着我 can you see all the love in my eyes 你能看到我眼中所有的爱么 will you give it a try 你会给它一次机会么? Refrain: will you be my lucky star? 你会成为我的幸运星么? be the one to show me who you are 成为那个告诉我你是谁的人 will you guide me through the nights 你会带领我穿越黑暗 be my ever shining light 成为每一道光芒 will you be my lucky star? 你会成为我的幸运星么? be the one to show me who you are 成为那个告诉我你是谁的人 "cause I know this could be love shining on my heart . 因为我知道这可能就是照亮我心的爱 what if I would tell exactly how I feel for you 如果我准确的告诉你我感觉你如何 would you run 你会逃避么? would you let me down 你会让我失望么? look at me now 看着我 will you give this love a try 你会给这份爱一次机会么? I got nothing to hide 我没什么可隐藏的 will you be my lucky star? 你会成为我的幸运星么? be the one to show me who you are 成为那个告诉我你是谁的人 will you gide me through the nights 你会带领我穿越黑暗 be my ever shining light 成为每一道光芒 will you be my lucky star? 你会成为我的幸运星么? be the one to show me who you are 成为那个告诉我你是谁的人 "cause I know this could be love shining on my heart 因为我知道这可能就是照亮我心的爱



Joan Baez的《Gulf Winds》 歌词

歌曲名:Gulf Winds歌手:Joan Baez专辑:The Complete A&M RecordingsIt"s only when the high winds blow that I wish my hair was longSailing through the autumn leaves singing an ancient songOr falling in love in the streets at night at the edge of a local squareIt"s only that I"m here tonight thinking I was thereThere are high winds on the pier tonight, my soul departs from meStriding like Thalia"s ghost south on the murky seaAnd into midnight"s tapestry she fades, ragged and wildSearching down her ancestry in the costume of a Persian childAnd gulf winds bring me flying fish that shine in the crescent moonShow me the horizon where the dawn will break anewAnd cool me here on this lonely pier where the heron are flying lowEcho the songs my father knew in the towns of MexicoWhen I was young my eyes were wise, my father was good to meInstead of having a flock of sons he had two other girls and meAnd if we had used our Spanish names, here"s the way they"d runThalia, Margarita and Juanita, I"m the middle one.The screen door kept the demons in as we moved from town to townIt"s hard to be a princess in the States when your skin is brownAnd mama smoothed my worried brow as I leaned on the kitchen doorWhy do you carry the weight, she said, of the world and maybe more?And gulf winds bring me flying fish that shine in the crescent moonShow me the horizon where the dawn will break anewAnd cool me here on this lonely pier where the heron are flying lowEcho the songs my father knew in the towns of MexicoMy grandfathers were ministers and it came on down the lineMy father preached in his parents" church when he was ten years and nineAnd mama dressed in parishoners" clothes and didn"t believe in hellHer daddy fought the DAR, if he"d lived I"d have known him wellThey said go find a Sunday School, we must have tried them allI never stole from the silver plate, my sisters had more gallOne preacher said sing out loud and clear, it"s the only life you"ve gotAnd the next one said be good on earth, you"ve another life at the feet of GodAnd gulf winds bring me flying fish that shine in the crescent moonShow me the horizon where the dawn will break anewAnd cool me here on this lonely pier where the heron are flying lowEcho the songs my father knew in the towns of MexicoMy father turned down many a job just to give us something realIt"s hard to be a scientist in the States when you"ve got idealsAnd mama kept the budget book, she kept the garden, tooBought fish from the man on Thursday, fed all of us and strangers, tooBut time will pass and so, alas, will most of what we knowThough tonight my memory"s eye is clear as the story"s being toldAnd I"ll play ball with the underdog and sit with the child who"s wrongBe still when the earth is silent and sing when my strength is goneAnd gulf winds bring me flying fish that shine in the crescent moonShow me the horizon where the dawn will break anewAnd cool me here on this lonely pier where the heron are flying lowEcho the songs my father knew in the towns of MexicoNow father"s going to India sometime in the fallThey tried to stay together but you just can"t do it allI"ll think about him if he goes, there"s a little grey in his hairThough not much because he"s Mexican, they don"t age, they just prepareAnd if he goes to India I"ll miss him most of allHe"ll see me in the mudlarks" face, hear me in the beggar"s callAnd mama will stay home, I guess, and worry if she did wrongAnd I"ll say a prayer for both of them and sing them both my songAnd gulf winds bring me flying fish that shine in the crescent moonShow me the horizon where the dawn will break anewAnd cool me here on this lonely pier where the heron are flying lowEcho the songs my father knew in the towns of Mexico




Joan (琼) Saint Joan A Chronicle Play In Six Scenes And An Epilogue (1924) Joan the Original and Presumptuous Joan and Socrates Contrast with Napoleon Was Joan Innocent or Guilty? Joan"s Good Looks Joan"s Social Position Joan"s Voices and Visions The Evolutionary Appetite The Mere Iconography does not Matter The Modern Education which Joan Escaped Failures of the Voices Joan a Galtonic Visualizer Joan"s Manliness and Militarism Was Joan Suicidal? Joan Summed Up Joan"s Immaturity and Ignorance The Maid in Literature Protestant Misunderstandings of the Middle Ages Comparative Fairness of Joan"s Trial Joan not Tried as a Political Offender The Church Uncompromised by its Amends Cruelty, Modern and Medieval Catholic Anti-Clericalism Catholicism not yet Catholic Enough The Law of Change is the Law of God Credulity, Modern and Medieval Toleration, Modern and Medieval Variability of Toleration The Conflict between Genius and Discipline Joan as Theocrat Unbroken Success Essential in Theocracy Modern Distortions of Joan"s History History always Out of Date The Real Joan not Marvellous Enough for Us The Stage Limits of Historical Representation A Void in the Elizabethan Drama Tragedy, not Melodrama The Inevitable Flatteries of Tragedy Some Well-meant Proposals for the Improvement of the Play The Epilogue To the Critics, lest they should feel Ignored SAINT JOAN 采纳哦

Joan Baez唱的三首苏格兰民歌

最近沉迷于Joan Baez的歌声中无法自拔。在网易音乐建了个专门的歌单,把所有能找到的她的歌都囊括其中。耳朵一旦有了闲暇,我就戴上耳机,将自己沉浸在Joan Baez的歌声里。在多年前看过的《阿甘正传》中,曾与Joan Baez的歌声有一面之缘,可惜当时没有深入了解而错过了。如今再次听到她的歌,有一种相逢恨晚的感觉。 Joan Baez翻唱过不少各国的民歌,其中有几首苏格兰民歌尤其让我感兴趣:《House Carpenter》、《Henry Martin》、《Mary Hamilton》。之所以对这几首歌感兴趣,不仅因为旋律悠扬,而且每一首都叙述了一个故事,不是那种国王或者英雄的史诗,而是某个被遗忘在历史角落里的小人物的故事。House Carpenter-Joan Baez-网易音乐 House Carpenter(翻译来自网易音乐) "Well met, well met, my own true love“再见,再见,我的真爱 Well met, well met", cried he再见,再见。”他哭道 "I"ve just returned from the salt, salt sea“我才从死海上归来 All for the love of thee"全是因为我对你的爱。 I could have married the king"s daughter dear我本可与国王的爱女成婚, She would have married me她本会嫁给我, But I have forsaken her crowns of gold但我却放弃了她的金冠, All for the love of thee全是因为我对你的爱。 ”Well, if you could have married“假如你娶了 The king"s daughter dear国王的爱女, I"m sure you are to blame你一定会被谴责的。 For I am married to a house carpenter因为我已与一位木匠结婚, And find him a nice young man并且发现他是一位好小伙。 ”Oh, will you forsake your house carpenter“哦,你愿意放弃你的木匠, And go along with me?并同我离去吗? I"ll take you to where the grass grows green我会带你去那绿草如茵之地, To the banks of the salt, salt sea去那死海岸边。 ”Well, if I should forsake my house carpenter“假如我放弃了我的木匠, And go along with thee并随你离去, What have you got to maintain me on你有什么可以供养我, And keep me from poverty?并让我远离贫困? ”Six ships, six ships all out on the sea“六艘船,六艘船都已在海上, Seven more upon dry land还有第七艘在陆地上。 One hundred and ten all brave sailor men全部一百一十位勇敢的水手, Will be at your command将听从你的指令。” She picked up her own wee babe她抱起她的小宝宝, Kisses gave him three吻了他三遍, Said, "Stay right here with my house carpenter 说道:“在这和我的木匠待在一起, And keep him good company"好好地陪伴他。 ”Then she put on her rich attire然后她穿上她的华服, So glorious to behold如此光彩夺目。 And as she trod along her way当她步行于路上时, She shown like the glittering gold她如同金子般闪闪发光。 Well, they"d not been gone“他们并没有离去, But about two weeks只不过离开了大约两周。 I know it was not three我清楚不是三周。 ”When this fair lady began to weep当这位美丽的小姐开始哭泣, She wept most bitterly她哭得最为悲痛。 Ah, why do you weep, my fair young maid“啊,你为何哭泣,我美丽的少女? Weep it for your golden store?为了你的好商店吗? Or do you weep for your house carpenter还是为了你再也不见的 Who never you shall see anymore?木匠而哭泣? ”I do not weep for my house carpenter“我并不是为了我的木匠而哭泣, Or for any golden store也不是为了什么好商店。 I do weep for my own wee babe我是为了我再也见不到的 Who never I shall see anymore自己的小宝宝而哭。 ”Well, they"d not been gone“他们并未离去, But about three weeks只是离开了大约三周。 I"m sure it was not four我确定不是四周。 ”Our gallant ship sprang a leak and sank我们堂皇的大船断裂然后沉没, Never to rise anymore再也不会浮起。 One time around spun our gallant ship我们堂皇的大船旋转了一圈, Two times around spun she她旋转了两圈, Three times around spun our gallant ship我们堂皇的大船旋转了三圈, And sank to the bottom of the sea然后沉入海底。 What hills, what hills are those, my love“那些小山是什么,我的爱人, That rise so fair and high?如此美丽又高耸? ”Those are the hills of heaven, my love“那些是天堂的小山,我的爱人, But not for you and I但不是你和我的。 ”And what hills, what hills are those, my love“那些小丘又是什么,我的爱人, Those hills so dark and low?如此阴暗又低矮?” Those are the hills of hell, my love“那些是地狱的小丘,我的爱人, Where you and I must go是你我的归宿。”《House Carpenter》讲述了少妇遇到了过去的情人,情人用财富诱惑她抛弃丈夫(即House Carpenter)和孩子,坐船私奔到了海上,最后双双淹死在海里的故事。看了下维基百科,这首歌又名《 The Daemon Lover 》(恶魔爱人),诱惑少妇的情人其实是恶魔,这与结尾处的歌词Those are the hills of hell, my love.Where you and I must go相呼应。 又找来其他几个版本的《House Carpenter》来听,故事主线大致相同,歌词略有出入,演唱者的演绎却各具特色,各有风味。 这首民谣被 Francis James Child 收录在 The English and Scottish Popular Ballads ( Child Ballad ) 中。这个选集收录了305首英格兰和苏格兰民谣,包括下面的《Henry Martin》和《Mary Hamilton》。Henry Martin-Joan Baez-网易音乐 Henry Martin(自译歌词) There were three brothers in merry Scotland 在快乐的苏格兰有三兄弟 In merry Scotland there were three 三兄弟在快乐的苏格兰 And they did cast lots which of them should go Should go should go And turn robber all on the salt sea 他们抓阄决定谁去盐海上当海盗 The lot it fell first upon Henry Martin The youngest of all the three 三兄弟中最年轻的Henry Martin中了签 That he should turn robber all on the salt sea Salt sea the salt sea For to maintain his two brothers and he 为了养活自己和两个哥哥,他要去海上当海盗 They had not been sailing but a long winter"s night A part of a short winter"s day 他们在昼短夜长的冬日里航行 When he espied a stout lofty ship Lofty ship lofty ship Come bibbing down on him straight way 突然看见有艘结实的大船出现在面前 Hello hello cried Henry Martin What makes you sail so nigh 嗨嗨,Henry Martin大喊,你们为什么在这里航行? I"m a rich merchant ship bound for fair London Town London Town London Town 我是一艘富有的商船,要驶往美丽的伦敦城 Would you please for to let me pass by 求你让我通过吧 Oh no oh no cried Henry Martin This thing it never could be 哦,不行不行,Henry Martin喊道,这样可不行 For I have turned robber all on the salt sea Salt sea the salt sea For to maintain my two brothers and me 为了养活我自己和两个哥哥,我已经在海上当了海盗 Come lower your tops"l and brail up your mizz"n 降下顶帆,困住后桅 And bring your ship under my lee 把你的船开过来 Or I will give you a full cannon ball Cannon ball cannon ball 否则吃我一炮 And all your dear bodies drown in the salt sea 你们高贵的身子都会沉入盐海里 Oh no we won"t lower our lofty topsail Nor bring our ship under your lee 不,我们不会降下顶帆,也不会把船开过去 And you shan"t take from us our rich merchant goods Merchant goods merchant goods 你拿不走我们珍贵的货物 Nor point our bold guns to the sea 也不能迫使我们屈服 Then broadside and broadside and at it they went For fully two hours or three 他们在海上周旋了足足两三个小时 Till Henry Martin gave to them deathshot The deathshot the deathshot 然后Henry Martin给了对方致命一击 And straight to the bottom went she 船径直沉入海底 Bad news bad news to old England came 坏消息传到了古老的英格兰 Bad news to fair London Town 坏消息传到了美丽的伦敦城 There"s been a rich vessel and she"s cast away Cast away cast away 一艘富有的大船沉没了 And all of her merry men drowned 船上可爱的人们都淹死了《Henry Martin》讲的是三兄弟中的老幺Henry Martin为了生活而当海盗,劫掠并击沉了一艘驶往英格兰的商船的故事。据维基百科,这首歌的歌名和主角曾是 Andrew Barton ,后来才改成了Henry Martin。Andrew Barton曾在苏格兰国王詹姆斯四世的授权下,对葡萄牙商船进行武装劫掠。但因做得太过火被指控有罪,在经历了最后一次海战之后,被英格兰人杀死。在最初的版本的歌词中,叙述了Andrew Barton的生平,但后来逐渐变短,才有了现在的版本。Mary Hamilton-Joan Baez-网易音乐 Mary Hamilton(自译歌词) Word is to the kitchen gone, and word is to the Hall 流言传到了厨房,流言传到了大厅 And word is up to Madam the Queen, and that"s the worst of all 最糟的是流言传到了皇后耳边 That Mary Hamilton has borne a babe To the highest Stuart of all Mary Hamilton为斯图尔特国王生了个孩子 Oh rise, arise Mary Hamilton Arise and tell to me 噢,平身吧Mary Hamilton,平身然后告诉我 What thou hast done with thy wee babe 你对你的孩子做了什么? I saw and heard weep by thee 我看见了你的眼泪,也听见了你的哭声 I put him in a tiny boat 我把他放到小船上 And cast him out to sea 让他漂向大海 That he might sink or he might swim 他可能沉入水中,也可能漂在海上 But he"d never come back to me 但他永远不能回到我身边了 Oh rise arise Mary Hamilton Arise and come with me 噢,平身吧Mary Hamilton,平身然后跟我来 There is a wedding in Glasgow town 在格拉斯哥城里有场婚礼 This night we"ll go and see 我们今晚去看看 She put not on her robes of black 她没有穿黑色的长袍 Nor her robes of brown 也没穿棕色的长袍 But she put on her robes of white 而是穿上了白色的长袍 To ride into Glasgow town 骑马去了格拉斯哥城 And as she rode into Glasgow town The city for to see 她骑马进入格拉斯哥城时,整个城市都来看她 The bailiff"s wife and the provost"s wife Cried Alack and alas for thee 地方长官的妻子和教务长的妻子都为你唉声叹气 You need not weep for me she cried You need not weep for me 你们不用为我哭泣,她喊道 For had I not slain my own wee babe This death I would not dee 因为如果我没有杀死自己的孩子,我也不会死。 Oh little did my mother think When first she cradled me The lands I was to travel in And the death I was to dee 当我的母亲第一次把我放到摇篮里时,她不会想到我会去的地方和我的死亡 Last night I washed the Queen"s feet 昨晚我为皇后洗脚 And put the gold in her hair 并为她戴上头上的金饰 And the only reward I find for this 我得到的唯一奖赏 The gallows to be my share 就是绞刑架 Cast off cast off my gown she cried 脱掉我的外衣,她喊道 But let my petticoat be 留下衬裙 And tie a napkin round my face 在我的脸上绑上餐巾 The gallows I would not see 这样我就看不见绞刑架了 Then by them come the king himself 这时国王来了 Looked up with a pitiful eye 带着怜悯的眼神抬头看 Come down come down Mary Hamillton 下来吧,Mary Hamillton,下来吧 Tonight you will dine with me 今晚与我共进晚餐 Oh hold your tongue my sovereign liege 噢,闭嘴吧,我尊敬的陛下 And let your folly be 你真是太荒唐了 For if you"d a mind to save my life You"d never have shamed me here 如果你真想救我的命,就不会在这羞辱我了 Last night there were four marys 昨晚有四个mary tonight there"ll be but three 而今晚就只剩了三个 T"was Mary Beaton nd Mary Seton And Mary Carmichael and me. 她们是Mary Beaton、Mary Seton、 Mary Carmichael,还有我歌中的Mary Hamilton是苏格兰王后的侍女,怀了国王的孩子。她淹死了孩子,被判绞刑。在刑场她痛骂国王的虚伪,慷慨赴死。 有人考证过Mary Hamilton的真实身份。根据歌词结尾处出现的四个Mary,Mary Hamilton可能是苏格兰女王玛丽一世的侍女,她有四个名叫Mary的侍女。但玛丽一世的生平与歌词并不相符,而且在歌词中出现的是苏格兰国王,不是女王。与歌词最相符的人物在俄国,名叫 Mariau2005Danilovau2005Gamentova 。她是Tsarina Catherine,即后来叶卡捷琳娜一世的侍女,也是彼得一世的情妇。在叶卡捷琳娜还是彼得一世的妻子时候,Mariau2005Danilovau2005Gamentova曾溺毙了自己的孩子,后因堕胎、杀婴、偷窃和诽谤被判死刑,并被斩首。Mariau2005Danilovau2005Gamentova是苏格兰裔,家族姓氏为Hamilton。所以《Mary Hamilton》可能是从多个历史人物中吸取灵感,经过加工而创作出来的。 又看了看Mariau2005Danilovau2005Gamentova的介绍,除了彼得大帝之外,她还另有一个情夫Ivan Mikhailovich Orlov。为了留住情夫,她不惜从叶卡捷琳娜处偷东西送给Orlov。后因其他事情,Orlov供出了与Maria的关系,并指控她堕胎。搜查Maria的房间时,发现了叶卡捷琳娜失窃的物品。Maria承认了盗窃和杀婴的事情,但拒绝提供对Orlov不利的证词。Maria被判死刑后,叶卡捷琳娜向彼得求情但没有回应。Maria上刑场时穿的正是白色的衣服。她被人用剑斩首,而不是用斧子,因为彼得向她许诺刽子手不会触碰她的身体。斩首后,彼得大帝拿起头,作了一番关于解剖的演讲,亲了一下,然后扔掉了。之后Maria的头被保存在俄罗斯科学院中,一直到叶卡捷琳娜二世的时代。好一个痴情又薄命的红颜啊。 彼得大帝对解剖学和观看死刑的兴趣是他不为人知的一面,他的大儿子被处死时,监斩的也正是他自己。


美剧:《广告狂人》角色:Joan Holloway演员:克里斯蒂娜·亨德里克斯中文名:克里斯蒂娜·亨德里克斯外文名:Christina Hendricks全 名:Christina Rene Hendricks国 籍:美国星 座:金牛座身 高:171cm出生地:美国田纳西州出生日期:1975年5月3日职 业:演员代表作品:《广告狂人》《萤火虫》《超脱》主要成就:2012全球最美女性第6位2013第65届剧情类剧集最佳女配角(提名)2012第64届剧情类剧集最佳女配角(提名)2011第63届剧情类剧集最佳女配角(提名)2010第62届剧情类剧集最佳女配角(提名)备注:1994年,参与拍摄电视剧《急诊室的故事》。2002年,参与拍摄的电视剧《萤火虫》。以出演电视剧集为主,其最著名的角色是《广告狂人》(Mad Men)中的Joan Holloway。在2010年由《时尚先生》杂志(Esquire magazine)一项由女性读者评选的调查中被选为“世界上最性感的女人”。2012年美国《人物》评选的全球最美女性第6位。




Joanne 这个发音我教 你 先发 Joan 再单独发n , e 不发音。重音在n joan是升调 很好听



摇滚女王Joan jett(琼·杰特)的详细资料?

琼·杰特( Joan Jett)是美国摇滚吉他手,歌手,歌曲作者,制作人和演员。她玩的是简单而纯粹的摇滚乐,她从不把自己的性别当一回事,她是几代摇滚女性的偶像。人物生平  Jett的音乐最明显的标志就是雪崩一样的音量和无法抵抗的 hook(指音乐中引人入胜的细节),the 琼·杰特Rolling Stones一样精力充沛的形象和节奏,AC/DC一样强大的和弦演奏。她坚持摇滚乐的传统,但也不断有所突破——她玩的是经典的三和弦rock & roll,然而她也喜欢某些被认为是垃圾的东西(比如Gary Glitter)。从他的第一支乐队the Runaways到他在八十年代的金曲机器合作者the Blackhearts直至她在九十年代出人意料的成功复出,她的音乐从未改变过,她用这种方式保证音乐的品质,并用这种方式创造了经典(“I Love Rock-n-Roll”)。  Joan Jett原名Joan Larkin,15岁便成立了自己的第一支乐队,并为人们演出。洛杉矶的一个制作人Kim Fowley发现了Joan Jett的乐队,于是他主动担任了乐队的经纪人,在将这支全部由女性组成的乐队改名为the Runaways后,乐队签约于Mercury唱片公司。乐队最初的三张专辑在美国基本没有什么太大商业成就,但在日本却大受欢迎,而且有趣的是,在洛杉矶的朋克圈和硬摇滚圈中她都十分吃香,她在这种状况下为硬核乐队the Germs制作了他们的第一张专辑《G.I.》。  1980年The Runaways解散,Jett来到纽约开始个人发展。在经纪人兼制作人Kenny Laguna的协助下,Jett独立发行了以她自己的名字命名的个人专辑,因为没有唱片公司对她感兴趣。这张唱片和比较朋克化的Runaways相比是一张相当传统的rock & roll唱片,但却保持了以前那种挑衅性的态度。唱片的销售结果对于独立发行来讲相当不错,这引起了Boardwalk唱片公司的注意,他们以《Bad Reputation》之名再版了这张专辑,最终在美国专辑榜上名列第51。  她最出名的是她与琼杰特和打击的范围包括“我爱摇滚乐”,这是于3月20 to 82年5月1日#登上排行榜1 Blackhearts,以及其他流行的工作包括“深红与四叶草录音”,“我恨我爱你”,“你想触摸我”,“阳光灿烂的天空”,“大约是爱”所有,“坏名声”,“小骗子。”杰特有女中音的音域。对她的音乐和歌曲写作方法有重大影响的硬边风格,硬节拍节奏共同推动她的家乡费城的许多摇滚乐队编辑本段人物成就  在《Bad Reputation》发行后Jett成立了the Blackhearts乐队,1981年,Jett以Joan Jett & The 琼·杰特Blackhearts之名推出了第二张专辑《I Love Rock-n-Roll》,这是她的辉煌时刻,也是八十年代重摇滚的开场白,专辑名列Top10,单曲“I Love Rock-n-Roll”成为一代摇滚礼赞。但其后的一系列专辑再也未能取得如此的佳绩,也再没有一首单曲能与“I Love Rock-n-Roll”媲美。1987年Jett在电影《Light of Day》中担任主演。1988年,取自专辑《Up Your Alley》的单曲“I Hate Myself for Loving You”终于再次打入Top10,专辑也成为了她的第二张白金唱片。1990年的精选《The Hit List》成绩还算理想,但1991年的专辑《Notorious》则在榜上彻底失败。但在此时,在《Notorious》和1994的《Pure and Simple》之间,新一代女性摇滚艺人开始崛起,从重型非主流乐队L7到riot grrl朋克乐队Bikini Kill的每一个人都宣称受到了Jett与the Runaways的影响,其结果是《Pure and Simple》引起了人们的极大兴趣,自八十年代中期后,评论界从未像对这张专辑一样表示过热情。1995年,Jett与the Gits(这支乐队的主唱Mia Zapata1993年被先奸后杀)的残余成员录制了一张现场专辑《Evilstig》。1999年,Jett重组了the Blackhearts并录制了专辑《Fetish》。  推荐专辑:《I Love Rock-n-Roll》







韩国四小天后 天上智喜 侑利 李承铉 joanne


国外说恩爱夫妻“Darby and Joan”的来历上面有详细介绍,不过是纯英文的,呵呵,自己翻译吧,我很忙

Joan Baez的Diamonds And Rust中英文对照版歌词?

Diamonds and rust Joan BaezWell , I"ll be damned .Here comes your ghost againBut that"s not unusualIt"s just that the moon is full and you happened to callAnd here I sit, hand on the telephoneHearing a voice I"d known, a couple of light years agoHeading straight for a fallAs I remember your eyeswere bluer than robin"s eggsMy poetry was lousy, you said"Where were you calling from?""A booth in the Midwest"Ten years ago I bought you some cufflinksYou brought me somethingWe both know what memories can bringThey bring diamond and rustWell, you burst on the scene were already a legend The unwatched phenomenon,the original vagabond you strayed into my armsAnd there you stayed ,temporarily lost at seaThe Madonna was yours for freeYes, the girl on the half shell Could keep you unharmedNow I see you standingwith brown leaves falling all aroundSnow in your hairNow you"re smiling out the windowof that crummy hotel over Washington SquareOur breath comes out white cloud minglesand hangs in the airSpeaking strictly for meWe both could"ve died then and there Now you"re telling me you"re not nostalgicThen give me another word for itYou who"re so good with words and at keeping thing vagueCause I need some of that vagueness nowIt"s all come back too clearlyYes , I love you dearlyAnd if you"re offering me diamonds and rustI"ve already paid钻石与铁锈 琼拜雅我的老天!你的魅影又再度出现但这并非不寻常只因今晚月圆,你又恰巧打电话来我坐在这儿,手持电话听着我熟悉的声音,那是几个光年以前彷佛不断的向下坠落依稀记得你的眼睛比知更鸟的蛋更蓝(注)你说我写的诗糟透了"你从那里打电话来?""在中西部的某个电话亭"十年前我买过袖扣送你你亦送了一些东西给我我们都明白回忆能够带给我们的它们给了我们钻石与铁锈当你在我面前骤现,已然是个传奇人物 一种无法提防的现象一个真正的流浪者,你漂泊入我的臂弯而你的停留,如海上的短暂迷航有着圣母的眷顾保护你不被伤害如今,我看到你伫立在黄叶纷飞中发上覆着白雪你微笑着,在那可以远眺华盛顿广场的小旅馆窗前你我呼出的气如白云般交错凝结在冷空气中对我来说我们那时差点死去 如今你对我说,你并不怀乡念旧那麽请你找另一个字来代替你向来擅於玩弄文字使之暧昧难懂因为现在我正需要那样的暧昧不明过去的一切都太清晰了是的,我深爱着你如果你又给我钻石与铁锈



Joan is in the dorm, putting the final touches to her speech.这句话什么意思?


Judy、 Doris、 Rudy、 Amanda、 Shirley 、 Joan、 Tracy 求帮翻译下这些英文名的意思、谢谢...........

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